Members of the Dorchester Company 1624-1626

©Compiled by Michael Russell OPC for Fordington 2007

Last updated Sep 2022

The original 119 Members

The background to the formation of the 'Dorchester Company' is given in the Biography of Rev. John White (1575-1648) also on this site. Two lists of the members of the Dorchester Company are found in the Court of Requests Uncalendered Bundles Nos. 630, 676. They stem from documents associated with several lawsuits during 1636 over sequestration of Salt owned by the Dorchester Company. The complainants name ninety members; John White in his answer gives one hundred and twenty one but as he repeats two names, Snooke and Vyney, the correct number of members appears to be one hundred and nineteen.

The full list with brief biographical notes is also given in the Book 'John White The Patriarch of Dorchester [Dorset] and Founder of Massachuesetts' by Frances Rose-Troup published by GP Putnam's Sons in 1930 and is given in the left hand column below but changed to alphabetical order to ease identification. Rose-Troup says about this listing ' This list appears to include all those who became members during the three or four years of the Company's existance. Of the fourteen persons who Whiteway gives as forming the "New England Planters Parliament" in Dorchester on 31st March 1624 all appear in this list except John KEATE, instead of whom Thomas KEATE is given.

Over the years many people have tried to expand our knowledge of these individuals and added people who may have been closely involved with the New England Company or emigration to America but some of these statements are speculative and few provide original source details. I have therefore decided to go back to original source material concentrating on the list provided by Rose-Troup and this will take some time to collate -- this file therefore represents work in progress. My aim in the long term is to draw out a better understanding of the sort of people that John White was able to enlist to his cause and the role many were playing in the shaping of this important part of our social history.

When I have enough material on an individual I am producing a short biography, and a link in the right hand column to that file. In the meantime I am simply locating information from the following sources and adding them to the right hand column. This may inevitably result in duplication which at this stage is good as it helps substantiate the accuracy of the data and highlight differences. When this stage is complete I will look for more source material hopefully working from a sound base. Where I have come across pictures or monumental inscriptions I have added these under Rose-Troups short biography in the left hand column until I can create that persons biography. Comments, pointers to source material etc are welcome.

SOURCES already identified include:-

BHOL - British History On Line website
CAM - Cambridge University Alumni - list of all known students, graduates, and officers at the University of Cambridge, England, from 1261 to 1900
CCED - The Clergy of the Church of England database (CCEd) is an online database of clergy of the Church of England between 1540 and 1835. This database is still being compiled Feb 2009 and may therefore contain only some of a persons appointments etc.
DNB - The Dictionary of National Biography
DD- Dorchester Divided - Researches & Reflections on Dorchester in the Early 17thc by the Community Play Research Group - published 2002
DV - The Visitation of Dorset taken in the year 1623 Taken by Henry St George & Samson Lennard Edited by John Paul Rylands in the year 1885 published by the Harlein Society Volume xx. When these pedigrees were taken they were signed by the head of the family visited. Also the visitation for 1677 published in London in 1977.
DV2 - The Visitation of Devon taken in the year 1620
DV3 - The Visitation of Dorset taken in the year 1677 made by Sir Edward Bysshe Knight Transcribed & edited by GD Squibb Chairman of the Dorset Quaret Sessions 1953-71 Published London 1977
FAC - The Casebook of Sir Francis Ashley JP Recorder of Dorchester 1614-1635; Dorset Record Society 1981
FFH - Fire From Heaven Life in an English Town in the 17th Century by David Underdown published by Pimlico 1992
HD - History of Dorchester during the British Roman, Saxon and Norman periods by James Savage Published in 1837 by Weston Simond ^ Sydenham and sold by Sherwood Gilbert & Piper 23 Paternoster Row London
HACD - The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset” by John HUTCHINS Published 1860-74
JHC - Journal of the House of Commons from British History on Line also State Papers entries same source
JOS - Judy Osborn and Martha Strong, see . I am conscious of the hard work put in and useful pointers to data at this site. They are not original source material however and will eventually be replaced as this is located. I will however include a dedication to their efforts when complete. For now I have left in comments where source still has to be identified.
MRD - Municipal Records of Dorchester by Charles Herbert Mayo - 1908
MR - Extracts from Parish Registers & Bishops Transcripts with comments by Michael Russell OPC for Dorchester & Fordington
NBI - National Burial Index
OXA - Oxford University Alumni - register of students, graduates, and officers who attended Oxford University between 1500 and 1886. Original data: Foster, Joseph. Alumni Oxonienses: The Members of the University of Oxford, 1715-1886 and Alumni Oxonienses: The Members of the University of Oxford, 1500-1714. Oxford: Parker and Co., 1888-1892.
PRO - National Archives - Documents on Line - Wills Prerogative Court of Canterbury and related Probate Jurisdictions
QS - Dorset Quarter Sessions Order Book 1625- 1638 Volume 14 of Dorset Record Society Published 2006 -
RT - 'John White The Patriarch of Dorchester [Dorset] and Founder of Massachuesetts' by Frances Rose-Troup published by GP Putnam's Sons in 1930. Additional comments from her in addition to the main biographical listing.
SDH - Studies in Dorset History by Maureen Weinstock M.A. F.R.Hist.S. published by Longmans (Dorchester) Ltd 1953 a study of the Weymouth Port & Petty Customs Books and the role of Dorchester Merchants
WW - William Whiteway of Dorchester - His diary 1618-1635 based on notes compiled by Thomas D Murphy Dorset Record Society - factual account by an eye witness.

CHARLES ADYN & LAWRENCE ADYN living about Shrowsbury, Shrowshire. [Note now Shrewsbury in Shropshire]
[Entries 85 and 84 in listing]
[MR] Charles & Lawrence ADYN [ADIN] I have not so far located an Adyn family in Shropshire at this date so cannot at present see a connection with those in Dorchester.

According to David Underdown in 'Fire from Heaven' the family of ADYN had been prominent in Dorchester for over a century in the early 1600's. 'Families like the Adyns occupied civic offices more or less in rotation but took little part in the affairs of the country': William Adyn was MP for Dorchester in 1571. As Country Gentlemen I did not expect to find them being educated at Oxford or Cambridge and they do not appear in the Alumni records. They were Maltsters and the 2nd fire of Dorchester broke out in John Adyn's Malt house on 30 Jan 1623. John died in Dorchester in the summer of 1626. Whilst the Adyn family was well known to the Rev. John White it is unlikely they shared his vision. Robert ADYN for example was a catholic recusant and despite his father & brother holding high civic office he spent most of his life in Dorchester Goal because of his outspoken religious views.
MR. ALDEN . Robert Alden one of those who sold their right to the Plymouth Planters in 1626. Bradford says "Mr Allden (something now softened by my letter before mentioned) who was one of our powerfulest opposers, did not yield thereto, but was a furtherer of the [composition of Adventurers]".
[Entry 121 in listing]
[MR] Robert ALDEN [ALLDEN] His name is listed among the 42 Adventurers who according to William Bradford Governor signed the Allerton agreement on 15 Nov 1626.
MARGARET ALLEN of Bloxworth, widow.
[Entry 54 in listing]
[Need access to Parish Registers DHC - I note that a Margaret ALLEN married a William BUN in Fordingtion on 19th Jul 1626 which could be her remarrying in her widowhood ?]
RICHARD ALLEN of Ditchet, Devon, [Clerk] . Rector of Ditcheat, installed 8 Apr. 1608, "A celebrated Non-Conformist divine". His son was rector at Batcombe, but was deprived in 1662 as a preacher up of sedition, zealous covenanter". [Entry 92 in listing] [MR] , Note: See Separate Biography on this site.Richard ALLEN [ALLEINE] MA. (c1575 - 1656)
SIR FRANCIS ASHLEY [Knight] 3rd son of Anthony Ashley, of Damerham, Whiltshire. Magdalen Hall, Oxford, 1589; Barrister, Sergeant-at-law; Knighted 1618. Recorder of Dorchester and M.P. for the Borough of Dorchester, 1614-1625. Died 2nd Nov 1635. Will [P.C.C. 44 Pil] probate 19 May 1636. His daughter and heiress married Denzil Holles. [Entry 1 in listing] [MR] Note: See Separate Biography on this site.Sir Francis ASHLEY (1569-1635)
JOHN BALL of Langton [Clerk] d.20 Oct 1639 Will (P.C.C. 52 Coventry) 4 Jun 1639, pro. 29 Apr 1640; Rector of Langton Matravers 1618; cousin of John White[Entry 60 in listing] [MR] Note: See Separate Biography on this site.John BALL [BAWLE] (1574-1639)
JOHN BLACHFORD [ Woolen Draper] Married Margaret Membury, 6 Oct. 1610, Trinity Church, Dorchester. Buried [Trinity] 23 Nov 1632 [Source Rev.RG Bartelot]
[Entry 21 in listing]
[MR] Note: See Genealogical Notes on The BLACHFORD Family of Dorchester 1593-1652
DENNIS BOND [Woollen Draper] Son of John Bond of Lutton in Purbeck (Dorset) and father of John Bond, minister of the Savoy. M.P. for Dorchester 1640. [When dying in 1658, was in much anxiety of spirit; the vulgar talk was that the Devil came to take away Cromwell, at the same time on his death bed, who was not prepared to go;" he gave Bond for his future appearance, and on 3 September made good his promise". d. 30 Aug.1658
[Entry 12 in listing]

[MR] Note: See Separate Biography on this site Dennis BOND (1588-1658)

MATTHEW BONGER [Baker,] Married Margery Hardy, 24 Sept. 1607, Trinity Church, Dorchester. His shop was near the East end of St. Peter's Church. Bur. 12 Feb. 1637/8.
[Entry 26 in listing]
Matthew BONGER [or BONGIER or BONIOUR] (c1580 - 1637/8 or after 1645?)

Very little is known about Matthew BONGER's life. The earliest record I can locate about him is his marriage to Margery HARDYE in the church of Holy Trinity in Dorchester on 26 Oct 1607 when he would have been married by the newly arrived Rev. John WHITE. The average age for marriage for a male in 17th Century Dorchester was 27 so I have had to assume birth circa 1580. There is an early record which may apply to the 18th year of the Reign of James I [1619/20] which suggests that Matthew Bonger obtained a lease from the burgesses of the town for the term of his natural life for the 'Sheep market' for which he agreed to pay the Mayor and Burgesses £10 per annum.

On 2nd Nov 1621 he was formally admitted as a member of the Company of Freemen when his occupation was recorded as that of a baker. He also of course invested in the Dorchester Company in 1624. At a special court of the Governor, assistants, and Freemen of the Borough held on 24th day of September 1630 it was agreed that the tradesmen and handicraftsmen of the borough be divided into five companies each of which was to be governed by a warden. One of these was the 'Company of Fishmongers' which despite it's title covered 19 diverse trades one of which was 'bakers' and another the 'butchers'. Matthew Bonger was appointed the first ever warden of the Fishmongers Company and his role was to attend the Governors Court and report all abuses of trading within his area of responsibility by foreigners or freemen. He was clearly therefore of some standingg in the community.

On 1st June 1632 we also know that he had a servant called William Douche as he gave evidence against a number of townspeople for playing 'nine holes' on the Sabbath day. Rose Troup refers to his burial on 12 Feb 1637/8 but I have yet to confirm this and there is the following entry in the Municipal Records which may suggest otherwise. He did however marry in 1607 so its possible that this is his son who perhaps became a member of the Company of Freemen after 1635 when the records cease.

A feature of the town were the butchers shops (or standings) and shambles situated near the east end of St Peters church which were town property. On 22 July 1640 it was agreed, at the motion of Matthew Bonger, that the sergeants at Mace would on St James day next proclaim in the fair that if the country men will bring in their sheep and cattle on any market days, provision shall be made for penning of the sheep that shall be brought to the market to be sold. There were two rows of butchers shops, east and west, and on 10 June 1645 one in the west row was leased by a Matthew Bonger.

Genealogical Notes:-
[FFH] page 133: Phillimore's Marriage Registers, published in 1909: [MRD] Pages 403, 422, 494, 502, 664, 698: [HACD] p 339 [RT] p451 Note:- A Matthew BANGER was buried at powerstock dorset 1657 see NBI?
MILES BOWNES - [Clerk] b.1585, d. 1630. Will [P.C.C. 98 Scope] pro by relict Eleanor 17 Nov. 1630. Of Queens College, Oxford. [Source Foster's Alumni Oxoniensis] Rector of Hampreston inst. 1614.
[Entry 35 in listing]

[CAM] BOWNES or BOWNAS, Miles Entered 29 Oct 1602; MA 1612 (Inc from Oxford) of Westmoreland Matricated (from Queens College Oxford) Oct 29 1602; Rector of Hampreston Dorset Will PCC 1630.

[OXA] BOWNES, Myles, of Westmoreland pleb Queens College Oxford matriculated 29 Oct 1602 aged 17; BA 20 May 1606; MA 6 Jul 1609; (incorporated at Cambridge 1612) BD 9 Mar 1620-21 as Bowness.

[CCED] BOWNES, Myles ordained 23 Dec 1609; deacon of Staunton Harecourte 24 Dec 1609; Priest 23 Sep 1610; Instituted Rector of Hampreston 19 July 1615. His successor was appointed 2 Dec 1630. [MR] The impressive monument opposite is to him and his 8 daughters & situated inside All Saints Church in Hampreston.

[PRO] Will of Miles Bownes, Parson of Hampreston, Dorset; Date of Probate 17 November 1630; Name of Register: Scroope Quire Numbers: 64 - 117; Prob Ref 11/158
WILLIAM BRADISH, [Clerk] - Doctor of Divinity of Puddletowne, Dorset (5 m. NE of Dorchester). Will dated 7 Oct. 1638.[Source Pope MSS Dorchester] Rector of Puddletowne and Athelhampton, Jan. 1623. His brother Stephen Bradish of Ireland "went beyond seas".[Source Rev RG Bartelot] [New England Planters Parliament]
[Entry 58 in listing]

Against the east wall of the Sanctuary is a Mural Tablet, now illegible, to the Rev William Bradish D D, Vicar of Puddletown from 1611 to 1639. The inscription originally read: “QUE COETUM HUNC PIETATE ANTIQUA, ET OPERA ASSIDUA PER ANNOS XXVIII INSTITUIT HIC PLACIDE OBDORMIT, VIR OMNI ERUDITIONE, MORUMQUE SUAVITATE EXECULTISSIMUS GULIELMUS BRADESHIUS SACRAE THEOLOGIAE PROFESSOR COLL. EMAN. CANTAB. OLIM ALUMNUS” May be translated as: “Here sleeps peacefully the man who for 27 years presided over this Guild (or Gathering) with all the piety of the ages of faith, and with unfailing energy. He was unrivalled for his extensive learning and for the sweetness of his disposition. His name was William Bradish: he was educated at Emmanuel College, Cambridge and Professor of Theology.
[WW] BRADISH, DR. Died 1638. rector of Puddletown and Athelhampton from 1611. Investor in the Dorchester Company. A leader in opposition to the Fifteen, Sept 1631.

[CCED] BRADISH, William [Willimus] Refers to earlier appointment 7 Jun 1609 as Rector of Morton Derbyshire; also Instituted as Rector of free chapel of Athelhampton Dorset 29 Jan 1624.

[CAM] BRADISH, William Adm pens at Emmanuel College Cambridge Aug 26 1594 (previously Trinity College 1592) Scholar of Emmanuel; BA 1597/8; MA 1601; BD 1608; DD 1621; Fellow of Emmanuel 1601; Vicar of Piddletown Dorset 1611-38; Died 1638.

[MR] At the National Archives [Dorset History Centre] ; Church of England, Puddletown Parish, Dorset; Two copies of the will of William Bradish D.D. of Puddletown See Ref PE/PUD/CH/2/1 1638: Also under Burials in woollen  PE/PUD/RE/4/1  1678-1716 At the back: Notes on the deaths [inscriptions?] of William Bradish 1638.

[MR] In "The decline of life" by Susannah Ottaway -- " The principal endowed charity in Puddletown was Bradish's charity, set up in the 17c by the Will of William Bradish . The charity gave £4 annually to clothe six poor people in the village(upon condition they be then able to say by heart the catechism) & 20shillings distributed each Christmas to four poor persons of the parish who could read.
[RT] Elected to the New Planters Parliament at the free school 31 Mar 1634
JOHN BROWNE, Esq. - Of Frampton. Son of Sir John Browne of Frampton b.c. 1582, d. 16 May 1659. Of Magdalen College, Oxford; Of Middle Temple; M.P. Dorset and Bridport. [Source Foster's Alumni Oxoniensis] [New England Plantation]
[Entry 53 in listing]
[MR] Note: See Separate Biography on this site. John BROWNE JP (1582-1659)
WALTER BURGES of Buckland. [Clerk] B. c.1580. of Oriel College, Oxford, from Dorset. Vicar of Buckland Ripers, installed 1608. Parliamentary return 1650 "Mr. Walter Burges, an able man as minister".Afterwards Preacher at Radipole. [Bayley Civil Wars]
[Entry 72 in listing]
[OXA] BURGES, Walter of Dorset; pleb Oriel College Oxford Matriculated 12 Dec 1600 age 20; BA 23 Jun 1604; MA 22 Jun 1608; Vicar of Buckland Ripers Dorset 1608.

