
St George's Church Burials 1691 - 1705

© Transcribed from BT's by Michael Russell OPC for Fordington 2007 from CLDS film 1279496
[Transcribers comments are in brackets in italics - 185 Records]

Last updated Oct 2024

A back view of St Georges Church Fordington
© Michael Russell FIPD

Notes:- Readers are reminded that each year started on 25 th March not the 1 st January [ up until 1752]so January and February Christenings for example will appear at the end of the year

1691 A list taken out of ye Register of ye Parish of ffordington of ye names of all such persons as were Baptised, Married and buried in ye Parish of ffordington Ano Domni 1691 [Start of CLDS Image 2148]


Mary COMBES March 26th

Elizabeth TOMBES March 28th

Thomas RASKER? July 1st [Surname might be VOSSE?]

Elizabeth LOVELACE July 2nd

Joane SNOOKE July 5th

Robert SEAGER Aug 1st

Joane COLLINS Sept br 27th

Thomas BISHOP Oct br 4th [Note:- See Wills Index 1691]

Joane BRINE Oct br 13th

Elizabeth HODY Octbr 27th

Mary LETSON Decbr 7th

Benjamin WINDSOR Decbr 23rd [Note:- See Wills Index for Dorchester for Letter of Administration granted to Joseph WINDSOR his lawful brother and administrator of his estate 15 Jan 1691/2]

Michaes BRYNE Febry 20th

    Henry ROBINSON Vicar
    John SEAGER Churchwardens [End of CLDS Image 2148]

1692 A copy of ye Register of ye Parish of ffodington for the year 1692


Buried [Start of CLDS Image 2149]

Martha BRINE May 6th

Will: [William] LUCCAS Oct br 23 rd

Walter BOLES Oct br 28th

Will: [William] SPRAGE [SPRAGUE] Decbr 24th

Ffrancis COLLINS Nov br 23rd  [Note:- See Wills Index 1692]

Anne WINDSOR Jan ry 15th

Randolph HAYTHORNE ffeb ry 28th [Note:- See Wills Index 1691 or 1693] where a Will for a Randall Haythorne has survived. May have been indexed by Salisbury PC in the wrong year, worth checking Will at Wiltshire Archives as name is unusual]

    Henry ROBINSON Vicar
    William SEAGER }
    John SEAGER } Churchwardens [End of CLDS Image 2149]

1693 A Copy of the Register Book of the Parish of ffordington for ye year 1693


Buried [Start of CLDS Image 2150]

Elizabeth LOCK August 14th [Note appears to be out of date order]

Dorothy SEAGER June 12th

Samuel BISHOP Sept br 3rd [Note:- See Wills Index 1693]

Richard SCOTT Sept br 22nd

John POPLAR Junior Octbr 24th

Margaret BASCOMB Octbr 29th

Margaret CLINES Decbr 28th

Esther WHITAKER Decbr 6th

John WINDSOR ffebry 2st

John POPLAR Senior March 2nd

George HODGES March 9th

Ann BUN March 20th

    Henry ROBINSON Vicar
    William MINTERNE }
    Mell COX } Churchwardens [End of CLDS Image 2150]

1694 a Copy of the Register of ye Parish of ffordington for the year 1694


Buried [Start of CLDS Image 2151]

Elizabeth SERJEANT June 9th

Edith WEECH August 3rd

Mary REASON Sept 4th

Elizabeth BELMAN Sept 28th

Anne MOORE Oct br 9th

Elizabeth TRIPP Oct br 23rd

Jonathan PARKER Oct br 26th

John FFRANCES ffeb ry 29th

    Henry ROBINSON Vicar
    William MINTERNE }
    Mell COX } Churchwardens [End of CLDS Image 2151]

1695 A Copy of the Register of ye Parish of ffordington for the year 1695

Buried [Start of CLDS Image 2152]

James HOAR April 1st

Henry BUTT April 4th

John ARNOLD April 6th [Note:- See Wills Index 1696]

Jane BARTLETT May 15th [Note:- This is thought to be the death of the widow Jane BARTLETT that was granted a  Letter of Administration dated 3rd Aug 1661  for her husband Robert BARTLETT's estate]

