
The Corporate Development of Dorchester

Extract from "The Municipal Records of Dorchester Dorset" Edited by Charles Herbert Mayo and published in Exeter by William Pollard & Co Ltd 1908
Transcribed by Michael Russell OPC Dorchester - January 2010 - last updated March 2017

Dorchester was a Royal Borough, and in the time of Edward the Confessor contained 172 houses, with two moneyers, as compared with the 257 houses and three moneyers of Shaftesbury. At the Domesday Survey only 88 houses remained, owing either to dissentions between the English and Norman Burgesses, the malfeasance of the Sheriff, Hugh Fitz Grip, or other unknown cause. The town had gelded for 10 hides, and the resulting payment had been commuted at one mark for the use of the " Huscarls," and in addition it discharged the burden of firma unius noctis.

By degrees Dorchester must have recovered its prosperity, and between 1221 and 1337 the farm of the vill varied between £1.6 and £20, paid by the men of the Borough or some other grantee (p. 5), and the grant by Edward I. to the men of Dorset (A.D. 1305) of permission to erect a prison at Dorchester, in preference to any other town in the County, is itself a recognition of the leading position it then held. It is not, however, possible to determine the precise moment when municipal life began. Two Bailiffs, however (elected, probably from their first appearance, at the Court Leet of the Town), are named as grantees, together with the Burgesses, of the custody of the Borough in 1324, for which a rent of £20 was paid. This grant was made perpetual by Edward III. in 1337, after it had been ascertained by the Sheriff of Dorset that it would not be to the King's damage to grant the Borough to the townsmen at the rent aforesaid. At this time, besides the rents of assize, the assize of bread and beer, and perquisites of Courts, the grant comprised Fairs at the festivals of Holy Trinity, the Nativity of St. John Baptist, and St. James, Markets on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, and the right of Weighing twelve miles about the Borough (p. 5). In this manner the town obtained the liberty of controlling its internal discipline, subject to the general law, in return for an annual money payment to the Crown. See the Bye-laws printed at page 104.

Matters thus continued, with confirmations in successive reigns, until 1484, when Richard III. not only confirmed the privileges which the Burgesses already possessed in general terms, but added express mention of relief from various tolls and other payments, freedom from the jurisdiction of Admiral, Escheator, Sheriff, Coroner or Bailiff, with power to appoint their own Clerk of the Market, Coroner and Constables, and providing that all personal actions, not exceeding the sum of 40s., should be impleaded in the Court of the Steward of the Borough (p. 27).

Henry VIII. in 1535 granted that Gaol Deliveries within the County should henceforth be held in Dorchester only, as previously accustomed. This was confirmed by Elizabeth in 1559, who at the same time conferred the right of holding a three days' Fair at Candlemas (p. 35).

With the reign of James I. came the first formal Charter of Incorporation, dated 26th June, 1610, which confirmed the office of the Bailiffs, created a Common Council of fifteen Capital Burgesses, a Court of Record and Recorder, and gave the position of Justice of Peace to the Recorder, the Bailiffs for the time being and their immediate predecessors in office (p. 41). These privileges were amplified by Charles I. in 1629 by the grant of the various particulars enumerated at p. 56, and from henceforth the governing body consisted of a Mayor, two Bailiffs, six Aldermen and six other Burgesses, in all fifteen in number, ranking as Capital Burgesses. Thus the office of Mayor, which appears at Exeter so early as 1206, when it superseded the Portreeve or Bailiff, is not found at Dorchester until upwards' of 400 years later. At both the Bailiffs were still maintained as subordinate to the Mayor, and their office formed part of the style or title of the Corporation. By Charles's Charter the inhabitants of Dorchester were also made a Body Corporate by the name of the Governor, Assistants and Freemen of the Borough of Dorchester. This latter provision, by strengthening the restrictive action of the Town as a close and exclusive trading community, must have had considerable effect in arresting its growth and development. But long before the passing of the Municipal Corporations Act it had outgrown these trammels, which then ceased to exist.

The history of Dorchester, like that of other corporate towns, thus illustrates the rise of municipal activity, independent of the Crown or other manorial lord, the gradual concentration of power in the hands of a governing oligarchy. and at the same time the growth of an exclusive trading spirit within the general body of the freemen or commonalty as against outsiders, " foreigners " as they were termed, and the final dissolution of the old system in the presence of the reforming spirit of the nineteenth century.*

The Town of Dorchester, in its corporate capacity, has no Coat of Arms, but is possessed of Seals bearing a castle triple-towered, charged in the base with the Royal Arms. See p. 38. Some controversy has arisen regarding the precise form the Royal Arms should take on the Town Seal, and as Dorchester was held of the King by the annual payment. of a fee farm rent, it seems reasonable that the arms, placed m this position, should vary with those of the reigning Sovereign Had Dorchester been possessed of a Coat of its own, the Arms borne by the Town, whatever they were, would not be subject to variation

The Topography of Old Dorchester.

The deeds enrolled in the Dorchester Domesday disclose many particulars bearing upon the topography of the Town at the period to which they refer. These are here collected, references being given to the documents quoted by the special numeration assigned to them. To these have been also added some notes drawn from documents of a later date. Further references may be obtained by consulting the Index.

The Castle.

An allusion to the ancient Castle of Dorchester occurs in the phrase which appears in Charters 77 and 133 (A.D. 1401 and 1403), where a burgage is said to be situated juxta castrum fratrum minorum, into whose hands it had passed.

The name may be traced to much later dates, e.g., in a lease of 20th October, 30 Elizabeth, to Elioner Avyne, C. 14. In another lease of 19th November, 1708, a messuage on north side of Pease Lane or Sheep Lane in St. Peter's parish, is bounded on the north by land of the Duke of Newcastle, called the Castle, B. 65. The close called " the Castle " is frequently mentioned as a boundary, e.g., nth July, 1755, B. 15, and 17th January, 1796. B. 65.

On 31st August, 1775, it is " ordered that a wall of stone and bride be immediately built between the Castle and the garden belonging to the house late in the occupation of John Fone, now in hand." C. 27.

The Town Walls.

William Bradeston, in the first Charter enrolled in the Domesday, conveys a burgage on the east side of South Street, bounded on its southern extremity by the muros communitatis ville (I).

1668, July 2. " This day Mr. Major, Mr. Arthur Gould and Mr. Joseph Seward, two other of the Capitall Burgesses of this Borough going up to the west end of the towne about the disposall of the watch howse there, built in the tyme of the late siknes, were informed by John Gilbert of a parcell of the old towne wall that was then beateing downe by Mr. John Churchill in the West Walles, he declareing that it was pitty that parte of soe ancient a monument of the towne should be demolished ; wherevppon they went and fownd one Brine and Mathew Traske beateing downe parte of the wall, which they said they did by the appoyntment of Mr. Churchill, and therevppon they forbidd them to proceed therein. And afterwards Mr. Churchill met Mr. Major and the two other Burgesses and said that the wall was his, and not the townes, and that in case he could not get men out of the towne to pull downe the wall, he would gett some out of Forthington. Mr. Major this afternoone desired the Company and some other of the neighborhood to view the place, and the wall doth conteyne about thirty-five foote and halfe and three inches in length, and the breadth of the wall is about six foot without the dropping of the howseing adjoyning to the wall, there being present at the viewing thereof of the Capitall Burgesses, William Pitt, Major, Arthur Gould, Hugh Baker, Robert Napper, Joseph Seward, Gilbert Whiffen. C. 15.

The West Walls.

Peter Blount grants to William Ayssh two acres of arable land in Dorchester, jacentes in les West Walles, which were lately William Hamond's {63).

This parcel of land is again mentioned in the Will of William Ayssh, as jacentes in West Wall' de Dorchestre (262).

John Morton, clerk, John Jurdan of Wolveton, and Robert Mose convey two acres of arable land, prottt jacent in les West Wall' de Dorchestre (367).

Juxta campum de West Wallys describes the position of " A Dayne," situate on the west side of South Street. There were gardens of Robert Childecombe and the Abbot of Middleton adjoining (489).

The muri occidentales burgi are named as the western boundary of certain messuages, and seven acres of land lying within the west walls of the Borough are conveyed by 662.

Robert Williams, Esq., grants a burgage in the parish of Holy Trinity on the south side of High West Street, bounded on the south by the West Walls of the Borough (666).

Roger Abyndon, alias Knyghte, conveys two burgages, also in the parish of Holy Trinity, and on the south side of High West Street, the West Walls forming the southern boundary (673).

In the Bylaws of the Town (A.D. 1414) there is a restriction laid upon the use of the East and West Wallys from the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary to the feast of her Nativity, during which time the burgesses or residents are not to place stock in separali de les Est Wallys et West Wallys ut in communi. In this byelaw, as well as in most of the preceding references, " West Walls " serves as the name of a portion of land.

The East Walls.

The same remark applies to the East Walls.
The executors of John Syward, senior, convey the curtilage of a burgage on the east side of South Street, which extends towards the north as far as Durnelane, and towards the south usque terrain arabilem de les Estwalles (126) . The same curtilage is conveyed in 324 and 344.

John Estafeld and Joan his wife grant their curtilage, lying on the east side of South Street, versus campum de EstewaW inter gardinum Henrici Prest ex parte australi et viam ague Communitatis ex parte boriali et gardinum Rogeri Cowke et gardinum Alicie Greynlyf ex parte occidentdli, et terram Communitatis ex parte orientali (210).

John Wroxale grants four acres of arable land in one piece of land, in la Est Walks infra libertatem ville predicte (227).