[CCED] BURGES, Walterus ordained decon in Salisbury Cathedral 26 May 1605
RICHARD BURY [Grocer] d before 1668; Elected feoffee of Dorchester Free School 24 Mar 1640/1. One of "Dorset committee" 1646 [Source Rev RG Bartelot]
[Entry 22 in listing]
Richard BURY [BURIE/BURYE/BERRY] (c1584 - 1661)      Link to Transcription of his Will

A grocer and apothecary by trade the earliest reference I have to him is when he took on his first apprentice (a Thomas Evans the son of a local widow) on 25 Aug 1619 for 10 years. As such by law Richard had to be a householder and at least 24 years old so he was born prior to 1595 and later information places this nearer to 1584 or perhaps slightly earlier. In 1624 he was one of the 119 investors in the 'Dorchester Company', and when there were difficulties in 1627 he was one of the main supporters with John White to reform the company. In the Survey of ships belonging to Weymouth his name appears as Richard BERRY as the owner of the 'Fellowship' the first of the ships bought by the Dorchester Company. Between 1619 and 1633 the municipal records show that he took on five apprentices in all, the fourth being a William White the son of a widow Anne on 25 June 1632.
    Note:- William White (1617-aft 1684) was the nephew of Rev John White by his elder brother Josias who died in 1622/3 leaving 4 children, the third son being called William. Although his widow Anne remarried to a Francis Drake in Surrey he also died on 17 March 1633 and like many others in the White family Anne moved to live in Dorchester close to the patriarch and her son. We know her son William became a merchant trading in Dorchester and married Dorothy one of Richard Bury's daughters before removing to live in London.

Richard Bury, a staunch puritan, was first elected Constable of Dorchester for a year on 2 Oct 1626, a post he also held during 1629-30. In 1627 he and another constable Richard Williams were required to press men for Buckingham's ill fated expedition to the Isle of Rhe. On 6 Oct 1628 he was elected Governor of the Company of Freemen filling the role of Assistant Governor the following year and again in 1632-33. As such his name appears in the Charter granted to Dorchester by Charles I which was dated 22nd Sep 1629 where he is listed as one of the original 24 members of the Common Council of Freemen. He was also elected as a Capital Burgess of the town on 2nd January 1632/3 when he took over from John Long who had recently died. He was elected Bailiff of Dorchester on 30 Sep 1633 (and again in 1638 and 1647) and County Treasurer in 1635. He first became Mayor of Dorchester in 1640, being appointed a second time on 4 Oct 1650. Another role he was elected to was that of feoffee of the Dorchester Free School on 24 Mar 1640/1. He lived in a house that he had purchased from a Charles James in 1637 for £190 called 'Foxwell's tenement'. It was situated between houses owned by James Gould a merchant of Dorchester and the widow Elizabeth Cundytt on the east side of South High Street Dorchester.

He was one of the few that did well very out of the civil war (1642-1651) and an indication of his wealth is given in Charters 691/2 where he leased 'Court farm' in the parish of Buckhorne Weston Dorset for £1,100 and many other lands for 99 years.

He married a Dorothy and they had at least 3 sons Phineas, John & Thomas BURY and 4 daughters, these being Dorothy the wife of William White; Sarah the wife of Samuel Clarke (who was one of the witnesses of Richard Bury's will); Mary the wife of Samuel Cromleholme and Elizabeth the wife of Michael Watts. Its possible that he had a 4th son Nathaniel as he was admitted to the Company of Freemen in Dorchester on 03 Jan 1632/3 an apothecary apprenticed to his father. nathaniel married in Wiltshire in 1639 but is not listed in Richard Bury's will.

    Phineas Bury (1634-1678/9) is recorded as a scholar of Dorchester, presumably of the 'free school' there as his father was feoffee. Phineas was educated at Wadham College Oxford where he matriculated 2 Apr 1652 at the age of 18. Obtaining his BA in 1654, became a Fellow 1656, and received his MA in 1657. He was a sub warden in 1662, proctor 1665, and became Canon of Chester in 1670, and Rector of Southrop Gloucestershire in 1675. He died in London on 28 Jan 1678/9.
    John Bury (c1636) married Ann Bascombe, both described as being from Weymouth, at St Peters Church in Dorchester in August 1657. They had a son Richard Cromleholme Bury who was born on 24th Oct 1664 baptised at St Peters on 8th Nov 1664.

In 1648 he was made an officer of the new volunteer force & on 15th July marched on Shaftsbury. Municipal Records in Dorchester show that he was elected as an Alderman of the town on 29th October 1652 but was living in London in 1656 and in 1659 was described as being well into his 70's. He wrote his will on 20th March 1660 when he simply gave his residence as London. He died in 1661 his will being proved on 25th October that year.    Link to Transcription of his Will. In Dorchester he was replaced as Capital Burgess because he had died on 14 Apr 1662.

[FFH] pages 122, 180, 208, 212, 214/5, 217, 223, 233: [HD] page 129: [MRD] : [RT] Pages 93, 101, 263, 457: [WW] pages 85, 99, 106/7, 125, 127, 134, 157,174: Phineas OXA. [SDH] page 32
RICHARD BUSHROD - [Haberdasher and Merchant Adventurer] Son of John Bushrod of Sherborne, Dorset. Married Dorothy sister of John Watts. [Source Rev.RG Bartelot] d. 1 July 1628.Will [P.C.C.- Ridley] Bailiff of Dorchester 1621. M.P. for Dorchester, 1625/6. Obtained licence for voyage to New England [New Planters Parliament] [Entry 32 in listing]
[MR] Note: See Separate Biography on this site. Richard BUSHROD (1576-1628)
ROBERT CHEEKE - [Clerk] b. c.1572,Of Magdalen Hall Oxford, from Somerset [Source Foster's Alumni Oxoniensis] d. 8 July 1627. Rector of All Saints Church, Dorchester and schoolmaster.
[ Entry 34 in listing]
[MR] Note:- The life of Rev. Robert CHEEKE MA (1572-1627) is covered under the History of the Free school in Dorchester.

EDWARD CLARKE, [Clerk] Married as 2nd wife Anne Pelham, dau. of Herbert Pelham at Fordington 3 May 1621; she was sister of Eliz. 2nd wife of John Humfry . d.31 Dec 1630. Will (PCC 41 St. John) .pro. 18 Apr 1631. Assistant to John White 1620-1625. Removed to Taunton in July 1625 [Source Whiteways diary] Vicar of St Mary Magdalen Taunton 1628 [Weaver] [New England Planters Parliament]
[Entry 44 in listing]
Edward (Edwardus) CLARKE (1593/94-1631) He was educated at Oxford matriculating at Exeter College on 14th Feb 1611/12 at the age of 18 being awarded a BA in 1616 and MA in 1619(1) . From there he went to Dorchester arriving in 1620 to become an assistant to the charismatic Rev. John WHITE the rector of Holy Trinity Church(2) . Through John White he met the Rev. Edward PELE (1582-1643), the vicar of nearby St Georges Church in Fordington and was introduced to the influential PELHAM family. Herbert PELHAM, the head of the family, unfortunately died shortly after his arrival on 21st April 1620 and the following year on 2nd May Edward CLARKE married Anne the daughter of Herbert PELHAM by his second wife Elizabeth(3) . Anne PELHAM had been baptised in Hellingly Sussex 22 Mar 1601/02 before the family moved to Fordington and was a younger sister to Thomas PELHAM listed below(4). She also had a younger sister Elizabeth (Bap Hellingly Sussex 27 apr 1604) that married in Salisbury on 4 Sep 1621 to become the 2nd wife of John HUMPHREY of Chaldon Herring(4) . He was also active in promoting the settlement of New England, where he arrived with his wife in May, 1635 to become Deputy Governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony.

Edward and Anne had three children baptised in Fordington : (1) Elizabeth 10 months after they married on 17 Feb 1621; (2) Anne baptised 23 Nov 1623; and (3) Edward baptised 19 Jun 1625(3) . Both Edward CLARKE and Anne's brother Thomas PELHAM invested in the Dorchester Company and on 3rd March 1623/24 he was one of the 12 members elected to serve under the Govenor Sir Walter Erle on the New England Committee. On Sunday 18th July 1624 Edward baptised Margaret (Margery) the daughter of William WHITEWAY the diarist, another member of the committee.

In July 1625 he removed his family to Taunton(2) presumably as curate to the church of St Mary Magdalen as he was formally instituted as rector there on 1st April 1628(5) . He was succeeded in his post as assistant to John WHITE by Ferdinando NICHOLLS. Edward CLARKE's death is recorded in William WHITEWAY's Diary as 31st December 1630 which also shows that his wife died on 17th of the same month.(6)
Genealogical Notes:-
(1) [OXA] : (2) [WW Pages 61, 64, 75, 114, 129, 174]: (3) Bishops Transcripts Fordington: (4) DV & DV2 Pelham pages 53/54: (5) [CCED] (6) [PRO] Will of Edward Clarke, Clerk, Vicar of Taunton, Somerset; Probate date 18 Apr 1631; Name of Register: St. John Quire Numbers: 1 - 68 Ref PROB 11/159 (7) FFH Pages 63,258,453.
ROBERT COKER - [Goldsmith] Son of Thomas Coker of Dorchester; born c1579. Bur. (St Peter's) 4 Jan 1654/5 [Source Rev.RG Bartelot] He or his son must have been the goldsmith from whom captain Sydenham "borrowed" plate in his raid on Dorchester 1644 [Page 313]
(Entry 17 in listing)
Robert COKER (1579-1654/5) of Ashbosam was a goldsmith by trade and like his father lived in Dorchester. His grandparents were Thomas COKER of Ashbosom and Alice the daughter of Peter STANTER of Hornesham in Wiltshire. His father, their fifth son, was also named Thomas COKER and his mother Joane (nee HALLETT).

This family should not be confused with the Coker's of Mappowder many of which went to university, and may well have been related. See the 1677 Visitation of Dorset pages 14/15 for their pedigree - in particular Robert Coker of mappowder who died 24 Feb 1625 and is mentioned in William Whiteways diary.

Robert COKER married into the Chubb family (circa 1603) when he wed Martha the daughter of William CHUBB of Frome Selwood in Somerset. According to the 1623 Visitation of Dorset they had seven children:- (1) Mathew 1604; (2) Robert 1607;(3) Margaret 1609 who married William PATY 6 Oct 1628; (4) Joane 1612; (5) John 1618; (6) William 1620; and (7) Martha in 1622. Robert became a close friend to another goldsmith Matthew CHUBB (the elder) who was bailiff of Dorchester 1593, 1602 and in 1610. Matthew was authorised by the King on 12 Nov 1613 to advance £1,000 for the rebuilding of Dorchester after the great fire that year. The richest man in Dorchester he rebuilt the George Inn and with his wife Margaret endowed an almshouse for women. Matthew died in 1617. By the time his widow Margaret CHUBB died in 1628 her only son and heir Matthew CHUBB junior was still under age (who William Whiteway in his diary refers to as a 'little boy') so she left in her will dated 18 April 1625 all her lands and goods to Robert COKER on the condition that his 2nd daughter Joan COKER married her son. This clearly happened as Charter 636 (item 9) refers to Joane CHUBB the widow of Matthew CHUBB conveying the premises back to her parents on 23 Jan 1633.

The municipal records show that one month before the great fire of Dorchester (1613), which burnt down half the town, Robert COKER took on an apprentice Jasper ARNOLD for 10 years. On 30 Sep 1622 he was elected Assistant Governor of the Company of Freemen, a post he also held 1627-28, and 1629-30. in 1624 he invested in the Dorchester Co and was supportive of John WHITE's efforts to establish a plantation in New England. The Charter issued to Dorchester by Charles I dated 22 Sep 1629 names him as one of the 24 members of the Common Council of Freeman. In 1634 he was elected Governor of the Company for that year. During the Civil War he supported the Royalists. Robert died intestate being buried at St Peters Church 04 Jan 1654/5.
Sources:- [DD] Pages 19 & 138 Chubb page 135 etc: [DV] : [DV2] : Nat Archives Matthew Chubb Prob 11/130 will proved 15 July 1617: Margaret Chubb Prob 11/153 will proved 14 May 1628: [FFH] pages 153, 205, 206: [HD] page 129: [MRD] page 346/8 + Numerous ref on 20 different pages [RT] pages 102. 313, 450 [WW] pages 48, 69, 92, 99, 151, 175.Note:- See Index to Administrations in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury : and now preserved in the Principal Probate Registry, Somerset House Lodon, for Administration of his estate in 1655 with (admons d.b.n. June 1670) under folio 66.
JOHN CONANT [Counant] - [Clerk] son of Richard Conant of East Budleigh, Devon. Bp. 18 Mar 1585/6 d.13 April 1653. Will (P.C.C. 285 Brent) 8 Apr 1653 pro. 26 Sept 1653; Rector of Lymington Somerset inst 30 Dec 1619. Member of the Assembly of Divines [Brother of Roger Conant.] [For full account of him see F Odell Conant History of Conant Family].
[Entry 93 in listing]
[CCED] Ordained deacon 5 Mar 1615 Instituted Rector of Lymington 30 Dec 1619; ordained priest 16 Mar 1620; Licenced to preach whole of England 27 jun 1620

[OXA] CONANT, John of Devon pleb. Exeter College matriculated 15 Nov 1605 aged 18; BA 5 May 1609; Fellow 1611-1620; MA 29 Jan 1611/12; BD 2 Dec 1619; Licenced to preach 27 Jun 1620; Incorporated at cambridge 1620; Rector of Lymington

[RT] CONANT, John Highly esteemed by the Puritans being appointed Rector of Exeter College and a member of the Assembly of Divines. Brother of Christopher & Roger Conant of East Budleigh. His brothers went to London to make their fortune whilst he went to Oxford. Christopher as a grocer and Roger as a dealer in salt and salted fish. Roger married Sarah Horton 11 Nov 1618 at st Anns Blackfriars and they emigrated to the Plymouth Colony arriving in April 1623. His brother Christopher arrived that July but returned to England after a few years. Roger disliking separatist rule left the colony to join those left at Cape Ann. See Book for account and description of him and the short biography of John White on this site

JOHN COOKE - [Mercer] Buried 26 April 1641, Trinity Church, Dorchester. Will dated 23 April 1641, proved 26 Oct. 1641 [PCC 127 Evelyn].
[Entry 4 in listing]
[WW] COKE, John (died 1641) Mercer and fustian-weaver of Puddletown and Dorchester. First Governor of the hospital 1616-34. Governor of freemen 1625-26, 1629-32. Lieutenant in county militia 1627. A leader in revolt against Fifteen 1631. Twice undersheriff.

[WW] Diary date: 1 Oct 1619 made Constable Diary date: 29 Sep 1620 made constable.
PATROCLUS COOKE - Beadle of the Freemen of Dorchester 1621. Buried [Trinity] as Patroclius Cooke 18 January 1657/8. Will dated 3 Jan. 1657/8 (PCC 257 Wooten). [Source Rev RG Bartelot]
[Entry 6 in listing]
[WW] COOKE, Patroclus (died 1658) Beadle of company of freemen 1621-22. 1623-24. Sergeant at Mace 1624 and 1634. One of leaders in revolt against the Fifteen 1631. Burgess 1631. Married 2nd wife in Dorchester 15th April 1634.

[FFH] Constable 1620; Beadle 1621; 1624 dismissed as sergeant (For some words spoken against Lord chief Baron- See WW Diary page 65); sidesman Trinity Parish next few years ; Overseer Trinity 1633; 1636 constable again; supplied ammunition in Civil war 1644 - Will dated 28th May 1658 Nat Archives Prob 11/276 available on line)

[NBI] Petroelius COOKE buried Dorchester Dorset Parish of Holy Trinity 18 Feb 1658

JOSIAS COOTH [COOTHES] of Sherborne. [Linen Draper]. [See Bayley Civil Wars]
[Entry 73 in listing]

Will of Josias COOTH (d.1666), Mercer of Sherborne, Dorset;

In the name of God Amen I Josias COOTH of Sherborne in the County of Dorset Mercer being very infirm in body but in good and perfect memory blessed be to God do revoke all formewr wills and make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following.

First I render my soul into the hands of Almighty God my only saviour and redeemer hoping for salvation in and through the mercy and merits of Jesus Christ

And my body to be interred in the churchyard of Sherbone where the body of Elizabeth my former wife deceased lyeth.

And touching such temporal estate as God hath blest me with

Impremis I shall leave unto my loving wife Anne my copyhold tenement in Brockhampton for her yo enjoy during her widowhood according to the custom of the Manor.

And I give unto my daughter Mary all the rest and residue of my tenure which shall be to come and unexpired in certain grounds called Ffeaventh? and all my right totle and interest that I now have or hereafter might or shall have or ought to have in a parcel of ground called or known by the name of March Wood with all my household stuff and all the rest and residue of my estate real and personal moveable and unmoveable whatsoever and I do nominate and appoint her to be my executrix of this my last Will and Testament.

And for as much as my daughter is an infant my will is and I do constitute my wife Anne to be her Guarian until my daughter shall be married or until she shall accompluish the age of twenty years which shall first happen. And my will is that my loving wife Anne shall have full power and authority to make sale or any other monies to dispose of any of the estate of my daughter as she in her wisdom shall best think for the benefit and advantage of my daughter Mary my executrix.

And if my daughter Mary shall happen to die before marriage and before she accomplish the age of twenty years Then my will is that my loving wife Anne shall have and enjoy the whole remainder of my estate

And I do desire my loving friends and my cousin Jonathan COOTH and my cousin John John WHETCOMBE Junior and Mt Stroud BILSE and Mr Lionell PYNE to assist my wife with their advice if need be as they hope in God may be real friends unto them in the like.

Whereunto I have set my hand and seal the 18th day of August 1666 Josias COOTH - signed sealed published and declared in the presence of Lionell Hand junior George Gaylard William Mere the mark of Maglan Bune the mark of Mary Jeanes ---

Probate granted 20 Oct 1666, PCC Name of Register: Mico Quire Numbers: 139 - 184; PROB Ref 11/322 The parish registers for Sherbone show that Josias COOTH Gentleman was buried there on 16th Oct 1666.

