Fordington St Georges Church

Part 1 Marriages 1577 to 1766

St Georges Church Fordington - 2008
© Michael Russell FIPD

File last updated Dec 2023 [682 Marriage Records]

Transcribed from Dorset Parish Registers Marriages originally published in 1909 by W P W Phillimore & Edmund Nevill, Volume IV

NOTE -The Marriages printed here before 1704 are taken from transcript of the Fordington Registers preserved in the Registry of the Dean of Sarum

VOL I is a parchment book bound in leather measuring 15 inches by 13 inches It contains Baptisms Marriages and
Burials intermingled from 1704 to 1754 It was re bound about 1785 and is in excellent preservation

VOL II Marriages only commences in 1754 and ends 1766 It is on parchment in the usual printed form

These Marriage extracts have been copied by the Rev R Grosvenor Bartelot the Vicar by whose permission they are now printed

Note:- Transcription of Fordington Marriages was done some time ago. As I was transcribing the Baptisms and Burials from Bishops Transcripts, and Marriage entries prior to 1704 came from these returns, I gradually became aware of a few errors. It is not my intention to be critical in any way particularly as I found these original transcriptions invaluable when dealing with faded or water damaged documents which sometimes were in Latin. Apart from checking on handwriting, spellings etc I constantly referred to the marriages to check on new families to the Parish and there is no doubt that without this documentation my own transcriptions would have been less accurate than they are.

Some tiny errors are important however. For example where a change in year has been omitted or the wrong year quoted. I have therefore reproduced the listing below and added in comments in italics and used a different colour to highlight them as here. Entries below after 1704 are from Parish Registers not Bishops Transcripts, I have highlighted differences with the Bishops Transcripts that I have but it should be born in mind that the originals may well be correct as they were compiled by local churchwardens or the vicar who knew the individual families. In November 2011 I gained access to the Parish registers and have added (PR) after the entry to show that this has been checked and confirmed

Finally at the request of the CLDS I have added Image Reference numbers for the Bishops Transcripts so that entries can be more easily located on the discs they provided. --CLDS film 1279496 & for years after 1754 CLDS film 1279497
--Michael Russell OPC for Dorchester & Fordington

Link to Marriages   Part 2   1766-1812


    [Start of CLDS Image 4002460_02077 ]

Henrie [Henry] LEVET & Elizabetha EGERTON were married the ix [9th]----- [*] 1577 [Note children bap from this marriage in Fordington: Richard in Dec? 1577; Elizabeth bap 28 Nov 1585, bur 5 May 1608]

John COSENS [COZENS] the elder & Margerie ARNOLDES were married the 21 -----[Note:- children from this marriage : Jane & Anne recorded as the daughters of John COZENS [COSENS] (probably twins?) baptised spring of 1578. Margaret COSENS in her widowhood held two plots in Fordington Fields in the 1600 Survey of Fordington Manor, each for a half place. Margaret COSEN widow was buried at FStG on 5th March 1614]

Roger HEWISHE & Wynfrithe CLOWTER [CLOWTHER or CLOUTHER] were married the xxvth [25 Apr 1578 ]

Richard GRIFFET & Christian MULLYNS were married ixth [9 May or June 1578] [Note:- Christian GRIFFET was buried in Fordington 24 Apr 1591]

John ZEAGER [SEAGER] & Alice KEATE [or KETE] were married the vij th Julie [7 July 1578] [Note:- 9th corrected to 7th from CLDS Image]

    [Note:- Link to Pedigree Chart attached to the paper written by Helen M Ford :- "Margery, the wife of Anthony Eames of Fordington and Plymouth Colony - An Investigation into her family origins." A reply to a chancery suit by Roger Kete describes the death of John and Alice in 1592/3 leaving the six children listed below who became wards of Roger Keye. Please follow the links provided for more information. :-

    Known Children:- [Ben = Benificiary under Roger Kete's will in 1620 - order of children's birth assumed from the order used in his will and the Maintenance bond]

    (1) Millicent Seager (1578- aft.1620) bap FStG late in 1578 (baptism record damaged ), married William TURNER - Ben/1620 as was her son Roger Turner
    (2) Virtue Seager (bef.1592 - aft 1641), - Ben/1620- married Henry HOWMAN the Elder (Will 12 Sep 1640) Executrix granted probate 4th Nov 1641- They had at least 3 children Henry, Alice and Thomas
    (3) Margaret Seager (1579-1592 - ?)
    (4) Roger Seager (bef.1592 - aft 1620) - Ben/1620
    (5) Margery Seager (bef.1592 - aft 1661/2)- married Anthony EAMES c 1616 - Ben/1620 - Emigrated 1634
    (6) Luce Seager (1592 - aft 1620)
    - Thought to be the baptism at FStG 4th Dec 1592. Unmarried and Ben/1620.

William GOLSEY & Luce COSENS were married xxjth of Septemb[is] [21 Sep 1578]

John HOWNSLOE & Phillippe SWYER were married vith of [6 Oct 1578]

Thomas BELMAN & Margaret PORTER were married xijth 12-Oct [Note:- See the will of her grandfather Richard PORTER dated 5th May 1567. She was the daughter of his son John PORTER who was already deceased in 1567 but her siblings Agnes and Richard were then living. Richard Porter died in 1581 leaving a nuncupative will and Agnes Porter remained a spinster & was buried at Fordington 24th April 1586 also leaving a nuncupative Will. Known children from this marriage in Fordington were: William bap and bur 23 Apr 1587: Thomas bap 1594]

Richard HARDIE [HARDY] & Elizabeth CRYMELL were married xxiijth ---23 [* Between Oct 1578 and 23 Jan 1578/9]

Thomas WYNSOR [WINSOR] jun (Junior) & Julian BISHOPPE were married iiijth Feb--- [4 Feb 1578/9]

    [Note:- Julian WINSOR nee BISHOPPE was buried at FStG on 19th May 1625 when she was described as a widow. Thomas WINSOR Junior therefore died between 1592 and 1625. Thought to be Thomas WINSOR the elder that died in 1623/4 and the Thomas WINSOR that appears in the 1615 Survey of Fordington Manor i.e. born c1555 and aged 68 at death. Follow link provided however to note other comments . Known children:-

    (1) Dorothie WINSOR recorded as the daughter of Thomas Wynsor Junior bap FStG very late in 1578. A Dorothie WINSOR was buried at FStG in Nov 1587 but may have been an adult?

    NOTE:- Parish Registers for the period 1579 to 1584 inc are missing ]

    (2) William WINSOR recorded as the son of Thomas WINSOR bap FstG 24 Apr 1586

    (3) Thomas WINSOR recorded as the son of Thomas WINSOR bap 7th Apr 1592.

    [End of CLDS Image 4002460_02077 ]

    [Note:- PARISH REGISTERS for the years 1579 TO 1585 inc ---HAVE NOT SURVIVED] Where other evidence exists Marriages thought to have taken place during this period will be listed below

      c.1580/1 Anthony BARNES Senior (c1548-aft 1615) is thought to have married an Agnes (c1555- 1628) follow link for more information about his family.

    [Start of overlapping CLDS Images 4002460_02079 & 02080]

William TUCKER & Elizabeth BUN [BUNN or BUNNE] married 28-Feb 1585 [BT date is 30th January 1585] {Note:- Children:- Marie bap FStG 13th Aug 1587]

William RASKAR & Katheryne BELMAN married 02-May 1586

    1. William RASKER (d.1604/5) the elder, a husbandman of Fordington, wrote his Will on 5th Jan 1604/5 and was buried at St Georges Church later the same month. In his Will William appoints his brother Robert RASKER as one of his Overseers and leaves bequests to three of his children:-

      1b. Robert RASKER (living in 1606) HIS BROTHER: He was a witness at the Will written on 31st Apr 1589 of Elizabeth HUNT (d.1594) widow of Ambrose HUNT (d.1587) and appointed Overseer of his brother William's will on 5th Jan 1604/5 which he also witnessed. Known children:-

        (1b.1) John RASKER (living 1606) when left a chilver sheep in his uncle William Rasker's will in 1604/5; Beneficiary of 20s under the will of Peter MOODY his brother-in-law in 1606;

        (1b.2) Faith RASKER (living 1606) when left a chilver sheep in her uncle William Rasker's will in 1604/5. She married Peter MOODYE a Maltster of Fordington (See his Will dated 1st Jan 1606) which also appoints her father Robert Rasker as Overseer of his Will and leaves bequests of 20 shillings to her siblings John Rasker (described as his brother-in-law) and Margery Rasker. Also 10s to his cousin Alice Rasker. They had a daughter Elinor MOODYE who is the was buried at FStG on 21st June 1607

        (1b.3) Margery RASKER (living 1606) when left a chilver sheep in her uncle William Rasker's will in 1604/5; Beneficiary of 20s under the will of Peter MOODY her brother-in-law and unmarried in January 1606; Margery Rasker married William Barnes at St Georges Church Fordington on 23rd Nov 1606

    William RASKER the Elder (d.1604/5): We know from the Survey of Fordington Manor undertaken in 1615 that his eldest son was born circa 1564 so he was probably born in the mid 1530's early in the reign of Elizabeth I and first married around the year 1563. His name first appears in official records on 5th May 1567 when he is appointed as one of the overseers and witnesses the Will of Richard PORTER of Fordington who appears to have been a close friend and godfather to his daughter Jone Rasker. William witnessed many Wills, including the Will of William ANTHONYE of Fordington dated 30th Mar 1572; the nuncupative Will of another Richard Porter dated 24th Feb 1581/2 (who was grandson son via his son John of the aforementioned Richard Porter who had died 1567), and the Will of John SERVANT dated 23rd May 1587 in which he was also one of the appointed Overseers. He also witnessed the Will of William CRIMELL Senior written on 5th May 1595. Clearly the above marriage is William Rasker the Elder's 2nd marriage as his daughter Joane marries in 1591 and became a widow in Dec 1604. She is clearly one of his older children being a beneficiary in 1567. His first marriage & the baptism of his elder children would therefore have been before the start of surviving parish registers. His widow Katherine (his 2nd wife) is the main beneficiary under his will. William was buried at FStG in Jan 1604/5. His Will dated 5th Jan 1604/5 was proved on 8th May 1605 and lists his surviving children :-

      (1.1) William RASKER Younger (1564-aft.1629) He is probably the 'Willa Rasker' who acted as one of the appraisers of the goods and chattels of Maryan BASCOMBE when she died and submitted the inventory to the Court on 21st June 1593. A beneficiary under his fathers Will in 1604/5 of £20, and one of his Overseers, the Will adds a condition which states "the house in which he dwells is to be purchased for use of his sons Christopher & Robert". [Note:-This would mean purchase of the copyhold after 1604 with his sons holding 2nd and 3rd lives in the property by custom of the manor. William RASKER Senior duly appears in the Survey of Fordingtoin Manor undertaken in the year 1615 as a copyhold tenant holding a 24 acre plot (and house) in Fordington fields. It also usefully gives his age as being 51 and the ages of the other two lives as being 30 and 24 from which I have estimated the birth years of his 2 children below. William is also appointed executor of his sister Joane HUNT's will in 1629.

        (1.1.1) Christopher Rasker (1585- aft.1629) - living in 1604/5 as referred to in his grandfathers will ; Beneficiary of 12p under the Will of John HUNT written 20th Feb 1628; Christopher was appointed Overseer of his aunt Joan HUNT's Will in 1629 which he also witnessed.

        (1.1.2) Grace RASKER (1587-1587) bap FStG 10th June 1587 recorded as the daughter of William RASKER the Younger and buried at FStG 8th Oct 1587

        (1.1.3) Robert Rasker (1591- aft. 1628)- living in 1604/5 as referred to in his grandfathers will ; Beneficiary of 12p under the Will of John HUNT written 20th Feb 1628;

      (1.2) Joane [Jone] RASKER (c.1566-1609) Her Godfather was Richard PORTER (d.1567) who left her a live sheep and 14 shillings in his will dated 5th May 1567. Joane married JOHN HUNT on 16th Nov 1591 (Follow link for lot more info about their family). She became a widow in 1604 when John Hunt was buried at FStG on 8th December that year. She is a beneficiary under his fathers Will dated 5th Jan 1604/5 of £20 which also leaves a ewe and a lamb to each of her children named as Ambrose, Robert, John and Thomas Hunt. Joane HUNT nee RASKER wrote her Will on 29th May 1609 and was buried at Fordington shortly before 20th June 1609 when parish registers are missing but an inventory of her goods was taken confirming her demise. A Letter of Administration for her estate was granted on 1st Sep 1609 to her executor and brother William RASKER.

      (1.3) Christopher RASKER (c.1569- 1613) beneficiary under his fathers Will in 1604 of £20. He married an Elizabeth probably during the period 1595-1605 inc when parish registers have not survived. Elizabeth was granted administration of his estate when Christopher died in 1613 (Parish Burial Registers have also not survived for 1609-1613 inc) An Inventory of his goods survives dated 2nd Sep 1613. Elizabeth RASKER, now a widow, quickly remarries to Ambrose HUNT at FStG on 4th July 1614. We know of two children from this marriage:-

        (1.3.1) William Rasker (1606-aft 1615) bap FstG 10th July 1606 [Note:- Survey of Fordington Manor taken in 1615 William RASKER Junior aged 9 years legal tenant by custom of the manor of 26 acre & 2 roods plot in Fordington Fields.]

        (1.3.2) Elizabeth Rasker (1608- ) bap FStG 28th May 1608

      (1.4) Robert RASKER (c.1572- ) beneficiary under his fathers Will in 1604 of £20

      ------child from this his 2nd marriage to Katherine --------------------------------

      (1.5) Alice RASKER (c1589?-aft 1606) , probably baptised 1589 or 1590 when parish registers are missing, beneficiary under her fathers Will in 1604 of £20 to be paid to her when she reached the age of 21. She is also a beneficiary under the Will of Peter MOODY (d.1606) (described as his cousin) of 10 shillings to be paid to her on her day of marriage.

Roger WHITE & Alce STANDLIE married 15 Maye 1586

    [Note:- Roger WHITE was the son of a yeoman John WHITE (d.1600) by his wife Elizabeth (d.1607) and he along with his elder brother Robert White inherited their fathers tenement in Fordington when John died in the year 1600. Follow link for more information about his family]

Reynolde THORNE & Dorothie ASHE married 13-Jun

    [Note:-This is Reynold THORNE's 2nd marriage: He probably married his first wife, Maria THORNE, in the late 1560's well before the start of parish registers in Fordington (1577). They had a large family of at least 10 children, the survivors of which he left bequests in his will (listed below). Maria described in the burial register as the wife of Reynold Thorne was buried at FStG on 27th Feb Feb 1586/7.
      (1) Roger Thorne (c1570- aft 1596) Eldest son and heir to his fathers tenement, and in the event of his death before he can take possession it is to go to his brother Thomas. bequeathed in father's will in 1596:- blue cloak & best doublet etc half an acre of wheat lying at six barrows half an acre of barley at great barrows 
      (2) Margaret Thorne (c1572-aft 1596) bequeathed in father's will in 1596:-
      (3) Sybyll [Sibel] Thorne (c1574-aft 1596) bequeathed in father's will in 1596:-
      (4) Elizabeth Thorne (c1576-aft 1596) bequeathed in father's will in 1596:-
      (5) William Thorne (1577-aft 1596) bapt FStG late spring 1577 - bequeathed in father's will in 1596:- £3 [Note:- dsepite the bequest he is not listed in the education bond or the next to inherit after Roger so presumably died or incapable pre 1596?]
      (6) Joan Thorn (c1579-aft 1596) (bapts 1579-1584 inc missing) bequeathed in father's will in 1596:- 2 yards of wheat lying at Yorden;
      (7) John Thorne (c1581-1586) (bapts 1579-1584 inc missing) buried at FStG on 15th April 1586
      (8) Mary Thorne (c1583-aft 1596) (bapts 1579-1584 inc missing) bequeathed in father's will in 1596 £5;
      (9) Thomas Thorne (1585- aft 1596) bapt FStG 21st Feb 1585/6 with sister Prudence (twins?) - bequeathed in father's will in 1596 £5 and made residual legatee of his tenement if his elder brother Roger Thorne dies.
      (10) Pudence Thorne (1585/6 -aft 1596) bapt FStG 21st Feb 1585/6 with brother Thomas (twins?) - bequeathed father's will in 1596 £5;

        Maria, Reynold's 1st wife, was buried at FStG on 27th Feb 1586/7 - the following children probably therefore by his 2nd wife Dorothy nee ASHE whom he married on 13th June 1586. I think the marriage was quick as 9 of the surviving children listed above are living at Maria's death - the eldest only aged about 16. As Dorothy was a stepmother she when Reynolde died in 1596 she had to enlist the support of a relative John ASH and Thomas TAPP to be bound in a letter of Administration [Tuition Bond] over their well being and education.

      (11) Eame [Eme} (c1590- aft 1596) Thorne bequeathed in father's will in 1596 £5;
      (12) Alice THORNE (1588- 1588) bapt FStG 15th May 1588 and buried there 21st June 1588

      When Reynold THORNE himself died on the 1st June 1596 and left a Will dated 25th Feb 1596/7 which was proved after his death on 10th Mar 1596/7. Roger THORNE Reynold's son and heir was still under age so Dorothie THORNE his stepmother and executrix of his fathers Will is listed as a tenant in the 1600 Survey of Fordington Manor holding by copyhold grant dated 1582/3 for 2 plots one a farthinghold the other a half place. The family however do not appear in the later Survey of Fordington Manor in 1615.]

    Robt. [Robert] READE & Elizabeth COLLINS married 16-Jun [Note:- Known children (1) Robert bap FStG 30th Mar 1588; John Bap FStG 16th ??? 1594].

    Thomas SEGER [SEAGER] & Elizabeth STUIT married 18-Jun [Note:- Known children:- Elinor bap FStG 18th Mar 1591]

    Robert WOODLYE & Mercie THORNE married 26-Jun

      [End of overlapping CLDS Images 4002460_02079 & 02080]
      [Start of 3 overlapping CLDS Images 4002460_02081 to 02083]

    Christopher BEERE & Isable COLLINS married 27-Jan [Known children:- Barbara bap FStG 12th Nov 1587 who was biried there 27th Nov 1587]

    Thomas TETMAN & Thomasin SWETRIDGE married 10-May 1587

      [Note:-This is Thomas TETMAN's 2nd marriage as his 1st wife Agnes TETMAN was buried at FStG on 21st May 1586. Thomas & Agnes had at least 1 child as a daughter Elizabeth TETMAN was baptised at FSTG very late in the year 1578 who does not appear to have survived [Parish Registers badley damaged] Thomas TETMAN appears in the 1600 Survey of Fordington Manor shown as holding a cottage in Fordington Fields by copyhold granted in the year 1585. After his 2nd marriage another daughter was born whom they named Elizabeth again and was baptised at FStG about the middle of the year 1594. Thomas Tetman was buried FStG 23 June 1604. His widow Thomasin was buried FStG 30 June 1604]

    Thomas CHOUNTE & Marie CUSSEN [COSEN or COSSENS] married 04-Dec

      [Note:- Thomas CHOUNTE (1565-1636/7) was the son of  Harry CHOUNT described as a Husbandman of Fordington in his Will dated 15th July 1583 and under which he was the main beneficary and executor. He had previusly been left in 1578/9 a silver lamb by his Godfather Robert BARTLETT's WillThomas was churchwarden at St Georges Church in Fordington in 1594, 1620 and 1621. Mary CHOUNT nee CUSSEN was buried at FStG on 28th Feb 1607. Link to Survey of Fordington Manor undertaken in 1615 which shows that Thomas was born about 1565 and had a smallholding of a half place in Fordington Fields of just over 24 acres which had been his fathers and had been held in 1600 by his stepmother Christian. Thomas appears to have remarried to a Joane as when he died c 1637 he left a Will dated 17th Feb 1636 which was proved on 22nd June 1637 and after many bequests to cousins etc he left the rest of his estate to his wife Joane..

    Lawrence COMBE & Agnes SERVANT married 22-Jan

    Edmonde FORTE & Isable WINSOR* married 28-Jan [Note:- *This surname is also often spelt differently most common are:-WINSAR, WINSER, WINSOR, WINZAR, WINZER, WINZOR, WINDSAR, WINDZAR, WINDSER, WINDSOR etc]

    Paul GOODFELLOW & Betteris WHITE married 29-Jul 1588

      [Note:- Betteris WHITE was the daughter of Robert WHITE (d.1576) and sister to John, Katherine and William WHITE. Paul GOODFELLOW was the son of Peter GOODFELLOW of All Saints Parish in Dorchester who had died in January 1587/8 after leaving a Will dated 25th Nov 1587 in which he leaves bequests to his 3 sons and his wife Agnes. Paul inherited among other things the weavers shop he was already running and a list of household goods including a featherbed, brass pots, candlesticks, a tableboard and £10 in money. He also has a half share with his brother John in a dwelling called 'Admiston Burgage' and an acre of wheat and an acre of barley to be chosen from those growing in Fordington Fields or Frome Whitfield]. The only other trace that I can find of the family is an entry in The Casebook of Sir Frances ASHLEY JP dated 31st March 1617 when he and his brother Robert GOODFELLOW of Dorchester (who had inherited his father's bakers business) were bound over on condition that "The said Paul does not hereafter keep a common alehouse without a licence.

    John ROYE & Margaret STALINGTON married 23-Sep

      [End of 3 overlapping CLDS Images 4002460_02081 to 0283]


    [ ** *** ] TALBOT & [ *** ] his wife married 17-Oct 1591

      [Start of CLDS Image 4002460_2084] [Note:- I cannot make out these names on this highly damaged record (even using inverted images) but assume they had a better copy in 1909 when first transcribed by Phillimore so I have given what I can see as a note against each entry - which to a large extent, but not exclusively, supports the original transcription by Phillimore. I am also not sure of the exact year(s) given in the document]

    [ ** *** ] **WARD & Eve his wife married 12-Oct [---his wiffe were married 12 daye of October]

      [Note:- -- Although I have not had access to it there is ref to this record in 'Planters of the Commonwealth' by Charles E Banks, published 1930 on page 143 - Reported to be the marriage of Richard WARREN to Eve [surname unknown as above]. Richard WARREN wrote his Will 5th Dec 1636 (See transcription) died 1637 (See badly damaged burial register) Will proved 3 May 1638. This is the only ref that I can find to an Eve in these returns and Richard WARREN had their 1st known child Mary Warren Baptised in Fordington 1 year after this date on 16th August 1592 so may well be correct]

    [ ** *** ] WHITE & Elizabeth his wife married 21-Nov [---his wiffe were married y e 21 of November]

    [ ** *** ] MOORE & Elizabeth his wife married 23-Nov[---his ---23 daye of November]

    John HUNT & Jone [Joan] his wife married 16-Nov [---of November]

      [Note:-John HUNT (d.1604) was the son of Ambrose HUNT I (d.1587) by Elizabeth his wife, and information about him and his family as well as the 5 children from this marriage can be accessed via the links provided

    John DENNES & Elizabeth his wife married 21-Dec [---daye of December]

    Henry GREENING & Mary his wife married 23-Jan [--his wiffe were married the 23 Daye of January]

    Thomas PULLMAN & Agnes his wife married 08-Jul [year missing now 1592] [--- were married the 8 daye of July]

    Robert STEVENS & Elizabeth his wife married 15-Oct [--- were married the 15 daye of October]

    William EARTH & Eedde his wife married 15-Oct [ --- were married the 17? daye of October]

    Robert FORDE & Margaret his wife married 05-May 1593 [whole line illegible torn and folded]

      [Note:- Robert FFORD (1575- aft 1619) Link to Survey of Fordington Manor in 1615 which gives his age then as being 40 i.e. born 1575, hence aged 18 at marriage. --His wife was Margaret COSENS the daughter of Robert COSENS (d.1604) as his Will refers to Robert FORD as his son-in-law. Robert's widow her mother Christian COSENS died in 1619 also leaving a Will in which after bequests shown below made Margaret FFORD described as the wife of her son-in-law Robert FFORD executrix of her will and main beneficiary. He was churchwarden of FStG in 1621. Known children:-

      (1) a son {Christian name missing torn away) bap early 1594 -- presumed died an infant when registers missing as not a beneficiary in later wills

      (2) Jone FFORD daughter bap FStG 22nd Mar 1594/5 -- - presumed died an infant when registers missing as not a beneficiary in later wills
      (3) Elinor FFORD [Note Probably born c1600 -- baptisms missing from 1595-1602 inc ] Beneficiary under the will of her maternal grandfather Robert COSENS of one heifer yearling bullock and two ewes and two lambs in 1604, And also her maternal grandmother Christian COSENS Will in 1619 of £100 a featherbed, 2 brass pots, a table cloth, 18 pewter of all sorts and 6 napkins when she reaches the age of 21. Must therefore have been born after 1598 and before 1604. Probably c 1600

      (3) Jacobus FFORD no trace of baptism but buried FStG 13th Mar 1603/4

      (4) Margaria FFORD bap FStG 10 Aug 1606 -- Beneficiary under the will of her maternal grandmother Christian COSENS in 1619 of £40 of lawful money of England , one feather bed furnished, two brass pots, a table cloth, one dozen and half of pewter of all sorts and half a dozen table napkins which my will is shall be paid unto the said Margerty when she shall attain unto the full age of 21 years or be married 

      (5) Robert FFORD the Younger bap FStG 26 Dec 1608. {Note Baptisms missing 1609-1613 inc ) Beneficiary under the will of his maternal grandmother Christian COSENS in 1619 of £40 of lawful money of England , one feather bed furnished, two brass pots, a table cloth, one dozen and half of pewter of all sorts and half a dozen table napkins which my will is shall be paid unto the said Robert when she shall attain unto the full age of 21 years or be married 

    William WINSOR* & Cristide his wife married 26-Oct [--- were married the 26 of October] [Note:- *This surname is also often spelt differently most common are:-WINSAR, WINSER, WINSOR, WINZAR, WINZER, WINZOR, WINDSAR, WINDZAR, WINDSER, WINDSOR etc]

    John ASHE & Jane his wife married 04-Oct [---the 4 daye of October][Note:- See biographical notes on the John ASHE Family]

    John PETYE & Alis his wife married 08-Oct [---his wiffe were married the 8 daye of October]

    Robert ***ONE & Agnes his wife married 29-Oct [---his wiffe were married the 29 of October]

    William BRYNE & Elizabeth. his wife married 23-Nov [---Elizabeth his wiffe were married the 23 of November.]

