
Index of Wills & Letters of Administration 1401-1955

©Transcribed by Michael Russell OPC for Fordington August 2007

If you are aware of other Fordington Wills in the National Probate Calendar etc which are not listed below please make contact

Attribution - Picture by Freepic

Last Updated Oct 2024

[545 Records]

Note: Prefix BPC = Index to Dorset Wills and Administrations in the Probate Registry at Blandford, Dorset: -- Prefix DHC Copy held at the Dorset History Center Dorchester most of these are now (Oct 2012) available to members of -- Prefix P = Wiltshire & Swindon Archives and are increasingly (2018) available on -- Prefix PCC= Prerogative Court of Canterbury and Prefix PROB = Wills available on line at the National Archives -- Prefix SPC = Calendar of Dorset Wills and Administrations in the Salisbury Probate Court. and are increasingly (2018) available on select Card Catalogue - insert in Title box 'Wiltshire' press enter - Select file 'Wiltshire, England, Wills & Probate, 1530-1858'

Note: I have tried to scan the National Probate Calendar (now 2011 available on which covers post 1858 wills for the whole country, but you cannot search it by Parish making the finding of wills a very long arduous task. Despite having looked for over 1,000 known adult burials in the index I am sure there are many hundreds there that I missed either because we dont have the burials for that year or because the name has been spelt differently in the index. Please therefore check the calendar yourself for the burial that you are interested in and if you find a registration let me know so that I can add it to this listing.

Note: The dates given are likely to be the date of probate or when administration was issued rather than date of death. As such deaths are likely to be in that year or the year before, but can be many years earlier. I have also carried out a quick check against surviving Parish Burial Registers for a couple of years before the year given below and commented accordingly. Many of these Wills & Administrations have been indexed separately by Dorset and Wiltshire Record Offices so they will show the SPC as well as P reference numbers. These indexes are not identical. Wiltshire for example tends to include the persons trade.

Note: Some Wills are listed here for years where no parish register has survived and may be an indicator that they died recently in the Parish. The Wills themselves or comments made on the bottom or reverse of the will may reveal more detail about actual date and place of death and of course hopefully family relationships. Where wills are available on line I have tried to scan them and list beneficiaries and other important facts mentioned in the wills. The fact that someone was from Dorchester does not necessarily mean that they died there & may account for there being no entry in Dorchester's Parish Registers.

NOTE: If you have a copy of any of these wills (which are often difficult to read) I am willing to transcribe it properly for you in exchange for permission to display the transcription on this site. Please make contact by email at-- russellmike1946[insert the @ symbol here] -- please state "OPC Dorchester/Fordington" in the subject line.

NAME DATE Ref Comments
Will of Henry WYTYNG [WITING] of Fordington 20 Mar 1409 MRD 204-[1410] [Note:- Parish Registers do not start until 1577] - See Municipal Records of Dorchester Wills and Charters number 204 - left a tenement situate on the south side of Durnelane, between the tenement formerly of John Glouer, and the tenement formerly of Walter Wittok, to Henry Towker, of Fordyngton, and Edith, his wife,
Will of John BYSSHOP (©Bishop) of Fordington 1424 MRD 386 [Note:- Parish Registers do not start until 1577] - See Municipal Records of Dorchester Wills and Charters number 386 - left a tenement on the south side of West Street Dorchester to his wife Joan
Will of John WAKERYNG [WAKERING] prebendary of Fordington and Bishop of Norwich 1425 Dorset Wills & Admons 383b Chichele, Pt. 1 1425 [Note:- Parish Registers do not start until 1577]
Will of Walter BARON of Fordington 18 Mar 1440 MRD 486 [Note:- Parish Registers do not start until 1577] See Municipal Records of Dorchester Wills and Charters number 486 - Buried in St Georges churchyard - To John, my elder son, and his heirs, my tenement with curtilage in East Street, Dorchester, Residue to Margaret, my wife, and John, my son
Will of Robert GOULDE of Fordington, Dorset

[Note:- Parish Registers do not start until 1577] asks to be buried at St Georges Church in Fordington
Dated 14 August 1558
Probate 14th Jun 1559
PROB 11/42B WILL: To be buried in the churchyard of St Georges Church Fordington: To church 6s 8d: To brothers daughter Johanne GOLDE [GOULD] that dwells with me £10 which I had with her that was her fathers bequest; To the church of Minterne 3s 4d ; To the curate there 12s ; To John GOULDE my brothers son 20s and five sheepeach Lawrence BAGWELL and John BAGWELL my sisters children 4 sheep each To my sister Agnes BAGWELL 20s; To Johane RYALL my godson 1 sheep; to any of my godchildren 4d; to Thomas AUSTIN one russett coat one pair of hose & one shirt; To Walter WYNDSOR one of my ? and a peck of wheat ; To Edith BUNN my servant fuke? of malt; To John CARTER my servant 4 sheep; to the vicar of Fordington my godly fathger to pray for me 3s 4d; To Elizabeth COLLYNS [COLLINS] my servant one sheep; To my servant Thomas TAPPE [TAP] 2 sheep; To any one of the children of Robert ATWALL?? at Portland one sheep; ; The Rest to to be equallyt divided between my wife Elizabeth and my 2 daughters Johanne [Jane] GOULDE and Alice GOULDE who are made executrixes ; Overseers fatithful friend Morgan HAYNE, John BAGWELL and John ZEGAR [SEAGER] Witnesses Sir Roger Crokett vicar ; James BETYSCOMBE; William HUNKNETT and Henry CHOUNTE

Letter of Administration of Nicholas COSYNS [COSENS] of Fordington

[Note:- Parish Registers do not start until 1577]

16th Dec 1562 SPC 1562 1 4 :P5/1REG/4B Available to view under Wiltshire Wills written in Latin. Approx translation:- 16th day in the month of December in the year of our Lord 1562 Administration of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of Nicholai [Nicholas] COSYNS of the parish of Fordington deceased --- who died intestate --granted to Edith COSYNS Alias KYNG [Note probably because this is married surname] the natural daughter of the deceased

Will of John TUCKER of Fordington

[Note:- Parish Registers do not start until 1577]

Dated 3 Dec 1565 SPC 1565 1 69: P5/1REG/68D Will: my body to the Christian Burial of the parish of Fordington; to the poor mens box 2s ; To son John TUCKER a cart with one horse to be delivered to him after the decease of my wife Ellyn Tucker: Itm I bequeath to my daughter Jone Combes my best great brass pot. Itm I bequeath to my daughter Thomasin my second great brass pan : Item To my daughter Elizabeth a cow; Itm to my daughter Katherine WINSOR 3 sheep; Itm To my daughter Agnes CLERKE 2 sheep Itm to every one of the children of John TUCKER, Katherine WINSOR, Agnes CLERKE 4d each. The residue of all my goods both moveable and unmoveable after my debts & funeral charges paid I give & bequeathto my wife Ellyn TUCKER which said Ellyn I do also make and appoint the only and whole executrix of this my last will and testament. These witnesses Roger CROCKETT Vicar, there [i.e. Fordington] Robert BUNE; Katherine WYNDSOR & Jane Hucklebridge witnesses: Probate of the written testament of John Tucker of Fordington deceased approved before Magistrate John James Doctor of Law officer for the Dean of Sarum on 20th day [month is not clear but judging by the date order sequence in which they were recorded probably jan to march 1565/6]

Letter of Rober BURNE [ BUNE ] of Fordington

[Note:- Parish Registers do not start until 1577]

Dated 6 Oct 1566

Wiltshire Archives

SPC 1567 2 16: P5/1REG/66E

Ancestry Image 292 of 383

[Note:- In Latin needs a proper translation - Ancestry have indexed under Robert BRUNE. I am not aware of a Brune Family in Fordington at this date but there is a large Family with the surname BUN which is often spelt BUNE or BUNN or BUNNE etc ]

6th day in the month of October Anno Domini 1566 ----- credits of Robti [Robert] BUNE --of the parish of Fordington within the peculiar jurisdiction of the Dean of Sarum -- Roger SEAGER ? [See also entry 28 May 1567 below]

Will of Rychard [Richard] PORTER of Fordington

[Note:- Parish Registers do not start until 1577]

Will dated 5 May 1567

Proved 28 May 1567

Wiltshire Archives


SPC 1567 2 16: P5/2REG/17A

Will: my body I bequeath to the Christian burial in the churchyard of Fordington;
To the poor people within the parish of Fordington 10s;
To the prisoners of the jail of Dorchester 12s.6d ;
To the Alms House in Dorchester 12s6d;
To Marion my wife £16. 13s 4d all such goods as she brought with her to me when I married her; I will that the said Marion my wife shall occupy one of my featherbeds to lye upon so long as she shall dwell within the house, and I will that the said featherbed to remain to my executors;
To the reparation the church of Fordington 20s? ;
To Florence and Gertrude the daughters of Roger PORTER late deceased £10 each when aged 18;
To my brother William PORTER 13s 4d.
To my sister Alice STIBY 13s 4d;
To Agnes & Margaret the daughters of John PORTER my son now deceased a pair of jewel? beads to be equally divided between them and £5 each when they reach the age of 18;
To Jone RASKER my godaughter 1 live sheep;
I give to Roger CROCKETT Vicar, there [i.e. Fordington] 13s 4d;
To each of my godchildren 14s;
Residue of all my goods moveable and unmoveable after my debts and funeral paid and discharged I give and bequeath to Richard PORTER son of the said John PORTER deceased which said Richard I do ordain & make the only executor of this my last will and testament. He adds a proviso that he must survive 19 years from the date of his will and if he dies before then his estate goes to Agnes his sister and if she dies to his sister Margaret.
Appoints his well beloved friends John SAMWAYES of Toller Richard GARLAND Roger SEAGER William COSON and William RASKER to be overseers who are paid 13s. 4d each
Witnesses Sir Roger CROCKETT, Richard GARLAND Roger SEAGER William COSON the elder and William RASKER---PROVED 28th May 1567

[Note:- Agnes PORTER died a spinster and was buried at St Georges Church in Fordington on 24th April 1586 leaving a nuncupative will dated 21st April 1586. Richard PORTER her sibling died in 1581 also leaving a nuncupative will dated 24th Feb 1581/2 Their sister Margaret PORTER married Thomas BELMAN at St Georges Church in Fordington on 12th Oct 1578]

Will of John BARNES of Fordington

[Link to his place in the account of the BARNES Family of Fordington]

[Note:- Parish Registers do not start until 1577]

[Note:- Robert BARNES the Overseer who also witnessed the will was a close relative of John BARNES . See His Will dated 27th Mar 1587/8 with Inventory and probate 10th Apr 1588.]

Dated 7th Feb 1566/7

Proved 28th May

Wiltshire Archives

SPC 1567 2 15:


Ancestry image 59 of 537

WILL: BARNES: In the name of God Amen the seventh day of February in the year of our Lord 1567 I John BARNES of Fordington in the peculiar jurisdiction there , sick in body but of good and perfect remembrance (thanks be to God) Do ordain and make my Testament containing my Last Will in manner and form following

First:- I give and bequeath my soul into the hands of almighty god my creator only redeemer & Saviour, And: my body to be the ecclesiastical burial of my parish aforesaid [Fordington]

Item: I bequeath to our Lady church of Sarum 4d
Item: to the church of Fordington half an acre of barley
Item:To the poor mens box in Fordington 7d
Item:I bequeath to my son William Barnes Senior a cart with one cart horse to be delivered him immediately after the decease of my wife and not before, And - if it fortune the said William to dye before he do enjoy the above said cart and horse then I will my son William Barnes Junior (assumed grandson) to enjoy the same at such time as is above expressed and not before
Item: To every one of my daughters two sheep each
Item: To every of my sons two sheep each
Item: To my daughter Dorothy one brass pan containing abt 6 gallons in measure
Item: To my daughter Thomasyn [Thomasin] one brass crock of two gallons
Item: To my daughter Eme one kettle containing about 6 gallons
Item: The residue of my goods movable and unmovable I give and bequeath to my wife Christian which the said Christian I do ordain and make the only and whole executrix of this my last & Testament
Item: I do ordain and appoint my trusted and well beloved bretherin Robert Barnes & William Cossens the elder to see this my present testament and last will to be well and faithfully performed & done
These Witnesses Roger Crockett Vicar, William Cosen, Robert Barnes & Ambrose Hunt with others
Proved 28th May 1567

Administration of Robert BRUNE [BUNE] of Fordington

[Note:- Parish Registers do not start until 1577]

28 May 1567

Wiltshire Archives

SPC A 1567 1 76:


Ancestry image 337 of 383

Note:- Written in Latin needs proper translation. - [See also entry 6th Oct 1566 above]

----28th day of the month of May in the year of our Lord 1567 [by these] presents administration of the goods and credits of Robt BUNE of the parish of Fordington in the peculiar jurisdiction of dean of Sarum before magistrate John JAMES Official of dean ---- something about care during their minority --- William; Byeir? ; Robert; udyaate? Elizabeth and Agnes children? of the deceased Roger SEAGER [My best guess is that Robert BUNE probably died intestate 6th Oct 1566 & Roger Seager is appointed administrator of his estate and bound to see his children Elizabeth and Agnes maintained and educated to the extent that his estate will allow. - See also entry 6 Oct 1566 above]

Will of John WALDRON or WALROND of Fordington in Dorset; Bovye in Devon and Charde in Somerset

[Note:- Parish Registers do not start until 1577]

[ Note:- Buried at Seaton]

Dated 7 Jan 1563

Probate London 14th May 1567
Note: PCC record shows:- 1567 Waldron, Walrond, John, the yonger, esquire, Bovye, Devon; Fordington, Charde, Somerset 16 Stonarde WILL:- Dated 7th day January AD 1563 I John WALRONDE of Bovye in the County of Devon the younger Esquire being of whole remembrance and perfect memory do make and declare this my last will and testament as followeth;
First I give and bequeath my soul to Almighty God my maker saviour and redeemer by whose death only I hope for remission of my sins and my body to be buried in the parish church of Seaton
Unto the poor men chaste of which parish church I give 6s 8d and likewise to the poor men of chaste of Bere Chappelin the said parish 6s 8d
Item I give and bequeath to Marie my daughter at the day of her marriage £40 so as she be ordered and ruled in her marriage by her mother my executrix and overseers or else if she not be ruled by my said executrix and overseers as aforesaid that thenj she to stand to the reward of my said executrix and overseers
Item: I give and bequeath to Elizabeth my daughter at the day of her marriage forty marks so as she be likewise ordered and ruled as aforesaid by my said executrix and overseers;
Item: I give and bequeath to Jane my daughter at the day of her marriage twenty pounds so as she be likewise ordered and ruled as aforesaid ;
And that Johane my wife to fund all my said daughters until their marriage according to their degree
Item: My will is that Johane my wife shall have the occupation of my house in South Petherton and of all the ground thereunto belongiong during all my term and interest for term of her life if she so long happen to live.
And if the said Johane happen to die within the said term then after her decease I will that during the residue of the years then to come that Edward my son shall have the occupation of all my said house and grounds before rehearsed toduring the said time if he so long shall happen to live.
And if it fortune the said Edward to decease before the expiration of the said term that then I will that Richard my youngest son shall have the residue of the said term and years then to come to him and his assigns.
My will is that George ROGERS, William POLE, Elizabeth HOLCOMBE Esquires and James ASHE and their heirs and assigns my Feoffees of all my messuages lands and tenements rents reversions and suites with their appurtenances in Bovye, Seaton, Coliton, Bramscombe, that belongeth also Camberawe and Brodecliffe in the county of Devon and all mt messuages lands tenements rents reversions and hereditaments in FORDINGTON and Charde in the County of Somerset with their appurtenances after my death shall stand sealed of all the same --- to the use of Johane my wife during her life if she so long shall continue sole and unmarried to the intent that she shall fullfill all covenants grants and agreements contained or specified in Indenture bearing date the 5th day of Nov in the forth and fith year of the reign of the late King and Queen Phillip and Mary between Thomas DUPORTE and William BEVYN of the one part and me the foresaid John WALRONDE and Humphrey WALRONDE my brother of the other part made on behalf of me the foresaid John & Humphrey etc etc Johame appointed executix.

Will of Katherine WINDSOR or WYNSOR of Fordington

[ Note:- Before the start of Parish Registers - No reference to a husband in her will assumed she is a widow leaving 6 children. See comments below - she was the widow of a William WINSOR ]

[Note:- Link to 1600 Survey of Fordington Manor when Nicholas his holding a whole plcae in Fordington Fields by copyhold grant dated 1583/4 and to comments made by Peta Winzar:- "In the 1607 Survey, his holding is described as Nicholas Wynsor, Borestrete, East Tithing, son of William (deceased) and Katherine (deceased – 1567) – 72 acres, three meadows, one acre and three yards of pasture – rent 45s 1d. Nicholas Winsor still held a whole place of 53 acres 3 roods and the half place of 18 acres 1 rood in the 1615 Survey of the Manor, at which time he was 76 years old. He was buried FStG 6 November 1618 aged 79."

Dated 1 Apr 1567

Probate 28th May 1567

Wiltshire Archives

SPC 1567 2 16: P5/2REG/16A

Rugh translation from Latin

Probate of this written testament of Catherine WYNSOR deceased of the parish of Fordington within the peculiar jurusdiction of the Dean of Sarum before magistrate John JAMES doctor of law and official of the Court 28th day in the month of May AD 1567

Will: In the Name of God Amen the First day of April in the year 1567 I Katherine WYNSOR of Fordington within the peculiar jurisdiction there Sick in Body but of perfect mind & remembrance (thanks be to god) do ordain and make my Testament retaining my last will in manner and form there following -

I give and bequeath my soul into the hands of almighty god my creator only redeemer and Saviour And: my body to the xpian (Christian) burial of my pish [parish] aforesaid.
Item: I bequeath to the Cathedral Church of Sarum xijd [12d].
Item: I bequeath to the reparations of the church of Fordington xijd [12d].
Item: To the poor mens box there vid [6d].
Item: I bequeath to my son Nicholas WYNSOR my cupboard and my table bolde? [boards?] wth[with] all seats, forms, benches and shelves in or about my house
Item: More to the said Nicholas my great coffer, all my bedshades and my pot hangers
Item: More to the same Nicholas 3 cart horses, my best cart, my best plough; my oxen with all manner of harness to them belonging, even as then would ??? to you to work with the same
Item: I bequeath to my son Richard WYNSOR my best brass pot, 2 cart horse, 2 quarters of wheat and 2 quarters of barley upon the condition that he the said Richard shall permit and utterly forgive all such money and debts as I owe to him
Item: I bequeath to my son John WYNSOR my second best pot, one little pan, one horse, one quarter of wheat and one quarter of barley
Item: To my son William one bullock of a year old, a weanling calf, a candlestick and a platter
Item: To Thomas GUYE my sisters son one sheep
Item: I bequeath to my daughter Jone my greatest brass pan, my greatest brewing vat and one trendle
Item: More to the same Jone my featherbed with all appurtenances, And all my raiment both linen and woollen, one kettle And one petticoat excepted which I give will my daughter Alice to have
Item: I bequeath more to my said daughter Alice, my best kettle, one posnett, my second best trendle, and my greatest towel
Item: More to every one of my children, that is to say Nicholas, Richard, John, William, Jone, and Alice to every of them v [5] sheep each,
Item: I bequeath more to my said two daughters Jone and Alice eight sheep to be equally divided between them
Item: More to every one of my above named children, half an acre of wheat and half an acre of barley
Item: My Will is that all my legacies to my said children in this my last Will and Testament bequested shall be assigned divided performed and delivered by the discretion and appointment of my overseers
Item: I bequeath to the vicar of Fordington xijd [12d]

The Residue of all my goods both moveable and unmoveable after my debts and funeral charges paid I give and bequeat to my son Nicholas which said Nicholas I do ordain and make the only and sole executor of this my last will and testament and my trusted and well beloved friend Ambrose HUNT Robert STALLINGTON Thomas WYNSOR minor and the Vicar of Fordington Overseers. These witnesses Roger CROCKETT Vicar, these Robert STALLINGTON, Thomas WYNSOR minor And John WINSOR with others.

Additional Notes from British History Online 19th & 20th Apr 1661: Winsor, Nicholas, senior, lease, Fordington : Winsor, Nicholas, junr., lease, Fordington : Winsor, Robert, lease, Fordington ]

Will of Richard BUNE of Fordington

[Note:- Recorded at ancestry as Richard BOON - Parish Registers do not start until 1577]

Dated 18 Jan 1566

Death about Apr 1567


28th May 1567

Wiltshire Archives


PROBATE: of this Testament of Richard BUNE deceased of the Parish of Fordington in the Peculiar jurisdiction of Sarum was granted by the magistrate John James doctor in law and official of the Dean of Sarum the 28th May 1567

Will: In the name of God Amen for the 18th day of January AD 1566 I Richard BUNE of Fordington within the Peculiar Jurisdiction there do ordain and make my Testament containing my Last Will in manner and form following:-

First:- I give and bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God my creator only redeemer and Saviour and my body to the ecclesiastical burial of my parish aforesaid [Fordington];
Item: I bequeath to the Cathedral church of our Lady in Sarum vjd [6s.];
Item: To the reparations of the church of Fordington vjd [6s.];
Item: To the collections for the poor people of Fordington one sheep;
Item: To To every one of Robert ALLYNS [ALLEN's] Children of Charminster a sheep each;
Item: To every one of Robert BUNE's children of Fordington a sheep each, except my Godson Robert whom I will to have three sheep;
Item: To Agnes HAYWARD my Servant 2 sheep and my cloak;
Item: To every one of my brother John BUNE's children a sheep each;
Item: To Agnes BUNE Widow and to every one of her children a sheep each;
Item: To every one of Roger SEYGARES [SEAGER's] children a sheep each;
Item: To my brother John BUNE, my brother Richard BUNE (Sic) and to my sister Edith ADYN to every of them a sheep each;
Item: I do forgive my brother John BUNE and my brother in law Robert ALLYN [ALLEN] all such debts as they owe to me;
Item: I do forgive to my uncle Roger ZEYGAR [SEAGAR] 20s of the debt which he owes me;
The residue of my goods both movable and unmovable I give and bequeath to my executors that they may dispose thereof as they shall think most convenient to the pleasure of Almighty God to help the poor people when they shall most need ;
Item: I ordain and make executors of this my Testament and last Will the within named Roger ZEYGAR [SEAGER] and my brother John BUNE
These witnesses : Roger CROCKETT Vicar, there , Roger ZEGAR [SEAGAR] and Lucye ZEGAR [SEAGAR] with others

Link to a transcription of Richard BUNE's Will by Helen M Ford Oct 2024

Administration of John BUNE of Fordington

[Note:- Parish Registers do not start until 1577]


28th May 1567

Wiltshire Archives Ancestry image 338 of 383 [indexed under John Burne 1567]

SPC A 1567 1 76: P5/1REG/76E

Administration in Latin needs proper translation :-

BUNE:- xxviij die mensis Maij Anno Dm [28th day in the month of May] ccccclxvij [1567] [seems to be before John James Official of the dean of Sarum regarding administration of the estate of John BUNE of the parish of Fordington within the peculiar jurisdiction of the dean of Sarum deceased intestate - possibly Agnes relict granted administration?

Will & Admin of William TUCKER of Fordington

[Note:- Parish Registers do not start until 1577]

10 Sep 1570 SPC 1570 2 73: P5/2REG/73E Short document in Latin -- 10th? September 1570 of William TUCKER of the parish of Fordington (may have died intestate?) --- John TUCKER -- Samwayes needs a proper translation

Will & Admin of John BRYNE [BRINE] of Fordington

[Note:- Parish Registers do not start until 1577]

Dated 4 Dec 1568
Proved 10 Sep 1570
SPC 1570 2 74: P5/2REG/74A & B Will:- Written 11th year reign Elizabeth 1st 4th Dec [1568]. My body to buried within the churchyard of Fordington: To William my son ten sheep and my best pan; To my son Thomas 5 sheep and my 2nd best pan; To my son Robert 2 bushel of barley; To my daughter Alice the wife of John WYNSOR [WINSOR] 2 bushel of barley; To the reparation of the church 2 bushells of barley; To the? vicar a lamb; The Rest to Agnes his wife also made executrix Probate and Admin 10th Sep 1570

Will of William ANTHONYE of Fordington, Dorset

[Note:- Parish Registers do not start until 1577]

Dated 30 Mar 1572

Proved 07 July 1572

PROB 11/54 PCC=1572 Anthony, William, Fordington, Somerset 24 Daper Will: My body to be buried in the churchyard amongst the other of my Christian brethren; To my son William a score of sheep etc; To daughter Joane ten sheep etc ; To my daughter Margaret ten sheep etc ; To my youngest daughter Elynor 16 sheep etc; to all my servants 6d; to the church of Fordington 3s 4d; To the poor there 2s or a bushel of wheat; Rest to Margaret my wife and Thomas ANTHONY my eldest son whom I make my executrix and executor ; Overseers Robert TAPPE and Thomas COSEN Witnesses Roger COSSEN; William RASKER; William COSSEN junior ; Thomas Solwaye + list of debts to various people

Will and Inventory of John OLYVER [OLIVER] of Fordington

[Note:- Parish Registers do not start until 1577]

Dated 17 May 1573

Proved 31st July 1573

Wilshire Archives


Will my body to Christian Burial of my parish aforesaid [Fordington] ; to the poor mens box of Fordington a aforesaid 12d; To Robert YNGRAM [INGRAM] my son-in-law 100 sheep and one cow; To Robert GAWDEN [GORDEN] 40 sheep ; I forgive to Ralffe [Ralph] WILLS of the debts which he oweth me 50 shillings; My Executors shall at her own proper costs and charges purchase and buy a new estate of the bargain or tenement wherein my above said son-in-law Robert YNGRAM [INGRAM] now dwelleth for my daughter Johan [Joan}and for two of the sons of Robert YNGRAM that is to wit John and Nicholas. The residue of all my goods --etc to be equally divided between my wife Gylmain (sic) and my daughter Johane with said Gilmayne (sic) and Johane [Joan] I do ordain and make the executrix together of this my last will and testament and my trusted and well beloved Son-in-law Robert INGRAM overseer. These witnesses Roger CROKER [CROCKETT?] Clerk; William Clapcote; Thomas WALLES; John WHITE and Robert Yngram with others:

Probate of this written testament was heard before Mr John James official of Dean of Sarum the last day of the month of July 1573 when administration granted to the executrixes etc.

An Inventory survives (image 23 badly damaged at top but cleary refers to--

and singular the [goods, chattles and debts] of John OLYVER deceased [ damege -end of the word Ford] ington in the county of Dorset ---damage--- appraised by William COSON the elder ---damage-- John WHITE and Roger KEATE the ---eight day of August in the year of our lord god a thousand five hundred threescore and thirteen [1573] Includes 52 sheep; + 23 rotten sheep + 15 acres wheat; 16 acres barley, 5 acres of oats, 5 horses 2 cows 2 weanling calfs 2 pigs, cart & plough 5 bushels of wheat, 3 quarters of malt + household goods

Will of Richard GARLANT [GARLAND] of Fordington

[Note:- Parish Registers do not start until 1577]

Dated 17th Feb 1571/2

Probate 5 Sep 1573

SPC 1573 3 18: P5/3REG/18C

Will: My body to be buried in the churchyard of Fordington; To the mother church of Salisbury 4d; to my parish church of Fordington 8d; to the poor mens house there 12d; Bequests to- James COLLINS my son-in-law 5 horses my cart etc (long list): To Johane COLLINS wife of the said James Collins my wife's best gown ; To Nicholas COLLINS of of my pans in the kitchen;To Thomas COLLINS my 2nd best pan my old cupboard and half an acre of wheat in the field.; To the 3 children of James COLLINS 3 sheep; To Thomas CLOWTERS 3 children 3 hots? ; Richard BARTLETT my Godson 1 sheep; Residue debts paid divided into 2 parts - 1st part to - John BUNGER and Roger FFLEMEN 2nd part to James COLLINS my aforesaid Son-in-Law whom I make sole executor : Witnesses William COSEN Senior and John BYRDE [BIRD] .

Probate of this written testament of Richard GARLANT {Garland] deceased of the parish of Fordington within the peculiar jurisdiction of Dean Sarum before John James Doctor at Law & official Dean of Sarum on 5th Day of the month of September AD 1573

Letter of Administration of Elizabeth HAYDES alias BARNES of Fordington

[Note:- Parish Registers do not start until 1577]

5 Sep 1573 SPC 1573 3 19: P5/3REG/19D L/A 5th day in the month of September AD 1573 ---- Elizabeth HAYDES deceased of the parish of Fordington granted to Janes HAYDES alias BARNES sorori naturali [her natural sister]

Will of Alice RASKER [not PASKER?] Widow of Fordington

[Note:- Parish Registers do not start until 1577]

Dated 30 Dec 1570

Probate 5th Sep 1573
SPC 1573 3 19: P5/3REG/19B Will 30th Day of December Anno Domini 1570 I Alice RASKER of Fordington within the peculiar Jurisdiction of the Prebendary there do ordain and let make this my testament containing my last Will in manner and form following.
First I give and bequeath my soul into the hands of almighty god my creator only redeemer and saviour, and my body I bequeath to the Christian burial of my parish of Fordington aforesaid
Item: I bequeath to the Cathedral Church of Sarum 8d
Item: To the poor mans box box in the parish of Fordington 12d
Item: I bequeath to my daughter Johane SARGENT £20 to be delivered to her in ready money at the time of her marriage or when she shall accomplish the age of 20 years
Item: More to the same Johane SARGENT & £10 toward her apparel with said & £10 Thomas GOLDE of Beare [possibly Beer Regis] oweth to her and me
Item: more to the same Johane one featherbed. two bolsters, two pillows, two coverledds, one pair of sheets, one pair of blankets, one great chest, one coffer, my furnace pan withone other new pan, three platters, three saucers, three porringersand all my linen stuff of what kind of linen soeverit be (two pair of sheets and one table cloth excepted)
Item: Yet more to my said daughter Johane two silver spoons, one iron broach, one brass mortis, two candlesticks, twelve bushels of maul which is in my house in her own keeping with all my wearing gear (one pettycoat only excepted) which I bequeath to my daughter Edith GAWDE of Beare. Itm: more to my said daughter Johane one half weight of wool which is already in my house
The residue of all my goods both moveable and unmoveable (after my debts & funeral charges paid) I give and bequeath to my son Leonard SARGENT which said Leonard I do ordain appoint and constitute the only executor of this my last will and testament John BYRDE [BIRD] ; Roger KETE [KEATE] & John SEAGER Overseers: These Witnesses Roger CROCKETT Clerk, , John BRYDE, Roger KEATE and John ZEAGER with others
Probate: of this written testament of Alice RASKER widow deceased of the parish of Fordington within the peculiar jurisdiction of the Deanary of Sarum 5th day in the month of September Anno Domini 1573 administration granted to the executor

Will + Inventory of Thomas BELMAN [Blacksmith] of Fordington

[Note:- Parish Registers do not start until 1577]

Dated 26 Jan 1572/3

Probate 5th Sep 1573
SPC 1573 3 19: P5/3REG/19A + P5/1573/6 Will My body to the Christian burial of my parish of Fordington aforesaid; to the poor mens box there 12d; to my son William BELLMAN all my tools & instruments belonging to my occupation called Smiths Craft together with all my coles iron and my debts due to me --- on condition he discharges my executrix of the debts which I owe to John HENNING of Dorchester and also pay my son Thomas BELMAN 20s when he shall accomplish the age of 21 years. To my son Thomas 20s the residue to Julian my wife who is made executrix: Witnesses Roger CROCKETT Vicar there, Edward TALBOTT and Thomas BELMAN with others PROBATE: of this written testamednt of Thomas BELMAN deceased of the parish of Fordington within the peculiar jurisdiction of Dean of Sarum before Magistrate Johanne JAMES doctor of law and official of the dean of Sarum 5th day of September 1573

Administration of Eleanor [Elinor] TUCKER Widow of Fordington

[Note:- Parish Registers do not start until 1577]

Admin 2 Feb 1573 SPC 1573 3 80: P5/3REG/30A Administration of all and singular the goods and credits of Elinoris TUCKER widow deceased of Fordington within the peculiar jurisdiction of the Dean of Sarum --- granted to John Williams natural son of Richard Williams etc

Will of Helen [Ellen] WILLS Widow of Fordington

[Note:- Parish Registers do not start until 1577]

Dated 1 May 1573 SPC 1573 3 19: P5/3REG/19C Will: My body to the Christian Burial of my pish [parish] of Fordington; To the cathedral Church of Sarum 4d; To the church of Fordington 12d; to the poor mens box of Fordington 6d; To my son Ralph my best brass pan and my best cloak; To my son Roger WILLS my 2nd best prass panand my best brass pot, To Edith WILLS my best gown, my best frock, a feather bolster, one apron, one crock and one platter: to Richard DUGGESTTone sheep one candlestick and one sheep; To my son Robert one bolsterand one platter: To Alice WILLS one sheep one pottinger and a chaffing dish; To Robert WILLS the younger one black sheep; To William WILLS the younger one ewewith her lamb and my best cupboard; To Richard WILLS one sheep one pottenger and a chaffing dish ; To Jone WILLS one kercher ; To Johan WILLS one sheep; The rest to son William WILLS also executor- son Ralph overseer; Witnesses Roger CROCKETT Clerk, , John OLYVER and Thomas WYNDSOR Senior with others

Will & Inventory of John COZEN [or COSENS] the Younger of Fordington

[Note:- Parish Registers do not start until 1577]

{Note:-Probably the eldest son of John COSENS

[Note:- His son Robert COSEN may be the Robert COSEN buried at FStG on 10th Apr 1604 leaving a Will dated 6th Apr 1604 . ]

Dated 15 Mar 1571

Probate 5 Sep 1573

Wiltshire Archives

SPC 1573 3 18:

Will: P5/3REG/18D

Inventory P30/0032

Will: In the Name of God Amen the xvth Day of March in the yere of or Lord A Thousand ffyve hundred threescore and eleven [1571] I John COSEN the younger of Fordington being of pfitt mynde and remembrance (thankes be [to] God) do ordain and do make my testament conteyninge myt last Will in manner here following:
First: I geve and bequeath my sowle into the hande of almightie god my creator only redeam and Savier and my body to the christian buriall of my pish [parish] aforesaid [i.e. Fordington]
Item: I bequeath to my brother Roger COSEN a sheep;
Item: to my brother Willm a coffer & a pair of sheats;
Item: to my father a coverledd which I had of him and my rug gown;
Item: to my son Robert ffower pounds in ready [money] and my will is that my wiffe shall have the tuition and government of my said son Robert with this my legacy to him bequeathed tyll he shalbe twentie yeres olde; if she so long remain widow, And if not I will the saide ffower pounde to be delyvered to my brother John COSEN at or before the tyme of my saide wifes marriage againe;
The Residue of all my goods both moveable and unmoveable I geve and bequeath to to my wife Jone which saide Johan I do ordaine and make th'only executrix

Witnesses Roger CROCKETT Clerk, John WINSOR with others

PROBATE of this written testament of Johannis COSEN deceased of the parish of Fordington in the oeculiary jurisdiction of the Dean of Sarum and magistarte John James doctor of law and offical of the dean of Sarum this 5th day in the month of September AD 1573 administration was granted to the executrix etc.

Inventory (badly writrten & damaged with right hand edge of document missing)

An Inventory of all the goods of John COSENS late of ----(Fordington)
deceased which said goods were thus inspected & ---------
appraised by the dicretions of Ambrose HONT [HUNT]----
Thomas WINDSOR parishioners there the sixth ---(day of)
September in the [year] of our Lord 1 thousand five ---(hundred & )
two score and thirrteen (1573)

Impremise [In the first place] one c --------
Itm: feather bed with his appertenances x----
[Itm:] iiij [4] Cofers vijs----
Itm: one Cupboard ----
Itm: ij [2] brass pottes v----
Itm: one brass pan with a kettle vijs----
Itm: the pewtertwo candlesticks xs
Itm: one table a trendol & a board form and a ?? ---
Itm: His Apparrel vs---
Sum total? ?li viij s iiijd

2 Letters of Adminsitration for the estate of George HORDE [both cancelled] of Dorchester? 28 Nov 1573 & 1st Dec 1573 OPC PCC Admons Folios 39 and 40 Grantee Florence HORDE relict [cancelled]

Will of William DOWNTON, Yeoman of Fordington, Dorset

[Note:- Parish Registers do not start until 1577 - Elizabeth DOWNTON is listed in the  1600 Survey  of Fordington Manor as holding a copyhold grant dated 1580for a half place in Fordington Fields.. She was biried at FStG on 25th Jan 1604/5]

[Note:- Elizabeth Downton buried FStG 25th Jan 1604/5]

Probate: 27 July 1574

PROB 11/56

PCC record shows:- 1574 Downton, William, yeoman, Fordington , Dorset 31 Martyn :

Will [No date on this copy] : my body to be buried within the churchyard of my parish of Fordington:
To Fordington church 2s 6d;
To the vicar of Fordington 2s 6d;
To the poor people of Fordington 6s and 8d;
To the poor of Dorchester 6s 8d whereof 2s 8d to the prison.
To my Daughter-in-law Jone GOOLE together with her fathers legacy therefore £10;
To daughter-in-law Alice GOOLE together with her fathers lagacy £10;
To my man Roger WINSOR one white doublet cotte my old russet hose and Spanish leather Jerkyn;
To my man John CARTER six hogg sheep;
To my maid servant 2s;
To Thomas TAPPE Clerk my coat and my black frying pan doublet;
To brother Thomas DAWNTON [DOWNTON] one capped Cow and my white russet cloak& one hat;
To my brother-in-law Benet MARTYN my better Spanish leather Jerkyn and my black russet gally breeches also my will is that he shall pay 10s of the money which he doth owe me and 2 dozen of hurdles The rest I give unto him:
To George JOLLIFFE and John BIRDE 4 trees that I have in Blackmore two of them lie in the toppes and the other in the common;
To godson William DOWNTON £3 6s 8d;
The Rest of my brother and sisters children 12p each
The rest to Elizabet DOWNTON my wife also made executrix.
Overseers to his will Thomas TAPPE Clerk George JOLYFE and John BIRDE Witnesses Thomas Tapp Clerk George Jolyfe and John BIRDE:

Probate 17th day July 1574

Will & Inventory of John BIRD [or BYRDE] of Fordington

dated 26 Aug 1575

Probate 16 Sep 1575

SPC 1575 3 18: P15/187 + P5/3REG/68B

Parish Register has not survived: : My body to be buried in the churchyard of Fordington; to the church 2s; Also to the church at Long Bredy 2s; To Margaret my wife the one half of my goods on condition that she suffer my son to have the one half of her tenement during her estate and to pay the one half of my debts and legacies ; The cupboard and the chest within the middle door I give unto my son and the other cupboard I give unto my wife; to Julian my wifes daughter 3 sheep also I give unto every godchildthat I have 6dAlso I give to my sister-in-lawLewis GILLETT 5s; to Thomas COX one sheep; to poor people of Fordington 10s; The residue to son Wm BYRDE [BIRD] also executor; Overseers William COSEN Senior; Roger SEAGER; Roger COSEN and Thomas BISHOP Witnesses Thomas TAPPE Clerk Roger COSEN Roger SEAGER with others

Probate 16th day of September AD 1575

The Inventory of all and Singular the goods chattels and debts of John BYRDE [BIRD] deceased late of the parish of Fordington in the County of Dorset taken and praised the 15th day of September 1575 by William COSEN Junior; Henry CHOUNT; John SEAGER and John WILLIAMS ---- Long Inventory available

Debts that the said Johis BYRDE [BIRD] did owe at his decease

John Servant; Julian BISHOPP; Agnes BYRDE [BIRD] , Nicholas HENNELL; Thomas WINDSOR; Margery SEAGER; Roger COSEN; Richard GOBER Exhibed 16th Sep 1575

Will & Inventory of Eleanor WHITE of Fordington Dated 7th Apr 1576
Invtry 20 May 1576
Proved 21 May 1576
SPC 1576 3 82: P53REG/82B +P5/1576/71 [Original and copy will available] Parish Register has not survived
Link to transcription of the Will and Inventory of Eleanor WHITE (d. 1576) Spinster of Fordington. She had living brothers John and Ambrose WHITE and a sister Agnes WHITE in 1576
Will of Robert WHITE of Fordington Dated 6 Jan 1576
Proved 22nd May 1576
SPC 1576 3 82: P15/188 + P5/3REG/82A Parish Register has not survived
Link to transcription of the Will and Letter of Administration of Robert WHITE (d. 1576) Husbandman of Fordington.
Will & Inventory of Agnes WHITE Widow of Fordington Dated 8th May 1576
Proved 21st May 1576
SPC 1576 3 81: P5/3REG/81C +P5/1576/70 Parish Register has not survived
Link to transcription of the Will and Inventory of Agnes WHITE (d. 1576) Widow of Fordington.

Will of Roger COSSEN or Cossyn of Fordington, Dorset

See Burial Registers for 1577 badly damaged buried 24 Jan 1577

Note:- Thomas TAPPE Clerk was appointed curate of St Georges Church in Fordington on 21st May 1576 and then vicar of Coombe Keynes in Dorset 28th Oct 1584]

Dated 21 Jan 1577

Buried 24 Jan 1577/8

Proved 10 Feb 1577/8

PROB 11/60

Note: PCC= 1577 Cosin, Cossen, Roger, Fordington, Dorset 6 Langley

Will: vicesimo primo [21st]day of January AD 1577. I Roger COSSEEN of Fordington being sick of body but perfect of mind and of good remembrance (thanks be to god) do ordain and let make my tewstament containing my last will in manner and form following

First I give and bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God my creator, only redeemer and saviour/ And my body to the Christian burial of the parish church above said

Item I give and bequeath to the Cathedral Church of Sarum12d

Item I do give to the reparation of the parish church of Fordington 3s 4d

Item to the use of the poor of Fordington 3s

Item I give to John HUTTON 6s 8d

Item to every one of my men Smiths 3s 4d

Item to Anne HUNT 3s 4d

Item: To Elinore WANTE? 1 heifer bullock of two years old

Item; to my daughter Margaret 40s

Item to my daughter's daughter Johan ANTHONY three score pounds [£60]

Item to my daughters daughter Margaret ANTHONY £6 13s 4d

Item I give and bequeath my Burgage in the back lane beneath Peter Goodfellow to Thomas ANTHONY

Item my Burgage lying in the west street to William ANTHONY

All the Rest of my goods moveable and unmoveable I give and bequeath to Thomas ANTHOY and William ANTHONY whom I make my executors

Item I appoint my Overseers Sr Thomas TAPPE William COSSEN Senior Robert COSSEN

These witnesses Roger CROCKETT Vicar there William COSSEN Senior James BESTE William HUTTON with others

Probate in Latin approx:- Tenth day in the month of February Anno Domini one thousand five hundred seventy seven -- Thomas TAPPE Cleric and Robert COSSEN Overseers of the testament of the deceased are appointed administrators during the minority of Thomas ANTHOY named executor in the same testament.

Will , Letter of Administration and Inventory of Robert BARTLETT of Fordington

See Burial Registers for 1578 - Robt [Robert] BARTLET a middle aged man was buried the xvijth? [17th] of March [1578/9]

[Link to more information about his life and family]

[Note:- His younger son Richard Bartlett (bur1620) mentioned in this will had already inherited 1 sheep from his godfather Richard GARLAND who died c1573 leaving a will. Richard was also beneficiary under his step-father Harry Chount's will in 1583. Richard Bartlett was buried at FStG 9th Sep 1620]

[Note:- Robert's widow XPIAN BARTLETT re-married to Harry CHOUNT and is a beneficary under his will written 15th July 1583 as is her son Richard and daughter Johane]

Will dated 12 May 1579

Buried 17 Mar 1578/9

Inventory Dated 20 Jun 1579

Probate Dated 2nd July 1579

Wiltshire Archives

SPC 1579 3 124: P5/3REG/124B + P5/1579/8

Original and Copy Wills Letter of Administration and full inventory of his goods etc

WILL: The xijth [12th] Day of May in the yere [year] of or [our] Lorde God 1579 I Robet [Robert] BARTLETT of Ffordington in the Countie of Dorset and a peculier unto the famous Church of Sarum I beinge sicke in body but of good and p'fect memory ye thanks be unto god do make my testament and last Will in manner and forme followinge (that is to say) [Note:- abridged main bequests etc]

My body to be buried in the churchyard of Fordington ; to the repair of the parish church of Fordington - 2s;

To my son Robert my 4 horses, my cart and all furniture and harness belonging;

To Richard my son thirty sheep as they come at the hurdle;

To Thomas CHOUNTE my godson one silver lamb ;

To Johane my daughter 12 sheep as they come at the hurdle ; My will and mind is that my wife shall have the use and occupation of the cart the 4 horses with the furniture and harness of the cart and the said horses till such time as my said son Robert shall accomplish the full age 24 years so always that my said wife with one othetr sufficient person shall stand bound by their writing obligation unto my overseers herein named to deliver the said cart horses furniture and harness or the price and value thereof unto the said Robert my son at the time aforesaid or to such uses as shall therin mentioned and willed;

Also my mind and will is that my said wife shall have the use of the said 30 sheep to Richard given until aged 24 so that my wife will stand bound as is aforesaid for the payment and for the delivery then unto the said Richard or to the uses mentioned and willed;

My will is that my wife shall have use and occupation of the 12 sheep before given to Johan my daughter until aged 26 and bound to her overseers; If any son or daughter decease before attaining their age then divided between survivors of his children;

The rest to XPIAN [CHRISTIAN] my wife who is also made executrix ; John Tucker the younger and William Urvin? of Whitcombe the Overseers ; Witnesses John CHUBB curate, Thomas EME [EAMES]; Roger KEYE the elder Richard PROWDUE

Probate of this written testament of Robert BARTLETT deceased of the parish of Fordington of the peculiar jurisdiction of the dean of Sarum --- dated 12th? July AD 1579

LETTER of ADMINISTRATION:- Know all men by these presents that Christiana BARTLETT of Fordington in the County of Dorset widow & William URVIN of Witcombe in the county of Dorset husbandman are obligated unto etc etc -----Dated 2nd July 1579

The condition of this present obligation is such that if the above bound Christain BARTLETT the executrix named in the last will and testament of her late husband Robert BARTLETT late of Fordington in the County of Dorset deceased do well and honestly educate and bring up or cause to be brought up Robert Bartlett, Richard Bartlett and Jone Bartlett the children of the foresaid Robert BARTLETT deceased until they shall come and be of lawful age AND also do well and truly satisfy content and pay or cause to be satisfied contented and paid unto them (only them all such legacies and bequests as are given unto them by the last will of their father the foresaid Robert Bartlett deceased according to the tenor effect and true meaning of the same that then the prsent obligation to be void and then for nought or elseit to stand abide in full strength effect and virtue

INVENTORY taken the 20th day of June in the year of our lord 1579 of the goods chattles and debts of Robert BARTLETT of Fordington deceased praised by Roger KEATE Richard PROWER and Robert KEATE parishioners these:

Will of Henry JOLIFF or JOLYFF of Fordington

[Note:- St George Burial Registers for the period 1579 to 1585 Sep 1585  have not survived]

[Note:- The copyhold held in Fordington referred to in the Will and bequeathed to his 2 sons appears to have been surrendered and a new copyhold granted about the year 1585 for a cottage at Fordington in the tenure of a Elizabeth JOLIFFE and still extant at the Survey of Fordington Manor in 1600]

Dated 13 Nov 1579

Probate: Administration granted on 31 Jan 1580/1 to Emme relict & executrix of the deceased

PCC/PROB 11/63

PCC= 1580 Joliff, Jolyff,

Will:- In the name of God Amen the 13th day of November in the year 1580 I Henry JOLIFF of Fordington in the County of Dorset and diocese of Bristol being sick in body and (god be praised) of perfect memory and remembrance do ordain and make my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following. I bequaeth my soul into the hands of allmighty god my Saviour and redeemer and my body to be buried within Christian burial.

Item: I bequeath to the poor people of Dorchester 20 shillings to be divided amongst them immediately after my decease by the good discretion of my overseers hereinafter named.
Item: I give 5 shillings eight pence to such other poor people as my overseers shal think good.
Item: I give to the poor prisoners in the Gaole of Dorchester 2s
Item: I give to the Alms house of Dorchester 2s;
Item: I give to the 3 churches in Dorchester 5s;
Item: I give to the Church at Poxwell 3s 4d;
Item: I give towards the maintenance of the church at Fordngton 20d;
Item: I give to the church of Martins Town 20d;
Item: I give and bequeath to Henry JOLYF my eldest son £100 when aged 21;
Item: I give to Walter JOLYFF my youngest son £100 when aged 21;
Item: My will and mind is that Eme my wife My wife to have the tuition rule and government of the bodies of my two sons Henry & Walter and only the profit of the legacies towards bringing up of my said two sons during and as long as the said Emme my wife shall coninue a widow.;
Item: if my siad wife do or shall happen to marry then my will and mind is that my overseers undernamed shall have the rule and goverment of my said sons Henry & Walter during their minority and nonage and the custody of their legacies by me unto them bequeathed immediately after my decease to the best profit and advantage of my sons ----etc. If one of his sons dies within his nonage the remainder to go to the survivor -- if both die £100 to remain to wife Eme. The other £100 I give and bequeath £40 to Henry JOLIFF my godson the son of George JOLIFF late of Fordington deceased; and the other three score pounds my will and mind is that it shall be divided equally between the other six sons now living of my 3 brothers Roger JOLIFFE George JOLIFFE and Walter JOLIFF ;
Item: I give and bequeath all my right, claim and interest of in and to the reversement of one copyhold in [Blank space ] now in the tenure and occupation of one [Blank space ] wrxpen? to my said two sons Henry & Walter
And my will and mind is that my son Henry JOLIFFE do and shall enjoy the same and the reversion thereof unto my son Walter.
Item: I give and bequeath the rest of my goods and chattles not before mentioned nor bequeathed my debts and legacies being paid to Emme my wife whom I make my sole executrix of this my last Will and tEstament
Item: I do ordain nominate and appoint my well beloved brother Roger JOLIFFE of Ffiphilde [Fifehead?] and Walter JOLIFF of Barwicke and my well beloved friends Harbenne of Walterstone and William PRONT of Litton to be my Overseers etc
Witnesses Roger Sanndes; Robart Lane and John Lane

Nuncupative Will: Administration & Inventory of Richard PORTER of Fordington Husbandman

[Note:- St George Burial Registers for the period 1579 to 1585 Sep 1585  have not survived]

24 Feb 1581/2 [Admin 1582] SPC Inv 1581 4 29: P15/190 + P5/4REG/29A

All goods chattels and debts to his wife - to be good to his mother. Witness William RASKER the elder; John Williams, John WYNSOR [WINSOR] Maryon LONG Elizabeth Guylliams? and others:: L/A - Bound Mariam PORTER of Fordington in the County of Dorset widow; John WILLIAMS of the same place husbandman and William HUTTON of Fordington -------The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bound Mary PORTER the relict of Richard PORTER deceased late of Fordington -----Inventory of all and singular the goods chattles and debts of Rychard [Richard] PORTER deceased late of Fordington in the County of Dorset Husbandman taken an praised by Hamnett HYDE and John WILLIAMS the 12th day of March AD 1581/2 ----short inventory of household goods one debt to William RASKER the younger Exhibited 13th March 1581/2

[Note Richard PORTER was the son of John PORTER (already deceased in 1567) see will of his grandfather Richard PORTER dated 5th May 1567.]