[SDH] In 1625 he had a share in 5 loads exported and 14 imported from Weymouth in 1625 page 35

[MRD] pages 401; 402; 415; 424; 427; 652

RICHARD COOTH of Ensom (Edmondsham?), Somerset. There was a John Cooth of Dorchester, Will 1634. A Richard Cooth, gentleman, of Sherborne, Dorset, mentioned in 1635.
[Entry 94 in listing]
FRANCIS CROSSING of Exeter, Devon. B.c. 1597 or 1601. Son of Hugh Crossing, Mayor of Exeter. Married Elizabeth, dau. of Matthew Pitt of Crickett Malherbe qv [No 42] . of Balliol College, Oxford. [Source Forster's Alumni Oxoniensis] Will proved 1639 (PCC 101 Harvey). M.P. for St. Michael and for Camelford.
[Entry 91 in listing]
[DV2] He is not listed in the visitation but we know from OXA that he was the son og Hugh Crossing mayorof Exeter 1620 so the following is relevent. Grandson of Thomas Crossing; son of Hugh Crossing Mayor of Exeter (date of visitation 1620) & Joane daughter of John Barret of Barnstable. Brother of Thomas Crossing born Exeter 1597. [DV Page 342]

[OXA] CROSSING, Francis (Crossen) of Devon arm Balliol College Oxford matriculated 11 May 1615 aged 16; of Exeter (son of Hugh Crossing Mayor of Exeter) MP St Michael 1626; Camelford 1628-9; His will proved 15 June 1639.
EDMUND DASHWOOD - [Clothier] Son of John Dashwood, bp at West Stafford 6 July 1588. Married Thomasine daughter of John Henning Esq, of Poxwell. Died 5 idus Feb.1666 aet 78 (Tomb) [Source Rev RG Bartelot] , bur 14 Feb. 1666, Trinity Church, Dorchester.
[Entry 8 in listing]
Edmond [Edmund] DASHWOOD (1588-1643) (1) Baptised 6th July 1588, the son of John Dashwood of West Stafford Dorset(2), a mercer by trade; a puritan sympathiser and friend of the Rev John White. David Underdown places him in Dorchester as early as 1599(7). He married Thomasine the daughter of John HENNING Esq of Poxwell by his wife Dorothy Wareham. John Henning was High Sherrif of Dorset in 1610(9). Edmund is recorded as a witness on Charters in Dorchester in 1611 and was elected a Capital Burgess on 29th Sep1620 (3) also serving as Bailiff of Dorchester in 1619/20; 1625; 1633; 1636; 1639;1641(5). The Charter signed by Charles I on 22nd September 1629 names him as one of the first Aldermen of the City. He was also appointed Mayor of Dorchester on 1st October 1632(2b) and became an active supporter of John Whites schemes for example contributing towards the cost of the Hospital. The family traded with France as apart from being a mercer his son Francis Dashwood followed his fathers trade and married a french woman in Caen on 27th July 1634 (although William Whiteway does not record her name). A Thomas Dashwood recorded as landing at Rye from France and being on his way to Dorchester in 1636(6) is likely to be another of his sons involved in the family business. His name appears on the petty customs records for the port of Weymouth in 1637 as does that of his father. Edmund himself was named by John White as one of the original 119 investors in the Dorchester Company (formed in 1624) and cited with others in the court case which came to trial in 1636(2) According to David Underdown (page 221 Fire from Heaven) he died in 1643 .(8)

Edward DASHWOOD (d1666/7)
Probably a third (and possibly eldest) son of Edmond Dashwood above. He was elected Constable of Dorchester 6th Oct 1623 and reconfirmed in the post for another term on 4th Oct 1624(4). A clothier by trade he was also named in Charles I's Charter of 1629 as one of the first 24 members of the Common council of Freemen of Dorchester. Business prospered with him taking on an apprentice in 1631 and being elected as one of the feoffees of All Saints in 1633, the year he was elected Governor of the Company of Freemen. He also acted as Assistant to the Governor in 1629-30 and 1634-5. With this background it is understandable that when Sir Francis Ashley died he replaced him as a Capital Burgess of Dorchester (on 4th May 1636) . He was an ensign in the parliamentary forces of the borough in 1643 and held the tenure of a property on the north side of High East street in 1646 when Richard Bury acquired the tenure of the property next to him. The following year he married Joane HYATT in West Stafford on 3rd Feb 1647/8(7). He was elected Bailiff of Dorchester 1649/50; 1651/2 and 1658/9(5) and first became its Mayor when the incumbent John Allambridge died in 1642. He was returned the following year and twice more in 1653 and 1662. He was buried at Holy Trinity church Dorchester on 14th February 1666/7 and his will proved 20th May 1667. From the way his will is written his daughter Sara Somers nee Dashwood may have been from an earlier marriage. His wife Joane was buried at Holy Trinity on 24th March 1675/6 and her will proved 10 May 1676. See also Memorials for HT Church.
Genealogical Notes:- There is much confusion between father and son, even by established biographers, so I have set out the facts as I understand them above.
(1) WW page 175 and FFH page 221
(2). RT page 449 & Court case page 102 (2b) Rose Troup gives a quote to Edmund being 'thrice Mayor of Dorchester'. If he was the other times pre dated the start of records in 1629. Edward was certainly Mayor 3 times.
(3). WW page 30 + He was a signatory as a capital burgess to the constitution of the Company of Freemen dated 22nd Oct 1621 + Visitation to Dorset 9th August 1623 confirms him to already be a burgess.
(4). WW pages 54 & 65
(5). HACD Pages 350 - 354
(6). Source British History On line 'The corporation of Rye: 1631-40', The Manuscripts of Rye and Hereford Corporations, etc.: Thirteenth report, Appendix Part IV (1892), pp. 194-213. URL:
(7). A CLDS record suggests that Joane Hyatt was the widow of Russell Hyatt and if true it is possible that this was also Edwards 2nd marriage as there is an apprenticeship record in Dorchester for 1634 for an Edward the son of Edward Dashwood merchant being apprenticed for 7 years to his father.
(8). FFH page 42 (Dorchester 1599) Death page 221 & 250
(9). John Hennings ancestry see Burke's Family Records pages 306-313 Thomazin 6th child page 307
(10). SDH Cargoes going through Weymouth: Francis Dashwood 11 Jan 1633 ship 'James' 11/- duty paid; 17th Jan 1633 ship Francis 3s duty paid; 19th Feb 1633 ship' Sarath' 6s duty paid; Thomas Dashwood 8 Oct 1637 ship 'Nonsuch' & 18 Nov 1637 ship 'Francis' paid £6 duty; Edmund Dashwood 7 Oct 1637 ship 'Little John' £1.4s duty paid
JOHN DAVY of Crediton. Son of John Davy od Sandford Crediton. d. 13 Oct 1654 Will (P.C.C. 101 Aylett) pro. 7 Aug 1655 Created Baronet 9 Sep 1641
[Entry 101 in listing]
of Crediton, Devon, (8 m. NW of Exeter). Son of John Davie and Margaret Southcott. Married (1) Julyan Strode, dau. of Sir William Strode and Elizabeth Courtney, (2) Isabel Hele. Margaret Southcott was a cousin of Capt. Richard Southcott who came in 1630. (Ref: Search Series Vol. 11, p. 34).

His son Humphrey Davie came to Boston, MA. Humphrey married Elizabeth White, dau. of Edmund White, whose nephew was a supporter of Rev. John White. John Davie's dau. Isabel married Walter Yonge, son of Walter Yonge and Jane Perriam. g
ANTHONY DERBY living in France. Son of William Derby of Dorchester.
[Entry 111 in listing]
[MR] It took a lot of research before I realised that, with the greatest respect to Rose Troup, she has the family relationships wrong. William Derby of Dorchester did not marry until 1615 and there is no evidence that he had a child called Anthony (or Paul) and even if he did they would be too young to be legal investors in the company. Anthony and John DERBY are in fact both younger brothers of William DERBY. His sister Frances DERBY married William TUCKER and they also invested in the Dorchester Company along with William and their widowed mother Joane DERBY. Link to Anthony DERBY 6th child of Henry DERBY (d.1620/1 ) and Joane ATWOOD (d.1637).
JOHANE DERBY - Widow of Beaminster, Dorset. [Mother of William Derby town Clerk of Dorchester] [Source Rev.RG Bartelot] . Will 9 Aug. 1636 (PCC 62 Pile).
[Entry 76 in listing]
[MR] See separate Biography for her son William DERBY (1588-1649) which gives information on his children and parentage. William DERBY was the second of ten children of Henry DERBY (d.1620/1 ) and Joane ATWOOD (d.1637). By 1624 Joane was a widow and obviously invested in the company at the behest of her children William, Henry, Anthony and Paul were all mercers of Dorchester and France.
PAWLE [PAUL] DERBY [Merchant] living in France. Son of William Derby of Dorchester. Living 18 May 1653 [Source Rev. RG Bartelot]
[Entry 110 in listing]
[MR] It took a lot of research before I realised that, with the greatest respect to Rose Troup, she has the family relationships wrong. William Derby of Dorchester did not marry until 1615 and there is no evidence that he had a child called Paul (or Anthony) and even if he did they would be too young to be legal investors in the company. Anthony and John DERBY are in fact both younger brothers of William DERBY. His sister Frances DERBY married William TUCKER and they also invested in the Dorchester Company along with William and their widowed mother Joane DERBY. Link to Paul DERBY 8th child of Henry DERBY (d.1620/1 ) and Joane ATWOOD (d.1637).
WILLIAM DERBY [ Mercer] born at Beaminster c.1588, Married Mary dau. of Joseph Bradstocke of Witchampton 19 April 1615 [Source Dorset Visitation]. Bur (Trinity) 1649 [Source Rev RG Bartelot] Town Clerk of Dorchester 1629-1648.[Source Rev RG Bartelot] Under Sherriff of Dorset 1649 [Father of Joseph [also Town Clerk] , Matthew, Paul, and Anthony [see numbers 110,111] [Source Rev RG Bartelot] [New England Planters Parliament] .
[Entry 15 in listing]

[MR] Note: See Separate Biography on this site William DERBY (1588-1649)

BENJAMIN DEVENISH - [Tailor] Son of Robert Devenish of Bradford Peverel. Bp. 20 Sept. 1574, Bur. [Trinity] 12 Sept. 1643; Will 8 Aug 1643. [His son was Rev. Benjamin Devenish of Corfe castle ] [Source Rev RG Bartelot] [Entry 18 in listing] [MR] See Separate Biography on this site. Benjamin Devenish (1574-1643)
THOMAS DEVENISH - [Keeper of Dorchester Goal] born. c1589. [Entry 16 in listing] [MR] See Separate Biography on this site. Thomas Devenish (1589- after 1638)
GEORGE DIER - Living in New England. Weaver of Dorchester in 1621. sailed in the Mary & John.
[Entry 114 in listing]
George DIER [DYER] (1579-1672) As can be seen Rose Troup in her biography of Rev John White states that George Dier was a weaver by trade and one of those that sailed on the 'Mary & John' on 24th March 1630 and was therefore living in New England when he drew up the list of Investors in 1636. It is clear from the Municipal Records of Dorchester that George Dier was elected a Freeman of Doirchester on 28th Nov 1621 and it is this record that states he was a weaver by trade.

Link to an account of his life by Ann Weiner

B. 1579, d. 1672. Married Elizabeth (Abigail?).

Sources:- RT: George Dier Page 459 'Mary & John' pages 197-203 and 214- FFH:Pagese 133 & 137
CHRISTOPHER ERLE, Esq. [Barrister] b.c.1590, d. 29 Mar. 1634. Bur. Temple Church 4 April 1634. Second son of Thomas Erle by Dorothy dau. of Sir William Pole of Shute [brother of Sir Walter Erle].
[Entry 36 in listing]
[MR] See Separate Biography on this site. Christopher ERLE(1590-1634)  
SIR WALTER ERLE, [Knight] of Charborough. Elder son of Thomas Earle and Dorothy sister Sir William Poole, b. 1586 Bur. 1 Sept. 1665. Knighted 4 May 1616 M.P. for Poole, Lyme Regis, and for Weymouth. Of Queens College, Oxford. [Source Foster's Alumni Oxoniensis] Governor of the New England Plantation.
[ Entry 52 in listing]
[MR] See Separate Biography on this site. Sir Walter ERLE(1586-1665)  
EDWARD FRENCHAM - [Clerk] b. c.1570, Of Magdalen College, Oxford from Sussex. [Source Foster's Alumni Oxoniensis] d. 18 June 1628. Rector of Compton Valence, 1604-1628,
[Entry 37 in listing]
[OXA] FRENCHAM, Edward of Sussex Cler.fil. Magdelen College Oxford matriculated 2 Jul 1585 aged 15; BA from Magdelen hall 24 Feb 1589/90; MA 3 Jul 1592; Rector of Compton valence Dorset 1604

[WW] Diary This spring died 1628:- Mr Frenchman preacher died 18 June 1628
WILLIAM FRY Esq. of Yarty, [Gentleman] b. c.1590 Mar Mary dau of John Yonge of Colyton. Bur 1 May 1672.
[Entry 98 in listing]
[DV2] Grandson of William Fry of Yerty in Devon & Joan daughter & heir of Robert Newbury of Stockland in Dorset; [Note now part of Devon] Son of Nicholas Fry of Yerty son & heir (alive 1620) and Ellinor daughter of John Brett of Whitstanton Somerset; born c1590; married Mary daughter of John Younge of Colliton Esq approx 1610; children William 1611 son & heir; Mary 1612; John 1614; Nicholas 1617; Henry 1619.

[OXA] Page 537 William FRY of Devon arm, fil. nat. max Sr Alban Hall Oxford matriculated 3 May 1605 aged 17 student of the inner temple 1609 as of Yarty, Devon son of Nicholas; buried at Membury 1 May 1672 See Fosters Inns of Court Register

[RT] Page 263 "William Fry in Membury Devon who had received the advowson as part of his wife's dower on his marriage with Mary, the daughter of John Yonge of Colyton and sister of Walter Yonge.

[WW] Page 149 1st August 1634 Young Mr Fry of Culliton coming from Exon with his man between them killed a man at Vinneton bridge. For which his man was burnt in the hand, and Mr Fry had a pardon.

[MAP] Link to Map 1765 for Stockland / Membury then part of Dorset

[GEN/UK Link to Info on his father Nicholas Fry & Elinor Brett

[CLDS] Church member entry only [suspect] but suggests his grandfather William FRY of Yarty was born c1564? Witheridge Devon - also refers to his will as being dated 12 Mar 1607 but not at National Archives PCC

JOHN GALTON of Lulworth.[Clerk] Sir John Galton of Bere Regis [Source Rev RG Bartelot] B.c.1580. Of University College Oxford, from Dorset [Source Foster's Alumni Oxoniensis] d. 1662 Chaplain of New College; Vicar of East Lulworth inst 1609. Vicar of Combe Keyes 1611.
[Entry 74 in listing]


Rev. John GALTON MA (1578/9-1662) : Following professional research carried out for Mark Lindley-Highfield of Ballumbie Castle it has been possible to establish a four generation family tree placing Rev John GALTON as the eldest son of Hubert GALTON and grandson of John & Christian GALTON both of Winterborne Kingston in Dorset.

The Rev John GALTON matriculated at University College in Oxford on 7th April 1598 when his age was given as being 18 (Note:- Obituary states born 20 Feb 1578/9 ). He was awarded a B.A. Degree on 24th Nov 1601 and an M.A. on 31st Jan 1605/6. He joined the church and as stated in his university record was Chaplain of New College and Vicar of East Lulworth in Dorset in 1610. Few church of England records have survived about him but the Faculty office has recorded that he was granted dispensation as a 'preacher of God's word' on 27th April 1611 and became vicar of 'Comkaines in the Bristol diocese' [i.e. Coombe Keynes] on 29th April 1611. It also states that he was Chaplain to Gracie Viscountess Dowager de Bindon. The research referred to above provides transcription of a number of Wills including his fathers, and extracts from Protestation Returns signed by Rev John GALTON in 1641 for both East Lulworth and Coombe Keynes. His son Edward took over as Vicar of Coombe Keynes on 25th May 1642.

John Galton's father Hubert GALTON appears to have married several times, with Rev. John Galton being his eldest son from his first marriage. By the time his father wrote his will on 11th Feb 1618/19 John had already come of age some seventeen years earlier, chosen a career in the church, been appointed vicar of both East Lulworth & Coombe Keynes (inc the Chapel of ease at Wool) and was married with his own children. The only other known child from this marriage was Theophilia Galton who was born before 1587. His sister Theophilia was also probably settled by then and was left £20 in their fathers Will, and John appointed as one of the Overseers.

His father's Will appointed Hubbert Galton (1604-1674) as his executor who was the eldest son from his second marriage. This marriage is recorded in the parish registers for Winterborne Kingston naming Hubert's second wife as Joane Bucker? and took place on the 27th June 1602. (Note:- Surname probably Baker? as this family is of long standing in the parish - See PR Winterborne Kingston - image 32 of 117 Their first child was Agnes baptised at Winterborne Kingston on 1st Apr 1603 followed by Hubert junior on 2nd July 1604, and Raynold on 2nd Apr 1606. A fourth child Richard for which I have not located a baptism.

Hubert Galton junior however was still under age when his father was buried at Winterborne Kingston on 5th Sep 1619 and this complication meant that probate was not granted until June 1620. Administration of their father's estate is finally granted to John GALTON of East Lulworth and bound with him is Thomas Strangewaies Lord of the Manor of Muston (within the Parish of Winterborne Kingston) . This letter of administration is also endorsed :- " Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of us by the above bound John GALTON Clerk and John Wallis Signatures Francis Hill and Robert ? .

Rev. John GALTON MA (1578/9-1662) His wife was named Rachel (bur.1620) and we only know of her from the burial register at East Lulworth which states "1620: Rachel GALTON the wife of John GALTON Clerke was buried April xijth [12th] ". As stated by Frances Rose Troup opposite. Rev John Galton died in 1662 but I have not been able to locate a Will or Letter of Administration for his estate. An obituary however appears in the burial register for East Lulworth (image 31 of 97 on which is written in Latin and shown in the column left. This has been transcribed by the Dorset Council Archive Service below:-

"John Galton, Master of Arts and onetime chaplain at the college of the Blessed Virgin (commonly called New College) Oxford. A man of integrity who lead an exemplary life. Minister at the church of East Lulworth for fifty-three years and for above thirty years the chaplain of Combe Keynes and Wool. Born 20 February 1578 (presumably 1579 as date calculated using 25 March as New Year’s Day) died 23 May 1662. Buried in the chancel of the parish church 3 July [presumably 1662]".

