Survey of Messuages & Mills situate
in the Parish Of Holy Trinity Dorchester ats in the Parish of Fordington
taken in 1650

(Link to Survey Fordington Manor 1650)

© Compiled and transcribed by Peta Winzar 7th Jan 2024

Extracts from UK National Archives - Kew.

E317/Dors/19  The National Archives – Kew. Exchequer. Office of First Fruits and Tenths, and the Court of Augmentation. Trustees for Crown Lands and Fee Farm Rents.
Parliamentary surveys. DORSET. Dorchester: Survey of the West Mills in the Parish of Trinity or Fordington [1650]


Folio f1

Transcription of Cover

West Mills

Maj Car. regis


Recd the 6th. Of Novembr : 1650
Transmitted to the S____  G____
the same day
Returned the xith of November


Folio 1

Folio f1

Transcription of Folio 1

West mills and
ptinente cus











A survey of all those Messuages and Mills wth their
appurtenances comonly called West Mills Situate and beinge
in the Parish of Trinity in Dorchester ats in the pish
of Fordington in the County of Dorsett late pcell
of the possessions of Charles Stewart late prince
of walles & Duke of Cornwall, ___ pcell of the
possessions of the Dutchy of Cornwall, made
and taken by the whole manor are hereunto
subscribed by vertue of a Comon granted
to and by the Honoble the Trustees xx
appoynted by Act of the Comons
assembled in Parliamt for sale
of the Honole Mannr and
Lands heretofore belong
ing to the late King
Quene and Prince
undr their hands
& seales.


All that Messuage and Dwelling house wth thappurtenances Comonly
called the West Mill house situate & being w/thin the pish of Trinity
ats in Fordington in the County of Dorsett and x
adjoining to the West Mills being anew howse built of ffreestone
and coudred wth slate & in good repaire consisting of a Hall
Parlour and kitchen and other necessary roomes below staires
with three chambers besides Closetts and Garretts above staires
together with a garden bakside and yard and alsoe affaire
barne standing in the said yard and neare unto the sd howse
All wch sd Messuage, garden, backside the barne wth 4 cowe gates & pasture for 160 sheepe wee estimate
to bee worth p ann __________________________________________














 _ _
















Millers House
and Mille


All that small messuage & tenemt wth thappurtenances Comonly
called the Millers house situate and being wthin Trinity pish ~
ats the Parish of Fordington afforesaid and Neare unto the ~
last recited messuage consisting of two rooms below stairs
besides necessary rooms and two Chambers above stairs   x
wth a small stable and outhowses & garden and backside thereunto
belonging to and adioyning together wth two water grist Mills
there unto adioyning and situate betweene the sd howse and
the Messuage before menconed & upon the streame called ~
Moones Bridge Rivr neare Dorchester afforesd All wch sd small Messuage
outhowses, garden backside & water grist mille wee estimate to be worth p ann




_ _





Mohun’s Bridge

Folio 2

Folio f1

Transcription of Folio 2

Carter Cottage

All that Cottage and tenemt wth thappurtenances situate   x
lying and being in the Parish afforesd newly erected Consisting
of two roomes below staires and two above wth a small garden
plott, and a plott of ground now inclosed made into a garden
and adioyning to the said cottage and garden Abutted on the
East by the cottage afforesd on the south and west by the   x
towne feilds of Fordington And on the North by the Highway
Leading from Mayden Newton to dorchestr containinge by
estimacon and area wch wee estimate to bee worth p ann _________



01: 0: 00



LIS [?]




All those peeces and pcells of Meddow or Marsh grounds wth the
appurtenances comonly called the west mill haws situate lying
and being in the Parish afforesd and neare unto the Mills and   x
Messuages afforesd, Abutted on the west by the mill streame
and the Meddow ground belonging to Sr John Strangewaies, on the
North by the Meades comonly called the west wards ats the west
meade and a streame called the spring on the East by Moons
Bridge and Moones bridge river and the Highway from Dorchestr
to Charminster And on the South by the Millers house & garden
and the Mill Streame contayning by estimacon seaven acres
All wch wee estimate to bee worth p ann _______________________




