Dorchester & Fordington

Kelly's Directory 1915 - Main File

© Transcribed by Ron Adams for OPC 2004 - Full transcription with Advertisements by Michael Russell OPC Fordington Nov 2012
Note: entries for Fordington Highlighted (288 Records)

Link to Separate Listing of Private Residents & Commercial section

(Including Fordington)

DORCHESTER, the County town, is a municipal union and market town and head of a petty sessional division, in the Southern division of the county, rural deanery of Dorchester (Dorchester portion), archdeaconry of Dorset and diocese of Salisbury, 16 miles south-wart from Blandford, 15 east from Bridport, 8 north from Weymouth, 18 east-by-south from Beaminster, 16 west from Wareham, 23 west from Poole, 30 west from Bournemouth and 120 from London by the old coach road, but by the railway. through Southampton. 138½ miles. The London and South Western and Great Western railways have stations here. This place, under the name of Durnovaria, was one of the strongest and most extensive of Roman stations, and some remains of the Roman walls are yet to be seen; it is a regular and well-built town, on the river Frome and Ikening Street, and formerly comprised the parishes of St. Peter, Holy Trinity, All Saints and Fordington, but under an Order of the County Council, made in pursuance of the "Local Government Act. Oct. 1894", the parish of Holy Trinity was merged in that of St. Peter, and for civil purposes the borough now comprises only the parishes of All Saints and St. Peter. The houses are chiefly modern, and there are three principal streets, via. High East, High West and South streets. The approaches from the London, Bridport and Weymouth roads are through long avenues of sycamore, elm and chestnut trees; and the south, west and part of the north aides of the town have walks between avenues of fine trees, forming beautiful promenades. and commanding an extensive prospect over the downs and the surrounding country. The town is paved and lighted with gas, and is also well supplied with water from works at Bridport road, the property of the Corporation. and including two reservoirs, the lower reservoir containing 300,000 gallons and the elevated reservoir 100,000 gallons. The borough is governed by a mayor, six alderman and eighteen counselors, and has a commission of the peace; it formerly returned two members to Parliament, but under the provisions of the "Representation of the People Act, 1867," the number was reduced to one only, and by the "Redistribution of Seats Act, 1885," the representation was merged into that of the county.

By Local Government .Board Order No. P. 1,546, which was confirmed by Local Government Board Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 9) Act, 1900, and came into operation 9th November, 1900, the municipal borough was extended to include the civil parish of Fordington, and parts of the civil parishes of Bradford Peverell, Charminster, Winterborne Harringstone and Winterborne Monckton, Fordington being added to All Saints' and St. Peter's parishes, and the other added parts of parishes annexed to St. Peter civil parish. At the same date the number of aldermen was increased from four to six and the councillors from twelve to eighteen, and the borough divided into three wards.

Dorchester. with Fordington has five churches: Holy Trinity, in High West street, is probably the fifth edifice which has been built on the same site; the third, destroyed by fire in 1824, was replaced by a small and plain building, pulled down in 1875; the present church, then erected at a cost of £6,000, is of stone, in the Early English style, and consists of chancel, nave, aisles and a turret containing one bell, and affords 650 sittings. The register dates from the year 1653. The living is a rectory, with that of Frome Whitfield annexed, joint net yearly value £306, including 70 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the feoffees of the Free School and Almshouse charities, and held since 1911 by the Rev. Michael Ward KINLOCK M.A. of Pembroke College, Cambridge. St. Peter's, in the centre of the town, is a large and ancient edifice of stone, chiefly in the Perpendicular style, with some remains of the transitional period, consisting of chancel, with aisles or chapels, nave, aisles, south porch and an embattled western tower 90 feet high, with pinnacles, containing 8 bells; in the chancel is a canopied tomb, probably of the 15th century: the pulpit is Jacobean; in the Hardy chapel are two cross-legged effigies of early date: at the east end of the north aisle in the Williams chapel there is a monument of the 16th century; it consists of a central altar tomb with square canopies at each and, respectively supported by four circular pillars with foliated capitals; from these canopies springs a massive circular arch with highly ornamented soffit and architrave and a pointed shield of arms with the Williams crest; under the canopies are life-size figures of Sir John and Lady WILLIAMS; at the west end of the north aisle is the Holles monument, with a life-size figure in a robe of loose drapery and in a recumbent posture, the subject being Denzil HOLLES, one of the famous five members impeached by the king in 1642 in 1902 a memorial brass was placed in the south porch to the Rev. John White M.A. of New College, Oxford, a Puritan divine and former rector of this parish: in 1905 the church was thoroughly restored, at a cost of £1,500 and now affords 615 sittings. The register dates from the year 1653. The living is a rectory, net yearly value £225, with residence, in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since 1913 by the Rev. Herbert Chidley COOTE M.A. of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. All Saints' church, rebuilt in 1845, is an edifice of stone in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, porch and a north-west tower with spire and containing 2 bells: in the chancel is a stained window to the Rt. Rev. Edward DENISON D.D Bishop of Salisbury 1837-54, kneeling with a crosier in his hand: there are also memorial windows to Jane, wife of Col, John. Rawden OLDFIELD, and to A. H. D. Troyte and others: there is an altar tomb, with recumbent figure under a carved canopy, to Matthew CHUBB, ob. 1625: it contains 450 sittings. The register dates from the year 1653. The living is a rectory, net yearly value £260, with residence, in the gift of Simeon's trustees, and held since 1892 by the Rev. Samuel Edward Valpy FILLEUL M.A. of Corpus Christi College, Oxford.

The church of St. George, FORDINGTON, standing on an eminence, is an ancient edifice of stone, containing work of the Norman. Early English and Perpendicular periods, and originally cruciform, but now consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, month transept, south porch and an embattled western tower with pinnacles containing a clock and 6 bells; an the tympanum over the inner door of the south porch is represented the vision of St. George at the battle of Antioch, rudely coned in stone: the church has been enlarged and restored at a cost of £4,000; the church affords 650 sittings. The original registers date from the year 1705. but there are transcripts from 1577. The living is a vicarage net yearly value £280 with residence erected in 1896. in the gift of the Bishop of Salisbury, and held since 1906 by the Rev. Richard Grosvenor BARTELOT M.A. of Wadham College, Oxon, and surrogate. The churchyard has been enlarged, and is under the control of a joint committee.