His replacement at East Lulworth Rev. Charles Cherry was appointed on 20th Aug 1662. They had 4 children that we know of:-

    (1) John Galton (c1608-1645) buried East Lulworth 21 Apr 1645 recorded as "John son of John Galton vicar of East Lulworth" ;

    (2) Samuel Galton (c1610-1668) He married at East Lulworth on 25th Oct 1630 to Magdalen Veale and they have had 2 children baptised within the parish before his 1st wife Magdalen was buried there on 26th Mar 1641. Children:- (1) Thomas bap 24/2/1636/7 (married Elizabeth Bennett 8 Nov 1670 E/L). and (2) Samuel bap 13 Dec 1640 .

    As the children were still young Samuel immediately remarried to Margery [Margaret] Arnell at East Lulworth on 9th November 1641 by whom he had 2 more children:- (3) Robert bap 25 July 1642 and (4) Edward bap 25th Oct 1645 (married Eadeth Dunying 13 Jan 1680 E/L) and buried at East Lulworth 25th Nov 1724. Margaret described as the wife of Samuel Galton was buried there on 7th May 1666. Samuel Galton died intestate and was buried at East Lulworth in Oct 1668. A letter of administration for his estate was granted on 2nd Nov 1668.

    (3) Francis Galton (1612-1624) baptism recorded in the Wool Parish Register (Image 7 of 186) recorded as "Francis Gallton sone of John Gallton Clerke and vicar of Coombe Keynes and Wool was baptised the xxith [21st] of June 1612 . buried East Lulworth 4th Dec 1624) ;

    (4) Rev. Edward Galton MA (1614-1680) [Elder] bap Wool/Coombe Keynes 25th Jan 1614.recorded as" Edward son of John Galton vicar of Coombe Keynes & Wool". Edward's university record states that he was the son of John of East Lulworth in Dorset sacerd. Entered Queens College Oxford (subs) 4th July 1634, aged 18 (his real age however was 20) He was awarded a BA degree 4th July 1637; and an MA from Magdalen Hall on 25th June 1640.

    The parish burial registers for Winfrith Newburgh record under the year 1640 " Jone the wife of Edward Galton was buried ye 25th Dec. Edward Gaulton's name also appears on the Protestation returns for the parish of Winfrith in 1641. On the 5th May 1642 Edward Galton married his second wife recorded in the Parish Register of Wool in the year 1642: - " Edward GALTON Clerke Vicar of Coombe Keynes and Wool & Elizabeth Clavell of Winfrith Newburgh were married in Wool May 5th 1642 (Image 44 of 186 formally took over as vicar of Coombe Keynes from his father on 23rd May 1642 serving there until Charles Cherry was appointed on 25th June 1672. His 2nd wife Elizabeth was buried at Wool in Dorset recorded in the burial register as " Mrs. Elizabeth GALTON (eldest daughter of Edward Clavell of Winfrith Newburgh Gent: & Mrs Bridget Turberville his wife ) ye wife of Edward GALTON, Master of Arts & Vicar of Combe Keynes & Wool dyed April 11 & was buryed at Coombe Keynes in ye Chancell under ye Shroud Stone on which we Communion table stands April 13th 1654.

    Both Edward's University Record and documents held on the "Clergy of the Church of England" database for Edward Galton show that he was:-
    Rector of Holy Trinity Wareham 16th Oct 1661 until 23 July 1663. and
    Rector of Wilby Nothants 31 Dec 1662 until 20th July 1663; and
    Rector of Lower Isham 19th Dec 1665 until 16 June 1680.

    I have not pursued this but there is a Will at the PCC PROB 11/333 for a Sarah GALTON the wife of Edward GALTON Rector of Wilby in the County of Northampton written on 16th May 1670 and proved on 20th June 1670. Wilby Parish Register (image 14/282) states that Mrs Sarah GALTON wife of Mr Edward GALTON Clerke and Rector of Wilby was buried May 30th 1670. This Register is signed by Edwardus GALTON Rector . No records however have been entered for the parish of Wilby on CCeD. (Sep 2022)

    The Rev. Edward GALTON wrote his will on 19th Dec 1679 in which he refers to himself as Edward GALTON the Elder of Wilby in the County of Northton [i.e. Northampton] Clerke. In the Will he refers to Articles of Agreement [i.e. a Marriage Settlement] entered into on 19th Jan 1671 between himself and Samuel Ragdale of Wilby of the first part and his now wife Judith GALTON (by ye name of Judith LEWIS of the towne of Northton in ye county aforesaid widow) of the second part etc etc. I take this to mean that he remarried c1671 to Judith Lewis widow nee Ragdale. Probate of hs Will was granted at Wilby on 22nd July 1680.

    Children of Edward and Elizabeth Galton nee Clavell:-
      (4.1) John Galton (1642 - 1643) Entry in the Wool Parish Register (image 67/186 States:-" John GALTON the sone of Edward GALTON Vic: of Coombe Keynes & Wool of Elizabeth his Wife (being born at Winfrith Newburgh & baptised there Jan 11th the D.M. 1642) dyed at Wool & was buryed in the Chancel there November 21 Ano Domini 1643. [Note:- Holy Rood church at Wool was a parochial 'chapel of ease' belonging to Coombe Keynes until 1844]

      (4.2) John Galton (1644- aft 1663) his baptism appears on under the parish of Wool (image 17 of 186) It states " Edward GALTON sone of Edward GALTON Vicar of Combe Keynes & Wool & Elizabeth his wife was born on Sunday November at about 4 or 5 o'clock in ye afternoon & was baptised at Combe Keynes November 16th". He matriculated at Wadham College Oxford on 22nd May 1663 aged 18.

      (4.3) Edward Galton (1647-1702) [Senior] "Edward sone of Edward Galton Vicar of Combe Keynes & Wool & Elizabeth his wife was borne on Tuesday November 2nd about 4 or 5 o'clock in ye afternoon & was baptised Combe Keynes November 16th 1647. Benificiary and full and sole executor under his fathers will in 1679/80. He appears to have married as the parish registers for Wilby under the year 1680 refer to "Edward son of Edward Galton and Joyce his wife was baptised" but does not give a date. Mr Edward Galton Senior was buried at Great Doddington on 28 Oct 1702. His widow Joyce was also buried at Doddington on 21 Oct 1737.

      (4.4) William Galton (1650- aft 1680) "William the sone of Edward Galton Clerk & Vicar of Combe Keynes & Elizabeth his wife was duly born July 16 about 12 o'clock at night & was baptised August 6th". Benificiary under his fathers will in 1679/80.
JOHN GEERING - [Grocer]. Son of Simon Gearing of Lechlade, Glouchester [? by Anne Bradshawe] . Married (1) Phebe dau. of John Reeve, Goldsmith, London, (2) Rebecca dau. of Roger Oldfield and sister of Sarah, wife of Jose Glover, and Joseph Oldfield of the Massachusetts Bay Company. Citizen and member of the East India Company.
[Entry 120 in listing]
WILLIAM GOLSNEY [GOLSEY] of Holnest . B.c.1590. Under Sheriff of Dorset 1630. [Source Rev. RG.Bartelot]
[Entry 83 in listing]

William GOLSEY (Senior) (d.1607/8), Gentleman of Dorchester, was born at Winterbourne St Martin in Dorset but buried at St Peters church in Dorchester between 15th Nov 1607 (when he wrote his will ) and 8th Feb 1608 when it was proved at the PCC. He clearly became an important member of the Corporation in Dorchester as evidenced by a deed relating to a plot of land commonly known as 'East Walls Town Land' which survives in the Municipal Records of Dorchester. This is dated the 13th November in the 39th year of the reign of Elizabeth I (1596) and refers to a plot on the east side of South Street and provides for John Watts and William GOLSEY who in order to repay a debt of £150 to Mathew CHUBB the richest man in Dorchester (who often financed the towns development) enclosed, divided and sold off strips of this arable land to five individuals, retaining some portion for themselves.

His Will suggests that he was only survived by his widow Anne and a young son also called William GOLSEY, whose education and religious instruction was committed under the will to Robert CHEEKE the Master of the Free School in Dorchester (where he served until 1627). Robert Cheeke was a great puritan, friend and supporter of Rev John White and one of the main architects behind the formation of the Dorchester Company so its not suprising to find one of his earlier students investing in the company. William Golsney the son, after instruction by Robert Cheek, went onto Brasenose College in Oxford where he matriculated in 1616 and was awarded a BA degree in 1620. The entry on the left gives RG Bartelot as the source. He was a great historian and genealogist and his extensive records are at the Dorset History centre to which I do not have access. He attributes him to Holnest a small parish 5 miles south east of Sherborne. Certainly there was a family there by that name in the 1640's but it would be necessary to consult his notes at the DHC for more background. He was one of 4 witnesses in Dorchester to an indenture dated 22nd July 1625 (See Charter 712). According to William Whiteways diary William GOLSNEY was appointed undersheriff for the year at least twice. Firstly on 4th Oct 1624 and secondly on 4th Oct 1627. The Undersherrif for Dorset appointed for the year on 6 Oct 1629 was Robert Goldsborough & on 4 Oct 1630 Henry Arnold Junior so the reference to 1630 does not seem to be correct.

Sources:- HACD; MRD; OXA; PCC Wills PROB 11/111; WW

EDWARD GOULD of Staverton, Devon. D. 26 Mar. 1628. Son of Edward Gould and Elizabeth Man, brother of William Gould, Henry Gould, nephew of John Gould of Dorchester. Will dated 5 Mar. 1627/8, proved 16 May 1628 (PCC 37 Barrington).
[Entry 90 in listing]
[DV2] Grandson of John GOULD of Staverton Devon; Son of Edward Gould of Staverton son & heir & Elizabeth daughter of William Man in Devon; brother to Nicholas & James merchants living (1620) in France; and Henry living Exeter. Married Julian daughter of Zachariah Iriah of Chidleigh Devon; Children - Edward 1610; Elizabeth 1611; William 1614; Zachary 1616.

[WW] Diary November 1628 The end of this year there died -- Mr Edward Gould of Coombe Devon [no actual date given]

[PRO] Will of Mr Edward Gould Yeoman of Staverton Devon Probate 16th May 1628 : Perogative Court of Camterbury, Name of Register: Barrington Quire Numbers: 1 - 63: Ref PRO 11/153

HENRY GOULD of Floyershayes by Exeter. d. 4 Sept. 1636. Son of Edward Gould and Elizabeth Man, brother of William Gould, nephew of John Gould of Dorchester. Married Ann Wills, dau. of Zachary Wills of Exeter. Will proved 31 Dec. 1636 (PCC 119 Pile).
[Entry 89 in listing]
[DV2] Henry GOULD of Exeter; Brother of Edward Gould of Staverton (see above for parentage). Married Ann daughter of daughter of Zachary Wills of Exeter; children Elizabeth daughter & heir (1620)

[PRO] Will of Henry Gould, Merchant of Saint Thomas the Apostle, Devon: Probate 31 Dec 1636: Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Name of Register: Pile Quire Numbers: 90 - 123: PROB Ref 11/172
JAMES GOULD - [Clothier]. Son of John Gould of Dorchester, bpt. St. Peters Church, Dorchester 21 July 1593. Married Margery dau. of George Savage Esq. of Bloxworth, 1624. [Source Rev RG Bartelot] Bur. St. Peters Church 15 Feb. 1675/6, . Will 29 Oct. 1675. [ Nephew of wife of William Whiteway and father of James Gould M.P. and grandfather of the Countess of Abingdon [ Source Rev RG Bartelot] [William Whiteways diary f 70 says he was 30 in 1624] [New England Planters Parliament]
[Entry 14 in listing]
James GOULD [GOOLD] (1593-1676) MP He was the grandson of John GOULD (d1606) of Staverton listed in the Devon Visitation held in 1620, and son of John GOULD (-1630) of Dorchester by Joan the widow of John ROY in Dorset. His elder sister Joane GOULD (1588-1620) married the wealthy woolen draper Dennis Bond (1588-1648) also an MP who became Mayor of Dorchester in 1635 and was another investor in the Dorchester Company. His elder brother John GOULD the Younger (1589-1643) was heir to his fathers estate . James GOULD was baptised in St Peters Church Dorchester on 21st July 1593 (Source RG Bartelot) and had a younger sister Frances GOULD who married John Hackwill [Hackwell or Harkwell] of Exeter. James was also the nephew of Thomazine GOULD (d1613) the wife of William WHITEWAY (1532-1614) of Denburie in Devon whose grandson William WHITEWAY (1599-1635) was the famous diarist. Both the diarist and his father William WHITEWAY (1570-1639) also invested in the Dorchester Company.

James Gould a clothier by trade was elected to serve as assistant governor of the Company of Freemen in Dorchester on 30 Oct 1622, Capital Burgess of the town on 12th Jan 1623/4 and Alderman on 26 Dec 1623. When they formed the 'New England Parliament' on 24 Mar 1624 he and William Whiteway the diarist were two of the 12 members elected to sit on the committee. He married Margery the daughter of George SAVAGE Esq in her home parish of Bloxworth on 28 Apr 1624. There was a dowry of £500 and he brought her to Dorchester to live the following day. In July she was godmother to William Whiteway the diarist's daughter Margery who was named after her. On 12th March 1627 he and hios cousin William Whiteway rode to Londonto join with the merchants of Exeter in petioning the King and the Council that they might "have as much French goods delivered us as we had arrested in France". James & Margery had six sons and 2 daughters who would have been baptised at St Peters church where parish registers have not survived prior to 1653. - His son and heir was James GOULD (1624-1707):- See below

On the 1st Oct 1627 James was first elected Bailiff of Dorchester. He was to serve in that capacity again during 1631/2 and 1635/6. On 24th February 1627/8 he became godfather to the diarist's son John Whiteway. By a new Charter issued to Dorchester by Charles I on 22 Dec 1630 he was listed as one of the Capital Burgess of the town. On the 30th December 1633 he was one of the 3 main traders to suffer substantial losses when the 'Mary of Morlaix' which was laden with '120 fardles of derbys' destined for Dorchester ran aground and broke up on Portland beach.

In 1636 he was elected Treasurer of Dorset's Western Division, a task he does not seem to have been very diligent at, as the court had to order production of the accounts by mid summer 1637. It did him no harm however as he was elected Mayor of Dorchester that year. He owned property on the east side of South Street in St Peters Parish - see indenture, 10th June, 13 Charles [1637]; Link to Charter 687 living there 19 Feb 1640. A benefactor of the town he was a Royalist during the Civil War and because of these sympathies he was removed as a Capital Burgess of the town on 24th Aug 1654 when he was replaced by Philip Stansby. At times he lived in France but he came back into favour and first sat for Parliament for Dorchester in Richard Cromwell's Parliament in 1659 but was narrowly defeated by John Whiteway in the general election of 1660 but was formally reinstated as a Capital Burgess on 8th Feb 1660/1 and successful in the election in 1661 at the age of 67 but was not an active member of the Cavalier Parliament. He was named on 18 committees, including three concerned with the woollen industry in 1661-2, those considering bills to prevent the import of wool-cards to regulate the Yorkshire cloth trade and to prohibit the export of raw wool. He probably supported the county party, but after the 1668 session his name disappears from the journals. He was clearly by this time a great man of wealth; rumour put his income AT £10,000 a year. In August 1675 he was dismissed as very aged and sick and he was buried at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 15th Feb 1675/6 and his will proved on 10 May 1676.

James GOULD (1624-1707) The History of Parliament States 'He was elected an Alderman of Dorchester in 1676, and became its Mayor 1677-78 and a second time 1696/97. He was Sheriff of Dorset 1687-88 and Freeman of Poole in 1689. The Gould's had a strong local interest in Dorchester, and James followed his father as Member for the Borough but took little part in proceedings in the House. Returned for Dorchester again in 1690 he was classed as a Whig by Lord Carmarthen (Sir Thomas Osborne) in a list of the new Parliament. His activities in this session cannot be distinguished from those of his cousin Nicholas and in any case both were inactive Members. He was listed by Carmarthen in December 1690 as a probable supporter in case of an attack against him in the Commons by Robert Harley as a Country supporter in April 1691, and by Grascombe as a placeman in 1693. The death of his cousin in 1691 allows him to be more easily identified in the Journals. He did not stand after 1695, and was buried at St Peters Dorchester 11th Aug 1707. His only daughter married first Charles Churchill brother of the Duke of Marlborough (John Churchill) and secondly the 2nd Earl of Abingdon (Montague Venables-Bertie) (4)
Sources:- (1) HACD John Hutchins (2) MRD (3) History of Parliament The House of Commons 1690-1715 Cambridge Press (4) DV2 page 132 (5) WW 13 ref to him page 56 says aged 30 in 1624, incs pedigree of William Whiteway page 170/1 (6) OPC Marriage 1624 (7) PRO John Gould of Satverton Devon proved 28 Mar 1606 Ref 11/107; John Gould of Dorchester Merchant proved 10 Nov 1630 Ref 11/158. James GOULD of Dorchester proved 10 May 1676 Ref 11/350 (8) QS (9) HD (10) SDH (11) FFH)
JOHAN [Joanna; Joane] GOULD, WIDOW - b. 1549, dau. of Leddoze of Wyke Regis. Widow of James Gould of Fordington [Source Rev RG Bartelot] d. 9 Dec. 1630. [Source Whiteways diary] Will proved 22 Dec. 1630 (PCC 109 Scrope). Cousin of William Whiteway the diarist. Left generous bequests to poor etc of Dorchester.
[Entry 39 in listing]
[WW] GOULD, Joan (1549-1630) Widow of James Gould of Fordington , who was probably the "old cousin" who died at Bath in 1613. A wealthy woman, owning property in Dorchester and Fordington . Godmother to diarist's son William 1622, and also to his daughter Mary. Benefactress of Dorchester and neighbouring places; also of John White.

