
St George's Church Burials 1577 - 1599

© Transcribed from BT’s by Michael Russell 2007 from CLDS film 1279496

[Transcribers comments are in brackets in italics - 129 records]

Last updated Oct 2024

Burial Ground behind St Georges Church

NOTES:- The Bishops Transcripts for this period are in poor condition and very difficult to read, some being written in either court or secretary hand where the formation of letters differs somewhat from that used today. They are transcribed as written with many variations in the spelling of names, even on the same line. There are some conventions however which are not miss spelt names. examples:-

♦“y” is often used instead of “i” as in Wynsor/Winsor - Bryne/Brine - Collyns/Collins

♦“z” is often used instead of “s” as in Cozens/Cosens - Zeager/Seager

♦“e” is often added to the end of names and some letters repeated as in Bisshoppe for Bishop or Bartlette for Bartlet or Ffordington

♦“h” may have been omitted as in Tomas/Thomas or cristened/christened and particularly “is” for “his” in later years

♦“Ao Dm” is a Latin abbreviation for “Anno Domini” ; meaning “in the year of our Lord”

♦ Most entries are preceded with the letters “Jbm”. The letter “j” is the same as “i” in Latin and this is an abbreviation for ibidem meaning “the same”

♦ Although many of the baptisms for this period appear in the IGI so far the temple has only cleared female baptisms [Feb 2007] so this listing is much more comprehensive

♦ Readers are reminded that each year started on 25th March not the 1st January [ up until 1752] so January and February Christenings for example will appear at the end of the year

The following burials which occured prior to the start of parish registers have been identified from Will's. I have given as much detail relevant to judging when they may have been buried below. Consult the Wills Index itself for more information-

abt Jan 1419/20 - Henry PREST of Dorchester in his Will dated 14th Dec 1419 ,and proved a month later, asked for his body to be buried at St Georges Church in Fordington.

about 1440 - Walter BARON - In his Will dated 18th March 1440 states "my body to be buried in the cemetery of St George of Fordington".

about 1559- Robert GOULDE of Fordington - in his Will dated 14 August 1558 it states "To be buried in the churchyard of St Georges Church Fordington: To church 6s 8d" His will was proved on 14th Jun 1559

abut Dec 1562 - Nicholas COSSENS [COSYN] of Fordington - Died Intestate Letter of Administration granted to daughter Edith KING nee COSYN

about 1565 - John TUCKER of Fordington - In his Will dated 3rd Dec 1565 states " my body to the Christian burial of the parish of Fordington"

6 Oct 1566 - Robert BUNE of Fordington - Probably died intestate leaving several children inc Elizabeth and Agnes administration granted 28th May 1567

about Apr 1567 - Richard BUNE of Fordington - In his Will of 18 Jan 1567 states "my body to the ecclesiastical burial of my parish aforesaid [Fordington]" His will was proved on 28th May 1567. Has a brother John

about Apr 1567 - John BARNES of Fordington - In his Will dated 7th Feb 1567, proved 28th May 1567 he asks "my body to the ecclesiastical burial at my parish aforesaid (Fordington) also leaves half an acre if barley to St Georges Church and 7d for the poor mens box" [Note Wife's name was Christian, Children:- (1) William Barnes Sen. & grandson William Barnes Jun. (2) Dorothy (3) Thomasin (4) Eme.]

about May 1567 - Richard PORTER of Fordington - In his Will dated 5th May 1567, proved 28th May 1567 he states "my body I bequeath to the Christian burial in the churchyard of Fordington; To the poor people within the parish of Fordington 10s; To the prisoners of the jail of Dorchester 12s.6d ; To the Alms House in Dorchester 12s6d; I give to Roger Crockett Vicar, there [i.e. Fordington] 13s 4d"

about May 1567 - Katherine WINDSOR [WINSOR] of Fordington - In her Will dated 1st Apr 1567, proved 28th May 1567 she states "I give and bequeath my soul into the hands of almighty god my creator only redeemer and Saviour And: my body to the xpian (Christian) burial of my pish [parish] aforesaid [i.e.Fordington]" . She also leaves 12d towards the repair of the church, 12d to the mens poor box therein, and 12d to the vicar whom she names as Roger Crockett.