" Whereas wee, the Burgesses of the Burroughe towne of Dorchestsr in the Countye of Dorset, beinge indebted vnto Mathew Chubb of Dorchester aforesaide in the somme of one hundred and fiftye poundes for the debt of the saide towne and for the paymente thereof, haue made a lease by our writings bearinge date the tenth daye of October, in the eighte and thirteth yeare of the reigne of soveraigne ladye Elizabeth, vnto John Watts and Wilham Golsey, whoe have vndertaken and geuen securitye for the paymente of the saide somme and our bonde deliuered vpp cancelled, of all tharrable lande commonlye called the towne lande within the west and east walles in Dorchester aforesaide, and all the east greeue walles on the west parte of the gallowes there, for terme of threescore yeares from the feaste of St. Michaell th'archaungell last past, with free power and authoritye to inclose, deuide, take in, wall, seuer or hedge the same, as to them or theire assignes shoulde bee thought good ; and whereas the saide John Watts and William Golsey, for the raisinge, makinge vpp and better paymente of the saide some of one hundred and fiftye poundes, haue parcelled out the same grounds vnto seuerall persons, namelye to Roberte Colson, John Yeat, Richarde Barker, John Goulde and to William Adin, and haue reserued some parte thereof to themselves, as by the seuerall grauntes thereof bearinge date with theise presents graunted in the name of the Burgesses, vnder theire common scale, appeareth, which seuerall persons, and the saide John Watts and William Golsey and others, namelye the parson of the Holye Trenitye in Dorchester aforesaide the saide William Adin and James Goulde of Dorchester aforesaide, beinge freeholders and havinge lande within the same walles, doe purpose seuerallie to deuide, inclose, walle, hedge, ditche and seuer theire seuerall grounds to each of them belonginge ; WEE the saide Burgesses and the freeholders aboue named, for the better confirmacion thereof to avoide future quarrels, braules, ambiguityes or questions that hereafter shall or maye arrise, bee stirred or moued touchinge the saide inclosures, takinge in, deuidinge or seuerannce of the saide groundes or anie parte thereof by any Burgesse or freeholder within this towne att any tyme hereafter, doe by this our presente writinge make yt knowen to all posteritye hereafter, that wee the saide Burgesses for us and our successors foreuer, and the saide freeholders for them and theire heires and successors foreuer, haue geuen and graunted and by this our presente writinge doe geue and grauate our and euerye our full, whole and absolute consente, assente, powers, authorityes, agreements and good likings. That the saide arrable groundes and greene walles aforesaide and euerye parte thereof bee enclosed, taken in, seuered, deuided, walled, hedged, ditched and planted by the saide freeholders, the saide John Watts, William Golsey, Roberte Colson, John Yeat, Richard Barker and John Goulde, and by euerye or anie of them and by thexecutors, administrators or assignes of them or anie of them, when they or anie of them shall thinke good and the same soe deuided, seuered or taken in to remayne and contynew foreuer withowt the lauf ull lett, troble, vexacion or ympedimente of the saide Burgesses or theire successors, or of the saide freeholders theire heires or successors or anie of them, or of anie other person or persons laufullye clayminge or pretendinge anie laufull estate, righte, title, or interest from, by or vnder them or anie of them, anie lawe, order, vsage, prescripcion or custom to the contrarye notwithstandinge. In Witnes whereof aswell the saide Burgesses have sette [to] theise presents theire common scale, as the saide freeholders theire hands and scales, the thirteth daye of November in the nyne and thirteth yeare of the raigne of our soueraigne ladye Elizabeth, the Queenes Ma' tie that now ys, 1596." No signatures. The seal is gone.

" Md. that I the within named Mathew Chubbe, the first day of December in the yeer within writen, doe acknowledg my selte to bee fully paid of the whole some of aji. within mencioned. Per me, Mathew Chubbe."
Endorsed, " For divyding the Walls." B. 10.

North Gate.

This gate is rarely mentioned independently, but it frequently occurs in the phrase " the lane which leads towards the North Gate " (45), or vicus qui ducit versus le Northgate (276).

William Ayssh bequeaths a close in North Street next the North Gate, unum clausum in vico boriali juxta portam borialem (262). John Almer and Alice his wife convey to William Fyssher of Pudelton their burgage, qiiod situm est ad portam borialem ejusdem mile ex parte orientali vici ibidem (483).

South Gate.

Thomas Rycheman, alias Belhous, conveys to his son and daughter-in-law a burgage with curtilage at the South Gate in South Street, ad portam australem in vico australi ejusdem Burgi ex parte occidentali ejusdem vici inter metas d'ni de Fordyngton ex parte australi et burgagium Johannis Bomyl de Dorchestre ex parte boriali (93),

East Gate.

Alice Wyther, widow, grants to William Assh and Alienor, his wife, her tenement in the Borough of Dorchester, juxta portam orientalem (49).

In 207, the High Street which leads to the East Gate, alta strata que ducit ad portam orientalem, is mentioned as a boundary. William Ayssh bequeaths a shop at East Gate, quedam shoppa ad portam orientalem (262). It also forms part of a personal appellation. William Ayssh grants a tenement on the west of a lane leading from East Street towards la Dumegate, between the tenement of Robert Sturey on the south, and tenementum Johannis Jurdan atteystegate on the north {187).

John Jurdan, who releases all right in a burgage in Dorchester to Joan Grygori, is termed " atteysteyate " in 221.

West Gate.

William Walyssh bequeaths to his wife a tenement situate in occidentali vico prope portam ex parte boriali ejusdem vici (205). '

Reginald Jacob bequeaths his tenement with dove-house annexed, situatum ad portam occidentalem (383).


This name is of very frequent occurrence in the phrase, " the lane which leads towards la Durnegate."*

* The meaning of Durnegate is frequently explained as Watergate, but it is probably derived from dern, " dark, secret, private " ; see New English Diet. There was a gate so named in Northampton.

It is found mentioned independently in the grant of a burgage by Richard and Ema Burgeis, situatum juxia la Durnegate (143), and in a further grant of the same by Richard Bartlet, clerk (234). This burgage was bounded by that of the Master of St. John on the west, and that of Robert Burlok on the east.

By the Minute made on the 7th October, 1642, it appears that the Town then possessed three main gates, at the East, West and South, and six back gates, viz., two South Gates, one East and one West Gate, the Gallows Hill Gate, and the gate at Glippath. See p. 681.


A solitary mention of this locality is made in the Will of John Syward, sen., who bequeathed to Richard Northbury an annual rent of five marks which the testator was accustomed to receive from a tenement in Southwerk (41).

West Ward.

Nicholas Martyn of Athelhampston, Esq., conveys seven acres of meadow Iying together in the West Warde, " in le Weaste Warde," next the great bridge called the new bridge, and on the north side of the stream (662).

South Street.

The principal streets of the Town occur very frequently in the Charters in Domesday. South Street is mentioned under the name of Vicus australis (i), Vicus regius australis (8), Altus vicus australis (119), Alius vicus australis regius (168), and la South strete (55, 121, 162).

West Street.

This street is called Vicus occidentalis (3), Vicus regius occidentalis (2), Altus vicus occidentalis (142), Allus vicus occidentalis regius (45), and Westrete or la Westret (88, 107, 149. 337).

It is sometimes called High Street without any other addition, as in 400, when a burgage is described as situate in occidentali vico vocato Heyestret.

West Street must be intended in the conveyance of a tenement in parte australi alti vici ex opposito ecclesie Sancte Trinitatis (22), and in the Charter of Peter Blount, wherein a tenement is described as being on the south side of the High Street, opposite " la Nywehyn " (37, cf. 57), as the New Inn was situated near Holy Trinity Church.

East Street.

This street also occurs under the name of Vicus orientalis (5). Vicus orientalis regius (56), Altus vicus orientalis (no), Altus vicus regius orientalis (9, 24), Altus vicus vocatus Est strete (471), Este Highe Strete (650), and Highe Easte streat (659).

In the Will of John Champion the Via Regia there mentioned stands for this street (171), and similarly in 207 the alta strata which leads to the East Gate, and in 365 the alius vicus regius, which in 368 is termed altus vicus regius orientalis.

North Street.

There are several streets mentioned in the Domesday which are called North Street, or North lyane, with or without an addition for the sake of distinction. It is a matter of some difficulty to discriminate them.

Agnes Hamondes, in her will, bequeaths two tenements on the west side of North Street, vicus borialis, between the tenement of the Rector of St. Peter's Church and the tenement of Edward Mason (5).

John Fyuyan and John Duddill convey the moiety of a tenement on the west side of North Street, between the tenement of the Prior of St. John on the south, and that of Walter Peytenyn on the north (13). This tenement is again conveyed in 283, wherein the situation is similarly described.

Nicholas Latymer conveys a messuage with curtilage in " Northstrete," lying between the tenements of Magot Diew and the Prior of St. John of Dorchester (84).

William Compton grants his burgage on the east side of North Street, juxta bondas de Fordyngton (292).

Thomas Trenchard of Wolueton, Esq., sells his messuage on the east side of " High Northe Strete," between burgages belonging to John Churchyll and John Corbyn (639)

One other charter is important as settling the position of North Street by placing it at the west end of Puselane. William Portland, alias Hykkes, grants a tenement in North Street, in parte orientali ejusdem vici ad finem occidentalem venelle vacate Puselane (416). It thus appears to be identical with the following.

North Street which leads towards Glydepath, or North Street which leads towards la Northgate.

That these descriptions indicate the same street is shown by the will of John Merchant (150) who bequeaths to Cristina Childes a place in vico boriali ejusdem ville qui ducit versus la Northgate, when compared with the Charter by which Cristina Childs grants the same property a few months later to John and Agnes Dun, then describing it as in vico boriali qui ducit versus Glydepatth (153).

This street is also mentioned in a conveyance by John Barbour, alias Nicolas, and Beatrix, his wife, of a tenement in vico boriali qui ducit versus Glydepath, ex parte orientali ejusdem vici, between the place of the Abbot of Abbotisbury on the north, and the place formerly John Merchant's on the south {151, 155).

John Cowde, of Tolpydel, grants a messuage in vico qui ducit versus Glydepath, ex parte orientali illius vici (293).

Cristina Mason conveys her burgage on the east side of the North Street which leads towards Glidepatth, between the tenement of Robert Veel on the south, and the Prior of St. John of Dorchester on the north (330).

It is also called via que ducit ad le glyte pathe in Richard Howell's conveyance (607), where it is the western boundary of a house at the west end of Peselane.

Lane which leads from High West Street towards the North Gate.