07 : 0: 00









The Croft

All that Close and pcell of meddow ground wth thappurtenances   x
comonly called the Croft, situate lying and being in the pish
afforesaid and Neare unto the Messuage and barn afforesaid   xx
Abutted on the East by the Mills Messuage and barne afforesaid
on the South and west by the comon feilde belonginge to   xxx
Fordington comonly called pumberry ffeild And on the North
by the Mill streame afforesd contayning by estimacon
one acre and a yard which wee estimate to be worth p ann ________


Memorandum that the occupier of
the Meddow or Marsh lands menconed
and recyted before the croft last set
downe, doo not enioy the sole profitt
of the same, but oneli share and goe;
and after the first cropp the same
lyeth comon wth the other Meades  x
called the west wards ats the west
meade wherin the occupier of the saide
Mills & lands have comon for their catle
with other tennts of Fordington & other
wch enter comon there. /



01: 1: 00














Pcells =parcells

Folio 3

Folio f1

Transcription of Folio 3






West mill

All that Close & pcell of pasture and Arable land with the
appurtnenances comonly called West mill close situate lying
and being in the parish afforesd, Abutted on the East by a lane
leading from Dorchester to Charminster on the South by the
highway leading from Dorchester to Mayden Newton on the west
by the Comon feild called pumberry afforesd And on the North
by the mill streame containing by estimacon tenn acres
which wee estimate to bee worth p ann __________________________



10: 0: 00




Arable Land /


All those peeces or pcells of Arable grounds with thappurtenances
situate lying and being dispse  in the towne feilds belonginge
to Fordington vizt one pcell containing by estimacon one
yard and half of Land lying together in Luscombe bottome  x
one pcell containing by estimacon two arable and half, And
one pcell containing two yards both wth two last recyted pcell
lying in Luscombe bottome afforesd, Alsoe one pcell containe
ing by estimacon seaven acres and half lying in the Sleade
And one pcell containing by estimacon five acres lying on the
North side of the way leading ffrom Dorchestr to Bridport And
half an acre lying on the South side the said way And one
pcell containing by estimacon five acres lying at a place
called Short brook, And one pcell containing by estimacon
seaven acres lying at a place called Clanbulwarke, And one
pcell containing by estimacon five acres lying at a place
called Bush way, And one pcell containing two yards, And
one pcell containing by estimacon two acres and half ~
both wth said last pcells are situate in a place called tiddon xx
bottome,  And one pcell containing by estimacon one acre
lying at a place called Radle bottom, And one pcell cont
by estimacon one acre lying in well bottom, And one pcell
containing by estimacon one acre lying in a place called
Burleton, And one pcell containing by estimacon two x
acres and half lying at a place called Lewell hedge, And one
pcell containing by estimacon half an acre lyinge at ~
a place called Mumberry, And one pcell containing by est:
half an acre lying at a place called Newlands, And one
pcell containing by estimacon half an acre, And another
pcell containing half an acre both wch pcells are lyinge
in a place called Stowbridge bottome, And alsoe one pcell
of ground containing by estimacon half an acre lying
neare Melcombe way All wch said pcells containing
in toto by estimacon fforty foure acres one roode and
twenty pches wee estimate to bee worth p ann ____________________











44: 1: 20











Folio 4

Folio f1

Transcription of Folio 4





Arable land

All those peeces and pcells of Arable ground wth thappurtenances ~
situate lying and being dispsed in the towne fields belonginge
to ffordington afforesaid, vizt: one pcell containing by estimacon
seaven acres lying at a place called Tiddon hill, And one pcell
containing by estimacon one yard lyinge in Lawrence barrow
And one pcell containing by estimacon two acres and half
and one other pcell containing by estimacon one yard both lying
in a place called yarden, And one pcell containing by est:
two acres and half lying at a place called Mamberry, And one
pcell containing by estimacon one acre lying below Mamberry
And one pcell containing by estimacon one acre, and one
other pcell containing by estimacon half an acre, both ~
lying neare Melcombe highway, And alsoe one pcell cont:
by estimacon half an acre lying at a place called Rudlands
And one pcell containing two acres lying in waterlands
And one pcell containing by estimacon on acre lying in
west Mamberry All wch said pcells containing in toto ~
eighteen acres & two yards wee estimate to bee worth p ann________