WEST FORDINGTON is an ecciesisetical parish, formed in 1846 from the parish of Fordington. The church of St. Mary the Virgin, erected in 1911-12, is a building, in the 14th century style, and consists of chancel, nave, aisles, transepts, chapel and vestries: there are 748 sittings? The register dates from the year 1846. The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £190 with residence, in the gift of the vicar of Fordington, and held since 1894 by the Rev. John Marshall COLLARD M.A. of St John's College, Cambridge. who is also preb. of Sarum, rural dean of Dorchester and chaplain of H.M. Prison.

Christ Church, a chapel of ease to St. Mary, was erected in 1846, and is a building of stone in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, transepts and a small turret containing one bell: there are 250 sittings. The register dates from the year 1846. The Catholic church of St. Michael, Westport, Wareham, an edifice of Purbeck stone with Doulton dressings, in the Early English style, having been taken down, the material was transferred to Dorchester, and reconstructed in a modified form, at a cost of £1,600, taking the place of a school chapel, long since inadequate for the needs of a county town. The newly erected church is dedicated to Our Lady, Queen of Martyrs and St. Michael. The Wesleyan chapel, in South street, erected in 1875 at a cost of £1,000, and enlarged at a further cost of £3,000, is in the Italian style. The Baptist chapel, St. Martin's road, was erected in 1914. The Congregational chapel, South street, was originally founded in 1700, and seats 550; The Primitive Methodist chapel, Durngate street, was erected in 1875. The Brethren have a hall for meetings in East Parade, built in 1896.

The Cemetery, in the Weymouth avenue. was formed in 1856 at a cost of £4,000, and has since been enlarged to 7 acres, at an additional cost of about £800; it contains 2 mortuary chapels, and is under the control of a joint committee of 9 members, 8 of whom are appointed by the Dorchester Urban District Council and one by the Stinsford Parish Council.

The Corn Exchange, erected in 1867, at a cost of about ,£2,500, is a structure of brick with stone dressings, semi-octagonal at the end, and having a gallery.

The Market House, in the North square adjoining the Corn Exchange, is a small edifice of stone and brick in the Elizabethan style, erected in 1848, by Samuel SLADE Esq. hour designs by Benjamin FERREY Esq. architect, and was re-arranged in 1867. The Market days are Wednesday and Saturday. A Cattle Market was laid out with sheds near the station in 1877. Auctions are held on Wednesdays and Saturdays, conducted by Messrs. Ensor, Messrs. Henry Duke and Son and Messrs. Symonds and Sampson.

The fairs are held February 14th, May 16th, July 6th, August 6th and October 25th, for horses, sheep and cattle: there is also a large fair held at POUNDBURY, about half a mile from the town, principally for horn ewes, on the last Thursday in September and a special sheep sale is held in August.

The brewery of Messrs. Eldridge, Pope and Co. Ltd. occupies a commanding position in Weymouth avenue, adjoining the S. W. station, The buildings, erected in 1879/80, have since been largely extended, and now include a spacious bonded warehouse.

The County Hall, in High West street, is a spacious and well arranged building fronted with Portland stone; the assizes, quarter sessions and county courts are held there.

His Majesty's Prison, in North square, occupies the site of the ancient castle, and was originally erected in 1793. Since its transfer from the county authorities to the Government, it has been entirely rebuilt and is now available for 140 male prisoners.

The Dorset County Museum was originally founded in Judge Jeffrey's house in High West street in 1846, removed to 3 Trinity street in 1851 and from there in 1881 to the present building, erected from the designs of Messrs. G. C. Crickmay and Son, at a total coat of £6,219; galleries were added in 1903: the collection is very rich in specimens of fossils and Early British and Roman antiquities found to the country two Roman pavements in splendid preservation, found in the town, now farm part of the flooring cf the main building; the Middle Purbeck fossil repiles and fishes are here well represented. In connection with the mueseum is a good library and reading room: there are separate rooms for ladies on the first floor.

©Picture Michael Russell FIPD

A statue was unveiled here in Feb. 1889, to the Rev. William BARNES B.D. poet and philolagist, and Rector of Winterbourne Came 1862-86; this memorial was erected at a cost of £400 povided by subscription

The Borough Gardens, in Cornwall road, were puchased and laid out by the Corporation iin 1896; a band stand, the gift of Col. W. E. BRYMER, was erected in 1898, and at the same time a fountain a was presented by C. HANSFORD esq. as a memorial to Alderman G. J. G. GREGORY, three tines mayor of Dorchester.

The Soldiers Home, in North square, founded in the year 1885, in memory of Major-General Sir Herbert STEWART K.C.B. is open to all soldiers, and includes is coffee bar, reading room, library. bathroom, lavatory, recreation and smoking room and a bible class and mission room. There is also a public coffee bar and dining room, intended especially for market people and working men, with stables for thier horses; the house is self supporting, and is managed by a committee.

The Dorset County Hospital. in Princes street, estabtlshnd in 1841, was enlarged by the addition of a wing in 1866 and by a new operating theatre in 1903; it is a building in the Tudor stye, and has beds for 50 patients, the weekly average of in-patients being but 36 and of out patients 200.

The Dorchester Isolation Hospital in Herringstone road, erected by the Corporation in 1895, at a cost of about £1,017, and enlarged in 1914 at a further cost of £70 contains fourwards, containing twelve beds; there is a house for the caretaker.

The charities of the town consist of three almshouses Napier'e Almshouse, in South street, was founded by Sir Gerard Napier for the support of ten poor men, each of whom receives 5s. a week, end attached to the buildirgs is a piece of ground, cuitiated by The inmates, Whetstone's Almshouses, in West walks, are for four aged men and their wives, each couple receiving a stipend of 7s, a week; Chubbs Almshouse in North square, is for nine poor women who receive5s a week each.

The neighbourhood abounds with Roman antiquities.
About a quarter of a mile south of the town is Maumbury Rings. a Roman amphetheatre formed of raised mounds of earth, with an opening on the north between their sloping points; the largrat external diameter is 343 feet, the shortest 339 feet, so that externally it is nearly a circle, and has been computed to hold 12,000 persons. . in 1908, 1909 and 1910 excavations were undertaken with a view of ascertaining whether there wasan entranceinto the ampitheatre other than the main entrance from the town side, and this was found to be the care; during the course of the work many relics went found, which are now in the County Museum.

About 2 miles south west of the town, in the parish of Winterborne St. Martin, is Maiden Castle an ancient and extensive camp, situated on a hill overlooking the surrounding country; it is encircled by gigantic intrenchments and ramparts; on the top is a table-land of oval shape, a mile in circumference; the whole space, to the foot of the outer intrenchment is 120 acres; this vast work is considered by most antiquaries to be of Celtic origin, but others attribute it to the Romans, who certainly occupied it, for relics of undoubtedly Roman buildings have been found an the spot by Mr CUNNINGTON; in the adjoining district are many barrows.