Thomasin Goldsmyth conveys the south end of a tenement situate in venella que ducit ab alto vico regio occidentali versus portam borialem," between the tenement of Nicholas Cole on the north, and that held by Robert Portland on the south (45). She again deals with the same tenement, similarly described, in 189, and it is bequeathed by John Goldsmyth the grantee in 349, and conveyed by his daughter Emmote (373), and re-conveyed to her after her marriage with Thomas Bayly (377). The property was on the west side of the lane. which in all the documents bears the same relation to High West Street and the North Gate.

In one instance (264) the lane is said to lead to North Street, not to the North Gate, viz., in the seisin of Thomas Crymelford, wtiio inherited after the death of his father and mother a tenement on the north side of West Street, between the tenement of Richard Beryll on the west, and venellam que ducit ad vicum borialem ex parte orientali.

On another occasion this lane seems to be called " le Northlane " without other addition, when Thomas Kyllyngeforde conveys to Richard and Agnes Lewys, l0th May, 38 Henry VIII., a burgage in quadam venella ibidem vocata le Northlane, viz. in orientali parte ejusdem venelle, between the burgage formerly Stephen Crymelforde's, now Margaret Wynsore's on the north, and the burgage late Roger Howell's on the south ((597).

The North Street which leads towards the Friars Minors.

This appears to be the street leading northwards from the centre of the town, to be distinguished from " the North Street which leads towards the North Gate " on the west, and Frerenlane on the east. It is repeatedly mentioned in the Domesday under the titles of Vicus qui ducit erga Fr aires Minor es (9), Vicus quo itur versus Fratres Minor es (30), Via que ducit versus Fratres Minor es (113), Altus vicus qui ducit usque Fratres Minor es (376), Vicus borialis qui ducit versus Fratres Minor es {12), and Altus vicus borialis qui diicit versus Fratres Minores (132).

The charter of Henry Brouks seems to settle its position by terming it Vicus qui ducit a foro mercati versus Fratres Minores (62), for, as shown by 618, the market was held at the centre of the town, near St. Peter's Church.

In this street was the Cross, to which reference will presently be made, and the Pinfold or Pound (431). Towards its northern end it joined Frerenlane.

On l0th June, 7 James [1609], the Burgesses granted a lease to Ellen, wife of John Ellen, ropemaker, of a burgage " on the west part of the street leading out of the North Streete towards the Friery there." C. 14.

A lease of 19th November, 1762, refers to a stable, bounded on east by the street leading to the Friary, and on the west by a close called the Castle. B. 65.


This lane, which is frequently named in the documents enrolled in the Domesday, ran from East Street towards the Church or Precinct of the Friars Minors. It is called Venella que vacatur Frerenlane (34), venella que tendit ad ecclesiam Fratrum Minorum (68), Fryars' lane {630, 659), and finally " the lane which leads towards the precinct of the late dissolved Friars" (652).

The will of Margaret Auden (579) in which she bequeaths a burgage on the north side of East Street, between a burgage of John Jurden's on the west, and venella vocata Freernelane que ducit de vico predido versus Fratres Minores, identifies it with the present Friary lyane.*

* This name seems to have been corrupted in the Seventeenth Century into Brewers' Lane, and is so named in a lease. granted by John and Henry Churchill to John Snooke, of a messuage on north side of High East Street, between land of Thomas Walker (late William Miller's) beer brewer, on the west, Brewer's Lane on the east, and High East Street on the south, ist May, 1665,

Durnelane and the Lane which leads towards la Dernegate.

The narrow thoroughfare running eastward from South Street finds frequent mention in the Domesday. The first occurrence is in No. 7, the will of William Fraunceys, 20th October, 1394, where it is called venella que vacatur Durnelane. It is sometimes designated by a periphrasis, as in No. 8, where John Shudde grants a burgage with curtilage in venella que ducit a vico regio australi versus la Durnegate ex parte australi dicte venelle [cf. 25, 29).

It seems to be the same as the lane called Durnegate, venella vocata Durnegate, mentioned in the will of John Shydde, who bequeaths to his wife a burgage so situated, between burgages of William Morton on the east and of John Hakelet on the west (471).

There is also the variation ," Durnegate Lane," so named in the grant of a burgage by William Drake on the north side of cujusdam venelle ibidem vacate Durne gate lane {660), but this is a document of much later date, viz., 15th August, 7 Elizabeth [1565].

In the following charter a distinction is drawn between Durnelane, and the lane which leads to la Durnegate.

John Sherere, 3rd January, 1395, bequeaths a burgage in quadam venella vocata la Durnelane ex parte australi illius venelle, inter placeam Johannis Shudde ex parte occidentali et venellam que ducit versus la Durnegate in quodam anguh exopposito tenemento nuper Johannis Warmwelle (17). Durne- lane ran east and west, having tenements on the north and south of it, while the other lane, whatever name it bore, came into it at right angles, with tenements lying on the east and west sides.

Walter and Joan Burgeys convey a burgage on the south side of la Durnelane, between the place of John Shydde on the west, et venellam qua [que] ducit versus la Durgate [sic] in quodam angulo ex opposito tenemento nuper Johannis Warmewell ex parte orientali (245).

By another charter (499) Henry Syvier conveys a burgage in australi angulo cwjusdam venelle in eadem villa que ducit ab aUo vico ejusdem ville in vicum vocatum Durnelane, ex parte occidentali ejusdem venelle,inter hurgagium Johannis Playce ex parte boriali et predictum vicum vocatum Durnelane ex parte australi, ac inter predictam venellam ex parte orientali et hurgagium nuper Radulphi Bedeford ex parte occidentali. The High Street here named is evidently High East Street, from which the lane led into Durnelane, and it is so stated in the certificate of seisin of Thomas Stoyte in the burgage which William, his father, lately had by grant of Henry Syvier in the south corner of a lane which leads ab alto vico orientali . . . in vicum vocatum Durnelane (512).

William Ayssh grants a tenement on the west side of the venella que ducit a vico orientali versus la Durnegate, between other tenements to the north and south (187).

But this lane is also sometimes called Durnelane, as in 91, when William atte Assche grants a tenement on the west side of Durnelane, between burgages on the north and south ; and in 170, where the same tenement is again conveyed.

Henry Durant (287) grants to John Crauel a burgage in venella que vacatur Durngate ex parte occidentali, between burgages of William Bouchere on the south and Henry Crauel on the north.

With this may be compared a sentence in the will of John Shydde (471), who bequeaths unam vacuam placeam, jacentem in Durnegate predicta, between the burgage called Cravellysbern on the south and that of William Morton on the north.

The point in East Street from which this lane started is shown by the will of John Fytheler, A.D. 1395, to have been All Saints' Church, as the lane is called venella que duett ab ecclesia omnium sanctorum versus la Durnegate (i6).

Also John Fyuyan receives a grant, 16 Richard II. [1392-3], of a tenement in quodam angulo ex parte orientali ecclesie omnium Sanctorum et inter viam regis que ducit versus la Durnegate ex parte occidentali (6, c/. 69).

The Lane which leads towards Fordyngton.

There are a few instances in which this name occurs, and it seems to be used for Church Lane. Thus, in No. 448, Robert Stoury grants to Walter and Margaret Baron a burgage with curtilage in East Street, in quadam venella que ducit versus Fordyngton vocata Durnelane, ex parte occidentali ejusdem venelle, between burgages of Richard Vicary on the north, and of Walter Sergent on the south.

Robert and Joan Talbotte release to Thomas Hoskyn all right in a burgage called le Rakehey, on the south side of East Street, between the burgage of William Ployce on the east, and the via regia que ducit a vico orientali usque Forthynton (546)-

Richard Wilmet grants to Thomas Hoskyns and Alice, his wife, a burgage on the south side of Durnelane, between the burgage of Nycolas Molyn on the west, and the via regia que ducit versus Forthyngton on the east (548).

Allhallon Church Lane.

Although this lane, running from East Street, at the west end of All Saints' Church, to Durnelane, is frequently indicated in the documents enrolled in Domesday, it first occurs by this name in a grant made 15th May, 32 Henry VIII. [1540], by John Clerke to John Corbyn, baker, of Belamys bakehouse, situate on the east side of the venella ibidem communiter vocata Alhalon Churche lane, having the King's burgage (late the Abbot of Byndon's) on the north, and the burgage of John Pynge, formerly Margaret Boith's, on the south (600).

The same messuage is conveyed by John Corbyn to another baker, Peter Goodfellowe, l0th January, 4 Elizabeth [1561-2], and its situation is stated as being in venella vocata Alhallen Churche lane in parochia Omnium Sanctorum (648),

The Twelve Men Way.

The name of this lane only once occurs. On 24th February 5 Edward VI. [1551]. John Talbott, of Okeforde Shelynge, conveys to Richard Fevyan,aliter Hoggarde, of Ewerne Mynster a burgage with curtilage in St. Peter's parish, inter tenementum Johannis Stratford ex parte australi, tenementum Johannis Peryn ex parte boriali, viam Regiam ex parte orientali, et viam ville predicte vocatam the Twelve Men Way ex parte occidentali (623).

Perhaps the name may come from the twelve Jurors sworn at the Court of the Town, who went by this way to their place of meeting.


This way has already been several times mentioned as occurring in the phrase, " the North Street which leads towards Glydepath," to which reference may be made.

Its position is further defined in the will of William Stone, sen., who bequeaths to his wife a burgage with curtilage, jacens apud Glydepathe in orientali parte cujusdam vici ibidem vocati Colyncolrew, between the King's burgage, late the Friars Minors', on the north, and the burgage of the Master of the Chapel of St. John on the south {591).


This lane, which must be distinguished from Glydepath, ran into Durnelane from the north, and must have led to it from High East Street. It is only once mentioned in Domesday, viz., in the grant by Sarah Cras of a tenement in quadam venella vocata Durnelane ex parte boriali ejusdem venelle inter tenementum quondam Johannis Pensent nunc vero Johannis Drake ex parte orientali et venellam que dicitur Glidelane ex parte occidentali (389) .

If this lane should be considered identical with Church Lane, its name may be connected with the family of Glide, which had property there at an earlier date. See Nos. 69 and 71.

The North Lane.

