
Will of Richard BOON (BUNE) 1567

Dated 18 Jan 1566/7 - Proved May 1567
© Transcribed by Helen M Ford - 10th Oct 2024

    Will of Richard Boon (Bune) 1567

    Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre; Chippenham, Wiltshire,
    England; Wiltshire Wills and Probates; Reference Number: P5/2Reg/16B

    In the name of God Amen the eightenth daye of January Ao 1566 I Richard
    Bune of Fordington wthin the peculiar jurisdic’on there do ordeyne and make
    my testament ordeyninge my last will in manner and forme followinge

    First I give and bequeath my sowle into the hande of almightie god my creator
    only redeamer and savior And my body to the [ ] burial of my p’ish aforesaid

    Item I bequeathe to the cathedrall church of o’r Lady in Sarum xvid

    Item To the patrons of the Church of Fordington vjd

    Item to the collection for the pore people of Fordington one shepe

    Item to any one of Robert Allyns children of Charmister a shepe apice

    Item to every one of Robert Bunes children of Fordubgton a shepe apice
    except my godson Robert whom I will to have three shepe

    Item to Agnes Hayward my [ ] ij shepe and my cloke

    Item to any one of my brother John Bunes children a shepe apiece

    Item to Agnes Bune wydowe and to anye one of her children a shepe apice

    Item to any one of Roger Zeygars children a shepe apice

    Item to my brother John Bune, my brother Richard Bune and to my syster
    Edith Allyn to any of them a shepe apice

    Item I do forgive to my brother John Bune And my brother in lawe Robert Allyn
    all such detts as they owe to me

    Item I do forgive to my Uncle Roger Zeygar xvvs of the dett wch he owith me

    The residue of my goods both movable & unmovaeable I give and bequeath to
    my executors that they may dispose thereof as they shall think most
    conveynently to the plessure of Almighty God to helpe the pore people where
    they shall so most neade

    Item I do ordeyne and make th’executors of this my testament and last will
    the wthin named Roger Zeygar and my brother John Bunne witnes Roger
    Crokett vicar [ ] Roger Zeygar and Lucye Zeygar wth others

    Probate clause in Latin. Probate granted May 1567

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