about May 1567 - John BUNE of Fordington - Probably died intestate with administration to Agnes his relict?

about 1570 - John BRYNE [BRINE] of Fordington - In his Will written 4th Dec 1568, proved 10 Sep 1570 asks "My body to buried within the churchyard of Fordington: To the reparation of the church 2 bushels of barley; To the? vicar a lamb" Main beneficiary Agnes his wife.

about Aug 1570 - William TUCKER of Fordington - probably died intestate

about Mid 1571 - Richard GARLAND of Fordington - In his Will dated 17th Feb 1571/2, proved 5th Sep 1573 asks 'My body to be buried in the churchyard of Fordington: To the mother church of Salisbury 4d; to my parish church of Fordington 8d; to the poor mens house there 12d; To Godson Richard BARTLETT 1 sheep ;

about Jun 1572 - William ANTHONY of Fordington - In his Will dated 30 Mar 1572, proved 07 July 1572 asks "My body to be buried in the churchyard amongst the other of my Christian brethren; to the church of Fordington 3s 4d; To the poor there 2s or a bushel of wheat;"

about Jan 1573 - Eleanor TUCKER Widow of Fordington - Probably died intestate Admin 2 Feb 1573

about May 1573 - Ellen [Helen] WILLS Widow of Fordington - In her will dated 1 May 1573 she asks " My body to the Christian Burial of my pish [parish] of Fordington; To the cathedral Church of Sarum 4d; To the church of Fordington 12d; to the poor mens box of Fordington 6d; Witnesses Roger CROCKETT Clerk,

about June 1573 - John OLIVER of Fordington - In his will dated 17th May 1573. proved 31st July 1573 asks "My body to Christian Burial of my parish aforesaid [Fordington] ; to the poor mens box of Fordington a aforesaid 12d"

about Aug 1573 - Richard GARLAND of Fordington - In his will dated 17th Feb 1571/2, proved 5 Sep 1573 asks "My body to be buried in the churchyard of Fordington; To the mother church of Salisbury 4d; to my parish church of Fordington 8d; to the poor mens house there 12d; "

about Aug 1573 - Alice RASKER Widow of Fordington - In her Will dated 30 Dec 1570, proved 5th Sep 1573 she asks "My body I bequeath to the Christian burial of my parish of Fordington aforesaid . To the poor mans box box in the parish of Fordington 12d; Witnesses Roger CROCKETT Clerk, "

about Aug 1573 - Thomas BELMAN Blacksmith of Fordington - In his Will dated 26 Jan 1572/3 and Probate 5th Sep 1573 asks "My body to the Christian burial of my parish of Fordington aforesaid; to the poor mens box there 12d; also Witnesses Roger CROCKETT Vicar there,"

about Aug 1573 - John COSSENS the younger of Fordington - In his will dated 15 Mar 1571, proved 5th Sep 1573 he asks "My body to the Christian Burial of my parish aforesaid [i.e. Fordington] Witnesses Roger CROCKETT Clerk, "

about July 1574 - William DOWNTON Yeoman of Fordington, In his will dated 27 July 1574, proved 17 July 1574 he asks " my body to be buried within the churchyard of my parish of Fordington: to Fordington church 2s 6d; to the vicar of Fordington 2s 6d; To the poor people of Fordington 6s and 8d; Overseers to his will Thomas TAPPE Clerk also a beneficiary"

about Sep 1575 - John BIRD of Fordington, In his will dated dated 26 Aug 1575, Probate 16 Sep 1575 e asks " My body to be buried in the churchyard of Fordington; to the church 2s;; to poor people of Fordington 10s;"

about Apr 1576 - Robert WHITE Husbandman of Fordington - In his Will dated 6th Jan 1576 he asks "my body to be buryed in the churchyard of Fordington". His Will was proved on 22nd May 1576.

about Apr 1576 - Elinor WHITE Spinster of Fordington - In her Will dated 3rd Apr 1576 she asks for "my body to be buryed in the churchyard of Fordington". Her Will was proved on 21st May 1576.

about Apr 1576 - Agnes WHITE Widow of Fordington - In her Will dated 8th May 1576 she asks for "my body to be buried within the churchyard of the Parish of Fordington"