    Nicolas BAKER & An his wife married 16-May 1594 [---his wiffe were married the 16 day of Maye. ]

      [End of CLDS Image 4002460_2084 for marriages burials continue]


      [Note:- 1602/3 - Thomas BASCOMBE (1573-1619/20) Husbandman of Fordington and Agnes COSENS (c1575?-aft.1621) married c1602/3 [Note:- His surname spelt in many different ways eg BASCUM, BATTESCOMBE ]

        Thomas BASCOMBE (1573-1619/20) Holds a tenement and Farthing Hold plot of 18 acres in Fordington Fields in the 1615 Survey of Fordington Manor which also gives his age as being 42 (c1573). He appears to have inherited this plot from his farther William BASCOMBE Junior who held it in the 1600 Survey.

        Agnes BASCOMBE (c1575?- aft.1621) was the daughter of Robert Cosens (bur.1604) by his wife Christian Cosens (d.1619).  She married Thomas BASCOMBE around the year 1602/3 at St Georges Church in Fordington when parish registers are missing. Agnes had at least two surviving sisters (1) Luce Zeager Cosens (1578-aft 1619) who was bapt at FStG 1578 who later married Nicholas SMART (aft 1604), and (2) Margaret who married at FStG on 5th May 1593 to Robert FORD who appears to have been only 18 years old according to his age given in the Survey of Fordington Manor in 1615. If Margaret was of a similar age she would have been born circa 1575 before the start of Fordington Parish Registers so I think she was older than Lucy. Given the average age of marriage for women of 25 she is unlikely to have been younger. I think a birth date around 1575 or earlier is possible as Margaret also has priority of order in her mothers will over Lucy.

          In trying to estimate Agnes likely date of birth I have taken account of several parameters. 1st we know from her parents Wills and those registers that survive that they had at least 8 children between 1603 & 1621 (See below). The size of the family and the late birth of Thomas and his early demise suggests waining fertility to me so taking 45 as an average this could possibly indicate a birth around 1576. John is the only child living in 1604 and assuming they married the year before and unlike her sister Margaret was about 25 when she married this would give a possible birth date of 1578. If younger her birth would be in the 1580's. I can't see her being born prior to 1570 as she would already have been 51 when she gave birth to Thomas. Another consideration is her age in comparison with her husband and Thomas was born c1573 according to the 1615 Survey. Again on average women are younger which again places her birth in the mid 1570's. This is impoirtant as I think it rules out her being the Agnes Bascombe listed in the 1615 Census (immediately after her husbands plot) who has a plot in her own name and is said to be aged 60 i.e. born c1555.

        The Survey of Fordington Manor in 1600 shows her father to be a farmer holding a copyhold grant dated c1591 for a whole place (between 40 and 60 acres] in Fordington Fields. Her father was buried at FStG on 10th Apr 1604 leaving a Will in which he leaves his daughter named as Agnes Bascombe £20 and 4 silver spoons, and her son John Bascombe £5 (when he comes to the age of 15). Her widowed mother Christian was also buried at FStG on 28th Apr 1619 and left a Will dated 23rd April 1619 from which it is clear that both her sisters are now married and she leaves her daughter recorded as Agnes Bascombe the wife of Thomas Bascombe her green gown and petticoat and leaves bequests to four of her named children as detailed below:-

          (1) John Bascombe (c1603- aft.1619) : FStG baptisms missing 1595 to 1603 but we know from Robert Cossens Will that Agnes eldest son John was born before Apr 1604. left 6s.8d by his maternal grandmother in 1619
          (2) Francis Bascombe (1605-1605) : Francis the son of Thomas Bascombe bap FStG 7th June 1605 -- buried FStG on 29th May 1605
          (3) Avis Bascombe (1607/8-aft.1619 ) Avis the daughter of Thomas Bascom bap 10th Feb 1607/8. Thought to be Alice left 6s.8d by her maternal grandmother in 1619;
          (4) Dorothy Bascombe (c1611-aft 1619) FStG baptisms missing 1609-1613 inc; left 6s.8d by her maternal grandmother in 1619
          (5) Anne Bascombe (c1613 - aft 1619) FStG baptisms missing 1609-1613 inc; left 6s.8d by her maternal grandmother in 1619
          (6) Jane Basombe (1614-1614) the daughter of Thomas Bascum was bap FStG 5th June 1614 -- who was buried 21st June 1614
          (7) Agnes Bascombe (1615-1616/17? ) the daughter of Thomas Bascom was bap FStG 27th Aug 1615 , Parish Registers are missing for the period of June 1616 to end of 1617 so may have died very young, as did 3 other of their children, as not left a bequest in grandmothers will in 1619.
          (8) Thomas Bascombe (1621-1621) the sonne of Thomas Bascombe was bap FStG 30th Sep 1621 -- who was buried there 21st Dec 1621]

      [Note:- 1603 - See WHITE Family of Fordington para 3.7 - Thomasin WHITE (c.1565-1655) the daughter of John WHITE Senior (d.1600) a Yeoman of Fordington by his wife Elizabeth (d.1607) married William WINSOR Senior (also known as William WINSOR the elder) in 1603]

      [Start of CLDS Image 4002460_2092]

    Robert COSSENS & Johan [abbreviation for Johanna] MATHEW married 18-May 1606

    John CHUNTE [CHOUNT] & Joan WABRIDGE married 19-Jun

    Henry HAWKINS & Joann SCUTT married 06-Jul [Note:- Joann SCUTT is lited in the 1600 Survey of Fordington Manor as the 'widow Johane SKUTT' holding a cottage by right of a copyhold grant dated 1590/1 ]

    William PAULMER [PALMER] & Faith MOODY married 15-Jul [Note:- Child, Ralph PALMER bap F.StG 11th May 1607]

    John SERVANT & Margaret WINZOR* married 13-Sep [Note:- *This surname is also often spelt differently most common are:-WINSAR, WINSER, WINSOR, WINZAR, WINZER, WINZOR, WINDSAR, WINDZAR, WINDSER, WINDSOR etc]

    Thomas WINSOR & Elynor MABEE married 21-Sep  [BT’s have her name as MABER]

      [Note:-.Thomas & Elinor are likely to have had two more children during 1609-1613 when registers are missing - possibly circa 1611 and 1613 as this would give an even spread of dates roughly 2 years apart. We do know of the burial of an Elizabeth WINSOR described as the daughter of Thomas WINSOR in June 1626 who is likely to be another of their children. Although there is another gap in births between 1618 and 1623 parish registers exist for these years and there is no record of other births, but of course its always possible that Elizabeth was a still birth during this period hence no baptism. The average age of marriage at this period was 27 for a man which would place his birth around 1579/80 and I note that only parish registers for 1577 and 1578 survive until 1585. See Comments made on the Survey of Fordington Manor taken in 1615 about other Thomas WINSORs in case further information comes to light. He is probably the Thomas Winsor who was appointed Constable of Fordington alongside Richard WARREN at the Quarter Sessions held at Sherborne on 14th Apr 1629 and the Thomas WINSOR who was buried FStG 15 Sept 1630. On the above basis if correct he would be around the age of 50 when he died .- Known children from this marriage are listed below:-

      (1) Christian Winsor bap F StG 8th Mar 1607.
           [Parish Registers missing 1609-1613 - see comments above about Elizabeth buried 1626]
      (2) Sarah Winsor bap F StG 17th Sep 1615
           [Parish Registers missing 1617]
      (3) Thomas Winsor bap F StG 18th Nov 1618
      (4) Edmund Winsor bap F StG 20th Aug 1623 -
           [Parish Registers missing 1629,1632, 1634, 1636]

    Robert GRIFFINE [GRYFFIN] & Elizabeth HOOPER married 05-Oct [ BT's have her surname as HOOP ] [Note:-Child, Thomas GRYFFIN bap F.StG 10th Oct 1607]

    William BARNES & Margery RASKER married 23 Nov [Note:- Margery RASKER was the daughter of Robert RASKER who was the brother of William RASKER (d.1605) and is mentioned in the latters will dated 5 Jan 1604 and Proved 08 May 1605]

    Ambrose WHITE & Mary BIRDE married 16-Feb [BT ’s have her name as Margaret Birde] [Note:- See comments in WHITE Family of Fordington paragraph 1.2 ]

    Anthony CLEARKE & Catherine [Katherine] SAVAGE married 15-Jun 1607 [ Note marriage also on CLDS Image 02094] [BT's have his surname as CLARKE [Note:- parish records are missing for 1609/13, 1616/7, 1629, 1632, 1634, 1636, 1640 to 1663 inc].

      Anthonie CLARKE Junior (1589-1626/7). When Christopher RASKER (c.1569-1613)  died Anthony Clarke was one of those who appraised his goods and produced an Imventory dated 3rd Sep 1613. Anthomy is listed in the Survey of Fordington Manor dated 1615 which at that date gave his age as being 26 or born circa 1589. His wife Catherine held a second plot for 20.2 acres in her own right. Anthony CLARKE, a yeoman of Fordington, lived in 1617 with his family in the same house as Henry TAPP a husbandman. See the examination of Catharine CLARKE by Sir Francis Ashley in his casebook for the date 22 Dec 1617 (pages 43 & 47) and by Henry TAPPE of Fordington on 17th Dec 1617. Catharine gave evidence against the drunken behaviour of Hamnet WHITE who had been drinking at Nicholas Hellier's alehouse. This was described by David Underdown in his book 'Fire from Heaven' (pages 67,79, and 264) as ' Nicholas Hellier's unsavoury alehouse in Fordington often attracted the attention of Sir Francis Ashley; it was a base for poaching (even of swans and herons) and for many other kinds of iniquity] Anthony CLARKE was buried FStG on 9 Jan 1626/27 hence no more children and leaving Katharine a widow.

      Catherine CLARKE (1593- )
      , described as a widow of Fordington, was awarded 10 shillings compensation as a result of a petition she made, along with 2 others, to the Quarter Sessions held at Blandford in the year 1663 as they had lost everything in a fire. Katherine was by then probably in her 70's but I have not located her burial so is likely to have died when parish burial registers are missing eg 1671;1673;1674;1676;1677] Known children from this marriage:-

        (1) Katharine bap 23 Apr 1615;
        (2) Roger
        bap 7 Feb 1618,
        (3) Robert bap 20 May 1622 - buried 13 Apr 1638,
        (4) John bap 9 Jul 1626 - buried 26 Oct 1631.

    William FLUELLINE & Edith BALIE married 02-Jul [ Note marriage also on CLDS Image 02094]

    Thomas HAYWARD & Elizabeth RIVES married 24-Nov [ Note marriage also on CLDS Image 02094]

    John MATE & Edith SEAGER married 27-Jun 1608 [ Note marriage also on CLDS Image 02095]

    William HUTTON & Jane KIPPINGE married 03-Jul [ Note marriage also on CLDS Image 02095] [BT's have her surname as KIPPINE ]

    John WHITE & Mary KEZIAR married 16-Nov [BT’s have her name as Marye KEIZER]

      [Note:- This is the second marriage of John WHITE Junior (1551-1622) a yeoman. His first wife also called Mary was buried at Fordington on 13th May 1608. Left with two small children and a smallholding to run he quickly remarried 6 months later to Mary KEZIAR. Follow link for more information about his family]
    Hamnet WHITE & Christian BARNES married 28-Feb 1608/9 [ Note marriage also on CLDS Image 02095]
      [Note:- Hamnet WHITE (c1561-1633/4) is 5th child of a Yeoman John WHITE Senior (d.1600) by his wife Elizabeth [d.1607] This is Hamnet's 2nd marriage. His first wife Joane WHITE was buried at St Georges Church in Fordington on 11th Sep 1608. Link to more information about Christian WHITE nee BARNES (c1593 - aft1650) and her family.
      [End of CLDS Image 4002460_2092]

    Amias CHAPPE & Joane MEECH married 28-Feb [ Note marriage only on CLDS Image 02094] [BT's have his name as CHAPPELL ]


      [Start of CLDS Image 02096]

    Ambrose WHITE & Elizabeth RASKER widow married 04-Jul 1614

      [Note:- Ambrose WHITE I cannot be absolutely sure of his direct line of descent because many parish registers and other records for this period have either not survived or are incomplete. Having extensively researched the family it is however clear that he is descended from Ambrose WHITE (c1532- aft 1587) a Yeoman of Fordington. As this is Elizabeth RASKER's 2nd marriage he is likely to be older so could be a son or grandson. Ambrose WHITE is listed as a tenant in the 1600 Survey of Fordington Manor holding a half place by copyhold grant dated 1591.

      Ambrose WHITE of Fordington was examined by Sir Francis ASHLEY JP on 4 occasions between 1617 and 1626 (See pages 43,46,62 and 94 of his Casebook). The First is a deposition taken of Henry TAPPE of Fordington taken on 17th Dec 1617 which shows that Ambrose WHITE was in the rather infamous ale house of Nicholas HELLIER of Fordington (See pages 69;79 and 264 of Fire from Heaven by David Underdown) and had agreed to deliver a letter to Salisbury. The second was his own deposition taken on 26th Dec 1617 about some of the goings on of Nicholas Hellier when Sir Ashley refers to him as As 'Ambose WHITE of Fordington, a yeoman'. In the third taken on 22nd April 1620 Known children from the marriage:-

      (1) Ambrose White (b.1615-?) bap F StG 16th April 1615
      (2) Judith White (b. 1617/18-1624) she was probably born and baptised between June 1616 and March 1617/8 when parish registers are missing. She was buried at FStG however on 29th Mar 1624
      (3) Edyth [Edith] White (1621-?) bap F StG 5th Aug 1621
      (4) Judith White (1624-1631) named after the earlier deceased child she was baptised at F StG on 18th Apr 1624 and buried there on 20th Oct 1631]

    Richard BARLOE & Marie KINGTON wid married 01-Aug

    Thomas TACHELL & Yeedithe [Edith] STONE married 29-Aug

    John SPARROWE & Elizabeth VYNE [VINE] widow married 25-Oct

    John COMBE & Dorothee SANFORD married 15-Jan

    Robert STONE & Martha CLAVYLL married 28-Jan

    John DEARINGE & Alice SERVANT wid married 13-Feb

      [End of CLDS Image 02096 & start of Image 02097]

    Robert COSENS & Alice COSENS married 02-May 1615

    Roger BUCKE & Margery VYNTON married 04-May

      [Note:-There probably would have been more children from this marriage - Composite registers for example are missing for the whole of 1617, 1629, 1632 and 1634. Roger BUCKE (1634) was buried at FStG 31st Feb 1633/4. Follow link for more information. Known children:-

      (1) Anne Bucke (1622-1624) bap FStG 27th Jan 1622 and buried FStG 13th Apr 1624
      (2) John Bucke (1628- ) Bap FStG 24 July 1628
      (3) Jone Bucke (1631 -) bap FStG 20 Dec 1631

    Richard EAMES & Alice SPRAGE married 05-Jun [Note: Richard Eames was the 4th child of Thomas & Millicent Eames of Fordington - See biography of his younger brother Anthony Eames - Alice Sprague was the daughter of Edward & Christian Sprague from Upwey - See biography of her three brothers under The Sprague Family]

    John RUNNY & Yeedith [Edith] COLLINS married 02-Oct

    John SEAGER & Marie COLLINS married 17-Oct [Note:- Known children:- (1) James Bap FStG 31st March 1616 and buried FStG 4th Apr 1616 (2) John bap FStG 6th Dec 1618 (3) James bap FStG 13 Aug 1620 (4) Jonathan bap FStG 20 Sep 1622 (5) Mary bap FStG 19 Sep 1624]

    John HILLARD & Margerie DILLYE married 18-Oct

    William ATKINS & Agnes ANNET married 02-Nov

    Gyles [Giles] STONE & Yeedith [Edith] PETTIE married 27-Nov

    Roger SEAGER & Anne THOMAS married 18-Jan [Note:- Known children:- (1) Margaret bap FStG 9th Apr 1620 bur 1st July 1620 (2) Grace bap FStG 22nd May 1625 bur 9 July 1625 (3) John bap FStG 5th Nov 1626 ]

      [End of CLDS Image 02097 + Image 2098] [NOTE:- This composite return

      [Note:- PARISH REGISTERS from June 1616 to April 1618 inc HAVE NOT SURVIVED] Note:- There would have been another return covering the period from 9th June 1616 up to 24th March 1617/18 --The Rev Edward PELE was appointed vicar of St Georges Church in Fordington on 23rd Oct 1616 but we only have his return starting from 25th March 1618.]

      [Known marriages which would have fallen within this missing period will be listed :-

      [Note:- Married 2nd half of 1616 - Lucy SEAGER the daughter of Richard SEAGER {See her father's Will dated 5th Dec 1625) married John EAMES c1616]

      [Start of CLDS Image 02099]

    William CLARKE & Alyce [Alice] HOWMAN married 11-May 1618 [Note:- Alice HOWMAN was the daughter of Henry HOWMAN and a beneficiary under his will dated 11th Sep 1640 as were two of their daughters Joane and Honour ]

    John MARSHFYELD & Margaret STEVENS married 29-Jun

    John ASHE jun & Elvnor SLADE married 13-Jan [Note:- See biographical notes on the John ASHE Family]

    Thomas ROSE & Anne EAMES married 14-Jan [Anne Eames is the daughter of Thomas & Millicent Eames - See Biography of her brother Anthony Eames]

    Robert GOODWIN & Mawde [Maud] FACYE married 21-Jan [BT’s have her name as  Mande]

    John CROOMEY & Johane GAWDIN married 21-Jan

    Robert GOODE & Katherine [Catherine] COSENS married 03-Mar

      [End of CLDS Image 02099 next marriage on Image 02100]

    Nicholas INGRAM & Edith SEAGAR married 22-Jan 1619 [Note:- Edith SEAGER is the 4th known child from the marriage of Richard SEAGER (bur FStG 1625) to Florence KETE (bur FStG 1622). Nicholas & Edith had a son John INGRAM who was baptised at FStG on 21st Feb 1620/1. John INGRAM was a beneficiary under the Will of Richard SEAGER dated 24th Dec 1625 and proved 3rd May 1626 when he was left his best suite, a coffer and his cloak. His father Nicholas INGRAM was made overseer of the will.

      [Start of CLDS Image 02101]

    John COLLINS & Susanna SKINNER married ** May 1620 [Note:- Recorded as Susan, Susanna was buried at FStG Church on 2nd May 1621 and almost certainly died as a result of complications during childbirth]

    William BARTLET & Katherine [Catherine] INGRAM married 26-Aug

      [Note:- William BARTLETT (1587-1638) bap at FStG on 7th Oct 1587 the son of Robert BARTLETT (bur.1624) who is mentioned in his father's (and therefore William's grandfather's) Will written on 12th May 1579. A William BARTLETT recorded as from Fordington was granted a Maltsters Licence at 8 Bushels per week at the Blandford Quarter Sessions held between the 10th and 13th Jan 1631/2. Katherine INGRAM is one of 4 surviving children of John & Agnes INGRAM & beneficiary under John's Will in 1602. William BARTLETT was buried at FStG on 4th Sep 1638. Children from this marriage :-

      (1) Robert Bartlett (1621-1661) baptised at FStG on 8th July 1621 - Thought to have married during the Civil War c1648 to a Jane Unknown and to be the Robert BARTLETT a husbandsman and tenant farmer of 14 acres in Fordington Fields that died intestate in 1661 for which a Letter of Administration was granted to his relict Jane BARTLETT on 3rd Aug 1661.

      (2) Elizabeth Bartlett (1626-1638) bap FStG 25 Mar 1626 and buried there 13th Aug 1638]

    William BISHOP & Christian BATTEN married 27-Jan [Note:- son Thomas bap Fordington St George 17th Nov 1622]

      [End of of CLDS Image 02101 & start of Image 02102]

    Edward CLARKE clerke & Anne PELHAM were married 01-May 1621 [BT's have May 2nd ] [Note the Rev Edward Clarke was an assistant to the Rev John WHITE Rector of Holy Trinity & St Peters in Dorchester who was the driving force behind  emigration to New England.  Brother-in-law of John Humphrey, Deputy Governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony. Ann PELHAM was the daughter of Herbert PELHAM (1546-1620) by his 2nd wife Elizabeth WEST having been baptised at Hellingly in Sussex on 22nd Jan 1601/2 she came to Fordington with her parents and was 20 years old when she married. Follow link to Edward CLARKE for information about their children]

    John HARRYS & Johane BYSHOPPE [BISHOP] wid married 29-Mar [BT's have his surname as HARVYS - her surname as BYSHOPP wydowe]

    William DILLYE & Emme WINSOR* married 29-Oct 1621 [Note:- *This surname is also often spelt differently most common are:-WINSAR, WINSER, WINSOR, WINZAR, WINZER, WINZOR, WINDSAR, WINDZAR, WINDSER, WINDSOR etc]

    John ARNOLDE & Elizabeth MINTERNE married 12-Dec

    Morgan FORDE & Alice BUNNE married 14-Jan

      [End of CLDS Image 02102 & Start of Image 02103]

    Michaell WHITE & Grace DENNIS married 05-Aug 1622 [Not so far identified relationship within the White Family of Fordington. Settled in Holy Trinity Parish Dorchester son Dennis WHITE buried 14th June 1623, Grace recorded as the wife of Michael WHITE was buried at St Georges Church in Fordington on 4th Jan 1626.]

