
Index of Wills and Letters of Administration (1701 - 1800)

© Transcribed by Michael Russell OPC for Dorchester August 2009
(Last updated Sep 2024)

Attribution - Picture by Freepic

[644 Records ]

Note: Prefix BPC = Index to Dorset Wills and Administrations in the Probate Registry at Blandford, Dorset: -- Prefix DHC Copy held at the Dorset History Center Dorchester most of these are now (Oct 2012) available to members of -- Prefix P = Wiltshire & Swindon Archives and are increasingly available on line follow link-- Prefix PCC= Prerogative Court of Canterbury and Prefix PROB = Wills available on line at the National Archives -- Prefix SPC = Calendar of Dorset Wills and Administrations in the Salisbury Probate Court:

Note: The dates given are likely to be the date of probate or when administration was issued rather than date of death. As such deaths are likely to be in that year or the year before, but can be many years earlier. I have also carried out a quick check against surviving Parish Burial Registers for a couple of years before the year given below and commented accordingly. Many of these Wills & Administrations have been indexed separately by Dorset and Wiltshire Record Offices so they will show the SPC as well as P reference numbers. These indexes are not identical. Wiltshire for example tends to include the persons trade.

Note: Some Wills are listed here for years where no parish register has survived and may be an indicator that they died recently in the Parish. The Wills themselves or comments made on the bottom or reverse of the will may reveal more detail about actual date and place of death and of course hopefully family relationships. Where wills are available on line I have tried to scan them and list beneficiaries and other important facts mentioned in the wills. This is not possible where the wills are at the National or Wiltshire Archives as they have to be purchased individually. The fact that someone was from Dorchester does not necessarily mean that they died there & may account for there being no entry in Dorchester's Parish Registers.

NOTE: If you have a copy of any of these wills (which are often difficult to read) I am willing to transcribe it properly for you in exchange for permission to display the transcription on this site. Please make contact by email at-- Mikeatstrayleaves[insert the @ symbol here] -- please state "OPC Dorchester/Fordington" in the subject line.

NAME DATE Ref Comments
Will of Roger BARNES, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset Dated 18 Mar 1701 DHC Ad/Dt/W/1712 Event Record 16 Reference to his father in law Richard Swayne , Nicholas Romayne of Lyndlinch and his wife (unnamed) but also refers to her looking after his children. Probate does not appear to have been granted until 13 Mar 1712. Roger Barnes was buried at St Peters church Dorchester on 21st March 1701/2. Witnesses signed to authenticate that it was his will at court hearing at Dorchester in April 1723. May have had 4 children bap St peters prior to his death (1) Ann 27th bap Apr 1693 (20 Roger bap 1st Aug 1694 (3) Margaret bap 15th June 1696 (4) Simon bap 1st Feb 1698/9
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Elizabeth WILLIAMS of Dorchester [Dorset] 29 Mar 1701 OPC PCC Admons Folio 41 Grantee Matthew WILLIAMS Brother
Will of Thomas HERNE, Chirurgeon of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried St Peters 31 Jan 1700] Dated 18th Jan 1700

Proved 03 June 1701
PROB 11/460 The last Will and Testament of me Thomas HERNE of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Chirurgeon as followeth Vitz first I give to my wife Sarah HERNE for her life my chief rent issuing due and payable out of certain lands in the parish of Netherbury in that said County and after her decease I give and devise the said chief rents unto my brother Mr John HERNE his heirs and assigns forever Item I give and devise after the death of my said wife all that my messuage burgage and tenement with the appurtenances in dorchester aforesaid wherein I now live unto my brother the said Mr John HERNE and the heirs of his body lawfully begotton and for default of such issue I give and devise my said messuage burgage and tenement with the appurtenances unto my sisters Elizabeth Herne and Anne Herne and the heirs of thier bodies lawfully begotton And for default of such issue to my brother Gilbert Herne and the heirs of his body lawfully begotton and to be begotton And for default of such issue I give devise the same unto my Nephew Mr Robert COLSON his heirs and assigns forever And wheras I have power by certain articles of agreement in case my said wife shall happen to survive me to dispose of one hundred pounds part of four hundred pounds due on a Bond entered into by Mr William ROSE deceased and Mr Thomas ROSE his brother to me I give the said hundred pounds to be distributed after my said wifes death as followeth to Edward LESTER son of my Cousen George LESTER the sum of £25 To my cousin Robert RUSKER the sum of £10 and to his sister Mary KINGSTON the interest of the sum of £25 to be paid into her hands yearly from my wifes death for her life. And in case she the said Mary KINGSTON shall have any child or children I give the said £25 for the benefit of such child or childrenand in case she shal die without issue I give the same unto the said Robert RUSKER I give to my cousin Mary Ironside the sum of £10 and the sum of £30 to complete the said £100 I give to my said sisters Elizabeth and Anne HERNE; Item I give to my said wife all my broad gold in house and all my plate except two of my last bought silver spoons one whereof I give to my goddaughter the daughter of Daniel GLISSON and the other I give to my goddaughter the daughter of William TURNER Item I give to my said wife All my houshold goods implements of household and shopgoods And if after my debts paid there shall remain out of the monies due to me on bond book or otherwise a surplus to my said wife and the remainder of such surplus I give to my mother Mrs Margaret Herne Widow if she shall live till all my debts shall be paid but if she shall die before I give the said surpluses to my said sisters Elizabeth and Anne And I do desire to give to Mrs Mary NELSON one half broad piece of gold And I do hereby devise my said cousin Mr George LESTER and Mr Philip BYLES of Dorchester aforesaid to see this my will performed to each of whom I give a ring in witness whereof I Have hereunto set my hand and seal this 18th day of Jan 1700
Will of Thomas ROSE, Doctor in Physic of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried Holy Trinity 13 Apr 1700 [Note:- See link to Dr Thomas ROSE MD (1650/1-1700) for more comments about this family] Dated 4th Apr 1700
Proved 20 October 1701
PROB 11/462 Will refers to sister in law Dorothy TURNER widow; Churchill Rose; Mary ROSE and Elizabeth ROSE my 3 youngest children also refers to an elest son all under 21 years of age; Brother Richard ROSE Esq; Cousin Richard BRODREPP of Mapperton; leaves house in which he dwells in Dorchester to son George ROSE: Witnesses Christopher PITT; Thomas HERNE and Phil BYLES
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Mary GAYLARD of Dorchester [Dorset] 09 May 1702 OPC PCC Admons Folio 91 Grantee Robert GAYLARD Husband
Will of Mary WILLIAMS, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 16 May 1702 PROB 11/464  
Will of Priscilla JONES, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 19 October 1702 PROB 11/466  
Will of William CHURCHILL of Muston in the Parish of Piddlehinton
Also of Dorchester
{Note:-Buried at Piddlehinton on 3rd Aug 1702]
Dated 28th July 1699
Proved 20 Nov 1702
Dorset Archdeaconry
Event Entry 25
See Transcription of the Will of William CHURCHILL (1627-1702) for more information about his family
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of John COTTERELL od Dorchester [Dorset] 12 Jan 1702/3 OPC PCC Admons Folio 11 Grantee Ann COTTERELL. relict

Will of [Edvardi] Edward DAMAR, Clerk of Dorchester, Dorset

[Note:- Camb Alumni:- Educated Christs college Cambridge sizar (age 18) at CHRIST'S, July 1, 1650. S. of John (Damony or Damer). B. at Godmanstone, Dorset. School, Bridport (Mr Hallet).
Matric. 1650; B.A. 1653. R. of Wyke Regis, Dorset, 1658-62. Chaplain to Jersey Garrison; ejected, 1660. Afterwards at Dorchester, preaching occasionally. Steward to Denzil, Lord Holles. (Peile, I. 538; Hutchins, Dorset, II. 856, and IV. 387.) ]

[Note:- Link to more information about the life of Rev. Edward DAMER (1632-1703) ]


Will Dated 1st May 1701

Probate 08 May 1703

PROB 11/471


Probate: of this written testament was granted at London --- 8th day in the month of May 1703 granted to Thomas PITMAN executor named in the testament of deceased

Note:- Side line entry written in Latin dated 8th day of Sep 1722

Will: Being in the 71st [year] of my age: - - - -As to the house I now dwell in I hereby give and bequeath the same unto my Cousin John TREVILLIAN, my son-in-law Thomas PITTMAN and Joseph DAMER the son of my brother George DAMER jointly in trust for the use and behoof of Edward DAMER my Grandson when he shall attain the age of twenty one years or is married by the consent of the said trustees for his life and the issue male of his body lawfully to be begotten ;

AND failing such issue I give and bequeath my said house to my said trustees and the survivor of them to the use and behoof of my grandson Edward PITTMAN in like sort and to the heirs male of his body lawfully to be begotten

AND failing such issue I give and bequeath my said house to mysaid trustees to the use of my grandchild Joseph the son of my son Joseph DAMER deceased and to the issue male of his body lawfully begotten

AND failing such issue then to the use and behoofe of my right heirs forever

Item: I give unto my sister Mary YEAT 20 shillings per annum to be oaid to her during her life

Item: To my cousin Samuel DAMER and my Cousin Robert COLMER to each of them £5

Item: To my sister-in-law Joan JEFFERYES £4 to be paid within 1 yearafter my decease

I give to be disposed of at the discretion of executors in trust to and amongst the poor of the parish I now live in £3 and to and amongst the poor of the parish of Godmanstone and of Wyke Regis to each parish 40 shillings

To each of my brothers and sisters to my cousin Trevillian and his sister Seely and to my daughter PITTMAN and to each of my daughters-in-law and to each of the children of my brother George DAMER to each of these last mentioned relations a broad Jacobus peice of gold

To grandchild Ann DAMER £20: To my grandchild Elizabeth DAMER £50 and to my grandson Joseph DAMER £100 at age 21 ---etc

To daughter PITTMAN £50 [Note:- Rebecca DAMER wife of Thomas PITMAN]

To son John DAMER on condition that he makes payment of £200 to my executors in trust within the space of 2 years after my decease and doth release them of all claims and demands that he might make by reason of any articles or agreements entered into between his father-in-law ANSTICE [or AUSTICE?] and myself I do Then hereby discharge to him and his executors all monies that I have lent to him and paid for him at anytime since Michinass 1693.

I give to him my household goods bedding and woollen, pewter, and brass, plate, and spoons Also the debt of £100 due to me on the mortgage on Mr Gilbert's Lands in Wyke Regis , he and his father ANSTICE? performing the condition aforesaid to my executors but on his refusal or failure in performance of the said condition then its my will that all the said debts I have paid to his creditors and the money I have at anytime lent to him since Michinass 1693 and what monies I have laid out for him in buying a tenement in Loders and for his and families since Michinass 1965 be all repaid to my said executors

Lastly I give unto my servant dwelling with me at my decease 20 shillings

As to all the rest and residue of my estate not hereby given and bequeathed I give and bequeath the same to these executors in Trust: Vitz My son-in-law Thomas PITTMAN, my brother Georges DAMER, my cousin John TREVILLIAN and to my good friends Thomas GREEN and Luke MEECH his brother and to the survivor of them and to the executors of the survivors of themonly in trust for the use and benefit of my grandchildren Edis? DAMER; Thomas PITTMAN; Edward PITTMAN; to be equally divided amongst them when they attain the age of 21 years And its my will that my said executors in trust do agree amongst themselves to buy an estate or dispose of moneys to the benefit of my said grandchildren last named And that each of my said executors do account for no more than what they can legally receive and recover And I hereby give to my said executors to each of them £10 and a mourning ring Also a mouring ring to my good friend Mr Simon ORCHARD -And I hereby make void all former wills and do ordain this to be my last will written by my own hand writing Witness my hand and seal May the first 1701

Signed etc in presence of Baruch NOWELL; William TUCKER and Thomas CHANNING

Will of Sarah DRYE, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried All Saints Church Dorchester 30th Sep 1702] Dated 21 Jan 1701/2
Proved 24 May 1703
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1703 event record 16

In the name of God Amen. The twenty first day of January in the year of Our Lord God 1701/2, I Sarah DRYE Widow of Dorchester in the County of Dorset being of perfect Memory and understanding (praised be to God) do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament That is to say

Impremis: I give and recommend my soul into the hands of God that gave it, and for my Body I commend it to the Earth, to be buried in a Christian like manner, at the discretion of my Executors hereinafter named hoping at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God. And as touching such worldly goods wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life I give devise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form--

Item: I give unto my son-in-law John COUSINS two pounds of good and lawful monies &

Item: I give unto Sarah HOLLAND my daughter forty shillings

Item: I give unto William COUSINS; Elizabeth COUSINS; Robert COUSINS; Mary COUSINS and John COUSINS his sons and daughters each twenty shillings

Item: I give unto my daughter-in-law Sarah DRYE of Fordington forty shillings

Item: I give unto my grandson Robert DRYE two silver spoons and one silver baker [beaker]

And whereas I am possessed of and interest in one messuage or tenement in Dorchester aforesaid now in the possession of Sebastian HUNT I do hereby give and devise the same unto my well beloved son Henry DRYE to hold to him and his assigns for his life if the estate now being in the premises shall so long continue And if the said estate shall not issue in his liofe time then to the right heirs of the said Sarah DRYE for the residue of the term which shall be then come & unexpired in the premises

All the rest residue and remainder of my goods and chatteells personal after my debts legacies and funeral expenses shall be paid & discharged I give and bequeath unto my two sons William DRYE and Henry DRYE to be equally divided amongst them whom I make my joint Executors of this my last will and testament and revoke and disanual all former wills by me made Witness may hand and seal trhe day and year first above written.

Signed sealed published and declared by the above named Sarah DRYE to be her last will and Testament in the presence of us who have subscribed our names as Witnesses Peter Grey, Mary Smith, the marks of Jane Brown and the mark of Jone Squire

Will of John HELLARD, of the parish of All Saints Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried All Saints church Dorchester 12th Aug 1702] Dated 17 July 1702
Proved 24 May 1703
PROB 11/471 Beneficiaries: Son John; daughter Elizabeth (dwelling house formerly in possession of Widow RAYALL); daughter Hannah (dwelling house lately in possession of John PERSONS; daughter Jane; son William dwelling puts timber in + house brews in; son Robert dwelling in possession George HOGELS; wife Hannaty House & Shop witnesses Daniel Toup & Richard Baylie
Letter of Administration for the estate of Thomas DOWLE of Dorchester {Dorset] but died on the ship 'Expedition' 07 Jun 1703 OPC PCC Admons Folio 127 Grantee Priscilla DOWLE Relict
Will of Katherine ATKINS, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 10 August 1703 PROB 11/471  
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of John NORRIS Bachelor of Dorchester [Dorset] but died on the ship "Bredah" 17 Sep 1703 OPC PCC Admons Folio 175 Grantee Salathiel NORRIS Father
Will of John LOCKETT, Clothier of Dorchester, Dorset 30 October 1703 PROB 11/472 Buried St Peters 28 Aug 1703
Will of John SEWARD of Dorchester, Dorset 06 November 1703 PROB 11/472  
Will of Mary SHEPPARD, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 30 March 1704 PROB 11/475 Buried St Peters 21 Jan 1703
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of John HAVELLAND Bachelor of Dorchester [Dorset] 06 May 1704 OPC PCC Admons Folio 105 Grantee Elizabeth now wife of Edmund BLAKE, relict
Will of Margaret SYMONDS, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 15 July 1704 PROB 11/477  
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Robert SHEPPARD of Dorchester [Dorset] 20 July 1704 OPC PCC Admons Folio 143 Grantee Ann SHEPPARD Relict
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Robert COLSON of Dorchester [Dorset] 19 Aug 1704 OPC PCC Admons Folio 162 Grantee Joan COLSON relict (further grant April 1709]
Will of Judeth FOY, Widow of All Saints Parish in Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Judeth FOY was buried at All Saints church Dorchester on 24 Sep 1704] Dated 05 Aug 1704
Proved 25 Sep 1704
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1704 event record 19 Beneficiaries:- Richard FOY son and his 5 children George; James; Martha; Judeth and Mary by his wife Alice FOY: James FOY son now living in New England (7 years to claim); son Robert FOY and 2 of his children Richard & Mary: Witnesses Joseph Bishop; Robert Arnold; and Richard Bayly [See the marriage of Richard FOY to Judeth BISHOP at All Saints Church in 1654 for more information about this family]
Will of Elizabeth TRENCHARD, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 02 November 1704 PROB 11/479  
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Joseph SEAWARD of Dorchester [Dorset] 09 Dec 1704 OPC PCC Admons Folio 236 Grantee Elizabeth SEAWARD Relict
Will of Samuell REYNER, Clerk of Dorchester, Dorset 19 December 1704 PROB 11/479 Samuel REYNER MA (1623-1704) Rector of Holy Trinity and St Peters Dorchester (1670-1704) Follow link for a short account of his life
Will of Anthony ARTHUR Plaisterer of Dorchester , Dorset Dated 31 Jan 1704/5
Proved 19 Mar 1704/5
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1704 Event Record 18 Beneficiaries:- Grandaughter Elizabeth DREWER daughter of William DREWER of Dorchester plaisterer; His wife deceased; Jane DREWER wife of William; Sister (in-law) Dorothy POUNCY; Brother in law Thomas Pouncy; Grandson George DREWER. Anthoy ARTHUR was buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 8th Feb 1704/5
Will of Richard BONGER, Baker of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Signed the oath of loyalty to Charles II on 31st Aug 1681 - He was buried as Richard BANGER at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 8th April 1705] Dated 26 Mar 1705
Proved 28 July 1705
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1705 Event Record 8 image available on Beneficiaries:- House Daniel Paddock lives in to daughter Elizabeth for rest of its term: House he lives in to wife Sarah and daughter Hannah; 1 shilling each to daughter Sarah and sons John & Matthew. [Note:- this derisory sum was often used in wills to show that they had been considered by the testator and prevent any possible claim on the houses etc that he left to the others. This does not mean he was estranged from these children but had probably already set his sons up in business or otherwise provided for the already.
Will of Thomas CHANING, Grocer of Dorchester , Dorset [Buried at Maiden Newton] 18 Apr 1705 DHC Bc/W/C Event Record 29 Husband of Mary CHANNING who was executed for his murder by being burnt at the stake in Maumbury Rings on March 21st 1705/6
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Edward JONES of Dorchester [Dorset] 15 May 1705 OPC PCC Admons Folio 101 Grantee Margaret wife of William WILLIAMS daughter - Priscilla JONES relict now dead not having fully administered (Previous grant Nov 1680)
Sentence of James SYMONDS, Mariner of Dorchester , Dorset 19 May 1705 PROB 11/485  
Will of Francis TUTHILL of Dorchester, Dorset 26 May 1705 PROB 11/484 Buried Holy Trinity 1st Sep 1704
Will of Margaret BAYLY Spinster of Dorchester, Dorset Dated 05 Jun 1705
Proved 08 Oct 1705
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1705 Event Record 7 Image Beneficiaries:- Cousin Edward Bayly of Weymouth and his children ; Poor of Upway distributed by Mr James Gould and Poor of St Peters Dorchester distributed by curate Rev Taylor. Note:- Margaret BALLEY was buried at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 7th April 1705.
Will of Katherine IRONSIDE, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset [No trace of burial] Dated 06 Jan 1704
Proved 28 July 1705
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1705 Event Record 9 See transcription of the Will of Katherine IRONSIDE : Also 1677 visitation of Dorset Ironside pedigree page 38
Will of Robert FEILDNE, Victualler of Dorchester, Dorset 12 September 1705 PROB 11/484/37  
Will of Grace DASHWOOD, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried at Litton Chemey St marys Church on 15th May 1706] Dated 05 Aug 1703
Proved 28 May 1706
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1706 event record 9 Bequests :- Grandson Giles COBB; Grandson John DAMER (inc bible which was his grandfathers 7 Mr Dodds Brookes upon the commandments; Grace Damer?; brother Thomas White; Brother Duey and wife; Brother Savedge and wife; Brother Lock and wife; cousin John Duey; Sister Savedge; & her daughters Elizabeth; temperence
Will of Edith COOKE widow of Dorchester [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 11th Jan 1702/3] Dated 29 Aug 1700
Proved 29 May 1706
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1706 event record 10 beneficiaries etc:- Henry LANE; Charoty FRANKLIN; Alice GOULD Widow and her daughter Alice ; John GOULD Witnesses Thomas CHESELL and Robert BOARD
Will of Thomas BUNN, Victualler of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Thomas BUNN married Mary SLADE at All saints Burch Dorchester on 17th Sep 1685 - Thomas BUNN who was Parish Clerk of All Saints from circa 1692 until his death was buried at All Saints on 13th Sep 1705] Dated 02 Jun 1705
Proved 29 May 1706
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1706 Event Record 11 Image on Beneficiaries under will Brother Nicholas; Sister Grace HOLBROOKE Widow ; Richard HUTCHINS Rector of All Saints £5; Rest Wife Mary BUNN sole Exec Witnessed William DRY and Morgan HARBEN [Note also the will of Mary BUNN Widow and relict of Thomas BUNN (but therein described as a searge weaver) lately deceased dated 18th Nov 1711 shown below]
Will of Philip BYLES, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset 19 November 1706 PROB 11/491 Buried St Peters 26 Jun 1706
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Edward LESTER of Dorchester [Dorset] 10 Jan 1706/7 OPC PCC Admons Folio 5 Grantee Mary LESTER Relict
Will of Henry MICHELL, Victualler of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 07 Mar 1706/7] Dated 17 July 1706
Proved 17 Mar 1706/7
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1706 event record 8

This is the Last Will and Testament of me Henry MICHELL of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Victualler being sick and weak in boby but of sound and perfect memory (thanks be to God) First I give to my daughter Mary HUNT one red petticote of my late wives and one shilling. Item I give to my grandaughter Mary HUNT my said wives wedding ring and a cotton whittle All other goods chattles and personal estate whatsoever I give bequeath unto my son Stephen MICHELL whom I herewith constitute & make sole executrix of this my said Testament Revoking all former wills &Testaments by me made In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the seventeenth day of July One Thousand seven hundred and six. Signed Henry MICHELL [his mark H] Signed sealed published and declared in the presence of Mell COX and Morgan HARBIN

Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Elizabeth SWAINE of Dorchester [Dorset] 22 Mar 1706/7 OPC PCC Admons Folio 40 Grantee Robert SWAINE Armiger husband
Will of Stephen BEDFORD, Clothier of Dorchester , Dorset 04 March 1707 PROB 11/493 Buried Holy Trinity 6 Feb 1706
Will of John LEWETT [LEVETT] Weaver of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried St peters Church Dorchester 12th Mar 1706/7 may have been 81 years old - i.e. born circa 1625] Dated 14 Feb 1701?
Proved 25 May 1707
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1707 event record 25 Beneficiaries Benjamin CARRINGTON son of my daughter in law Amos CARRINGTON annuity from 3 properties 1 he lives in others in posession of Richard Samways other Henry MOREY: John CARRINGTON Brother of Benjamin: Sister Mary BLYTH; Nephew George PANCHARD; Kinswomen Elizabeth BOWER & Dinah MOSSE ; Mary daughter of Benjamin CARRINGTON; Witness Peter Grey rest illegible. [ Note:- Nephew Georeg PANCHARD was the 5th child from the marriage of William PANCHARD to Mary LEVETT at St Peters on 17 Jan 1676/7 ]
Will of Nicholas WARREN of Dorchester , Dorset 28 May 1707 PROB 11/494 Buried Holy Trinity 23 Dec 1706
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Elizabeth TRENCHARD Spinster of Dorchester [Dorset] 06 Jun 1707 OPC PCC Admons Folio 122 Grantee Henry TRENCHARD Armiger uncle
Inventory of the goods and Chattles of Elizabeth GAWLER, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- buried St peters Church Dorchester 10th June 1707] 18 June 1707 DHC Ad/Dt/I/1707 event record 21 A True and perfect Inventory of the Goods and Chattles of Elizabeth GAWLER Widow of Dorchester who deceased on 9th June 1707 taken and comprised by George MABER and Sebastian HUNT 18th June 1707 and exhibited into the Registry of the Archdeacon of Dorset on 11th March 1707. Had a shop in her dwelling
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of George SPRING of Dorchester [Dorset] Serving on HMS " Swallow" 20 Jun 1707 OPC Dorset Admons of Naval Personnel Ref DA/A/1707 25 Grantee Mary SPRING widow of Dorchester, relict Sureties:- Administratrix + John SLADE, pully maker of Weymouth + John SCARLET, cordwainer of Weymouth
Will of Andrew LODER, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset

[Note:- See Burial Register All Saints Dorchester "Mr. Andrew Loder senior buried 4th June 1707.]
Dated 19 Nov 1702
Proved 18 June 1707
PROB 11/495 Will to be buried by his wife with no fuss - only a pair of gloves to those that carry him to his grave, the Minister and Clark; To the poor of each of the parishes of All Saints; St Peters ; Holy Trinity in Dorchester + Mapowder and Puddletown 20 shillings; Son Robert Loder lands etc bought of Mary STYLE called Plassett Souths Lot the two acres ; Beneficiaries inc Mr Thomas Delacourt and Thomas Steward lands purchased of Mr Joseph WHITTLE now in possession of Peter FFLEWELLEN, Joseph BISHOP Robert LOCK, Mary BILES Widow, Mary CHAPMAN Widow and Richard BAILY also gave to them the George Inn in St Peters Parish on Trust: Refers to sons Andrew and Robert daughters Anne and Elizabeth, also Mary and Martha who have given him grandchildren; Sister Fortune; daughter Jewell and her children; daughter Harbin; son Seward, son Stevenson
Will of James WOOD, Maltster of Dorchester, Dorset 09 October 1707 PROB 11/497 See Burial Register All Saints Dorchester "18 Sep James WOOD was buried at Holy Trinity Dorchester"
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Thomas TOWNSEND of Dorchester [Dorset] but died at Bermondsey St Mary Magdalen 20 Oct 1707 OPC Dorset Admons Folio 196 Grantee Mary TOWNSEND Relict
Letter of Administration for the estate of Andrew SHORT (think Batch for bachelor)of Dorchester Dorset 07 Feb 1707/8 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1707 event record 26 Granted to Elizabeth SHORT Widow of All Saints Parish Dorchester the natural and lawful mother and Administratrix of goods and chattles etc of deceased ALSO bound is Richard FFOY of Dorchester a chair maker witnessed by Simon and Constance LIMBRURY - Thomas POPE surrogate
Will [badly damaged] of Josiah BYLES barber and chirurgeon of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Josiah BYLES (or BILES) was buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 20th January 1707/8] Dated 20 Dec 1707
Proved 11th Mar 1707/8
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1707 Event Record 24 image on Trust for maintenance and education of his daughter Elizabeth BYLES in her minority rest to wife Elizabeth. Mentioned William HAWKINS of Dorchester Gentleman & Gilbert Maximillian and Thomas COOPER Witnesses John Woolmington and Joseph Damer

Will & Inventory of John HARRIS Hellier of Dorchester, Dorset

[Note:- Buried at All Saints Church Dorchester 1st Oct 1707]

Dated 24 Sep 1707
Inv 5 July 1708
Proved 08 Jun 1708
DHC Bc/W/H event record 57 Beneficiaries:- Sons William & John HARRIS & Wife (not named) & Robert WHITE: Witnesses Mary King; Robert Whit(e) and William Hayward; Inventroy of Goods taken 5th July 1708 by Peter Fflewellen & Nicholas SLADE
Will of Richard SMITH, the elder Clothier of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried St peters Church Dorchester 18 Feb 1707/8] Dated 28 Apr 1702
Proved 08 Jun 1708
DHC Bc/Ew Event Records 28; 29; 30 Beneficiaries wife Joane SMITH ref to dwellings in St peters Parish, lease house dated 30th May 1700 granted to John HAVELL of Dorchester a Gentleman and Thomas HAVELL of Dorchester his brother , garden plot in possession of Andrew PURCHASE; ref to son-inlaw Thomas BEALE husband of his daughter Mary Smith, witnessed Mary Byles, Mary Munden and Thomas Courtney
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of James GOULD of Dorchester [Dorset] 13 Jan 1707/8 OPC PCC Admons Folio 4 Grantee Mary wife of Charles CHURCHILL, armiger, daughter [Note Charles CHURCHILL was the 4th son of Sir Winston CHURCHILL younger brother of the Duke of Marlborough he married Mary GOULD at St Peters Church 9th Feb 1701/2]
Sentence of Elizabeth STRODE, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 26 June 1708 PROB 11/504  
Will of Matthew WILLIAMS, Mariner now bound to Sea in His Majesty's Ship the Adventure of Dorchester, Dorset 30 June 1708 PROB 11/502  
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Andrew LODER Widower of Dorchester [Dorset] 05 July 1708 OPC PCC Admons Folio 150 Grantee Robert LODER brother [Note:- Burial All Saints Church Dorchester 5th July 1708]
Will of Francis WOODROW, saleman of Dorchester, Dorset Dated 16 Apr 1708
Proved 31 July 1708
DHC Bc/I/W event record 155 Beneficiaries: Brothers Robert and Richard WOODROW; nephews of dceased brother John being Richard; William; george; Francis and Elizabeth Welsh their sister; Mary Chipman widow daughter of my late sister Mary; Richard son of Francis Woodrow; Margaret Woodrow daughter of deceased brother John executrix [Note:- Margaret WOODROW left this estate unadministered and when she died a letter of Administration was granted to "Fanney WOODROW the administratrix of Francis WOODROW of Dorchester Dorset salesman deceased together with the last will and testament of the said Francis WOODROW deceased annexed -- and unadministered by Margaret WOODROW executrix of the said deceased since also deceased ------Dated 30th April 1739. --Along with Fanney Woodrow widow of Dorset was bound Michael MELLER of Plush in Dorset yeoman.
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of George LESTER of Dorchester [Dorset] 06 Nov 1708 OPC PCC Admons Folio 211 Grantee Charles LESTER Son
Will of Thomas DELACOURT, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset

[Note:- Link to more information about his family ]
Dated 18 Aug 1708
Proved 06 November 1708
PROB 11/504 Will: To kinsman Lawrence FRAMPTON the elder £50and £5 each to his children; To kinswoman Elizabeth GILBERT his sister £5and to her 2 sons £5 each and I forgive the debt of £10 which her husband Robert GILBERT owes me inc interest on the bond. To Cousin John MERRITT his wife his daughter Foyre and his daughter cole each a gold ring of 10 shillings ; To Katherine FFORD wife of John FFORD £5and £5 to each of their children; To Margaret HARBIN daughter of Mr Morgan HARBIN £5; to my maid servants living with me at Dorchester and Bingham 20shillings each over and above their yearly wages; To poor of Milton Abbas 20s; and to the poor of the three parishes of Dorchester 20s each; To poor of Bincombe 10s; To Joseph SEWARD after my wifes decease the best bed and bedstead+ mother furniture etc; To wife dwelling house and garden etc at St Peters Parish Dorchester + turf ground at Turners Puddleheath+ rest of esatet she is also made executrix. Friends Mr Thomas SEWARD and Robert LODER and Joseph DAMER Overseers of his will who get a gold ring 20s each; ;
Sentence of Mary SHEPPARD, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 17 December 1708 PROB 11/504 Note;- May relate to earlier will dated 30 mar 1704?
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of William FOOKS of Dorchester [Dorset] Serving on HMS " Sterling Castle " 17 Jan 1708/9 OPC Dorset Admons of Naval Personnel Ref DA/A/1708 10 Grantee Frances FOOKES widow of Dorchester mother: Administrix + Samuel HELKLARD of Dorchester
Will of Richard Brookes or BROOKS, Waggoner of Dorchester, Dorset 10 March 1708/9 PROB 11/507 This is Richard BROOKS the father of Mary CHANNING (1687-1705/6) who was executed at Mambury Rings. See also transcription of the Will of Richard BROOKS dated 5th Sep 1708
Will of Sarah PURCHASE, Wife of Dorchester, Dorset Dated 16 Sep 1708

Proved 21 March 1709
PROB 11/508 WILL: of Sarah PURCHASE the wife of Andrew PURCHASE of Dorchester Maltster pursuant to a power reserved to me before intermarriage -- ofsum of £150 secured on bond of Mr Jasper Wakefield of London Coachmaker - now bequeath £60 to brother Robert Juxton and sister Mary Andrews widow £40 rest +securities due from Madam Mary Aulston of Islington + 30th part in ship when sold bequeathed unto 4 children of brother Robert Juxton and the son of her sister Mary Andrews etc etc - kinswoman Susannah Juxton Her husband Andrew PURCHASE Sole executor - signed 16th day of Sept 1708. Codicil Ship captured into France - Ransomed changed bequest to husband
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Robert COLSON of Dorchester {Dorset] 087 Apr 1709 OPC PCC Admons Folio 79 Grantee Robert COLSON, son - Joan COLSON relict dying before administering (previous grant Aug 1704)
Letter of Administration for the estate of Edward HODGES of Dorchester 02 June 1709 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1709 Event Record 22 Granted to Mary GALTON of Milbourne St Andrew Dorset widow of Thomas GALTON deceased Clothier during the minority of Mary HODGES the natural and lawful daughter of the deceased wit: Ricvhard Fitzherbert: Benjamin Derby Surrogate
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of William CONDON Bachelor of Dorchester [Dorset] Serving on HMS " Ye Restauration" 10 July 1709 OPC Dorset Admons of Naval Personnel Ref DA/A/1709 23 Grantee William CONDON Yeoman of Dorchester father : Administrator Ambrose BYLES, carpenter of Blandford Forum
Letter of Administration for the estate of Frances FFILDEW Spinster of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- buried as Frances FILDUE at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 15th June 1709] 14 July 1709 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1709 Event Record 21 Granted to John MORY als WILSE of Dorchester a Barber the Nephew and next of kin of the deceased; Also bound are John WOOLMINGTON Pharmacopolam of Dorchester and Edmund WATTS of Dorchester Yeoman; Witnesses Thomas CHEFALL; George UPWARD Thomas POPE Surrogate
Will of William COLLINS, Yeoman of Dorchester, Dorset 03 December 1709 PROB 11/512

Will:-The Last Will and Testament of me William COLLINS of Dorchester in the County of Dorset yeoman being weak in body but of perfect memory(thanks be to God)

First: I give and bequeath unto my daughter Jane COLLINS all such sum and securities of monies are or shall be due and owing unto me from any person or persons whatsoever on any Bill or Bond by such person and persons entered into in my name and to me made and executed (Except one Bond so entered into by Richard HUTCHINS Clerk and others in the penal sum of £60 for payment of £30) Item: I further give and bequeath unto my said daughter my silver tumbler and 5 silver spoons my great hair trunck with the desk therein enclosed with all the linen in the same trunk also one oaken chest with all the pewter and other things therein contained one small cabin coffer with all the linen therein etc etc ----------------

Will of Katherine ROSE, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 23 December 1709 PROB 11/512 Buried Holy Trinity as Catherine Rose 17 Nov 1709
Sentence of Margaret COOPER, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 24 March 1710 PROB 11/517 Buried Holy Trinity 12 Jan 1709
Will of Margaret COOPER, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 24 March 1710 PROB 11/514  
Will of Daniell SADLER of Dorchester Prison, Dorset 06 April 1710 PROB 11/515  
Will of John WILLIAMS, Grocer of Dorchester, Dorset

Dated 14 Apr 1710

Proved 05 August 1710

PROB 11/517 (Note:- There is a burial in All Saints Parish Dorchester for a John Williams chandler? of Dorchester who was buried on 22 Apr 1710 which might be him?
Letter of Administration for the estate of Bernard WENTWORTH, of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- buried Holy Trinity church Dorchester 25th July 1710] 14 Aug 1710 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1709 event record 24 Granted to Marthelas [Martha] WENTWORTH of Dorchester widow the relict of the deceased also bound with her is Thomas MILLER of Dorchester cordwainer and Robert ALDER of Dorchester cordwainer: Wit: george Gould and Robert Rasker : Thomas Pope surragate
Will of William HAGGARD, Butcher of Dorchester, Dorset [Note: Buried at St Peters Church Dorchester 22nd Sep 1710] Dated 20 Dec 1708
Oath 29 Jun 1709
Proved 22 Sep 1710
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1710 event record 12 Beneficiaries: Brother Christopher HAGGARD (H) ; daughters Alice and Anne H; Kinsman Edward H ye son of Christopher H; Kinsman James H of Southampton butcher; Thomas YOUNG Brother-in-Law to ye said James H; Matthew H the son of james H now living at Owermoigne; John HODGES of D worsted employer; Rebecka HARBIN widow of Mr Henry? HARBIN late of D tobacco pipe maker; Kinsman Wm H ye son of Nephew Edward H aforesaid; Rest to wife Elenor H; witnesses Francis and Robert GAYLARD

Will of William LAMBERT, Cordwainder of All Saints Dorchester, Dorset




[Note:- Samuel the son of William LAMBERT was baptised at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 30th Jan 1675/6 and was therefore by his previous wife

[Note:- William LAMBERT's previous wife was buried at All Saints Church on 20th Apr 1699 but not named

[Note:- William LAMBERT married Alice nee ANDEVER at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 24th Jan 1699/1700.

[Note:-William LAMBERT was buried at Holy Trinity Churxh in Dorchester on 18 Mar 1708/9 as instructed in his will opposite

[Note:- Alice LAMBERT a widow was buried at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 4th May 1711]

Dated 16 Jan 1708/9

Proved 27 Oct 1710

PROB 11/517 image

244 of 394

Will:- The xvith [16th] day of January in the year of our Lord God
In the name of God Amen the day and year above first written William LAMBERT of the parish of All Saints in the Borough of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Cordwainer being weak of Body and aged but thanks be to God of perfect memory doe make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following Vitz: Impremis [In the First place] From mitt [I commit] my spirit into the hands of Almighty God my maker and my Body to be buried in the parish Churchyard of Holy Trinity Dorchester as above //

Item: I Give my son Samuel six pewter platters, and one tin bason, and one flagon, one pewter porringer with a kettle holding about 4 great gallons, and a lesser dipping kettle, and one brass crock, and a small skillet, and one warming pan, and one pair of iron angers or dogs, and one spit and fire pan and tongs and one croook in the chimney and one pair of bellows, with one feather Bed, and one feather bolster and a flock bolster, and one feather pillow and flock pillow, and one rug, and a livery cupboard, my chest and coffer and desk, and two boxes with my three beer barrels, and the Horse, and the ffat [i.e.vat] , and two trendles and my table board, the frame belonging to thereunto, and one joint stool and three chairs, one trencher cage and one rack, one stone bottle jug and onesilver spoon and a silver whistle, and all my wearing apparel both woollen and linen with Ten Pounds in good and lawful money of England, and two of the biggest Gold Rings that my present wife hath been keeping which were my former wives wich I Give to my Son above named. And I give him a pair of the best of my sheets and a pair of blankets and a size stick

Item: I give to Alice my present wife my dwelling house during her natural life if she continue in my name, She paying the Rent and keeping it in good and honest reparations but and if she doth cahnce to marry with any other man then I give the aforesaid house and garden with all its appertenances forthwith to my son to him and his and not otherwise till after the death of my present wife which then I Give it to my son and his heirs for the time I have to come in it And I Give also to my aforemaned wife whatsoever Good s or Apparell is not herein nominated

Item: I give to my Sister Elizabeth CLARKE the sum of forty shillings
Item: I give to John WINDSOR Senior my Great Bible

Item: I give to his daughter Mary my Brass Candlestick

Item: I make my son Samuel Executor of this my last Will and Testament
In Witness hereof I have set my hand and seal the day and year above written being the xvith : of January 1708/9 One Thosand Seven Hundred and Nine.
Signed William LAMBART
Witnessed by us vitz: The Mark of Sarah BAYLIE & Richard BAYLIE

PROBATE: of this written testament was approved at London by the venerable William PHIPPS Doctor at Law and Surrogate of the Venerable Richard Baines etc etc on -- vicesimo septimo [27th] day of October in the year of our Lord 1710 -- administration granted to the executor named in the Will William Lambert etc.
Will of Mary LONG of Dorchester, Dorset spinster now residing in the parish of St Leonards Shoreditch dated 07 Jan 1710/11
Proved 09 Feb 1710/11

London Metropolitan Archives

Beneficiaries: Brother John LONG; Sister Sarah LONG; Sister Elizabeth LONG; nephew Mathias MELLISH; Nephews Richard, Benjamin and Aaron MELLISH; Nephews Josias, and Moses MELLISH; and John MEAS to buy bibles; Neices Mary MELLISH; neice Elizabeth Mary MEASl Mrs Ann FLOYD; Mrs Allin ROBERTS; Executrix Damaria MELLISH and Elizabeth LONG signed before James LOWDER and William WILDMAN: Source London Metropolitan Archives & Guildhall Library Manuscripts Section, Clerkenwell, London, England; Reference Number: MS 9052/36; Will Number: 104.
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Henry WHIFFEN of All Saints Parish in Dorchester [Dorset] 16 Jan 1710/11 OPC PCC Admons Folio 2 Grantee Ann WHIFFEN relict further grant Mar 1723
Will of Robert FOOK Victualler of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Robert FOOK the elder was buried at All saints Church Dorchester on 1st Jan 1710] Dated 29 Jan 1708/9
Proved 30 May 1711
DHC Bc/W/F event record 38 and copy Bc/Ew 15/16 Wills beneficiaries: Wife Joane, sons John and Nicholas and grand daughters Alice and Edith Gape witnesses John Beale, Nicholas Eyres and Peter Grey
Will of Robert SWAYNE Esquire of Dorchester, Dorset

Dated 21 Jan 1707

Proved 05 July 1711

PROB 11/522 WILL: Wife Jane £20 and return nof her fortune at their marriage : To son Robert SWAYNE £10 and my diamond ring which his mother normally wore +; Bequests to daughters Amy; Elinor; Elizabeth, Grace; Brother (in-law) John Eastment of Sherborne ; Unto my loving brother John CHURCHILL of Fordington; Ann CHURCHILL wife of John ; Rest to his 5 Daughters.
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of John GLOVER of Dorchester [Dorset] 21 Jul 1711 OPC PCC Admons Folio 114 Grantee Lucy GLOVER, daughter - Susan GLOVER Relict renouncing [Note:- Mr John GLOVER was buried at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 7th May 1711 - Follow link for more information]
Will of George ROSE of Dorchester, Dorset

Dated 18 May 1711

Proved 20 July 1711

PROB 11/522  
Will of Nathaniel GOULD, of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried St Peters Church Dorchester 22nd June 1711] Dated 20 Feb 1706
Proved 17 Aug 1711
DHC Copy Bc/Ew E/R's 45 & 46 orig Cc/I/G E/R 95 Will all to wife Dorothy GOULD + small bequest to poor of St Peters Witnesses John & Dorothy Carington and William Byles
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Riscilla CHAPPLE widow of Dorchester [Dorset] 13 Sep 1711 OPC PCC Admons Folio 164 Grantee William CHAPPLE, armiger, son
Administration of Robert LODER (or Loader), of Dorchester, Dorset 15 December 1711 OPC Dorset Admons Folio 227 (Note made by Rev RG Bartelot original transcriber of Burials in the Parish of All Saints Dorchester in 1908 made following entry :-
15 Dec 1711 Robert LODER of Dorchester - administration to relict Mary - Robert was buried at All Saints 29 Oct 1711)
Will of John YEAT, Grocer of Dorchester, Dorset 22 December 1711 PROB 11/524 I have not been able to locate this at PCC? [Nearest burial of of Mr John EYETS or EYATS at St Peters Church Dorchester 1708? Note:- The YEAT family of Godmnanstone were close to Rev Edward DAMER of Godmanstone and Dorchester. His daughter Rebecca DAMER married Thomas PITMAN a Grocer of Dorchester - Family buried at Godmanstone.? ]
Administration of Elizabeth HITCHCOCK ,of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Could not locate a burial but a Jacob Hitchcock marries later in Fordington?] 29 Dec 1711 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1711 Event Record 1 Granted to Jacob HITCHCOCK the lawful husband of the deceased also bound is George CLARKE of Blandford Forum Gentleman wit: Richard Fitzherbert and Surrogate Thomas Sutton
Will of Edward BROTHERS, Weaver of Dorchester, Dorset (Will states aged and infirm) [Note:- Edawrd BROTHERS was buried at Holy trinity Church Dorchester on 26 Feb 1712/3] 14 Feb 1712 DHC Ad/Dt/W/1712 Event Record 17 Image for members Will Beneficiaries:- Sister Hannah BROTHERS: Niece Margaret DRAPER: Niece Mary PHILMEN: Kinsman [missing name torn] RAPER of netherhaven Wilts:- Rest to Wife Jane BROTHERS also execurtix
Will of Mary BUNN, Widow & Relict of Thomas BUNN serge weaver of Dorchester, Dorset lately deceased [Note:- Thomas BUNN married Mary SLADE at All Saints Church Dorchester on 17th Sep 1685 and Mary was buried at All Saints 25th April 1712] Dated 18 Nov 1711
Proved 27 May 1712
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1712 Event Record 15 Note:- Same beneficiaries as husbands Will See his will dated 2nd June 1705 : beneficiaries Brother-in-law Nicholas BUNN; Sister in law Grace and her daughter Elizabeth HOLEBROOK ; Aunt Sarah HUTCHINS; Aunt Alice STANDIGE; Kinswoman Mary BUKLLOCK; Kinsman Thomas STANDIGE ; Peter STANDIGE; brother Nicholas SLADE; Whitnesses Peter STANDISH; Phillip HUTCHINS; Henry HARBIN
Will of Gulllielmi [William] DRY, Victualler of Dorchester, Dorset

Dated 3rd Jan 1711

Proved 17 July 1712

PROB 11/527 See Burial Register All Saints Dorchester 29 Jan 1711 William DRY was buried
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Rebecca HERNE Spinster of Dorchester [Dorset] 08 Dec 1712 OPC PCC Admons Folio 210 Grantee Francis HERNE, armiger, nephew
Will of Robert RASKER, Malster of Dorchester, Dorset