Ffordington - register 1577 [most of the heading is illegible and the right hand edge of the document where the dates are is very badly damaged-the order of entry to the register is preserved giving an approximate idea of when baptism took place]


1577 [Image 2078 CLDS Disc]

Cristian [Christian] COLLYNS [COLLINS] the daughter of John Collyns was buried the ---

Owen KOOMES [Combs?] the sone of John Koomes was buried the xxith [21st] of June Ao Dm

John [ paper folded over possibly BELMAN? was buried] the iiijth [4th] daie [day] of August Ao Dm

Roger ZEAGER [SEAGER] an aged man was buried the xiiijth [14th] of September Ao Dm [Note:- Husband of Luce SEAGER Links to Paper by Helen M Ford establishing family relationships which is attached to the account of the life of Anthony Eames (1595-1661/2) as Annex B . Link to text under Seger V Keate refering to an acrimonious disagreement lodged in the Court of Chancery and dated about 1617/18 (page 6) and reference to Roger SEAGER on page 9 confirming he held two plots in Fordington Fields one a half place and one a farthinghold and died about 40 years ago (1577). These plots then decend to his widow Luce SEAGER who lived until 1592. Also Link to the Pedigree]

Marie SARGENT a young woman was buried the xxvjth [26th] of September [Ao Dm]

John SMYTH a middle aged man was buried the vth [5th] of October Ao Dm

Robte [Robert] ASHE a middle aged man was buried the xiij [13th] of November --- [Note:- There is an entry in the Burial Register for the nearby parish of Stinsford for 14th Nov 1577 which states Male person ASHE of Fordington killed by the fall of the bough of a tree "

John MARTYN a middle aged man was buried xvth [15th] of November Ao Dm

Jone [Joan]  MOGGE was buried the xvij [17th]daie [day]  of December Ao Dm 1577

Roger?[illegible line paper folded over] was buried the xxiiijth [24th] of January 1577 [Note: This is the burial of Roger COSSEN as a Will survives in National Archives for a Roger Cossen or Cossyn of Fordington dated 1 Jan 1577 which was proved on 10 February 1578. He was the brother of John COSENS who died leaving a Will in Aug/Sep 1573]

10 Feb 1578 - See Wills Index ]

Alice BOYT the daughter of James Boyt was buried the xxviijth [28th] of Ffeb [February]--

Cristian AUSTYNS an aged woman was buried the xth? [10th] March 1577

Thomas WYNSOR [WINZOR]  the elder was buried the xvjth [16th] of March, an aged man [Note:- See Comments made on the Survey of Fordington Manor 1615 about Thomas Winsor's in Fordington.]

William TUCKE [ Tucker?] junr [junior] a middle aged man was buried the xxth [20th] March ---

1578 [Image 2078 CLDS Disc]

Elynor WYNZOR [WINZOR] [illegible folded over] woman was buried the first daie [day] of Maye 1578

John HARRYS [Harris?] a stranger was [illegible folded]--of Maye Ao Dm

John SAMPSON a midle [middle] aged man was buried the xxth [20th] Maye Ao Dm 1578

John COLLYNS [COLLINS] son to Thomas Collyns was buried the vjth [6th] June---

John C[illegible folded over CRYMELL?] a young man was buried the xviijth [18th] of August 1578

Jo?e [fold in paper - Jone?] CHOMBE [COOMBE?] a midle [middle] aged woman was buried the first daie [day]  of October

Walter WYNSOR [WINSOR] an aged man was buried the xxvijth [27th] of October

Thomas STARYE the sone of Richard Starie was buried the xxvjth [26th] of October---

Robte [Robert] STARIE his bother [brother?] was buried the xxviiith [28th] of November in Ao Dm

Robte [Robert] WYNSOR [WINSOR] the sone of William Wynsor was buried the vth [5th] of February ---[Note: Baptised Fordington the 8th --possibly March -- 1577/8]

Marie the daughter of Edward TALBOT was buried the vth [5th] of March ---[Note: Baptised Fordington early in 1577]

John a bastard the sone of Isabel CLARE of Charmyster? [Charminster] was buried xth? [10th] March

Robt [Robert] BARTLET a middle aged man was buried the xvijth? [17th?] of March ---[Note: Link to his Will proved 2nd July 1579; Robert BARTLETT (bur.1578/9) 1st husband of Christian Bartlett (bur.1605) Link to more information about their life and family]