    Edmond WINDYET & Frances HAGGARD married 12-Aug

    Samuell HUTTON & Marye READE married 23-Sep

      [End of CLDS Image 02103 & Start of Image 02104]

    Ambrose HUNT & Mary WINSO* married 03-Jul 1623

      Note:-This is Ambrose HUNT III (c1592-1662) Husbandman of Fordington - he was the son of John HUNT (d.1604) and Joan RASKER (d.1609) and churchwarden of St Georges Church in Fordington in 1630. Link to more information about his family, an image and translation of his will.

    Ralfe SPRAGE & Johane WARREN married 15-Aug [Note Pilgrims - See Biography of The Sprague Family from Upwey]

    Christopher INBROOKE & Elizabeth WINSOR* married 06-Oct [Note:- *This surname is also often spelt differently most common are:-WINSAR, WINSER, WINSOR, WINZAR, WINZER, WINZOR, WINDSAR, WINDZAR, WINDSER, WINDSOR etc]

    Richard EDWARDS alias RENDELL & Edith DIBSDALE married 06-Oct

    Otys POLWHEILE Clerke & Lidia KEELINGE married 12-Jan

      [End of CLDS Image 02104 & Start of Image 02105]

    Andrew VENTHAM & Susanna WINSOR* married 07-Jun 1624 [ year omitted ] [Note:- *This surname is also often spelt differently most common are:-WINSAR, WINSER, WINSOR, WINZAR, WINZER, WINZOR, WINDSAR, WINDZAR, WINDSER, WINDSOR etc]

    John CHAFY [CHAFFEY] & Elizabeth. TINEHAM married 16-Sep

    Steven MORECOCKE & Anne VALENCE [VALLANCE or VALLENS] married 20-Sep

    James TALBOT & Jone FREKE married 04-Oct

    Robert SPEARE & Constance COUSENS married 04-Oct

    Thomas POUNSY [POUNCY] & Margaret MOG married 15-Nov

    John SEAGER & Margaret INGRAM married 07-Feb [Note:- Margaret INGRAM is the 4th of 4 surviving children from the marriage of John INGRAM (d.1602) by his wife Agnes UNKNOWN (1565-1638/9) She was a beneficary under her father's will dated 16th Dec 1602 receiving a score of sheep & twelve ewes, a red horse & two half acres of wheat one half acre sitting on the way that leadeth to Martinstown [Winterbourne St Martin] the other by the wayside leading to Bridport. In the 1615 Survey of Fordington Manor (before this marriage) she would have been living with her widowed mother Agnes on their smallholding. John SEAGER on birth of his 1st child is referred to as John SEAGER Junior. Children from this marriage (1) John SEAGER bap FStG 4 Dec 1625 (2) Elizabeth SEAGER bap FStG 10th Feb 1627/8 (3) Jonathan SEAGER bap 14th Nov 1630]

    John MEADER & Elenor SEAGER married 07-Feb [Note:- Children (1) Henry Bap FStG 25 Feb 1626]

      [End of CLDS Image 02105 & Start of Image 02106]

    Jacob TOMKINS clerke & Elizabeth STRONG married 17-Jan 1625 [Note:- Rev. James [also latin - Jacobus] TOMKINS was ordained a priest 19th Sep 1624 and licensed as a preacher at Upwey Dorset 1st Oct 1625. Appointed Vicar of Kilton in Somerset 28th Dec 1631]

    Jonas PALFREY [PALFRY] & Elizabeth INGRAM married 17-Jan

      [Note:- Elizabeth INGRAM was the 3rd of 4 surviving children from the marriage of John INGRAM (d.1602) by his wife Agnes UNKNOWN (1565-1638/9). Elizabeth was a beneficiary under her fathers will in 1602 being left a score of sheep & twelve ewes, a black horse, a black bullock & two half acres of wheat the one lying in Luscombe the other 'Boting? to Pisse? Bridge Pitt' (sic). In the 1615 Survey of Fordington Manor (before this marriage) she would have been living with her widowed mother Agnes on their smallholding - Children:- (1) Jonathan PALFRY bapt at FStG 22nd March 1628/9 (2) John PALPHREY Bapt FStG 1 Jan 1630/1. Elizabeth PALFREY nee INGRAM is thought to have died in Fordington, probably when registers are missing (e.g. 1632, 1634, 1636-7; 1640- 1643+) and Jonas moved to Dorchester in 1643 to take charge of Dorchesters Brewhouse - a keystone created by the Rev John WHITE in creating his Godly Community. Jonas remarried to Joane HAYDON in Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 11th July 1646. Follow link for more information. ]

      [End of CLDS Image 02106 & Start of Image 02107]

    Christopher PARKER & Katherine [Catherine] HUTTON married 01-May 1626

    Robert SPRAT & Anne VARE married 11-Jul

    William BUN [BUNN or BUNNE] & Margaret ALLEN married 19-Jul [Note:- Not traced any children or their deaths ]

    James PROOZE [PROUSE?] & Mary STONE married 31-Aug

    John WINSOR jun (junior) & Elenor TAP married 16-Oct

      [Note:- John WINSOR junior ( -aft 1655) . Known Children from this marriage :-

      (1) Thomas WYNSER [Winsor] bap FStG 18th Mar 1626/7

      (2) Mary WINSOR dau of John WINSOR Junior bap FStG 15th July 1627

      (3) another daughter living in 1649 ]

    Christopher CHURCHILL & Jone FEPPERT [FIPPARD?] married 28-Oct

    Richard BATTRICKS & Margaret WINSOR* married 11-Nov [Note:- *This surname is also often spelt differently most common are:-WINSAR, WINSER, WINSOR, WINZAR, WINZER, WINZOR, WINDSAR, WINDZAR, WINDSER, WINDSOR etc]

    John BRAG & Elizthabeth WINSOR* married 05-Dec [Note:- *This surname is also often spelt differently most common are:-WINSAR, WINSER, WINSOR, WINZAR, WINZER, WINZOR, WINDSAR, WINDZAR, WINDSER, WINDSOR etc]

    Hamnet CONDITE & Margaret CLARE married 13-Jan

    John BRINE & Agnes BUN married 16-Mar

      [End of CLDS Image 02107 & Start of Image 02108]

    Robert SPEARE & Dorothea JOHNSON married 05-Feb 1637 [Wrong year should be 1627]

      [End of CLDS Image 02108 next marriage on Image 02109]

    Alexander FORMAGE & Mary BESSE married 14-Jan 1638 [Wrong year should be 1628]

      [Note:- Return for 1629 is missing]

      [Start of CLDS Image 02110]

    John PUCKETT & Sarah BARNES married 12-Apr 1630

    Richard TITE & Barbara BITHGOOD [BIDGOOD] married 13-Apr

    Owen HENDY & Margaret BARNES married 27-May [Note:- Margaret BARNES was the daughter of William BARNES Senior and baptised at FStG on 28th Apr 1604 ]

    John FORTE & Frances STONE married 27-May

    James FOWNES [FOYNE] & Katherine [Catherine] daughter of Wm LAWRENCE married 01-Jun 1630

      [Note:- Katherine LAWRENCE was the daughter of William Lawrence (Will proved 1646) & Christian his wife (Will proved 1663), a yeomanry family of Fordington who also held property in Winterbourne Whitchurch. James FOWNES was also known as James FOYNE and according to her fathers's Will they had at least the foillowing children Edmund, Frances, Mary, Sarah, John and Edith]

    Philip TUCKER & Margery COLLENS married 08-Jul

    William LUCKIES & Alice EDWARDS married 03-Oct [BT's have his surname as LUCKES ]

    Thomas CHURCHELL [CHURCHILL] & Charitie ZILES married 07-Oct [Note:- children:- (1) Mary Churchill bap FStG 14th Sep 1631 (2) Jane Churchill bap FStG 30th Mar 1633 (3) Hester Churchill Bap FStG 23rd Aug 1635 -- Parish Registers from 1640 to 1663 destroyed in civil war]

    Robert HUNT & Katherine [Catherine] BATSCOMBE [BASCOMBE] married 23-Jan

      Note:- Robert HUNT (c1595 - aft 1639) was the son of John HUNT (d.1604) and Joan RASKER (d.1609). Robert was a beneficary under his maternal grandfather William RASKER's Will dated 5th Jan 1605 when he was bequeathed a ewe and lamb. His brother John HUNT (c1598-1628) left him 12pence in 1628 when he died, a legal ploy to show that he was considered but could not in effect claim on the rest of his brothers estate which was left to his wife and 2 suviving daughters. He was later tried before a jury at Bridport Quarter Sessions in Sep 1635 being prosecuted by William Smith and pleaded guilty being fined 20 shillings and committed until he paid the fine. Unfortunately it does not state what the offence was. The Bascombe Family have been in Fordington since the 16th century but I have not been able to locate anything about Katherine's. origins although I notice that a William BASCOMB possibly her father or other close family relation, was a witness to William RASKER's will in 1604/5 and signed the FStG Parish registers as churchwarden during 1606-1608 and was buried 29th Nov 1614. Parish Registers have not survived from 1640-1663 inc. so they may have had more children during that period and it is also when they would have died. Known children:-
        (1) Elizabeth HUNT (1632-1687?) bap FStG 27th Nov 1632 - [Note:- may have died still a spinster being buried at FStG on 24th May 1687 but difficult to be sure this is the correct Elizabeth]

        (2) Robert HUNT (1633-1675) Bap FStG 15th Sep 1633. He married after the Civil War around the year 1659 to Joan UNKNOWN (d.1699) when parish registers are missing and had a family of which we know of 3 surviving children as shown below. Robert was buried at FStG on 25th March 1675 and Joan on 11th January 1699/1700.

          (2.1) Grace HUNT (c1660-1689) she married Mark EAMES at nearby Owermoigne in Dorset on 18th Oct 1685 and had a son John EAMES bap at FStG 11th March 1686 who inherited 20shillings under her mothers will in 1699 and a house in Mill St from her bother Sebastian in 1722. Grace EAMES probably died from complications in her next pregnancy being buried at FStG on 24th Oct 1689

          (2.2) Thomas HUNT (c1662-1724) bap circa 1662 who married a Mary circa 1686 and in turn had the following children - Thomas was bequeathed £5 by his mother Joan HUNT in 1699 - Mary inherited all her wearing apparel. He was buried at FStG on 21st Jan 1724/5

            (2.1.1) Grace HUNT (1688-aft 1712) bap FStG 15th Nov 1688. She was named as a possible beneficiary under her uncle Sebastian's will written in 1712 of which she was joint executrix with his wife. She was due to inherit his house and a bugage called 'The Olde Goale' in All Saints after the decease of his 2nd wife and had a half interest in the residual estate of a Giles Bullock of London a woollen draper by the rights devolved to him from the estate of his 1st wife Deborah nee Harbin.
            (2.1.2) Joan HUNT (1693-?) bap FStG 12th July 1693 --------?
            (2.1.3) Robert HUNT ( 1695-1749) bap FStG 21st Oct 1695. He was named as a possible beneficiary under his uncle Sebastian's will written in 1712. He was due to inherit The 'Chequer Inn' in All Saints after the demise of Sebastian's 2nd wife Mary who lived until 1747. Buried FStG 28 June 1749
            (2.1.4) Debra HUNT (1704-1731) Bap FStG 18th May 1704 she married John NELSON of Fordington at All Saints Church on 17th Dec 1725. They had 3 children but all died in infancy. She may have died from complications arising from childbirth as buried at FStG on 16th May 1731 the same day that their son Samuel was baptised there.

          (2.3) Sebastian HUNT (1664-1722) bap 2nd Oct 1664 who married twice. 1st to Deborah HARBIN at FStG on 7th July 1692 and 2nd to Mary ARNOLD at Bradford Peverell on 21st Jan 1706/7. He was executor of his mothers will in 1699.

        (3) Margaret HUNT bap FStG 27th Dec 1635 [Note:- may have died or married when registers are missing 1640-1663]

        (4) Anne HUNT bap FStG 9th June 1639
        [Note:- may have died or married when registers are missing 1640-1663]
      [End of CLDS Image 02110 & Start of Image 02111]

    Ambrose WAY & Christian BOWDEN married 18-Apr 1631 [Her name is Christian ROWDEN & correctly recorded as such on the IGI & referred to as an aside by Rev RG Bartelot as source and used in 'John White Founder of Massachusetts' by Rose-Troup pub 1930.] [Also note:- children from this marriage:- Samuel bap FStG 12th July 1635; a son from this marriage was buried at FStG in 1637]

    John SAMWAYES & Mary BUNNE married 10-May

      [Note:- Mary Bunn is a beneficiary under the Will of her father Robert BUN who was buried at FStG on 30th Sep 1639 receiving 20 shillings under his Will dated 25th Sep 1639. She is also a beneficiary under her mother Edith BUNN's Will dated 6th Oct 1654 receiving another 10 shillings. Known children from this marriage:-
      (1) John Samways baptised Fordington 4th March 1631/2. Beneficiary under his father's will in 1639 being left 6s 4d
      (2) Unknown Samways (whose baptism is lost in one of the missing parish registers) Beneficiary under his/her father's will in 1639 being left 6s 4d.
      (3) William Samways (whose baptism is lost in one of the missing parish registers) received a lamb under her mother's will in 1654. ]

    Nicholas BAYLAND & Luce WEECH married 05-Oct

    John STICKLAND & Richardo (sic) BARTLET married 01-Nov [Note:- No immediate births or deaths pre 1639 for Stickland in Fordington - records lost ebcause of Civil War]

    Henry GREENING & Katherine [Catherine] WINSORE* married 24-Nov [Note:- *This surname is also often spelt differently most common are:-WINSAR, WINSER, WINSOR, WINZAR, WINZER, WINZOR, WINDSAR, WINDZAR, WINDSER, WINDSOR etc]

    Francis CARTER & Margery FORDE married 20-Dec

      [End of CLDS Image 02111]

      [Note:- Return for 1632 is missing]

      [Start of CLDS Image 02112]

    Barthol SOPER & Alice HALL married 30-Apr 1633 [BT's have Batholomew SOPER ]

    Philip CLEMENT & Elizabeth WAYE married 30-Apr

    John THORNE & Sarah COLLINS married 28-May

    Richard FREAKE & Dorothy WHITE married 18-Nov [Note Dorothy FREAK died leaving a short Will and an inventory of her goods etc dated 12th Dec 1670. This refers to 2 sons John and William FREAK and a daughter Joan RASKER]

      [End of CLDS Image 02112 & Start of Image 02114 which is very badly damaged & year looks like 1637 rather than 1634? and this document follows image 02113 which is for 1635]

    Thomas BROWNE & Dorothie BUNE married [ ** *** ] 1634

    John TORRINGTON & Barbara COLLINES [COLLINS] married [ ** *** ]

      [Note:- John TORRINGTON (or TARRINGTON) (bur. 1676) is briefly mentioned in 'Fire from Heaven by David Underdown pages 110.112, and 121. He was Overseer of the poor children working at the hospital /workhouse from 1634 and did the accounts for the 'Fuel House' for the poor in 1641. Many parish records for Fordington and all records prior to 1653 for St Peters are missing or damaged, but two baptisms of their children have survived. They moved to St Peters to live where Barbara died and was buried on 12 Oct 1675. John Torrington left a will dated sometime in 1660 (See wills index for Dorchester) this is very badly damaged and the bottom part of the will including where it was dated and proved is missing. He died many years later being buried at St Peters on 20 Mar 1676/7 described as "Old John TARRINGTON". The only known children were:- (1) John bap St George Fordington 29th Mar 1635. John described as of St peters in Dorchester married on 22nd Aug 1662 to Jane JELBERT (GILBERT?) of Holy Trinity Dorchester at Charminster. Link to his marriage with listing their children (2) (Stephen) 1637 although badly damaged and the childs Christian name is missing we know from John Torrington's Will written in 1660 that he had a son called Stephen and that he was educated at the Dorchester Free school 1652-1655 by Samuel Cromblehome (1618-1672) and went on to matriculate at St Johns Cambridge on 27th June 1655 aged 18 (i.e. born circa 1637) being awarded his BA in 1658/9 and MA in 1662 ]

    Richard ASH & Cath. TOOPE married [ ** *** ]

    Lawrence DEVENISH & Virtue CORBANE married [ ** *** ] [Note:- Lawrence was the son of Benjamin Devenish (1574 - 1643) Master of the Dorchester Brewhouse]

    John COLLINES [COLLINS] & Margaret DIGATE married [ ** *** ] [Note:- Known children:- (1) Ann bap FStG 13 Sep 1635 (2) Almost certainly had another child 1636 when bap's missing or 1637 very badly damaged (3) Johanna bap FStG 22nd Sep 1639]

    William FASEY & Cath. [Catherine] CROWNE married [ ** *** ]

    John BARTLETT & Marie [Mary] WARREN married 25-Jan 1634/5

      [Note:- Marie WARREN (1592-aft 1650) was the daughter of Richard & Eve WARREN and had been baptised at FStG on 16th Apr 1592. At the age of 42 she had clearly married without her fathers consent see Richard Warren's Will dated 1636 and genealogical notes about the family. Mary nevertheless inherited her fathers plot of just over 22 acres in Fordington Fields by custom of the manor (and being named as the 2nd life on his copyhold) on her father's death in 1637 and is still listed as tenant there in the 1650 Survey of Fordington. They had no children. Insufficient records have survived to determine John BARTLETT's ancestry.

    Morgan WINSOR & Elenor BUN married [ ** *** ]
    [Note:- Many records damaged during this period so may have had other children and all Returns for 1640 to 1663 inclusive were lost because of the Civil War ] --Known Children:-

      (1) William WINSORE bap FStG 31st Jan 1635
      (2) Elizabeth WINSOR bap FStG 30th Jun 1639 ]

      [Start of CLDS Image 02113]

    Christopher SLADE & Susana HOPKINS married 20-Jul 1635

    James REAPE & Margret DOWNTON married 02-Nov

    William POTT & Armanel WATS married 09-Nov

      [End of CLDS Image 02113]

      [Note:- Returns for 1636 and 1637 are missing]

      [Note: IGI incorrectly has a member entry for the marriage of a John COX to an Elizabeth WARREN 6th Dec 1636 - Elizabeth is the daughter of Richard Warren and it is his Will that is dated 6th Dec 1636] she was born circa 1597 - 1602 when baptism registers have not survived and she was already married by Dec 1636 with 2 children and living with her husband at Bockhampton.
      [Start of CLDS Images 02115 & duplicate 02116]

    Walter THORNE & Joane BUGG married 03-Apr 1638

    James DAVIS & Edith POPE married 10-Sep

    Robert HARVY & Marques HART married 14-Jan

    Edward EAMES & Elizabeth TAPP married 31-Jan [Note Edward Eames was baptised in Fordington on Christmas day 1618 the son of Richard Eames and Alice Sprague - See biography of his uncle Anthony Eames ]

      [End of CLDS Images 02115 & duplicate 02116 -- also start of Image 02117]

    Thomas BUN & Elizabeth POUNT married 23-Apr 1639

    John LAKE & Alice LUISE married 23-Apr [Note:- Unfortunately parish registers for St Georges Church for the period 1640 to 1663 inclusive have not survived. As an aside there is a baptism on 29th Nov 1640 for John the son of John & Ann LAKE at Tincleton in Dorset who was also buried there on 25th Nov 1643 - Also Ann a daughter of John LAKE at Tincleton baptised there on 7th Oct 1645 so it's just possible they lived 5 miles east of Dorchester at Tincleton after marriage.]

    John YEALE & Christabell HODENOTT married 25-Apr

    Richard COSENS & Alce [Alice] NORKETT married 27-Apr

    Edward PARKER & Ann HATTON married 07-May

    John RASKAR & Margaret TUCKER married 14-May

    George BUSHROD & Elenor TIDBAR married 03-Sep

    Robert INGRAM & Tomsen BIRD married 02-Oct 1639

      [Note:- Robert INGRAM is the son and heir of John INGRAM (d.1602) by his wife Agnes INGRAM (1565-1638/9) Parish Registers for 1640 to 1663 inclusive are missing when children would have been baptised etc: Link to Will of Robert INGRAM dated 27th June 1672. Tamsen INGRAM his wife & sons Robert and John made joint executors and executrix: Bequest to daughter Anne INGRAM. Robert buried at FStG 16th July 1672 and an Inventoryof his goods etc taken 30th July 1672]:

    John BRINE & Ann BISHOPP married 28-Oct

    Thomas DOWLE & Marie ALLEN married 25-Nov

    John WEYCH [WEECH] & Edeth [Edith] BUN [BUNN] married 26-Nov

      [Note:- Edith BUNN is the daughter of Robert BUNN (1558-1639] and Edith BUNN (1575-1654) Follow link for transcriptions and more information about her parents Wills. From her mother's Will dated 6th Oct 1654 we know of the following children from this marriage who would all have been baptised during the period when parish registers have not survived. They were each left £10 to be paid on thier day of marriage:-

      (1) Alice WEECH ( - )
      (2) Ruth WEECH ( - ) She subsequently married Nicholas TAPP at FStG Church on 17th Oct 1678.
      (3) Mary WEECH ( - )

    Peter MILBORNE & Elenor COSENS married 30-Jan

      [End of CLDS Image 02117]

      [Note:- Returns for 1640 to 1663 inclusive are missing]
      [Note:- There is a marriage in Fordington of a Nicholas BUGGE to a Dorothy BARNES on 2nd June 1640 on the IGI. This information has been entered as a part of a CLDS sealing and as such details are not open to public scrutiny and it would be necessary to contact the church as per the notes attached to Film 178117 which was created in 1944. As an exact date has been given it probably stems from information held by direct descendants. Nicholas BUGG is a beneficiary under the Will written in 1658 of his father-in-law William BARNES who appears to have died in 1660. Nicholas BUGG was buried in Fordington on 26th January 1678/79, his wife Dorothy BUGG 3 months later on 27th April 1679]
      Note:- The 1677 visitation of Dorset shows that Edward IRONSIDE (baptised Winterborne Steepleton 18th aug 1633) married Jane HOW of Fordington and produced three children Edward, John and Mary the last two being mentioned in the Will of Jane HOW of Fordington proved 11th may 1671]
      Note:- there is also an entry in the Parish register for St Peters Church dorchester "18 Mar 1655/6 Mr William RYALL and Miss Mary BURGESER both couples married at Fordington"

      [Start of CLDS Image 02119]

    Thomas BISHOP & Joan [folded over missing H]ALETT [HALETT] weare [were] married ye [ 16] of June 1664

    William CRIMBLE & Lidea [Lidia] his wife weare [were] married ye 24 of June

      [Note:- Children:-
      (1) William bap FStG 21 May 1665, probably died in 1668 when parish registers are missing as another Wm bap 1669.
      (2) Frances bap FStG 26 May 1667
      (3) William bap 11 Apr 1669
      (4) David bap FStG 23rd Mar 1672/3

    Jo: [John?] MILBURNE & Mary ALLINE weare [were] married ye 22 of June 1664

    Thomas WALBRIDGE & Elizabeth BEAKE weare [were] married ye 2 of August 1664

    John ORCHET & Sarah BEVES [BEAVIS] weare [were] married ye seconde day of ffebruary 1664 [1664/5]

      [Start of CLDS Image 02123 - repeats 3 marriages from Image 02119]

    Robert BASKOMBE [BASCOMBE] & Sarah SQUIB wear [were] married ye thertythe [30th] day of May 1665 [Note:- Sarah the wife of Robert BASCOMBE was buried at FStG on 26th May 1666 and probably died from complication during childbirth]

    Richard CHOUNTE [CHOUNT] and Mary PARKER wear [were] married ye 6 of June 1665

    William BUNE [BUNN] & Martha INGRAM wear [were] married ye 8 of June 1665 [Note:- William BUNN was the 7th known child from the marriage of Robert BUNN (1558-1639) to Edith BUNN (1575-1654) :- The only child from Wm and Martha's marriage was Clement BUNE (1666-1728) bap FStG 28 Dec 1666. Martha appears to have died at childbirth being buried at FStG described as "Martha ye wife of William BUNNE on November ye 5th 1666". Clement became a shoemaker by trade and moved to Owermoine in Dorset where he met and married Edith WILLIAMS from Upwey on 29 June 1692. Follow link for more information.]