John CAPPOCK July 28th

Cassandra REASON July 30th

Richard SMITH Augst 14th

Mary PITFIELD Augst 15th [Note:- Mary (Maria) PITFIELD was last of 6 children of Sebastion PITFIELD (1632-1702) by his wife Christian MEADON (1641-1715) she was baptised at Broadmayne on 15th Dec 1685 shortly before the family came to settle in Fordington]

John KEYTES Augst 22nd

Deborah LOVELACE Sept br 1st

Elizabeth BARTLET Sept br 29th [Note:- No Known Association]

Jonas DENNIS Septbr 29th

Reuben PHILPOT Octbr 18th

Hannah JAMES Octbr 7th

Mary EAMES Octbr 13th

John BUNN Octbr 21st

John BULLON Novbr 3rd

Mary WIGGINS Decbr 15th

Phillip CHURCHILL Decbr 16th [Note:- 5th child of Francis Churchill (1660-1731) and Eleanor (d. 1699/1700)]

Robert PARKER Decbr 21st

Jo'n : [John] MILBOURN Decbr 30th [Note:- See Wills index for Dorchester for his nuncupative will dated 30th June 1695 proved by his widow Mary MILBORNE who was granted administration of his estate on 14th July 1696]

Thomas JONES Jany 30th

Elizabeth HAYTHORN ffebry 28th [Note:- See Wills Index 1696]

Anne LONG March 2nd

Sarah MANWELL March 5th

Elizabeth LINNINGTON March [Note illegible paper fold] [Note:- See Wills Index 1693 for Inventory for Elizabeth Lillington 1696 & Will 1701]

Susanne MAYNARD March [Note illegible paper fold]

    Henry ROBINSON Vicar
    Simon BALE }
    Mell COX } Churchwardens [End of CLDS Image 2152]

1696 A Copy of the Register of the Parish of ffordington for ye year 1696

[Return in Poor condition and badly written] [CLDS Image 2153]


Elizabeth BUTT March 20th

Ambrose WAY April 16th

Mary HODGES June 16th ?

Rebekah GREYJune 21st

Jum? [John?] HUTTON v? John Sept 6th

Margory MEADER Sept 7th

Jane BELBIN Sept 7th

Ian? BELL or BELLING Sept 7th

Mary EAMES Sept ?th

Anne PIGOTT? Oct br 6 th

Sarah ADA ? March 14 th

Elizabeth MANUEL March 24 th

    Henry ROBINSON Vicar
    Simon BALE }
    Mell COX } Churchwardens [End of CLDS Image 2153]

1697 Missing

1698 A Copy of the Register of ye Parish of ffordington for the year of our Lord 1698


Buried [Start of CLDS Image 2154]

Anne daughter of Robt: [Robert] LETSON March 25th

Elenor SWAN June 4th

Reginald WYATT June 30th

Jonathan HOLLAND Novbr 9th

Henry TRIPP Novbr 24th

Richard FFREKE Decbr 7th

Margaret BUNN Janry 3rd

Hannah BUNN Jan ry 28 th [Note:- Thought to be Hannah the daughter of William BUNN and beneficiary under his will dated 26th Dec 1679]

John ALLEN ffebry 4th See Wills Index 1698 not yet transcribed

    [Signed ]
    Henry ROBINSON Vicar
    Mell COX } Churchwardens
    Simon BALE } [End of CLDS Image 2154]

1699 A Copy of ye Register of ye Parish of ffordington for the year 1699


Buried [Start of CLDS Image 2155 & 2156]

Sebastian HUNT April 3rd

Richard KING May 3rd

Elizabeth ARDEN May 28th

Anne COLLINS June 4th

Mable BUNN June 19th

John HALL July 29th

John MANYNARD August 15th

Elizabeth BUNN Oct br 8th

Rebekah POPLAR Oct b 8th

John POPLAR Oct b 15th

Thomas ROBINSON Nov 17th [Note:- 7th child from the marriage of Rev.Henry ROBINSON to Hannah THORNBURGH at Owermoigne 7th June 1683]