1579 to 1584 Are Missing:      [Note:- Although no parish Register has survived Burials known to have taken place during this period are quoted below]

    [1579] -- Henry JOLIFFE of Fordington died between when he wrote his will on 13 Nov 1579 and 31 Jan 1580/1 when probate was granted - His will asked for Christian burial which would have been at St Georges Church in Fordington

    [1580/1] -- Roger KETE senior - Comments by Helen M Ford :- 1600 survey says that Roger held his fathinghold by copy dated 1580//1. He paid a heriot on the death of his father. 1600 survey says that Richard Seager's copyhold cottage was in right of wife held from 1580/1 (1607 survey states last tenant her father Roger Keate)"

    [1581] -- William BOONE (BUNN) of Fordington left a Will dated 1580 when he asked "and my body to by buryed in the Christan buryall of Fordington". Also transcription of Letter of Administration dated 6th Feb 1581/2 and image of Inventory of his Goods etc exhibited into Court 6th Feb 1581/2.

    [1583] -- John WINSOR the Elder of Fordington Husbandman died belween when he wrote his will on 30th Apr 1583 and when an Inventory of his goods etc was taken on 3rd June 1583 - His Will asks to be buried within the burials at Fordington

Anno 1585  [Image 2079 CLDS disc]

Agnes the daughter of Houghe CLEMENTS was buried the xiiij [14th] daye of October Ano ---

John WINSOR the wever [weaver] was buried the xxiij [23rd] daye of October Ano---

Elizabeth SANTE was buried the same daye

Post Festv Dm 1585
[After the Festival in the year of our Lord 1585]

Marie the wife of Reynolde THORNE was buried the xxvij [27th] daye of Februarie Ano --- [Note: !st wife of Reynolde THORNE who died 1596 leaving a Will, Inventory & Tuition Bond]

Katherine CUSSEN [COSEN or COZEN] widdowe [widow] was buried the vjth [6th] daye of March Ano

Anno 1586 [Image 2079 CLDS disc]

Post Festv Annciatisis Maria Virginis Ano Dm 1586
[After the Festival of Annunciation of Mary the virgin in the year of our Lord 1586]
[Note Feast of St Mary is 25th March]

John the sonne of Reynolde THORNE was buried the xvth [15th] daye of Aprill Ano--- [Note:- 7th? child from the marriage of Reynolde THORNE to his 1st wife Maria]

Agnes PORTER was buried the xxiiij [24th] daye of Aprill Ano ---[Note: See Wills Index for 1586]

Agnes the wife of Thomas TETMAN was buried the xxjth [21st] daye of Maye Ano --- [Note:- 1st wife of Thomas TETMAN who remarried to Thomasin SWETRIDGE at FStG 10th May 1587]

John filius [latin for son] of Robte [Robert] WINZOR was buried the vth [5th] daye of June Ano---

Post Festv St Johanis Baptiste Ano 1586
[After the Festival of St John the Baptist in the year 1586]
[Note Feast of St John the Baptist is 24th June]
[No burials only a marriage on a composite return- See Image 2080 CLDS Disc]


Post Festv St Michaelis et nativitatis Dm 1586
[After the Festival of St Michael and birth Lord 1586]

Alce [Alice] WARREN Widowe was buried the xxijth [22nd] daye of Januarie Ano ---

Anno 1587 [Image 2080 CLDS Disc]

Post Festv Annciatisis St Maria Virgnis Ano Dm 1587
[After the Festival of Annunciation of St Mary the virgin in the year of our Lord 1587]

Willm [William] the sonne of Thomas BELMAN was baptised and buried the xxiijth [23rd] daye of April---

Roger WALLIS was buried of Ffordington [illegible word] xxth [20th] daye of April Ano---

Gilman PONNIE was buried the vjth? [6th?] daye of Maye --- [Note:-The Reverend Richard Grosvenor Bartelot (Vicar of Fordington between 1906 and 1936) in his transcription of the Parish Registers for the Parish of All Saints in Dorchester makes reference to this death as follows:- "Contrary to what had been often stated the name POUNCY is not derived from the Latin 'Pontius' the bridge maker, but is first found in Dorset as PAVENSEY. Gilbert PEVENSEY came from the town of Pevensay & in 1552 appears at Blandford as Gilbert POUNTESEY & was buried at Fordington in 1587 as Gilman PONAY."]