Dated 5 1710

Proved 17 Dec 1712

PROB 11/530 Buried Holy Trinity 9 Dec 1712
Letter of Administration for the estate of the Rev William GLISSON Clerk [Note:- Buried at Woodsford Dorset 16th March 1711] 11 Jan 1713 DHS BC/A/G65 event record 65 Granted to Mary GLISSON Relict of the deceased also bound Rev Conyers Place Clerk and John Goring [Note:- William GLISSON MA (1646-1711) was the son of Rev. John GLISSON from Marnhull in Dorset and educated at Wadham College Oxford where he matriculated on 11 March 1663/4 aged 17. He was awarded his BA in 1667 by Trinity College and his MA in 1670. He was appointed Rector of Woodsford in Dorset on 2nd Jan 1677 a position he retained until his death in March 1711. Mary GLISSON his widow was also buried at Woodsford 26th May 1730]
Inventory of Goods etc of Mary PRIDE widow of Dorchester Taken 31 Mar 1713 DHC Ad/Dt/I/1713 event record 17 Taken by Benjamin Chapple and Mathew Hellard [Note:- could not locate a burial - may be the widow of Joseph PRIDE see letter of administration granted to his widow mary on 15th jan 1691/2]
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Jane PITT of Dorchester [Dorset] 23 May 1713 OPC PCC Admons Folio 124 Grantee Jane DEANE widow daughter - Mary wife of George GOULD Armiger daughter before administering (Previous grant June 1691)
Will of Thomas FRY, Glasier of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- buried at all Saints Church Dorchester 28 July 1713] Dated 27 Jul 1713
Proved 14 Sep 1713
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1713 event record 14 Beneficiaries:- Wife Martha; brother Joseph; Mother Elizabethy; Sisters Anne and Joane FRY Witnesses Sebastian HUNT and Edmund Iswell?
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Mary CHURCHILL Spinster of Dorchester but died at Henbury [Note:- Buried at St Peters Dorchester on 11 Aug 1713] 02 Oct 1713 OPC PCC Admons Folio 223 Grantee Awnsham CHURCHILL, armiger, brother - Elizabeth CHURCHILL, mother, renouncing [Note:- Mary Churchill was the third child from the marriage of William CHURCHILL (1628-1706) and Elizabeth CHURCHILL nee AWNSHAM (1630-1714)
Letter of Administration for the estate of Samuel MARTIN of Dorchester, Dorset + Also Inventory of goods Dated 22 January 1715
Inv 07 Oct 1713
DHC 1713 event record 1 Granted to Martha MARTIN alias FRY Widow of Broadwinsor the relict and Administratrix of the deceased - also bound with her is Giles STUDLEY of the same place Gentleman. Separate Inventory of Goods for Samuel MARTIN of Dorchester a Timberman taken on the 6th day of October 1713 and signed the next day by Giles STUDLEY and George LOCKIER consists only of a dwelling house with appurtenancesin Dorchester for the remainder of the term of 39 years determinable on 3 lives valued at £14. [Note:- can only locate a burial for 15th May 1701 in HT?]
Letter of Administration for the estate of Stephen MITCHELL of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried at St George Church Fordington 22 Oct 1712] 14 Apr 1714 DHC 1714 event record 2 Granted to Mary MITCHELL the relict of the deceased also bound with her are Christopher PEARCE of Dorchester a Tallow Chandler and James BUNN of Dorchester an Ironmonger: Witness Richard Fitzherbert
Sentence of Jonathan DAMER of Dorchester, Dorset 22 January 1715 PROB 11/548 Buried at Charminster 27 Oct 1714 (NBI)
Will of Jonathan DAMER, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset 01 February 1715 PROB 11/544 Buried at Charminster 27 Oct 1714 (NBI)
Will of Richard CHURCHILL of Dorchester gentleman

[Note:- Richard was buried at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 19 Feb 1713/4.]
Dated 22 Jan 1713

Proved 03 Feb 1714/5
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1714
Event Record 22
This is the Last Willand Testament of me Richard CHURCHILL of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Gentleman made published and declared this two and twentieth day of January in the Reign of our Sovereign Lady Anne by the grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland Queen Defender of the Faith Anno Domini 1713
Impremis: I Give and Bequeath my soul into the hands of God Almighty my maker from whom it had its being in hopes that through the merits of Jesus Christ my blessed saviour and redeemer to enjoy everlasting happiness in the life to come
And my body to the earth from whence it was taken to be decently buried at the discretion of my executrix hereinafter named
Item: I give bequeath and devise unto my Sister Sarah CHURCHILL All my Messuages & Lands Tenements and Hereditaments whatsoever and wheresoever and all my estate and interest therein to hold unto my said sister Sarah CHURCHILL her heirs and assigns forever
But if in case my son Edward CHURCHILL die and shall within twelve months time next and immediately after my decease well and truly pay and discharge all debts by mortgage or otherwise that my lands or any part thereof now stand charged with or encumbered that so my personal estate may always be freed and discharged from the same debt or debts then my will is that my said sister Sarah shall convey my said lands onto my son Edward his heirs and assigns forever
Item: I give unto my said son Edward and unto my two daughters and to each of them five shillings to be paid to them severally by my executrix of whom I have conveyed several sums of money towards payment of my said sons debts thereof and for other good causes
I give and bequeath unto my said sister Sarah CHURCHILL all and singular my goods chattles and household stuf fand ebery part thereof And her my said sister Sarah & hereby make my full and sole executrix of this my last will and testament hereby revoking and making void all and every former and other wills testament or testaments by me at any time heretofore made
In Witnesswhereof and the aforesaid Richard CHURCHILL have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written.
Sealed published and declared to be the last will and testament of the above named Richard CHURCHILL in the presence of us. Thomas COOPERE; Thomas COOPER Junior Elizabeth CHAPMAN
Proved 3rd day of February 1714 administration grated to the executrix
Will of Jane MEADER, widow of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 15th June 1715

Jane MEADER (d1715) was the widow of Thomas MEADER Senior (d.1691) whom she married at HT Church in Dorchester on 26th Nov 1667]
Dated 08 Jun 1715
Proved 17 OCt 1715
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1715 event record 10

The last Will and Testament of me Jane MEADER of Dorchester in the County of Dorset widow :
Impremis: I give unto my son Thomas MEADER one large kettle and one of the largest pewter dishes and one brass crock and one small kettle during his life and after his decease I give and bequeath the large kettle to his son John the pewter dishes and brass crock small kettle to Chambers MEADER one other son of the said Thomas MEADER
Item: I give unto my son Charles MEADER one shilling
Item: I give unto my daughter Jean GUEST one shilling.
Item: I give & bequeath unto my grandaughter Jane MEADER daughter of my son Samuel MEADER the best pair of doggs four pewter dishes & one kettle two pairs of sheets and one dozen of [damaged missing] napkins [rest of line damaged missing] clothes & the low room on the south side of the house wherein I now live & a small garden plott according to the substance of the ground & the cork fewel house in case she pleases her father in matrimony
Item: I give unto my daughter-in-law Ann MEADER the chamber over the room I give unto her daughter together with some part of the outhouseand garden thereunto belonging according to the proportion of ground given unto her daughter but in case the said Jane MEADER my grandaughter dies before marrying then I give the goods and rooms and garden plotr unto my son Samuel MEADER.
All the Rest residue and remainder of my goods and chattles I give and bequeath unto my said son Samuel MEADER whom I make constitute and appoint my whole & sole Executor of this my Last Will and Testament hereby rovoking all other Wills by me made
In Witness whereof I have herunto set my hand and seal the 8th day of June in the year of our Lord 1715
Signed sealed and published and declared to be my last will and testament in the presence of :- The mark of Sarah HOLLAND; The mark of Joan FOY; and signature of Thomas KNAPTON Junior
Proved 17th October 1715 administration granted to the Executor Thomas Riley Surrogate

Will of Richard HOW Quaker of Dorchester a clockmaker [Note- Died 28th March 1715 and buried in the quakers burial ground at Dorchester] Dated 29 May 1713
Buried 28 Mar 1715
Proved 21 July 1715
Wiltshire Archives P/15/92 Will: Link to full transcription of his will with genealogicl notes. Also Link to Register of Quakers births, marriages and deaths
Will of William CHANNING, maltster of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- William CHANING was buried at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 28th April 1715] Dated 19 Apr 1715
Proved 23 Feb 1715/6
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1715 Event Record 9 Image Will Beneficiaries Elizabeth wife; sons William and Thomas; daughters Sarah, Elizabeth Jane, Rebecca; grandaughter Mary Brooks ; Frances wife of Thomas Gould Son in law John Brooks and his daughters Elizabeth & Sarah.

Will of Elianor HUTCHINS, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 24th July 1716]

[Note:- Alice HUTCHINS was the daughter of John and Elizabeth HUTCHINS, and had been baptised at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 1st May 1690. She married c.1710 to George BARTLETT (1687-1731) ]

Dated 13 May 1709
Proved 17 Aug 1716
DHC - Original Will Bc/W Event record 221 & copy

Beneficiaries: Kinsman John CHALDECOTT Senior of Dorchester; Mary his wife; their children John the younger; Samuel; Mary now the wife of John RUTTER & Martha CHALDECOTT sons and daughter of John Chaldecott; Kinswoman Elizabeth dau of said John Chaldecott the elder ; Benjamin CHALDECOTT of Dorchester a taylor and Hannah his wife; Hannah ROGERS widow the relict of Joseph ROGERS deceased; Son-in-law Leonard HUTCHINS, and his wife Mary, and their children Elianor, Mary, William, Martha and Diana:: Son-in-law John BATTON and his wife Margarett, and their children John, Matthew, Frances, Elianor:: Item I give unto Alice daughter of John HUTCHINS Deceased now wife of George BARTLETT the sum of £10 to be paid her three years next after my decease. My Son-in-law John Batton profits from my leasehold Property mentioned in Pease Lane Holy Trinity Parish. Item I hereby give unto the Said Alice BARTLETT from 3 years after my decease the Annual sum of Ten Shillings which I hereby charge the said Tenement & Premises with and to be yearly paid her out of the issues & profits thereof on the five and twentieth day of December in each year etc etc about who pays it and her right to distress the premises if in default of payment

Give the shop leased from corporation in Butchers Shambles to Matthew Batton . Rest to John Batton made executor; Friend Thomas HAVELAND Trustee: WitnessesLeonard Hutchins: Charles Young and Morgan Harbin

Will of Alice ROBERTS, Wiodw of Dorchester, Dorset Dated 20 Oct 1713
Proved 31 Aug 1716
DHC Bc/A/R event record 56 Link to Trancrition of the Will of Alice ROBERTS buried at St Peters Church Dorchester 27th October 1713
An Inventory of the Goods and Chattles of Priscilla RANDALL [RANDLE] , of Dorchester, Dorset Appraised 22 Nov 1716 DHC Ad/Dt/I/1716 event record 5 Note:- Mrs Priscilla RANDLE was buried at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 20th Nov 1716
Will of William DREWER, Malster of Dorchester, Dorset 03 December 1716 PROB 11/555 Buried Holy Trinity 26 June 1716
Will of Dina MOSS, Spinster of Dorchester, Dorset dated 06 Dec 1716
Proved 24 Jan 1716/7
DHC: Ad/Dt/W/1716 event record 7 Beneficiaries: Brother John MOSS; Sister Elizabeth; Margaret WHIFFEN; Dorothey wife of John CARRINGTON; Elizabeth WHIFFEN; mary COLESON; Kinsman John CARRINGTON: benjamin CARRINGTON; Witnessed Richard Samwaies [Samways] Robert Bound and Mary New
Will of Sarah CHURCHILL, Spinster of Dorchester, Dorset

[Note:- Buried at St Peters Church Dorchester on 13 Mar 1716/7]

[Note:- Sister of RICHARD CHURCHILL (abt 1602-1672) ]
Dated 17 Nov 1708
Proved 16 Mar 1716/7
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1716 Event Record 8 Image Will - to be buried at St Peters - beneficiaries:
To Cousin BLANDFORD and his wife 20s each to by rings
To Cousin Samuel BERJEW and his wife , 20s each to by rings
To my Couson Edward CHURCHILL and his wife 20s each to by rings,
To my Couson John CHURCHILL of Fordington Esquire 20s to buy him a ring
To my Couson Christian MILNEY alias DUNBAR one shilling
Rest to Brother Mr. Richard CHURCHILL sole executor If Richard should die Edward CHURCHILL residuary legatee
Witnesses to will not to be opened until after her decease John Nelson, Zachary Nelson and John Nelson junior

Will of John BELLMAN, blacksmith of All Saints Parish Dorchester, Dorset

[Note:- John Bellman was buried at St Georges church Fordington on 8th Jan 1716]

Dated 09 Jun 1708
Probate 27 Mar 1717 granted to the executrix
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1717 event Record 13 Image


Beneficiaries each of his grandchildren 1s each; To his wife Susannah Bellman.all my messuages burgages and tenements with the appurtenances thereto belonging where I now dwell within the Borough of Dorchester for the remainder of the Leasehold estate and tenure I have therein yet to come and unexoired with all the household goods and implements belonging to my trade and lastley I hereby constitute and make the said Susannah my sole executrix in testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the ninth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eight. Witnesses Benjamin BELLMAN; Morgan HARBIN

Letter of Administration for the estate of Jane BLYMAN alias SEWARD of Dorchester [Dorset] 22 June 1717 OPC PCC Admons Folio 114 Grantee Thomas SEWARD Husband

Will of Thomas PITMAN, Grocer of Dorchester, Dorset

[Note:- Link to an Account of the life and family of Thomas PITMAN (d.1717) widower of Rebecca PITMAN nee DAMEN who had been buried at Godmanstone in 1703]


Dated 27 May 1717

Proved 18 Nov 1717

PROB 11/561

Will: To be buried at Godmanston by the corpse of my late wife and that a tombstone may be set over my grave of the value of £10: Item I give to my loving wife £50 --to buy her mourning: Item to son JOHN PITMAN £50 : to nephew James SALMON £100. Item to Baruch NOWELL of Dorchester £10 [Note:- Rev Baruch NOWELL     (1689-1739) ]: To wife a mouring ring of a guinea; I give to Baruch NOWELL, my brothers John PITMAN, and Samuel PITMAN, my sister SALMON, her son James SALMON, my Cousin Samuel WALTER, my sister Elizabeth DAMER, my Cousins:- John Trevillian, Melliscent Ceely, Joseph Damer of Dorchester, and Elizabeth Damer his sister, to each of them a mourning ring of 14 shillings; Item;

Whereas the house I now live in is and stands settled upon myself for life, remainder to my son Thomas in tays [entailed], remainder to my son Edward entailed with remainder over, my will is that any house adjoining thereto commonly called the 'BELL', one part whereof is now a Warehouse, and the other part a Malthouse, shall be held and enjoyed by such person or persons as shall during the term which I have therein be seized of the inheritance of the said house which I now live in, To which end I give and bequeath the said house called the ''BELL'' together with the leaden cistern therein AND all and singular other the appurtenances to the said last mentioned house belonging to the said Buruch NOWELL, Joseph DAMER and Samuel PITMAN their executors and administrators during the remainder of my term therein In Trust that they from time to time during the reminder of the said term shall permit such person and persons as shall from time to time be seized of the inheritance of the said house to hold and enjoy the said house called the BELL together with the said Cistern and other the appurtenances to his and their own use

I give all my plate and household goods (except such goods as belong to my Trade to Elizabeth my wife and my sons Thomas PITMAN, and Edward PITMAN to be equally divided between them. Item I give to Mr Thomas COOPER the elder a Mourning Ring of fourteen shillings value;

I give the rest and residue of my goods chattels rights and credits to my said two sons Thomas PITMAN and Edward PITMAN and do constitute and appoint the said Thomas PITMAN and Edward PITMAN to be joint executors . Signed by Thomas PITMAN in presence if George DAMER Rlias DAMER Thomas SWAFFIELD

PROBATE of this written testament was granted at London before Venerable Rev Charles PINFOLD Doctor at Law surrogate of John Bettesworth Dr of Law of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury etc ----etc administration granted to Thomas PITMAN son of the deceased dated 18th day in the month of November 1717

Will of Jane DREWER, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried at Holt Trinity Church Dorchester 3rd April 1717 Dated 04 Mar 1716
Proved 05 May 1717
and 15 Jan 1717/18
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1717 event record 14 Will:- Daughter Elizabeth DREWER when 21; son George DREWER when 21; otherwise Anne HARBYN [HARBIN] the wife of John HARBYN a miller by trade from Charminster who is also executor with Edmund WATTS of Charminster
Will of Samuel CRISDE, Senior of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried at St peters Church Dorchesterv 28th June 1718] Dated 13 Feb 1717/18
Proved 30 Jun 1718
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1718 event record 17 Wife Luce; Chidren James (of weymouth), Samuel, Matthew, John, Elizabeth BOUND, Anne RIDE : also grand daughter Anne BAYLY Witnesses John White, James and Peter Grey
Inventory of goods chattles and credits of Robert ARNOLD, Shoemaker of Dorchester, Dorset 14 Oct 1718 DHC Ad/Dt/I/1718 Event Record 9. Image Inventory taken 14th Oct 1718 by Sebastian HUNT and Robert GUNDRY - Administration granted 12th March 1718/9. Total all Chambers £179 - 7 - 7d NOTE:- Robert Arnold was buried at All Saints Church on 23 Jun 1718
Will of Dorothy TURNER, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset

[Note:- Buried Holy Trinity 14 Nov 1718 see Memorial tablet No. 26 at Holy Trinity Church ]
Dated 11th Aug 1718
Proved 08 Dec 1718
PROB 11/566 Will: Body to buried in the parish where she dies; to the Minister of that parish a very good pulpit cloth + £40; £10 to each of the 3 churches in Dorchester, Longbredy and Little Cheney; To my cousin the widow Frances of Petherton £150 and to her sister PROWSE £100; To my cousin Jane GOLLOP daughter of Maximillian GOLLOP £200; To my cousin Ann GOLLOP and her sisters Elizabeth and Catherine GOLLOP £30 each; To thier brother £10; To Mrs Westley? now living with Mrs Fflownes £30; To Mrs CORDING of Petherton £20; To Warwick MOHUN £40; To Mary CORDEN four score pounds less the money she owes me; To each of the 4 children of cousen Ann HOSKINS of Beaminster £30; To Elizabeth daughter of Mr HODDERof Litton £20; To Henry SYMESservant to my cousen Flownes£20; To John MARTIN of Longbredfy £10; To To my cousen Thomas LANGFORD the Elder £20; and to each of his 4 daughters £30; To my late servant Mary COSENS £20; To Edith LOCKE of Dorchester Spimster £10; To my God Daughter Dorothy FFULLER £20; To Dorothy the wife of Mr BEARD of London £120; To Mary the wife of Mr WESTCOTT of Exon4 score pounds; To the now wife of John WARD grocer £20; To Mary the daughter of Ann PRIESTLY late of Lonbredy 40 shillings; To Mr. William LEIGH of Dorchester £100; To his sisters Mrs Catherine and Amsey LEIGH £20 each; To John LEIGH son of John LEIGH Esq £200 and my silver tankard and greatr salver; To Captain John WILLIAMS £30 and to his wife £15; and to her son Mr Henry CHURCHILL £10; To Mr Walter CROWS daughter £10; To my cousen Ann HIPPESLEY £10; To my cousen MOHUN's eldest daughter £10 and my pearl necklace and my silver plate; and to each of my cousens MOHUN's other children £10; To Robert now servant to my cousen Robert HENLY £20; To Martha WHITE daughter of my cousen GOLLOP £20; £20 to each of the three children of Mr John TASSIER? of Martins Town 30 ? ;To Lawrence servant to Capt Williams 40 shillings ; To Mary now wife of Mr STANNING of Dorchester maltster £30; To her sister TURNER £20; To Elianor late servant to Mrs Rebecca HERNE £5; To Mr Nicholas WEAR and Elizabeth his sister £5 each; To Mrs Hannah MOHUN£30; To Mrs SYDENHAM now in Dorchester prison £10; To Mr James CHANNINGS wife £5; To the widow of my cousen Gilbert RAPNER? £20; To my cousen Maximillian HEYMER £50; To Peter TEMPLEMAN £40 and to his wife £5; To Mrs Mary GOODRICH £10; To Mrs HENNINGTON £5and to her sister DUNNING £5; To the Minister to the parish of Holy Trinity in Dorchester £8 in trust to buy bibles and distribute them amongst the poor children of Dorchester; To my Lady HENLY £100; To Elizabeth daughter of Mr SAGITTARY of Steepleton £10 and my cabinet to Mr DAVIS Servant; To Mrs Mrs PROWSE £10; To the daughter of Mr Conyers PLACE £20; and to the said Mr PLACE and his wife, Mrs Anne CHURCHILL, Mrs Elizabeth SWAYNE, Mr CROW and his wife, and Mrs GRACE and Honour CHURCHILLa ring of twenty shillings value each ; To my servant Elizabeth DAMER £10; £5 yearly to my servant Mrs WILLIAMS for her life , REST of my estate I give unto my cousen Maximillian MOHUN Esq Robert HENLY Esq Thomas LANGFORD the Younger of the County of Cornwall and Maximilliam GOLLOP of Dorchester equally divided between them whom I make my executors Also my will that of Max GOLLOPS share the amount which exceeds £500 placed at interest for his and Jane GOLLOP his daughters benefit during his life and the principal to Jane after his death.
Will of Thomas SHEPPARD, Grocer of Dorchester, Dorset 20 May 1719 PROB 11/568 Buried Holy Trinity 17 Apr 1719
Will of Anne SWAYNE, Spinster of Dorchester, Dorset 06 June 1719 PROB 11/569  
Letter of Administration for the estate of Edward PITMAN bachelor of Dorchester [Dorset] 15 June 1719 OPC PCC Admons Folio 96 Grantee and relationship to deceased Thomas his brother Date of Administration 15th June 1719 Source Somerset Notes and Queries page 326 Vol 6 1898-1899 The PCC Act Books are now held at the National Archives at Kew (ref: PROB 6), but as of 2014 they had not yet been indexed. [Note:- Edward PITMAN (1696-1717) son of Thomas PITMAN (d.1717) and Rebecca (d.1703) both buried at Godmanston]
Letter of Administration for the estate of Deborah HUNT of Dorchester [Dorset] 10 July 1719 OPC/ PCC Admons : Folio 113 OPC PCC Admons Grantee Sebastian HUNT her husband
Will of George CLYNE, Victualler of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- George CLINES was buried at Fordington on 15th july 1719] Dated 18 Nov 1717
Proved 27 Aug 1719
DHC Bc/W/C Event Record 91 also copy Bc/Ew 9; 9; 10 Beneficiaries Brother Edward CLYNE and rest to wife Anne CLYNE Witnesses Richard Cole and Morgan Harbin
Will of Maximilian GOLLOP, Woollen Draper of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Maximilian Gollop was buried at St Peters Church Dorchester on 21st July 1719] Dated 11 May 1719
Proved 27 Aug 1719
DHC Bc/Ew event record 18 and 19 & Cc/I/G E/R 77 Being aged of body (he was 81) etc; Beneficiaries:- to daughter Martha WHITE widow the sum of £30 in the first 3 years after his death in equal portions; has a dwelling House in which he lives in St Peters Parish, refers to daughter Jane GOLLOP; also Thomas HAVELAND the son of his brother-in-law Thomas HAVELAND ; Refers to Elizabeth [i.e. nee HAVILAND] "my now wife" to receive the benefit of all rents profits etc from his house and after her death to go to his daughter Jane Gollop and if she dies then to Thomas Haviland; Elizabeth his wife appointed executrix; Witnessed Morgan Harbin senior and junior [See Link to the 1st of his 3 marriages to Mary POULDAN at St Peters on 20th Feb 1665/6]
Letter of Administration for the estate of John FILDEW, of St Peters Parish in Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried at St Peters church 26th May 1719] 27 Aug 1719 DHC Bc/W/F event record 19 Administration granted to Robert FILDEW the lawful brother of the decaesed a maulster of Dorchester also bound was Francis HAMLYN joiner, witness Thomas FROME
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Laurence SHEPPARD of Dorchester [Dorset] 07 Sep 1719 OPC PCC Admons Folio 163 Grantee and relationship to deceased Edith relict Date of Administration 7th Sept 1719 Source Somerset Notes and Queries page 326 Vol 6 1898-1899 The PCC Act Books are now held at the National Archives at Kew (ref: PROB 6), but as of 2014 they had not yet been indexed.
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Robert SWAFFIELD Bachelor of Whitechapple Middlesex but died at Dorchester [Dorset] 19 Sep 1719 OPC PCC Admons Folio 163 Grantee Joseph SWAFFIELD Brother
Will of Joseph GIGGER, Grocer of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- See burial of Elizabeth Wife of Joseph GIGGER at All Saints Church Dorchester on 16th Oct 1716 and Joseph on 18th Sep 1718] Dated 16 Aug 1718
08 February 1720
PROB 11/572  D/SEN/27/1/8  See Burial Register All Saints Dorchester 18 Sep 1718 Mr. Joseph GIGER was buried. Note: DHC has Index entry under date 16th Aug 1718:- Link to transcription of his will with genealogical notes.
Will of George MABER, Clothier of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried All Saints Church Dorchester 12 Apr 1720 ] Dated 10 July 1711
Proved 24 May 1720
DHC Ad/Dt/W 1720 event record 8 Badly damaged left everything to wife [name not legible] who he made executor. witnesses William Channing & Morgan Harben [Note wife was Alice MABER See her will dated 3rd May 1721 proved 22nd Aug 1721 in which she states that she is the widow of George MABER Clothier deceased]
Will of Henry LILLY, Victualler of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried All Saints Church Dorchester 3rd June 1720] Dated 30 Apr 1720
Proved 14 Jun 1720
DHC Ad/Dt/W 1720 event record 9 proceeds rest of lease property north side of High East street Dorchester in All Saints parish to wife Mary: beneficiaries son John LILLY; Elizabeth TOKER? Widow; lease granted to him by Churchill ROSE Gent Trustees Thomas Rawlings of Druce? Yeoman and Thomas GAPE of Dorchester Cooper. Witnessses Wm Brett? Richard Bartlett and Dan Glisson
Letter of Administration for the estate of Elizabeth BROOKS Widow of Dorchester [Dorset] 04 July 1720 OPC PCC Admons Folio 147 Grantee Cabot? BROOKS, son [Note:- Elizabeth BROOKS widow of Richard BROOKS Wagoner of Dorchester who Will dated 5th September 1708; Proved 10th March 1708/9 by his widow. Their sons correct name was Caleb BROOKS]
Will of Sarah COLLENS, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset

Dated 4 Dec 1716

10 August 1720

PROB 11/575 Will : To be buried in or near my mothers grave in Upwey; To poor widows & orphans of Upwey and to the like No of widows and orphans of West Lulworth 1shilling each. To my brother Robert CHAPPLE 20 shillings & £6pa. for life; To Virtue VIE striped gown , pettycoat and riding hood: Item to Neice Sarah PREW all the rest of my wearing apparel: Item to Neice Sarah Chapple my gold ring with 3 stones in it; Item to nephew Robert WEBB of severells in somerset £5: Item: to sister-in-law PITMAN 20 shillings: Item to sister-in-law RUMSEY 20 s. Item to kinsman Thomas PITMAN 40s: Item to brother Benjamin Chapple £10 and his wife my best pair of holland sheets: Item to several poor widows of the town of Dorchester20s to be distributed at discretion of my son and Edward Vincent : Item I give and devise my 2 closes of Land called widdows within the parish of Merriott Somerset to son John COLLINS & in default to my said brother Robert CHAPPLE & in default to brother Samuel Chapple : Item The Rest to nephewsRobert WEBB - also executor in trust during the minority of my son etc --- goes on to name many others in default of son inheriting.
Will of Clement MILLER, Vicualler of Dorchester, Dorset [Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 11 Aug 1719] Dated 02 Aug 1719
Proved 12 Dec 1720
DHC Ad/Dt/W 1721 event record 8 Beneficiaries Sons Thomas and Clement MILLER; Wife Sarah; Rest in trust with his father Nathaniel MILLER and his brother Thomas MILLER Witnesses John Lawes & Morgan Harben [Note:- Clement was the 7th child from the marriage of of Nathaniel Miller who married Ann ASTEN at All Saints church Dorchester 1st Nov 1666. Follow link for more information about this family
Letter of Administration for the estate of Peter GRAY of Dorchester [Dorset] 24 Dec 1720 OPC PCC Admons Folio 238 Grantee Anne GRAY, relict
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Francis BEATY of Dorchester [Dorset] 26 Jab 1720/1 OPC PCC Admons Folio 8 Grantee Mary BEATY Relict
Will of Alice MABER, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset and the relict and executrix of the Will of George MABER heretofore of Dorchester a clothier deceased her late husband Dated 03 May 1721
Proved 22 Aug 1721
DHC Bc/Ew event records 29 and 30 Property in St Peters Parish: Beneficiaries : Daughter Jane GAWLER and Son James PARSONS : grand daughter Alice GAWLER the daughter of Benjamin GAWLER.Witnesses Richard Cole & Morgan Harbin [Note:- Buried at St Peters Church Dorchester 25 Jun 1721]
Will of Robert LOCK, Victualler of Dorchester, Dorset

[Note:- Buried All Saints Church Dorchester 25 Oct 1721 & his wife Hanna pre-deceased him on 25 May 1720]
Dated 19 Jul 1721
Proved 20 Nov 1721
DHC Ad/Dt/W 1721 Event Record 7 Robert LOCK (1658-1721) Follow link for more information about his family:
WILL: The Last Will and Testament of me Robert LOCK of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Victualler being sick and weak in body but of sound and perfect mind and memory (Thanks be given to God Almighty) Whereas my Son-in-Law John ENSOR stands indebted unto me in the sum of £12 being money by him heretofore borrowed of Hannah my late wife in her lifetime as appears by a note under his hand dated the 4th day of November 1713 the gave unto my late wife, I hereby give the said sum of £12 to my grandchildren Robert ENSOR and Hanna ENSOR to be equally divided between then share and share alike as they shall severally attain the age of 21 but if either of them shall happen to die before such age then I give the whole sum to the survivor of them. -- I give the same sum unto and amongst such other child or children of the said John ENSOR as shall survive the said Robert ENSOR and Hanna ENSOR begotten or to be begotten on the body of my daughter ENSOR according to the discretion of my executor hereafter named -- Item I give unto the said John ENSOR & Hanna his wife one shilling each. All the other my goods chattels and real & personal estate whatsoever I give and devise the same unto and among my son Thomas LOCK and daughter Edith LOCK and Elizabeth LOCK whom I hereby make joint executors and residuary legatees of this my said Last Will and Testament In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the 19th day of July 1721. Witnesses Richard FOY; James FFOY and Morgan HARBIN.

[Note:- John ENSOR from Holy Trinity Parish married his daughter Hanna LOCK from All Saints at Bradford Peverell (where the vicar of All Saints lived and married couples from Dorchester locally for some years) on 03 Oct 1709]
Inventory of the Goods and Chattles of Thomas REYNOLDS , Butcher of Dorchester, deceased [Note:- Buried at All Saints Church Dorchester 4th May 1722] Appraised 04 Jun 1722 DHC Ad/Dt/I/1722 event record 12 Appraised by Thomas GAPE and Daniel GLISSON of Dorchester
Will of Ann CHURCHILL, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset

[Note:- John Hutchins page 400 states she died 18th July 1722 she was the wife of John CHURCHILL (1657-1709) Esq of Colliton and Fordington, and buried at Kimmeridge in Dorset on 20th July 1722]
Dated 06 July 1720
Proved 08 Aug 1722
PROB 11/586

Will: Bequests to kinsman Edward CLAVEL lands and hereditaments at Orchard Dorset + £500;
To his daughter Martha CLAVEL £100 to be paid to her father for her use;
To neice Mrs Dorothy MILDMAY all lands etc on Isle of Wight; Charge on my lands at Bradpole and Pymore? Dorset
Payment of £150 to 2 children of my late neice Elianor STEVENS
Sum of £150 unto Elizabeth daughter of my neice Ann CROWE being the legatees given them by the last will and testament of my neice Anne SWAYNE deceased etc ;
My dwelling house in Dorchester with the outhouses unto my neice Elizabeth SWAYNE + £1000 + all my household goods;
All my bank annuities and other monies in public funds to my kinsman Thomas ROYCROFT and his sister Jane ROYCROFT
To Elianor and Frances the 2 children of my late neice Elianor STEVENS £200 at 21 or marriage
To Thomas son of Neice Grace JACOB £200 [Note:- Thomas Jacob (1720-1724) son of Vicar of Fordington]
To Thomas son of cousin Thomas BROOMFIELD £100
To Amy wife of Thomas HODGKINS £50
To Widow ROBINSON of Dorchester £40
£400 to a charity school within the Borough of Dorchester
To Nephew Robert SWAYNE ten shillings weekly for life
To Neice Elizabeth SWAYNE my gold watchand all my Jewells
To the wife of Mr Peter TEMPLEMAN 20 guineas to buy a diamond ring in rem of me
To the poor of each of the three parishes in Dorchester £10
To each servant living with me at my death £10 each
All my wearing apparel to my maid
All Rest of my Estate Real and Personal to my Neice Mrs Dorothy MILDMAY also made sole executrix


CODICIL: Whereas since execution of Will --entered into deed relating to the marriage of my Neice Elizabeth SWAYNE with Mr Richard SAMWAYS and already made ample provision for her -- therefore the £1000 previously left her is revoked.
Re £400 to charity School in Dorchester to be taken out of the money due from my Brother [i.e. Brother-in Law] CHARLES CHURCHILL + many other smaller changes to her will Signed 17th June 1722

Will of James BUNN, Ironmonger of Dorchester , Dorset 29 November 1722 PROB 11/588  
Will of Lawrence BRINE Husbandman of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Could not locate a burial probably died circa 1723] Dated 28 Jan 1711/12
Proved 03 Mar 1723
DHC Bc/A/B event record 202 and Copy Bc/Ew 6/7 Will left 1 shilling to his brother Jaffery BRINE (to ensure that he had no claim on the estate) and the rest to his wife Mary BRINE. Mary produced the will at Court and took oath as to its authenticity as over 11 years had passed since it was written on 3rd Mar 1723. There is another statement in Latin dated 12th March 1723.
Will of Anne CLYNE or CLINE, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset Dated 3rd April 1722
06 Feb 1723
PROB 11/589 Beneficiaries:- Children of kinsman Edward CROSS of the City of London £5; To 3 children of my late deceased kinsman James CROSS of Wimborne Minster Joiner £5; children of kinsman John CROSS of Woodlands £5; Kinswoman Susannah SANSOM of Owermoigne widow & Elizabeth Walters of Upway £5 each; Joseph PHELPS of Dorchester Cheesemonger £5; 5 children of kinsman George CLINE of Dorchester Victualler 20s; John SYMES now apprentice to Edward Vincent the younger of Dorchester £5; to John SYMES his shop being in the Butchers Shambles of dorchester lately purchased by my deceased husband etc; Ann wife of Edward Vincent and her two sisters Meriame ROSE and Grace SYMES all household goods & wearing apparel
Will of Sebastian HUNT, Sergemaker of Dorchester , Dorset

[Note:- See Burial Register All Saints Dorchester 30 Mar 1722]

[Note:- Sebastian's 2nd marriage to Marie [i.e. Mary] ARNOLD took place at Bradford Peverell Dorset on 21 Jan 1706/7]
Dated 13 Oct 1712

Proved 07 May 1723
PROB 11/591

The Last Will and Testament of me Sebastian HUNT of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Sergemaker being of sound and perfect mind and memory thanks be to God

First: I give unto my Brother Thomas HUNT one shilling and all my wearing apparel both woollen and linen

Item: My will is that Mary my now wife shall forthwith from the time of my decease during the term of her natural life hold and enjoy receive and take to her own proper use the rents issues and profits of all those my four messuages brugages or dwellings houses outhouses and gardens with the appurtenances situate and within the parish of All Saints in Dorchester aforesaid whereof one of the said Messuages now in my actual possession one other of them is in the tenure of John DOWLE one other of them in the tenure of Jane SAUNDERS Widow commonly called the 'Chequer Inn' and the other inhabited now last in the tenure John ABBOTT commonly called 'The Old Goale' which said several messuages and premises late were the homes of William HAYWARD of Dorchester aforesaid Cutler and by me purchased of John OLIVER of the City of Bristol Ironmonger and from and after my decease of Mary my said wife I give and devise unto my Nephew Robert HUNT son of the said Thomas HUNT his heirs and assigns forever all that my said Messuage Burgage or Dwelling House and garden with the appurtenances now in the house of the said Jane SAUNDERS.

Item: from and after the decease of my said wife I give and devise the said Messauge Burgage or Dwellinghouse and garden now in my possession also the Messuage Burgage or dwelling house and garden now in the tenure of the said John DOWLE together with the other Messauge Burgage or Dwellinghouse late in the tenure of the said John ABBOTT with all and singular the appurtenances unto the said respective Messauges and premises belonging unto my neice Grace HUNT Spinster daughter of the said Thomas HUNT to hold to her the said Grace HUNT her heirs and assigns forever provided nevertheless and my Will is hereby further declared that if the said Robert HUNT or Grace HUNT or either of them shall happen to die leaving no issue of his or her body lawfully begotten then and in such case I do hereby give and devise the fee simple of the premises hereby given unto him and her severally to the survivor of them the said Robert and Grace HUNT to hold to such survivor of them his or her heirs and assigns forever anything herebefore contained to the contrary notwithstanding

Item: I give unto my nephew John EAMES (Son of Mark EAMES) all that my Leasehold dwellinghouse and garden with the appurtenances situate Mill Street within the parish of Fordington in the said County of Dorset now in the land of Churchill ROSE Gentand in the tenure of John DIFFEY and others to hold to him the said John EAMES his executors and assigns immediately from and after my decease for the remainder of my estate and term therein then to come and unexpired

Item: I give unto Mary my said wife the full and whole profit benefit use and advantage of all the monies returns and other effects that shall arise and accrue out of the trade of late making which she now useth or shall exercise at the time of my decease

Item: All my claim title and interest to the Testamentary estate of Gilesa BULLOCK late of London Woollen Draper deceased in right of Deborah my late deceased wife together with all other my real and personal estate whatsover I herebu give unto Mary my said wife and the said Grace HUNT whom I hereby constitute and make joint executors of this my said last will and Testament In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the thirteenth day of October in the eleventh year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Queen Anne over Great Britain etc Anno Domini 1712 [Signed Sebastian HUNT]

Signed sealed published and declared to be the last Will and Testament of the said Sebastain HUNT [in the] presence of us who subscribed in his presence Edward GRACE the mark of John WILCOX, Morgan HARBIN

Will of Francis HAMBLING, Innkeeper of Dorchester , Dorset 12 July 1723 PROB 11/592 Buried Holy Trinity 26 Apr 1723
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Elizabeth SHEPPARD of Dorchester [Dorset] 23 May 1724 OPC PCC Admons Folio 78 Grantee John GOLLOP, nephew on sisters side - Thomas SHEPPARD husband deceased
Nuncupative Will of Robert ANTHONY, Cooper late of Dorchester, Dorset + Let/Admin 1st Oct 1724 8th Jun 1724

 DHC: Ad/Dt/W/1724E/Rec: No. 9.

Proceeds left to wife Adri Anthony : Note:- Robert ANTHONY & Adri HARBIN were married on 14-May 1717 at Holy Trinity church Dorchester see marriage for more information. Images of Will & L/Admin available on Robert ANTHONY was buried at HT on 11 Jun 1724.
Will of Willaim STAGG maltster of Dorchester Dorset [Note:- Buried St Peters Church Dorchester 08 Jun 1724] Dated 29 May 1724
Proved 30 July 1724
DHC Bc/Ew event record 48 Beneficiary Richard STAGG of Hostwood in the parish of Wimborne maltster yeoman and his brother a dwelling in South Street St Peters Parish Dorchester - + 2 Friends Thomas BEVISSE of Dorchester an innholder and Edward LAVENDON of Piddletrenthide Teoman also trustees of £400 for 4 children of his brother Richard being Richard, Margaret, Mary and Elizabeth STAGG until majority
Letter of Administration for the estate of Thomas STAGG late of Dorchester Dorset [Note:- Buried St Peters Church Dorchester 21st May 1724] 04 Aug 1724 DHC Bc/A/S event record 129 Granted to Richard STAGG of Hinton Martell in Dorset his natural and lawful brother
Will of George GOULD, glover of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried at Holy trinity Parish 10th July 1721] Dated 04 Jul 1721
Proved 25 Jun 1724
DHC Cc/I/G E/R 90 and copy at Bc/Ew E/R's 23;24;25 Bequests: to son Thomas GOULD and his 4 grandaughters by him Margaret, Elizabeth, Frances and Mary mention of dwellins situate in Holy Trinity parish lately purchased of Joseph & Hanna Stickland witnesses Ann Palmer, William Winzar and Morgan Harben
Will of Elizabeth (known as Eli) POLLARD a widow of Dorchester [Note:- The Widow POLLARD was buried at St Georges Church in Fordington on 21st May 1724] Dated 11 Apr 1724
Proved 20 July 1724
DHC Copy will :Bc/Ew event record 37 also original Bc/W/P event record 101 Beneficiaries John POLLARD my deceased husbands son, Brotehrs James and Joseph HAWKINS; Sister Susannah LAWLESS [Loveless?] Thomas PLAIN of Dorchestter; Susannah PURCHASE of Wimborne spinster; Martha SNOOK of yetminster a spinster; Sisters daughter jane WOOD of Haselborough Bryant spinster; Rest to Martha HEWLETT if Dorchester a spinster. witnessed by Mary Blenkinsop and Danuiel Glisson
Letter of Administration for the estate of William GRAY [GREY] of St Peters Parish in Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- 2 possible burials at St Peters on 7th Feb 1723/4 and 12th Jan 1724/5] 01 Aug 1724 DHC Cc/I/G event record 125 Granted to Sarah GRAY his widow and relict bound with her is William THORNE of weymouth and Melcombe Regis a joyner by trade and Thomas THORNE of the same place schoolmaster - NOTE:_ There is an addition note on this LA at the botton:- " Left unadministrered by Sarah GRAY deceased Letters of Administration were granted to William SUMMERS the grandson of the said deceased dated 10th September 1753
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Christopher PEARCE of Dorchester [Dorset] 03 Sep 1724 OPC PCC Admons Folio 230 Grantee Mary PEARCE Relict
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Mary GLISSON of Dorchester [Dorset] 26 Jan 1724/5 OPC PCC Admons Folio 7 Grantee Conyers PLACE, clerk, guardian of Mary and Magdalen GLISSON, children - William GLISSON, husband, deceased (further grant Jun 1731)
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Robert COLSON of Dorchester 13 Feb 1724/5 OPC PCC Admons Folio 26 Grantee Mary COLSON, Relict
Will of John DAMAR also BLANDAMORE, Tailor of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried Holy Trinity Church dorchester 27th Nov 1724] Dated 20 Nov 1724
Proved 28 Mar 1725
or 28 Mar 1741?
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1741 Event Record 31 NOTE:- Date Will was proved 28 Mar (the year is unclear but catalogued as 1741) - See later entry for more details of bequests
Will:- living at property in South Street St Peters Parish leased 21 Oct 1691 for 99 years granted by Thomas ROSE of Dorchester Gentleman and Elizabeth his then wife both deceased: Bequeathed to Elizabeth his wife and after her death to son Robert DAMER who has to support 2 sisters Elizabeth (eldest) and Margaret Witnesses John Carington and William Rutherford and William Grant
Will of Robert BUNN, Grocer of Dorchester, Dorset 03 May 1725 PROB 11/603 Buried Fordington St George 1st Apr 1725
Will of William SPRATT, Victualler of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried at St peters church Dorchester on 9 Jul 1725. Daughter Ann bap HT 27 Mar 1717, Son Robert bap StP 3rd Mar 1719/20 & Elizabeth bap StP 20 Mar 1721/2 ] Will Dated 10 Apr 1724

Proved 17 July1725
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1725 event record 20 Image Beneficiaries etc:- Equally between wifev Ann SPRATT; son Robert SPRATT and daughters Ann & Elizabeth SPRATT; Brother in law Harry EMERY Clerk & Kinsman John SPRATT of witcombe assistants to his wife and residuary trustees until his children reach majority . witnessed Andrew PURCHASE and Morgan HARBIN. A Half completed LA is the form on which the will is proven which was granting administration to his wife ann and bound with her were to be Richard KNAPP of Blandford Gent and Benjamin BRINE
Will of William CONDON, Victualler of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried at St Peters Church Dorchester 2nd June 1725] Dated 16 Nov 1724
Proved 17 July1725
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1725 event record 25 Image Beneficiaries etc:- Sons Richard and John daughter Deboarah BOARD daughter Hannah HARE daughter Rebekah CONDON Rest to Son Francis CONDON Witnesses James Hilson, David Shepherd and Thomas Swaffield
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of John OLDIS Widower of Dorchester [Dorset] 31 Aug 1725 OPC PCC Admons Folio 148 Grantee Mary wife of John GUNDRY, armiger, daughter
Will of William COSSENS , Miller of Dorchester, Dorset [Note: William COSINS was buried at Hioly Trinity Church Dorchester 2nd March 1725/6][Note:- Letter of administration with will attached granted to John COSSENS Lawful brother of deceased 8th May 1742] Dated 01 Feb 1725
Proved 04 Sep 1725
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1725 event record 22 Will left house in HT by the name of Sunne----(part missing) etc to wife Sarah COSSENS and son Francis COSSENS Guardians in minority Friends James Boucher of Dorchester John Watts lymeburner + ? witneesses Richard Jackson + 2 others
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of James POWELL of Dorchester [Dorset] 20 Sep 1725 OPC PCC Admons Folio 175 Grantee Margaret POWELL relict

Will of William JACOB, the elder Clothier of Dorchester, Dorset

[Note:- William JACOB married Elizabeth MARTIN late of Bere Regis in Charminster Dorset on 16th Oct 1683. He was buried St Peters Church Dorchester 10 Feb 1724/5]

Dated 19 Jun 1723
Proved 21 Sep 1725
DHCAd/Dt/W/1725 event record 19

Bequests: To my truley well beloved Friends Baruth NOWELL of Dorchester Clerk and Edward VINCENT the younger of the same place Victualler their heirs and assigns forever All That my Messuage Burgage or Tenement with the appurtenances situate within the parish of Holy Trinity in the Borough of Dorchester aforesaid on the North side of High west Street there which messuage and premises I heretofore purchased of Elianor PERKINS Widow and from John PERKINS her son, both In Trust for Elizabeth my now wife for her life then after her decease the son John JACOB ; for life subject to yearly payment out of the rents etc of 40 shillings to my son William JACOB; and to pay unto my daughter Elizabeth now the wife of Thomas EAMES of like sum of 40 shillings for her own separate use etc;

Item: To son John Jacob £300 part of a £600 bond within 1 year;

Item: To son Wm and Son in Law Thomas EAMES £150 each within 1 year after his decease:

Item: To my grandson William Jacob and grand daughter Elizabeth, children of my son Wm £50 each at age of 21 (to be paid to the father within 1 year) , if one dies before 21 share goes to the other ;

Item: To grandsons Thomas EAMES and Jonathan EAMES £50 each at age of 21 (to be paid to the father within 1 year) , if one dies before 21 share goes to the other ;

Dated 19th day of June 1723;

[Note:- Thomas EAMES of Fordington married Elizabeth JACOB at St Peters Church dorchester on 28th Jan 1718/9. Link to transcription of her husbands Will ALSO Baruth Nowell was Minister of the Protestant Dissenters Church in Pease Lane].