Henry ROBINSON Janry 3rd [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Rev.Henry ROBINSON to Hannah THORNBURGH at Owermoigne 7th June 1683]

Joan HUNT Janry 11th [See Wills Index for a transcriptrion of her will. She was the widow of Robert HUNT (1633-1675) ] [End of CLDS Image 2155]

Elenor CHURCHILL ffebry 20th [Note:- Wife of Francis Churchill (1660-1731)]

Margaret SQUIBB March 11th

William HUTTON March 18th

    Henry ROBINSON Vicar
    Mell COX
    Simon BALE [End of CLDS Image 2156]

1700 A Copy of the Register of ye Parish of Fordington in ye year 1700


Buried [Start of CLDS Image 2161]

John GREENING May 5 th

John CHOUNT May 28th

John DIFFEY June 11th

Rebekah SNOOK June 19th

Anne FFRAMPTON June 22nd

Roger ARNOLD July 24th

Honour DOWLE Oct 10 th

William SEGAR [SEAGER] Nov 2nd

Mary GREENING Dec12th

Margaret ROBINSON Ffebry 3rd [Note:- 10th child from the marriage of Rev.Henry ROBINSON to Hannah THORNBURGH at Owermoigne 7th June 1683]

Joseph SEGAR [SEAGER] March 8th

    Henry ROBINSONVicar
    John SEAGER
    William MILTERNE [Start of CLDS Image 2161]

1701 A Copy of the Register of ye Parish of Fordington in ye year 1701


Buried [Start of CLDS Image 2162]

Susan MORGAN April 20th

Eliz: [ Elizabeth ] STURGEON May 2nd [Note Baptised 26th March 1701]

Joan SCRIVEN May 18th

Eliz: [ Elizabeth ] HAYSOM May 2st

Philip SWAN Aug 13th [See Wills Index 1701]

Jane KING August 2st

Robert BURD Sept 1th

Henry TAPP Sept 14th

Tho: [Thomas] WOOLFRIES Sept 25th

Jane STEVENS Sept 27th

Dorothy HUNT Oct 2nd

Will: [William] WYATT Nov 12th [See Wills Index 1702]

Mary BUNN Dec 2nd

Thomas SNOOK Dec10th [See Wills Index 1701]

Deborah COMBS Jany 15th

Jane DEEK Jany 25th

Will: [William] FFRAMPTON Jany 29th

Robert BUNN Jany 30th

Robert BELK March 10th [See Wills Index 1702]

Will BASCOMBE March 26th

    Signed William INNS Vicar; ibdm [latin abbreviation for ibidem meaning at or in the same place]
    William MINTERN }
    John SEAGER } Churchwardens [End of CLDS Image 2162]

1702 A Copy of the Register of ye Parish of Fordington in ye year 1702

Buried [Start of CLDS Image 2163]

John ARDEN buried March 27th

Sebastian PITFIELD April 16th [ Sebastian PIFIELD (1632-1702) husband of Christian MEADON (c1641-1715) 1st Family to live in Fordington from 1685. - also see Wills Index 1702]

Jonathan EAMES May 6th [See Wills Index 1702] Note: Jonathan Eames was the son of John Eames & baptised in Fordington 14 Sep 1628

Mary FFREAKE May 8th

Robt. [Robert] GOULD buried May 12th

John BIRD May 12th

Mack: [Makias] BRINE May 17th

Joseph BISHOP June 11th

Robt [Robert] WINDSOR June 13th

Sarah daughter of John WIGGONS July 6th

Thomas son of Ffrancis CHURCHILL Aug 2nd [Note:- 6th child of Francis Churchill (1660-1731) and Eleanor (d. 1699/1700)]

James son of James and Susana ALLEN Aug 8th

Reuben son of Reuben and Mary PHIPPARD Aug 8th

Anne BISHOP widow Nov: 9th

John son of Mary WAYLAND Nov 22nd

Hugh MANUELL Dec 1st

Robt [Robert] [illegible folded over]