Will with Administration & Inventory of William BROOME [BOONNE] or [BOONE] of Fordington


Will dated 1580

Inv dated 6 Feb 1581/2

LA 6 Feb 1581/2

Wiltshire Archives

SPC 1581 4 28: P15/189 (LA) +P5/4REG/28C

Link to Transcription of the Will of William BOONE Husbandmen of Fordington dated 1580. Also transcription of Letter of Administration dated 6th Feb 1581/2 and image of Inventory of his Goods etc exhibited into Court 6th Feb 1581/2

[Note:- St George Burial Registers for the period 1579 to 1585 Sep 1585  have not survived]

Link to a new trancription of William BOONE's (BUNE) will by Helen M Ford.
Will of Henry JOLIFF or Jolyff of Fordington, Dorset 31 January 1581 PROB 11/63 Parish Registers 1579 - 1584 have not survived SEE ENTRY ABOVE

Inventory of Robert TAPP of Fordington

[Note:- St George Burial Registers for the period 1579 to 1585 Sep 1585  have not survived]

Dated 19 Apr 1582 SPC Inv 1582 4 36: P5/4REG/35B + P5/1582/64 Will: My body to be buried within the churchyard of the parish of Fordington: To the poor mens box of Fordington 6d; To Thomas my son 6s 8d; To my daughter Alice a coffer with key and cock standing by the bedside where I lie and a platter and pottinger of tin; To ann my daughter half an acre of wheat lying at Hencberin? within the fields of Fordington and 1 sack of barlie to be delivered unto her or her assigns at the next harvest time; to Jone my daughter one platter one pottinger and 1 saucer of tin and one candlestick ; I give to Alice my wife the porker? ; I will that the said Alice my wife shall have the use of the standing bedsted , featherbed bolster two pillows coverlett and blanket and one sheet belonging to the same standing bedstead that I do use to lie upon during her life if she do not marry at any time And then I will that the same standing bedstead, featherbed bolster pillow coverletts and sheet shall remain and be the goods of my sons William & Robert without any ? I will also that the said Alice my wife shall have the use of the lesser brass pan of the three bigger pans and a little crocknow remaining in the custody of Nicholas DOBYN of Tolpuddle for and during the space of three years from and after my decease if my said wife do and shall so long live And the use and leave the same as well repaired and used as at the time of the

Will of John WINSOR [WINDSOR] The Elder of Fordington Husbandman

[Note:- St George Burial Registers for the period 1579 to Sep 1585  have not survived

Note:- See 1600 Survey of Fordington Manor referring to his son John WINSOR who was then in possession of a copyhold dated 1598/9 for a whole place where he had paid no herriott because it was upon his brothers surrender- - and comments by Peta Winzar:- "John Wynsor is not listed in the 1615 Survey of the manor. He is listed in a 1607 Survey of the manor, as follows: John Wynsor, Uppon Hill, West Tithing, son of John [deceased – 1583] and Alice - 55 acres, two and a half meadows and one yard of pasture– rent 22s 1d. This suggest that John Wynsor his son died in 1609-1613 - years for which the FStG registers are missing."

Dated 30 April 1583

Inventory 3rd Jun 1583

Exhibited 26 Jun 1583

Probate Granted

26 Jun 1583

Wiltshire Archives

SPC 1583 4 6 : Will

P5/1583/38 - L/Admin. Date 26th June 1583 :
The Condition of this present obligation is such that if Alice WINDSOR the relict and Executrix of the last will and testament of John WINDSOR the Elder late of the parish of Fordington in the County of Dorset deceased do well and truley satisfy content and pay all such legacies gifts and bequests as are willed given and bequested in the last will & testament of the said deceased according to the tenor of and true meaning of the said will that then this present obligation to be void and had for nought or else yet to stand and abide in his full force and virtue

Signed Robert KEATE

In the name of God Amen the last day of April in the year of our Lord God one thousand five hundred four score and three [1583] I John WINDSOR [WINSOR] the elder of Fordington one of the peculiars of the Dean of the Cathedral church of Sarum being sick in body but perfect of mind and memory Thanks be unto almighty God do make my testament and last will in manner and form following - that is to say
First I give and bequeath my soul unto almighty god my only redeemer and Saviour and my body to be buryed within the burial of Ffordington aforesaid :
Item: I give and bequeath unto the cathedral church of sarum iiijd [4d.]
Item: I give unto my sonne John Windsor one aker of wheate,
Item: I give and bequeath unto sonne Roger Windsor the best aker of barley,
Item: I give and bequeath unto sonne Will’m Windsor a heifer , 
Item: I give and bequeath unto Isabell Windsor my daughter xxs, [20s.]
Item: I give and bequeath unto Agnes my daughter one aker of barley,
Item: I give unto dawghter Tomasine Talbott my daughter halfe an aker of barley,
Item: I give and bequeath unto Alice Windsor the daughter of the above named John Windsor a chilver sheep [i.e. female lamb],
Item: I give and bequeath unto David Talbott sonne of the above named Tomasine Talbott a chilver sheep,
Item: I give and bequeath unto Alice Boyes the daughter of Thomas Boyes achilver sheep,
Item: I give and bequeath unto Willm Windsor sonne of the above named Willm Windsor my greatest brasse pott which pot shall remain in the custody of my wife as long as she lives,
Item: I give and bequeath unto Richard Boyes son of the above names Thomas Boyesa chilver lamb,
Item: I give and bequeath unto John Chubb the curate xys [15s.]
All the Rest : and residue of my goods chattels and debts herein not given nor bequeathed I give and bequeath fully and wholly unto Alice Windsor my wife whom I do make my soul and only executrix
And I do ordain make and appoint my well beloved neighbours Roger KEATE and Henry Chounte the overseers of this my last will and testament. And they according to the trust I repose in them to see the same performed and accomplished in all things according to the true meaning thereof. And I give to either of the same overseers for their faithfull labour therein xijs
These being witnesses:- John MARSHE curate there, and then present Roger KEATE Henry Chounte and others
Item: I give and bequeath unto Leonarde MILLER the sonne of Willm MILLER a chilver sheep :
Probate of this written testament of Johannis [John] WINDSOR deceased of the parish of Fordington in the peculiar jurisdiction of the Dean of Sarum [was granted by his surrogate Johane [John] Shepherd on vicesimo sexto [26th] die [day] mensis [of the month] of Junii [June] 1583 to the executrix of John Windsor etc
by Alice Windsor the relict and executrix of the last will and testament of John Windsor late of the pyhe of ffordington husbandman

Will of Harry [Henry] CHOWNTE [CHOUNT] , Husbandman of Fordington, Dorset

[Note:- St George Burial Registers for the period 1579 to 1585 Sep 1585  have not survived]

[Note:- Xpian (Christian) his current wife was the widow of Robert BARTLETT who was buried at FStG on 17th Mar 1578 and left a Will At burial he was described as a middle aged man so Christian was likely to have been of a similar age]


Dated 15 July 1583

Probate 30 May 1584

PROB 11/67 Parish Register has not survived PCC= 1584 Chownte, Harrye, Fordington, Dorset 4 Watson :
Will: My body to be buried in the Churchyard of Fordington;
to Xpian [Christian] my wife ten sheep as they shall roune at the fold. one black cow, that was bought at Frampton Fair, one pair of blankets, one coverled, one bolster and a pillow and that it be the best that thee brought to the house, and she herself to choose it, Also two platters, two porringers, one saucer, two candlesticks, and all such linen as she brought to the house with her. Also two trundels which she brought with her .
Item: to Edith my daughter £20 to be paid to her in the following manner, £10 at her day of Marriage & the other £10 within three years after, also one red cow .
Item: To Christian my daughter £10 one heifer bullock which is now at Froome at leaze one crocke the better of the two lesser crockes, one skillet, one of the plates which is upon the cupboard, three porringers, two saucers which are upon the same cupboard, and one trundle.
Item: to Mary my daughter £10 and the bed which I do now lie in with all furniture to the same (except the bedstead) and Thomas my son to have the keeping of the same bed with the furniture until she shall be married and one weanling calf of the best posnet and the least crock one platter three porringers two saucers which be now standing upon the cupboard and one trendal.
And my will is that if either of those two Christian or / Mary do die before they be married then the survivor to have £5 of the aforesaid £10, the other £5 I give to Elizabeth ZEGER [Zeager -Seager] my daughter BUTT. And if they happen to die both then my will is that both their £10 which is in all £20 shall be equally divided between Thomas my son and Elizabeth Zeager my daughter:
To Richard BARTLETT my wife's son one crock which was his mothers.
To Johane BARTLETT my wifes daughter one crock which was her mothers and is now in the keeping of Johane BARTLETT Widow.
To my daughter Elizabeth ZEAGER 10 bushels of well winnowed wheat and sixteen bushels of well winnowed barley.
To Robert CHOWNTE my brother four bushels of well winnowed wheat . To his son William one chilver hogg.
To the parish church of Fordington 12d; To the poor 12d.
To John TUCKER the younger and John COSENS the younger (whom I do appoint overseers) to each of them 12d;
And the Rest of my goods moveable and unmoveable not given and bequeathed (after my debts legacies and funeral discharged I give and bequeath to Thomas CHOUNTE my son whom I do make my sole executor.
To Christian my daughter one pair of sheets . I give the two candlesticks that now stand upon the cupboard one to Chritian my daughter the other to Mary my daughter. I give the tester which is over my own bed to Mary my daughter. the other tester in the same room to Christian my daughter:
Witnesses Henry CHOWNTE, Thomas RIVES, John COZENS junior, John TUCKER, Thomas BARTLET, Raymond THORENS
Letter of Administration for the estate of Leonard SERGEAUNT [SERGEANT] of Fordington in Dorset 22 Jun 1585 OPC PCC Admons Folio 78 Grantee Simon SPARKE, clothier of Winsham Somerset Creditor

Will of Thomas TOOPPE [TOOP] of Fordington

[Note:- Parish Register for 1584 & 1st half of 1585 has not survived]

Dated 10 Mar 1584/5

8 July 1585

Wiltshire Archives

SPC 1585 4 104: P5/4REG/104C

Extracts:- Will :In the name of God Amen the 10th day of March 1584 I Thomas TOOPP of Fordington etc etc
My body to be buried in the Christian Burial of Fordington Dorset
To Daughter Alice TOOPE a platter, a pottingger of pewter, a brass pot, a candlestick, a pair of sheets, a pair of blankets, a coverledd, and a cow;
Itm: my will is that all these parcels of goods and the cow before given unto my daughter shall remain and be in the use and custody of my wife as long as she liveth.
And also my will is that my wife shall for payment of any debts or otherwise driven by necessity to sell any part of all those goods before given unto my daughter during her life that then my daughter shall not make any challenge to any such goods sold by her, but if she have the same goods or any part thereof at the time of her decease she shall not give it to any others.
Itm: I give to Elizabeth PILLECDE? a platter of pewter.
All the rest and residue of my goods chattels and debts I give and bequeath unto my wife Emme TOOPE whom I do ordain and make my full and whole Executrix. In Witness hereunto Roger KEATE Senior. Robert KEATE. Probate of this written testament of Thomas TOOPE deceased of Fordington --- granted to the executrix 8th July 1585

Nuncupative Will Agnes PORTER of Fordington

See Burial Registers for 1586 Shows:- Agnes PORTER was buried the xxiiij [24th] daye of Aprill Ano ---1586

[Note Agnes PORTER was the daughter of John PORTER (already deceased in 1567) see will of her grandfather Richard PORTER dated 5th May 1567.]

Nun Will dated 21 day Apr 1586

Buried 24 Apr 1586

Inventory 24 Apr 1586

Letter of Administration dated 28 Sep 1586 entered into Registry 7th Sep 1588

Probate 18 Oct 1588


Wiltshire Archives

SPC A 15864 129;

P5/4REG/129A +

P5/1588/51 L/A + Inv

PORTER Memerandum: The one and twentieth of April in the year of our Lord God one thousand five hundred four score [and] six we whose names are underwritten do testify that Angne [Agnes] PORTER of the pish [parish] of Fordington within the peculiar jurisdiction of the church of Sarum being of good understanding and perfect memory made her last will and testament nuncupative in manner or effect as follweth

Impremis: she commited her soul into the hands of the almighty god and her body to be buried in the churchyard of Fordington: Itm: she gave and bequeathed unto her sister in law Marie PORTER a timber box and a bracelet of coral Itm: she gave and bequeathed all her other goods moveable and unmoveable to her mother and her three sisters. This is the true nuncupative Will of Annyne PORTER by our witness and testimony whose names and marks are underwritten Margaret WILLIAMS Mrs Dorchester hellier. Katherine RASKALL

[Damaged] An Inventory of all the goods [chattels and ] debts of Agnes PORTER late of Fordington in the County of Dorset deceased taken & [praised] by [?damaged?] BARONS [BARNS] Roger KEYTE Senior & Richard PROWER the xxiiijth [24th] day of April in the xxviijth [27th] year of the reign of our soverign Ladie Elizabeth by the grace of god Queen of England France & Ireland Defender of the Faith AD 1586. There follows a list of person items followed by:-
Legacies given to ye said deceased and not paid as followeth:- Impremis a legacy given by the Last will and testanment of her grandfather Richard PORTER 1 li[£1]
Item: and other legacies given by the Last will of her father John PORTER in monie

L/A: Know all men by these poresents that Thomas BELMAN and Thomas TAPP of Fordington in the County of Dorset tailors and firmly bound to nthe venerable John Bridges ---official of the Dean of Sarum ---- dated 28th day of September 1586

The condition of this obligation is such that if Margaret PORTER alias BELMAN the natural and lawful sister of Agnes PORTER late of Fordington in the County of Dorset deceased do well & truly administer the goods chattels and debts of the said deceased that is to say in paying her debts and legacies (if there be any) so far as her said goods chattels and debts will thereunto extend, ALSO do exhibit or cause to be exhibited a true and a perfect Inventory of all for said goods chattels & debts moreover do always and at all times hereafter defendsave harmless the above named Mr John BRIDGES Dean of the cathedral Church of Sarum for granting the said administration & for all other causes that shall ensue by reason thereof. Finally do come render and make a true & perfect accompt of & upon for said administration when she shall be thereunto called & required that THEN this above written obligation to be void & had for nought or else yet to stand in his full power and virtue -- Thomas BELMAN

Probate 18th day of October AD 1588 administration of the nuncupative testament and all and singular the goods chattels and debts of Anne PORTER deceased of Fordington within the peculiar jurisdiction of Sarum who died intestate was granted

Will & Admin of John SERVANT of Fordington

See Burial Registers for 1587 Shows:- John SERVANT was buried the xxvijth [27th] of the same month Ano 1587

Dated 23 May 1587

Inventory deceased 24 May 1587

Probate 18 Oct 1588

SPC 1587 4 155: P5/4REG/155A + P5/1587/35

Will: My body to be buried within my parish churchyard in Christian burial; to the poor of my aprish 6d; To John SERVANT my son a bullockof two years of age my greatbrass pan, a platter, a pottinger and a coffer

Item To Robert my son £5 when aged 20, my wife shall have it to her use till that time in respect of his education and a yearling bullock to be paid to him as foresaid

Item more to Robert a brass pot next to best, a platter, a pottinger and a coffer

To daughter Jane £5 at marriage or age 21, a brass pan next to best, brass pot, a platter, a pottinger and a coffer

For making my testament 8d, All the Rest to Agnes my wife also executrix; Overseers appointed John SEAGER; Richard SEAGER; William RASKER; Roger Vusson?

Witnesses Richard RUSSELL; John SEAGER; Richard SEAGER; Roger CUSSON & William RASKER with others

DEBTS DUE To Me: John TUCKER Senior £10: John TUCKER Junior 2s8d: William WINSOR Senior 13s 8d lent to him and for hay 8s, for ferne? 2 years & a half a bushel of malt.; William COLLINS Senior 6s.4d ; Ambrose WHITE 8s 4d ; Nicholas WINSOR 3 bushels of barley 2 at ? a bushel sic. his wife 3 bushels at 2s the bushel; William BURDE [BIRD] for morning 12d; Robert BRYNE pasture for 7 sheep one year

Probate of this written testament of John SERVANT deceased --of Fordington -- 26th day of December 1587

AD 1587: INVENTORY: of all such goods chattels & debts as are appertaining or belonging unto John SERVANT of Fordington when deceased the 24th of May in the year above written --- Follows very long inventory of goods etc + debts already listed including one to Ambrose WHITE ---- Total £54 18s 2d ----Praised by John TUCKER Junior and John WHITE Junior and John SEAGER Exhibited into the registry at Sarum 26th day December 1587

Will of John TUCKER of Fordington

[ Note:- See Burial Registers for 1588 Shows:- John TUCKER younger was buried the vijth [7th] daye of Maye Ano---1588]

dated 29 Apr 1588

Probate 17 Oct 1588

SPC 1588 5 22: P5/5REG/22A

Will: In the name of God Amen the 29th day of April AD 1588 I John TUCKER of Fordington within the peculiar jurisdiction there being sick in body etc etc -- My body I bequeath it unto the earth from whence it came & to be buried as is ore use and right :
Itm: to the poor people there 6d: to the church in Fordington 6d:
Itm: yo my daughter Margaret 20s:
Itm: To my daughter Christian 20s:
Itm: To my daughter Dorothie 20s:
Itm: To my daughter Elizabeth 13s 4d;
Itm: To my daughter Grace 13s 4d:
Itm: To my son Thomas TUCKER 8 sheep as they shall first run the the hurdle;
Itm: To my son Gibert TUCKER 10 sheep likewise: Bequests to his daughters at the age of 21, if any die before 21 divided between other daughters: Bequest to Thomas to be at age 26, other sons likewise if any die shared among other sons equally.
Itm: To Christian my wife whom I appoint and make executrix she to pay my debts and funeral charges:
Itm: To Richard BUNE 13s 4d
Itm: Unto John BARNE 9s;
Itm: To Robert BARTLETT 4s; Unto Thomas BISHOPP 3s 4d; I appoint Thomas STYLLER and Thomas EAME to be Overseers of this my last will These being Witnesses Reynold THORNE; John WHITE Junior John TUCKER

Probate in Latin - approx translation:- Administration of this written testamnt of John TUCKER of the parish of Fordington within the peculiar jurisdiction of the Dean of Sarum before Mr George Dansth official of the dean of Sarum ---17th Day of the month of October AD 1588 granted to the executrix Inventory (not located) Total £30 8s

Will & Administration of Agnes [Annyce] PORTER of Fordington 1588 SPC A. 1588 5 23: P5/5REG/23C PR No Trace of Burial - Agnes PORTER see 1586

Letter Admin of William COLLINS [COLLYNS] of Fordington

[Note:- PR See Burial Registers for 1588 shows burial William COLLINS 3rd August 1588 also "Elizabeth wife of William COLLINS being buried 25 May 1588"]

10 Sep 1588 SPC 1588 5 23: P5/5REG/23A

Probate : in latin approx translation:- COLLYNS 10th day in the month of September AD 1588 : Administration of all and singular the goods chattels and debts of William COLLYNS deceased late of the parish of Fordington within the peculiar jurisdiction of the Dean of Sarum intestate granted to William COLLYNS the natural son of the deceased Heading Note Value of Inventory William COLLYNS £25. 8d

Will & Inventory of Robert BARNES of Fordington

[Link to his place in the account of the BARNES Family of Fordington]

See Burial Registers for 1588 Shows Robert Barnes was buried 27th March 1588

A true Inventory of all the goods & chattels of Robert BARNES of Fordington deceased and appraised by us Roger KEATE Anthony BARNES Roger WINSOR with others the First day of April in the year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lady Elizabeth etc the Thirtieth et AD 1588

[Note:- Robert BARNES is thought to be the brother of John BARNES See his  Will dated 7th Feb 1567, proved 28th May 1567. Robert & Agnes do not seem to have any surviving children as bequests are to Thomasin and Wm Barnes Sen and Junior who are 3 of John's children.

Also see Charter 675 in the Municipal Records of Dorchester when they sell a burgage and garden in Dorchester on 10th Aug 1574,

Agnes BARNES Will dated 28th Dec 1590 below] 

Will dated 27 Mar 1588

Buried FStG 27 Mar 1588

Inventory dated 10th Apr 1588

Probate 10 Apr 1588

Wiltshire Archives

SPC 1588 5 8:

P15/191: (Inventory and original Will - long so 3 images on

P5/5REG/8A (Official transcription of Will image 24 of 566 on

WILL: In the name of God Amen the seventh and twentieth day of March in the year of the reign of our Soverign Lady Elizabeth - 30th [i.e.17th Nov 1587 to 16th Nov 1588] I Robert BARNES of Fordington within the peculiar jurisdiction of Sarum being sick in body (but thanked be God) of good and perfect memory do make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following

First: I give and bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God my saviour and redeemer, and my body to be buried within the churchyard of Fordingtonin Christian Burial
Itm: I give and bequeath unto the poor of Fordington 12d.
Itm: I give and bequeath to every of my godchildren 4d
Itm: I give and bequeath unto my man Ralfe [Ralph] JUSTER £5 to be paid immediately after my decease.
Itm: I give and bequeath to Tomsie [Thomasin] SHERINGE to be paid after my wife's decease £6.13.4d
Itm: I give and bequeath unto William BARNES the elder a brass pot which I lent him
Itm: I give and bequeath unto William BARNES the younger the cupboard next the entry, 2 candlestick, a salt cellar and 3 pottingers upon the same, my second best chest, the tableboard in the hall, two middle brass pots, a yoting vat, and my brewing pan in the furnace;
All which household stuff and implements I will my wife to have the use of them during her natural life
Itm: I give and bequeath unto Edith JUSTER a platter
Itm: I give and bequeath unto Richard RUSSELL Curate of Fordington two ewes and two lambs to be paid him immediately after my decease
Itm: I give and bequeath unto John MOGG a bushel of wheat
Itm: I give and bequeath unto William CORBYN a bushel of wheat
The rest of my goods and chattels both moveable and unmoveable not given and bequeathed (my debts, legacies and funerals discharged) I give and bequeath unto Agnes my wife whom I make my whole Executrix
These being witnesses Richard RUSSELL , [curate]; Ralph WILLES; John MOGG; William CORBIN; Edith DIGGETT and Tomsie SEGER the wife of Robert SEGAR with others

Debts due to me:
Richard PROWER £3

Debts I Owe:
William BARNES the younger at Whitsun next £5
Itm: To William ADYN the younger 20s
To BAYLIE the shoemaker 20s
To hosier I owe 3 bushels of wheat
Itm: To Richard PROWER nine bushels of wheat
Itm: To William BELLMAN seven bushels of wheat

Very Rough Translation - Probate of this written testament of Robti [Robert] BARNES deceased within the prebendary of Fordington and Writhlington before the venerable magistrate and official of Sarum Thomas DILWORTH 10th day of April AD 1588
Will of Ambrose HUNT of Fordington

[Note:- See Burial Registers for 1587 Shows:- Ambrose HUNT an olde man was buried the xxvjth [26th] daye of December Ano---1587]

[Note:- Link to an image of Will and more information about this family]
1588 Dated 06 Nov 1586

Proved 17 Oct 1588

SPC 1588 5 22: P5/5REG/22B
HUNT - In ther name of God Amen: The 6th day of November in the year of our Lord God one thousand five hundred four score and six
I Ambrose HUNT of Fordington being sick in body but of good and perfect remembrance do make this my last Will and testament in manner and form following.

First and principally I give and bequeath my soul into the hands of almighty god my creator saviour and merciful redeemer and my body to be buried within the churchyard in Fordington in Christian burial untill the resurrection

Item: I give to the poor of my parish xijd [12 pence]
Item: I give to Mr RUSSELL for making this my testament xijd [12 pence]
Item: I give to Elizabeth HUNT my goddaughter vjd [11 pence]
Item: I give and bequeth to my five daughters Anne, Margaret, Alice, Christian, and Dorothy each of them three bushel of wheat and six bushel of barley all which portions my will is that they be paid within five years next after my decease and in manner and form following my daughter Dorothy to have paid her the three bushel of wheat & six bushel of Barley being her portion the first year to Christian next to Alice next to Anne next and to Margaret her portion of wheat and Barley the last year
Item: I give and bequeath to John HUNT my sonne my horses, corts [carts] and plow with all their appliances and implements whatsoever, the table board the great brass pot and all the lumber about the house
Item: I give and bequeath to Christian my daughter the great pan.
Item: I give and bequeath to Dorothy the second best brass pot and a heifer in blackmore
Item: To the three children of William Fflamborde of Armitage to either of them I geve a sheep
Itm: To Tomas & Marie HUNT my sonnes children I give to each of them a sheep
The rest of my goods both moveable and unmoveable I give and bequeath to Elizabeth my wife & John HUNT my son whome I make my sole executor of this my last will and testament These being witnesses Mr TAPP William WATERS

Will (original and copy) + Inventory + account of Robert COSENS son of William COSENS the elder of Fordington Deceased + Letter of Administration

[Note:-No trace of burial in parish register of either Wm or Margaret who both appear to have died in 1589 when parish registers are missing]

[Note:- Margaret COSENS his widow and executrix of this Will was also ill and died before she could complete administration of his estate so the Court appointed their son Robert COSENS as Administrator and it was his account that was finally exhibited into court on 2nd March 1597.

Dated 3 Mar 1586/7

Inv: 16th Apr 1587

Probate 6th Mar 1589

Account 2nd Mar 1597

Wiltshire Archives Ref's

SPC 1589 5 68: P5/5REG/68C + P5/1589/12

Image 14 of 156 Ancestry


Will (Image 14 of 156 In the name of God Amen the third day of March in the year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Elizabeth the nine and twentieth I William CUSEN [COSEN] the Elder of Fordington being sick in body but (praised be to god) of good and perfect memory do make this my last will & testament in manner and form following: First: and principally I give & bequeath my soul into the hand of almighty god my saviour and redeemer and my body to be buried within my parish church yard in Christian burial;

Itm: I give and bequeath to the poor of my parish 12d;
Itm: I give unto Walter BULLOCKE my son-by-law one acre of wheat and one acre of barley.
Itm: I give unto William GOLCELL? one acre of wheat and one acre of barley and he shall have half a score of sheep which I owe him
Itm: I give and bequeath unto Walter BULLOCKE, Thomas REASON and Robert CUSSEN [COSEN] my son to each of them a cow & I will they be delivered shortly after my decease.
Itm: I give and bequeath unto Robert CUSSEN [COSEN] a horse, one acre of wheat and one acre of barley and all my household stuff, but my wife shall have the use of it during her natural life.
Itm: I give unto the 3 children of William GOLCELL and to the 5 children of Walter BULLOCKE a sheep to each of them to be paid them shortly after my decease.
Itm: I give unto the 4 children of Robert CUSSEN [COSEN] and to the 3 children of Thomas REASON to each of them a sheep. to be delivered as afresaid
Itm: I give for making this testament & Last will to Richard RUSSELL 12d And of this my Last Will I do constitute & appoint William GOLCELL & Walter BULLOCKE as Overseers to see that this my Will be performed according to true meaning.
The Rest of my goods & chattels not given & bequeathed I give and bequeath unto to Margaret my wife whom I make my whole executrix.
These being Witnesses Richard RUSSELL, Roger WALLIS and Robert CUSSEN [COSEN] with others.

PROBATE :- Written in abbreviated Latin which needs proper transcription but turned to Image 269 of 566 (a later copy of the will} where Probate is written in less abbreviated Latin. I can only make out parts of it :-
COSEN: [On the] 6th day in the month of March in the year of Our Lord 1589 administration of all and singular [the goods chattels] and credits of William COSENS Senior [the Elder] deceased [whilst he lived] of the parish of Fordington within the peculiar jurisdiction of the Dean of Sarum -- ? --- Margareta [Margaret] COSEN Executrix named in the written testament --- ? --- Robert COSEN the natural son & ? of William Senior deceased ---- administrator

Letter of Administration : Know all men by these presents that the Robert COSENS of Fordington in the County of Dorset Husbandman, Richard RUSSELL of the same place and Silvestor GAME of Shipton Gorge husbandman are held and firmly bound etc etc dated 6th Mar 1589 -- The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bound Robert COSENS the natural and lawful son of William COSENS the Elder late whilst he lived of the parish of Fordington in the County of Dorset deceased

[Note (images 9-11 of 156) :- The ACC[OMPT] of [Robert] COSEN the [missing- illegible] and administrator of the goods chattels and debts of Willyam COSENS the Elder late whilst he lived of the parish of Fordington in the County of Dorset and peculiar jurisdiction of the Dean of the Cathedral church of Sarum, deceased made and exhibited unto the worshipful Mr William WILSON Senr Doctor of Laws & Official to the said Dean of ??? lawfully authorized the second day of March Anno Domini 1597 FIRST The Charge: the said Robert COSENS administrator and accompetant aforesaid do charge ??? with the goods chattels and credits of the said William COSEN the Elder deceased amounting to the price and balance of forty nine pounds eight shillings and eight pence praised and acompted in an inventory thyereof taken and exhibited on the behalf of the said accompetant into the office of the said Dean of Sarum etc etc

Robert COSEN son of the deceased repeats each bequest made in the will and gives his appraisal of the cost of each legacy and adds other administration charges. I have only extracted the following important entry :-

"Paid for the funeral and burial of Margarett COSEN deceased the relict and executrix named in the last Will and testament of the said Willm COSEN the Elder deceased which said Margaret died before she proved the will ----vjs viijd [6s.8d]


Will of Gabriel FISHER of Fordington

Parish Register badly damaged :

8 Feb 1591/2

Inv 15th Sep 1597

SPC 1591 5 137: P5/1592/33 + P5/5REG/137B

P5/5Reg/137B needs proper translation approx :- FFISHER:(side line entry in a different hand of 'Anuncia Maria') 8th day in the month of Feb AD 1591 administration of all and singular the goods etc of Gabriel FFISHER deceased of the parish of Fordington within the peculiar jurisdiction of the dean of Sarum who died intestate granted to Johanni [John] FISHER the natural & ?[lawful brother] of the deceased ?? before William HUTTON? -----Anuncia ? Maria

P5/1592/33:- Letter of Administration: Know all men by these presents that William HUTTON of Fordington in the County of Dorset taylor and William HIDE ? of Wiltshire? gentleman? are bound to the venerable Mr John Bridges 8th day in the month of Feb in the 34th year of the reign of Elizabeth etc 1591

The condition of this present obligationis such that if John FISHER the natural and lawful brother of Gabriel FISHER late whilst he lived of the parish of Fordington in the County of Dorset deceased do well and truly administer the goods chattels and debts of the said deceased ; That is to say, in paying his debts and legacies (if there are any) so far as his said goods chattels & debts will thereunto extend and as the law shall charge him / Also do exhibit or cause to be exhibited a true and perfect inventory of all his said goods chattels and debts on this side the feast day of the Annunciation of Our Lady St Marie the Virgin next ensuing the date above written. Likewise do well and truly satisfy content and pay or cause to be satisfied and unto the rest of the brothers and sisters of the said Gabriel deceased etc etc

Inventory A true account of all the goods of Gabriel FISHER late deceased of the parish of Fordington received by me John FISHER & paid as followeth (side line entry in pencil 1597) Impremis received by me John FISHER as may appear by the Inventory to the value of £10: First I paid unto William HUTTON in the parish of Fordington for the taking of the letter of administration and for his charges ?/ 20s : Item Unto my brother Richard FISHER paid him in ready money the sum of £4: Unto my own self kept of the money £4 Item unto my brother Thomas FOYNE & William FOYNE in 8 sheep paid unto them 4 each being rated at 5s a sheep one with another £10? The 15th September 1597

Will of Ralph WILLES of Fordington Husbandman

[Note:- Link to Parish Register very badly damaged most names illegible but thought to have been buried FStG 6th Feb 1591 - Link to his father's plot held by his son John WILLES (1559-1616) in 1600]

Dated 7 Apr 1589

Death 6 Feb 1591?

Probate 16 July 1591

Wiltshire Archives:

SPC 1591 5 100:

P5/1591/78 +


Will --Key Facts: dated 7th April 1589 Ralph WILLES of Fordington Husbandman etc -- and my body to be buried within the churchyard of Fordington in Christian burial;
Item: to the poor of Fordington a bushel of wheat;
Item: to Edith DIGGETT my daughter an acre of wheat to be delivered within 1 year after decease
Item:- to Thomsie DIGGETT Anthony DIGGETT Margaret DIGGETT and Katherine DIGGETT my sons (presumably som-in-law) children to each 40s; And I will these legacies of £8 not to be delivered into the hands of their father but within 1 year after my decease to be put into some of my honest neighbours custody to be employed and used to their benefit until they accomplish and be of the age of 21 or be married then the profit which shall accrue and grow of the stock of £8 shall be distributed equaly between them.
Item: John WILLES my son to have my living after my decease, and to have it bought for his lifetime according to our custom (*).
The rest to John my son also named executor.
Witnesses Richard RUSSELL , Anthony BARNES & Agnes BARNES [Note his wife] with others.
PROBATE: 16th July AD 1591 ---- Inventory total £11.4s.10d

Letter of Administration: -- Know all men by these presents John WILLS & Anthony BARNES of Fordington in the County of Dorset Husbandmen are held and firmly bound unto etc -- dated 16th day of the month of July in the 33rd year of the reign of Elizabeth 1st AD 1591. The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bound John WILLS the executor of the last will and testament of Ralph WILLES late of Fordingtonin the County of Dorset deceased do well truley and failthfully satisfy perform and pay or cause to be performed and paid etc etc

Will of Thomas WINSOR the Elder of Fordington Husbandman

[Note:- Parish Register badly damaged :- He wrote his will on 25th April 1591 and died before the Inventory of his goods was taken on 5th May 1591 which refers to him as Thonas WINSOR Senior ]

[Note:- Link to 1600 Survey of Fordington Manor where Thomas & Katherine's son Thomas WYNSOR holds by copyhold granted 1589 one half place in Fordington Fields inherited by custom of the manor from his father. -- also comments :-

Thomas Winsor still held this half place, at the same rent, in the 1615 Survey of the manor, which gives his age (in 1615) as 60, ie born circa 1555. In the 1607 Survey, his holding is described as Thomas Wynsor, East Streete, East Tithing, son of Katherine Wynsor widow of Thomas T (deceased – 1591), 25 acres, one and a half meadows, one yard of pasture – rent 13s 4d. ]

Dated 25 Apr 1591

Inv 5th May 1591

Probate 16 July 1591

SPC 1591 : PO5/1591/79 + P5/5REG/99D

Probate Records of Court of the Dean of Salisbury Wiltshire Archives image of copy of Will,
image 397 of 566

Image of Inventory
236 of 252

Image Original Will
237 of 252

WILL: WINSOR (Note:- side line entry of "the elder") IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN The ffyve and twentieth Day of Aprill in the yere of or Lorde God One thousand ffyve hundred, ffower score and eleven: I Thomas WINSOR the Elder of Ffordongton wthin the peculiar iurasdiction of Sarum being sick of body, but (thanks be to Almighty God) of good and pfect memorie doe make this my last will and testament in manner and fforme following.

First: I give and bequeath my sowle into the the handes of God, and my bodie to be buryed wth in my pish churchyarde of ffordington in Christian buryall.
Item: I give and bequeath unto the poore of ffordington xij [12d]:
Item: I give and bequeath unto Thomas TOPP one acre of wheat to be paid him at Michaelmas come twelve month next after my decease
Item: I give and bequeath unto John WINSOR the second best brass pott and a tableboard
Item: I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth WINSOR a platter a pottinger a sawcer and a candlestick
Item: I give and bequeath halfe my livinge and howse roome unto Thomas [WINSOR] my sonne during the life of Katherine my wife to paye halfe my debts equallie, and the other duties payable and due owe of the said living between them.
Item:The rest of my goods and chattells both moveable and unmoveable my debts legacies and funeral discharged I geve and bequeath unto Katherine my wife , and Thomas WINSOR my sonne whom I make my Executors of this my last will and Testament.
These being witnessess Richard RUSSELL , Nicholas Winsor, John Hunt others.

PROBAT[E] of the written testimony of Thomas WINSOR deceased who lived at Fordington in the jurisdiction of the prebendal diocise of Saram was granted before William Wilkinson Doctor at Law

INVENTORY: A True and perfect Inventory of all the goods and chattles of Thomas WINSOR Sen (sic) [Senior] deceased of FFordington in the County of Dorset The Banding made & praised by Richard RUSSELL,John WINSOR, Thomas RIVES and John CUSSEN these with others the fifth day of May 1591.
[Note:- an explanation of unusual items can be found in the Glossary]
Impremis: fowre [4] acres and a yarde of wheat -- iijl [£3]
Item: two horses and a cowe -- xlvjs viijd (46 sillings 8 pence)
Item:one acre of barley -- xs [10s]
Item:three brasse pannes [pans] -- xlviijs [48s]
Item: a little pan & ye brasse kettle -- iijs [3s]
Item: three brasse potts -- xxxs [30s]
Item: another brasse pot -- vjs [6s]
Item: a skillet, a little pot & a chafing dishe -- iiijs [4s]
Item: a bason, a pott & a ?? candlesticke -- vs [5s]
Item: eleven platters, two potengers & ij saucers -- xijs [12s]
Item: two platters, one potengers & five saucers -- iijs [3s]
Item: a coubonrd [cupboard] -- ijs [2s]
Item: two coffers, two chests, a fosset & bedspread -- viijs iiijd [8s 4d]
Item: bedclothes & and a sheet -- vjs viijd [6s. 8d]
Item: tymber vesssell -- iiijs [4s]
Item: horse harnesse & other bad stuffe -- viiijs iiijd [9s.4d]
Item: a cart & an itce? -- vs vjd [5s.6d]
Sum is --xiijl iiijs ijd [£13.4s.2d ] [£13-5s-6d?]
Exhibited xvjo [16th] July 1591

Will of Agnetis [Agnes] BARNE [or BARNES] of Fordington, Dorset

[Note:- Although there is no reference to Agnes status in the will she was the widow of Robert Barnes see his Will dated 27 Mar 1587/8 above in which she is named his relict and executrix. They had no surviving children as no bequests in either Will.

Parish Register very badly damaged but she died after she wrote her Will on 28th Dec 1590 and before probate on 17th June 1591 so she is one of the widows buried at FStG either on 17th April or 17th May 1591]

Roger JUSTER the son of Ralph & Mary JUSTER, who were servants of Robert & Agnes BARNES, was baptised at FStG on 14th April 1588.

Dated 28 Dec 1590

Proved 17 June 1591

PROB 11/77

PCC= 1591 Barnes, Barne, Agnes, Fordington, Dorchester, Dorset 46 Sainberbe

Rough Translation

Probate of this written Testament was approved at London before Rev William Lewin Doctor of Law and Official of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury 17th day in the month of June Ad 1591 - by Richard Goodall Notary Public - Administration granted to Christopher WHITTELL executor named in the testament

WILL Agnetis BARNE: Dated the 28th Dec 1590 -- I Agnce BARNE of Fordington ----
I First yield my soul into the hands of god and commit my bodie to the grave to be buried in the Churchyard at FFordington
Also I give unto the poor people of Fordington ten shillings and to the poor alms folke of Dorchester 10s and to the prisoners at the goal of Dorchester 10s--
Item : To Johane YOUNGE the daughter of Roger YOUNGE of Alton now dwelling with me the sum of £5 to be delivered to her on her day of marriage if she so long live; if she died to her sister Agnes YOUNGE Also I give unto the same Johane Young my best cofer
Item : I give to Edith JUSTER the daughter of Ralph JUSTER £5 the cupboard in the hall the greatest candlestick saving one and one platter of the middle sort to remain to her use until the time of her age of 21 or her day of marriage, If she die my will is that her brother Roger JUSTER shall have that portion. Also I give unto Roger JUSTER the son of Ralph JUSTER my best cow and 20 shillings when 21 Also I give unto Mary JUSTER the wife of Ralph JUSTER my best featherbed and my little skillett
Item : I give unto Roger YOUNG of Alton my grey nagg and to Agnes his daughter a kerchief the greatest candlestick and greatest platter
Item : I give unto my sister Katherine HIBBARTS of Dorchester a canvas hordcloath and forty shillings;
Item: I give to o Robert BRYNE the elder and Katherine his wife after him and after their days to Robert BRYNE their son a cow to remain among them for their sufference
Item: I give to John KEATE of Weymouth all my household stuff now being in my house at Dorchester
Item: I give unto John STALLINGTON my greatest crocke Also I give unto Richard MYNTERN of Plush my best crocke
Also I give unto Roger WYNSOR of Fordington my soull ? and all things thereto belonging
Also I give to Margery CORBYN of Dorchester 10s;
Also I give to Xpofer [Christopher] WHITTLE 5s:
And to Alice PEERE a fine sheet;
Item: I give to a poor kinswoman of mine commonly called Ellen of Dorchester my worst gown my worst pettycoat and a cofer
Lastly I give to every of my godchildren to whom is nothing already bequeathed some part of my pewter and brass vessels yet not given at the discretion of my overseers
The Rest I give unto the poor people of Fordington and do ordaine in their names Christopher WHITTLE Vicar of Fordington my executor Overseers John ADYN and John WATTS of Dorchester
Witnesses Christopher Whittle John ADYN Senior; John WATTS Roger WYNSTER and others
Administration & Inventory of Margaret BURDE [BIRD] Widow of Fordington

Probate 2 June 1592

L/A 2nd June 1592

Accompt 10 Jun 1596

P5/1592/10 + P5/5REG/143A

Parish Register has not survived: Probate dated 2nd day in the month of June Anno Domini 1592 : Administration of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of Margaret BURDE [BIRD] vidua [widow] deceased of Fordington within the peculiar jurisdiction of the Dean of Saraum granted to Thomas BISSHOP the natural son of the deceased ---

L/A Know all men by these presents that Thomas BISHOP of Fordington in the County of Dorset husbandman and John WHITE of the same place in the same county Yeoman are firmly bound unto Mr John BRIDGES Doctor at Law and official of the Dean of Sarum in the sum of £40 etc dated 2nd June 1592 in the 34th year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth I

Accompt of Thomas BUSHOPP [BISHOP] the natural and lawful son and administrator of the goods chattels and debts of Margaret BURDE late whilst she so lived of the parish of Fordington in the County of Dorset Widow deceased and made and exhibited to the worshipful Mr William WILKINSON Doctor of Law and Official of the Dean of Sarum the 10th day of June 1596 in the 38th year of the reign of Elizabeth I

Will & Inventory of Maryan BASCOMBE Widow of Fordington

[Note:- Parish Register very badly damaged but buried FStG 3rd Feb 1592/3]

[Note:- Elizabeth WHITE her daughter was the wife of John WHITE Senior (d.1600) and also left a will when she ied in 1607]

[Note:- Willa RASKER one of the appraisers was probably William RASKER Senior (1564- )


Will dated 26 Jan 1591/2

Died 21 Jan 1592/3

(See Inventory)

Buried FStG 3 Feb 1592/3

Inventory Exhibited into the Court

by Jacobum BASCOMBE

21st June 1592? [Actually 1593]

Wiltshire Archives

Note Original & copy of Will available. Probate only on the original and bottom of Inventory

SPC 1592 5 143:

P5/1592/11 +


Will: In the name of God Amen the six and twentieth day of January Ano Domini 1591 and in the xxxiiij [34th] year of the reign of our sovereign Lady Elizabeth by thr grace of God of England France & Ireland Queen defender of the faith etc I Maryan BASCOMBE of the Parish of Fordington within the County of Dorset Widow being sick in body but thanks be to God perfect mind and remembrance do make this my testament containing my last Will in manner and form following:

First & principally I bequeath my soul to Almighty God my maker & redeemer & my body to be buried in ye churchyard of Fordington aforesaid.
Item: I give to our Lady Church of Sarum iiij d [4d]
Item: I give will and bequeath unto the parish church of Fordington xijd [12d]
Item: I give to the poor of the same parish xijd [12d]
Item: I give will and bequeath unto my son Roger ABBET [ABBOT?] my gray Gelding, a platter & a pottenger
Item: I give unto my son John BASCOMBE half an acre of Wheat
Item: I give will and bequeath unto William ADDAMS half an acre of wheat
Item: I give unto Jane HARDIE a platter
Item: I give will and bequeath unto Elizabeth WHITE my daughter two acres of wheat in the field & xij [12] bushels of my barley that is in the barn
I will the rest of my goods not given, I give Will and Bequeath unto James BASCOMBE my son and him I make full & whole executor he seeing my debts and legacies paid & my body honestly to be brought on earth
Item: I do constitute ordain my wellbeloved friends John WINSOR & John CUSSONS to be my Overseers that this my will be fulfilled according to the true meaning hereof giving to every of them for their pains iiiid [4d]
These bearing witness Richard BUDGE ? John WINSOR John CUSSONS with others.
Probate [roughly] before Worshipful William Wilkinson Doctor of Law and official of Sarum 21st June 1592
Ano Dm 1592 : An Inventory of all such goods credits and debts as were appertaining or belonging unto Maria BATSCOMBE [BASCOMBE] who deceased the 21st day of January (i.e.1592/3 and was buried 3rd Feb)
Impremis: A gray stonehorse praised at ----- Xli [£10]
Ite [Item]: A bay stone horse praised at ----- xxxjs [31s. 0d]
Item: A gray gelding praised at -----jli xviijs [£1. 18s]
Item: An old cow praised at ----- xvjs [16s]
Item: A cart & plough & tackle praised at -----ijli [£2]
Item: The wood in the backside praised at -----iiijs [4s.]
Item: For the wheat at home praised at ijs xd [2s. 10d]
Item: The Barley praised at ----- iijs [3.]
Item: fech & hay praised at -----ijli [£2]
Item: For vi [6] acres of wheat in the field praised at -----iiijli xvjs [£4.16s.]
Item: A cupboard praised at ----- xiijs iiijd [13s.4d]
Item: x [10] platers & pottingers v [5] saucers praised at ----- xjs [11s]
Item: One brass pot & two kettles with other brass as candlesticks & such other praised at -----jli [£1]
Item: A table board & old Cupboard praised at ----- xs [10s]
Item: xij [12] bushels of malt praised at -----xvj s[16s.]
Item: one f [furnace] vate [vat], two trendles & a silt? praised at xs [10s]
Item: the bedding in ye chamber praised at -----js [1s.]
Item: A chest & a coffer praised at ----- vjsviijd [6s.8d]
Item: fetters & locks with other old iron praised at -----iijsiiijd [3s.4d]

Sum Total xxiijli ixs viijd [£23.9s.8d]

Praised by these me here under written: Thomas COSSEN Junior ; Thomas WINSOR; Thomas WHITE junior; Thomas BYSHOP [Bishop] ; Willa RASKER.
Exhibited 21st June 1592 by Jacobum [James] BASCOMBE
Will & Inventory of Elizabeth [or Isabel] HUNT Widow of Fordington

Link to image of her will and more information about her family

Parish Register has not survived [Note:- The widow of Ambrose HUNT ]
Dated 31 Apr 1589

Proved 19th July 1594

Wiltshire Archives

SPC 1594 6 62:

P5/1594/39 +


In the name of God Amen the tenth day of April in the 31st year of the reign of our sovereign Lady Elizabeth by the grace of God of England, France and Ireland; Queen defender of the faith; I Elizabeth HUNT of ye Parish of Fordington in the County Dorset Widow do make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following

First and before all things I give and bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God trusting to be saved by faith, and my body to be buried within the parish churchyard of Fordington aforesaid in Christian burial

Item: I give and bequeath unto my daughter Christian HUNT a peck pan, a little Cadron? of agrarte?) and all my clothes belonging to my bed, linen and woollen

Item: I give and bequeath unto her an acre of wheat and an acre or barley; half to be paid this year and the other half next year and to the said Christian I give a crocke of a gallon, a sheet and my best cerchefe? [handkerchief].

Item: I give and bequeath to Alice FLAMBORD iiij [4] bushels of Barley a neckerchief and my best apron

Item: I give and bequeath to Thomas HUNT iij [3] bushels of barley

Item: I give and bequeath to Ambrose HUNT ij [2] bushels of wheat and a crocke of half a quart

Item: I give and bequeath to Margaret TAPP a platter

Item: I give and bequeath to Joan HUNT my second best kerchief

Item: I give and bequeath unto the three children of Alice FLAMBORED to each of them a kerchief

The rest of my goods and chattles not given nor bequeathed I do give and bequeath unto John HUNT my son whom I make my executor of this my last Will and Testament these being witnesses William CORNISH and Robert RASKAR RASKER] with others

Will & Inventory of William CRIMELL [CRIMMELL or CRIMBLE or CRYMELE] Senior of Fordington

[Note:- Parish Register has not survived]

[Link to Survey 1600 when William Crymble was holding a copyhold grant dated 1586 for a half place in Fordington Fields.

William Crymble was the son of William Crymble or Crimmel, and born ~ 1565 according to the 1615 Survey of the Manor of Fordington. ]


Will dated 5th May 1595

Inventory 23 May 1595

Proved 18 Sep 1595

SPC 1595 6 106: P5/1595/14 + P5/6REG/106A

Will: dated 5th May 1595 ' My body to be buried in the churchyard at Fordington '
Item: to daughter Luce wife of Richard COURTE 1 bushel of wheat;
Item: To daughter Margaret wife of John MADEAT one bushel of wheat
Item: to daughter Grace wife of William WEYGHE? one bushel of wheat;
Item: To daughter Julian wife of Stephen PHACIE [FACEY] ? one bushel of wheat Item to son [no name] 2 bay horses furnished with their harness and half my cart.
Item To Elizabeth COURTE to the above named Richard COURTE one acre of wheat and one acre of barley the acre of wheat lying above Luscombe called by the name of Broad away [Broadwey] And the acre of barley lying in Combe called the pi acre
Item to the poor of Fordington 12d
All the rest to Elinore my wife whom I make my whole executrix -- in presence of these witnesses William RASCER [RASKER]; William BIRD;Mark of William Bellman ; Robert SCUFF Scriptor {writer]

An Inventory of all the goods and Chattels of William CRIMELL Senior of the manor of Fordington taken the xxiijth [23rd] of Maye 1595 by us Thomas Emes [Eames] 1539-1618]; William RASCER; William BYRDE [BIRD] and Robert SCUFF [SCUTT?] the writer as followetgh [Long list of items not transcribed] Exhibited by William CRYMELE and Thomas TAPP 18th Sep 1595

Will & Inventory + Account of William WILLES [WILLS] of Fordington

[Note:- Parish Register has not survived]

Dated 22 Aug 1595

Probate 1 Nov 1595


Wiltshire Archives

SPC 1595 6 109: P5/1595/49 + P5/6REG/??

