
St George's Church Burials 1764 - 1799

© Transcribed from BT's by Michael Russell OPC for Fordington in 2007 from CLDS film 1279497
[Transcribers comments are in brackets in italics - 870 Burials]

Last updated Sep 2024

St George's Church Fordington © Michael Russell FIPD


The original registers for this period exist in the Dorset Registry Office & there appear to be some original transcription errors between those records and the Bishops Transcripts transcribed here which were done in some cases several years later by the vicar. The originals need to be transcribed, any additional information added including missing years, and corrections made where appropriate.

There is an added problem in that one image 4205261_00018 has been filmed out of sequence as it has no heading and the researchers clearly did not know at that time to which year it related. These entries have been moved from 1761 to their correct position in 1764 as annotated below. At the request of the Church of Latter day Saints I have added image ref numbers from the discs they sent to us so that entries can be more easily identified.

In the early years the records are badly damaged and difficult to read and where this is the case I have tried to verify names against the marriage or other registers to improve accuracy and cross referenced. They are also composite registers with a column down one side indicating whether the entry is a baptism, marriage or burial. Where this edge is missing it is not always possible to be sure whether an entry is a baptism or a burial. Baptisms are also in the IGI and were taken from original registers so I have added any additional information available and annotated accordingly.

In the late 1790's there was a large influx of Militia men to the Fordington Barracks which led to many marriages to local girls. See my comments under “Overseers Accounts 1798-1802 regarding the Militia and the rebellion of 1798. Fordington High Street was also a continuation from the lower end of Dorchester and many couples married in one and raised families in the other. In transcribing these registers I became aware of many such associations and have therefore added comment where appropriate.

I have also now [August 2010] checked against the National Burial Index which was taken from original registers not the BT's and re checked images where there are differences between our transcriptions. The originals still need to be checked but this process has helped improve accuracy of my own transcriptions and correctly identify whether a baptisms or a burial and also provide names where they are illegible in the BT return. Where because of 10 years research I know the family name and it is clearly incorrect in the NBI transcription I have said it is incorrect but it is always best to check originals where you can and in no way implies a criticism of previous transcriptions as the process is at times extremely difficult and we are all doing the best we can.

    [Start of CLDS Image 4205261_00026]

1764 [Continued from 1763]

Jane daughter of James & Elizabeth WELLSTROME January 8 [NBI has surname WELLSTRUM - Note:- I cannot locate a family of this name; See comments against baptism of Elizabeth her sister 15th May 1758 - I think this is actually the death of Jane the daughter of James & Elizabeth WELLSPRING who was baptised 2nd July 1762 and is known to have died prior to 21 Aug 1768 when they renamed the next girl Jane again]

Catherine WINZAR January 16 [NBI incorrectly has 22nd January which is the date of the next entry in the Bishops Transcripts return - Catherine WINZAR nee SEAL 1st wife of Leonard WINZAR whom she married at FStG 1st Jan 1746]

William son of William & Elizabeth JACOB January 22 [NBI has 26th January which is the date of the next entry in the BT return]

Cicely SEALL January 26

Israel SHEPHERD February 1

William son of William & Sarah SEALL February 9 [Omitted from the NBI]

Ann daughter of William & Sarah SEALL February 16 [NBI has the preceding date of 9 Feb?]

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00026 & Start of Image 00027]

William son of Joseph & Elizabeth BISHOP February 16 [Note:- 3rd Child from marriage of Joseph BISHOP to Elizabeth ADAMS at FStG on 13th Oct 1760]

Elizabeth TRIPP February 19

Joseph MUNDEN February 23

Harry [Henry] son of Harry [Henry] & Ann HUNT March 7 [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of Henry HUNT (1725-1761) to Ann WHITLE at FStG on 19-Aug 1753]

Samuel son of Samuel & Jane MORGAN March 7 [Note child of Samuel Morgan 'a soldier or marine' at Fordington Barracks who married in All Saints church Dorchester by licence on 12th Nov 1758 to Jane ALLEN]

William son of Maccabeus & Bursheba [Basheba] BRINE March 11 [Note; Think this is Makias Brine and Bathsheba Gray who married Fordington 21 Dec 1739?]

Rachel Daughter of John & Elizabeth MANUEL March 14

Mary Daughter of Joseph & Mary MUNDEN March 14

Margaret Daughter of Elizabeth ELLIOT a Stranger March 17

Mary OBOURN March 18

Anne Daughter of William & Sarah GALPINE [GALPEN] March 27 [Note: Baptised March 6th ] [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of William GALPIN (1740-1818) and Sarah MASTERS at St Georges Church Fordington on 25 Apr 1763]

Sarah BURNET a Strange Child [Note: meaning not of this parish] April 5

Bernard son of John & Sarah MASTERS April 15

Anne PHELPS April16

Rebecca Daughter of John & Elizabeth INGRAM April 22

Mary LUCAS May 3

Mary Lester Daughter of Phillip & Elizabeth WINZER May 7 [Note 2nd child from the marriage of Philip WINZAR to Elizabeth Lester at St Georges Church in Fordington on 31Mar 1757]

Mary HODDER May 8

Edward son of John & Sarah LOCK May 8

John son of John & Mary LUCAS May 10

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00027 ]

    [Start of CLDS Image 4205261_00018 - IMAGE OUT OF SEQUENCE]
    [New page - Note no heading to indicate the year - clearly filmed out of sequence as dates between images 17 and 19 run consecutively - The National Burial Index has these burials as 1764 and was transcribed from the original registers not the Bishops Transcripts so is more likely to be correct. There is also a gap in the burials for 1764 into which these entries fit neatly. Also see comments on burial of Caleb Clothey [Clothyer] below which shows marriage and baptism after 1761 - I have therefore moved all these entries from 1761 to 1764 ]

Thomas son of John & Mary LUCAS May 17

Mary Daughter of Daniel & Sarah STILES May 17

Mary Daughter of William & Mary LUCASS May 17

Francis JACKSON A Stranger June 3

William BARTLETT June 4 [Note:- Not so far associated with any other record]

Charles son of Charles & Susannah LEGG June 17

Mary Wife of Robt [Robert] POPE of Urploole? June 24

Jane Daughter of John & Ann SARJEANT July 2

Caleb Son of Caleb & Ann CLOTHEY July 4 [Note a Caleb Clothyer and Ann Bishop - both of Bishops Candle - married in Fordington on 15 May 1762 - Caleb their son was baptised there 13th May 1763 - NBI has recorded Calbeb CLOTHER]

John son of Thomas and Mary ASH July 18 [NBI has date 10th July]

John HITCHCOCK July 26


    S BANCKS Clerk

    James BROOKE Churchwardens

    Mr TERRELL [Thomas Terrell ]

    [Start of CLDS Image 4205261_00029]

    1764 Cont: A True & Perfect Register of all Marriages Baptisms & Burials in ye Parish of Fordington in the County of Dorset Beginning in ye year of our Lord 1764

Jane LOCK September 5

John son of James CHRISTOPHER September 13 [Note Baptised 14 Sep 1761]

Hannah VINCENT October 14

Mary Daughter of William & Hannah FLIP November 16

1765 AD [Ad = Anno Domini “In the year of our Lord” Continued on same page from 1764]

Margery SCUMBERSHALL January 9 [Note: This is the death of the wife of Richard Cumbershall who married Margery Churchill in Fordington on 28 May 1749]

Alexander CREST January 31 [NBI incorrectly has surname as GRIST - See comments about this family name under baptisms for 27 Nov 1737]

Sarah LINNINGTON February 5 [NBI incorrectly has surname as LUNINGTON]

Mary WHITE April 2

Mary BISHOP April 10

Joseph son of Matthew & Elizabeth GARLAND April 23

Elizabeth BUSSELL May 7

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00029 & Start of Image 00030]

Jno [John] TYZARD June 25

Lawrence MILLER July 21 [Note:-Entry in the General Quarter Sessions Order Books - held at Bridport on Tuesday the eigth of Oct 1765:- "This Court dith order the Western Treasurer of the county Stock for this County to pay unto Samuel SLADE one of the Coroners of our Lord the King for the said County of Dorset the sum of £5.14s.6d for taking four Inquisitions on view of the several bodies of "Lawrence MILLER at Forthington [Fordington] a person unknown at a field called Coc Lon within the parish of Corsecombe ; etc" ]

Wm [William] Son of Thomas & Mary REASON July 28 [Note: Baptised May 19th 1765]

Thomas Son of Thomas & Mary WHITE October 16

Sarah Daughter of Thomas & Elioner BRINE November 14

A Soldier December 8

1766 AD [Ad = Anno Domini “In the year of our Lord” Continued on same page from 1765]

Edward WILLIAMS January 9

Jane MUDFORD February 9

James WILLIAMS Senior February 26

Grace STEVENS aged 80 years [i.e. born abt 1686] March 16

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00030 & Start of Image 00031]

Thomas BISHOP March 23

Mary Daughter of Jonathan & Mary FUDGE April 27 [Note: Baptised March 11 1766 - 3rd child from the marriage of Jonathan FUDGE & Mary LOCK married 16-Apr 1759]

Wm [William] Son of Wm [William] & Sarah SEALL May 25 [Note Baptised March 4 1764]

Rebecca JACOB July 6 [Note:-Rebecca JACOB (1729-1766) nee SPARKS wife of John JACOB Junior who had married at Stinsford on 8 Nov 1750]

Jno[John] Son of Thomas & Elizabeth HORDEN July 7 [NBI has surname HARDEN]

Ann Daughter of Wm [William] & Elizabeth PRESSLEY July 27 [Note: baptised July167 1766] [Note: William Presly of Holy Trinity Dorchester married Elizabeth Serjeannt in Fordington 20 Oct 1765]

Wm [William] Son of Mr. Wm [William] & Ann TEMPLEMAN July 29

Elizabeth Daughter of Thomas & Ann SEALL July 29 [Note Thomas Seall married Anne Parker in Fordington 8 Jan 1765]