    [End of CLDS Image 02119]

    Robert BENFIELD & Anne LODGE married 04-Jul [Note:- Children (1) Anne bap FStG 24 Mar 1666/7]

    Richard WHITE & Alice SHRAER married 12-Oct [Note:- Children:- (1) Robert White bap FStG 9th July 1666 {Note:- PR Missing for 1668}(2) Eleanor White bap FStG 4th Aug 1669 (3) William White 26th Feb 1670 ]

    Robert WHITTAKER & Hester FORD married 31-Oct

    Robert COLLINS & Luce DENNIS [DENNING] married 24-Nov [Note:- Children:- (1) Robert bap FStG 17 July 1666 and buried there 5th July 1667 (2) Possibly other children--Parish Registers Missing 1668; 1671;1673;1674 (3) William bap 28 May 1672 (4) Richard bap 24 Feb 1672/3 and buried there 25th Feb 1672/3 ]

      [End of CLDS Image 02123 & start of Image 02124]

    Richard WYATT & Elizabeth ACKLIN married 30-Apr 1666

    Joseph BLANDEMOR & Adria CRICKETT married 05-Jun

    George HODGES & Christian WAY married 06-Oct

    Arthur BUNNE & Patience WHEELER widow married 07-Feb [Note:- Known Children:- (1) Mary Bunne bap FStG 4th Feb 1669 (2) Katherine Bunne bap FStG 12th Jan 1672/3 (3) Illewgible Bunne bap FStG 11th mar 1682/3]

      [End of CLDS Image 02124 -- following marriage on Images 02125 & 02126]

    Richard KING & Mary BOWLES married 03-Feb 1667

      [Note:- Return for 1668 is missing]

      [Start of CLDS Image 02127]

    Henry BALLING & Jane SMART married 03-May 1669

    Richard BOWLES & Sarah HARRIS married 04-May

    John FREAKE & Christian WHITE married 26-Jul [Note:- Christian WHITE was the daughter of William WHITE who was buried at FStG 16th Dec 1681 and left a will in which she is left 2 shillings.]

    William BUSHROD & Frances CHOUNT married 07-Dec

    John BUNNE & Elizthabeth EAMES married 28-Dec [Note:- Elizabeth EAMES is the eldest child of Edward Eames (1618-1685) by his wife Elizabeth Tapp (1605-1675) See Biography of Anthony Eames (1595-1686]

    Walter BAILEY & Margarett RASCAR married 18-Jan

    Tristram BARTLETT & Frances WHITE married 02-Feb

      [Note:- Tristram was probably born c 1644 during the Civil War when all records have been lost for All Saints Church, St Peters and St Georges Church in Fordington. After marriage they settled in All Saints parish Dorchester where the children shown below were baptised. Tristram BARTLETT Senior (bur.1714) was buried at All Saints on 28th March 1714 followed by his widow Frances BARTLETT nee WHITE (bur.1721) on 19th May 1721] :-

        (1) Elizabeth Bartlett (1671-1683) bap All Saints (AS) 24 Apr 1671, and buried there 1st May 1683

        (2) Jane Bartlett (1673- aft 1701) bap AS 25th May 1673; she married Thomas Frost at All Saints Church Dorchester 26th Dec 1696 and they had 3 children - no trace after that.

        (3) Robert Bartlett (1679-1688?) bap AS 20 Apr 1679. No trace of a marriage - thought to be the Robert BARTLETT that was buried at St Georges Church in Fordington on 7th Apr 1688. Although his parents marriage was in Fordington all other family burials were at All Saints so still not sure but not buried at All Saints and not so far connected with any other family]

        (4) Trustum [Tristram] Bartlett (1681-1709) (Junior) bap AS 5th June 1681. I have not been able to locate his marriage but Tristram Bartlett Junior married circa 1702 to an Elizabeth (Surname unknown). They had the following 5 children all baptised in All Saints Parish Dorchester. As can be seem they named the first 2 children after themselves and it ended in 1709 when Tristram died and was buried at All Saints Church on 25th Dec 1709.

          (1) Thomas Bartlett (1703/4- ) bap All Sts 27th Feb 1703/4
          (2) Elizabeth Bartlett (1704/5- ) bap All Sts 12th Mar 1704/5
          (3) John Bartlett (1706-1716) born on 9th June and baptised at All Sts 18th June 1706 also buried there 27th Oct 1716.
          (4) Hannah Bartlett (1707/8-1709) bap All Sts 15th Feb 1707/8 and buried there 10th May 1709
          (5) Hannah Bartlett (1709-1709/10 ) bap All Sts 25th Sep 1709 and buried there 14th March 1709/10

        (5) Elizabeth Bartlett (1684-1686) bap AS 18 May 1684 & buried there 8th June 1686

      [End of CLDS Image 02127 & start of Images 02129 & 02130]

    John ARNOLD & Jane BROWNE married 28-Jun 1670

    Morrice FITZGERRHARD & Sarah WEECH married 30-Jun

    William VERE & Agnes HAYNE married 05-Jan [Note:- Link to more information about the Hayne Family in Dorcherster]

      [End of CLDS Images 02129 & 02130]

      [Note:- Return for 1671 is missing]

      [CLDS Image 02131]

    James PARKER & Dorothy MULLENS married 03-Dec 1672 [Year Missing on original transcription]

      [Note:- Returns for 1673 and 1674 are is missing]

      [Start of CLDS Image 02132]

    Henry WOODCOCKE & Elizabeth. COLLER married 10-Apr 1675

    Thomas NUMAN & Mary MABEE married 13-May

    Thomas BRINE & Rebecka BRIDELL married 30-May 1675

    Thomas WILSHERE & Elizabet FIPPOT married 04-Jun

    Walter KELLAND & Deborah CRABB married 15-Sep

    John MEEDER & Elizabeth CUZENS [COSENS] married 16-Sep

      [End of CLDS Image 02132]

      [Note:- Returns for 1676 and 1677 are is missing]

      [Start of CLDS Image 02133]

    John GADEN & Sarah WALLIS married 08-Oct 1678

    Nicholas TAPP & Ruth WEECH married 17-Oct [Note:- Ruth BUNN is the 2nd known child from the marriage of Edith BUNN to John WEECH at FStG on 26th Nov 1639]

    John KATES & Mary BELLMAN [BELMAN] married 24-Oct

    Robert INGRAM & Sarah BUNN married 31-Oct

    William MEADER & Thomasina HUNT married 22-Apr 1679

      [Note:- His wife's name can be spelt as Tamsine, Tamzine, Tamsen or Thomizine - she was a kinswoman of Eleanor HUNT (d1706) nee CHUBB the widow of Ambrose HUNT IV (1624 - 1680/1) and alive when Eleanor wrote her will on the 30th May 1703. She was left only 1 shilling in the will so she would have been a close enough relative to possibly inherit. The bequest of 1 shilling was a standard legal ploy to show that she had been considered by the deceased but not entitled to claim. This could have been simply because she would have received anything they thought she should have as part of her dowry when she married.

    Morgan HARBIN & Mary LOADER married 23-Apr [Note:- there are two burials in All Saints church Dorchester for Mary their daughter on 30 January 1685/86 and their son Thomas on 2 April in either 1681 or 1685]

      [End of CLDS Image 02133]

      [CLDS Image 02134]

    William PERRY & Elizabeth MOSS married 25-Jul 1680

      [Start of CLDS Image 02135]

    Richard NORRIS & Mary COSINS married 10-Apr 1681

      [Note:- Children from this marriage:-
      (1) Mary Norris bapt FStG 7th Aug 1681
      (2) Elizabth Norris bapt FstG 13 May 1683
      (3) Thomas Norris Bapt FstG 20th Feb 1684/5

    John SEAGER & Dorothy MEADER married 21-Aug

    John SWAN & Elnor TUB married 28-Aug

    William HUDDE & Deborah ARNOLL married 09-Nov

    John JONES of Montacute in the County of Somerset & Sarah INGRAM married 06-Dec

    Peter MELBURN & Alice ALLEN married 25-Apr 1682 [Note marriage repeated on Image 02137]

      [End of CLDS Image 02135 & Start of Image 02137]

    Richard WHITE & Mary MIDDLETON married 19-Jun [Note:- Children:- (1) Thomas White bap FStG 3rd June 1683]

    Roger ARNOLD & Christian FREAK married 17-Jul

      [End of CLDS Image 02137 & Start of Image 02138]

    Robert LETSON & Mary WINDSOR* [Might be BRINDSEN?in BT's ] married 10-Jun 1683 [Note:- *This surname is also often spelt differently most common are:-WINSAR, WINSER, WINSOR, WINZAR, WINZER, WINZOR, WINDSAR, WINDZAR, WINDSER, WINDSOR etc]

    William LIMBREY & Dorothy LYNNINGTON married 09-Feb

      [End of CLDS Image 02138 & Start of Images 02140 & 02141]

    William LIMBREY & Mary MUDFORD married 13-Nov 1684

    Joseph BAKER & Elizabeth ALLEN married 30-Dec

    Thomas JONES & Joane BUNN married 01-Jan

    John INGRAM & Jane HOW married 22-Jan

    Francis CAKE & Alice KEAT married 06-Feb

      [End of CLDS Images 02140 & 02141 & Start of Image 02142]

    William BESCOMBE & Margaret AYRES married 09-Jun 1685

    John SIMES & Sarah MATTHEWS married 15-Jun

    William CHANNEL & Ethel BONGER married 19-Nov [Note:- See Letters of Administration issued to his wife Ethelred for the estate of Tristram Style of Puddletown]

    John PLUCKNET & Sarah FOWKE married 10-Jul

      [End of CLDS Image 02142 & Start of Image 02143]

    Reginald WYATT & Margt. STEVENS married 11-Jul 1686

      [End of CLDS Image 02143 & Start of Images 02144 & 02145]

    Israel SHEPPARD & Jane BLACKMORE married 08-May 1687

    Thomas KNAPTON & Grace MITCHEL married 28-May

      [Note:- Thomas Knapton the Younger (1662-1725) was the eldest son of Thomas Knapton (1628-1685/6) by his wife Mary. Thomas appears to have married twice in quick succession. His first marriage was about 1682 to a Frances (Surname unknown) as I have been unable to locate their marriage registration. They had a son recorded at All Saints Church in Dorchester:-

        (1) Thomas KNAPTON (1683/4-1685/6) Recorded as the son of Thomas KNAPTON the younger borne 15th day of February between the hours of ten and eleven at night and christened the twentieth of the same." This is the only baptism recorded giving the time of day apart from baptisms of his other children by his 2nd wife. Unfortunately Frances KNAPTON died six days later possibly from infection or problems giving birth and was buried at All Saints on 26th Feb 1683. There then follows a series of other related deaths. Mary KNAPTON Thomas KNAPTON the younger's mother was buried at All Saints on 14th May 1684 followed His son Thomas on the 8th Feb 1685/6 and his sister Elizabeth on 15th Feb 1685/6 .

      He married here to Grace MITCHEL (Bur.1721) daughter of Nicholas Mitchel of Langton Long Blandford. Follow link for more information about his life, family and descendants.

    Leonard TEWKSBURY & Elizabeth DEVENISH married 09-Jun

    William HUNT & Elizabeth WINDSOR* married 14-Jun [Note:- *This surname is also often spelt differently most common are:-WINSAR, WINSER, WINSOR, WINZAR, WINZER, WINZOR, WINDSAR, WINDZAR, WINDSER, WINDSOR etc]

      [Note:-William HUNT (c1662-1715) was the 2nd child from the marriage of Ambrose HUNT III (c1592-1661) to Mary WINSOR at FStG on 3rd July 1623. I can trace no children from this marriage and I think this is because Elizabeth died and was buried at FStG on 21st Oct 1688. William remarried to Elizabeth EYRES on 26th Dec 1689 See below]

    John MEADER & Margery RING married 27-Dec [BT's Surame might be KING]

    John SEAGER & Jane HOMER married 19-Jan 1687

      [End of CLDS Image 02144 * 02145 & Start of Image 02146]

    William HUTTON & Christian HUNT married 28-Jun 1688

      [Christian was a kinswoman of Eleanor HUNT (d1706) nee CHUBB the widow of Ambrose HUNT IV (1624 - 1680/1) and alive when Eleanor wrote her will on the 30th May 1703. She was left only 1 shilling in the will so she would have been a close enough relative to possibly inherit. The bequest of 1 shilling was a standard legal ploy to show that she had been considered by the deceased but not entitled to claim. This would have been simply because she would have received anything they thought she should have as part of her dowry when she married. Although I can't be sure as no parentage is given but the following children were baptised at FStG which appear to follow the event of this marriage and no more were born after the death of William in 1699:- (1) Jane Hutton bap 10th May 1689 (2) Hannah Huitton bap 29th Dec 1692 (3) William Hutton bap 2nd Sep 1696 and (4) John Hutton bap 4th Sep 1696 although not sure why he was not baptised with William?. William HUTTON senior was buried at FStG on 13th Mar 1699 and his widow Christian on 24th Sep 1733]

    John LOCK & Mary BONGER married 25-Jul

    William REASON & Cassandra POPLAR married 25-Dec

    William BELMAN & Sarah MINTERN married 29-Jan

    George GOULD & Susanna SHOTT married 12-Mar

      [End of CLDS Image 02146 & Start of Image 02147]

    Samuel BONGER & Mary BUTLER married 18-Apr [ 1689 year missing]

    William HUNT & Elizabeth EYRES married 26-Dec [Note:- Out of date order in original. William HUNT (c1662-1715) was the 2nd child from the marriage of Ambrose HUNT III (c1592-1661) to Mary WINSOR at FStG on 3rd July 1623. This was his 2nd marriage, the first being to Elizabeth WINDSOR at FStG 14th June 1687 See above. I have not traced any children and I think this is because she died as well in 1690 when records are missing for burials as William remarried for a third time to Edith Flower in 1693 See below]

    John STEVENS & Margaret HALL married 09-Jun

      [End of CLDS Image 02147]

      [Note:- Return for 1690 is missing]

    William BURD [BIRD] & Anne SCOTT married 13-Sep 1691 [CLDS Image 02148 ]

    Sebastian HUNT & Dorothy HARBIN married 07-Jul 1692 [CLDS Image 02149 ]

      [Note:- Sebastian HUNT(1664-1723) a sergemaker by trade was the son of Robert HUNT (d.1675) by Joane (d.1699) his wife and baptised at Fordington on 2nd Oct 1664 so he was 28 years old at marriage: The original marriage register does not appear to have survived so can't be checked. These marriages come from the "Dorset Parish Registers" published by Phillimore Volume IV 1797-1812 (page 140) copied by the Rev R Grosvenor Bartelot where the entry states " Sebastian Hunt & Dor. Harbin 7 July 1692". The reference to 'Dor' has been interpreted as 'Dorothy'. As far as I can see she was baptised as Deborah HARBEN (1659-1706) the 2nd child from the marriage of Henry Harben to Margery Bullock at All Saints Church Dorchester on 25 Jun 1657. Her father Henry Harben a baker by trade in his will in 1697 clearly refers to his son-in-law 'Sebastian Hunt' and his daughter was his sole heir. Sebastian was executor of his mothers will in 1699. They lived in a house in All Saints Parish owned by Sarah DRYE as her will dated 21 Jan 1701/2 refers to it being in the possession of Sebastian HUNT. Deborah however died and was buried at All Saints on 22nd July 1706. He remarried on 21st Jan 1706/7 to Marie ARNOLD at Bradford Peverell. She was buried at All Saints on 8th July 1747. Link to transcription of her Will. I cannot trace any children from either marriage.

      On 18th June 1707 Sebastian was one of two people to carry out an inventory of the goods and chattles of Elizabeth Gawler a widow of Dorchester when she died a few days earlier. He was elected Govenor of the Company of Freemen in Dorchester in October 1709 and witnessed the will of Thomas FRY a glazier of Dorchester on 27th July 1713. He carried out another Inventory of the goods and chattles of Robert ARNOLD a shoemaker of Dorchester on 14th Oct 1718 and was re-elected Governor of the Company of Freemen in 1719. On 10th July 1719 he was granted a Letter of Administration for the estate of his 1st wife Deborah HUNT presumably to enable him to take possession of land or property due to her as she had died in 1706. Sebastian wrote his will on 13 Oct 1712 but did not die until 1722 being buried at All Saints in Dorchester on 30th Mar 1722.

      I an aware of the deaths in Fordington of a Sebastian Hunt (1699) and a Dorothy Hunt (1701) but vthere are no wills etc attached to these burials so may be infants?

    Amos DENNIS & Joan GAWLER married 05-Jan [CLDS Image 02149 ]

    Thomas SNOOK & Rebeckah MUNDEN married 12-Jan [CLDS Image 02149 ]

      [Start of CLDS Image 02150 ]

    William HUNT & Edith FFLOWER married 18-Jul 1693

      [Note:- William HUNT (c1662-1715) was the 2nd child from the marriage of Ambrose HUNT III (c1592-1661) to Mary WINSOR at FStG on 3rd July 1623. This was his 3rd marriage, the first being to Elizabeth WINDSOR at FStG 14th June 1687 and second to Elizabeth Eyres on 26th Dec 1689.Neither lived to produce issue. See below for known children from his marriage to Edith FLOWER (1660-1742) . William was buried at FStG on 28th June 1715 leaving Edith a widow. She died at the age of 82 being buried at FStG on 5th May 1742]

      (1 ) Sarah Hunt bap FStG 2nd Feb 1695 she married John JOANS [JONES] at St Georges Church in Fordington on 22nd Jan 1721
      (2) Thomas Hunt bap FStG 17 Feb 1702 may have been born earlier and bap with sister
      (3) Susannah Hunt Bap FStG 17th Feb 1702.

    George KNAPTON & Elizabeth PURCHAS married 29-Aug 1693

      [Note:- George KNAPTON (1669-1696) was the 7th child of Thomas KNAPTON the Elder (1628-1685) by his wife Mary (bur.1684) and had been baptised All Saints Church in Dorchester on 26th Aug 1669. He was an Apothecary by trade and they had a daughter Anne KNAPTON baptised at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 07 July 1694, but she died and was buried there 6th April 1696. George KNAPTON was buried at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 19th Oct 1696 leaving a Will which names his brothers Thomas and William and a sister the wife of Chrispian Hounsell]

    Samuel TURNER & Alice KECK married 02-Oct

    Joseph BERNARD & Sarah CRIMBLE married 15-Oct

    Robert CORBAN & Anne CORNE married 03-Dec

      [End of CLDS Image 02150]

    Henry BUTT & Mary POPLAR married 4 Mav 1694 [CLDS Image 02151 ]

    Robert WINDSOR* & Joan BILES married 16-Apr 1695 [CLDS Image 02152 - for some reason repeated in 1696 Image 2153] [Note:- *This surname is also often spelt differently most common are:-WINSAR, WINSER, WINSOR, WINZAR, WINZER, WINZOR, WINDSAR, WINDZAR, WINDSER, WINDSOR etc. Chidren:- Most baptisms around this time at Fordington do not give parentage except Elizabeth* which at least shows they lived in Fordington after marriage (1) Elizabeth WINSOR * bap FStG 5th May 1702 the daughter of Robert and Joan WINDSOR. ]

    Edward FFURBER & Mary EVERETT married 10-May [BT's record her surname as EVERAT ] [CLDS Image 02152 - for some reason repeated in 1696 Image 2153]

    Aquila PAUL & Elizabeth BUN married 07-Jun [CLDS Image 02152 - for some reason repeated in 1696 Image 2153]

      [Note:- Aquila PAUL(1672- ?) was the son of Nicholas PAUL and baptised at Seaton & Beer in Devon on 14th July 1672. There has been a long association between Dorchester in Dorset and Seaton and Beer in Devon ever since the Rev John WHITE (1575-1648) raised £1400 to purchase the Impropriate Parsonage of Beer and Seaton which William Whiteway in his diary confirms was concluded on 9th December 1630. His family clearly moved to live in Dorchester as his father Nicholas PAUL was buried at All Saints Church on 16th May 1695 and his elder spinster sister Anna PAUL (1669-1699) who had been baptised at Seaton on 19th Dec 1669 was buried at Holy Trinity Church on 12th April 1699. Children from this marriage :-

      (1) Elizasbeth PAUL bap Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 22nd Oct 1699
      (2) Anna bap Holy Trinity 5th Sep 1701 and buried there on 10th Nov 1702]

    Abraham HOLLAND & Sarah COSENS married 24-Dec [CLDS Image 02153]

    Josiah COWARD & Susanna HARRIS married 02-Feb 1696 [CLDS Image 02153]

    Timothy RAWLES & Grace MICHELL married 12-Feb [CLDS Image 02153]

    Ralph ATKINS & Barbara BICKNEL married 16-Feb [CLDS Image 02153]

      [Note:- Return for 1697 is missing]

    Andrew PURCHAS [PURCHASE] & Elizabeth IRONSIDE married 11-Nov 1698 [CLDS Image 02154] [Note:- see 1677 Visitation of Dorset - Ironside Family Pedigree - Elizabeth was the daughter of John IRONSIDE (1627-1694) and Katherine MICHEL - Also beneficiary under her mothers will dated 6th Jan 1704 proved 28 July 1705]

    William WINDSOR* & Mary WINDSOR married 08-Mar [CLDS Image 02154] [Note: In BT's his name is William STEVENS not William WINDSOR] [Note:- *This surname is also often spelt differently most common are:-WINSAR, WINSER, WINSOR, WINZAR, WINZER, WINZOR, WINDSAR, WINDZAR, WINDSER, WINDSOR etc. Many baptisms at Fordingtion around this time did not give any parentage so without additional information it is not possible to alocate individuals from a single name entry.]

      [Start of CLDS Image 02155 & 02156]

    John PARSONS & Susanna FRANCIS married 11-Apr 1699

    Robert SCUTT & Elizabeth GREEN married 05-Sep

    John BUNN & Alice BESANT married 07-Nov

    John MARTIN & Eliz. TALBOT married 10-Dec

      [End of CLDS Image 02155 & 02156 7 Start of Image 02161]

    Joseph BONNET & Rebeckah HOLLOWAY married 01-Apr 1700

    George SHEPPARD & Margaret MARTIN married 11-Apr [BT's have date as April 2nd ]

    Thomas TIBBS & Margaret HOWSE married 08-Jun

    Ffrancis CHURCHILL & Mary BUGG married 24-Jun

      [Note:- Francis CHURCHILL (1660-1731) first appears in FStG records married to an Eleanor when their 1st known child Francis Churchill junior is bap there 27th Nov 1681 (Follow link for more information) They have 6 children in all baptised at Fordington before Eleanor dies and is buried at St Georges church on 20th Feb 1699/1700. This is Francis 2nd marriage 10 months later to Mary BUGG. Francis then appears to have fallen on hard times as the Overseers of the poor grant him support paying between 6 pence and 1 shilling and six pence a week wef July 1728-1729 . In the Overseers Accounts on page 57 for the year 1731 on May 5th he receives a shilling but on May 8th the Overseers paid another 2s7½ d. to him. This was probably expenses incurred in paying people to look after him as we know he was buried at St Georges church in Fordington on 12th May 1731. On May 17th there are further entries for his coffin & a black cloth which cost them 8 shillings and on May 17th they paid his widow 1s. Mary CHURCHILL nee Bugg was buried at FStG 10th Feb 1746/7. Francis and Mary had the following children:-

      (7) Edward Churchill (1701-1702) bap FStG 9th Jun 1701 buried there 9th Dec 1702 (i.e. Francis 7th child but 1st from his 2nd marriage to Mary)
      (8) Mary Churchill bap FStG 17th Mar 1703 she married Thomas Best of Tarrant Launceston at FStG 29th Jun 1729. Their son Robert Best was baptised and buried at FStG on 28th Feb 1727/8.
      (9) Thomas Churchill bap FStG 19th Jun 1706
      (10) John Churchill (1708-1717) bap FStG 16th June 1708
      and buried there 14th May 1717

    Thomas WOOLFRIE & Joan BARTLET married 28-Jul

    Thomas SQUIBB & Margaret. FFRANCIS married 30-Jul 1700

    John RANDALL & Mary LILLINGTON married 31-Dec

      [End of CLDS Image 02161 ]

    John WHITE & Susan LANGFORD married 01-Apr 1701 [CLDS Image 02162]

      [Note- Some confusion was caused because Susan is more generally recorded as Susanna or Hannah. There is no appropriate marriage or death for a Hannah. She was baptised at Puddletown in Dorset as' Susanna ye dafter of Ham LANGFORD' on 29th June 1673 so was 28 years old at marriage. She died on 13th Jan 1716/17 and was buried at FStG as Susanna WHITE on 16th Jan 1716/17.
      (1) Thomas White bap FStG 26th July 1702 son of John and Susan White.
      (2) Mary White (1705/6-1708) probably born 1704/5 and baptised later on 9th May 1706 as the daughter of John White. She was buried at St Georges church in Fordington on 11th May 1708 as the daughter of John and Hannah White.
      (3) Lydia White bap FStG 20th Nov 1706 as the daughter of John and Susanna White
      (4) Daniel White bap FStG 14th June 1708 as the daughter of John and Hannah White
      (5) Elizabeth White bap FStG 19th June 1709 as the daughter of John and Susan White
      (6) Robert Schomoery White (1710-1711) bap FStG 29th May 1710 as the son of John and Susanna White. he was buried at FStG on 24th Nov 1711 as the son of John and Hannah White.
      (7) Mary White (1712-1733) bap FStG 5th Aug 1712 as the daughter of John and Hannah White she was buried at FStG on 20th Jan 1733/4 as Mary the daughter of Hannah White.]