Probate 1 Nov AD 1595

WILL: In the name of God Amen the 22nd day of August 1595 I William WILLES of Fordington within the peculiar jurisdiction of Sarum there being whole of mind and good and perfect remembrance etc -- and my body to be buried in the churchyard at Fordington
Itm: to the poor of Fordington2 shillings
Itm: to daughter Christian 14 sheep, 1 cow, 1 chest, my 2nd best brass pan, my 2nd best brass pot, my 2nd best platter, 1 porringer, 1 candlestick, 1 acre of wheat lying in Marell etc, 1 half acre of barley in yarden, half an acre of barley lying by 20 acres
Itm: to my daughter Agnes 14 sheep, 1 cow, 1 pottinger, 1 candlestick, 1 acre of wheat lying in Marrell and 1 acre of barley lying in Yarden
Itm: to my daughter Margeret 14 sheep, 1 cow, 1 brass pot, 1 brass pan, 1 platter, 1 pottinger, 1 candlestick, 1 acre of barley lying at Bridport Way, 1 acre of barley lying in Mislade
Itm: I give my 3 daughters before named all my bedding and all the wearing apparel and my old red cow to be equally divided belween them
Itm: to my son William 14 sheep 1 black bullock, my best brass pan and brass pot, and also my will is that when he attain the age of 21 that then he shall enjoy and occupy to his only use 1 acre half of the overall Lands and Tenement which Richard WILLES his brother holds during their natural lives and the half acre lying Yarden
Itm: My Will is that if the said William shall marry then the said Richard shall at Williams request endeavour to help william in and about the building and setting up of a house etc etc
The Residue of all my goods etc I give to my son Richard who is made executor. Witnesses Richard WAREN, John WHITE, Robert BUNE
Will & Inventory + tuition Bond of William WHITE of Fordington Dated 30th Mar 1595 SPC 1595 6 109: P5/1595/50 + P5/6REG/109B

Parish Register has not survived:

[Note:- Link to transcription and more information about the Nuncupative Will of William WHITE (d.1595) the younger son of Robert WHITE (d.1576)]


Reynold THORNE of Fordington Will & Inventory +- also a Tuition Bond of

[Note:- PR not survived but His wife Maria was buried 27 Feb 1585 & his son John 15 Apr 1586 & daughter Alce 21 Jun 1588 in Fordington]

Letter of Administration :- Know all men by these presents that John ASH of Fordington in the County of Dorset Husbandman & Thomas TAPP of the same place taylor are held and firmly bound unto John BRIDGES the legal representative of the dean of Sarum etc etc dated decimo day in the month of March 1596 [i.e.1596/7]

The condition of this present obligation is such that If Dorothie THORNE the relict and executrix of the last will and testament of Raynold THORNE her husband late whilst he lived of the parish of Fordington in the County of Dorset deceased uppon her proper costs and charges do well and virtuously educate and bring up or cause to to educated and brought up Thomas Thorne, Sybyll Thorne, Elizabeth Thorne, Prudence Thorne, Mary Thorne, and Eme Thorne the natural and lawful children of the said deceased in funding, giving, and providing for them and only of them good holsome decent necessary and conveinient foods lodging and apparel until they shall come to be of lawful age or married AND also do well and truly satisfy content and pay or cause to be paid unto the said Thomas, Sybbell, Elizabeth, Prudence, Mary and Eme all such legacies gifts and bequests as are willed gien and bequested unto them in and by the last will and testament of their father the said Raynold deceased according to the tenor effect truse meaning & intent of the said will without any fraud deceipt or frustratory delay that upon the paid obligation to be void and had for nought or else to stand and abide his full,power effect and virtue. Signed Johannis ASHE Thomas TAPP

In the presence of William HUTCHINGS

Dated 25th Feb 1595/6

Died 1st June 1596

Inventory Exhibited 10th Mar 1596/7

Tuition Bond dated 10th Mar 1596

Probate dated 10th Mar 1596/7

SPC 1596 6 150: P5/1596/65 + P5/6REG/150A


WILL: Extracts: [Link to Reynolde THORNE's 2nd marriage to Dorothy nee ASHE in 1586 with background to his first marriage to Maria Unknown]

My body I bequeath it unto the earth and to be buried in Christian Burial in Fordington;
Itm: To the poor in Fordington 3s 4d;
Itm: To my 4 youngest children Thomas; Mary; Prudence and Eame £5 each;
Itm: To daughters Sibell & Elizabeth £3 each (with conditions)
Itm: John COSEN & Robert BISHOP Overseers ;
Itm: To son William £3
Itm: To daughter Joan 2 yards of wheat lying at Yorden;
Itm: To Margaret my daughter 20s ;
Itm: To Elizabeth CLEMETS 20s to be paid but her by the Feast day of St Martin next ensuing after my decease
Itm: To Roger THORNE my blue cloak & best doublet, my red nag, half an acre of wheat lying at Six Barrows half an acre of barley at Great Barrows
Itm: My Will is that in the Hall my best cupboard, the tableboard, the frame and form, 2 frame stools and 2 chargers, a gridiron in the kitchen & shelves in the buttery shall always remain unmoveable as implements to the house;
Itm: My Will is it is Roger THORNE my son shall decease before that he be taken tenant to my tenament that then the same tenemnet shall remain and be Thomas THORNE his brother.
Rest of his estate: To my wife Dorothie THORNE whom I appoint and make executrix; Witnesses John WHIGHT Thomas TAPP with others

INVENTORY of all the goods chattels and debts as attained and belonged unto Raynold THORNE of Fordington who deceased the first day of June 1596 by Thomas CHOUNTE; Thomas TAPP; and John WHITE. -

Impremis: 5 horses --- xvjli [£16]
Itm: The Cart [useually 2 wheels] P?ull and sithes [maybe shafts] & other iron--- l?s [50 shillings?]
Itm: 2 keyane [cows] 3 bullocks --- vj li [£6]
Itm: 2 Piggs --- xxs [20s]
Itm: Wood and timber ---xs [10s]
Itm: A dung pot with wheels ---xs [10s]
Itm: 2 ladders ---ijs [2s]
Itm: In the Kitchen: 3 brass pots a posnet, a skillet, 4 kettles, furnace pan, and a little pan ---xls [40s?]
Itm: 4 vats, 4 trendells, 4 firkins, 2 bowls?, 2 pails, a sylte, a coope and a vathorse [stand for vat] --- xxxs [30s]
Itm: 2 spits, 3 pair of hangers, 2 pair of pothooks, a pair of Andirons, a dripping of iron, a matlock, a wymihook, 4 sacks one iron spade a fire pike, a fire pan, a pair of tongs, a iron bar, a gridiron, a back bar--- xxs [20s]
Itm: In the Hall: 2 cupboards, 13 platters, 5 pottingers, 2 basins, 8 candlesticks, a salt & ?? sawers --- iijli vjs 8d
Itm: The tableboard, a frame, form, 2 frame stools, 2 chairs, 4 cushions --- xiiijs [14s]
Itm: In the Inner Chamber: a board with tressels, coverled, a bolster, a pair of blankets, 2 red saddles, a bvyele? and pair of boots and spurs ---xvjs [16s]
Item: In the Malting House: a chest, and a saw ---vs [5s]
Item; In the Buttery: 5 firkins,a frying pan, 2 flaggons and a powerue? tub --- vs [5s]
Item: In the Chamber out the Kitchen: 2 coverleds, 2 blankets ---iiiis [4s]
Item: In the Chamber out the Hall: a Standing bedstead, a truckle bedstead,a chest, a square tableboard, a chair and form --- xxx30s
Item: 3 feather beds, 3 bolsters, 2 pillowties, 3 coverleds, 2 pair of blankets, a lemon tester, 3 pair of sheets --- vjli [£3]
Item: of Wheat in the fields opf Fordington xxli [£20]
Item: of Barley ten acres ---xijli [£12]
Item: of oates 3 acres --- xls [40s]
Item: of faches [vetch] ---xxs [20s]
Item: His wearing apparel --- xxxs [30s]
DEBTS which Raynold THORNE owed at his decease:
Impremis: To Richard BARKER of Dorchester vli [£5]
To John WHITE Junior xs iiijd [6s.4d]
To Robert BISHOP xxvjs [26s]
To Robert BISHOP v bushels of wheat
To Richard CHOUTE --- xxs [20s]
The Inventory was exhibited into the registery on 10th March 1596/7

Administration of Richard STACY or STARY of Fordington 1597 SPC A 1597 6 168: P5/1597/98 + P5/6REG/168A Parish Register has not survived
Letter of Administration for the estate of Nicholas HEUVILL [HENVILL] to Agnes HEUVILL 03 Feb 1596/7 OPC Admons PCC p197 Grantee Agnes HENVILL relict : (referred for computation by judge, for lack of funds),
Will of John Wynson or WINSOR of Fordington, Dorset
Parish Register has not survived
Dated 14 Mar 1597
Proved 08 May 1598
PROB 11/91 PCC= 1598 Windsor, Winsor, John, the younger, Fordington, Dorset 46 Lewyn MEMORANDUM : John WYNSOR the younger of Fordington within the peculiar jurisdiction of Saraum & being sick of body but of perfect mind remembrance died in the presence of the witnesses hereunder named dclared his last will and trestament in manner and form following First: he did give and bequeath unto and towards the reparation sof the church of Fordington two sheep; And all the residue of his goods and chattles moiveable and unmoveable whatsoever his debts and funerals paid and discharged he did give and bequeath to Christian his wife whom he did also make his executrix These being witnesses vizt John COZENS his mark ; William WYNSOR his mark
Will of Henry VINSON of Fordington, DorsetParish Register has not survived Dated 14th Apr 1598
Proved 19 June 1598
PROB 11/91PCC= 1598 Vinson, Henry, Fordington, Dorset 47 Lewyn WILL: Bequest Alice my wife all the sheep with £30 of which £20 remains in the hands of John LAWRENCE of Dorchester and £10 in the hands of William CROSSE of Mapowder + house Etc: Bequest to Mr ROWE 6s 8d to preach at my funeral. Alice wife executrix; Overseers William Cross and John Lawrence who are given 3s 4d eachWitnesses Ralph Kewe Minister John Lawrence Mary Symons Mary Inster [Note A Ralph KEWE was Rector of Turnworth 1612-1642]
Will of John WHITE Senior Husbandsmen of Fordington Dated 3 Jan 1597
Proved 17th July 1600
SPC 1600 6 245:
P5/1600/76 + P5/6REG/245C
Parish Register has not survived:
Link to transcription of the Will of John WHITE Senior of Fordington (d.1597)

Administration of Christian HUNT of Fordington

Parish Register has not survived

[Note:- Christian was the daughter of Ambrose HUNT - see his Will 1588- by his wife Elizabeth HUNT - See her Will 1594 - Link to more information about this family

Administration is granted to Christian's brother John HUNT and William BARNES Husbandsman of Fordington]

17 July 1600

Wiltshire Archives

SPC A. 1600 6 246:

P5/1600/30 Letter Admin


Letter of Administration: :

Know all men from these presents that John HUNT of Fordingtonin the County of Dorset & William BARNES of the same place Husbandsmen are firmly bound unto Rev John BRIDGES Doctor at Law and official of the Dean of Sarum etc etc. Decimo Septimo die mensis July in the 42nd year of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth etc (which ran from 17th Nov 1599 to 16th Nov 1600) hence 17th July 1600.

The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bound John HUNT and William BARNES the administrators named of all and singular the goods chattels and debts of Christian HUNT late of Fordington in the County of Dorset deceased do well and truly administer the the goods chattels and debts of the said deceased that is to say to paying her debts and legacies (if there be any) etc etc Signatures of John HUNT and William BARNES in the presence of William HUTCHINGS

Decimo Septimo die mensis July Anno Dm Millime Sexcente simo -- My latin is not good enough to give a full transcription but in essence it states:-
'HUNT: The 17th day in the month of July in the year of our Lord 1600 administration was granted for the estate of Christian HUNT deceased of Fordington to Johannis [John} HUNT of Fordington in the County of Dorset and William BARNES husbandsmen of the same place in the same County and the peculiar jurisdiction of Sarum' - so they may have been given joint administration but the document needs a better translation . I also note that William BARNES wife named Marie died at Fordington being buried there on 11th Jan 1587/8.

Will and Letter of Administration of Agnes HENVILL Widow of Fordington

PR No Trace of Burial

Will 20 Feb 1601

L/A granted to Elizabeth SPEARE of Bere Regis Administratrix

Probate 30 July 1603

SPC 1603 7 62: P5/1603/33 + P5/7REG/62B

Will; Dated 20th day of February in the year 1601 I Agnis HENVILL late of Fordington in the County of Dorset Widow etc --my body to the earth --
Itm: My daughter Elpabethe [Elizabeth] the wife of John SPERE shall have the rent of my house and backside at Fordington ---, And the said John SPERE to have the grounds thereto belonging --etc ref to remain to John Spere, Johane Spear, Elsabeth Spere & Agnes Spere the sons and daughters of John and Elsabeth.
Ref to legacies with John Godd alis PEERES my said brother deceased
JohnSpere my son-inlaw executor

Note:- Elizabeth SPEAR was buried at FStG June 30th 1631

Will of John INGRAM [Husbandman] of Fordington

[Note:- John clearly died between when he wrote his will on 16th Dec 1602 and 10th Feb 1602/3 when parish registers have not survived. ]

[Note:- His widow Agnes INGRAM (1565-1638/9) & executrix of his Will was buried at FStG on 19th Feb 1638/9 - Link to 1615 Survey of Fordington Manor]

{Note:- From his will we know his father Robert INGRAM was living in 1602 -- His mother recorded as Katherine the wife of Robert INGRAM was buried at FStG on 24th Jan 1616. His father probably died when registers are missing (1640-1663).

John & Agnes left 4 surviving children:- (1) Robert INGRAM their only son who was baptised at FStG on 22nd Feb 1594/5 and married Tamsen BIRD at FStG on 2nd Oct 1639. - and 3 daughters (2) Katherine INGRAM named after his mother bapt c1597 who later married William BARTLETT FStG Aug 1620 - (3) Elizabeth INGRAM who married Jonas PALFRY FStG 17th Jan 1625 and (4) Margaret INGRAM who married John SEAGER FStG 7th Feb 1624/5]

Will: 16th Dec 1602

Inv: 10th Feb 1602/3

Probate 22 July 1603

Wilshire Archives

SPC 1603 7 65: P5/1603/44 + P5/7REG/62C

Original Will image 145 of 305

Probate of Will 22nd July 1603

WILL: In the name of God Amen. The 16th day of December AD 1602. I John INGRAM of Fordington being sick in body but whole in mind & of good & perfect memory do make & ordain my last Will & Testament in manner and form following

First I commit my soul to Almighty God my Saviour, by whose death and passion I constantly believe to be saved, And my body I bequeath to the earth whence it was fashioned.
Itm: I give to the poor of Fordington two shillings
Itm: To the parish church of Fordington three shillings four pence
Itm: I do give and bequeath to my four children Viz: Robert INGRAM my son, Katherine, Elizabeth and Margaret my daughters four score sheep & twelve ewes to be equally divided between them
Itm: I give & bequeath to my son Robert a horse called Russ the cart and wheels with harness belonging to the same horse, a red bullock and one acre of wheat showing? upon the way to Bridport.
Itm: To Katherine my daughter I give my best cow & one half acre of wheat lying on [ ]hiles?
Itm: To Elizabeth my daughter my black horse, a black bullock & two half acres of wheat the one lying in Luscombe the other 'showting? to Pisse? Bridge Pitt' (sic)
Itm; I give & bequeath to Margaret my daughter my red horse & two half acres of wheat one half acre sitting? by the wayside leading to Bridport over the way that leadeth to Martinstown [Winterbourne St Martin] the other lying by the wayside leading to Bridport
And: if it is fortune any of my said children to decease before they come to the age of 21 years & before that time be not married then I bequeath her or his part of them so deceasing to the other of them then surviving to be delivered to them when they shall accomplish their said ages or else be married.
The residue of my goods moveable and unmoveable whatsoever unbequeathed I give to Agnes my wife whom I do nominate & appoint to be my sole executrix to see my legacies paid & my will performed And I do appoint Robert INGRAM my loving father & Nicholas INGRAM my Overseers These witnesses John KINTON Clerk [*], Robert RASKER & Robert BU [Probably BUN as per Inventory]

INVENTORY: A True and perfect Inventory of all the goods & chattells of John INGRAM deceased made & appraised by Richard RUSSELL Clerk Robert BUN and Richard WARREN the tenth of February Anno DM 1602 : [i.e. 1602/3 ] I have not transcribed a fairly long inventory of his goods etc which includes animals and wheat in their barn? [Image 144 of 305 ]

LETTER of ADMINISTRATION: [In Latin key info:- ] Know all men by these presents that Agnetem INGRAM of Fordington in the County of Dorset widow and Robertus BUN of the same place husbanman are firmly bound unto the great man John BRIDGES ------ on 22nd July AD 1603 ---The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bound Agnes INGRAM the relict and executrix named in the last will and testament of John INGRAM of the parish of Fordington deceased do shall and truly satisfy content & pay or cause to be paid all and singular the legacies gifted & bequeathed in and by the last will and testament of the said deceased ------

Gen Notes:- [*] John KINTON the witness had a daughter Judith buried at FStG 13th Aug 1607

2024:- Link to Transcription of his Will and Inventory by Helen M Ford

Tuition Bond for Joan KILLING of Fordington 1603 P5/1603/46 Tuition Bond only

Will of Robert COSENS [Yeoman] of Fordington, Dorset

[See Burial Registers for 1604 refers to Robertus COSSENS sepult decimo [decimus?]die Aprilis [Robert COSSENS buried 10th day of April]

[Note:- See burial registers for 1603 and ref to the burial of Agnes the wife of Robert COSSENS]

Robert's widow Christian COSENS was buried at FStG on 28th April 1619 and also left a Will dated 23rd April 1619 which is held at the Wiltshire Archives.

Luce Zeager Cosens his daughter was bapt FStG in the middle of the year 1578 and had married Nicholas SMART by the death of his widow Christian in 1619.

Agnes Bascombe (1555-1625) his daughter was married to Thomas Battescombe probably during 1595-1605 inc when registers are missing (See link to her mothers Will above) Agnes and her son John and 3 more of her children are beneficiaries in 1619.

Margaret Cosens his daughter married Robert FFORD at FStG on 5th May 1593.

Dated 6 Apr 1604

Buried 10 Apr 1604

Proved 07 May 1604

PROB 11/104 WILL: In the Name of God Amen the sixth day of April in the year of our Lord God to the comutation of the church of England 1604 I Robert COSENS of Fordington within the peculiar of Sarum being visited with sickness and weakness of bodie but perfect of mind and memorie Tthanks be to Almighty God) do make and ordain this my last Will and testament in manner and form following:
First I comit and betake my soul into the hands and mercie if almighty god who created me and all mankind and by his mercy and death of Jesus Christ I hope only to be saved and by no other means,
And: my bodie I comit unto the earth from whence it came and to be buried in the church at Fordington:

Item: I give and bequeath unto the Cathedral Church of Sarum two shillings, and to the nchurch at Fordington six shillings and eight pence

Item: I give my Land in Dorchester to Luce my daughter and the heirs of her bodie lawfully begotten, And for want of such isse the remainder thereof to Agnes my daughter and the heirs of her body lawfully begotten, And for the want of such issue to my right heirs for ever.

I Give to Luce my daughter sixscore pounds if she shall marry with the consent of my overseers and executor herein named or four of them, if so many of them shall then be living, or otherwise with the consent of so many of them as shall be then living, the same money to be paid forty pounds at the day of her marriage forty pounds at the end of one year after, and the other forty pounds at the end of two years next after her said marriage, if my Executor herein named shall then be living; If she shall happen to decease before the said several payments be all satisfied then the residue then to be paid at the decease of my said executor; And if the said Luce shall not happen to marry before within one year she shall be of the age of eight and twentie years, Then my Will is that the said sum of sizscore pounds so above named shall be paid unto her , the one half next year after her said age of eight and twenty years And the other half within 2 years next after her said age of eight and twenty years, If my execotor be then living ; And if my executor shall happen to decease before the said payments made according to this my will and meaning Then all the said sum which shall then be unpaid shall be paid at the time of my executors deceasel If the said Luce shall then be living

Item: I give unto Agnes BASCOMBE my daughter £20. Ten pounds thereof to be paid within one year next after my decease, And the other ten pounds within two years after my decease

Item: I give unto John BASCOMBE my daughter Agnes son £5 to be paid when he come to the age of 15 years to be delivered into the hands of two sufficient friends to the use of the said John if he shall be then living by the appointment of the Overseers that then shall be living or of two of the Overseers, executor if the Overseers all be dead, to be put to the benefit and profit of the said John Bascombe until he shall come unto the age of 20 years, And then to be paid unto him together with the benefit and profit thereof according to this my will and true meaning, But if any of the said Overseers shall be living then my will and meaning is that they shall retain the said £5 And put onto the same in manner and form as is aforesiad to the use and benefit of the said John

Item: I give unto Elinor* my daughter Margaret's child one heifer yearling bullock and two ewes and two lambs; [*Elinor FORD see his widow Christians Will dated 23rd April 1619 ]

Item: I give to the poor of the parish of Fordington 10s to be distributed by my overseers on the day of my burial

Item: I give to my to daughter Margaret my Mazer dish bound with silver and 4 silver spoons, my furnace pan and one other of my best pans my best crocke the cubbord and the tableboard in the hall the joined chest (side line addition - & comode chect) in the chamber I live in; my cart with the wheels and cart harness and plough harness, but all these ?? before given to the said Margaret my daughter to remain in the house in the custody and use of my executor herein named for so long as she* live unmarried , And at her death or marriage whichever shall first happen, the same to he wholly left in the house and delivered to my said daughter according to this my will and meaning; [* His daughter Margaret married Robert FORD in 1593 and had Elinor c1600 - This refers to whether his widow Christian remarries]

Item: I give to my daughters Agnes and Luce to either of them 4 silver spoons each to be delivered unto them at the decease or marriage of my said Executor which of them shall first happen And my will is that all glass windows shall remain to the house ; And

I do ordain and make Christian my wife Executrix: of this my last will and testament of all my goods moveable and unmoveable whatsoever after my debts legacies and funeral expences paid and discharged

And I do desire and appoint my friend and Kinsman Roger KEATE gentleman and my friends James GOULD and Robert FFOARDE [FORD] my son-in-law and William TUCKER to be my Overseers whom I do desire to see this my last will and testament performed as much as in them live according to my said will and meaning herein declared

In witnesss whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal These being Witnesses Robert COSENS his mark; Roger KEATE; James GOULD his mark; William TICKER his mark and William SPERING

Will of William RUSKER [RASKER] the elder of Fordington, Dorset

[Note:- See Burial Registers for 1604 which show William Rasker was buried FStG Jan 1604

Dated 5 Jan 1604/5

Buried Jan 1604/5

Proved 08 May 1605]

PROB 11/105 + PCC 1605 Rasker, William, the elder, Fordington, Dorset 32 Hayes


Will of William RASKER the Elderof Fordington: Dated 5th Jan 1604/5: In the name of God Amen the fifth day of January AD 1604 I William RASKER the Elder of Fordington within the peculiar jurisdiction of Sarum and County of Dorset being sick in body but of perfect mind and remembrance almighty god be praised, do make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following: I give and comit my soul into the hands of Almighty God my only creator and maker and to Jesus Christ his only son my saviour and redeemer, and my bodybody to the earth from whence it came and to be buried in the church parish of Fordington aforesaid in Christian burial and as to such worldly goods as it hath pleased god to lend me during the time of this my mortal life I do dispose and appoint in manner and form hereafter following that is to say:

First: I give and bequeath unto the parish church of Fordington aforesaid towards the reparations of the same church 3s.4d : (Note:- rest abbreviated)
[Item:] To the poor 4s:
Item: Unto my 3 sons namley William; Christopher and Robert £20 each to be paid within 3 years after my decease etc:
[Item] To Joane HUNT widow my daughter £20 to be paid her half 1 year after my decease and half at 2 years;
[Item] Alice my daughter £20 at age 21;
Bequest to Ambrose, Robert, John and Thomas HUNT sons of my said daughter Joane HUNT one ewe and one lamb each;
To John RASKER, Faith MOODYE and Margery RASKER children of my brother Robert RASKER 1 chilver sheep each;
Rest and residue to wife Katherine also made Executrix
Neigbours and friends Anthony BARNES; my brother Robert RASKER; Edward JOHNSON; and my son William RASKER to be Overseers; House in which he dwells to be purchased for use of his sons Christopher & Robert ;
Cottage lately bought of Thomas FFORTE to benefit of son Robert he to procure the same from Mr CHURCHILL ;
Witnesses John KINGSTON; Mr Edward JOHNSON;  Anthony BARNES ; Robert RASKER ; William BASCOMBE Robert READ:

Probate granted at London by Robert Master Doctor at Law 7th May 1605

[Note:- Margery RASKER married William BARNES at St Georges Church Fordington on 23rd Nov 1606]

Letter of Administration for the estate of Peter SAVAGE or SAVADGE of Fordington

PR No Trace of Burial ?

22 Jan 1605/6

OPC Dorset Admons Folio PCC p27


Grantee Mary SAVAGE Relict : [Note:- I have been unable to locate the original Letter of Administration. only have an index entry on line :- under 1606 Text:- Savage, Savadage, Peter Fordington Dorset to Mary S, rel., 1606, p27 -- All we know is that he appears to have died intestate 1605/6 with administration granted to his relict Mary. Peter Savage appears in the 1600 Survey of Fordington Manor as holding a copyhold grant dated 1590 for a whole place and another dated 1596 for a farthinghold. ]

Will of Peter Moodye or MOODY, Malster of Fordington, Dorset

[ Note:- No trace of burial in Parish Register:-

His wife Faith MOODYE was the daughter of Robert RASKER and is a benificiary under the Will of his brother of William RASKER (d.1604) also see transcription above.
Their daughter Elioner MOODY however was buried at FStG on 21st Jun 1607]

Dated 1 Jan 1606

Probate 19 July 1606

PROB 11/108
Also PCC 1606 Moody, Moodye, Peter, malter, Fordington, Dorset 55 Stafforde
WILL: Dated 1st day of January in the 3rd year of the reign of James 1st (1606)
My body to the earth whence it came and to Poor of Fordington to be paid at my funeral 4s;
To the church at Fordington and the ringers at my burial 3s & 4d;
To Richard TUCKE 10s;
To my brother {i.e. brother in law] John RASKER and Margery to either [each] of them 20s;
To my Cousin Alce [i.e. Alice] RASKER 10s to paid her the day of her marriage
To my god children Hugh HAGGARD and Maries daughter to either of them 2s;
To my daughter Elioner MODYE £20 to be employed to her benefit by the disretion of my overseers and if it shall happen that my daughter Elinor departs this life before she shall accomplish the age of 20 years or married then my Will is the one helf to my wife Faith MODY and the other half to William TUCKE children John Rasker and Margery Rasker -
Appoints father Robert RASKER , Richard Russell Clerke, and William Clouter [Clowter] Overseers -
Rest to wife Faith appointed executrix.
Letter of Administration and Inventory of William WHITE of Fordington Clerk 1607 SPC 1607 8 108: P5/8REG/108A See Burial Registers for 1607 Shows:- William WHITE buried the thirteenth of October 1607- He was the 5th known child of John WHITE Senior he died intestate and an inventory of his goods and a letter of administration survives. Link to his place in the White Family of Fordington]
Will of Elizabeth WHITE Widow of Fordington 1607 SPC 1607 8 107: P5/1607/57 + P5/8REG/107B See Burial Registers for 1607 Shows:- Elizabeth WHITE widdowe buried 5th November 1607 [Note:Elizabeth WHITE the widow of John WHITE Senior (d.1600) Link to transcription of her Will dated 18th Oct 1607 and proved 15th Dec 1607]
Letter of Administration and Inventory of Robert WHITE of Fordington 1607 SPC 1607 8 108: P5/8REG/108B + P5/1607/58 See Burial Registers for 1607 Shows:- Robert WHITE was buried the xiiii [14th] day October 1607 - He was the 2nd known child of John WHITE Senior he died intestate and an inventory of his goods survives Link to his place in the White Family of Fordington]
Will & Inventory of William WINSOR of Fordington Will 8 Aug 1609

Inv 27 Aug 1609

Probate Sep 1609
SPC 1609 8 165: P5/1609/87 + P5/8REG/165A

PR for 1609-1613 have not survived. Will beneficiaries: -

I give and bequeath unto my sonne Anthonie Winsor 40 shillings & a suit of my best apparel to be paid him at the end of his apprentice;

Item: I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth the daughter of John Winsor one Sheepe;

To William Wintrey my godchild one sheep;

Item I give unto my sonne William Winsor one of my best Sheepe,

To my daughter daughter Catherine 2 ewes;

To Robert Winsor one ewe

To the three other children of my said brother John Winsor viz John, Thomas and Luce 12d each,

to Joan Talbote xijd [12d];

to John Adams xijd [12d];

The rest of my goods moveable and unmoveable unbequeathed I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth my wife whom I do make my sole executrix to see my will forward according to my mind and discharge of my conscience

these being witnesses Witnesses: Johem Kingson (signed), John Winsor Senior (his mark):

Inventory of William Wynsor late of ffordington deceased taken by John Wynsor and John Lawrence? August 1609: Probate Sept 1609 by William Winsor

Will & Administration with Inventory of Joan HUNT Widow of Fordington

[Note:-Parish Register has not survived]

Will dated 29 May 1609

Inventory 20 Jun 1609

LA 1 Sep 1609

SPC 1609 8 165: P5/1609/40 + P5/8REG165C

[Note:- Jooan HUNT nee RASKER (c.1566-1609) The widow of John HUNT (d.1604) Husbandman of Fordington - Follow link for her marriage and more information about her family.
Also link to transcription of her Will dated 29th May 1609. Bequests are to Elizabeth her daughter and three sons Robert, John and Thomas.
Also see Will of Christopher RASKER (c.1569-1613) below who was her brother]

A true Inventory of the Goods and Chattles of Joane HUNT of Fordington late deceased widow valued and appraised by William Bird, Richard Waren and William Collins the younger the xxth [20th] of June 1609. etc etc mainly household and personal items + corn growing in the field praised at 4 acres and a yard of wheat, and 6 acres and 3 yards of barley + 2 kine and 1 bullock; 6 sheep; pair of wheels; 1 swine; etc

Will Inventory and LA of John BARNES of Fordington

[Note Burials for 1609 have not survived]

dated 14 Jun 1609

died 16th June 1609

Proved 1 Sep 1609

Wiltshire Archives

SPC 1609 8 163: P5/1609/3 + P5/8REG/163B


An Inventory of all the goods chattels and debts of John BARNES who deceased the 16th day of June AD 1609 praised by Roger WINSOR William TUCKER and John WHITE

Will: In the name of the eternal God Amen: The xiiijth [14th] day of June Ano Domini 1609 I John BARNES of Fordington within the peculiar juridiction of New Sarum make this my Testament and Last Will in manner and form following:

First I commend my soul into the hands of God father, who hath made me and all the world and hath given they son to die for me and for all mankind and further for thy sons sake have mercy upon me & draw me unto the, amen. Jesus be then a merciful mediator for me unto they father that I may find favour in his fight to be saved amen.

As concerning my body I commend it to the earth to be buried as is use[custom] and right
Item: I give unto the church of Fordington ijs [2s.]
Item: To the poor people there xs [10s.]
Item: I give unto John BARNES the son of William BARNES j[1] brass pot with sonetimes was his grandfathers, mine coffer, & iiijer [four] chairs
Item: To Marye, Christian, Katherine & to Micheas the son and daughters of William BARNES to every of them ij [2] sheep a piece [each]
Item: To himself & to William BARNES & to Anthony BARNES his sons to every of them a sheep
Item: To William BARNES the son of William BARNES the elder j[1] ewe
Item: I give unto Richard WINSOR & to Alice WINSOR the sonne and daughter of Roger Winsor j [1] acre of wheat lying at brewers pit, also I give unto the said Richard j [1] pure sheep

Item: To his brother John WINSOR ij [2] pure sheep
Item: I give to the foresaid Alice WINSOR j[1] white coverled, & j [1] blanket & [1] brass pot with a break in the side
Item: I give to Roger WINSOR my best coat, & best shoes,
Item: To his son Roger WINSOR my best doublet & second best shoes, j [1] yoe [ewe] & lamb, & j [1] pure sheep
Item: To Marian WINSOR, Margery, & Katherine daughters of Roger WINSOR v [5] sheep, ij [2] of them to remain unto Marian the other ij [2] sisters
Item: I give to my sister Thomasin SHERWIN j [1] acre of barley lying in Marell, j [1] half acre of wheat lying in Shortbreach, j [1] yard of barley lying in yorden
Item: I give to Thomas SHERWIN j [1] pair of breeches & waistcoat
Item: I give unto Robert SHERWIN his son j [1] sheep
Item: I give to William BARNES the elder j [1] cloak and j [1] coat
Item: to my goddaughter Johan JOHNSON j [1] ewe & lamb
Item: to John, Ann, and Katherine son and daughters of John WHITE vj [6] ewes and vj [6] lambs
Item: I give unto Thomasin SHERWIN j [1] bushel of malt & ij [2] bushels of wheat
Item: To Eme WINSOR j [1] bushel of malt

The residue of my goods moveable and unmoveable by what title or name soever called I give and bequeath unto Maud my wife who I appoint & make executrix of this my last Will & Testament & to see my funeral accomplished

Note:- There are no witnesses on either the original or copy will [There is also an Inventory]

Administration & Inventory of Christopher RASKER of Fordington

[Note:- Parish Register has not survived]

Inventory dated 2nd Sep 1613

LA dated 3 Sep 1613

SPC A. 1613 9 89: P5/1613/60 + P5/9REG/89A

Christopher RASKER (c.1569-1613) Letter of Administration:- Know all men by these presents that Elizabeth RASKER of Fordiongton in the county of Dorset widow , William COLLINS Sen of the same place husbandman, and William TUCKER of the same place husbandman are firmly bound unto John Gordon etc etc ---dated 3rd Sep 1613

The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bound Elizabeth RAKSER the relict and administratrix of the goods and chattels and debts of Xpofer [Christopher] RASKER late of Fordington deceased do well and truely administer the goods chattels and debts of the said deceased that is to say in paying his debts and legacies if any etc etec ---

An Inventory of the goods and chattles of Christopher RASKER late of Fordington deceased. Taken & praised [appraised] by  Anthony Barnes Sen, Robert Bunne, William Tucker, William Rasker,, William Collins and Anthony Clarke the second day of September 1613.

    Impremis: {In the first place] of Bedding 2 pair of blankets 1 coverlide 1 bolster, 2 pillows & 1 featherbed xvs
    Item: His wearing apparel xxxiijs iiijd
    Item: 10 platters 1 pottinger 2 candlesticks 2 salt sellers of pewter ss
    Item: 1 Amerye 1 chest 2 coffers 2 timber boxes & form xiijs iiijd
    Item: 2 hogheads 1 virkyn 1 bowl 1 vatehorse 1 keine a vate 3 trendells 1 payle and a bushell xiijs iiijd
    Item a little brass pot 2 ?? kettles 2 skillets, 1 iron crook
    etc etc etc

[Note:- Christopher was the brother of Joan RASKER (d.1609) the wife of John HUNT (d.1604) and son of William RASKER the elder. See Joan's will above dated 29th May 1609 and his fathers 2nd marriage FStG 2nd May 1586 to Katherine BELMAN ]

Will of Joane CROSSE, Widow late of Dorchester & now of Fordington, Dorset

PR has not survived:
Dated 23 Sep 1613
Proved26 November 1613
PROB 11/122
PCC shows:-1613 Crosse, Joane, widow, late of Dorchester, now of Fordington, Dorset 100 Capell

WILL: To be buried in the churchyard at St Peters to which church 40s; To the poor of Dorchester £3 to be distributed by William Joliffe ; To the Alms people in Dorchester 3s 4d ; Unto Mary CRIBB my old bedand bolster; To Katherin GALPIN 10s and my gown; To Hester GALPIN little brass crocke : To Robert GALPIN 5 children 13 yards of buffat at 2s a yard to be divided between them; Unto Robert Galpins son Thomas £3 at age 21; To Robert Galpins 4 daughters £3 each at age 28; Legacies to them to remain in hands of Humphrey Joliffe & William Joliffe my Overseers until payable; To the poor of Dorchester 20 shillings a year for 7 years; To John MIDLANE £3; To church at Fordington 6s; To the poor of Fordington 6s; To Executor and Overseers for the use and behoof o

f Thomas Galpin; Elnor Galpin; Annie Galpin; Lester Galpin and Jane Galpin children of my kinsman Robert Galpin Smith all my house and shop in Dorchester called the Bowe All the Rest and Residue to Richard WARRIN of Fordington Husbandsmen who is also made executor Witnessed  Anthoni Barnes Sen  and John Trottell

Edward SPRAGUE Born 1576c died 1614 Upway Dorset but names children Alice married Richard Eames in Fordington; Ralph Sprague married Johanna Warren fordington and William married Millicent Eames from Fordington after emigration to New England [See Transcription of Will]

Dated 6 Jun 1614

Probate 13 Oct 1614

Will of Edward Sprague available at National Archives Documents on line Ref PROB 11/124 Edward's will was written on 6 June 1614 and probate granted on 13 October 1614, with the records residing in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury. The will was devised primarily to his wife and six children. However, he left 10s. to the poor of Upway and another 10s. to the church in Upway. His will specifically names his family as follows: "Ralphe Sprague my eldest son"; "my eldest daughter Alice Sprague"; "Edward Sprague my second sonne"; "Richard Sprague my third sonne"; "Xpofer [Christopher] Sprague my fowrth sonne"; "William Sprague my youngest sonne" and "Christian Sprague my wife"[5]. Of his children, only Ralph, Richard and William migrated to New England.
Will of Henry ANNETT of Fordington, Dorset

See Burial Registers for 1614 Shows:- May 16th Henrie ANNETS husbandman [i.e. farmer] Buried:
Dated 12 May 1614
Proved 09 July 1614
PROB 11/124
PCC shows:- 1614 Annett, Henry, Fordington, Dorchester, Dorset 87 Lawe
Will: To the church in Fordington 5s; to poor 3s & 4d ; John ANNET my uncle owes me £20 to be recovered by executrix to pay £10 to brother Robert ANNET; £3 each to my sisters Joane and Julian : To godson John SHEPARDE the son of Lawrence SHEPARDE of Dorchester 20 shillings to be paid 1 month afetr decease of executrix; Rest to Agnes his wife who is appointed executrix : Loving friends Roger KETE gent and James INGRAM Overseers Witnesses Roger KETE James INGRAM

Administration of John WILLES [WILLS] of Fordington

[Note:- PR for 1616 only has a few burials up to 6th June 1616 - the next return which also covered the whole of 1617 has not survived]

-Link 1600 Survey of Fordington Manor plot held by John WILLES (1559-1616) son of Ralph WILLS who left a Will dated 7th Apr 1589 proved 16th July 1591

16th Nov 1616


SPC A 1616 9 180:

P5/1616/86 + ( image 359 of 370)

P5/9REG/180A ( image 306 of 804 in Latin)

Letter of Administration
WILLES: Decesimo sexto die mensis Novemb Anno Dm Millimo Sexcen Decimo Sexto etc [Rough translation of key info:- image 306]

WILLES: 16th day in the month of November in the year of our Lord 1616 --concerning -- administration -- Johannis [John] WILLES [WILLS] of Fordington in the County of Dorset and the pecuilar diocese of Sarum, and

Anthonye DIGGESTT & Leonardo FEAVER

---------------------------------------------------------------( image 359) [Rough extraction of key info]
Know all men by these presents Antonie DIGGETT of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Miller & Leonard FFEAVER of Dorchester aforesaid Taylor are firmly bound unto John GORDON Doctor of Laws? of the Cathedral of Sarum etc etc

The Condition of this obligation is such that if the above bounden Anthony DIGGETT and Leonard FFEAVER the next of kin and administrators of the goods chattels & debts of John WILLES late of Ffordington deceased doe well and truely administer the goods chattels & debts of the deceased that is to say in paying his debts and legacies if any etc etc [standard wording]

Nuncupative Will of Richard PROWER, Yeoman of Fordington, Dorset

[Note:- PR has not survived: - Richard PROWER is in the Survey of Fordington Manor in 1600 holding a whole place in Fordington Fields by virtue of a copyhold grant held by his wife Johane dated c1580. His widow Johane PROWER was buried at FStG 3rd June 1622]

Dated 8 Apr 1616

Probate 23 Jan 1617

Granted to Roger Prower natural son of the deceased

PROB 11/129
PCC shows:- 1617 Prower, Richard, yeoman, Fordington, Dorset 1 Weldon
MEMORANDUM: [Nuncupative Will:] That upon the Eigth day pf April in the year of our Lord 1616 Richard PROWER of Fordington in the County of Dorset Yeoman being sick in body but of sound and perfect memorie did, with presence of us whose names are subscribed, make his nuncupative Will in manner and form following vitz :
Impremis: He gave unto his son John PROWER an Annuity of £4 and 10 shillings by the year due and owing unto him the said Testator by one Salomon HARRIS for and during the term of the natural life of the said Solomon HARRIS;
Item: He gave and bequested unto his son Roger PROWER his three children namley Roger PROWER, John PROWER and Margaret PROWER Forty shillings unto each of them;
Item: He gave and bequested also unto Robert & Joane the son and daughter of Henry TAPPE 20 shillings a peece [each] to be paid unto their father Henry TAPPE for them and either of them for their use in manner and form following Fitz: twentie shillings on the four and twentieth day of June next and twentty shillings on the nine and twentieth day of September then next ensuing : Witnesses hereunto Willus JONES Cleric

Will of Christian COSENS or COZENS Widow of Fordington

See Burial Registers for 1619 shows:- Aprill 28 Christian COSENS wydowe was buried 1619

Christian COSENS was the widow of Robert COSENS was buried at FStG on 10th Apr 1604 leaving a Will (PROB 11/104) dated 6th Apr 1604

Margaret Cosens her daughter married Robert FFORD at FStG on 5th May 1593.

Agnes Bascombe (1555-1625) her daughter was married to Thomas Battescombe during the period 1595-1605 inc when registers are missing prob c1602/3 Link to more information about her Marriage, age and children.

Dated 23 Apr 1619

Buried 28 Apr 1619

Proved 23 Aug 1619

Inventory 23 Apr 1629 £259.16s

[Note:- Long - Not transcribed]

Wiltshire Archives:-

SPC 1619 10 57: P5/1619/46 + P510REG/57B

PO5 Probate records of the court of the Dean of Salisbury

L/A dated 18 Aug 1619 Robert FFord of Fordington Yeoman ----The condition of the within written obligation is such that of Robert Fford the husband of Margaret FFord the wife of the bounden Robert FFord & Executrix named in the last will and testament of Christian Cosens late of Ffordington in the County of Dorset widow deceased do well and truely satisfy etc etc

Will:- In the name of God Amen the 23rd day of April AD1619 I Christian COSENS of Fordington in the County of Dorset Widow being sick in body but of good and perfect memory (thanks be given to God) do make and ordain this my present last will and testament in manner and form following
First: and especially I commend my soul into the hands of Almighty God and my body to the earth to be buried in the pish [parish] church of Fordington near the place where my late husband Robert COSENS was buried
Item: I give and bequeath unto the said church 6s and to the poor of the said pish two dozen of bread to be distributed at the day of my burial
Item: I give and bequeath unto Elinor FFord the daughter of Robert FFord the elder my son-in-law the sum of one hundred pounds of good and lawful money of England, one feather bed furnished, two brass pots, a table cloth, one dozen and half of pewter of all sorts and half a dozen of table napkins
All my said legacies so far before given by me to the said Elinor my will is that the same shall be paid unto her by my executrix of this present last will and testament when she shall attain unto the full age of 21 years or at the day of her marriage which of them shall first happen.
Item: I give and bequeath unto Margery another daughter of the said Robert FFord the elder the sum of £40 of lawful money of England , one feather bed furnished, two brass pots, a table cloth, one dozen and half of pewter of all sorts and half a dozen table napkins which my will and meaning is shall be paid unto the said Margerty by my said executrix when she shall attain unto the full age of 21 years or be married which of them shall first happen
Item: I give and bequeath unto Robert FFORD the younger son of the said Robert FFord the elder the sum of £40 of lawful money of England , one feather bed furnished,two brass pots, a table cloth, one dozen and half of pewter of all sorts and half a dozen table napkins which my will and meaning is shall be paid unto him also when he shall attain unto his full age of 21 years or be married which of them shall first happen and my will and intent and meaning is that if any of the said children before named of my said Son-in-Law Robert FFord the elder shall happen to decease before theyshall attain unto their several ages of 21 years or be married that then the person or persons of him or them do dying to be equally divided between them
Item: I give and bequeath unto my daughter Luce SMART wife of Nicholas SMART 12d and to Robert their son 6s to be paid from within one month next after my decease
Item: I give and bequeath unto John, Alice, Dorothy and Anne the children of Thomas BATTESCOMBE my son-in-law 6s 8d each to be paid within one month after my decease
Item: I give and bequeath unto my daughter Agnes the wife of the said Thomas BATTESCOMBE my green gown and my Shamell (Chamlet?) petticoat to be deliverd her within one month of my next after my decease.
All the rest of my goods and chattles whatsoever moveable and unmoveable after my debts legacies and funerals discharged I give and bequeath unto my daughter Margaret FFORD the wife of the said son-in-law Robert FFORD whom I make my whole and only executrix of this my last will and testament
And I do also hereby renounce all former wills whatsoever heretobefore this by me made And I do request and appoint my good friends Mr SPERINGE Gent & Roger WINSOR to be mine overseers of this my last will and testament in Witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and seal the day and year above said the amrk of Christian Cosens
These being witnesses Mr SPERINGE, Richard WARREN, Robert FFORD, Roger WINSOR's mark, William COLLENS Jun.
Will of Simon GORTLEY of Fordington [No trace of a burial] 31 Oct 1619 Notes and Queries for Somerset and Dorset, 1888-1899, 1905-1906 Folio 41 Folio 41 Simon GORTLEY of Fordington died intestate administration granted to John GORTLEY his brother 31st Oct 1619
Will of Harbart [Herbert] PELHAM of Fordington [Note:- Buried St Georges Church 21st April 1620 by Rev Edward Pele] 27 May 1620 Notes and Queries for Somerset and Dorset, 1888-1899, 1905-1906 Folio 69 Administrations on page 51 of Notes and Queries published 1893 : The Estate of Harbart PELHAM of Fordington granted 27th May 1620 to his son Harbart PELHAM with consent of his relict Elizabeth [Note:- See Comments about his family under my account of the life of Rev Edward PELE Vicar of St Georges Church Fordington
Will of Roger KETE [ KEETE or KEYTE] Gentleman of Fordington, Dorset

Dated 15 Mar 1619/20
Codicil 09 Apr 1620
Proved 05 July 1620
PROB 11/136

Link to Transcription of the Will of Roger KETE (1550-1620) Gentleman of Fordington with research notes

Bequests made to members of  Anthony EAMES  Family

[Note:- See Burial Registers for 1620 shows:- June 5 Roger KEATE gent [gentleman] was buried ]

Will of Alice WELLS Widow of Fordington 1625 SPC 1625 10 188: P5/1625/04 + P5/10REG/188B See Burial Registers for 1624 Shows:- January 30 Alice WILLES widow was buried 1624
Will of Edward JOHNSON, Gentleman of Fordington, Dorset

See Burial Registers for 1624 Shows:- February 16 Edward JOHNSON gent [gentleman] was buried 1624:
Dated 27 Jan 1624/5
Probate: 22 April 1625
PROB 11/145
PCC shows:- 1625 Johnson, Edward, gent., Fordington, Dorset 41 Clarke
WILL: (Long and complicated) To be buried in the Chancel in the church at Fordington under the great stone that lyeth entering into my seat there and towards the burial thereof in that place I do give the sum of six shillings and eight pence to the church or to Mr Pele vicar , To the church at Fordington 3 shillings and four pence more; To Mr Pele for such tithes duties and offerings 10 shillings; for preaching at his funeral 10 shillings; To Mr Tompkins his curate five shillings; unto James SEAGER the parish Clerk 2 shillings; To the three parish churches in Dorchester 2 shillings and six pence each; To the Free school in Dorchester 20 shillings to be paid into the hands of Mre Robert CHICKE [CHEEKE] Schoolmaster.: To each godchild 12 pence. To the Bedman for making my grave 12 pence; To the poor of Fordington 10 shillings; To my son Christopher Various items : To Katherine my daughter various items: To Margaret my youngest daughter : My wife to have use custody of all parcels & particulars of goods and such old stuff formerly given to my son and 2 daughters (with named exceptioons whilst she remains unmarried ; As to my daughter Dorothy etc + 20 shillings : Rest to wife: Mr William JOLIFFE; Mr William DERBY gent Gilbert Loder Gent, William Lawrence Yeoman creditors : Reversion in Barnes Tenement to son: bind to Dorothy Barnet widow and William Barnes her son in law: Johane said Wife Executrix : Friends Mr William Deby of Dorchester gent; Gilbert Loder of Dorchester gent; William Lawrence of Dorchester Yeoman ; together with brother-in-law Robert Bidgood;   Thomas Chounte & John Hellier to be his Overseers : Lastly I do beseech Mr John WHITE of Dorchester Minister and Preacher, Edward Clarke of Fordington Minister & Preacher, Mr Robert Clarke of Dorchester aforesaid schoolmaster & Mr Edward Pele minister & preacher of Fordington to be assistants to my said exectrix and overseers : Signed: Witnesses John Whittle; William Lawrence the mark of Robert Bidyegood; Thomas Chounte and Thomas Whittell

Will (and Inventory) of Richard SEAGER of Fordington

See Burial Registers for 1625 Shows:- Dec: 24 Richard SEAGER was buried 1625

Note:- Listed as a tenant in the 1615 Survey of Fordington Manor with two plots - One of 29 acres held for 3 lives : his age given as being 63 (making him born circa 1563 . 2nd Plot for another 19 acres also held - follow link for more information

[Note:- Ricahrd's daughter Lucy is thought to have married John EAMES in 1616 when marriage registers are missing]

[Note:- (*) John the son of Nicholas INGRAM was baptised at FStG 21st Feb 1620/1]

Dated 5 Dec 1625

Buried 24 Dec 1625

Inv 14 Jan 1625/6

Probate 3rd May 1626



Wiltshire Archives

SPC 162610 198: P5/1626/44 + P5/10REG/198

WILL: SEAGER: IN the name of God amen the 5th day of December 1625 I Richard SEAGER of Fordington and the peculiar and exempt jurisdiction of the Dean of Sarum being weak in body but of perfect memory (praised be God therefore) I do make my last Will and Testament in manner and form following

First: I bequeath my soul into the hands of almighty god my heavenly father there with the mediation of Christ my only saviour And my body to be buried in the churchyard at Fordington aforesaid. As for my goods and outward estate my will is that they should be distributed as followeth:-
Impremis: I give unto the poor of the parish of Fordington js
Item: I give unto Thomas the son of John EAMES , John the son of Nicholas INGRAM, and Robert the son of Robert SEAGER three wea-ther [wether] sheep to be equally divided between them as the former
Item: I give unto Jone the daughter of Robert SEAGER 1 weather hogge
Item: I give unto Jone & Ruth the daughters of John EAMES each of them one chilver hogge.
Item: I give unto my two daughters Luce EAMES, and Judeth SEAGER my bed on which I lie with the bedding & bedstead to be divided equally between them
Item: I give unto Thomas the son of John EAMES my best suit of apparel vizt jerkin, doublet, and hose
Item: My next best suite I give to John(*) the son of Nicholas INGRAM
Item: I give to Thomas EAMES aforementioned my best hat and chest
Item: I give unto John INGRAM and Roger SEAGER the sum of £4 which I have in ready money in my chest and £2 and forty shillings due unto me from Roger TUCKER of Fordington to be divided equally between them
Item: I give to John(*) the son of Nicholas INGRAM my Coffer And my Cloak I give to my sister Agnes COMBE
Item: I do nominate and appoint Luce the wife of John EAMES of Fordington to be executrix of this my last will and tesatament
Item: I request my son Robert SEAGER and my son-in-law Nicholas INGRAM to be Overseers of this my will
In Witness of all the promises I have set my hand to the presents the day and year above written in the presence of Edward PELE, Robert SEAGER - The marke of Richard SEAGER

AN INVENTORY of the goods and chattels of Richard SEAGER deceased taken and praised by Robert BUN, Anthony EAMES and John DOWNTON the 14th of January 1625/6.
Impremis: his wearing apparel at - xxxs
Itm: one bedstead priased at - ijs
Itm; one bolster two old feather beds, one coverled, one pollow, one pair of blankets and a pair of sheets } at - xxiijs
Itm: one testor, two pillows, at - vjs
Itm: one chest, one coffer, at - vjs viijd
Itm: thirteen sheep and two lambs, at iijli viijs
Itm: In money -- iiijli
Itm: one Bond of - x[?] s
Sum xijli xvjs ijd

Robert BUN his Marke
Anthony EAMES
John DOWNTON his marke
3rd Day May Anno Dm 1626

Will of John HUNT of Fordington, Dorset

[Note:- See Burial Registers for 1628 Shows March 5 John HUNT was buryed 1628: ]

[Note:- See John HUNT (c1595-1628) the son of John HUNT (d.1604) and Joan RASKER (d.1609) for backgroiund on his family
Will dated
27th Feb 1628

Proved 02 May 1629
PROB 11/155

PCC shows:- 1629 Hunt, John, of Fordington, Dorset 42 Ridley

Note:- diff to find as not recorded against Dorset but against 'Sax'

Will: In the name of God Amen The 27th Feb 1628 I John HUNT of Fordington within the jurisdiction of Sax [Sarum] being visited with sickness and weak of body but perfect and sound of mind and memory --------

Body to Christian burial at Fordington; 2s to parson; to the poor of Fordington 12pence;
to church in Fordington 2 shillings to be paid within 1 year after my decease
to the poor people of Fordington 12 pence
to daughter Johane HUNT £10 when aged 16; or if died to daughter Bridgett
to daughter Bridgett HUNT £10 at 16; or if died to daughter Johane
to godson Thomas WINSOR 1 chilver lamb worth 5/- to be delivered within a year;
to godson Ambrose HUNT 1 chilver lamb worth 5/- to be delivered within a year;
to godson John TOUCH the son of Lawrence TOUCH of Martinstown 1 chilver lamb worth 5/- to be delivered within a year;
to godson John STONE of Martinstown 20/- at 21 years;
to brother Ambrose HUNT 12 pence;
to brother Robert HUNT 12 pence;
to brother Thomas HUNT 12 pence;
to sister Elizabeth HUNT 12 pence;
to William RASKER the son of William RASKER the elder of Fordington 12 pence;
to Christopher RASKER the son of the said William 12 pence;
to Robert RASKER the son of the said William 12 pence;
REST bequeathed to Johan HUNThis wife also appointed executrix
Friends William RASKER and Ambrose HUNT of Fordington to be overseers Witnessed by John WEECH Henry HOLMAN and Robert HUNT

Administration of Robert BIDGOOD Clothier of Fordington

Note:- Fordington Burial Register :- March 23 1628/9 Robert BIDGOOD sonne of Robert BIDGOOD was buryed at FStG

Note- Link to this plot of 26 acres in the 1615 Survey of Fordington Manor which shows that it is held for 3 lives these being Robert BIDGOOD the elder (1560-bef.1628) aged 55 the husband of, Katherine BIDGOOD (1575- 1638) aged 40, and their son and heir Robert BIDGOOD (1606-1628/9) the Younger then aged 9. Their son, a clothier by trade, died and was buried at FStG on 23rd March 1628/9 when he would have been aged 22. He clearly died intestate and I think his father must have died as well as administration of his estate was granted to his mother Katherine and her accompt has survived along with an inventory of her sons goods I think her husband was alive in Feb 1608/9 when their sevant Judith was buried at FStG and probably died during 1609 to 1613 when parish registers are missing.