Robert Barnes and Agnes, his wife, convey to George Robynson, l0th August, 16 Elizabeth [1574], a burgage and garden on the north side of Durnelane, between the burgage of John Hennyng on the east, and the lane, venellam vocatam the Northe lane, on the west (675). It must have been a lane running northwards from Durnelane towards High East Street, See Glidelane.


William Stone, sen., by his will, dated 17th April, 1542, bequeaths a burgage with curtilage, jacens afud Glydepathe in orientali parte cujusdam vici ibidem vocati Colyncolrew, between the King's burgage, late of the Friars Minors, on the north, and the burgage of the Master of the Chapel of St. John on the south (591).

In the will of Roger Howell, 28th August, 1545, cited in the charter executed by Richard his son, a burgage was bequeathed lying on the east side of it. It is there termed vicus vocatus Collyncolle Rew in Dorchestre (604). In 605, relating to the same property, it is written as " Collencollrew."

Later on James Hyll conveys a burgage with curtilage on the east side , cujusdam vici vulgariier vocati collyncolrewe streate (651).

A comparison of 604 with 597 seems to suggest that Colyncolrew was also called le Northlane.


This lane is frequently named in Domesday, and is variously spelt as Piselane (16), Pisselane (18), Puselane (19), Pusselane (89), Puzelane (117), Pislane (225), Pyselane (241), Pyslane {284), Pyzelane (476), Peselane (583), and Peaselane (618), the last being its latest form.

It ran east and west, from " the Cross which leads towards the Friars Minors " on the east, (132) to the North Street on the west. Its western extremity is thus described in 416, the conveyance by William Portland, alias Hykkes, of a tenement, quod situatum est in vico boriali in angulo ex opposito tenemento Johannis Jurdan et quondam Nicholai Cole in Dorchestre predicta videlicet in parte orientali ejusdem vici ad finem occidentalem venelle vacate Puselane et in parte australi ejusdem venelle vocate Puselane.

In another charter, 607, Richard Howell conveys a burgage in quodam vico ibidem communiter vacate le Peselane ex boriali parte dicti vici inter burgagium nuper Ricardi Haywarde ex parte orientali et viam que ducit ad le glyte pathe ex parte occidentali.

It is identical with Ulnenlane. A later name is Sheep lane.


This lane is named in the will of Henry Duddill, 1399, who bequeathed to his wife a tenement on the north side of it, ex parte boriali venelle vacate la Vlnenlane (52).

In the conveyance of a burgage by William Lytefoot it is termed venella vocata Ilnenelane (100), and in a grant by John Duddill, la Vlnenelane.

Its identity with Puselane is established by No. 418, in which William Portland grants to Peter Skynnere a burgage situate in angulo cujusdam venelle vacate Ilnenlane alias dicte Puselane, and by 476, the will of John Purye, who bequeaths a tenement in venella vacata Vlnenlane alias Pyzelane.

The Market.

In the will of John Syward, sen., the market is mentioned as being opposite to the soil of the Abbot and Convent of Cerne (41), and in a charter by Henry Brouks occurs the market place, forum mercati, from which a street led towards the Friars Minors (62). Elianor, wife of Robert Greynlef, alias Bakere, bequeaths two butchers' shops on the west side of the market, and one other shop in the market (268), and William Payn conveys a tenement with curtilage situate between the tenement of the Prior of St. John, on the east, and the tenement late John Skynnere's on the west, opposite the market place, forum mercati (301).

The position of the market place is defined in 618 by John Hayward selling a burgage on the north side of High West Street, habens ex parte australi locum venalem regium vocatum le merket place, Cimiterium divi Petri ex parte boriali, quandam viam in predictum Cimiterium inducentem ex parte occidentali, et quoddam Burgagium Johannis Lewston generosi ex parte orientali.

Hayward's burgage must have been one of the houses which at one time blocked up the southern side of St. Peter's Church, while the market was held near the crossing at the centre of the town.

Market Street.

This street which, as shown by the position of the houses in it, ran from north to south, is mentioned in a release by which John Nagard, alias Webbe, releases to Peter Goldsmyth, and Scolastica, his wife, a burgage situate in vico mercato, between the burgage of the grantees, and the fabric of the Prior of St. John of Dorchester (122, 124).

The executors of the will of Robert Greynlyf aliter Baker, convey a burgage on the east side of Market Street in vico mercato, between the burgage late of John Prentes on the south, and the burgage late of Robert Crokker on the north (396).

Dorchester Parishes

The Town of Dorchester comprised from early times the three parishes of Holy Trinity, St. Peter's, and All Saints. These parishes, their churches, burying grounds and rectors are from time to time noticed in the Domesday.

Holy Trinity.

In this Church there were two Fraternities, and Thomas Waryn, the Rector, in his will, Wednesday next before the Feast of All Saints, 1441, bequeathed " to the two Fraternities in the Church of Holy Trinity," 6s. 8d. (492).

These Fraternities were that of the Holy Trinity which owned a tenement on the south side of Peaselane (424, 533), and received a legacy of I2d. from Philip Helyer, in 1441 (487), and that of the Blessed Virgin Mary [B.V.M.], to which he also bequeathed the same sum.

Thomas Waryn desires that he should be buried in his church, before the image of the Holy Trinity (492).

The Rectory of Holy Trinity possessed land in les West Walls (367), and a tenement on the south side of Peaselane (459, 473, 492), and a tenement of the Wardens of the Church on the south side of the same lane is mentioned in 534, and a burgage of the Feoffees of the Church on the north side in 639-

The tenement, quod periinet ad ecclesiam S. Trinitatis, on the south side of Peaselane, occurs in 273, and is that which belonged to the Fraternity of the Holy Trinity {see 533).

The exchange of the rectory house for another residence is referred to, post, on p. 610.

Seward's Chantry, founded in the Church of the Holy Trinity, is alluded to in 367, when John and Matilda Artour are the grantees of two acres of arable land in les West Wall', one of which lies inter terram Cantarie Johannis Seward, ex parte occidentali, et terram Rectoris S. Trinitatis de Dorchestre ex parte orientali.

William Tolett and his wife grant a bturgage on the north side of High East Street, between the burgage Cantarie Rogeri Syward on the west, and that of the feoffees of All Saints' Church on the east (514).

In 613 is mentioned the burgagium Cantarie de Dorchester in the parish of All Saints.

St. Peter's.

In the charter of Henry and Joan Gylot is conveyed a tenement, ten feet in length and breadth, situate juxta scalam orientalem Cimiterii ecclesie S. Petri (267). These steps are frequently mentioned.

In this Church were three Fraternities : i, The Fraternity of the Holy Cross, to which John Purye bequeathed 3s. 4^. in 1436 (476), and John Pascowe two ewe sheep in 1473 (567). 2, The Fraternity of Corpus Christi, to which Richard Bryce bequeathed a sheep in 1444 (489), and Thomas Waryn, the Rector, 3s. ^. in 1441 (492). 3, The Fraternity of Blessed Virgin Mary. This Brotherhood was well endowed with tenements in various parts of the town, the Domesday men- tioning them as being in the North Street which led to the Friars Minors (12), the north side of High North Street (132), Street leading from the Market to the Friars Minors {62), south side (22), and north side (220) of West Street, east side (43) and west side {203) of South Street, north side (570) of East Street, south side of Peaselane (416), east side of Dumelane (434)-

Its full title was Fraternitas Beate Marie in ecclesia Sancti Petri in Dorchestre (203), and it is also called the Cantaria beate Marie Sancti Petri (398). It had Wardens for the management of its concerns (508), and an official seal, sigiUum officii senescallorum sive custodum Fraternitatis (560). The grant of a burgage by the Stewards or Wardens, and the confratres of the Brotherhood, may be read in 560, and they are the recipients of a rent of I2d. from a tenement on east side of South Street (164), and of grants, as seen in 431 and 444, and an arbitration, in regard to an annual rent of 5s. due to them, was made 20th November, 32 Henry VI. (576).

Upon the suppression of Chantries, the Burgesses obtained their property by letters patent, ist August, 2 Edward VI. (627), and soon after sold a burgage and garden late belonging to the Fraternity (629).

The Rector of St. Peter's had a tenement on the west side of North Street (5). Richard Hayne bequeathed, A.D. 1413, to his wife, Alice, a tenement on the west side of South Street, rendering yearly for the maintenance of the bell-tower, pro sustentacione campanille, of the Church of St. Peter's, 4?. (244).

All Saints,

The Fraternity of Corpus Christi in this Church is mentioned in the Will of John Welford, 1434, as the recipient of a legacy of 12d, " fratribus Fraternitatis Corporis Christi ibidem" (479).

The Rector of this Church held a tenement on the south side of Durnelane, tenementum quod Rector ecclesie Omnium Sanctorum tenet (47, 50, 447), and the mansio Rectoris ecclesie Omnium Sanctorum on the south side of a lane to which no name is given, is mentioned in 616 and 633.

Tenements belonging to the Church of All Saints on the north side of East Street are mentioned under the name of burgagium Feoffatorum ad opus Ecclesie O.S. {514, 599), pertinens ecclesie parochiali O.S. (570, 650) ; on the south side of East Street, now in the tenure of the feoffees, and late of the heirs of William Hoskyns (634) and pertinens ad ecclesiam, etc. (645) ; on the east side of South Street, burgagium gardianorum ecclesie O.S. (601), and burgagium ecclesie parochialis O.S. (674) ; and on the north side of Durnegate lane (600). A rent charge of 6d. per annum to the Church of All Saints is mentioned in A.D. 1406 (138). See also p. 705.

St. Rowald's Chapel.

This Chapel is spoken of as though it were still standing in 6 Henry IV. [1404-5], when the executors of John Syward, sen., conveyed to John Roggere of Brydeport a burgage on the east side of South Street, of which this chapel formed the southern boundary, in vico australi ejusdem ville ex parte orientali ejusdem vici inter tenementum Johannis Wespray ex parte boriali et capellam quondam Sancti Rowaldi ex parte australi (126).

The same property is again dealt with in 7 Henry V., when John Roger, now called Lord of Bryanston conveys it to George Rushley and Robert Mose, the southern boundary now being described as placiam quondam capelle Sancti Rowaldi, as though the chapel were no longer standing (324, see also 344)-

The Chapel of St. John Baptist.