[PRO] Will of Joane Gould, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset: Probate granted 22 Dec 1630: Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Name of Register: Scroope Quire Numbers: 64 - 117: PROB Ref 11/158
WILLIAM GOULD of Hayes near Exeter, Devon. son of Edward Gould of 'Staverton and nephew John Gould of Dorchester. d.23 Mar 1635 Will (P.C.C. 99 Goare) pro 1637
[Entry 88 in listing]
[DV2] William GOULD of Hayes near Exeter; grandson of John Gould of Staverton Devon; son & heir to Edward Gould of Staverton & Elizabeth daughter of William Man; married Alice daughter of Robert Taylor of Pinhoe Devon; Children - Edward son & heir 1606; Mary 1607; Elizabeth 1610; William & Grace 1615; John 1616; Janes 1619.

[PRO] Will of Henry Gould, Merchant of Saint Thomas the Apostle, Devon: Probate granted 31 Dec 1636: Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Name of Register: Pile Quire Numbers: 90 - 123: PROB Ref 11/172

[WW] GOULD, William (d 1635) Merchant of Hayes near Exeter. son of Edward. Married Alice Taylor and had a daughter Elizabeth. Investor in the Dorchester Company.
GILES GREEN - [Gentleman] of Afflington in Corfe Castle and of Motcombe Married Elizabeth dau ....Hill of Poundsford Park somerset. Bu. 5 Jan. 1655/6, St. Benet Fink, London. Will 21 Dec 1655 [Source all above Rev. RG Bartelot] M.P. for Weymouth and Corfe Castle. came to Dorchester 1634 [Source Whiteways diary] Their dau. Dorothy married Walter Yonge.
[Entry 81 in listing]
Giles [Gyles] GREEN [GREENE] (d1655/6) He was the son and heir of John Greene a successful merchant of Dorchester and aclose friend of the Rev John White. His father was one of the original 15 Burgesses of the town named by Charles I in the charter signed 26 June 1610. When his father died in 1614 he left John White a gold posy ring and 40 shillings towards the 're-edification of his house' which had just been destroyed in the great fire. Its not suprising therefore to find Giles as an investor in the Dorchester Co. Gile's sister Sarah Green married another succesful merchant in Dorchester called Thomas Davidge who also died in 1614 by which time he left Sarah a widow with 4 children. She re-married to John Hill the Mayor of Dorchester.

Giles lived at Afflington within the parish of Corfe Castle on the Isle of Purbeck and married Elizabeth Hill of Poundsford Park in Somerset. They had a daughter Sarah who married John Bland of London as she named her son Giles Bland after her father (bap St Olave Hart St Ldn. 26 Oct 1647). Giles Green was MP for Weymouth & Melcombe Regis 1621, 1626 and Corfe Castle 1625,1628. The Visitation of Dorset in 1623 however disclaimed him at Dorchester where he is listed as having "usurped the name of Gentleman without authoritie". According to William Whiteway's diary he moved to Dorchester to live 24 Sep 1634 because of his own and his wife's sickliness. He became Receiver of Yorkshire, and from 1645 was a Commissioner of the Navy. However, in December 1648 Green was one of the MPs excluded from Parliament in Pride's Purge. His son later became clerk of the New River Company and his daughter, Katherine, married another Dorset MP, Roger Hill, in 1635. He died at Motcombe leaving a Will which was proved on 20 May 1656. A Giles Green was also buried at Melcombe Regis on 20 Aug 1662 which may be his son.
Sources:- See Links above + [WW] (pages 32,61,79,95,150,156,177) DV: (pages 2 & 4) [PRO] Will of Giles Greene of Motcombe, Dorset: Probate granted 20 May 1656: Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Name of Register: Berkeley Quire Numbers: 1 - 52: PROB Ref 11/252 [RT] (pages 63,456) [MR] (pages 41,581) [IGI extraction programme Giles Bland] D Brunton & D H Pennington, Members of the Long Parliament (London: George Allen & Unwin, 1954): [DV] 1623 Listed page 2 under Weymouth but disclained at Dorchester Page 4
JOHN GUY (Gye) [Clerk] Rector of Bryanston, Dorset. [Preached at the funeral of Sir Robert Meller Sept 1624 [Source Whiteways diary]
[Entry 45 in listing]
His dau. Margaret married Robert Pitt of Blandford, son of Thomas Pitt and Priscilla Searle. (Ref: Dorset Visitation 1677, p. 56)

[OXA] GUY, John of Bryanston had a son John Guy (born c.1615) and his son matriculated at Magdelen College 1632 aged 17; BA from Hart Hall 1636; MA 1639; student of the middle temple 1632. [Note could not trace the father]
GEORGE HARDY of Compton Abbas, [Gentleman] son of John Hardy bp. 1 Jan 1580/1. Bur. 6 Nov 1654 [Source Rev. RG.Bartelot]
[Entry 59 in listing]
[JOS] His dau. Hannah Hardy married Bernard Troup. Stephen Terry, the emigrant, married Jane Hardy in Symondsbury, 13 Mar. 1633, and she was probably the dau. of Nicholas and Agnes Hardye, who were married and,lived in Stratton (3 m. NW of Dorchester).
WILLIAM HARVY of Langton Matravers,
[Entry 82 in listing]
[JOS] possibly son of Thomas Harvy and Ann Pyne, dau. of John Pyne of Corry Mallet, Somerset. (Ref : -Dorset Visitations, 1623, p. 52) A William Harvey appeared in Taunton, MA in 1639.
MORGAN HAYNE living about New Castle, son of Oliver Hayne of Dorchester. Freeman of Dorchester 1621
[Entry 103 in listing]
Morgan HAYNE (b.1592) was the grandson of Richard HAYNE (d.1570) a Mercer of Dorchester and son and heir of Oliver HAYNE (1563-1622) of Dorchester by his wife Cicely daughter of William Adyn of Dorchester; Morgan Hayne married Rawlin daughter of Christopher Dabynot of White Stanton in Somerset. Follow link for more information about his family.
NATHANIEL HEIGHMORE of Caundle.[Clerk] B.c.1585. Of St Albun's Hall from Southant's gent. [Source Forster's Alumni Oxoniensis] Rector of Goathill and Caundle Purse, Dorset 1614 [signed protestation 1641/2]
[Entry 79 in listing]
[JOS] (Highmore)Descended from Highmoore's of Harbybrow, Cumberland. (Ref: Dorset Visitations 1677, P. 94)

[OXA] HIGHMORE, Nathaniel of Southants Gentleman St Alban Hall matriculated 16 Oct 1601 aged 16; BA from Merton Hall 27 Nov 1604; MA from Queens College 17 Jun 1607; Rector of Goathill Somerset 1614; Rector of Caudle Purse Dorset 1614?.

His son is also listed :- HIGHMORE, Nathaniel (Heighmore) son of Nathaniel Highmore Caudle Purse Dorset sacred. Queens College matriculated 4 Nov 1631 aged 17; scholar Trinity College 1632; BA 6 Feb 1634/35;
JOHN HILL - [Ironmonger] 3rd son of Roger Hill, of Poundsford, Pitminster, Somerset. b circa 1589.[Source Dorset Visitations] [New England Planters Parliament]
[Entry 9 in listing]
[MR] See Separate Biography on this site. John HILL (1589-1657)  
JOHN HUMPHREY, [Gentleman] Living in New England ; Son of Michael Humphrey of Chaldon [see entry 28 in listing] Married (1) Isabell dau Brune Williams of Tynan in Isle of Purbeck (2) Elizabeth dau Herbert Pelham of Compton Vallence 1621 (3) Lady Susan Fiennes sister of the earl of Lincoln 1630. Treasurer of Dorchester Company and of London Company. Emigrated with his third wife to New England 1633. Returned to England 1641. d.(probably 1652) Admon. to son John 4 June 1653. [His son Col John Humphry was sword bearer before Judges of Charles I] [ New England Planters Parliament]
[Entry 116 in listing]
[DV] Entry for 1623 brief: Son and heir of Michael Humphry of Chaldon Doest & Dorothy Bawler. Only shows 2nd marriage to Elizabeth daughter of Herbert Pelham of Compton Dorset with 1 son John born 1622. DV Ref Page 57 & 75

[JOS] Esq. of Chaldon Herring, He married (1) Isabel Williams, dau. of Brune Williams and Elizabeth Churchill, (2) Elizabeth Pelham, 4 Sept. 1621, Salisbury, dau. of Herbert Pelham and Elizabeth West, bpt. 27 Apr. 1604, Hellingle, Sussex. Elizabeth died 1 Nov. 1628. Her Aunt Lettice West married Henry Ludlow cousin of Roger Ludlow. He married (3) Susan Fiennes, dau. of Sir Thomas de Clinton, Earl of Lincoln and Elizabeth Knyvett. Treasurer of Dorchester Company, John became Deputy Governor of Massachussetts. John brought servants, John Legge and John King with him. He returned to England 26 Oct.1641. He died 1661, Chaldon Herring, Dorset. His brothers-in-law were Edward Clarke, who married Ann Pelham, Thomas Pelham, Isaac Johnson who married Arabella Fiennes for whom Gov. Winthope named his ship, and John Gorges (b. 1593), son of Sir Ferdinando Gorges, Lord of the Province of Maine, and Anne Bell, who married Frances Fiennes. Robert Gorges, his brother (b. 1595), came to New England in 1623 to take up the government of a patent in Massachusetts Bay, MA. (Ref: Dorset Visitations 1623, p. 57, Dorset Visitation 1677, pp. 77,53, History of York Maine, Vol. 1 by Charles Edward Banks)

[WW] HUMFRY, John (1597-c 1652) Son of Michael Humfry of Dorchester. Treasurer of the Dorchester Company. actively engaged in this and other colonizing ventures. Sailed to New England 1634, but returned 1641. His son Colonel John Humfry, was sword bearer before judges of Charles I.
MICHAEL HUMPHREY [Gentleman] of Chalden Herring and of Dorchester, Married 2ndly (Bridport) Martha Pride, 4 July 1615. [Source Rev.RG.Bartelot] d. (in London) 3 April 1626. [Source William Whiteways Diary] Administration granted to his son John 24 April 1626. Alderman and magistrate of Dorchester 1625.[Source Rev RG Bartelot] Clerk to Viscount Bindon. Father of John Humphrey, Esq.
[Entry 28 in listing]
[DV] Brief tree to prove right to coat of arms Michaell Humphry of Chaldon in Dorset and his [1st] wife Dorothy Bawler; shows son see above. [DV Ref page 57]

[WW] HUMFRY, Michael (d. 1626) Esquire of East Chaldon and Dorchester. alderman of Dorchester 1625. Died while MP for Dorchester. The diarist was elected to sit out his term.
MARY HUSSEY, widow - Possibly widow of Thomas Hussey of Shapwick,who had two sons Thomas & Hubert both married before the Visitation of 1623.
[Entry 115 in listing]
[DV] Mary Hussey the widow of Thomas Hussey of Shapwick and Tomson in Dorset is in the visitation for Dorset 1623 page 57: If this is a correct identification she was still alive then: Her husband Thomas Hussey was the grandson of Thomas Hussey of Shapwick & his wife Elizabeth Humphry of Baskerville; son of Hubert Humphry of Shapwick & Tomson and his wife Elizabeth Banister. Her husband seems to have died in 1605 his will being proved PCC 11/165 on 7th January 1605. Children of the marriage were Thomas son & heir described as living 1623 who married Elizabeth daughter of James Hannan of Hollwell Somerset; Joseph; George; Hubert & Robert. DV Ref Page 59

[PRO] Will of Mary Hussey, Widow of Shapwick, Dorset: Probate granted 8 May 1629; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Name of Register: Ridley Quire Numbers: 1 - 59: PROB Ref 11/155
HUMPHRY JOLIFFE - [Gentleman] b. 1583. Married Christian dau. of John Fry. Bur. 27 Dec 1653 [Source Rev RG Bartelot] An attorny of Dorchester and Steward of the manors of Sir Edward Laurence 1627-31
[Entry 23 in listing]

[Note:- Many variations in spelling makes research difficult eg Umfrey, Humfry, Humfrey, Humphrerey, Joleff, Joleffe, Jolife, Joileafe, Joliffe, Jolleiffe, Jollyffe, Joliff, Jolliffe, Jolyff, Jolyffe, Joyliffe, Oliffe etc]
Humphrey JOLIFFE [1575/6-1653]. The source for the original information shown left and recorded by Rose Troup in her biography of Rev John White is given as being from the genealogist Rev R.G.BARTELOT (1868-1947) the Rector of St Georges Church in Fordington. His research papers were deposited at the Dorset History Center to which I do not have access so it may be possible to get confirmation of his sources at the DHC. My own research brings into question some of the information he provided. He gave Humphrey's birth year as 1583. The Oxford Alumni however refers to a Humphrey Jolliffe from Dorset, a plebeian, who matriculated at Magdalen Hall Oxford on 7th February 1588/9 at the age of 13. Given that he became an attorney of some standing in the community it is likely that he had a university education and there are no other applicable entries at Oxford or Cambridge and the name is unusual so I have used this source to estimate his actual year of birth as 1575/6.

The average age at which men married in Dorchester was around the age of 27 but I cannot locate evidence of Humphrey being in Dorchester prior to the great fire of 1613. In his book Fire from Heaven David Underdown refers to "John Watts, hitherto a prosperous merchant and member of the Corporation was 'much impoverished' by the fire and his house behind South Street, adjoining the Antelope yard or backside was in ruin for 2 years before he eventually sold it to a lawyer named Humphrey JOLIFFE. Jollife claims to have spent the improbable sum of £1000 on rebuilding it." By 1615 Humphrey was clearly a wealthy man and now aged 40 likely to have been married. There is a burial in Holy Trinity Church of an Amy the wife of Humphrey JOILIFFE being buried there on 2nd April 1624, but no direct evidence of children.

RGB (see left) also states that he married 'Christian' the daughter of John FRY but gives no background. There is indeed an entry in the registers for the parish of Cattistock on 11th January 1626 of a Humphrey JOYLIFFE a gentleman from the parish of Dorchester marrying a Christian FFOY [not FRY] and this appears to be the entry that RGB is referring to as Christian is brought to Dorchester and they raise a family of 9 children in Holy Trinity parish between 1628 and 1641. Christian Joliffe a widow was buried at HT Church Dorchester on 30th June 1663. A Letter of Administration for the estate of Christiana JOLYFFE of Dorchester in Dorset was granted to Henry BESTLAND a creditor on 21st April 1666.

There is no doubt that Humphrey JOLIFFE was an active and well respected lawyer regularly used by members of the Corporation and to aid research I have listed below references to him that I have located in various surviving documentation.
    (1). He was appointed Overseer of Mathew CHUBB's will dated 21st June 1617;

    (2). He was a beneficiary under the Will of Roger KETE Gentleman Dated 15 Mar 1619/20 Proved 5 July 1620 "Item: I give and bequeath to Humphrey JOLIFFE Gentleman a great wine chest"

    (3). In the Will of Margaret CHUBB (d.1628) Widow of Matthew CHUBB (d.1617) Goldsmith of Dorchester; Dated 18 April 1625 (Probate granted 14 May 1628 Ref PROB 11/153) "Item: I give unto Humfry JOLIFFE of the said Dorchester Gentleman my attorney whom I have found very careful and faithful in the following of my law business one hundred pounds so as he doth deliver or cause to be delivered to the executor of this my Last Will and Testament within three months next after my decease being thereunto requested all such deeds evidences Charters records Court Rolls writings scripts and investments of what nature and kind so ever which he hath in his own custody or otherwise disposed of which do concern me or my lands or any part thereof or any got of my estate and also be aiding and assisting to my said executors for the due performance of this my Last Will and Testament according to my true intent and meaning."

    (4). He was one of the witnesses to the indenture or sale of Foxwell's Tenement, on the east side of South High Street to the grocer Richard Bury on 10 June 1637 - Charter 687

    (5). He was one of the witnesses to the indenture of a lease of a Messuage in High South Street on 23rd March 1640/1 Charter 712-D

    (6). In the year 1652/3 in the Municipal Records of Dorchester page 547 - "This day upon a debate how to relieve Mr William JOLIFFE, and to see him free from danger of his creditors in case his other debts can be satisfied by himself and Mr Humfrey JOLLIFFE, which Lawrence Righton hath assured this company will be effected --etc. This suggests that Humphrey was related to William JOLIFFE who was at one time Mayor of Dorchester but had fallen on hard times..
Sources:- FFH; Parish Registers Cattistock; Holy Trinity Dorchester; MRD pages 370, 382, 547; OXA; QS;
[MRD] Pages 547 [1652-3 - Refers to debate on how to free William JOLIFFE of his debts in London [£125] with Humphrey JOLIFFE and Lawrence RIGHTON helping to sort out his other debts]

[OXA] - Jolliffe, Humphrey of Dorset pleb. Magdalen Hall matric 7th Feb 1588-9 aged 13 ?