Will of Richard MITCHELL Tallow Chandler of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at All Saints Church Dorchester on 02 Mar 1724/5] Dated 13 Jan 1723
Proved 12 Mar 1725/6
DHC Copy Will Bc/Ew - E/R 36 & Original Bc/W/M - E/R 74 Will beneficiaries Sister in law Jane MITCHELL; Wife Anne MITCHELL also executrix; dwelling lately purchased of James CHANNING Gent; Father Edward MITCHELL; Witnesses John Loder; Elizabeth Gill; Robert Loder [Note:- Richard MITCHELL married Ann AUSTON at St Peters Church Dorchester on 12th April 1710]
Will of Sarah HAMBLYNG [HAMBLING] of Dorchester widow [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity dorchester on 2nd Nov 1725] Dated 31 Aug 1725
Proved 12 Mar 1725/6
DHC Bc/I/H Event Record 18: Copy Bc/Ew E/R 26 Beneficiaries son Nicholas; daughter Sarah the wife of William COSSENS; grandchildren Elianor Morgan; Sarah eldest daughter of son Nicholas; Elianor daughter of late son Bernard; Johanna Morgan & Francis Cossens
Letter of Administration granted for the estate of George BATT , of All Saints Parish in Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried All saints Church Dorchester on 14 Jun 1726 ] 26 Aug 1726 DHC Bc/A/B event record 76 Grabted to Ann BATT lawful widow of deceased also bound is Daniel COLLINGDON of Weymouth Gent
Letter of Administration granted for the estate of Robert GAILARD [GAYLARD] , Bookseller of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried All saints Church Dorchester on3rd May 1726] 27 Aug 1726 DHC Cc/W/G event record 34 Bound are James GAILARD a plumber by trade and the lawful brother of deceased and John TUCKER Innholder and John JEFFERYS painter stainer
Will of Paul FFAURE, Surgeon of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried St Peters Church Dorchester as Paul FAURE on 7th Jan 1725/6] Dated 27 Dec 1725
Proved 26 Oct 1726
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1726 event record 8 Will beneficiaries:- Cousin Jacob ADAM of London a tailor by trade and Nephew John CLARETT witnesses John Woolmington; John Elliott and George Cooper.
Will of James CHANNING, Merchant Tailor of Dorchester, Dorset 10 November 1726 PROB 11/611 Buried St Peters 16 Jul 1726
Will of Richard SAMWAIES, [or Samways] Grocer of Dorchester, Dorset 15 December 1726 PROB 11/612 Buried St Peters 9th Dec 1726
Will of Thomas CHANNING, Malster of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Thomas CHANNING was buried at Holy Trinity church dorchester on 23rd June 1726] Dated 21 Apr 1726
Proved 06 Jan 1726/7
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1726 Event record 7 : also Bc/W/C Ev/Rec 30 images available Benificiaries:- Uncle William CHANNING of Evershot a shoemaker; James Foy son of George Foy of Dorchester; 4 Sisters Sarah; Selly, widow Susannah wife of George Richmond ; and Frances Channing; Rest in trust with Martha Channing his wife together with William Alder and Richard Hole for the benefit of his wife during her life and education of daughter Betty Turner Channing
Will of Francis COSSENS Apothecary of Dorchester Dorset [note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 16th April 1727] [Note:- Letter of administration with will attached granted to John COSSENS Lawful uncle of deceased 8th May 1742] Dated 26 Mar 1727
Proved May 1727
L/A 08 May 1742
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1727 Event Record 20 Image on for members [Note:- Francis an Apothecary by trade the son of William and Sarah COUSINS. Father buried 2nd March 1725/6. Will of Francis COSSENS dated 26th March 1727 leaving everything to his mother Sarah - others mentioned Uncle John COSSENS of the City of Exon (Exeter) a joyner by trade; Uncle Nicholas HAMBLIN of Exon a barber; Cousin William MORGAN of Dorchester son of Charles MORGAN late of Exon deceased; Cousin John HOLLARD of Dorchester husbandman; John HAMBLIN son of Bernard HAMBLIN late of Dorchester deceased witnesses Stephen Clark, Richard Hole and Eleanor Morgan.
Nuncupative Will of Jasper COLSON, Surgeon of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Jasper COLSON was buried at St Peters Church Dorchester on 29 Dec 1726] Dated 30 Dec 1726
L/A Dated 01 Jul 1727
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1727 Event Record 21 Images Nuncupative Will: OATHS of Anne LESTER wife of John LESTER of Dorchester Cordwainer and Elizabeth BUSHROD Widow of Dorchester Nuncupative Will taken death 27th Dec 1726 Kinsman Austin WIGGINS present to have all that I have.

Letter of administration granted for his estate 1st July 1727 to Austin WIGGINS pricipal Legatee and next of kin (may be from Hampshire) of Jasper COLSON late of Dorchester deceased bound with Thomas RILEY of Blandford and Richard FITZHERBERT [Note:- Link to more information about this family]
Will of Elizabeth ELLIOTT, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried All Saints Church Dorchester either 16th Nov 1726 or 22 Mar 1726/7] Dated 14 Sep 1725
Proved 17 Feb 1727
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1727 even record 19 Beneficiaries Grandaughter Ann LOCKETT; son Phillip ELLIOTT; older son Robert ELLIOTT; daughter Elizabeth WHITMORE; Son-in-law Thomas LOCKETT and his wife Ann he daughter witnesses Samuel WINZAR and Morgan HARBIN
Will of John BATTEN, Inn Keeper of Dorchester, Dorset 23 June 1727

PROB 11/615

See Burial Register All Saints Dorchester 14 Nov 1726
Will of John SAMWAIES, [or Samways] Merchant Tailor of London and now an inhabitant of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried St Peters 8 Sep 1727] Dated 24 Aug 1727
Proved 06 October 1727
PROB 11/617 Long Will with many bequests to members of his family etc: To be buried at St Martins Vintry if he died in London or St Peters in Dorchester: Refers to a sister Elizabeth SAMWAYS a Spinster - Partner in a Sugar House in London Bequest to the Parish of Holy Trinity or of St Peters of £10 every 2 years charged on his dwelling house in Dorchester to be laid out in the clothing and binding out an apprentice child of some poor inhabitant of the parish. Available to view on
Will of William ALLEN of Dorchester a Baker written 30th Nov 1727 - beneficiaries Wife Margaret Allen house in All Saints Parish; William Read his executor (under age) administered by his father Anthony Read a Clothier : Brothers Joyce, Thomas, and John Allen and sister Susana White all left 1 shilling: Dated 30 Nov 1727 Proved 26th Aug 1729 DHC Bc/Ew; Event Record Number: 1; 2. Note:- Bequests of 1 shilling was usually a legal ploy to ensure that close relations could not contest a will as they had been considered - This did not mean there was any animosity : William ALLEN was buried at All Saints Church Dorchester on 5th June 1729
Will of Robert WEARE, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset 11 May 1728 PROB 11/622 Buried Holy Trinity 27 Apr 1727
Will of John ARNOLD, Cordwainer of Dorchester, Dorset dated 8th April 1728 Beneficiaries brother Thomas Arnold; Nephew William Arnold son of his brother Thomas; Neices Mary and Elizabeth Wadman daughters of his late brother in law Francis Wadman; Nieces Mary and Elianor Arnold daughters of his late brother Robert: Nephew James Toogood son of Robert & sister Martha Toogood; Neice Elizabeth Lovell daughter of his sister Martha Covell Kinsfolk John Snelling of Chalding thatcher; Elizabeth Churchhouse widow of Preston; Kinsman Jacob Hitchcock of Dorchester; Giles Hitchcock his son; Friend John Woolmington of Dorchester Apothecary. Dated 8th Apr 1728 : Proved 1st Feb 1729 DHC Ad/Dt/W/1728 event record 21 John Arnold buried at All Saints church Dorchester 14th January 1728/9. He was baptised 27th March 1659 the son of William ARNOLL and Ann nee TAYLOR. See his parents marriage at All Saints 19th July 1656 for list of 7 siblings. His sister Ruth ARNOLD of Dorchester was married at Winterbourne Came 20th July 1706. She had 2 chidren both bap at St Peters Vizt: Mary Wadman on 11th Feb 1706/7 and Elizabeth Wadman bap 19th Jan 1708/9: His brother-in-law Francis Wadman was buried at St Peters 21st July 1717 being pre-deceased by his sister Ruth on 17th Dec 1711. Mary ARNOLD of Holy Trinity dorchester married Jacob HITCHCOCK of St Peters 26th Sep 1719 - their son Giles was bap at HT 19th July 1720
Will of Priscilla CLAPCOTT, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 22 March 1729 PROB 11/628 Buried St Peters 24 Oct 1728
Will of Thomas PLAYNE [PLAINE] , Yeoman of Dorchester, Dorset Dated 01 Nov 1725
Proved 22 Apr 1729
DHC Bc/Ew Event Records 53; 54; 55 Beneficiaries: Brothers Matthew, Marmaduke and John PLAYNE; Rest to Martha HEWLETT of Dorchester a spinster inc property in St peters Parish on west side of High South Street now in possession of Edward HELLARD and Ralph WARREN as tenants; Lease granted to me by the Fgfeoffees of the free school in Dorchester
Will of Richard HOLE, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset 03 June 1729 PROB 11/630 Buried Holy Trinity 14 Feb 1728
Will of Elizabeth FILDEW, Wiodw of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried St Peters Church Dorchester 21st march 1728] Dated 22 Nov 1723
Proved 26 Aug 1729
DHC Bc/A/F event record 18 Also damaged coy at Bc/Ew event records27:28 Will Beneficiaries:- Sons Robert and Francis FILDEW and Francis's daughters Mary and Elizabeth. Grandson Johbn MORY; Grandson henry SHORTO; grandaughters Elizabeth, Margery, and Mary SHORTO; Grandchildren Robert, Ann Mary and John FILDEW sons and daughtrers of her son Thomas FILDEW witnessed Water Lawrence and Morgan Harbin
Will of John MITCHELL, Stone Cutter of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 16th October 1727] Dated 17 Aug 1727
Proved 04 Nov 1729
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1727 event record 27 Will beneficiaries include: Everything to wife Mary MITCHELL sole executrix after her death legacies:- West part of his dwelling house to James FRAMPTON that married my sisters daughter; East part of House unto Samuel BRINE that married my other sisters daughter + garden; Sister Anne STICKLAND; Sister Rebecca ; niece Margaret now widow the daughter of my sister Anne Stickland; Mary MITCHELL the daughter of my brother Thomas MITCHELL; Mary the daughter of my brother Samuel Mitchel (also beneficiary); Susanna daughter of brother Andrew MITCHELL; eldest daughter of George STICKLAND the son of my sister Anne stickland; William the son of my brother Andrew MITCHELL; Mary and Elizabeth the daughters of my sister Anne; Brothers Thomas and Andrew. Witnesses John & Deborah Milwood
Will of George GOULD, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset 23 January 1730 PROB 11/635 Buried St Peters 24 Nov 1729
Will of Elizabeth CHANNING, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset

[Note:- Buried St Peters 20 Nov 1729]
Dated 07 Dec 1726
12 February 1729/30
PROB 11/635

Will:- Whereas indebted to my Daughter Sarah CHANNING in the sum £60 given her by the Will of William CHANNING my late husband the said sum of £60 to be paid to her: To my daughter Jane CHANNING £60; to my daughter Elizabeth the wife of James WOODSFORD £50; To grandaughter Jane WOODSFORD £10; To grandaughter Mary BROOKS the sum of £20; Grandson Thomas CHANNING to be placed out as apprentice for which £10; To grandaughter Hannah CHANNING £10 to be paid aged 21; To grandchildren Gundry Elizabeth William Gundry Joseph Gundry and Rebecca Gundry the children of my daughter Rebecca Gundry £10 each at respective agfes of 21 years; REST of his estate to my 2 daughters Sarah CHANNING and Jane CHANNING both executrixes. WHEREAS I have given to my grandchildren William Gundry Joseph Gundry Elizabeth Gundry and Reebcca Gundry the sum of £10 each I now revoke these legacies. I give to my grandaughter Mary BROOKS the sum of 8 pounds more than the twenty pounds mentioned . To som William CHANNING and Ann Channing his wife the sum of £10 each. to buy them mourning Codicil dated 4th Jan 1728 PROBATE Will and codicil proved 12th Feb 12 Feb 1729/30

Will of Mary COLLINS, widow of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried as The Widow COLLINS at All Saints Church Dorchester on 25th June 1730] Dated 10 Jun 1730
Proved 29 Jun 1730
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1730 event record 20 Image Will Beneficiaries mainly to son James SHORTO bequests to daughter Katharine wife of Thomas COOMBS bequests to grandchildren:- Henry CHAPMAN; Elizabeth BATTEN; Henry, Elizabeth, Margery and Mary SHORTO; Thomas, Sarah and James COOMBS; Mary SEAGER; Sarah the wife of Edmund OLDIS Witnesses George White, John Howlett and Richard Hopkins
Will of Lawrence SNOOK, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset 02 July 1730 PROB 11/639 Buried Holy Trinity 5th Dec 1729
Will of Francis CONDON, Carpenter and Victualler of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried St Peters Church Dorchester 5th July 1730] Dated 27 Jun 1730
Proved 17 July 1730
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1730 event record 21 Beneficiaries etc:- Brother Richard; Sister Deborah Board; Sister Hannah HARE Witness Mathew Cooper, Joseph Upsell and William Lawes
Will of Thomas BURT, Maltster of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Could not trace a burial] Dated 12 Sep 1730
Proved 17 Sep 1730
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1730 Event Record 22 Will states aged - Benificiaries:- Son Robert and wife Edith - executors son Robert and Robert WILLMOTT son-in-law witnesses Morgan HARBIN senior and junior
Will of Thomas COOPER late of Dorchester and now of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis Gentleman Dated 14th May 1729
Proved 14th Oct 1730
PROB 11/640 Will: Sister Elizabeth Pitman; Friend Captain Thomas Rose; Dennis Bond Esq; Mr John Gigger; Mr Andrew Way of Bridport; Mr Peter Templeman; Nephew John Pitman; Mr William Templeman of Dorchester; Nephews George Cooper & Robert Cooper; [Note:- Thomas COOPER Gent his wife Elizabeth Cooper was buried at St peters Church in Dorchester on 18 Jan 1711/2 also Father of John Cooper who was buried St peters 1713]
Will of Martha WENTWORTH, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 07 January 1731 PROB 11/642 Buried Holy Trinity 12 Oct 1730
Letter of Administration for trhe estate of William COSSENS of Dorchester, Dorset 08 Feb 1731 DHC Bound John COSSENS of Exon Joyner by trade Brother of deceased? also bound Edward Whitmeh of Blandford Forum joyner and Richard Fitzherbert of Blandford
Will of John WOOLMINGTON, Apothecary of Dorchester, Dorset 30 March 1731 PROB 11/643 Note:- bound on a letter of administration with John Mory alias Wilse of Dorchester 14 July 1709 for the estate of Frances Fildew spinster
Will of Thomas SEWARD, Merchant of Dorchester , Dorset 30 July 1731 PROB 11/646 See Burial Register All Saints Dorchester 23 July 1731
Will of Tomzin LEMMON, widow of the late Robert LEMMON Cooper of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried at All Saints Church Dorchester 1st Mar 1730] Dated 26 May 1729
Proved 03 Sep 1731
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1731 event record 28 Beneficiaries etc: Son Robert LEMMON 1 shilling; daughter Mary FREAKE 1 shilling and half wearing apparel; son Thomas LEMMON 1 shilling; daughter Elizabeth LEMMON rest + executrix Witnessed Thomas GAPE and William PURNICK? [See the marriage of Robert LEMEN [LEMMON] & Tamsen HOLGARD at St Peters on 09 Feb 1680/1 for more information about this family]
Will of Caleb BROOKS, the elder collar maker of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Caleb BROOKS was one of the brothers of Mary Channing nee brooks who was burnt at the stake in 1705 for murdering her husband - Caleb BROOKS the elder was buried at St Peters on 16th Nov 1730.] 06 Oct 1731 DHC Ad/Dt/W/1730 event record 23 Link to transcription of his will with genealogical notes
Letter of Administration for the estate of George BARTLETT Shoemaker of Dorchester granted to his widow Ebet Bartlett Granted 09 Oct 1731 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1731 Event Record 24

Know all men by these presents that Ebet Bartlett of Dorchester in the County of Dorset widow , John Bartlett of the same place Maltster & s Samuel WINZAR of the same place Blacksmith. are firmly bound unto Reverend Dr Robert COOPER --etc etc dated 9th day of October 1731

The condition of this obligation is that if the above bound Ebet BARTLETT Relict & Widow and also Administratrix of all and singular the goods chattles ans credits of George BARTLETT late of Dorchester aforesaid Shoemaker deceased do make or cause to be made a true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the goods--- etc etc --- Signed with the mark of Ebet Bartlett and John BARTLETT in the presence of Elizabeth BARTLETT and Robert LODER by the oat of Ebet Bartlett taken before me

[Note:- George BARTLETT married Ebett HUMAGE at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 26th Oct 1717. The John BARTLETT Maltster of Dorchester who was also bound with her was buried at All Saints Church Dorchester on 7th Jan 1753 and left a Will dated 10th Aug 1752 which was proved 18th Jan 1755]

Administration with Will annexed for Jacob HITCHCOCK of Dorchester Cordwainer

[Note:- DHC records as of Dorchester but buried as 'Jacob HITCHCOCK Churchwarden' at Fordington St Georges Church 1st March 1732. Also in 1732 Fordington Church Vestry Accounts for 1732 and not later but see Will dated 1734?]



Bristol Consistitory Court Ref Bc/Rerur/H Event Record 144

[Note:- DHC has following entry under its ref D/DOR/T17 Index states Messuage, later converted into bakehouse, piece of ground (in deed of 1732) enclosed out of street for "the more regular building and beautifying the said street"; also (in 1732) house on north of Durn Lane. (Cooke, Seward, Churchill, Wing, Yeat, Symonds, Lacey, Wear, Hitchcock, Templeman, Cooper); with administration with will annexed of Jacob Hitchcock of Dorchester, cordwainer]
Will of William WATTS, Brewer of Dorchester , Dorset 28 March 1732 PROB 11/650  
Letter of Renunciation of rights by Nicholas HAMLYN next of kin to John COZENS regarding Administration for the estate of Sarah COZENS, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset L/R 27 Mar 1731
L/A 14 Apr 1732
DHC Bc/A/C Event Record 163 Granted to her brother-in-law John COZENS the prinicpal creditor : Also bound with him is Jacob PARSONS of Dorchester tailor and William POTTLE of Blandford Forum Victualler
Will of Peter STANDICH, Victualler of Dorchester, Dorset 19 April 1732 PROB 11/651 See Burial Register All Saints Dorchester 17 March 1731/2
Will of Thomas KNAPTON, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried at Fordington St George's Church 22nd Nov 1725. Link to his marriage to Grace MITCHEL at FStG on 28th May 1687 for more information about his family] Dated 14 Jun 1721
Probate 25 May 1732
PROB 11/651 Will: Beneficiary Son Renaldo KNAPTON - All that my Messuage, Burgage or Tenement, Outhouse and Garden with the appurtenances situate and lying within the town of Melcombe Regis which I purchased of Crispen HOUNSELL late of Melcombe Regis a roper since deceased; Item: I give to the said Renaldo KNAPTON all those my lands tenements and hereditaments situated in the hamlet of Medford within the parish of Charterhouse Hinton in Somerset which I purchased of James FFORD late of Shaftsbury in Dorset habadasher of hats since also deceased. Item I give to my Son in law John Bampfield Gentleman and Grace his wife each a guinea to purchase a mourning ring in my remembrance; All the Rest unto my said son Renaldo KNAPTON who is also made executor and residuary legatee. Witnesses Elizabeth Long: Jean DAY; Morgan HARBIN. Proibate Proved at London 25th Sep 1732.
Will of John GOLLOP, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset 25 May 1732 PROB 11/652 Buried St Peters 1 Sep 1731 [Note:- Possible entry DHC D/ASH:A/F3  Index Copy, made 1729, of will of John Gollop of Dorchester, mercer, made 1712. [2nd copy not to be made available until repaired] See Mr John GOLLOP (1644-1731) for more background
Letter of Administration for the estate of Richard SMITH, late of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried St Peters Church Dorchester 25 Jun 1731] 08 Jun 1732 DHC Bc/A/S event record 102 Granted to Leah SMITH th widow and relict of deceased also bound is William DOWLE of Dorchester a tucker and John CORd or COUL of Fordington a Miller

Letter of Administration for the estate of Richard BRICKLE, late of Dorchester, Dorset

[Note:- Richard BRICKLE was buried at Shaftsbury Dorset on 26th May 1732]

25 Sep 1732 Dorset Archdeaconry Administrations image 10 of 248

Granted to Anne BRICKLE the relict and administrator of the deceased also bound is Thomas JAMES of Shaston Gent & Thomas SHERRINGTON of Dorchester

[Note:- Husband of Anne Brickle nee Sherrington whom he married at Tolpuddle Dorset on 19th April 1730]

Will of Thomas MITCHELL of Dorchester, mason, 1733 [Note:- Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 5th Aug 1733 1733 D/DOR/T13 DHC Index Entry:-Eastern part of messuage containing low room or shop, back room, decayed room on south called the "fewell house" and back kitchen, 1690; western part, 1713; in 1766 called messuage and malthouse. (Chapman, Mitchell, Symes, Cooper, Lord Milton). With will of Thos. Mitchell of Dorchester, mason, 1733.

Will Elizabeth. JACOB Widow of Dorchester, Dorset

[Note:- Buried at St Peters Church 6 Apr 1733]

Dated 27 Aug 1729

Proved 18 May 1733

DHC Bc/W event record 1

The Last Will and Testament of me Elizabeth JACOB of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Widow being aged and infirm in body but of sound and perfect mind and memory (thanks be given to God Almighty)

Impremis my will and meaning is hereby declared to be that from and after my decease my son John JACOB shall have the free use and disposition of the sum of £100 of my monies during the term of his natural life which sum from and after his decease I give the same unto his 4 sons John, Thomas, William and Samuel JACOB or the then survivors of them or the survivor share and share alike.

Item I give unto my said son John JACOB the bed I now lie on with all the furniture and appurtenances thereunto belonging

Item all other my Goods Chattels and personal estate whatsoever I give and bequeath the same unto my other son William JACOB and daughter Amey whom I hereby make and appoint joint executors and residuary legatees of this my said last will and testament hereby revoking all former wills and testaments by me made In Testimoney whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the 27th day of August in the year 1729. The mark of Elizabeth JACOB

Witnesses Malachi Blake; Joan Lack; Mary Ann Harbin: ----May 18th 1733 Elizabeth AMEY one of the executors below named was sworn before me John BROKE Surrogate ---- 18th day of May 1733 This will was proved at Bladford Forum in the County of Dorset and Diocess of Bristol by William JACOB and Elizabeth AMEY the executors therein named To whom administration of All and Singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of Elizabeth JACOB deceased was granted by Barie Reynold Doctor in Divinity Vicar general and principal official of the revd father Charles Lord Bishop of Bristol

Will of Grace. GAWLER Widow of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried St Peters Church Dorchester 15th June 1733] Dated 05 Jun 1733
Proved 27 Jun 1733
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1733 event record 27 Beneficiaries:- Son-in-law Cornelius GAWLER; children Richard, Betty, Anne, Mary and William GAWLER. Girls not yet 21. Friend Joseph CHALDECOTT Overseer of Will. Witnesses William Channing and William Rolls
Letter of Administration granted to Judeth Faicy of the parish of All Saints Dorchester the Widow of Samuel FAICY weaver of the same place the mother and lawful administrator of the estate of William FAICY late of Dorchester deceased was granted on 15th Aug 1733 15 Aug 1733 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1733; Event Rec. No:14 William FAICY was buried at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 13th August 1733 as William FACY. The surname has also been spelt FEACY.
Will of Thomas MITCHELL, Mason of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 05 Aug 1733] Dated 01 May 1733
Proved 18 Sep 1733
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1733 event record 29 Beneficiaries:- Dwelling in All Saints and one in Glyde Path Hill Holy Trinity to Daughter Mary MITCHELL; After her death to son Thomas MITCHELL: Witnesses Peter Puddington; Matthew and George Cooper
Will of Elizabeth SHEPPARD, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 20 October 1733 PROB 11/663  
Will of Mary MITCHELL of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 10 Dec 1733] Dated 10 Aug 1733
Proved 09 Feb 1733/4
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1733 event record 30 Benefciaries:- Cousins:- Ann GARRETT widow ; Elizabeth and Ann GARRETT spinsters (all of Dorchester); Rebecca wife of Samuel BRINE; Ann wife of James FRAMPTON of Fordington Wheelwright; Catherine wife of George GARRETT of D a weaver; Thomas MITCHELL of Fordington stone cutter; Samuel MITCHELL of Longbredy a mason and his sons Samuel & Thomas; Andrew MITCHELL of Portsmouth stone cutter; and to his daughter Susannah; Ann Stickland of piddlehinton widow; and her son John; his nephew sonn Charles apprentice to James Frampton; widow MITCHELL of Portisham and her son that is bedridden & her son Henry; Rev Mr Baruch Nowell of Dorchester £12 guines + £10- for use of Reformed Christians commonly called the Dissenters; William Gape of D; Martha Gape; Witnessed Elizabeth Moore; Martha Willis; Mary Gundry; Margaret Gundry
Will of Jane SWAYNE or Swayn of Dorchester, Dorset 21 January 1734 PROB 11/663 Buried Holy Trinity 10 Jan 1733
Letter of Administration for the estate of Richard HOPKINS of All Saints Parish in Dorchester, Dorset [Not located burial] Power/At - 6 July 1734

L/Admin 12 Aug 1734
DHC Ad/Dt/A/1734 Event Record 13 Power of Attorny granted to Richard CRASTON of Southwark principal Creditor and administrator of of all the goods chattels and credits of Richard HOPKINS late of the parish of All Saints in Dorchester --- DATED 6th July 1734. That the said Richard HOPKINS died without a will & gave oath before Abraham Heckstall curate of St Olave Southwark DATED 12th August 1734.

Letter of Administration Granted to Richard CRASTON of the Borough of Southwark a hatter also bound are Daniel ALEXANDER of the same place hat dyer and Benjamin WILSON of the same place Feltmaker are bound -- Condition Richard CRASTON Administrator of all the goods chattels and credits of Richard HOPKINS late of the parish of All Saints in Dorchester in the County of Dorset deceased. Witnesses Richard Crafton junior and William Hollen notary public
Will of Honor CHURCHILL, Spinster of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried at Piddlehinton on 19th Oct 1734. ] Dated 11th Sep 1734

Proved 22 Nov 1734
PROB 11/668 Will: To my Brother William CHURCHILL Esquire all personal estate in Trust that he improve the same for the benefit and use of her sister Grace CHURCHILL

[Note:- daughter of William CHURCHILL the younger (d 1695/6) & Barbara nee Holloway]
Will of Thomas Bevess [BEAVIS], Innholder of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Thomas BEAVIS was buried at St Peters church Dorchester 10th Dec 1739 but a note on the back of the will states that it was proved by his wife Susannah on 25th April 1758 son 18 years later? Susannah herself was buried at St Peters 2nd Apr 1760] Dated 24 Dec 1734
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1758 Event Record 19 Beneficiaries: Susannah his wife and 3 sons Thomas (bap St Peters 5th Apr 1716) ; Robert (bap St Peters 31 Oct 1717) & John (bap St Peters 23rd Mar 1718/19):
Will of John GREY [GRAY] , Thatcher of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried ST Peters Church Dorchester 24 Dec 1735] Dated 27 Aug 1730
Proved 14 Jan 1735/6
DHC Ad/Di/W/1735 event record 9 Will: Dwelling in which he lives to brother Samuel GREY in trust for wife Hannah life; Brother james; memtion of property Breeches in South street; Brother Abraham GEY; Nephews John and Matthew COOMBS Shop and Stable now possessed by Mary GREY and Edward HOLLAND; Little house where John WHITE lives; wit: William MANFIELD; Martha CHALDECOTT; Robert LODER
Will of Arthur ANTHONY, Inn Keeper of Dorchester, Dorset 04 February 1735 PROB 11/669 See Burial Register All Saints Dorchester 7th Jan 1734/5
Will of David HAYDON, the Elder of Dorchester a Millwright Dated 25 Mar 1735 DHC Ad/Dt/W/A736 Event Record 27 Leaves his estate to his grand-daughter Prudence HAYDON one of the children of his son John HAYDON deceasede - bequest to her sister Mary; grand-daughter Hester GILBERT; Son William HAYDON; Son David HAYDON : Son William HAYDON + Son-in-law John PAGE guardians in Prudence's minority witnesses Charles Chip; Robert Pelham and John Gould [See also Letter of ASdministration granted 25 Aug 1736]
Will of Jacob HITCHCOCK, Cordwainer of Dorchester, Dorset + Inventory of Goods + Letter of renunciation by Executor John Tucker and letter of Administration granted to his widow Mary HITCHCOCK [Note:- No trace of burial - think came from Fordington? ]Note:- Estate left unadministered by Mary seee Letter of Admin dated 22nd Feb 1771 granted to son Giles HITCHCOCK of St Andrews Holborne London Dated 08 Nov 1734
Let Ren 30 Dec 1734
Inv. 10 Jan 1734/5
L/A 02 Sep 1735
DHC Bc/Rerur/H Event Record 144 Will: Beneficiaries: Son Giles House lately purchased from George YEAT gentleman in trust until 21; wife Mary; Nephew Nicholas FOOT; John Tucker of Dorchester schoolmaster appointed executor. witnesses John Petty and Robert Willis (2 copies of Will at DHC) Inventory of Goods taken 10th Jan 1734/5 by William GUNDRY and John TUCKER : Letter of Renunciation: by John TUCKER; Letter of Administration granted to his widow Mary HITCHCOCK of Dorchester also bound with her is William GUNDRY of Dorchester maltster & John TUCKER of Dorchester Schoolmaster Wit: Robert Erle(notary public) and Chris Barnett:
Will of Nathaniel GOULD, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset
[Note:- Buried St Peters Church Dorchester 18th June 1734]
Dated 13 Sep 1732
Proved 02 Sep 1735
DHC Cc/I/G event record 96 Will Beneficiaries: Sir William CHAPPLE 20 guineas ; 3 Cousins DEAN a gold ring of a guinea each; £200 to be secured for my son-in-law Caleb BROOKS; {Note Caleb Brooks Junior (1722-1763)] Lands Tenements and rest to his Wife Joan GOULD who is also appointed executrix; (Note:- Joan Gould was the widow of Caleb Brooks the Elder and she married Nathaniel Gould at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 1st June 1731.) To servant Sarah Spicer 12 guneas + clothes his wife thinks fit; Witnesses Andrews Richard Senior and junior . Proved 2nd Sep 1735 by his widow.
Letter of Administration for the estate of David SHEPPARD, Malster of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried at South Perrott Dorset 28th Feb 1734] Dated 02 Sep 1735 DHC Bc/W/S event record 55 Granted to Elizabeth SHEPPARD Widow- also bound Henry ALDER of Dorchester a joyner and John EDWARDS of Dorchester Carpenter witnessed Robert Eliot and Christopher Barnett . [Note:- See the marriage of David SHEPHERD to Elizabeth CHAPEL at HT on 01-Jan 1720/21 for list of children]
Will of Mary DOWELL, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset Dated 25 Feb 1734
Proved 02 Oct 1735
DHC Ad/Di/W/1735/ 8 Note:- No trace of burial: Will left all in trust with uncle William MASHFIELD [Marshfield?] for her son William DOWELL in his minority + Bond for preformance of trust with Rev Henry HOUGHTON of Morton Witnesses John Roberts and John Gundry
Letter of Administration for the estate of Mary RASKER, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 06 Nov 1734] 02 Sep 1735 DHC Bc/W/R event record 9 Granted to Mary KNIGHTON of Holy Trinity Parish in Dorchester and Ann the wife of Nicholas WARE [WEARE] Gent of HT in Dorchester also bound are Nicholas WEARE her husband and Robert Lumley Kingston Gent of HT Dorchester: Witnessed Robert ERLE and Christopher BARNETT
Will of Grace CHURCHILL, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset

[Note:- daughter of William CHURCHILL the younger (d 1695/6) & Barbara nee Holloway - She was buried at Piddlehinton on August 13th described as the sister of William CHURCHILL Esquire]
Dated 28 Feb 1734
Proved 09 Oct 1735
PROB 11/673 WILL: Beneficiaries Dr Archer £200; Wife of Peter Templeman £10 to buy a ring; Wife of Mr Nicholas Wear Silver Coffee pot; Silver Tea Pot; To Cousin Hussey Rose £5; To my cousin Susannah Day £5; to servant Charity £10 and the bed she lies on and the green curtains and Vallens in the Parlour Chamber 2 dozen of my common pewter plates and 4 pewter dishes the looking glass in the parlour chamber and one chest of drawers ; To mr Jacob and Mrs Kellaway each a ring of 22 shillings; and the like to Mr George Cooper and the wife of Mr Richard Bailey ALL the REST I give to my brother William CHURCHILL Esquire whom I make my sole executor ; My will is that my sister Churchill have use of my pearl necklace as long as she lives and after her death then to her daughter Elizabeth and that my neice Grace Churchill have all the residue of my plate and to my nephew John Churchill I give the sum of £50 and to each of the children of my cousin William Churchill deceased £20
Letter of Administration granted for the estate of Ann APPLIN, Intestate Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 15 Oct 1735 DHC: DA/A/1735 Event record 4 Bound:- George Drewer of the parish of Holy Trinity Dorchester Victualler [her lawful grandson] and thomas Gould of the same place glover and William Pottell of Blandford Forum Victualler: Could not locate a burial
Will of Lucia IRONSIDE, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried at All Saints church Dorchester on 04 Mar 1735/6 ] Dated 11 Feb 1735
Proved 07 Jan 1736/7
DHC Ad/Dt/W/A736 event record 30 Benificiaries:- Thomas IRONSIDE to be bound out as an apprentice: 3 daughters Edith (also executrix) and Lucia and Mary. Winesses Andrew WAKE and Nicolas STICKLAND [Note:- The burial register refers to her being the wife?of Thomas IRONSIDE]
Letter of Administration for the estate of William BROWN of Dorchester died intestate [Note:- William BROWN was buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on15 Nov 1736] 09 Feb 1736 DHC DA/A/1737 Event Record 14 Image for members Granted to his principal creditor Thomas RANDALL of Dorchester Grocer : Also bound John HELLERD of Dorchester Labourer and Richard WARREN of Dorchester Labourer
Will of Thomas GAPE, Cooper of Dorchester, Dorset

[Note:- Buried Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 15th Nov 1734]
Dated 18 Sep 1734
Proved 19 May 1736
DHC Ad/Dt/W/A736 event record 28

Beneficiaries: daughter Edeth Gape £190; of which £100 within 3 months and & remainder in 15 months; To daughter Betty Gape bond obligation from John BURGE of Frome Zelwood Somerset Clothier and John HARRIS a dyer of the same place in sum of £200 to secure payment of £100 plus interest ; To wife Mary GAPE during her widowhood and as long as she remain unmarried as maintenace and support of my 3 children my dwelling house in Dorchester and after her death I bequeath the goods equally between my 3 children Betty Gape, Thomas Gape and John Gape. And after her death I give one 4th part of my dwelling house consisting of one celler now in the occupation of Elizabeth BUNN and one shop in possession Henry EVOMY, two chambers and three garrets over the said shop and celler unto my son John GAPE and default of issue to daughter Betty; I give the remainder of my house to my son Thomas Gape vizt one parlour, one kitchen, one celler, two ships, four chambers and one garret on condition that he suufer his sister Edith Gape to have use of the red room; in default of issue to accrue to Edith; To my sons Thomas and John Gape after death of my wife Mary Gape my pump and garden belonging to the dwelling and the brewhouse with its utencils; Rest and residue in Trust to friends Thomas TAPP cooper of Dorchester and Andrew WAKE of Dorchester brewer. Witnesses John Wells; John Lilly and H Carter

Will and Letter of Administration for the Estate of Zachary NELSON, Mecer of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 04 Feb 1735/6 -Twice Mayor of Dorchester 1717 and 1729 ] Will 27 Jan 1735
Ren 19 May 1736
L/A 20 May 1736
DHC Ad/Dt/W/A736 Event Record 29 Mr Zachary NELSON (1673-1735) . Will Beneficiaries under his Will : Brother John NELSON (Clerk) Brother-in-law Joseph HARDY of Loder and Friend Joseph HARDY of Portesham in trust for the benefit of his wife Mary NELSON until her death or marriage when in trust for his 4 children in their minority ie John, Joseph, Joan and Zachary NELSON: Witnessed Thomas Purse and George COOPER: + Letter of Renunciation as trustees 19th May + L/A granted 19th May 1736 to his widow, administratrix and relict of his estate Mary NELSON (nee HARDY) also bound with her is John NELSON Clerk one of the original trustees.
Letter of Administration for the Estate of David HAYDON, Millwright of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- David HAYDON was buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 27 Jul 1736] 25 Aug 1736 DHC Ad/Dt/W/A736 Event Record 27 See his will dated 25th March 1735 when he makes his Grand daughter Prudence executrix and main beneficiary of his estate in her minority - Bound in the Letter of Admin is William HAYDON of Dorchester a butcher; Thomas STANDISH of Dorchester a Butcher and William WEBB of Blandford Forum victualler
Nuncupative Will and Letter of Administration for the estate of Mary ROGERS spinster late of Blandford Forum Dorset [Note:- Mary ROGERS was buried at Blandford Forum on 26th August 1737] Will 22 Aug 1736
Died 25 Aug 1736
Proved 03 Sep 1736
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1737 Event Record 5 Nuncupative Will taken in her own dwellinghouse 3 days before she died : bequest to her Cousin Dorothy (no surname given) at Dorchester for she is a poor woman in need of money to buy bread and has 4 children - all her cloths, + a trunk an all that's in it. To her brother £100 (no name) if he ever be found, if not to Dorothy her cousin; Bequest to Ann PAUL my late Servant silver watch & £10. Bequest to my servant Jenny BARNES £10 + a ring .Bequest to Mrs BRYANT 2 large silver spoons, 2 teaspoons and half a dozen little forks together with a paper which is with the spoons. Bequest Mrs LALOUR 2 small pictures; Bequest to Mrs Wilson 2 small pictures: Witnesses as required by law for a nuncupative Will were Mrs Bryant; Mrs Lalour; Mrs Wilson : Letter of Administration granted to Dorothy wife of the bound Richard SYYMES of Dorchester the next of kin and administratrix. Also bound with him is John WILSE of Dorchester an Innkeeper and Ralph DOBSON of Dorchester a Cooper: witnessed Mary Symonds and Robert Smith:
Will of John WARD, Grocer of Dorchester, Dorset 07 December 1736 PROB 11/680 Buried St Peters 24 Apr 1736
Will of Edith ANTHONY widow of Dorchester dated 24th Apr 1737 + Letter of Administration + Inventory of Goods taken 29th Apr 1737 24 Apr 1737

DHC: Ad/Dt/W/1737 E/Rec No.: 25.

Buried at All Saints church Dorchester 27 Apr 1737 Images available on
Will of Andrew PURCHASE, Malster of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Widower of Sarah PURCHASE see her Will above Proved 21 March 1709 - Andrew was Buried Holy Trinity 18 Jan 1733] Dated 5th April 1725

Proved 28 June 1737
PROB 11/683 WILL: Andrew Purchase of Dorchester a Maltster: Trustees Brothers-in-Law John DAVYS of Poxswell and Henry DAVYS of Hersays Melcombe [maybe Melcombe Horsey] £400 put out at interest pay to his 'now wife Sarah (suggesting he may have remarried) ; sums set aside for any children he gets on her body (again suggesting 2nd marriage) Bequests to sons Robert and John and daughter Sarah in trust until 21 rest to son Andrew Purchase etc
Will of Elizabeth Samwaies [or SAMWAYS] , Spinster of Holy Trinity in Dorchester, Dorset 26 August 1737 PROB 11/684 Buried St Peters 2 Aug 1737
Will of Thomas FILDEW Victualler of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried at St Peters Church Dorchester 14th Oct 1734] Dated 02 Oct 1734
Proved 16 Dec 1737
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1737 event record 26 Will:- left all to wife Sarah and 4 children in their minority Robert eldest, Anne, John and Mary FILDEW. Lived in a dwelling at the Bullstake
Will of Elizabeth SEWARD widow of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried at All Saints Church Dorchester 30 Jan 1736/7 ] Dated 18 Feb 1730
Proved 29 Dec 1737
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1737 event record 27 Will:- To be buried as near as possible to my husband i All Saints Church: Son Thomas (already received more than he is entitled to £500; Rest to son Joseph SEWARD also executor; witnesses Agnes Egerton; Joseph Bishop; J Ewell [Note:- Her son Joseph SEWARD was buried in a tomb at All Saints Church on 9th Feb 1745/6]
Will of Joseph CHALDECOTT, Malster of Dorchester, Dorset 26 July 1738 PROB 11/690 Buried St Peters 22 Mar 1737
Will of Edith SHEPPARD, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 13 October 1738 PROB 11/692  
Nuncupative Will of Edward SPICER, Innholder of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried at All BSaints Church in Dorchester on 31st Oct 1738] Will 29 Oct 1738
Ren 14 Nov 1738
L/A 07 Dec 1738
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1738 event record 5 Memorandum Edward SPICER of Dorchester Innholder did in his own dwelling house nuncupate and declare that he gave all his goods and effects to Ann his wife (except his cloths and one shilling to his father and bade us whose names are subscribed take notice thereof that his said wife might not be injured after his decease witness our hands this 29th day of Oct 1738 William Manfield; Robert lemon and George Clark:: Also letter of Renunciation stating that Ann delivered his cloths etc and he RICHARD SPICER of Upcerne his father renounced all claim to the rest of his estate dated 14th Nov 1738 witnessed Nathaniel Stickland and William Manfield:: Also Letter of Administration dated 7th december 1738 granting administration to Ann is Administratrix [does not say his wife or widow]
Will of Zachariah BAILEY, Victualler of Dorchester, Dorset Dated 03 Jan 1737/8
Proved 09 Jan 1738/9
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1738 event record 12; Image Buried All Saints Church Dorchester 17th January 1737/8. Beneficiaries Brother Jeremiah Bailey of Broad Chalk in Wiltshire who has daughters; Sister Frances wife of Thomas CUTLER of Cranborne ; Neices Mary, Sarah and Ann JOHNSON; Zachariah son of his brother; Main beneficiary Ann his wife
Will of Mary LEIGH, Wife of Rev. William Leigh Rector of Holy Trinity in Dorchester, Dorset Dated 25th May 1738
Proved 20th March 1738/9
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1738; Event Record No. 13 Mary was the wife of Reverend William LEIGH BD DD [1677-1752] Rector of Holy Trinity and St Peters churches in Dorchester from 1707 until his death in 1752. They entered into a marriage settlement dated 28th Feb 1727 and married at Lytchet Matravers Dorset on 4th March 1727. See Transcription of her Will many beneficiaries.
Letters of Administration grated for the estate of Elizabeth BRAGG spinster of Dorchester to her lawful brother Richard BRAGG 05 Apr 1739 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1739 event record 12 Image available Note:- Elizabeth BRAGG was buried at All Saints Church Dorchester on 13th January 1738/9
Will of Richard COLE, Dyer of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried St Peters church Dorchester 12th Sep 1733] Dated 09 Sep 1733
Proved 21 May 1739
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1739 Event Record 27 Image Will beneficiary wife Marthew? COLE and after her death equally between children Witnesses John LOCK and Morgan HARBIN [Note:- His father also Richard COLE [COOL] was also buried at St Peters 16th May 1689]
Will of Bryan or Brian COMBE, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset 30 May 1739 PROB 11/696 Buried St Peters 24 Feb 1738
Will of Samuel SAMWAIES [SAMWAYS] , Citizen and Freeman of London but residing in Dorchester Dorset [Note:- Buried at St Peters Church Dorchester on 13th April 1739] Dated 07 Aug 1738
Proved 08 Jun 1739
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1739 event record LA (1) and Will (28) Will: To be buried at St Peters Church Dorchester by the side of his brother Peter SAMWAYS who lies close under the window on the right hand of the great door going in. Instructions on service etc nephew John SAMWAIES of the City of London a grocer and John his son; Ref to late sister Elizabeth SAMWAIES; cousin Mary WHITTLE dau of my nephew Thomas WHITTLE of London a tobacconist; the wife of Thomas LOCK of Dorchester a butcher; Rev JACOB of Fordington; Mr Daniel GLISSON of Dorchester; Niece Elizabeth SAMWAIES widow of my late nephew Richard SAMWAIES of Dorchester a grocer. witnessed Robert Lumley Kingston and Walter NICHOLLS
Will of John GOULD, School Master & Bookseller of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 1st June 1739] Dated 08 Apr 1729
Proved 11 Aug 1739
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1739 event record 26 Will : To be buried as near to my school house door as possible, sons Gabriel (+wife and children); John and Samuel GOULD + daughter Anne Fisher GOULD under age appointed guardians John HUNT and his wife Frances + John WHITE and his wife Adri ; Son-in-law Joseph SWAFFIELD & Mary his wife and daughter: witnesses Thomas Gould; Francis C
Will of Robert FILDEW, Malster of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at St Peters Church Dorchester 15th Sep 1739] Dated 07 Aug 1739
Proved 25 Sep 1739
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1739 event record 29 Will Beneficiaries : Robert, Ann, Mary and John children of his late brother Thomas FILDEW; Cousin John MOREY of Dorchester a Victualler; henry, Elizabeth Margeryand Mary SHORTO sons and daughters of James SHORTO of Dorchester Victualler; Mary daughter of late brother Francis FILDEW: Lived in dwelling in High West Street also dwelling and maltghouse in Pease Lane all left to Elizabeth his wife also Executrix.