    Moses SNOOK & Hannah SEVIER married 13-May [CLDS Image 02162]

    James ALLEN & Anne TOMMS married 19-May 1702 [CLDS Image 02163]

      [Note:- Anne Tomms was baptised at Fordington on 28th May 1679. Unfortunately the surviving baptism record does not give her parentage. Children:- (1) John ALLEN probably their first child bap FStG 3rd July 1703 but no parentage given (2) Elizabeth ALLEN bap 16th Jult 1705 who went on to marry Charles CHRISTOPHER at Fordington on 27th Dec 1727. (2) James ALLEN bap 4th July 1708 (3) Mary ALLEN bap 11th July 1716.]

    Richard LITTLE & Elizabeth SWIRE married 11-Mar [CLDS Image 02163]

    Nathan POPE & Thomson FRAMPTON married 30-Jun 1703 [CLDS Images 02165 & 02167]

    William COPPOCK & Mary VALENCE [VALLANCE or VALLENS] married 02-Jan [CLDS Images 02165 & 02167]

      [Note:- Return for 1704 is missing]


      [Note: there are no entries in the Bishops Transcripts for 1705; only the
      1st two for 1706 and 1 for 1707 so the following are much more complete]

    Thomas POLDEN & Mary EDWARDS married 15-Aug 1705

    Thomas BRINE & Mary LUCCAS married 21-Oct [BT's have 31st]

    William CHURCHILL & Mary BIRD married 03-Jan [Note:- Mary his wife died and was buried at FStG on 20th Nov 1717 and they do not appear to have had any children. See also Bastardy Bond for William Churchill in 1723 which shows William and Mary were possessed of a property in Mill Street wef 3rd July 1710 and that by 1723 when the bond was issued to the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor for Fordington Mary had already died .William re married to Jane Bird at FStG 10th Nov 1718]

    Robert HARDY & Sarah CLIFT married 14-Feb [BT's have surname as CLIST]

    Robert. BELLMAN [BELMAN] & Elizabeth COMBS married 25-Apr 1706 [This marriage only CLDS Image 02169]

    Thomas COLE & Joan CASHER of Charminster married 27-Jun [BT's = Thomas COALE] [This marriage only CLDS Image 02169]

    Thomas HOOKEY & Joan OAK of Sutton married 29-Nov

    John DRAYTON of Seaton & Elizth. HODSON married 10-Dec [PR notes his parish and that they married by Licence dated 9th Dec 1706 RGB]

    John MASTERS & Mary BASCOMB married 26-Dec

    Henry CROOM & Martha SNOOKE married 11-Jan

    Mr. William SEGAR & Judith COWHERD married 31-Jan

    Ambrose HUNT junr & Margaret ROGERS married 12-Jun 1707 [This marriage only CLDS Image 02170]

      [Note:- Ambrose HUNT VI (1681-1754) was the 2nd child of Ambrose HUNT V (c1650-1713) and Mary (d.1714) and baptised at FStG on 28th Aug 1681. He married when he was 26 to Margaret ROGERS (1674-1751) who was 35. She was the daughter of Ambrose and Mary ROGERS and had been baptised at All Saints Church in Dorchester on Christmas eve 1674. There is an apprenticeship record at Fordington dated 30th Dec 1712 when an Ambrose HUNT the younger was apprenticed to Thomas WINNELL of Milton Abbas a tailor by trade. Margaret died at the age of 77 being buried at Fordington on 12th April 1751 followed by Ambrose aged 73 on 1st Aug 1754. Follow link for more information about Ambrose HUNT VI and his family.

    Thomas BISHOP & Ann LAKE married 13-Nov 1707

      [Note:- Thomas BISHOP (c1681-1766) was baptised at St Georges Church in Fordington on 26th Dec 1681 the son of Joseph BISHOP (1661-1735) and Margaret FOOKS (1661-1726) who had married at nearby Stinsford on 15th Aug 1681. After marriage they settled in Fordington and had six children as listed below before Thomas's mother Margaret BISHOP nee FOOKS died and was buried at FStG on 1st April 1726. His father Joseph BISHOP was also buried at Fordington on 6th Jan 1736/7. His wife Ann BISHOP nee LAKE was buried at St Georges on 11th Sep 1744 and Thomas on 23rd March 1766. Nothing else is known about Ann LAKE's ancestry.

      (1) William Bishop bap FStG Church 13th Aug 1709
      (2) Phillip bap FStG 29th Nov 1711
      (3) Joseph Bishop bap FStG 13th Sep 1714 [died 4th Feb and buried 7th Feb 1714/15 as they rename a child Joseph 9th March 1721/2]
      (4) John Bishop bap FStG 17th Mar 1716/17 buried FStG 10th May 1718
      (5) Thomas Bishop bap FStG 30th Aug 1719
      (6) Joseph Bishop bap FStG 9th Mar 1721/2 buried 3rd Nov 1723]

    [1738 none] [ Note: clearly the wrong year - should be 1708 - BT return states there were no marriages in 1708 [CLDS Image 02172] ]

    John WHITE & Rebecca LUCCAS married 05-Jul 1709 (PR) [Start of CLDS Image 02174]

    John LUCCAS & Debora HODY married 27-Oct (PR)

    John PROWSE of Stratton & Francis COLLINS a widow married 03-Jan by licence (PR)

    [ BT's entry says John PROWSE of Stratton Fry & Frances COLLINS a widow of Fordington married Jan 3rd 1709]

    Thomas CHANING of Dorchester & Sarah MUNDEN of Fordington married 20-Aug by licence 1710 (PR) [BT's incorrectly list this marriage in 1709 not 1710]

    [End of CLDS Image 02174]

    [NOTE:- No more BTs until 1733]

    Robert BELLMAN [BELMAN] & Jane SCUTT married 01-Feb (PR)

    John FRANCES & Mary TUCKER of Dorchester married 13-Feb (PR)

    John DIFFY & Jane BULPIN married 30 Apr 1711 by licence (PR - married by Mr Nelson)

    Tristram MARCHANT & Martha CROOME widow married 27-Jul by licence (PR)

    Robert TAPP & Elizabeth LETSON widow married 06-Sep (PR)

    Robert. SQUIBB & Amy COLLINS at Monckton married 18-Sep (PR)

      [Note:- Monckton may refer to any one of several different parishes eg Monkton Wyld, Tarrant Monkton but the most likely is Winterborne Monkton just south of Dorchester. Robert and Amy had one child, a daughter they named Anne who was born 19th June at Fordington and baptised at St Georges Church there on 7th July 1712. Robert then died on 17th April 1715 and was buried on the 20th. He left a Will dated 28 Apr 1715 Proved 21 July 1715. His widow Amy SQUIBB is then said to have remarried to Charles PITFIELD (1666-1743) ]

    Walter FOX of Shirburne [Sherborne] & Mary RAWLINS married 24-Sep 1711 by licence by Mr Stephenson (PR)

    Samuel CRISDE of ye parish of St Peters in Dorchester & Lucy ALLEN widow otp married 21-Oct by licence (PR)

    John HAYNE of Litton & Anne COLLINS otp married 21-Oct by licence (PR)

      [Note:-John HAYNE (d.1799) Link to more information about the Hayne Family in Dorcherster]
      After marriage they lived in his parish of Litton Cheney but were living in Fordington prior to 1737. Ann Hayne nee Collins, his wife, was buried at FStG 21st Sep 1744. After her death John HAYNE remarried at Stinsford to Alicia PREYTER the widow of Michael PRETER of North Petherton in Somerset.
      John Hayne was buried at St George's Church in Fordington on 29th Nov 1799 and left an extensive Will which was proved on 21 June 1800 and left money in trust for his son Samuel by his second wife. Children from his fisrt marriage:-

      (1) Samuel Hayne (1715-1739) was baptised at St Mary's Church Litton on 8th Mar 1715. He was buried at FStG Church 19th May 1739
      (2) Elizabeth Hayne (1718-1737) bap at Litton Cheney 4th Dec 1718, buried at Fordington St George Church 17th March 1737.

    William LOVELESSE & Hannah TRASK married 28-Oct (PR)

    James ALLEN & Elizabeth COWHERD [i.e. COWARD] married 31-Dec by licence (PR)

    Laurence [Lawrence] MILLER & Christian WAGLAND married 21st February 1711/12 by Banns (PR)

    Thomas CHIPP & Mary SAMWAIES of Alton Pancras married 24-Apr 1712 by licence (PR)

    James CREMBLE of St Peters Parish in Dorchester & Mary PATY married after Banns 13-May-1712 (PR) [Note in PR left hand column states 'B' i.e. by Banns but right hand column has an entry in a later hand 'LC' for by Licence - think it was the former ]

    Henry HUNT of this parish & Elizabeth TEWXBERY of St Peters in Dorchester married 29-May (PR)

      [Note:- Henry HUNT (1675-1744) was the son of Ambrose HUNT V (1650-1713) and Mary (d1714) and was baptised at FStG on 2nd May 1708. He was one of those to suffer in the great fire at Dorchester on Thorsday 25th March 1725. The quarter sessions petition shows that he lost £8. 14s 2d. He was buried FStG 28 Mar 1744. Children:-

      (1) Mary HUNT (1712-1716) bap HT 9th Nov 1712 bur there 11th Nov 1716
      (2) Elizabeth HUNT (1715- ) bap HT 26th Feb 1715/16
      (3) Gabriel HUNT (1722-1796 ) bap HT on 19 Sep 1722. He married Edith IRONSIDE (d.1801) at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 17th Mar 1760
      (4) Henry HUNT (1725-1761) bap HT 15 Jun 1725 He married Ann WHITTLE (d1763) at St Georges Church in Fordington on 19th Aug 1753

    John WHITE of the parish of Wick & Mary BEDLOW of this parish were married by Mr Nelson 01-Jul (PR)

    Robert. FREKE [FREAKE] & Mary WHITE married by Mr Thornton 30-Jul (PR) [Note:- Mary WHITE was the daughter of Mary WHITE (d.1729) widow who wrote her will on 4th Sep 1725 which was proved 4th June 1729]

    Mr. John COOPER & Mrs Grace KNAPTON married 31-Jul by licence (PR) [Note:- Grace Knapton (1695/6- aft 1732?) was the 5th child of Thomas KNAPTON the Younger (1662-1725) and the 4th by his 2nd wife Grace MITCHEL (Bur.1721). John COOPER was buried in St Peters Church in Dorchester 1 April 1713 and left a Will which has been transcribed ]

    James MOORE of Milton Abbas & Martha COLLINS married 04-Dec by Licence (PR)

    George RYALL & Susanna ALLEN married 08-Jun 1713 (PR)

      MEMORANDUM: The office of Parish Clerk being vacant Ambrose HUNT the son of the late Clerk was chosen parish Clerk by me Latimer Crosse Vicar and notice thereof was given to the parishioners in the time of Divine Service on Sunday the Eleventh Day of October 1713 according to the 91 Canon Signed latimer CROSSE Vicar (PR)
      MEMORANDUM: Mr Latimer Crosse Quitted the Vicarage of Fordington by taking Institution to Corsham in Wiltshire October 16th 1713
      MEMORANDUM: Mr Thomas WYATT was instituted Vicar of Fordington. That everything in this book (except the three articles above written viz October 25; October 28; and November 5th which were written by Mr WYATT) was written by Latimer CROSSE and it contains a faithfull handscript of what was before his time and a true and perfect account of what happened in his time In Witness whereof I have set my hand ye eleventh day of November Anno Domini 1713 -- Signed Latimer CROSSE

    Matthew WHITE & Elianor CHURCHILL married 16-Nov by licence by Latimer Crosse Vicar (PR) [Note:- Elianor CHURCHILL is the 4th known child of Francis and Eleanor CHURCHILL and was baptised at FStG 5th May 1692. Children (1) Robert WHITE (1714-1731) bap at FStG on 1st Oct 1714 and buried there 26th March 1731. (2) Joanna bap FStG 3rd Apr 1716 ]

    John WELLMAN & Agnes NEWMAN of Sidling married 26-Jul 1714 (PR)

    Robert RIDDLE & Joan PRESLY married 08-Feb by licence (PR)

    (PR - No marriages recorded this year)

    Abraham GIBBONS & Mary BOLES married 29-Apr 1716 (PR) [Note:- give a date of 2nd April but 29th in PR and printed transcription]

    John JEFFERIES & Honour DOWL married 20-May (PR)

    Mathew VOS & Elizabeth COLLIER married 04-Jun (PR)

    Benjamin CHAMP & Elizabeth SYMMES married 03-Jul (PR)

    Edward WILLIAMS & Ann SEAL of Beminster [Beaminster] married 23-Jul (PR)

    Samuel ETON & Elizabeth HOLLAND married 26-Feb by licence (PR)

    William LINNEN & Anne BRINE of Dorchester married 09-Apr 1717 by licence (PR)

    Richard DOWLE & Elizabeth FRAMPTON married 12-May by Banns (PR)

    John BISHOP & Elizabeth DEVENISH married 14-May (PR)

    Edward STICKLAND & Ruth DOYLE both of Dorchester married 23-Jun [Note BT's have DAYTET but PR is clear as DOYLE a known family in Fordington - Printed transcription has DOYTE]

    Josiah DODGE of Sherborn & Catharine GERRARD of Milborn Port married 17-Oct by licence (NOTE:- not clear in PR's but marriage date actually 20th October - 17th is date of death of earlier entry with burial on 18th and Affidavit - It is necessary to align dates in columns with each entry as out of line across the page)

    John COURT & Elizabeth HAGERD married 11-Feb

    James FRAMPTON & Margery TWOGOOD married 28-Aug 1718 by licence (PR)

    William SAMWAYES & Lucy CHURCHILL both of Alton married 01-Sep by licence (PR)

    Charles YOUNG of Dorchester & Rebeckah TIRREL married 02-Oct 1718 by licence (PR)

    David KATE & Mary MASTERS married 22-Oct (PR) [Note Rev RG Bartelot changed surname on printed transcription to KETE]

    William CHURCHILL & Jane BIRD married 10-Nov (PR) [Note out of line with date column not 26th Oct - William Churchill's 2nd marriage 1st to Mary Bird 3rd Jan 1705/6]

    Charles BULLOCK & Sarah BARNS married 10-Feb (PR)

    William LAWS & Elizabeth. DAW married 23-Apr 1719 (PR)

    Mr. Richard DOVE & Mrs Elizabeth COX married 04-Jun (PR)

    Christopher KNIGHT & Mary HENVELL of Sherborne married 16-Jul (PR)

    Ralph NORMAN & Agnes DAVIS married 29-Aug (PR)

    William LOOP & Sarah SILK of Lyme Regis married 04-Dec (PR)

    Israell SHEPPHARD & Ann WHITOLL married 24-Jan (PR)

    George SQUIBB & Mary HITCHCOCK married 24-Jan (PR - not previously inc)

    Mr. Robert SWAYNE & Mrs Frances SCARBOROUGH married 26-Apr 1720 (PR)

    James POWELL & Margaret LONG married 22-May (PR)

    Mathew WHITE & Barbara WILLIAMS married 25-Jun (PR)

      [Note:- Children from this marriage:-
      (1) Matthew White bap FStG 2nd May 1723 married Elizabeth HALL FStG 17th Mar 1745/6
      (2) Barbery [Barbara] White bap FStG 24th Sep 1725 and buried there 9th Feb 1727/8.
      (3) Mary White (1727-1733) bap FStG 26th Oct 1727 and buried there 20th Jan 1733
      (4) Bety White bap FStG 7th Mar 1731/2
      (5) Thomas White bap FStG 2nd Mar 1733/4

    John HUNT & Frances HARBIN married 20-Aug (PR)

      [Note:- John HUNT (1686-1755) was the son of Ambrose HUNT V (c1650 - 1713) and Mary (d.1714)and baptised at FStG 27th Feb 1686. When John GOULD the school master & Bookseller of Dorchester wrote his will in 1729 he named them as two of his guardians for his under age children. John HUNT was a taylor by trade and he wrote his will on 5th Nov 1755 (follow link for transcription) leaving everything to his widow Frances but names his 3 surviving children leaving them a shilling each. They had the following children

      (1) Gabriel HUNT (1722- ) bap HT 19th Sep 1722. Left 1 shilling in fathers will dated 5th Nov 1755 and married Edith IRONSIDE at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 17th Mar 1760
      (2) Mary HUNT (1724- ) bap HT 14 May 1724 she married Thomas HARRIS at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 17th Jan 1750/1 and was left 1 shilling in fathers will dated 5th Nov 1755
      (3) John HUNT (1726-1729) bap HT 28 Apr 1726 and buried there 7th June 1729
      (4) Anna HUNT (1728- ) bap HT 26 Mar 1728. Left 1 shilling in fathers will dated 5th Nov 1755
      (5) Sarah HUNT (1732-1739) bap HT03 Aug 1732 and burioed there 31st July 1739

    William JACKSON & Alice JEANS married 11-Oct (PR)

    William GUNDRY & Rebekah CHANNING married 04-Dec (PR)
      [Note:- William GUNDRY (1695/6 - 1760) was the eldest son and child of Robert GUNDRY and Eleanor SPICER who married at West Stafford in Dorset on 2nd Aug 1692. William and his wife Rebecca were party to a Tripartide indenture dated 10th March 1721 between his father; his mother and Zachary NELSON Gent dated 10th March 1721 in the sum of £200 to be paid to his two youngest siblings on the death of his parents. William was buried at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 9th March 1760 but his will which left everything to his wife Rebecca to be supported by his son William and was dated 9th June 1754 was not proved until 23rd Sep 1760)

      Rebecca GUNDRY nee CHANNING was granted administration of her spinster sister Sarah CHANNINGS Estate on 26th March 1748 when her husband was bound to the Court for her correct administration of the estate. Rebecca died and was buried at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 4th Nov 1768. Children from this marriage:-

      (1) William GUNDRY (1721-1793) bap Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 23rd Jan 1721. He married Dorothy Dowl at St Georges Church in Fordington on 25th May 1755. He was appointed a Capital Burgess of Dorchester on 22nd March 1776 and an Alderman on 30 Sep 1782. He was buried at HT Church in Dorchester on 13th Oct 1793
      (2) Joseph GUNDRY Bap HT 16th Jan 1722/3
      (3) Elizabeth GUNDRY Bap HT 16th Apr 1724 She married by licence to John STICKLAND of Cerne Abbas at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 5th Oct 1775
      (4) Rebecca GUNDRY ( 1725-1794) Bap HT 6th Apr 1725; At her marriage at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 29th July 1764 to William BRIDLE she was described as being of All Saints Parish. Follow link to their marriage for more information.
      (5) Eleanor GUNDRY (1727-1815) Bap HT 16th Nov 1727; She married at HT Church in Dorchester on 1st June 1760 to George STICKLAND the Attorney at Law practicing in Dorchester
      (6) Mary GUNDRY Bap HT 26 Dec 1729
      (7) Mary GUNDRY Bap HT 13 Jan 1731/2

    John CLARK & Mary ALLEN married 13-Apr 1721 (PR)

    John HULET & Susanna ROBERTS married 11-May (PR)

    Benjamin TURNER & Mary VOS married 17-Oct (PR)

    William VOS & Elizabeth. BUNN married 03-Nov (PR)

    John JOANS & Sarah HUNT married 22-Jan (PR)

      [Note:- Sarah HUNT (1695 - 1755) was the daughter of William HUNT (c1662-1715) & Edith FFLOWER (1660-1742) who married at St Georges Church in Fordington on 18th July 1693. Children:- (1) Ann bap FStG 4th Jan 1722/3 she married John BUNN 12th July 1748 (2) Sarah bap FStG 6th June 1725 (3) Mary bap FStG 22nd Oct 1727 and buried there 15th Oct 1730 (4) Honor bap FStG 13th Apr 1733 and buried there 27th Nov 1739. John JOANS died and was buried at FStG on 2nd May 1742 followed by Sarah on 30th April 1755]

    Freeman DOMINY & Susanna ALLIN married 14-Aug 1722 (PR) [Note:- DOMINY not DOMING]

    Thomas TIRRELL & Elizabeth HITCHCOCK married 21-Nov (PR)

    Ye Rev Mr John BARGEU & Marey [ **** ] married 10-Jul 1723 [illiterate clerks hand] (PR - There is also a side note added by The Rev RGB [ ie the antiquarian Rev Richard Grosvenor Bartelot Vicar of Fordington from 1906]:- " The Rev John BERJEW married Mary daughter & co-heir of John ALLAMBRIDGE of Yetminster & Sherborne: RGB 1910 ] [RGB also annotated printed version of parish registers "bartlett died at Sherborne Prove that the Rev John Berjew married Mary ALLAMBRIDGE of Yetminster : She sold estates Any? auditor John Vincent JP]

      Note:- John BERJEW [1694-1743] was the son of Samuel BERJEW of Pentridge Dorset a cleric. He matriculated at Harts Hall Oxford on 28 Feb 17109/11 aged 17 and was awarded his BA there 25th Feb 1714/15. He joined the church being ordained a deacon at St James Westminster on 16th June 1717 and ordained a priest at Salisbury Cathedral on 20th Sep 1719 being appointed curate at Sherborne the following day.He served at Sherborne until being instituted as Rector of Over Compton Dorset on 31st March 1726. He died intestate there being buried on 27th January 1743/4. Administration Bond is available on line from the Wiltshire & Swindon Archives.

    John RODGES & Marey DAMER married 31-Oct (PR)

    Nathaniel CHIPMAN & Elizabeth MOSE of Straton married 19-Nov ) (PR)

    Samuell LOVLAS & Elizabeth NORMAN married 18-Feb 1723/4 (PR)

    Samuel NORMAN & Sarah TISARD married 03-Mar (PR)

    William FUDG [FUDGE] & Marey [Mary] HALL married 07-May [ Missing Year 1724?] (correct year 1724 confirmed by PR)

      [Note:- William FUDGE Senior (1699-1773) was buried at FStG on 11th Aug 1773 aged 74 years. His widow Mary FUDGE nee HALL (1696-1776) was buried there 15th Jan 1776 aged 80 years. Children from this marriage:-

      (1) Ann FUDGE (1728-1780) bap FStG 6th Feb 1728/9; She married Richard Scorse at FStG on 30-Sep 1750; Buried FStG 9th Apr 1780
      (2) William FUDGE Junior (1731-1753) bap FStG 16th March 1731/2; Buried at FStG 8th July 1753.
      (3) Jonathan FUDGE (1735- 1812) bap FStG 19th Feb 1735/6 ; he married Mary LOCK at FStG on 16th April 1759.