Henry DIPP Dec 6th

Edward CHURCHILL Dec 9th [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Francis CHURCHILL to Mary BUGG his 2nd wife at FStG 24th June 1700. Edward was bap FStG 9th Jun 1701]

[Illegible folded over] BROWN? Dec 14th [End of CLDS Image 2163]

Joseph LETTON Ffeb 10th [Start of CLDS Image 2164]

Thomas & Susanna son and daughter of Wm [William] and Edith Ffeb 28 th [Note no surname is given in burials but baptised Feb 17th 1702 surname HUNTER ]

Humphrey COWHERD March 5th

Wm [William] FREAKE buried March 17th  [See Wills Index 1702]

    [Signed ]
    William INNS Vicar;
    John SEAGER
    William MINTERN Churchwardens [End of CLDS Image 2164]

1703 A True Copy of the Register of ye Parish of Ffordington in the County of Dorset AD:1703

Buried [Start of CLDS Image 2165 - duplicate 2167]

Margaret WYATT Wid: [widow] Buried March 29th [See Wills Index 1703]

Mary TAPP buried May 2nd

Mary the wife of Robt [Robert] TAPP was buried May 13th

Willm [William] DOWLE was Buried June 22nd

Margaret bastard child of Tabitha BARTLETT buried Aug: 27th [Note:-Margaret the daughter of Tabitha BARTLET was Bapt FStG April 12th. No known Association]

Rob [Robert] BUNN buried Aug: 1st

Willm [William] TAPP was buried Sept 5th

Mary TUCKER wid: [widow] ? buried Oct:25th [See Wills Index 1703]

Joanna RASKER was buried Oct:26th

Robert HALL was buried Nov:1st [End of CLDS Images 2165 & duplicate 2167 & Start of 2166]

Anne BARTLET wid [widow] of Dorchester was buried Jan: 31st [Note:- No known Association]

Anne ALLEN was buried Jan:31st

Patience BUNN was buried March 13th

    Signed William INNS Vicar;
    William MINTERN
    & John SEAGER Churchwardens [End of CLDS Image 2166]

    1704 & 1705 Are Missing from the Bishops Transcripts [The following note has been added at this point [CLDS Image 2168]
    1705 the 15 th April - is the date of commencement of the original register now preserved at Fordington
    R: Grosvenor BARTELET Vicar 1906
    [End of Bishops Transcripts]

    Note:- The death by public execution of Mary CHANNING (1687-1705/6) daughter of Richard BROOKES of Dorchester wife of Richard CHANNING a grocer in Fordington took place on 21 March 1704/5. She was found guilty of poisoning him and executed in the Mambury Rings Fordington by being strangled and then burnt at the stake.]
    Note:- The Will & Inventory of John BENNETT or BONNETT of Fordington and a Letter of Administration with an Inventory for William ELSWOOD of Fordington survive at the Wiltshire Archives I am happy to transcribe if anybody has a copy]

1705 from the Parish Registers

Notes for 1705 :-There is an Inquisition document at the Dorset History center into the death of a John PERRY of Fordington for the year 1705 which is not listed below - Archive Ref D/FIL/X8
    27 Apr 1705 Hannah FREAK buried
    17 May 1705 Joanna DEVENISH buried
    26 July 1705 Peter the son of John & Mary LOCK buried
    23 Aug 1705 Mary daughter of William & Elizabeth HARDY buried
    28 Aug 1705 Joseph CHOUNT buried [Note:- NBI incorrectly have surname as CHAUNT]
    31 Aug 1705 James son of John & Susanna SEAGER buried
    23 Sep 1705 Mary wife of John LOCKE buried
    07 Dec 1705 Elizabeth daughter of William INNS and Susanna his wife buried
      NOTE:- NBI Incorrectly has a burial for 17 Dec 1705 Elizabeth LITTLE - this is a baptism and on the17th Jan 1705
      NOTE:- NBI Incorrectly has a burial for 28 Jan 1705 William INNS - this is a baptism
    10 Feb 1705 John son of John SEAGER buried
    10 Mar 1705 Mary daughter of John LOCKE buried
    28 Mar 1705 Anne wife of Mr. William SEAGER buried

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