Will of Baruch NOWELL, Clerk of Dorchester, Dorset

[Note:- Buried St Peters Church Dorchester 10th Sep 1739]


Proved 13 Oct 1739

PROB 11/698/289

[Note:- Image of his Will at PCC available on image 233 of 299 - PROB 11: Will Registers 1737-1743]

Will: Beneficiaries: Various only following in Dorchester: Mr Peter Templeman of Dorchester £30; Mr William CHANNING of Dorchester £20; £10 to the poor of Dorchseter

[Note:- Rev Baruch NOWELL (d 1739) Minister of the Potestant Dissenters Chapel in Pease Lane Dorchester for 50 years from 1689 to his death from smallpox in 1739. Record of a marriage at Bishop Hull Somerset between Baruch Nowell of Fordington in Dorset & Joan Marshall of Wilton in Somerset 14th May 1696. Trustee under the Will of William JACOB the elder of Dorchester dated 19th June 1723 proved 21 Sep 1725. Also deed held by Surrey Archelogical Society Ref G16/20 dated 22 Apr 1727 Between Baruch Nowell of Dorchester and Gregory Syndercombe of Askerwell and Robert Henley of Glanville Wootton Dorset. ; Beneficiary under the will of Mary Mitchell of D dated 10th Aug 1733 proved 9th Feb 1733/4.]

Sources:- Note:- Listed in the Charles Surman Card Index of Dissenting Ministers:

Will of Thomas ATKINS, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset [ Buried St Peters 23 Jan 1739 - Governor of Company Freemen 1689 and proprietor of the Antelope Inn in 1737. Dated 11th Jan 1739
Proved 13 Feb 1739/40
PROB 11/700 Will: First to Sarah, Mary and Elizabeth Atkins the 3 daughters of my late brother Aaron ATKINS deceased £100 each; To servant John TUCKER £20; To Thomas BOLDE 20 guineas; To Mr William TEMPLEMAN 20 guineas ; Rest to Nephew Edward ATKINS son of brother Aaron who also is executor he to pay the yearly rent unto his mother Sarah Atkins . It is mny further Will and desire that I might be buried in a private and decent manner in St Peters Church yardin Dorchester under the first tomb on the right hand where my mother was buried : Will proved at London 13th day Sep 1739
Will of George RICHARDS of Dorchester , Dorset Dated 25 Feb 1738
21 February 1739/40
PROB 11/700 Son of James & Mary Richards of Dorset : Left all his personal effects to his mother for life and then his 2 sisters otherwise Mr Richards of Waremwell. Appeared personally Mr Robert LODER of Dorchester Gent gave oath knew George Richards of Dorchester a bachelor 28th Nov 1739 : Probate to Mary Richards his mother 21st Feb 1739/40
Will of Eleanor HAGGARD Widow of Dorchester , Dorset with Letter of Administration to trustees Dated 04 Jun 1740
Proved 30 Jul 1740
DHC Bc/A/H event record 3 Will of Eleanor leaves everything to Elizabeth OLDIS the daughter of John OLDIS of Dorchester butcher by trade, In trust because of her minority with John COPICK of Beaminster Innholder and Edward VINCENT of Dorchester a maltster
Will of George DREWER of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 27 Sep 1739] Dated 19 Sep 1739
Proved 18 Sep 1740
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1740 event record 15 Will: All to daughter Jane DREWER at 21 and Wife Margaret as her guardian daughter executrix witnesses William Mowlim, Thomas and Samuel Gould. Letter of Administration granted to Margaret DREWER also bound were Thomas GOULD of Dorchester a glover by trade and John Page of Blandford Forum
Will of John ENSOR, Clothier of Dorchester, Dorset

[Note:- Buried at All Saints church Dorchester 28th Sep 1740]
Dated 18 Jan 1736
Proved 01 Nov 1740
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1740 event record 16 WILL: This is the Last Will and Testament of me John ENSOR of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Clothier made and published this 18th day of January 1736:
First I give unto my daughter Hannah the wife of Richard HOPKINS 20 shillings and to the said Richard HOPKINS I give one shilling.
Also I give unto my son Robert ENSOR £5
Also I give unto my son John ENSOR £5
Also I give unto my daughter Elizabeth ENSOR £10
Also I give unto my son Thomas ENSOR £10
Also I give unto my son George ENSOR £10
Also I give unto my son William ENSOR £10
All which above mentioned legacies my will is that be paid in 12 months after my decease by my executrix hereinafter mentioned
Also I give unto my wife Hannah all the rest of my goods and chattels of what kind soever And I do hereby make and constitute my said wife sole executrix of this my said Last Will and Testament revoking all former Wills by me made, the paying of my funeral charges and all my just and lawful debts . Witness my hand and seal. Witnesses Thomas Tapp Junior and John Tucker --- Probate Sworn before me William Leigh Surrogate Nov 1st 1740
letter of Administration for the estate of Mary HEWLETT, of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- buried All Saints Church Dorchester on 28 Nov 1740 ] 10 Dec 1740 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1740 Event Record 11 Granted to William HEWLETT Cordwainer the natural and lawful father of the deceased also bound John HEWLETT of Dorchester cordwainer & John ROBERTS of Dorchester a barber Witnesses Walt Nicholls & WM Paddock
Will of Richard BAILY, Brewer of Dorchester, Dorset 17 February 1741 PROB 11/707  
Will of William ALDER of Dorchester, Dorset [Note: Buried Holy Trinity 2 Nov 1740]

Dated 21 Jan 1731

Proved 17 Feb 1741

PROB 11/707

Will: £q0 to parents to buy mourning : To brother Robert ALDER and to his two sons Jeremiah ALDER and Henry ALDER £10 each to buy mourning: To sister Thomasin Alder £10 and to my neice Elizabeth ALDER £10 to buy mourning. To Mr William TEMPLEMAN of Dorchester and Elizabeth his wife and unto each of his four children and also unto Mrs. Susan TEMPLEMAN unto each of them one guinea to by them a mourning ring: Rest to to my wife also make executrix.

14th Feb 1740 Appeared Robert WILLIS of Dorchester Gent attested to his handwriting in the Will: Administration granted to his widow Elizabeth ALDER 17 Feb 1741

Letter of Administration for the estate of Richard SQUIBB Labourer of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried St George Church Fordington on 3rd June 1736] 23 Feb 1741 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1741 event record 16 Granted to Sarah SQUIBB administratrix of the deceased her late husband also bound are John CARRINGTON of Dorchester a Yeoman and Samuel SAMWAYS of Dorchester gentleman witnessed Robert WILLIS and Christopher BARTLETT

Will of John DAMER alias BLANDIMORE of Dorchester a Taylor


[Note:- Buried Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 27th Nov 1724]

Dated 22 Nov 1724

Proved 28 Mar 1741?

DHC Ad/Dt/W/1741 event record 31

Will: First: Concerning all that tenement with the appurtenances wherein I now Dwell situate in the High South Street within the parish of St Peters in the Borough of Dorchester aforesaid which I hold by virtue of a lease bearing date t21 October 1691 granted by Thomas ROSE late of Dorchester aforesaid Gent and Elizabeth his then wife both deceased to me the said John Damer alias Blandamer my executors administrators and assigns for the term of 99 years from the daye of the said lease in case I the said John DAMET etc , Hugh Gillam and William Gillamsons of Hugh Gillam of Benuile in the county aforesaid Taylor or either of them shsould so long live under several rents reversion covenants and agreements therein conveyed - I give devise & bequeath the same to my loving wife Elizabeth DAMER for and during so long time of the said term as shall accrue and run out in her lifetime and after her decease to my son Robert DAMER for and during so long time of the said terms as shall acrue and run out during his lifetime Upon this consideration and terms that he the said Robert DAMNERshall pay unto his two sisters Elizabeth DAMER and Margaret DAMER the sum of £8 each in one year after he enjoy it if he the said Robert DAMER shall refuse to comply and agree with my will than I give the house to my Dear daughter Elizabeth DAMER upon this condition and consideration that she the said Elizabeth DAMER shall pay the aforementioned sums of £8 to her brother Robert DAMER and Margaret DAMER her sister £8 as above said -- if Robert Die to my elder daughter Elizabeth -- if she die to Margaret.

I give to my well beloved wife Elizabeth DAMER all my money and moveable goods in my house to her during her natural life and to her disposing as she shall think fit by her freely possed and enjoyed during her natural life - also appointed sole executrix -- dated 22nd Nov 1727 (or 1729?) Witnessed John Carrington; William Rutherford: William Grant?

Letter of Administrationfor the estate of Joseph GIGGER of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried at All Saints Church Dorchester on 20 Jan 1740/1 ] 15 Apr 1741 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1741 event record 17 Granted to Elizabeth GIGGER Spinster the lawful sister of deceased also bound George GIGGER of Wareham grocer and Grace CLINE of Dorchester Spinster signed by Samuel Corp and Robert SMITH
Will of James POOK Gardener of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 06 Nov 1740] Dated 27 Oct 1740
Proved 05 May 1741
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1741 Event Record 34. See Transcription of his Will
Letter of Administration granted for the estate of Thomas CHISELL [CHESELL] of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Thomas Chessell was buried at All Saints Dorchester on 16th June 1740] 08 May 1741 DHC Ad/Dt/W/1741 Event Record 33. Image LA granted to Thomas STANDISH of All Saints Parish in Dorchester Testamentary Trustee for Thomas GRETTEN in his minority the natural and lawful grandson of deceased : Bound with Tho.Standish are Ann GRETTEN of the same parish widow and John DOE
Will of James SHORTO of Dorchester, Dorset Innholde [Note:- Buried James SHORTO buried at All Saints Church 20 Apr 1738 but his wife Elizabeth on 4th June 1741] Dated 03 Dec 1734
Proved 12 Jun 1741
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1741 event record 32 - Image Beneficiaries his 3 daughters Elizabeth; Margery and Mary SHORTO when 21 or married; rest to son Henry SHORTO; mentuion of his mother Mary COLLINS; witnessed Joseph BISHOP; John HOWLETT; and John GUNDREY
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of John CHAMBERLAIN of Dorchester [Dorset] Serving on HMS " Argyle " 20 Mar 1741/2 OPC Dorset Admons of Naval Personnel Ref DA/A/1741 61 Grantee Thomas CHAMBERLAIN, husbandman of Dorchester Holy Trinity Parish father : Administrator Thomas GOULD glover of Dorchester Holy Trinity
Letter of Administration for the estate of William CLARE of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- William CLARE was buried at Fordington on 3rd Feb 1741] 03 Apr 1742 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1742 Event 17. Image Bound Mary CLARE widow and Relict also bound Alexander CROSS of Dorchester gardner and Samuel EDWARDS of Diorchester blacksmith
Letter of Administration for the estate of Martha COLE of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Martha COLE] 17 Sep 1742 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1742 Event Record 16. Image Bound Richard COLE of Langton in the Isle of Purbeck Dorset the lawful brother of deceased a marbler by trade bound with Peter CORBIN Marbler of the same place and John DOE
Will of John TUCKER, Innholder of Dorchester , Dorset 24 September 1742 PROB 11/712  
Will of Hussey FLOYER, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset 24 September 1742 PROB 11/720  
Will of Frances SHEPPARD, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset 02 December 1742 PROB 11/722 Buried St Peters 11 Sep 1742
Will of Hannah CRIMBLE, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 12 Dec 1742] Dated 06 Dec 1742
Proved 14 Dec 1742
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1742 Event Record 26 Will: Mary daughter of Francis DOLLING; James GALPIN son of Richard GALPIN; Ralph BRINE & his wife , Benjamin BRINE and Peter BRINE senior all servants; Mary BRINE daughter of Rebeckah BRINE; John, Thomas, Martha and Jane BRINE; Francis DOLLING and his wife; wife of John GALE and James son of John CRIMBLE Witnesses John Gale and George Stickland
Will of Thomas SNOOK, Cutler of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 06 Oct 1742] Dated 29 Mar 1740
Proved 16 Dec 1742
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1742 Event Record 27 Will: Beneficiaries: Ann wife; daughters Ann, Mary, Eleanor and Elizabeth SNOOKE; Ref to dwelling he lives in + another (at Beer Regis lately purchased of Sir Robert LONG)
Will of Thomas COLLINS, son of Christopher and Joan COLLINS of Dorchester, Dorset a Sailor[Note:- Buried ??] Dated 30 Dec 1740
Oath Betty 20 Dec 1742
Proved 25 Dec 1742
London Metropolitan Archives & Guildhall Library Manuscripts Section, Clerkenwell, London, Ref No. MS 9172/148; Will No. 262. Will: A Sailor shortly to go to the East Indies : Beneficiaries Sister Sarah the wife of Andrew LOCK 1 shilling; Sister ye wife of John CUTLER one shilling; Sister (i.e. sister-in-law) Rachel RENDAL of Dorchester Spinster £5; Residual estate to brothers Robert & James and sisters Betty and Ann COLLINS, Betty executrix also spinster; dated 30th December 1740. Witnessed John WELBROUGH and William KNIGHT. Oath taken by Betty executrix 20th dec 1742 witnessed by Robert Chapman surrogate; Annotated "Testator died a bachelor within twelve months upon the High Seas in the Merchant ship King William in the East India Service
Will of Samuel STANNING, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset 02 April 1743 PROB 11/725 Buried St Peters 30 Nov 1742

Will of William WILLIAMS, Woollen Draper of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at St Peters Church Dorchester 18 Jan 1742/3]

Dated 01 Aug 1733
Proved 21 May 1743
DHC Bc/W/W event record 129 Beneficiaries son Edward WILLIAMS; daughter Sarah the now wife of Henry WIGGONS ( and Sarah their daughtrer) ; rest to his 4 daughters Jane, Priscilla, Margarete, and Frances. In the evnt they cant agree as joint executrixes arbitor Rev Doctor Leigh and Robert Henly Esq- has goods in shop and debts abroad. Witnessed Margaret and Morgan GHARBIN
Letter of Administration for the estate of Lawrence SNOOK, of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- There are 4 burials for a Lawrence Snook in Dorchester the last is 2nd Oct 1737 at Holy Trinity] 28 Sep 1743 DHC AD Ad/Dt/A/1743 event record 7 Granted to Martha SNOOK widow and relict of deceased also bound are Elizabeth JEWELL of Bridport widow and Sarah PAYNE of Bridport Spinster Witnesses Seth and Eliza Banks
Letter of Administration with Will annexed for the estate of John PETTY, Taylor of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- John Petty was buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 29th June 1742 and Tryphena PETTY his widow was buried at Bradford Peverall on 14th Oct 1751] Dated 03 May 1730
Proved 14 Sep 1743
DHC AD/DT/A/1743 event record Bc/W/P event record 69 Will beneficiaries:- To his wife Triphena PETTY and Son Henry PETTY witnessed George GARRETT and Samuel RUMSEY: L/A Grant to Tryphen PETTY of Dorchester the lawful widow and relict of the deceased Also bound with her is Henry PETTY od St Clements Danes in Middlesex a taylor also bound Robert WILLIS of Dorchester Gentleman. [NOTE:- His estate was left unadministered by Tryphena and a fresh grant was made 6th March 1752 after her decease to Harriet PETTY of the parish of St Martin in the fields middlesex a spinster the lawful grandaughter of John PETTY. Also bound with Harriet was Phillip GARDEN of St Faiths London a silversmith and Francis CHURCH of St Martins Fryday Middlesex ondon a perukemaker
Letter of Administration for the estate of James MASTERMAN, Grocer of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at Winterbourne St Martin 19th June 1743] 05 Nov 1743 DHC AD/DT/A/1743 event record 8 Also Letter of renunciation by William MASTERMAN deceased father in favour of his son William MASTERMAN of Fryer Wadden in the parish of Portesham Clerk the brother of the deceased also bound with father and son on LA is John THRESHER of fryer Wadden Yeoman witnessed by John NELSON and Rev: SMITH [Note:- William MASTERMAN Junior was educated at Harts Hall Oxford where he matriculated on 13th Feb 1721/2 aged 17 and was awarded a BA degree in 1725. He went on to study at Magdelen College in Cambridge where he was awrded his MA degree in 1729. ]
Will of Thomas TAPP, Cooper of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- buried at 10th Nov 1743 St Georges Church Fordington] Dated 20 Oct 1743
Proved 19 Nov 1743
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1744 event record 16 Beneficiaries Wife Sarah TAPP; refers to sons henry (his 2 children John and Henry) son Thomas deceased (and his 2 children Sarah and John) witnessed by Robert WILLIS, Rober ALDER and Elizabeth GILLESPIE. [Note:- This will is refered to in the will of his widow Sarah TAPP Dated 04 Jan 1753 Proved 05 Jun 1756 See below]
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Benjamin BELLMAN Mariner of Dorchester [Dorset] Serving on HMS "Norwich" 16 Jan 1743/4 OPC Admons of Dorset Naval personnel Ref DA/A/1743/ 34 Grantee Elizabeth BELLMAN widow of Dorchester mother Admon bond missing - details from record of the Oath
Will of David MORGAN, Victualler of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- buried at Fordington St Georges Church 29th 1743/4] Dated 29 Sep 1741
Proved 24 Apr 1744
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1744 event record 26 Beneficiaries Wife Anne MORGAN executrix and daughter Anne NMORGAN: witnesses Samuel GOULD; James MASTERMAN and Richard STICKLAND [See Trancription of his Will dated 29th September 1741]
Will of Matthew COOPER, Pewterer of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Matthew COOPER was buried at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 26th Oct 1744] Dated 01 Jul 1744 DHC DA/W/1753 event record 53 will is attached to LA Will:- I direct that my funeral shall be without ceremony and that my coffin shall be plain and my burial be at ten oclock at Night and my body laid with my children at the vestry door of Trinity church in Dorchester - Beneficiary wife Elizabeth COOPER Witnesses Robert Lumley Kingston and Simon Bunter. Elizabeth was buried at HT 29th Jun 1752 [See Wills Index 'Will of Elizabeth Cooper, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset' proved 7th July 1752] She appears to have left some part of his estate unadministered as a Letter of Administration was taken out by her husband's brother George COOPER 16th May 1753
Letter of Administration granted for the estate of John BELL, a chapman of the parish of Holy Trinity in Dorchester, Dorset Oath 02 Apr 1744
L/A 03 Aug 1744
DHC Ad/Dt/A/1744 Event Record 12 Bound:- Thomas ARMSTRONG of St Peters in Shaston Mercer the principal creditor; Thomas Bell hat maker and David Little linen draper both of the same place. Note:- John BELL a travelling Scotsman was buried at St Georges church in Fordington on July 13 1744
Will of Elizabeth SAMWAYES, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 23 October 1744 PROB 11/735 Buried St Peters 28 Sep 1744
Will of Margaret BANKS, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset Dated 3rd Sep 1742
Proved 06 May 1745
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1745 Event Record 15. Image Beneficiaries: Cousin Ann the wife of Samuel Brain of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis and Cousin Mary Loder NOTE: The widow Banks was buried at All Saints church Dorchester on 2nd Feb 1744/5
Will of John LILLY, Innholder of Dorchester , Dorset + Letter of Administration to Guardian for his son John aged 13 [Note:- Buried All Saints church Dorchester 07 Jan 1744/5 ] Dated 15 Dec 1744
Proved 06 May 1745
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1745 Event Record 18. + Ad/Dt: G2/21 event rec 21 Beneficiaries: Son Harry LILLY [The chequer Inn in which he lives] daughter Mary ENSOR rent free in part of house which belonged to Robert LEMONS; son John LILLY when 21 ; daughter Ann LILLY when 21 ; property called Burbury Corfe Castle isle of Purbeck Witnesses Daniel Sheppard; John Howlett and Dan Glisson : Eldest son Harry placed under obligation to look after his son John a minor (aged 13) place into apprenticship etc; Court appoints Henry MARSHALSAY as a guardian for John LILLY 17th Dec 1745 See below
Will of Thomas EAMES, Maltster of Dorchester , Dorset Dated 29 Dec 1742
Proved 25 Jun 1745
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1745 Event Record 17 Buried St Peters 20 May 1745 See also transcription of the Will of Thomas EAMES dated 29th Dec 1742
Letter of Adminsitration for the estate of Robert CLINES Mariner of Dorchester [Dorset] Serving on HM Transport Ship " Crawley Pink " 03 Aug 1745 OPC Dorset Admons of Naval Personnel Ref DA/A/1745 50 Grantee Mary CLINES, widow of Dorchester, mother : LA Administratrix + Edward CLINES, butcher of Dorchester
Letter of Administration for the estate of Barbara CHURCHILL widow of Dorchester who died intestate estate left unadministered by Grace and Honor CHURCHILL the lawful daughters and Administratrixes of deceased since also deceased 28 Sep 1745 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1745 Event Record 8 Image LA Granted to William CHURCHILL son of the deceased [Note:- William CHURCHILL (1693-1759) Esq of Colliton son and heir of William CHURCHILL (d.1695/6) and Barbara nee HOLLOWAY. Barbara Churchill was buried at Piddlehinton 27th June 1724]

Will of Robert ALDER of Dorchester Bailiff dated 4th November 1745

[Note:- Robert ALDER was buried at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 18th April 1746 -- See Letter of Administration granted to daughter Avis LAKE dated 1st June 1746]

[Note:- His daughter Avis ALDER married Henry LAKE at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 24th Feb 1717/18]

[Note:- His daughter Susannah ALDER remained a spinster. She wrote her Will on 11th Apr 1745 and it was proved on 7th July 1746]

Dated 04 Nov 1745

Admin 01 Nov 1746

DHC Bc/W/A Event Record 13 Image

Will: This is the Last Will and Testament of me Robert ALDER of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Bailiff made and published this fourth day of November in the year of our Lord Christ One Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty Five.

Firset I give unto Robert WILLIS and Mr Robert SMITH both of Dorchester aforesaid Gentlemen my house on Glipath Hill called Drewers House with the Appertenances during the estate and interest I have therein In TRUST that they or the survivor of them or the executors or administrators of such survivor do pay such clear rents Issues and Profits thereof which they or either of them shall from time to time receive unto my daughter Susanna ALDER for so long time as she shall live unmarried [And] after the death or marriage -----[rest of line damaged and missing] ----- pay such clear rents Issues and Profits unto and amongst such children of my daughter Avis as shall be then and from time to time living share and share alike and to the survivor of them and after the decease of the survivor of them then to the executors and administrators of such survivor

Also it is my Will that in case my said daughter Avis LAKE shall survive her husband Henry LAKE that my said trustees do permit and suffer my said daughter Avis to live in the back part of the said dwelling house during her life and to allot her such part of the garden and other conveiniences as they or the survibvor of them or the executors or administrators shall think proper Also all the rest residue and remainder of my personal estate whatsoever I give unto my daughter Susanna whom I make sole executrix of this my Will but my Will and meaning is that my said daughter susanna is only to have the use of my silver tankard Silver Pottinger four silver spoons and my Gold Ring during her life and after her decease I give the Silver Tankard to my Grandson Robert Wentworth LAKE, the Silver Pottinger and one silver spoon unto my grandaughter Susannah LAKE The Gold Ring unto my grandaughter Betty LAKE and unto my grandsons Henry LAKE and Richard LAKE a silver spoon each. Witness my hand and seal :

Signed Robert ALDER

Signed sealed published and declared by the said testator for and as his last Will and Testament in the presence of us -- Tamey ALDER; [Damaged missing] RAMSEY

Will of George COOMBS, Innholder of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Could not locate a burial] Dated 22 Feb 1741
Proved 08 Nov 1745
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1745 Event Record 16 Image Beneficiaries Robert and George sons of late brother Robert COOMBS; Godson James COOMBS son of late brother Thomas COOMBS Deceased; Elizabeth wife of George LOCK; Rest to Nephews Thomas son of late brother Philip COOMBS deceased and Thomas son of late brother Thomas COOMBS deceased. Witnesses Edmund Bower, Richard Sammon, Thomas Besant
Oath and Letter of Administration for the estate of John LILLY, the son of John LILLY Innholder of Dorchester deceased, Dorset [Note:- See entry above for his will dated 15 Dec 1744] Oath 09 Dec 1745
LA 17 Dec 1745
DHC Ad/Dt: G2/21 Granted to Henry MARSHALLSAY the lawful Brother in Law, the curator or guardian lawfully elected by and assigned to John LILLY the natuarl and lawful son of John LILLY of Dorchester deceased during his minority (aged 13) Mr Thomas Fitzherbert nominated as lawful protector. Witnessed Thomas BESANT and Robert SMITH
Will of Harry LILLY, Victualler of Dorchester , Dorset [Buried All Saints Church Dorchester 16 Nov 1745 ] Dated 27 Oct 1745
Proved 01 Mar 1745/6
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1745 Event Record18 Will: First I give unto my Sister Mary the wife of Robert ENSOR one shilling. Also I give unto my Sister Ann the wife of Henry MARSHALSEA two butts of beer now in my seller at the CHEQUER (Inn) No.13 and No.29. Also I give unto my Brother John LILLY 3 pewter dishes six of the middle size and three of the smaller sort and one dozen of pewter plates and I hereby request my good Friend John Nelson of Forthington wheelwright appointed guardian of his brother John until he reaches thge age of 21; Rest to wife Hannah also made exectrix. Witnesses William Sparks and John Tucker. Hannah the widow of ye late Harry Lilly was sworn March 1st 1745 and granted probate.
Will of Joseph SEWARD, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at All Saints Church Dorchester on 09 Feb 1745/6 ] 02 May 1746 PROB 11/747 Note:- Link to picture of his tomb right by the entrance to the back of the church [Note:- Joseph was executor of his Mother Elizabeth's will dated 18th Feb 1730 - she was buried near to her husband at All Saints on 30 Jan 1736/7 her will proved 29 Dec 1737]

Letter of Administration granted for the estate of Robert ALDER, Bailiff of Dorchester [See his will above dated 4th Nov 1745] to Avis LAKE his lawful daughter

[Note:- His daughter Avis ALDER married Henry LAKE at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 24th Feb 1717/18]

01 Jun 1746 DHC Bc/W/A event Record 13 image

Bound Henry LAKE of Dorchester Joiner Thomas KAINES [CAYNES] of the same place gunsmith and David HAYDON of the same place Victualler. Witnesses Joseph GAYLARD and Wm NEPPRED Junior

Note:- Robert ALDER was buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 18 Apr 1746

Will of Susanna ALDER of Dorchester Spinster

Susanna ALDER was buried at Holy Trinity church Dorchester on 14 Jan 1745/6 - [Note:- Robert Wentworth was the son of Henry Lake baptised at St Peters Church Dorchester on 1st Sep 1723]

Dated 24th Dec 1745

Proved 7th Jul 1746 in Diocess of bristol

DHC Ad/Dt/W/1673; Event Record Number: 16.

The Last Will and Testament of me Susanna ALDER of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Spinster made and published this trwenty fourth day of December in the year of our Lord Christ One Thousand Seven Hunderd and Forty Five :
First I give unto Robert WILLIS and Robert SMITH of Dorchester aforesaid Gentlemen - All such sum and sums of money as I shall die possessed of or which shall be due unto me on any security or securities or otherwise howsoever at the time of my death "IN TRUST" that they the said Robert WILLIS and Robert SMITH and the survivor of them and the executors and administrators of such survivor do pay thereout within twelve months after my decease unto my Nephew Robert Wentworth LAKE the sum of sixty pounds and do also pay thereout unto his sister and two brothers Elizabeth, Henry and Richard LAKE Thirty Pounds each at their respective ages of twenty one yearswith such interest as my said trustees or either of them shall receive for the several and respective sums by placing the same or any part thereof out at interest on the best security or securities which can be got for the same -- AND in case any or either of them the said Elizabeth Lake, Henry Lake and Richard Lake shall die before the attainment of such age, then it is my will that the sum or sums herein before directed to be paid to him her or them so dying shall be paid unto the survivor and survivors of them as also unto my said Nephew Robert Wentworth LAKE and Susanna -----(damaged section missing) ----- alike - AND also that my said Trustees do pay the residue and remainder of all such sum and sums of money (after deducting thereout my debts, funeral expenses, and all such cost charges and expenses which they or either of them shall be put unto or sustain in or about the execution of this Trust) unto my said neices Susanna LAKE when she shall attain to the age of twenty one years with such interest as shall arise from the same, but in case the said Susanna LAKE shall not live to the said age of twenty one years then it is my will that the money to which she would be hereby entitled to shall be equally divided and paid unto such of them the said Robert Wentworth Lake Elizabeth Lake Henry Lake and Richard Lake as shall be living at the times and in manner as the sums hereinbefore directed to be paid them are respectively made payable AND Whereas I have advanced the sum of Eight pounds unto John FRAMPTON of Dorchester aforesaid Gentleman on a bargain and sale of some plate It is therefore my Will that in case the said John FRAMPTON shall not redeem such plate within 12 months next after my decease that the said trustees do sell and dispose of the same and do apply the money arising by such sale towards the discharge of the several and respective sums above mentioned, but in case more money shall arise by such sale then shall appear to be due for Principal and money with it's lawfull interest as also the charges attending such sale it is my Will that the Overplus shall be paid unto the said John FRAMPTON his executors or Administrators ALSO I give unto my said neice Susanna LAKE all my wearing apparel of all kinds whatsoever as also all my plate vitz a pair of salts, a little tankard, a set of casters, one dozen of large spoons, one dozen of tea spoons, p[unch ladle and Cream Cup, and also all my books and china wareALSO I give unto my father all such beer and ale as shall be left at the time of my decease as also all such household goods which were purchased by me ALSO it is my will that my said Triustees shall not be answerable for any bad or insufficient security or securities by them or either of them taken in the placing out at Interest the money to them hereby given for the purposes before mentioned or any part thereof, neither shall either of them be answerable for the act or deed of the other but each for his own separate act and deed AND LASTLY I Do hereby make and appoint the said Robert WILLIS and Robert SMITH executors of this my Will In Trust to perform as aforesaid Witness my hand and seal. The Mark of Susanna ALDER : Witnesses Tamsey ALDER: William NEPPRED Junior


Will & Letter of Administration for the estate of Samuel GREY [GRAY] Baker of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at St Peters Church Dorchester 18th March 1745/6] Dated 02 Mar 1745
L/A 02 Oct 1746
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1744 Event records Will 17 L/A 7 Will: House Land and Chattles to wife Jane GREY of the parish of St Peters: daughter Martrha GREY spinster; son Samuel GREY witnesses Henry TAPP and Ann South, and John EVOMY of the parish of Holy Trinity Dorchester a joiner by trade
Letter of Administration for the estate of John HAYES, of Dorchester , Dorset 16 Oct 1746 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1746 Event Record 6 Granted to Anne HAYES the widow & relict of deceased also bound Abraham WARE of Dorchester a Malster and John DOE [Note:- Could not locate a suitable burial]
Letter of Administration for the estate of John HAYES, of Dorchester , Dorset 16 Oct 1746 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1746 Event Record 6 Granted to Anne HAYES the widow & relict of deceased also bound Abraham WARE of Dorchester a Malster and John DOE [Note:- Could not locate a suitable burial]
Will of James HIDE [HYDE] , of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- buried St Peters Church Dorchester 21st Jan 1738/9] Dated 14 Nov 1738
Proved 09 Mar 1747
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1747 Event Record 21

Beneficiaries: Mother Sarah HIDE, brother Samuel HIDE also Sarah LOCK (left £10) and Eabey BARTLET (left 5 shillings) my servant Chaterne [Catherine] POEEL; James MOULLAM; Robert MILLER ; Executrix Ann HIDE my sister [In 1738 now 1747 Ann wife of William PARSONS; witnesses Thomas POOK and Philip ELIOTT

[Note:- Eabey BARTLET is almost cartainly the Ebett HUMAGE who married George BARTLETT at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 26th Oct 1717. ]

Will of William MARSHFIELD, Maltster of Dorchester , Dorset Dated 05 Nov 1745
Proved 11 May 1747
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1747 event record 22 Will: Bond previously given for £200 to cousin William DOWLE of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis a ships carpenter; Left in hands of John GUNDRY of Rawson in Doeset; Bequeathed to wife Hamman MARSHFIELD; [See letter of Admin 21 Oct 1747 for her estate] lands purchased of john OLDIS in St peters ; Nephew Rev John TOOP of Sherborne Clerk; House ands stables held by lease from George TRENCHARD Esq; ditto from late Colonel HOMER ; property in possession of Samuel CORPE a joiner; Sister Alice TOOPE of wareham; a widow ; Sister Betty now wife of David NAPP of Lower Lytchett; Sister Judith now wife of [Blank] PITMAN of Canford.
Will of Daniel SHEPPARD Cordwainer of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried All Saints Church Dorchester 08 May 1747 ] Dated 01 May 1747
Proved 13 May 1747
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1747 Event Record 23. Sole Beneficiary and executrix was Dorothy his wife. His mark -- witnessed Nathaniel Stickland ; George Clines;and John Morey Sworn before James YOUNG surrogate May 13th 1747: [Note:- 18 May 1732 - Daniel SHEPPARD of All Saints [parish Dorchester] married Dorothy BARTLET of St Peters ]
Will of Elizabeth BESTLAND, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset 16 May 1747 PROB 11/754 Buried Holy Trinity 14 Aug 1745
Will of Gilbert Edward ARCHER, Doctor of Physic of Dorchester , Dorset Dated 14 May 1737:
Proved 04 June 1747
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1747 Event Record 19 Buried at St Peters Church Dorchester 27th May 1747. Link to more information about Gilbert Edward ARCHER MD (1701-1747): Will described as a doctor in physick; and asks for his body to be interred under the door of the reading desk in St Peters Church in Dorchester. Beneficiaries of various revisionary rights to lands in Bucks and Cambridgewhire etc bequeathed to his two brothers Benjamin Archer (the elder of the two) and Thomas Archer.
Letter of Administration for the estate of John HOLT of Dorchester [Note:- John HOLT buried All Saints Dorchester 25th May 1746 see comments about this family under All saints baptisms 14 Aug 1728 - when Charles the son of John & Barbra HOLTE baptized] Dated 09 Nov 1747
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1747 event record 14 Granted to Robert LODER gentleman and principal creditor: whereas John HOLT was indebted to his brother Thomas LODER of Dorchester brewer now deceased who died intestate for more than £100 of beer and malt now in possession of his widow Barbara HOLT oath taken by Robert LODER administrator of his brothers estate on 3rd Nov 1747 to administer John Holts estate as principal creditor . Also bound by LA 9th Nov 1747 is Thomas BARTLETT Gent of Dorchester and Nathaniel STICKLAND of Dorchester gentleman.
Will of Elizabeth BUNN, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset 03 September 1747 PROB 11/756  
Nuncupative Will of John BUDDEN, gardener of Dorchester , Dorset and Letter of Administration for his estate to Anna BUDDEN his widow and relict Will 31 Aug 1747
L/A 03 Oct 1747
DHC DA/W/1747 Event Record 20 Died in his house in Dorchester leaving estate to his wife: Cousin Sarah left house at wimborne after death of wife: Three witnesses required by law were Mary DUNSCOMBE, Samuel TUCKER, abd Elizabeth FOYWith Anne BUDDEN bound are Samuel TUCKER of Dorchester barber and perukemaker
Letter of Administration for the estate of Hannah MARSHFIELD widow late of the parish of St Peters Dorchester deceased who died intestate [Note:- Buried St Peters Church Dorchester 15 Oct 1747] Oath 19 Oct 1747
LA 21 Oct 1747
DHC Ad/Dt/A/1747 Event Rec. No. 15. Granted to Simon BRETT of St peters parish in Dorchester a clockmaker the natural and lawful son of the deceased - also bound were Robert DREW of Dorchester a miller and Richard JONES of Dorchester a barber Witnesses Charles HEAD and Nathaniel STICKLAND. [Note:- See will of her late Husband William MARSHFIELD proved 11 May 1747]
Will of Robert SNOOK, Upholsterer of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Robert SNOOKE wasw buried at St Peters Church Dorchester on 27 Mar 1747 - See baptism of their 1st known child Lawrence SNOOK at St Peters Church on 17th Sep 1721 for more information on thier 10 children.] Dated 11 Feb 1746
Proved 23 Nov 1747]
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1747 event record 24 Will: To be buried at St Peters carried to the grave by 4 poor men & that 2s be paid to each of them, no pall be made use of on that occasion or any other funeral pomp whatever. Beneficiaries Son Samuel SNOOK silver watch & £5 to buy him a suit of mourning; son Joshua SNOOK £10 besides what he has already had towards his maintenance for this year. daughter Elizabeth SNOOK £5 to buy her mourning; Beloved wife Jane SNOOK £10 and made executrix; All my stock in trade household goods personal estate to remain in her hands during the time she shall keep herself in my name & to be applied toye breeding up & maintaining & putting out apprentices my four younger sons Robert SNOOK, Henry SNOOK, Thomas SNOOK and CharlesSNOOK . If my wife be marryed before his younger children reach the age of 21 then trustees to take into their hands all my stock household goods personal & real estate to be sold reduced to cash and divided amongst surviving children. If Elizabeth then living she gets an extra £20 if she is dutiful to her mother and does not marry against her wishes. Joshua £20 deducted from his share due to the extraordinary expenses he has made to bring him up in law. Trustees brother in law William PEATE and kinsman Mr John GALE made trustees for younger children: lastly son Samuel 'I will and require of him as he must answer for his duty to God and me that he will be obedient & dutiful to his mother & endeavour to assist her in trade at least 5 years she allowing him a proper maintenance wages but if he marries my trustees take him into partnership with her etc etc witnesses Richard Ayling and James Parsons
Letter of Administration granted to Robert LODER principal creditor and administrator of the estate of John HOLT late of the parish of All Saints Dorchester deceased who died intestate 09 Nov 1747 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1747 Event Rec. No. 14. John HOLT was buried at All Saints Church Dorchester on 25 May 1746
Will of John OZARD Mariner of Dorchester, Dorset [No trace of burial possibly in the West Indies] dated 16 May 1745
Proved 28 Nov 1747
DHC,Ad/Dt/W/1749 event record 18 Will of John OZARD a mariner belonging to the "George of London" Alexander RAITT Coomander bound for Barbados in the West Indies: Mindful ofthe perils of the sea etc beneficiary and executrix Elizabeth ANDREWS the younger of Dorchester Witnessed Ebenezer DOWLE, Amy PIKE, John DOWLE. Note:- Alexander RAITT was a scotsman born circa 1722 came to Kiiery Point abt 1745 and married 2nd Oct 1747 Miriam widow of Eliot FROST her cousin and dau of H John FROST of Newcastle NH USA He was a sea captain at one time commander of a privateer and died in the West Indies See Piscataqua Pioneers 1623-1775 Register of members by John Scxales pub 1919 pages 157/8
Will of Jonathan EAMES of Dorchester, butcher 1748 DHC, Ad/Dt/W/174832 Buried at St Peters church 31st Jan 1747/8. See also transcription of the Will of Jonathan EAMES dated 27th Jan 1747/8
Letter of Administration for the estate of Samuel SAMWAY Gentleman of St Peters Parish in Dorchester [Note:- buried St Peters Church Dorchester 25 May 1748] 13 Jan 1748 DHC, Ad/Dt/A/1748 event record 8 Granted to his principal creditor Robert WILLIS ye elder also bound are William NEPPARD the younger (signed junior) of Dorchester and Edward BRYER of Dorchester Innholder
Will of John BRINE, Victualler of Dorchester , Dorset Dated 05 February 1748
Proved 22 Feb 1748
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1748 Event Record 33 Beneficiaries Sons Clement and Nathaniel Brine; daughters Hannah Wood nee Brine and Elizabeth Jackson nee Brine [Note:- John BRINE was buried at All saints Church Dorchester on 10th Feb 1748] [Also note marriages at All Saints Dorchester:- William WOODS & Hanna BRINE married 15 July 1734 & William JACKSON of Steepleton [i.e. Winterborne Steepleton] & Elizabeth BRINE of All Saints married 14 January 1744/5]
Will of William TWIST [TWISSE], Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset

[Note:- Buried St Peters 15 Jan 1747]
Dated 21 Sep 1747
Proved 20 Feb 1748
PROB 11/760 WILL:Bequests to My sister Martha KING and her daughter Martha 2 parts of three of all monies which I have in Bank Stock equally to be divided between them. One third to cousins Martha KING and Martha TRUMP. To Wife Mary (Also made Executrix) all other personal estate. The mark of William TWIST Witnesses Ann COX and Nathaniel Stickland [Note:- William TWISSE was the 2nd child of William TWISSE Senior and Mary and bap at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 31st Aug 1656]
Letter of Administration granted for the estate of Sarah CHANNING of Dorchester Spinster to her lawful sister Rebecca the wife of William GUNDRY 26 Mar 1748 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1748 event record 7 image Bound:- William GUNDRY ; Joseph BENNETT of Weymouth and Elizabeth WOODSFORD widow of Dorchester [Note:_ Sarah CHANNING spinster was buried at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 19th Feb 1747. Her sister Rebecca Channing married William GUNDRY at St Georges Church in Fordington on 4th Dec 1720]
Will of William READ, Baker of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at All Saints Church Dorchester 03 Apr 1748 ] Dated 06 Mar 1748
Proved 08 May 1748
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1748 event record 34 Will:- Beneficiaries Wife Hannah Burgage in Holy Trinity Parish Dorchester in West Back street; sons William and John READ and Daughters Elizabeth and Fanny READ all under age. Witnessed Thomas BARTLETT : Alice FFOY and Nathaniel STICKLAND [Note:- See also Marriage of William READ to Hannah SCUT at All Saints Church Dorchester on 28th Nov 1732]
Will of Sarah EVOMY, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at All Saints Church Dorchester on 12th June 1747] Dated 07 Jul 1746
Proved 08 Jun 1748
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1748 event record 35 Will:- Beneficiaries Sons Thomas EVOMY of Dorchester a carpenter by trade left dwelling house, malthouse, brewhouse, lately erected at Colliton Row under 99 year least from Mr William CHURCHILL dated 17 Apr 1731: Son John EVOMY property at Blandford Forum called the Antelope Inn occupied by a Christopher Keianes? but now called the Rising Sun or the Green Man: Son Henry EVOMY left property in Friary Lane St peters Parish Dorchester: Grandaughetr Mary HAVILAND witnesses Robert White, William Paddock and Walter Nicholls
Will of Williamsa CONSTANTINE, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 14 October 1748 PROB 11/765  
Will of Ann COOPER, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 09 May 1749 PROB 11/770  
Will of Daniel GLISSON, of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried at St Peters Church Dorchester on 21st Aug 1748] Dated 02 Jul 1748
Proved 10 Jul 1749
DHC Cc/W/G event record 63 beneficiaries: Brother Gilbert GLISSON if he come to England in 12 months; Cousins Thomas and Jonathan GOUGH both of Fashion Street spittlefields London; to their uncle John HITCHIN; Rest to susanna GLISSON wife witnesses by Robert CLAPCOTT and Edward DAWE
Will of William VINCENT, Victualler and owner of teh Red Lion Inn in Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried at St Peters Church Dorchester 29 Apr 1748] Dated 21 Apr 1748
Proved 10 Jul 1749
DHC Bc/W/T event record 16 Will: Bequests to Mrs Joan GOULD of Dorchester and Mr Gould ROGERS of Dorchester in trust for 3 children William, Beatrice and Ann VINCENT. House in which they now dwell called the Red Lion Inn to wife Ann VINCENT also made executrix. Witnesses Caleb BROOKS and Samuel SAMWAYES
Letter of Administration for the estate of Priscilla TAYLOR widow of Dorchester [Note:- Buried at Blandford Forum 15th march 1748/9] Dated 15 Sep 1749 DHC Ad/Dt/W/1749 Event Record 17 Granted to Thomas GIRLE of Bristol Pewterer the natural and Lawful son of the deceased : also bound is Francis KINGSTON of Blandford Forum a Gardiner and Nurseryman
Will of Mary HUNT, widow of Dorchester, Dorset