Katherine BITHGOOD was buried at FStG on 28th Aug 1638.

Buried 23 Mar 1628/9

L/A 27 Apr 1629

Inventory 27 Jun 1631

Accompt 3 July 1633

OPC PCC Admons Folio 87 L/A 27 Apr 1629 - Grantee Catherine BIDEGOOD Relict

Wiltshire Archives

SPC A 1631 12 82: P5/1631/10 + P5/1633/2 + P5/12REG/82B

[Image 47 of 290 at ] BIDGOOD ROBT 1633 (Side line entry dated :- 3rd July 1633) The true and perfect Accompt of Katherine BIDGOOD the mother and ad-ministrator of all and singular the goods chattles and debts of Robert BIDGOOD late of ffordington in the County of Dorset Clothier deceased made before the right worshipful Edmund MASON Doctor of Devinity and Lawe of the Cathedral Church of Sarum ???well of and upon all and Singular the goods chattels and debts of the said deceased which since his death have come to the hands of this Accomptris also of and upon all and singular such disbursements as have come made and layde out by this Accompt by virtue of her administration as followeth vizt

The Charge:: Impremis this Accompt chargeth herself with all and singular the goods chattels and debts of the said deceased which since his death have come to the hands of this Accompt contayned in an Inventorie therof exhibited into this Count amounting to the some of [sum pa?? ] of iijli. xvxs.iiij d

The Discharge: wherof this Accompt ??? allowance as followeth vizt: Impremis layde out for the ffunerall of the said deceased and other necessarie charges thereunto be-longing the some of xxs

Item: for the charges of Administration and other necessarie charges there unto belonginge xijs

Item payde to Roger STEPHENS of Dorchester Draper due to him from the deceased by Bill obligatorie to this Accompt ??? the some of vli

Item: for drawing and ingrossing this Accompt the seale and quietness thereunto belonging the some of xijs

Sum of the charges Vjli. xvxs

Soe it appeareth this A-compant hath layed out more then came to her hands the some of ----[There follows a paragraph in Latin dated 3rd July 1633]

A True Inventory of all ye goods of Robert BIDGOOD ye younger when he appraised? ye 27th day of June 1631

Item: His wearinge apparell praised at xxs

Item: one Coffer praised at

Item: one Trunke praised at

Item one old Saddle praised at

Item: Some old ??? ??? praised at

Item: one eythen? praised at

Item: one bond of fyve pounds from Hamnett WHITE for the payment of fiffty shillings but unrecoverable the bond being ill made

Praisers of the goods

John HELLARD : Tho WINSOR: Anthony EMES [EAMES] Exhibited 2nd July 1633

Original and copy Will of Richard BISHOPP Husbandman of Fordington with an Inventory of his goods

[Note:- Ann BISHOP(c1594- ) in the 1650 Survey of Fordington Manor holds by copyhold grant dated 27th Mar 1634 a tenement and farthinghold in Fordington Fields for her life (age 56) and the lives of their sons Thomas aged 27 (c1623) and Joseph aged 25 (c1625)]

His youngest daughter Hester BISHOP was bap FStG 18th Nov 1627.

Will Dated:
6 Dec 1633 (*)

Buried FStG:(**)
9th Nov 1633

Inventory of Goods taken:
17th Dec 1633

16 July 1634

Wiltshire Archives

SPC 1634 12 22: P5/1634/22 +


Inventory by Wm Collins and Anthony EAMES (his signature) 17th Dec 1633

[NOTE:- Clearly burial on the 9th Nov 1633 and signing his will on 6th Dec 1633 can't both be correct.

[Note:- (**) See Burial Registers for 1633 which show:- "November 9th 1633 Richard BISHOP was buried" - I have rechecked (Sep 2024) the 1633 Burial Register for Fordington and now added this link which also has an image of the document so that transcription can be checked.

Investigation of the burial registers is not helped by those for 1632 and 1634 both being missing but I have added other comment about some of the other burials in 1633 which in my view confirm that 1633 is correct for this return.

We have clear images showing the year for those that have survived and whilst there may in the past have been more doubt about the year because I thought Anthony Eames emigrated to New England in March 1633 my discovery of the Inventory he took of Richard BISHOP's goods on 17th Dec 1633 adds confirmation that he was still in England in Dec 1633. Also I agree with the conclusions outlined in the paper written by Michael D Pierce dated 7th Aug 2024 that the ship Recovery that Anthony EAMES sailed on in fact left Weymouth in March 1634.

(*) Link to Transcription and images of the Will of Richard BISHOP dated 6th Dec 1633? ---
Also Inventory of his Goods valued at £70-5s-8d, Taken 17th Dec 1633
by William COLLINS and Anthony EAMES (1595-1661/2)


Will of Philip FEARE Husbandman of Fordington

[Note:- Parish Burial Register for 1634 Missing]

[Note:- Long Inventry of Goods etc not transcribed

[Link to plot held in the 1615 Survey of Fordington Manor by her husband Philip Ffear]

[Note: His relict Grace FFEAR is recorded as alive in the 1650 Survey of Fordington Manor (Folio 8) holding a tenement and 17 acres of arable land and after her her son Robert Ffear]

Will dated 1st Apr 1634

Inventory dated 7th May 1634

Probate 16th July 1634

Wiltshire Archives

SPC Pt2 1634 12 18:

P5/1634/9 +


WILL: FFEARE Philippus ile FFordington:
In the name of God Amen I Phillip FFEARE of FFordington in the County of Dorset & Husbandman being sick in body but of perfect memory (Thanks be unto God) doe make this my last Will & Testament
My Soul I commend into the hands of God who gave it me; & my body unto Xpian (Christian) buriall in assurance its ressuraction at the last day. Ffor my goods I will & bestowe them as followeth:-
Item: I give unto my sonne John FFEARE if he be living; forty shillings, and case if he be not livinge I here give the forty shillings unto his sonne Nathaniel FFEARE
Item: I give unto Dorothie FFEAR daughter of the said John FFEAR my sonne five shillings
Item: I give unto my sonne Roger FFEAR forty shillings
Item: I give unto my sonne Robert FFEARE two shillings
Item: I give unto my daughter Ann SPRATT wife of Robert SPRATT of West Morden two shillings
Item: I give unto Grace SPRATT daughter of the said Anne SPRATT three shillings
Item: I give unto Philipp SPRATT sonne of the said Anne SPRATT five shillings
Item: I give unto Philip FFEAR sonne of the foresaid Robert FFEAR five shillings
Item: I give unto my daughter Grace FFEAR fifty pounds to be paid unto her at the day of her marriage
Item: I give threescore pounds unto my sonne Phillip FFEARE which sum of threescore pounds my will is that it be paid unto him by ten pounds a year until the said threescore pounds be fully paid & the first year to beginne at Michalmus day in the year of the Lord one thousand six hundred thirt and seavon [seven]
I give unto / my sone Phillip FFEARE aforesaid my hay house at the end of my stable the lynedy [living?] from my goathouse unto my backdoor & also I give unto him my wellhouse & I give unto him o

ne house standing upon postes next unto William WINSORE his house
Item: I give moe [more] unto my aforesaid daughter Grace FFEAR over & above the fifty pound, one featherbed , one pair of sheets, one bolster, one coverlett

Item: I give her one of my bigger crocks one of my brass panns and my biggerpossett three platters and two pongers? [porringers], All which things I Will to be delivered unto her by my executrix at the day of her marriage
Item: I give more over that what I have formerly given unto my sonne Phillip FFEARE I give him one standing bedstead one featherbed one bolster one coverlett one pair of sheets one crocke one brass pann one cubbord one tablebord after the decease of my wife.

All the rest of my goods chattles I give unto my beloved wife Grace FFEARE whom I make sole executrix of this my Will And I do ordayne & desire Mr Robert COKER & Mathew COKER his sonne of Dorchester to be Overseers of this my Will which Will I do acknowledge to be my last and only Will made the First of Aprill Anno Dm 1634.
Sealed Subscribed & published the the presence of Rob: Tutchin; Robert Ingram; LyenL Scott


Long Inventory held at Wiltshire Archives PO5: Probate records of the court of the Dean of Salisbury - 1634 (Images 455 to 457 inc of 517 Ancestry,com ) At the end "Inventory taken of Philip Veares goods taken 7th of May 1634 witnes us Robert COKER: Sine [sign] of Water Daw [Walter DAW] Sine of William LINNINGTON: Mathew COKER

Probate Inventory Total £137-1s-8d [Is written on the bottom of the Inventory and dated 16th July 1634]

Note:- Husbandman & Churchwarden of St Georges Church Fordington in 1618 & 1623. Had children possibly 1594, Grace 1604 another 1605 and examined by Sir Arthur Ashley JP 31 July 1617.

Letter of Administration for the estate of Jonathan PELHAM of Fordington in Dorset 02 May 1634 OPC PCC Admons Folio 27 Grantee Richard PEELE of St Benedict, Pauleswharfe, citizen & imbroder of London Creditor
Administration bond & Inventory of Hamlet or Hamnet WHITE of Fordington

Inventory dated last day of January 1633

L/A 10th Aug 1634

Accompt Christian White 24 Sep 1635

Inventory & L/A

SPC Inv 1635 :



Hamnet WHITE (c1561-d1633/4) Husbandman of Fordington - Married twice 1st to Joan (c1570-1608) & 2nd Christian BARNES on 28th Feb 1608/9

Link to his place in The WHITE Family of Fordington with background to his marriages and chidren.

See Burial Registers for 1633/4 Shows:- January 10 1633 Hamnet WHITE buried. Hamnet WHITE died intestate and was buried at St Georges Church on 10th January 1633/4. It took a while before a Letter of Administration dated 10th Aug 1634 could be granted to his widow Christian WHITE who entered into a bond with her brother Michias BARNES to enable her to administer his estate which amounted to £70. 14s. 8d.

Link to transcription of Inventory & Letter of Administration : Inventory last day of January 1633 and Letter of Admin dated 10th Aug 1634

Accompt Christian WHITE relict and Administratrix of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of Hamnet WHITElate of Fordington in the County of Dorset dated 24th Sep 1635


Will and Inventory of Alice WHITTLE Widow of Fordington

Will dated
29th July 1634

Inv 1st Apr 1635

Proved 1st Sep 1635

SPC 1635 12 240: P5/1635/100 + P5/12REG/240B

PR shows :- Alice WHITLE widdow was buried March 26th 1635

Will: Son Henry CULLINFORD executor main benificiary - bequests to her gandchildren of son Henry Culliford refers to Wm Partridge and Richard Winsor as Overseers

Will of Thomas CHOUNTE of Fordington, Dorset

PR badly damaged no visible trace 1637 & 1636 Missing

Link to his 1st marriage to Mary CUSSEN at St Georges Church Fordington on 10th May 1587

Link to Survey of Fordington Manor 1650 Folio 4 - Joane CHOUNT holding during her widowhood a tenement and plot in Fordington Fields of  two acres and halfe of Meddow and 22 acres of arable land according to the Custome of the Manor Joane aged 60 years (i.e. born 1590). According to copyhold grant dated 27th Mar 1634 after her death Thomas Bartlett holds reversion of this plot: Jone also holds Folio 14 another plot of  one acre and halfe of Meddow and 24 acres of arable land. After her death William RASKER hold reversion of the property and land for his own life. Jone also holds Folio 18 another cottage and 1 rood of land the reversion of which passes to James Allen and Jonathan Seager after her death.

Dated 17 Feb 1636/7

Proved 22 June 1637

PCC image 732 of 974

PROB 11/174

Thomas CHOUNT (1565-1637) WILL: In the name of God Amen Ffebruary the 17th Ad 1636 I Thomas CHOUNTE of Ffordington in the County of Dorset being in health of body though Gods mercy and of perfect memorie do make this my last Will and Testament in manner & form folowing:

Impremis: I commend my body soule into the hands of God who gave it And my body to Christian Burial in assured hope of resurrection at the last day.

Item I give towards reparation of the parish church of 6 shillings and 8 pence

Item I give to the poor of the parish of Ffordington 40 pounds to be disposed according to the discretion of my executors and Overseers hereafter named

Item: I give to Roger BATTEN who married my sisters daughter £30;

Item I give to Jo: BARTLETT of Herringston my sisters son £10;

Item I give to Margaret BUNN the now wife of William BUNN and to her children £50 to be employed or bestowed for their benefit according to the discretion of my Executix and Overseers

Item I give to John SEAGER my sisters son £100

Item I give to my Cousin Henry CHOUNT of Sutton Pointe £10 and in case he die before me I give it to his son-in-law a glover in or about Ilminster;

Item I give to Christian SLADE of this parish daughter in law unto Jo: Ashe £3;

Item I give to Mr William STRONG our now curate £50;

I give to Richard CHURCHILL son of William Churchill deceased £5;

All the Rest of my goods and chattles moveable and unmoveable I give and bequeath unto my well beloved wife Joane CHOUNT also appointed sole executrix :

Also appointed Mr William Strong; Owen Wallis and John BARTLETT to be Overseers to whom I give 10/-

Signed In the presence of William Strong; the mark of Edward Parker and George Hardy

Inventory of Elizabeth SPEARE

PR no trace 1638; 1637 badly damaged; 1636 Missing

Will 17th Jan 1627/8

Inv 29th Sep 1631

Exhibited 18 Dec 1638

Probate 28 Dec 1638


A True and perfect Inventory of all the Goods and Chattles of Elizabeth SPEARE of Fordington in the County of Dorset Widow deceased praised by Amos DENNIS and Richard DOWELL Yeomen as followeth September xxixth [29th] 1631

Long List of Goods etc -- not transcribed

Exhibited at Sarum ---18th Dec 1638

Signed by Amias DENNIS and Richard DOWELL

Attached to the Inventory of her goods taken in Fordington is an earlier Will :-

In the name of God Amen the xvijth [17th] day of January in the year 1627 I Elizabeth SPEARE of Beere Regis in the county of Dorset Widow -------

Item: To be buried in the churchyard at Beere Regis

Parish Church of Beere Regis 2s

To my daughter Joane CHOUNT of Fordington --

To my daughter Elizabeth COATT of Tolpuddle ----

To my daughter Ann BYLES of Dorchester --- Also bequests to Ann BYLES ,Sara BYLES and Richard BYLES children of Richard BYLES

To Elizabeth Speare daughter of John Speare of Beere Regis ---

Rest to John SPEARE son of Beere Regis Executor

Friends Thomas CHOUNTE of Fordington Yeoman, my son-in-law and neighbour Thomas FRYE of Beere Regis Yeoman - Overseer

Witnesses George DAWE and Henry Dyett Probate 28th Dec 1638

Will of Richard WARREN, Husbandman of Fordington, Dorset Will dated 6 Dec 1636
5th burial in 1637 FStG
Probate 03 May 1638
PROB 11/177 PCC Wills image 45 of 1011
Buried in 1637 where PR is very badly damaged --[See Transcription of his Will dated 5th Dec 1636 with comments about his family]

Will and Inventory of Robert BUNN the Elder of Fordington

See Burial Registers for 1639 shows:- 1639 Robert BUN Buried Septem: 30th

Link to Robert Bun in 1615 Survey of Fordington Manor

Link to Will of Edith Bun in 1654

Mary Bunn his daughter married John SAMWAYS at FStG on 10th May 1631

Son Phillip Bun left a Will dated 29th Sep 1662

Note:- Elizabeth BUNN married William BASCOMBE some time prior to 1639

Dated 25th Sep 1639

Buried 30th Sep 1639

Inv: 8th Oct 1639

Probate 27 Jan 1639/40

SPC 1639 13 219:

P5/1639/15; A


HIS WILL: BUNNE: In the name of God Amen the 25th day of September in the year of our Lord 1639 I Robert BUNNE the Elder of Ffordington being sick of body but of perfect remembrance (thanks be given to God) therefore do make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following

First: I comit my soul into the hands of Almighty God my creator & redeemer by whose death & passion I hope to be saved, And my body to be buried in the pish [Parish] churchyard of FFordington, unto which church I give xs
Item:I give to the poor of the same place 10s to be equally divided between them
Item:I give unto my son Robert Bunne my best Cart and best pair of wheels, my dungpot & dung traces my best Bull & Bull gear with Cart Harness & Plough harness, my tableboard & cupboards and my furnace pann
Item:I give unto my son Philip Bunne 40s & my best horse to be paid unto him within 1 year after my Decease
Item:I give unto my daughter Elizabeth Bascombe 40s in money to be paid unto her within 1 year after my decease
Item:I give unto my daughter Mary Samwayes 20s to be paid unto her within 1 year after my decease
Item:I give unto my son John Bunne vli? in money to be paid unto her within 1 year after my decease
Item:I give unto my son William Bunne vjli xiijs iiijd to be paid unto her within 1 year after my decease
Item:I give unto my daughter Margery Bunne xxiij pounds in money to be paid unto her within 1 year after my decease
Item:I give unto my daughter Edith Bunne xxiij pounds in money to be paid unto her within 1 year after my decease
Item:I give unto my son Phillip Bunnes two children vjs viij d a piece of them
Item:I give unto John Samwayes two children vjs viij d a piece of them
All those childrens portions to be paid within ome year after my decease
All the Rest of my goods not given now bequeathed I give unto my wife Edith Bunne whom I do make my full and whole execurtix of this my last Will and Testament and I doe desire my son Robert Bune and my son-in-law William Bascombe to be my overseers of this my will and for your pains I give them vis viijd a piece of them
Robert Bumme his mark

Signed sealed within the presence of William Collins Will Bascombe Wm Bunn Value Inventory £204 -17s -1d

Probate 27th day in the month of January Dm 1639

NOTE:_ There is also a very long Inventory of his goods taken on 8th Oct 1639 appraised by John WINSOR the Elder ; William COLLINS and William BATSCOMBE

Administration of Robert FRENCH or FREKE of Fordington 1641 SPC 1641 14 29: P5/1641/34 + P5/14REG/29A Parish Register has not survived
Will & Inventory of Henry HOWMAN the Elder Yeoman of Fordington Will: 11 Sep 1640
Inv: 27 Oct 1640
Proved: 4 Nov 1641
SPC 1641 14 27: P5/1641/41 + P5/14REG/27B Link to Transcription of the Will of Henry HOWMAN the Elder transcribed by Helen M Ford
Will of Richard CHOUNT of Fordington Husbandman 1641 SPC 1641 14 29: P5/1641/16 + P5/14REG/29B Parish Register has not survived
Will of John LAWRENCE of Fordington Yeoman Dated 28 Nov 1640
Proved 1st Apr 1641
SPC 1641 13 275: P5/1641/52 + P5/13REG/275B Parish Register has not survived; [Note:- Link to transcription of his will Dated 28th November 1640 and Proved 1st Apr 1641 and more information about his family]

Administration of Edith BIRD of Fordington Widow

Parish Register has not survived

Inventory 1st July 1642

Admin: 13th July 1642

SPC A 1642: P5/1642/4 + P5/14REG/48C

Dated 13th day of the month of July in the year 1642 at Fordington Administration of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of Edithe BIRD of Fordington

Letter of Administration - Know all men by these presents that William BIRD of Lyme howse [Limehouse] in County of Middlesex Mariner ; Thomas BIRD of the parish of Laurence Jewey in London Clothworker & Thomas COLLINS of Brodwaycoad? Dorset Miller are held and firmly bound unto Rev Richard Baylie etc

The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bound William BIRD the son & Administrator of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of Edith BIRD Widow deceased late of whilst she lived of Fordington in the County of Dorset & peculiar jurisdiction of the Dean of Sarum do well and truley administer the same etc

[Note:- An Inventory which I have not transcribed also survives and a letter sending ten shillings which states that she has 3 small surviving children to support]

Will of William LAWRENCE, Yeoman of Fordington, Dorset Dated 10 Apr 1645
Proved 19 June 1646
PROB 11/196 Parish Register has not survived: Link to transcription of his Will. Probate by relict Christian and son John (Abstracts of PCC probates year books edited by John Matthew & George F Matthews BA pub 1906). Link to his widow Christian Lawrence's Will
Letter of Administration for the estate of Owen WALLYS of Fordington in Dorset 02 Jun 1647 OPC PCC Admons Folio 79 Grantee Catherine DOWNTON alias WALLYS widow relict
Will of George LYMBRY, Clothier of Fordington, Dorset 25 March 1654 PROB 11/235 Parish Register has not survived: PCC= Limbery, Lymbry, George, clothier, Fordington, Dors. 1654 136

Will of Leonard MILLER, the Elder Gentleman of Fordington, Dorset

Parish Register has not survived:

[Note:- Leonard Miller Married Agnes PALMER at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 17th Aug 1600]

[Note:- Leonard MILLER of Dorchester Gentleman was bound over in the sum of £10 with Robert LODER of Dorchester for abusing the Constable 13th Jan 1630/31 - His son William MILLER of Dorchester brewer bound over with John BARNES of Fordington husbandman each £10 for beating Micheas BARNES upon the highway (released upon appeal by M.B.--Also Bound over in 1616 £40]

Dated 1st July 1654

Proved : 14 Sep 1654

PROB 11/241

PCC= Miller, Leonard, sen., gent., Fordington, Dors. 1654 426

WILL: Brief Summary:-

Dated 1st July 1654 I Leonard MILLER the Elder of Fordington etc "My body I comit unto the earth from whence it came to be buried in the parish churchyard of Fordington" etc 'to which church I give the sum of 5s and to the poor of Fordington 5s.
To each living son and daughter 12d each
To son William Miller my malt house in the parish of All Saints in Dorchester already in his occupation
To wife Agnes my messuage etc called the Phonix within the parish of All Saints in Dorchester in the tenure of Charles ALLEN and
I give the said Agnes the yearly rents due of my house called the Chequer and for my house in the tenure of Peter FFILDEWE within the parish of All Saints Dorchester, the rents of the several shops and rooms in Dorchester now in the several tenures of Lawrence Ganway barber, [Blank] Norton widow and William Savage taylor their son and the dwelling house in All Saints in Dorchester in the tenure of William Harbyn taylor
I give unto my said wife Agnes my silver salt seller , my silver drinking bowl my bedstead, my tableboard and frames, my chest, my green carpet my cabinet, and my pair of copperhead Andirons or Doggs in the custody of my son Wm Miller and the rest of my goods and chattels whom I make executrix
I appoint my Son-in-law Robert Richards and my grandson William Clarke Overseers. Witnesses Henry Clarke; William Clarke; John FFoyle; Elizabeth FFoyle

Will of Rachell CLARKE, Widow of Fordington, Dorset 05 August 1656 PROB 11/257 Parish Register has not survived: PCC= Clarke, Rachell, wid., Fordington, Dors. 1656 298
Will of Robert SEAGER, Husbandman of Fordington, Dorset
[Note:- Parish Register has not survived: PCC= Seager, Robert, husb., Fordington, Dors. 1659 47]
Dated 10 Dec 1658
Proved 15 Feb 1659
PROB 11/286 WILL: In the name of God I Robert SEAGER of Ffordington in the County of Dorset Husbandman being in good and perfect memory, thanks be given to the Almighty God, doe here make my last Will and Testament First of all I commend my soul into the hands of Jesus Christ my Saviour and Redeemer by whose merits alone I doe humbly desire and do fully trust to have my sins pardoned.
Itm: I give and bequeath unto Joane SEAGER and Johanna SEGAR my grandchildren with their fathers portion £200 each at marriage or at the age of 21.
Itm: I give and bequeath unto George APPLETREE my grandchild threescore pounds at 16 years
Itm: I give and bequeath unto Robert SEAGER and John SEAGER my grandchildren £30 each at 21 years
Itm: I give and bequeath unto Robert SEAGER and John SEAGER my grandchildren my leases of Burton after my wife
Itm: I give and bequeath unto Johanna APPLETREE my daughter £100 to be paid within half a year after my decease.
Itm: I give and bequeath unto my daughter Johanna APPLETREE's two children £5 each to be paid within 1 year after my decease.
Itm: I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary WILMOT £10 within half a year after my decease.
Itm: I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary WILMOT's 3 children £5 each to be paid within 1 year after my decease.
Itm: I give and bequeath unto my son William SEAGER the living that I now live in immediately after the decease of my wife so if he doth assure to John SEAGER my grandchild the farthinghold
Itm: I give and bequeath unto Robert SEAGER my grandchild the living that William BUNN doth now live in to have it immediately after the decease of my wife.
I do ordain and appoint Tamsen SEAGER my wife to be full and whole executrix of this my last will and testament
I do ordain and appoint Arthur GOULD and Benjamin GOULD and John BURGER? to see that this my will is fullfilled (i.e. Overseers) and in regard to their pains I give them 5 shillings each.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the 10th of December 1658:
Rob: SEAGER Witnesses Willm BUNN, Jonathan EAMES
Will of Anthony PELHAM, Clerk of Fordington, Dorset 27 July 1659 PROB 11/294 Parish Register has not survived:His Will dated 29 April 1659 was proved 20 July 1659 and has been transcribed. [This is the son of Herbert Pelham by his 2nd wife Elizabeth West See the Biography of the Rev Edward Pele ].
Will & Inventory of William BARNES of Fordington Yeoman

Dated 20 July 1658

Died 21 Dec 1660

Wiltshire Archives

SPC 1660 1 2 :P15/2

Parish Register has not survived His Will is dated 20 July 1658 and Inventory confirms died on 21st Dec 1660 both have been transcribed

Will of Edith BUNN of Fordington

[Note:- Relict of Robert BUNN (1588-1639) buried FStG 30th Sep 1639]

Will 6th Oct 1654

Inv. 11th Nov 1654

Proved 1660

SPC 1660 1 1 : P15/1 Parish Register has not survived Her Will is dated 6th Oct 1654 and has been transcribed together with an inventory of her goods. Follow link for more information
Will & Inventory of Tomasine WINDSOR of Fordington Widow 1661 SPC 1661 1 7 : P15/6 Parish Register has not survived Her Will is dated 20 Mar 1649 and has been transcribed together with an inventory of goods
Administration of George SALISBURY of Fordington 1661 SPC A 161 1 3 : P15/3 Parish Register has not survived. A Letter of Administration dated 16 Oct 1661 for his estate to his relict Susanna has been transcribed

Administration & Inventory of Robert BARTLETT of Fordington

1661 SPC A 1661 1 6 : P15/5 Parish Register has not survived A Letter of Administration dated 3rd Aug 1661 for his estate to his relict Jane BARTLETT with an Inventory has been transcribed follow link provided [Note:-Follow link to Letter of Administration for more information on Robert BARTLETT (1621-1661) son of William BARTLETT (1587-1638) Also the first Jane BARTLETT to have been buried at FStG after this date was buried on 15th May 1695]
Inventory of Edward PARKER of Fordington 1661 SPC Inv 1661 1 5 : P15/4 Parish Register has not survived. An Inventory dated 17th Oct 1661 of his estate has been transcribed.
Will & Inventory of John RASKER of Fordington

Dated 09 Dec 1661

Inv 26 Dec 1661

SPC 1661 1 8: P15/7 Parish Register has not survived His Will is dated 9th Dec 1661 with an Inventory of his Goods etc taken on 26th Dec 1661 have both been transcribed (follow link provided)
Will of Christian LAUERNES [Lawrence?] of Fordington Widow 1661 SPC 1661 1 4: Note: Wiltshire Archives has 1663 P15/9 Parish Register has not survived. Her Will is dated 20 Nov 1663 has been transcribed]
Administration & Inventory of Mary WINSOR Fordington Widow 1662 SPC A. 1662 : P5/1662/107 Parish Register has not survived [Note:- Summary of Will provided by L.Elkins-Schmitt Aug 2012:-Admin to Thomas Winsor, husbandman, of ffordington the naturall and lawful sonne of Mary Winsor, Widow late of fforington deceased. Dated 1662. Signed with the T mark of Thomas Winser Inventory taken by Will Bun and Henry Holman 4 November 1662 ]
Administration of Lawrence COOMBES of Fordington 1662 SPC A. 1662: P5/1662/27 Parish Register has not survived
Administration of John EMES or EAMES of Fordington 1662 SPC A 1662 : P5/1662/39 Parish Register has not survived [Notre:- See transcription of Letter of Administration in Oct 1662 and Inventory taken 17th Nov 1662]
Administration & Inventory of Philip BUNN of Fordington Husbandman 1662 SPC A1662 1 9: P15/8 Parish Register has not survived His Will dated 29th Sep 1662 has been transcribed + Letter of Administration given to his daughter Mary FROOME with obligations of Thomas Froome and William Bascombe - see transcriptions]
Will of Ambrose HUNT Senior of Fordington [Note:- Parish Register has not survived]

Link to more information about his family
04 Dec 1661

Inventory dated
14 Dec 1661

3 Oct 1662
SPC 1662 : P5/1662/64

Will: In the name of God Amen the fourth day of December 1661 in the thirteenth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord King Charles the second by the grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland defender of the faith I Ambrose HUNT of Fordington in the County of Dorset being of presant memory thanks be to God therefore do make this my Last Will & Testament in manner and form following

First of all I commit my soul into the hands of the eternal god my maker and unto Jesus Christ my bonly saviour and redeemer by whose death and passion I hope to be saved and my body to be buried in the parish Churchyard of Fordington

Impremis first of all I give unto John HUNT one shilling

Item: I give to my son Ambrose one shilling [Note:- Ambrose HUNT (1624-1681)]

Item: I give unto Jone WHILT my daughter one shilling

Item: I give my son William HUNT one shilling

Item: I give to my daughter Tamsen MIDLEN one shilling [Note:- Should be Tamasine MEADWAY as she married William MEADWAY at FStG 22nd Apr 1679]

Item: I make my wife Mary HUNT full and whole executor [i.e. executrix] of all my goods together that god hath blessed me withall of this my last Will and Testament

In Witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and seal the day and year above mentioned. The mark of Ambrose HUNT of Fordington

Witness the mark of John WINSOR and signature of Robert BRIFFEN

Probate of the written testament of Ambrose HUNT of Fordington 3rd day of October 1662

Inventory of the goods and chattles of Ambrose HUNT of Fordington the 14 day of December 1661 praised by Thomas TAP and Mathias RASKER. In the Hallway praised one tableboard; and a little tableboard and 6 joined stools with 2 little stools14s 1d: More in the Hall: one cubboard 11 pewter dishes at £1.1s.0d Item 5 candle sticks 1 bowl 2 salts 2s.3d; one small furnace pan; 3 small brass pans; a large crockes, a posnet; one skillet £1.9s.4d 5 chargers £0.5s.2d ; 2 Crockes, one tosten eyen [toasting iron] one frying pan, adiron, Rocke one pair of tongs, 8 dishes a pair of ---------+ lot more not transcribed

Inventory of Richard INGRAM of Fordington 1662 SPC Inv 1662 : P5/1662/69 Parish Register has not survived
Administration & Inventory of Thomas FORD of Fordington 1662 SPC A 1662 : P5/1662/46 Parish Register has not survived - See Transcription of Letter of Administration with Inventory & entry in 1688 below
Will of Richard HACKMAN of Fordington, Dorset 01 February 1662 PROB 11/307 Parish Register has not survived
Will of Thomas KINGTON, Clothier of Fordington, Dorset 24 August 1663 PROB 11/312 Parish Register has not survived
Will of Eleanor [Elinor] HACKHAM of Fordington widow 1664 SPC 1664 1 10: P15/10 See Burial Registers for 1664 :'Elinor HACHAM Widow was buried the 27th of November 1664 Her Will is dated 15 Nov 1664 and Inventory 30th Dec 1664 & both have been transcribed]
Administration bond and inventory of John WINDSOR of Fordington (To his widow Ursula and son John) 15 November 1664 SPC A 1664 1 11: P15/11 John WINZAR was buried in St Georges churchyard on the 16 of May 1664. This Letter of Administration to his widow Ursula has been transcribed
Administration & Inventory of Lucy EVANS or Luce EAMES of Fordington Widow 1665 SPC A 1665: P5/1665/29: P5/1665/29 See Burial Registers for 1665 :Lewse [Lucy] EAMES was Buried the 11 of May 1665 and transcription of Letter of Administration for her estate to her son Jonathan EAMES issued 24 July 1665 with an Inventory clearly taken when he husband died dated 17 Nov 1662.
Administration of Nicholas SLADE of Fordington 1665 SPC A 1665 : P5/1665/73 See Burial Registers for 1665 Shows:- Nicholas SLADE was buried the 5 of April 1665
John THORNEBOROUGH MA [Note John Thornborough was the Vicar of Fordington & he simply signed the Register in 1666] 1666 PCC Act Books [Not a death] Thornburgh, Thorneborough, John, M.A., 1666 : Dispens. R. Owremoyne, V. Forthington als. Fordington, Dorsett; 1, 138.
Will of John ADAMS, Yeoman of Fordington, Dorset 20 November 1667 PROB 11/325 PR no trace of burial
Administration of Thomas FORD of Fordington 1668 SPC A. 16681 12:P15/12 Parish Register has not survived for 1668 See Transcription of Letter of Administration with Inventory

Will of Thomas WILSHIRE, Clothier of Fordington, Dorset

Parish Register has not survived for 1668

Dated 25 Sep 1668

PROB 11/328

Probate 18th Nov 1668

WILL: Thomas WILTSHIRE of Fordington in the county of Dorset Clothier etc Bequests:-
To sister Grace APLIN £20 to be paid 12 month and a day after my decease
To sister Joan DABRAIN £20 to be paid 12 month and a day after my decease
To my sister Yeedith ELLARY £20 to be paid 12 month and a day after my decease
To my sister Dorothy HELLIER £20 to be paid 12 month and a day after my decease
I give to Charles KERKE my Apprentice £10 to be paid him in six months after my decease
I do give the in goods of the house to be equally divided between my brother Robert WILTSHIRE and my 4 sisters
All the rest of my goods and estate whatsoever (not before given) to Brother Robert WILTSHIRE also executor
I appoint Mr Henry MINTERNE of Fordington and John DAWE of Dorchester Clothier Overseers - given 20s each
Dated 25th Sep 1668 The mark of Thomas WILTSHRE : Witnesses Edward EAMES & William FFINBURY
Will & Inventory of William BISHOP of Fordington Yeoman 1668 SPC 1668 1 13:P15/13 Parish Register has not survived for 1668
Will of Thomas HOWE, Clothier of Fordington, Dorset 15 February 1669 PROB 11/329 PR no trace of burial that for 1668 has not survived
Will of Dorothy FREAKE of Fordington 1670 SPC 1670 1 15:P15/15 PR no trace of burial See transcription of her Will
Will of James POOKE of Fordington 1670 SPC 1670 1 17:P15/17 PR no trace of burial See transcription of Nuncupative Will
Will & Inventory of Robert TAPP of Fordington Yeoman 1670 SPC 1670 1 14:P15/14 See Burial Registers for 1670 : Shows:- Robert TAPP was buryed Sept: ye 7th 1670 See also transcription of Will
Will of Ursula WINDSOR [WINSER] Widow [of John Windsor of Fordington see 15 Nov 1664] 1670 SPC 1670 1 16:P15/16 See Transcription of Will dated 13th March 1670
Administration & Inventory of Thomas HUNT of Fordington

[Note:- See Burial Registers
for 1670 :Shows:- Thomas HUNT was buryed September ye 4th 1670

[Note:-Thomas HUNT (c1601-1670) son of John HUNT (d.1604) and Joan RASKER (d.1609)]
Buried 4th Sep 1670

Inventory Taken 28th Sep 1670

LA Dated 19 Oct 1670
SPC A 1670: P5/1670/20

Letter of Administration granted to

The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bound Melchesicke GILLETT Richard GILL Christian TAPP John PUPLER Arthur BRINE and Charles AUSTIN principal creditors and administrators of all and singular the goods chattles and Credits of Thomas HUNT Late of Fordington aforesaid deceased intestate do well and truly administer the goods chattles and credits of the deceased (that is to say) by paying his debts if any be due so far forth as the same goods chattles and credits will thereunto extend and the law charge them - And also do make or cause to be made a true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the goods and chattles as the said deceased dyeth possossed and exhibit the same into the Registry of this court at or before the feast of All Saints next --- now next coming; Also do make a true and perfect accompt of and upon the said adminiostrationwhen they shall be thereunti lawfully required: And lastly do now and at all times hereafter save defend and keep harmless thye above named Mr DEANE of Sarum & all other his assigns & ministers for or concerning the granting of this Administration in this behalf & for all other causes thereby ensuing. Then this obligation to be void and of none effect or else to remain in full force and virtue --- Signed sealed and delivered Jo: THORNBURGH + Signatures of all creditors

Endorsed 19 October 1670 -- in latin refers to George FROME (the registrar) and Elizabeth HUNT fili [daughter] of deceased

OATH: There is then a separate document which is the oath taken by the creditors and which was taken on 19th day of Oct 1670 before Jo: Thornburgh

INVENTORY: An Inventory of the goods chattels & household stuff of Thomas HUNT late of Fordington deceased praised by William BUN and Henry HOLMAN ye 28th day of September 1670

Will of William COLLINS, Yeoman of Fordington, Dorset

[See Burial Registers for 1670 Shows:- William COLLINS was buryed June ye 9th 1670]

[Note:- Link to more information about William COLLINS Senior (d.1670) a Yeoman of Fordington ; his wife and 6 children]



Will dated 30 Mar 1667

Inv: 19 Oct 1670

Proved 2nd May 1671


PROB 11/333: P5/1671/16

Will: 30th March 1667 :

To sun [son] Jonathan half bedsted in nue [new] chamber with the feather bed blankets & coverled thereto belonging: the tableboard in hall 3 joint stools one platter:

To son William the trundel bedstead & the flock [mattress] bed & bolster & coverleds belonging; the turned timber chairs Mr? Genges? works upon the afercians? & my little brass pot:

To my son Benjamin £10;

To son Onesimus? my great bedstead featherbed green rug bolster blankets & all thereto belonging; my great chest in chamber after my wife's decease; Also to son Onesimus £35 & my great bible & desk & two great wacks? in hall & the great new barrel& the table board in chamber.

To daughter Anna £35 biggest trundel bedstead & the bed & bolsters & blankets & white rug & all thereto belonging Docter Presons works & one great barrel : ALSO to Anna my great Brass Pott 2 great kettels the great brass pan & 2 small warks in chamber after my wife's decease:

To daughter Locke one pound in money & to her daughter Deborah one little chest in new chamber & to the rest of her children 5 shillings each:

To son William the cupboard in hall & great salt after his mother's decease :

To son Jonathan & Onesimus the great stone trew [stone trough] belonging to the house he that lives the longest to enjoy after my wifes decease.

To my sons Jonathan, William & Onesimus & my daughter Anna each of them one pewter plater and all the rest of my goods ungiven

I give and bequeath to my wife Ann COLLENS whom I make my whole and sole executrix Good friends John TORRINGTON, William BUNN, to be assistants to my wife & children in the managing of the small estate I leave unto them & to see my will duly performed . Witnesses Thomas MANUELL and the mark of Jane Bishop

Probate:- Exhibited at Beere Regis 2nd May 1671 Administration granted to Ann COLLENS Relict of the deceased

Long Inventory : Of William COLLINS the Elder of Fordington taken and appraised 19th Oct 1670 by Benjamin SPERING: John TORRINGTON: and William PATY Total £154 11 shillings. On back Inventory Exhibited at Beere Regis 2nd May 1671 by his Annam COLLINS relict of the deceased

Will of Jane HOWE, Widow of Fordington, Dorset 11 May 1671 PROB 11/336 PR for 1671 has not survived: PCC= Howe, Jane, Fordington, Dorset, widdow 1671 61 [Note:- Brief mention of this will as source in Visitation of Dorset 1677 under family of Ironside - Edward Ironside who was baptised at Winterborne Steepleton on 18th Aug 1633 the son of Gilbert Ironside (1588-1671) Lord Bishop of Bristol - married Jane ye dau of Richard HOW of Fordington]

Will of William COLLINS of Fordington

PR Badly damaged no trace but see 1670 28 Sep

1672 SPC 1672 An Inventory of the goods and chattels
Administration with Will of Samuel BURGES of Fordington 1672 SPC A 1672 1 19: P15/19 See Burial Registers for 1672 Shows:- July 27 1672 Saml [Samuel] BURGES buryed

Will & Inventory of Robert INGRAM of Fordington Husbandman

See Burial Registers for 1672 Shows:- 16 July 72 Robt [Robert] INGRAM Buryed

[Note:- Link to marriage of Robert INGRAM to Tamsen BIRD 2nd Oct 1639 ]

Will dated 27 Jun 1672

Buried 16 July 1672

Inv: 30 July 1672

Wilstshire Archives SPC Inv 1672 1 8: P15/18

Will :- In the name of God Amen ye 27th day of June 1672 according to the computation of ye church of England I Robert INGRAM of Fordington in ye County of Dorset Husbandman being of perfect memory & remembrance paised be to God do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testemony in manner and form following viz:
Impremis : I bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God my maker and my body to be buried in Christian Burial
Item: I give unto my daughter Anne INGRAM in money £50 to be paid her within 1 year after my decease
Item: I give unto her one bed furnished with bedding.I give unto her my best cow & a chest & all my pewter & brass excepting ye great brass pot & ye furniss
Item: I do make my wife Tamsen INGRAM & my sons Robert & John INGRAM joint executors together of all the rest of my goods within door and without
The mark of Robert INGRAM
In witness whereof I hath hereunto set my hand and seal in the presence of Joseph SEAGER and John Seager

Inventory:- An Inventroy of ye goods & chattels of Robert INGRAM of Fordington in ye County of Dorset taken by us July ye 30th 1672
In the Hall: 1 tablebpard; 1 bible; 1 great cupboard; warming pan; 1 form; 2 chairs; 8 pewter dishes; 6 candlesticks; 2 iron tankards --- £2.10s.0d
In an inner room: 1 brass pan; 2 barrels & other lumber --- £0. 10s.0d
In the kitchen: 2 brass pots; 2 kettles; 1 furness;1 cupboard; 2 barrels; and other lumber --- £3. 0s. 0d
In the chamber over the hall: His wearing apparel ---£2.0s.0d
& in other goods viz: standing bedstead furnished & 1 half headed bedstead furnished; & 1 truckle bedstead furnished --- £5. 0s. 0d
1 chest; 4 coffers; 1 cheese rack; ---£0.10s.0d
In the Barn: 1 dungpot; 2 pair of wheels & svll? and other such gear belonging to it --- £6. 0s. 0d
4 cows & 2 yearling bullocks £10. 0s. 0d
40 sheep --- £12. 0s. 0d
2 Pigs --- £1. os. od
9 acres & 3 yards of wheat & 15 acres & half of Barley; 1 acre of fatches & 1 acre of oats -0-- £36 -os. 0d
2 loads of hay --- £2. 0s. 0d
Total £93. 2s. 0d
Signed by John SEGER and Joseph SEAGERE

Administration 67, Roger GREGORY of Fordington to Samuel son granted 30th June 1673 30 Jun 1673 Dorset Administrations Folio 67 - Also See OPC Admons Grantee Samuel GREGORY son: Somerset & Dorset Notes & Queries 1888-1899, 1905-1906 - Page 161
Administration Benjamin COLLINS of Fordington but died in Barbados West Indies 05 July 1673 Dorset Administrations Folio 86

Sorce Also:- Somerset & Dorset Notes & Queries 1888-1899, 1905-1906 - Page 159 :

[Note:- Benjamin COLLINS was the son of William and Ann COLLINS and had been left £10 in his fathers Will dated 30th March 1667 which was proved on 2nd May 1671. Benjamin died intestate on the Island of Barbados in the West Indies aznd Administration of his estate was granted on 5th July 1673 to Ann COLLINS Widow , his mother ]

Administration with Inventory of Alexander PAINE of Fordington 1674 SPC A 1674 1 20: P15/20 Parish Register has not survived

Administration of Mary WINSOR Fordington

See Burial Registers for 1675 Shows:- Mary WINSOR buryed September ye 26th

LA dated 1st Oct 1675 P15/24

Letter of Administration:

Know all men by these presents that Johannem [John] WINSER of Fordington in the County of Dorset Yeoman & Johannem [John] DAGGLE of Wootten in the County of dorset a farmer are held and firmly bound unto Thomas WYATT etc etc dated 1st day of the month of October in the year 1695

The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bound John WINSER Administrator of all and singular the goods chattles and credits of Marie WINSOR Spinster late deceased do make or cause to be made a true and perfect Inventory of all & singular the goods chattles and credits of the said deceased which have or shall come to the hands possession or knowledge of the said John WINSER

Signed sealed and deliverered in the presence of Henry BUTLER Notary Public

Administration of Mary WHITE of Fordington 1675 SPC A 1675 3 23 PR no trace of burial [Note:- A Marie WHITE widow was buried at All Saints Dorchester 1 Jan 1673/4 which might be her. This LA does not appear to have been included amongst the transcriptions on]

Will of Robert LINNINGTON of Fordington Husbandman

See Burial Registers for 1675 Shows:- Robt: [Robert] LININGTON buryed November ye 12th 1675

[Note:- Robert LINNINGTON was the 2nd of 3 known children of William LINNINGTON and baptised at FStG on 19th April 1618. He would have inherited his father's tenement and half place plot in Fordington Fields (Link to 1650 Survey of Fordington Manor) Robert was buried at FStG on 12th Nov 1675]

Will dated 22 Aug 1671

Burial 12th Nov 1675

Inv 3rd Jan 1675/6

Probate 6th Jan 1675/6

Wiltshire Archives

SPC 1675 1 21:

Inv: P15/21

WILL: Dated 22nd August 1671 :

I Robert LININGTON of Fordington in ye County of Dorset Husbandman: Do make this my Last Wull and Testament in Manner and form following:-

Impremis: to Edward LINNINGTON my son 1 mazor dishand ten shillings in money
Item: to William LINNINGTON my son £20
Item: to Robert LINNINGTON my son £20
Item: to Thomas LINNINGTON my son £20
Item: to Ellezabeth [Elizabeth] LINNINGTON my daughter £20
Item: My will is that all the said sums of money given and bequeathed as aforesaid shall be paid within one year after my decease
All the Rest of my goods and chattels and household stuff unbequeathed I give and bequeath unto Elleyabeth LINNINGTON my wife whom I make ye full and sole exectrix of this my last will and testament
In witness whereof I have here unto sett my hand and seal ye day and year first above written
Signed Robert LINNINGTON
Sealed in the presence of Micheas BARNES & Hen[ry] HOLMAN

Probate at Fordington 6th day of Jan: 1675/6

An Inventory of the goods Chattels and household stuff of Robert LININGTON of Fordington late deceased praised by William Pate ; Robert Ingram; and Henry HOLMAN on the 3rd day of January AD 1675/6 as followeth:- [Long list of household items] + 5 horses with harnesses ; 5 kine (cows) 3 hephers and 2 yearling calves + 120 sheep, out the back £25 of wheat and £40.15s of Barley in the barn and £10 hay+ wagon, a cart and pull, and 3 pair of wheels + harrows; a sow and 6 young pigs + many other items inc 15 acres and a half of wheat lately sown in the common field & 2 and half acres of vetches growing in the common field [Total £228. 9s]

Will with Inventory of Catharine [Katherine] BASCOMBE of Fordington Widow Nov 1675 SPC Nov 1675 2 34: P15/23 PR no trace of burial 1675 but previous 2 years not survived NOTE: The Inventory dated 16 Jun 1675 only has been transcribed would appreciate a copy of the will.
Inventory of Joseph INGRAM of Fordington 1676 P15/22 See Burial Registers for 1675 Shows:- Joseph INGRAM ye younger buryed December 9 1675

Will with Inventory of Ann COLLENS [COLLINS] of Fordington

[Note:- PR has not survived ]

Inv. 2 Jan 1676

SPC 1676 1 24 also

P15/26 & 1678 Will P15/25

Inventory of the goods & chattels of Ann COLLENS widow deceased taken & appraised by us Ben SPERING William BUNN & Henry COLLINS this 2nd Jan 1676 -- long list of items --- amounting to £13 13s --- 2nd list in debts due from Laurence GRSE on bond £4 and Casandra HOW £2 - £30 cash in house £50 due from executor? total £87 3s 4d Grand total £100 - 16s 4d

Will very badly damaged half missing diagonly - mentions:- I give unto Robert COLLENS: --- ' and John COLLENS sons of the aforesaid Robt COLLENS my son in law £10' ---'I give unto Willm COLLENS son of Willm COLLENS my son in law £10' ---' I give unto Mortha [Martha] COLLENS and Mary COLLENS daughters of ye aforesaid Willm COLL' --- the several ages of one and twenty one years or on ye day of their several marriages at such of those --- -- (or to survivors) --- items to Martha & Mary -- 'I give unto Thomas SQUIRE ---pounds at aged 20 --- ' I give and bequeath --Jane COLLENS list of itens : To Elizabeth WHITE my kinswoman and servant the sum mof £10 --6 months after my decease --- also list items --- -- I give unto her sister Hester WHITE --- and unto their sister Jane WHITE 20s at her age of --To Elizabeth SEAGER Widow 40s or if dead to her son John SEAGER --- unto Robt COLLENS my son-in-law ---- also refers to Francis COLLENS --- one signature visible William BUNN + her mark

Will of Rebecca HILL 1677 PROB 20/1272 PCC : PR's not survived for 1676 & 1677
Will of Benjamin SPERING, Gentleman of Fordington, Dorset 19 April 1677 PROB 11/353 Parish Register has not survived
Will of Rebecca HILL deceased 1678 PROB 32/18/35 Bill of Costs see 1677

Will & Inventory of Henry HOLMAN of Fordington Yeoman

[Note:- PR Burial Register entry for the year 1678 recorded as " Kat: [Katherine?] HOLMAN Dec: 24.Possibly his wife?