There were several burgages belonging to this chapel in Dorchester, though the usual name employed is that of the Prior of St. John (e.g., 13, 143, 243, 283, 296, 301, 334, 434), the Prior of St. John Baptist (19), Prior of St. John of Dorchester {3, 14, 84, 94, 122, 130, 158, 288, 330, 488, 545, 650), or Prior of St. John Baptist of Dorchester (193, 224).

The expression. Master of St. John, Magister Sancti Johannis, occurs in 208 and 234, Master of St. John of Dor- chester in 293, and Magister Capelle S. Johannis Baptiste de Dorchester in 519.

That the Prior of St. John and the Master of St. John are to be identified, becomes apparent on comparison of 143 and 234, where the two expressions are used to describe the western boundary of the same burgage situate next la Dumegate.

That the Master of St. John of Dorchester is not to be confounded with the Master of Mayne, the local head of the Commandery of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem at Mayne, is seen from the grant by Alice and Margaret Toly, 17 Edward IV., of a burgage on the north side of High East Street, between the burgage of Sancti Johannis Hospitalis Jerusalem in Anglia apud Mayne Hospitalis ex parte occidentali et burgagium Magistri Sancti Johannis in Dorchestre predicta ex parte orientali (545).

The independence of this Chapel of the Friars Minors becomes apparent in the will of William Stone, sen., 27th April, 1542, 34 Henry VIII., who bequeaths a burgage, etc., at Glydepath, on the east side of a street called Colyncolrew, inter burgagium Domini Regis nuper Fratrum Minorum ibidem ex parte boriali et burgagium Magistri capelle Sancti Johannis ibidem ex parte australi (591). At this date the Friary had been dissolved, and its possessions confiscated, but those of the Chapel of St. John still remained. But a later document (612) recites letters patent, 12th March, 3 Edward VI., which conveyed a burgage late belonging to the Priory of St. John of Dorchester, modo dissoluti, on the west side of South Street.

Tenements belonging to this Corporation were situate on west side of North Street (13, 283), on the east side of North Street which leads towards Glydepath (330, 293, 591), on the south side of East Street (519), on the north side (3, 14, 94, 650, 545), opposite the market (301), and in Market Street (122), next la Durnegate (143, 234, 224), on north side of Dumelane (224, 296), on east side (434), and on the west side {434), in the lane which leads towards the Friars Minors [from East Street] (208), on north side of Ilnenelane (158), or Peasdane (258, c/. 19), on the west side of South Street (334. 488, 193. 612).

The Friars Minors.

The name of this community frequently occurs, but chiefly in connection with a street " which leads towards the Friars Minors." The most interesting allusion is that which occurs in the conveyance by Robert Grey to Thomas and Petronilla Gardyner of a burgage in Dorchester, situate juxta castrum Fratrum Minorum, 2 Henry IV. {yy, cf. 133), between other tenements on the north and south.

A burgage of the Friars Minors on the east side of Freren- lane, is mentioned in the will of Margaret Auden, dated 8th July, 1535. 27 Henry VIII. (579), and another on the east side of Colyncolrew, late of the Friars Minors, in the will of William Stone, sen., 27th April, 1542 (591).

The precinctum Fratrum Minorum nuper dissolutorum occurs in 652, " the river and streame of water running from the Friary Mills in or near Dorchester " in 692, and the Friary wall is the north boundary of a messuage and garden situate on the north side of East Street (699).

Commonalty Land.

Lands and tenements belonging to the Commonalty of the town are occasionally mentioned in the charters. In the North Street which leads towards the Friars Minors was terra communitatis ville de Dorchestre (12). On the east side of Frerenlane was a tenementum communitatis (177, 190, 457), not identical with the preceding.

On the south side of High Street and opposite the Fysheshamdles was a tenementum ville (566, cf. 653, 666), on the east side of South Street a burgagium communitatis Burgi (596, 658, cf. 210), and on the north side of Peaselane a burgagium burgensium (618, cf. 638, 639).

The Liberty of the Town of Dorchester.

This expression is used in No. 191, whereby Richard Bertlot and others release all right in a tenement lying infra libertatem ville Dorcestrie in alto vico orientali ex parte boriali ejusdem vici, though it is not employed in 166, where the same property is , conveyed.

No, 227 is a grant of four acres in la Est Walks infra libertatem ville.

Hutchins' Dorset (Vol. ii., p. 366) states that "The Priory, the north part of Priory-lane, the Castle, and the lime-kills, are in the Liberty of Bindon."

The Pinfold.

The Pound or Pinfold of the town is mentioned as ponfaldum communitatis, in North Street which leads towards the Friars Minors, and opposite the " Cross" {431, 440).

In 1412 Emota, widow of William Pulhare, conveyed a tenement on the north side of Peaselane, bounded by that of John Bomel on the west, and placeam vocatam le Fount ex parte orientali (225).

Robert Coker, goldsmith, had a lease, 13th November, 1604, of a burgage lying on the north part of the North Street, Dorchester, " and next on the north east parte of the pownde there." C. 14.

A plot called Hell Pound occurs in a lease, 7th June, 1746, as the eastern boundary of a messuage in Pease Lane, Holy Trinity parish, and again 28th March, 1785, B. 15, and "near unto a place there (St. Peter's Parish) called Hell pound, on the south side of the Castle," is a description in a lease of 5th April, 1754. B. 64.

The Common Spring.

This is once mentioned in the charter by which John Pascow, Rector of Warmwelle, grants a burgage in St. Peter's parish, erga communem fontem in orientali parte illius vici, between the burgages of St. Mary of St. Peter's Church on either side (544). The name of the street is not mentioned.

A watercourse, viam ague of the Commonalty, is mentioned in 210 as the northern boundary of a curtilage situate on the east side of South Street, and lying versus campum de Este Wall.

1658, Aug. 6. At the request of the inhabitants a well may be dug near the Pound, "so as care be taken for the preservation of children from danger of the said well." C. 15.

The New Bridge.

On 27th October, 7 Elizabeth [1565], Nicholas Martyn of Athelhampston, Esq., conveys seven acres of meadow lying together in le Weaste warde juxta magnum pontem vocatum novum pontem, and on the north side of the stream (662). See ante, p. xxxv.

Moones Bridge.

On a loose sheet, inserted with wafers in C. 7 : – " 1625, A.D. De Recordo in Blandford Sessions vj° die Januarij, Anno R's Jacobi nunc Anglie etc., xxij° - et Scocie lviij°.

Dorsett. Whereas itt hath been heretofore presented that the highway by Moones-bridge, lyinge between the towne of Dorchester and the parish of Charminster, was in decay, and was ordered to be repayred by the parish of Fordington and such other parishes that had grounds lyinge neer vnto the same, Now forasmuch as vppon examinacion it hath been found very doubtfull who should repaire the same way for that diuers parishes haue grounds lyinge in the great common meadow called the West-ward which adioyneth to the said way; And moreover it is conceived that the way ought to bee mainteyned by the County for that itt lyeth within 200 foot of the bridge. Therefore for the avoidinge of the present perrill that may happen to travailers the said way beinge extremely foundrous, many persons havinge been thereby in danger of their lines, Sir Thomas Trenchard and Sir Francis ASHLEY (1569-1635) , Knts., John BROWNE JP (1582-1659) Esq., and other persons wishing well to soe necessary a worke persuaded the towne of Dorchester, the parishes of Fordington, Charmister, Stratton and Grimstone to ioyne in reparacion of the said way, wherevnto they yeilded condiconally that they might not in future bee bound therevnto as a service to bee performed of right, and accordingly they haue ioyned in reparacion of the same way. Itt is therefore now ordered that the said towne of Dorchester nor any of the said parishes of Fordinge- ton, Charminster, Stratton or Grimstone, or any other that have ioyned in the said worke, shall hereafter be chardged with reparacion of the said way by reason of their assistance therein att this tyme, but shall bee as free in that behalfe as if now they had don noethinge therein. Ex* per Ph'um Alexander, deputatum Qerici pads Comitatus."

1631, May 6. £5 to be contributed to Mr. John Browne, towards the reparation of Moones Bridge, and the way adjoining on both sides, though the Town is in no ways chargeable. C. 9,

The Gaol.

[Note:- Link to John Hutchins Account about Dorchester Gaol]

This important institution, though it forms the subject of the earliest document now among the municipal records, does not occur again in the charters till A.D. 1458, when John Mone, Esq., releases all right in a messuage in Dorchester, inter hurgagiwm vocatum la Gowle ibidem, on the west, and the burgage of Paul Bedford on the east (527) ; and John Frampton of Caundell Mersshe demises the same, the western boundary being then described as Gaolem Domini Regis (528), A.D. 1497. In 530(sic) it is said to be on the north side of East Street.

1634, Dec. 19. " It is agreed that the Towne Steward shall deliuer unto Beniamyn Derby five marks wherewith he shall fitt one roome of his howse to make it a strong prison for the Towne." C. 9.

1642, May 18. " For as much as Robert Hoskins hath for diuers yeares held the possession of the old gaole which thes Company conceives to be the Towne land, and therefore it is desired that Mr. Edward Dashwood and Mr. John Bushrode shall view the bownds of the same old gaole, and certifie thes Company what probability there is that the said Hoskins hath any title to any parte of the same gaole. But it as since agreed that Nathaniell Bower shall take hes oportunity to take quiet possession of it." C. 12.

1649, Nov. 31. "To confer with Mr. Richard Scovile, the Towne Clark, at his next coming to Towne, concerning the land which belongs to the Towne, which was formerly the Old Gaole." C. 12.

1775, Aug. 31. The house of Robert Stickland in All Saints' parish, is bounded on the east by Gaol Lane. C. 7.

Les Fyshe shamelles.

These were situated on the north side of the High Street, and are mentioned in the charter of John Pascowe, Rector of Warmwelle, but whether of East or West Street is not stated (566, 568).

The Butchers' Stalls.

These are frequently mentioned, but not in the Domesday Book. See post, p. 493.

The Glovers' Standings.