POUNDBURY, half a mile west of the town, is another and nearly square encampment, defended by immense earthworks, and enclosing on the top 20 acres of land; several ston coffins and other antiquities have
been found at different times. The whole country north and south of the river as traversed by Roman roads, and there are traces of Roman establishments at Stinsford, Stafford, Burton, Wrackleford Stratton, Southover, Bradford, and Woodsford.

LAWRENCE BARROW is half a mile south-east; CONQUER BARROW, 1 mile south-east; FROME HILL. [blank] miles south-east.

For civil purposes the borough now comprises two parishes only, vitz.: All Saints' and St. Peter, with the following populations, areas and rateable values:-

All Saints :    Population (1911) 4,520    Area Acres 790   Rateable Value Land £716     ratable value of Buildings £19,999
St Peters:      Population (1911) 5,322    Area Acres 856   Rateable Value Land £734     ratable value of Buildings £28,011

The area of the borough is 1,646 acres.
The population of the municipal wards in 1911 was:.—Central. 2,984; East, 3,652 and West., 3,206; total, 9,842

The population of the ecclesiastical parishes in 1911 was:-
All Saints, 868;
Holy Trinity, with FromeWhitfield, 1,036 (which includes parts of Bradford Peverell and Stinsford);
St. Peter, 1,174;
St. George, Fordington, 3,652; and
Christ Church, West Fordington, 3,261.
[Note:- This gives a different total for the eccesiastical parishes of 9,191 with 6913 or 75% of the Population being resident in East and West Fordington. Mike Russell OPC for Fordington]

Included in St. Peter civil population was 91 inmates and 9 officials in the Poor Law Institution, 32 patients and 19 officials in the County Hospital, 196 military and 65 other occupants of the Depot Barracks, 115 military and 18 other occupants of the Royal Artillery Barracks and 64 in H.M. Prison.

FORDINGTON forms part of the municipal borough.
A cemetery for this parish, comprising an area of about 2 acres, was formed in 1866, at a cost of £587, it is under the control of a joint burial committee.

Frome Whitfield is a hamlet in Holy Trinity ecclesiastical parish, but for civil purposes in the parish of Stinsford, and is the property of Mrs. HENNING, who resides at Frome Whitfield House.

Coker's Frome, half a mile north, is a hamlet in Holy Trinity ecclesiastical parish, but is also for civil purposes included in that of Stinsford. The names for both places are given under Stinsford.

Parish Clerks: West Fordington, B. Manuel; Holy Trinity, Reginald Scriven (verger) ; All Saints', A. H. h Angell (verger); St. Peter's, E. Howes; St. George's, Fordington East, George Thomas (sexton).


Post, M. O, T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Office, South street.—Walter DREW, postmaster
Dispatch of Mails

London (1st day), *7,45 am.; Weymouth. Bridport & local deliveries, 2.15 a.m.; *Weymouth & Portland, 9.15 a.m.; •London, Bournemouth, Wareham, Shaftesbury. Southampton & towns on S. W. line beyond
Southampton, 9.50 a.m. ; Upwey & Broadway, 11.15 am,; Yeovil & Devon & Cornwall, Bath & Bristol, 11.45 a.m. ; the S. W. T. P. O. day mail up, including all places between Dorchester & Southampton,
12 noon; *London & towns beyond Brockenhurst, 12.45 p.m.; Bridport. Maiden Newton, Cattistock, Evershot & West of England, 12.30 p.m.; *Weymonth & Portland, 1.15 p.m.; *for places in local delivery of Dorchester, 2.30 p.m.; *Abbotsbury, Portesham, Bristol, West of England & Yeovil, 2.30 p.m.; Southampton, Bournemouth. Poole, including Parketone, 4 p.m. ; *Bath, Bridport, North of England, Ireland & Scotland, 4.15 p.m.; *London & South Eastern Counties, 5.45 p.m.; *Bristol, West of England & South Wales. 6 p.m. ; *Weymouth, 5 pm.; Channel Islands, 4 p.m. mon. wed. & fri.; 10 p m. tues. thurs. & sat.; during summer. months, commencing June, via Weymouth, 9.15 a.m.; via Southampton. 4 p.m. daily, Sundays excepted; London forward & Reading, 7.15 p.m.; General Night Mail 9.30 pm. ; extra stamp, 9.50 p.m. G.P.O. ; 10.14 p.m. S.W.T.P.O. box attached to carriage
(*) Not dispatched sundays or bank holidays

1st (night mail), London, United Kingdom & foreign parts, by letter carriers & to callers, 7 a.m.; 2nd (north mail), Scotland. Ireland, Northern & Midland counties,West of England, Yeovil, Sherborne, Weymouth, South Western line of rail &c. by letter carriers & to callers, 10.30 a.m.. 3rd (day mail).London, foreign parts, Ireland, Bournemouth, South-ampton & Weymouth &c. by letter carriers & to callers, 2.45 p.m. ; 4th, London. Southampton, Bournemouth, Bath. Bristol & Weymouth &c. by letter carriers. 7 p.m. (on thursdays callers only)

Money orders are issued & paid from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m

Town Sub Post & M.O. Offices:-
Fordington. J. C. SPICER, sub-postmaster. Letter Box cleared, 9 & 11 a.m. & 3, 6 & 8 p.m. ; sunday. 8 p.m. only
High West street.-- Alfred John PINNICK. sub- postmaster. Letter Box cleared, 9 & 11 a.m. & 3, 6 & 8 p.m. ; sunday 8 p.m. only
Maumbury Way. -- Mrs, Alice Sarah FOSTER, sub-postmistrsss. Letter Box cleared 9 & 11 a.m. & 3, 6 & 8 p.m.; sunday, 8 p.m. only
Town Sub-Post Office, Victoria Park.—Frederick WHEELER, sub-postmaster Letter Box cleared, 9 & 11 a.m. 3, 6 & 8 p.m.; sunday. 8 p.m. only,
CORPORATION: 1914-1915

Mayor, Stephen Davis ALLEN. Deputy-Mayor, Joseph PORTER.