No other burials for HOLMAN surname from 1664-1690. This return unusually does extend up to May and should have terminated 25th March 1678/9 giving us 4 burials which should be on the 1679 return which has not survived.

Henry clearly died beltween when he wrote his will on 23 Jun 1679 and when an inventory of his goods etc was taken on 29th Oct 1679.

[Note:- 1650 Survey of Fordington Manor Henry HOLMAN holds a tenement and two plots in Fordington Fields by copyhold grants dated 30th Dec 1617 and 10th March 1619]

Will dated 23 June 1679

Inv 29 Oct 1679

Only 2 images of front so no probate which would have been on the back of the Will

Wiltshire Archives

Inv: SPC 1679 1 26:

Will P15/28

Will :- In the name of God Amen I Henry HOLMAN of Fordington in the County of Dorset Yeoman being weak in body of perfect mind & memory do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following:- I give my soul into the hands of Almighty God my body I commit to the earth whence it came and as for my worldly estate :-

I give & bequeath the same unto Jane HOLMAN the daughter of Thomas HOLMAM late of Fordington aforesaid Broadweaver deceased whome I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint executrix of this my last Will & Testament : In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the three & twentieth day of June AD 31st [year in the reign of] Charles 2nd 1679

Signed Henry HOLMAN in the presence of George GOULD: John CHURCHILL; Andy LODEYS [Andrew LODER Junior] J Arnold

Inventory: The Appriasment of such goods as Hendry HOLLMAN of Fordington died possessed of taken by us this 29th Oct 1679
In the Hall 1 tableboard ---10s
2 pewter dishes ---4s
2 pair canlesticks and a pissle & morter ---4s
1 brass pan ---5s
2 pewter saucers and a pewter dish ---1s
2 Andirons; 3 spits; 1 pair of tongs & crooks ---8s
2 guns ---12s
In the Buttery: 1 warming pan& a ? ---3s
In ye Inner chamber 1 bed and half bed bedstead and all it do belong to it --- £2
2 desks and an old chest --- 4s
1 acre of barley & 1 acre of wheat --- £3
1 pig and pig trow [trough] ---10s
For his wearing apparell --- £3
and other small things ---3s
Total £11 - 04s - 00d Signed John BUNN & William COLLINS
Administration of Sarah INGRAM of Fordington Widow 1679 SPC A 1679 : P5/1679/48 See Burial Registers for 1678 Shows:- Burials 1679 Sarah INGRAM ffeb 23 1678/9

Will & Inventory of Arthur HACKHAM of Fordington Yeoman

PR no trace of burial

Will: 29 Sep 1679

Inv: 7 Oct 1679

SPC 1679 1 25: P15/27

September 29th 1679:

Will : In the name of God Amen I Arthur HACKHAM of Fordington in the County of Dorset Yeoman being weak in body but perfect of mind & remembrance do here make and ordain my Last Will and Testament in manner & form as followeth.
Item: I do give to my son James HACKHAM the bed whereupon I lie with that which belongs unto it with my biggest crocke.
Item: I do give to my son Samuel HACKHAM ten pounds to be paid in one year after my decease : I do also give him back again all those things in his shop made over to me with the money due to him upon his shop books which I have not received & the things that I have not made use of : I do give unto him the best crock save one , 2 pewter dishes, the best & the worst & my trunk
Item: I do give to my son John HACKHAM my Land in Ireland now in the possession of Mr John BOWRING Esquire he to hold out his time paying John the sum of four pounds the year : If he happen to die and not marry then to fall to my son Richard & if he happen to die then to my son Nathaniel and if he happen to die then to my son James provided if John I do not sell it for his best advantage I do also give to son John twenty pounds provided the bond he hath upon me of five pounds be cancelled & give unto him my tableboard the broad chest, the second best crock the 2 next plates the best and the worst
Item: I do give to my son Richard ten acres of the loose ground in Fordington Fold (that is to say) 3 acres Shookmer? upon Bridport ? ? other acres upon LongBredy etc etc
Long Will difficult to transcribe

Goes on to appoint John Richard & Nathaniel joint executors and

My kinsman Jonathan EAMES, of Fordington & my kinsman John HARRIS of Combe in Somerset & my friend John BISHE of Brad to be my overseers

A True and Perfect Inventory of all and singular the goods and chattells of Arthur HACKHAM of Fordington in the County of Dorset Husbandman of late deceased taken and appraised the 7th day of October in the year of Our Lord 1679 by us whose names are underwritten:

List not copied Total £174 - 12 - 0d

Appraised b y us John DRAKE : John WOOLMINGTON: James HACKHAM

NOTE: Signatory on the Inventory of the Will of William Barnes of Fordington appraised 1st Dec 1660

Inventory of Richard BARTLETT of Fordingtom

[Note:- Burials fir 1679 only survive up to May - Richard prob died Sep/ Oct 1679]

Taken 29 Oct 1679

Wiltshire Archives

SPC Inv 1679 1 1a P15/29

Link to Transcription of an Inventory of his goods dated 29 Oct 1679 taken shortly after his death
[Unidentified member of the BARTLETT Family]

Will & Inventory of Robert INGRAM of Fordington Yeoman

See Burial Registers for 1680 Shows:- 1680 Robert INGRAM was buryed May 30

Will dated 24th March 1679/80

Inv 13th May 1680

SPC 1680 2 3 : P15/32

In the name of God Amen I Robert INGRAM of Fordington in the County of Dorset Yeoman being sick and weak but of good memory and understanding do make this my Last Will and Testament: First I commend my soul into the hands of Almighty God through the merits of Jesus Christ, and my body I commit to Christian burial to be decently buried by my executrix hereafter named,
And for my personal estate which consisteth of oats, corn growing on the ground, houshold stuff, and other things in upon and about my houses and tenements at Forthington and whatever other goods or estate I have, or is in my power to give or dispose of by Law or in equity, I give leave and bequeath unto my wife Rebecca INGRAM for payment of my debts and all sums of money by me owing by bond bill or otherwise, which I have computted to be four score pounds or thereabouts of which some £20 is due by bond or bill to my brother-in-Law John FOOKE of Charminster,
And as a testimony of my love and brotherly affection to my sister Ann FOOKE wife of the said John FOOKE I give her a legacy of £10 upon condition that my said brother-in-law and sister on payment of the said debt of £20 and the said Legacy of £10 give my said wife and executrix a general release and discharge of all debts legacies xmises? dues and demands whatsoever whichthey or my said sister may might or could claim from me by means or in any manner whatsoever ,
And I give to my said brother-in-law my best suit of wearing apparel,
And hoping that my stock corn and other personal estate will be sufficient for payment of all my debts with some overplus for my said wifes more comfortable subsistance I desire my said wife to give my relations and friends such remembrances at my funeral as she think fit,
And to distribute 20 shillings amongst the poor people of the parish of Fordington,
And I do make constitute and appoint my said wife Rebecca INGRAM sole executrix of this my will as a testimony of my kindness to her
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the four and twentieth day of March in the year of our Lord god 1679 and in the 32nd year of the raigne of Charles the 2nd over England etc -- Signature Robert INGRAM
Signed sealed published and declared by the said Robert INGRAM to be his last will and testament in the presence of us Jonathan EAMES, William CASE ; Humphrey BESTLAND and Samuel BISHOP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

An Inventory of the Goods and Chattels of Robert INGRAM of Fordington in the County of Dorset taken and prized [appraised] by us May 13th 1680. Viz:

In the Hall: 1 tableboard, 1 bible; 1 cupboard; 1 warming pan; 1 form; 3 chairs; 4 pewter dishes; 2 plates; 2 porrigers; 4 candlesticks; 1 tankard; 1 bowl; 1 very small mortar. 2 brass dogs, ----£1.10s. 0d
In the Buttery: 2 barrels; 2 stands; a seach? & a small holding tub --- £0. 5s. 0d
In the Kitchen: 2 brass p[ots, 2 kettles, 2 skillets; 1 brass pan & 1 furnace; 1 scammer; 1 basting ladle; 1 canlestick; & ten pewter dshes; some earthen vessels; 1 mashing vat; 2 barrels; 6little trundells; 2 tubs; salting trough; 1 tableboard; 1 former; with other small lumber --- "2. 10. 0d
In the Chamber over the hall: his wearing apparel and other goods in the same room; 2 bedsteads; 2 beds furnished; 2 chests; 4 coffers; 2 boxes; 1 chair --- £4 -0s. 0d
In the Middle Chamber: 1 trundel beadstead and a dustbed ---£0. 5s. 0d
in the chamber overthe kitchen: 1 bedstead; 1 tableboard; 4 joint stools; 1 chair; 1 little stool; 1 chest;1 coffer; 3 boxes; 1 other trunk; 2 small boxes; half a dozen pairs of sheets & so [same] many pillow piellls [probably pillowties]; 1 1 leather dish; 6 napkins ---£4. 0s. 0d.
In the Backside [back yard] : 2 dung carts; 1 cartbed; 1 plow sull; 4 aidens & other tackle; 1 small wheat rick & stapler;1 pig; 1 ladder; & other lumber --- £5. 0s. 0d
In the Stable: 4 horses with their harness & 1 calf ---£12. 0s. 0.
In the Field: more a hundred & odd sheep --- £25. 0s. 0d.
4 acres of Corn upon the ground wheat fatches and oats & vetches ---£25. 0s. 0d
Sum £82. 0s. 0d
The mark of Robert [R] Galed; signed William SEAGER and Jonathan EAMES,

Will & Inventory of William BUNN of Fordington [From the Inventory he would have been a Yeoman rather than a husbandman]

[Note:- He died shortly before the Inventory of goods was taken on 25th Mar 1679 and burials are missing at FStG from June 1679 to 24th March 1680]

[Note:- His daughter Jane BUNN married William COLLINS at Almer in Dorset on 4th July 1671. Jane COLLINS was buried at FStG on 23 May 1716 and left a Will dated 8th Feb 1711/12 She also made her brother Robert BUNN executor of her will so he was still living in 1716.]

[Note:- His daughter Hannah BUNN was buried at FStG on 28th Jan 1698/9]

Will : 26 Dec 1679

Bur Mar 1680

Inv: 25 Mar 1680

SPC 1680 2 1 : P15/30


Will: December ye 26th 1679:

In the name of God Amen I William BUNN of Fordington in the County of Dorset do ordain and make this my last Will & Testament in manner and form as followeth:

Impremis : I give to my son Robert BUNN to be paid to him at the age of 24 years the sum of fourscore pounds.

Item: I give to my son Robert my furnace pan and my great timber chair, one pair of andirons, my little table board, one flagon, one truckle bedstead, 2 of my best pewter dishes, one carpet, my standing horse trough, my yoeting vat, and one standing bedstead in the inner chamber and bed and all things else belonging thereto, and joint stools now in the hall & one table board in the kitchen one little brass pot and the settle in the kitchen, my hose chamber all which I give after my wifes decease.

Item: I give my daughter Jane COLLINS my warming pan and four pewter dishes. Item: I give her twenty shillings to be paid her in six months after my decease and I give to my daughter Jane one long trendle, one little kettle one round tableboard after my wife's decease.

Item: I give my daughter Hannah BUNN the sum of fourscore pounds to be paid to her at the day of marriage or at 23 years of age. Item I give her my standing bedstead and best bed and all things also there belonging my mashing vat, the table board in the hall the cupboard in ye Kitchen ye bigestbrass pot all which I give after my wifes decease and one half traded bedsteadwith the furniture and all the rest of my brass and pewter unnamed I give to my daughter Hannah after my wifes decease

Item: I give to my Grandson William COLLINS my middle vrass pot after my wifes decease

Item: I give to my Grandaughter Ann COLLINS my great brass pan and that ye father's discharge shall be sufficient discharge for son and daughter

All the Rest of my goods unnamed I give to my wife whom I do ordain and make my whole and sole executrix of this my Last Will & Testament

I do desire and appoint my brother John BUNN & my son William COLLINS (my well beloved friends?) to be Overseers to this my Last Will & Testament In witness whereof I have hereunto put my hand and seal

William BUNN ---Witness --- William COLLINS Robert BUNN The mark of Eleanor KINGE


Inventory : An Inventory of ye goods and chattels of William BUNN of Fordington in the County of Dorset deceased. Taken and appraised the 25th day of March 1680 by John BUNN of Fordington and William COLLINS

Impremis: His wearing apparel ----£5
Item: In ye Hall ---Table board, 5 joined stools, 1 timber chair and 2 other chairs, 1 round tableboard, 1 cupboard, 5 pewter dishes, 1 flaggon, 3 candlesticks. 1 warming pan, 1 tin bowl, with other small things ----£2
Item: In ye little room in the Hall --- 4 cbrass pots, 2 skillets, 4 brass kettles with other small things, 4 silver spoons ----£3.16s
Item: In the Buttery within the Hall --- 4 round trendles, 2 long trendles, 1 brass pan, 4 beer barrels, 2 cowells, 1 pounding tubb, 2 butter barrels --- £1.10s
Item: In the Kitchen --- 1 pair of Andirons, 2 spitts, 1 pair of Fire Dogs, 1 Fire Pan, 1 pair of Tongs, 2 Pott hangers and chimney crooks, 1 cupboard, 11 pewter dishes, 1 tableboard, 1 settle, 1 Pestle and Mortor, 1 furnace pan, 1 mashing vat, 2 barrels, 2 chairs and other things --- £3
Item: In the Chamber over the Hall 1 bedstead and furniture, 1 tableboard, 1 chest, 2 coffers, 3 boxes,2 chairs, 2 stools, with other small things ----£4
IteM: In the Inner Chamber --- 1 Standing Bedstead, Bedsheets and furniture, 1 half header?, 2 boxes, 1 chest, 1 desk with other small things ---£2.18s
2 dozen napkins, half dozen board cloths with other linen --- £16s 8d
1 Rug, 1 Coverlett, 1 pair of blankets, ---£1. 3s
14 cheeses, 16 pound of butter ---8s
Total --- £24 11s 8d

Item: 3 Bibles and other books ---8s.6d
In the Kitchen Chamber --- 4 hundred bushels of malt, Barley threshed and ??? 100 bushels --- £50
1 Trundle bedstead, 5 sacks and 1 winnowing sheet, 1 sadle with other small things and lumber goods ---13s. 4d
Item: In the Roode? Barten? 1 wheat Roode & Roode shovel & hay --- £9. 15s
Item: Wheat sown --- £3.10s
In ye Malt House q Yoating vat, 1 cheeselane?, 2 Willow and other lumber goods ---13s. 4d
Item; In the Backside --- 5 kine, 2 hogs with the bpoultry --- £11
Item: 106 sheep --- £38
and money in the house --- £20
Turf and other fuel with other lumber goods in ye Backside --- £1
--- £135. 0s. 2d
--- £24 11s 8d
Grand Total £159. 11s. 10d Signed: John BUNN and William COLLINS - Appraisers

Administration, Inventory & Account of Roger WINDSOR of Fordington

See Burial Registers for 1680 Shows:- Roger WINDSOR buried [May] 27 1680

Inventory of ye goods of Roger WINSOR Deceased ye thre[e] & twenth [23rd?] Day of May in ye year of our Lord 1680
In ye Chamber:
Impremis: His wearing apparel £2
Item: 2 beds furnished £2.10s.0d
Item: 1 Chest; 2 Coffers; 2 trunks; 3 boxes 10s.
In ye Hall:
Item: 1 cupboard 5s.
Item: 2 pewter dishes; 1 flagon; 1 1bowl; 2 candlesticks 8s.
Item: 2 sideboards & 2 small barrels 2s.6d
Item: 1 sack& 1 ring? & 1 seaf? 1s.4d
Item: 1 boardcloth; 12 napkins 5s.
Item: 1 apron; 2 joined stools & chairs 2s.
In ye Kitchen:
Item: 1 tableboard 5s.
Item: 3 Trendols ; 1 Consell & 2 Feates [vats] 10s.
Item: 3 Brass Kettles 15s.
In ye Barn:
Item: 2 bushels of wheat 6s.
In ye backside [yard at the back of the house]
Item: 2 Cows & 2 Lullocks £7. 0s. 0d
Item: 1 mare and colt £2. 10s. 0d
Item: 1 sow & 6 small pigs £1. 4s. 0d
Item: 2 calves 16s.0d
In ye Field:
Item: 5 ewes & lambs £1. 5s 0d
Item: ye lumber; old dray & goods 5s.
Item: 12 acres and a yard of corn £12. 5s.
Praised by us Robert BARTLETT, Ambrose HUNT and William STEVENS June ye 5th
Examined & Admitted ye 19th day of June 1680 Henry BUTLER Registrar

Died. Dated 23 May 1680

Buried FStG 27 May 1680

LA: Know all men by these presents that Elizabeth WINZOR of Fordington in the County of Dorset & William STEPHENS of Tincleton in the same County Yeoman are fimly bound etc dated 19th June 1680

The condition of ye above written obligation is such that if the above bbound Elizabeth WINSOR the Administratrix of all and singular the goods chattles and credits of Roger WINSUR late of Fordington above mentioned deceased etc etc

L Admin: 19th June 1680


Wiltshire ARCHIVES

SPC A 1680 2 2 : P15/31

[Note:- the wife of Roger WINSOR was buried at FStG 26th Feb 1664/5 ]

Inventory:- The True Accompt of Elizabeth WINSOR the Relict and Adminisratrix of all and Singular the goods chattles and credits of Roger WINSOR late of Fordington in the County of Dorset and the peculiar and pre-bendall jurisdiction of the Rev Thomas WYATT pre-bendary of Forthington aforesaid intestate desceased made and exhibited to and before Mr John THORNBROUGH Clerke Surrogate to the said Dr WYATT the 6th day of June AD 1680

THE CHARGE: Impremis [In the first place: ] This Accomptant chargeth herself with the sum of £33 14s 10d of lawful English Money being the total sum and true value of all and singular the goods Chattles and Credits of the said deceased comprised in the Inventory thereof already exhibited into the Registry of this Court etc. Whereof this Accompt and craveth an allowance of these several sums of money by her paid since the said deceased death.

THE DISCHARGE: Impremis paid by the Accomptant for the funeral expenses of the said deceased £1. 17s. 3d
Item: Paid for beer at the Shipp 6d
Item: Paid for dinner for Mr BRAGG and William POPE when this Accomptant took Administration of the deceased goods. 2s.
Item: to Ambrose HUNT 5s.
Item: to John BELLMAN 13s.
Item: Paid to Mr UNDERWOOD a debt due to him from the said deceased upon bond £5
Item: to George HILL 5s.
Item: to William STEVENS for Hay 14s.
Item: to Ann WINSOR 6d.
Item: to Mary BELLMAN 4d.
Item: paid for Chimley money 2s.
Item: paid to John ELLIOTT 6d
Item: to Machias BARNES 5s.
Item: paid the Kings Rent 6s.
Item: paid Mr BRAGG for Tythes 1s.3d.
Item: paid William WEARE 1s
Item: Paid or contracted to pay to William CORBAN a debt due to him from the deceased 10s.
Item: paid for the charges of Administration for a Bond wherein see with her surity stand bound for the true Administring of the deceased goods for the appropriate fees and other necessary charges in and about the same expended - 16s 4d
Item: paid for drawing and engrossing this accompt, for a copy hereof to be affixed toetc etc - £1 6s. 8d
SUM EXPENDED £12 6s.4d
So there remaining in this Accomptants hands of the goods of the said deceased unadminitered the sum of £21 8s. 6d
Dorothy HENDY ats WINSOR £2. 17s 0d
Roger WINSOR £2. 17s 0d
Elizabeth WINSOR £2. 17s 0d
John WINSOR £2. 17s 0d
Thomas WINSOR £2. 17s 0d
Elizabeth the Relict £7. 2s 10d


Administration, Inventory & Renunciation of Micheas RASKER of Fordington

See Burial Registers for 1680 Shows:- Micheas RASKER Buried [October] 29 1680:

6 June 1681

Inventory 29 Nov 1680

Renunciation 6 Jun 1681

LA 6th June 1681

SPC A. 1681 2 6 : P15/34

Letter of Renunciation: Know All men by these presents that I Margaret RASKER the relict of Micheas RASKER late of Fordington in the County of Dorset deceased for certain good causes & considerations wee hereunto especially ???ing do expressely renounce the Letters of Admninistration of the goods chattels & debts of the said deceased & doe hereby consent that Letters of Administration may be granted to Andrew PURCHASE of Dorchester in the County aforesaid Maultster principle creditor of the said deceased In witness whereof I haveunto sett my hand & seale the sixth day of June in the Three & Thirtyith yeare of the Raigne of Our ??? Lord King Charles ye Second over England etc Anno Domini 1681. Sealed &delivered in the presence of Jane HOW & Richard HENNING Signed with her mark Margaret RASKER

Letter of Administration granted to Andrew PURCHASE of Dorchester Maltster the principal creditor and administrator of the goods and chattels of Michael RASKER late of Fordington deceased intestate --- also bound is Robert Whittaker of Fordington Victualler dated 6th June 1681. Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of George FROME Junior Notary Public

LINK to more information about Macheas RASKER and a transcription of the Inventory of his Goods and Chattels etc taken on 29th day of November 1680

Administration & Inventory of John HOLLAND of Fordington Cloth Worker 1681 SPC A. 1681 2 9: P15/38 PR no trace of burial

Will & Inventory of William WHITE Senior of Fordington Weaver

See Burial Registers for 1681 Shows: burial of Will: [William] WHITE December 16 1681

{Christian WHITE married John FREAKE at FStG on 26th July 1669}

Will dated 9 Nov 1681

Inv: 19 Dec 1681

SPC 1681 2 5: P15/35

Probate of this written testament granted at Fordington 19th day [Dec 1681]

Inventory : A true and perfect Inventory of all and singular ye goods chattels of William WHITE of Fordington in ye Couty of Dorset Weaver of late deceased taken and appraised the 19th day of December in the year of our Lord 1681 by us whose names are underwritten

Impremis: for a brass kettle and pan and a platter ---£1
Item : 2 brass crocks --- 7s.6d
Item: a cupboard, a form, and a tableboard and 2 chairs ---£4s. 8d.
Item: 1 skillet, a frying pan, a pair of bellows ---1s. 4d.
Item: The loom and that which belongs to it --- 16s 2d
Item: 2 barrels a couel and a trendle, a vathorse --- 2s. 8d
Item: 1 bed and that which belongs to it ---£1
Item: a chest, a quefer? [coffer?] and a box --- 2s 6d
Item: His wearing apparel --- 18s. 4d
Item: Small fuel for a house and garden of Lease --- £3.
Total --- £7. 13. 8d
Signed: John BONNET: John ALLEN and John WHITE

Exhibted at Fordington 19th day in the month of December 1681 before John Thornbrough cleric and Thomas WYATT prebendary of the prebend [of Fordington & Writhlington]

Will: November 9th 1681

In the name of God Amen I William WHITE of Fordington in the County of Dorset the Elder being weak of body but of perfect mind and remembrance do here make and bequeath this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following
Item: I give and bequeath to my son Robert WHITE 2 shillings
Item: I give and bequeath to my daughter Christian FREEK [FREAKE] 2 shillings to be paid a month after my decease
Item: I give and bequeath to my son John WHITE one shilling to be paid a month after my decease
Item: I give and bequeath to my son William WHITE all my goods with my house and chattel leases of all which I have purchased upon consideration he shall pay all my legacies whom I do appoint to be my sole executor of this my last will and testament
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day & year above written
The mark of William WHITE
Signed sealed published and declared in the presence of Richard HACKHAM: John BONNET: John BONNET the Younger

Administration ,Inventory & Account of Robert COLLINS of Fordington

See Burial Registers for 1681 Shows:- Robt [Robert] COLLINS June 9 1681

Died 28 Dec 1680

Inv Dated 2 Jan 1680/81

Accpt 19 Dec 1681

SPC A 1681 2 10: P15/54

INVENTORY: An Inventory of the goods and chattels of Robert COLLANS of Forthington who departed this life the twenty eight of December 1680 -- amounting to £61 12 shillings -- Inventory taken 2nd Jan 1680/81by John HOLLAND and Henry BATT Sword was Debora COLLINS relict of the deceased 18th Jan 1680/81

ACCOMPT: The True Accompt of Deborah COLLINS widow the relict and Administratrix of all and singular the goods chattels & credits of Robert COLLINS late of Fordington in the County of Dorset and peculiar prebendary jurisdiction founded in the Cathedral Church of Sarum made and exhibited tp and before Mr John THORNBROUGH Clerk surrogate of the said Dr WYATT the 19th day of December AD 1681 etc etc note £5 paid to John Churchill for rent - also refers to Jacobo [James] COLLINS filis [son of ] defuncti [deceased] £17 - 15 - 8d and Johannis [John] COLLINS etia filis [ also son of] defuncti [deceased] £17 - 5 - 8d

Will / Administration, Inventory & Account of Ambrose HUNT of Fordington

[Note:- See Burial Registers for 1680 Shows:-Shows : - Ambrose HUNT [March] 21 1680]

[Note:- Link to his marriage to Eleanor CHUBB at Owermoigne on 22 Sep 1679]
Buried 21 Mar 1680/1

Inventory taken 20 Mar 1680/1

LA granted 6 Jun 1681
SPC 1681 2 7: P15/36 [Note:- 8 images of 4 documents ] The True Account of Ellenora HUNT Widow the relict and Administratrix of all and singular the goods chattles and credits of Ambrose HUNT late of Fordington etc ---Various debts paid inc: Funeral £4: Robert MIDDLETON £8; William HUNT £2; Ann HUNT £2; Thomizine HUNT MIDDLETON £2; Mr Robert SEAGER £1.4s ; Sundry Debts £1; Admin expenses 16s 10d; & £1.6s.8d;

THEN; LA Bound Elianoram [Eleanor] HUNT of Fordington in the county of Dorset Widow and Henry GREENING of the same place Yeoman ----- 6th day of June 168[1] --- The condition of this obligation is such that the above bound Ellior HUNT the relict and Administratrix of all and singulkar the goods chattles & credits of Ambrose HUNT late vof Fordington in the County of Dorset deceased intestate ---- etc

A true and perfect inventory of all the goods chattles and estate of Ambrose HUNT of Fordington in the County of Dorset yeoman taken and appraised by us whose names hereunto subscribed the four and twentieth day of March Domini 1680/1. --- list of goods ----The marks of Henry GREENING & John BUN : Exhibited into the Registry by Eleanor HUNT 6th June 1681

[Note:- Thomizine was the wife of Robert MIDDLETON & they appear to have married during the period when records are missing following the Civil War [1640-1663] as two baptisms of children born to Robert and Thomizine Middleton are recorded at FStG [i.e. for Thomas on 11th June 1665 and Elizabeth 15th Aug 1669] . Robert MIDDLETON was buried at FStG 12th March 1680. ]

Will & Inventory of Micheas BARNES of Fordington Yeoman

[Note:-See Burial Registers for 1681 Shows:- Michaes? BARNES July 27 buried]

[Note:- [Note:- Link to comments about this family ]

Dated 14th July 1681

Probate 19th Dec 1681

Wiltshire Archives

SPC 1681 2 4 : P15/33

Probate of this written Testament was granted at Fordington 19th day in the month of December 1681 before Rev Johanne Thornbrough Vicar of Fordington (1665-1683) & Thomas WYATT Prebendary of Fordington & surrogate, to Mariam GOULD daughter of the deceased & executrix nominated in the testament George FROME Registrar

WILL: In the name of God amen the 14th of July 1681 etc I Micheas BARNES of Fordington in ye County of Dorset Yeoman being in perfect memory and remembrance :praised be to Gos: do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form Following

First I bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God my maker: hoping that through ye meritorious death and passion of Jesus Christ my only Saviour and redeemer I receive free pardon and forgiveness of all my sins and as for my body to be buried in Christian burial at the discretion of my executrix hereafter nominated
Item: I give to my wife Alis [Alice] ten pound ye first year of payment of the bond which I was gave to me of her before I was married.
Item: I give to my wife Alis all my household goods for her use during ye term of her life keeping in my name and then to remain to Elizabeth GOULD of ye parish of Shroten [Stratton]
Item: I give to Micheas STICKLAN £10 to be paid ye 2nd year after my decease
Item: I give to Francis MECKOUR £20 to be paid in full ye fourth year after my decease
Item: I give to my dafter [daughter] Catring [Catherine] 1 shilling
Item: I give to my dafter [daughter] Joan £5 to be paid after ye discretion of my executrix
Item: I give unto Donefi? HENEY? [HENDRY?] my grand child £10 to be paid in six years after my decease
Item: I give unto Roger WINSOR my grand child £10 to be paid after ye discretion of my executrix
Item: I give to ye church of Forington [Fordington] for my burial 10 shillings
Item: I give unto ye poor of Forington [Fordington] ten shillings and for all these my legacies to be paid according to the years appointed after my decease by my wife Alis ye years expired before for her to say to be paid according to this my will or not living out ye full term of six years then of that which is to come to be abolished
Item: I give unto my daughter Marey GOULD one shilling upon condition that she shall pay all my debts and legacies and make her sole executrix of this my last will and testament revoking all other wills and testaments. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal ye day and year first above written
Miches BARNES [Witnesses] William ROBERTS the mark of Henerey GREENING

August ye 4th 1681 An Inventory taken of ye goods of Mink? BARNES who was deceased
Item: His wearing apparel--- £2
Item: Six Pewter Dishes --- 10s
Item: 1 furness, 1 Cauldron, 1 skillet --- £1
Item: 3 barrels, 5 tubs, 2 pales ---15s
Item: 1 board, 1 cupboard --- 5s
Item: 1 frying pan & tongs & fire pan and rack --- 2s
Item: 1 bed & 2 pairs of sheets & 3 pillowties, 2 pillows & 1 bolster --- £1
Item: 2 bedsteads --- 6s 8d
Item: 1 chest and 2 boxes --- 2s 6d
Item: 3 chairs --- 2s 6d
Item: for feineill & a lader ? ---10s
Item: 1 silver spoon --- 2s 6d
Item: Money --- £3 10s
Item: Money --- £29
Item: Lumber goods with all other small necessaries which not mentioned 2s 6d
This a true Inventory taken of all ye Goods apparel & money of ye Mink BARNES as above written by we
In witness hereunto we have set our hands Henerey GRINING "H"

Will and Inventory of William CUSSENS [COSENS] of Fordington Miller

[Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 29th October 1680]

Inventory of the goods and chattels of William CUSSENS of Fordington in the County of Dorset Miller who deceased this life the 28th of October 1680.
Impremis: his wearing apparel --- £8
His House in Dorchester West of the town ---£20
[Not transctribed household etc items]
Debts owing by William CUSSENS - Widow GENGE Living in the house £30 - To the Apothecary £1 -13 - 0d - Other debts which may be forgotten 5s
This Inventory was taken the 18th Nov 1680 by William HARBIN & William HAYDON Sen]

Will Dated 27 Oct 1680

Died: 28th Oct 1680

Bur: 29th Oct 1680

Inv: 18th Nov 1680

Probate 3rd Nov 1681

SPC 1681 2 11:

Will: P15/55

Probate was at Fordington on 3rd day in the month of November 1681 by Rev John DOWLAND [Curate of St Georges Church] on behaf of Rev Thomas WYATT Prebendary of Fordington and surrogate administration granted to Dorothy COSSENS relict of the deceased

George FROME Registrar

Will: The Last Will and Testament of me William CUSSENS of Forthington in the County of Dorset Miller drawn into writting thye 27th day of October 1680 First I give my soul into the hands of Almighty God trusting and relying on the merit and Satisfaction of the Lord Jesus Christ for my eternal Salvation and I comit my body to a decent and Christian burial according to the discretion of my Executrix hereafter mentioned:
As for all my estate in housing in Dorchester with all my goods I do possess of within doors and without, And Also all debts due to me at the time of my death I give unto my wife Dorothy for her use with the rent of the housing in Dorchester for her natural life And I do dispose of all such goods for satisfying all obligations or debts I stand indebted in or her necessaries may require
    And after her decease it is my will that the estate in housing in Dorchester at the West end of town be the estate of my eldest son John CUSSENS his assigns immediately after He paying to his brother Timothy CUSSENS the sum of £20 within 12 months after his enjoment thereof,
And it is my Will that what of my goods my wife shall leave at the time of her death be equally divided betwixt my three children, that is to say, John CUSSENS Timothy CUSSENS and Elizabeth my daughter the wife of John MEADER Millwright of Dorchester, And it is my Will further that if it shall fall out that my son Timothy shall die and leave no wife or children before the time of my son John his enjoyment of this estate Tehn he shall not be liable to pay the £20 but if he leave wife child or children then the £20 with the proportion of the goods shall be made good to her him or them whom my son Timothy shall appoint.
And it is my desire that my wife and children would make it their great business next the serving of the Lord to be multual helps the one to the other And to continue so long together as their mutal good may be promoted that for they may be a comfort the one to the other And I do by this my Will appoint Dorothy my wife to be my whole and sole executrix of this my Last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have to this my Will put my hand and seal the day and year first above written.Willaim COSSENS Signed sealed in the presence of John BROOKS, Elizabeth DEVENISH and William HAYDON:
Will & Inventory of Alice FORD of Fordington Widow 1681 SPC 1681 2 12: P15/56 See Burial Registers for 1680 Shows:- Alice FFORD wid [widow] November 12 1680

Administration & Inventory of James COLLENS [COLLINS] of Fordington

See Burial Registers for 1681 Shows:- James COLLINS August 11 1681

Inv 17 Aug 1681

L/A 19 Dec 1681

SPC A 1681 2 8 : P15/37

Inv: An Inventory of the Goods & Chattels of James COLLENS Late of Dorchester and Fordington Deceased taken & appraised this 17th day of August 1681 - Signed by Henry COLLENS and the mark of Henry 'H' GREENING --amounting to £51 - 02 - 6d--- Exhibited at Fordington on 19th day of December 1681 before Johanne THORNBOROUGH surrogate of Thomas WYATT prebendary of the prebend of Fordington when administration was granted to Elizabeth COLLENS relict of the deceased

L/Admin: Know all men by these presents that Elizabeth COLLENS of Dorchester in nthe County of Dorset widow & Francis COLLENS of Fordington in the same County Yeoman are firly bound unto Revd. Thomas WYATT etc ---dated 19th Dec 1681 - signed George FROME Noraty Public

Will & Inventory of Henry GREENING of Fordington 1683 SPC 1683 2 13: P15/39 PR Shows:- July 2 Henry GREENING 1683
Will of Joane SEGAR, Widow of Fordington, Dorset

See Burial Registers for 1682 Shows:- Joan SEAGER wid [widow- March] 26 1682
Dated 22 Jan 1682
Probate 07 April 1683
PROB 11/372 WILL: Joane SEAGER widow living in Mill Street Fordington Bequests Elkizabeth Eate [KETE?] living in London a blue silk petticoat and a red tammey pettycoatand a pair of sheets and a pair of pillowtyes and two pewter dishes and a little brass crock and a white holland pettycoat and my best holland apronand a pair of great holland sleaves and a pair of white wosterd stockings: I give to Ursula Diben widow that now attends me two pettycoats and my great whittel: I give to my brother Simon FOY one shilling; I give to my sister Christian HELLARD wife of Henry HELLARD button maker in Dorchester in the county of Dorset All the rest of my goods wiuthin doors or that appertain to me in any of my houses to be disposed of by her to satisfy what debts I owe I give to her my two houses one in Dorchester that Nicholas Martin lives in the other in Mill Street that I now dwell in to her for her natrural life to use or let forth to tennantsand to take the profits of them for her more comfortable subsitence while she lives. If John ALLEN now living in Poole and Samuel FOYS daughter Elizabeth shall happen so long to live And it is my will that after her decease the house that Nicholas Martin lives in do remain to Elizabeth LOCK of London during the time of John ALLENS life And the house in Mill Street after her decease do remain to Samuel MARTIN for Elizabeth FOYS life And I do hereby constitute and appoint my sister Christian HELLARD for the natural affection I bear her and for her more comfortable living while she shall live to be my whole and solke executrix of this my last will and testament revoking all other wills whatsoever IN Testimony whereof I have herunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above mentioned Joane SEAGER Signed and sealed in the presence of us Sebastian HUNT the mark of Tamsen MIDLANE William HAYDON Senior
Letter of Administration for the estate of Onesimus COLLINS Bachelor of Fordington in Dorset 05 Sep 1683 OPC PCC Admons Folio 129 Grantee William COLLINS & Anna wife of James HACKAM, brother and sister [Note:- Son of William and Ann COLLINS ]

Account & Inventory of Jane BISHOP of Fordingtion Widow

See Burial Registers for 1683 Shows:- Jane BISHOP buried 27th August 1683

Inv 28 Sep 1683

Exhibited 13 Dec 1683


Wiltshire Archives


Inventory taken Fordington Sept ye 28th 1683 - List of items etc followed by long list of debts naming many people in Fordington etc neither signed - Exhibited by Joseph BISHOP son 13th Dec 1683
Administration of William HUNT of Fordington See Burial Registers for 1683 Shows:- Buried Dec 16 1683 Will: [William] HUNT [Note:- William HUNT (1628-1683) son of Ambroise HUNT III (c1592-1661)] 2 July 1684 SPC A. 1684 2 14 : P15/57 Letter of Administration granted to Anna HUNT of Fordington in the County bof Dorset Widow and Henry ROBINSON of the same place dated 2nd day of July 1684:
The Condition of this obligation is that the above bound Anna HUNT the relict and Administratrix of all and singular the goods Chattels and Credits of William HUNT late of Fordington in the County of Dorset and prebendal jurisdiction of the said Dr (i.e. Thomas) WYATT intestate etc ----signed by Anna HUNT and Henry ROBINSON before George FROME Public Notary ---

Long inventory taken by Edward EAMES and Mark EAMES --- Exhibited this inventory at Fordington 2nd day in the month of July 1684 by Henry Robinson ---Thomas WYATT Prebendary of Fordington surrogate -- Anna HUNT the relict of the deceased to whom administration is granted signed George FROME [Note:- The 2nd marriage of Mark EAMES was to Grace HUNT at Owermoigne on 18th Oct 1685]
Administration of Thomas SQUIB of Fordington 1684 SPC A. 1684 2 16 : P15/41 See Burial Registers for 1683 Shows:- Sep? 10 Thomas SQUIBB 1683
Administration of Elizabeth DEFEY of Fordington Widow 1684 SPC A. 1684 2 17: P15/42 See Burial Registers for 1684 Shows:- Elizabeth DIFFEY January 11th 1684]
Will of Mary HOLMAN alias CLARKE of Fordington 1684 SPC 1684 PR no trace of burial
Administration of Robert MIDLEN of Fordington See Burial Registers for 1684 shows only death of a Robert MIDDLETON Feb 6 1684 23 Jan 1684 SPC A 1684 2 18: P15/43 Letter of Administration: Bound are Thomasiniam [ Thomazine] MIDLEN [MIDDLETON] of Fordington in the County of Dorset widow and John WINSER of the same place bound toThomas WYATT prebendary of Fordington -- dated 23rd January 1684 -- The condition of this obligation is such that the above bound Thomazine MIDLEN natural and lawful mother and administraix of all and singular the goods chattles and credits of Robert MIDLEN late of Fordington in the county of Dorset intestate deceased.

ALSO An Inventory of the Goods and Chattle4s of Robert MIDLEN late of Fordington deceased:- Impremis for his wearing apparel £1: Item for one coat and 1 skillet 5shillings Item: for 1 Bond of ten pounds in ye hands of Mr William Talbot of Maine Total £11. 5shillings. Seen and appraised by me John WINSOR Exhibited at Fordington 23rd day of January 1684 before Henry ROBINSON etc [Note:- Eldest son of Robert MIDDLETON by his wife Thomazine HUNT ]

Administration of Thomas HOLMAN of Fordington

PR no trace of burial?

LA dated 3 Jan 1685

Administration granted 23 Jan 1685


Wiltshire Archives

SPC A 1684 2 19: P15/44

Letter of Administration:

Know all men by these presents that Jeremiah CLARKE of Dorchester omnise sanctor (all Holy?) in the County of Dorset, dyer; William HAYWARD ibm, cutler & John LOVETT of Dorchester, clothier are held and firmly bound unto Thomas WYATT prebendary of Ffordington etc etc dated third day in the month of January AD 1684

The condition of this obligation is such that if Mary CLARKE also HOLMAN the natural and lawful daughter and Administrattrix of all and singular the goods Chattels and Credits of of Thomas HOLMAN late of FFordington in the county of Dorset intestate do make or cause to be made a true and perfect Inventory etc etc

Administration signed at Fordington regarding the death of Thomas HOLMAN granted to Maria CLARKE also HOLMAN before Henry ROBINSON surrogate on 23rd January 1684

Administration of Henry MINTERN of Fordington

See Burial Registers for 1684 Shows:- Henry MINTERNE September 17th 1684

[See 1650 Survey of Fordington Manor where Henry MINTERNE holds a whole place in Fordington Fields by Copyhold Grant dated 3rd Oct 1636 for 2 lives himself and his wife Eleanor both aged 50. Eleanor may have died by 1657 as Henry MINTERN married to Sarah TOLDERVILLE at Holy Trinity church in Dorchester on 18th May 1657 and she was buried simply recorded as "the wife of Henry Mintern buried 26th May 1665]

L/A Dated 23 Jan 1684

Wiltshire Archives

SPC A 1684 2 15 : P15/40

Henry MINTERNE (1600-1684) L/A : Know all men by these presents that Mariam CHUBB of Weymouth & Melcombe Regis in the County of Dorset; Elizabeth MANUELL of Fordington in the County aforesaid widow; Johem HACKMAN of Beer Regis, farmer & William MINTERNE of Fordington yeoman are held and firmly bound unto Rev Thomas WYATT prebendary of Fordington ------etc -- dated 23rd day of January AD 1684

The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bound Mary CHUBB, Elizabeth MANUELL, Anne HACHMAN the natural and lawful daughters and Administratrixes of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of Henry MINTERNE late of Fordington in the County of Dorset Intestate deceased etc etc

Signed by Mary CHUBB; Elizabeth MANUELL : John HACKHAM : William MINTERNE

[Note:- Henry MINTERNE of Fordington was appointed as Overseer in the Will of Thomas WILTSHRE Clothier on 25th Sep 1668]

Administration & Inventory of Ann HUNT of Fordington. PR no trace of burial

[Note:- Widow of William HUNT (1628-1683) of Fordington - Johanna was their eldest surviving daughter]
1686 SPC A. 1686 2 20 : P15/58

Know all men by these presents that Johannam HUNT of Forthington in the county of Dorset spinster & Hanham BAYLEN ----

The Condition of this obligation is such that if the above bound Johannah HUNT the natural and lawful daughter and Administratrix of all and singular the goods Chattels and Credits of Ann HUNT of Fordington in the County of Dorset deceased do make a true and perfect Inventory ---- Signed by the mark of Johanne HUNT and signed by Hanan BAYLEN before Hugh FROME public Notary

Inventory: A true Inventory of the goods of Ann HUNT deceased the eighteenth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred and eighty and five as followeth.
Item due from Moses BEDLOE ---£2. 8s. 0d
Item: due from Samuel BEDLOE £7. 15s. 0d
Item: a yard of loose wool valued at £1. 10s. 0d
IteM; a yard of Lokes? valued at £0. 15s. 0d
Item: in money due from Robert SHEPARD £2. 10s. 0d
IteM; In money due from Laranne [Lawrence] SHEPARD £3. 10s. 0d
Item: a brass kettle and 4 brass crooks and a skillet £2. 10s. 0d
Item: one warming pan valued £0. 3s. 0d
Item: 8 pewter dishes £0. 8s. 0d
Item: one feather bed and 2 flock beds with what doth belong to it with the bedstead £3, 0s. 0d
Item: 2 table boards and one cupboard with all the rest of the lumber goods valued at £1 10s. 0d
Item; his wearing clothes all valued at £1. 10s.0d
Item; due to him more in several debts £20. 4s. od
Total £47. 13s. 0d

Debts due from the above said Ann HUNT £16. 0s. 0d
the whole inventory is thirty and one pounds and thirteen shillings

And this is a true inventory witness our hands Moses BEDLOE and Thomas ROGERS

Exhibited into the Registry at Sarum 22nd day in the month of April 1686 - by Johannah HUNT daughter of the deceased

Administration & Inventory of Henry PARTRIDGE of Fordington 1688 SPC A. 1688 : P5/1688/62 PR no trace of burial
Letter of Administration for the estate of Nicholas ELFORD of Poole in Dorset 23 Oct 1688 OPC PCC Admons Folio 158 Grantee William SEAGER of Fordington clothier

Will [Administration and Inventory ] of William COLLINS of Fordington Yeoman

[Note:- Parish Register has not survived]

Inventory 14 Jun 1690

LA dated 25 Jun 1690

SPC 1690 2 21: P15/59

Letter of Adnministration:Know All Men by these presents that Janam COLLINS widow of Fordington in the County of Dorset and Josephum JAMES of the same place Yeoman --etc -- dated 25th day of the month of January AD 1690

The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bound Jane COLLINS widow the relict and Administratrix of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of William COLLINS late of Fordington aforesaid intestate deceased -- etc -- signed [by the mark V of Jane Collins ] and delivered in nthe presence of George Frome Norary Public ; the mark of Joseph Founds

Inventory of the Goods and Chattels of William COLLINS of Fordington in the County of Dorset Yeoman taken and appraised this 14th of June 1690 by us whose names are under written -- Long list of items William Minterne James HACKHAM Joseph JAMES

Exhibited at Fordington 25th June 1690 before Henry Robinson Cleric {Vicar of St Georges Church Fordington] surrogate for Dr Thomas WYATT Prebendary [of Fordington & writhlington] when administration was granted to Janan Collins relic of the deceased

[Note:- William COLLINS was the son of William COLLINS Senior and Ann and his widow Jane was buried at FStG on 23 May 1716 and left a will see below]

Administration & Inventory of Bernard WORNALL of Fordington 1690 SPC A. 1690 2 22: P15/64 Parish Register has not survived
Letter of Administration for the estate of Samuel HAWTHON of Fordington in Dorset but died in the ship "Breda" 08 Dec 1690 OPC PCC Admons Folio 234 Grantee Randoll HAWTHON father

Administration & Inventory of Thomas BISHOP of Fordington

See Burial Registers for 1691 Shows Thomas Bishop buried 4th Oct 1691

23 Nov 1691


Wiltshire Archives


Letter of Administration Know all men by these presents that Elizabetham BISHOPP of Fordington in the county of Dorset widow & Johannam DAGGLE of NorthWootton in the same County Yeoman are held and firmly bound unti Thomas Wyatt etc etc Dated 23rd day in the month of November AD 1691

The condition of this obligation is such that the above bound Elizabeth BISHOP the Relict and Administratrix of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of Thomas BISHOP late of Fordington above said , intestate deceased do etc etc

An Inventory of the goods and chattels of Thomas BISHOP deceased Oct the 10th 1691 taken and appraised by us whose names are under written [John Croome and James Hackham --- etc Exhibited 23rd Nov 1691

Will of Randall HAYTHORN of Fordington 1691 [Note: Wilt Archives have 1693] SPC 1691 2 23: P15/45 PR no trace of burial 1691 - 1690 Missing but there is a death of a Randolph Haythorne in 1692 on 28 Feb
Administration of Margaret RASKER of Fordington 7 July 1691 SPC A 1691 2 25

Note:- See Will Transcrition below: Know all men by these presents that Johannem {John] RASKER of Fordington in the County of Dorset farmer, and William FFREAKE of the same place weaver are firmly bound unto Thomas WYATT etc -- dated 7th day of July 1691

The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bound John RASKER the next of kin and administrator of all & singular the goods chattels and credits of Margaret RASKER late of Fordington in the County of Dorset and prebendal jurisdiction of the above named Dr Thomas WYATT deceased together with her last will and testaemnt anneded do exhibit into the Registry of the above named Thomas WYATT prebendary aforesaid a true & perfect Inventory of all and singular ye goods chattels and credits of ye said deceased etc

Will of Margaret RASKER of Fordington Widow

[Note:- PR no trace of burial 1691 - 1690 Missing]

Dated 25 Feb 1690/91

Proved 17 July 1691

SPC 1691 2 24: P15/46

Will: In the name of God Amen I Margaret RASKER of Fordington in the County of Dorset Widow being weak in body but of sound & perfect memory [Praised be to God] do make & ordain this my last will & Testament in manner and form following. That is to say.

First of all I commend my soul into ye hands of ye good God that made me; hoping that through his mercy & the merits of my saviour Jesus Christ I shall come to inherit everlasting life: and

My Body I commit to ye earthto be decently buried in hope of a resurrection to eternal life, And

as touching the disposition of all such temporal estate as it hath pleased Almighty God to give me I give & dispose thereof as followeth

First I give and bequeath to my Nephew Robert RASKER all my household goods ye particulars are as followeth - two coffers, two boxes, one great chair one furnace one barreltwo tubs & a meashing ffatt [ maching vat] in ye custody of Mrs. DEVENISH: two kettles twelve platters three brass pots a settle a tableboard three joint stools a pair of pothooks in ye custody of Jane INGRAM one coffer and one livery cupboard & a little tableboard standing in my own house, two brass pans in ye custody of Jane INGRAM.

In like manner I give and bequeath unto my said Nephew Robert RASKER my bed and bedstead & all thereto belonging providedif my said Nephew Robert RASKER dy [die] before he becomes possessed of ye said legacies that then they revert to ye use of my executrix hereafter named.