    John WIETT & Mary MORIS married 31-May (PR)

    Giles LUCKUS & Elizabeth ALLEN married 09-Aug (PR)

    Giles ROBINS & Mary DIFFEY married 16-Sep (PR)

    Robert PELLAM & Elner DOWLL married 09-Jun 1725 (PR)

    John BUNN & Elizabeth WILLIAMS married 14-Jun (PR)

    Robert. HOUSE of Pideltoun [i.e. Piddletown] & Mary MUDFORD of this parish married 10-Aug (PR)

    James FISHER & Elizabeth LOVLAS of Charmister married 14-Oct 1725 (PR)

    Christopher KNIGHT & Jeney PENEY of Shirborn [i.e. Sherborne] married 06-Oct (PR)

    Nickles HOKENS [HAWKINS] & Luce [Lucy] ALLEN married 10-Oct (PR) [Note child of the marriage Susannah daughter of Nickles & Luse HAKENS bap at fordington 22nd Aug 1726]

    John SOMERSETT & Elizabeth COX of Thornford married 29-Oct (PR)

    Robert MUDFORD & Jean JOANS married by banns 07-Nov (PR)

    Richard COMBS of Turners Pidle & Mary PEDEN of Fordington married 08-Feb (PR - Note:- Parish Register entry Mary's surname could be ALLEN or PADEN?)

    William WATERS & Hanay WATERS both of Thornford married 26-Mar 1726 (PR)

    [ Space left names omitted ] married 18-Apr (same in PR & BT's)

    William SPARKS & Elizabeth BENETT [BENNETT] married 28-Jun (PR) [Note:- See the Will of William Sparks (1700-1778) Malster of Dorchester for more information about his family]

    Robert KING of Winterburn & Ann BIRD of this parish were married 18-Sep (PR) [Note There are 14 parishes in Dorset that start with Winterbourne or Winterborne]

    Robert WILLES of Stroten [probably Stratton?] & Elizabeth. RASKER of this parish married 21-Sep (PR)

    Mr John SANDERSON of Saram & Mrs Elner BATEY (Sic) of Dorchester married 15-Oct (PR) [Note:- This is likely to be Eleanor BATTEN sister to John BATTEN and referred to as the wife of Mr John SANDERSON in the Will of Elizabeth BATTEN written 6th April 1758]

    William WEBBER of Dorchester & Marey HEARDEY [HARDY] married 12-Jan 1726/7 (PR - the word that is difficult to decipher is 'Dito' for Ditto meaning January)

    Jeremy CLARK & Mary PARKER both of this parish married 26-Jan 1726/7 (PR)

    Joseph DEARING & Mary COWARD both of Abbotsbury married 02-Feb 1726/7 (PR)

    David PHIPPHARD & Mary LUSH both of this parish married 03-Apr 1727 (PR)

    Righten EALMS of Puddletown & Sarah HERDEY of this parish married 23-Apr (PR)

    Henry FEAVER & Mary CLARK both of Stroten [probably Stratton?] married 30-Apr (PR)

    Jacob HOUNSELL of Bemiester [i.e. Beaminster] & Mary BALSTON of Symondsbury married 26-Jun (PR)

    Thomas BEST of Tarrant Lauton [i.e. Tarrant Launceston  ] & Mary CHURCHILL of this parish married 29-Jun (PR) [Mary Churchill 2nd child from the 2nd marriage of Francis CHURCHILL to Mary Bugg at FStG 24th Jun 1700]

    James ALLEN jun [i.e. junior] & Joan MEADER both of this parish married 05-Jul (PR)

    William. DEAVIS & Mary BROWN both of Stroton [probably Stratton?]married 08-Sep (PR) [Note:- Comment inserted onto the printed version of this register by the Rev RG BARTELOT Vicar of Fordington fron 1706 which states " Stratton Register makes certain that the surname is DAVIS]

    Jacob HITCHCOCK jun [i.e. junior] & Martha DENNES both of this parish married 17-Sep (PR)

    Thomas HARRIS & Elner MOOSE both of this parish married 30-Sep (PR)

    (PR only) Charles CHRISTOPHER & Elizabeth ALLEN both of this parish ye 24th December 1727

      Note:- See link above for biography of his life. This marriage was omitted in error when the original register was being complied, but added shortly thereafter by the vicar or churchwarden. It has therefore been squeezed in immediately following the burial of William PEATEY. As a consequence it was missed when the original printed version of the marriage register was published but its omission was later spotted by Rev Richard Grosvenor Bartelot (vicar of Fordington from 1906)who made a hand written insertion onto his copy which is now with the original registers at the Dorset History Center - an image is available at -- page 7 of 1720-1729 period ]

    Thomas GILHAM & Christen BUNN both of this parish married 20-Jan 1727/8 (PR)

    John BARTLETT & Eleanor BROWN both of Winterbourn Abbas married 18-Aug 1728 (PR)

    John PING [or KING] & Elizabeth LOCK of Dorchester married 17-Dec 1728 (PR)

    Giles COOMBES of Staford & Elizabeth CLAPGOOT [Clapcott?] of this parish married 05-Jan (PR)

    Frank FUBBER & Elizth. ANTRAM married 28-Jan (PR)

    William LOCK & Mary WILLIAMS married both of this parish 04-May 1729 (PR)

    William LOMAN & Agnes ALLEN both of Charminster married 26-Jun (PR)

    William COPPOCK & Joan KEENS both of this parish married 23-Jul (PR)

    John BREDDY of Blandford & Mary ALLEN of this parish married 17-Aug (PR)

    John HILL of Pidletown & Martha RUMSEY of Lonsworth [Lulworth?] married 04-Oct (PR)

    William CLEAR of Dorchester & Mary DOWLL of this parish married 05-Oct (PR)

    Jonn DAVIS of Sherbourn & Elizabeth DAVIS of Alton in Somerset married 06-Feb 1729/30 (PR)

    Richard BLANCHARDE & Elizabeth LUCKUS both of Alton married 26-Jul 1730 (PR)

    Thomas MARWOOD & Mary WILLIS both of Stratton married 24-Aug (PR)

    Robert SEAGER & Mary GEAPS married 24-Sep (PR)

    Robert KINGBERY & Mary BOWLEY both of Bear [Bere Regis? or Beer Hackett?] married 25-Nov (PR)

    John BOULT & Jean STROOD both of Charmestr [Charminster] married 05-Dec (PR)

    John MANUELL & Elizabeth TRIPP both of this parish married 24-Dec (PR)

    William INGRAM & Ann LOVLAS both of Charminster married 04-Jan

    Joseph GEY & Elizabeth HALLETT both of this parish married 02-Feb (PR)

    James BENNETT & Jean SWIER both of this parish married 03-Feb (PR)

    George ADAMES & Ann VOS both of this parish confirmed by us John Miller & Syvester? Williams 20th April 1731 were married 22-Apr 1731 (PR) [Note:- Comment made on the printed version of this register by the Rev RG Bartelot Vicar of Fordington from 1906 that " Our poor book 23 Apr 1731 "Paid for charge about George ADAMS £1.4.4d April 26 Paid for a licence & marry £1.2s.]

    William DENIES & Filles [omitted] married 29-Apr (PR)

    John SCANDNETT & Joan COBBACK married 25-May (PR) [Note Joan was buried in Fordington 10 March 1740/1]

    Charles RANDELL & Mary WILLCOX both of Charminster married 14-Jun (PR)

    William VINCENT & Ann RICKETTS married 05-Jul (PR)

    Giles LOCKUS & Margaret COLLONS married 13-Jul (PR)

    Robert GILLENGAM & Ann COMBERSHALL married 01-Aug (PR)

    John NELSON & Mary STEVENS both of this parish married 14-Aug (PR) [Note:- His 1st marriage was to Debra HUNT 17 Feb 1725 by whom he had 3 children. This is his 2nd marriage. Children:- (1) Mary Nelson bap FStG 15 Feb 1736/7 (2) Mary Nelson Bap FStG 3 Oct 1738 (3) Elizabeth Nelson Bap FStG 24th Feb 1740/1]

    Henry WOODESON & Sarah MORNS married 25-Aug (PR)

    James FUBER & Jone MASTERS both of Alton married 08-Oct (PR)

    Ralph BULPON & Elizabeth VOS a widow married 28-Nov 1731 (PR)

    Thomas NEW & Betty GREEN married 18-Dec (PR)

    Jonathan JOINER of Woodsford & Jean LININGTON of Wormell married 05-Jan (PR)

    William BELBEN & Elizabeth SYMES married 29-Jan (PR)

    Stephen HOBS & Susanah STANDLY married 29-Apr 1732 (PR)

    Henery MASTERS & Martha BLANSHARD married 03-May (PR)

    William. BISHOP & Mary FREAK both of this parish married 28-Sep (PR)

    Moses BEDLO & Deborah CLIENS both of this parish married 03-Oct (PR)

    Richard SPRATT & Elizabeth FOY? married 25-Dec (PR)

    William CHURCHELL [CHURCHILL] & Margery DOWNTON married 29-Apr 1733 (PR)

    James BROWN of Stroten & Marey WHIT married 01-May (PR)

    John DULEN of Charmester & Sarah CROAD of ye Parish of Holy Trinity in Dorchester married 30-Jul (PR)

    Robert LAVER of Sherborne & Elizabeth SLADE of South Carobury [ sic -South Cadbury?] married 10-Sep (PR)

    John RODGERS & Elizabeth. EATON married 28-Oct (PR)

    William WHEALLER? & Sarah FIEANDER? married 18-Nov (PR)

    William TOLLEFELD & Rebeckah [Rebecca] INGRAM married 27-Nov (PR)

    Joseph JEANS of ye parish of Woodsford & Mary BASCOMB of ye parish of Tinkleton married 24-Dec (PR)

    William HUNT & Ann COMB married 24-Dec (PR)

      [Note:- Part of the Hunt Family of Dorchester (Marriage 29) but parentage not located and no trace after marriage]

    James LIDE & Sarah MANUELL married 03-Jan (PR)

    Henery STICKLAND of Stafford & Ann BELMAN of this parish married 07-Feb (PR)

    Francis FURBER & Mary GALPINE of Stratton married 11-Feb (PR)

    William FOWEL & Mary BEST married 25-Feb (PR)

      [Start of a 3 year return - overlapping CLDS Images 4002460_02175 & 02176]

    John GAWLER of Dorchester & Jane COWARD of this parish married 08-Apr 1734 (PR)

    Williamm. POND of Dunhead & Mary BISHOP of this parish married 05-May (PR)

    James DENNIS & Elizabeth STICKLAND married 11-May (PR)

    John MATHEWS & Sarah FREKE married 02-Jun (PR)

    William CHIN & Ann HALL married 04-Jun (PR)

    Robert CROFTS & Elizabeth OSBORN married June 17 (BT's & PR)

    William PARKER & Susana BISHOP married 18-Jul (PR)

    Enock LESTER & Rachel BURLSTON married 22-Jul [PR and BT's have date as July 27th ]

    Maurice GANTLETT & Sarah CROSM married 30-Sep (PR)

    William MOREY & Ann FRAMPTON married 15-Oct (PR)

    Thomas LOCK & Betty PAYNE married 19-Oct (PR)

    John PARKER & Elizth. LUCAS married 01-Dec [PR & BT's have date as Dec 26th ]

    Richard BURT & Grace KATE married 26-Dec 1734 (PR)

    John FOANE & Elizabeth LAWRENCE married 26-Dec [BT's incorrectly have his surname as FINE: but both PR and BT's have date as 30th Dec]

    Samuel HOBBS & Jane WALTERS married 13-Feb (PR)

      [Note:- After marriage Samuel & Jane settled in Holy Trinity Parish in Dorchester where they raised the following children :- (1) Anne bap 22nd Dec 1738 and buried there 17th Aug 1739 (2) Anne bap 11th Mar 1739/40 (3) Jane bap 26th Dec 1741 (4) Elizabeth bap 29th Jan 1743/4 (5) Mary bap 25th Oct 1745 (6) Martha bap 27 Mar 1747 (7) Hester bap 18 Dec 1749 buried 23rd Feb 1752]

    John POLIARD & Charity DIAMOND married 12-Oct 1735 [PR's and BT's have his surname as POLLARD ]

    Christopher FOY & Ann ROGERS married 27-Nov (PR) [BT's incorrectly have his surname as FROY ]

    Thomas MANUEL & Mary VOS married 12-Dec (PR)

    Thomas GREEN & Bathshebah BEZANT married 23-Jan (PR)

    [BT's have additional marriage :- John WILCOX & the Widow GOODMAN 6 May 1736 but not in PR]

    Humfry HARDY & Elizabeth WYNZAR [WINZAR or WINSOR] married 03-Jun 1736 (PR)

    Henry VOS & Edith POUNCY married 25-Jul (PR)

    John TIZARD & Ann BELLRINGER married 27-Jul (PR)

    James SALISBURY & Elizabeth WILLIS married 01-Aug (PR)

    John MEECH & Mary SLADE married 12-Aug (PR) [ BT's incorrectly have his name as John MARCH ]

    Robert VALLENS [VALLANCE or VALLENCE] & Mary CLASBY married 15-Aug (PR) [Note:- Mary the wife of Robert VALLENS was buried at FStG church on 11th Nov 1739 - Robert re-married at FStG on 16th Aug 1741 to Miriam SANGER. Robert VALLENS was buried at FstG on 5th May 1749]

    John MASTERS & Sarah HOWNSLOW married 09-Sep (PR)

    Joseph TUCKETT & Catherine TROUT married 16-Sep (PR)

    William. LOCK & Elizabeth. CHIP married 27-Sep (PR)

      [End of CLDS Images 02175 & 02176 & Start of Image 02177]

    John WYNZAR [WINSER, WINSOR] & Elizabeth LOVERIDGE married 02-Nov (PR) [Note:- Not so far located any children?]

    William WASTCOAT & Jane HOWNSLOW married 13-Jan 1736/7 (PR)

    Alexander CREST & Honor DOWLL married 25-Jan 1736/7 (PR) [BT's incorrectly have Alexander CROSS ]

    Charles HACKSTON & Elizabeth WYNZAR [WINZAR, WINSER or WINSOR] married 17-Feb 1736/7 (PR) [PR's and BT's have Charles HAKSTON & Feb 16]

    Henry CHAMBERLAIN & Elizabeth VOS married 11-Mar 1736/7 (PR)

      [End of CLDS Images 02177 & Start of a large overlapping document on Images 02178 & 02179]

    John INZER [ENSOR] & Elizabeth DOWLL [DOWELL] married 11-Apr 1737 (PR)

      [Note:- John ENSOR (1714-Bet 1750-1812) was the son of John ENSOR 1686-1740 and Hannah LOCK who had married at Bradford Peverell on 03 Oct 1709 but settled to raise a family in Fordington. As a young man on 12th March 1729/30 he was apprenticed by his father to Thomas LOCK, a local butcher, to learn his trade. The indentures were usually for 7 years so it looks as though he married as soon as he was qualified. Elizabeth DOWELL (1718-1781) was baptised at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 29th July 1718 the daughter of Edward DOWLE. Elizabeth ENSOR nee DOWELL was buried at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 30 Nov 1781. Children from this marriage:-

      (1) Elizabeth Ensor (1737-1739) baptised at All Saints Church Dorchester on 15th Mar 1737/38 and buried there 25 Feb 1738/9

      (2) William Ensor (1738-1803) baptised at All Saints Church Dorchester on 25th Feb 1738/39. He married Ann RANDALL (d.1812) at West Lulworth on 5th January 1761 (CLDS Film 1239204 - William's surname name in the index has been transcribed as Supor? I have not been able to view this film and confirm his surname which needs verification but the OPC Website for West Lulworth has transcribed this as the marriage of "William EUFOR? of Dorchester & Anne RANDALL married 5th Jan 1761". Clearly the surname is not clear but a family tree on has this as William ENSOR at St John at The Baptists church in West Lulworth 5/1/1761. As far as I know few Baptist registers have survived or been deposited but this looks like their marriage as it states he came from Dorchester. They appear to have returned there to live as he also became a butcher learning the trade from his father and by 1765 was running his own butchers business in Dorchester. He took on his own apprentice a George William Tinnick on 10th Dec 1765. His second apprentice was a John Randall possibly a relative of Anne's indentured on the 8th Oct 1770.

      William & Ann appear to have only had one daughter Ann ENSOR (10 years after they married) who was baptised at St Peters on 17th April 1771. We know she is a child of theirs as ANN ENSOR (nee RANDALL) described as a widow was buried All Saints 21 Apr 1812. She left a Will dated 26 Dec 1800 in which she leaves everything to her daughter ANN who by then has married Robert (Gerard) DAVIS at St Peters Church on 15th June 1796. William continued to indenture apprentices :- John Medway on 27th Mar 1777; another John Randall 16th June 1780; John England 2nd Nov 1785.

      (3) John Ensor (1742-1742) baptised at St Peters Church Dorchester on 21st April 1742 and buried at All Saints church in Dorchester on 28 Nov 1742

      (4) John Ensor (1746-1806) baptised at St Peters Church Dorchester on 13th Aug 1746; He became a Collar Maker by trade and moved to Sherborne to live eventually becoming a yeoman farmer. He married however in St Peters Church in Dorchester to Mary DENNIS on 21st Nov 1768.Follow link for more information about his family.

      (5) Edward Ensor (1748-1832) baptised at St Peters Church Dorchester 8th Mar 1748/49. He also became a butcher like his father and elder brother William. He married firstly to Rebecca BARTLETT (1745-1795) at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 23rd July 1770. His first wife died in 1795 & he remarried to Ruth STEPHENS at Yeovil in Somerset 30th March 1795. Edward was buried 19th Mar 1832 aged 83 Years. Follow links for more information about his family.

      (6) Hannah Ensor (1750-1823) baptised Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 21st Dec 1750; She married James MOORS-WATT at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 23rd May 1774 when her elder brother was one of the witnesses.
      Follow link for more information about this family

    John HUCTHENS & Elizabeth WHITE both of Alton married 22-Apr (PR)

    John FREAK & Susanah DILLER married 07-Jun (PR)

      [Note:- (His surname is spelt in lots of different way e.g. FREAK; FREKE; FREEK) : Known Children from this marriage:-
      (1) Mary FREAK (1738/9 - ) bap St Georges Church Fordington 28th Feb 1738/9. May have been buried 6 Sep 1749 or 6th Aug 1751 but not shown as a child?
      (2) Thomas FREKE (1740-1742) bap FStG 25th Dec 1740 buried 24 Aug 1742
      (3) Thomas FREKE (1744-1752) bap FStG 5th Apr 1744 buried 31 Apr 1752
      (4) John FREKE bap FStG 1st Apr 1746 buried 3rd Nov 1742.
      (5) Thomas FREKE bap FStG 28 Dec 1748
      (6) George FREAK bap FStG 7th Jan 1754

    Samuel ALLEN & Martha POUNCEY [POUNCY] married 21-Jul (PR) [BT's incorrectly have Martha FOY ]

    Joseph BONNETT & Edith LOCK married 28-Sep (PR)

    Thomas DENIS & Mary MASTERS married 01-Dec (PR)

    John TYERMAN & Martha PUCKET married 02-Jan (PR)

    John WOOD & Betty SQUIBB married 04-Feb (PR)

    George RIOLL & Mary BUSHELL married 07-Mar (PR) [BT's have George RIELL ]

    William NORRIS & Mary DIFFEY married 28-May 1738 (PR)

      [Note:- William NORRIS (d.1799) I have not traced any children from this marriage. Mary NORRIS recorded as the wife of William NORRIS was buried at FStG on 28th January 1742/3. William NORRIS then remarried to Mary VOS at FStG on
      29th April 1744. Follow link for more information about his 6 children by his 2nd wife..

    Thomas SEAL & Elizabeth PARKER married 27-Jul (PR)

    Thomas ROBERTS & Mary HARDEY married 16-Nov (PR)

    John ANDREWS & Ann BELMAN married 17-Dec (PR)

    Chrismas HARDY & Elizabeth TIBS [TIBBS] married 13-Jan (PR)

      [End of CLDS Images 02178 & 02179 & Start of overlapping Images 02180 & 02181]

    Benjamin BRINE of Dorchester & Mary COMBERSHALL married 23-Apr 1739 (PR) [BT's have year as 1739 & her name CUMBERSHALL]

    John BISHOP & Bety DRISHER married 26-Apr (PR)

    William GERRETT [i.e. GARRETT] & Mary NORRIS both of Dorchester married 13-May 1739 (PR)

    William STONE & Eals BESS married 18-Jun 1739 (PR)

    Robert HENDEY of Weymouth & Edith BRICE of this parish married 05-Jul (PR) [Note:- Edith's 2nd marriage- 1st to George BRICE (1671-1736) Yeoman of Fordington ]

    John BARTLETT & Anah [Anna, Hannah] WODFORD [WOODFORD] married 07-Oct (PR)

      [Note:- John BARTLETT (1715-1775 ) was the 2nd child from the marriage of John BARTLETT Senior (bur.1716) to Elizabeth CRIMBLE (bur.1716/7) at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 19-Oct 1712. John was buried at Holy Trinity on 24th Jan 1775. His widow Anah was buried at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 27th Jan 1784 recorded as Hannah BARTLETT a Pauper. Children:-

      (1) Joseph BARTLETT (c.1740-1740) the son of John and Anna BARTLETT was buried at All Saints on 13th Aug 1740:

      (2) John BARTLETT (c1742- 1748) the son of John and Hannah BARTLETT buried All Saints on 26th Nov 1748]

    Makias BRINE & Bathsheba GRAY married 21-Dec (PR)

      [End of CLDS Images 02180 & 02181 & Start of overlapping Images 02182 & 02183]

    Thomas NORMON of Dorchester & Hanah WHITE of this parish married 04-May 1740 (PR)

    Thomas SKINER of Dorchester & Frances DAVIS of this parish married 01-Sep (PR)

    Joseph GAYLARD & Sarah PHILLIPS both of Dorchester married 03-Sep (PR)

    Joseph NIGHTENGEAL & Grace BARTLETT married 23-Nov (PR)

    Samuel BEDLOW [BEDLOE] of Dorchester & Sarah WINZAR [WINSOR or WINSER] of this parish married 14-Jan 1740/1 (PR) [Note:- Samuel BEDLOE was baptised at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 3rd Nov 1717 the son of Samuel BEDLOE. His father was the 7th child from the marriage of the Quaker Samuel Bedloe by his wife Dorothy and was born on 26th Dec 1685.]

    Edmund BOWER & Elizabeth SHORTO both of Dorchester married 26-Jan 1740/1 (PR)

      [Note:- Edmund BOWER (d.1773) is reported by genealogists to have been born in Affpuddle Dorset the son of Robert Bower (1682-1747) and Edith Sampson but I have not been able to confirm this as the Affpuddle parish registers only survive from 1720. Edmund however is known to have become the Innkeeper of the Royal Oak Inn in Dorchester, possibly around the time of his marriage, as the Shorto Family is reported by the Rev RG Bartlett to have been brewers by trade, and the burgage rate list of 1737 for Dorchester shows The Royal Oak Inn was then owned by George Browne Esq. His wife Elizabeth SHORTO (1715-1765), was the 3rd child of James SHORTO and Mary FILDEW who had married at Stinsford in 1712. Elizabeth was baptised at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 25th March 1715 and was later to be buried at the same church on 1st Feb 1765. Edmund was included in the Militia listing for the year 1758 as being eligible to serve for the parish of Holy Trinity but he also was buried at All Saints on 1st Mar 1773 so they appear to have moved within Dorchester during that period. He left a will dated 19th Nov 1771 which was proved on 17th May 1773. Children from the marriage:-

      (1) James Bower (1740-1795) bap Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 15th Feb 1740/1; He was a beneficiary to the extent of £400 under his fathers will dated 1771 but it was his younger brother William who inherited his fathers estate and business. I think this is because he left Dorchester for Cornwall and his father may have already paid for him to establish a business of his own there. He appears to have married in Lostwithiel to Elizabeth ELIOT on 11th July 1771 and they had a large family of about 10 children there between 1772 and 1788. James was buried there 14th Sep 1795. His fourth son Thomas BOWER (1778-1842) born in Loswithiiel returned to live in Dorchester being admitted a Freeman and Capital Burgess of Dorchester in 1814 and serving as Bailiff 3 times in 1816/1817, 1824/1825 and 1832/1833. He was also elected Mayor of Dorchester three times in 1818, 1826 and 1834 and became an Alderman of the town in 1829 replacing Nathaniel Stickland who had died. Their youngest son Richard Bower (1788-1875) was also to return to Dorset and settle at Melcombe Regis where he was a magistrate. James widow Elizabeth wrote her will in 1830 which was proved PCC 11/1900 on 14th Sep 1838.