[QS] - Pages 120 [attorney Blandford Sessions 12/14 Jan 1630], 150 [Attorney Bridport Sessions 5/8 Oct 1630] ; 171 [Attorney at Sherborne Sessions 19/21 Apr 1631], 179 [Attorney at Shaston Sessions 12/13 July 1631] , 184 [ Attorney at Bridport Sessions 4/6 Oct 1631] , 224 [ Blandfor Sessions 8/11 Jan 1633 - Case of John Higgins:- Robert Nappier, Humphrey JOLLIFF, Robert Hill and John Salter gentlemen are Commissioners in Dorset for the lands and revenues of Theophhilus, Earl of Suffolk. They consent that John Higgins of Winfrith, labourer, being poor and aged can build a house on the waste at Winfrith of which the Earl of Suffolk is lord, and shall pay no rent. The house is to remain for the use of the poor". Note:- The original entry can now be viewed on

[WILLS] (1). Overseer of Mathew CHUBB's will dated 21st June 1617;
(2) Will of Roger KETE Gentleman Dated 15 Mar 1619/20 - Codicil 9 Apr 1620 - Proved 5 July 1620 "Item: I give and bequeath Humphrey JOLIFFE Gentleman a great wine chest"
(3) Will of Margaret CHUBB (d.1628) Widow of Matthew CHUBB (d.1617) Goldsmith of Dorchester; Dated 18 April 1625 (Probate granted 14 May 1628 Ref PROB 11/153) "Item: I give unto Humfry JOLIFFE of the said Dorchester Gentleman my attorney whom I have found very careful and faithful in the following of my law business one hundred pounds so as he doth deliver or cause to be delivered to the executor of this my Last Will and Testament within three months next after my decease being thereunto requested all such deeds evidences Charters records Court Rolls writings scripts and investments of what nature and kind so ever which he hath in his own custody or otherwise disposed of which do concern me or my lands or any part thereof or any got of my estate and also be aiding and assisting to my said executors for the due performance of this my Last Will and Testament according to my true intent and meaning."
(4) 21 Apr 1666 - Letter of Administration for the estate of Christiana JOLYFFE of Dorchester granted to Henry Bestland Gent a credfitor

[WITNESSED] Will Nicholas Purchase 12 Mar 1619/20 ; Charter 687 10th June 1637 ; Charter 712 Indenture 23 Mar 1640 ;

[WW] Page 178 Summary:- JOLLIFFE, Humphrey (c1583-1653) Lawyer in Dorchester. Steward of manors of Sir Edward Lawrence 1627-31. Mayor 1633 {Note this is incorrect it was William JOLIFFE who was Mayor in 1633]. Investor in the Dorchester Company. Also page 78 of Diary "In this month the privy seales came abroad of which 152 were for Dorset and in them 9 for Dorchester, Som [i.e. sum] £100 [of which Humphrey Joliffe paid £10]
JOHN JOPE - [Merchant] of Plymouth. Married Elizabeth Davis, Trinity Church, Dorchester 22 Sept. 1573. Will (PCC 3 St. John) proved by Elizabeth relict 26 Jan. 1630/1. [Perhaps the Mr. Jope mentioned in the will of Matthias Nicholles]. [Entry 50 in listing] [MR] Phillimore's Marriage Registers, published in 1909 show that a John [J] UP & Elizabeth DAVIS were married 25-Jan 1573 Holy Trinity Dorchester - See marriage for notes on contents of his will.

[PRO] Will of John Jope, Merchant of Plymouth, Devon; Probate granted 26 jan 1631: Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Name of Register: St. John Quire Numbers: 1 - 68: PROB Ref 11/159
THOMAS KETE of Chesselborne [Gentleman], son of Edward Kete d ante 1663 [John Keye was a member of the New England Planters Parliament]
[Entry 69 in listing]
[DV] Grandson of Richard Kete of Chesselborne & Eva Medon. Son of Edward Kete of Chesselborne & Christian Moore of Shillingford. Married Elizabeth daughter of Henry Stoite of Milton Dorset. DV Ref Page 61
GILBERT LODER - [Attorney] b c. 1590. Bur. [St Peter's] 5 Dec. 1656, [Source Rev RG Bartelot] Will [P.C.C. 90 Ruthyn] [Gilbert Loder of Dorchester gent., In 1636 claimed that in 1634 he possessed a cow, a calf, and a steer depasturing in New England, in charge of Nicholas Upsall, a kinsman of George Way. These were taken over and sold by Way. [Court of Requests, Charles 1 bundle 88 [P.P.] ]
[Entry 11 in listing]
[JOS] On 20 May 1636 he sued Nicholas Upsall, for pasturing cattled claimed by him.

[QS] Shown as a regular practising case lawyer 1627-1634 inc before the Quarter Sessions in Blandford, Dorchester, Sherborne, Beaminster, etc

[PRO] Will of Gilbert Loder, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset, probate granted 12 Mar 1657; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Name of Register: Ruthen Quire Numbers: 51 - 103: PROB Ref 11/262

[NBI] Gilbert LODER buried Dorchester Dorset Parish of St Peters in the year 1656 no exact date given
WILLIAM LODER son of John Loder, bpt at Stinsford 20 April 1570, Married (1) Anne Watts, 1 May 1580 (2) Elizabeth Denit, 28 July 1589. [Source Rev RG Bartelot]
[Entry 5 in listing]
JOHN LONG - [Bookseller] of Dorchester. d.20 Dec. 1632. First Governor of the Freemen of Dorchester(1), 1629. His son John Long carried on the business and sold Rev. John White's works.
[Entry 43 in listing]

NOTE:- (1). See research document - he was also Governor in 1627 under the Charter granted to Dorchester by James I, but Rose Troup refers to the new Charter drawn up in 1629 under Charles I where it states " John LONG of Dorchester shall be the first Governor to continue in office until Monday after Michaelmas & to be sworn before the Mayor".

See Research Document on John LONG [LONGE] families in Dorchester

Sources:- FFH pages 225 & 236: MRD pages 59, 82, 340, 367, 393, 395/6, 408/9, 413, 427, 642, 692, 694, 716: PRO Possible probate granted 20 Sep 1633 for a Will of John Longe or Long but does not give any location ; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury; Name of Register: Russell Quire Numbers: 58 - 117: PRPB Ref 11/164: WW p39, 48, 54, 75, 92, 106, 115, 125-127, 179.
JOSEPH LONG - [Gentleman] of Sidbury, Devon [? Held land in Broadmayne and had a son William whose son Joseph Long emigrated to New England].
[Entry 106 in listing]
[JOS] Sidbury, Devon (15 m. E of Exeter), and a few miles from Salcombe Regis. Joseph Long, married Mary Lane, dau. of William Lane of Beaminster, who came to New England on the ship "Hopewell", 1635. Bill of Derby vs. Long, et al, 29 Sept. 1655--Joseph Long, gent, now deceased settled lands in Broad Magna, Dorset, on his son William Longe. Matthew Derby of Dorchester, gent, claimed William Longe, granted the premises to him before June, 1654. Respondents were William Longe, Richard Savaze and Josiah Terry of Dorchester, habadasher.
HENRY MABER - [Clothier]. Son of Marshall Maber of Hillfield in Sydling. [Source Rev RG Bartelot] b. 2 Dec. 1588, Sydling. Married [St Peters] Mrs Martha Derbie, widow 4 Aug. 1657 [Source Rev RG Bartelot] Bur. [St Peter's] Mr Henry Maber magistrate 2 Oct 1667 [Source rev RG Bartelot]
[Entry 10 in listing]
[JOS] Married Martha Joliffe Derby, widow of Matthew Derby, 4 Aug. 1657.

Henry MABER (1588-1667) He was baptised as Henry the youngest child of Marshall MABER of Hillfield on 2nd December 1588 in St Nicholas Church in the parish of Sydling St Nicholas located 8 miles north west of Dorchester. His father Marshall Maber married his mother Marie MITCHELL in St Mary's church in Charminster Dorset on 17 Nov 1577. He had an older brother William (1580) and two sisters Mary (1583) and Elizabeth (1585). A clothier by trade the Municipal Records show that he took on 4 apprentices in Dorchester (in 1623, 1629, 1631 and 1634) for 8 or 9 year terms to help in his business and learn the trade. He was elected constable of Dorchester on 2nd Oct 1626 and again the following year. He was appointed under the Charter of Charles I issued on 22 Sep 1629 as one of the original 24 members of the Common Council of Freemen and re-elected, in 1630 and 1633. He was also elected receiver of the company of Freemen in 1629 and Governor 1632-33. In 1629, whilst still a constable of Dorchester, he was accused of poaching by a local gentleman called John Williams the heir to the Herringstone estate and keeper of the King's game for the Royal Manor of Fordington. John Williams had himself stabbed a tapster to death at the George in 1623 but Maber was duly summoned to Whitehall. No formal complaint was made however so he returned home.

His father, also a clothier by trade was admitted Freemen of Dorchester 26 July 1632. On the 18th Sep 1635 Henry was elected Capital Burgess of Dorchester taking over from William Whiteway the diarist who died then. In 1635 he was also made Town Steward, before being chosen as Mayor in 1641. During the period 1648-49 he was Bailiff and on 1st Apr 1650 became Feoffee for the parsonage of Frome Whitfield before being elected as Mayor for second time on 3 October 1653. Rose Troup says he married in St peters church Dorchester on 4 Aug 1657 to the widow Martha DERBIE. If correct he would then have been 69 years old. He was buried in st peters church on 2nd Oct 1667.
Sources: DD page 141: HACD: FFH pages 143,158,187: MRD pages 59, 83, 370, 373, 396, 399, 408, 413, 415, 424, 444, 454, 561, 624, 630, 649, 651, 652, 713,714, 716. OPC Charminster marriages & Sydling St Nicholas Baptisms: RT & Rev RG Bartelot - pages 40, 263 and 449: WW pages 85,92,99,113,125,134,157, 179:
RICHARD MALLACK of Axmouth. Son of William Mallock of Axmouth. Married Joan dau. of John Yonge of Colyiton. Bur. 16 Sept. 1644. Adminstration of his estate to relict Joan 21 Feb. 1644/5.
[Entry 100 in listing]
[JOS] (Mallocke) of Axmouth, Devon (5 m. W of Lyme Regis). Bu. 16 Sept. 1644. Married Joan Younge, dau. of John Yonge and Elizabeth Steere of Colliton. His brothers-in-law were Humphrey Cockeram, Robert Hill of Taunton, William Hill of Poundsford, William Fry of Yarby and Walter Younge. Humphrey Cockerman may be related to William Cockeram brother-in-law of John Miller. (Ref: Devon Visitations 1623, p. 52, Search Series Vol. 12, p. 15).
HENRY MANIFORD of Long Burton.[Tanner?] Bur. 6 Dec. 1642. Will (PCC 240 Fines) 23 Apr. 1642, proved 20 Nov. 1647 .
[Entry 62 in listing]
[MR] CLDS Extraction programme shows Henry MANIFORD married Joane BURTE on 4th Feb 1610 in Long Burton. Also shows baptisms of their children Joane 19 May 1615; Elizabeth 21 Oct 1618; John 26 Dec 1621 & his death 15 Jan 1622; John 26 sep 1623; Henry 19 Sep 1625; Hannah 19 May 1628; Samuel 29 Mar 1630; & Mary 1 Nov 1632.

[PRO] Will of Henry Mainford, Gentleman of Longburton, Dorset, probate granted 20 Nov 1647; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Name of Register: Fines Quire Numbers: 202 - 260: PROB Ref 11/202. Also Will of Joane MANIFORD Widow of Long urton Dorset, proved 14 Dec 1660 Nabbs Quire numbers 260-312 REf 11/302

[JOS] His daughter Mary married John Warren of Chiddington. (Ref: Dorset Visitations 1677, p. 73)
AMIAS MARTYN of Ireland.[Mercer] Son of Adam Martyn of Scaborough, Somerset.
[Entry 87 in listing]
[WW] MARTIN, Amias. Mercer of Seaborough, Somerset. Freeman of Dorhester 1623.Member of council of freemen 1626-27, 1629-30.
JOSHUA MARTYN [Mercer] living about Yeavell (Yeovil?), in the County of Somerset.
[Entry 86 in listing]
HENRY MASY of Kendall. [Clerk] B.c.1589. Of Broadgates Hall, from Devon. [Source Forster's Alumni Oxoniensis] Rector of Shafton St. Rumbold alias Cann, Dorset 1612-1622. Rector of Templecombe, Somerset 1613-1622.
[Entry 108 in listing]
[OXA] MACY, Henry of Devon, pleb Broadgates Hall matriculated 11 July 1606 aged 17; MA from Wadham College 5 Jul 1614 (then in orders) Rector of Shafton St Rumbold alias Cann Dorset, 1612; and Rector of Temple or Abbas Combe Somerset 1614-36; father of Henry & John 1634;
JAMES MEWS - Of Caundle Purse Manor House, Dorset, son of Ellis Mew, brother of Dr. Peter Mew, Bishop of Winchester. [Entry 68 in listing]  
GILES MILLER (Meller) - [Gentleman] 6th son of Sir John Meller of Came. and brother of Sir Robert Meller. d before 1634 [Source Rev RG Bartelot]
[Entry 40 in listing]
[DV] Grandson of John Miller of Came & Jane daughter of Robert Cockeran in Collompton; 6th son of John Miller of Came & Anne daughter of Giles Winterhay of Chethall in Dorset. Brother of Sir Robert Miller of Came a Knight.
ROBERT MILLER -[Felt maker] Of Bridport. Married Cicelie .Bd. [of plague] bur. 21 Sept. 1626. [Source Rev.RG Bartelot] Will 1626 (PCC 145 Hale).
[Entry 33 in listing]
[PRO] Will of Robert Millar, Feltmaker of Bridport, Dorset: Probate 23 Dec 1626: Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Name of Register: Hele Quire Numbers: 109 - 154: PROB Ref 11/150
WALTER NEWBURG [Clerk] - b.1596, Married (1) Katherine Strode of Stoke Abbas. [Source Rev.RG Bartelot] (2) Jane dau. of John Brown of Frampton, [ she remarried Dr. John Stoughton] Of Hart Hall, from Dorset [Source Foster's Alumni Oxoniensis] d. 27 May 1631 Bur. 2 Jun 1631 [Source Rev RG Bartelot] Will (P.C.C. 111 Audley) pro. 7 Nov 1632. Rector of Symondsbury Dorset 1624-32.
[Entry 38 in listing]
[MR] See Separate Biography on this site. Walter NEWBURGH Esq(1595-1631)  
MATTHIAS NICHOLLES - [Clerk] b. c.1586. of New College Oxford from Bucks Gentleman [Source Foster's Alumni Oxoniensis] Brother of Ferdinando Nicholls. d. 15 Aug. 1631[Source Whiteways diary] Will (PCC 107 St. John) pro. 10 Oct. 1631. Rector of Mells, Somerset, installed 4 Jan. 1619. [His successor was inst. 29 Feb 1620] Minister of God's Word at Plymouth, Devon 1630 ' Witnessed will of John White's father].
[Entry 47 in listing]
Matthias (Matheus & Mathew) NICHOLLS [NICOLLS] (1587-1631) The elder of two known sons of a Buckinghamshire Gentleman born there c1587.

Matthias was educated at the same university as the Rev. John WHITE (1574/5-1648) matriculating at New College Oxford on 31st Oct 1606 at the impressionable age of 19. John White had probably only just left Oxford when Matthias arrived, leaving behind him a considerable reputation at the university as a charismatic puritan preacher. Matthias was awarded a Bachelor of Canon Law on 5 May 1614 and must have been befriended by the Patriarch's father (also John WHITE 1550-1618), as he was a witness to his will which was written at Staunton St John on 30 Sep 1616. It is not surprising therefore to find him following in the patriarch's footsteps receiving a licence to preach in 1619 and being presented to the living at Mells in Somerset on 14th January 1620 after the death of the previous rector William HILL. He did not stay long however as a new rector Henry Ancketill was appointed on 27 Feb 1621 shortly before Matthias was awarded his Bachelor of Divinity on 11 July 1621. He then, according to his will, seems to have become a "Preacher of God's word" in Plymouth Devon.

He married a Martha and is said to have had the following children all baptised in St Andrews church Plymouth John (bap 20 Mar 1621 -bur 14 Sep 1631) Joanna (bap 24 Sep 1623); Matthias (bap 29 Mar 1626); Samuel (bap 17 Jul 1628) and Hanna (bap 15 Dec 1631). Matthias remained throughout in close contact with John WHITE supporting his schemes for emigration and becoming one of the 119 investors in the Dorchester Company in 1624.

His younger brother Ferdinando NICHOLLS (1598-1662) became assistant to Rev. John WHITE from 1625 to August 1627 and according to Rose Troup in her book on John WHITE, Ferdinando 'advanced to a form of Puritanism of a more violent character'.

In March 1630 Matthias greeted passengers of the "Mary & John" (the ship chartered by John WHITE) just before they set sail for New England. They assembled together with John WHITE in Plymouth for a farewell service in the "New Hospital", evidently known as the Hospital of the Poor Portion, a recently founded Puritan institution on the lines of the Hospital in Dorchester, a place for 'setting children to work' and for 'aged people to inhabit'.

Matthias died in Plymouth on 15 July 1631 leaving a Will which was proved on 10 October that year in which he left money to puritan charitable institutions in Plymouth and £13 'unto the common stock for New England, towards the advancement of that plantation'. On 12th April 1634 his widow Martha was another of those that settled in Dorchester seeking the comfort and protection of John White.