Retire November 1915:- Stephan Davis ALLEN, Joseph Whittle FUDGE, & Henry Anthony HUXTABLE
Retire November 1918:- George DAVIS; Elias William KERR and James PAINE

Councillors: (Retire November in the ......year shown:)
Central Ward: John Marriott UNDERWOOD ..... 1915 : Robert Allison LOGAN..... 1915 : William EVANS ...... 1916: Alfred Rolph POPE..... 1916: John James WYATT ...:. 1917: William. Stephen Nicholls MERRICK ..... 1917:

East Ward: Theodore Belchambers BROADWAY..... 1915: Thomas Reginald HIGGINS ...... 1915: William James BELLINGER..... 1916: Arthur L. Taylor TILLEY ...... 1916: Joseph PORTER..... 1917
John James WALNE ...... 1917

West Ward:
George James DENNIS...... 1915: William TILLEY .........1915: Benjamin CARRUTHERS...... 1916: Charles Henry SMITH... 1916: George Thomas SMITH..... 1917: Thomas Henry TILLEY... 1917,

Meetings of the Corporation are held at the Guildhall the second Tuesday in every month, except Nov. & Dec.
Mayor's Auditor, George James DENNIS
Elective Auditors. W. E. GROVES & J. A. STEEDS
Officers of the Corporation.

Town Clerk. Arthur George SYMONDS, 11 South street
Deputy Town Clerk, John William MILLER, 11 South st
Borough Treasurer & Accountant, Alfred Rendell EDWARDS, 16 Cornhill
Treasurer to Urban District Council, Col. Sir Robert WILLIAMS Bart. M.P. Bridehead, Dorchester
Medical Officer of Health, Edward Joseph DAY M.D. Durh., D.P.H.I. 4 Weymouth avenue
Borough Engineer I Surveyor & Waterworks Englneer, Harman Daniel STRANGE M.Inst.M. & Cy.E. Guildhall chambers
Veterinary Inspector, Francis Johnstone THORNTON M.R.C.V.S. 16 South street
Inspector of Nuisances & Inspector under the Petroleum Acts, Ernest GROOMBRIDGE, Guildhall chambers
Collector of Rates, Thomas Alfred PEARCE, 47 South st
Clerk of the Markets & Inspector under the Town Police Clauses Act, Sidney CLIST, 1 Damara villas, Demers rd
Sergeants at Mace, William James BENGER, 21 North square & Sidney CLIST, 1 Damers villas, Dames road


The Mayor & Ex-Mayor for the time being
ALLEN Stephen Davis, 9 High West street
COSENS William Burrough, The Gables
CROSS Thomas Rodber, 2 Salisbury villas
DAVIS George, 20 Icen Way
DUKE Edward Barnaby, Maen. Callifnrd road
EDWARDS Alfred Bendell, Ravendell. Victoria villas
EVANS Alfred Herbert, 39 Woodside Park road, North Finchley, London N
EVANS William, 1 Cornwall road
FISHER Frederick Bailey, Elm cottage, Tiverton
HARDY Thomas O.M.. Max-Gate house, Wareham road
KERR Elias William, South lodge
TILLEY Thomas Henry, Gordon villas, Great Western road
TILLEY William, The Privets, St. Martin's road
WRIGHT Robert. Elsinore, Dagmar road
The Judge of the County Court for the time being
Clerk, Arthur George SYMONDS, 11 South street
TILLEY Borough Petty Sessions are held at the Guildhall every monday at 10 a.m.


ACLAND Capt. John Edward, Wollaston house, Dorchester
ASTELL Capt. Somerset Charles Godfrey Fairta D.S.O. West lodge, Piddlehinton, Dorchester
ATTWOOLL Abel, Fortune's well. Portland
BALFOUR Major Kenneth Robert, Kingston house. Dorchester
BOND Henry Pomeroy, Moigne Combe, Owermoigne. Dorchester
BRIDGE Robert Moore, Lorton house, Broadway, Dorchester
BRYMER Rev. John George M.A. Puddletown, Dorchester
CORNISH-BROWNE Charles John, Coryton park, Axminster, Devon
COSENS William Burrough, The Gables, Dorchester
De LAFONTAINE Alfred Carte F.S.A. Athelhampton Hall, Dorchester
EDWARDS William, Park road, Portland
ELSWORTHY William, Monkton, Dorchester
FLOYER George William B.A. Stafford house near Dorchester
GORDEN-STEWARD Col. Charles Steward, Nottington house, near Dorchester
GROVES Herbert John, Clifton, Weymouth
HARDY Thomas O.M. Max-Gate house, Dorchester
HAYNE Robert, Osmington, Weymouth
HEAD John Merrick F.R.G.S., F.P.S. Pennsylvania castle, Isle of Portland
HENNING Major Charles Maxwell Shurlock, Frome Whitfield, Dorchester
HOWARD Thomas M.B., B.Ch. 8 Fortune's well, Portland
LAW Col. the Hon. Cecil Henry C.B. Montrose, Prince of Wales road. Dorchester
LAWRIE James Macpherson D.L.,M.D. Greenhill,Weymouth
McDONALD Peter William, Herrison, Dorchester
MALLOCK Col. Henry Archibald, Friar Mayne, Broadmayne, Dorchester
MARCH Henry Colley M.D., F.S.A. Portesham,Dorchester
MIDDLETON Hastings Burton, Bradford Pevereil, Dorchester
MURRAY Heidsieck Percy, Devonshire house. Weymouth
PAUL Edward Clifford M.A. Eastbrook bons, Upwey
POPE Alfred F.S.A. South court, Dorchester
POPE Alfred Ralph M.A. Culliford house, Dorchester
SANSOM Henry,Nethercoombe, Portland
SCARISBRICK Sir Tom Talbot Leyland bart. Greaves hall. Banks, Lancs
SHERIDAN Algernon Thomas Brinsley D.L. Frampton court, Dorchester
SIMONDS Col. Robert Henville D.L. Winterbourne Abbas, Dorchester
SYKES Ernest Ruthven, Longthorne, Blandford
THORNTON Reginald Douglas D.L, Birkin house, Dorchester
THRESHER Edward Balston, Corfe hill, Radipole, Weymouth
TILLEY William, The Hawthorns, Dorchester
TUCKER Alfred Harris V.D. Beacon hill, Wyke Regis, Weymouth
WARNER Oliver William a Longhill terrace Rodwell,Weymouth
WATTS Richard Caius, Nettlecombe, Weymouth
WILLIAMS Capt. Berkeley Cole Wilmot, Herringston, Dorchester
WILLIAMS Lieut.-CoI. Herbert Scott V.D. Rothesay house, Dorchester
WILLIAMS Col. Sir Robert bart. V.D., M.P., D.L. Bridehead, Dorchester
WYNFORD Lord, WarmweIl house, near Dorchester
The Chairmen of the Rural District Councils of Dorchester & Weymouth & of the Urban District Councils of Portland & the Mayors of Dorchester & Weymouth, for the time being, are ex-officio magistrates
Clerk to the Magistrates, Arthur George SYMONDS, 11 South street