[Note:- Mary was the 2nd wife of Sebastian HUNT (1664 -1723) of All Saints Dorchester whom she married as Mary ARNOLD (d.1747) at Bradford Peverell on 21 Jan 1706/7 - She was buried at All Saints Church 8th July 1747]
Dated 06 May 1747

Proved 27 Sep 1749
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1749 Event Record 17 In the name of God Amen I Mary HUNT of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Widow do declare this my last will and Testament as followeth

I give unto my neice Mary TUCKER £20
I give unto my neice Elizabeth FILLITER £20
I give unto my neice Mary MORRIS £10
I give unto my neice Elioner READ the wife of John READ £10 separate and apart from the husband to be paid to her and her receipt to be a discharge for the same
Notwithstanding the coverture I give unto my niece Elizabeth the wife of David WINZAR the sum of £10 separate and apart from the husband to be paid to her and her receipt to be a discharge for the same
Notwithstanding the coverture I give unto my kinsman James TOOGOOD one shilling and
unto Elizabeth CHURCHOUSE and Grace WARREN twenty shillings each
And my will is that the aforesaid legacies shall be paid out of my ready money or money out on securities and in case that is not sufficient to pay the same then each legatee to bear a proportionable loss according to his or her legacy.
I also give untoi the said Mary MORRIS; Elionar READ and Elizabeth WINZAR eaxh one of my gold rings and two suits each of my best Head Cloths
I give unto Ann TUCKER daughter of my neice Mary TUCKER my silver tankard and my silver cup.
All my household goods chattles beds bedding linen plate pewter brass and books I give unto my neice Mary TUCKER
All my wearing apparel and linen not before disposed of and all the residue of my estate I give unto my two neices Mary TUCKER and Elizabeth FILLITER to be equally divided and I also make Mary TUCKER and Elizabeth FILLITER sole executors of this my last will and testament In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the sixth day of May in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and forty seven
Witnessed Harry POUNCY and Gould ROBERTS
Letter of Administration for the estate of Thomas EVOMY the elder of Dorchester, Dorset [Could not locate a suitable burial] 29 Nov 1749 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1749 event record 9 Granted to his lawful son Thomas EVOMY a joiner by trade bound with Erasmus COX of Dorchester an Innholder - witnesses John Derby and Nathaniel Stickland
Will of Agnes CHAPPLE, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried at St Peter & St Paul Church in Blandford Forum] Dated 06 Aug 1746
Proved 18 Dec 1749
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1749 Event Record 16 Beneficiaries:- Sin Samuel CHAPPLE; Grandchildren William ADAMS; Samuel, Thomas, Mary and Ann BEST; Mary CHAPPLE: Probate addressed to Mr FITZHERBERT at Blandford
Will of Peter TEMPLEMAN, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried Holy Trinity 21 Oct 1749] Dated 24th April 1749
22 December 1749
PROB 11/775 Will asks to be buried in plain timber coffin without ornament attended only by six day labourers as bearers and six poor women supported by the parish ; 1 guinea to Minster that buries him; gave to brothers and their wives and unto sister Elizabeth and relations John BOND Esq and his wife and Nathaniel GUNDRY Esq and friends John Brown esq Mr James Kettle & Mr Robert Willis a mouring ring each of one guinea value; to wife gold ring and £100 + live dwelling house in Dorchester + goods + £150pa + Chariot and horses; Bequests to son Giles Templeman + £1000 after wifes death; property in Somerset to youngest son Nathaniel Templeman; discharge of debts to sister Elizabeth; Eldest son Peter Templeman . Sons seem to have died with admin to widow Elizabeth 23rd Feb 1792
Will of Simon BRETT, Clock maker of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Simon BRETT was buried at St Peters church in Dorchester on 29th Dec 1749] Dated 21 Dec 1749
Proved 1 Jan 1749/50
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1749 Event Record 15 Image Will Beneficiaries Simon Brett of Maiden Newton; His wife Jane Brett; uncle Roger Brett and Cousin Levi Brett ; mention of Aunt Vincent of Weymouth
Letter of Administration for the estate of John MARTIN Thatcher of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Can only locate 2 burials for a John Martin both in Holy Trinity 8th Aug 1731 and 2nd May 1760?] 21 Jan 1750 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1750 event record 17 Letter of Renunciation by John MARTIN the elder Perukemaker of Dorchester in favour of his son: Granted to John MARTIN the Younger also Perukemaker of Dorchester grandson of deceased. Bound with him is John PING of Dorchester Grocer and Nicholas STICKLAND Gentleman . Witnesses Margaret BUNNING and Robert WALL
Letter of Administration for the estate of William PEATE of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- buried Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 20 Apr 1750] 09 May 1750 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1750 event record 15 Granted to Elizabeth PEATE of Holy Trinity Parish in Dorchester lawful widow & relict of deceased also bound is Samuel SNOOK of Dorchester an upholsterer witnessed Thomas Fitzherbert and George Cooper
Will of Anna HAWKINS, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 05 July 1750 PROB 11/781 May have been buried at Holy Trinity 22 Jan 1749
Will of Roger BUSTON, Officer of Excise of Dorchester, Dorset 17 July 1750 PROB 11/780  
Letter of Administration for the estate of John NELSON, Clerk of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- See burial at St Peters Church Dorchester 30 Mar 1750 for more info.] 24 Sep 1750 DHC:Bc/A/N event record 3 Letter of Administration granted to his lawful and natural daughter Elizabeth NELSON of Dorchester spinster - also bound with her Martha NELSON of Dorchester a spinster and Christopher CHURCHILL of Morchard Bishop Clerk witnessed John Jacob Surrogate and Robert Loder + Letter of Renunciation by Martha NELSON widow and relict of John NELSON Deceased in favour of Elizabeth dated 22 Sep 1750
Will of Emanuel CHAPMAN, Malster of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Emanuel CHAPMAN was buried at All Saints Vurch in Dorchester on 16th Jan 1749] Dated 02 Feb 1744
Proved 29 Nov 1750
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1750 Event Record 20 Will beneficiaries etc: nephews and neice Henry, John and Jane CHAPMAN children of his brother William CHAPMAN; Margaret wife of Henry KIDDLE of Sidling - Samuel Nichols woolstapler by trade
Will of Robert GUNDRY, Innholder of Dorchester, Dorset
[Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity church Dorchester 30th Nov 1750]
Dated 03 Aug 1747
Proved 15 Dec 1750
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1750 event record 21 Will Ben: Tripartide indenture dated 10th March 1721 between me and Elianor my wife, Zachary NELSON Gent & William GUNDRY my son and his wife Rebecca in the sum of £200 to be paid on the death of him and his wife to their 2 youngest children: £100 to be paid to his daughter Jane GUNDRY on decease of the latter of him and his wife; grand daughter Elianor HOLE released from repayment of sums of money he has laid out on account of her mother Elianor Hole or grandson Peter HOLE; Give to wife Eleanor use of household stuff and stock in trade andall implements of householding for life as long as she remains his widow ; + to be valued and her to give his executrix security - his executrix inherits 1 month after his wifes death; Also give to grandaughter Eleanor Hole £100 to be paid within 1 month of wife's decease; All his personal estate except plate given to grandaughter Eleanor Hole to be devided after death of wife between all his surviving grandchildren; Daughter Jane GUNDRY Appointed Executrix .
Will of William HARRIS, Cordwainer of Dorchester, Dorset 01 April 1751 PROB 11/787 See Burial Register All Saints Dorchester 24 Mar 1750
Will of Joseph WESTON, Innholder of Dorchester, Dorset 26 April 1751 PROB 11/787 May be buried St Peters 3 Mar 1747
Will of Robert LODER, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset 04 June 1751 PROB 11/788 See Burial Register All Saints Dorchester Buried 28 Mar 1751 Gentleman & Attorny
Will of John HARRIS, Victualler of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at All Saints Dorchester 16th Sep 1751] Dated 29 Apr 1743
Proved 20 Sep 1751
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1751; Event Record No. 27 Beneficiaries: Wife Elizabeth; daughter Mary; son James; daughter Elizabeth. Witnesses Daniel Sheppard & Nathaniel Stickland
Letter of Administration for the estate of Samuel BRINE of Dorchester granted to his lawful daughter Mary Brine spinster 26 Oct 1751 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1751 event record 14 Know All Men by these presents that we Mary BRINE of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Spinster and Adam SMITH of the same place Carpenter are held and firmly bound --- in the sum of £33 --- The Condition of this obligation is such that if the above bound Mary BRINE of Dorchester the lawful daughter and Administratrix of all and singular the good chattels and credits of Samuel BRINE late of Dorchester aforesaid Intestate deceased --- etc etc [Note:- Samuel Brine was probably buried at Holy Trinity church Dorchester on 26th Feb 1748/9 but his Christian name was left blank in the register. ]
Will of John WILCE, Innholder of Dorchester , Dorset 24 December 1751 PROB 11/791  

Will of George DAMER Esquire of Dorchester , Dorset


[Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 07 Aug 1754]

Dated 4th Mar 1752

04 April 1752

PROB 11/791 Will: Gives All my lands, manors, tenements and hereditaments and all my personal estate to my brother John DAMER Esq subject to payment of legacies: To mother Mary DAMER £1,000 : To brother Joseph DAMER £1,630 which he already has - executor therefore to give up the bond held for repayment: To Nephew George Damer son of Joseph £3,000 when aged 21 : Whereas I am entitled to the summ of £1,000 East India Annuities I give principal & interest etc equally to George CLAVELL Esq and his sister Margaret CLAVELL Spinster of Smodmore in the Isle of Purbeck : £100 to each of Mrs Ann HOOLE and Mrs Eliz HOOLE : I give to Michael Jackson my servant all my wearing apparel whatsoever and horses and also my watch and also an annuity of £10 which I direct to be paid the said Michael Jackson etc during his natural life: To James PRIT servant to Mr CLAVELL Ten Guineas : To the poor of the parish of holy Trinity in Dorchester £20: To the poor of the parishes of St Peters and All Saints in the same town £10and to the parish of Came (Winterborne Came) £6 Brother John DAMER appointed executor : Proved 4th Apr 1752 granted to John Damer
Will of Mary SUTTON, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset 08 June 1752 PROB 11/795  
Will of William CHANNING, Mercer of Dorchester , Dorset 12 June 1752 PROB 11/795 Buried St Peters 22 Jul 1751
Will of John BURLEIGH, Apothecary of Dorchester , Dorset 15 June 1752 PROB 11/795 Buried St Peters 6 May 1752
Will of Joseph PHELPS, Yeoman of Dorchester , Dorset

[Note:-Joseph PHELPS married Elizabeth CHEEK at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 07 Feb 1713/4. He was buried St Peters 31 Oct 1750]
Dated 16th Mar 1736
23 June 1752
PROB 11/795/410 Will: To wife Elizabeth 1 shilling; Son William Phelps 1s: Son Joseph Phelps messuage and dwelling house garden and orchard with close of arable meadow and pasture ground situate at Turners Puddle ; To Son George messuage burgage or dwelling house called Swaffields Corner situate in High South St St Peters Dorchester; ; To son John Phelps messuage burgage or dwelling house situate in Holy trinity Parish Dorchester in Pease lane ; to daughter Avis Phelps messuage dwellinghouse in Melcombe Regis in Middle Street + all things in my possession which were her late aunt's Avis Thomas's deceased except a gold ring which I give to my daughter Dinah Phelps ; to son George small silver cup; daughters Elizabeth and Dinah £50 each when 21 ; to dau Elizabeth best bed and funiture to it ; 2nd best bed to dau Dinah; household goods between children Joseph, George, John, Elizabeth, and Dinah; Rest to sons Joseph and George also appointed joint executors
Will of Elizabeth COOPER, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 07 July 1752 PROB 11/796 Buried Holy Trinity 29 June 1792 [Note:- The Widow of Matthew COOPER who was buried at HT 26th Oct 1744 See his will dated 1st July 1744 and LA to his brother George COOPER below 16th May 1753]
Will of Thomas LOCK, Butcher of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried All Saints Church Dorchester 09 Jan 1752 ] Dated 04 May 1749
Proved 23 July 1752
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1751 event record 28 Beneficiaries wife Catherine and son Robert LOCK and daughter Mary LOCK. Witnesses Thomas Bartlett and Nathaniel Stickland

Will of William LEIGH, Doctor in Divinity of Dorchester , Dorset

[Note:- Rev William LEIGH BD DD (1678-1752) Rector of Dorchester Holy Trinity 1707-1752, and of Lytchett Matravers in Dorset, Buried Holy Trinity 4 Jan 1752. See link for a short account of his life]

25 Oct 1752 PROB 11/797

In the name of God Amen I William LEIGH of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Doctor in Divinity do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner following.

First I give and devise unto Robert HENLEY Esquire and the Reverend Timothy COLLINS Clerk their executors , adminisrators and assigns all my terms estates interest and property of and in all my half part of the Capital Messuage and Lands in Piddletrenthide in the siad County together with the impropriate tythes and all other the appurtenances thereto belonging which premises I hold in common with my Nephew John JENNINGS Esquire by leases from the College of Winchester and all other my personal estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever (except what is hereinafter specifically given) In TRUST that my wife Mrs Elizabeth LEIGH and her assigns shall from and after my decease every year duringher life receive and take an annuity or yearly rent charge of two hundred pounds clear of all deductions to be issuing and payable out of and from my said half part of the said Capital Messuage Lands Tythes and Premises in Piddletrenthide aforesaid by four equal quarterly payments at Lady Day, Midsummer, Michaelmas and Christmas Days each year the first payment thereof to be made on the first of such days as shall happen next after my deceasewith power of distress on nonpayment thereof asaforesaid as in cases of distress for Rent AND after payment of the said Annuity or yearly rent charge as aforesaid and subject thereunto :-

    In further TRUST that all the remainder of my said Leasehold premises in Piddletrenthide aforesaid and all other my personal estate and effectsexcept as aforesaid ) shall stand charged with the payment of all such sumsand to such persons and places and by such shares at such times and in suchmanner as I now have by schedule hereunto annexed and by me subscribed directed and appointed or as I shall hereafter by any other schedule so to be annexed and subscribed or by alteration of or addition to this present scedule direct and appoint as and for Legacys and Charitus which schedules shall be taken as part of this my Will and as fully observed as if herein contained AND

    in further TRUST that after all my Legacys Charitys funeral expenses and debts are fully paid and discharged and after all the direcctions in this my Will are duly observed The Then Remainder of my said Leasehold premises in Piddletrenthide aforesaid and of all other my personal estate and effects (except as aforesaid) so vested in my said Trustees shall be assigned over by them and the survivor of themhis executors and administrators unto my two Nehews Barnabas EVELIGH LEIGH and John LEIGH Esquires their executors administrators and assigns share and share alike provided nevertheless that for the better securing the payment of such annuity legacys and charitys as aforesaid my said Trustees //

Will of Catherine SEAL, widow of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at St Georges Church Fordington 7th may 1753] Dated 20 Feb 1753
Proved 31 Mar 1753
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1753 event record 21 Beneficiaries Sons and daughters:- John, Joseph and William, Elizabeth wife of Thomas Banger and catherine wife of leonard Winzar witnessed Thomas Brine and George Stickland mentions 2 properties in Dorchester and lease from property at Long Bredy occupied by George Bennett and Ann Williams
Will of Gould ROGERS, Glover of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 05 Dec 1752] Dated 13 Nov 1752
Proved 16 May 1753
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1753 event record 24 Will Bequests to sons James & William ROGERS rest to wife Mary ROGERS also executrix. Witnessed by William GUNDRY Senior ; Robert WHITE; William GUNDRY [Note:- See the marriage of Gould ROGERS of Holy Trinity to Mary BLAKE at St Peters church on 22 Sep 1724 for more information]
Letter of Administration for the estate of Matthew COOPER who was buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 26th Oct 1744 the husband of Elizabeth COOPER (See her will PRO Proved 7th July 1752) above granted to Matthew's brother George COOPER 16 May 1753 DHC DA/W/1753 Event Record 26 Images on Letter of Administration witnessed by John HUBBOCK and Thomas FITZHERBERT[Note:- See Will of Matthew COOPER who was buried at HT 26th Oct 1744 and his will dated 1st July 1744]

Will of John BARTLETT maltster of Dorchester together with a Letter of Administration granted to Lucy Bartlett his widow

[Note:- John BARTLETT (bur.1753) married Lucy BENNETT at Wyke Regis on 17th Nov 1709. Follow link for more information.]

[Note:- buried at All Saints church Dorchester on 7th January 1753]

Will dated 10 Aug 1752
Buried A/St 07 Dec 1753
L/A 18 Jan 1755
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1755 event record 27 WILL: I John BARTLETT Maltster being of Perfect health of mind & memory do make & ordain this my last Will & Testament

First I give & bequeath to Lucy my wife all y houses wherewith I am Possessed of both goods chattles and all things else whithout doors and within by her freely to be possessed and enjoyed and to be disposed of as she thinks proper. Item: I leave to all my children a shilling each. I do declare this to be my last Will & Testament revoking all others whereunto I have set my hand and seal the day and year above written. Signed sealed in the presence of us John Bentcost and Robert Fildew and the mark of Samuel Tomson
PROBATE: 18th Jan 1855 This Will of John BARTLETT deceased was proved by the oath of Lucy BARTLETT the widow and Relict of the said deceased and Principal Legatee above maned to whom administration of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of the said deceased (together with his will annexed) was granted She being first duly sworn to faithfully to administer the same and to exhibit a true and perfect Inventory thereof into the Registry of the Court of the Archdeacon of Dorset and pass a just account thereon when thereto lawfully required . Sworn before me John Hubbock Surrogate

LETTER of ADMIN: Know all men by these presents that we Lucy BARTLETT of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Widow, and William GARRETT of the same place Victually --- etc are bound--- In the sum of £100 --- Dated 18th Jan 1755 -- etc etc This document bears her signature
Will of Terence BRIEN, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset 08 Feb 1753 PROB 11/799  
Will of James GREY, Yeoman of Dorchester , Dorset [Buried at St Peters Church Dorchester 08 Mar 1753] Dated 05 Feb 1753
Proved 29 Mar 1753
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1753 event record 20 Will: Possessed of leashold dwelling etc wherein now lives Martha the wife of John EVOMY now bequeathed to Cousin Hester ELMES of Dorchester Widow also made executrix; contents of garden bequeathed to cousin Jacob GREY of Dorchester (as he was Yeoman and specifically included in his will probably of some worth eg grain, wheat etc rather then a garden as we would view it today) Witnesses James Browne Ann and Mary Vallens
Letter of Administration for the estate of William DEARE Serge Weaver of Dorchester , Dorset 16 May 1753 DHC DA/A/1753 event record 8 Bound are Grace DEARE the widow relict and Administrtrix of his estate with Robert WILLIS of Dorchester Gent. Witnessed by Thomas Fitzherbert and John Hubbock [Note:- Only burial I can locate is at Blandford Forum]
Will of Rebecca HELLARD, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Rebecca widow of John HELLARD was buried at All Saints Churech Dorchester on 22nd Mar 1753] Dated 04 Nov 1751
Proved 16 May 1753
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1753 Event Record 22 Benificiaries: Grand daughers Hannah HELLARD £10; , Elizabeth HELLARD and Rebecca HELLARD £5 each; Thomas SINCOCK son of Benjamin; Joseph HELLARD son of Samuel of West Lulworth Sailor; Sisannah BAGWELL; Thomas PACKER of West Lulworth and his son & dau John & Susannah; Rest to Ann HELLARD Executrix Witnesses: Watts Nicholls& Nathaniel Stickland& John Meech
Will of James PARSONS Taylor of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at St Peters Chutrch Dorchester on 28 Dec 1752] 16 May 1753 DHC Ad/Dt/W/1753 Event Record 23 beneficaries daughter Jane PARSONS inherits tenements in St Peters Parish Dorchester held under leases from his Grace the Duke of Newcastle and John PITMAN Gent of Froome Rest to wife [Ann] also exec. witnessed by J Brien; William Mowlim; Lucia Snook. proved by his widow Ann PARSONS
Will of Betty BISHOP of Dorchester singlewoman witness Elizabeth Stevens and William Sheppard junior Dated 08 Aug 1752
Proved 19 May 1753
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1753 event record 25 Sole executrix and beneficiary Mary the wife of Robert Drew of Dorchester Proved 19th May 1753 by Mary Drew did not amount to £20
Letter of Admin for the estate of John ANDREWS the elder Yeoman of All Saints Parish Dorchester 19 July 1753 DHC: Ad/Dt/A/1753 Event Record 9 - Image Bound:- John ANDREWS the younger of All Saints Dorchester; William GARRAT Victualler of same; and Joseph BARTLETT cabinet maker of the same. Witnesses John Coombs and Edawrd Jones: [Note:- John ANDREWS was buried at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 27th June 1753]

Will of Edward COZENS, Clerk of Dorchester , Dorset

[Note:- The Rev Edward Cozens was buried at St Peters Church on 10th December 1753. - See also will of his daughter Mary dated 17 Oct 1768 proved 3rd May 1769 - also son John LA dated 14th Nov 1769 and widow Ursula dated 28th Nov 1769 proved 24 Mar 1775]

Dated 16th June 1752
Proved 02 Jan 1754
PROB 11/806

Rev Edward Cozens MA (1690-1753) Master of the Free School in Dorchester 1736-1748 follow link for more information about him and his family of six children.

WILL: Wife named as Ursula Cozens - Bequests Friend William RODBARD of Norton Somerset Esq; Rev Mr Richard BLACKMORE and the Revd Mr John LEETH £900 in trust for his 3 daughters Ursula, Mary and Elizabeth - Ursula £200 at 6 months after his death + £100 six months after the death of his wife; £200 each to Mary & Elizabeth at 21 or sooner with agreement of executors and wife + £100 each six months after the death of his wife. Also to daughter Ursula house and garden in south street in St Peters Dorchester; son John £5 as he cost a lot for his apprenticeship and living in London + moiety etc situate in Hazelbury Bryan; Son Edward Cozens £200; Son Richard 1 guinea as already provided for him; rest to wife Ursula who appointed executrix. Witnesses Ruth Harbin; William Enson and Nathaniel Stickland

Letter of Administration granted for the estate of Samuel MEADER the elder late of Dorchester in Dorset deceased died intestate - Sworn before John Hubbock (Rector of HT and Surrogate of the Court) 23 Jan 1754 DHC Ref DA/A/1754/15 LA Granted to Samuel MEADER of Dorchester, a Millwright the lawful son and next of kin of the deceased, and John Coombes of Dorchester a blacksmith, and Thomas Roberts a Millwright, are bound under a L/Admin granted on 23rd in respect of the estate of Samuel MEADER the elder late of Dorchester deceased. Witnesses John Russell and James Browne. Samuel MEADER the Elder married Ann TELSE at Bloxworth in Dorset on 11 Jan 1712/13 and was buried at Holy Tinity Church Dorchester on Burial Register 18 Jan 1754.
Letter of Administration granted for the estate of Ann SNOOK widow of Dorchester [Note:- Appears to be the Mrs Ann SNOOK buried at Holy Trinity Parish 01 Sep 1752] 30 Jan 1754 DHC Ref Ad/Dt/A/1754 event record 17 LA Granted to Elizabeth SNOOK spinster of Dorchester the lawful daughter of deceased ; also bound are Ann SNOOK spinster of Dorchester and Mary SNOOK spinster spinster of Dorchester; witnessed JA BROWNE and John WILLIS
Letter of Administration granted for the estate of Thomas SNOOK Cutler of Dorchester [Note:- only burial located is at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 06 Oct 1742?] 30 Jan 1754 DHC Ref Ad/Dt/A/1754 event record 16 LA Granted to Elizabeth SNOOK spinster of Dorchester the lawful daughter of deceased ; also bound are Ann SNOOK spinster of Dorchester and Mary SNOOK spinster spinster of Dorchester; witnessed JA BROWNE and John WILLIS
Will of Jane GUEST, widow of Dorchester , Dorset (with a Codicil)

[Note:- buried Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 25th Feb 1754
Jane (Jean) GUEST nee MEADER (1672-1754) was baptised at HT Church in Dorchester on 29th Sep 1672 the 3rd child from the marriage of Thomas MEADER Senior (d.1691) and Jane nee FOOK (d.1715) who married at HT Church on 26th Nov 1677].

Dated 28 Mar 1748

Codicil dated 14 Jan 1754

Proved 02 Mar 1754: [ On the 2nd day of March 1754 Samuel Meader the Younger the Executor named in the within Last Will and Testament of Jane GUEST deceased came before me and made oath that the last will and testament and the codicil hereunto annexed are as he verily believes the last will and testament and codicil of the said Jane Guest and that Samuel Meader the deceased brother died in the life time of the deceased, and that he the said Executor will well and truly perform the said will and codicil as the law directs John Hubbock Surrogate

DHC Ad/Dt/W/1154 event record 21 WILL: Folded Sheet headed GUEST Jane Widow:
This is the last Will and Testament of me Jane GUEST of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Widow being of ill state of body but vof sound mind and memory.
First: I direct that all my just debts and Funeral expenses be paid and discharged by my executor hereinafter named
Item: I give unto my niece Catherine the daughter of my brother Samuel MEADER of Dorchester aforesaid Millwright my best gown.
I give to my niece Jenny MEADER another daughter of the said Samuel MEADERall my every day & wearing apparel
And All the Rest and residue of my wearing and linen of what nature or kind soever I give unto Betty the wife of my nephew Samuel MEADER the younger son of my said brother Samuel MEADER
And all the rest residue and remainder of my goods and chattles and personal estate whatsoever and wheresoever ready moneys securities for money debts dues and demands whatsoever which I shall die possessed of or to be instituted unto or or any person or persons whatsoever vIn TRUST for me or for my use I give and bequeath unto the said loving brother Samuel MEADER whom I hereby constitute and appoint whole and sole executor of this my last Will and Testament
But in case my said brother Samuel MEADER shall not be living at the time of my decease Then as to all such Rest Residue and Remainder of my said Personal Estate whatsoever herinbefore by me given unto my said brother Samuel MEADER I give and bequeath the same and every part thereof unto my said Nephew Samuel MEADER and in such case I do hereby constitute and appoint my said Nephew Samuel MEADER whole and sole executor of this my last Will and I do hereby revoke all former wills and testaments by me at any time heretofore made
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty eighth day of March in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and forty eight.
Signed sealed and declared by the testatrix as her last Will and Testament in the presence of us who have subscribed our names as witnesses thereton in her presence and at her request Robert Willis; Samuel Samwayes and thge mark of Mary Bushrod

I Jane GUEST of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Widow do this Fourteenth day of January in the year of Our Lord One Thousand seven hundred and fifty four make and publish this Codicil to my last Will and Testament in manner and form following (that is to say)
I give and bequeath unto my Nephew Samuel MEADER the son of of my late brother Samuel MEADER deceased all that my Moyety or half part of a messuage burgage and tenement and garden thereunto belonging and adjoining with the appurtenances formerly in the possession of Joseph CHILDECOTT situate and lying and being in the parish of Holy Trinity in Dorchester aforesaid in a certain street there called the South Back Lane having the messuage or dwelling house formerly in possession of John DENNING but now of William AYRES on the North the house of Thomas EVOMY on the South a garden formerly belonging to Humphrey BESTLAND but now of James SYNDERCOMBE Gentleman on the West and the said street on the East as the same heretofore set out and divided between me and my late brother Samuel MEADER deceased To hold unto my said Nephew Samuel MEADER his Executors Administrators and Assigns from and after my decease for and during all the residue and remainder of my term and interest therein to come

And Whereas I have in and by my Last Will and Testament bearing date the 28th day of March 1748 given the rest residue and remainder of my goods and chattles and personal estate ready money securities for money debts dues and demands whatsoever which I shall die possessed of or be entitled unto or any person or Persons whatsoever In Trust for me or for my use unto my said brother Samuel MEADER whom I constituted and appointed sole executor of my said will
But in case my said brother should not be living at the time of my decease Then as to all such the rest residue and remainder of my said person estate so given unto my said brother Samuel MEADER I gave unto and bequeathed the same and every part thereof unto my said Nephew Samuel MEADER and in such case constituted and appointed my said nephew Samuel MEADER whole and sole Executor of my said Will

And Whereas my said brother Samuel MEADER is since dead Now I do by this Codicil satify and confirm the said legacy gift and bequest as given and bequeathed to the said Samuel MEADER my said Nephew in and by my said Will as aforesaid and that he be executor of my said Will; as thereby appointed

And Lastly it is my devise that this my present codicil be annexed to and made part of my said Will and Testament to all Intents and Purposes whatsoever

In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written - Signed sealed published and declared by the above named Jane GUEST as a Codicil to be annexed to her last Will and Testament in the presence of us John Russell and William Old
Will of John KINNINMONTH [KENNINGMONTH], of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried All Saints Church Dorchester 30 Apr 1754 ] Dated 24 Aug 1753
proved 07 May 1754
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1154 event record 22 Beneficiaries: Nephew John MACKINTOSH to receive all his mathmatical & surveying instruments :James BROOKS of Dorchester; Rest in trust for benefit of wife Anna KINNINMONTH [Note:- Wife Ann buried All saints
Will of William STUCKEY, Yeoman of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 30 May 1754] Dated 26 May 1753
Proved 04 Jun 1754
PDHC Sole beneficary and executrix his wife Susanna STUCKEY includes his house and garden in Dorchester where he lives witnessed by Robert Willis and John Russell
Will of Ann YOUNG, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at All Saints Church Dorchester 21st Feb 1755] Dated 20 Apr 1751
Proved 12 Feb 1755
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1755 event record 26 Will: Bequest to Cousin Francis PURCHASE £100 rest to Aunt Elizabeth BATTEN; Witnessed John Foot; Martha Stickland and Nathaniel Stickland
Letter of Administration for the estate of William TUCKER, of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Lots of William Tuckers but closest are both after LA ie in All saints Wm junior 5th Mar 1755 and Wm senior 10 Nov 1756?] 017 Feb 1755 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1755 event record 13 Granted to Sarah TUCKER of All Saints Parish in Dorchester the widow and relict of the deceased also bound with her are Henry SHOTO of Dorchester Victualler and Thomas VINE of Dorchester Victualler
Will of Francis PURCHASE, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset 02 April 1755 PROB 11/815 See Burial Register All Saints Dorchester 19 Mar 1755
Will of William TEMPLEMAN of Dorchester , Dorset 29 April 1755 PROB 11/815 Buried Holy Trinity 25 Apr 1754
Letter of Administration for the estate of Edith HELLARD Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried All Saints Church Dorchester 11 Jun 1755 ] 17 July 1755 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1755 Event Record 14 Granted to Elizabeth the wife of Henry DURDEN of Upway a cordwainer and the lawful sister of the deceased - Also bound are Thomas POOK of Dorchester a grocer and Timothy GUYER of Dorchester a cooper witnesses John Nelson & John Hubbock
Will of Daniel ARDEN of Dorchester , Dorset 12 August 1755 PROB 11/817 Buried St Peters 30 Jun 1755 [Note:- Link to Transcription of his Will and an Account of the ARDEN Family of Dorchester]
Will of Amy LAWES, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- buried at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 1st September 1755]
Dated 06 Sep 1751
Proved 02 Sep 1755
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1755 event record 28 Sole beneficiary Mary LAWES the daughter of the deceased. Witnessed William CUMING and Nathaniel STICKLAND. Amy LAWES was buried at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 1st September 1755 See Transcription of her Will with Administration granted to her daughter Mary 2nd Sep 1755
Letter of administration granted for the estate of Benjamin SPENCER of Dorchester , Dorset [No trace of burial] Ren 23 Aug 1755
L/A 10 Sep 1755
DHC Ad/Dt/A/1755event record 15 Letter of Renunciation of his rights (dated 23 Aug 1755) exercised by his father Joseph SPENCER a fork maker of Sheffield in favour of his local representative John JACOB the Younger of Dorchester who was granted administration of his estate on 10th Sep 1755. Also bound was John Doe of Dorchester a Gentleman witnessed John Hubbocka nd Edward Shepherd
Will of John MEADER, Painter of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried Holy Trinity 2nd Dec 1755] Dated 11 July 1755
Proved 16 March 1756
PROB 11/821 Will: beneficiaries Niece Eleanor SHEALL £5 + silver punch bowl and silver ladle; Neice Elizabeth DAVIS £5 + gold watch; All Pictures and frames to loving wife Mary MEADER & 2 neices equally divided; Rest to wife who is made executrix. [Note:- John MEADER of All Saints [parish Dorchester] married Mary FOY of Holy Trinity at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 05 Apr 1738 ]
Will of John HUNT, a taylor of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- John HUNT married Frances HARBIN at St Georges Church in Fordington on 20th Aug 1720. He was Buried 28th Jan 1756 Holy Trinity church Dorchester] 05 Nov 1755
Proved 28 Apr 1756
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1756 Event Record 27

This is the Last Will & Testament of me John HUNT of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Taylor made and published this 5th day of November in the year of Our Lord Christ One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Five . I give unto my now children Gabriel HUNT; Mary HARRIS; and Anna HUNT 1 shilling each [usually indicates that they were provided for previously probably on marriage etc] All the rest and residue of my personal estate of what nature or kind soever I give and bequeath unto Frances my wife whom I make executrix. of this my will Witness my hand & seal the day and year first above written The mark of John HUNT. Witnesses ? Rake, Nicholas & Edith Stickland

On the Twenty Eight day of April in the year of our Lord 1756 This Will of John HUNT was proved by the oath of Frances HUNT the widow and sole executrix above mentioned to whom administration of all and singular the goods chattels and Credits of the said deceased was granted She being first sworn faithfully to adminster the same according to Law Also to exhibit a true and perfect inventory thereof into the Registry of the Court of the Archdeacon of Dorset and pass a just account thereon when thereto lawfully required. Sword before me John HUBBOCK Surrogate

Will of Thomas BRIDLE gardener of Dorchester , Dorset Dated 22 July 1755
Proved 28 Apr 1756
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1756 event record 25 image Sole beneficiary Barbara Bridle his wife: [Note:- Thomas BRIDLE was buried at All Saints church Dorchester on 6th August 1755]
Will of Sarah TAPP Widow of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at St George's Church Fordington on 7th January 1753] Dated 04 Jan 1753
Proved 05 Jun 1756
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1756 event record 30 image Extensive Will: beneficiaries: Son Henry TAPP; and his 2 children John and Henry TAPP; Refers to her deceased son Thomas TAPP bequests to his 2 children sarah and John TAPP; Refers to the Will of her late Husband Thomas TAPP dated 20th Oct 1743 Proved 19 Nov 1743 See above dwelling house in South Street within the Parish of St Peter on the west side of the same street having the house of George SPEKE Esq to the North and the house late of Samuel GREY baker deceased on the south left to Sarah & John the children of thomas TAPP deceased: Whereas davis CASHEr of Stratton Yeoman, is indebted upon bond £100 bequeathed unto John PITMAN and Robert WILLIS both of Dorchester Gentlemen in Trust for henry TAPP the son of my son Henry TAPP, if he dies then Anthony TAPP another son of henry TAPP her son; Sarah TAPP grandaughter household goods etc;: Witnesses John Russell; James Browne and William Old
Will of John DAVEY, Victualler of Dorchester, Dorset Dated 08 Aug 1754
Proved 08 Nov 1756
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1756 Event Record 26 Beneficiaroes:- Living in dwelling in Holy Trinity Parish; Daughters Mary, Susannah and Sarah and son John Guardian until age of majority with Brother Edward DAYEY Witnesses John Shappard and Harry Pouncy - Could not locate a burial
Will of Elizabeth TEMPLEMAN, Spinster of Dorchester, Dorset 23 December 1756 PROB 11/826 Buried Holy Trinity 20 Jul 1756
Will of Lawrence SHEPPARD, Glazier of Dorchester, Dorset [Note buried Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 02 Jan 1755] Dated 24 Dec 1754
Proved 28 Jan 1757
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1757 event record 11 Will Beneficiaries:- Wife Elizabeth dwelling house where they now live for life: Children not named but refers to sons and daughters; son John SHEPPARD all his tools etc; Robert Lumley KINGSTON& Robert WILLIS appointed executors; witnessed Edward Stevens & Edward Clines. [Note Vestry minutes 26th Jan 1755].
Letter of Administration for the estate of Samuel MEADER, of Dorchester, Dorset [Note buried Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 22 Dec 1756] 28 Jan 1757 DHC DA/A/1757 event record 5 Granted to Elizabeth MEADER the widow and relict and administratrix of the estate of deceased also bound were William DAVIS of Dorchester an Apothecary; Robert WILLIS of Dorchester Gentleman [Note:- - Samuel MEADER The Younger (1715-1756) of Holy Trinity Dorchester married Elizabeth HUNT of ye same in St Peters Church Dorchester on 09 Apr 1738 - See marriage for children]
Will of Robert FFOOK, Butcher of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried at All Saints Church Dorchester on 26th Jan 1757] Dated 18 Jun 1756
Proved 31 Jan 1757
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1757 event record 12 Will beneficairy Robert Fook CLINES the son of Edward CLINES of Dorchester a clothier property in All Saints Parish Dorchester: witnesses Nathaniel and Robert STICKLAND and John Burleigh DUGDALE
Will of Henry TAPP, of Dorchester, Dorset: + LA granted to David CASHER [Note:- No trace of burial of either henry or his wife Mary] Dated 21 Sep 1751
Proved 01 Feb 1757
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1757 event records 13 : Will sole beneficairy and executrix his wife Mary TAPP; witnessed William Sheppard junior & James Browne: + Letter of Renunciation from Thomas TAPP states Whereas Mary TAPP the lawful wiodw and legattee and sole executrix named in the last will and testament of Henry TAPP late of Dorchester deceased - before she she had taken upon her the execution of his will also departed this life by means whereof the right of administration etc of his estate etc falls to me Thomas TAPP - renounce those rights appoints Thomas Fitzherbert Notary Public to be committed to my grandfather David CASHER + Letter of Administration granted 1st Feb 1757 to David CASHER of Stratton the Father-in-law and administrator of all goods etc of deceased during the minorities of lawful children ofthe deceased namely John TAPP; Henry TAPP; Anthony TAPP and Mary TAPP. Also bound with hios is Thomas TAPP of Stratton yeoman and George WHEELER of Dorchester Cooper :
Will of Ann HARDY, Spinster of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried at St Peters Church Dorchester on 13 Mar 1757] Dated 20 Aug 1756
Proved 31 May 1757
DHC Bc/A/H/ Event record 35 Will beneficiaries: Sister Mrs Mary NELSON widow of Dorchester; Sister Mrs Martha SNOOK widow of Great Russel Street Bloomsbury; Brother-in-law Mr Edward THOMPSON of Sheborne; Cousins Frances, Martha & Ann HARDY 3 daughters of my sister-in-law Mrs Martha HARDY widow of Hyde in the County of dorset; Cousins Mr John NELSON of Dorchester & Mr Zachary NELSON of London the 2 sons of my sister Mrs Mary NELSON & his only son John NELSON the younger infant; Cousin Mrs Joan NELSON daughter of Mrs Mary NELSON; Rest to Cousin Samuel SNOOK schoolmaster of Great Russell Street Bloomsbury the son of sister Mrs Martha SNOOK widow; Witnesses John & Jane Hubbock
Will of William PADDOCK, the elder Cordwainer of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 9th July 1756] Dated 28 Jan 1738
Proved 07 Sep 1757
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1757 Event record 14 Will beneficiaries: Wife Elizabeth executrix; sons George, William & Richard : witnesses John Lester, John Old and Thomas Evomy. His widow failed to administer his estate and when she died Letters of Administration were granted 27th Jan 1766 to Mary HAYDON (widow of Richard) as curatrix or guardian of his grandaughter Rachel PADDOCK in her minority. Note:- Rachel PADDOCK was baptised at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 7th Nov 1759
Will of Mary RICHARDS, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- buried at West Knighton entry 41 in the Parish Register interred 28th Nov 1758] Dated 24 Sep 1758
Proved 31 Mar 1759
DHC: Ad/Dt/W/1759 Event Record 20 Will: To be buried at West Knighton in a plain manner with a plain coffin and shroud without any ornament and to be carried to my grave by 6 poor men of W/K 2 of which are to be George HOLDEN and George BULLOCK (if living) each paid 5 shillings; Bequest to Grand daughterAnna FLOYER £100 at age 21 or marriage + ring with my sons hair in it with diamonds either side + all my books with her name written therein + hair trunk marked M.R. A chest of drawers in my room and all my wearing apparell that my daughter Mary Richards does not chose and my gilt spoonand gilt halfted knife and forka fter the deceas eof my daughter Mary RICHARDS; Grandsons John & William FLOYER £5 each, John Floyer to also get the morning ring that I had of his father; bequests to the poor of Dorchester £10 & West Knighton £5; Daughter Mary Richards executrix; Witnessed John GALE and Susanna JERRARD [Note:- Mary RICHARDS nee ARDEN was the 2nd child of Daniel ARDEN Senior (1652-1723)
Will of John CHANING, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- buried at Maiden Newton as per will 21st April 1758] Dated 24 Nov 1757
Proved 25 Apr 1758
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1758 Event Record 20 Will: to be buried at Maiden Newton Dorset: Beneficiaries neice Elizabeth Randall; Brother Joseph Chaning; neice jane daughter of Nephew Richard Channing; John & Richard Tucker sond of master Edward Tucker of weymouth 7 melcombe Regis; Neice Ann wife of james Salisbury of Oxenford West Dewlish Somerset
Letter of Administration for the estate of Thomas GREENING, Miller of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- buried at St Georges Church Fordington on 11th Feb 1757] 25 Apr 1758 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1758 event record 9 Granted to Mary GREENING widow of deceased also bound with her are Leonard POUNT of Broadmayne and William TAYLOR of Broadmayne Yeoman
Will of James SYNDERCOMBE, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Parish of Stratton Dorset Burial Register " May ye 1st 1758 was buried Mr James SYNDERCOMBE of Dorchester"] Dated 12 Feb 1757
Proved 05 July 1758
PROB 11/839  Bequests to Friend Francis FURBER £10; Brother Gregory SYNDERCOMBE Clerk* £50 for a mourning ring; Sevants Betty Bonly £5 and William Tugram 40 shillings; Rest in Trust with his brother for benefit of his 3 sons Boucher, James & Gregory - locations of properties mentioned - image available on [Note:-* I think this is probably Rev. Gregory SYNDERCOMBE (1692-1782) Rector of Askerwell from 1722 and Symondsbury from 1739 see clergy database and oxford & cambridge alumni]
Will of Gregory SYNDERCOMBE, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Parish of Hilton Dorset Burial Register " Nov 11th 1757 Mr Gregory SYNDERCOMBE son of James SYNDERCOMBE of Dorchester was buried] Dated 10 Oct 1757
Proved 23 Nov 1758
PROB 11/842 This is the last Will & Testament of me Gregory SYNDERCOMBE of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Gentleman made this 10th day of October 1757 And First I give and bequeath unto my Brother SYNDERCOMBE my six silver teaspoons & as to all other my goods chattles monies and rights to monies credits & effects of what nature or kind soever I Give and bequeath unto my Brothers Boucher SYNDERCOMBE and James SYNDERCOMBE equally to be divided between them share and share alike & I do hereby make & constitute & appoint my said brothers Boucher & James SYDERCOMBE Joint Executors of this my last will and Testament hereby revoking and making void all Wills by me heretofore made In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written Gregory SYNDERCOMBE Signed sealed published and declared the above named Gregory Syndercombe the testator as and for his last will and testament in the preence of us who have at his request and in his presence and the presence of each other subscribed our names as witnesses thereto Samuel WOOLLY: Mary MILLER [Note:- Son of James see will dated 12th Feb 1757 above]
Letter of Administration for the estate of James ROGERS glover of Dorchester Dorset 23 Jan 1759 DHC: Ad/Dt: G2/31 event record 31 His widow Joanna the lawful mother of his children Mary (aged 9) and Fanny (aged 7) lawfully elected as curatrix or guardian of her children. Also bound with her is William ROGERS Glover of Dorchester. [Note:- may be the James ROGERS who was buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 31st Dec 1754.] [Also note that if Mary the daughter was 9 at time of LA she was born circa 1750 and there is a marriage at Melcombe Regis between as James ROGERS and a Joanna JACOB on 2nd April 1749]
Will of Alice JACKSON, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried St Peters Church Dorchester 21 Feb 1759] Dated 12 Feb 1759
Proved 01 Mar 1759
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1759 event record 29 Beneficiaries: daughter susannah wife of James POOK all her estate term right and title in the house called the Plume & Feathers in Dorchester; daughter Jane wife of Robert FILDEW; Grand daughter Mary CHAFFEY and Grand son Robert FILDEW and grand son Thomas JONES; witnesses Ruth Paddock and Walt Nicholls
Letter of Administration for the estate of Ann BRIGGS widow of Dorchester granted to Hannah wife of William BAGWELL labourer of Dorchester the lawful sister of theb deceased 02 Apr 1759 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1759 event record 11 Image Bound William BAGWELL of Dorchester Labourer and Robert BELBIN Shoemaker of Dorchester [Note:- The only Ann Briggs that I can locate in Dorchester records, the NBI or on was buried at All Saints Church Dorchester 23rd July 1745?
Will of Richard AYLING, Sadler of Dorchester, Dorset Dated 19 Apr 1758
Proved 09 Apr 1759
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1759 Event record 27 image Beneficiaries:- Wife Mary and Son James. [Note:- Buried St Peters Church Dorchester 6th April 1759]
Will of Ann CHALDECOTT, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 15 August 1759 PROB 11/848  
Will of William CHURCHILL of Holy Trinity Dorchester, Dorset

(Note:- William CHURCHILL died in Dorchester but his body was buried at Piddlehinton on 17 Feb 1759.