Robt [Robert] CHOUNT an olde man was buried the xxvjth [24th] daye of Maye Ano---

John SERVANT was buried the xxvijth [27th] of the same month Ano --[Note: See Wills Index for 1587]


Post Festv St Johis baptised Ano 1587
[After the Festival of S t John (i.e. 24th June) baptised in the year 1587]

[Image 2081 CLDS Disc]

John CHRISTMAS servant to John WHITE the elder was buried the xvjth [16th] daye of August Ano --- [Note:- John WHITE The elder (sometimes referred to as John WHITE Senior) was the son of the widow Agnes WHITE (d.1576) and a yeoman farmer of Fordington. He was married to Elizabeth, and wrote his will on 3rd Jan 1597 and died on 27th May 1600. ]

John MARGRET? servant to William RASKER younger was buried the xvijth [17th] daye of August ---


Post Festv St Michaelis Ano Vt Sins?
[After the Festival of St Michael (i.e. 29th September) in the same year]

Grace the daughter of Will [missing torn] was buried the viijth [8th] daye of October --- [Note: 2nd child from the marriage of William RASKER Younger (1564-aft.1629) bap FStG 10th June 1587]

Dorothie WINSOR was buried [missing torn] November Ano ---[Note:- may have been the daughter of Thomas WYNSOR baptised Fordington June 1577 but does not say his daughter as per the entry above]

Barbara the daughter of Xtofer [Christopher][missing torn] was buried  the xxvijth [27th] daye of November Ano --[Note: IGI has 12th Nov which is date Baptised and  surname BEENE - I think this is the daughter of Christopher Beere and Isable Collins who married in Fordington on 26 June 1586 ]

Luce [Lucy] HUTTON widowe was buried the[missing torn] daye of December Ano---


Post Festv  nativitatis Dm 1587
[After the Festival of the birth of our Lord (i.e. 25th Dec) 1587]

Ambrose HUNT an olde man was buried the xxvjth [26th] daye of December Ano--[Note: See Wills Index for 1588 for a transcription of his will dated 6th November 1586 and Link to image of Will and more information about the family]

Elizabeth the wife of Robte [Robert] STONE was buried xxixth [29th] daye of December Ano---

Marie the wife of William BARNES the elder was buried the xjth [11th] daye of Januarie Ano [Note:- Link to William BARNES the Elder (1545-1621/22) - Marie was probably Marie nee HUNT grandaughter of Ambrose HUNT (d.1587] See his burial above

1588    [See Images 2082 & 2083 CLDS Disc]

Post Festv Annciatisis St Maria Virgnis Ano [missing torn]
[After the Festival of Annunciation of St Mary the virgin in the year --(i.e.25th March)]

Robert BARNES was buried the xxvijth [27th][rest illegible]--- [after the festival so March 1588 - [Note: Link to an account of Robert BARNES (d.1588) and his wife Agnes with images of his will ].

[illegible line folded over] was buried

Jone OLIVER an olde woman was buried the xxjth [21st] daye of Aprill Ano--

Jone the daughter of Robte [Robert] INGRAM was buried the xxviijth [28th] daye of Aprill Ano--

John TUCKER younger was buried the vijth [7th] daye of Maye Ano---[Note: John TUCKER left a will dated 29th Apr 1588 which was proved 17th Oct 1588 follow link to transcription summary]

Elizabeth the wife of Willm [William] COLLINS was buried the xxvth [25th] daye of Maye Ano--- [Note: Husband died 3rd of Aug 1588 & Letter of Adnministration dated 10 Sep 1588 ]

Jone EMES [EAMES] widow an olde woman was buried the vijth [7th] daye of June Ano-- [Note possibly the widow of John Eames, mother of Thomas Eames and grandmother of Anthony Eames see separate biography]

Thomas the sonne of Thomas BISHOPPE was buried the same daye

Robt [Robert] GAUDEN was buried the xth [10th] daye of June Ano---

Alce [Alice] the daughter of Reynold THORNE was buried the xxjth [21st] day of June Ano---[Note:- 12th? child from the marriage of Reynolde THORNE by his 2nd wife Dorothie