Jno [John] Son of Edward & Rachel BISHOP August 26 [Note: baptised June 22 1766] [Note an Edward Bishop married a Rachel Loyd in All Saints Dorchester 18 Nov 1764]

Wm [William] Son of Wm [William] & Ann JACOB October 3 [Not in NBI]

Thomas GILLAM October 16

Richard Son of Thomas & Susannah TERRELL October 16 [NBI has surname TYRREL]

Wm [William] Son of Wm [William] & Mary BARCKLET [NBI has BARTLETT] October 29 [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of William BARTLETT to the widow Mary JOHNSON at St Peters Church Dorchester on 2nd March 1766]

Robert MUDFORD November 22

1767 AD [Ad = Anno Domini “In the year of our Lord” Continued on same page from 1766]

Rachel CHANNING Widow January 30

Edward son of Edward & Elizabeth LESTER February 25 [Note:- baptised 11th Sep 1760]

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00031 & Start of Image 00032]

Jno [John] PARKER March 18

George THORNE March 29

Jno [John] SYMS [SYMES] of Dorchester April 3 [Note:- See Wills index for Dorchester for his will dated 4th Feb 1767 + Codicil 5th Feb 1767 which was proved 12th May 1767]

Solomon HYNE April 12

George SQUIB Sen [Senior] May 20

Elizabeth ALLEN May 24

Jane BONNITT May 25 [ See Wills Index for 1767]

Sarah Daughter of Edward & Mary WHORE July 16 [NBI incorrectly has surname WHORNE]

Elizabeth Daughter of Thomas & Mary REASON August 2 [Note Baptised November 10 1766]

Elizabeth Baseborn Daughter of Jane MIDDLETON August 30 [Note: Baptised April 27 176]

Mr Wm [William] BRYER of Dorchester September 14


    Nath: [Nathaniel] TEMPLEMAN Curate

    Jam: [James] BROOKE Chh [Church] Warden

    Thos [Thomas] TERRELL

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00032 & Start of Image 00034]

    1767 Continued This is a True & Perfect copie of ye Registers of Fordington in ye County of Dorsett, of all Marriages, Baptisms & Burials & Other memorable accidents since ye last Visitation. Being ye 17th of September 1767

Ann VOSS Widow aged 85 [i.e. born about 1682] October 2

Wm [William] son of Jno [John] & Sarah LOCK October 11

Rebecca Daughter of Mr. Isaac & Meriam SPARKS November 6 [Note: Rebecca was baptised in the Presbyterian Church in Pease Lane Dorchester on 25 May 1767 the daughter of Mr Isaac SPARKS (1727-1788) by his 2nd wife Meriam nee MANUEL]

Mary Daughter of Thomas & Elenor BRINE December 2

Martha Daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth BEDLOW December 14


Samuel BEDLOW of Dorchester aged 82 [i.e. born about 1686] January 10

Richard son of Richard & Mary STEVENS January 17

Hannah LOVELACE Widow March 20

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00034 & Start of Image 00035]

Jno [John] ye Baseborn son of Martha LYDE April 3 [Note Baptised March 30 1768]

Jno [John] ye son of Jno [John] & Elizabeth MATTOCK April 13

James ACTON May 8

Thomas ye Son of William & Jane DAVIS June 6

John ye Son of William & Ann JACOB July 31

John ye son of William & Elizabeth SEALL July 31

George ye son of William & Sarah SEALL August 4

John FREEKE [Freak?] August 21

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00035 & Start of Image 00036]

Grace BEST was buried December 15

Elizabeth DILLER was buried December 23

Dorothy STROUD Widow was buried December 23


Ann GALPIN an infant was buried January 12 [Note:- - 3rd child from the marriage of William GALPIN (1740-1818) and Sarah MASTERS at St Georges Church Fordington on 25 Apr 1763]

Philip WINZER was buried February 19 [Note Philip WINZER Senior (bur.1769) the husband of Elizabeth nee LESTER who he had married at Fordington on 31st March 1757]

William Ingram ye Baseborn son of Elizabeth BAILEY April 4 [Note:- The second Christian name "INGRAM" is likely to have been the Surname of the father]

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00036 & Start of Image 00037]

Joseph ye son of Joseph & Elizabeth BISHOP April 11 [Note:- 5th Child from marriage of Joseph BISHOP to Elizabeth ADAMS at FStG on 13th Oct 1760]

Margaret INGRAM June 4

Joseph ye Son of Joseph & Elizabeth LOVELACE June 26

Eleanor ye Daughter of John & Eleanor POND August 27 [Note: John Pond married Eleanor Presly in Fordington on 1 Feb 1756]

James ye Son of John & Elizabeth SWYER Sen [Senior] September 8

Thomas SYMS September 20

Charles PAYN October 8

Elizabeth PRESLY October 24

Rachel ye Daughter of James & Susannah LYDE October 27

Sarah Daughter of John & Susannah VINCENT November 23 [Note Baptised 19 November 1769]

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00037 & Start of Image 00038]

James ye Son of David & Mary ALLEN December 17


Elizabeth ye Daughter of John & Charity MATTHEWS January 25 [Note Elizabeth appears to have been Baptised 17 Nov 1769 in Melcombe Regis]

Mary DOWL Widow aged 80 [i.e. born about 1690] February 23 [NBI has surname DOWEL]

Sarah Daughter of Jno [John] & Elizabeth MATTOK [i.e. MATTOCK] March 7 [Note:- Baptised 28 May 1767]

James HUNT (aged 80) [i.e. born about 1690] April 11

Robert BELLMAN (aged 80) [i.e. born about 1690] April 20

Elizabeth ye Daughter of Barnard GALE April 20

John ye Son of John & Mary GREENING April 23

Lucy ye Wife of Samuel MATTOCK April 24

Richard ye son of Richard & Mary WHITE April 26

Jane ye Daughter of Richard & Mary WHITE May 1 [NBI has date May 3 see next entry]

George PRYER May 3 [NBI has date May 1st?]

Isaac ye son of Joseph & Sarah BONNETT May 6 [Note Baptised 10 July 1767]

Elizabeth ye wife of Nathaniel SPARKS May 9 [Note:- Elizabeth nee Mitchell was the wife of Nathaniel Sparks (c1713-1779) who left a Will]

John ye Son of Samuel & Lucy MATTOCK May 13

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00038 & Start of Image 00039]

John POND May 23

Robert ye Son of Melchesideck & Elizabeth HYND June 29 [NBI has surname HYNE - Note: Melchisedec is a biblical name meaning 'King of Justice']

[Blank space] Buried July 25

Mary LESTER Widow August 5 [ See Wills Index for 1770]

William ye son of Thomas & Ann SEALL August 27

Ann ye Daughter of William & Mary WEBBER September 14

Mary ye Daughter of George & Mary ADDAMS September 16


    exd [examined] by us

    Nath: [Nathaniel] TEMPLEMAN Curate

    Jam: [James] BROOKE Chh [Church] Warden

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00039 & Start of Image 00041]

    1770 Continued: A True & Perfect Register of all Marriages Baptisms & Burials and other Memorable accidents in ye Parish of Fordington in ye County of Dorset Beginning in ye year of our Lord 1770

Edmund BRYER October 10 [Note:- See Wills index for Nuncupative Will - died 5th Oct 1770 3 oclock in the afternoon]

Thomas ye son of Thomas & Mary ASH December 18


Thomas DENNIS January 11

Humphrey COWARD January 17

Joanah DENNISS February 8

John MATTOCK February 14

John HOLLARD March 22 [NBI has surname HELLARD]

Ann GILLAM Widow April 17

Elizabeth ye Wife of William BELBEN April 19

John NELSON April 20

Mary ye Daughter of David & Jane CASHER April 21 [Note:- 2nd known child from the marriage of David CASHER to Jane WILLIAMS at Charminster on 16th June 1766]

Deborah ye wife of Moses BEDLOW May [illegible NBI has May 7 ]

Hannah MINTON [Note Date missing due to water damage - NBI has surname MINTEN and date May 16]

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00041 & Start of Image 00042]

Melchisedec HYNE May 26 [Note: husband of Elizabeth Vincent married in Fordington on 2 Feb 1761 - NBI incorrectly has Meleahisedee which is not a real name - Melchisedec is a biblical name meaning 'King of Justice']

Mary RYAL May 24 [NBI has surname ROYAL]

John MANUEL July 31

William COOMBS (aged 85) [i.e. born about 1686] September 29

Robert the son of Robert & Jane PROUSE October 4

Mary HYNE (aged 68) [i.e. born about 1703] November 22


A Poor Woman left sick in ye field & died in the workhouse January 14

Wm [William] ye son of Wm [William] & Ann SEALL (an infant) January 15 [Note Baptised 4 March 1764]

Mary WALKER (age 49 or 89) January 19

William BARTLETT (age 60) [i.e. born about 1712] January 29 [Note:- William BARTLETT (1711/12- 1772) was baptised at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 3rd Jan 1711 the son of William and Mary BARTLETT. He was the husband of Mary BARTLETT, previously JOHNSON nee GALE ]

Elizabeth ye wife of Edward ADDAMS (23) [i.e. born about 1749] February 4

Mary BARTLETT Widow (aged 89) [i.e. born about 1683] February 12 [Note:- Mary BARTLETT (1683-1772) widow of William BARTLETT (1671-1741/2) who was also buried at FStG 10th Feb 1741/2 ]

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00042 & Start of Image 00043]

James SALISBURY (aged 70) [i.e. born about 1702] March 5 [NBI has date 4 Mar]

John SEALL (aged 33) [i.e. born about 1739] March 8 [BT's have John BALL]

Mary SQUIB Widow (aged 84) [i.e. born about 1688] April 24

James ye S [Son] of Edward & Joan CHAFFEY (aged 27) May 4 [Note:- 3rd child of Edward CHAFFEY by his wife Joan ]

Thomas ye son of Joseph & Grace SEALL (aged 9) May 31

Ann WHESTON August 8

Thomas ROWLES August 9 [Note:- See Wills index for Letter of Administration granted to his widow Elizabeth dated 22nd Dec 1722]