His widow Elizabeth CHURCHILL was also buried at Piddlehinton on 18th July 1762 as was his son George CHURCHILL (1745-1814) a Captain in the 34th Regt of Infantry who served for many years in North America buried there 15th June 1814)
Dated 17 Sep 1757

Proved 15 Aug 1759
PROB 11/848 Will: Ref to Marriage articles [i.e. settlement] bearing date 8th day of April 1729 -- Dear wife Elizabeth Churchill an annuity of £150 free of taxes etc paid quarterly to be charged upon my Manor and Farm of Muston alias Musterton and Loveford entailed upon my son William Churchill for life and other sons entailed - Also to wife a legacy of £150 plus watch, rings and other ornaments of her person and declare legacies to my wife in bar and discharge and full satisfaction of all dower etc -- same not to exclude her enjoying her widowhood free both in my copyhold estates at Fordington : To my son William Churchill all that my Mansion House at Colliton with all the buildings courts gardens and the meadow thereto adjoining ; all my plate furniture and hiousehold goods at Colliton but wife to ejoy and have the use of Coliton (end p1) situate in HT Dorchester+ 10acres of freehold arable land situate in Fordington Fields + all my lands tenements and hereditaments lying in the parish of Milborn in C Dorset to my son William Churchill provided that he does not marry before the age of 30 to any woman who does not have a bona fide income of £2,000 - Otherwise evrything goes to his son George Churchill; To my daughter Elizabeth Churchill £3,150 and same to son George Churchill when aged 21 + Manors, farms etc at Piddlehinton. Etc Etc long will
Letter of Administration for the estate of Richard PADDOCK of Cordwainer Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Richard was the son of William & Elizabeth PADDOCK and was buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 08 Mar 1759] 03 Oct 1759 DHC DA/A/1759 Event Record 10 Granted to Mary PADDOCK widow of deceased - also bound with her is Elizabeth PADDOCK widow of Dorchester and John WILLIS of Dorchester Gentleman - See also Letters of Administration over his parents estates 7th Sep 1757 & 27 Jan 1766]
Will of Phillip ELLIOTT Yeoman of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried at All Saints Church Dorchester 23rd Dec 1759] Dated 24 Aug 1759
Proved 30 Dec 1759
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1759 event record 28 Beneficiaries Wife Mary and son Robert ELLIOTT witnesses Nathanial Stickland and John Keaty
Will of Samuel HITCHCOCK Mercer of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Probably Buried at West Harnham Wiltshire - Executor named ] Dated 31 Jul 1752
Proved Jan 1760
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1760 event Record 17 Will: To be buried in the parish church at West Harnham in the County of Wiltshire in my father and mothers grave under the communion table; beneficiaries etc mentioned:- Elizabeth ABBOTT of (Tarrant) Gunville in Dorset spinster; Ann HITCHCOCK of Cheselbourne; House purchased from Anthony Read the younger ; John ABBOTT nephew of said Elizabeth; Widow of the late Robert CRADOCK of Blandford Forum; Elizabeth HOLLOWAY of Dorchester a widow; Rev Thomas Clifton of Salisbury; the Executor & Admin of John MITCHELL of Noile? in Wiltshire ; Executor & Admin of John GANE of Mells in Somerset; Elizabeth wife of William MATTHEWS a dairyman; Sarah JONES her sister; Executor & Admin of the late Mrs Judith WANSBOROUGH of New Saraum Wiltshire: Winesses Elizabeth & Erasmus COX and Nathaniel STICKLAND : Proved by the oath of the wife of Thomas APPLIN late Ann HITCHCOCK one of the execuors
Letter of Administration for the estate of John DOLLING of Dorchester bachelor intestate deceased [Note:- Probably the John DOLLEN buried at Fordington on 11 Jan 1758] 11 Feb 1760 DHC DA/DT/A/1760/8 Granted to Edward DOLLING of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis a mariner - also bound are Robert HOOK of Weymouth Victualler and Benjamin READ of Dorchester a joiner. Witnesses George Stickland and John Lovell
Will of Philip COOMBS Gentleman of Dorchester [Note:- Philip COOMBS was buried at All Saints church Dorchester on 16th December 1759] Dated 10 Oct 1751
Proved 14 July 1760
DHC Bc/W/C Event Record 151 Image Beneficiaries etc :- Bond of obligation between Son-in-Law Henry SHORTO dated 13 Oct 1738; Thomas ANDREWS otherwise MILLER deceased and his brother Thomas COOMBS also deceased in trust for benefit of his grand daughter Elizabeth SHORTO ; Grandsons James SHORTO and Philip COOMBS; Rest to son Thomas COOMBS Witnesses John Swyer, Nathaniel STICKLAND
Will of Matthew POUNCY butcher of Dorchester [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 26th June 1759]
dated 23 May 1757
Proved 26 July 1760
Bc/W/P; Event Rec. No. 118 Link to transcription of his will

Will of John JACOB the Elder of Dorchester Mercer

[Note:- John JACOB Senior was buried at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 16 Dec 1759]

Dated 03 Aug 1752
Proved 03 Sep 1760
Bristol CC Bc/W-2

This is the Last Will and Testament of me John JACOB the elder of Dorchester in the County of Dorset, Mercer.

First I give to my son John and Rebecca his wife one guinea each, and

I give to my son Samuel and his wife Mary one guinea each, and

I give and devise to my Wife Sarah my Lands Tenements Goods Chattels Estates and Effects whatsoever and wheresoever TO HAVE and to enjoy the same and every part thereof to her and her assigns for the term of her life she remaining in my name. AND from after her decease or other determination of that estate I give and devise all my said Lands tenements Goods Chattels Estates and Effects to my son Samuel and the heirs of his body and in default of such Issue to my son John and his heirs for ever

And I direct that a true and exect inventory and account of all I shall die possessed of shall be taken in a seasonable time after my death and respectively delivered over to my said two sons that as they respectively come into possession thereof They may respectively assertained of their property thereinand of this my last will and testament Revoking all former I constitute and appoint my said wife Sarah sole executrix

In Witness wehere I have of herto set my hand and seal the third day of August in the year one thousand seven hundred and fifty two.

Signed sealed published and declared by the Testator in the presence of us (who at his request & in his presence & the presence of each other have subscribed our names hereto Witnesses R Lumley Kingston; Edward Stephens; Thomas Channing

The within written Will of John JACOB the Elder deceased was proved by the oath of Sarah JACOB Widow the relict of the said deceased and sole executrix within named to whom administration of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased was granted She being first sworn upon the Holy Evangelists faithfully to administer the same according to Law : Also to make a true and perfect Inventory thereof and to exhibit the same into the Registry of the court of the Bushop of Bristol al the time assigned her by the bsaid Court and to render a just and true account thereon when thereunto lawhully required Sworn this 3rd day of September 1760 before me John HUBBOCK Surragate

Copy of the last will and testament of Elizabeth THORNTON of Dorchester 06 Sep 1760 D/SEN/9/1/6 DHC: ENCOMBE ESTATE ARCHIVE
Will of Mary DUFFIELD Spinster of Dorchester [Note:- Buried All Saints Church Dorchester on 3rd July 1760] Dated 18 Oct 1759
Proved 17 Sep 1760
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1760/15 Will Beneficiaries:- Brother John DUFFIELD; Sister Elizabeth DUFFIELD; Sister Katharine LOCK Widow ; Nephew Robert LOCK son of Katharine, Neice Mary LOCK daughter of Katharine witnesses Martha and Nathan Stickland
Will of Jane WESTON Wiodw of Dorchester [Note:- Buried St Peters Church Dorchester 19 Sep 1760] Dated 10 May 1760
Proved 26 Sep 1760
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1760 18 Will Beneficiaries:- Brother Thomas BLUNDELL of Westable in Surrey Yeoman; Brother George BLUNDELL of Kingston-upon-thames ; Nephew Richard the son of my late brother Richard BLUNDELL ; Sister Elizabeth GOFF of Cobham in Surrey; Rest to my neice Jane Goff of Dorchester the daughter of Elizabeth Goff of Cobham Witnessed Harry MEGGS and John WILLIS
Will of William GUNDRY the elder Malster of Dorchester [Note:- Buried 9th March 1760 Holy Trinity] Dated 09 Jun 1754
Proved 23 Sep 1760
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1760 event record 16 (oath = EvR. 8) Will Beneficiaries:- wife Rebecca GUNDRY executrix - son William GUNDRY and included is a copy of his oath as to some the truth of his fathers will also dated 23rd Sep 1760. Note:- William GUNDRY (1695/6 - 1760) was the eldest son and child of Robert GUNDRY and Eleanor SPICER who married at West Stafford in Dorset on 2nd Aug 1692. He married Rebecca Channing at St Georges Church in Fordington on 4th Dec 1720]
Will of Samuel WINZAR Ironmonger of Dorchester

Dated 1st Nov 1760

Buried All Saints 6 Jan 1761 as Samuel WINZOR

Proved 7th Jan 1761

Arch Court Dorset Wills & Admons Part 2:

Diocese of Bristol Ref 24/1761

Samuel WINZAR (1683-1761) Link to transcription of his Will
Letter of Renunciation for right to administration of the estate of Mary WINZAR late wife of Samuel WINZAR of Dorchester [Note:- Mary WINZAR was buried at All Saints church 05 Sep 1759] and Letter of Administration granted to her siblings James BEAL and Elizabeth BANBURY 14 Mar 1761 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1761 event record 20 Whereas Mary late wife of me Samuel WINZAR of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Blacksmith being one of three children of Thomas BEAL of Evershot in the same County Cordwainer by Mary his wife formerly Mary the daughter of Richard SMITH of Dorchester aforesaid And Whereas upon the death of the said Thomas BEAL who survived his said wife and departed this life some time in the year 1757 leaving then 3 children to wit the said Mary my said wife since as aforesaid dead James BEAL and Elizabeth [Beal] then and now the wife of John BANBURY Gent who under [a] settlement made in the year 1700 of Lands in [-- St ] Peters in Dorchester aforesaid by the said Richard SMITH [----] equally entitled to the same for the residue of that term And whereas I the said Samuel WINZAR have not taken out administration to my said [---] to entitle my self to her part thereof and being willing and de [----] the same should be equally divided to and amongst the said [---] BEAL and Elizabeth BANBURY my said brother and sister [i.e. in law] --- [NOTE:- Goes on to reliquish right to dmin of his wife's estate in favour of her 2 surviving siblings]
Letter of Administration for the estate of Thomas HAVILAND, of Dorchester , Dorset - 14 Mar 1761 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1761 Event Record 19 Granted to James BEAL of Misterton in the County of Somerset a cordwainer - also Matthew MEECH of Longbredy a yeoman witness Thomas Fitzherbert [Note could not trace a burial]
Will of Elizabeth BATTEN, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset - [Probate 12 Mar 1761; Oath 14 Mar 1761] Dated 06 Apr 1758
Proved 16 April 1761
PROB 11/864 See Burial Register All Saints Dorchester 20 Feb 1761 and transcription of her will
Will of Nathaniel STICKLAND, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset

[Note:- Link to Marriage Register All Saints Dorchester and more information about his life. He was buried 10 May 1761 at All Saints and his wife Martha STICKLAND joined him on 16th July 1781 she also left a will dated 10th Jan 1780 proved 9th Apr 1782]
Dated 2 Jan 1758
Codicil dated 5 May 1760
Proved 24 July 1761
PROB 11/867:
WILL: Nathaniel STICKLAND Gentleman of Dorchester : Bequest to wife Martha their dwelling for her life then to son Robert; Bequest to son Nathaniel property in St Peters in occupation of Nicholas Stickland; Bequest to daughter Martha property called the 'Green Dragon' in the parish of All Saints ; Bequest to daughter Ann property called 'Dorchester Arms' in parish All Saints; Rest to wife and son Robert in trust and to pay to son Nathaniel and daughters Martha and Ann £300 each when they attain age 21 or be married and in meantime to pay them interest 4% for their maintenance etc
+ Codicil
Will of Susannah Legg DACKCOMBE Widow of Dorchester Dated 28 Nov 1757
Oathg 2 Apr 1762
Proved 7 Mar 1762
Ad/Dt/W1762 Event Record 20 Bequests to Kinswiman Elizabeth DOMINY; Trust John PIMAN and Richard CASTLE for benefit of Nephew Arnold PRITCHARD
Letter of Administration for the property of Joshua SNOOK, of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- no trace of burial except HT 1724?] 24 Mar 1762 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1766 event record 6 Ref only to property in Holy Trinity Parish Dorchester formerly assigned by Arthur GOULD of Dorchester a bookseller & Robert BLATCHFORD of Fordingbridge in the County of Southampton Gentleman to the said Joshua SNOOK was committed and granted to Elizabeth THORNTON widow the lawful daughter and next of kin of Joshua SNOOK. Sworn before John HUBBOCK Surrogate
Will of Arthur MITCHELL, Brazier, clockmaker and watchmaker of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at Fordington St Georges church 7th September 1761] Dated 04 Nov 1760
Proved 22 Jun 1762
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1762 event record 17

Will bequests to Cousins:- John NELSON of Fordington; Patience NELSON his sister; John WELLS; James BUNN gentleman; James HUNT; Also Richard STEVENS son of his Cousin Grace STEVENS Widow also benificiary; Tools of his trade as a brazier, cklockmaker and watchmaker to his apprentice James WOOD; Residue to his servant Mary LESTER in consideration of her long and faithful service. Witnessed by Samuel Bedloe and Sarah Gundry:

The Will of Arthur MITCHELL was proved by the oath of James WOOD the late husband and administrator of Mary LESTER deceased the sole executrix named within the Will. James WOOD recorded as a clockmaker married by Licence to Mary LESTER both of St Peters parish Dorchester on the 18 Mar 1762 so clearly marriage prompted by the death of Arthur. Mary WOOD was buried at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 24th May 1762 so Administration of his estate had to be carried out by James.

Will of Samuel RICKWOOD, Sadler of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 18 Feb 1762] Dated 08 Feb 1762
Proved 22 Jun 1762
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1762 event record 16 Will: Dwelling House, Coach House, and Stables in Dorchester = stock in trade to son Samuel RICKWOOD providing looks after his aged and infirm mother Sarah RICKWOOD for the rest of her life: Thomas RICKWOOD son wearing apparel + 40 shillings changed to £5 in a codicil dated 14th Feb 1762. Witnesses Anthony LENN and Walter NICHOLLS [Note:- Link to entry in Monumental Inscrptions file and more information about his family]
Will of Eleanor SUTTON, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 05 July 1762 PROB 11/878  
Letters of Administration for the estate of Thomas APPLIN late of Dorchester who was buried at Holy Trinity 22nd Nov 1761 granted to Ann APPLIN, his Widow, Erasmus Cox Innkeeper and William Mowlim barber of the same place 26th January 1762 26 Jan 1762 DHC

Ad/Dt/A/1762; Event Record No: 11.

Buried Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 22nd Nov 1761
Will of Ann SUMMER, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at St peters Church Dorchester on 04 Aug 1763] Dated 24 Jan 1763
Proved 13 Aug 1763
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1763 Event Record 18 Benificiaries: Left in trust with friends Robert WILLIS of Dorchester Gentleman and John EVOMY of Dorchester to sell dwelling etc malthouse and garden situated in South Street Dorchester opposite the workhouse and late in the occupation of Ann CHALDECOTT widow deceased for the benefit of her sons William, Samuel and Richard SUMMERS, her grandchildren Richard and Ann SUMMERS children of her son William SUMMERS, and her 3 daughters Hester, Elizabeth and Jane SUMMERS: witnessed by George SMITH and William OLD and John LUSH
Letter of Administration granted for the estate of Sarah LOVELL, widow of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- only burial I can locate is for a Sarah LOVELL widow of William Lovell buried at Upway the day after the LA was granted i.e. 13th July 1763 which could be her] 12 July 1763 DHC BC/A/L77 event record 77 Granted to Elizabeth MOREY the lawful mother and administratrix - also bound with her was William MOWLIM of Dorchester a barber. Witness John Templeman
Letter of Administration granted for the estate of Caleb BROOKS, of St Peters parish in Dorchester , Dorset granted to his relict Mary [Note:- Caleb BROOKS was buried at St Peters Church Dorchester 11 May 1763] Dated 15 Aug 1763 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1763 event record 8 Letter of Administration:
Know All men by these presents that we Mary BROOKS of Dorchester Saint Peters in the County of Dorset Widow ; Joan GOULD of the same place Widow & William VINCENT Innholder of the same place Innholder --- are bound in the sumn of £100 ---- Dated 15th day of August 1763 ---- The condition of this obligation is such that the above bound Mary BROOKS the widow and relict and administratrix of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of Caleb BROOKS late of Dorchester aforesaid intestate --- The day and year first writtrn the within bound Mary BROOKS Widow personally appeared and was sworn well and faithfully to administer all and singular the goods chattels and credits of the within named Caleb BROOKS her late husband intestate deceased also to exhibit a true and perfect inventory thereof into the Registry of the Archdeacon of Dorset and pass a just account thereon when thereunto lawfully required - Sworn before me John Hubbock surrogate [Note:- Caleb BROOKS Junior(1722 - 1763) ]
Letter of Administration for the estate of William GREY [GRAY] , of Dorchester , Dorset[Note:- Buried at All Saints Church Dorchester 9th Dec 1762] 14 Oct 1763 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1763 event record 9 Granted to John GREY his lawful son and next of kin a hellyer by trade also bound with him was Samuel Slade of Dorchester Gentleman and George Clines of Dorchester Innholder
Will of Thomas EVOMY, Joiner of Dorchester , Dorset[Note:- Buried at All Saints Church Dorchester 9th Dec 1762] Dated 27 Nov 1762
Proved 15 Oct 1763
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1763 event record 17 Will: Left everything to wofe Sarah and daughter Ann EVOMY witnesses Henry Evomy and William Gundry
Letter of Administration granted for the estate of Thomas MEECH, Esq of Dorchester , Dorset L/Renunciation 14 Dec 1763 &
LA 19th Dec 1763
DHC Ad/Dt/A/1763; Event Records No's: 10 & 11. Buried Holy Trinity 24th Nov 1763. [Note:- 04 Jan 1764 - Giles posthumous son of the late Thomas MEECH Esquire & Betty his wife privately baptised at Holy Trinity. He died Intestate and his wife Betty renounced her right to Administration of his estate in favour of his father John MEECH who took out Letters of Administration. See transcription via link]
Will of Mary SNOOK, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- buried at St peters Church Dorchester 13 Mar 1764] Dated 01 Sep 1763
Proved 04 May 1764
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1764 Event Record 26 Will left estate called Leigh situated at toller Porcorum Dorset in trust with William DAVIS Apothecary of Dorchester and John WHITE grocer of Dorchester for the benefit of her daughters Hannah and Ann; witnessed George Smith and William Old
Will of Erasmus COX, Innholder of Dorchester , Dorset Dated 23 Mar 1763
Proved 16 May 1764
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1764 Event Record 24 Will left estate at Bere Regis called Fulcombe to wife Ann; sons Robert and Henry COX ; Sister Elianor; Ann Grant (probably a servant) witnesses William Mowlin and Robert Smith
Will of Thomas POUNCY the elder burcher of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 04 Nov 1763 he was the father of Thomas POUNCY buried HT 31 Dec 1770] Dated 18 Dec 1762
Proved 16 May 1764
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1764 Event Record 25 Will beneficiaries : Son Thomas and grandson Harry son of his son George POUNCY both left 1s with statement no disrespect but already well provided for: Daughter Elizabeth the wife of William ROGERS of Dorchester a glover by trade; and her children Elizabeth and Thomas ROGERS; Children of his son George POUNCY George, Thomas, James and Elizabeth POUNCY; Son Matthew POUNCY: Son Harry POUNCY left the dwelling house and public Inn known or commonly called the Anchor situated in a street called the Bull Stake in Dorchester; Witnessed Thomas GOULD; John HAYNE; John WILLIAMS. [Note:- Elizabeth POUNCY Married William ROGERS at Stinsford on 12th Nov 1749]
Will of William JOHNSON, Cooper of Dorchester , Dorset 07 July 1764 PROB 11/900  
Letter of Administration granted for the estate of Thomas BANGER, Brewer of Dorchester , Dorset who died Intestate to Betty Banger his widow 18th Sep 1764 DHC Ad/DT/A/1764 event record 14 image Bound:- Betty Banger widow: also William Seal of Dorchester Limeburner and Richard Canterbury of Dorchester weaver . Can only trace a burial at HT 28th Oct 1761? Betty failed to carry out the administration which was undertaken by her daughter also called Betty now married to ruichard Dark on 8th Jan 1788 (See entry at that date)
Letter of Administration for the estate of Henry HARBIN of Dorchester 16 Dec 1764 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1764 Event Record 15 Granted to his natural & lawful son John HARBIN a maltster of Dorchester - also bound Samuel SLADE & George CLINES both of Dorchester
Will of Nicholas MUNCKLEY Barrister at Law and late of Lincolns Inn Middlesex [Note:-Buried at St Peters Church in Dorchester 29th January 1765] Dated 16 July 1763
Oath Aff 26th Jan 1765
Proved Ldn 5 Feb 1765
PROB 11/906 Will: Left all to Mother Mrs Sarah MUNCKLEY Bequest to Cousin Mrs Elizabeth Christie + His books to many others
Will of William HAYDON of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 31 Mar 1765] Dated 28 Dec 1764
Proved 28 Mar 1765
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1765 Event Record 24 Beneficiaries Wife Ann; son John; son William; daughter Ann CHAFFEY : Property in Holy Trinity Parish Dorchester
Will of Edward BRYER Innholder of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at All Saints church Dorchester 20th Dec 1761] Dated 26 Nov 1761
Proved 26 July 1765
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1765 Event Record 23 Sole beneficiary under Will Jane BRYER wife also executrix; witnessed by Nicholas Stickland and Rebecca Gundry
Will of Nicholas WEARE of Dorchester , Dorset 12 August 1765 PROB 11/911  
Memorandum and oath only concerning William HAGGARD of Dorchester , Dorset Dated 11 Sep 1765 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1765 event record 11 Oath by Samuel SLADE of Dorchester Gentleman concering lease term 1,000 years for prmises in parish of Holy Trinity in Pease Lane ; on the north side bounded by a burgage formerly in the possession of Richard KEATE on the West side and the Castle on the North then in the tenure of William ALANDOR
Will of Richard COOPER, Grocer of Dorchester , Dorset 17 September 1765 PROB 11/911 [Note:- Buried Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 28th May 1765 - Richard COOPER was first appointed Alderman on 23 Jun 1755 and his vacancy filled by William Templeman but not until 04 Aug 1766]
Will of Anthony READ the elder, Clothier of Dorchester , Dorset Dated 05 Jun 1744
Proved 25 Nov 1765
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1765 event record 26 Will: Bequests to Elizabeth, Frances and William READ the children of my son William READ a baker by trade by Hannah his now wife ; Son Anthony READ + Son William READ + Hannah his wife a morning ring each of one guinea a piece Rest to wife Rachel READ also Executrix witnessed John BARTLETT and Robert SMITH [Note:-Anthony READ married Rachel CORBIN at St Peters Church Dorchester on 5th Nov 1743]
Will of Elizabeth MOREY, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- buried Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 24 Jan 1766] Dated 10 Dec 1765
Proved 25 Jan 1766
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1766 event record 13 Beneficiaries: Son Fildew MOREY; Ref to Late daughter Sarah LOVELL & her late husband; Elizabeth daughter of Mr Edmund BOWER of Dorchester my pair of gold ear Rings; Friend Mr William MOWLIN of Dorchester a morning ring of one guinea value; Maid servant then living with me 3 of my gowns & 3 of my petticoats to be chosen by my daughter Elizabeth BAKER; Daughter Elizabeth BAKER is given £20 and also all my rings and the residue of my plate and wearing appparell and made executrix; Residue between daughter Elizabeth Baker and son Fildew Morey. Witnessed John Templeman and Elizabeth Read
Letter of Administration for the estate of William PADDOCK of Dorchester [Note:- William PADDOCK was buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 09 Jul 1756] 27 Jan 1766 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1766 Event Record 4 Granted to Mary the wife of Samuel HAYDON appointed curatrix of the estate for the benefit of Rachel PADDOCK his grand daughter - his estate having been left unadministered by his wife Elizabeth PADDOCK also his executrix and now also deceased. [Note See Earlier entry for his will Dated 28 Jan 1738but not proved by Elizabeth until 07 Sep 1757--Elizabeth PADDOCK was buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 17th Nov 1765]
Letter of Administration for the estate of Elizabeth PADDOCK of Dorchester 27 Jan 1766 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1766 Event Record 5 Granted to Mary the wife of Samuel HAYDON appointed curatrix of the estate for the benefit of Rachel PADDOCK her grand daughter - [Note Elizabeth PADDOCK was buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 17th Nov 1765]
Letter of Administration for the estate of John WILLIS of Dorchester [Note:- Likely to be Mr John WILLIS who was buried at St Peters Church Dorchester on 20th Oct 1760 - His widow Mary's will is below proved 30th Oct 1770] 26 Apr 1766 DHC BO/A/W132 Event Record 132 Granted to Mary Willis the widow relict and Administratrix of the estate of Deceased : also bound with her is Robert WILLIS of Dorchester Gentleman and Samuel SLADE of Dorchester Gentleman
Will of Frances SWAYNE, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 06 June 1766 PROB 11/920 Buried St Peters 04 Oct 1765
Will of Anne KINNINMONTH [KENNINMONTH] , Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 20 September 1766 PROB 11/922 Buried at All Saints Church dorchester 24 Aug 1766 - she was the widow of John KINNINMONTH see his will 24th Aug 1753 proved by Anna 7th May 1754
Letter of Administration for the estate of Jasper NOTLEY, of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- No trace of burial] 07 Dec 1766 DHC: Ad/Dt/A/1766 Event Record 30

Granted to Jane NOTLEY widow and relict of deceased also bound with her was Robert WILLIS of Dorchester Gentleman witnessed John Hubbock [Note Jasper and Jane Notley had the following known children (1) Joseph baptised at St Georges Church Fordington on 1st Jan 1739/40 (2) Sarah Fordington on 20th July 1741 no trace of a burial? (3) Sarah bap St Peters 10 Mar 1743/4 (4) Elizabeth bap St peters 2nd June 1745 (5) Julian bap St Peters 12th July 1752 (6) John bap Holy Trinity 17 Oct 1755 (7) Henry Hookey bap 31 Mar 1758 -- Jane Notley a widow was buried at Fordington on 6th Feb 1793]

Will of John WHITE, Cooper of Dorchester, Dorset 17 October 1766 PROB 11/923 Buried Holy Trinity 11 Aug 1766
Will of Ann WHITE, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 06 February 1767 PROB 11/926  
Will of Margaret FLOYER, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset 24 March 1767 PROB 11/926  
Will with codicil of John SYMES, Maltster of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at St Georges Church in Fordington on 3rd April 1767] Dated 04 Feb 1767
Codicil 05 Feb 1767
Proved 12 May 1767
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1767 event record 27 Extensive will refers to : John DOTSON of Dorchester a Joiner, and his 3 children John, William and Elizabeth . daughters of Abraham & Elizabeth LIVEREDGE of Sydling St Nicholas; Luke WHITE of Cheselbourne Yeoman released of debts; Elizabeth the wife of Luke WHITE; William 7 Elizabeth BILES of Milbourne; William MEADER of Piddletown carpenter + children John, William Mary and Elizabeth. Moses BEDLOE the Younger of Fordington Mary his wife and Ann, Thomas and Mary their children. Hannah daughter of Brother Thomas SYMES; Brother William SYMES, dwelling in parish of Holy Trinity Dorchester Naphew William SYMES and Sister Elizabeth WATTS
Will of Andrew WAKE, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- buried at St peters Church Dorchester on 9th August 1745] Dated 28 July 1745
Proved 08 Jun 1767
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1767 event record 28

Note:- This Will was made in the '19th year of the reign of Lord George the second' which is 1745 not 1765 as recorded by . Will : To be buried in the most private manner possible. To his son Andrew WAKE all those lands late bought of John TUCKER Esq now lying at Weymouth. My land now lying on Bull Stake in Dorchester and goods chattles etc to Ann my loving wife& to Andrew my sonequally between them. Both appointed executrix and executor of his will. Witnessed Henry TAYLOR, Roger BUSTON & Edward MAYO [Note:- Andrew LAKE was a witness to the will of Lucia IRONSIDE, Widow of Dorchester on 11th Feb 1735]. It is not known why the will was not proved by his widow Ann until 8th June 1767 although it may have been because they needed to sell the property.]

Will of Robert Fook CLINES, Woolcomber of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried as Robert CLINES at All Saints Church Dorchester on 31st July 1767] Dated 06 Sep 1766
Proved 15 Aug 1767
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1767 event record 26 Will Beneficiary wife Elizabeth includes their dwelling house and slaughter house in church lane in All Saints Parish in possession of Joshua DOWLES Witnesses J Buckland and Benjamin Rolls + 1 other
Will of William BRYER, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset 24 October 1767 PROB 11/932  

Letter of Administration for Adam SMITH, of Dorchester

[Note:- Adam SMITH that married Anne PRIDE at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 27th Aug 1741]

Dated 12 Oct 1767 DHC Dorset Archdeaconry Letter of Administration :
Know all men by these presents that We Ann SMITH of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Widow and John LUSH of the same place Yeoman and Amos DENNIS of the same place Labourer are held and Firmly Bound unto John Walker Clerk Matster of Arts Archdeacon of the Archdeaconry of Dorset lawfully constituted in the full sum of Ten Pounds of goods and lawful money of Great Britain to be paid unto the said John Walker or to his certain Attorny his executors Administrators or Assigns To which payment well and truly to be made & We oblige ourselves and every of us by her and himself for the whole our and every of our heirs executors and Administrators firmly by the presents sealed with our seals dated the twefth day of October in the seventh year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third by the grace of God of Great Britain, France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith and so forth, And in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty Seven

The Condition of this obligation is such that if the above bound Ann SMITH Administratrix of all and singular the goods chattels and Credits of Adam SMITH her late husband deceased make or cause to be made a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased which have or shall come to the hands ----etc etc Signed with the Mark of Ann SMITH the signatures of John LUSH and Amos DENNIS in the presence of John Hubbock and Harry Foot

On the reverse : On the day & year first within written the within bound Ann SMITH appeared personally and was duly sworn well and faithfully to administer all and singular the goods chattels and credits of the within named Adam SMITH intestate deceased also to exhibit a true & perfect Inventory thereof into the Registry of the Archdeacon of Dorset & pass a just Account thereon when thereto lawfully required : SWORN: Oct 12th 1767 Before me John HUBBOCK Surrogate
Will of John WAY, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Year the will was written is missing (hole in paper) He may have been buried at Puddletown 27th Oct 1767 when his age appears to have been 26 and if unmarried might be why his mother was appointed executrix & bequests are to siblings] 20 June 17??
Proved 04 Nov 1767
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1767 event record 29 Bequests to friends of gold rings Mr Samuel GOULD, Dr CUMING; Mr Francis RANDALL & his wife; Mrs Elliott; Mr John WALLIS: Rest to his brothers and sisters (unnamed) executrix his mother Mary WAY Witnessed William Robinson + an other

Will of Mary WINSOR Widow of Philip WINSOR of Wareham

[Note:- Mary WINSOR Widow was buried at Wareham on 9th Dec 1766]

Dated 20 Aug 1766

Proved 14 Dec 1767
Ad/Dt/W/1767 Event Record 76

WILL: This is the Last Will and Testament of me Mary WINSOR Widow of Philip WINSOR of Wareham made this Twentieth day of August one thousand Seven hundred Sixty Six and is as followeth.
Firste I give to my two sisters Joan COWARD & Elizabeth GRAY to each of them the sum of five pounds All which sums or Legacys are to be paid to them within six months after my decease by my executor hereafter nominated and as to my wearing apparel mt Will is that it may be equally divided between my two sisters Joan COWARD and Elizabeth GRAY and their two daughters Betty DEAN and Martha HARRIS, and
Lastly I do make constitute and appoint my neice Martha HARRIS my whole and sole Executrix to this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking and making void all other Wills and Testaments by me heretofore made.
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day & year first written above. Mary WINZOR
Signed Sealed & Delivered in the presence of us who at her request were witnesses to their above said Will -- Rob CRIBB and John WINZAR

Will of John BATTEN, Joiner of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- John BATTEN was buried at All Saints on 15 Apr 1763 leaving her a widow; Sarah BATTEN was buried at All Saints Church Dorchester on 30th October 1775 leaving a will dated 1st j Jan 1769 See below] Will Dated 16 Jun 1744
Proved 30 Dec 1767
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1767 event record 25 image on Note:- John Batten of All Saints in Dorchester married Sarah ROGERS of Holy Trinity Church Dorchester at St Peters in Dorchester on 25th May 1744. he made his will the following month leaving everything to Sarah and 1 shilling to 'all the rest of his relatives' (unnamed) a standard legal ploy to prevent them contesting the will. His will was witnessed by Samuel and John TUCKER and Benjamin LOVELL.
Letter of Administration for the estate of Ann HAYDON, Wiodw of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 31st May 1768] 14 Jun 1768 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1768 Event Record 4 Granted to her lawful son William HAYDON of Dorchester a watch maker ; also bound with him are Samuel HAYDON of Dorchester a braser and John PAGE of Blandford Forum an Innholder
Will of Rebecca STAYNER, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset 23 December 1768 PROB 11/944 See Burial Register All Saints Dorchester Buried 6 Nov 1768
Will of Anne WEARE, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 09 January 1769 PROB 11/945 Buried Holy Trinity 30 Sep 1768
Will of John MEECH of Dorchester , Dorset 09 January 1769 PROB 11/945  
Will of Nicholas STICKLAND, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset

[ Note:- See Burial Register All Saints Dorchester Buried 4 Nov 1768]
Dated 26 Jan 1762
Proved 26th Jan 1769
PROB 11/945 & D/LRL/1/364   DHC= Administration with will annexed: Nicholas STICKLAND of Dorchester, gentleman Will dated 26 Feb 1762: Granted 5 Nov 1838; (First grant Jun 1769)
Will: Bequest to William Churchill of Colliton Dorchester and John HUBBOCK of Dorchester Clerk £1,000in trust with the interest for the benefit of his wife Edith Stickland + all his household goods for her life and then the use and benefit of his daughters Edith and Lucia : Leasehold estate at Godmanston and all the rest in trust with same then half to daughter Edith when aged 21 other half interest to maintain daughter Lucia until 21 : Bequest of my freehold estate at Marshwood unto in trust with same for benefit his 2 daughters.
Will of Mary COZENS, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Mary COZENS was buried at St Peters Church Dorchester 11th Nov 1768]

Dated 17 Oct 1768
Proved 03 May 1769

DHC Ad/Dt/W/1769 event record 17 Will:- Land and estate called Berry Hayes situated at Hazelbury Bryan to her mother Ursula COZENS at her death to sister Elizabeth COZENS spinster: Also brothers John, Edward and Richard and sister Ursula wife of John RANDALL Clerk witnesses Martha Sparks, James Parsons and John Lewis [Note:- Mary was the 2nd of 3 daughters of Revd Edward COZENS MA (1690-1753) as Master of the Free Grammer School in Dorchester]
Will of Jane CHAPMAN, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Jane CHAPMAN was buried at All Saints Church Dorchester on 20th March 1769] Dated 20 Feb 1769
Proved 10 Jul 1769
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1769 Event Record 18 Image Will Beneficiaries etc:- Nephew John KIDDLE of Sydkling st Nicholas; Cousins John, Margaret, Susan, Catharine, sarah the wife of George BOSWELL of Piddletown a shopkeeper; George, Tobert & sarah children of George BOSWELL; John, Emanuel and Wm childen of John KIDDLE; William KIDDLE of Bristol Brother in law henry KIDDLE; Rest to Brother John CHAPMAN: Servants Mary DUNSCOMBE and Thomazine BLANDAMORE
Will of Thomas COOMBS, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Thomas Coombs was buried at All Saints Church Dorchester on 2nd Feb 1769] Dated 01 May 1762
proved 12 Sep 1769
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1769 Event Record 20 Will: Wife Margery COOMBS and only child Philip COOMBS Witnesses John Nelson, Robert Lambert and William Cave
Will of John SHEPPARD, Tiler of Dorchester , Dorset See Burial Register All Saints Dorchester Buried 23 May 1769 Dated 23rd May 1763
04 October 1769
PROB 11/952 Beneficiaries:- Cousin John SHEPPARD of Poorstock and his son John Sheppard ; Son-in-law John WYER ; Robert WHITE of Dorchester Tiler ; mother-in-Law Elizabeth HARRIS Sister-in-law Dorothy EDWARD grandson Henry WYER Catherine daughter of William MANFIELD od Dorchester John ROGERS; Cousin Mary TUFFIN; Poor of the parish of All Saints Dorchester; Rest to wife Mary SHEPPARDsole executrix
Will of Joanna ROGERS, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 26 Aug 1769] 13 Oct 1769 DHC Ad/Dt/W/1769 Event Record 19 Will bequest to friend John JACOB of Dorchester Mercer in trust for her 2 children Mary & Fanny ROGERS; also bequests to her sisters children Ann, Margaret, John and William BARTLETT; Witnessed Seth SLADE and George TILE
Letter of Administration granted for the estate of John COZENS, Bachelor of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- buried at St Peters Church Dorchester 31st Aug 1769] 14 Nov 1769 DHC DA/A/1770 Event Record 6 LA Granted to Ursula COZENS the lawful mother of the deceased widow of Dorchester witnesses Richard Cozens and J Randall [Note:- John was the son of Revd Edward COZENS MA (1690-1753) as Master of the Free Grammer School in Dorchester]
Letter of Administration granted for the estate of Edward HEAD, Officer of Excise intestate of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- buried Melcombe Regis Dorset 5th Dec 1769] 09 Dec 1769 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1769 Event Record 15 LA Granted to Elizabeth HEAD widow & relict of deceased also bound are Samuel SLADE of Dorchester Gent and Clement READ the Younger of Dorchester Plaisterer authorised by John Hubbock

Will of John COLSON of Dorchester, Clerk

[Note:- Rev. John COLSON MA (1701-1769) was buried at St Peters Church Dorchester on 11th Nov 1769 Link to more information about this family]

Dated 27 Oct 1769

Proved 13 Dec 1769

DHC Bc/W/C/125 + Copy D/SEN/3/5/3

Bristol consistitory Court BU-CO Wills and administration records

I John COLSON of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Clerk do in the name of God by this my last Will and Testament give and devise as follows: Impremis, I bequeath my soul to God (in humble hopes of his mercy through Jesus Christ) and my body to the earth. Item I give devise and bequeath unto my dear sister Sarah COLSON Spinster (as my dear and only brother is by God's blessingproposed of a proper competency) All my lands Tenements and hereditaments whatsoever and wheresoever for the term of her natural life with full power for my said sister to change them or any part of thereof by her last will and testament or by any deed or writing properly executed with the payment of an annuity or annuities to any person or persons not exceeding in the whole twenty pounds yearly and for and during one life only. And from and after her decease I give devise and bequeath my said Lands Tenements and hereditaments (subject however to the payment of such annuitiy pr annuities as aforesaid unto my brother Thomas COLSON Clerk and his heirs for ever. To my said dear sister I give the use of my plate for her life and after her decease I give the same to my said brother, but devise it may be considered by him as an heirloom All the rest and residue of my personal estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever I give and bequeath unto my said dear sister & I appoint her sole executrix of this my last will and Testament herebu revoking all former wills by me made In witness whereof I have hereunto set my ghand and seal this twenty seventh day of October in the year of our Lord Pne thousand seven hundred and sixty nine. Sugned sealed published and declared by the said John COLSON as and for his last will and testament in t he presence of us who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witness hereunto Jane Morgan; John Pope and William Templeman
Will of James BLY of Dorchester, baker [Note;- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 12th Feb 1770] dated 26 Dec 1769
Proved 16 Feb 1770
DHC Ad/Dt/W/770 Event Record 11 Beneficairies: Eldest son James BLY House in Glyde Path or Lippath Hill: Son Edward Bly House in Sheep street or Pease Lane; Son John Bly;l daughter Martha Bolt; James and Henry grandsons of his son James Bly; Thomas and John grandsons of his son edward Bly. Codicil 29th Jan 1770 Son Edward to receive all his stock in trade
Will of Susannah DUN Spinster of Dorchester Dated 23 Dec 1766
Proved 14 Mar 1770
DHC Ad/Dt/W/770 Event Record 10 Beneficiaries: Brother-in-law Joseph BUSHROD and wife - husband of her sister Sarah BUSHROD; Sister Elizabeth GARLAND wife of William GARLAND; Joseph DUN the son of Elizabeth Bennett; Thomazin DUN daughter of Elizabeth Bennett; Susannah FREKE daughter of her sister Ann FREKE; Neice Elizabeth DOWL wife of Jiohn; Jane DOWL the daughter of Herneice Elizabeth; John NELSON son of Ann NELSON Widow Witnesses John Ensor and William Gundry
Nuncupative Will of Edmund BRYER, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Edmund Bryer was buried at Fordington St Georges church on 10th Oct 1770 - Sarah BRYER his mother-in-Law and executrix was granted administration of his estate on 7th Oct 1770] died 05 Oct 1770
06 Oct 1770
DHC Ad/Dt/W/770 Image available for members Memorandum written 6th Oct 1770 that on Friday 5th day of Oct 1770 at about 3 after clock in the afternoon Edmund Bryer of Dorchester Gent being sick of the sickness died - on or about seven oclock in the morning of the 6th day of October at his dwelling house in Dorchester aforesaid did make and declare his last Will and Testament Nuncupative in these or like words following " If I shall die I give all that I have in the world to my Brother James and to my Brother Wyndham after my debts are paid and I do devise that my mother to be executor. Three witnesses required by law were William Bryer Elizabeth Bryer and Betty Banks - witness to the signing of the memorandum Mr Templeman :
Will of Mary WILLIS, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- buried at St Peters Church Dorchester on 09 Oct 1767 - See above for Letter of Administration granted for her deceased husband's (John WILLIS) estate on 26th Apr 1766] Dated 05 Oct 1767
Proved 30 Oct 1770
DHC Ad/Dt/W/770 Event Record 9 Will: Effects placed in trust with Robert WILLIS and Harry POUNCY both of Dorchester Geltemen for the benefit of her children (not named) witnessed by Harry Foot and Edward Rice
Inventory of the Goods of Edward HEAD, Officer of Excise of Dorchester , Dorset [Note Edward HEAD was buried at Melcombe Regis on 5th February 1769] 28 Nov 1770 DHC da/I/1770 Event Record 4 An Inventory and appraisment of the Goods Chattles Rights Credits & Effects of Edward HEAD late of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Officer of Excise deceased taken the twenty eighth day of November 1770 by Elizabeth HEAD his widow - Very extensive Inventory - refers to dwelling house & garden situate & being in Weymouth & melcombe Regis in that side of the town called melcombe Regis in the Market street now in the possession of Stephen SMETHAM held by leaee granted byLord WALTHAM for the lives of Elizabeth HEAD & Edward SMETHAM & by the yearly value of 6£ --
Letter of Administration with signed oath for the estate of Jacob HITCHCOCK , of Dorchester , Dorset with Will attached L/A 22 Feb 1771 PROB 11/965 SEE EARLIER Entry: Dated 08 Nov 1734: Let Ren 30 Dec 1734: Inv. 10 Jan 1734/5: L/A 02 Sep 1735
Oath by Giles HITCHCOCK of St Andrews Holborne London the lawful son Jacob HITCHCOCK whose estate was left unadministered by Mary HITCHCOCK the widow of the deceased also since deceased : NOTE at foot of page First grant 2nd September 1735
Letter of Renunciation of rights and Letter of Administration for the estate of John THRASHER Grocer of Dorchester , [Note:- John THRESHER buried at Holy trinity Church Dorchester 11 Feb 1771] L/R 12 Feb 1771
L/A 22 Feb 1771
DHC Ad/Dt/A/1771 event record 9 L/R Robert THRESHER of Brians Piddle Labourer; John INGRAM of Weymouth & melcombe Regis a baker; Joseph HULL of Poole labourer & Ann Hull his wife relations of and next of kin of the deceased renounce and release all rights and interest in the estate of the deceased in favour of : L/A granted to Mary COOPR spinster and Margaret COOPER Spinsters of Dorchester the principal creditors of the deceased. Witnessed George Stickland and George PERKINS
Will of Elizabeth THORNTON, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at Holy TYrinity Church Dorchester 26 Feb 1771] Dated 06 Sep 1760
Proved 06 Mar 1771
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1771 event record 14 Will: refers to rights granted in her marriage settlement to Henry THORNTON for £400 etc Bequests to 5 daughters - Ann now the wife of Andrew PURCHASE of the City of London Wine Merchant; Sarah widow the relict of William TUFFLY? late of the City of London Goldsmith deceased; Elizabeth THORNTON; Joanna THORNTON; Jane THORNTON. Witnessed William Templeman and John Pitman
Will of William MOWLIM, Barber of Dorchester , Dorset 23 March 1771 PROB 11/965 Buried Holy Trinity 17 Feb 1771
Will of Thomas POUNCY [POUNCEY], butcher of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 31st December 1771 son of Thomas POUNCY buried at HT 04 Nov 1763] Dated 15 Apr 1767
Proved 11 Jun 1771
Proved 24 Apr 1778
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1771 E/R 5 Copy of will sent to PCC PROB 11/1043/160 Will: dwelling place in Pease Lane to with with various legacies to his wife (no name given) ; then Nephew Harry POUNCY (also executor) the son of his brother George POUNCY who occupies a half part property he owns in St Peters Parish; Elizabeth daughter of John LOCKETT of Dorchester a baker by trade when 21/marries: £100 bond due from Joseph BAUNTON of Poole an Innholder; witnesses John Templeman; Anthony Kenn; Elizabeth Pouncy. Wrongly applied to and was granted probate at Dorset Archdeaconry Court had to re apply to PCC.
Will of Rachel READ, late of Dorchester but now of Compton Vallence, Dorset [Note:- Buried at Compton Vallence 18th Aug 1771] Dated 22 Jul 1771
Proved 28 Aug 1771
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1771 event record 10 Will names Brother Lot COMBDEN; nephew Anthony COMBDEN; Nephew Shem COMBDEN; Neice Mary the wife of John VOS of Compton Vallence a weaver; Rest to Caleb COMBDEN also executor; witnessed by Charles CHIPP and John BURBIDGE
Will of Timothy LAMB, Minister of the Gospel of Dorchester , Dorset 26 October 1771 PROB 11/971 Not listed on Clergy Database could not identify clearly on Oxford or Cambridge alumni? [Note:- Minister of The Old Dissenters Meeting House in Pease lane Dorchester (1762-1772).
Will of Ann ARDEN, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset written 21st Sep 1761; Codicil 15th May 1762 Proved 29 Nov 1771 29 Nov 1771 DHC Ad/Dt/W/1771 ; Event Rec.No's. 5 & 15 Buried St Peters 14 Nov 1771 Beneficiaries: neices & nephews Mrs Mary Richards; William Christopher & Mary Churchill, Elizabeth and Martha Nelson George Arden and his wife Frances & 2 children George & Mary. Mary richards and mary church renounced execectorship of her will 21 Nov 1771. Link to full transcription of Will
Will of Henry EVOMY , wool comber & glazier of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried All Saints Church Dorchester 30 Dec 1770] Dated 12 Nov 1770
Proved 21 Jan 1771
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1771 event record 13 Will: Wife Hannah EVOMY and neice Ally MARTIN & nephew John EVOMY witnesses Matthew Abbet and William Gundry
Will of Elizabeth PEATE, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at St Peters Church Dorchester 22 Dec 1771] Dated 18 Aug 1769
Proved 13 Jan 1772
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1772 event record 15 Will Beneficiaries: Samuel SNOOK son of my late brother Lawrence SNOOK; Hanah one of the daughters of my late bro Lawrence SNOOK; Ann another of his daughters now the wife of Joseph KENN; Ann daughter of my late brother Thomas SNOOK; now widow of Erasmus COX; Robert the son of my late brother Robert SNOOK and Elizabeth his daughter; Mary daughter of my Nephew Samuel SNOOK; Servant maid ; Rest to my Daughter in Law Mary PEATEWitnessed George COOPER and G STICKLAND;
Will of Jane CHURCHILL, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset {Note:- Buried St Peters 12 Dec 1771] Dated 16th Aug 1771
Proved 15 Jan 1772
PROB 11/974 Will: To be buried at St Peters Church; To sister Sarah BOULT £50 + Dwelling House Dorchester ; To maid servant Mary BEALE £20 +; Goddaughter Sarah ENGLAND; Nephew John DAMER To George CLAVELL Esq etc etc
Will of Frances WILLIAMS, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- 6th child of William & Mary WILLIAMS she was baptised at St Peters Church Dorchester 11th June 1694 and buried there 29 Apr 1772. See baptism of her sister Priscilla on 3rd Dec 1687 for more information about her family] Dated 12 Apr 1772
Proved 21 Apr 1772
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1772 event record 17b Beneficiaries:- Mres Leigh widow of Dr Leigh diamond ruby ring; Mrs Pouncy wife of Harry Pouncy schoolmaster; Mrs Frances Stanning widow; Mrs Pope wife of Stephen Pope Officer of Customs and Excise; James Bly & Henry Bly sons of my neice Sarah Bly; Mr Robert Lambert and Harry Pouncy trustees etc to be buried at St Peters in parents grave names pall bearers and their attire etc. Trust for Harry WIGGINS nephew of London barber etc - witnesses William Galpin and John Masters
Will of Mary OLDFIELD, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset 29 April 1772 PROB 11/976 Buried Holy Trinity 2nd Dec 1771
Will of Mary SHEPPARD, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried All Saints Church Dorchester 7th July 1772] Dated 31 Dec 1771
Proved 24 July 1772
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1772 event record 16 Beneficiaries: Brother Thomas SEAMAN of Steeple a gardner; Sister Elizabeth wife of William DOWLAND of Corfe castle Yeoman; Mention of Investment on the security of the Tolls in the Dorchester to Weymouth Turnpike taken in the name of my late hisband John SHEPPARD deceased who appointed me execurtix of his will; Grandson Henry WYER; Mother Lucy SEAMAN Widow; Witnessed Mary CLEAR and Walter NICHOLLS:: Codicil date 24 Apr 1772
Will John WHITE, Grocer of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Only likely burial is an interlined entry in the parish registers for Holy Trinity Church for 14th Aug 1772 ] dated 20 July 1770
Proved 25 July 1772
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1772 event record 17 Bequests to Sisters Alice GARLAND and Hannah (White?); nephews John and Joseph EVERETT; Thomas Samuel & Richard GARLAND; Rest including dwelling house in Dorchester to nephew John GARLAND also executor; Witnessed by Edmund BOWER ; Thomas Besant and John Lewis
Will of Charles Du BOIS, Barrister At Law of Dorchester , Dorset 05 August 1772 PROB 11/980  
Will of Reverend William MORLAND, Vicar, Clerk of Dorchester , Dorset 29 October 1772 PROB 11/982 Not listed on Clergy Database could not identify clearly on Oxford or Cambridge alumni?
Will of John MARTIN, Barber of Dorchester , Dorset [ Reasonably sure that after writting Will in 1759 he is the John MARTIN a barber that was buried at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 2nd May 1760. Will was not proved however until 1772! See Comments opposite] Dated 20 Dec 1759
Proved 02 Nov 1772
DHX Ad/Dt/W/1772 event record 14