Item: I give to my kinswoman Grase [Grace] MASTERS my best pettycoat & to Katherine the sister of William RASKER my second best pettycoat, and

All my other wearing apparel I give to be divided equally betwixt Mrs DEVONISH & her two daughters Jane GENGE & her three daughters Grace MASTERS, Anne DUNMAN, Elizabeth WHITING, & Mrs STILES, and

I do appoint & make Jane ye wife of INGRAM my full & sole executrix of this my last will and testament, and

I declare this to be my last will & testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal February 25th Anno Domini 1691 Margaret RASKER her mark

Signed & declared in the presence of Deborah GREENWAY D her mark ; Ruth FFORDE F her mark


Probate granted at Fordington on 17th July 1691 etc

Letter of Administration for the estate of Robert SEAGER of Fordington in Dorset 11 Aug 1691 OPC PCC Admons Folio 139 Grantee Joan SEAGER Relict

Administration of Francis COLLINS of Fordington

See Burial Registers for 1692 Shows:- Ffrancis COLLINS buried Novbr 23rd 1692

Granted 10 Dec 1692 SPC A 1692 2 26: P15/48

L/A : Know all men by these presents that Franciscam [Frances] COLLINS of Fordington in the County of Dorset viduam [widow] ; Thomas BALSON of Martinstown & Edwardum [Edward] LILLINGTON of Fordington --firmly bound unto Rev Thomas WYATT predendary of the prebend of Fordington & Writhlinngton etc etc -- dated 10th day of Dec 1692

The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bound Frances COLLINS the relict and Administratrix of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of Francis COLLINS of Fordington (???) intestate etc

Administration & Inventory of John BONNETT of Fordington 1693 SPC A 1693 2 29: P15/51 PR no trace of burial
Administration & Inventory of Samuel BISHOP of Fordington 1693 SPC A 1693 2 28: P15/50 See Burial Registers for 1693 Shows:- Samuel BISHOP buried Septbr 3rd 1693
Administration & Inventory of William FEAR of Fordington 1693 SPC A 1693 2 30: P15/62 PR no trace of burial
Administration of John ARNOLD Junior of Fordington 1695 SPC A 1695 2 21 Also WRO2/21: P15/52 See Burial Registers for 1695 Shows:- John ARNOLD buried April 6th 1695 :: NOTE: Comments extracted from Arnold Wills on OPC= Proved and granted to his wife Mary World 25 November 1696. NOTE: It seems Mary ARNOLD re married before the year was up after the death of her husband she married Robert World (date not found yet) (I believe this John Arnold is the son of John ARNOLD and Jane BROWN who married in Fordington c1650s. I would be very grateful if anyone can add to this branch for me I had thought that this was my John and Jane of Winterbourne Kingston need to prove it was not.]
Inventory of Joseph INGRAM of Fordington 1695 SPC Inv 1695 1 22 PR no trace of burial
Letter of Administration for the estate of Walter HUNT Bachelor of Forthington [ Fordington] in Dorset but died in the ship "Berwick" 30 Aug 1695 OPC PCC Admons Folio 150 Grantee Ambrose HUNT brother [Note:- Thought to be thr brother of Ambrose HUNT V (c1650 - 1713)]
Will, Administration & Inventory of Oliver LAWRENCE of Fordington Gentleman 1696 SPC 1696 2 32: P15/63 PR no trace of burial
Will & Inventory of Elizabeth HAYTHORNE of Fiordington Widow 1696 SPC 1696 2 27: P15/49 See Burial Registers for 1695 Shows:- Elizabeth HAYTHORN ffebry 28th 1695
Will & Inventory of Renaldo WYATT of Fordington Husbandman 1697 SPC 1697 2 33: P15/53 PR no trace of burial 1696 and 1697 Missing: Note there is a death of a Reginald Wyatt in 1698
Letter of Administration for the estate of John CHURCHILL Bachelor of Fordington [Dorset] 04 Mar 1696/7 OPC PCC Admons Folio 47 Grantee Richard CHURCHILL, father [Note:- John Churchill (1680-1695) son of Mr. Richard and Mary CHURCHILL (c1633-1713/14)
Will of John ALLEN of Fordington Clothier 1698 SPC 1698: P5/1698/1 See Burial Registers for 1698 Shows:- John ALLEN ffebry 4th 1698
Will of John SPRAGUE, Clothier of Fordington, Dorset 24 September 1698 PROB 11/447 PR No trace of burial 1698 - 1697 missing: PCC= Sprague, John, clothier, Fordington, Dorset 1698 206
Will & Inventory of Robert WINDSOR of Fordington 1699 SPC 1699 2 34: P15/61 PR can only locate a burial on 13th June 1702?
Inventory of James BONNETT of Fordington 1700 (Early) P:15/165 No trace 1700-1709 - Bishops Transcripts for 1710 to 1733 have not survived PR's not yet transcribed
Will & Inventory of Joanna or Joan HUNT Widow of Fordington

[Note:- See Burial Registers for 1699 Shows:- Joan HUNT Janry 11th 1699]

[Note:- Widow of Robert HUNT (1633-1675) son of Robert HUNT (c1595 - aft 1639) ]
Dated 20 Dec 1699
Probate 18 June 1700
SPC 1700 3 1 : P15/65 In the name of God Amen I Johan HUNT of Fordington in the county of Dorset Widow being sick and weak in body but of prefect memory (Revoking all former and other wills) do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament as followeth
First: I commend my soul unto the Almighty God my creator hoping through the merits and mediation of Jesus Christ my Saviour and blessed redeemer to have forgiveness for my sins and to inherit everlasting life
And my body I comit to the earth to be decently interred at the discretion of my exexutor hereinafter named
And as to the contempoiral estate which God hath been pleased to bestow on me and which yet remains unsettled I give and dispose thereof as is hereafter expressed and declared :
Impremis: I give and bequeath unto my son Thomas HUNT the sum oif five pounds and unto my daughter in law Mary his wife all my wearing apparel
Item: I give and bequeath unto my grandson John EAMES one and twenty shillings and six pence
And Lastly I hereby constitute and make my son Sebastian HUNT sole exdecutor of this my last will and Testamanet In Testimony whreof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the twentieth day of December in the eleventh year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord William the third by the grace of god of England Scotland France and Ireland King Defender of the faith etc Anno Domini 1699 - [The mark of Johan HUNT] Signed sealed published and declared to be the last will and testament of the said Johan HUNT in the presence of Henry ROBINSON; William GEAL Senior and Morgan HARBIN
Administration of Philip SWAN of Fordington 1701 SPC A 1701 3 2 :P15/80 See Burial Registers for 1701 Shows:- Philip SWAN Aug 13th 1701
Administration & Inventory of Thomas SNOOKE of Fordington Dated 9th Jan 1701 SPC A 1701 3 3 : P15/66 L/A: Bound Martha SNOOK of Fordington in the county of Dorset Widow and John Cotterell of Dorchester Innholder. Ad ministration granted to Martha SNOOK relict and administratrix of Thomas SNOOK late of Fordington who died intestate. Dated 9th Jan 1701. Annexed an Inventory of Goods etc dated 1st Day Dec 1701 taken by William Dowel and Edward Lester

See Burial Registers for 1701 Shows:- Thomas SNOOK Dec 10th 1701
Will of Elizabeth LILLINGTON of Fordington Widow 1701 SPC 1701 3 4 : Note Inventory dated 1696 P15/81 See Burial Registers for 1695 Shows the death of an Elizabeth LINNINGTON March 1695
Letter of Administration for the estate of Thomas WOOLFRYES of Fordington in Dorset 04 Oct 1701 OPC PCC Admons Folio 173 Grantee Joan WOOLFRYES relict
Will of Sebastian PITFIELD of Fordington Yeoman Dated 27th Jan 1701 Proved 19th Jan 1702/3 SPC 1702 3 5 : P15/82 Note:- Link to more information on the Pitfield Family. According to the Pitfield Family Genealogical Website Sebastian PITFIELD [PITFOLD] (1632-1702) was baptised in Donhead St Mary in Wiltshire on 21st Oct 1632. He was the son of Robert PITFIELD (c1609-1680) by his wife Mary nee Knapton who married at Charlton Marshall on 19th May 1627. He married Christian MEADON in 1665 at Chaldon Herring in Dorset and they had a family of 7 children at Chaldon Herring and Broadmayne. Sebastian & Christian arrived in Fordington with their family circa 1685 and Sebastian was buried at St Georges Church on April 16th 1702; followed by his widow Christain in 1715 who died intestate her estate being administered by her son Charles Pitfield see Letter of Administration in 1715 below.
Administration & Inventory of William WYATT of Fordington 1702 SPC A. 1702 3 6: P15/83 See Burial Registers for 1701 Shows:- Will: [William] WYATT Nov 12th 1701
Administration & Inventory of Jonathan EAMES of Fordington 1702 SPC A 1702 3 8: P15/67 See Burial Registers for 1702 Shows:- Jonathan EAMES May 6th 1702 (NOTE: a Jonathan Eames was the son of John Eames & bap Fordington 14 Sep 1628 - he was also a signatory to the will of William Barnes 20 July 1658.)
Administration of Robert BELCK of Fordington 1702 SPC A 1702 3 7: P15/84 See Burial Registers for 1701 Shows:- Robert BELK March 10th 1701
Will of John SPRAGUE, Clothier of Fordington, Dorset 1702 PCC : PROB 5/3127 PR No trace of burial in Fordington
Letter of Administration for the estate of William ASH Bachelor of Fordington in Dorset but died in the ship "Breda" 01 Jun 1703 OPC PCC Admons Folio 105 Grantee Richard ASH, father
Administration & Inventory of William FREAKE of Fordington Weaver 1703 [& 1704] SPC 1703 3 10: P15/69 in 1704 See Burial Registers for 1702 Shows:- Wm [William] FREAKE buried March 17th 1702
Administration & Inventory of Moses BEDLOE of Fordington Clothier 1703 SPC A. 1703 3 12: P15/70 PR no trace of burial [Note:- may have been a Quaker?]
Administration of Mary TUCKER Widow of Fordington 1703 SPC A 1703 3 11: P15/86 See Burial Registers for 1703 Shows:- Mary TUCKER wid: [widow]? buried Oct:25th 1703
Administration & Inventory of Mary COPPOCK Widow of Fordington 1703 SPC A 1703 3 13: P15/72 PR no trace of burial
Will [Admin & Inventory ] of Margaret WYATT of Fordington 1703 SPC 1703 2 9: P15/68 See Burial Registers for 1703 Shows:- Margaret WYATT Wid: [widow] Buried March 29th 1703
Letter of Administration for the estate of William ALLEN Bachelor of Fordington in Dorset but died in the ship 'Somerset' 25 Mar 1703/4 OPC PCC Admons Folio 61 Grantee John ALLEN Father
Will & Inventory of John BENNETT or BONNETT of Fordington 1704 SPC 1704 3: P15/74 Parish Register has not survived
Administration & Inventory of William ELSWOOD of Fordington 1704 SPC A 1704 3-: P15/73 Parish Register has not survived
Administration for the estate of Henry ROBINSON Clerk late from Winterborne Came intestate 21 May 1705 image page 167 - Bristol Consistitory Court Bc/W/R / 61 Administration granted on 21st day of May 1705 to Hannah ROBINSON of Fordington in the County of Dorset widow and William Inns of Fordington Clerk (bears her signature)
Will of Eleanor HUNT of Fordington Widow [Note:- See Burial Registers for 1706 Shows:- Elener HUNT wid: [widow] May 22nd 1706] Dated 30th May 1703
Proved 12th Nov 1706
SPC 1706 3 16: P15/85 Eleanor HUNT Nee CHUBB was the 2nd wife of Ambrose HUNT IV (1624 - 1680/1) of Fordington [Link to more information about the Hunt Family and an Image of her Will with a Transcription]
Will of Mary MILBORNE Widow of Fordington 1708 SPC 1708 3 17: P15/87 See Burial Registers for 1707 Shows:- Buried 14th January 1707
Will of William SEAGER of Fordington Clothier 1709 SPC 1709 3 18: P15/76 See Burial Registers for 1709 Shows:- Mr Wm [William] SEGAR May 25 1709 [Note previously a churchwarden]
Will of Mr. John CHURCHILL Esq. of Fordington, Dorset Dated 08 Feb 1705
Proved 07 May 1709
PROB 11/508 See Burial Registers for 1709 Shows:- Buried 24th April 1709 easter day died at London. Link to transcription of John CHURCHILL (1657-1709) Will and more information about his family
Will with Quitclaim of Richard HACKMAN of Fordington, Dorset Yeoman 1710 SPC Ren 1710: P5/1710/47 See Burial Index Shows:- Died 24th Sep; Buried 27th Sep 1710 See also entry for 1711 below

Will of Arthur BUNN of Fordington Wheelwright

See Burial Index Shows:-Buried 7 Dec 1711

Will Dated 10 Jan 1709

Probate Jan 1711

SPC 1711 3 20 : P15/89 Will: Bequests to my daughter Patience WELLS (Wife of John WELLS) ; Son James BUNN; Son-in-Law Samuel MELSON ; daughter Mary MITCHELL (Wife of Stephen MITCHELL) Samuel NELSON; -------- Long Will not viewed
Will of Richard HACKMAN of Fordington 1711 SPC 1711 3 19: P15/88 See Burial Index Shows:- Died 24th Sep; Buried 27th Sep 1710 see also entry 1710 above
Will of John SEAGER of Fordington Yeoman 1712 SPC 1712 3 22 : P15/90 See Burial Index Shows:-Died 18th Jan 1711/12 and was buried 22nd Jan 1711/12
Will of Robert SCUTT of Fordington Collar maker 1712 SPC 1712 3 21: P15/75 See Burial Index Shows:-PR only records death of a Robert SCOTT who died 22nd buried 24th Nov 1710 but NBI has recorded this death as Robert SCUTT which is a well known family in Fordington whilst Scott is not.
Will of Edward GRACE of Fordington Miller 1713 SPC 1713 1 378: P5/15REG/378B + P5/17B/35 Note Edward Grace the Elder was actually buried in Dorchester All Saints parish in Dorchester on 2nd March 1712 /13

Administration of John RASKER of Fordington

See Burial Index Shows:- Died 1st May buried 3rd May 1713

LA dated 9 Sep 1713 SPC A 1713: P5/1713/76

  Letter of Administration: Know all men by these presents that Joannam [Joan] RASKER of Fordington in the County of Dorset widow & Christopher RASKER of the same place farmer are firmly bound unto Rev John YOUNGER -- surrogate of the Dean of Sarum -- dated 9th Sep 1713

The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bound Joane RASKER widow relict and Administrator of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of John RASKER late of Fordington intestate deceased etc etc

[Note:- Joan RASKER Widow was buried at FStG on 12th Sep 1719]

Administration of William WHITE of Fordington

[Note:- William WHITE and his wife/widow Mary were Quakers - he was buried at Wyke Regis in Dorset on 2nd June 1712 ]

L/A 9th Sep 1713 SPC A 1713 : P5/1713/100

Letter of Administration: Know all men by these presents that Mariam WHITE of Fordington in the County of Dorset Widow & Matthew WHITE of the same place Weaver are firmly bound unto Rev John OUNGER of Sarum etc -- This ninth dayb in the month of September AD 1713

The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bound Mary WHITE widow relict and adnministratrix of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of William WHITE late of Fordington intestate deceased do make etc etc

The mark of Mary WHITE [M] - The mark of Matthew WHITE [MW]

Sealed and delivered into the presence of Thomas FFROME JP Affirmation of Maria WHITE a Quaker for Thomas HENCHMAN Junior

Will of Cassandra STYLE of Fordington Widow

See Burial Index Shows:- Died 23rd Oct buried 26th Oct 1712

dated 28 Mar 1709

proved 9th Sep 1713

SPC 1713 1 378: P5/REG/378C + P5/1713/87 Will: My body to the earth to be buried at the discretion of my executor; Whereas Samuel ROLL Esq Lord of the manor of Puddletown --by his indenture dated 25th Mar 1703 did devise unto my kinsman Thomas KNAPTON Gent and the said Cassandra STYLe a cottage and barn and other lands and premises therein mentioned for the term of fourscore and nineteen years determinable by the several lives of John INGRAM, Richard INGRAM and Jane INGRAM my grandchildren & whereas the fine or consideration money mentioned in the said indenture of lease was my own proper money and the name of the said Thomas KNAPTON was only used in trust for me my executors and administrators I do hereby give and devise the said cottage barn and all other the lands and premises in the said Indenture of lease mentioned All and other my leasehold estate in Puddletown and all my other estate and interest therein unto my beloved son Richard HOW his executors administrators and assigns for the remainder of all such term and terms as I have therein in trust for the benefit and behoof of my said their grandchildren John Richard and Jane INGRAM ---All the rest residue and remainder of my whole estate with all and personal I give and devise unto my said Richard HOW whom I make my full and sole executor ---Witnesses Thomas Hames & Thomas Cooper
Inventory of Thomas HILL of Fordington 1713 SPC Inv 1713: P5/1713/46 No Trace in Fordington Burials
Will of John COOPER, Gentleman of Fordington, Dorset Dated 14 Mar 1712/13
14 July 1713
PROB 11/534 Will: I give unto my dear wife Grace COOPER all those Leasehold Mills and Estate commonly called Champernays situate in the parish of Wootton Fitzpaine Dorset which was assigned over unto me on my marriage to hold to her the said Grace her executors and assigns during the remainder off the present estate term yet therein. Item I give unto my said wife the sum of £200 to me due and payable from Thomas KNAPTON Gent my father-in-law on my intermarriage with Grace my now wife his daughter. Item I give unto my said wife the further sum of £100 to be raised out of my stock of corn and other goods and chattels by my executor hereafter named within the space of six months next after my decease. To her I also give all my household goods and Lastly I hereby make my father Thomas COOPER Gent my sole executor In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the 14th day of of March 1712 Witnesses Morgam HARBIN and Thomas KNAPTON Junior.[Note:- John Cooper was actually buried in St Peters Dorchester 1 April 1713 he married at FStG Church to Mrs Grace KNAPTON by license 31st July 1712.]
Will of Ebenezer BROOKS, Wagoner of Exeter, Dorset (Son of Richard and Elizabeth BROOKS of Dorchester and buried at Fordington) Dated 17 Sep 1713
Proved 19 Nov 1713
PROB 11/536 Note:- Ebenezar BROOKS (the brother of Mary CHANNING (1687-1705/6) who was executed in 1705 for murdering her husband) was buried at St Georges Church Fordington on 13 Oct 1713
Will & Inventroy of Clement ELSWOOD of Fordington Husbandman 1714 SPC 1714 3 23: P15/71 See Burial Index Shows :- 3rd April 1711 burial of Margaret ELSWOOD wife of Clement ELSWOOD also Clement ELSWOOD died 25th Oct buried 26th Oct 1713
Administration of Christian PITFIELD of Fordington Widow Dated 21st July 1715 SPC A. 1715 3 27 : P15/94 Letter of Administration: Know all men by these presents that Carolum [Charles] PITFIELD of Fordington in the county of Dorset Yeoman and Justin Hayne of Little Cheney in the same County yeoman are firmly bound unto Robert Thomas Wyatt prebendary of Fordington and Writhlington in the sum of £20 --dated 21st July 1715 - The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bound Charles PITFIELD the natural and lawful son & administrator of all and singular the goods chattles and credits of Christian PITFIELD widow late of Fordington intestate deceased ----[ Note:- Buried at St Georges Church Fordington. Died 18th buried 22nd May 1715. Link to more information on the Pitfield Family. ]

Administration of Ann WINSOR of Fordington Widow

[Note:- Ann WINSOR was buried at FStG 11th Feb 1714/15]

1715 SPC 1715 3 24: P15/91

Letter of Administration : (approx translation ) Know All Men by these presents that we Leonardum [Leonard] WINSOR of Ffordington in the County of Dorset farmer or husbandmen and William ANTHONY of Milbourne St Andrew in same County Yeoman are bound to Rev Thomas WYATT prebendary of the prebend of Fordington & Writhlington etc

Dated 21st day of the month of July 1715

The condition of this obligation is such that the above bound Leonard WINZOR the Administrator of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of Ann WINZOR late of Ffordington Widow intestate deceased do make or cause to be made a true and perfect Inventory of all Singular the goods chattles and credits of the said deceased which have or shall come to the hands possession or knowledge of him the said Leobard WINZOR Etc Etc

Signed by John JACOB Surrogate

Will of Richard HOW of Fordington Clockmaker 1715 SPC 1715 3 25: P15/92 Richard HOW died on 28th Jan 1715 & was the first Friend [i.e. Quaker] interred in the burial ground at Dorchester on the 31st of the same [Link to transcription of his Will]

Will of Robert SQUIBB of Fordington Yeoman

See Burial Index Shows:- Died 4th May; buried 8th May 1715

Dated 28 Apr 1715

Proved 21 July 1715

SPC 1715 3 26: P15/93 Will: The Last Will and testament of Robert SQUIBB of Fordington in the County of Dorset Yeoman being sick & weak in body but of sound and perfect mind and memory (thanks be to God) Impremius: I give to me daughter Anne SQUIBB the sum of four score pounds sterling to be paid her by my executrix hereafter named when she shal attain the age of one and twenty years orbe married which shall first happen And my Will and meaning is hereby declared that the interest thereof shall till the same shall become payable as aforesaid be invested and applied towards the maintenance and education of my said daughter in the best manner my executrix shall deem requisite, All the other my goods chattles and personal estate whatsoever I give unto my dear wife Amy SQUIBB whom I hereby constitute and make executrix and residuary legatee of this my siad will and testament In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the eigth and twentieth day of April in the year one thousand seven hundred and fidteen. Witnessed by John Jacob; Jacob Hitchcock, Morgan Harbin Probate: 21st July 1715
Administration of John POLLARD of Fordington 1716 SPC A. 1716 3 28: P15/95 See Burial Index Shows:- Died 8th Dec buried 10th Dec 1716
Will of John BENNETT or BONNETT of Fordington Husbandman 1716 SPC 1716 1 34: P5/15REG/344B No Trace in Fordington Burials
Will of James BONNETT [BENNETT] of Fordington Husbandman

dated 28th Sep 1715

Proved 16th May 1716


No Trace in Fordington Burials:

Will: To daughter Rebecah BONNETT her mothers 2 gold rings, and a red serge petticoat & for ye rest of my household goods I give to my dear wife Mary BONNETT & Rebecah Bonnet to be equally divided between them & for what money I have by me or is owing to me I give to my dear wife Mary BONNETT & Rebecah Bonnet to be equally divided between them - also joint executrix. Witnesses John WINSOR; William BOYES; Zachery NELSON

Will of Machias RASKER of Fordington Butcher

See Burial Index Shows:- Died 25th Sep 1716 buried 29th Sep 1716

Will dated 24 Sep 1716

Executors sworn 27 Jun 1717

SPC 1717 3 30: P15/97

Will: In the name of God Amen I Machias RASKER of Fordington in the County of Dorset Butcher Do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following First I bequeath my soul into ye hands of Almighty God and my body to the earth from whence it came AND for the goods chattels moneies and credits which I shall die possessed of after all my just debts and funeral expences are paid and discharged I give to my dear children Matchias and Hannah RASKER to be equally divided between them and I hereby constitute and appoint my trusty and well beloved friends John LUCAS of Fordington aforesaid Yeoman and Henry MITCHELL of Dorchester in the said County of Dorset Glasier Executors in Trust for my said children and to see this my Will performed and to have the sole management of what I shall die possessed of for the uses aforesaid until my said children shall attain the respective ages of one and twenty years and for their trouble and expenses they shall be at in execution of the trust my will is that they pay themselves out of my effects whicj I shall die possessed of . In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 24th day of Sep Anno Domini1716 -- The mark of Machias RASKER R -- Signed sealed published and declared by the testator to be his last will and testament in the presence of us Thomas HUNT; Samuel BEDLOE Junior; J EWELL --- dated 27th June 1717 Jurat Executors Judiciary coran Jos JACOB Surrogate

Probate of this written testament was granted at Fordington 27th June 1717 by Revd John JACOB surrogate of Rev Thomas WYATT prebendary of Fordington etc

Note:- His son Machias RASKER was baptised at St Georges Church in Fordington on 15th Dec 1703. See also Freemen of Dorchester Apprentice Records - Apprenticed to a wheeler by trade William HARDY of Fordington on 18th Feb 1722. His daughter Hannah was probably born in 1704 - parish registers are missing from 24th Feb 1703/4 to 15th April 1705 - His wife Hester RASKER was buried at St Georges Church in Fordington on 23rd July 1708.

Will & Administration of Jane COLLINS of Fordington Widow

See Burial Index Shows:- Buried 23 May 1716

[Note:- Jane COLLINS nee BUNN was the daughter of William BUNN and a Beneficiary under his Will dated 26th Dec 1679 ]

Will dated

8 Feb 1711/12

Proved 28 June 1717

L/A dated

28 June 1717

SPC 1717 3 29: P15/96

[Note:- James Hackham was Jane's brother-in- law and he is bound with Robert Bunn her brother]

WILL: This is the Last Will and Testament of me Jane COLLINS of Forthington in the County of Dorset widow made and published this eigth day of February in the year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eleven

First: I make my brother Mr Robert BUN executor of this my Last will, AND whereas my late son William COLLINS deceased did make the said Robert BUN and me joint executors of his Will under the several trusts in his said Will mentioned AND Whereas we have placed out the trust estate of the said William COLLINS at interest for the benefit of his daughter AND whereas the said William COLLINS by his said Will give me direct legacies in case his daughter should dye unmarried or in her minority Now my Will is that if such legacies shall take effect the said Robert BUN shall enjoy the Hamms [homes?] late in possession of Nathaniel SEAGER and the Living at Fordington now in the possesion of my said sons widow until he shall be reimbursed all such costs losses and damages which he may happen to sustain by any defining? or loss out of the said such estate of the said William COLLINS or by means of his acting in the said trust AND if such costs losses damages shall happen or after the son shall fully reimburse to the said Robert BUNN then I devise the said premises unto my daughter Ann HACKHAM.

Item: Out of what shall come tome or my estate by virtue of any devise in my said sons Will I give unto my two grandchildren Nathaniel & WilliamHACKHAM the sum of Fifty Pounds each AND the residue of what shall come to me or my estate by virtue of the said WillI give unto the said Robert BUN

All the residue of my estate I give unto my daughter Ann HACKHAM she there out paying and discharging my debts funeral expenses and chargesof proving this my Will Witness my hand & seal the day and year above written. The mark of Jane COLLINS Signed sealed & published by the testator in the presence of us Mary Templeman & ?? Templeman

Probate FForthington: Testament of Jane COLLINS granted 28th June 1717

L/A: Know all men by these presents that Jacobum [i.e. James] HACKHAM of Fordington Yeoman & Robertum BUNN of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Grocer are firmly bound unto Thomas WYATT prebendary of the prebend of Fordington etc etc---dated 28th day of June 1717

-The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bound James HACKHAM husband of ANNE HACKHAM and Administrator of all and singular the goods chattels and Credits of Jane COLLINS late of Fordington aforesaid in the juridiction of the above named Prebendary deceased together with her last will and testament annexed the executor named in the said Last Will having renounced the execution thereof and the said Anne HACKHAM being residuary legatee named in the same shall well and truely execute and perform the said Last Will and pay the debts and legacies of the said deceased so far as her goods chattels and credits will thereto extend and the law bind him and also shall make or cause to be made a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of the said deceased which shall come to the hands possession or knowledge of the said James HACKHAM or into the hands or possession of any other person or persons for him And the same so made shall exhibit or cause to be exhibited into the Registry of the above named Mr Prebendary at or before the last day of September next ensuing and lastly shall make and render a just and true account of and upon his said Administration in the premises and well and truely pay and deliver over such sum and sums of miney and such other of the testators estate as shall be remaining in his hands to such person or persons as shall have right to the same and as the Law direct when he shall thereunto lawfully be required Then this obligation to be void or else in force. Signed sealed and delivered in presence Thomas BADEN Notary Public Signatures of James HACKHAM and Robert BUNN

Adminsitration of Jane BURD [BIRD] of Fordington Spinster 1718 SPC A. 1718 3 32: P15/99 See Burial Index Shows:- Died 8th Dec buried 10th Dec 1717
Administration of Samuel NELSON of Fordington 1718 SPC A 1718 3 31: P15/98 See Burial Index Shows:- Died 28th Feb buried 29th Feb 11717/18
Will of Elizabeth ALBYN, Spinster of Fordington, Dorset 02 December 1718 PROB 11/566 See Burial Index Shows:- Death on 9th Jan of Mrs. Elizabeth ALBEN buried 19th Jan 1717/18
Administration of Elizabeth JACOB of Fordington Spinster LA dated 1 Feb 1719/20 SPC A. 1719 3 23 : P 15/100 year 1720

Letter of Administration: Know all men by these presents that John JACOB Vicar of Fordington in the County of Dorset: Samuel SNOOKE Cleric of Dorchester in the same County and James BUNN of the same place are firmly bound unto Thomas WYATT Canon of Sarum and Prebendary of Fordington and Writhlington etc dated 1st day in the month of February 1719 -- The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bound John JACOB the father and administrator of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of Elizabeth JACOB late of Fordington spinster intesteate --- etc etc

See Burial Index Shows:- Elizabeth daughter of John & Grace JACOB buried 26th Jan 1719/20 Note:- John Jacob was Vicar of Fordington

Will of William MINTERNE of Fordington Yeoman 1719 SPC 1719 2 14: P5/16REG/14A + P5/1719/58 See Burial Index Shows:- Mr. William MINTERN buried 16th April 1719
Administration of Stephen FEAR of Fordington 1720 SPC A. 1720 4 3: P15/102 See Burial Index Shows:- Stephen FEARE buried 26th Nov 1719
Will of Israel SHEPHARD Senior of Fordington Serge Maker 1720 SPC 1720 4 1 : P15/101: D/RGB/KF6 No Trace in Fordington Burials although an Elizabeth was buried 21 Nov 1719/20: Copy of Will at DHC part of Bartelot papers

Will of James HACKHAM of Fordington Yeoman

See Burial Index Shows:- James HACKHAM buried 1st April 1720

Dated 2 Mar 1719/20

Proved 15 July 1720

SPC 1720 4 4 :P 15/103 Will: In the name of God Amen I James HACKHAM of Fordington in the County of Dorset Yeoman being weak in body but perfect in mind and remembrance praised be to God do hear [here] make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament in mannor and order as followeth. Item: I give to my grand[torn missing] William HACKHAM ten pounds and the next to best [torn missing] dishes and my best brass pan. Item: I give to my grand[torn missing] Arthur HACKHAM ten pounds and my best crock and [torn missing] to next best pewter dishes Item: I give to my grand son James HACKHAM ten pounds and the next to best Crock and the next to best puter [pewter] dishes. All the rest of my estate and goods I can claim I do give to my son James HACKHAM him I appoint to be my executor of this my last will and testament and to pay my debts in Witness hereof I have set my hand and seal the 2nd day of March 1719/1720: Signed James HACKHAM Witnesses the mark of Hannah James & signed by Nathaniel HACKHAM: Proved 15th July 1720

Will of Mary FREKE [FREAKE] of Fordington Widow

See Burial Index Shows:- Mary FREAK a widdow buried 23rd June 1720

Will dated 14 Apr 1720

Burial 23 Jun 1720

Inv taken & Probate

27 Jun 1720:

SPC 1720 4 2 : P15/77 inventory


Will: Beneficiaries : To sister Sarah TIZARD Widow ; Mary wife of Thomas DILLER of Fordington and Margaret PALMER of Upwey Widow

Inventory Dated June the 27th 1720 of Mary FREKE Widow of Fordington in the County of Dorset Lately deceased List of Household Items amounting to £3.14s 8d and "A small dwelling house and a little garden plot £8 " Apporaised by John DENING and Nathaniel HOLLAND. [Note Inventory held at Wiltshire Archives]

Will of William GRAY, Miller of Fordington, Dorset 09 July 1720 PROB 11/575 William GRAY was buried in St Peters Dorchester 20 May 1719 see NBI

Administration, renunciation, & Will of Nathaniel HACKHAM of Fordington Yeoman

1721 SPC A.I. 1721 4 5 :P15/104 See Burial Index Shows:- Nathaniel HACKAM buried 14th Mar 1720/21
Will of John PROWSE of Fordington Yeoman 1722 SPC 1722 4 6 : P15/105 See Burial Index Shows:- John PROWS buried 14th Feb 1721/22 [Note:- See Transcription of his will dated 23rd May 1720]
Administration of Catherine NELSON of Fordington Widow 1722 SPC A 1722 : P15/106 + P5/1722/49 See Burial Index Shows:- Catharine NELSON buried 12th April 1722 - See also entry for 1723 below
Will & Inventory of William VOSSE of Fordington 1723 SPC 1723 4 8: P15/78 See Burial Index Shows:- William VOS buried 6th August 1722
Administration of Catherine NELSON of Fordington 1723 SPC A 1723 4 7 See Burial Index Shows:- Catharine NELSON buried 12th April 1722 - See also entry for 1722 above
Will of Charles CHURCHILL of Fordington Gentleman 1723 SPC 1723 4 9 : P15/107 See Burial Index Shows:- Charles CHURCHILL buried 14th July 1723 [Note:- See Transcription of the will of Charles CHURCHILL (1658-1723)]
Administration of John INGRAM of Fordington 1724 SPC A. 1724 4 10: P15/108 See Burial Index Shows:- Mr. John INGRAM buried 13th Oct 1723
Will of Andrew BURLEIGH of Fordington Husbandman 1725 SPC 1725 2 108: P5/16REG/108A + P5/1725/2 See Burial Index Shows:- Andrew BURLEY buried 18th August 1724
Will of John WILCOX of Fordington Victualler 1726 SPC 1726 2 116: P5/16REG/116A + P5/1725/78 John Wilcox was buried in Holy Trinity Dorchester 8 May 1725 See NBI
Administration of Joanna WOOLFRYS of Fordington 1726 SPC A. 1726 4 12 : P15/110 See Burial Index Shows: Joan WOLFREYS a widow buried 13th Jan 1725/6

Will and Administration of Joseph BARTLETT of Fordington

[Note:- Joseph BARTLETT buried at St Georges Church Fordington on 28th Jan 1725/6]

[Note:- His daughter Mary BARTLETT married to John AMEY at West Stafford Dorset on 31st July 1694]

{Note:- William BARTLETT also bound in the adminsitration Yeoman of Fordington was buried at FStG 8th May 1727 leaving a Will dated 15th April 1727 ]

L/A dated 22 Jun 1726

SPC A 1726 4 11: P15/109

Held at Wiltshire Archives

Letter of Administration: Know All Men by these presents that Johannem [John] AMEY of West Stafford in the county of Dorset and William BARTLETT of Fordington in the same County Yeoman are firmly bound unto Rev. Richard Younger etc etc ---dated 22nd June 1726

The Condition of this obligation is such that if Mary AMEY (the Wife of John AMEY) the natural and lawful daughter of Joseph BARTLETT late of Fordington above said deceased ----and administrator of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of the said Joseph BARTLETT together with his last will and testament or Testamentary Writing annexed and executor being named therein ----shall well and duly execute & perform the said will & pay the debts and legacies of the said deceased so far forth as his goods chattles and credits will extend etc etc ---

Signed John AMEY and William BARTLETT

At Fordington on 22nd June 1726 Jurasdiction was granted to Maria AMEY administratrix -- John JACOB Surrogate

WILL: A DEED of Gift: I Joseph BARTLETT of Fordington do give to my daughters Mary EMEY [AMEY] of Fordington and Elizabeth BARTLETT of Fordington here I do Give all my Goods. In Witness where unto I Sett my hand the mark of Joseph BARTLETT and the mark of Elizabeth BARTLETT : John AMEY

[Note:- The Will is not dated and signed with the marks of Joseph and his sister Elizabeth and the signatures of John AMEY the husband of his daughter Mary. A letter of Administration written in Latin was granted to his daughter Mary AMEY of West Stafford (probably the eldest who had the support of her more literate husband) Her husband and William BARTLETT who was Joseph's brother were bound to the Court for the correct administration of his estate.

Will of Elizabeth BUNNE, Widow of Fordington, Dorset 18 February 1726 PROB 11/607 See Burial Index Shows:- Ms BUNN a widow buried 24 Feb 1724/5
Will of Sarah WHITEACRE of Fordington Widow 1727 SPC 1727 : P5/1727/57 No Trace in Fordington Burials

Will of William BARTLETT of Fordington Yeoman

See Burial Index Shows:- William BARTLET buried 8th May 1727

Dated 15 Apr 1727

Proved 7th Jun 1727

SPC 1727 4 14: P15/112 WILL:- In the name of God Amen I William BARTLETT of Ffordington in the County of Dorset Yeoman doe make and declare my last Will and Testament in manner following (That is to say)
First: I will that my debts and funeral charges shall be paid and discharged
Item:: I give unto my loving wife Margaret BARTLETT one shilling in full of all dower or thirds or other claims which she may make out of my real or personal estate
Item:: All the rest and residue of my estate goods and chattels plate and other personal estate I give unto my nephew John AMEY Junior of West Stafford in the County of Dorset and that he may not miss of what I hereby intend him I do make him sole executor of this my last will and testament
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the 15th day of April one thousand seven hundred & twenty and seven
Signed: William BARTLETT
Signed Sealed published and declared by the said William BARTLETT to be his last will and testament In the presence of us who subscribed our names as witnesses hereto in the testators presence Charles WELLS: Henry ROUND

PROBATE: 7th day in the month of June 1727 Administration was granted to John AMEY Junior executor of Fordington
Administration of Edward WILLIAMS of Fordington 1728 SPC A 1728 2 180: P5/16REG/180A + P5/1728/114 See Burial Index Shows:-Buried 13 Oct 1727
Will of William STEVENS of Fordington Weaver & Husbandman 1728 SPC 1728 2 179: P5/16REG/179B + P5/1728/104 See Burial Index Shows:-Buried 25 Oct 1727
Will of Giles TOLLERFIELD or TOLIFIELD of Fordington 1728 SPC 1728 2 180: P5/16REG/180B + P5/1728/109 See Burial Index Shows:-Buried 12 Apr 1728
Will of William RASKER of Fordington, Dorset Yeoman 1728 SPC 1728 2 179: P5/16REG/179A + P5/1728/85 See Burial Index Shows:-Buried 20 Jun 1728
Will & Administration of William CHURCHILL of Fordington

[Note:- Mr. William CHURCHILL Church Warden buried FStG 13th March 1728/9]
1729 Will Dated 7 Aug 1727

Codicil Dated 20 July 1728

L/A dated 29th March 1729

SPC 1729 4 13: P15/111
Letter of Administration: 'BOUND:- Rebeccah CHURCHILL of Fordington in the County of Dorset and William CHANNING of Dorchester in the same county, Mercer ----The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bound Rebeccah CHURCHILL the lawful wife and widow of all and singular the goods and chattels of William CHURCHILL of Fordington aforesaid her late husband deceased together with the Last Will and Testament of the said deceased annexed doth make or cause to be made a full, true and perfect inventory ---Signed her Mark his signature

WILL: In the name of God Amen, I William CHURCHILL of Fordington in the County of Dorset do hereby make this my Last Will and Testament. I commend my soul into the hands of Almight God hoping for mercy through the merits and intercession of our blessed saviour Jesud Christ. As for my worldly affairs I dispose of them in manner and form following

Impremis: I Give to my dear wife Rebecca CHURCHILL a fifth part of my goods and chattles

I give to my two dear sons William and Charles, and to my daughters Elizabeth and Anne all ye rest of my goods and chattels to be divided likewise between them in equal shares. I make ye ??? ??? in Mr.William TEMPLEMAN ??? to be subject to this distribution. In case one or more of my children should die in their minority I hereby entitle ye survivors or survivor to ye share or shares forever. In case all should die I give all their shares for ever to my dear wife. I order my just debts to be paid and that my funeral may be very private I die in perfect charity. This is my Last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I Have set my hand and seal this seventh day of August 1727 Signed William CHURCHILL

Codicil dated 20th July 1727: I hereby give my dear son John an equal portion of whatever I leave behind me to be taken equally from ye five others there to make his fortune ye same with ye rest of my children. Witness my hand July 20th 1728.

[Note:- Link to marriage of William CHURCHILL to Rebecca SNOOKE 18th Feb 1724:

Will of John BUNN of Fordington Labourer

See Burial Index Shows:-Buried 19 Feb 1728

Will: dated 7th Feb 1728/9

Bur 19 Feb 1728/9

Probate 4 Jun 1729

Wiltshire Archives

SPC 1729 4 18:



Will :In the name of God Amen I John BUNN of the Parish of Fordington in the county of Dorset Labourer being sick of body but of sound mind and memory and disposing understanding paised be to God do this seventh day of February in the year of our Lord One thousand Seven Hundred and twenty eight nine make and ordain this my last Will & Testament in manner following Vitz:

First and principally I commend my soul to God hoping to have forgivness for all my sins and to inherit life everlasting through my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and I desire my body to have Christian burial and as touching my wordly estate I give and dispose thereof as follows Viz:

Impremis: I give to my father Thomas BUNN ten shillings as a legacy to be paid him after my decease

Item: I give to my brother Philip BUNN all my woollen apparel and to my brother Thomas BUNN son John

Item: I give one shilling and all other my goods and chattles within doors and without I do give to Elizabeth BUNN my now wife and I do constitute and appoint my wife to be my sole executrix of this my Last Will and Testament revoking all other wills before In?? and I do desire that ye legacies to be delivered and paid and my funeral Charges and all other debts.

In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal ye day and year first above written

Witnesses Thomas ROBERTS; Nathaniel SEAGER: William BOLMAN --- The mark of John BUNN

Will of Mary WHYTE [WHITE] Widow of Fordington

[Note:- No Trace in Fordington Burials;

Robert FREKE married Mary WHITE at FStG on 30th July 1712]

Dated 4th Sep 1725

Proved 4th June 1729

SPC 1729 4 15: P15/113

Will:Being aged : To Mary FFREKE Widow my daughter all my sheep, fuel house and garden situate and lying and being in a certain street called Mill Street within the parish of Fordington which I there hold by lease for the reminder of a certain term of fourscore and nineteen years if Thomas RIGHT and Johanna RIGHT his wife shall so long live yo hold unto the said daughter her executors and assignsduring the remainder of such term determinable as aforesaid

Item: (As much as in me lyeth) I give and devise All my estate Right Title and demand whatsoever of in and to the cottage or dwelling house I now live in with the fewell house thereunto belonging standing and being on part of the Waste Ground of the Parish and Manor of Fordington aforesaid unto my said daughter Mary FFREKE to hold to her the said Mary FFREKE for and during the term of sixty years if she shall so long live And from and after her said term of sixty years or death of the said Mary FFREKE which shall first happen Then I give and devise the same last mentioned Cottage and premises unto my son Matthew WHIGHT [WHITE] his executors administrators and assigns for and during the remainder of such estate and term as I shall then have therein to come and unexpired

And Lastly I make my said daughter Mary FFREKE executrix and Residuary Legatee of this my said Last Will & Testament In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the 4th day of September in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven hundred Twenty and five

The mark of Mary (M) WHYTE --- Witnesses Isaac BONNETT; Joseph BONETT: Morgan HARBIN

Proved at Fordington 4th June 1729 John JACOB Surrogate

Will of James HACKHAM of Fordington Yeoman 1729 SPC 1729 4 17: P15/115 See Burial Index Shows:-Buried 09 Oct 1728
Administration of Nathaniel HACKHAM of Fordington Bachelor 1730 SPC A. 17304 22: P15/120 No Trace in Fordington Burials
Administration of William COBBOCK of Fordington 1730 SPC A 1730 4 21: P15/119 No Trace in Fordington Burials
Will of Mary PHIPPETT Widow of Fordington 1730 SPC 1730 4 19: P15/117 No Trace in Fordington Burials
Will of Benjamin BYSHOP [BISHOP]of Fordington Husbandman 1730 SPC 1730 4 16: P15/114 See Burial Index Shows:-Buried 24 May 1730
Will of Robert BENNETT [BONNETT]of Fordington Clotheir 1730 SPC 1730 4 20: P15/118 Can only trace a burial for 28 Nov 1731 BENNETT, Robert See NBI
Will of William LIGHT, Yeoman of Fordington, Dorset 12 February 1730 PROB 11/635 Can only trace a burial for a William LIGHT at St marys church Frampton Dorset in 1729 See NBI
Administration & Inventory of Benjamin BELLMAN of Fordington Yeoman 1731 SPC 1731 4 23: P15/79 See Burial Index Shows:-Buried 3 Aug 1731
Administration of John GREENING of Fordington 1731 SPC A 1731: P5/1731/35 No Trace in Fordington Burials
Will of Dorothy WAY Widow of Forthington 2 July 1731 PROB 11/646 No Trace in Fordington Burials
Will of Mary STEVENS [STEVINS} Widow of Fordington 1733 SPC 1733 4 26: P15/123 No Trace in Fordington Burials
Will of John GOODMAN of Fordington Victualler 1733 SPC 1733 : P15/122 No Trace in Fordington Burials
Will of Frances PROWSE of Fordington Widow 1733 SPC 1733 : P5/1733/52 Note:- Frances PROUSE Widow was buried at the age 89 on 26 Jan 1738: A transcription of her Will can be accessed via this link
Administration of Elizabeth WILLIAM of Fordington Widow 1733 SPC A 17334 24: P15/121 See Burial Index Shows:-25 Aug 1732 WILLIAMS, Elizabeth, Age 72

Will of Mary JEFFERIE of Fordington

PR no trace of burial

L/A 14 Jan 1739
BPC 1735 Letter of Administration for the estate of Mary JEFFERIE late of Fordington in the County of Dorset Widow deceased unadministered by John JEFFERIE the natural and lawful son and administrator with the last will and testament of the deceased annexed and since also deceased.

WILL: To be buried with late husband; ref to a daughter: Messuage, farm or tenement lying at Long Bredy commonly called 'Sandon' + rest of her estate in trust with friends John Gallop of Dorchester & Zachary Nelson of Dorchester Mercer for the use of her daughter Anne LILLINGTON the wife of George Lillington for her own separate use
Will of Ann LILLINGTON of Fordington 1735 BPC 1735 PR no trace of burial [Note:- MARRIAGE:- George LILLINGTON of Dorchester & Ann JEFFERIES of Fordington. married 25 June 1717 by licence at Puddletown - also see above ]
Will of James COLLINS of Fordington Weaver 1735 SPC 1735 : P5/1735/13 See Burial Registers for 1735 shows:- James COLLINS buried March 1
Will of George BRICE of Fordington Yeoman

See Burial Registers for 1736 shows:- George PRICE buried January 28
Will dated 14th Nov 1726 :
Proved 2nd Mar 1736
SPC 1736: P5/1736/6 WILL of George BRICE deceased : In the name of God Amen I George BRICE of Fordington in the County of Dorset Yeoman being in good health of body and sound and perfect mind and memory thanks be to Almighty God Do make and ordain this may Last Will and Testament in manner & form following:
Impremise: I commend my soul into the hands of Almight God hoping through the merits of my saviour Jesus Christ to have full and free pardon and forgiveness of all my sins & to inherit everlasting life: And my body to be decently buried at thge discretion of my executrix hereinafter named And as touching the disposition of all temporal estate vit hath pleased God to bestow on me I give and dispose thereof as Follows
Impremise (In the first place) I give to my brother William BRICE the sum of £10; To my brother Nathaniel BRICE the elder the like sum of £10; To my Nephew Nathaniel BRICE the Younger the like sum of £10 lawful British Money; All the rest of my goods and chattels whatsoever I give and bequeath to Edith my now beloved wife making her full and sole executrix of this my last will and Testament And I do hereby revoke and make void all former Wills by and testaments by me heretofore made: In Witness whereof I the said George BRICE to this my Last Will and Testament have hereunto set my hand and seal this 14th day of Nov 1726 Witnesses Mary Rasker; Robert Belben; Belben and Daniel Glissen

This will was proved at Sarum on 2nd March 1736 before the Revd.John TALMAN Clerk AM lawful surrogate of the official DEan of Sarum by him administration of the goods chattels of the said deceased was granted toi Edith BRICE Widow relict of the said deceased & sole executrix in his will being first duly sworn etc etc

Will of Thomas WINSOR of Fordington Yeoman

[Note:-See Burial Registers for 1736 shows:- Tho: (Thomas) WINZAR buried August 11]

Dated 03 Aug 1736

Buried 11 Aug 1736

Oath 18 Sep 1736

Proved 12 Oct 1736

SPC 1736 : P5/1736/45

[Note:- His surname is also often spelt as Winsar, Winser, Winsor, Winzar, Winzer, Winzor, and sometimes with a 'd' added as in Windsor]

WILL:-Impremis:- To Sister Elizabeth Green ome shilling

Item; To daughter Elizabeth whom I likewise constitute make and ordain my sole executrix - All and Singular my Lands Messuages and Tenements.

Signed by the mark of Thomas WINZAR and witnessed by Thomas WINZAR Junior and Judeth Sagor

Will of Thomas MITCHELL of Fordington

See Burial Registers for 1738 shows:- Thomas MITCHELL buried January 5

8 Dec 1739 SPC 1739 4 27: P15/124

Will: I give to John SEMS [SYMES?] my brother-in-law and to Mary SEMS my sister the sum of £10 to buy them mourning rings. All the rest of my houses leases lands tenements and goods whatsoever I give unto Elizabeth my wife on condition that she shall pay all my debts and legacies and make her sole executrix of this my last will and testament revoking all other wills and testaments. The mark of Thomas Mitchel - the mark of barbie White ; Johaner White Witnesses

Probate At Ffordington on the 5th of July 1739 the executrix within named was duly sworn before me John JACOB Surrogate

Will of Thomas JONES of Fordington Labourer 1739 SPC 1739 4 28: P15/125 See Burial Registers for 1738 shows:- Thomas JOANS buried July 27
Will of Ann LILLINGTON Widow of Fordington attached to Letter of Administration granted to her brother John JEFFERIES Will Dated 07 Jan 1734
LA 14 Jan 1739
BPC 33 1739 & Ad/Dt/W/1739 Event Record 33 Images Will Beneficiaries: Mrs Mary GUNDRY the wife of John GUNDRY of D Gent: Jane and Sarah daughters of Stephen HOUNSELL and Sarah his wife; Margaret INGRAM the wife of John INGRAM ; Elizabeth wife of Wm TOLLERFIELD of Fordington: Mrs Mary COX & her 2 eldest daughters; Mrs Mary SNOOK Widow of Samuel of D cutler; Miss Martha LIGHT; Mary HOSKINS; Kinsman John JEFFERIES of Frampton; Miss patty and Molly COX; Rest to Brother John JEFFERIES of Broadway in Somerset Clerk; Penelope the wife of John GALLOP Esq of Dorchester [Note:- MARRIAGE:- George LILLINGTON of Dorchester & Ann JEFFERIES of Fordington. married 25 June 1717 by licence at Puddletown]

Will of Elizabeth BARTLETT of Fordington

See Burial Registers for 1738 shows:- Elizabeth BARTLETT Aged 89 years [i.e. born approx 1649] buried Sept 2

Dated 21 Oct 1735

Proved at Fordington 5th July 1739

SPC 1739 4 29: P15/126 WILL: Bequests to neice Mary AMEY £5 : To her sons John Amey and Joseph Amey and her daughter Jane to each of them 1 shilling: To neice Elizabeth BARTLETT 1 guinea : To Kinswoman Elizabeth BEDLOW of Fordington widow £5; To Robert AMEY son of the above named Mary AMEY £5 and also my middle kettle and one pewter dish; To BARTLETT Amey daughter of the said Mary AMEY all my wearing apparell both linen and woollen and also my largest kettle and one pewter dish ; To William Amey son of the said Mary AMEY all the rest of my goods and chattles and appoint him executor
Will of Mary JEFFERIE Widow of Fordington 1728 attached to a Letter of Administration granted to John JEFFERIES Will Dated 20 Nov 1728
L/A dated 14 Jan 1739
BPC 32 1739 & DHC Ad/Dt/W/1739 Event Record 32 Images Will: To be buried with husband, beneficiary daughter Ann LILLINGTON the wife of George LILLINGTON - In trust with John GALLOP of Dorchester Esq and Zachary NELSON of Dorchester Mercer from benefit of her daughter and her daughters children PR no trace of burial L/A John JEFFERIE of the City of Exon Executor of will of Ann LILLINGTON Deceased

Will of Joseph BONNETT The Elder of Mill Street Fordington Clothier

See Burial Registers for 1740 shows:- Joseph BONNETT buried April 21

Dated 5 Mar 1735

Probate 21 Mar 1740

SPC 1740 5 1 : P15/127 + P5/1749/3 Will: First to my son Joseph BONNETT all that part of the House which is divided between me and my brother Isaac situate in Weymouth and Melcombe Regis, after his decease to my son Robert BONNETT , after his decease to my son James BONNETT. To my son George BONNETT all my dwelling house situate in Mill Street aforesaid for and during the three natural lives nominated upon it, To my grandaughters by name Catherine BONNETT and Rebecca BONNETT both infants one suit of my wife's apparel each together with one gold ring each as shall be thought a conveinient time for their proper use. My grandson Joseph BONNETT I give the sum of £20 when 21 if he die to his 2 sisters Catherine and Rebecca. To my sons Robert and James BONNETT 5 shillings each. Rest to my 3 sons Robert, James and George whom I make my joint executors. My loving brother Isaac BONNETT of Forthington Clothier and Edward VINCENT of Dorchester Maltster Overseers dated 5th March 1735. Witnesses Margaret Harbin; Morgan Harbin, John Windsors: Probate 21st March 1740.
Will of Robert BELLMAN of Fordington Weaver 1741 SPC 1741 5 2: P15/128 See Burial Registers for 1740 shows:- Robert BELMAN buried January 21
Will of Martha LIGHT, Widow of Fordington , Dorset 10 June 1741 PROB 11/710 PR no trace of burial

Will of William BARTLETT of Fordington Butcher

 [William BARTLETT husband of Mary BARTLETT (Maiden name unknown) who married about 1709 . Follow link for more information about his family. 