Elizabeth MANUEL August 13

Mary ye wife of Leonard WINZOR November 26 [Note:- Leonard WINZER married Mary WARREN at Fordington on 26th May 1772]

Sarah ye D [Daughter] of James & Elizabeth WELLSPRING December 6 [Note:- 8th of 12 children of James WELLSPRING [1732/3-1813] and Elizabeth LESTER [1736/7-1782]

Grace NORMAN (Aged 61) [i.e. born about 1711] December 7

Moses BEDLOW (Aged 62) [i.e. born about 1710] December 11


Robert SEAGER January 17

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00043 & Start of Image 00044]

John ye S [Son] of John & Rebecca NORMAN February 16

Mary ye D [Daughter] of James & Elizabeth VALLENCE February 17 [NBI has Margery VALLENS] [Note:- child from the marriage of James VALLENS of Fordington & Elizabeth HILL at West Stafford on 26th Jan 1762]

Meriam ye D [Daughter] of James & Elizabeth VALLENCE February 17 [NBI has Miriam VALLENS][Note:- child from the marriage of James VALLENS of Fordington & Elizabeth HILL at West Stafford on 26th Jan 1762]

Sarah LOCK (Aged 48) [i.e. born about 1725] February 21 [NBI has surname LOCL]

John ye Son of John & Elizabeth WINZOR May 31 [Note:- Eldest known child of John and Elizabeth WINZOR]

John Banfield BRYER (Aged 28) [i.e. born about 1745] June 15

Ann DIFFEW Widow June 18 [NBI has surname [NBI has surname DIFFEY]

James HUNT (aged 49) [i.e. born about 1724] June 26 [Probably the James HUNT where Letter of Administration granted to his widow Mary on 1st March 1774 who at that time was recorded as being of St peters Church Dorchester. See Dorchester Wills Index]

Wm [William] FUDGE (Aged 74) [i.e. born about 1699] August 11 [Note:- William FUDGE Senior [1699-1773] husband of Mary Nee HALL whom he married at FStG on 7th May 1724]

Samuel ye Son of Wm [William] & Susannah WOODROW August 18

Harry JACOB Sen [Senior] (Aged 72) [i.e. Born about 1701] September 5

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00044 & Start of Image 00045]


    Nath: [Nathaniel] TEMPLEMAN Curate

    Jam: [James] BROOKE Chh [Church] Warden

    Tho: [Thomas] TERRELL C [Church] Warden

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00045 & Start of Image 00046]

    A True & Perfect Copy of ye Register of all Marriages, Baptisms & Burialls & other memorable Accidents in ye Parish of Fordington in ye County of Dorset Beginning in ye year of our Lord 1773

Rebeccah ye D [Daughter] of Isaac & Miriam SPARKES September 17

    [Note:- Rebecca was the 2nd child of that name born to Mr Isaac SPARKS (1727-1788) Gentleman of Fordington by his 2nd wife Miriam nee MANUEL. The 1st Rebecca was buried in Fordington on 6 Nov 1767. This Rebecca was baptised in the Presbyterian church in Pease Lane Dorchester on 27 Oct 1770]

Mary ye D [Daughter] of Edward & Joan CHAFFEY September 24 [Note:- 6th child from the marriage of Edward CHAFFEY to his wife Joan]

Joseph ye S [Son] of William & Elizabeth SEAL October 6

James ye S [Son] of Caleb & Ann CLOTHIER November 10

Ann ACTON Widow November 13

Mary ye D [Daughter] of John & Ann LESTER November 16

John SILK A Stranger November 23

George ye S [Son] of George & Mary ADAMS December 17

Mary ye D [Daughter] of George & Ann GUPPEY December 21

John ye S [Son] of John & Mary MATTHEWS December 27 [Surname illegible on BT's]

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00046 & Start of Image 00047]


Leonard ye S [Son] of Robert & Elizabeth WINZOR January 9

Samuel ye S [Son] of Samuel & Rebecca HAYNE January 14 [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Samuel HAYNE of the parish of Holy Trinity & Rebecca TILLY of the parish of Piddletown who married at HT on 28-Jan 1773]

Sarah TIZARD January 20

Sarah BRYER Widow January 23

Rebecca ye wife of Robert POUNCEY Junr [junior] March 9

William DART April 19 [Note:- husband of Sarah nee Pedham - they married at Stinsford on 30th May 1737]

Elizabeth OTTER (Age 65) [i.e. born about 1709] May 17  [ See Wills Index for 1775 under OTTELER]]

Thomas LOCK May 20

Elizabeth D [Daughter] of William & Elizabeth CAVE May 29

Susannah ye D [Daughter] of Edward & Elizabeth FOSTER June 5

James LOYD June 24

The Revd. Mr. William Floyer BROOKE Revd of Compton June 27

    [William Floyer BROOKE BA (1750-1774) was the son of James BROOKE of Dorchester and matriculated at Worcester College Oxford on 3 March 1767 at the age of 17 being awarded his BA in 1771. He was ordained a priest at Bristol 21 Sep 1772 and licenced as curate of Compton Valance 4 days later with an annual stipend of £30. He was made Rector there 21 Sep 1773 but as shown here died in 1774 still only aged 24 and in the year he would have normally obtained his MA from university]

Amye ye D [Daughter] of Thomas & Mary REASON July 10 [Note baptised February 13 1774]

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00047 & Start of Image 00048]

James BURNHAM (a stranger) September 6

John LESTER September 25

James HYNE October 28 [NBI has surname HAYNES]

Harry TONGKENS (Aged 66) [i.e. born about 1708] November 16 [NBI has surname TOMKINS]

John INGRAM Sen [Senior] (Aged 85) [i.e. born about 1689] November 18 [NBI has his age as 75?]

Ann D [Daughter] of Nathaniel & Mary SEALL December 11

John ye S [Son] of Isaac & Miriam SPARKS December 16 [Note:- John was baptised in the Presbyterian Church in Pease Lane Dorchester on 20 Feb 1774 the son of Mr Isaac SPARKS (1727-1788) by his 2nd wife Miriam nee MANUEL]

Elizabeth ye D [Daughter] of John & Mary BARTLET December 28 [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of John BARTLETT to Mary KEATES who married at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 9th May 1769. Only known family of John and Mary at this time and other family burials at Fordington.]


Sarah ye D [Daughter] of Edward & Mary WHORE January 15

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00048 & Start of Image 00049]

Mary ye Wife of Nathaniel SEALL January 22

Samuel ye S [Son] of John & Elizabeth WINZOR February 7 [Note:- baptised 23rd May 1771 Link to more information about this family ]

Sarah ye D [Daughter] of John & Sarah FOSTER February 9

Mary NELSON Widow February 15 [Note:- NBI also gives her age as being 77 i.e. born c1698]

Ann Wife of Thomas SEAL February 16

Edward ye S [Son] of Jonathan & Mary FUDGE February 19 [Note: 5th child from the marriage of Jonathan FUDGE & Mary LOCK married 16-Apr 1759]

Richard SCORCE February 27

Ann ye D [Daughter] of Isaac & Ann NOAK March 2 [NBI has surname as NOCK but she was baptised as Ann NOKE in Fordington on 9 September 1770 ]

Mary ye D [Daughter] of Richard & Ann SCORCE March 22

Fanny ye D [Daughter] of John & Ann HARRIS March 23

Jane ye Wife of Robert PROUS March 28 [NBI more correctly has surname as PROUSE]

John ye S [Son] of John & Elizabeth WOOD April 4th

Elizabeth ye D [Daughter] of Robert & Jane PROUS April 9th [Note: NBI more correctly has surname as PROUSE - Elizabeth was baptised 5 Feb 1775 - Jane the mother was also buried 28 Mar 1775]

Richard ye S [Son] of William & Mary CLARK April 13

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00049 & Start of Image 00050]

Robert ye S [Son] of John & Susannah DIFFEW June 4 [NBI has surname DIFFEY]

Mary ye D [Daughter] of James & Jane HOGARD June 20 [NBI more correctly has surname as HAGARD]

William PARKER July 7

Mary TROAP July 13 [NBI has surname TREAT]

Giles COOMBS July 23

Joseph LOVELACE August 13 [ See Wills Index for 1775]

Nathaniel S [Son] of Nathaniel SPARKES August 14 [NBI has an annotation that this is an infant ][Note: 2nd child from the marriage of Nathaniel Sparks to Martha Chaffey in Fordington by licence on 20 Nov 1770]

Mary ye D [Daughter] of Thomas & Sarah DIFFEW August 16 [Note Mary was baptised 20 Mar 1774 under the surname DIFFEW but NBI has the surname as DIFFEY, which is also well known and perhaps a variation of the family name]

William ye S [Son] of John & Rebecca COX October 12

Mary ye D [Daughter] of Thomas & Hannah VALLENCE October 23 [Note:- child from the marriage of Thomas VALLENCE of Fordington to Hannah SKINNER at West Stafford on 11th Nov 1765]

Jane ye D [Daughter] of Samuel & Mary FAR October 26

John ye S [Son] of Francis & Virtue OLIVER November 8 [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Francis OLIVER to Virtue ALLEN at Stinsford 8th July 1794]

James H KEATE December 15

Deborah ye D [Daughter] of John & Susannah LUCAS December 24 October 15 [Note: Baptised Oct 15 1775]

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00050 & Start of Image 00051]


James ye S [Son] of Francis & Virtue OLIVER January 14 [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Francis OLIVER to Virtue ALLEN at Stinsford 8th July 1794]

Mary FUDGE Widow (Aged 80) [i.e. born about 1696] January 15 [Note:- Mary nee HALL widow of William FUDGE Senior (1699-1773) ]

Joseph CHRISTOPHER January 16 [Note:- Joseph was baptised Fordington 14 Sep 1748 the son of Charles CHRISTOPHER (1700-1791) and Elizabeth his wife and was the husband of Martha SIMMS whom he married in All Saints Dorchester on 28 June 1772]

Bathsheba BRINE February 8

John ye S [Son] of Isaac & Miriam SPARKS February 26 [Note:- John was the 2nd child of that name born to Mr Isaac SPARKS (1727-1788) Gentleman of Fordington by his 2nd wife Miriam nee MANUEL. The first John was buried 16 Dec 1774. I have not traced a baptism for the 2nd child]

[Note: -NBI has an additional entry for a William WOOLFREY March 31st but in BT's this is clearly a baptism the word burial having been crossed out]

Jane ye D [Daughter] of William & Martha NORRIS April 18 [Note: baptised March 17 1776] [Note:-5th child of William & Martha NORRIS who raised a family of 7 children in Fordington]

Grace ye D [Daughter] of John & Susannah VINCENT April 18 [Note baptised 18 Feb 1776]

Joseph ye S [Son] of John & Sarah WINZOR August 21

John COWARD Sen [senior] April 25

Thomas ye S [Son] of John & Rebecca COX May 19

Thomas WOOLFREY May 26

David CASHER July 26 [NBI has surname CASIER]

[End of CLDS Image 4205261_00051 & Start of Image 00052]

Jane ye D [Daughter] of Humfrey & Margaret MARDER August 27 [NBI has surname MARDEN but closest known families would be MEADER or MUNDEN?]

