
Will of John INGRAM 1602/3

Dated 16 Dec 1602 - Inventory 10 Feb 1602/3 - Proved 22 July 1603

© Transcribed by Helen M Ford - 10th Oct 2024
Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre; Chippenham, Wiltshire, England; Wiltshire Wills and Probates;
Reference Number: P5/7Reg/65C

Will of John Ingram of Fordington 1603

In the name of God Amen the sixteene day of December the yere of our Lord God one thousand sixe
hundred and two

I John Ingram of Fordington being sicke in bodey but whole in mynde and of good and perfyt
memory do make and ordayne my last will &testament in mannor and forme following First I
committ my soule to almighty god my saviour by whose deathe & passion I constantlie beleeve to be
saved and my body I bequethe to the earthe whereof it was fashioned.

Item I give to the poore of Fordington two shillings

Item I give to ye p’ishe church of Fordington three shillinges & fower pence

Item I do give and bequethe to my fower children viz Robert Ingram my sonne, Katherynne,
and Margaret my daughters four score sheepe and twelve yewes to be equally divided
between them

Item I give and bequeth to my sonne Robert a horse called Russe the cart and wheeles w’th harness
belonging to the same horse, a [read?] bullock and one acre of wheate [showinge?]uppon the way
to Bridport

Item to Katherine my daughter I give my best cowe and one half of wheate lying on [ ]

Item I give to Eliza Elizabethe my daughter my black horse & blacke bulllocke and towe halfe acres
of wheat the one lying in Luscombe the other [showting ] to p’isse Bridge pitt

Itm I give and bequethe to Margarett my daughter my red horse and two half acres of wheate ,one
half acre [sh__] by the way side leading to Bridport over the way that leadeth to Martens towne the
other lyeth by the way side leading to Bridport. And yf it fortune any of my said children to decease
before theie come to the age of one and twnty yeares & before that tyme be not marryed then I
bequethe her or his parte of from so deceasinge to the other of them [ ] then surviving to be
delivered unto them when they shall accomplish their sayd ages or els be marryed The residue of my
goodes moveable and unmoveable whatsoever unbequethed I give to Agnes my wife whome I do
nominate and appoynte to be my sole executrix to see my legacies paid and my will performed And I
doe appoynt Robert Ingram my loving father and Nicholas Ingram my overseers

Theise witnesses

John -inton Clerke Robert ___ & Robert ___

Probate granted _[22] July 1603

Administration bond granted to Agnes Ingram Wiltshire Wills Wiltshire Wills and Probate ref

A true and p’fect inventory of all the goods & apparell of John Ingram deceased made & p’rised by
us Richard Russell clerk Robert Bunn and Richard Warren the tenthe of February Anno Dm’ 1602

Imprimis fower score sheepe and eight ewes & lambes xxx l
Item two kyne _________________________________iiij l xs
Item two heyfer Bullocks _________________________iiij s iiijd
Item a horse called Russe _________________________iij l
Item a black nagg________________________________xls
Item an other old horse___________________________xvs
Item two swyne__________________________________xs
Item a carte, wheeles and one horse harness __________xxvjs
Item barlie in the barne___________________________vijl
Item Wheate____________________________________xxxs
Item wood in the barlie haye and other traishe _____xxs
Item a bedsteede, a [pthelie] two bolsters and a pyllowe__xx [?}
Item his app’ell __________________________________xs
Item [three?] brasse pannes ij brasse potts ij skylletts iij brasse bowles
& a frying panne___________________________________xxiiijs
Item iijs covletts three payer pf blanketts & three
payers of sheets __________________________________xxvs

Link to Fordington Wills Index for John INGRAM's which has links and more info about people named in his will.

Fordington Page      OPC Page