See Burial Registers for FStG shows:- William BARTLETT buried February 10th 1741/2

Dated 5th Feb 1741

Proved 24th Aug 1742

Dated 5th Feb 1741
Proved 24 Aug 1742

SPC 1742 5 7 : P15/133
WILL: This is the Last Will of me William BARTLETT of Fordington in Dorset, Butcher. First I give and bequeath unto my son William BARTLETT one shilling. I also give and bequeath unto my daughter Edith STYLES the sum of one shilling. All the rest and residue of my estate goods and chattles of what kind or nature soever I give unto my Dear wife Mary BARTLETT whom I hereby appoint sole executrix of this my Last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former Wills by me made. If in case she shall marry again then she shall pay unto my son William BARTLETT the sum of £10 and also pay unto my daughter Edith STYLES the sum of £10. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the 5th day of February 1741. The mark of William BARTLETT. Proved 24th Aug 1742.
Will of Anna HOW Widow of Fordington 1742 SPC 1742 5 4 : P15/130 Anna nee SEYMOUR was the Widow of Richard HOW a Quaker who died in 1715 and would have been buried with her husband in the Quakers burial ground in Dorchester. Link to their marriage
Will of William SPARKES of Fordington Fellmonger 1742 SPC 1742 5 5 : P15/131 See Burial Registers for 1741/2 shows:- Wm [William] SPARKES aged 76 years buried March 10 1741/2. See also transcription of Will

Administration of Arthur HACKHAM of Fordington

See Burial Registers for 1742 shows:- Arthur HACKHAM buried November 5

Inv: 7th Oct 1679


SPC A 1742 5 6 : P15/132


Administration of William BELLBEN [BELBIN] of Fordington 1742 SPC A 1742 5 3: P15/129 See Burial Registers for 1742 shows:- William BELBIN buried July 16
Administration bond and renunciation of James ALLEN of Fordington 1743 SPC A 1743 5 8: P15/134 See Burial Registers for 1743 shows:-Buried 12 Sep 1743
Will of John COAT of Fordington Miller 1744 SPC 1744 5 9: P15/135 See Burial Registers for 1743 shows:-Buried 21 Oct 1743

Administration of Charles PITFIELD of Fordington

Charles PITFIELD (1666-1743) Link to more information about the Pitfield Family. Fordington Buials for 1743 show that he was buried on 13 July 1743 aged 76

Dated 2nd Jun 1744 SPC A 1744 5 10: P15/136 Letter of Administration: Know all men by these presents that we Amy PITFIELD of Fordington in the County of Dorset, Widow; Thomas TYRELL of the same place, Yeoman, and John INGRAM of the same place, Yeoman --- are held and firmly bound unto the Reverend Richard Younger Clerk Master of Arts Prebendary of Fordington and the Cathedral Church of Sarum in four hundred and twenty pounds etc etc -----dated 22nd day of June 1744

The condition of this obligation is such that the above bound Amy PITFIELD Widow the Relict and Administratrix of all and singular the goods, chattels and credits of Charles PITFIELD late of Fordington Intestate Deceased ---etc etc. LA signed by Amy Pitfield, Thomas Terrell and John Ingram.
Footnote:- on LA: - At Fordington --- on the day and year above said the above named Administratrix was duly sworn before me John Jacob Surrogate
Will of David MORGAN of Dorchester (buried at Fordington) Will 1741 Proved 1744 DHC Ad/Dt/W/1744 See Transcription of the Will of David MORGAN Victualler of Dorchester written 29th September 1741 and proved 25th April 1744 - buried at Fordington 29th Jan 1743/4
Will of Rebecca MANFIELD of Fordington 1745 SPC 1745 5 11: P15/138 BT's have not survived: PR's not yet transcribed
Administration bond of David KEATS of Fordington 1746 P15/137 See Burial Registers for 1746 shows:- David KATE buried April 19 1746
Administration of James BENNETT or BONNETT of Fordington Mariner 1749 SPC A 1749: P15/141 PR no trace of burial
2 copies of will of Isaac BONNETT, clothier and linen draper of Fordington, 1749 with probate 1752; bill of expenses in proving the will; inventory of goods, chattels and credits of Isaac Bonnett, 1752 1749 & 7 Nov 1752 A2A D/SBS/F3 & PROB 11/797 under Bonell Note: Bonnett & Bennett are often confused No Trace in Parish Register
Administration of Samuel PITFIELD of Fordington Dated 1st Oct 1750 SPC A. 1750 5 12: P15/139

Letter of Administration : Know all men by these presents that we Charles PITFIELD of Forthington in the County of Dorset Husbandman, Amos STILE of the same place Husbandman; and Ambrose HUNT of the same place Tailor were held and firmly bound unto Richard Younger Clerk Master of Arts Prebendary of the Prebend of Forthington and Wtithlington anciently founded in the Cathedral Church of Sarum (Salisbury) in the sum of £100 ----etc ----dated 1st day of Oct 1750:

The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bound Charles PITFIELD the Nephew and next of kin and Administrator of all and singular the goods, chattells and credits of Samuel PITFIELD late of Forthington aforesaid intestate deceased --- etc etc :

See Burial Registers for 1750 shows:- Buried 12 August 1750 [Note:- Samuel PITFIELD (1681-1750) son of Sebastian PITFIELD (1632-1702) and Christian MEADON] Link to more information about the Pitfield Family.

Administration of William GIFFORD of Fordington 1752 P5/1752/20 BT's not survived PR's not Transcribed yet
Will of John STEVENS Senior of Fordington Husbandman 1752 P5/1752/47 See Burial Registers for 1751 shows:- a John Stevens buried aged 81 Years Dec 17th 1751
Will of Thomas TERRELL Senior Yeoman of Fordington 1752 P5/1752/51 See Burial Registers for 1751 shows:- Thomas Terrell buried Oct 18th 1751
Will of Isaac BONNELL [incorrect for Bonnett or Bennett] Clothier of Forthington 7 November 1752 PROB 11/797 See Burial Registers for 1752 shows:- Buried April 7 1752
Will of Isaac BENNETT [or BONNETT?] of Fordington 1754 SPC 1754 5 14 See Burial Registers for 1752 shows:- Buried April 7 1752
Will of Daniel HILL 1754 P:15/140 [Think this may be error for Daniel STYLE see below]
Will of Daniel STYLE of Fordington 1754 SPC 1754 5 13 See Burial Registers for 1754 shows:- 1754 Jun 24 Daniel STILE buried
Will of Richard DAWE of Fordington Yeoman 1755 SPC 1755: P5/1755/13 See Burial Registers for 1755 shows:- 1755 Richard DAWE buried August 7
Will of John JENKINS of Fordington Yeoman 1755 SPC 1755 5 15: P15/142 See Burial Registers for 1755 shows:- Jan 18 John JENKINS buried
Will of Hester TOLLERFIELD of Fordington Widow 1755 SPC 1755: P5/1755/55 See Burial Registers for 1754 shows:- Sep 1 Estha [Hester] TOLLERFIELD buried
Will of Amey DAWE of Fordington widow 1756 SPC 1756 5 17: P15/144 See Burial Registers for 1756 shows:- Amme DAW buried February 25

Will of Thomas WINZAR of Fordington Blacksmith

See Burial Registers for 1756 shows:- Thomas WINZOR buried March 5

Will dated 20 Apr 1754

Signed & Witnessed 16 Nov 1755

Proved 17th Mar 1756 1756

Wiltshire Archives SPC 1756 5 16: P15/143/1

17th Mar 1756 Forthington

The Will of Thomas WINZAR deceased

This Will was expressed at Sarum on 17th day of Mar 1756 before Rev. John TALMAR Clerk M.A. lawful Surrogate of Rev. Worshipful the Prebendary of the Prebend of Forthington & Writhlington and by him administration of the effects of the deceased & any way concerned this his will was granted to Phillip WINZAR lawful son of the deceased & sole executor within named being first duly sworn of the truethof the said will to perform the same & pay debts & legacies of the deceased etc.

WILL: In the name of God Amen I Thomas WINZAR of ye parish of Fordington, Blacksmith being sick and weak of body but of sound mind and memory thank be to God do make and declare this my last will and Testament in manner and form following

Impremis [In the first place] I commend my soul into the hands of Almighty God hoping through the merits of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to inherit everlasting life and as to all such worldly goods as it hath pleased Almighty God to bestow upon me I give and dispose thereof in manner following.

Item: I give unto my son Thos [Thomas] one shilling: and one shilling unto Joseph GRIGORY of Pool and one shilling to my son Joseph to be paid by my executors.

Item: I give my beds and bedding to my son Phillip and all my pewter and brass and iron things and ye furnase and dresser and all ye shilere?? that is in the little shop and ye counter and all my lumber goods and all my Iron and coal and all my book debts to my son Phillip

[Item] I do give half my working tools to my son John and ye little furnace to John ; and

[Item] I di give all my wearing apparel to my son Phillip whom I constitute and appoint whole and sole executor of this my last Will and Testament revoking and making void all former wills by me at any time heretofore made and do declare this to be my last and I do order that my son Thos [Thomas] should not come nor molest [h]is Brother John nor [h]is brother Phillip within 12 months after my decease but that they shall pay him three pounds and ten shillings for ye 12 months . I do give my cloak and coffer and chest to my son John and last of all my desire is that my body be buried in a decent manner in Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenieth day of April one thousand seven hundred and fifty four

Thos [Thomas] WINZAR

[Witnessed] November ye 16 1755 Signed and Sealed in ye preence of : John Morgan John INGRAM and Charles PITFIELD

Certified : At Sarum on the 17th day of March 1756 the executor within named was sworn John TALMAR Surrogate

[NOTE:-- Thomas WINDSER (1690/91-1756) was the 8th child from the marriage of John WINSER to Mary GREEN at All Saints Church Dorchester on 6th Jan 1679. He married at Steeple to Sarah WILLIS on 16 Feb 1717/18; follow link for more information.

Will of John PING of Fordington, Dorset 1758 BPC 1758 (See P.C.C. 273 Hutton.)
Will of John PING of Fordington, Dorset 19 September 1758 PROB 11/840 PR no trace of burial
Will of Andrew HALL of Fordington [note refers to 1774 calendar] 1761 BPC 1761 PR damaged may have been buried July 20th 1760]
Will of George LESTER Senior of Fordington Thatcher 1764 SPC 1764: P5/1764/31 See Burial Registers for 1762 shows:- George LESTER buried August 8
Will of Margaret POWELL of Fordington Widow 1765 SPC 1765 6 1: P15/145 PR no trace of burial
Will of Jane BENNET of Fordington Widow 1767 SPC 1767 : P5/1767/5 See Burial Registers for 1767 shows:- Jane BONNITT buried May 25
Will of Seth BANCKS of Fordington Clerk [Note:- The Rev Seth BANCKS was buried at Broadmayne 26th March 1769] Dated 05 Mar 1769
Proved 03 May 1769
BPC 1769 & Also DHC Bc/W/B event Record 25 Will: Wishes to be buried at Broadmayne; Cousins James, Elizabeth and Mary BUTTER ; Ann LESTER spinster servant; Rest to mother Elizabeth BANCKS Widow also Executrix. Link to transcription of his Will
Will of Edward BROOKS of Fordington Yeoman 1770 SPC 1770 3 20: P5/1770/9 + P5/17REG/20A PR no trace of burial
Will of William ANDREWS of Fordington 1770 BPC 14 1770 & BPC 7 1770
DHC Ref: Ad/Dt/W/770 Event Record No. 14.
Buried at St Peters Church Dorchester on 24th October 1770 [See transcription of the Will of William ANDREWS victualler of Forthington ]
Will of Mary LESTER Widow of Fordington 1770 SPC 1770 6 2 : P15/146 See Burial Registers for 1770 shows:- Mary LESTER Widow buried August 5th
Will of George ELMES of Fordington dated 20th April 1771 - proved 5th Oct 1771 5th Oct 1771 DHC Ad/Dt/W/1771;  Event Record Number: 16. George ELMES was buried at St Peters Church Dorchester on 23 Sep 1771 [Link to transcription of his will]
Will of Richard CURTIS of Fordington Miller 1774 SPC 1774 6 3 : P15/146 PR no trace of burial
Will & Administration bond of Andrew HALL of Fordington Labourer (See also entry 1761) 1774 SPC 1774 6 4 : P15148 PR no trace of burial
Will of Elizabeth OTTELER Widow of Fordington 1775 SPC 1775 6 5 : P15/150 See Burial Registers for 1774 shows:- Elizabeth OTTER (Age 65) [i.e. born about 1709] buried May 17
Administration of Joseph LOVELACE of Fordington Victualler 1775 SPC A 1775 6 6 : P15/149 See Burial Registers for 1775 Shows:- Joseph LOVELACE buried August 13
Will of Richard STEVENS Dairyman of Fordington 1776 P5/1776/38 + P5/17REG/107B PR no trace of burial
Will of Sarah CURTIS Widow of Fordington 1776 SPC 1776 6 7 :P15/151 PR no trace of burial
Administration of Amos STILE [STYLE] of Fordington Dated 28 Feb 1777 SPC A. 1777 6 8: P15/152

Amos STILE (d.1777) married Mary PITFIELD (1721-1784) the daughter of Charles PITFIELD (1665-1743) at St Georges Church in Fordington on 23rd Dec 1746. Amos was buried there on September 30 1776.

Letter of Administration: (On the back) 28th Feb 1777 FORTHINGTON: Bond administration to goods of Amos STILE Intestate deceased. At Dorchester on the 28th day of February 1777 Administration of the goods & chattels of the deceased was by the Revd Nathaniel Templeman Clerk MA lawfulsurrogate of the Reverend & worshipfulthe Prebendary of Forthingtoin & Writhlingtonanciently founded in the Cathedral Church of Sarum granted and committed unto Mary STILEWidow Relict of the deceased being first duly sworn well & faithfully to administer & to make a true inventory & record a just account when required saving the rights of all persons William BOUCHER Registrar

Administration & Will of John MORGAN of Fordington Buried Stinsford 30th May 1776 : LA 4th Apr 1778 SPC 1778 6 10: P15/154 John MORGAN from Fordington was buried at Stinsford on 30th May 1776 and left a Will. Unfortunately it was undated and failed to appoint an Executor so his widow Jane had to take out letters of administration which were approved on 4th April 1778
Will of Robert OBORNE of Fordington Maltster 1778 BPC 1778: P15/155 See Burial Registers for 1778 Shows:- Mr Robert OBORN buried April 26
Will of Robert OBORNE of Fordington 1778 SPC 1778 6 11 See above assumed it is another copy of the same Will
Will of William FRAMPTON of Fordington Yeoman 1778 SPC 1778 6 12 : P15/156 See Burial Registers for 1778 shows:- Mr. Willm [William] FRAMPTON buried April 17
Will of Sarah WOOLFREYS Widow of Fordington 1778 SPC 1778 6 9: P15/153 See Burial Registers for 1777 shows:- Sarah WOOLFRY Widow buried April 29
Letter of Administration granted to Richard BRIDPORT of Fothington Yeoman & Thomas Gould READ of Dorchester for the estate of Dorothy GILLINGHAM (Late Dorothy WHITE) 19th Jan 1778 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1778; Event Record Number: 3. No Trace of a burial of a Dorothy Gillingham or Dorothy White [Image of L/Admin on] There is a side note which states " Grandson next of kin ". Richard Bridport was an Overseer of the Poor for Fordington in 1789. He also stood security for the administration of the estate of John Morgan who died 1776 for his widow Jane Morgan cL/Admin 4th apr 1778.
Will of Edward CHAFFEY of Fordington Currier 1779 SPC 1779 3 165: P5/17REG/165B See Burial Registers for 1778 shows:- Edward CHAFFEY buried November 28 [Also under Dorchester ref P5/1779/3]

Administration of Nathaniel SPARKES of Fordington

See Burial Registers for 1779 shows:- Nathaniel SPARKES buried October 12

[ Note:- Nathaniel Sparks (c1714-1779) was the son of William Sparks (1665-1741/2) and married to Martha Chaffey in Fordington by licence on 20 Nov 1770.]

Dated 22 Dec 1779 SPC A 1779 6 13: P15/157


LA: Know all men by these presents that We Martha SPARKS of Forthington in the County of Dorset Widow, James ARNOLD of the same place Victualler, and George LESTER of the same place Thatcher are held and firmly bound unto the Revd and Worshipful Arthur Coham Clark Master of Arts Prebendary of the Prebend of Forthington and Writhlington anciently founded in the Cathedral Church of Sarum in the sum of six hundred pounds of good and lawful money of Great Britain --etc etc Dated 22nd day of December 1779.

The Condition of this obligation is such that if the above bound Martha SPARKS Widow Relict and Administratrix of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of Nathaniel SPARKES late of Forthington aforesaid Intestate deceased ---etc etc

Will of Christopher DIX, Gentleman of Fordington , Dorset 23 December 1780 PROB 11/1072 See Burial Registers for 1780 shows:- Christopher DIX Esq buried November 15
Administration of William STYLE of Fordington 5 July 1781 SPC A. 1781 7 2: P15/159 Letter of Administration : Know all men by these opresents that we Edith STYLE of the Parish of Forthington in the County of Dorset, Widow : Amos STYLE of Forthington aforesaid Yeoman and William STYLE of Stafford in the said County Yeoman are held and firmly bound unto the Reverend and Worshipful Arthur COHAM Clerk Master of Arts and Prebendary of the prebend of forthington and Writhlington in the County of Dorset acciently founded in the Cathedral Church of Saraum [Salisbury] in One Thousand Pounds of good and lawfull money of Great Britain etc etc Dated 5th day of July 1781

The condition of this obligation is such that if the above Edith STYLE Widow Relict and Administratrix of all and singular the goods chattels and Credits of William STYLE late of Forthington aforesaid intestate deceased do make or cause to be made a perfect inventory -- etc etc -- befor ethe last day of Sep next -- Signed with the mark of Edith STYLE

See Burial Registers for 1780 shows:- William STYLES buried December 19
Will of John STEVENS of Fordington Husbandman 1781 SPC 1781 7 1: P15/158 See Burial Registers for 1781 shows:- John STEVENS buried March 4
Will of Mary MANUEL widow of Fordington 1782 D/ASH:C/T1 1782-1893 Part of the Andrews, Son and Huxtable Solicitors Archive held at DHC PR shows no trace of burial around 1782 but one in 1797?
Administration of James THORNE of Fordington 1782 SPC A 1782 7 3 : P15/160 See Burial Registers for 1781 shows:- James THORN buried August 15

Will of John PITMAN, Gentleman of Forthington [Fordington] , Dorset

PR no trace of burial -

Dated 26 July 1781

10 June 1782

PROB 11/1092/109

10 June 1782 Probate to John Devenish? one of the trustees

Will: To Sarah PITMAN daughter of Sarah POTTER deceased £250

To my son John PITMAN now on board His majestys Ship the Prince George commanded by Admiral Digby all that my copyhold estate and tenement situate and lying within the Manor and Parish of Forthington aforesaid with its appurtenances to hold to him his executors and administrators and assigns for all my estate and interest to come therein at my decease and all the rest residue and remainder of my personal estate and effects goods chattels stocks moneys and securities I give and bequeath unto my said son John PITMAN and I do hereby constitute and appoint my said son John PITMAN sole executor of this my last will revoking all former wills by me made

But in case my said son should happen to be abroad at the time of my death I hereby appoint my two friends John Devenish? of Charminster Gent and John CHAPMAN of Piddletown Surgeon Trustees for him during his absence until he shall return to England and I do request them or the survivor immediately on my death to take possession of my effects for my said sons benefit

And my will is that if my said son shall happen to die abroad before his return to England and before he has taken possession of the estate and effects herin before given him that then and in such case I direct that the same shall be equally divided share and shgare alike between all the children of my late sister Susaannah the wife of William BELLRINGER deceased

Administration of Mary NORRIS of Fordington

See Burial Registers for 1781 shows:- Mary ye Wife of William NORRIS buried March 10

3rd Mar 1783 SPC A. 1783 7 4: P15/161

Letter of Administration:- Know all men by these poresents that we William NORRIS of Forthington in the County of Dorset Husbandman, James GENGE of Dorchester in the County of Dorset baker and Ambrose HUNT of Forthington aforesaid Husbandman are held and firmly bound unto the Reverend and Worshipful Arthur Corham Clerk master of arts Prebendary of the Prebend of Forthington and Writhlington in the County of Dorset anciently founded in the Cathedral Church od Sarum in the sum of Thiry Six Pounds of goods and lawful money of Great Britain - etc etc Dated 3rd day of March 1783

The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bound William NORRIS lawful husband and administrator of all and singular the goods chattles and credits of Mary NORRIS late of Forthington aforesaid Intestate deceased etc etc

At Dorchester on the day and year above said William NORRIS Administrator aforesaid was duly sworn before me Nathaniel Templeman Surrogate

Administration of John MUNDEN of Fordington 1783 SPC A 1783 7 5: P15/162 PR no trace of burial
Will of Stephen POPE, Gentleman of Fordington , Dorset 07 June 1784 PROB 11/1118 PR no trace of burial
Will of Mary POPE Widow of Fordington 1785 SPC 1785 7 6: P15/163 PR no trace of burial
Will of James BROOKE, Gentleman of Fordington , Dorset 03 October 1785 PROB 11/1134 See Burial Registers 1785 Sepr 22nd James BROOKE Esq
Will of Matthew POUNCY Butcher of Fordington Dated 14 Mar 1787 BPC 1787 7 DHC Bc/W/P; Event Rec. No. 119. Buried HT 28 April 1790 [Link to transcription of his will]
Will of Sarah BONNETT of Fordington Widow 1787 SPC 1787 7 7 : P15/164 See Burial Registers for the following year of 1788? shows:- June 27th Sarah wife of Joseph BONNITT buried

Will of James HARRIS of Fordington Yeoman

[Note:- James HARRIS was buried at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 16th Dec 1787]

Will dated 8 Dec 1787


Wiltshire Archives

SPC 1788 7 9 : P15/167

WILL: Of James HARRIS Yeoman of Fordington dated 8th Dec 1787: Bequests

Impremis All my household goods linen and funtiture of every kind to my dear wife Holloway Harris- Also £50

To my son John £30; Son James and Daniel £50 each ; Son Benjamin £20;

To sons William, Joseph and Isaac £30 each; daughter Mary £60 ;

William Churchill of Dorchester & George WHITE of Chaldon (executors) all the rest money securitiesfor money, cattle stock in farming etc in trust to wife Holloway for life then shared equally with surviving children

Will of John WOOD of Fordington 1788 SPC 1788 7 8 : P15/166 PR no trace of burial: Note:- Probate Copy & 2 other copies of the will of John WOOD of Fordington made 1787, proved 1788 with 3 receipts for legacies under the will & bills for probate held at Dorset History center Ref F13 (1787-1788)
Will of Isaac SPARKS Gentleman of Forthington [Fordington] 18 February 1788 PROB 11/1163 DD\SB/7/2   Burial Registers for 1787/8 shows:- Jany 21st Isaac SPARKS Gent buried. See transcription of will of Isaac Sparks 1788
Will of Caleb CLOTHIER of Fordington Yeoman 1791 SPC 1791 4 169: P5/1791/5 + P5/18REG/169A See Burial Registers for 1791 shows:- March 22nd Caleb CLOTHIER buried
Will of Robert NOAKE of Fordington Cabinet Maker 1791 SPC 1791 7 10: P15/168 See Burial Registers for 1790 shows:-Robert NOAK Junior buried 24 Nov 1790

Will of Benjamin SPARKES of Fordington Maltster

See Burial Registers for 1793 shows:- Ap: 20 Benjamin s [son] of Benj: Sarah SPARKS buried

Dated 8th Nov 1782

Proved 31 Oct 1793

SPC 1793 7 11: P15/169

Will: BY THE PERMISSION OF ALMIGHTY GOD I Benjamin SPARKS of Fordington in the County of Dorset Maltster do make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following (that is to say) FIRST I give unto my sister Honor ELLIOTT the sum of two guineas to be paid her by my executor hereinafter named within three months next after my decease. ALSO I give unto my natyral son Denjamin SPARKS who now lives with me the sum of five pounds In Trust to pay and apply the same towards the placing out of my nephew James SPARKS an apprentice to some trade as soon as my said Nephew shall attain the age of Fourteen years but in case he shall not live to attain that age Then I will that the said legacy or sum of five pounds so given for him shall lapse and sink into the residue of my personal estate ALSO I give to my servant Ann Edith WHITE the sum of one pound eleven shillings and sixpence to buy her a mourning gown in case she be living with me at my death, but not otherwise ALSO I give and devise all those my copyhold Tenements with all and singular their rights members and appurtenances situate within the several Manors of Puddletown and Fordington in the said County of Dorset to my said natural son Benjamin SPARKS his executors administrators and assigns As for all the estate Right Title and Interest I shall have therein to come respectively at the time of my decease and LASTLY all the rest residue and remainder of my goods chattels momies securities for moneniesstock in trade and personal estate and effects of what nature or kind soever and wheresoever (after all my just debts and funeral expenses are fully satisfied and paid) I give and bequeath unto my said natural son Benjamin SPARKS whom I do hereby appoint sole executor of this my Will hereby revoking all other Wills by me made In Witness whereof I have to this my last will and testament set my hand and seal this eighth day of November in the year of our Lord Christ One Thousand seven hundred and Eighty Two. Witnesses A Edwards and G Stickland

At Sarum on the 31st day of October 1793: Benjamin Sparks the sole executor above named was also duly sworn before me James Evans Surrogate Footnotes : Deceased died 21st Sep 1793: Effects under £100 and G Stickland.

[Note:- Regarding James SPARKS referred to above: James the Son of Nathaniel & Martha  SPARKS was baptised at St Georges Church in Fordington on 17th September 1771 he was the 1st child from the marriage of Nathaniel Sparks to Martha Chaffey in Fordington by licence on 20 Nov 1770. He was apprenticed to George ELLIOTT a taylor by trade on 21st Oct 1784.

The Witness A EDWARDS was the Rev Abel Edwards Minister of the Presbyterian Chapel in Dorchester from 1772 to 1813].

Will & Letter of Administration for the estate of Matthew POUNCY, Butcher of Fordington , Dorset [Note:- .Matthew POUNCY was buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 28th April 1790] Will 14 Mar 1787
L/A 16 May 1793
DHC BC/A/P120 event record 120 : Renunciation P15/171

Beneficiaries:- Neice Elizabeth the wife of Matthew MEDWAY late Elizabeth ROGERS spinster: Nephew Harry POUNCY; Neice Elizabeth POUNCY the daughter of my late brother George POUNCY; Elizabeth daughter of my Nephew George POUNCY; Rest to Brother Harry POUNCY of Dorchester gentleman who is also named executor. Witnessed Thomas Gould READ and Joseph WARR: [Note:-Link to transcription of his Will dated 14th March 1787]

Letter of Administration granted to Elizabeth POUNCY the widow relict of and Administratrix of Matthew POUNCY late of Dorchester butcher together with the last will and testament of the said Matthew POUNCY now annexed. Also bound with her were Robert STICKLAND of Dorchester gentleman & George POUNCY of Dorchester Butcher. Witness Nathaniel Templeman.

Administration of Amos STILE of Fordington 1799 SPC A 1799 7 12 : P15/170 See Burial Registers for 1799 shows:- Feb: 9 Amos STYLE buried
Will of Frances LEGG ---- LEGG Baker of Fordington, Dorset. [Note:- This is a very badly damaged Will with the right hand corner torn away on each of 4 pages and the last page is missing - end of date missing and probate as well which would have been on the last page. Frances LEGGE was buried at FStG on 4th Nov 1830 aged 83 years and her husband mentioned in the surviving parts of her will was Samuel LEGG who was buried at FStG on 30th Dec 1834 aged 84 years and left a Will

Dated 12 Apr 18--?

Will: Ancestry have for lack of a date indexed under 1800 but likely to be 12 Apr 1830

DHC Bc/W/L Event record 29

Long Will: mention of Ann COZENS Widow , Robert STICKLAND and Reuben MASTERS & Thomas TAPP Gent and Robert WHITE surgeon in a lease?

Refers 1st page to "All that the said Dwellinghouse Outhouses and Garden with the appurtenances which were lately occupied by the said Lot GARTEL and then in the occupation of Samuel LEGG

--by Indenture of assignment bearing date 5th day of April 1806 made between Reuben MASTERS on the one part, Thomas TAPP Gentleman and Robert WHITE Surgeon since deceased (note a Robert White buried at FStG aged 21 19th May 1833 ?)

-- also mentions And Whereas by an indenture or deed of settlement bearing date 8th day of June 1806 between Samuel LEGG and me the said Frances his wife of the one part and Thomas TAPP and Robert ------------Refers to 3 children now living namely William Rutherford LEGG, John Rutherford Legg and Love (now the wife of John Forster ---etc

Long will majority not scanned.

Will of John HAYNE, Gentleman of Fordington, Dorset

See Burial Registers for 1799 shows:- Nov 29 Mr. John HAYN buried:

[Note:- John HAYNE (d.1799) of Litton & Anne COLLINS (d.1744) otp married in St George's church in Fordington on 21-Oct 1711 by licence ]

Dated 4th Apr 1797

Proved 21 June 1800

PROB 11/1343/243

Tripartite Indenture dated 11th Oct 1767

[Note:- EXTENSIVE WILL (23 sheets) : Refers to tripartite indenture dated 11th Oct 1767 between John FOYER of Dorchester Esq ( now dead) and Harry POUNCY Gent in the first part - and me John HAYNE 2nd part and John POUNCY Esq 3rd part - interest in a bond of £1000. -- Trust for Samuel HAYNE my son for his maintenance and support -- can only marry with John HAYNE's written consent -- If marries with consent £1,000 in trust for all their children -- and whereas said Samuel HAYNE has since intermarried with Reberta TILLEY with my consent; and whereas the said John FOYER is since dead

--Certain lands etc exempt - rest convert enire estate inc personal estate into money - secure pay funeral extenses debts etc - place in trust for my 5 grandchildren Ann HAYNE; Rebecca the wife of Richard COLE lieutenant in his Majesty's Regt of Foot ; Alicia HAYNE ; Elizabeth HAYNE and Mary Ann HAYNE daughters of the said Samuel HAYNE and Rebecca in Equal shares : and

To grandson John Hayne.certain exempt lands - all that foreshare of two acres of land situate at Eastward Mead in Fordington - and - also all those my whole place half place and farthinghold copyhold tenements within and held of the Manor of Fordington by me for lives unto the use of John POUNCY, William FOYER and Charles Frederick BROOKE upon trusts for and until my grandson John HAYNE shall attain the age of 23 years in meantime interest to support his maintenance and education - ]

Will of Honor ELLIOTT, Widow of Fordington, Dorset

See Burial Registers for 1801 Shows:- Feb: 27 Honour ELLIOT buried

[Note:- See Will of Benjamin Sparks dated 8 Nov 1782 proved 31 Oct 1793 he referes to Honour Elliott as his sister

Dated 11 May 1799

Proved 22 Aug 1801

PROB 11/1361

Will:- In the name of God Amen I Honor ELLIOTT late of Dorchester in the County of Dorset but now of Fforthington in the same county Widow being weak in body but of sound mind memory and understanding do make and publish and declare this my last will and testament in manner and form following (that is to say) Whereas I now stand seized or possessed in ffee simple (by virtue of the last Will and testament of James SPARKS formerly of Orange Court Red Lyon [Lion Square] in the County of Middlesex Citzen and joiner of London my brother deceased bearing date on or about the twentieth day of July which was in the year of Our Lord One thousand seven hundred and sixty five of and in one moity or half part of certain Messuages Tenements Lands and hereditaments situate and lying in the City of London and County of Middlesex or elsewhere NOW I give devise the same and every part thereof and all other my Lands Tenements and hgereditaments unto Thomas TAPP of Dorchester in the County Aforesaid Gentleman John TAPP the younger of Dorchester aforesaid cooper and Edward ELLIOTT of the same place tallow chandler and their heirs and assigns In TRUST that they and the survivor of them and his heirs do and shall as soon as they shall find it conveinient after my decease absolutely sell and dispose of the whole of my said Real Estate for the most money and best price and prices that can be reasonably had or gotten for the same and do and shall in the first place by and out of the monies arising by such sale or sales pay and dischage all my debts funeral expenses and charges of proving my will and the remainder thereof do and shall lay out on interest in th epublic stock or stocks or upon any real securities in the name of them my said trustees or the survivor of them and the dividends interest and produce thereof do and shall from time to time pay into the hands and for the use of my son John ELLIOTT for and during the term of his natural life and from after his decease THEN THAT they my said trustees and the survivor of them and the heirs of such survivor do and shall stand possessed of the said monies stocks and securities In TRUST for my Grand Children William, John, and Mary ELLIOTT the sons and daughter of my said son John ELLIOTT to be divided between them share and share alike to be paid assigned or transferred to them as and when they shall respectively attain their respective ages of 21 years and in case either of my said grandchildren shall die before having attained that age then the share of such of them so dying shall go to the survivoror survivors when his or her original share shall become payable as aforesaid And in the meantime and until my said grandchildren shall arrive at their respective age or ages of 21 years it shall and may be lawful to and for my said trustees and the survivor of them and my will and desire is that out of the dividends interest and produce that shall be from time to time received by them that they do and shall pay apply and dispose of the same /

etc for their maintenance and education ---As to my personal estate -- to son John Elliott -- Thomas TAPP, John TAPP and Edward ELLIOTT executors in Trust -- trust provisions --- Dated 11th May 1799 --- Witnesses Batt CHAFFEY; William TAPP; Hurbert WHITE

Will of Mary REASON Widow of Fordington 1802 P15/172 See Burial Registers for 1801 shows:- Aug 4 Mary REASON buried
Will of John MULLINS Sawyer of Fordington 1802 P15/173 See Burial Registers for 1802 shows:- Oct: 27 John MULLEN buried
Administration bond for William CAVE Junior of Fordington 1804 P15/174 See Burial Registers for 1804 shows:- May 10 William CAVE buried
Will of Thomas BEDLOE, Yeoman of Fordington , Dorset 19 September 1804 PROB 11/1413 See Burial Registers for 1804 shows:- Apr: 8 Thomas BEDLOE buried
Will of Ann CLOTHIER, Widow of Fordington , Dorset 28 September 1804 PROB 11/1414 & D/LRL/1/47   See Burial Registers for 1804 shows;- Sep: 16 Ann CLOTHIER buried: DHC= Probate copy will: Ann CLOTHIER of Fordington, widow Will dated 11 Jul 1804
Will of Thomas TERRELL Senior Yeoman of Fordington 1805 P15/175 See Burial Registers for 1805 shows:- Feb 11: Thomas TERRELL buried
Will & Wrapper of Robert ROPER of Fordington Miller - Also under death duty registers at National Archives :- Abstract of Will of Robert Roper of Forthington, Dorset. Proved in the Court of Salisbury 26 June 1806 26 June 1806 P5/1806/5 & IR 26/411 PR no trace of burial
Will of Bennett HARVEY, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset Dated 23 Mar 1807
Proved02 Sep 1807
DHC Ref Ad/Dt/W/1807 ER 15 See Transcription of the Will of Bennett HARVEY (1732-1807)
Will of William LYDE, Gentleman of Fordington , Dorset 05 December 1807 PROB 11/1471 PR no trace of burial
Will of James HARRIS, Yeoman of Fordington, Dorset 19 May 1808 PROB 11/1479 See Burial Registers for 1807 shows:- Aug: 20 James HARRIS buried
Will of Thomas SALISBURY, Gentleman of Fordington , Dorset 26 May 1810 PROB 11/1511 PR no trace of burial but Probate of the will of Thomas Salisbury of Fordington, Dorset, (P.C.C.), 1810, and his widow Frances of The Close, (Salisbury D.R.), 1862.available DHC under Webb Family of Salisbury papers Ref 727/5/5 [Note:- Dorset Chronicle Thursday 19th July 1866: Notice or claiments with an interest in his estate of Thomas SALISBURY late of Fordington in the County of Dorset Gentleman (who died on or about the 5th day of April 1810 and whose Will was proved in the Perogative Court of canterbury on the 26th day of May 1810, by Frances SALISBURY Widow and Frances WEBB both since deceased the Executors therein named are required to send particulars of such claims and demands in writing to -----]

Will of John TIZARD, Yeoman of Fordington , Dorset

[Note:- Buried at Winterborne St Martin Dorset 24th Jan 1814 aged 64 ]

Dated 29th May 1813

Proved 18 May 1814

PROB 11/1557 Will of John TIZARD (1750-1814) :- To Sons-in-Law Henry STONE of Piddlehinton Yeoman & Thomas CAINES the younger of Clinger farm within Parish Buckland Newton Yeoman the sum of £532. 10s = interest due to me from my Son-in-Law Robert ROPER on Mortgage of the Mills called West Mills in the Parish of Fordington in TRUST for my daughter Elizabeth ROPER -- Daughter Jane STONE - wife of Henry STONE -- daughter Rebecca DAVIS the wife of William DAVIS --- £500 each -- put them on the same footing as my daughter Ann wife of Thomas CAINES who I gave £500 on her marriage -- Ref to all his Freehold, copyhold and Lesehold messuages Lands etc also all my farming stock and crops household goods & funiture and all other estate etc etc to dear wife Grace TIZARD -- Friends Edward Balston late of Martinstown and John Thresher of Gorton within the Parish of Portesham Guardians --- Grace TIZARD sole executrix to whom admons granted 18th May 1814
Will of Ann GRAY, Widow of Fordington, Dorset 05 April 1816 PROB 11/1579 PR no trace of burial
Will of William CAVE, Yeoman of Fordington, Dorset 05 April 1816 PROB 11/1579 PR no trace of burial
Will of John MORGAN, Gentleman of Fordington, Dorset [Note:- He was buried at Stinsford 29th Feb 1816 see Fordington Strays File]

Proved 08 May 1816

Dated 12 Dec 1815

PROB 11/1580 Will:- Beneficaries : Wife Dorothy Morgan his dwelling house malt house garden and orchard belonging + rest as long as she is his widow then to his children equally: Sum of 60 Guineas he paid to his son Thomas Spratt Morgan (also executor) and sum of 70 Guineas paid his son William Morgan paid on them becoming apprentices: and the sum of £30 to my daughter Harriet now the wife of Nathaniel SMITH of Swanage to be included as part of their shares. Silver Tankard to son Thomas Spratt Morgan; to son Joseph Morgan pair of silver half pints etc others mentioned : His grandson Thomas Samways Morgan son of John & Sarah Morgan : Grandson Wm Morgan son of William & Ann Morgan: to Grandson Charles Smith son of Nathaniel & Harriot Smith; Daughters Susannah and Ann Morgan
Will of Hannah HUNT, Widow of Fordington, Dorset [Note:- Hannah HUNT was buried at Fordington 01 Apr 1819 aged 90 Years by John Palmer Vicar] 03 Dec 1818 DHC Da/W/1820 Event Record 23 Image Beneficiaries 3 grandchildren of deceased son Isaac HUNT being William (also made executor & fellmonger by trade) Isaac and Mary the wife of Robert NUTT
Will + wrapper of James NORMAN Hosier of Fordington 1819 P15/176 See Burial Registers for 1818 shows:- Oct 11th James Norman buried aged 65 Years [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of William NORMAN to Mary HELARD who married at All Saints church in Dorchester on 8th Nov 1747]
Will + wrapper of Elizabeth LUCAS Widow of Fordington 1819 P15/177 See Burial Registers for 1819 shows:- July 26th Elizabeth Lucas buried aged 52 years
Oath + Will of William MATTHEWS of Fordington 1820 P15/178 See Burial Registers for 1820 shows:- Sep 10th William Matthews buried aged 71 Years
Oath + Will of John WINZAR of Fordington Labourer 1820 P15/179 See Burial Registers for 1820 shows:- June 18th John WINDSOR buried aged 84 Years
Administration of Mary PITFIELD of Fordington Widow Dated 7th Aug 1821 P5/1821/37 Letter of Administration Know All Men that these presents that we John Summers JACOB of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Saddler ; William OLIVER of the same Innholder and Matthew JACOB the Gentleman ----The Condition of this obligation is such that Amy the wife of the above bound John Summers JACOB the lawful daughter and next of kin and Administrix of all and Singular the goods Chattles & Credits of Mary PITFIELD late of Forthington is in and for the deceased ---- At Dorchester on the seventh day of August 1821 Amy Summers [Jacob] the administrix above said was duly sworn before me M Marsh Official. On the reverse of the document "Bond of Administration of the Goods of Mary PITFIELD --Widow -- Intestate Deceased.
[ Note:- See Burial Registers for 1821 shows:- May 17th Mary PITFIELD buried aged 87 Years [Note:- Probably Mary nee WOODSFORD widow of Sebastian PITFIELD (1724-1794) but would need to verify via Will]

Administration, oath and wrapper of Joseph CUST of Fordington

See Burial Registers for 1822 shows:- Jan 16th Joseph CUST buried aged 48 Years

LA dated 28 Jan 1822 P15/180

Letter of Administration: Know all men by these presents that we Mary CUST of Forthington in the County of Dorset Widow & John BASCOMBE of Dorchester in the said County Draper and Mark BAKER of Dorchester aforesaid Auctioneer are held and firmly bound unto the Reverend --John FISHER -- dated 28th Jan 1822 ---

The Condition of this obligation is such that if the above bound Mary CUST Widow Relict and Administratrix of all and singular the goods chattles and credits of Joseph CUST late of Forthington etc etc Signed bu Mary CUST John Bascombe and Mark Baker --Sealed and delivered in the presence of John Palmer G Read At Forthington etc

Oath taken by Mary CUST that he left no Will [Note:- - Extract from Salisbury and Winchester Journal Monday 14 Jan 1822 Cust, Mr. J Died Tuesday at Louds Mill, Fordington ]

Will of Philip ELLIOTT, Yeoman of Fordington , Dorset 26 June 1822 PROB 11/1658 PR no trace of burial
Will of Edward William CAVE, Currier of Fordington , Dorset 08 July 1822 PROB 11/1659 See Burial Registers for 1821 shows:- Edward William CAVE entry 283; buried 21 Dec 1821 age 26 Years
Will of Mary MEDWAY, Single Woman of Fordington , Dorset 23 July 1822 PROB 11/1659 Buried St Peters Dorchester Entry 125 in the burial register – Mary MEDWAY from the parish of Fordington in this County; buried 03 July 1822; age 85 years; Rev. Henry John Richman Rector.
Will + Wrapper of Reuben MASTERS Carpenter of Fordington 1823 P15/181 PR Missing for 1823
Will + Wrapper of Jane ELFORD of Fordington Spinster 1824 P5/1824/38 No Trace 1824 - 1823 Missing
Will + Wrapper of Samuel LEGG of Fordington Baker 1824 P15/182 See Burial Registers for 1824 shows:- Samuel son of Samuel & Frances Legg buried 15th Aug 1824
Will of Samuel CHAPMAN, Gentleman of Fordington , Dorset 02 April 1824 PROB 11/1684 &  D/LRL/1/50   PR no trace of burial - 1823 missing: DHC= Probate copy will: Samuel CHAPMAN of Fordington, gentleman Will dated 20 Oct 1821
Will of John LYDE Yeoman of Fordington , Dorset Dated 29 Oct1826
Proved 23 Jul 1827
DHC Da/W/1827 Event Record 22. Image available on for members beneficiaries: Edward ELLIOTT the elder of Fordington and John FOOT of Dorchester to hold in trust for brother James LYDE and sister Rachel LYDE
Will of Thomas COLLINS of Fordington , Dorset 06 October 1827 PROB 11/1731 See Burial Registers for 1827 shows:- Buried 20 Sep 1827 aged 52 years
Will of Jacob GRAY, Gardener of Fordington , Dorset 30 May 1828 PROB 11/1740 See Burial Registers for 1828 shows:- Buried 4th april 1828 aged 52 years
Will of Reverend John PALMER, Clerk of Fordington , Dorset 02 June 1829 PROB 11/1757 Link to Transcription of his will Dated 15 May 1812: Proved 2nd June 1829 : See Burial Registers for 1829 shows:- Burial 618 The Reverend John PALMER Vicar of this Parish buried 11 May 1829 aged 80 Years. Also see Will of his widow Elizabeth Palmer
Will of John LESTER, Bricklayer of Fordington , Dorset Dated 14 Nov 1829
Proved 04 Dec 1829
DHC Da/W/1829 Event Record 28 - Image available on for members Will: 2 cottages in cuckolds row 1 in front 1 in rear in the occupation of John CLARK and Joseph BENNETT :Beneficiary under will Brother William LESTER |Thatcher of Fordington (his brother was married at date of signing will) John LESTER wasdied at Fordington on 16th Nov and was buried there aged 44 years on 19th Nov 1829
Will of Elizabeth PALMER, Widow of Fordington , Dorset - [Note:- no trace of burial] Dated 23 June 1829:
Proved 25 February 1830
PROB 11/1767 Will of Elizabeth PALMER Widow of Fordington published 23 June 1829. [Note:- Elizabeth Palmer died and was buried at Market Lavington where her sister Mary lived, She was the widow of Rev John PALMER (1750-1829) Vicar of Fordington and a full transcription of her will given as a part of his biography and can be accessed via this link
Will of John HECKLAY, Gentleman of Fordington , Dorset 23 September 1830 PROB 11/1776 See Burial Registers for John HECKLEY buried 17th April 1830 aged 77 Years
Will of William MASTERS, Yeoman of Fordington , Dorset

Dated 13th May 1828

Proved 06 Dec 1830

PROB 11/1779 Will: Beneficiaries:- To Son Thomas MASTERS (sole executor] all my copyhold tenement and lands [late Framptons] now in my possession situated in Fordington + all that copyhold tenement [late Greenings] now in the possession of my son Thomas in Fordington: To my dear son William MASTERS of Dorchester Innholder [Wood and Stone Inn] all those my copyhold land and premises now in my own occupation situate and lying withinthe Manor of Fordington conditional upon his son within 12 months after my decease pay unto my dear daughter Ann SLADE wife of Josiah SLADE of the parish of Charminster £200: All his household goods split between his 3 above named children:

See Burial Registers for William MASTERS Buried 16th Oct 1829 aged 72 Years. Note:- His son William MASTERS (1794-1810) was Innkeeper of the the 'Wood and Stone' public house in Dorchester.
Will of Edward CAVE, Gentleman of Fordington , Dorset 05 April 1832 PROB 11/1798 See Burial Registers for Edward Cave buried 17th Mar 1832 aged 73 Years
Will of Damaris CAVE, Widow of Fordington , Dorset 23 May 1832 PROB 11/1799 PR Only burial is Damaris Cave buried 11 Dec 1826 aged 53
Will of John LEGG, Yeoman of Fordington, Dorset 08 June 1832 PROB 11/1801 See Burial Registers for John LEGG buried 6th March 1832 aged 76 Years
Will of Edward ENSOR, Gentleman of Fordington , Dorset

[See Burial Registers for Edward ENSOR buried 19th Mar 1832 aged 83 Years]
Dated 20 Oct 1828

Proved 26 July 1832
PROB 11/1802 WILL of Edward ENSOR (1748-1832) 5th child from the marriage of John ENSOR (1714-aft 1750 ?) and Elizabeth DOWELL:
This is the Last Will and Testament of me Edward ENSOR of Fordington in the county of Dorset Gentleman :

I give devise and bequeath unto my sons Edward ENSOR of Milborne Port in the County of Somerset glove manufacturer and John ENSOR of Dorchester in the said County of Dorset their heirs executors and assigns respectively all that my dwelling house orchard and garden hereditaments and premises with appurtenances situate and being in Fordington aforesaid also all my household goods and furniture plate linen and such money and securities for money personal and ? estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever situate and lying and being to the uses upon the trusts and for the end intents and purposes following that is to say upon trust to permit and suffer my dear WIFE to have occupation of the said trust property or to receive the rents and profits interest dividends and proceeds thereof for and during the term of her natural life

and from and immediately after her decease upon trust that they my said trustrees and the survivor of them and their heirs executors and assigns of such survivor do and shall sell and dispose of the said dwelling house orchard and garden hereditaments and premises with the appurtenances either by pubic auction or private contract and for such price or sum of money as they or ge shall think fit and so shall after deducting expenses attending trhe execution of the trusts hereby in them reposes

AND ALSO my just debts and funeral and testamentary expenses pay [paid] apply and dispose of the money to assist by such sale and also all other my estate amd effects unto and equally between and amongst themselves and my other children Jane & Thomas or such of them as shall be living at the time of the decease of my said wife and the issue of such one or more of them as shall be then dead such issue to take the share only that is his her or their deceased parent or parents would have been entitled to if living provided always, and I hereby dclare that the receipt or receipts of my said trustees or trustee shall be sufficient discharge to the purchaser for his her or their purchase money or so much as thereof as shall be therein mentioned to be received who shall not afterwards be bound or concerned to see to the application thereof nor be answerable for the loss misapplication or nonapplication thereof provided also that my said trustee or trustees for the time being their or either of their heirs executors administrators shall not be charged or chargeable with or accountable for any more monies than they shall have respectively received or such as shall come to his or their hands by virtue of this my Will nor with or for any loss which shall happen to the said trust premises or any part thereof so as the same shall happen without their wilful neglext or default and that the one of them shall not be answerable or accountable for the other of themor for the acts deeds receipts disbursements or defaults of the other of them but each of them for himself and for his own acts deeds rceipts disbursements and defaults only notwithstanding their joining in receipts for conformity and that it shall and may be/ lawful for my said trustees for the time being their and each of their heirs executors and administrators in the first place by and out of the monies arising from the said trust estate to deduct and allow and retain to himself and themselves all such debts charges and expenses which he or they or either of them shall or may suffer sustain or be put unto for by reason of the trusts hereby in them reposed or the management and execution thereof or any other thing in any any wise relating thereto AND I do hereby nominate constitrute and appoint the said Edward ENSOR and John ENSOR Executors in trust of this my Last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former wills by me at any time made I do declare this only to be my Last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal 20th October 1828. Etc
Will of Thomas REASON, Gentleman of Fordington , Dorset 25 October 1832 PROB 11/1807 See Burial Registers for Thomas Reason Buried 20th Sep 1832 aged 70 Years
Will of William BISHOP of Fordington Yeoman 1833 D/ASH:C/T11782-1893 Part of the Andrews, Son and Huxtable Solicitors Archive held at DHC No trace PR

Will of Samuel LEGG of Fordington Baker

See Burial Registers for Samuel Legg of Fordington Cross aged 84 years buried 30 Dec 1833

[Note:- Samuel LEGG was the widower of Frances LEGGE who was buried at FStG on 4th Nov 1830 aged 83 and left a very badly damaged Will

Dated 23 Dec 1833

Probate 25 July 1834

Wiltshire Archives for the Royal Borough and Prebend of Forthington [Fordington]

P15/182/ 2B

WILL of Samuel LEGG (1749 -1833) of Fordington Dorset

In the name of God Amen. I Samuel LEGG of the Parish of Fordington Baker - Being weak in Body but of sound mind and memory - do make and ordain thgis my last Will & Testament = First I give my daughter Love FOSTER a mahong Round Table Beanrean Chest of Drawers (in this room) and five pound in Cash = I give to my som William Rutherford LEGG - my Bed Beding & Bedstead where I am now laying a round card table large arm chair a board Bottem Chair night stool large cloths Chest- with the whole of my wearing apparel and fifty pounds in lawful cash - I give my Grandaughter Mary Ann LEGG the sum of Five Pounds - I give to Thomas and Sarah FOSTER my grandchildren the sum of five pounds each = I give my son John Rutherford LEGG the whole of my other furniture and effects of very description whatsoever . I also give and ordain my said son John Rutherford LEGG my whole and sole executor to see and to execute this my last Will and Testament In witness whereof I set my hand and seal this 23rd day of December 1833. Signed [Samuell LEGG] sealed and delivered in the presence of us as witnesses hearto Richard HASSELL and William HAWKINS

At Forthington on the 25th day of July 1834 John Rutherford LEGG the sole executor above named was duly sworn before us [Effects £200] M Marsh Surrogate

Will Wrapper : 25th July 1834 Forthington The Will of Samuel LEGG Deceased - This Will was proved at forthington on 25th July 1834 before the Rev Matthew MARSH Clerk B.D. lawful surrogate of the Prebendary of the Prebend of Fothington And administration of all and singular the Goods Chattels of the Deceased and any ways concerning his will was committed unto John Rutherford LEGG the sole executor named therein

Will of Robert DAMON, Yeoman of Fordington , Dorset 12 November 1834 PROB 11/1838 See Burial Registers for Robert DAMON buried 13 Oct 1834 aged 6 Years
Will of Elizabeth STROUD, Single woman of Fordington , Dorset 29 November 1834 PROB 11/1839 See Burial Registers for Elizabeth STROUD buried 19th Sep 1834 aged 33 Years

Will of Jane MASTERS

[Note:- Jame MASTERS was buried at St Georges Church in Fordington on 24th Dec 1833 aged 53 years.