Petty Sessions are held at the Shire hall every alternate saturday at 11 a.m. & at Portland every alternate wednesday at 11.15

The following parishes are included in the Petty Sessional Division :--Abbotsbary, Athelhampton, Bincomb., Bradford Peverell, Broadmayne, Broadway, Burlestone, Charminster, Chickerell West, Chilfrome, Compton Abbas, Compton Valence, Dewlish, Evershot, Fleet, Frampton, Frome-Vanchurch, Kingston Russell, Knighton West, Langton Herring, Littlebredy, Litton Cheney, Longbredy, Maiden Newton, Melbury Sampford, Osmington, Owermoigne, Piddlehinten, Portesham, Portland, Poxwell, Preston & Sutton Poyntz, Puddletown, Puncknowle, Radipole, Rampisham, Stafford West, Stinsford, Stratton, Swyre, Tincleton, Toller Fratrum, Tolley Porcorum, Tolpuddle Upwey, Warmwell. Watercombe, Whitcombe, Winterborne Abbas, Winterborne Came, Winterborne Herringatone, Winterborne Monkton. Winterborne St. Martin, Winterborne Steepleton, Woodsford. Wyke Regis, Wynford Eagle

Chairman. Col. Jahn Robert Phelips GOODDEN, Compton house, Sherborne
Deputy-Chairman, John Castleman SWINBURNE-HANHAM, Manston, Sturminster Newton; & 9 King's Beach walk, Temple E C
Clerk of the Peace, E. Archdall FFOOKS, County offices, High West street, Dorchester
County offices, High West street.
Clerk of the County Council & Standing Joint Committees. E. Archdall FFOOKS, County offices
Assistant Clerk, John Leslie TORR, County offices
County Treasurer, Henry Sullivan NEWNHAM, Lloyds Bank Limited, Cornhill
Deputy Coroner for the Southern District, Herbert TILL, 5 South street
County Medical Officer, John Elliott ROBINSON M.D., B.S.Lond., D.P.H_R.C.P.S.Eng., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. County offices
Assistant County Medical Officer, Percy MOXEY M B., Ch.B., D.P.H.Bristol, L.S.A. County offices
County Surveyor & Engineer, Walter T. FLETCHER, County offices
County Accountant, George H. WHITE, County offices
Agricultural Organizer, Thomas Randolph FERRIS M.Sc
Horticultural Instructor & Official Sampler under Fertilizers & Feeding Stuff Acts, E. C. PARSLOW F.R.H.S
Inspector of Weights & Measures for East & South Districts of Dorsetshire, Oliver WILSON, 23 Dagmor terrace, Victoria park
Small Holdings Agent, Thomas Bertram JEFFS
Veterinary Inspector under the "Diseases of Animals Acts" for Dorchester & Cerne Abbas Petty Sessional Divisions, Francis Johnstone THORNTON M.R.C.V.S. 16 South street

Education Department.
Secretary, Clement G. BONE MA
Assistant Secretary, A. C. BADCOE B.Sc
School Medical Officer. John Elliott ROBINSON M.B., B.S.Lond., D.P.H.R.C.P.S.Eng., M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. County offices
School Dental Surgeon, Miss A. WHERRY L.D.S.Edin. County offices
School Architect, F. J. BRETT L.R.I.B.A., A.R.San.I. . Wimborne

The parishes in the District are the same as in the Union with the exception of Dorchester. The area is 69,086 acres; population in 1911 - 9,614
Council meets at County Hatt every fourth Saturday at 12 noon.
Chairman, Col, Robert Henville SIMONDS J.P. Winterborne Abbas, Dorchester
Clerk. William Wilton REED, 24 High West street
Assistant Clerk, Henry O. LOCK, 24 High West street
Treasurer, Col. Sir Robert WILLIAMS bart. M.P. Lloyds Bank
Medical Officer of Health, Edward Joseph DAY M.D. Durh., D.P.H.I..4 Weymouth avenue, Dorchester
Highway Surveyor, John J. ESTRIDGE, 2 Coronation terrace, Olga road, Victoria park
Sanitary Inspector. Frederic T. MALTBY A.M.I.C.E. 1 South terrace, Dorchester
57 High West street.
District Registrar, Douglas H. MARRABLE
Deputy, Herbert TILL

Borough Gardens, Cornwall road, George HARRIS, keeper
Corn Exchange & Town Hall, William. John BENGER, keeper
County Court,
    His Honor Arthur O'CONNOR K.C. judge; Douglas Heron MARRABLE, registrar; Herbert TILL, deputy registrar; John Charles JACKSON, Clerk.
    The Court is held monthly in the County Hall; the district comprises the following parishes, viz.
    Alton Pancras, Athelhampton, Batcombe, Bradford Peverell Broadmayne, Buckland Newton, Burlestone, Cattistock, Cerne Abbas, Charminster, Chesilborne, Chilfrome, Compton Abbas, Compton Valence, Dewlish, Dorchester, Fordington, Frampton, Frome-Vanchurch, Frame Saint Quinton, Godmanstone, Hilfield, Kingston-Russell, Knighton (West), Litttebredy, Longbredy. Maiden Newton, Mappowder, Melcombe Hersey, Minterne Magna, Nether Cerne, Puddlehinton, Puddletown, Puddletrenthide, Pulham, West Stafford, Stinsford, Stratton, Sydling Saint Nicholas,Tincleton, Toller Fratrum, Toller Porcorum, Tolpuddle, Up Cerne, Warmwell, Whitcombe, Winterborne Abbas, Winterborne Came, Winterborne Herringstone, Winterborne Monkton, Winterborne Saint Martin, Winterborne Steepleton, Woodsford, Wynford Eagle & Wootton Glanvilles
    This Court is also the district registry for the High Court of Justice & has Bankruptcy Jurisdiction & Admiralty Jurisdiction, & for Bankruptcy purposes includes, in addition, Blandford, Bridport & Weymouth Courts, Tilney Barton, City chambers, Salisbury, official receiver
Certified Bailiff under the "Law of Distress Amendment Act," John Norman THORNICROFT, Bank chambers, Cornhill
County Hall, High West street; Ernest CRYER, keeper
County Police Station, Weymouth avenue,
    Capt. Dennis GRANVILLE, chief constable; William P. PLUMMER, deputy chief constable; William Ernest WOOD L.R.C.P. Edin. surgeon in chief; Albert KING, superintendent, 2 sergeants & 8 constables