Will of John MARTIN: Property in St Peters Parish Dorchester known as 'Wheat Sheaf' now in his possession theretofore belonging to the executors and administrators for the estate of Robert YOUNG deceased for £120 mortgage left to wife Sarah MARTIN who is also made executrix of his will - after her death left to eldest son John MARTIN; names six younger children (to witt) Sarah MARTIN ; Ann the wife of Samuel DREW; William MARTIN; Edward MARTIN; Charles MARTIN and James MARTIN. Witnessed by Arthur MITCHELL; John CLAREY; Nicholas STICKLAND

NOTE:- The Martin Family [Originally Martyn also Martaine and Marten] have been in Dorchester since prior to 1420 and there always seems to have been a string of John Martin's since that date: A John Martyn for example was Bailiff of Dorchester many times 1420-1444; A John Martyn wrote his will 17 Sep 1500 see charter 551 refering to his wife Joan etc etc. The vast majority are living in Holy Trinity Parish (often between the New Inn on the east and Holy Trinity Church on the west). Given the terms of this Will it should be easy to identify his children. Sure enough the following 12 children are recorded in regular intervals on HT registers (1) John (the younger or junior) bap 14 Feb 1728; Both he and his father were admitted to the Company of Freemen as barbers on 14th April 1751. (2) Sarah bap 23 Sep 1730 (3) Ann bap 22 May 1732 (4) Elizabeth bap 23 Jan 1733/4 who seems to have died probably on 13th Nov 1739 or 6th Nov 1743 (5) Mary bap 7th Apr 1736 buried 21 Jan 1739/40 (6) William bap 11 Jan 1737/8 (7) Edith bap 29 Aug 1739 bur 5th June 1741 (8) Edward bap 30th Dec 1741 (9) Robert bap 17 May 1744 bur 30 Mar 1753 (10) Thomas bap 22 May 1746 bur 26 Apr 1747 (11) Charles bap 2nd Jun 1748 (12) James bap 03 Jan 1752. If you exclude all those that died you are left with the children listed in his will.

The big problem is that baptisms of his children 1 to 6 only record the fathers name. Baptisms 7 to 10 show his wife to be named Elizabeth and baptisms 11 & 12 to be Sarah. On the face of it this suggests that he married twice circa 1727 to an Elizabeth and circa 1747 to Sarah unless we have one person Elizabeth Sarah MARTIN which seems unlikely as full names tend to be recorded at death. I have not so far located either marriage or that of their daughter Ann. We then get a series of anomolies that would need resolution before being sure we have the right children allocated to him. First John Martin's will is not proved for 12 years? Second the closest that I can locate a death of an Elizabeth is 27th Oct 1748 which is after his 11th child is recorded against Sarah. Sarah herself died intestate being buried at HT 15th jan 1784. A Letter of Administration is granted to her sons Edward and Charles on 19th jan 1784. Charles is also a perukmaker (living in St Peters parish) who was buried HT 17th Jan 1791 leaving a will dated 13th Jan 1791 which mentions his brother Edward.

Letter of Administration for the estate of Thomas ROLLS [also possibly spelt ROWLES?] , victualler of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- buried St George's Church Fordington on 8th Aug 1772] 22 Dec 1772 DHX DA/A/1772 event record 8 Granted to Elizabeth ROLLS the widow and relict and administratrix of the deceased. Also bound with her are Samuel SLADE of Dorchester Gentleman and Samuel RICHWORD of Dorchester an upholsterer. Witnessed John Hubbock
Will of Mary NELSON, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:-She died at the age of 88 being buried at HT on 14 Jan 1773.] Dated 29 Aug 1768
Proved 14 Jan 1773
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1773 event record 13 Beneficiaries: Son Zachary NELSON & his wife and his daughter Mary; Grandson John NELSON; Daughter-in-law Ann NELSON widow of the late John NELSON; Sister Martha SNOOK and her son Samuel; Poor widows of the parish of Holy Trinity 2 guineas. Codicil 29th Aug 1768: witnesses Sarah Cler; Jane Ford and Sarah CLARE.
Will of Ann WHIFFEN, the wife of William WHIFFIN of Dorchester Dorset Cheesemonger [Note:- William WHIFFIN was the son of William & Elizabeth WHIFFIN & Bap at Leigh in Dorset on 11th Oct 1730. He married at HT Church Dorchester to Ann PARSONS by licence on 20th Sep 1755. Also see will William Whiffen dated 12th Feb 1784 proved 18 Mar 1784] Dated 17 May 1765
Proved 21 Apr 1773
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1773 event record 13 Will: mentions indenture bearing a date 10th Dec 1754 before her marriage so sounds like a marriage settlement - William DAVIS Gent and Wm VINCENT both of Dorchester made trustees - Bequest to Sarah Wife of William Ensor left all her clothes etc; estate divided between 3 daughters of her brother William SNOOK late of the City of London deceased & 5 children of her nephew Thomas DAVY of the City of London witnessed by betty Ling and Jane Lewis [Note:- could not locate a burial]
Will of Edmund BOWER, Innholder of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- See marriage of Edmund Bower to Elizabeth Shorto on 26th Jan 1740/1 at St Georges Church in Fordington for more information] Buried 1 Mar 1773 Dated 19th Nov 1771
Proved 17 May 1773
PROB 11/987 Will: Beneficiaries:- James Bower son £400 to be paid by my son William Bower my executor 1 year after his death; To Son William Bower £500 1 year after his death; To my daughter Mary BRYER £150 after 1 year; To my grandaughter Ann Bryer £50 after 1 year; To my daughter Elizabeth Bower £500 after 1 year and to be maintained by his executor for that year at his house + chest of drawers that stands in her room; To William Bower my son his dwelling house, stable, garden and backside in HT Parish now in the occupation of Miss Rogers and myself; Also my dwelling house called the Royal Oak Inn + rest and residue of his estate. Proved at Ldn 17th May 1773 ,
Will of Robert Lumley Kingston, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset 03 November 1773 PROB 11/992 Buried Holy Trinity 8th Oct 1773 Mayor of Dorchester in 1771
Will of Joan NELSON, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 10 Nov 1772] Dated 16 May 1771
Proved 03 Nov 1773
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1773 event record 16 Beneficiaries:- Mother Mary NELSON Widow; nephew John NELSON; Brother Zachary NELSON; 40 shilling in bread poor of Holy Trinity Parish; Cousin Martha NELSON: Witness John Hubbock & walter Nicholls
Will of William MANFIELD, Maltster of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried All Saints Church Dorchester 20 Jan 1774] Dated 09 May 1770
Proved 24 Feb 1774
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1774 event record 20 Bequests to 2 daughters Catherine and Mary Manfield and son Hohn Callard Manfield rest to wife Catherine Manfield: Friend Robert Lambert Gent overseer: witnessed Edward Robinson and Jonas Coaker
Letter of Administration for the estate of James HUNT, grocer of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- buried at St Georges church Fordington on 26th June 1773] 01 Mar 1774 DHX Ad/Dt/A/1774 Event Record 11 Granted to Mary HUNT of St Peters the relict widow & administratrix of the deceased : also bound with her is William VINCENT of Dorchester a victualler. witnesses John Hubbock and Edward Robinson

[Note:- See James HUNT (1724-1773) who married twice 1st to Mary ROGERS (d.1764) at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 6th May 1744 and then to Mary BROOKS of St Peters 03 Dec 1769 who is granted administration above]
Will of Thomas COMBES, Innholder of Dorchester, Dorset [Note Buried Holy Trinity 4th march 1773] Dated 10 Feb 1773
Proved 06 May 1774
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1774 event record 19 Will beneficiaries Wife Elizabeth and two children Thomas & Sarah COMBES
Letter of Administration for the estate of Robert FRICKER of Dorchester, Dorset [Note no trace of burial] 17 Aug 1774 DHC Ad/Dt/W/1774 event record 19 Bound by LA is Elizabeth FRICKER widow and relict of Robert FRICKER of Dorchester and Ann APPLIN of Dorchester widow [Note:- Elizabeth bap 16th Sep 1772 HT may be a child from their marriage?]
Letter of Administration granted for the estate of John PAINTER of Dorchester Dorset [Note:- Buried All Saints 9th Apr 1754] L/A Dated 06 Sep 1774 DHC (record after Robert Fricker above but could not locate via index?) Letter of Administration granted to Frances the wife of Edward COX and late widow of John PAINTER her late husband who died intestate. Bound with her is her husband Edward COX of Dorchester a gardener and James COLLINS of Forthington a Miller by trade. LA dated 6th Sep 1774. John PAINTER was buried at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 9th April 1754. Frances his widow remarried to Edward COX of Weymouth in All Saints Church Dorchester after Banns which have survived on 6th April 1755
Letter of Admuinistration for the estate of Rebecca JACOB of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- The only burial i can locate is in Fordington on 6th July 1766?]

L/A dated 9 Dec 1774

Oath L/Admin 28 Jan 1775

DHC Ad/Dt/A/1775 event record 11

John Walker Clerk Master of Arts Archdeacon of the archdeaconry of dorset lawfully constituted to john Wood Junior, John Pyke and William Taylor Clerks in the County of Dorset Greetings We hereby empower and give commission to ypu jointly and severally to Administer the oath under written to john JACOB the lawful husband of Rebecca JACOB late of Dorchester in the Archdeaconry aforesaid intestate deceased - also to take and see the BOND hereto annexed duly executed by the said John JACOB and his sureties requesting you one either of you duly to return these presents to us or to our lawful surrogate or some other competent judge in this behalf with a Certificate under the hand of either of you who shall duly execute this our commission testyfying that you either of you shall do in the premises on or before the last day of March next ensuing the date hereof otherwise these presents to be void and of none effect Given at Blandford Forum under our seal of office the nointh day of December 1774. Thomas HERBERT REGISTER

The form of the oath to the administrator laying his hand on the bible or new testament --Your oath is that Rebecca JACOB made no will as far as you know or believe and that you will truely administer her goods chattles and credits paying her debts as far as the same will thereunto extend and the Law charge you and that you will make a true and perfect inventory of all her goods chattles and credits and exhibit the same into the Registry of the Court of the Archdeaconry of Dorset at the time assigned you by the said Court and render a just accountof your administration therein when lawfully required So help you God.

This commission with the Bond annexed was duly executed and the above named John JACOB duly sworn according to the tenor and form thereof This 28th day of January 1775 -- Before me John WOOD Commissioner

Letter of Administration :- Know all men by these presents that we John JACOB of Arne in the County of Dorset Gentleman,Jonadab CHISMAN of Wareham in the same County Ironmonger and Thomas Delacourt of Wareham aforesaid Peruke Makersare held and firmly bound unto John Walker Clerk Archdeacon of the Archdeaconry of Dorset lawfully constituted in the sum of Two Hundred Pounds ---etc --- dated 28th day of January 1775.. The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bound John JACOB the lawful husband and administrator of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of Rebecca JACON late of Dorchester intestate deceased do make or cause to be made a true ----etc
Letter of Administration for the estate of Joan GOULD Widow of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at St Peters Church Dorchester 19 Dec 1774] 30 Jan 1775 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1775 event record 10 Mary HUNT Widow the lawful mother curatrix or guardian lawfully elected by and assigned to Richard BROOKS aged 12; Elizabeth BROOKS aged 14, Ann BROOKS aged 13 the lawful grandchildren and next of kin of JOAN GOULD late of Dorchester Widow died intestate deceased by her late son Caleb BROOKS also deceased, and administratrix of the said Joan GOULD ----witnesses John Bartlett and John Haviland a hosier of Dorchester

[Note:- Joan Gould was the widow of Caleb Brooks the Elder who died in 1730. She married Nathaniel GOULD at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 1st June 1731. Mary HUNT her daughter-in-law by her son Caleb Brooks Junior also dies and new guardians appointed 18 June 1779]
Letter of Administration for the estate of Eleanor RICHARDS Widow of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at Longbedy Dorset " Elenor wiodw of George RICHARDS Esq was buried 7th Jan 1779] 04 Mar 1775 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1775 event record 12 Granted to John RICHARDS of Long Bredy in Dorset Clerk the lawful son and next of kin and administrator of the deceased estate - also bound John DORE [DOOR]
Will of Ursula COZENS, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried St Peters Church in Dorchester on 18 Jul 1774] W/dated 28 Nov 1769
Proved 24 Mar 1775
PRO 21 Feb 1777
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1775/28 and PROB 11/1028 Will:- Beneficiaries Sons Edward, Richard COZENS and Daughter Ursula wife of John RANDALL Clerk. Rest to Daughter Elizabeth COZENS Sole exec. Witnesses Walter Nicholls and John Lewis: PRO Copy dated 10 Feb 1777 taken out to obtain money due to Elizabeth from the Bank of England [Note:- Ursula COZENS [COSENS] was the widow of Revd Edward COSENS (1690-1753) Master of the free school in Dorchester]
Will of James BIRCH of Saint Peters in Dorchester , Dorset 04 September 1775 PROB 11/1011 Note:- On 04 Feb 1770 - Jane wife of James BIRCH was buried at St Peters.
Will of Sarah BATTON [Batten], Widow of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Sarah ROGERS of the parish of Holy Trinity Dorchester married John BATTEN of All Saints in St Peters Church Dorchester on 29th May 1744. John BATTEN was buried at All Saints on 15 Apr 1763 leaving her a widow; Sarah BATTEN was buried at All Saints Church Dorchester on 30th October 1775] Dated 01 January 1769
Proved 15 Nov 1775
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1775 Event Record 29: Image Beneficiaries:- Her 4 Brothers William, John, Robert and Thomas ROGERS; Neice Jane WALKER and her 4 daughters; Neice Mary OKELEYS and her 3 daughters (Mary, Ann and Jane); Neice Ann GRAY and her children; God daughter Sarah SMITH and Mrs GLISSON: Main Beneficiary Nephew Robert ROGERS son of her brother Robert:
Letter of Administration for the estate of William VINCENT,Taylor of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 10 Dec 1775] 16 Dec 1775 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1775 event record 13 Granted to Sarah VINCENT the widow the relict of the deceased also bound Samuel CORP of Dorchester a Cabinet Maker and John TRIM of Dorchester a taylor
Letter of Administration for the estate of Eleanor LAMBERT, of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried All Sasints Church Dorchester 02 May 1776] 06 May 1776 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1776 event record 6 Granted to her lawful husband Robert LAMBERT of Dorchester Gentleman also bound Thomas BRYER gent of Dorchester. Witness thomas Fitzherbert Notary Public

Will of Samuel SLADE, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset

See Burial Register All Saints Dorchester Buried 19 Apr 1776

[Note:- Link to marriage of Samuel SLADE (d.1776) to Edith TUCKER at All Saints Church Dorchester on 4th May 1763]

Dated 20 Dec 1774
Proved 31 May 1776
PROB 11/1020 Will: I give unto my kind mother Ann SLADE five shillings a week and every week during the term of her natural life and I do charge my personal estate with the payment thereof; first payment 1 week after my decease; + £20 + my messuage dwelling house and garden situate and lying and being at Langport Somerset to hold for 50 years if she shall live so long and continue therein ; Then dwelling house to and garden unto my loving wife Edith SLADE her heirs and assigns and during the natural lives of John SLADE, Thomas SLADE and my daughter Edith SLADE. I also give unto my said wife all that Leasehold estate lands and hereditaments and premises which I purchased of Henry Cornish HENLY Esq situate and lying and being at Saymore within the parish of Crewkerne in the County of Somerset etc for remaining term during her life time THEN after her death to my daughter Edith SLADE: Bequest to broithers and sisters unnamed £5 each. Daughter Edith £300 on the day of her marriage subject to her mothers consent. Rest and Residue of my estate to my wife also made exectrix. Signed Witnessed William Old John Old
Will of Samuel Martin SMETHAM, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at Melcombe Regis 4th March 1776] Dated 17 Dec 1774
Proved 13 July 1776
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1776 event record 16 Lease of Bockhinton Farm in Buckland Newton in possession of George POPLE in trust with friends Harry POUNCY of Dorchester Gent & Robert CRITCHELL of Dorchester Mercer: Mother Elizabeth HEAD Widow of Dorchester Executrix; Suster Elizabeth HEAD Spinster; benefit of Sister Elizabeth HEAD spiinster; Brother Stephen SMETHAM and his sons Edward, Stephen and Thomas Witnessed Adan Fernyhoughl clement Read and Samuel Slade
Oath of Renunciation and Letter of Administration forthe estate of Ann COX, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Ann COX was buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 22nd May 1776] Oath 04 July 1776
L/A 21 July 1776
DHC BC/A/C Event Record 74 : & : BC/A/C175 Ev Rec 175.
Images on for members
Oath of renunciation by the next of Kin of Ann COX widow of Dorchester was signed by Samuel and Robert SNOOK both upholsterers of Dorchester and Elizabeth SNOOK spinster of Dorchester witnesses Richard Smith and William LUSH also Samuel SNOOK of the City of Westminister London Schoolmaster all renounced in favour of principal creditor Robert WILLIS gentleman of Dorchester the Principal Creditor - also bound with him was Philip FRANIER Innholder of Dorchester and Edmund COOTH of Blandford Gent
Will of Thomas POOK, Gardener & Serjeant of Mace of Dorchester , Dorset dated 27 Feb 1771
Proved 27 Aug 1776
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1776; Event Rec.No. 14 See Transcription for more information
Will of Sarah COLSON of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- buried ST Peters 12th Oct 1772] Will Dated 08 Dec 1769
Codicil dated 4 Feb 1772
Proved 28 June 1777
PROB 11/1032 D/SEN/3/5/4 Will refers to the will of her late brother dated 27th October last. This is the Will of Rev John COLSON (1701-1769) Vicar of Frampton but buried at Dorchester St Peters. Legacies:- Anna HUNT of Dorchester who lived with her : Mary Morton COLSON her neice ; 2 nephews John Morton COLSON and Thomas Morton COLSON ; Jane MORGAN of Fordington and her daughterc Ann; Lucia wife of John Templemanof dorchester ; dear brother Thomas COLSON also executor. CODICIL Dated 4th Feb 1772 refers to sister Jane COLSON this would be 2nd wife of her brother thomas (1717-1784) ; Ann daughter of John MORGAN of Fordington now deceased; Jane wife of John Morgan
Will of William SPARKS Maltster of Dorchester Dated 01 Jan 1778
Proved 27 July 1778
D/SBS/F14: DD\SB/7/2: DHC Ad/Dt/W/1778 event record 23 See transcription of Will for more information
Letter of Administration for the estate of Joseph KENN Shopkeeper of Dorchester 27 Apr 1778 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1778 event record 10 Granted to John KENN surgeon of Dorchester the lawful brother of the deceased. Also Bound William WILCOX of Dorchester Gentleman and Charles MARTIN of Dorchester a peruke maker
Will of Thomas POUNCEY, Butcher of Dorchester , Dorset 19 June 1778 PROB 11/1043 [Note:- Robert SNOOKE was the son of Robert & Jane SNOOKE and was baptised at St peters church Dorchester 1st May 1735. He was a beneficiary under his fathers will dated 11th feb 1746 proved 23rd Nov 1747]
Letter of Administration for the estate of John WATTS, of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 4th Oct 1778] 02 Nov 1778 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1778 event record 9 Granted to Elizabeth the wife of Joseph WHETHAM of Poole a salt officer the lawful daughter of the deceased also bound is William SCOTT of Blandford Forum Innholder
Letter of Administration for the estate of Robert SNOOKE upholsterer of Dorchester [Note:- Buried St Peters Church Dorchester 20th Dec 1778] 28 Dec 1778 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1778 event record 8 Granted to Sarah SNOOKE Widow and relict of deceased of Dorchester also bound is Catherine MANFIELD of Dorchester a widow wintnesses John Hubbock and Robert Lambert
Will of Robert WHITE the elder a tyler by trade of Dorchester [Note:- Buried All saints Church 18th Jan 1778/9 [Note:- Buried at All Saints Church Dorchester 18th January 1778] Dated 08 May 1778
Proved 01 Jan 1778
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1778 event record 24 Also Inv: Da/I/1778 event record 9 Sole beneficiary is Honour WHITE his wife ; witnessed by William THORNE and William VINCENT ; Also contains an Inventory of Goods signed by Honur White and appraised by Robert SNOOK and William VINCENT on 15th August 1778. [Note:- Robert WHITE & Honour JEFFRYS both of All Saints parish married 12th Nov 1749 at AS]

Will of Edward CHAFFEY currier of Dorchester

On the back of the Will it states :-: Forthington
"The Will of Edward CHAFFEY deceased"
This Will was proved at Dorchester on the 5th Day of April 1779 Before the Reverend Nathaniel TEMPLEMAN, then a lawful Surroagte of the Worshipful the Official of the Dean of Sarum & by him Administration of the Goods & Chattles of the deceased was granted to James CHAFFEY lawful Brother of the deceased & solo Executor within named being first sworn of the trueth of the said Will to perform the same & pay the Debts & Legacies of the deceased And to make a true Inventory and a just account when required Save the Rights of all Persons - Signed William BOUCHER Registrar

Side line note: " Edward CHAFFEY WILL 1778 Dyed 4th Nov "

[Note:- Edward CHAFFEY Currier was buried at St Georges Church Fordington November 28 1778]

[Note:- Edward CHAFFEY Junior (c.1714-1778) shown above was the son of Edward CHAFFEY Senior (bur.1727/8) the Keeper of the County Gaol in Dorchester ( Follow link for more information about his parents and sibling) .

dated 16 Sep 1778

dyed 4th Nov 1778

buried 28th Nov 1778

proved 5th Apr 1779

Probate records of the Court of the Dean of Salisbury



Will: This is the Last Will and Testament of me Edward CHAFFEY of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Currier made and published this sixteenth day of September in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sevent Eight

First: I give and devise unto my brother James CHAFFEY of Dorchester aforesaid Gentleman All those two messuages or tenements with the Gardens and Appourtenances to the same respectively belonging and situate in the Parish of Fordington in the said County of Dorset which I hold by virtue of two indentures of lease granted by William PITT Esquire deceased To Hold the same unto the said James CHAFFEY his executors and assigns and during all such term and terms of years estate and interest as I shall have therein respectively at the time of my decease

And as to all the residue of my real and personal estate whatsoever I give and devise the same unto the said James CHAFFEY his Executors Administrators and Assigns forever

And I do hereby constitute and appoint him the said James CHAFFEY Executor of this my Last Will and Testament and do hereby revoke all former wills by me made

In Witness whereof I have hereto set my hand and seal the day and year above written. Signed: Edwd CHAFFEY
Signed sealed and delivered by the said testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who have subscribed our Names as Witnesses hereto in his presence and at his request in the presence of each other. Robt WILLIS Jun [Junior]; John BRYANT and Benjn BARTLETT

Dorchester April ye 5th 1779 Sworn beforte me Nath. Templeman Surrogate
Will of Sarah CHANNING, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 11 March 1779 PROB 11/1051 Buried St Peters 27 Jan 1779
Probate copy will Robert WILLIS of Dorchester, gentleman Will dated 25 Apr 1779 25 Apr 1779 D/LRL/1/480   Buried St Peters 25 Sep 1789 Probate Granted 15 May 1782 see additional entry below Mayor of Dorchester
Will of John PRINCE, Captain in His Majesty's first or Royal Regiment of Dragoon Guards of Dorchester, Dorset

[Note:- Buried at St Peters 2 Jun 1779. See also Floorslab in St Peters Church ]
Dated 23 May 1779
Buried 02 Jun 1779
Proved 23 May 1779
PROB 11/1054 WILL: This is the last Will and Testament of me John PRINCE now or late Captain in his Majesty's first or Royal Regiment of Dragoon Guards and now resideing in Dorchester --dated 23rd May 1779 - Estate to be divided into 6 equal parts:- 1/6th to may daughter Sarah PRINCE; 1/6th to my daughter Mary PRINCE 4/6ths held in trust by executor for interest to be paid 1/4th part to wife Mary PRINCE ; other 3 parts to be paid out in maintenance of his 3 children Thomas PRINCE, James Walrup PRINCE and Anna Maria PRINCE and they inherit thier principal share on reaching age 21 or for 2 sons earlier if executor purchases a commission in the Army for them. £100 of each of his last 3 children's share to be held until the death of his wife and she to have the interest during her life for her better support. Wife's share after her death equally between 5 children. Executor Major General Robert SLOPER Executor; witnesses William Forrester and Robert Smith.
Proved at London 17th day June 1779
Letter of Administration for the estate of Thomas BRYER, Innholder of Dorchester, Dorset 14 Dec 1779 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1779 Event record 6 Granted to his widow and relict Mary BRYER : [Note:- Thomas BRYER married Mary BOWER of the parish of Holy Trinity on 08-Aug 1768 at HT Church in Dorchester and was buried at All Saints church on 3rd Oct 1779]
Will of Abraham KENT, of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- See entry 3rd Jan 1780 for his wife Hannah KENT - Abraham buried All Saints Church Dorchester 28th Dec 1779] Dated 24 Dec 1779
Proved 28 Dec 1779
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1779 Event Record 9 beneficiaries: Kinsman Thomas KENTof Andover a Miller and friend Philip COOMBS of Dorchester Maltster in trust for the benefit of Daughter Betsy KENT at age 21 witnesses Robert stickland, g tapp and Robert Coombs
Will of Hannah KENT (late Hannah VINE Widow) but now the wife of Abraham KENT of Dorchester, Victualler [Note:- Hannah WOODS married Thomas VINE at All Saints 21 Jan 1750/1; Thomas was buried at A/S 21 Apr 1762; Hannah remarried to Abraham KENT at A/S 15th Aug 1770. Hannah was buried A/S 7th dec 1779 followed by Abraham Kent 28th dec 1779] Dated 08 Nov 1779
03 Jan 1780
DHC DA/W/1780 Event record 28 Also Ad/Dt/W/1779 Event Record 9 Will refers to powersunder her marriage settlement dated 14th August 1770: beneficiaries Cousin William BRADFORD of Charlcombe Somerset Clothier; tenement called the Three Marriners in parish of All Saints in Dorchester to husband Abraham KENT for life then Elizabeth als Betty the daughter of her husband Abraham etc; Elizabeth SHERRIN daughter of cousin William BRADFORD Witnesses G Stickland Elizabeth Smith and George Chaffeyy; ALSO letter of Administration for the estate of Hannah KENT granted to her administrator Philip COOMBS Miller & maltster of Dorchester also bound Nathaniel Stickland Apothecary
Will of Thomas BESANT Gentleman of Dorchester [Note:- Buried Holy trinity Church Dorchester 17 Feb 1780] Will dated 26 Nov 1777
Proved 23 Feb 1780
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1780 Event Record 25 Image on WILL:- £350 due on security of tolls of turnpike road from Dorchester to Wareham thorugh wool + £100 on security of Dorchester Paving and Lighting & watering Act - Advanced to nephew James BESANT £250; used to secure house purchased from Reverend Mr KINGSTON: Proceeds to wife Frances BESANT; Beneficiaries:- Mary wife of Nathan BIRCH of Dorchester a taylor; Neice Molly the wife of of George BRYER (also executrix); Nephews & Neices John, Thomas, Charles, Daniel, Catherine, and Susannah BESANT the sons and daughters of his brother Randolph BESANT deceased; also Grace Besant Randolphs widow; Elizabeth wife of Edward LESTER; Jane BESANT daughter of brother John by Mary his wife; Thomas BESANT son of brother Randiolph; and Matha Clothier:
Will of Ann STICKLAND, of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Ann STICKLAND (1750-1779) was the 4th and last child of Nathaniel STICKLAND (d.1761) and Martha SMALL and was buried at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 31 Oct 1779] Dated 31 Oct 1772
Proved 25 Feb 1780
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1780 Event record 24 Will: having attained my full age of one and twenty years bequest to my mother Martha STICKLAND widow Dwelling house with outhouses garden backside in All Saints Parish Dorchester now inhabited by my said mother, my sister & myself for her life then to my sister Martha Stickland : Bequest to her brother Robert Stickland £20; and my younger brother Nathaniel £100: Bequest all her rings jewels and wearing apparel to her sister Martha Sticklandwho is appointed executrix Witnessed by Ann WHITE; Elizabeth WHITE; Thomas MASTERS
Will of Samuel CORP, Cabinet Maker of Dorchester, Dorset Dated 26 Feb 1780
Proved 20 Mar 1780
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1780 Event record 26 Will: All to wife Susannah CORP witnessses Ann Childs and John Templeman [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 4th March 1780]
Will of Matthew HELLARD, Carpenter of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried All Saints Church Dorchester 23rd Aug 1779] Dated 18 Feb 1777
Proved 05 Mar 1779/80
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1779 Event Record 8 Beneficiaries Son Jacob Hellard; grandson Matthew Hellard son of Jacob; daughter Mary wife of henry Jacob; wife Jane Hellard; dayughter Jane Hellard; son-in-law henry Jacob; grandson William Jacob; witnesses William Ensor; John Keats;
Letter of Administration granted for the estate of James BENNETT hatter of Dorchester , Dorset to his widow Elizabeth Bennett 15 May 1780 DHC BC/A/B112 Event record 112 Bound Elizabeth BENNETT Widow; Thomas EAMES of Dorchester butcher; John White of the same place tyler: [Note:- James Bennett was buried at St peters church Dorchester 28th April 1780]
Will of George POUNCY sadler of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 28th April 1780] Dated 27 Mar 1780
Proved 22 May 1780
DHC Bc/W/P event record 117 Will Beneficiaries: Wife Elizabeth POUNCY: and his children Elizabeth, George, Harry, Thomas and James POUNCY ; ref to Burgage in Pease lane parish of Holy Trinity and dwelling in St peters; Witnessed Harry Pouncy; Robert Willis, John Phelps
Will of Thomas CARD [CARDE] , Shopkeeper of Dorchester [Note:- Thomas CARD of All Saints married Honour DOWLE of the same at A/Sts 16th Dec 1762 - Thomas CARD from Dorchester was buried at Fordington om 21st June 1780] 09 May 1780 DHC Ad/Dt/W/1781 Event Record 29 Image on for members Will beneficiaries:- Sister Martha YEATMAN; nephews and neices William, Edward, Martha, Virtue, Eizabeth, Hannah and Jane children of sister Martha YEATMAN; John CARDE & mary children of late brother John CARDE; Charles, sarah, Elizabeth, jane, Margaret and Mary children of his late brother in law Thomas MITCHEL; William & Edward Teatman Rest to Wife Honour CARDE
Will of Sarah BOULT, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 25 May 1780 PROB 11/1065 Buried St Peters 4 May 1780
Will of Walter NICHOLLS, Attorney at Law of Dorchester , Dorset 28 June 1780 PROB 11/1066 See Burial Register All Saints Dorchester His wife Mary was buried 30 Mar 1773 All Saints: He was buried there 8 Feb 1780
Will of Ann CLINES, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset [Note ann CLINES buried at All Saints Church dorchester 27 June 1780] Dated 12 May 1780
Proved 08 Aug 1780
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1780 Event Record 27 Will beneficiaries:- her daughter Elizabeth Clines all her household goods, plate, linen and china + £100 Rest shared between daughter Elizabeth and Son-in-Law Peter BUCKLAND perukemaker of Dorchester also joint executors/executrix: Witnesses Edith SLADE and Robert WILLIS Junior
Will of James POOK, Inn Keeper of the Plume & Feathers at Dorchester , Dorset Dated10 Jul 1780
Proved 18 Oct 1780
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1780; Event Rec.No. 29. See Transcription for more information
Will of William WILCOX, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset 03 November 1780 PROB 11/1071  
Letter of Renunciation as to rights in the estate of Mary FONE,of Melcombe Horsey Dorset in favour of the principal creditor Robert WILLIAS of Dorchester Gentleman by William FONE of Dorchester and Ann THOMAS (Nee FONE) the wife of Simon THOMAS of Hilton Dorset the lawful children of Mary FONE Dated 02 Feb 1781 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1781 event record 12 Accompanied by a Letter of Administration granted to Robert WILLIS the elder of Dorchester Gentleman the principal creditor in her estate also bound were Robert WILLIS the younger Gentleman and William BOWER Gentleman both of Dorchester
Will of John COMPTON, Innholder of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- John COMPTON was buried at All Saints church dorchester on 28th June 1780] Dated 23 Jun 1780
Proved 28 Jun 1781
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1781 Event Record 28 Will:- To wife Mary COMPTON
Will of Reverend John HUBBOCK, Clerk of Dorchester , Dorset 18 July 1781 PROB 11/1080 Buried St Peters 24 Feb 1781 See Notes about his life under Dorchester Church Officials
Will of Mary BROMFIELD, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset 01 September 1781 PROB 11/1081 Buried Holy Trinity 3rd June 1781
Will of William BRIDLE, Malster of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 15th June 1781. ] Dated 19 Apr 1781
Proved 04 Oct 1781
PROB 11/1082 Will: Link to transcription of his Will -
Letter of Administration granted for the estate of Joan GOULD, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried at St Peters Church Dorchester 19 Dec 1774] 08 October 1781 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1781 event record 7 Note:- See earlier LA's issued initially to Mary HUNT 30th Jan 1775 and then William VINCENT and John GARLAND 18th June 1779 during Elizabeth BROOKS minority: This LA grants her administration of her own part of Joan GOULD's estate bound with her is her husband Henry STEVENSON of Dorchester a watchmaker, James LILL of Dorchester Breeches Maker and Joseph PEARCE of Dorchester peruke maker
Will of Rebecca LESTER Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset & Letter of Administration for her estate Dated 08 Sep 1777
Proved 04 Jan 1782
DHC DA/W/1782 event record 18   Will names Daniel LESTER her brother as executor and his 3 children as beneficiaries (Elizabeth Knight; John & Joseph) Also Ann TUCKER? & William ROSE the daughter and son of her sister Ann LESTER; Witnessed G Stickland and John Hawkins: Daniel LESTER however dies after the will is written and before her death so the Letter of Administration is granted to her Nephew and next of Kin John LESTER (one of the children of Daniel her brother) who is living at Garlick St Ives in London and a gun smith by trade. Also bound with him is George STICKLAND probably the witness to her will. LA is witnessed by the officials Thomas Fitzherbert & William Frampton
Letter of Administration granted for the estate of Robert SNOOKE, Upholsterer of Dorchester, Dorset left unadministered by Jane SNOOKE his widow and executrix since also deceased [Note:- Buried at St Peters Church Dorchester 20th Dec 1778 See LA granted 28th Dec 1778] 31 Jan 1782 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1782 event record 7 Granted to Sarah SNOOKE of Dorchester Widow with Will of Robert SNOOKE attached [not with LA] . also bound is Robert LAMBERT of Dorchester Gentleman. Witnessed Nathaniel Templeman surrgate and Satah SNOOKE Spinster
Will of Martha STICKLAND, widow of Dorchester, Dorset

[Note:- Buried at All Saints Church Dorchester 6th Mar 1782; Her husband Nathaniel STICKLAND was buried 10 May 1761]
Dated 10 Jan 1780
Proved 09 Apr 1782
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1782 event record 19 Whereas my late husband Nathaniel STICKLAND Gent deceased did by his last will and testament bequeath to me a Moiety or share of his estate and effects amounting to £900 with power of refusal over the shares of my children - Now I bequeath £900 to my surviving younger children Nathaniel & Martha STICKLAND in equal shares; Bequest to eldest son Robert STICKLAND £20. Bequest to Nathaniel a silver tankard and rest of her personal estate and effects equally between Nathaniel & Martha who are appointed joint executors witnessed Phil COOMBS and Sarah CARMAN
Will of Robert WILLIS, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset 15 May 1782 PROB 11/1091 & D/LRL/1/480: D/FRA/T204   Probate copy will: Robert WILLIS of Dorchester, gentleman Will dated 25 Apr 1779: (separate entry above) : Re 3rd Ref:-With copy will of Robert Willis of Dorchester, gent., concerning this property and freehold messuage, tenement and malt house in Salisbury, WILTSHIRE, made 1783, codicil and proved, 1789: Note: Buried St Peters 6 Jan 1782 - Mayor of Dorchester 1777
Will of William VINCENT, Innholder of Dorchester , Dorset 15 May 1782 PROB 11/1091 Buried St Peters 9 Dec 1781
Letter of Administration for the estate of Joseph HELLARD, Mason of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried St Peters Church Dorchester 08 Nov 1781 ] 23 July 1782 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1782 Event Record 9 Granted to Mary the wife of William GARRETT lawful daughter & next of kin of deceased; also bound with William GARRETT of Fordington a mason; Richard OLIVER of Dorchester a mason & John ANDREWS of Dorchester a carpenter

Will of James CHAFFEY, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset

[Note:- James CHAFFEY was buried at All Saints Church Dorchester on 14th Aug 1782]

Dated 16 Jul 1782

Proved 10 Oct 1782

DHC Ad/Dt/W/1782 Event Record 20

9th April 1782 Sworn faithfully to administer before me Nathaniel TEMPLEMAN Surrogate

Will:- By the permission of Almighty God, I James CHAFFEY of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Gentleman do make and publish this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following (that is to say)

First: I give to my grandaughters Martha and Elizabeth CHAFFEY daughters of my late son James CHAFFEY, the sum of Fifteen Pounds each to be paid them by my executors and Executrix hereinafter named in three months next after my decease.

Also all my Lands Tenements and Hereditaments situate in Dorchester aforesaid and the Royalty of Cattistock in the same County and all other my Lands Tenements & Hereditaments whatsoever And also my Dwelling House and Tenement with its appurtenances containing about forty acres situate at West Hatch in the county of Somerset which I hold by Freehold leave for three lives of the Dean and Chapter of Wells I give and devise unto my sons George CHAFFEY and Batt CHAFFEY and my daughter Martha CHAFFEY To Hold to them and their heirs as tenants in common and not as joint tenants.