[Note:- Jane MASTERS (1780-1833) was the sister of Ann BARTLETT nee MASTERS (1771-1835) who was the wife of John BARTLETT (1775-1836) Jane MASTERS left a Will (PROB 11/1852) which was written on 22nd July 1833.]

Dated 22nd July 1833

Proved 1st Sep 1835

PROB 11/1852 WILL: I Jane MASTERS in sound mind write this as my last Will and Testament in the name of God Amen In the year of our Lord 1833
I Jane MASTERS to give & bequeath to my niece Jane HARRISON the wife of William two hundred pounds lawful money I give & bequeath any part of my wearing apparel she thinks proper to take for her own use to be divided the remainder part between her niece Mary Ann BARTLETT and her niece Jane MASTERS the daughter of William MASTERS also her watch to John MASTERS
I Jane MASTERS do give and bequeath to my sister Mary ISARD? 80 pounds lawful money
I Jane MASTERS do give and bequeath to my sister Anne BARTLETT the wife of John BARTLETT 100 pounds lawful money
I Jane MASTERS do give and bequeath to my sister Lucy TALBOT 50 pounds lawful money
I Jane MASTERS do give and bequeath to my neice Rebecca GROVES 50 pounds lawful money
I Jane MASTERS do give and bequeath to my neice Mary Ann BARTLETT 50 pounds lawful money
I Jane MASTERS do give and bequeath to my nephew William MASTERS the son of William MASTERS 50 pounds to be paid to him at the age of 21 lawful money
I Jane MASTERS do give and bequeath to my neice Jane MASTERS the daughter of William MASTERS 50 pounds lawful money to be paid at her age of 21
I Jane MASTERS leave in the hands of Mr William SMITH living in the family of Sir Hohn WELLS Balmore House Cuckfield the sum of six hunderd & sixty nine pounds I Jane MASTERS authorize Mr William SMITH to execute this my last Will to see me buried in a decent manner any over money that may be left I Jane MASTERS particular desire Mr William SMITH will take unto himself to purchase anything he pleases for the troubles he have given also for the sincere friendship between them so many years this is written by me the 22nd of July in the year of our Lord 1833 her hand and seal Jane MASTERS
Witnesses Samuel HUDSON and Esther HEMMING

Proved at London 1st Sep 1835 before the worshipful John Daubery Doctor at Laws & Surrogate by the oath of William SMNITH the sole executor to whom was granted adminsitration having been first sworn
Will of Susannah BOATSWAIN, Widow of Fordington , Dorset 23 October 1835 PROB 11/1852 PR - No trace
Will of Philip BISHOP, Yeoman of Fordington , Dorset

[Note:- husband of Mary nee Bott whom he married on 12 May 1772 at Winterbourne Monkton, Dorset; she died 1834. Their daughter Mary Bishop married James CHRISTOPHER FStG 23rd Feb 1803; daughter Hester Bishop married James Wellspring FStG 29th July 1806 and daughter Elizabeth Bishop married Edward Foy at All Saints church Dorchester 25th Dec 1808]
Dated 5th Jan 1833
Proved 01 June 1836
PROB 11/1862 also ]  D/ASH:C/T1  1782-1893
See Burial Registers for Philip Bishop buried 11th Feb 1836 aged 86 years. DHC has copy of will dated 1833.
Will: This is the last will and testament of me Philip Bishop in the county of Dorset Yeoman I give and devise and bequeath unto my wife Martha Bishop all my household goods of what nature or kind soever and the rents and interest and dividends of all my real and personal estate whatsover during her life and from and immediately after her decease I give and devise all that messuage or dwellinghouse and garden situate at Holloway in Fordington aforesaid wherein I now live and which I hold in fee simple and the use of Philip Bishop my son his heirs and assigns forever And I also devise all that Messuage Dwellinghouse and garden situate in the parish of Fordington aforesaid late in the possession of Ann Frampton and now of Sarah Stainer and which I do also hold in fee4 simple unto and to the use of Mary Bishop daughter of my son James Bishop her heirs and assigns for ever; And I do give the said Mary Bishop my grandaughter the sum of £30 And I do give and devise all that Messuage or dwellinghouse and garden situatei n the parish of Fordington now in the posession of my said son James Bishop and which I do also hold in fee simple unto a\nd to the sue of my siad son James Bishop his heirs and assigns for ever And I do give and bequeath to my said son James Bishop the sum of £40 I give and bequeath unto my daughter Hester the wife of James Wellsping and Mary the wife of James CHRISTOPHER the sum of £30 a piece And as to all the rest residue and remainder of my ready money stock in public funds securities for money and all other my real and personal estate not hertobefore disposed of I do give and devise and bequeath the same subject to the payment of my just debts funeral and testamentary expenses and which I do hereby charge the same unto my daughter Elizabeth the wife of Edward FFoy and my said son James Bishop their heirs executors Admons and assigns share and share alike as tenants in common and not as joint tenants And I do hereby nominate and appoint my said son James Bishop and the said Edeward Foy as joint executors executors of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all fomer wills by me at any time heretobefore made In Witness whereof I the said testaor Philip Bishop have to this my Last Will and Testament set my hand and seal this fifth day of January in the year of Our Lord 1833 --- The mark of Philip Bishop --- Signed sealed and declared by the said testator Philip Bishop as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses hereto Robert Rideout Harvey; George Harvey; Henry Frederick Harvey ---- Proved at london 1st June 1836 before the Judge by the Oath of James Bishop the son and surviving executor to who admons was was granted having first sworn by commission duly to administer
Administration of Harriet WHITE of Fordington Wife 1837 P15/183 PR can only locate the burial of a Harriet White 25 Nov 1831 aged 52
Will of James LYDE, Yeoman of Fordington , Dorset 02 January 1837 PROB 11/1871 See Burial Registers for James Lyde abode Fordington Hill buried 2nd Sep 1836 aged 69 Years
Will of Elizabeth MASTERS, Widow of Fordington , Dorset 07 February 1837 PROB 11/1873 See Burial Registers for Elizabeth masters buried 4th Nov 1836 aged 72 Years
Will of James BROOKS, Yeoman of Fordington , Dorset Dated 16 Mar 1831
Proved 04 Mar 1837
PROB 11/1873 See Burial Registers for James Brooks Parish Clerk buried 4th Feb 1837 aged 79 Years Will: Various properties to wife Elizabeth for life then shared between daughters Rebecca BROOKS and Honor Hutchings purchase -- grandaughter Eliza Mitchell -- son James BROOKS -- Susan BROOKS his wife -- household effects to wife Elizabeth also appointed executrix - 16th day March 1831 [Note:- James Brooks was the 2nd child from the marriage of James BROOKS to Elizabeth HUTCHINGS at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 24th Dec 1778]

Will of John BARTLETT, Bricklayer of Fordington , Dorset

[Note:- John BARTLETT (1775-1836) widower of Ann BARTLETT nee MASTERS (1771-1835)]

John Bartlett was buried at FStG 24th Aug 1836 aged 61 Years link to memorial

I WISH it to be understood by all my dear children as written by me not to alter the meaning of any thing said on my Will or paper which I wrote in December last but as a better security to enable my two daughters Mary BARTLETT and Elizabeth BARTLETT to get or claim the money herein named and it is my wish that my son Joseph BARTLETT and my two daughters Mary Bartlett and Elizabeth Bartlett do see that the things I have named in this and the other paper be done according to my wishes

Dated Feb the 18th 1836 John BARTLETT

In the Perogative Court of Canterbury
In the Goods of John BARTLETT deceased

APPEARED PERSONALLY Rebecca TREVIS of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Widow and John DAVIS of Fordington in the same County Baker and made oath that they know and were well acquainted with John BARTLETT late of Fordington in the County of Dorset Bricklayer deceased for several years previous and to the time of his death and have often seen him write and write and subscribe his name to writings whereby they have acquired a knowledge of his manner and character of handwriting and subscription and having now viewed and perused the paper writings and hereunto annexed marked with the Letters A : B and C purporting to be and containing the last Will and Testament of the said deceased the paper writing A begining to wit "FFordingtonDorset December 14 1835" ending thus "Having wrote this on the other half sheet and have read and duly considered it I am fully satisfied in signing my hand this 14th day of December 1835" etc etc ---are authentic

Letter dated Dec 14th 1835

Will dated 18th Feb 1836

Proved at London June 6th 1837 by the oath of Mary Ann , in the Will written Mary BARTLETT/Spinster the daughter one of the executors

PROB 11/1879

Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills

Image 504 of 1055

LETTER: Fordington Dorset December 14 1835

THIS IS TO CERTIFY that I John BARTLETT of the Parish of Ffordington Dorset Bricklayer & finding myself ill and weak have thought proper to state what I could wish and request my dear children to do whenever it shall please Almighty God to take me from them, that is to say,

First: of all or as soon as conveinient that all my just debts shall be paid out of my book accounts which I am satisfied is more than sufficient to pay the whole and after that what is left on book, --

I give to my son Joseph BARTLETT with trade and things belonging thereto, that is to say, all the scaffolding poles boards ropes and every other utensils tools that I am possessed of at the time of my death, -- next --

In consideration of my dear daughters Mary BARTLETT and Elizabeth BARTLETT's dutyfull kindness to their dear departed mother and myself for this many years past my wish is that (side line entry :- my daughter Mary should have her choice of beds to have) one bed & bedstead, and next --

That my daughter Elizabeth to have the choice of the next Bed & Bedstead and a few things to furnish a room, next

That my son Joseph BARTLETT to have the next Bed & Bedstead next --

All the Linen, Bed Linen & all my wife;s and my own clothes I do give to my daughter Mary BARTLETT knowing that she bought the greater part if it - next --

That all the rest ods the household furniture after Mary have taken her own may be valued or sold and the amount of value to be equally divided between the whole of my dear children - If there should be any money in the Savings Bank I do give it to my daughter Elizabeth -- there is at this present time twenty three pounds nine shillings & ninepence which if taken out and put in the business my son Joseph is to pay back to my daughter Elizabeth BARTLETT out of the Book Accoumts -- next --

I give my watch to my dear daughter Jane GRANT and hope she will keep it in remembrance of me. next --

Thinking my daughters Mary and Elizabeth BARTLETT will have a home to provide when I have gone the money left to my wife by her sister Jane MASTERS if they can get it without Law to be equally divided between them that is Mary and Elizabeth BARTLETT ---

Having wrote thei on the other half sheet and have read this considered it I am fully satisfied in signing my hand this 14th day of December 1635:

John BARTLETT Fordington Dorset
THIS IS THE LAST WILL of me John BARTLETT of Ffordington in the County of Dorset Bricklayer
First: I do give and bequeath to my dear daughter Elizabeth BARTLETT all money that may be invested by me in the Dorchester Savings Bank and her receipt shall be a sufficient discharge for the same -- Also as I consider myself entitled to a Legacy of one hundred pounds left to my late wife Ann BARTLETT by her sister Jane MASTERS on her Will which Will is I believe lying at Doctors Commons I do give and bequeath to my dear daughters Mary and Elizabeth BARTLETT the said sum of the One Hundred pounds, that is to dsay, To Mary my daughter Fifty pounds and Elizabeth Bartlett my daughter fifty pounds and their receipt to Mt Smith the Executor of Jane MASTERS shall be a sufficient discharge for the same

In Witness whereof I the said John BARTLETT have subscribed my name in the presence of the undersigned witnesses this 18th day of Ffebruary in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and thirty six

Thomas White and George Seamer
Will of Joseph BEDLOE, Gentleman of Fordington , Dorset 30 October 1838 PROB 11/1901 See Burial Registers for Joseph Bedloe abode Fordington Green buried 19th June 1838 aged 64 Years
Will of William ROLES, Yeoman of Fordington , Dorset 27 August 1840 PROB 11/1933 BT's no trace
Administration, oath , wrapper of James HARRIS Junior 1840 P15/184 BT's no trace
Will of Elizabeth FOY, Widow of Fordington , Dorset 02 November 1840 PROB 11/1936 See Burial Registers for 1840 buried 22 Sep 1840
Will of Edward ELLIOTT or Eliot, Yeoman of Fordington , Dorset 13 November 1840 PROB 11/1936 See Burial Registers for Edwrad Elliott from St Peters Parish Dorchester buried 23 Apr 1837 in Fordington
Will of Ann KEATS of Fordington , Dorset 20 November 1840 PROB 11/1936 See Burial Registers for Ann Keats abode Fordington Mill street buried 7th Nov 1839 aged 68 years
Administration, oath, wrapper & copy Will of James HARRIS Yeoman of Fordington 1841 P15/185 BT's no trace
Letter of Administration granted for the estate of George HARVEY, Gentleman bachelor of Fordington , Dorset 04 May 1842 DHC AD/DT/W/1842 Event Record 2 Image Administration to his father Robert Rideout HARVEY [Note:- George, HARVEY from High Street Fordington buried 16 Jun 1840; age 34, by William Dodge Curate]
Will of Ann MAIDMENT, Widow of Fordington , Dorset 19 August 1842 PROB 11/1967 BT's no trace
Will of Eliza ABBOTT, Spinster of Fordington , Dorset 18 October 1842 PROB 11/1969 &  D/LRL/1/694   BT's no trace : DHC= Probate copy will: Eliza ABBOTT of Fordington, spinster Will dated 28 May 1842
Letter of Administration for the estate of Ann PERROTT spinster of Fordington , Dorset who died intestate at Fordington but was buried at Long Burton Dorset on24th Dec 1842 aged 57 years 16 Jan 1843 DHC C/A/1842-3 Event Records 6 & 7 LA granted to Mary COX wife of the bound Joseph COX dairyman of Rampisham Dorset also bound Richard NICHOLS of Rampishamgamekeeper and William BEATER of smae place Yeoman
Will of George HENNING, Gentleman of Fordington , Dorset 29 July 1844 PROB 11/2002 See Burial Registers for Parish of Holy Trinity Dorchester "Entry 607 - George HENNING from the parish of Fordington; buried 20 May 1844; age 75 years; Rev George Wood Rector"
Will of George ADAMS Victualler of Dorchester & Fordington 6th Sep 1845 DHC: Ad/Dt/W/1846 event Record 10 He was buried at St Georges Church in Fordington on 30th April 1846 at the age of 43 [Link to transcription of his Will]
Administration, oath, will, wrapper of Honor ELLISON of Fordington Widow 1846 P15/186 See Burial Registers for Honor Ellison abode Fordington Green buried 18th Sep 1846 aged 63 Years
Will of James PRICE of Fordington , Dorset 26 November 1846 PROB 11/2045 See Burial Registers for James Price abode Fordington High Street buried 3rd Oct 1846 aged 73 Years
Will of Mary Ann MOORE, Widow of West Fordington Dorchester 01 August 1848 PROB 11/2079 BT's no trace
Will of William WEST, Licensed Victualler of Fordington , Dorset 23 November 1848 PROB 11/2084 BT's no trace
Will of Jane HANDLEY heretofore Hay, Wife of Fordington , Dorset 18 April 1849 PROB 11/2091 See Burial Registers for Jane Handley abode West Fordington buried Jan 23rd 1849 aged 45 Years
Will of William STANTON, Clothier of Fordington , Dorset Dated 27 Feb 1843
Codicil 11 Mar 1846
Proved 17 Aug 1849
PROB 11/2098 WILL:-[Note:- William STANTON (c1772-1848) Clothier Link to transcription of his Will and information about his family]

See Burial Registers for William Stanton abode Icen lane Fordington buried 18 Oct 1848 aged 77 years
Will of Mary Bond COLSON, Spinster of Fordington , Dorset

[Note:- Buried at St Peters in Dorchester she was baptised at St Georges Church Fordington on 18th Sep 1792.]
Dated 01 Mar 1839
Proved 21 December 1849
PROB 11/2104

[Note:- Link to more information about her family]

This is the last will and testament of me Mary Bond COLSON of Fordington in the County of Dorset Spinster I give my sister Elizabeth Dampier ENGLAND all my wearing apparel trinkets china and plate All the rest residue & remainder of my worldly estate & effects of what nature or kind soever I give devise and bequeath the same unto my brother John Morton COLSON his heirs executors administrators and assigns according to my estate and interest therein And I appoint my said brother John Morton COLSON sole executor of this my will dated the first day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine -- Mary Bond COLSON Signed sealed published and declared by the said Mary Bond COLSON for her last will and testament in the presence of us who in her presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto set our names as witnesses Robert Rideout and Martha Harvey -- Proved at london 21st Dec 1849 before the Worshipful James Parker Doane doctor at law and surrocgate by the oath of the Reverend John Morton COLSON Clerk the brother the sole executor to whom administration was granted having been first sworn to duly administer

Will of Giles LODER, Cabinet Maker of Fordington , Dorset 22 December 1849 PROB 11/2104 + A2A D/LRL/1/254 See Burial Registers for Giles Loder abode Fordington Hill buried 15th Nov 1849 aged 72 Years DHC= Administration with will annexed:
Giles LODER of Fordington Will dated 1 Nov 1849
Will of Rebecca BROOKS, Spinster of Fordington , Dorset Dated 22 Aug 1849
Proved 14 May 1850
PROB 11/2112 See Burial Registers for Rebecca BROOKS abode Back of the pound; Fordington; buried 12th April 1850 aged 67 years Will: Eliza wife of Edward Steele of Dorchester -- trusts for Eliza Jane and Emma daughters of Edward Steele and Eliza his wife -- Rest to Nephew james BROOKS and neices Elizabeth Mitchell Mary Ann Mitchell and Rebecca the wife of George Legg Eliza Steel Susan the wife of Frederick Bennett etc [Note:-Rebecca was the 3rd child from the marriage of James BROOKS to Elizabeth HUTCHINGS at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 24th Dec 1778]
Will of Elizabeth WEST, Widow of Fordington , Dorset 11 July 1850 PROB 11/2117 BT's 1850 not survived
Will of Thomas BENNETT, Merchant of Fordington , Dorset 24 January 1851 PROB 11/2125 & D/LRL/1/10 BT's 1851 no trace: DHC= Probate copy will: Thomas BENNETT of Fordington, merchant Will dated 14 Dec 1846 Probate 24 Jan 1851
Will of William LOCK, Gentleman of Fordington , Dorset 10 July 1851 PROB 11/2136 See Burial Registers for William Lock abode Icen Cottage Fordington buried 16th May 1851 aged 71 Years
Will of Benjamin HALL, Blacksmith of Fordington , Dorset [Note:- Benjamin Hall was buried at Fordingtin on 04 Feb 1853] Dated 12 January 1852
P roved 28 Oct 1853
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1853 Event Record 10 : Image Will beneficiries Wife Mary; Son Joseph; Daughter susannah wife of George Allen of stratton ; Grandsons William; Walter & Lewis ALLEN; George Biles of Fordington Carpenter; Joseph HANDSFORD the elder of Dorchester sadler
Will of George ANDREWS, Currier of Fordington , Dorset 31 January 1852 PROB 11/2145 Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 22nd April 1851 See Transcription of the Will of George ANDREWS (1791-1851)
Will of Sarah Allen GAULTON, Widow of Fordington , Dorset 30 July 1852 PROB 11/2156 See Burial Registers for Sarah Allen GAULTON abode grove Buildings buried 18th June 1852 aged 72 years
Will of Henry MACK, Gatekeeper of Fordington , Dorset 16 November 1852 PROB 11/2162 See Burial Registers for Henry MACK abode Lowdes Road buried 9th Oct 1852 aged 83 years
Will of Harriett WILLS, Widow of Fordington , Dorset 01 January 1853 PROB 11/216 BT's no trace
Will of John FOOT, Auctioneer of Fordington , Dorset 15 February 1853 PROB 11/2167 See Burial Registers for John FOOT entry 446 abode Blandford Road, buried 23 Sep 1851 aged 63
Will of John BROWN, Carrier of Fordington , Dorset 11 August 1854 PROB 11/2195 See Burial Registers for John Brown abode Holloway Row Fordington buried 26th June 1854 aged 47 years
Will of Mary HALL, Widow of Fordington , Dorset 27 November 1854 PROB 11/2200 See Burial Registers Mary HALL abode The Cliff Fordington buried 22nd March 1854 aged 74 years
Will of James LOVELL, late Quarter Master Serjeant of The Dorset Militia but now an Out Pensioner of Her Majesty's Royal Hospital at Chelsea of Fordington , Dorset 21 December 1854 PROB 11/2202 No Trace
Administration, Affidavit, Oath and Wrapper for Mary Ann COX of Fordington Spinster 1855 P15/60 See Burial Registers for Mary Ann COX Entry 608 abode Grove Buildings buried 4 Nov 1853 aged 20 years
Will of Martha Milborne GALTON, Spinster of Fordington , Dorset 08 March 1855 PROB 11/2208 See Burial Register for Martha Milborne GAULTON was buried 10th Oct 1854 aged 40 years

Will of Richard FIPPARD PHIPPARD] , Draper and Grocer of Fordington , Dorset

[Note:- Buried FStG 30th June 1854 aged 46]

Dated 27 Feb 1854

Proved 03 Aug 1855

PROB 11/2217 Will: Household goods and furniture plate linen china and printed books I give to my dear wife Melisant FIPPARD
My trade & business of a draper and grocer may be still carried on unto my said wife Melisant FIPPARD Montague Charles Weston of Dorchester Gent and William Damon of Blandford FForum Draper upon trust to permit my said wife to carry on the business to the benefit of herself and family.
Rest bequeathed to same trust who are joint exec
Will of Robert Rideout HARVEY, Gentleman of Fordington , Dorset 25 March 1856 PROB 11/2229 See Burial Register for Robert Rideout HERVEY was buried 7th Feb 1856 aged 85 years

Will of Sarah DAMON, Widow of Fordington , Dorset

26 April 1856 PROB 11/2230 See Burial Registers for Sarah Damon abode Fordington the Green was buried 22nd Dec 1855 aged 85 Years
Will of William HEWER, Bricklayer of Fordington , Dorset 24 June 1856 PROB 11/2234 See Burial Registers for William HEWER abode Tupps corner buried 19th Oct 1855 aged 76 Years
Probate Elizabeth ROWE of Fordington wife of William Henry LOWE [Note:- Buried 30th Sep 1857 at Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 28 Sep 1857 - Probate 28 Oct 1861 A2A D/LRL/1/352 + National Probate Calendar Probate 28th Oct 1861: Letters of Administration of the Personal Estate and effects of Elizabeth ROWE (Wife of William Henry ROWE) late of Plymouth in the County of Devon deceased who died 25 Sep 1857 at Fordington in the county of Dorset were granted at the Principal Registry to the said William Henry ROWE of Plymouth aforesaid Draper he having first been sworn Effects under £800
Will of Caleb BISHOP, Journeyman Tailor of Fordington , Dorset Dated 27 Aug 1856
Proved 10 Feb 1857
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1857/15. Link to transcription of the will of Caleb BISHOP (1791-1856)
Will of William HEWER, Bricklayer of Fordington , Dorset 1858 D/ASH:C/T11782-1893 Part of the Andrews, Son and Huxtable Solicitors Archive held at DHC [Note:- See probate 24 June 1856 above]
Letters of Administration for the estate of Ann GALPIN of Fordington [Note:- buried at St Georges Fordington 02 Oct 1857] 14th June 1858 National Probate Register. Letters of Administration granted on 14th June 1858 for the Personal estate and effects of Ann GALPIN late of Fordington in the County of Dorset Widow deceased who died 30th Sep 1857 at Fordington were granted at Blandford to Mary GALPIN of Fordington spinster one of the Children of the said deceased she having been first sworn effects under £200. Link to more information about this family. Also see marriage of Ann LEGG of Fordington at St Georges Church October 4th 1821 to Charles GALPIN son of Elias GALPIN (1756-1846)
The Will of Lydia STANTON 21 May 1858 National Probate Calendar The Will of Lydia STANTON formerly of Fordington and late of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis all in the County of Dorset Widow deceased who died 2nd December 1856 at Melcombe Regis aforesaid was proved at the Principal Probate Registry by the oath of George Knight STANTON of Fordington aforesaid Gentleman the Son and one of the Executors Effects under £800 [Note:- Lydia STANTON nee Knight was the widow of William STANTON (c.1772-1848) Clothier of Fordington.]
Letters of Administration for the estate of Henry GALPIN of Fordington Brewer [Note:- buried at St Georges Church Fordington aged 22 years 01 Apr 1859] Died 31 Mar 1859 National Probate Register. 27th Feb 1861 Letters of Administration for the Personal estate and effects of Henry GALPIN late of Fordington within the borough of Dorchester in the County of Dorset bachelor deceased who died 31st March 1859 at Fordington granted at Blandford to Sarah RUSSELL (Wife of George Squire RUSSELL Beer Seller) of Kent street Portsea in the County of Southampton the sister and one of the next of kin of the said deceased she having been first sworn.
Copy Will of Robert GALPIN of Fordington Brewer made 1859 with note of probate 1859 [Note:- Buried at Civic Cemetery aged 57 on 29th July 1859] Died 26 July 1859 DHC: D/COO:H/F/27 Also National Probate Register Robert GALPIN (1802-1859) [Follow link for more information and a transcription of his will]. Probate granted 22nd August 1859 The Will of Robert GALPIN late of Fordington in the County of Dorset Brewer deceased who died 26th July 1859 at Fordington was proved at Blandford by the oaths of Isaac HANN of Fordington a schoolmaster and Thomas VOSS of Dorchester plasterer the executors effects under £2,000
Probate William RAYNOLD [Note Buried at Fordington 13 Feb] Died 9 Feb 1861 National Probate Calendar Probate 20 March The Will with codicil of William RAYNOLD late of Fordington in the County of Dorset deceased who died 9 Feb 1861 at Fordington was proved at the Principal Registry by the oaths of Jane RAYNOLD of Fordington aforesaid widow the Relict William RAYNOLD of Dorchester in the said County Clerk at the County Gaol the Nephew and Richard PARMITER of the same place Pawnbroker the executors Effects under £3,000
Probate Ann BAKER [Note Buried at Fordington 21st Feb 1861] Died 15 Feb 1861 National Probate Calendar Probate 25 April Ltters of Administration of the Personal estate and effects of Ann BAKER formerly of Weymouth but late of Fordington near Dorchester both in the County of Dorset spinster deceased who diewd 15 Feb 1861 at Fordington aforesaid were granted at the Principal Registry to Robert BAKER of Blandford in the said County brother and one of the next of kin of the said deceased he having been first sworn
Probate John LEGG [Note:- Buried Fordington 1st July 1862 aged 81 years] Died 26 Jun 1862 National Probate Calendar Probate 6th Jan 1863 of John LEGG late of Fordington in the County of Dorset Gentleman deceased who died 26th June 1862 at Fordington aforesaid was proved at the Principal Registry by the oaths of Jane LEGG of Fordington aforesaid spinster and Sarah LEGG of Fordington aforesaid spinster the daughters the executrixes effects under £100
Probate William Gibson BARFOOT [Note:- Buried Fordington 18 April 1863] Died 14 Apr 1863 National Probate Calendar Probate 29 June Letters of Administration (with Will Annexed) of the Personal estate and effects of William Gibson BARFOOT late of Higher Fordington in the parish of Fordington in the county of Dorset general shopkeeper and dealer deceased who died 14 April 1863 at Fordington aforesaid were granted at Blandford to Leah BARFOOT of Highjer Fordington aforesaid Widow the Relict the Universal Legatee named in the said Will she having been first sworn effects under £300
Probate Charles DUNN [Note Buried Civic Cemetery Dorchester but also recorded at FStG 23 May 1863] Died 17 May 1863 National Probate Calendar Probate 29 Aug The Will of Charles DUNN late of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Licenced Victualler deceased who died 17 May 1863 at Dorchester aforesaid was proved at Blandford by the oath of Jane DUNN of Dorchester aforesaid the widow the relict the sole executrix effects under £1,500 [Note:-Buried at the Civic Cemetery at Weymouth Ave Dorchester 20th May 1863 when his age is given as 44 - Also GRO 2nd qtr 1863 Dorchester Ref 5a/240 - Also see Weymouth Telegram Thurs 21st May 1863 "May 17th 1863 at Dorchester after a few days illness Mr Charles DUNN of the Junction Hotel (a member of the D.V.R.) aged 42 (actually 44) years".
Probate Frances FOX-STRANGEWAYS of Fordington Spinster Died 12 June 1863 A2A D/LRL/1/139 & D/LRL/1/139 + National Probate Calendar  BT's no trace: DHC= Probate copy will: Frances Fox STRANGWAYS of Fordington, spinster Will dated 13 Apr 1863. NPC= Frances FOX-STRANGEWAYS Probate 21 July 1863 The Will of Frances Fox-Strangeways late of Salisbury villas in the Parish of Fordington in the county of Dorset spinster deceased who died 12 June 1863 at Fordington aforesaid was proved at Blandford by the oath of the Reverend Henry Fox-Strangeways of SomersetClerk the Nephew the sole executor Effects under £16,000
Probate Elizabeth HAYNE of Fordington Dorset Died 27th March 1864 National Probate Register Probate 11th March 1865 The Will of Elizabeth HAYNE late of Fordington in the County of Dorset deceased who died 27th March 1864 at Fordington aforesaid was proved at Blandford by the oaths of Robert HAYNE of Fordington aforesaid Merchant and John BOYD of Castle Carey on the County of Somersetshire Horsehair manufacturer the Executors. probate being granted under certain limitations Effects under £1,000 ALSO reported in The Morning Post (London, England), Friday, April 01, 1864; pg. 8; Issue 28172. 19th Century British Library Newspapers: Part II. "HAYNE - On the 27th ult at Fordington Dorsetshire Elizabeth the wife of John HAYNE in the seventy fifth year of her age" [Note:- This is Elizabeth HAYNE (prior BAYLY) nee WHITE (1789-1864) a widow and 2nd wife of John HAYNE of Dorchester whom he married at St Marylebone London on 22nd Sep 1837. She was actually buried at Ansford in Somerset on 2nd April 1864 aged 74.]
Probate Samuel TAYLOR [Note Can only trace a burial at Fordington 11 Jan 1867?] Died 18 Nov 1864 National Probate Calendar Probate 14 Feb 1865 The Will of Samuel TAYLOR late of Fordington in the County of Dorset Yeoman and Machinist deceased who ded 18 Nob 1864 at Fordington aforesaid was proved at the Principal Registry by the oaths of Henry Taylor of Dorchester in the said County machinist and George TAYLOR iof Fordington aforesaid Yeoman the sons and John HOSSEY of Dorchester aforesaid Executors. Effects under £3,000
Probate John BLANDAMER [Note buried Fordington 10 Dec 1865] Died 2 Dec 1865 National Probate Calendar Probate 26 June 1866 The Will of John BLANDAMER late of Fordington in the County of Dorset deceased who died 2 Dec 1865 at Fordington aforesaid was proved at Blandford by oaths of Thomas BLANDAMER of Dorchester in the County aforesaid Inkeeper the Brother and William HURDLE of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis in the County aforesaid Cheese Factor the Executors Effects under £200. Link to transcription of his Will
Probate Sarah LEGG [Note:- Buried at Fordington 8th Nov 1866] Died 30 Oct 1866 National Probate Calendar Probate 15 Oct 1866 The Will of Sarah LEGG late of Fordington in the County of Dorset spinster deceased who died 30 Oct 1866 at Fordington aforesaid was proved at the Principal Registry by the oath of Jane LEGG of Fordington aforesaid spinster and Ann LEGG of Fordington aforesaid spinster sisters the executrixes
Probate Amelia FIDLER [Note:- Buried Fordington10th June 1867] Died 6 June 1867 National Probate Calendar Probate 16 Oct Letters of Administration of the personal estate and effects of Amelia FIDLER late of Fordington aforesaid were granted at Blandford to Eliza PEARCE (Wife of Philip PEARCE the Elder, Gentleman) of Fordington aforesaid the Sister and one of the Next of Kin of the said deceased she having first sworn effects under £200
Probate Sely SHORE [Note Buried in the Dorchester cemetery 27 Sep 1867] Died 24 Sep 1867 National Probate Calendar Probate 2nd Nov The Will with a codicil of Sely SHORE formerly of Reading in the county of berks but late of Upway in the County of Dorset Widow deceased who died 24 Sep 1867 at Fordington in the County of Dorset aforesaid was proved at Blandford by the oath of George HAWKINS of Dorchester in the County of Dorset aforesaid Gentleman sole executor effects under £450
Probate John HAYNE [Times Newspaper :- Deaths - on the 7th inst at Fordington Dorsetshire Mr Hayne aged 89 - GRO June qtr 1868 John HAYNE aged 89 Dorchester district Ref 5a 217] Died 7 Apr 1868 National Probate Calendar Probate 6th May 1868 The Will with two codicils of John HAYNE late of Fordington in the County of Dorset Esquire deceased who died 7 April 1868 at Fordington aforesaid proved at Blandford by the oaths of Robert HAYNE of Fordington aforesaid Gentleman the Son and George CURME of Dorchester in the County aforesaid Esquire the Executors Effects under £25,000. [Note:- The Will of John HAYNE (1779-1868) son of Samuel HAYNE (1749-1813) of the parish of Holy Trinity & Rebecca TILLY (1754-1826) of the parish of Piddletown married at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 28-Jan 1773]
Probate Henry HUNT [Note:- Buried Fordington 22 Jan 1869] Died 18 Jan 1869 National Probate Calendar Probate 3 Apr The Will of Henry HUNT late of Fordington in the County of Dorset Innkeeper deceased who died 17 Jan 1869 at Fordington aforesaid Effects under 3200
Probate Philip Wellington PEARD [Note:- Buried Fordington 24 Mar 1870 aged 45] Died 22 Mar 1870 National Probate Calendar Probate 15 Oct 1870 Letters of Administration of personal estate and effects of Philip Wellington PEARD late of Fordington in the county of Dorset gentleman a Bachelor deceased who died 22 Mar 1870 at Fordington aforesaid were granted at Blandford to Maria Josepha PEARD of Fordington aforesaid spinster aunt and one of the next of kin of the said deceased she having been first sword effects under £5,000
Probate William BARNARD [Note:- Buried at Fordington 21 Nov 1870] Died 17 Nov 1870 National Probate Calendar Probate 18 March The Will of William BARNARD late of Dorchester in the County of Dorset cooper who died 17 Nov 1870 at Dorchester was proved at Blandford by William Standfield BARNARD of Dorchester Cooper and John Jackson BARNARD of Dorchester cooper the sons the executors
Probate Charlotte Ann COUSENS of Fordington spinster 14 Mar 1871 A2A D/LRL/1/61 & BT's for 1871 Missing: DHC= Probate copy will Charlotte Ann COSENS of Fordington, spinster Will dated 14 Apr 1858 probate granted 14 Mar 1871. NOTE: Probate for this Will is registered under the Dorchester Wills Index
Horatio Mosley MOULE [Committed suicide at Cambridge but returned to Fordington for burial] 21 Sep 1873 National Probate Registry See Biography - Horatio Mosley Moule Esq 16the December 1873 Administration of the effects of Horatio Mosley Moule late of Queens College in the University of Cambridge Esq a bachelor who died 21 Sep 1873 at Cambridge was granted at the Principal Probate Registry to the Rev Henry Moule of Fordington in the County of Dorset Clerk the father and next of Kin. Effects under £200
Probate Rebecca DAWE [Note Buried Dorchester Civic Cemetery 8 Mar 1857] Died 7 March 1877 National Probate Register Probate 8th October 1877 The Will of Rebecca DAWE late of Fordington in the county of Dorset Widow who died 7th March 1877 at fordington was proved at Blandford by Emily Ann MEECH (Wife of Charles MEECH) of Fordington the niece the sole executrix effects under £100
Probate Robert DAMON [Note Buried at Fordington on 6th July 1874] Died 3 July 1874 National Probate Calendar Probate 9 Sep The Will of Robert DAMON late of Fordington in the County of Dorset Gentleman who died 3rd July 1874 at Fordington was proved at Blandford by Charles HARDING of Montecute in the County of Somerset Gentleman and Robert James DAMON of Yeovil in the County of Somerset Draper the son two of the executors Effects under £12,000
Probate William HARRIS of Fordington [Note:- Buried at Fordington 8th Aug 1874] 09 Aug 1875 A2A D/LRL/1/192 Also National probate Calendar BT's Show:- Entry 419 William Harris Abode Fordington Green buried 8th Aug 1874 aged 73 years. DHC=Probate copy will: William HARRIS of Fordington Gentleman Will dated 15 Jun 1874 : Probate Calendar:- William HARRIS probate 9th Aug 1875 The Will of William HARRIS late of Fordington in the County of Dorset Gentleman who died 5th August 1874 at Fordington was proved at Blandford by George CROCKER the younger Ironmonger and Gideon Denner WRIGHT Grocer both of Dorchester in the said county executors effects under £300
Probate Amy LOVELESS [Note:- Buried at Fordington 18th June 1`877 aged 90] Died 12 June 1877 National Probate Calendar Probate 16 July 1877 The Will of Amy LOVELESS late of Radipole in the County of Dorset Widow who died 12 June 1877 at Radipole was proved at Blandford by John JACOB of Radipole Gentleman the Brother one of the executors effects under £2,000
Probate Sarah Ann LAMBERT [Note Buried at Fordington 22 Dec 1877] Died 19 Dec 1877 National Probate Calendar Probate 15 Jan 1877 The Will with a codicil of Sarah Ann LAMBERT late of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Widow who died 19 Dec 1877 at Dorchester was proved at Blandford by John SPARKES of Crewkerne in the County of Somerset gentleman the sole executor personal estate under £100
Probate Mary CURTIS of Radipole [Note Buried at Fordington 3rd Jan 1878] Died 27 Dec 1877 National Probate Calendar Probate 2 March The Will of Mary CURTIS late of Radipole in the County of Dorset Widow who died 27 Dec 1877 at Radipole was proved at Blandford by John JACOB of Radipole Gentleman the Brother the Surviving executor Effects under £4,000
Probate Elizabeth Lovell DAMON [Note Buried at Fordington 28 mar 1878] Died 23 Mar 1878 National Probate Calendar Probate 29 May The Will with two codicils of Elizabeth Lovell DAMON late of Dorchester in the County of Dorset spinster who died 23 Mar 1878 at Dorchester was proved at Blandford by louisa DAMON of Dorchester spinster the sister and Philip PEARCE of Fordington in the said county of Dorset the surviving executors effects under £3,000
ProbateRev Edmund Ward PEARS Died 1 July 1878 National Probate Calendar Probate 26 July. The Will pf the Reverend Edmund Ward PEARS late of Fordington inthe County of Dorset Rector of Dorchester St Peters in Dorchester Clerk who died 1 July 1878 at Fordington was proved at Blandford by Harriette PEARS of Fordington Spinster the daughter the sole Executrix. personal estate under £800 [Note Actually buried at Radipole but see burials for St peters for image of memorial tablet to him and more information ]
Probate Jane CREECH Died 16 July 1878 National Probate Calendar Probate 25 July The Will with a codicil of Jane CREECH late of Fordington in the county of Dorset Widow who died 16 July 1878 at fordington was proved at Blandford by John BARNARD of Dorchester in the said County Cooper the surviving executor. Effects under £600
Probate William SYMONDS [Note Buried at Fordington 1st Oct 1878] Died 27 Sep 1878 National Probate Calendar Probate 17 Oct The Will of William SYMONDS late of Grove Buildings Dorchester in the County of Dorset who died 27 Sep 1878 at Grove Buildings was proved at the Principal Registry by John BROWN of Dorchester Accountant the sole executor Effects under £200
Probate The Reverend John HAYNE [Note:- He was actually buried at Fordington 6th June 1879 so its more likely that he died there] Died 30 May 1879 National Probate Calendar Probate 20 August The Will of the reverend John HAYNE late of Stawley in the County of Somerset Clerk who died 30 May 1879 at Stawley was proved at Taunton by Robert HAYNE of Fordington in the County of Dorset Esquire the brother and the Reverend Edward Randolph HAYNE of 2 Watts St Ordnance place Chatham in the County of Kent Clerk the son the executors Personal estate under £8,000
Probate Eliza PEARCE [ Note:- Buried at Fordington 4th Oct 1879] Died 1 Oct 1879 National Probate Calendar

Probate 8 March 1881 The Will of Eliza PEARCE late of Fordington in the County of Dorset Widow who died 1 Oct 1879 at Fordington was proved at Blandford by Francis William Bower PEARCE and Philip PEARCE both of Fordington Gentlemen the sons the Exectors Effects under £4,000

[Note:- Eliza [Elizabeth] PEARCE nee WHITTLE (1801-1879) the widow of Philip PEARCE (1794 - 1871)]

Probate David Henry NASH of Dorchester Dorset [Note Actually died at Dorset County Hospital but buried in Fordington 22 Nov 1879] 18 Nov 1879 National Probate Calendar Administration London 1st Oct to Henry David NASH Effects £200
Probate Thomas RIGGS [Note Buried Fordington 24 Nov 1879] Died 21 Nov 1879 National Probate Calendar The Will of Thomas RIGGS late of Fordington in the County of Dorset Blacksmith who died 21 November 1879 was proved at Blandford by William BISHOP of High East Street Dorchester in the said County Grocer and Provision Merchant the sole executor Personal estate under £100
Probate Thomas GRIGG [Note:- Buried at St Georges Church Fordington 2nd Mar 1880] Died 28 Feb 1880 England & Wales, National Probate Calendar (Index of Wills and Administrations),1861-1941 Thomas Grigg 1880 Personal estate under £2,000: Probate granted 12th March. The Will of Thomas Grigg late of Fordington in the County of Dorset Gentleman who died 28th February 1880 at Fordington was proved at Blandford by Mark Pilley of Dorchester in the said County Boot and Shoe maker and Thomas Grigg of Horton in the County of Buckingham Grocer the nephew the executors. [Note:- Thomas GRIGG (1809-1880) who had moved to Dorchester by 1841 and by 1859 was running the Great Western Hotel in West Fordington. Link to background in the biography of his nephew Thomas GRIGG (1857-1932)]
Probate The Reverend Henry MOULE Vicar of Fordington Died 3 Feb 1880 A2A D/LRL/1/271: Probate copy will: Henry MOULE of Fordington Clerk in Holy Orders Will dated 2 Feb 1880 + National Probate Calendar See Biography - Rev Henry Moule Esq Personal Estate under £1,500 Probate granted 10 March 1880 The Will of the Rev Henry Moule Late of Fordington in the County of Dorset Clerk who died 3rd Feb 1880 at Fordington was proved at Blandford by Henry Joseph Moule of Radipole in the County of Dorset Gentleman and the Rev George Evans Moule of Fordington Clerk the sons and executors
Probate Caroline Margaret PITFIELD late of Fordington Died 4 Nov 1885 National Probate Calendar Probate granted 18th Jan 1886. The Will of Caroline Margaret PITFIELD late of Fordington in the County of Dorset Licenced Victualler Widow who died 4th Nov 1885 at Fordington was proved at Blandford by George PITFIELD of Fordington Licenced Victualler and Edwin PITFIELD of 13 High West Street Dorchester hair dresser the sons and executors estate £379.15s.4d
Probate Thomas Homer SAUNDERS of Fordington formerly of Watercoombe Farm gentleman Died 21 Mar 1886 A2A D/LRL/1/396 + National Probate Calendar DHC= Probate copy will: Thomas Homer SAUNDERS of Fordington, (formerly of Watercombe Farm) gentleman Will dated 7 Dec 1872 (8 docs, including copy will of Joseph SAUNDERS dated 25 Jan 1879 Probate granted 9 Apr 1881)
NPC= Thomas Homer SAUNDERS Probate 14th May 1896 Thw Will of Thomas Homer Saunders formerly of Watercombe Farm but late of Fordington both in the county of Dorset Gentleman who died 21 March 1886 at Fordington was proved at Blandford by Thomas Chapman SAUNDERS of Watercombe in the said county Farmer the son one of the surviving executors. Personal Estate £24,513 13s 5d
Probate George HOLLEY of Fordington Died 31 May 1887 A2A D/LRL/1/194 + National Probate Calendar Probate Granted 9 Jul 1887 Administration of the Personal estate of George HOLLEY late of of Fordington in the county of Dorset Butcher a Bachelor who died 31 May 1887 at Fordington was granted at Blandford to Samuel HOLLEY of Fordington Carter in the employ of the Great Western Railway Company the Father and next of Kin Personal estate £118 17s 3d
Probate Philip PEARCE of Fordington Died 16th June 1892 National Probate Register Philip PEARCE of Fordington Dorset Solicitor's clerk died 16th June 1892 at Dorchester Dorset Probate Blandford 27th July to Francis William Bower Pearce Gentleman (his brother)Effect £10,801. 12s. 7d. [Note:- Philip PEARCE (1824-1892) was the 3rd child from the marriage of Philip PEARCE the Elder (1794-1871) to Eliza WHITTLE at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 20th June 1820]
Probate Mary Ann GRIGG of Child Okeford Dorset Died 17th Mar 1893 National Probate Register Administration granted : Mary Ann Grigg of Childe Okeford Dorset Widow died 17th March 1893 at Dorchester administration with Will Blandford 10th July to Rosanna Stevens (wife of Stephen Stevens) Effects £44.14s.1d
Probate Walter HONEYBUN of Fordington Dorchester Dorset Died 1st Jan 1896 National Probate Register Administration granted at Blandford 25th January to Sarah HONEYBUN widow effects £42.18s.1d [Note:- Walter is a child from the marriage of Charles HONEYBUN Junior (1825-1880) who married a Sarah Ann from Fordington circa 1859]
Probate William GALPIN of Fordington Will 15 Jan 1895
Died 21 Sep 1896
A2A D/LRL/1/171 & D/LRL/1/171 + National Probate Calendar  DHC: =Probate copy will: William GALPIN of Fordington Gentleman Will dated 15 Jan 1895 Probate granted 13 Jan 1897 NPC:=GALPIN William of Heathcote Lodge Dorchester Dorsetshire gentleman died 21 Sep 1896 Probate Blandford 13th Jan 1897 to Jane GALPIN widow and George GALPIN gentelman Effects £33,782 16s 9d
Probate Frederick Edward BALLAM of West Fordington, blacksmith Died 29 Nov 1896 A2A D/LRL/1/726 &  D/LRL/1/726  + National Probate Calendar DHC hold a copy of his Will dated 8 Oct 1896: Probate: Frederick Edward BALLAM of 23 Prospect Place West Fordington Dorsetshire, blacksmith died 29 Nov 1896 Probate Granted Blandford 17 Mar 1897 to Thomas Edward BALLAM blacksmith Effects £489. 8s
Probate Mary Ann HAYNE of Fordington Died 05 Oct 1898 A2A D/LRL/1/198 + National Probate Register Copy of her Will dated 3 Feb 1894 held at DHC: Probate : Mary Anne HAYNE of Fordington Dorsetshire (Wife of Robert Hayne) died 6th May 1898 Probate Blandford 5th Oct 1898 to William henry CHAMBERLAINE Lieutenant in the Royal Navy Effects £1,844. 11s. 7d
Probate John LEGG of the "Noah's Ark" public house 1 High Street Fordington St George Dorchester licenced Victualler Died 08 Nov 1901 National Probate Calendar Probate Blandford 5th December to George MITCHELL Hall-Keeper and Henry James GODWIN Painter Effects £125.2s3d. [Note:- Link to more Information]
Probate Henry Joseph MOULE of 3 Trinity Street Dorchester Dorset Esq Died 13 March 1904 National Probate Calendar Probate Blandford 24 May to Elizabeth MOULE widow the right Handley Carr Glyn MOULE Lord Bishop of Durham and Robert STRATHERN writer to the signet Effects £9,354 14s 2d
Letter of Administration for the estate of Elias (William) MAYO of Fordington in Dorset Died 4th Sep 1910

National Probate Calendar image 75 of 213

Probate of MAYO, Elias of the  'Union Arms'  Fordington Dorchester licensed victualler died 4 Sep 1910 Probate Blandford 26th Sep 1910 to Mary Elizabeth MAYO spinster and John Richard PEACH saddler Effects £145 19s 9d [Note:- Elias William MAYO (1832-1910) who married Sarah nee CHAPMAN at FStG 2nd July 1854]
Probate George PITFIELD of 4 Belvedere crescent Parkstone Dorset retired liced victialler Died 8 Jan 1917 National Probate Calendar Probate Blandford 5th March to George James Dennis estate agent Walter Edwin Groves accountant and Charles Bladud Ashby insurance superintendant Effects £5,769.18s.1d [Note:- Son of George PITFIELD (1815-1874) & Caroline Margaret CRITCHELL (1822-1885)]
Probate Alfred Tom SMITH of 3 Alfred place King Street Fordington Dorchester private Army service Corps Died 14 Oct 1918 National Probate Calendar Died in Belgium Administration Blandford 27 Dec to Fred SMITH builders carter Effects £169 11s 4d
Probate Gilbert Laird JESSOP of St George's Vicarage Fordington Dorset Died 11th May 1955 National Probate Calendar Died 11th May 1955 probate Winchester 6th July to Rev Gilbert Laird Osborne JESSOP Clerk Effects £2,044.5s.6d.
Letter of Administration for the estate of xx of Fordington in Dorset OPC PCC Admons Folio xx Grantee

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