    Police Station, Glyde Path road; Reginald HAYWARD, sergeant in charge
Dorchester Cemetery, Weymouth avenue, William Wilton REED, clerk to the joint committee; Elias ROLLS, lodge keeper
Dorchester Fire Brigade, Princes street, A. H. ANGELL, capt. & 17 men
Dorchester Isolation Hospital, Herringatone road. E. J. DAY Durh., D.P.H.I. medical officer; Mrs. BUSSELL, matron
Dorset County Chamber of Commerce, 5 South street, Herbert TILL & T. R. SPILLER, joint hon. secs
Dorset County Hospital, Princes street,
    Capt. J. E. ACLAND M.A., J.P. chairman; Col, the Hon. Cecil H. LAWS C.B. vice-chairman; Col. Sir Robert WILLIAMS bart. MP., D.L., J.P. treasurer; G. G. MORRICE M.D., M.R.C.P.Lond, hon. physician; William Ernest GOOD M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Edin. William Burrough COSENS L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. A Benjamin William Nettlefold GOWRING M.D.Durh., M.R.C.S. Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. hon. surgeons; Bevil Molesworth COLLARD M.R.C.S.Eng, L.R_C.P.Lond. hon. radiographer; Charles S. PRIDEAUX L.D.S.R.C.S.Eng. hon. surgeon-dentist ; Rev. Randolph Charles MARRIOTT M.A. chaplain; H. F. WHITLEY, auditor; Walter E. GROVES, clerk; C. T. CARTER, dispenser; Miss MARLOW, matron
Dorset County Home for Nurses, Cornwall road, Capt. J. E. ACLAND M.A., J.P. chairman of committee hon. sec.; Miss HOBSON, matron
Dorset County Museum, Library & Reading Boom, High West street, Col. Sir Robert WILLIAMS bert. M.P. treasurer; Capt. J. E. ACLAND M.A.Oxon., J.P., F.S.A. hon. sec, & curator; A. KIBBEY, attendant
Fordington Cemetery, Thomas Alfred PEARCE, clerk to the burial joint committee; office, 47 South street
Guildhall, High East street, Wm. John, BENGER, keeper
His Majesty's Prison, North square,
    Henry John EVANS. governor; William Ernest GOOD L.R.C.P.Edin. medical officer; Rev. Canon John Marshall COLLARD M.A. chaplain; Rev. Francis SHEPHERD, Catholic priest; W. R. QUIMBY, chief warder; Frederick W. EDWARDS, clerk & schoolmaster
Inland Revenue Office, 34 High East street, James BATTY, surveyor of taxes; Francis Joseph O'ROURKE, supervisor; officers, A. E. ROBSON, A THOMAS, A. SCUDDER
Inland Revenue Valuation Department, 28 High West street, E. S. W. DALE, valuation officer
Judges' Lodgings, County house, 58 High West street, Ernest CRYER, keeper
Masonic Hall, Princes street, Clinton B. GRASSBY,Hall keeper
Shipwrecked Fishermen A Mariners' Royal Benevolent Society; Hon. Representative, Wilfred F. HODGES, High East street
Shire Hall High West street, Ernest CRYER, Hall keeper
Chubb's, North square
Napier's, South street
Whetstone's, West walks
Board day, alternate Wednesdays at the Poor Law Institution at 11 a.m.

The Union includes the following parishes, viz.:Athelhampton, Bradford Pererell, Broadmayne, Burleston, Charminster, Chilfrome, Compton Abbas (West), Compton Valence, Dewlish, Dorchester All Saints, Dorchester St. Peter, Frampton. Frome Vauchurch, Kingston Russell, Knighton (West), Littlabredy. Longbredy, Maiden Newton, Puddlehinton, Puddletown,Stafford (West), Stinsford, Stratton, Tincleton, Toller Fratrum, Toller Porcorum, Tolpuddle, Warmwell, Watercombe, Whitcombe, Winterbome Abbas, Winterborne Came, Winterborne Heeringstone, Winterborne Monkton, Winterborne St. Martin, Winterborne Steeplaton, Woodsford & Wynford Eagle. The population in 1911 was 19.456; area, 70,732 acres; rateable value, Lady Day, 1915, £122,782

Chairman of the Board of Guardians, Charles Brook STIBY, Gresford, Herrington road, Dorchester
Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment Committee, William Wilton READ, 94 High West street, Dorchester
Assistant Clerk, Henry O. LOCK, 24 High West street
Treasurer, Col. Sir Robert WILLIAMS Bart. M.P
Relieving Officers & Collectors to the Guardians. No.1 district, William SHERRY, Foundry house, Dorchester; No. 2 district, William LONG, a Antwerp villas.Dorchester
Vaccination Officers, Dorchester district, William SHERRY, Foundry house, Dorchester; Maiden Newton district, William LONG, a Antwerp villas, Dorchester; Puddletown district, John Autell, Puddletown
Medical Officers:
    Charminster district, William Ernest GOOD L R.C P.Edin.. M, R.C.S.Eng. 48 High West st. Dorchester; Fordington district, Edward Joseph DAY M,D.Durh., M.R.C.S.Eng., D.P.H.R.C.P.S.I. 4 Weymouth avenue, Dorchester; LongbredY district, W. F. Liddon GREEN M.R.C.S.Eng., L.S.A.Lond. The Vicarage, Abbotsbury; Maiden Newton district, Vernon L. ARDAGH M.D.DUrh, Maiden Newton; Puddletown district, Edward Litton LUTHER M.D., B.Ch.Dub. The Lawn, Puddletown
Public Vaccinators, Dorchester district, Elias William KERR M.D. South lodge, South Walks road, Dorchester. Other districts same as the medical officers
The Poor Law Institution, Damers road, erected in 1836, is an edifice of rough stone & brick, & will hold 233 inmates. An Infirmary was added in 1884, at a cost of , £500, & in 1903 additional accommodation for the sick was provided, at a cost of £1,000; T. C. MEGGISON M.D.Edin. medical officer; Rev. Henry Airay WATSON, chaplain; George Henry BROWN, master; Mrs. Kate BROWN, matron. The children are boarded out.
Superintendent Registrar, William Wilton READ, 24 High West street. Dorchester;
Deputy, Henry Osmond LOCK, 24 High West street, Dorchester
Registrars of Births & Deaths:
    Cerne sub-district, C. S. RANDALL, Cerne Abbas; deputy, Frank CLARK,
    Cerne Abbas; Dorchester sub-district, Arthur George BAWLER, 41 Icen way, Dorchester; Deputy, Walter Raymond BAWLER, 13 Alexandra rd. Dorchester;
    Maiden Newton sub-district, Frederick James KENDALL, Inveresk, Maumbury way, Dorchester; deputy, Frederick. CHURCHILL, Trinity street, Dorchester;
    Puddietown sub-district, John ANTELL, Puddletown; deputy, Charles M. HARDY, Puddletown
Registrars of Marriages, Arthur George BAWLER, 41 Icen Way, Dorchester; deputy, Walter R. BAWLER, 13 Alexandra rd. Dorchester; C. S. RANDALL, Cerne Abbas; deputy, Frank CLARK, Cerne Abbas