      (2) Edmund Bower (1743-before 1771) bap HT 22nd Dec 1743 may have died an infant as not mentioned in his fathers will dated 1771

      (3) William Bower (1746-1829) bap HT 22nd Dec 1746; executor of his fathers will and main beneficiary being left £500, the dwelling house, stable, garden and backside in HT Parish then in the occupation of Miss Rogers and his father and the dwelling house called the Royal Oak Inn + after various bequests the rest and residue of his estate. On the 25th Sep 1779 William was fined for encroachment and had to pay 2 shillings a year to the Corporation for erecting a bay window in the front of his house called the Royal Oak. William was buried at HT 3rd Apr 1829 and left an extensive Will dated 14th July 1827 which was Proved on 27th April 1829

      (4) Mary Bower (1749- 1801) bap HT 30th Mar 1749 ; she married Thomas BRYER from All Saints parish at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 8th Aug 1768 and was left £150 by her father who also left £50 to her daughter Ann Bryer.Follow link for more information.

      (5) Elizabeth Bower (1751- aft 1829) bap HT 11th July 1751. Beneficiary under Will of Elizabeth MOREY, Widow of Dorchester dated 10 Dec 1765, proved 25 Jan 1766 when left a pair of gold ear rings. Beneficiary under her fathers will in 1773 of £500 when she was still a spinster living in his house. She married William BANGER of the Parish of Ilminster in Somerset at St James church Piccadilly Westminster London on 20th Sep 1780. She was a beneficiary under the will of her brother William Bower in 1829 when he left her a house in Dorchester for life.

    William WINZAR* & Martha VOS both of this parish married 03-Feb 1740/1 (PR) [Note:- *This surname is also often spelt differently most common are:-WINSAR, WINSER, WINSOR, WINZAR, WINZER, WINZOR, WINDSAR, WINDZAR, WINDSER, WINDSOR etc]

      [Note:- Children from this marriage :-

      (1) William WINZAR (1741- ) bap FStG 12 Nov 1741
      (2) Elizabeth WYNZAR (1744- ) bap FStG 23 Apr 1744
      (3) John WINZAR (1746- ) bap FStG 18 Apr 1746
      (4) Samuel WINZAR ( 1747/8- aft 1766) bap FStG on 6th Jan 1747/8 ; married Catherine SWIER [SWYER] FStG 16th Sep 1766 (both from the parish) Follow link for more information about their family
      (5) Sarah WINZAR (1749/50 ) bap FStG 21 Feb 1749/50

    Thomas BUSHROD & Mary SYMES of Dorchester married 03-Feb 1740/1 (PR)

    William GRAY of Dorchester & Elizabeth. VOS of this parish married 02-Apr 1741 (PR)

    Joseph CROCKER of Puddletown & Jane SYMONDS of this parish married 11-Apr (PR)

    John SAUNDERS of Blandford & Amy SYMES of Dorchester married 13-Apr (PR)

    William ALLEN & Ruth ELSWOOD married 24-Jun (PR)

    William STYLE [STILE] & Edith BARTLETT both of this parish married 29-Jul (PR) [Note:- Edith BARTLETT was the daughter of butcher William BARTLETT (bur. 1741/2) &Mary and had been baptised at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 17th Sep 1713. See her fathers Will proved 24th Aug 1742. William STYLE died intestate being buried at FStG on 19th Dec 1780 with administration of his estate being granted to Edith on 5th July 1781 after enteringto a bond with 2 others for £1,000 to ensure correct administration of his affairs.. Edith STYLE nee BARTLETT (1713-1786) was buried at FStG on 21st Sep 1786. Children from this marriage:-

      (1) Elizabeth Style bap FStG 2nd June 1742
      (2) John Style bap FStG 19th Oct 1743
      (3) Mary Style bap FStG 15th Oct 1746. She married at FStG church the James CROCKER of All Saints Parish Dorchester on 15th Jan 1778
      (4) Rebeccah Style bap FStG 31st May 1749. She married John CONWAY from Evershot at FStG church on 20th May 1771.
      (5) Amos Style bap FStG 17th Oct 1754. He married Ann TERREL of Frome Whitfield 21-Dec 1789 by licence
      (6) David Style bap FStG 27 Dec 1757]

    Robert. VALLENS [VALLANCE or VALLENCE] & Miriam [Merriam] SANGER both of this parish married 16-Aug (PR) [Note:- This is Robert VALLENS 2nd marriage. His 1st Marraige was to Mary CLASBY at FStG on 15th Aug 1736 but she was buried there on 11th Nov 1739. Robert VALLENS was buried at FStG on 5th May 1749. There is a removbal order for Miriam VALLENS, a widow from Stinsford on 5th Dec 1761. Miriam was buried FStG on 22nd Oct 1780. Children:- Thamas VALLENCE Bap FStG 8th Aug 1742]

    George COSSENS & Elizabeth LEGG married 17-Aug (PR) [Not in or BT's but in PR's omitted from its place in the register but added at the end of the page]

    George TUCKER & Elizabeth SQUIBB both of this parish married 21-Sep (PR)

    Nathaneal SPARKS & Elizabeth. MITCHELL married 08-Feb 1741/2 (PR)

      [Note:- Nathaniel Sparks (c1714-1779) was the son of William Sparks (1665-1741/2) Fellmonger of Fordington (follow link for more information about his family). Elizabeth SPARKS his wife died and was buried at FStG church on 9th May 1770. He then remarried to Martha CHAFFEY in St Georges Church Fordington by licence on 20-Nov-1770 ]

    John LOCK & Christian VOSS married 16-Apr 1742 (PR)

    John INGRAM & Elizabeth DOWLE married 20-Jun (PR)

    Charles LEDFIELD & Ann NORTHOVER married 24-Jun (PR)

    James BESS & Catharine OLIVER married 24-Jul (PR)

    William MARSH & Elizabeth NORRIS married 26-Jul (PR)

    Ambrose HUNT & Elizabeth BARTLETT married 01-Jan (PR)

      Note:- Ambrose HUNT VII (1708- ?) was the son of Ambrose HUNT VI (1681-1754) married Margaret ROGERS. This is his second marriage, his first being to Mary SPARKS at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 28th July 1729. See his 1st marriage for comments about the baptism of his son Ambrose VIII. Elizabeth BARTLETT is thought to be the daughter of Thomas BARTLETT Senior (1673- ) and Elizabeth KNIGHT. who had been baptised at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 11th May 1716 ---Children:- Thomas HUNT Bap FStG 27th Nov 1743 and buried there 31 Dec 1743

    Henry TOMKINS & Ann COMBE married 31-Jan (PR)

    Thomas. VINCENT & Honor COATE married 01-Feb (PR) [PR's and BT's have Feb 6th ]

    George LESTER & Betty SANGER married 19-May 1743 (PR)

    William HACKHAM & Mary COX married 28-Jun (PR)

      [End of overlapping CLDS Images 02182 & 02183 ]

    William GARRET & Elizabeth. FREKE married 16-Oct 1743 (PR)

    Edward CREECH & Ann CLINES married 01-Nov (PR)

    John BRETT & Mary SPARKS married 26-Feb 1743/4 (PR) [Note:- Mary Sparks was the daughter of of William Sparks (1665-1741/2) Fellmonger of Fordington. After marriage they settled in All saints Parish Dorchester where a son nathaniel BRETT was baptised on 31st Aug 1746].

    William DERBY & Mary WINZAR* married 27-Mar 1744 (PR) [Note:- *This surname is also often spelt differently most common are:-WINSAR, WINSER, WINSOR, WINZAR, WINZER, WINZOR, WINDSAR, WINDZAR, WINDSER, WINDSOR etc]

    William NORRIS & Mary VOS married 29-Apr (PR)

      [Note:-William NORRIS (d.1799) was a widower. His 1st marriage, which produced no children, was to Mary DIFFEY (d.1742/3) at FStG on 28th May 1738. Mary NORRIS nee VOS (d.1760) appears to have died as a result of the birth of their 6th child as she was buried at FStG on 8th June 1760 the same day that their 6th child was baptised as Martha Norris. William NORRIS appears to have remarried for a 3rd time to Mary MUNDEN at FStG on 12th Nov 1764 Known children from this marriage:-

      (1) William Norris (1744/5-1818) bapt FStG 17th Jan 1744/5 He appears to have married a Martha where I cannot locate the marriage. Link to his Family of 7 children
      (2) Mary Norris (1746-1749) bapt FStG 5th Mar 1746/7buried at FStG 7th May 1749.
      (3) Mary Norris (1749- ) bapt FStG 26th Dec 1749.
      (4) Ann Norris (1755- ) bapt FStG 5th Jan 1755
      (5) Salathial Norris (1758-1826) Salathial is an old biblical name meaning 'lent of god' Salathial later enlisted in the Dorset Regiment of Militia reaching the rank of Sergeant and at the age of 40 was discharged on 15th Aug 1796 - See See also  Chelsea Pension Records. Salathiel NORRIS married Ann BARRETT at Bradford Peverell in Dorset on 15th Jan 1786. Follow link for more information about his family. He was buried at Fordington on 10th Dec 1826 aged 68
      (6) Martha Norris (1760- ) bapt FStG 8th June 1760

    William WATTS & Elizabeth BELBEN married 24-Jul (PR)

    William EDWARDS & Miriam MOOR married 20-Jan (PR)

    William HIPWELL & Sarah HALLETT married 06-Feb (PR)

    Edward TAYLLOR & Elizabeth KATE married 29-Apr 1745 (PR)

    William BRYER & Gertrude WELLS married 13-May (PR)

    George BROWN & Mary FEVER married 19-May (PR)

    Thomas BRINE & Eleanor SANGER married 24-Jun (PR)

    John HELLARD & Mary BISHOP married 25-Jul (PR)

    Thomas FRAMPTON & Ann DULAND of Charminster married 14-Dec (PR)

    Henry HOLLAND [HOLAND in PR's] & Mary THORNE married 06-Feb 1745/6 (PR)

    Mathew WHITE & Elizabeth HALL married 17-Mar 1745/6 (PR) {Note:- Matthew White was the 1st child from the marriage of Matthew WHITE to Barbara WILLIAMS who married at St Georges Church Fordington on 25th June 1720]

      [Start of overlapping CLDS Images 02184 & 02185 ]

    Henry DILLER & Ann JOANS Apr 17 1746 (from PR's and BT's not in original published transcription)

    Henry FYFORD [TYFORD?] & Elizabeth BRIDLE married 19-May 1746 (PR)

    William SEAL & Sarah KING married 06-Aug (PR)

    William FRAMTON [FRAMPTON?] & Rebeckah KATE married 06-Aug (PR)

    Robert BUNNELL & Margaret WALDREN married 14-Sep (PR)

    John SPARKS & Elizabeth. POPE married 23-Sep (PR) [Note:- John Sparkes was the son of William Sparks (1665-1741/2) Fellmonger of Fordington and was the main benifiviary and executor of his fathers Will which can be viewed via this link]

    Robert BELBEN & Elizabeth BELBMAN married 05-Oct (PR)

    Charles PITFIELD & Mary BISHOP married 05-Oct (PR)

      [Note:- Charles PITFIELD (1723-1801) was the 2nd child of Charles PITFIELD (1665-1743) Churchwarden of Fordington. His bride Mary was the daughter of Joseph BISHOP & baptised in Fordington on 15th June 1722. Charles described as a Yeoman was listed as being fit to serve in the Militia for the parish of Fordington in 1758. Mary was buried at F St Georges Church on 27th Jan 1794 followed by Charles on 8th Sep 1801. Follow Link for more information about their family of 8 children.

    Amos STILE [STYLE] & Mary PITFIELD married 23-Dec (PR)

      [Note:- Mary PITFIELD (1721-1784) was the 1st child of Charles PITFIELD (1665-1743) Churchwarden of St Georges church in Fordington. Amos was buried at St Georges Church on 30th Sep 1776 followed by Mary on 29th Feb 1784. They had the following children baptised at Fordington

        (1) Amos Stile (1747- 1747) bap FStG 20th Jan 1747 & buried there 30 Jan 1747
        (2) Mary Stile bap FStG 28th Dec 1748. She married William BISHOP at FStG church on 23 Mar 1803 witnesses were 2 members of Fordington Vestry.
        (3) Ann Stile (1750-1778) bap FStG 28th Sep 1750 She was buried at FStG on 14th April 1778
        (4) Amey Stile (or Eamey) bap FStG 9th Dec 1754. She married Thomas LESTER at FStG church on 7th Sep 1779.
        (5) Frances Stile bap FTsG 26th Sep 1757
        (6) Christian Stile bap FStG 28th July 1765. She married as Christiana Style to John BENNETT of Studland at FStG church on 5th June 1786]

    Leonard WYNZAR [WINZAR, WINZOR] & Catharine SEAL married 01-Jan 1746 (PR)

      [Note:- First of 2 marriages of Leonard WINZAR (bur.1780) who was later buried at FStG on 17th Nov 1780. Catherine WINZAR nee SEAL (bur.1764) was buried at FStG on 16th Jan 1764. Leonard intended to marry Elizabeth OTLEY at FStG and they had banns of marriage read there on 3rd; 10th and 17th of Jan 1768 but this does not appear to have resulted in a marriage. He remarried to Mary WARREN (bur.1772) at FStG on 26th May 1772.

        Leonard WINZAR was a Victualler by trade and Ale House Licences have survived from 1754 to 1821. These show that Leonard was licenced on the 1st Sep 1757 as the Innkeeper at the 'Queens Head' in Fordington and the licence renewed the following year on 12th Sep 1758. Also on that day Leonard WINZAR, along with David PHIPPARD both of Forthington, in the sum of £10 each were bound as surities for the licence granted to Jane TAYLOR a widow at the sign of the 'Coach & Horses' another Victualling House in Forthington. In 1760 he stood surity of £5 for Thomas ROLLS of Forthington for his licence for 'The Black Bear' in Fordington. Licences for 'The Queens Head" with Leonard Winzar have also survived for the years 1760 to 1768 inc. In 1763 Leonard also stood as surity for £10 to Mary BARTLETT the widow of William BARTLETT (1671-1741/2) of Forthington who ran the Crown Inn there.
      Children from this marriage:-

      (1) Elizabeth WINZAR (1748-aft.1784) bap FStG 4th Aug 1748; She appears to have married at the age of 36 at FStG to Tobias FARNHAM on 28th June 1784.

      (2) Catherine WINZAR (1750/1-aft.1789) bap FStG 1st Jan 1750/1 . She married to James PAUL at FStG 24th Mar 1789

      (3) Leonard WINZAR (1753-1784) bap FStG 13th Dec 1753; He married Ann PHILIPS at FStG on 17th Sep 1780. Follow link for more information.

      (4) Ann WINZAR (1757- ) bap FStG 20th Jan 1757;

      (5) Susannah WINZER (1760- ) bap FStG 25th May 1760

    John GIBBS & Elizabeth FRAMPTON married 05-Feb 1746/7 (PR)

    Andrew MELHUISH & Mary BARTER married 07-Feb 1746/7 (PR)

    Joseph DOBER & Susanna TIZARD married 14-May 1747 (PR)

    Mark DULAND & Sarah ELLARY married 07-Jul (PR) [BT's have Mark DEWLAND ]

    Thomas BISHOP & Elizabeth FREKE married 14-Sep (PR)

    John LUCAS & Elizabeth MILLER married 11-Oct (PR)

    Henry GREEN & Joan BARTLETT married 02-Feb (PR) [PR's and BT's also have “both of Stratton”]

    Walter BURT & Hester BRIDLE married 03-May 1748 [PR's and BT's also have “both of Stratton”]

    John READ & Rebeckah VOSE [VOS] married 12-May (PR)

    John BUNN & Sarah JONES married 12-Jul (PR)

    Thomas CLARK & Susanna VOSE [VOS] married 31-Jul (PR)

    George STICKLAND & Elizabeth ENSOR married 11-Sep (PR) [Note:- Elizabeth ENSOR was baptised St George Church Fordington 17th Nov 1718 the daughter of John ENSOR (d. 1740) and Hannah Lock (1687-1772)]

    Jeremiah AUGUST & Ann BUSSELL married 19-Oct 1748 (PR)

    Robert BEST & Grace STILL married 21-Oct (PR)

    Peter DEWLAND & Jone NORMAN married 02-Jan (PR)

      [End of overlapping CLDS Images 02184 & 02185 & Start of 3 year return overlapping images 02186 & 02187]

    John SHEPPARD & Mary TUEXBURY married 26-Mar 1749 (PR)

    Richard CUMBERSHALL & Margery CHURCHILL married 28-May (PR) [Note:- Margery Cumbershall buried at FStG 9th Jan 1765]

    James SWIER & Betty RUTHERFORD married 23-Aug (PR)

    Giles COMBS & Mrs Mary HACKHAM married 11-Mar (PR)

    Thomas PAUL & Susanna ALLEN married 15-Apr 1750 (PR)

    Thomas BASCOMB & Betty TERRELL married 16-Apr (PR)

    George THORN & Barbara ROBERTS married 16-Apr (PR) [Note:- Only had 1 child Ann THORN bap at Fordington on 29th March 1751. Ann married Charles PITFIELD (1750-1804) who was the 3rd son of Charles PITFIELD (1723-1801)]

    William BELBEN & Elizabeth HOLET married 17-Apr (PR) [BT's have Elizabeth HALLET ]

    Joseph FOY & Eliz. COAT married 01-May (PR)

    John HARDY & Elizabeth CHANNING married 17-Jun (PR) [CLDS Image 2187]

    Jeremiah SNOW & Mary LEASYE married 09-Jul (PR)

    James HAYDEN & Eleanor ANTONY married 01-Aug (PR) [BT's have ANTHONY ]

    Robert MARSH & Bettye BARRETT married 13-Aug (PR) [CLDS Image 2187]

    Richard SCORSE & Ann FUDG [FUDGE] married 30-Sep (PR) [BT's have Ann FUDGE ] [Note:- Ann FUDGE was the eldest child from the marriage of William FUDGE to Mary Hall at FStG 7th Masy 1724. Children (1) John bap FStG 6 Nov 1751 (2) Mary bap FStG 28 Sep 1753]

    David MORRIS & Mary CHANING married 13-Nov (PR)

    Richard BENNETT & Elizabeth HOPPEN married 03-Feb 1750/1 (PR)

    William INGRAM & Mary FUDG [FUDGE] married 10-Feb (PR) [BT's have Mary FUDGE ]

    James PURS & Christen MARTEN married 21-Feb (PR) [BT's have James PURSE and Christian MARTIN February 24th]

    John BUT & Eliz. READ married 22-Mar (PR)

    Isaiah FORINGTON & Martha COZENS married 17-Apr 1751 (PR)

    Mr John NELSON & Mrs Ann JACOB married 08-Aug (PR) [Note:- son John baptised at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 7th July 1752]

    To: GOULD & Ann HOUNSELL [HOUNSEL] married 02-Sep (PR) [BT's have Thomas GOULD ]

    John SMITH & Ann ROBIRTS married 15-Oct (PR)

      [Note:- After Marriage John and Ann settled in his parish of Holy Trinity where they had the following children baptised:-

      (1) John Smith bap HT 5th June 1753
      (2) Mary Smith bap HT 22nd May 1755
      (3) Elizabeth SMITH bap HT 30th Jan 1757

    Joseph CHANNING & Elizabeth VOS married 31-Oct (PR) [BT's have Elizabeth VOSS]

    William. CEECH & Elizabeth CRIMBLE married 28-Dec (PR) [ BT's have William KEECH ]

      [End of overlapping CLDS Images 02186 & 02187 ]

    Robert GOLDEN & Martha RAWLIN married 04-Jan 1752 (PR)

    John LESTER & Ann GILLOM married 16-Jan (PR)

    Robert HUST & Elizabeth VINSON married 29-Mar (PR)

    Henry VINSON & Jone BRIDLE married 05-Apr (PR)

      [Start of overlapping CLDS Images 02188 & 02189 ]

    John COWARD & Dorothy SHEPHARD married 03-Mar 1753 (PR)

    Joseph BENNETT & Sarah BENNETT married 19-Apr (PR)

    Thos AISH & Mary WILLSON married 26-Apr (PR)

    Henry HUNT & Ann WHITLE married 19-Aug (PR)

      [ Note:- Henry HUNT (1725-1761) a taylor by trade was the son of Henry HUNT (1675-1744) and Elizabeth TEWXBERY of St Peters in Dorchester. On 26th Oct 1754 he took on an apprentice James Old. Henry Junior was buried at FStG 4th June 1761 and his widow Ann 8th Feb 1763 but I have not located any wills or administrations. Children:-

      (1) Henry HUNT (1754-1755) Bap HT 18th Apr 1754 and buried at FStG on 7th Dec 1755
      (2) Robert HUNT (1755- ) Bap HT 3rd June 1755. he was taken on as an apprentice on 27th Mar 1771 by his uncle Gabriel HUNT to learn the trade of a tailor.
      (3) Elizabeth HUNT (1757-1760) bap HT 8th Aug 1757 and buried at FStG 13th Mar 1760
      (4) Henry HUNT (1761-1764) bap HT 1st Sep 1761 buried at FStG 7th Mar 1764.