James ye S [Son] of Robert & Mary OBORN [or OBOURN] September 17 [Not in NBI - Note the father Robert was buried 28 Apr 1778]


    Nath: [Nathaniel] TEMPLEMAN Curate of Fordington

    Jam: [James] BROOKE Ch [Church] Warden

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00052 & Start of Image 00053]

    1776 [Continued] The True and Perfect Register of all marriages Baptisms and Burialls & other memorable accidents in the parish of Fordington in the County of Dorset Beginning 23 Sepr in the year of our Lord 1776

Amos STYLE September 30  [Note:- He married Mary PITFIELD (1721-1784) at St Georges Church 23rd Dec 1746 and died intestate - See Wills Index for Letter of Administration granted to his widow Mary at Dorchester on 28th Feb 1777]

Thomas KEY a Soldier in the Regiment of Dragoons October 4

Ann HARDY widow aged 89 [i.e. born about 1687] November 8

Jane the wife of James ALLEN December 29

Samuel the S [Son] of John & Elizabeth WINZOR December 31 [Note:- Child bap 23 May 1771 already buried 7th Feb 1775, think this should have been Samuel son of John & Sarah Winzor bap 11th Dec 1774]

    Baptised 27 Buried 20 [Actually only 19] in the year 1776


Eliz b [Elizabeth] CHURCHILL April 13

John COWARD April 15

Sarah WOOLFRY Widow April 29 [ See Wills Index for 1778]

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00053 & Start of Image 00054]

Robert the S [Son] of John & Ann LESTER June 16

Mary the D [Daughter] of Thomas & Mary LOCK July 15

Nathaniel SEAL July 20

Will m [William] S [Son] of John & Susannah LUCAS July 24 [Note: Baptised 20 April 1777]

Eliz h [Elizabeth] the wife of Tho [Thomas] NORMAN August 6

John DIFFEW September 17 [NBI has surname as DIFFEY]

Mary an infant of James & Jane HAZARD September 23 [Note: a Mary daughter of James & Jane Hazard was baptised in St Peters Dorchester 11 Sep 1777 - NBI has surname HAGARD]

John S [Son] of Will m [William] & Rebecca LUCAS October 1

Jane the Baseborn D [Daughter] of Jane DOWL [or DOWEL] October 12 [Note: Baptised 4 Aug 1776]

Joseph the S [Son] of Jos h [Joseph] & Eliz h [Elizabeth] BARTLETT October 22 [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Joseph BARTLETT to Elizabeth LESTER at FStG om 28th July 1772]

Thomas S [Son] of Will m [William] & Eliz h [Elizabeth] CAVE November 2

John S [Son] of Jos h [Joseph] & Sarah BONNETT November 23

George S [Son] of George & Eliz h [Elizabeth] LESTER November 23 [Note:- Quarter Sessions Order Books 1772-1783 Image 242 of 476 - Nathaniel Stickland Gent Coroner of Dorset paid £11.8s.9d for taking new inquisitions on the bodies of ----included are - George LESTER of Fordington and Charles Crabb of Fordington --14th July 1778 ]

Ann D [Daughter] of Thomas & Rebecca ADAMS November 26

Rebecca the wife of Will m [William] FRAMPTON December 12

Christian the wife of Jos h [Joseph] CHURCHILL December 14 [Note:- Christian CHURCHILL see marriage of Joseph CHURCHILL of Fordington to Christian CLARK from Abbotsbury at All Saints Church Dorchester on 29th March 1749]

James SWYER December 19

    Baptised 25 Buried 20

1778 [Note first two entries are at the foot of the preceding page which is badly damaged]

[illegible entry but NBI has Edward VALLENCE ] January 4

[illegible entry but NBI has Elizabeth HUNT ] January 7

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00054 & Start of Image 00055]

Jeremiah AUGUST January 11

Jane the wife of Will m [William] DAVIS January 25

Eliz h[Elizabeth] SALISBURY Widow February 17

Virtue wife of John CLARK February 19

John S [Son] of John & Ann HELLARD March 15 [Note baptised March 8 1778]

John S [Son] of Luke & Eliz h [Elizabeth] STILE March 18 [NBI has surname as STYLE]

Sam l [Samuel] Baseborn son of Mary LESTER March 22

Ann D [Daughter] of Amos & Mary STILE [STYLE] April 14 [Note:- Ann was the 3rd child from the marriage of Amos STILE to Mary PITFIELD at FStG on 23rd Dec 1746 and had been baptised at FStG on 28th Sep 1750]

Mr. Will m [William] FRAMPTON April 17 [ See Wills Index for 1778]

George S [Son] of Charles & Mary LESTER April 22

Mr Robert OBORN April 26 [Note:- husband of Mary See Wills Index for 1778]

Sarah wife of J MASTERS May 7

Rebecca wife of John READ May 17

Will m [William] S [Son] of George & Eliz h [Elizabeth] LESTER June 7

Mary D [Daughter] of Joseph & Christian CHURCHILL June 16 [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of Joseph CHURCHILL of Fordington to Chritian CLARK from Abbotsbury at All Saints Church Dorchester on 29th March 1749]

Eliz h [Elizabeth] wife of James POWELL June 25

Will m [William] ADAMS June 20

Eliz h [Elizabeth] D [Daughter] of Mathew & Eliz h [Elizabeth] MATTHEWS July 12

Mr. Will m [William] SPARKS July 26 [Note:- William Sparks (1700-1778) Maltster of Dorchester was the husband of Elizabeth Bonnett / Bennett - who is buried later in Fordington on 12 Nov 1789: See transcription of his Will dated 1 Jan 1777/8 via above link ]

Rebecca wife of John CONWAY August 23

Will m [William] S [Son] of John & Rebecca CONWAY September 20

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00055 & Start of Image 00056]

Edward CHAFFEY November 20 [ See Wills Index for 1779]


Ann wife of John YOUNG January 18

Mary TAYLOR February 5

Matthew GARLAND March 2

Thomas S [Son] of Joseph & Christian CHURCHILL March 16 [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of John CHURCHILL of Fordington to Christian CLARK from Abbotsbury at All Saints Church Dorchester on 29th March 1749]

Mary wife of David DOWLING March 29

Mary WYAT Widow April 14 [NBI has surname WYATT]

Eliz h[Elizabeth] SEAL Widow April 21

Thomas ARNOLD June 7

Eleanor HARRIS Widow June 16

Thomas S [Son] of Will m [William] & Eliz h [Elizabeth] ADAMS June 29

Deborah D [Daughter] of Thomas & Eliz h [Elizabeth] BEDLOW August 1

Mary D [Daughter] of John & Sarah WINZOR August 1

Will m [William] S [Son] of John & Mary BARTLETT August 16 [Note:- 6th child from the marriage of John BARTLETT to Mary KEATES who married at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 9th May 1769. Only known family of John and Mary at this time and other family burials at Fordington.]

Sarah D [Daughter] of Joseph & Sarah BONNETT September 1

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00056 & Start of Image 00057]

    Examined with the original by:

    Nath: [Nathaniel] TEMPLEMAN Curate

    Jam: [James] BROOKE Chh Warden

    [Start of CLDS Image 4205261_00063 ] [1779 Continued new page out of sequence after 1782]

    A True & Perfect Register of all Marriages; Baptisms & Burials & Other Memorable accidents in the Parish of Fordington in the County of Dorset Beginning in year of our Lord 1779

Richard son of Richard & Elizabeth PIGEON September 13

Mary ye D [Daughter] of Samuel & Mary FARR September 16 [Not in NBI]

Thomas ye S [Son] of Thomas & Sarah DIFFEW September 23 [NBI has surname DIFFEY]

Catherine ye Wife of Samuel WINZOR September 28

Samuel ye S [Son] of John & Elizabeth WINZOR September 30 [Note:- Link to more information about this family]

Jane ye D [Daughter] of Joseph & Sarah BONNITT October 1

Alice ye D [Daughter] of Wm [William] & Mary BARTLETT October 8 (sic checked image) [Note:- Have not located a baptism in Dorset since at least 1760? - Might however be another child from the marriage of William BARTLETT (1740-1780?) and to Mary JOHNSON at St Peters Church in Dorchester who are known to have had children 1766-1773. In 1773 Mary was already 45 years old so this might have been a late conception (Mary by then aged 51?) where Alice died at childbirth. Also note although the family lived in All Saints their children were buried at Fordington.]

Sarah ye D [Daughter] of Wm [William] & Mary TRIPP October 10

Nathaniel SPARKES October 12 [ Note:- Nathaniel Sparks (c1714-1779) was the son of William Sparks (1665-1741/2) and married to Martha Chaffey in Fordington by licence on 20 Nov 1770.]