The glovers held their stalls in South Street. See post, p. 494, note.


Shops in Dorchester several times occur in the Charters. The reversions of three in the High Street, between other tenements on the east and west, are conveyed A.D. 1398 (36). Three other shops standing together on the west side of the

High Street {i.e., North Street), which leads towards the Friars Minors, occur in A.D. 1409-10 (197, 198, 199), and in A.D. 1423 (376). A shop on the south side of High [West] Street is mentioned in A.D. 1409-10 (185), which by a later charter A.D. 1417, is stated to be opposite St. Peter's Church. A shop at the East Gate in 1410 (262) and another in 1500, between le New Inne on the east and Holy Trinity Church on the west (551). Three butchers' shops in 1410 (262), two of which are again mentioned in 1416 as situate on the west side of the Market (268).

Shops under the special name of Les Nyweshoppes are referred to ia No. 12, as situate in the North Street which leads towards the Friars Minors, and opposite the Cross there, and two others, called Les Northshoppes, in St. Peter's parish, were inherited by Sir John Pasco in 1474 (511)-

La Nywehyn.

The New Inn is mentioned as early as A.D. 1398, to indicate the position of a tenement which is said to be situate, ex parte australi alli vici ex opposito la Nywehyn (37), and a similar expression, in alto vico ex opposito Novo hospicio, occurs in 57 and in 76.

Its position is established by a charter of 16 Henry VI. (A.D. 1437), by which Robert Rempston conveys to John Martyn a tenement on the north side of West Street, between the tenement called novum hospicium on the east, and the cemetery of Holy Trinity Church on the west (477), and John Martyn bequeaths it in his will as bounded by hospicium vocatum le New Inne on the east, and Holy Trinity Church on the west (551).

La Dayne.

Several pieces of ground bearing this name are mentioned in the charters.

In 20 Richard II. [1397] William Cole conveys to John 'Joce placea terre vocata la dayne in Burgo Dorcestre in vico australi ex parte occidentali illius vici, lying at the end of the curtilage of the Abbot of Milton on the south, and that of Thomas Bertram on the north (28). It is again mentioned in 212, when John Joce conveys it to Richard Brys, but its southern boundary is then, A.D. 1411, called the curtilage of the Abbot of Byndon.

Once more, in A.D. 1444, it is bequeathed by Richard Bryce to Alienore, his daughter, as vnam quantitatem terre vocatam a Dayne sitam in vico australi ejusdem ville ex parte occidentali illius vici, iuxta camfum de West Wallys, and bounded by gardens of Robert Childecumbe on the north, and of the Abbot of Middleton on the south (489).

Previously, however, A.D. 1423, Alice, widow of John Jurdan, and John, son and heir of John Jurdan, had granted a tenement on the west side of South Street, together with the reversion cujusdam Dayne terre jacentis ad finem occidentalem curtillagii ejusdem tenementi, which may be another property of the same name (369).

In A.D. 1474 Sir John Pasco is placed in possession of " j dayne " with appurtenances in the parish of St. Peter's, which had descended to him on his father's death (511).

In 1482-3 John Hull and Joan, his wife, convey to trustees illud Dayne cum suis pertinenciis jacens in eadem venella vocata Pyselane ex parte australi ejusdem venelle, between burgages of the Fraternity of S. Mary on east, and of the grantors on the west (524).

Lastly in 1545 William Jerard conveys unum Deane or le Deane, with burgage and curtilage attached on the east side of South Street, between burgage of Owin Hayman on the north, and Michael Vase on the south (592). In the List of Lessees of the Town Burgages, 1582 – 1633, mention is made of " a passage called the Dane," in the parish of All Saints. See p. 698.

From the above quotations it would appear that there were several distinct pieces of ground called by this name.


This adjoining parish to Dorchester is rarely mentioned in the charters except as a place of residence.

The bounds of the Lord of Fordyngton, metas d'ni de Fordyngton, are given as the southern boundary of a burgage at the South Gate, and on the west side of South Street in A.D. 1402 (93), and a close of the demesne of Fordyngton " d'nij de Fordyngton " on the east side of North Street is twice mentioned, in A.D. 1439-40 (483), and in A.D. 1482-3 (524).

Fordington Field, campus de Fordyngton, occurs as the western boundary of burgages and gardens on the south side of West Street, conveyed by Robert Martyn of Adel- myston in A.D. 1547 (606).

The " Common Corn Field of Forthington " is mentioned as the south boundary of 2^ acres of land and a house in All Saints' parish, 25th May, 1750.

The Cross.

On three occasions mention is made of the Cross, situated in or near the North Street which leads towards the Friars Minors, but it is not made quite clear whether a crossing of the ways or a structural cross is intended. In any case the situation would be where Peaselane joins North Street, the spot called subsequently Bullstake.

The three occurrences of the name are as follows : –
In A.D. 1395-6 William Wsrther grants a messuage in vico horiali qui ducit versus Fratres Minores inter les Nywe- shoppes ex opposite cruci ibidem inter shoppam Fraternitatis Sancte Marie ex parte orientali et terram Communitatis ville de Dorchestre ex parte occidentali {12).

In A.D. 1405-6 Peter Blount bequeaths a tenement quod situm est ex opposito cruci que ducit versus Fratres Minores et in quodam angulo cujusdam venelle in Dorchestre vacate Puselane ex parte boriali ejusdem venelle et in fine orientali (132).

By a charter from John Jacob, clerk, and Joan, widow of Reginald Jacob, is conveyed in A.D. 1429 to the Fraternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary a tenement in vico horiali qui ducit versus fratres minores ex opposito cruci ex parte horiali, inter tenementum Fraternitatis B. Marie in ecclesia Sancti Petri de Dorchestre predicta ex parte orientali, et Ponfoldum communitatis ex parte occidentali (431).


A place so-called existed in Dorchester A.D. 1401, when Edward Chepman granted to Peter Blount a toft on the north side of Vlnenlane, inter tenementum Thome Gardyner ex parte occidentali, et placeam Roberti Sutton vocatam helle, ex parte orientali (72). It occurs again in 1412, when John Jurdan, sen., and Alice, his wife, who had been wife of Robert Sutton, release all their right in a burgage called Helle in Dorchestre, quondam Roberti Sutton mariti ipsius Alicie (226). See ante, p. 1, for Hell Pound.

Le Rakehay.

A burgage so called, which came into the King's hands through the failure of the heirs of Henry Wooge, was granted by the Bailiffs and the Jurors at the Court held at Michaelmas, A.D. 1481, to Henry Hoskyns and Alice, his wife {547), and the next year all right in it was released by Robert Talbotte and Joane, his wife, late wife of Thomas Russeheton (546). It is there called a toft, on the south side of High East Street, and adjoined the way that led from East Street to Forthynton.

La Pentys.

This is the name of a burgage in Dorchester, 26 ft. long by 8 ft. broad, the situation of which is thus described in a charter dated 1399, Unam placeam in Burgo predicto que vacatur la Pentys sitam in quodam angulo ex opposito angulo Abbatis de Cerne ex parte australi alti vici (53). It had belonged to John Syward, sen., deceased, whose executors conveyed it to John Skynner.

In 1408 John Skynner bequeathed it to his wife, Alice (165), and in 1423 Thomas Oliver, and Alice, his wife, who was Skynner's widow, convey it to John Plays of Sydelyng (382). However, in 1425, Alice Skynner bequeaths it to her husband (388).

Long after, in 1546, Robert Aden bequeathed a burgage on the north side of the High Street, of which a burgage called Le Pentice was the eastern bovmdary (641).

In a lease, 3rd April, 16 James [1618], the town grants to Phillip NichoUs of Dorchester, tayler, the messuage " called the Bow or Pentice house or by whatsoever other name or names the same is now or hath ben called or known," lying on the north part of the dwelling house and shop of William Churchill, gent., now deceased, in St. Peter's parish. C. 14.

The Bow. The Stairs to St. Peter's Churchyard. The Blindhouse

A lease was granted to Robert Coker, goldsmith, 20th April, 16 James [1618], of a chamber and loft already builded adjoining the house of the said Robert Coker on the west side, and to the land of the said Bailiffs and Burgesses called the Bow on theast side, and alsoe all that voyd roome from the Chamber northward ouer the Blind howse and over the staires that doe lead out of the Churchyard of St. Peter's in Dorchester into the streate there," in the parish of St. Peter. C. 14. See B. 35a, and post, at p. 494.

1641, April 9. The Bow or Pentice howse. It is agreed that in regard that the executors or ouerseers of Philip Nicholles hath let the howse or suffered others to enioy the howse called the Bow without license of the Maior and Company and thereby forfeited the same unto the Townehands. It is ordered that a lease of eiectment shall be made and sealed to William Riall and Benjamyn Derby to haue a letter of attorney made to him to deliuer it. C. 12.

1642, Nov. 25. " It is this day agreed with Mr. Gilbert Loder that thear shall be a copie licence granted for the Bow for the price of fine pounds to be paid betwixt this and Christ- tide upon condicion that it be lett vnto a mercer or a draper." C. 12.

1642, Dec. I. " It is agreed that there shall be a chaine prepared and set vp at the Bow and a post to be set vp to receive it, leaving a passage betwene the post and Blindhowse, and that Mr. Savage shall take the care of it, and the iron of the starts that remaine in Mr. Dashwood's hands shall be weighed and deliuered to the smyth towards making of it." C. 12.

1648, June 23. Mention is made of Charles Stone's butcher's standing under the Bow. C. 12.

1649, Nov, 31 {sic). " This day Mr. Robert Coker desired that this Company would giue him a price for the adding of two lines vnto his owne life, vpon the Chambers which he now holds from the Towne which are built ouer the Blindhouse and the Hall stayres." C. 12.

1661, May 31. " It is agreed that Mris. Martha Coker, widow, shall haue the fee of the roomes over the Blindhouse at the fine and for the somme of twelve pounds, vpon con- sideration that shee pretends that there was money due to them for entertayning of Humes in time of the warrs, and pleading also their relation to Mris. Chub, a benefactor to the Towne." C. 15.