    Isack BENNETT [BONNETT] & Mary WHITE : married 17-Sep (PR)

    Robert BARTLETT & Judah LOVELASS married 04-Nov (PR) [BT's have LOVELESS ]

    Jonathan COMER & Sarah ANTONY married 28-Jan 1754 (PR) [BT's have ANTHONY ]

      [Marriages begin in Vol II and are also entered still in Vol 1]

    Roger GRANT of Owermoyne & Ann TERRELL married 14-Jul 1754 (PR)

    John JENKENS & Ann KEATS married 14-Jul (PR)

    Edward HOARE & Mary CHEESMAN married 11-Nov (PR) [BT's have CHISEMAN ]

    William GUNDERY [GUNDRY] of HolyTrinity Dorchester & Doritey[Dorothy] DOWL married 25-May 1755 (PR) [BT's have William GUNDRY and Dorothy DOWL ]

      [Note:- William GUNDRY (1721-1793) was bap at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 23rd Jan 1721 the eldest child from the marriage of William GUNDRY Senior (1695/6-1760) to Rebecca CHANNING (d.1768). He was appointed a Capital Burgess of Dorchester on 22nd March 1776 and an Alderman on 30 Sep 1782. He was buried at HT Church in Dorchester on 13th Oct 1793
      (1) Thomas Gundry buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 9th Jan 1775 [i.e. 4 months prior to their marriage?]
      (2) Mary Gundry Bap All Saints Church Dorchester 26th Apr 1756
      (3) Elizabeth Gundry Bap All Saints 12th Jan 1758
      (4) Sarah Gundry Bap All Saints 4th Sep 1763
      (5) Thomas Gundry bap All Saints 6th Aug 1769
      [End of overlapping CLDS Film 1279496 Images 4205262_02187 & _02188 ]

    Robert KENNAWAY of Bridgewater & Martha DAVIS married 06-Oct by licence

    John MATTOCK & Betty WHITE married 03-Nov (PR) [ CLDS Film 1279497 Image 4205261_00005]

    Joseph SEAL of Holy Trinity Dorchester & Grace VINCENT married 05-Jan 1756 (PR) [ Start of CLDS Image 00006]

    John POND & Eleanor PRESLY married 01-Feb (PR)

    William BANKS of All Saints Dorchester & Mary TRIPP married 29-Feb (PR) [BT's incorrectly have Mary TUPP ]

      [ End of CLDS Image 00006 & Start of Image 00007]

    Thomas TERREL & Ann JENKINS married 04-May by licence (PR) [BT's have Thomas TERRILL ]

    Bernard GALE & Elizabeth MASTERS married 15-Jul (PR)

    John VINCENT & Joanna KING married 15-Aug (PR)

    William ADDAMS & Elizabeth BISHOP married 20-Sep (PR)

    Joshua DOWLE & Mary BEDLOW married 19-Oct by licence (PR) [BT's have DOWL and BEDLOE ]

    Thomas NORMAN & Elizabeth CHANNING married 07-Nov (PR)

    Sebastian PITFIELD & Mary WOODSFORD married 30-Nov (PR)

      [Note:- Sebastian PITFIELD (1726-1794) was the 3rd child of Charles PITFIELD (1666-1743) Churchwarden of Fordington . Sebastian was listed as a Yeoman of Fordington fit and able to serve in the Militia in 1758. He was buried at St Georges Church on 5th Dec 1794 followed by Mary PITFIELD (1734-1821) AGED 87 on 17th May 1821. They had 3 children baptised at St Georges Church (1) Emme or Amey bap 15th Sep 1757 buried 28th Oct 1761 (2) Sebastian bap 27th May 1760 and buried 3rd Nov 1761 (3) Amye bap 26th Jan 1763 she married John [Summers] Jacob of Dorchester a saddler by trade at St Georges Church on 15th July 1781. Amy was Administrix of her mothers estrate who died intestate, a letter of Administration his held at Wiltshire Archives sworn 7th Aug 1821 ]

    Richard WHITE of Broadway & Mary CHANNING married 10-Jan 1757 (PR does not give his home parish this comes from BT's) [ Start of CLDS Image 00008]

    Thomas BISHOP & Frances NOTTON married 13-Jan

    James WELLSPRING of Stinsford & Elizabeth LESTER married 03-Feb (PR does not give his home parish this comes from BT's)

      Note:- James WELLSPRING [1732/3-1813] was baptised less then 2 miles away at Stinsford on 4th March 1732/3, one of 4 children of James WELLSPRING and Jane MASTERS who had married in Stinsford on 26th Dec 1724. He had a sister Catherine (bap 1727) who married John LOVELL at Stinsford in 1744; and a brother John (bap 1738) married at St Peters Church on 5th Apr 1772 to Mary SLADE (see their marriage for children) His parents both died at Stinsford, his father James in 1739 and Jane in 1747. The 2 surviving brothers then moved to Fordington to live working as labourers. James bride Elizabeth LESTER [1736-1782] was the daughter of Enoch and Rachel LESTER and had been baptised at Fordington on 18th Jan 1736/7. After their marriage James & Elizabeth raised a family of 12 children at Fordington viz:- (1). Elizabeth [b 1758] bap 15 May 1758, who married Richard Woolfrys in Fordington on 14 Jun 1785; (2). James WELLSPRING (1760-1845) bap 27 May 1760 who married Catherine Lovell 19 Feb 1783 (see their marriage for their family) He was buried Fordington 27 Jan 1845 aged 84; (3). Jane [1762-1764] bap 2nd July 1762; thought to have died 8 Jan 1764 but recorded under the surname Wellstrome; (4). John [1764-1781] bap F 26 Aug 1764, (5). William WELLSPRING (1766-1813) bap 20 July 1766 he married Mary VINCENT at Fordington on 11 Feb 1795 (see their marriage for their family) He was buried Fordington 21 June 1813 aged 47; (6). Jane [b 1768] bap 21 Aug 1768 no trace ; (7) Sarah [1770-c1771] bap 25 Nov 1770, no trace but must have died before age of 2; (8) Sarah [1772-1772] bap 3rd Nov 1772, buried 6 Dec 1772; (9). Mary [1775-?] bap 2nd Apr 1775 no trace (10). Ann [b 1777] bap 19 Jan 1777, no trace; (11). Catherine [1780-1831] bap 16 April 1780, remained a spinster buried 11 Dec 1831 aged 51; (12). Rachel [1781-1783] bap 5 Dec 1781 buried 6 July 1783. There were no more children after Rachel as Elizabeth, 'the wife of James Wellspring' was buried at St Georges church on 27th December 1782. James now a widower lived for another 31 years being buried at Fordington on 7th day of June 1813 when his age was given as 85.

    Philip WINZER* & Elizabeth LESTER married 31-Mar (PR) [Note:- *This surname is also often spelt differently most common are:-WINSAR, WINSER, WINSOR, WINZAR, WINZER, WINZOR, WINDSAR, WINDZAR, WINDSER, WINDSOR etc]

      Note:- Philip WINZER Senior (-bur 1769) (Note:- Likely to be son of Thomas WINZAR bap FStG 21 July 1732 - still to be investigated.) They had the seven children listed below baptised at Fordington before he was buried at Fordington on 19th Feb 1769 hence there were no more children from this marriage

      (1) Philip WINZOR (1758-1758) bap 28 Apr 1758 at St Georges Church in Fordington, and was buried there on 16th June 1758 described as 'Phillip son of Phillip WINZER & Elizabeth'

      (2) Mary Lester WINZOR (1760-1764) bap FStG 1st Jan 1760, and buried there 7th May 1764;

      (3) Thomas WINZOR (1761-1848) bap FStG 1st Jan 1761, As a young man he appears to have moved to live at Melcombe Regis and from there married to Ann DINE in the parish of Winterborne Came Dorset on 10th Apr 1785. There is a lot of confusion surrounding this marriage so only refer to original images. The marriage is on image 112 of 116 indexed as Thos Winzar No. 19 in Winterborne Came's marriage register. Banns of marriage were also read at his parish of Melcombe Regis on the 3 Sundays 13th;20th and 27th 1785, but were recorded as being between Thomas WINZAR and an Elizabeth DINE , ancestry have incorrectly indexed her name as Elizabeth Zine. (See image 410 of 759 in the Melcombe Regis Banns Register. Other transcriptions refer to he as Ann Leg married on 29th April 1785 but this does not relate to any actual record that I can find. Thomas WINZAR is in the June 1841 Census living at Melcombe Regis aged 80. Thomas was buried at Mwlcombe Regis on 25th Feb 1848 aged 87 years.

      (4) Philip WINZER Junior (1763-1834) bap FStG 8th Feb 1763, who later married Mary PURCHASE at Holy Trinity on 28th June 1784 Follow link for more information about their family; Philip WINZER was buried at St Georges Church in Fordington on 7th Oct 1834 described as 'Philip WINZOR from Holy Trinity in Dorchester aged 72 years'.

      (5) Edward WINZOR (1765 ) bap FStG 9th Jan 1765,

      (6) Joseph WINZOR (1767- ) bap FStG 1st Feb 1767,

      (7) George WINZER (1769- ) bap FStG 12 Jan 1769 who married Jane PHIPPARD at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 13th Sep 1790.

    John HAYSOME of Winterburn Kingstone & Jane BISHOP of the parish of Stickland married 05-Jul by licence (PR) [Start of CLDS Image 00009]

    John ANDRA & Susanna JANES married 13-Aug (PR)

    Benjamin FEACEY & Mary BISHOP married 13-Sep (PR) [End of CLDS Image 00009]

    Charles LEG & Susanna SEAGER married 25-Sep (PR inserted between the lines easy to miss) [Not in BT's]

    John SERGANT & Patience KINNISTON married 13-Mar 1758 (PR) [Not in BT's: NBI has surname KIMISTON]

    John STEVENS & Martha WINZAR* married 19-Apr by licence (PR) [CLDS Image 00011] [Note:- *This surname is also often spelt differently most common are:-WINSAR, WINSER, WINSOR, WINZAR, WINZER, WINZOR, WINDSAR, WINDZAR, WINDSER, WINDSOR etc]

    John PAINTER of All Saints Dorchester & Mary ADDAMS married 03-May (PR) [CLDS Image 00011]

    Benjamin ROLLS & Ann BEDLOE married 14-May by licence (PR inserted between the lines) [Not in BT's]

    Thomas TERRILL & Susanna FOSTER married 23-Aug by licence (PR) [CLDS Image 00011]

    Stephen POPE & Mary ROSE married 14-Sep by licence (PR) [Note:- Not in BT's]

    William LOCUST & Mary LOCUST married 11-Dec (PR) [CLDS Image 00012]

    Thomas WHITE & Mary SEAGER married 28-Dec 1758 (PR) [CLDS Image 00013]

    James SPINNEY of [illegible] & Susanna BEASON? of this parish married 23-Jan 1759 by licence (PR) [CLDS Image 00013]

    Jonathan FUDGE & Mary LOCK married 16-Apr 1759 (PR) [CLDS Image 00013]

      [Note:- Jonathan FUDGE (1735/6 -1812) was the 3rd child from the marriage of William FUDG [FUDGE] to Marey [Mary] HALL who married at FStG on 07-May 1724. Jonathan, was an agricultural labourer and his name appears on the listing of persons fit to serve in the Militia for the Parish of Fordington in the year 1758. He was buried at FStG on 27th Sep 1812 and this left his widow on poor relief. There are many entries showing support for her in her old age including paying her house rent, items of clothing or relief for her children and in her infirmity 2shillings for her to be looked after. Mary nee LOCK (1742-1815) died at the age of 73 being buried at St Georges Church in Fordington on 9th Feb 1815. The Overseers of the Poor Accounts for Fordington for 3rd Feb 1815 (image 857 of 1029 on record that they paid £1.6s.0d for her Coffin, a shroud and funeral expenses. The Children from this marriage:-

      (1) Jonathan Fudge (1761- 1836) bap FStG 28th Oct 1761; He married Sarah Lock (1760-1825) at FStG on 25-Dec-1787. He was buried at FStG on 27 Apr 1836 when his age was given at 80 Years which seems to have been an approximation as he was actually 75.
      (2) William Fudge (1763- 1797) bap FStG 30th Oct 1763; He married Elizabeth Notley in her parish of Winterborne Monkton in Doirset on 23 May 1784. He was buried at FStG 22nd Jan 1797.
      (3) Mary Fudge (1766-1766) bap FStG 11 Mar 1766 and buried there 27 Apr 1766
      (4) John Fudge (1767 - ) bap FStG 05 Apr 1767; he married Mary Harris at her parish church in West Knighton on 15th January 1795 but they returned to live at Fordington. Follow link for more info.
      (5) Edward Fudge (1770-1775) bap FStG 4 Feb 1770 and buried there 19 Feb 1775
      (6) Richard Fudge (1773-1828) bap FStG 17 Apr 1775 ; Richard was buried at FStG 20th Mar 1828 when his age was given as being 55.
      (7) Edward Fudge (1773- 1835) bap FStG 17 Apr 1775 and was buried at FStG 22nd June 1835 when his age was given as being 62.
      (8) Mary Fudge (1777- ) bap 17 Jan 1777
      (9) Rebecca Fudge (1779-1781) bap FStG 16 May 1779 and buried there 08 July 1781
      (10) Sarah Fudge (1781- ) bap FStG 5 Jun 1781; She married Thomas Clark of the Dorset Militia residing in Lewes Barracks in Sussex at FStG 12-Nov-1804.
      (11) James Fudge (1783-1787) bap FStG 02 Nov 1783 and buried there 08 July 1787
      (12) Jane Fudge (1786-1787) bap FStG 30 July 1786 and buried there 24 July 1787
      (13) James Fudge (1788 - aft 1820) bap FStG 14 Sep 1788; James married Mary Hine at FStG on 19-Apr-1808.
      April 29th Mr Christopher TWYNIHOE was inducted (instituted) Vicar of Forthington [i.e. Fordington] in ye house of Mr. Jno [John] JACOB Late Departed. (PR)

    Edward LESTER & Elizabeth PITFIELD of All Saints Dorchester married 05-Jul (PR) [CLDS Image 00014] [Note:- Elizabeth was the daughter of William PITFIELD by Ann Upsel who married at All Saints Church Dorchester 2nd Feb 1725/6. Elizabeth was bap at St Georges Church Fordington 16th Jun 1729. Children of this marriage :- (1) Edward bap 11th Sep 1760 and buried at F on 25th Feb 1767 (2) Elizabeth bap F 12th Mar 1762 (3) Thomas bap 1st Sep 1769 ]

    Thomas LUCAS & Susana BISHOP married 10-Sep (PR) [CLDS Image 00014]

    Hugo HODDER of Broadwinsor & Susanna DOVER married 16-May 1760 by licence [Not in PR's or BT's]

    Joseph BISHOP & Elizabeth ADDAMS married 13-Oct (PR) [Start of CLDS Image 00016]

      [Note:- Elizabeth BISHOP nee ADAMS (1739-1813) described as the wife of Joseph BISHOP was buried at FStG on 10th Nov 1813 when her age was given as being 74. Joseph BISHOP (1730-1814) was buried at FStG on 18th June 1814 when his age was given as being 84. The Overseers of the Poor Accounts for Fordington (image 848 of 1029 on record that they paid 15s. for his Coffin; 2s. for beer for the funeral; 2s.2d for the church bells to be rung and his grave to be dug. 8s 10d for a shroud and pall-bearers]
      Children from this marriage:-

      (1) William Bishop (1761-1761) described as the son of Joseph & Elizabeth Bishop (privately baptised sic) buried April 9th 1761
      (2) Hannah Bishop (1762-1843) bap FStG 17th Apr 1762; Hannah married at Stinsford near Fordington on 23rd Feb 1783 to John CHAMBERLANE and they returned to his parish living at Brockhampton where Hannah was buried on 1st Feb 1843 aged 82
      (3) William Bishop (1764-1764) bap FStG 8th Jan 1764 and buried FStG 16th Feb 1764
      (4) Elizabeth Bishop (1765-1820)bap FStrG 23 June 1765; Elizabeth married George LEGG at FstG on 12th Dec 1785 and died at the age of 57 being buried at Puddletown Dorset 26th July 1820
      (5) Joseph Bishop (1768-1769) bap 3rd July 1768 and buried FStG 11th Apr 1769
      (6) Susanna Bishop (1772-1781) bap FStG 3rd May 1772 and buried FStG 10th July 1781
      (7) Ann Bishop (1774- 1781) bap FstG 21st Aug 1774 and buried FStG 5th Aug 1781
      (8) Joseph Bishop (1777- ) bap FStG 27th July 1777; Joseph married Sarah WINZAR at FStG on 17th Aug 1798
      . follow link for more info.

    John DODSON of Hilton & Jane TAYLOR married 30-Jan 1761 (PR)

    James BIRT & Ann MANVEL married 01-Feb (PR)

    Melchisedeck HIND & Elizabeth VINCENT of Staford married 02-Feb by licence (PR)

    Joseph BUSSELL of Bridport & Jone HARRIS married 02-Feb (PR) [End of CLDS Image 00016 & start of Image 00017]

    Samuel CHAFFY [CHAFFEY] & Elizabeth GUY married 03-Feb (PR) [BT's have James CHAFEY ]

      [Note:- Samuel CHAFFEY was buried at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 1st Feb 1767 more or less leaving his family destitute so they were supported by the Overseers of the Poor for St Georges Church . Known children from this marriage:-
      (1) Sally CHAFFEY bap FStG 12th Jan 1762 (2) George CHAFFEY bap FStG 5th Aug 1764. On 13th Nov 1772 George Chaffey aged 10 was apprenticed to William LESTER a shoemaker in St Peters Parish in Dorchester until he reached the age of 24.

    Robert. HODDER & Mary PHIPPARD married 17-Mar by licence (PR)

    Robt. OBORN & Mary ALLEN married 23-Mar (Pr could not locate?)

    James HARRIS & Holloway BENNETT married 14-Jul by licence (PR) [End of CLDS Image 00017 & start of Image 00025]

      [Note:- James HARRIS a Yeoman from Fordington was buried at All Saints Church Dorchester on 16th Dec 1787. He left a Will dated 8th Dec 1787 His widow Holloway HARRIS nee BENNETT was buried at All Sts 1st Apr 1804.Children:-

      (1) John Harris (1761 - aft.1787) bap FStG 28th Dec 1761 - Beneficiary under fathers will in 1787
      (2) James Harris (1763-) bap FStG 26 Jan 1763 ; Beneficiary under fathers will in 1787 left £50; Married at Dewlish 1791 described as from Fordington to Frances FRAMPTON;
      (3) Daniel Harris (1764 - aft.1787) bap FStG 18 Mar 1764 - Beneficiary under fathers will in 1787
      (4) Joseph Harris (1766-1768? ) bap FStG 23 Mar 1766 , assumed died as son renamed Joseph in 1768 and again 1770?
      (5) Benjamin Harris (1766 - aft.1787) bap FstG 23 Mar 1766 - Beneficiary under fathers will in 1787
      (6) Joseph Harris (1768 - ?) bap? FStG 16 Oct 1768 ,Checked and definately recorded as a baptism on a composite return, but think this must be a burial as another child Joseph 5th Apr 1772?
      (7) William Harris (1770 - aft.1787) bap FStG 14 Jan 1770 - Beneficiary under fathers will in 1787
      (8) Joseph Harris (1772 - aft.1787) bapt FStG 5 Apr 1772- Beneficiary under fathers will in 1787
      (9) Mary Harris (1777 - aft.1787) bap 4 May 1777- Beneficiary under fathers will in 1787
      (10) Isaac Harris (1781 - aft.1787) bap FstG 11 Nov 1781 - Beneficiary under fathers will in 1787

    John CAINES & Sarah LESTER married 05-Oct (PR appears to have been crossed out?)



    Thos. BEDLOW & Elizabeth STILE [STYLE] married 15-Feb 1762 by licence

    Caleb CLOTHYER [CLOTHIER] & Ann BISHOP both of Bishop's Candle married 15-May {File Note:- Children :- (1) Caleb Clothier bap FStG 13 May 1763 (2) James Clotheir bap FStG 29th Sep 1765 and buried there 10th Nov 1773]

    Richard DREW of Culhampton Co Devon & Mary ROWLS of Puddletown married 25-Jun

    Joseph WALKER of Beckhampton Co Bucks & Anne PHIPPARD married 25-Jul

    Ambrose HUNT & Sarah NORRIS married 15-Aug
      [Note:- Ambrose HUNT (1742-1789) Ambrose was the son of Ambrose Hunt by his wife Mary Sparks who had married at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 28th July 1729. He was baptised at FStG on 16th March 1742/3. Sarah his wife died and was buried at Fordington at St Georges church on 22nd Oct 1788. Ambrose died the following year being buried with her on 21st Apr 1789. Children:- (1) Ambrose Hunt bap StG Fordington 8th May 1763. He married Jane KEATS at St Peters Church in Dorchester (2) Edward Hunt bap FStG 10th May 1767 (3) Mary Hunt bap FStG 20th Oct 1771]

    William SEALL & Elizabeth LOCK married 05-Jan 1763 by licence

    John BRIMROSE of Halbridge Co Lincoln & Mary GILLINGHAM married 13-Feb by licence

    William GALPEN [GALPIN] & Sarah MASTERS married 25-Apr

      [Note:- William GALPIN (1740-1818) a Cooper by trade was buried at St George's Church Fordington on 1st Nov 1818 and left a will dated 11 Jun 1818 in which he names most of his children and even some grandchildren. (See Wills index - proved 13th July 1819). His wife Sarah nee MASTERS (1739-1816) pre deceased him being buried at Fordington on 11th April 1816 aged 77 years. Children from this marriage:- (1) Ann (1764-1764) bap Fordington 8th March 1764 & buried there 27th Mar 1764 (2) Elizabeth bap 20 July 1766 St Peters Dorchester she married (Surname MORGAN) and 2 children Mary & Wm (3) Ann (1768-1769) bap St Peters 7th Feb 1768 and buried at Fordington 12th Jan 1769 (4) Sarah bap St Peters 10th Feb 1770, she married by licence to John TULLIDGE at All Saints Church on 12th June 1800 (5) Joseph (1772-1792) bap St Peters 28 Feb 1772 and buried at St Georges church Fordington on 8th April 1792 (6) William GALPIN(1774-1837) bap 10th July 1774 he married Charlotte CLARE at All Saints church Dorchester 3rd Oct 1799. (7) John (1775-1808) bap St Peters 17th Dec 1775, he married Elizabeth POUNCY at All Saints on 7th Aug 1800 and had 3 children (8) Ann (1777-1811) bap All Saints Church Dorchester 11th May 1777, she married James MASTERS at All Saints on 7th March 1799 produced 3 children but died and was buried at Fordington on 7th Feb 1811. (9) James (1779-1806) bap All Saints 29 Aug 1779, married and had a son James, James senior buried a Fordington 2nd Mar 1806 (10) Richard bap All Saints 8th Apr 1781 (11) George Jacob bap All Saints 3rd Aug 1783. He married at All Saints on 11th dec 1805 to Jane BARRETT and had 3 children]

    Isaac HUTCHINGS & Honour CRESS married 12-Sep

    James LYDE of Possom & Susanna PARKER married 17-Oct

    Robert BRIDLE & Betty CONWAY married 15-Dec

    George HEPWORTH of Pontefract Co York & Elizth. WINZOR* married 31-Dec [Note:- *This surname is also often spelt differently most common are:-WINSAR, WINSER, WINSOR, WINZAR, WINZER, WINZOR, WINDSAR, WINDZAR, WINDSER, WINDSOR etc]

    Robert KING of Cookham Dean Berks & Mary DAVIS married 15-Feb 1764

      [End of CLDS Image 00025 & start of Image 00033]

    James STAYNER & Susannah LEG married 18-Sep 1764

    Thos CURTIS of St Andrews Holborn & Hannah PAINTER married 15-Oct by licence

    William NORRIS & Mary MUNDEN married 12-Nov

      [Note:- I can trace no children from this marriage so this is probably the 3rd marriage of William NORRIS (d.1799) . Link to his 2nd marriage to Mary NORRIS nee VOSS (d.1760) at FStG on 27th March 1744 for more information. Mary NORRIS nee MUNDEN (d.1781) died intestate and was buried at FStG on 10th March 1781 and William NORRIS described as a husbandman of Fothington obtained a letter of administration for her estate on 3rd March 1783. William was buried at FStG on 31st March 1799.

    Thomas SEALL & Anne PARKER married 08-Jan 1765

    George ADDEMS & Mary MANVELL married 14-Mar [BT's have ADDAM s and MANUEL ]

    Phillip COMBES of Holy Trinity Dorchester & Elizth. NELSON married 17-Apr by licence

    Edward FOSTER of Tolpuddle & Betty BASCOMBE married 01-Sep by licence

    Robert WILSON of S Peter's Dorchester & Hannah SYMS [SIMS) married 11-Oct by licence

    William PRESLY of Holy Trinity Dorchester & Elizabeth SERJEANNT [Sergeant] married 20-Oct

    Robert Fook CHINES of All Saints' Dorchester & Elizabeth BEDLOE of this parish married 23-Feb 1766 by licence

    Richard OXFORD of Holy Trinity Dorchester & Mary WRIGHT of this parish married 08-Apr by licence

    Samuel WINZOR & Catherine SWIER married 16-Sep [BT's have SWYER as her surname]

      [Note:- Samuel WINZOR (1747/8- ) was the 4th child from the marriage of William WINZAR to Martha VOS at FStG on 3rd Feb 1740/1]

      (1) Sarah WINZOR (1774-1846) bap FStG 28th July 1774 ; She married Joseph BISHOP at FStG on 17th Aug 1798
      (2) John WINZOR bap 9th Nov 1777

      [End of CLDS Image 00033]

    Fordington Page      OPC Page     Marriages  Part 2   1766-1812