Post Festv St Johanis Baptist Ano 1588
[After the Festival of St John the Baptist (i.e. 24th June)  in the year 1588]

William COLLINS the elder was buried this third daye of August Ano--[Note: See burial of Elizabeth the wife of Wm COLLINS above on 25th May 1588 and Letter Admin for the estate of William COLLINS [COLLYNS] of Fordington dated 10 Sep 1588 granted to their natural son William COLLINS]

Elioner SKUT [SCUT] the daughter of John was buried iiijth [4th] of August Ano --

Margaret the wife of Richard SIMONDS was buried the xxijth [22nd] daye of September ---


There is a statement and signature at the foot of this document - It is difficult to decipher the signature which might
be “SIMONDS” and I have been unable to translate the first part of the text, but the rest appears to say:-

“In the Tith de Ffordington in datia  this die jovis xvii octobris 1588”

In the Tithing of Fordington on the date, on this day, Thursday 17th October 1588

1589 Missing

    [Note:- William COSENS the Elder of Fordington Wrote his Will on 3rd Mar 1586/7 asking for "my body to be buried within my parish church yard in Christian burial". Probate was not granted until however until 6th March 1589 which confirms that William's widow Margarett COSEN named in his Will as his executrix also was ill and administration of her husbands estate was ceded to her son Robert COSEN (also named in the Will as a beneficiary) In Robert's long account of the administration he includes the cost of Margaret's burial so both husband and wife were buried at FStG during this period]

1590 [See CLDS Image 2084]

[very badly damaged particularly on the left - can only make out the word Ffordington and possibly the year 1590 in the heading - treat all transcriptions with caution]


--- the daughter of Robert of STONE was Buried the 24 daye of August

--- [B?]ASCOMB [BASCOMBE or BATTESCOMBE] was Buried 24 daye of October

--- ST? was Buried the 14 daye of November

--- was buried the18 daye of November

--- was buried the 19 daye of November

--- the 12 daye of December

---[torn missing] the daughter of  [Jonas; Thomas or James maybe?? - COWARD??] was Buried the 21 of January

--- the 28 daye of January

--- the 30 of January

--- was buried the 6 of February

    [Note:- 6th Feb 1590/91 -- This is likely to be the Burial of Ralph WILLES [WILLS] Husbandman of Fordington who wrote his Will on 7th April 1589 and asked for "my body to be buried within the churchyard of Fordington in Christian burial". Probate of his Will and administration of his estate was granted to his son and executor John WILLES (1559-1616) on 16th July 1591. He would have died therefore in all probability a few months prior to July 1591. Working back from this date this is the next adult burial. There is reference to this in the Survey of the Manor of Fordington taken in the year 1600 where John WILLS his son holds by copyhold a half place granted by custom of the Manor upon the death of his father about 8 years before the survey was taken [1592] with the copyhold being dated about 7 years earlier. Clearly this actually occurred about a year earlier.

--- the daughter of John  BRINE was buried the 20 of March [Note: cannot make out the Christian Name but John Bryne had a daughter Edith baptised 16th May 1587- might be her?]

1591? [See CLDS Image 2084]

--- the sonne of ----was Buried the 7 of April

--- vidua was Buried the 17 of April [Note:- Either this burial, or the one on the 17th May, relates to the burial of Agnes BARNES the widow of Robert BARNES - See her Will dated 28 Dec 1590 which was proved on 17 June 1591]

    ----[NOTE:- Thomas WINSOR the Elder died between writing his Will on 25th April 1591 which states "my bodie to be buryed wthin my pish [i.e.parish] churchyarde of ffordington in Christian buryall" and the date an inventory of all his goods and chattels was compiled on 5th May 1591 with probate being granted on 16th July 1591]

--- vidua was Buried the 17 of Maye

--- watten? was Buried the 7 daye of August

--- was Buried the 11 daye of August

--- wyfe of Willie was Buried the 1th [i.e. 1st] of September

--- was Buried the 3 daye of September

--- was Buried the 10 of September

--- sonne? was buried the ?? of September

--- of  Willm [William]  ADDAMES was buried the 20 September

[Note CLDS Images 2084 and 2085]