Assistant Overseers, All Saints', Archibald Kerley HOLLAND, 2 South terrace, South street; St. Peter's, Thomas Alfred PEARCE, 47 South street
Certifying Factory Surgeon, William Ernest GOOD L.R.C.P.Edin. 48 High West street
Clerk to the Commissioners of Taxes, Vacant
Clerk to the County Pension Committee, E. Archdall FFOOKS, County offices
Clerks to the Local Pension Sub.Committees: Borough, Arthur George SYMONDS, 11 South street; Rural, Henry Osmond LOCK, 24 High West street
Collector of Poor's Rates, All Saints', Archibald Healey HOLLAND, 2 South terrace, South street; St. Peter's, Charminster & Winterborna Came, Thomas Alfred PEARCE, 47 South street
Collectors of Taxes, All Saints', Thomas Alfred PEARCE, 47 South st; St. Peter's, Thomas. POUNCY, 3 Cornhill
Inspector for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, John William James HOOKER, 5 Ashby rd. Maumbnry way
Inspector for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, Frederick BUCKLAND, 1 Cedar Park villas, Trinity St
Survevor of Taxes, James BATTY, Inland Revenue office, 34 High East street
PLACES OF WORSHIP: with times of Services.

All Saints' Church, High East street, Rev. Samuel Edward Valpy FILLEUL M.A. rector; 11 a.m. 16.30 p.m.; wed. 8 p.m
Holy Trinity Church. High West street, Rev. Michael Ward KINLOCK M.A. rector, rural dean & surrogate; Rev. Thomas Openshaw COUPE B.A. curate; 8 & 11 a.m. & 2.30 & 6.30 p.m.; daIly, 8 & 10 a.m. & 6.30 p.m
St. Mary's, Victoria park, Rev. Canon John Marshall Collard MA. vicar & rural dean; Rev.. Edward Granville PHILLIMORE B.A. & Rev. Henry Lionel Beanford BUDGE B.A. curates; holy communion, 8 a.m.; 10 a.m. (church parade.) 11.I5 a.m. & 2.30 & 6.30 p.m.; daily, 7.30 & 8 a.m. & 6 p.m
St. Peter's Church, High West street. Rev. Herbert Chidley COATE M.A. rector; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 8 p.m.; fri. 12 noon
St. George's, Fordington, Rev. Richard Grosvenor BARTELOT M.A. vicar; Rev. William Thomas GODBER, curate; 8 & 11 a.m. & 2.30, 3.15, 3.45 & 6.30 p.m.; daily, 8 a.m.& 6 p.m
Christ Church (chapel of ease to St. Mary's), The Grove, served by the clergy of St s
Our Lady Queen of Martyrs & Michael, Catholic, Rev. Francis SHEPHERD, priest; holy communion, 8.30 a.m.; mass, 10.30 a.m.; service is benediction, 6.30 p.m.; daily mass, 8 a.m.; holidays of obligation. mass, 8.30 a.m
Baptist, St. Martin's road, Rev. Frederick Edward BOORMAN; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 8 p.m
Congregational, South street,, Rev. R. Stratton HOLMES; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 8 p.m
Primitive Methodist, Durngate street; 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m
Wesleyan Methodist, South street. Rev. John Edmund LEWIS; 11 a.m. Ac 6.3o p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m
Brethren, Grey's hall, East par.; 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m.
Salvation Army, North square
Mill Street Mission (interdenominationel); 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 pm

The Grammar School, founded in 1569 by Mr. Thomas. Hardye, of Frampton, & now a secondary school recognised by the Board of Education, is in South street; under a scheme propounded by the Charity Commissioners in 1879 all the Dorchester charities (except Napier's & Whetstone's) were amalgamated for its support, do a new school in the Tudor style, retaining the old school room & screen, was erected on the same site, at a cost of £4,500: a science depertmeet, including chemical & physical laboratories &; a carpenter's workshop, was added in 1898, at a cost of about £700, the chemical & physical laboratories being fitted up at a cost of about £500; Hugh A. FRANCIS M.A. head master; G. B. WILLIAMS (science); T. E. DIBBLE B.A; T. Gordon DAVIES M.A; D. S. LIDBURY ; T. T. PALMER ; E. LANE (music); W. COOK (carpentry); & Sergt.-Instr. MERCHANT (gymnasium) assistant masters

The Dorchester School of Art. established in 1867, is carried on at the Museum building, 66 High West street; Alfred R EDWARDS, sec ; Charles E. GEORGES. A.R.C.A .Lond. master

Elementary Schools:
Council School, Victoria park (girls & infants), erected, In 1911. for 352 children; Miss E. L. RICHARDS, mistress
Colliton street (C.E.) (boys), established in 1812 & enlarged in 1896 & in 1906, for 532 boys; John Stanley TAYLOR, master
Fordington St. George (infants), for 260 children; Miss: Ellen J. MANNERS, mistress
West Fordington (infants), accommodates 182; Miss F. ELFORD, mistress
Icen Way (C.E.) (girls), established in 1816 & enlarged in 1901 & 1910 for 272 girls; Miss L. C. M. HUTCHASON L.L.A., A.C.P. mistress

Dorset County Chronicle & Somersetshire Gazette (Sims & Co. proprietors; published every wednesday for thursday), 63 High West st. See advertisement
Southern Times & Dorset County Herald (Sims & Co. proprietors; published every friday for saturday). 63 High Want street. See advertisement

Great Western, W. BEST, station master
London & South Western, Weymouth avenue, S. B. SMITH, station master
Omnibuses to & from the stations from 'King's Arms' & 'Antelope' to meet all trains