Joseph ye S [Son] of James & Ann BRITT October 12

Mary ye D [Daughter] of Jno [John] & Jane DODSON October 17

Mary ye D [Daughter] of John & Ann GREY October 26

Martha ye D [Daughter] of Wm [William] & Martha NORRIS October 29 [Note:- Image 76 of 506 Difficult to find asindexed under Harris rather than Norris - input correction Aug 2024 - [Note:-3rd child of William & Martha NORRIS who raised a family of 7 children in Fordington]]

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00063]

1780 [Start of CLDS Image 4205261_00058 & duplicate Image 00059]

Elizabeth ye D [Daughter] of James & Mary PATRICK January 2 [Note; a James PATRICK married a Mary EDMANS in Winterborne Came 22 Aug 1779]

Elizabeth the Wife of Mr. Wm [William] JACOB of Dorchester January 2

Joseph ye S [Son] of Wm [William] & Elizabeth SEALL January 4 [NBI has surname SEAL as does original PR]

William ALLEN January 19

Edward FRANCES (A Militia Man) February 12 [NBI has surname FRANCIS]

Mary D [Daughter] of Benjamin & Mary FACEY February 15 [Note a Benjamin FACEY married a Mary ASH in Fordington on 5 Mar 1778]

Elizabeth MATTOCK Widow March 5

John LEWIS March 20

Ann SCORSE Widow April 9 [NBI has surname SCORE]

Richard RUNYARD April 10

Robert son of William & Elizabeth BELLMAN May 3

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00058 & duplicate Image 00059 -- Start of Image 00060]

Samuel S [Son] of Thomas & Elizabeth BEDLOW May 10

Elizabeth D [Daughter] of Thomas & Eleanor BISHOP June 12

Thomas CARD of Dorchester June 21 [Note:- See Wills Index for his will dated 9th May 1780 proved 5th Sep 1781 with list of beneficiaries]

Thomas S [Son] of Thomas & Sarah LOCK June 22

Elizabeth D [Daughter] of Mr. Isaac & Miriam SPARKES June 27 [Note: Elizabeth was baptised in the Presbyterian Church in Pease Lane Dorchester on 15 Nov 1778 the daughter of Mr Isaac SPARKS (1727-1788) by his 2nd wife Meriam nee MANUEL]

Robert S [Son] of Isaac & Sarah MOOR July 8 [Note: an Isaac MOORS married a Sarah ORCHARD in Puddletown on 22 Jun 1777 & NBI has surname as MOORS]

Christian LOCK Widow July 21 [NBI has a date of 21 June but would be out of sequence]

Elizabeth D [Daughter] of Wm [William] & Susannah WOODROW September 20

Thomas CLARK September 25

Thomas BISHOP October 6

Miriam VALLENCE October 22 [Note:- 2nd wife of Robert VALLENCE (bur.1749) whom she married at FStG 16th Aug 1741) ]

Christopher DIX Esq November 15 [ See Wills Index for 1780]

Samuel S [Son] of Thomas & Elizabeth BEDLOW November 17

Leonard WINZOR November 17 [Note:- Leonard WINZAR (bur.1780) who married Catherine SEAL at FStG 1st Jan 1746]

[Note:- NBI has an additional entry for Eleanor CLARE Nov 30 1780 but this is recorded in the BT's in correct sequence for December 4th 1781?]

George S [Son] of Wm [William] & Elizabeth SEALL December 1 [NBI has a date Dec 8]

Ann FRAMPTON Widow December 13

William BARTLETT December 14 [Note:- William Bartlett (1740-1780) husband of Mary JOHNSON whom he married 2nd Mar 1766]

William STYLES December 19 [ See Wills Index for 1781]

John S [Son] of Benjamin & Mary FACEY December [day illegible in BT's but NBI has Dec 28]

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00060 left column & Start of right hand column]


Sarah BONNETT Widow January 2

Elizabeth D [Daughter] of Wm [William] & Jane WHITE January 26 [NBI has date 21st jan which is the date of a baptism above this entry]

George Baseborn S [Son] of Jane BROWN January 28

Elizabeth the Wife of Thomas HORSFULL February 14 [NBI has surname HOSFORD]

William TRIPP February 27

John STEVENS March 4 [ See Wills Index for 1781]

Mary ye Wife of William NORRIS March 10 [Note:- Died Intestate See Wills Index for 1783 for Letter of Administration & Bond]

Jonn [i.e.John] S [Son] of Jno [John] & Mary LOW March 23 [Note a John LOW married a Mary Cox in nearby Sutton Poyntz 8 Jan 1781]

Robert S [Son] of Moses & Mary BEDLOW April 3

Mary ye Wife of Thomas PANSHARD April 6 [Note: Thomas PANSHARD married Mary ALLEN in Fordington on 4 Oct 1778]

Robert S [Son] of William & Mary FINDER April 21 [Note from Dorchester see July 6]

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00060 left hand column -- start of Image 00061]

Sarah D [Daughter] of Joseph & Susannah JENNINGS June 13 [Note Baptised 11 March 1781] [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Joseph Jennings of Higher Lytchet in Dorset and Susannah Loyd a widow at FStG Church on 22 September 1777]

Ann GREENING of Dorchester June 19

Elizabeth ye Wife of Mr. James BROOK June 19

William PRESLYE June 25 [NBI has surname PRESLEY]

Sarah Daughter of James & Holloway CHRISTOPHER June 28 [Her father James CHRISTOPHER (1732-1818) was the son of Charles CHRISTOPHER (1700-1791) & his wife Elizabeth]

Joan ELBY June 29

Mary Daughter of Wm [William] & Mary FINDER Dorchester July 6

William Son of John & Dorothy COWARD July 8

Rebecca Daughter of Jonathan & Mary FUDGE July 8 [Note: 9th child from the marriage of Jonathan FUDGE & Mary LOCK married 16-Apr 1759]

Susannah Daughter of Joseph & Elizabeth BISHOP July 10 [Note:- 6th Child from marriage of Joseph BISHOP to Elizabeth ADAMS at FStG on 13th Oct 1760]

Elizabeth D [Daughter] of William & Ann AMY July 10

John Son of Edward & Elizabeth FOY July 15

Hester D [Daughter of ] William & Mary BISHOP July 15

Elizabeth D [Daughter] of James & Mary LEAR August 1

Ann DOWL August 5 [NBI has surname DOWEL]

Ann D [Daughter] of Joseph & Elizabeth BISHOP August 5 [Note:- 7th Child from marriage of Joseph BISHOP to Elizabeth ADAMS at FStG on 13th Oct 1760]

Mary Wife of Thomas BALL August 7

James THORN August 15 [ See Wills Index for 1782]

Ann D [Daughter] of George & Mary FREAK August 17

Fanny D [Daughter] of Amos & Mary STYLE August 19

[new page]

Mary D [Daughter] of William & Hannah HUNT of Dorchester August 23

George S [Son] of John & Jane DODSON August 27 [Note:- baptised 31st may 1773]

Mary D [Daughter] of William & Mary MATTHEWS August 30

William S [Son] of Wm [William] & Mary BISHOP September 15

Dorothy COWARD Widow November 2

Mary KEATS Widow November 4

Mary SYMS Widow November 30 [NBI has surname SYMES]

Eleanor Wife of Wm [William] CLARE? of Dorchester December 4

Mary D [Daughter] of Edward & Mary WHORE [Note whole line struck through on original - See 19 April 1783]

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00061 & Start of Image 00062]


Honour CARD Widow of Dorchester January 13

Peter BUNELL a Soldier January 16 [NBI has surname BURRELL]

Eleanor D [Daughter] of Jno [John] & Virtue CLARK January 17

Eliz th [Elizabeth] Wife of Jonathan CHANNING of Dorchester January 20

Mary D [Daughter] of Wm [William] & Elizabeth SEALL January 22 [Note: baptised 12 Dec 1781]

Eliz th [Elizabeth] Baseborn D [Daughter] of Grace CLARK January 25

Sarah SEANDRICK Widow February 15 [Note: Overseers Accounts show last payment of 3 shillings made to her on 15th January 1782 following week shown as dead - NBI has surname as SCANDRICK]

John S [Son] of Wm [William] & Susannah WOODROW March 10

Thomas S [Son] of Thomas & Amye LESTER March 24 [Note: Baptised February 8]

Elizabeth Wife of John LUCAS April 1

Mary Wife of Jeremiah CLARK April 18 [Note See Overseers Accounts - was in receipt of 9d weekly poor relief until 19th April 1782, following week shown as dead.]

Mary D [Daughter] of Edward & Mary WHORE April 19

Mary Wife of Moses BEDLOW April 24

Sarah D [Daughter] of Wm [William] & Hannah SQUIB June 24 [Note: baptised 21 Jan 1781 - See Overseers Accounts this child died and they paid 6s 8d for her burial expenses & 9 shillings in support for Hannah in June 1782]

Mary ye Wife of Jno [John] HARVYE August 9 [NBI has surname as HARVEY]

    The above is a True Copy of the Register of the Parish of Fordington in the County of Dorset


    Tho: [Thomas] BRYERS Curate

    Jam: [James] BROOKE } Chh Warden

    Jn [John] MORGAN }

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00062 & start of Image 00066 & duplicate Image 00067 which cover end 1782 to 1784]

[From this date Baptisms, Marriages and Burials have separate rather than composite returns.]

1782 Continued

Sept 9th Joseph Cole STROUDE , S [Son] of William & Ann STROUDE [NBI has surname as STROUD]

Sept 30th Mary D [Daughter] of William & Ann BEACH

Novr 18th Daniel DOWLING

Novr 21st John Baseborn S [Son] of Tamazin BRINE

Novr 25th Richard S [Son] of Joseph & Esther BARTLETT [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Joseph BARTLETT to Esther LEGG at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 29th Jan 1782. ]

Novr 26th ----- There is no entry in the burial register at this date but note below:-

    [The Overseers accounts show the death of a child called Tamazine STICKLAND. They refer to the child being in a dying condition in Oct 1782. The last poor relief paid for the child was on 26 Nov 1782- shown as “Dead” the following week. They pay for the burial but no entry in parish burial register.