18: 2:0










Memorandum that all the sowall pcells of arable
ground last recyted are plowed only yeare according
to the custome & usadge of the said ffeild /




And all waies passages Liberties, privileges, jurisdictions
pfitts Commodities, advantages And all neare waters xx
water courses, dams, ffloodgates, sluces, ffishinges and
appurtenances whatsoever to the said Messuages Mills and
Lands or wth them or any of them heretofore used occupied
and enioyed as part pcell or member of them or any
of them. /



Miller Claime

All wch said Messuages and Mills and Lands before menconed
wee find in the tenure and occupation of Leonard Miller who holds the same by indenture under the duchy seale dated the 20th of Novemr
22 Jacobi [1625] whereby Prince Charles as Duke of Cornwall for  xx
one hundred and sixty pounds in name of a ffine grants unto
Leonard Miller his Executir and assignes All that tenement and
half of one tenemt and too water mills called west mills
wth their appurtenances wthin the Lordshipp of ffordington  xx





Folio 5

Folio f1

Transcription of Folio 5





Reserved rent

In the County of Dorset And all that ffishing of the severall ~
waters in Fordington vizt: ffrom West Lodgate unto the
End of a Close situate on the East part of the said Mills
And all Lands Meddowes pooles, rivers, wharves, Soall suite
and Mulketures of the said tennts of the mannr of ffordington
as pcell of the Duchy of Cornwall; Except all great trees
timber trees, wood and woods, mines and quarries of
Habendum for ninety yeares if Leonard Miller Wm Miller
and Mathew Miller sonnes of the said Leonard or any of
them shall soe long live, paying therefore yeare the some
of ffive pounds at Michl and Lady day in equall ptions
and after the death of any of the said psons the some of
fforty shillings in name of a Heriott, wth proviso upon
non payment of the rent wthin 30 days and the Heriott
wthin 40 dayes after the said dayes then this grant to
bee voyd wth covenant to doo suit of Court at the Courts
holden for the Mannr of Fordington, And sufficently to
repair all the buildings, inclosures, ffloodgates and weares
and appurtenances at his owne xp costs and Charges and to
leave them in good repair, having if any bee Competent
howse boo_  by assignment of the Steward of ffordington allowed
And to deliver wthin two yeares and alsoe Every ten yeares
a pfect survey or terrar of the prmses, And not to plow
any of the Meddow, pasture or sheep walkes, And to ~
plant yearely five trees of oak, ash, or Elme, and to  xx
Enroll his grant wthin six months on the paine of x
five pounds.








Leonard Miller deede
Memorandum that the said ˄hath noe
Enrolmt endorced therupon . by~
Reason wherof the sd Leonard Miller ~
hath forfeyted the some of wch according to the Covnt:

Memorandum that the tennantes of~
ffordington are to grind their Corne  x
for their necessary uses at the said

Memorandum that the foresaid x
Leonard Miller aged 45 yeares &
William Miller aged 41 yeares  x
and Mathew Miller aged 33
yeares are all living.

[Note:- Leonard MILLER left a Will dated 1st July Sep 1654 PROB 11/241]



Mulketure, or mulcture or multure - A fee for grinding grain at a mill [www.Merriam-Webster.com ]

part of a contract that deals with property rights, interests, and other aspects of ownership given to one of the parties to a deal, often the lessee


Folio 6

Folio f1

Transcription of Folio 6







Memorandum that there belongeth unto the
said messuages and Lands the Right and
privilege of keeping foure Cowes in the
Comon pasture called the More at such
times and seasons as the tents
of Fordington doe usually depasture their
cowes there And alsoe of keeping 168
sheepp in the Comons and feilds belonging
to the said mannr of Fordington together
with the said tennts As also privilege of
ffishing, All wch wee have Considered in the
valuation of the messuage and dwellinge
house and appurtenances before menconed.

The Reserved Rent per ann is___________________
Totall of acres are ____________________________

Totall improved value and ______________________

This survey was perfected this
Second of Novembe: 1650 by us. Vizt:

Samuel Cottman

Exip  Will; Webb  Joh Haddock









2: 0: 20


Jeremie Baines

















End Notes

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