Carter, Paterson & Co. Limited (E. Frost & Son. agents), South Walks, road
Foster's Parcels Express (James Foot, agt.), 25 South st
Sutton & Co. (J. Marvin Lock, agent), 26 South street

CARRIERS: with the places they go to & the inns they start from, with days of starting.
Alton Pancras—Lovelace, 'Phoenix; wed. & sat
Anderson—Fiander, 'White Dart' wed. & sat
Ansty—Coombs. 'White Hart,' wed. & sat
Athathampton—Toms, 'Three Mariners,' wed. & sat
Bere Heath—E. Roper, 'Phoenix,' wed. & sat
Bere Regis—Toms, 'Three Mariners'; F. Roper, 'Phoenix,' wed. & sat
Bingham's Melcombe —Coombs, 'White Hart,' wed. & sat
Bradford Pevarell— Kellaway, 'Plume of Feathers,' sat
Brisntspiddle-Laws, 'White Hart,' wed. & sat
Broadmayne— Chaffey, 'Phoenix,' sat.; Bishop, 'Soldiers' Home,' wed. & sat.; Coleman, 'Phoenix,' wed. & sat.; Ironsida, 'Soldiers' Home,' wed. & sat
Buckiand Newton—Lovelace, 'Phoenix,' wed. a sat
Cattistock—Shorto, 'Royal Oak,' mon, wed. & sat; Record, 'Plume of Feathers,' wed. & sat
Cerne—Thorne, Trinity street, daily; Gale, 'Royal Oak,' mon. wed. & sat
Charminsterr, Forston & Godmanston—Thorne, Trinity street, daily; Gale. 'Royal Oak.' man. wed. & sat
Chesilborne—Cleall, 'White Hart.' wed. & sat
Dewiish—Cutlar, 'Phoenix,' wed. & sat
East Knighton—Coleman, 'Phoenix,' wed. & sat; Ironside, 'Soldiers' Home,' wed. & sat
Frampton—Cleall, 'Royal Oak,' tues. & sat.; Shorto, 'Royal Oak,' Mon. tues. wed. & sat
Frier Waddon & Upwey—Pitcher, 'Plume of Feathers,' wed. & sat
Great Toller—Cleall, 'Royal Oak,' tues. & sat
Grimstone—Kellaway, 'Plume of Feathers,' wed. & sat.; Shorto. 'Royal Oak,' mon. wed. & sat.; Cleall 'Royal Oak,' tues. & sat
Hazelbury Bryan— Coombs, 'White Hart,' wed. & sat
Kingscombe— Cleall, 'Royal Oak,' tues. & sat
Lewell—Baker, 'White Heart,' wed, & sat
Litton Cheney & Kingston Russell—Pitcher, 'Royal Oak.' wed. & sat
London & all parts—Carter, Paterson & Co. Limited, South Walks road; Foster's Parcel Express, 25 South street & Sutton & Co. 26 South street; J. Marvin Lock (agent for Lipscomb & Co.) forwards goods by train to & from each station. daily; London booking ,office 28 Farringdon street E.C.
Long Bredy & Little Bredy— Ellery, 'King's Arms,' wed. & sat
Maiden Newton—Cleall, 'Royal Oak,' tue., & sat.; Record, 'Plume of Feathers,' wed. & sat.; Shorto, 'Royal Oak,' mon. wed. & sat
Martins Town-— Carpenter, 'Soldiers Home', mon, wed. fri. & sat.; Bowditch, 'Plume of Feathers,' mon. wed & sat.; Pitcher, 'Royal Oak,' wed. & sat.; McLachlin, 'Plume of Feathers,' sat
Milborne— Toop, 'White Hart,' mon. wed.. & sat.; Lovell, 'White Hart,' tues. & fri
Milton Abbas—Lovell, 'White .Heart,' tues. wed. & fri
Moreton—Baker, 'White Hart,' tues. wed. fri. & sat
Muston—See Puddlehinton
Osmington & Poxwell—Miller, 'Phoenix,' sat
Over Moigne-— Coleman, 'Phoenix', wed. & sat
Pallington—Roper, 'Phoenix,' wed. & sat
Portesham—Pitcher, ' Plume of Feathers.' wed. & sat
Poxwell—Miller, 'Phoenix,' wed. & sat
Puddlehinton & Pideltranthide—Lovelace, 'Phoenix.' wed. & sat.; Hawker, 'Phoenix.' daily, except thurs
Puddletown—Stephens, 'White Hart,' daily; Caundle, 'White Hart.' daily; Vacher, 'Phoenix,' wet & sat.; Cleall, 'White Hart,', wed. & sat
Puncknowle—Pitcher, 'Royal Oak,' wed. & sat
Rampersham—Record, 'Plume of Feathers,' wed. & sat
Southover—Laws, ' White Hart,' wed. & sat
Stafford & Woodsford—Baker, 'White Hart,' mon. wed. & sat; Roper, 'Phoenix.' wed. & sat
Stratton —Crabb, 'Plume of Feathers.' sat.; Shorto, 'Royal Oak,' mon, wed. & sat.; Kellaway, 'Plume of Feathers,' wed. & sat.; Cleall, 'Royal Oak,' tues. & sat
Stinsford—Caundle. 'White Hart,' daily, except thurs
Sydling Kellaway, 'Plume of Feathers,' wed. & sat.; Crabb. 'Plums of Feathers,' wed. & sat
Tincleton—Roper, 'White Hart,' wed. & sat
Tolpuddle—Vacber, 'Phoenix inn', wed. & sat.; Toms, 'Three Mariners'; wed. & sat.; Laws, 'White Hart.' wed. & sat
Troy Town—Caundle, 'White Hart.' daily; Loveless, 'Soldiers' Home,' mon. wed. thurs. & sat
Warmwell—Trevess, 'Three Mariners.' wed. & sat
Waterson—(same as Puddlebinton)
West Lullworth—Chaffey, 'Phoenix,' sat
Winfrith—Chaffee, 'Phoenix.' sat.; Jacobs, 'Phoenix.' sat.; Ironside, 'Soldiers' Home,' wed. & sat
Wintarboma Abbas—Pitcher, 'Royal Oak.' wed. & sat.; Carpenter, 'Soldiers' Home,' mon. wed. fri & sat.; Ellery, ' King's Arms,' wed. I& sat
Woodsford—Baker, 'White Hart', wed. & sat
Wrickleford--Shorto, ' Royal Oak.' daily, except thurs Crabb, 'Plume of Feathers,' wed. & sat
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