1661, June 14. "This day the Companie sealed unto Mris. Martha Coker a deed of the fee of the chamber over the Blindhouse and the staires out of the Churchyard." C. 15. See B. 35a, and post, p. 708.

1747-8, March 23. "It is agreed that the messuage or tenement, called the Bow, within this Borough, lately fallen into the Corporacion's hands by the death of James Bilson, be taken down at the expence of the Corporacion, and for that purpose it is agreed that Elizabeth Hutchins widow, the present tenant thereof, shall forthwith have notice to quit possession of it on or before the 24th day of Tune next." C.27.

In a lease of 25th May, 1761, are mentioned a butcher's shop and room over it, late the Blindhouse, in St. Peter's parish, bounded on the north by the steps leading to the Guildhall, and on the south by Mr. George Arden's corner shop, and another butcher's shop, in the said parish, bounded on the north by John Pouncey's shop, and on the south by the steps leading to the Guildhall. B. 35a and B. 66.

La Northbern.

This burgage, which belonged to Walter Bouer and Sarah, his wife, was situated in Frerenlane, leading from the East Street, having on the north a burgage of the Master of St. John's. It was conveyed to WiUiam Portland in 1411 (208). It is also mentioned as a boundary in 207.


This was situated in Durnegate, and formed the southern boundary of a vacant place bequeathed in 1431 by John Shydde to his wife Cristina (471).

It was doubtless so called from having been the property of Henry Crauel, who, by will in 1416, bequeathed a burgage on the west side of Durnelane, having a burgage of John Shydd's for its northern boundary (289).

La Sienynhouse.

This was a messuage conveyed in 1406 by Cristina, relict of John Godrigge, to William Hore of Bridport. It lay on the north side of West Street {136). It was again conveyed in 1428, by William Hore to trustees (422). It lay between tenements of Nicholas Pires or Pyrys (late John Dodell's) on the west, and Henry Coupere's on the east, and was probably a dyehouse for staining cloth.


This was the property of William Ayssh, and bequeathed by him in 1410 to his wife in reversion after the death of William Tannere who then held it (262). That it was situated on the south side of Durnelane appears from 268, the will of Eleanor, wife of Robert Greynlef, alias Bakere, and formerly wife of William Ayssh.


In 1492 John Pascow, Rector of Warmwelle, grants to Walter Pascow two burgages on the east side of [South] Street bearing that name, ubi plures arbores crescunt, between the burgage of John Martyn on the south, and that of St. Mary in St. Peter's Church on the north. (544).

Wasys. Le Gurnard.

These were two burgages lying together on the south side of High West Street in the following order, from west to east : viz., Laurence Balemer's burgage, Le Gurnard, Wasys, John Williams's burgage, and bequeathed by the will of William Stone, sen., in 1542 (591).

Belamy's Bakehouse.

This was situated on the east side of " Alhalon Churche Lane," between a burgage of the King's, formerly the Abbot of Byndon's, on the north, and that of John Pynge's, formerly Margaret Boith's, on the south. In 1540 it consisted of two burgages, then said to have formerly borne the name of Belamy's bakehouse. In 1561-2 it was again conveyed, and, being held by bakers, was probably still put to this appropriate use.

Abbot of Abbotsbury.

Possessions of this Monastery are mentioned as boundaries of other properties lying on the east side of South Street, in Nos. 15, 81, 299, 560 and 561, on the west side of South Street in 181, 238 and 451, on the east side of North Street which leads towards Glydepath, in 151, and on the south side of East Street in 470, where a burgage is described as lying in the High Street called " Est trete," between a burgage of the Abbot of Abbotysbury on the west, and a lane extending to Durnegate on the east. In a later charter the same is called " the burgage of Roger Stourton and Agnes, his wife, late wife of Walter Eyre, and late of the Abbot and Convent of the dissolved monastery of Abbotisbury " (634).

They are also found on the south side of High [West] Street, opposite the Trinity Church, Nos. 22, 46, 145, 280, 578 and perhaps 517.

Abbot of Bindon.

A tenement was held by this Monastery on the east side of Durne lane (503) and (512). This is probably the burgage in Alhalon Lane mentioned in 600. To this may be added a tenement on the south side of High East Street (no, 385, 401, 436, 464, 471), a tenement on the south side of West Street (157, 363), a curtilage on the west side of South Street (212) ascribed in 28 to the Abbot of Milton, and a tenement there (258, 402).

A messuage with two curtilages adjacent in All Saints' parish, " lately belonging to the dissolved Monastery of Byndon," is mentioned in 654.

Abbot of Cerne.

John Syward, sen., in his will dated 23rd November, 1398, has these words : " I bequeath to the Abbot and Convent of Cerne, my state, right and term which I have in a messuage which I have newly built upon the soil of the Abbot and Convent in Dorchester, in which Robert Deueneshire and Geoffrey Mose now dwell, opposite the Market, to pray for my soul and the souls of my father and mother, according to the conscience of the Abbot and Convent." (41).

In the bounds of " La Pentys," which was also bequeathed by John Syward, it is stated to be situate in a certain corner opposite the corner of the Abbot of Cerne on the south side of the High Street (53). See also 165.

One of the witnesses to the charter of John Frampton of Caundell Mersshe, 12th December, 1479 (528), was Roger Rope, Abbot of Cerne. On reference to the list of the Abbots of Cerne in Hutchins' Dorset (Vol. iv., p. 28), it appears that Roger Bemynster, previously Prior, was licensed to be elected Abbot, 14th February, 1470. The present charter gives his paternal name, which seems otherwise unknown, Bemynster, being the name derived from his birthplace, by which he was known in religion.

Abbot of Milton.

Milton Abbey possessed, according to the charters, a curtilage on the west side of South Street (28),* and a garden near the field of West Walls (489), also on the west of South Street ; a tenement on the west side of Frerenlane (129) ; and a tenement in All Saints' parish, between the burgage of the chantry of Dorchester on the west, and that of the Church of All Saints on the east, late belonging to the Monastery of Mylton, Dorset (613).

• No. 212 substitutes Byadon for Milton here.

Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem at Mayne. The Master or Prior of the Preceptory or Commandery of the Knights of St. John at Mayne, near Dorchester, held several tenements in the Town. They are described indifferently as belonging to the " Master of Mayne " or the " Prior of Mayne," or of " St. John of Mayne," the " Hospital of Mayne," or the " Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem at Mayne." They lay on the north side of East Street (5, 14, 94, 358, 545), on the south side of East Street (115, 171, 175, 347, 624), and on the north side of West Street (220, 235, 406, 489).

No. 643 shews that a messuage and garden belonging to this Preceptory came into the hands of Thomas, Lord Seymor of Sudeley, who was attainted of high treason. They were granted by Robert Barbet, alias Aden, A.D. 1554.

The distinction between the Master of St. John of Mayne and the Master of St. John of Dorchester has already been pointed out.

Prior of Christ Church, Twynham.

A burgage belonging to this religious house was situated on the south side of a lane which leads from South Street towards la Dumegate, and is mentioned in 8, 25, 29, 388, 426.

Feoffees of the Parish Church of Netherbury.

A burgage belonging to these Feoffees, in Holy Trinity parish, situate in the south side of High West Street, is men- tioned as a boundary in a charter (667) granted by Robert Corbyn, 12th February, 14 Elizabeth [1571-2], and previously in another charter of 20th May, 2 Elizabeth [1560] (665).

Among the Netherbury Charity muniments is a power of attorney from John Moustyr, clerk, to John Goldesmyth, of Dorchester, to deliver to Walter Bagge, clerk, and Walter Tracy, or one of them, and their heirs, possession in a burgage with curtilage on south side of West Street, Dorchester, between the tenement of Walter Gaylord on the west, and the tenement of Blessed Mary of Dorchester, on the east, Monday after Michaelmas, 8 Henry V. (A.D. 1420).

Also Robert More, Esq., Thomas Pokeswell, Esq., William Combe, Henry Salesbury, and William Belett grant to William Bugge of Dorchester and Alice, his wife, for life, a burgage on south side of West Street, Dorchester, 14th December, 15 Henry VII. (A.D. 1499). These deeds are printed in Somerset and Dorset Notes and Queries, Vol. vii., pp. 288 and 293-

Feoffees of the Parish Church of Warmwell.

A burgage belonging to these Feoffees, situate on the south side of Durnelane, is mentioned as a boundary in a charter (656), granted by Thomas Wynsor, loth June, 3 Elizabeth [1561].


This is mentioned as the situation of a house purchased in 1652 to serve as a new Parsonage House for the Rector of Holy Trinity Church. See p. 610. Cf. pp. 380–383.

Bowling Alley. (Post Card below is dated October 1903)

Bowling Alley Walks (West Walls)

1635-6, Jan. 20. The inhabitants of Fordington, who have made of late a common trade way over the Bowling Alley with horses, carts and carriages, to be presented at the next Law day. C. 9.

1650-1, Feb. 12. Mention is made of a lease of Widow Woods' in the Bowling Alley. C. 12.

1716, Feb. 26. The Mayor, etc., for £1. 1s. 0d and a rent of one shilling covenant with John Watts, jun., limeburner, that for 99 years or for his life, and the lives of John Watts his son, and Anne Bennett, spinster, his servant, he shall enjoy the herbage of the West Walk, commonly called the Bowling Green, and the South Walk, all which walks are within the ditches of the Borough. John Watts undertaking to keep the trees in good order, without shrouding, lopping or topping any of them, and plant new trees in the room of those that decay, and keep the banks and fences in repair, or feed any cattle upon the walks that will injure or disorder the ground, or hinder any person from walking in the said walks. Signed, John Watts. Seal. Crest, a talbot tripping. B. 66. 1779, May 7. The Bowling Alley Walk is let to Mr. Robert Willis and Mr. Richard Cozens, for a guinea a year from Lady day last. C. 27.

[1737 - Burgage Rates Listing - Ref to "The lands late Chubb's in the Bowling Alley" MRD page 692]

[1798 Of Rebecca Chick, a years rent of the Bowling Alley Walks £2.2.0d. MRD Page 489]

1832, Aug. 13. " It is highly desirable for the public convenience that the Corporation should endeavour to purchase the piece of land belonging to Mr. Pitman adjoining the Bowling Alley Walk, now advertised for sale in lots." (Aug. 21, Mr. Pitman would sell for £1,000, but the Corporation would not go beyond ;£8oo.)