    Tamazine,  also referred to as Tamsy or Thomasine BRINE married a Richard Stickland from Cerne Abbas on 19 Jan 1780 in Fordington.  When they requested poor relief the Overseers of Fordington issued a removal order on 3rd December 1781 for “Richard Stickland & his wife Thomazin” back to Cerne Abbas. This was because Richards place of Settlement was Cerne Abbas as he was baptised there the son of John Stickland 27 December 1756. No mention of a child at that stage. A wife took on her husbands place of settlement on marriage and a child also had the same as his father. This makes what followed surprising.

    Either the removal order was not put into effect [Richard may have found work in Fordington for example] or they returned before June 1782 when Tamazine starts to be given relief for the child which continues each week until death referred to above. I can only assume that this was out of compassion by the Overseers. She would  have been well known to them as she lived there prior to marriage and they were clearly in distress in June when they buy her 2 shifts and a petticote and award 1 shilling a week support, both  for the child. This suggests to me that the female child was actually born in Fordington but does not appear to have been baptised there.

    After burial they both seem to have returned to Cerne Abbas as Tamsey Stickland is buried there on 13th March 1785. Richard however lives to the ripe old age of 73 before he too is buried there on 12 August 1829].

Decer 4th Mary Wife of Samuel HELLARD

Decr 11th James S [Son] of William & Jane BUD [or BIRD as recorded in the NBI]

Decr 27th Elizabeth Wife of James WELLSPRING [Note:- Elizabeth nee LESTER [1736-1782] wife of James WELLSPRING [1732/3-1813]


Febry 6th George S [Son] of John & Ann LESTER

Feby 12th Nicholas SWYER [Note:- This is the only entry in BT's but NBI also has a separate entry for a Nicholas NOAK for the same date?]

Feby 19th Edward BISHOP [Note: See Overseers Accounts February 1783 - paid 18 shillings for his burial]

March 2nd John S [Son] of John & Mary WHITE [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of John WHITE of Fordington married Mary HAINE [HAYNE] of St Peters [parish Dorchester] at St Peters on 30th May 1774]

April 20th Ann EVOMY Widow [NBI has surname AMEY]

April 27th James S [Son] of James & Mary BONNETT

May 3rd George S [Son] of William & Mary TRIPP

July 6th Rachel D [Daughter] of James & Elizabeth WELLSPRING [Note:- NBI has incorrectly recorded as Richard WELLSPRING she was the last of 12 children of James WELLSPRING [1732/3-1813] and Elizabeth LESTER [1736/7-1782]

July 13th Mary ALLEN Widow [See Overseers Accounts for July paid 15s 8d for her to be buried]

July 15th Elizabeth D [Daughter] of John & Susannah LUCAS

July 22nd Barbara THORNE Widow

July 31st Hannah SAMWAYS

Aug: 6th William S [Son] of Thomas & Ann LESTER

Aug: 10th Mary BRINE Widow

Aug: 11th Mary GREENING Widow

Aug: [day illegible on BT's but NBI has 21st August] Thomas S [Son] of Thomas & Mary LOCK

Aug: 26th Samuel S [Son] of John & Elizabeth WINZAR [Note:- Link to more information about this family]

Octr 13th Jonathan S [Son] of Jonathan & Mary CHANNING

Octr 31st Mary the Wife of Tobias FARNHAM

Novr 19th Mrs. BINDLEY of Dorchester

[Note:- NBI has an additional entry for the burial of an Edmund HUNT on 28 Nov 1783 - This is recorded in the BT's under the year 1793]


Jany 2nd William DAVIS

Jany 7th Leonard WINZAR [Note:- Leonard WINSOR (1753-1784) was the 3rd Child from the marriage of Leonard WINZAR (bur.1780) to Catherine SEAL (bur.1764) at FStG on 1st Jan 1746 and married  Ann PHILIPS  at FStG on 17th Sep 1780].

Feby 5th Sarah Wife of John MATTHEWS

Feby 29th Mary STYLE Widow [Note:- Mary STYLE nee PITFIELD (1721-1784) was the eldest child of Charles PITFIELD (1665-1743). She married Amos Style on 23rd Dec 1746 who was buried at St Georges Church on 30th Sep 1777]

Feby 29th Ann the Wife of James BIRT [Note: See Overseers Accounts for Feb 1784  paid £1-6-3d in her sickness and to bury her]

Mar: 3rd Edith the Wife of John LOCK

Mar: 14th Mary the Wife of David JENNINGS

April 10th John S [Son] of William & Elizabeth WHITE

April 11th Matthew WHITE

May 31st Sarah the Wife of John WINZAR [Note: Overseers Accounts for May 1784 paid 16 shillings and 8 pence to bury her]

June 6th Mary D [Daughter] of William & Mary GARRITT

June 30th Esther the Wife of Charles RANDALL [NBI has surname RANDELL]

Sept 12th Ann WINZAR [Note: Overseers Accounts for Sep 1784 refer to paying 7 shillings for her sickness & waking - an all night vigil for the deceased prior to burial - and 16shillings and 8d for her burial]

Octr 6th John MATTHEWS [Note see Overseers Accounts for October 1784 paid 16 shillings and 8pence for his burial]

Novr 2nd John NEWTON of the Queens Dragoons

Decr 1st Catharine the Wife of John ADAMS

    [End of CLDS Images 4205261_00066 & 00067 & Start of Image 00068]

1785 [Note: some items have been struck through on the original return]

Jany 14th Benjamin TRIPP [NBI has a date of 7th Jan]

Jany 21st Moses BEDLOE [Note:- See Wills Index for Dorchester for his Will dated 3rd January 1785 proved 25th January 1785]

April 6th Elizabeth the Wife of John INGRAM

May 10th Jonathan S [Son] of Jonathan & Mary CHANNING

May 27th Mary MEADER Widow

June 27th Robert S [Son] of Thomas & Elizabeth BISHOP

July 17th Elizabeth D [Daughter] of James & Elizabeth DUNMAN

Aug: 11th Elizabeth SWYER Widow

Sepr 7th Ann D [Daughter] of Edward & Elizabeth TAYLOR

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00068 & start of Image 00069] [new page after baptisms]

Sepr 7th Ann D [Daughter] of Edward & Elizabeth TAYLOR a Porpar [Note:- line crossed out as a repeat of last entry on previous return]

Sepr 22nd James BROOKE Esq [ See Wills Index for 3 Oct 1785] and mentioned in Salisbury & Winchester Journal 3 Oct 1785]

Oct 16th James WIGGEN - a Porpar

Oct 30th John LUCAS

Nov 6th Susannah FREKE Widow

Nov 27th Ann D [Daughter] of George & Elizabeth LESTER

Dec 7th Mrs Catharine BATHURST of Dorchester

Dec 18th Elizabeth ye of John SWYER a Porpar


Jany 1st Mary wife of Jonathan CHANNING

Jany 8th Mary D [Daughter] of Robert & Mary ELLIOTT

Jany 13th James HAZARD of Dorchester

Jany 29th Thomas LUCCAS

Feby 5th Elizabeth D [Daughter] of Daniel & Sarah STYLE

Feby 23rd John S [Son] of Thomas & Elizabeth BUNN

Feby 26th James S [Son] of James & Mary DART [Note Baptised 20 Nov 1785]

March 8th Bernard GALE of Dorchester [Note:- see Wills index for his will dated 3rd Mar 1786 proved 3rd May 1786 and burial of wife Elizabeth 1st dec 1788]

March 21st John S [Son] of Richard & Elizabeth WOOLFREYE

April 11th Mary D [Daughter] of Ambrose & Mary HUNT

April 23rd Thomas DIFFEY a Porpar

April 24th Elizabeth wife of John SWYER

May 14th Mary DENNIS Widow

May 16th Elizabeth BISHOP a Porpar

May 19th John HARVEY

June 8th Franciss [i.e. Frances as recorded in NBI] D [daughter of] of William & Ann BILES

July 14th Thomas NORMAN

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00069 & Start of Image 00070]

Augt 29th Hannah wife of William SQUIB

Sepr 20th Jane wife of Jacob COOMBS a Porpar [i.e. a pauper, but crossed out]

Sepr 21st Edith STYLE Widow [NBI has surname STYLES]

Octr 15th Miriam D [Daughter] of Mary LESTER a Porpar [i.e. pauper but crossed out] [Note: Baptised 9 Jan 1774 - NBI has date 13th Oct]

Novr 10th Benjamine DART a stranger a Porpar [i.e. a pauper, but crossed out]

Decr 3rd Mrs. Ann BEACH

Decr 14th Elizabeth wife of Ambrose HUNT junior


Jany 4th James POWELL Senr [Senior] a Porpar [i.e. a pauper, but crossed out]

Feby 7th Mary D [Daughter] of Will m [William] & Dorothy WINZOR

Feby 25th Maria D [Daughter] of John & Eliz th [Elizabeth] SWYER

Feby 27th William S [Son] of James & Eliz th [Elizabeth] KING

March 8th Joseph Baseborn S [Son] of Fanny WINZOR

March 25th John EWER

March 25th Amey D [Daughter] of John & Amey JACOB [Note: John Jacob from St Peters in Dorchester married Amey Pitfield by licence in Fordington on 15 July 1781 - The NBI have recorded against April 13th which is the date of the next entry in the BT's]

April 13th Susanna MARDER [NBI has recorded as april 26th which is the date of the next entry in the BT's]

April 26th Thomas S [Son] of Moses & Mary BEDLOE [NBI recorded as date of next entry 1st June] [See Wills Index for Dorchester for his Will dated 10th April 1787 proved 27th Apr 1787]

May 1st John Evomy S [Son] of James & Mary NORMAN [Note 4th child from the marriage of James NORMAN (1753-1821) from his marriage to Martha EVOMY at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 08 Jun 1778]