Genealogical Notes:-
Sources: CCED; CLDS members entry: OXA; PRO Ref Prob 11/160: RT23,199 411,453; WW 117,143,180;
EDWARD PELE - Of Compton Valence. [Clerk] B. c.1582, Of Queens College, Oxford, from Cumberland. [Source Forster's Alumni Oxoniensis] d. 6 May 1643. [Source Rev.RG.Bartelot] Will proved by relict Alice, Aug. 1643 (PCC Fairfax) Vicar of Fordington , 1617, Rector of Compton Valence, installed 28 Jun. 1629. [Entry 61 in listing]
[MR] See Separate Biography on this site.Rev. Edward PELE (1582-1643)
THOMAS PELHAM, Esq. - Of Compton Valence. Son of Herbert Pelham of Compton Valence by his 2nd wife Eliz. West eldest dau of Lord de la Warre. Married Blanche dau. of Robert Eyre 4 Sept 1620.
[Entry 70 in listing]
[DV] Grandson of Anthony Pelham of Sussex. Son of Herbert Pelham of Michellham Sussex by his 2nd wife Elizabeth daughter of Thomas Delaware. Thomas Pelham then [1623] of Compton Vallence married Blanch daughter of Robert Eyre of Wells in Somerset. DV Ref Page 75

[WW] PELHAM, Thomas. Of Compton Valence, Dorset. Captain in Dorset Militia 1622-29.
JOHN PITT - [Merchant] Of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis. Will proved 1626 (PCC 22 Hele).
[Entry 41 in listing]
[DV] PITT, John : Alderman of Melcombe Regis, Dorset, 1623. (DV Ref Page 2)

[PRO] Will of John Pitt, Merchant of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis, Dorset; probate granted 10 Fen 1626; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Name of Register: Hele Quire Numbers: 1 - 56; PROB Ref 11/148

[WW] PITT, John (c1547-1627). Merchant and shipowner of Lanehouse, Bridport and Weymouth. Mayor of Weymouth 1618 and MP for Poole 1623.Investor in Newfoundland fishing trade and Dorchester Company. Brother to diarist's maternal grandmother. Married Agnes Davidge. Children included Joseph, alice (d. 1626) and Phineas.
MATHEW PITT [Merchant] son of Richard Pitt of Crickett Malherbe, Somerset. d.18 Apr. 1624, London.[Source Whiteways diary] Will (P.C.C. 97 Byrde) 10 Oct 1623 pro. by relict Philippa 19 Nov 1624, who was dau of Robert Welsteed [Father of Philippa Pitt] Member of Melcombe Regis
[Entry 42 in listing]
[JOS] son of Richard Pitt of Crickett Malherbe, Somerset, and Margaret Bailey. D. 18 Apr. 1624, London. Married (1) Christian Barnard, dau. of John Barnard of Shepton Mallet, and (2) Phillips Welsteed, dau. of Robert Welsteed.

[DV] PITT, Mathew: Alderman of Melcombe Regis, 1623. DV Ref Page 2.

[PRO] Will of Mathew Pitt, Merchant of Cricket Malherbie, Somerset; probate granted 19 Nov 1624; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Name of Register: Byrde Quire Numbers: 66 - 118; PROB Ref 11/144

[WW] PITT, Matthew. (d.1624) Merchant of Weymouth. MP 1621 and 1624. Described by diarist as "cousin".
[Entry 77 in listing]
ELIZABETH POOLE of Seaton Devon dau. of Sir William Poole bp 25 Aug 1588. d.21 May 1654 Emigrated to New England with her brother William
[Entry 102 in listing]
[JOS] of Seaton Devon (B m. W of Lyme Regis). Elizabeth came on the ship "Speedwell" with Walter Deane, brother-in-law of Elder John Strong, Henry Cogan brother-in-law of John Whetcombe. (See John Poole, below).
JOHN POOLE - Baronett of Colcomb, Devon. B.c.1586, d. 16 April 1658, son of Sir William Poole the Antiquary. MP for Devon 1626. Created Baronet 12 Sep 1628.
[Entry 97 in listing]
[JOS] Married (1) Elizabeth How, dau. of Roger How and Jane Symes, his stepsister. (2) Mary widow of John Lechland M.P. for Devon, 1626. Created Baronet 12 Sept. 1628. Sir John Poole, Baronet and his brother, Perian (below), were brothers of Elizabeth Poole and William Poole. William was in Dorchester, MA and moved to Taunton about 1637. (Ref: See Vivian's Visitations of Devon, p. 603) .
PERIAM POOLE, [Gentleman] - Of High Haine near Moreton Hampstead, son of Sir William Poole, bpt. 16 Apr. 1592. Buried 29 Aug. 1642, . Will (Exeter) proved 21 Oct. 1642.
[Entry 99 in listing]
[JOS] brother of Sir John Poole, Elizabeth Poole, and William Poole. Married Dorothy Hippesley. Matriculated Exeter College, Oxford? 3 Nov. 1609, BA, 12 Dec. 1609, Student Inner Temple 1612.
THOMAS PURCHASE - then of Dorchester.? Son of Oliver Purchase [Source Rev RG Bartelot] b. c.1578. d. 11 May 1678 aged 101. Emigrated to New England where he was partner with his brother-in-law George Way in the Bishopsgate grant. [In one list Sir Martyn Thomas replaces Thomas Purchase.]
[Entry 56 in listing]
[JOS] B. 1577, d. 11 May 1678, age 101, Lynn, MA. Married (1) Mary Grove, cousin of Sir Christopher Gardiner and (2) Elizabeth Andrews Pike, 1657, b. 1633, dau. of Samuel Andrews and Jane of Saco, ME, widow of Richard Pike of Falmouth, ME. His widow married John Blaney. Between 1625 and 1629 he settled in Maine and engaged in the fur trade. He was the partner [and brother-in-law] of George Way in the Pegyscott grant in 1632. In 1635 he was one of Gorges' Council, (see John Humphrey). Held the office of Assistant to the Colony Commissioners. Justice in 1664. In 1675 his house was attacked by Indians and he removed to Lynn, MA. In his will he called Oliver Purchase and Edward Allen, cousin[meaning nephews][Edward Allen married a daughter of George Way]. George Way called him brother. In 1639 Rev. Robert Jordain joined him in Brunswick, MA, who was called his kinsman. (Ref: Trelwany Papers, p. 237). He is the brother of Aquila Purchase and Joan Purchase of Dorchester (b. 1578), wife of Bernard Capen, dau. of Oliver Purchase and Thomasine Harris. They were the parents of Susan--Capen (wife of William Rockwell) and Dorothy Capen (wife of Nicholas Upsall), "Mary & John" passengers. Joan and Bernard Capen came to Dorchester, MA about 1633.
ROBERT RAW - Of Bettiscombe [Gentleman] Mar. Elizabeth dau Francis Hardy gent, of Upsidling Dorset. Bir. (Bridport) 19 May 1646 [Source Rev RG Bartelot]
[Entry 71 in listing]
Of Bettiscombe (8 m. NW of Bridport). Married Elizabeth Hardy, dau. of Francis Hardy of Up Sydling, Dorset (8 m. NW of Dorchester). Agnis Ray, dau. of John Raw of Bettiscombe married Robert Morgan,, son of Henry Morgan and Catherine Strobridge. (Ref: Dorset Visitations 1623, p. 73).
JOHN RAYMOND - possibly of London. [Entry 117 in listing]  
WILLIAM ROYDON - of Fordington , Dorset. Mrs. Rodden buried. at Fordington , 18 Apr. 1638; Christina Rowden and Ambrose Way married 18 Apr. 1631, Fordington . [Source Rev RG Bartelot]
[Entry 49 in listing]
[MR] Fordington burial Register has an entry for Mrs RADDEN being buried on 18th April 1638. Marriage is confirmed by transcription of Parish Registers for Fordington by Phillimore & Edmund Nevill, Volume IV Published 1909 and amended from Bishops Transcripts by me.
JOHN SACHEVERELL, [Clerk] - Of Stoke, son of John Sacheverell of Buckland, Dorset. [Source Dorset Visitation] Rector of East Stoke. Ancester of the famous Dr.Sacheverall ] [Probably he read the articles against Featley at Lambeth]
[Entry 57 in listing]
[CCED] SACHEVERELL, Johannes appointed Curate of Beere Regis Dorset and ordained deacon 25 sep 1636. Ordained priest 24 Sep 1637; instituted as Rector of Langton Matravers Dorset 19 Mar 1646.

[DV] Grandson of Christian and Isabell Sacheverall of Chantmarrell Dorset; Son of John Dacheverall of Buckland Dorset & Anne daughter of Thomas Jessop of Chilcomb Dorset; Rector of East Stoke Dorset married Deborah Dale. Had son John born c1613 [See OXA below]

[OXA] SACHEVERELL, John son of John of East Stoke Dorset; sacred.New Inn Hall Oxford; matriculated 1 Feb 1632/33 aged 18; BA 3 Jul 1636; Rector of Langton Matravers Dorset 1646; and of Rimpton Somerset 1653; (his father formerly Cheverell Rector of East Stoke 1614, son of John Cheverell of Buckland Dorset); served the cure of donative of Wincanton, silenced 1662, died Dorchester Goal; brother of Timothy and grandfather of Henry1689
[Entry 46 in listing]
RICHARD SAVAGE - [ Woolen draper] bu. 2 Aug. 1669, St. Peter's Church, Dorchester. Mr. Richard Savage magistrate.
[Entry 20 in listing]
[DV] SAVAGE/ SAVIDGE/ The great grandson of Richard Savage of Bloxworth & Agnes Willis of Piddletrethide. Grandson of William Savage of Bloxworth & Petronell daughter of Robert Welsted of Wimborne Minster; son of George Savage of Bloxworth & Mary daughter & heir of Ashley of Sherborne; married to Dorothie daughter of William Hardye of Becksington [DV3 Bexington in Abbotsbury] Dorset. His brother William son and heir to his fathers estate was a counsellor of law at the Middle Temple [DV ref page 83]

[DV3] SAVAGE The pedigree of George Savage of Bloxworth & Mary Ashley. Shows a second marriage for his son Richard to a Mary (surname not given) States Richard buried Dewlish 17 June 1668 (also shown in NBI) and wife Mary 17 Sep 1639 (also shown in NBI as Marie Savage). Three children William bap 21 Sep 1637; Elizabeth bap 14 June 1636 & Bridget bap 1 Sep 1644. [Note:- OPC Parish register very poor quality but confirms Elizabeth d.o. Richard Savage Bap 1637]

[WW] SAVAGE, Richard (d.1669). Woolen Draper of Bloxworth. Assistant to governor of freemen 1624-25, 1627-28. Bailiff 1630-31, 1634-35. Mayor 1639-40, 1651-52. Governor of hospital 1634. Investor in Dorchester Company. Captain in militia for Parliament in Civil War. brother of William, counsellor-at-law.

[WW] Diary dates: 01 Oct 1619 present at naming of WW brother James Whiteway : 30 Sep 1622 Chosen Constable: 6 Oct 1623 Chosen Constable: 12 Apr 1633 Feoffee of the lands of All Saints: 22 Sept 1628 Mr Richard Savage was chosen to be of the Company in stead of Mr Richard Bushrod deceased

[HD] - By new Charter for Dorchester issued by Charles I on 22 Dec 1630 listed as Capital burgess

[MR] His burial is listed in the National Burial Index under Richard SAVAAGE on 7th Aug 1669. The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset” by John HUTCHINS shows him as Mayor of Dorchester in 1639; 1651 and 1660. Mayo in the Municipal Records of Dorchester refers to Mr Richard Savage chosen Mayor Oct 6 1651.His brother William Savage is shown in the Oxford Alumni :- of Dorset gent, Exeter College matriculated 30 Oct 1607 aged 16; student Middle Temple 1614; [DV3] Barrister MT 1621 Sheriff 1647 son and heir of George Savage of Bloxworth; married Joane daughter of Richard Page of Uxendon in ye parish of Harrow on the hill in Middlesex. Father of George 1651.
SIR ARTHUR SMYTHES, Knight - Came to Dorchester to dwell with his family 8 Mar. 1623/4 with his household.[source Whiteways diary] [New England Planters Parliament]
[Entry 107 in listing]
[WW] Diary dates: 08 March 1624 Sir Arthur SMIITHEYES came to this town to dwell with his houshold - 31 Mar 1624 were the comittes chosen for the New England busynesse at the free schole - included Sir Arthur Amitheys.
HENRY SMITH - living in New England [Probably went to Dorchester Mass in the Mary & John though not mentioned on list. His mother who married Dr Tobiah Sandford is said by Whiteway to have gone in April 1630. She married as her third husband William Pyncheon and this son Henry Smith migrated to Springfield with them].
[Entry 112 in listing]
[JOS] Went to Dorchester, MA in 1630. His mother,Frances, married Dr. Tobiah Sanford She married, as her third husband, William Pynchon and Henry removed to Springfield with them. Henry came (second crossing?) on the "Speedwell" in 1637. William Pynchon and Henry Smith returned to England.
WILLIAM SMITH - Of Winterbourne, St. Martyn.
[Entry 55 in listing]
JOHN SNOOKE Of Temple Combe [Sidesman of Templecombe Church 1608 - [S.&D.N.&Q.,VIIp233]
[Entry 80 in listing]
Temple Combe (12 m. E of Yeovil) .A James Snooke came to Weymouth, MA.
JOHN SNOOKE. Of Temple Combe - May be the same as entry 80 in the listing or he may be the John Snook of St. Clements Danes, London. Citizen and merchant taylor whose will is dated 17 Aug. 1665, he had lands in Virginia and mentions a cousin Robert Snook of Salisbury.
[Entry 95 in listing]
MR note there is a John snook married HT 1647???

[PRO] Will of John Snooke, Merchant Tailor of Saint Clement Danes, Probate dated 1 sep 1665 : Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Name of Register: Hyde Quire Numbers: 57 - 107: PROB Ref 11/317
THOMAS SOUTHCOTT, Esq. - Of Mohuns Ottery. Son of George Southcott of Bovey. Married Katherine dau. of Sir William Pole of Colyton.
[Entry 104 in listing]
Mohuns Ottery, is in the Parish of Luppitt , Devon
[JOS] Son of George Southcott of Bovey Tracy and Elizabeth Seymour, dau. of Sir Henry Seymour. Married Katherine Pole, dau. of Sir William Pole and Mary Periam, bpt. 20 Aug. 1587. (Ref: Devon Visitations 1620, p. 60c).

"Sir Peter Carew was the most celebrated member of a very gifted race, and with his death in 1575 the senior branch of an extremely gifted family became extinct. Sir Peter's only sister, Cecily, inherited Mohun's Ottery. She was the wife of Thomas Kirkham, and their daughter and heiress, Thomasine, carried the property on her marriage to a family named Southcote. The house was sold in 1678 by Thomas Southcote, who died on 19 Sept 1699 and lies buried in the nave of the little village church of Monkton on the southern side of the Vale of Otter."
WILLIAM SPERING -[ Gentleman] . b.c. 1580, Bur. I Sept. 1654, St. Peter's Church, Dorchester. Son of Thomas Spering.
[Entry 24 in listing]
[PRO] Will of William Speringe or Spering, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset; 24 Nov 1654; Probate granted :Name of Register: Alchin Quire Numbers: 410 - 462 Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, PROB Ref 11/241
GILES STOODLY, the younger [Gentleman] Of Broade Windsor
[Entry 66 in listing]
SIR RICHARD STRODE, [Knight] of Charlmington, Dorset and Newham Devon.Bp. 1 July 1584. Bu. 9 Oct. 1669. Will dated 20 July 1669, proved 27 July 1670 (PCC Penn). M.P. for Beer Alston, for Bridport, and for Plympton.[New England Planters Parliament] [Entry 51] [MR] See Separate Biography on this site.Sir Richard STRODE (1584-1670) Knight of Charlmington
JOHN TERRY - [Clerk] b 1555. Rector of Stockton, Wiltshire 1589. Brother-in-law of John White. [MR Note also : Page 406: Mary White (born about 1570 Stanton St John) buried 17 Oct 1637 married c.1591 John Terry, son of Stephen Terry, born c.1555; Rector of Stockton Wilts., 1590; died 10 May 1625. had 6 children Stephen 1592; John; Samuel 1595; Josiah 1597; Nathaniel 1599; Stephen 1608]
[Entry 31 in listing]
[MR] John TERRY [TERRYE or TIRRYE] (1555-1625) was born at Long Sutton Hampshire the son of Stephen Terry and Alice Cannar. A scholar of Winchester School from 1572 he went onto New College Oxford where he matriculated 10th January 1574/5 at the age of 19 and was made a Fellow in 1576. He graduated BA 12 Nov 1578; MA 15 June 1582. He was ordained deacon and priest on 29th August 1585. He resigned his Fellowship of the College on being presented by Bishop Cooper of Winchester to the living of Stockton on 6 May 1589. In the year 1591 he married Mary White the sister of the Rev. John WHITE. John Terry and Mary had six children at Stockton between 1592 and 1608 (Stephen, John, Samuel (died), Josias, Nathaniel, Stephen). Through his connection with John White he became an investor in the Dorchester Company. Mary remained in close contact with her brother the patriarch and when he and his wife Ann had their first child (John White junior) he was christened in Stockton by John Terry on 27th Dec 1607.

John Terry died at Stockton on 10 May 1625 (Probate 5 July) and there is an obituary to him in the Stockton parish register as well as a memorial in the church which I have quoted in John Whites biography. His works listed in the Dictionary of National biography showed him to hold strong anti Roman Catholic views. On John Terry's death in 1625 he was succeeded by the Rev. Christopher Greene and Mary was required to vacate the rectory. She moved to Dorchester to live near her brother and also because her son Josias (executor to her will) also had a haberdashery business there. Her youngest son Stephen must have accompanied her as he emigrated on the Mary and John in 1630. Mary died in Dorchester on 12 Feb 1637/8. See transcript of her Will dated 6th Oct 1637.

Sources:- CCED: DNB page 567: OXA: PRO 11/146: RT Pages 24, 392, 407, 408, 416.
JOSIAS TERRY - [Haberdasher] probably Josiah Terry son of John Terry of Stockton, Wilts, by Mary sister of John White who was baptised 25 May 1597. Married Margaret Unknown, Buried [Trinity] 25 Oct. 1667. [Source Rev RG Bartelot]
[Entry 7 in listing]
[MR] Josias (Josiah) TERRY (1597-1667) was baptised on 25th May 1597 in Stockton Wiltshire the son of John Terry (1555-1625) and Mary White (c.1570-1637/8) . As a young man he was drawn to Dorchester by his charasmatic uncle (the Rev. John WHITE) and established a haberdashery business there. He soon prospered being elected to the Company of Freemen on 27 Dec 1623. Supportive of John White's ideals the following year he invested in the Dorchester Company and was elected Feoffee of the Free School.