Also All my leasehold estates in Dorchester aforesaid and in Fordington in the said County of Dorset and elsewhere

And All the rest residue of my goods chattles personal estate and effects whatsoever (after all my just debts and funeral expenses are fully satisfied and paid I give devise and bequeath unto my said sons George CHAFFEY and BATT CHAFFEY and my said daughter Martha CHAFFEY equally between them their respective executors admoinistrators
And I do appoint my said sons George CHAFFEY and BATT CHAFFEY and my said daughter Martha CHAFFEY joint executors and executrix of this my Will in Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the Sixteenth Day of July in the year of our Lord Christ One Thousand seven hundred and Eighty Two. Siugned J CHAFFEY

Signed sealed published and declared by the said testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request subscribed our names as witnesses thereto in his presence and in the presence of each other John Holmes, G Stickland, George Stickland Junior
Letter of Administration granted for the estate of George COOPER Gentleman of Dorchester intestate granted to John MEECH of Dorchester Esq Second Cousin once removed and next of kin [Note:- May be the George COOPER Alderman of Dorchester who was buried at HT 21st Apr 1777 as same day another Letter of Administration is issued to Thomas COOPER See next entry] 23 Sep 1782 DHC DA/A/1782 Event Record 11 Bound with John MEECH was Robert STICKLAND Gent of Dorchester Witnessed by Thomas FITZHERBERT
Letter of Administration granted for the estate of Thomas COOPER Gentleman of Dorchester intestate granted to John MEECH of Dorchester Esq Second Cousin once removed and next of kin [Note:- May be the George COOPER Alderman of Dorchester who was buried at HT 21st Apr 1777?] 23 Sep 1782 DHC DA/A/1782 Event Record 10 Bound with John MEECH was Robert STICKLAND Gent of Dorchester Witnessed by Thomas FITZHERBERT
Letter of Administration granted for the estate of Ann GRANT Spinster of Dorchester intestate [Note:- Buried St peters Church Dorchester 15th Jan 1782] 17 Jan 1782 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1782 Event Record 8 Granted to William LESTER Cordwainer her first Cousin bound with him are Edward JONES of Dorchester a tailor by trade and Richard JONES of Dorchester Cordwainer
Inquest papers re Mary MANNING, widow [Papers held at the Dorset History Center] 19 Jan 1783 DC/PL/C/D/1/17   Verdict: died from excessive drinking or by natural causes: Coroners: George Garland and George Tito Brice: Witness statement: Elizabeth Manning, spinster: Jurors: John Lander, Robert Bailey, James Bristowe, Thomas Northover, John Langford, John Mackrell, John Hurdle, John Andrews, William House, Samuel Waters, Richard Stanworth, John Miller, William Summers, James Cobbey, William Drew, John Birt, Charles Lander, Thomas Adey, William Henning and Thomas Spratt
Will of Martha SPARKES or Sparks of Dorchester , Dorset

Dated 5th Jan 1783

Proved 16 April 1783

PROB 11/1102 Will: Appoints her brother Samuel DANDALL of Piddletrenthide Dorset sole executor: Nephew Samuel RANDALL References to Mr Isaac SPARKS Mr John JACOB glovers Sally SPARKS wife of Jacob
Will and Letter of Administration for the estate of John EVOMY, of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at All Saints Churchb Dorchester 6th April 1783] Dated 06 May 1780
Proved 16 Jun 1783
L/A 10 May 1783
DHC BC/A/E28 event record 28 Will Beneficiaries Wife Martha dwelling in St Peters Parish South Street; 5 daughters mentioned Jane, Martha, Sarah, Susannah and Mary - Also dwelling in St Peters to son John EVOMY witnesses William Old Robert Willias junior and J Bowle:: Letter of Administration:- Granted to Martha EVOMY Widow of Dorchester the lawful mother of the deceased - also bound with her was Richard LAKE of Dorchester a Carpenter and John WILLIS of Dorchester a Carpenter witnessed by Thomas Gound READ
Will of Samuel GOULD, Bookseller of Dorchester , Dorset 22 May 1783 PROB 11/1103 Buried Holy Trinity 26 Feb 1783 [See Biography of Dr William CUMING MD (1714-1787) where a descrition of him is given]
Will of William HOOPER, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset 04 June 1783 PROB 11/1104  
Will of Sarah MARTIN, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 15 Jan 1784] 19 January 1784 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1784-1785 event record 6 Granted to Edward MARTIN of the Bank London and Charles MARTIN of St peters Parish in Dorchester the natural and lawful sons and next of kin of Sarah MARTIN were bound with John OLDIS of Dorchester a silversmith
Will of Elizabeth LEIGH, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 21 January 1784 PROB 11/1112  
Will of Agnes WILLIAMS, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Agnesd was the widow of THOMAS WILLIAMS (1727-1775) Esq of Herringston and was buried St Peters 1 Sep 1783] 22 January 1784 PROB 11/1113 Will Beneficiaries: her son-in-law Saint Barbe Sydenham Esq
Will of Henry NOOTH, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- See burial at All Saints Church Dorchester 02 Oct 1783 for more information about this family] Dated 28 Sep 1783
proved 17 Mar 1784
DHC: Ad/Dt/A/1709 Event Record 11 Beneficiaries:- Son Lieutenant Colonel Henry NOOTH major of the Fourth Regiment of Dragoon Guards & Rev. John PROWER of Purton in Wiltshire £600 held in trust for the benefit of his daughter Mary the wife of John JAMES: daughyter Marys son his grandson Morris JAMES; Grandson Edward Trafford NOOTH; Grandson henry NOOTH; Son Johnm Mervin NOOTH MD. ; Son Hnery NOOTH; Son James NOOTH; Witnessed Ann Feaver; Sarah Nelson and John Templeman
Will of William WHIFFIN, Yeoman of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- may have been buried at Durweston? ] Dated 12 Feb 1784
proved 18 Mar 1784
DHC: Ad/Dt/A/1709 Event Record 12 Beneficiaries:- george KING son of John KING late of Dorchester labourer deceased; his sisters Jane and Mary KING; John TAYLOR now apprentice to John HUMBER of Chetnole Blacksmith ; Gertrude the wife of Joseph HUTCHINS of Ley {Leigh?] Jane wife of James FROOME of Sydling; Rest to Nephew Thomas KING also executor; witnessed George Stickland and George Stickland Junior and John Hawkins

Will of John PITMAN, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset


[Note:- John PITMAN (1704-1782) Was the youngest child of Thomas and Rebecca PITMAN. His mother had been buried at Godmanston in Dorset




a grocer by trade of Dorchester by his wife Rebecca Pitman (d. 1703). His father died in 1717 and was buried at Godmanston the main beneficiary under his will was awas elected a Capital Burgess of Dorchester on 3rd Nov 1743, served 7 times as bailiff of Dorchester (in 1744/5; 1747/8; 1759/60; 1766/7; 1769/70; 1779/80; and 1780/81) ; and Alderman on 7th July 1755. He married at Winterborne Steepleton in Dorset on 21st April 1755 to Mary WAKLEY and they had 6 children 1756-1768 at St Peters Church in Dorchester. Follow link for more information about his family.

John PITMAN served as Mayor of Dorchester 3 times in 1746; 1758 and 1768. He died June 12 1782, according to Hutchins, and was buried at St Peters Church in Dorchester on the 17th aged 78]

Dated 25 Dec 1781

Proved 07 June 1784

By Mary PITMAN Widow the relict of the deceased.

PROB 11/1118/113

Will: To wife for life the use, but not the disposing of, property of all my household goods plate china Linen and furniture, and after her death to my 5 children Mary, John, Ann, Catherine, and William PITMAN equally to be divided by my good friends William CUMMINS Dr of Physic & Rev Nathaniel Templeman. Also I give to my wife all my stock of coals? and Liquers of every kind for her absolute use and benefit and whereas I have contracted with the Corporation of Dorchester aforesaid for the purchase of three lives in thedwelling House wherein I now dwell NOW in case I shall not recoup such purchase in my life time I direct that the purchase money for the same be raised out of the residue of my estate and effects herein after bequeathed amd the said premises be conveyed to my dear wife her executors administrators and assigns for the term and interest so contracted for to whom I give the benefit of the said contract and in case the premises are conveyed to me in my life time I give the same to my said wife her executors administrators and assigns for allmy estate and interest therein at my decease AND I do hereby declare that the bequest of the benefit of the said contract to my said dear wife and of the said lease and premises in case the same shall be conveyed to me in my life time on this trust and confidence following (that is to say)

In TRUST at her discretion if she shall think fit and at any time to sell and dispose of the said leasehold premises for the purposes of this my will declaring nevertheless that the receipt of my said wife shall be a good and sufficient discharge without subjecting the purchasor to look to the application of the purchase money AND also direct that the money arising by such sale be by my said wife put out at interest on Government or other securities and such interest or produce be applied to and retained by my said dear wife during her life and after her decease I give the said principal money arising by such sale to and amongst my said 5 children Mary John Ann Catherine and William share and share alike and in the meantime until such sale or in default thereof I bequeath the said leasehold prmises to my said dear wife for her life and after her death I bequeath the same to all my said 5 children equally share and share alike providing always that in case any of my said children shall die in the lifetime of my said wife then I give and bequeath the share of such child so dying to and amongst my surviving children, and the issue of any such of my child or children that shall be then dead but the issue of such deceased child or children are to be only entitled to their respective parentsshare of the several estates moneys and effects herein before mentioned

Item: I direct that me executrix do apply such sum arising out of and from my personal estate and effects herein after bequeathed as she shall think fit for the apprenticing my said son William and yearly maintenance during his apprenticeshipwhich sums so paid and disbursed shall be deemed part of and deducted from the other provision made by this my will for my said son William

Item I give and bequeath all my copyhold lands tenements and hereditaments situate within and parcel of the Manor of Forthington in the County of Dorset (subject to the estate and interest of my dear wife therein at my decease to my son John PITMAN and his assigns during his life and from and after his decease I devise the same to my son William PITMAN and his assigns for and during all my estate and interest in the premises

All the Rest and residue of my moneysecurities for money arrears of rent cattle corn grain hay Implements of husbandry trees plantations and stock in gardening of every kind and all other my personal estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever and of what nature or kind soever subject to my said debts and other charges in this my will I give and bequeath to my said dear wife for her absolute benefit and appoint her sole executrix of this my Will and I do hereby recommend her to the kind assistance and advice of my two good friends Dr CUMMING and the Reverend Mr Nathaniel Templeman between whom and me there hath subscribed a long friendship and which advice and assistance I request of them whenever she hath occasion for her carrying into execution the purpose of this my willand whatever my said friends may advise as my will and directions that the same be observed and acquainted in by all my children In witness whereof |I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written John PITMAN --- in the presence of John Templeman; Thomas GOULD READ; Mary BIDDLESCOMBE Servant to Mr PITMAN

Will of Moses BEDLOE, Victualer of Dorchester , Dorset Dated 03 Jan 1785
Proved 25 Jan 1785
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1785 Event record 17 image Estate left in trust for his children (including Thomas and Mary) to his brother Thomas Bedloe and John Harkley of Dorchester baker. NOTE:- Moses Bedloe was buried at St Georges Church in Fordington on 21st January 1785

Will of Thomas HEWSTINS, Victualer of Dorchester , Dorset

[Note:- Buried at All Saints Church Dorchester 10 Jun 1785]

Dated 18 Feb 1785

Proved 29 Jun 1785

DHC Ad/Dt/W/1785 Event Record 18

Will:- This is the Last will and Testament of me Thomas HEWSTINS of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Victualler made and published this 18th day of February 1785. I direct that my just debts and funeral expenses be paid and discharged

Also I give and bequeath unto William FOWELL of Charminster and Robert CRITCHELL of Dorchester aforesaid and the survivor of them All and Singular my Household goods stock in Trade money and securities for money and personal estate whatsoever IN TRUST nevertheless to and for the following purposes only that is to say I direct them to make an inventory and appraisment of my stock as soon after my decease as possible and if my wife should be willing to carry on the business of a publican in the 'BLACK HORSE' that they should entrust her with the same on her giving the best security in her power for the payment of the amount with interest at 5% AND I hereby direct my said trustees to pay yearly and every year unto my said wife from time of my decease until my youngest child shall attain the age of 21 years All the interest and produce of my estate and effects whatsoever for and towards the maintenance of herself and children AND my will is that my said Trustees and the survivor of them and the executor or administrator of such survivor shall and do pey and divide the Principal money to and amongst all my four children or such of them that shall live to attain the age of 21 years and as they respectively attain the same share and ahare alike subject nevertheless to the payment of one annuity or clesr yearly sum of twenty pounds to be paid unto my wife during her life to commence from the day of my youngest child attaining the age of 21 years provided she should remain and continue my widow until that time and not otherwise And I do direct my trustees to deduct the same out of all my childrens share proportinally and to make such provision for the payment thereof if the same shall become payable as their own discretion shall direct AND my further Will is that in case of the deaths of all my four children before they shall become entitled to their respective shares as aforesaid I hereby direct my said trustees to pay and divide my effects to and amongst the several children of my sisters Elizabeth ANDREWS deceased and Mary DAY Widow that shall be living in equal shares and proportions subject nevertheless to the payment of an annuity of £20 unto my wife which I direct in that case shall commence on the death of my surviving child during its minority And lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint the said William FOWELL and Robert CRITCHELL joint executors In Trust aforesaid --- Signed sealed published and declared by the said testator as for his last will and testament who in his presence and the presence of each other and at his request have subscribed our names as witnesses Jane Stickland Robert Stickland Nathaniel Stickland

for the benefit of his wife & 4 children [unnamed] wife able to continue business at the 'Black Horse' ; the children of his sisters Elizabeth ANDREWS deceased and Mary DAY Widow ; Witnesses Jane, Robert & Nathaniel STICKLAND

Will of Margaret ROTHWELL, Widow of Stafford near Dorchester , Dorset 28 September 1785 PROB 11/1134  
Will of William BANKS, Yeoman of Dorchester, Dorset Dated 24 July 1785
Proved 16 Jan 1786

Ad/Dt/W/1786; Event Record Number: 21.

Beneficiaries:- Brothers Jacob & John; Sisters: Ann wife of William ROGERS and Lydia the wife of William THRESHER and his wife Elizabeth executrix: Witnesses Thomas Gould READ; Edward READ; Frances Gould READ: Sworn before Nathaniel Templeman 16th January 1786 NOTE: William BANKS was buried at All Saints Church Dorchester on 10th Jan 1785/6
Will of Susanna TUTHILL, Spinster of Dorchester, Dorset 19 March 1786 PROB 11/1140 Buried Holy Trinity 22 Jan 1786
Will of Bernard GALE, Carpenter of Dorchester, Dorset[Note:- Buried at St georges church Fordington on 8th March 1786] Dated 03 Mar 1786
Proved 03 May 1786
DHC BC/A/G Event Record 1 Property at Nettcombe and Powerstock: wife Elizabeth; son Richard; William Templeman and Thomas Gould trustees for other children; daughter Lydia and her son Bernard ; witnesses William Stroud; Henry Jacob and Thomas Roberts
Will of Nathaniel STICKLAND, Apothecary of Dorchester , Dorset

[Note:- Buried at All Saints Church Dorchester on 10 Aug 1785]
Dated 04 Aug 1785
Proved 26 July 1786
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1786 event record 23 Will: Left in trust for the benefit of his wife & children (not named) Trustees Robert STICKLAND and John WILLIS Gentlemen witnessed by George Frampton; Edward Boswell and George Elliott --- Proved 26th July 1786 Sworn before me the within named Robert STICKLAND - Nathaniel Templeman Surrogate
Will of Thomas BEDLOE, Yeoman of Dorchester , Dorset Dated 10 Apr 1787
Proved 27 Apr 1787
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1787 Event Record 17 Beneficiaries estate in trust with his uncle Thomas Bedloe of Forthington for all his brothers and sister Note:- Thomas the son of Moses & Mary BEDLOE was buried at St george Church Fordington on 26th April 1787
Letter of Administration for the estate of Mary GOLLOP spinster of Dorchester, Dorset 17 Sep 1787 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1788 Event Record 9 Granted to her lawful nephews and next of kin Thomas GOLLOP of Sherborne Esq and John GOLLOP of Dorchester Doctor of Physic [Note:- There are two burials for a Mary GOLLOP --1st is St Peters 7th Sep 1787 and 2nd All Saints 16th Sep 1787-- and no way at present to distinguish which relates to this administration]
Letter of Administration for the estate of Thomas BANGER Brewer of Dorchester granted to his daughter Betty Dark because of the failure of his widow Betty Banger to administer his estate. 8th January 1788 DHC AD/DT/A/1788 Event Record 2 Betty wife of the bound Richard Dark the natural and lawful daughter next of kin and administratrix of Thomas Banger late pof Dorchester who died intestate deceased that were left unadministered by Betty Banger the widow Administratrix of the deceased also now deceased
Will of Ann Fisher GOULD, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset 26 February 1788 PROB 11/1162 Buried Holy Trinity 7 Feb 1788
Letter of Administration for the estate of Betty JACOB, of St Peters Dorchester , Dorset + Inventory of Goods taken 12th July 1788 by her son Henry + Inventory 28 Feb 1789 [Note:- Buruied as Elizabeth JACOB at st George schurch Fordington on 17th March 1788] 29 March 1788 DHC DA/A/1788 event record 3 Granted to John JACOB of Evershot schoolmaster the lawful son and next of kin of deceased: also bound with him John Summers JACOB of Dorchester a sadler & John BASCOMBE of Dorchester a taylor witnesses Francis Upham and Rebecca Winzar. Clearly disagreement with his brother Henry over division of estate
Will of William CUMING, Doctor in Physic of Dorchester , Dorset 03 May 1788 PROB 11/1165 Buried Holy Trinity 31 Mar 1788 [See Biography of Dr William CUMING MD (1714-1787) where a descrition of him is given]
Letter of Administration for the estate of Henry WYER, of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Henry WYER of Dorchester was buried at Winterbourne Monkton 0n 4th July 1788 aged 28 years on the east side of the church yard the cause of death is given as 'decline'] 25 July 1788 DHC BC/A/W165 event record 165 Granted to Christopher KELLAWAY of Littlebury a Yeoman the lawful unle and next of kin of the deceased also bound is Robert STICKLAND of Dorchester gentleman

Will of Robert SMITH, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset

[Note:-Buried at Holy Trinity 6 Oct 1788]

Dated 4th May 1784

Proved 27 Oct 1788

PROB 11/1171

Will: I give and devise all my Lands Tenements and hereditaments situate and lying and being in the parish of Stoke Abbott Dorset and elsewhere unto my four daughters Elizabeth, Mary, Jane and Charlotte and to their heirs and assigns equally to be divided between them as tennants in common etc -- Also all my personal estate to them and all made joint executrixes ---witnesses H Davis; James Wood; Edward Boswell.

Will Proved at London 27th Oct 1788 by oaths of 1st 3

Administration Bond & commission for John TRIM of Dorchester 1789 P27/1/537 & P27/3Reg/259/A Buried Holy Trinity 1 Dec 1788
Will of James BLY gingerbread baker of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- James BLY was buried at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 3rd May 1789] Dated 23 Mar 1787
Proved 29 May 1789
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1789 Event Record 9 Images on Beneficiaries: Son Robert Williams BLY: Son James BLY; Wife Sarah BLY for life then son Henry Bly; Friends Rev Able Edwards of Dorchester and Robert Critchel shopkeeper of Dorchester in trust for wife : Codicil dated 27 Apr 1789 dwelling and bake house purchased in Weymouth from the widow Katherine Tucker where son James was tenant to wife then Robert W.
Will of Jenny SPRY, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 25 June 1789 PROB 11/1180  
Will of Samuel RICKWOOD, Upholsterer of Dorchester , Dorset 30 September 1789 PROB 11/1183 Buried Holy Trinity 25 Dec 1788
Will of Robert WILLIS, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset 19 October 1789 PROB 11/1184 Buried St Peters 25 Sep 1789
Will of Nathaniel GRAY [GREY] , stone mason of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried St Peters Church Dorchester 29th Sep 1789] Dated 19 Sep 1789
Proved 06 Jan 1790
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1790 event record 23 Will: wife dwelling etc in St Peters for life also son Nathaniel and daughter Ann GRAY witnesses Thomas Bushrod + another
Will of Mary WELLSPRING , widow of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried St Peters Church Dorchester 27 Mar 1789] Dated 21 Mar 1789
Proved 18 Mar 1790
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1790 event record 24 Will: Effects in trust with William TEMPLEMAN Esq of Dorchester and William OLD of Dorchester an Officer of the Customs for the benefit of her two children John WELLSPRING and Robert WELLSPRING witnessed Thomas Gould READ and William STROUD
Letter of Administration for the estate of Stephen POLLARD, of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- appears to have beenn buried at Nether Cerne 13th July 1790] 24 July 1790 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1790 event record 7 Granted to Elizabeth POLLARD his widow and lawful administratrix - also bound with her were William BOER of Dorchester Geent & George Stickland Gent. signed by George Stickland junior.
Will of Thomas PARKER, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset 03 February 1791 PROB 11/1201 Buried St Peters 4 Jan 1791
Will of Frances ACTON, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset 07 March 1791 PROB 11/1202  
Will of James BESANT, Brewer of Dorchester, Dorset

[Note:- James [Miller] BESANT was buried at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 4th January 1792.]
Dated 13 May 1791
Buried St Peters 04 Jan 1792
Proved 13 Apr 1792
DHC Bc/W/B Event Record 123 James Miller BESANT (1741-1792)
Will - This is the Last Will and Testament of me James BESANT of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Brewer made and published the thiorteenth day of May 1791 First I will & direct that all my just debts and my funeral charges and expenses be paid by my executor hereinafter named - Also I give and bequieath unto each of my children Thomas Gatehouse, Esther, James Miller, Sarah, and John the sum of £20 be paid them by my executor hereinafter named on their attaining their respective ages of 21 years or days of marriage whichever shall first happen. Also I give and devise unto my beloved wife Sarah all that my messuage or dwelling house wherein I now live with its appurtenances and also all that my messuage or dwelling house called or known by the sign of the WHITE HART situate in the Parish of All Saints in Dorchester aforesaid which I lately purchased of the Corporation to hold to her, her heirs and assigns. And as to the rest residue and remainder of my real estate I give and devise and bequeath the same unto my said wife hereby revoking all former Wills In Witness wherof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written James BEASANT: Signed sealed published and declared by the said testator in the presence of us who in his presence and at his requiest have signed our names as witnesses. Catherine LONGMAN: Robert STICKLAND: John BASCOMBEUnder £1000 sworn before me Math: Templeman 13th April 1792 Surrogate:
On the 13th April 1792 the within written Will of James BESANT deceased was nproved by the oath of Sarah BESANT the widow of the deceased and sole executrix within named to whom administration was granted she being first duly sworn well & faithfully to administer the same and , to exhibit a true & perfect inventory thereof into the Registry of the Consistatory Court of the Bishop of Bristol and to render a just account of the administration therein when thereunto lawfully required.
Will of Susannah BATHURST, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset 20 May 1791 PROB 11/1204  
Will of Elizabeth YOUNG, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 07 October 1791 PROB 11/1210  
Will of Anne FEAVER, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 23 December 1791 PROB 11/1212  
Will of Charles MARTIN, Hair Dresser of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 13th Jan 1791] Dated 02 Nov 1790
proved 17 Jan 1791
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1791 Event Record 19 Will Benificiary: Francis FANE of Little Bredy and George GOULD of Upway in Trust for Nephew Edward DREW of Dorchester Hair Dresser : else Edward MARTIN Brother
Will of John VINCENT, Innholder of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at All Saints Church 13 Mar 1785] Dated 26 Feb 1785
proved 28 Nov 1791
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1791 Event Record 18 Will : All in trust with 4 friends James BALSON of Martinstown Gentleman; Thomas BILLETT of winfrith Gentleman; Thomas BRINE of Dorchester an Innholder and John TAPOP of dorchester a cooper all trustees for the benefit of his 2 children Mary VINCENT and Ann VINCENT : If both die then to Brother Robert VINCENT and Sister Maery STYLE wife of [not named] both late of Cotton in Suffolk: Witnessed Thomas TAPP and Robert BRIDLE
Will of John PHELPS Shopkeeper of Dorchester Dorset [Includes a Lease and Release] [Note:- Buried 27 July 1792 St Peters Church Dorchester] Dated 28 June 1792
Proved 02 Aug 1792

DHC: NM2/S/11/TS/7/1


WILL= DHC: Ad/Dt/W/1792 event record 20 Image on

Note:- A2A states:-Release 1. George Phelps of Cheswick, Middx, malster one of the devisers named in the will of Joseph Phelps late of Dorchester yeoman, his father. 2. John Phelps of Dorchester shopkeeper and brother of party 1. Consideration of £120. Property. a messuage in St Peter's Parish, Dorchester formerly in the possession of Charles Austin, now in the possession of Elizabeth Phelps, widow and mother of parties 1 & 2, being the corner house on Durne Lane [Durngate Street] and bounded on the north with the said lane, on the east with the Wood and Stone Public House, on the south with a messuage in the possession of John Barber and on the west with South Street with a copy of the Will of John Phelps:
Also Lease and relase involving Sarah WARREN of south street dorchester

Beneficiaries under Will : John Phelps CHICK son of my Nephew William CHICK his dwelling in St Peters; Mary the daughter of his brother William PHELPS; Ann or Nancy CHURCHILL wife or widow of Nephew John CHURCHILL; sister Elizabeth PHELPS; nephew William CHICK his brewing utencils etc; Brother William; Sister Avis CHICK; William NORMAN the elder of Dorchester a hosier and John GARLAND of Dorchester grocer ; Rest to Joseph and Thomas JONES sons of the daughter of my late deceased wife. Witnessed Thomas Gould Read, John Wellspring and Thomas Roberts:

Codicil 9th July 1792 : Mary daughter of Brother William and late Servant Jane DART now servant to Mrs Frampton of Dorchester

Letter of Administration for the estate of Matthew ABBOT Yeoman of Dorchester 26 Oct 1792 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1792 - Image Bound:- Son David ABBOT of Kings Gate St Holborn, Westminster Coachman :
Edward READ of Dorchester shopkeeper:
William STROUD of Dorchester Cordwainer
Bound for £20 - No trace of Burial
Will of Thomas CARTER Innholder of Dorchester [Note:- Thomas CARTER was buried at St George's Church Fordington on 27th Dec 1792] Dated 08 Feb 1786
Proved 28 Dec 1792
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1792 Event Record Image Left all of his estate to his wife Susannah CARTER
Will of Elizabeth GALE Widow of Dorchester [Note:- Elizabeth GALE was buried at St George's Church Fordington on 01 Dec 1788] Dated 14 Oct 1786
Proved 29 Dec 1792
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1792 Event Record 18 Son Bernard GALE also Executor left all his fathers carpentry tools; dau Ann; son John; son Stephen witnesses Thomas Gould Read; Benjamin Jacob
Renunciation of Matthew POUNCY butcher of Dorchester [See Wills index for Fordington] 1793 P15/171 Buried Holy Trinity 28 Apr 1790 [Note:- Butcher of Forthington link to transcription of his Will dated 14th March 1787]
Letter of Administration for the estate of James HARVEY Innholder of Dorchester Dorset granted to Sarah BEASANT principal creditor,

[Note:- James HARVEY was buried at Holy Trinity Parish in Dorchester on 24th July 1791]
L/Admin 18 Feb 1793 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1793 Event record 3 Image Bound with Sarah BEASANT of Dorchester in the County of Dorset, is John BASCOMBE of Dorchester a taylor by trade and Matthew BAKER of Dorchester a Yeoman: Sarah BESANT is the principal creditor of the goods, chattles and credits of James HARVEY late of Dorchester Inkeeper intestate.

Along with the Administration is a Letter of Renunciation from his widow Jane HARVEY dated 8th January 1793.
Will of Mary PITMAN, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Mary the wife of Mr John PITMAN was buried at St peters Church Dorchester 14 May 1790] Dated 19 Mar 1783
Codicil 28 Sep 1789
Proved 25 Apr 1793
DHC Bc/W/P Event record 87 Estate under £610 Will States she is the wife of Thomas GILBERT deceased - names children Elizabeth died in the lifetime of her husband and 2 younger children Ann and MARY (presumably GILBERT) prperty Blackmores at Whitchurch Canonicorum + 2 children from 2nd marriage executrixes Mary PITMAN and Ann nee PITMAN now wife of Robert CRICHELL the younger a mercer
Will of George BRYER, Joiner and Cabinet Maker of Dorchester , Dorset Will 22 Apr 1772
Proved 26 Apr 1793
DHC Bc/A/B Event record 232a Estate under £300 willed to wife Molly also made executrix . Note:- George BRYER married after banns (survived) to Molley BESANT at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 4th June 1769 & advertised in Sherborne & Yeovil Mercury on 15th Mar 1773 but have no so far located burial
Will of Catherine DONISTHORPE, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 23 May 1793 PROB 11/1232  
Will of Agnes SEWARD, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 05 August 1793 PROB 11/1236 See Burial Register All Saints Dorchester Buried 30 Jun 1793
Letter of Administration for the estate of John NELSON Mercer of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 23rd Sept 1792] 15 Oct 1793 DHC DA/A/1793 event record 4 Granted to Sarah NELSON widow and Administratrix of the estate of the deceased also bound were James WOOD od Dorchester a shopkeeper and Robert GUNDRY of Dorchester a cooper
Will of William GUNDREY, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset 23 December 1793 PROB 11/1239  
Will of Susannah CORP, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Susannah was the widow of Samuel CORP see his will dated 26 Feb 1780 proved 20 Mar 1780 - Susannah was buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 7th Feb 1794] Dated 17 Nov 1792
Proved 03 Mar 1794
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1794 event record 22 image available for members Will:- Sarah ENGLAND the younger daughter of Neice Sarah England; Elizabeth LANCE the younger daughter of Neice Elizabeth Lance; In Trust with Rev Abel EDWARDS and Robert CRITCHELL of Dorchester mercer dear friends for benefit of William CORO and Margery the widow SAUNDERS the 2 surviving children of late husband and William, Thomas, John, Ruth and Elizabeth ENGLAND children of neice Sarah witnesses Edawrd READ and Thomas Gould READ
Letter of Administration for the estate of Robert READ, Cabinet Maker of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 06 Jun 1794] 01 Sep 1794 DHC: DA/A/1794 event record 10 Granted to Mary READ his lawful Mother widow of Dorchester: Also bound are George POUNCY Butcher of Dorchester and William GALPIN Cooper of Dorchester Effects under £20
Letter of Renunciation by Robert LAMBERT, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset 04 Dec 1794 DHC Ad/Dt/W/1795 event record 49 Renunciation for the administration of the estate of Joseph KINGSBURY late of Turnworth Yeoman
Letter of Administration for the estate of William READ, Hellier of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 13 Jul 1794] 22 Apr 1795 DHC: DA/A/1795 event record 7 Granted to George READ of Dorchester a Hellier by trade his lawful son : Also bound are Edward READ Shopkeeper of Dorchester and John GREEN Malster of Dorchester Effects under £100
Will of William TEMPLEMAN of Dorchester , Dorset 03 August 1795 PROB 11/1265 D/DOR/T50 DHC Full Index entry:-New erected malthouse on west side of South Back Street, messuage on west side of High South Street, 1756; messuage and garden in South Back Street, land in West Back Lane, 1796; messuage on north of West Back Street, 1835; garden on west of South Back Street, 1850; with copy wills of Wm. Templeman of Dorchester, 1793, and Wm. Bower of Dorchester, 1827 proved 1829. (Templeman, Bower, Payne, Bryer). [Most copies]
Will of Sarah BESANT, Widow of James BESANT maltster and Brewer of Dorchester , Dorset [Security under £600?] Dated: 18 May 1795
Buried St Peters 08 Jun 1795
Proved 12th Aug 1795
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1795 Event Record 18 Image Widow of James Miller BESANT (1741-1792).
Will: By this Last Will and Testament made the 18th day of May 1795 I Sarah BESANT of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Widow of James BESANT late of the same place Maltster & Brewer deceased. Do give devise and bequeath my worldly goods and estate in manner following (that is to say)
First I give and bequeath unto my son Thomas Gatehouse BESANT all that my dwelling house with and all and singular members appurtenances thereto belonging called the Queens Arms situate within the parish of Holy Trinity in Dorchester aforesaid To hold to him my said son his executors administrators and assigns for all my term estate and interest therein And To my said son I give the sum of seven hundred pounds in money to be paid to him with all savings made or arising therefrom on his attaining the age of twenty one years
To my son John BESANT and his heirs and assigns I give and devise all that my my dwelling house with all and singular rights members and appurtenances thereto belonging situate in the Butter Market in the Parish of St Peters in Dorchester aforesaid And I also give unto my said son John the sum of three hundred and fifty pounds in money to be paid him with all savings made or arising therefrom on his attaining his age of 21 years
I also give and devise to my two daughters Hester and Sarah BESANT all that my dwelling house with all and singular members and appurtenances thereto belonging called the White Hart situate in the parish of All Saints in Dorchester hold to them my said two daughters and their heirs and assigns forever as tenants in common and not as joint tenants. I also give unto my said two daughters the sum of seven hundred and fifty pounds each in money to be paid them as they shall respectively attain their ages of 21 years with all savings from their respective legacies in the meantime. And I do hereby declare it to be my will and meaning and I do hereby order and direct that in case any or either of my said sons or daughters shall happen to die before he she or they shall have attained his her or their age or ages of 21 years without issue of his her or their body or bodies lawfully to be begotten Then and in each such case the share or portion share or portions of him her or them dying as well of any real estate as in my personal estate shall go to and belong to the survivors or survivor of them to whom I hereby give devise and bequeath the same accordingly in equal shares and portions in case more then one shall live to attain the age of 21 . All the REST residue and remainder of my goods chattels and effects moneys and securities for money and personal estate whatsoever and wheresoever the same may be subject to the payment of all my just debts and funeral expenses and the expenses in proving this my Will and all other incidental expenses. I give and bequeath unto my friends John LONGMAN of Milbourne Port in the County of Somerset Senior manufacturer and the Rev. John LOVETT of Lowton in the County of Essex Clerk and to their executors auditors and assigns In trust nevertheless for the only benefit of my four children in equal shares an proportions And I do hereby direct that the respective shares shall be paid to them with all savings arising therefrom on their attaining their respective ages of 21years. BUT in case there shall not be sufficient to pay the aforesaid money legacies then I will and direct that each of my said children shall abate their proportion tothe deficiency out of their respective legacies. And I do hereby mske constitute and appoint them the said John LONGMAN and John LEVETT joint executors of this my Last Will and Testament in trust the better to enable them to carry trhe trusts thereof into execution and I do hereby revoke and make void all former and other Wills by me at any time heretofore made And further I do hereby make constitute and appoint them the said John LONGMAN and John LEVETT their executors and assigns Trustees of my said four children during their respective minotities And do likewise give unto each of them the custody tuition and guarianship of my said 4 children during their minorities with full power and authority for them to manage apply and dispose of the trust estate of each of my said 4 children in such manner as they shall think or be advised will be most for the benefit and advantage of my said children respectively -- etc etc legal accountablity and expenses --- signed witnessed etc
Will of William DAVIS, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset 13 August 1795 PROB 11/1264 Note:- May have been buried St Peters 23 Feb 1791?
Will of Thomas LOCKETT, Painter, printer and Stationer of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- buried Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 26 Jun 1795] Dated 27 Feb 1795
Proved 22 Aug 1795
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1795 event record 17 Beneficiaries Nephew Thomas LOCKETT son of his brother William Main beneficiary his only daughter Sarah LOCKETT executrix. witnessed Robert HENNING; John HURT; and Eleanor ROSE Effects under £300
Will of Elizabeth HEAD, widow of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at St Mary 7 St John Church melcombe Regis 10th June 1794] Dated 29 Apr 1780
Proved 28 Aug 1795
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1795 Event Records 16 & 51 Note:- Estate left in trust for the benefit of her daughter Elizabeth HEAD with friends Harvey POUNCY of Dorchester a Gentleman and Robert CRITCHELL of Dorchester Mercer Executors witnessed William Templeman & Thomas Gould Read
Will of James POUNCY, Postmaster of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 06 Dec 1795] Dated 26 Oct 1795
Proved 19 Dec 1795
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1795 event record 19 beneficiaries:- Brother Thomas POUNCY saddler of Dorchester (James a partner in his business) + Dwelling house Brewhouse stables yard in St peters known by the name of 'The Anchor Inn' now in the occupation of John COOPER as tenant. : Sister Elizabeth POUNCY a spinster: Brother george POUNCY a butcher of Dorchester; niece Elizabeth POUNCy the daughter of George Pouncy his brother; Elizabeth daughter of his brother henry POUNCY; Rebecca Foyer POUNCY the wife of his brother Thomas POUNCY; Witnesses George Frampton; Thomas Rogers and Thomas Sabine
Will of Rebecca BRIDLE, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 31 March 1796 PROB 11/1272 Link to Transcription of Will and Genealogical Notes
Will of Reverend Thomas HUGHES, Clerk of Dorchester , Dorset 20 May 1796 PROB 11/1275 Thought to be the son of Charles Hughes of Mintern Magna Dorset matriculated for Queens College Oxford 17 Feb 1769 at the age of 18; awarded BA in 1772. Ordained deacon at Christchurch Oxford 6th June 1773 and priest 11 June 1775. Licenced as curate of Cattistock with a stipend of £40pa 25 June 1773. Rector of Tarrant Rawson 7 Jan 1779 and Winterbourne Came 11 May 1793.
Will of George READ, Tiler and Plasterer of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried at St Georges Church Fordington (annotated as from Dorchester) 15th March 1798] Dated 20 Sep 1797
Proved 09 Jun 1798
DHC Bc/W/R event record 17 Will bequest of all his wearing apparel and tools of his trade to his brother Edward READ: Rest to wife Mary READ also executrix effects under £300 Witnessed Thomas Gould READ and Edward READ
Letter of Administration for the estate of Bernard GALE, Carpenter of St Peters Parish Dorchester , Dorset 09 Jun 1798 DHC BC/A/G Event Record 1 Granted to his widow Mary GALE [Note:- Bernard GALE was buried at St George's Church Fordington on 22nd March 1798] under £300

Letter of Administration granted for the estate of of John BARTLETT, Baker of Dorchester , Dorset to his widow Mary Bartlett

[Note:- John Bartlett was buried at Holy Trinity Church on 6th Mar 1798 ]

[Note:-  John BARTLETT who married Mary BAKER at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 5th Jan 1784]

01 October 1798 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1798-1799 Event Record 5

Know all men by these presents that we Mary BARTLETT of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Widow, William NORMAN the Elder of the same place Hosier, and Thomas PURSE of Fordington in the said County of Fordington Peruke Maker. are held and firmly bound unto the Rev.John Turner Clerk Master of Arts Official Principal of the venerable George Watson and also Clerk Master of Arts Archdeacon of the Archdeaconry of Dorset lawfully constituted in Five Hunderd Pounds etc etc Dated 1st day Oct 1798

The condition of this Obligation is such that if the above bounden Mary BARTLETT the lawful widow and Administratrix of all an singular the goods chattles and credits of John BARTLETT late of Dorchester in the Archdeaconry aforesaid Baker Intestate deceased do make etc etc

Note:- The Surrogate Nathaniel Templeman who had Mary take the oath before him wrote on the Letter of Administration "Effects under £300 Question "When did deceased die?" the Answer given in a different hand was 6th May 1798 but the parish register for Holy Trinity church shows that he was buried on there on 6th March 1798:

Will of Elizabeth LESTER, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at St Georges Church Fordington 15th December 1797] Dated 29 July 1796
Proved 25 Oct 1798
DHC: Ad/Dt/91/1798 event record 11 Beneficiaries Brother William & Sister Mary also Elizabeth Chapple and Dprothy wife of George COOPER Witnesses Thomas Gould READ and F.g.GREEN, E CHAPPLE
Will of Martha COSENS, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 30 October 1798 PROB 11/1313  
Will of James HAWKINS, Upholsterer of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried St Peters Church Dorchester 31 Jul 1798] Dated 05 Jan 1797
Proved 21 Jan 1799
DHX Ad/Dt/W/1799 Event Record 20 Beneficiaries Sarah HAWKINS his wife and executrix in trust for her and his children with wife & 2 friends John LUCCOMBE of Winterbourne Steepleton a Yeoman & William HAM of Winterbourne Monkton a Yeoman - Interest from £600 for maintenance and education of his children: names are James Harvey Hawkins, Sarah Stone Hawkins; Robert Hawkins, Charles Hawkins, Hannah Hawkins & Mary Hawkins. value under £1990
Will of Elizabeth FRAMPTON, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset 07 February 1799 PROB 11/1319 See Burial Register All Saints Dorchester Buried 24 Jan 1797
Letter of Administration for the estate of Mary EDWARDS granted to her lawful husband Rev Abel EDWARDS of Dorchester 11 Feb 1799 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1798-1799 The Reverend Abel Edwards of Dorchester Clerk, Thomas Fisher of the same place grocer, and Edward Boswell of the same place Gentleman bound by Letters of Administration granted 11th Feb 1799 Abel Edwards being the husband of Mary Edwards late of Dorchester who died intestate [Note:- Mary Edwards was buried at St Peters Church Dorchester on 27th June 1797]
Letter of Administration for the estate of John BOWDITCH Gentleman of Dorchester granted to his son-in-law Rev Abel EDWARDS of Dorchester Buried 10 Feb 1792
LA granted 11 Feb 1799
AD/DT/A/1799 event Record 8 Image available John BOWDITCH was buried at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 10th Feb 1792. His estate was left unadministered by his daughter Mary nee BOWDITCH the wife of Rev Abel EDWARDS who took out Letters of Administration after her death See entry above
Will of Martha BAKER, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Martha Samways of Broadmayne in Dorset married samuel Baker of Batcomb at West Knighton on 11th Dec 1753. After her death Martha was returned to Broadmayne for burial at St Michaels church on 15th January 1799.] Dated 29th July 1796
Proved 23rd April 1799
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1799 Event Record 21. Image on Beneficiaries:- Neice Mary Butler spinster; brother Henry Samways and his children; Nephew James Butter brother of Mary; Neice Elizabeth Pouncy; Elizabeth the dau of my nephew George Pouncy; Elizabeth the dau of my nephew Harry Pouncy; Brother John Samways; Neice Mary hellier; Meice Mary wife of Ely Paul; neice Martha wife of James Bushrod of Broadmayne - Main beneficiary brother Henry Samways.
Will of John HAWKINS, Doctor of Physic of Dorchester , Dorset 23 July 1799 PROB 11/1327  
Will of James PARSONS, Glover and Breeches maker of Dorchester , Dorset [Could not trace a burial] Dated 08 Oct 1794
Proved 05 Aug 1799
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1799 event record 19 several documents Beneficiaries Wife Ursula PARSONS also executrix after her death his 2 children James & Elizabeth PARSONS witnessed Benjamin Jefferies; William Gillwood; Ann Thorne [Note:- copy of will provided by registrar as Ursula discovered an investment for £222.6.7d which required the will to be re proved in the Perrogative Court of Canterbury copy dated 13th Oct 1801 re sworn by Ursula 30th Oct 1801 [Note:- James PARSONS from Holy Trinity Church Dorchester married Ursula CHAFY at her home parish of Purse Caundle Dorset by licence 21st April 1759. Ursula was frail (statement by her son james that she was weak and failing eyesight in 1801) and she was buried at Fordington 17th May 1802]
Will of William CHURCHILL Esq of Colliton House in Dorchester , Dorset
Dated 23rd Nov 1799
Proved 24 Dec 1799
PROB 11/1333 Follow link provided for a full transcription of his extensive Will [ William CHURCHILL (1738-1799). ]
Will Thomas ROBERTS, Victualler of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- buried at St Peters Church Dorchester on 30 Aug 1799] Dated 08 July 1799
Proved 27 Jan 1800
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1800 event record 17 WILL: Of Thomas ROBERTS a victualler of Dorchester dated 8th July 1799; sole beneficiary wife Jane ROBERTS also executrix and guardian of his children to provide for their maintenance and education. Witnessed by Thomas Gould READ and George LOCK [Note:- See the marriage of Thomas ROBERTS to Jane SLADE at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 10th May 1789. Also The Monthly Magazine Volume 8 page 760 "Died at Dorchester Mr T ROBERTS of the Wood and Stone Inn"]
Will of Elizabeth READ, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 08 February 1800 PROB 11/1337 Buried St Peters 4 Nov 1798

Will of William PHELPS of the Parish of St Peters in Dorchester in Dorset

[Note:- William PHELPS had married Elizabeth CORBIN at Maiden Newton in Dorset on 10th June 1765]

[Note:- William PHELPS was buried at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 16 Feb 1800]

[Note:- Ann AMOR was his daughter who had married John AMOR of Frampton at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 28 Dec 1796

Dated 01 Jun 1799
Proved 27 Feb 1800
Wills at the Dorset History Centre Ref : Ad/Dt/W/1800 Event Record 18 Will:In the name of God Amen June 1th 1799

I William PHELPS of the Parish of St Peters Dorchester in the County of Dorsett of Perfect Mind And memory thanks be given unto God for it therefore calling unto mind the Mortality of my Body knowing it is appointed for all men to die do make and ordain This my Last Will and Testament and as touching such worldly things wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life I give devise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form

I Give to my son Joseph PHELPS my estate at Turners Puddle in the County of Dorset

I Give My House in Church Street in the Parish of All Saints Dorchester in the County of Dorset to my dearly beloved wife for her life & then to be divided in the following manner and form.

I Give to my daughter Mary PHELPS the sum of One Hundred Pounds to be raised and levied out of my house together with All my Household Goods Debts and Moveable effects whom I likewise constitute make and ordain sole executors of this my Last Will and Testament, and

What is left is to be divided between Joseph PHELPS; Mary PHELPS; Ann AMOR and my grandaughter Sarah PHELPS

I Give to Elizabeth WARR one shilling and I do hereby utterly disallow revoke and disanul? All and Every other former Testament Wills Legacies and prequests and executors by me in any ways before named willed and bequeathed ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my Last Will and Testament in Witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and seal the day and year above written by [w]home since published pronounced and declared by the said Willian PHELPS as his last Will and Testament in the presence of the subscribers WM PHELPS William Grant: Martha WHITE John ----lay
Will of Robert MARSH, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset 10 March 1800 PROB 11/1339 Buried Holy Trinity 25 Oct 1799
Will of Timothy Sullivan THORNE, Stationer of Dorchester, Dorset 07 May 1800 PROB 11/1343  
Will of John KERR, Cordwainer of Dorchester, Dorset 06 June 1800 PROB 11/1343  
Will of Henrietta CHAFY [CHAFFEY], Wife of Dorchester, Dorset 28 June 1800 PROB 11/1343  
Will of James WOOD, Clock and Watch Maker of Dorchester , Dorset 30 August 1800 PROB 11/1347 Buried Holy Trinity 20 Jan 1800
Will & letter of Administration for the estate of Elizabeth KING, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- buried All Saints church Dorchester Dated 01 Apr 1799
Proved 17 Sep 1800
DHC LA granted to Catherine LOCKE widow the lawful sister of deceased and principal legateenamed in the Will. Also bound with her is John GARLAND of Dorchester a grocer and Robert WHITE of Dorchester a druggist; Witnesses Nathaniel Templeman and Jn:Tall:Manfield Beneficiaries under Will Sister Catherine LOCKE and sister WHITMARSH; neices Mary, Catherine and Susan LOCKE and Nephew Thomas LOCKE ; Friend Mary LOCKE spinster
Will of Mary SAMWAYS, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset 17 September 1800 PROB 11/1347  
Will of Sarah BLY, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Sarah BLY was buried at Holy Trinity church Dorchester on 6th May 1804] 11 Nov 1800 DHC Ad/Dt/W/1804 event record 13 Will refers to a bond due to her from son Henry fotr £800 and records date of late husbands will as being 23rd March 1787. Beneficary daughter in law Catherine Bly and grandaughter Ann Bly and her 3 sons henry, James and Robert Williams Bly. Witness to will were Rev Able Edwards who was executor of her late husbands will and Ruth Edwards of Bere Regis
Letter of Administration for the estate of Jacob CORBIN, Innholder of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Could not locate a burial except at Fordington in 1821?] 12 Dec 1800 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1800-1801 event record 5 Bound Elizabeth CORBIN widow relict and Administratrix also bound William COLLINS of Blandford tailor by trade and John DOE
To Trustees a mouring ring of 15s.

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