May 16th Sarah D [Daughter] of Henry & Elizabeth WHITE [NBI recorded as date of next entry June 6th]

June 6th Mary D [Daughter] of John & Amey JACOB [NBI recorded as date of next entry June 10th - Note: John Jacob from St Peters in Dorchester married Amey Pitfield by licence in Fordington on 15 July 1781 ]

June 10th Ann D [Daughter] of William & Martha NORRIS a Porpar [i.e. a pauper, but crossed out - NBI recorded as date of next entry June 20th]

June 20th Joan GUNDRY Widow [NBI recorded as date of next entry July 8th]

July 8th James S [Son] of Jonathan & Mary FUDGE [NBI recorded as date of next entry July 24th][Note: 11th child from the marriage of Jonathan FUDGE & Mary LOCK married 16-Apr 1759]

July 24th Jane D [Daughter] of Jonathan & Mary FUDGE [NBI recorded as date of next entry July 29th] [Note: 12th child from the marriage of Jonathan FUDGE & Mary LOCK married 16-Apr 1759]

July 29th Mary D [Daughter] of William & Elizabeth SEALL [Not in the NBI]

Sept 2nd Ann wife of John STROUD

Sept 6th Ann wife of Robert NOAK

Sept 7th Ann D [Daughter] of Matthew & Alice MATTHEWS

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00070 & Start of Image 00071]

Novr 25th Jane HAZARD Widow

Decr 26th Maria D [Daughter] of Charles & Ann DARK [This is likely to be a child of Charles and Ann DART who married at Fordington on 30th May 1771]


Jany 20th Mary D [Daughter] of William & Dorothy WINZOR

Jany 21st Isaac SPARKS Gent . [Gentleman] [Note:- Isaac Sparks (1727-1788) was the son of William & Elizabeth Sparks of Fordington and husband of Miriam Manuel his 2nd wife who also died here on 2 May 1811.]

March 17th Elizabeth JACOB Widow [Note:- See Wills Index for Dorchester for Letter of Adminmistration for the estate of Betty JACOB of St Peters Dorchester granted on 29th March 1788 to her natural and lawful son and next of kin John Jacob of Evershot]

April 4th Martha D [Daughter] of James & Rebecca CROCKER

April 24th John INGRAM

May 4th Dorothy wife of William WINZOR

May 25th Catharine wife of Thomas WARD [NBI has surname WOODROW?]

June 8th Jane D [Daughter] of John & Sarah WHITE

June 27th Sarah wife of Joseph BONNITT [ See Wills Index for 1787?]

July 1st Jane D [Daughter] of James & Elizabeth BROOKE

July 22nd Moses S [Son] of Moses & Mary BEDLOE

Augt 10th Edward S [Son] of James & Elizabeth BROOKE [NBI has surname BROOKS]

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00071 & start of Image 00072]

    A True and Perfect Copy of all Baptisms Burials & Marriages in the Parish of Fordington Beginning in the year of Our Lord 1788


    Thos [Thomas] BRYER Curate

    ChFred [Charles Frederick?] BROOKE

    Jn [John] MORGAN

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00072 & Start of Image 00073]

Sep 14th Henry S [Son] of Henry & Elizabeth WHITE

Octr 22nd Sarah wife of Ambrose HUNT [Note:- See her marriage to Ambrose HUNT at FStG on 15th Aug 1762 for more information about this family]

Novr 13th William BISHOP a Porper [a pauper]

Novr 27th Jane wife of Mr. William FORRISTER

Decr 1st Elizabeth GALE Widow [Note:- see Wills index for her will dated 14th Oct 1786 Proved 29th Dec 1792 and burial of her husband 8th March 1786]

Decr 10th Mary EDWARDS Widow


Jany 12th Richard LACY [NBI has surname LACEY]

Jany 14th Jeremiah CLARK - a Porper [a pauper]

Febry 1st Mary wife of William MATTHEWS

Febry 13th Elizabeth BISHOP Widow - a Porper [a pauper]

Febry 27th Thomas S [Son] of Thomas & Sarah LOVELACE [Note: 1st child from the marriage of Thomas Lovelace to Sarah Casher at FStG on 26 Dec 1785]

Mar 1st Joseph CHURCHILL -a Porper [a pauper] [Note:- Joseph and Mary Churchill (paupers) had three children (1) Elizabeth bap HT 15 Jan 1783 (2) Sarah bap FStG 14 Aug 1787 (3) Mary bap FStG 3rd Aug 1790 buried FStG 22 Aug 1798]

Apl 9th Amye wife of Thomas LESTER

Apl 19th Mary D [Daughter] of Thomas & Amye LESTER

Apl 19th Mary D [Daughter] of William & Mary MATTHEWS

Apl 21st Ambrose HUNT [Note:- See his marriage to Sarah NORRIS at FStG on 15th Aug 1762 for more information about this family]

May 14th John TAYLOR - a Porper [a pauper]

Sepr 27th Robert S [Son] of William & Elizabeth SPRACKLAND

Sept 27th Sarah wife of Simon BEACH

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00073 & Start of Image 00074]

Oct 11th John S [Son] of William & Ann HARDEN [Note 1st child from the marriage of William Harden to Ann Christopher at FStG on 13 Jan 1788]

Oct 18th William LOCK - a Porper [a pauper]

Oct 30th Mary wife of Mr John JACOB of Dorchester [Note:- Mary JACOB nee CHISMAN 2nd wife of John JACOB Junior - They married at St Mary's church in Wareham on 16 Feb 1772]

Novr 12th Elizabeth SPARKS [Note:- Elizabeth - nee Bennett - was the widow of William Sparks (1700-1778)]

Novr 14th Hutchings S [Son] of Henry & Ann SMITH [Note: Baptised 1 st Sep 1789]

Novr 22nd Elizabeth D [Daughter] of George & Mary FREKE

Decr 25th Harriot D [Daughter] of Elias & Hannah GALPINE [The 2nd child from the marriage of Elias GALPIN to Hannah THORNE at All Saints Church on 17th April 1785 Link to more information]


Jany 3rd Rachell BISHOP Widow -a Porper [a pauper?]

jany 13th Thomas S [Son] of Thomas & Elizabeth BUNN

Jany 13th William S [Son] of Thomas & Elizabeth BUNN

Jany 24th Mary D [Daughter] of Samuel & Mary RUNYARD [Note comments at baptism Fordington 14 Aug 1787]

Jany 28th Ann wife of Thomas ADDAMS -a Porper [a pauper?]

March 7th Mary LUCAS

March 21st David PHIPPARD -a Porper [a pauper?]

April 27th Deborah D [Daughter] of John & Susannah LUCAS

May 14th Susannah JENNINGS [Note:- Susannah nee LOYD alraedy a widow married Joseph Jennings of Higher Lytchet at FStG Church on 22 September 1777]

June 15th Judith D [Daughter] of Elias & Hannah GALPINE [The 1st child from the marriage of Elias GALPIN to Hannah THORNE at All Saints Church on 17th April 1785 Link to more information]

June 25th Elizabeth GARLAND Widow

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00074 & Start of Image 00075]

July 25th Thomas VALLENS -a Porper [a pauper?] [Note:- Thomas VALLENCE of Fordington married Hannah SKINNER at West Stafford on 11th Nov 1765. See Marriage for more information on their children etc.]

Augt 3rd William CHURCHILL -a Porper [a pauper?]

Novr 3rd Jane Baseborn D [Daughter] of Fanny STYLE

Novr 23rd Mrs Elizabeth SUMNER of Dorchester

Novr 24th Robert NOAK Junior [ See Wills Index for 1791 'Will of Robert NOAKE of Fordington Cabinet Maker' ]

Decmr 8th John S [Son] of William & Ann HARDEN [Note:- See entry 11th Oct 1789 above. I haver not located a baptism for this burial so may have been a still birth. Ann died and was buried at FStG 16th July 1791. so this may have been her 2nd pregnancy

Decmr 12th Mary BARNES

Decmr 22nd Richard S [Son] of John & Mary APPLIN

Decmr 24th Daniel STYLE -a Porper [a pauper?] [Note:- Daniel son of Amos STILE was baptised at St Georges Church in Fordington on 7th Mar 1721/2 and married at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 1st Nov 1744 to Sarah POPE]

Decmr 30th Jane D [Daughter] of James & Elizabeth BROOKS [Note:- 6th child from the marriage of James BROOKS to Elizabeth HUTCHINGS at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 24th Dec 1778]

Decmr 30th Samuel S [Son] of Samuel & Martha FISHER


Jany 1st James Loyd Baseborn S [Son] of Sarah SWYER

Jany 30th Mary D [Daughter] of Sebastian & Mary PITFIELD [Note: Mary was the daughter of Sebastian PITFIELD (1757-1815) and Mary THORN and baptised at St Georges Church Fordington on 7th Dec 1788]

Feby 10th Mary D [Daughter] of James & Rebecca CROCKER

Feby 23rd Joan wife of Thomas HOSKINS

Feby 23rd Ann wife of John FREAKE [NBI has date as 23 Jan]

Feby 24th Charles CHRISTOPHER [Burial of Charles CHRISTOPHER (1700-1791) husband of Elizabeth and father of 8 children baptised Fordington]

Feby 24th Mary D [Daughter] of William & Grace BRIDLE

March 15th Joseph PEATY -a Porper [a pauper] [See Overseers Accounts paid for his funeral expenses]

March 22nd Caleb CLOTHIER [ See Wills Index for 1791]

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00075 & Start of Image 00076]

March 31st John GREENING

May 13th Mrs . Susanna BATHURST

June 7th James S [Son] of William & Jane WHITE

June 9th Catharine Wife of James PAUL

June 19th Elizabeth Wife of William SEALL Senr. [Senior]

June 23rd Mary Wife of Benjamine FEACEY [NBI has surname FACEY]

June 27th Rebecca WINZAR - a Pauper

July 5th Elizabeth Baseborn D [Daughter] of Rebecca WINZAR a Pauper [Note: baptised 27 June 1791]