--- BISHOPP? was buried the 26 September

--- was buried the 2 of November

--- of John DIGYET was buried the 21 of December

--- the daughter of Willm [William] CHURCHHOUSE was buried the 27 of January

--- [the daughter of John] BASSCOMB [BASCOMBE or BATTESCOMBE ] was buried the 22 of March [Note:- Likely to have been a daughter of John BASCOMBE the son of Maryan BASCOMBE see her Will dated 26th Jan 1591/2 ]

--- buried the 21 of March

--- 31? of March

[NOTE:- Continuous but Start of the next year i.e. 1592------------------------------------------------]

    [Note:- [The following are known to have died during this period]

    [1592] John SEAGER and Alice SEAGER his wife. Link to Pedigree and reference to Court case which confirms both died in 1592]

--- Richard ----- buried the 2? of April [Note:- Richard is thought to be 1st known child from marriage of Robert BUNN (1558-1639) to Edith UNKNOWN (1575-1654) - bapt FStG 18 Mar 1591 ]

--- buried the 4? of April

--- 8 of April

--- 3 of Maye

--- bet----of Maye

----John the sonne of ---- buried the same daye

---- the daughter of John DIGETT buried the 8 daye of July

----of June?

----daughter of Agnes? BUNE? vidua [widow] was buried the 3 of July

----buried the 15 of August

---- [Ralph?] WILLIS buried the 15 of August {Note: These records and Fordingto Wills are written in Secretary hand, and the Christian name given here is unclear - but no more than 4 or 5 letters and probably starts with a capital 'R'. This is probably Ralph WILLIS as his Will dated 7 Apr 1589 has survived and was not proved until 16th day in the month of July in the 33rd year of the reign of Elizabeth I (which ran from 17th Nov 1590 to 16th Nov 1591) and was therefore proved on 16th July 1591.

Elizabet? the wyfe of Robert STONE buried the 21 of August 

[end of Image 2084]

Amey?? FFORD buried the ??? of September

John WINSOR buried the 13 of September

Luce [ZEAGER or SEAGER?] buried the 20 of September [Note:- Luce SEAGER the widow of Roger SEAGER (Link to Pedigree) Note:- 1607 Survey of Fordington Manor which lists her eldest son Richard Seager as holding a half place he inherited by custom of the manor from his mother Luce SEAGER the widow of Roger SEAGER. Also Richard SEAGER was already holding this half place in the Manor Syurvey in 1600. ]

Roger ??? buried the 14 of September

John[than?] the sonne of Henrye S[imons?] buried the 24? November

Maryan BASKCOME[BASCOMBE or BATTESCOMBE] buried the third of February [Note:- See Will of Maryan BASCOMBE Widow dated 26th Jan 1591/2 ; Died 21st Jan 1592/3 (See Inventory of Goods) Left 2 sons John & James]

? ere?  BRYNE? buried 23 of  March

Christian? GRIFFET buried the 24 of April [Note wife of Richard GRIFFETT whom she married in 1577]

[Eilbert?]FFORDE? buried the 1 May

1593 to 1599 Missing [The following are known to have died during this period]

    Mar 1595 - William WHITE of Fordington. [Note:- He left a nuncupative Will dated 30th March 1595 which was proved 1st Nov 1595. According to the Inventory of his good submitted into the Registry of the Dean of Sarum attached to the nuncupative Will he died on 21st March 1595. He was the son of Robert WHITE (d.1576) Husbandman of Fordington and brother to John, Katherine and Betteris and would have been buried at St Georges Church in Fordington where his ancesters lay interred within a few days of his death].

    May 1595 - William CRIMELL Senior of Fordington - He wrote his will 5th May 1595 and died that month as after his death an Inventory of his goods was taken on 23rd May 1595 See wills index.

    Bet Aug & Nov 1595 - William WILLES [WILLS] wrote his Will on 22 Aug 1595 which was proved on 1 Nov 1595 in which he asked for " my body to be buried in the churchyard at Fordington'

    Jun 1596 - Reynolde THORNE wrote his Will on 25th Feb 1595/6 in which he states "My body I bequeath it unto the earth and to be buried in Christian Burial in Fordington" . From the inventory of his goods etc we know he died on 1st June 1596 and would have been buried at FStG a few days later that month.

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