For the year 1628/29 he served as constable of Dorchester and his haberdashery business continued to thrive enabling him to take on an apprentice called Mathew Newman who was bound to him for the usual 7 years on 20th Dec 1630. Two days later Charles I granted to the bailiffs, burgesses and inhabitants of Dorchester a new charter and he was named therein as one of 24 people to sit on the Common Council of Freemen for regulating trade etc in the borough. He is briefly mentioned in the Quarter Session Records for 13th to 15th January 1629/30 as some unspecified information was lodged against him with the court. He pleaded not guilty and was due to appear before William Derby JP but proceedings seem to have been dropped. His mother Mary died in 1637 when he was the executor and main benefactor of her Will dated 6th Oct 1637. . During the Civil War when danger approached Dorchester the Borough raised 2 companies each of eighty men. Josiah Terry was made Lieutenant of one under the command of Captain Joseph Paty.

He married Margaret the sister of the presbyterian merchant William Twisse but I have not been able to find out whether they had any children. This William Twisse should not be confused with William Twisse (c1580-1646) See Dictionary of National Biography who was another of John White's New College acquaintenances, afterwards chaplain to Elizabeth of Bohemia and in the 1640's Chairman of the Prebyterian Westminster Assembly.This William Twisse was a wealthy merchant in Dorchester who appears to have died in 1690. Josiah Terry's most prominent achievement was to be elected twice as Mayor of Dorchester in 1649 and 1661. He was Overseer to the will of Juliana PERKINS a widow of Dorchester written 19th Jan 1656 and proved 2nd Feb 1658 (See Wills Index) . In 1649 he was living a burgage(s) owned by William Derby (1588c-1649). During his second term he had William Twisse elected as a Capital Burgess of Dorchester. Josias died in Dorchester being buried on 25 Oct 1667 in Holy Trinity Church. His wife Margaret lived until 1673 when probate of her will was granted on 12th May. She left in her will bequests to George Hammond the ejected Minister of Holy Trinity and Abraham the son of Peter Templeman from Weymouth another apprentice that they had bound for 10 years on 29 May 1656 and four pounds to the poor of Dorchester with a provision that Holy Trinity's share to go principally to the widows of that parish.
Sources:- FFH Pages 214, 233,237,242, 250: HD Page 129: MRD: NBI: OXA W/Twisse: PRO Margarett 11/342: QS: RT Pages 308,392: WW:
WILLIAM TILLEY -[Clerk] ? of Broadgates Hall Oxford, from Devon. b. c.1563 [Source Fosters Alumni Oxoniensis] d. 18 Aug 1634 Rector of Broadwindsor [predecessor of Thomas Fuller] in 1598
[Entry 30 in list]
[OXA] TILLIE, William of Devon, pleb Broadgates Hall matriculated 11 Oct 1583 aged 20 vicar of Broadwindsor Dorset 1598.
BERNARD TOUP - Of Chaldon (now East Chaldon), Dorset. Married Hannah Hardy of Compton Abbas. 5 Sep 1654. d 7 Nov 1635 [Source Rev. RG Bartelot]
[Entry 19 in listing]
[MR] , See Separate Biography on this site.Bernard TOUPE [c1587-1635]
WILLIAM TUCKER - Of Beaminster [ Mercer] Will 8 Mar. 1654.
[Entry 75 in listing]
[PRO] Will of William Tucker, Gentleman of Beaminster, Dorset: probate granted 26 Nov 1654; PCC Name of Register: Aylett Quire Numbers: 426 - 475: PROB Ref 11/251
[MR] [ Note: See Separate Biography on this site William DERBY (1588-1649) of Dorchester]
JOSEPH UNDERWOOD - [Grocer] Son of John Underwood, bpt. [Trinity Church, Dorchester] 25 March 1586. Married 25 April 1607, Rachel Edwards she was buried 19 April 1631.[Source Rev RG Bartelot] [One of his name with a brother Thomas settled in Hingham Mass. 1637]
[Entry 3 on listing]

Joseph UNDERWOOD (1586-1641 ) Joseph, the son of John Underwood was baptised at Holy Trinity church Dorchester on 25th March 1586. He married in the same parish to Rachel Edwards on 25th April 1607.

    They had the following children baptized there:- (1) Joane bap 19th Apr 1608, she married Frederick Losse at Holy Trinity church on 30th Nov 1629; (2) Sara bap HT 26th Aug 1610 (3) John bap HT 18th June 1612 (4) Joseph bap HT 1st July 1613 - we know he married on 28 January 1633/4 from William Whiteway's diary and that he was a householder when he went off to fight in the Civil War in 1644, rising to the rank of captain before he was demobilised. His children were bap at HT (5) Rachell bap HT 30th March 1615 & buried there 6th May 1618 (6) Rebecca bap HT 23rd Mar 1615/16 (7) Benjamin bap HT 20 Apr 1619 and buried there 1st March 1619/20 (8) Rachell bap HT 26 March 1621 (9) Elizabeth bap HT 12th June 1622

A grocer by trade, apart from a short appearance in June 1617 before the magistrates when he was bound over to keep the peace with 2 other traders, he appears to have been doing very well until the early 1630's. In 1613 for example he took on Hugh the son of Daniel Phillipes of Sherborne as an apprentice for 8 years to help with his expanding business. Then in 1617 he also apprenticed John the son of Percival Harbin of Bradford Peverll for 12 years, and in 1625 John the son of William Daniel of East Coker for 8 years. As a grocer he was a member of the Company of Freemen of Dorchester being elected as Assistant Governor for the years 1626-27, 1628-29, 1630-31, 1633-34. In fact he is named in the charter issued to the Corporation of Dorchester by Charles 1st on 22nd September 1629 as one of the original 24 members of the Council of Freemen of Dorchester

From William Whiteway's diary we also know that he was elected constable of Dorchester on 4th October 1624 and re-elected to serve for another year on 9th Oct 1625. He was also elected as churchwarden and overseer in Holy Trinity Parish on 14th April 1628 . A supporter of John White he is listed as one of the 119 investors in the Dorchester Company and some of his relatives actually emigrated to New England. He was in the same tax bracket as Dennis Bond and several other members of the Corporation so clearly doing very well.

But then things started to go downhill. First the death of his wife Rachel is reported by William Whiteway on 18th April 1631 and she was buried at Holy Trinity the following day. Whether she had been a steadying influence upon him we do not know, but he was arrested for debt in 1632, and although he managed to pay up, two years later he could not. He had been buying goods from London wholesalers, who, he claimed, charged him for more than he had ordered. Summoned before Edmund Dashwood the Mayor, Underwood was indignant. He expected to be treated with courtesy in the old neighbourly way, he told the constable, not as a disgraced and broken debtor; 'If Mr Mayor had sent his boy he would go with him, but not with a constable without a warrant'. If the constable did bring a warrant he would come only if it was 'business for the King'. So his goods were distrained and although his son came rushing home from the Shire Hall and secured some of the stock before the bailiffs arrived, the shop was soon being rifled both by the agents of the London dealers and by some distictly unneighbourly neighbours. A crowd of over thirty people collected and took 'some fruit' and other small things, while the Londoners helped themselves to nutmegs and drank some of Underwoods 'hot waters'. The grocer scurried off to London and eventually satisfied his creditors; he was back in business by the end of 1636 but his civic career was at an end and he was buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 4th Sep 1641.

Sources:- Holy Trinity Parish Registers; FFH page 140; MRD pages 59; 83; 393; 410; 411; 424; 641; 661; 697; Phillimore's Marriage Registers, published in 1909; William Whiteway his diary 1618-1635: Sir Fracis Ashley's Casebook 1614-1635 Note:- In the Index to 'Administrations in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury' now preserved in the Principal Probate Registry Somerset House in London, is an entry for the year 1649 :- Joseph UNDERWOOD of Dorchester Dorset (Former grant October 1641 - Administration granted 1649 Folio 170.]
ROBERT VEARE - Sometimes of Fordington Married (Winterbourne Kingston) Agnes Bezant, 23 Jan 1625. Bur. Fordington 26 Sept 1669 [Source Rev RG Bartelot]
[Entry 64 in listing]
[MR] The name on the Bishops Transcripts for burial 26th Sep 1669 is Robert Vidor - Michael Russell OPC Fordington]
JOHN VINCENT - possibly of London. Possibly emigrant John Vincent at Sandwich Mass 1637.
[Entry 118 in listing]
[JOS] John Vincent of Porrington disclaimed in the Dorset Visitation of 1623, p. 4. Two John Vincents appeared in New England. In Sandwich, MA (1636) and New Haven (1639).

[PRO] Possible?? Will of John Vincent of Dorchester, Dorset;probate granted 21 Jan 1663; PCC Name of Register: Juxon Quire Numbers: 1 - 51; PROB Ref 11/310 Note others in Dorset as well??
CHRISTOPHER VINEY - [Perhaps an emigrant to New England as placed [in the list] between two other emigrants , or else this may be a repetition of entry 65 in the list]
[Entry 113 in listing]
[Entry 65 in listing]
HENRY WALROND, Esq. - Bpt. 18 July 1584. Bur. 30 Apr. 1650, son of William Walrond of Bradfield. Will dated 7 Feb. 1649, proved 11 July 1650 (PCC 124 Pembroke).
[Entry 105 on listing]
[JOS] son of William Walrond and Mary Sanford Warre. Married Penelope Sydenham, dau. of Humphrey Sydenham of Bradfield. (Ref: Devon Visitation 1620).

[PRO] Will of Henry Walrond of Bradfield, Devon; Probate granted 11 July 1650; PCC Name of Register: Pembroke Quire Numbers: 110 - 156; PROB Ref 11/213
[Entry 25 in listing]
[JOS] A Richard Watts settled in Hartford, CT before 1640.
GEORGE WAY - [Glover] A Merchant Adventurer, sending ships to New England; partner with his brother-in-law, Thomas Purchase, in Bishopgate grant. Will. [P.C.C. 155 Evelyn] 1 Oct 1641; pro 3 Dec 1641
[Entry 13 in listing]
[JOS] Married Sarah Purchase. He was probably the George Way mentioned in the records of Dorchester, MA, 2 Jan. 1637/8, as having previously had a land grant. "Widow Way" is mentioned in the list of proprietors of the to great lots" in Dorchester, MA, 23 Feb. 1646/7, and perhaps she is the widow of this George Way who was the partner with his brother-in-law, Thomas Purchase in the Pegypscott, Maine grant in 1632, and whose son, Eleazer Way, settled in Hartford, CT. According to Savage 4:439, the Eleazer had a suit in Massachusetts early in 1637, against Thomas Purchase of Kennebeck. Henry Way of the "Mary & John" and Robert Way were undoubtedly related to this George Way. Robert Way was an apprentice in 1634, with Deputy-Governor (MA), Roger Ludlow, of the "Mary & John".

[WW] WAY, George (d.1641) Glover of Dorchester. Governor of hospital 1626. Constable 1625-26, 1634-35. Churchwarden 1629. Investor in the Dorchester Company and other New England ventures.

[PRO] Will of George Way, Merchant of Dorchester, Dorset; Probate granted 03 December 1641; PCC Name of Register: Evelyn Quire Numbers: 105 - 155: PROB Ref 11/187
ROBERT WELSTEED - Of Bloxworth [Clerk] B.c. 1570. Of Magdelen College Oxford, from Somerset. [Source Forster's Alumni Oxoniensis] Bur. 14 Nov. 1651, aged 79. [Source Rev RG Bartelot] Will (P.C.C. 50 Bowyer) pro 12 Feb. 1651/2. Rector of Bloxworth, installed 1 Sept. 1597. His dau. married Matthew Pitt.
[Entry 63 in listing]
[JOS] Of Bloxworth (15 m. B of Dorchester). His dau. Phillips Welsteed married Matthew Pitt. Petronell Welsted, dau. of Robert Welsted of Wymborne Minster, Dorset married William Savage of Bloxworth, son of Richard Savage of Bloxworth. (Ref: Dorset Visitation 1677, p. 61).

[PRO] Will of Robert Welsted or Welsteed, Clerk of Bloxworth, Dorset; Probate granted 12 February 1652; PCC Name of Register: Bowyer Quire Numbers: 1 - 51; PROB Ref 11/220
ROBERT WHETCOMBE - Of Sherborne [Merchant, Gentleman].Son of John Whetcombe and a brother of Simon Whetcombe.
[Entry 78 in listing]
[JOS] Married Mary Allen, dau. of John Allen and Dorothy Smithes (Ref: Somerset Visitation 1623). First cousins of John Whetcombe (Whitcomb) and his wife Francis Cogan who came to New England on the ship "Hopewell", with Elder John Strong.

[PRO] Will of Robert Whetcombe, Gentleman of Sherborne, Dorset: Probate granted 14 February 1657; PCC Name of Register: Ruthen Quire Numbers: 1 - 50: PROB Ref 11/261 or
Will of Robert Whetcombe, Gentleman of Sherborne, Dorset: probate granted 10 September 1687; PCC Name of Register: Foot Quire Numbers: 90 - 132: PROB Ref 11/388
JOHN WHITE - [Clerk] "all of Dorchester in the County of Dorset and " [Entry 27 in listing] [MR] See Separate Biography on this site.. Rev. John White (1575-1648)
JOHN WHITE, Esq. [ Barrister], "Century White"
.[Entry 119 in listing]
[MR] See Separate Biography on this site. John WHITE (1590-1645), Counsellor Known as 'Century White'  
STEVEN WHITE - [Gentelman] Brother of Rev. John White. [Entry 48 in listing] [MR] See Separate Biography on this site. Stephen [Steven] WHITE   (1576-1629), of Stanton St John Oxfordshire
WILLIAM WHITEWAY, the elder [Merchant] A prominent merchant of Dorchester, holding many public offices. Born about 1570. Died 1639. Will proved 6 May 1640 (PCC 60 Coventry).
[Entry 2 in listing]
[DV] Confirms Capital Burgess of Dorchester on date of visitation 9 Aug 1623. DV Ref page 3.

[WW] WHITEWAY (1570-1640) Father of diarist. Merchant of Dorchester. Successful in trade, especially with France. Born at Denbury, Devon, he left home town to follow fortunes as apprentice merchant, First visited Dorchester 1585. Imprisoned as a Protestant in Honfleur, France 1590. Married Mary Mounsell (1579-1655), herself from a trading family, 1598. Settled permanently in Dorchester 1600, and soon an office holder. Listed as capital burgess in 1610 Charter, and as Alderman in 1629 Charter. Four times bailiff, including 1626 and 1635. Mayor 1631. MP for Dorchester 1624, 1625. He and his wife outlived most of their children.

[HD] Appointed Magistrate under new Charter by King James 1st 26 June 1610 - Also new Charter by Charles I on 22 Dec 1630
WILLIAM WHITEWAY, the younger - [Merchant] 'The diarist', son of William Whiteway. b. c.1599.d. 1635 Will [P.C.C. 94 Sadler] pro 7 Sept. 1635 [New England Planters Parliament]
[Entry 29 in list]
[MR] Phillimore's Marriage Registers, published in 1909 shows William WHITEWAY & Eleonor PERKINS were married 14-Jun 1620 In Holy Trinity church Dorchester

[WW] WHITEWAY, William (1599-1635) The diarist. Merchant of Dorchester, where he attended free school under Robert Cheeke. First journey to France 1616. Married to Elinor Parkins (1601-bef.1647) in Holy Trinity by John White 1620. Freeman 1621. Lieutenant in militia 1622. Assistant to Governor of freemen 1622. Governor 1624. Capital burgess 1624. MP for Dorchester 1626. Steward of hospital 1626.Overseer of the Poor for Holy Trinity parish 1628. Bailiff 1629,1633. Town steward 1630. Feoffee of All Saints church 1633.

[PRO] Will of William Whiteway, Merchant of Dorchester, Dorset: Probate granted 7 Sep 1635; PCC Name of Register: Sadler Quire Numbers: 93 - 132; PROB Ref 11/169

[HD] - By new Charter for Dorchester issued by Charles I on 22 Dec 1630 listed as Capital burgess + 1st Alderman

[DD] - Attended the Free school in Dorchester between 1606 - 1615 and in 1616 made his 1st journey to France. Eleanor dau of John Parkins a Dorchester merchant - her portion [dowry/] was £500. Eleanors wedding ring has latin inscription 'I am the pledge of a strong marriage and a pure love'. had 8 children all but the eldest son and another - William and a posthumous daughter dying in infancy. Whiteways brother John married John Whites niece Mary. - wide ranging interests knowledgeable about astronomy and geology art and architecture. He owned books on logic medicine and mathematics. Had a deep interest in history & had planned to wriite a contemporary history of England. As was natural for a merchant he paid attention to to foreign affairs & as a puritan he was greatly interested in the religious controversies of the time. he was very unhappy about the advance of Arminianism and the power of the Bishops and was dismayed by Catholic victories in the 30 years war. + much more

[SDH] - Various cargoes through the port of Weymouth
ANTHONY WILKINS - ? Ambrose Wilkins and Alice Goddard married 23 June 1606, Trinity Church, Dorchester. [Source Rev RG Bartelot]
[Entry 109 in listing]
[MR] Rose Troup was unable to locate an Anthony Wilkins but the genealogist the Rev RG Bartelot thought this might refer to Ambrose Wilkins who certainly married Alice Goddard in Holy Trinity church on 23rd June 1606. There is an Administration bond and inventory held at the Wiltshire Archives for an Anthony Wilkins of West Knoyle (near Mere in Wiltshire) dated 1693.
WILLIAM WILLES - Of Puddletowne, Dorset and Wimborne Minster, Dorset. Yeoman. Will 1636.S&D.N.&Q,V.p198
[Entry 67 in listing]
[MR] Note there is a marriage in HT Wm Willes to a Elizabeth Hawkins 28 Jan 1604.
WALTER YOUNG, Esq. (Yonge) [Gentleman] - son of John Yonge of Colliton, Devon bp 21 Apr.1599. Bur. 26 Dec 1649. Will dated 14 Mar. 1645 (PCC 29 Pembroke). [The diarist see page 363 of 'John White Founder of Massachusetts by Rose troup 1930] MP for Honiton [Entry 96 in listing]; [MR] See Separate Biography on this site. Sir Walter YONGE (1599-1649)   

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