The " Bowllng Alley, or West Walls " occurs in the Survey of Lands of Chubb's Alms House. C. 39. [See p. 702 of Municipal Records of Dorchester where it refers to "Mr W.Templeman lease held at a rent of £4.10.0d for a House and garden in the Bowling Alley or West Walls].

Sawpit Lane and Gallows Hill Lane.

1669, July 2. " Md. that ther being a great flod of water att a backe lane of this towne called the Sawpitt, the which was very dangerous for passengers and for children living there ; itt was att Christ-tide last promised by Mathew Where to take in the said water into his garden, vnder the rent of eight shillings a yeare, but prouided that he keepe the passage open that the water may haue free passage in." C. 15.

Two acres of land bounded on north by Sawpit lane on south by Forthington Field, on east by the Town Lands, and on west by Glebe lands of Holy Trinity, were leased to Mary, Countess Dowager of Abingdon, 28th August, 1749. B.66. (Note:- 1749, Aug. 24. Gallows Hill Close was leased to Robert Loder, gent., for 99 years. C. 27. )

Two messuages, gardens and plot, and ground called Yeats' Close, in All Saints' parish, bounded on north by Sawpit Lane, on south by the walls of the Borough against Fordington Field, on east by part of Sawpit Lane, and on west by lands of Ann, Countess of Abingdon, were leased 20th March, 1783. B. 66. See also Lease of 25th May, 1750. B. 3512.

1784, Oct. 6. "At this Court [of Dorchester Quarter Sessions] was brought an Order (under the Hands and Seals of Edward Cozens, Mayor, and William Templeman, Richard Cozens and William Gundry, four of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the said Borough) made at a special Sessions held in and for the said Borough the twelfth day of May, 1788, setting forth that a certain highway from the place called the Saw Pitt in the parish of All Saints in the Borough of Dorchester aforesaid to a Lane called Gallows Hill, containing in length 430 feet, and in breadth 24 feet, or thereabouts, should be disused and stopt up, and the land and soil thereof vested in Robert Stickland, gent., in lieu of a new highway (more commodious) through the lands of the said Robert Stickland, leading from an old highway there into a Lane called Durn Lane, in parish of All Saints aforesaid, containing 206 feet in length, and in breadth 22 feet, and in recompence and satisfaction of his the said Robert Stickland having taken down and removed a dwelling house and outhouses lately standing at the north end of the said new Highway, and for the land and soil through which the said new Highway is now made and passes, which land and soil of the said old Highway the said Robert Stickland covenanted to accept accordingly, which order was desired to be entered of Record ; this Courte doth thereupon record the same, and the same is hereby recorded accordingly." C. 34.

1786, Aug. 14. "Mr. Robert Stickland, having now proposed both to accommodate the Public as well as himself, and also for the better improvement of the Corporation Lands and Revenues to open a communication from Durn Lane to the West Back Street (which is at present so blocked up as to be very inconvenient to the owners and occupiers of Land and Property there), and also to take in exchange in lieu of such new road the present old road from Gallows Hill Street to the west corner of the cottage (late Cooper's), and to hold to himself so much of the said old road in fee, when thus exchanged, as shall be the measurement of the said new road, and all the other part of the said new road and waste, there to be thrown into and become the lands of the Corporation And further also proposed to pull down the several cottages and buildings, now standing on the lands now held of the Corporation and hereinafter mentioned, and in lieu thereof to erect on such part of the said leasehold premises, as the said Mr. Stickland shall think proper, six cottages to be built with brick or stone and tiled, according to the plan now delivered in to the Corporation and signed by the said Mr. Stickland and the Corporation now present. Such proposal therefore is now approved of," etc. C. 27.

In a licence, 20th July, 1804, to assign a lease of a messuage in All Saints' parish, mention is made of the " Back Lane, heretofore leading to Gallows Hill and now into a street called Charles Street." B. 15. So in a lease, 8th November, 1819, of three new-built cottages, bounded on south " by a lane formerly leading to a place called Gallows Hill, but now to Charles Street." B. 65.


1664, Sept. 23. A house in St. Peter's parish, " over against the Bulstake," is named. C. 15.

In a lease of 29th August, 1777, is mentioned a messuage in St. Peter's parish, " at the higher end of a street or place called the Bull Stake, bounded on west by the common Poimd of the Borough, on north by a close called the Castle, and on south by a street called Bull Stake." B. 65.

The Pillory.

1632, Nov. 8. Henry Kippin, of Ringwood, was threatened with the punishment of the Pillory. C. 8. See p. 662.

1648, April 28. John Cardrow's standing, under the Pillory, is mentioned. C. 12.

Whitewell House.

1665, Nov. 3. Whitewell House in the parish of Holy Trinity occurs in C. 15.

Mount Whittle.

1666, Sept. 14. A house, bearing this name, was leased by the Company to William FACY, alias SCHOLLER. C. 15.

The Thoroughfare,

A messuage in the High Street, parish of Holy Trinity, is described as bounded by the " Thorough Fair " on the west, in a lease of 30th September, 1721. B. 65. A messuage in Holy Trinity parish, on east side of a passage called the "Thorough Fair," was leased 11th July, 1755, and again 4th June, 1789. B. 65. A burgage in the " thoroughfare of Holy Trinity " is mentioned in C. 39. See p. 701.

The Pest House.

1704, April 28. The Pest House, in the parish of Holy Trinity, to be held and enjoyed by the parishioners thereof for seven years, at 50s. rent per annum. C. 7.

Presbyterian Meeting House.

1743, Feb. 6. A messuage on north side of Sheeplane, was bounded on east by the Presbyterian Meeting-house, and on north by the Castle. Lease B. 65. See also Lease of 7th July, 1783.

Quakers' Meeting.

This was situated in the parish of Holy Trinity and paid a rate of 6d. in 1737, being then in the possession of – Antrim, and in 1766 was ordered to be rated, being then held by – Oxford. See pp. 672, 691.

Trinity School.

1748, Aug. I. A stable or fuel house is mentioned on south side of Pease Lane, in Holy Trinity parish, bounded on south by Churchyard and School house of the said parish. Lease B.66.

The Pipe Kiln.

1748-9, Jan. I. The messuage called the Pipekiln, situate at Gallows Hill, having fallen into the hands of the Corporation by the death of Christopher FOY, to be taken down. C. 27.

Engine House.

1777, Aug. 29. "A little room under the messuage called the Engine House " was leased at this date, inter alia, to Joseph, Ivord Milton. B. 65.

The New Walks.

1744, March 30. " That Mr. Cooper, the present Town Steward, doth pay unto Mr. John Pitman ten guineas towards the railing out and compleating the New Walks." C. 27.

1803, June 30. " That the Walks belonging to the Town be repaired under the direction of Mr. Churchill, the Town Steward, and Mr. Willlam Bower." C. 420:.

1817, Jan. 8. " That no tree or trees be cut or shrouded in the Walks round the Town without the consent and direction of the Corporation to be given in writing at a meeting for that purpose. C. 42a.

1829, June 29. " That no person be allowed to open any door or other communication from any property or place into the Walks or either of them." C. 42a.

George Inn.

1620, April 30. A lease was granted to Margarett Chubb, wid., of three messuages, called the George, lying together in the parish of St. Peter's, on north side of High West Street, between the Church and Churchyard of St. Peter's on the east and the dwelling house of Richard BUSHROD [BUSHRODE] (1576-1628) on the west. C. 14.

[Note:- Additional entry made by M Russell OPC for Dorchester:-
1660 - Juliana PERKINS By her will dated 19th January 1656, gave to the poor of the three parishes of Dorchester £100, to remain as a stock for ever, which money was laid out in the purchase of a rent-charge, to be issuing out of certain messuages, burgages, tenements, called by the name of 'The George', in Dorchester, and at the date of the indenture, 9th April 1660 , in the tenure of John COBB Innkeeper. Source John Hutchins page 399]

1766, July 22. In a lease of a corner shop in St. Peter's parish, on north side of High West Street, the boundaries are a tenement formerly called the George Inn on west, and St. Peter's Churchyard on north. This inn is frequently mentioned.

Queen's Arms.

1696, March 9. A messuage in Holy Trinity parish, on north side of High West Street, adjoining the Queen's Arms on the east, is mentioned in a lease of this date (B. 64), but the Corporation agreed to grant to William Bower, Esq., a lease of a dwelling house called the Queen's Arms, in Pease lane, 12th August, 1807. C. 42a.

Half Moon.

1743, Feb. 6. A messuage on north side of Sheeplane was bounded on west by William Pate's malthouse, on north by the Castle, and on east by the Half Moon. B. 65.

White Hart.

1753, March 29. In All Saints' Parish, bounded on west by the Common Gaol of the County of Dorset, on east by the Great River, and on south by High East Street. B. 65.

Green Dragon.

1754, April 5. A messuage in All Saints' parish was bounded on east by the backside leading to the Green Dragon, on north by part of the same, and on south by the Back I^ane to Gallows Hill. B. 64.


1757, Jan. 31. " The messuage, called the Mermaid," was situate on south side of High West Street.


1759, Jan. 27. The passage to the Greyhound Inn is mentioned as the eastern boundary of a messuage in High South Street, St. Peter's parish.

Other inns are mentioned in the Burgage List, 1737. See post, p. 690, sq.

It will be unnecessary to carry this Introduction further, though it might have been extended without difflculty, and the Reader is now referred to the succeeding pages wherein he will find an opportunity provided for studying the life of the Borough from various points of view. A full account of the "Dorchester Domesday" is given at page 91.

The multitude of details which required attention has rendered the arrangement and classification of the materials no easy task. Nevertheless, the Editor ventures to express the hope that the result may be deemed satisfactory, and that the Calendar of Documents and the Index, to which he has devoted much time and close attention, will be found useful to those who may have occasion to consult them.

Charles Herbert MAYO MA. (Vicar of Long Burton with Holnest Dorset), June, 1908.

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