July 11th John S [Son] of David & Jane CHASHER [NBI has surname CASHIER][Note 4th known child of David CASHER who married Jane Williams at Charminster 16th June 1766 see his baptism at FStG 26th July 1776]

[Note: a David Casher married a Jane Williams in Charminster 16 Jun 1766 - They appear to have moved to Fordington by 25 Dec 1770 when a daughter Ann was baptised here - John was their second child baptised in Fordington 26 July 1776]

July 16th Mary Wife of Richard STEVENS

July 16th Ann Wife of William HARDEN [Note:- NBI incorrectly has the date of the next entry i.e. August 21st See marriage of William Harden to Ann Christopher at FStG on 13 Jan 1788]

Aug 21st Henry S [Son] of Thomas & Elizabeth DAVIS [NBI has the date of the next entry i.e. August 28th]

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00076 & Start of a 3 year composite return overlapping Images 00078 & 00079]

Copy of the Register of Fordington Parish in the County of Dorset - from Aug 23 rd 1791

Aug 28 Elizabeth wife of Edward TAYLOR [NBI has the date of the next entry]

Sept: 5 Philip s [son] of John & Sarah BUNN [NBI has the date of the next entry]

Sept: 7 Mary wife of Richard WHITE [NBI has the date of the next entry]

Sept: 25 Mary CLARE Widow

Sept: 25 Elizabeth ELBY Widow [NBI has the date of the next entry]

Oct: 12 Elizabeth wife of Thomas DAVIS [Note:- Thomas DAVIS married Elizabeth BEDLOE at FStG on 12th June 1783 ]

Oct: 12 Mary wife of William STALBRIDGE [NBI has the date of the next entry]

Oct: 23 Philip s [son] of Philip & Mary WINZOR [2nd child ofrom the marriage at Holy Trinity church Dorchester between Philip WINZAR and Mary PURCHASE on 28th June 1784]- Philip junior was baptised at Fordington 23rd November 1788]

Nov: 30 Elizabeth wife of John SQUIBB

Nov: 30 John s [son] of Edward & Eliz: [Elizabeth] FORSTER [Not in the NBI]

Dec: 2 Richard STEVENS Pauper

Dec: 12 Sarah LOYD Widow Pauper


Jan: 12 Elizabeth CHRISTOPHER Widow [Widow of Charles Christopher (1700-1791) see Overseers Accounts who paid for her funeral expenses]

Jan: 12 Charles s [son] of John & Ann RANDALL

Jan: 15 Edward TAYLOR Pauper [Note: See Overseers Accounts who paid for his funeral expenses]

Feb: 12 Edward HOARE Pauper

Feb: 12 Sarah wife of Samuel LEGG

Feb: 15 Phillis wife of William PARSONS

March 7 Sarah d [daughter] of Robert & Edith POWELL

March 12 Susannah PARKER Pauper

Ap: 8 Joseph s [son] of William & Sarah GALPINE [Note:- - 5th child from the marriage of William GALPIN (1740-1818) and Sarah MASTERS at St Georges Church Fordington on 25 Apr 1763]

Ap: 10 Joseph baseborn s [son] of Martha GARLAND

May 8 Henry s [son] of Henry & Eliz: [Elizabeth] WHITE

May 9 Elizabeth wife of Thomas BEDLOE

May 16 Ann d [daughter] of William & Martha WIFFEN [NBI has surname WHIFFEN]

June 14 Mary wife of Thomas BUCKLER [NBI incorrectly has surname BACKLER - ALSO NOTE:- See Plea Books Dorset Easter Quarter Sessions 1781-1793 held at Sherborne on 3rd May 1791 image 241 of 287 " No.9 Mary the wife of Thomas BUCKLER of Forthington to answer ( attend and give evidence against) Amos STILE for trespass and assault Indictment No. 4 ]

June 29 Thomas BUNN

Oct: 31 Mary d [daughter] of Richard & Mary EAMES

Nov: 4 Mary LOCK Widow

Nov: 11 Honour CRESSE Widow [NBI has surname CROSS]

Nov: 18 Joseph s [son] of William & Hanna SEAL

Nov: 22 Thom: [Thomas] VINCENT

Dec: 16 Sarah DIFFEY Widow

Dec: 27 Mr Thomas CARTER of Dorchester


Jan: 24 James VALLENCE Pauper [Note:- James VALLENCE [VALLENS] married Elizaabeth Hill at West Stafford in Dorset on26 Jan 1762 - See Fordington Strays File]

Feb: 4 Thomas s [son] of Thomas & Eliz: [Elizabeth] BUNN

Feb: 6 Jane NOTLEY Widow

March 14 William s [son] of Wm [William] & Edith PRICE

March 25 Mrs Ann TEMPLEMAN of Dorchester

March 31 Ann CLARKE Pauper

April 3 Elizabeth d [daughter] of William & Edith PRICE

Ap: 4 Sarah d [daughter] of John & Honour BROWNE [Link to tombstone inscription]

Ap: 14 Edward s [son] of Edward & Edith CAVE

Ap: 28 Benjamin, s [son], of Benj: [Benjamin] Sarah SPARKS [ See Wills Index for 1793 where he is referred to as a Maltster so presumably an adult?]

May 15 Joseph baseborn s [son] of Mary CLARKE

May 22 James KING

May 26 Frances BISHOP

July 29 Thomas REASON Senr [Senior]

Augt 1 Isaac s [son] of Isaac & Mary HUNT [Note: an Isaac Hunt married a Mary Hellard in All Saints Dorchester 31 Aug 1785 - their son Isaac was baptised in Dorchester on 27Apr 1791]

Augt 14 Elizabeth wife of James BROOKS

Sept: 11 William HUNT Senr [Senior]

Sept: 17 William s [son] of William & Hannah WINZOR

Sept: 29 Elizabeth d [daughter] of James & Margaret LOYD

Nov: 24 Mary COOMBES Widow

Nov: 28 Edmund HUNT

Dec: 9 Elizabeth d [daughter] of Thomas & Elizabeth WINZOR


Jan: 5 Martha STEVENS Widow

Jan: 27 Mary wife of Charles PITFIELD [Note see the marriage of Charles PITFIELD (1724-1801) to Mary BISHOP in Fordington on 5th Oct 1746 for more information on the Pitfield Family]

Feb: 16 William s [son] of Edmund & Hannah HUNT

March 30 Joannah d [daughter] of Wm [William] & Hannah SEAL

April 26 Eleanor wife of Thomas BRINE

April 26 Ann d [daughter] of Thomas & Eliz: [Elizabeth] DAVIS

April 29 Isaac s [son] of Elias & Hannah GALPINE [The 4th and last child from the marriage of Elias GALPIN to Hannah THORNE at All Saints Church on 17th April 1785 Link to more information]

May 8 Thomas WESTON

May 9 John MASTERS

May 11 Elizabeth BUTT Widow

May 18 Holloway wife of Jas [James] CHRISTOPHER [Note the wife of James CHRISTOPHER (1732-1818]

May 25 Samuel RUNYARD

June 1 James s [son] of Thomas & Eleanor BISHOP

June 1 James baseborn s [son] of Sarah SAMPSON

June 4 Sarah SAMPSON

June 29 Mackias BRINE

July 10 Jane d [daughter] of James & Catharine THOMAS

Augt: 10 Samuel BROWNES of Dorchester [NBI has surname BROWN]

    [End of CLDS Images 4205261_00078 & 00079 & start of 3 year composite return overlapping images 00083 & 00084]

A Copy of the Register of Baptisms & Burials in the Parish of Fordington in the County of Dorset, since the last triennial Visitation in 1794

Augt: 31 John LESTER

Oct: 1 Enoch LESTER

Oct: 14 Elizabeth wife of John WINZOR

Oct: 24 Mary wife of Thomas ASH

Nov: 6 Honour GIBBONS

Nov: 16 Elizabeth LESTER

Nov: 27 Hannah wife of Elias GALPINE [ Elias GALPIN marriaed Hannah THORNE at All Saints Church on 17th April 1785 Link to more information]

Dec: 5 Sebastian PITFIELD [Note:- Sebastian PITFIELD (1726-1794) husband of Mary WOODSFORD]

Dec: 6 Ann d [daughter] of James & Susannah MOOR


Jan: 4 David CASHER [Note:- David CASHER (1732-1795) husband of Jane Nee WILLIAMS (c1736-1813) who married at Charminster 16th June 1766 see baptism of their daughter Anne Casher at FStG 25th Dec 1770 and son John Casher bap FStG 26th July 1776 and buried there 11th July 1791]

Jan:8 Rachel d [daughter] of James & Ann STYLES [NBI has surname STYLE]

Jan: 30 Rebecca wife of Edward ENSOR [Note:- Wife of Edward ENSOR who married Rebecca BARTLETT in St Peters Church Dorchester on 23 Jul 1770]

Jan: 30 Rachel LESTER

Feb: 1 John s [son] of Thomas & Elizabeth WINZOR

Feb: 15 [Blank space in BT's but NBI has John] s [son] of George & Elizabeth BURGESS

Feb: 16 William CLARE Senr [Senior] from Dorchester

March 4 Susannah BARTLETT Widow [Note:- Susannah BARTLETT nee WHITE (bur.1795) the widow of William BARTLETT (1711-1772) ]

March 12 James s [son] of James & Margaret LOYD

March 18 John MASTERS Senr [Senior]

Ap: 1 John s [son] of John & Amey JACOB [Note:- 7th child from the marriage of John JACOB to Amey PITFIELD at FSt G 15-July-1781]

May 1 Elizabeth HARRIS

May 17 Susannah GIBBONS

June 8 William TEMPLEMAN Esq. from Dorchester

June 17 James s [son] of Jas [James] & Elizabeth KEATS

July 1 Sarah SEAL

July 7 John s [son] of William & Mary STALBRIDGE [Note Baptised 28 Feb 1790 - NBI incorrectly has surname as HUBBRIDGE]

Aug: 2 Mary d [daughter] of Thomas & Elizabeth WINZOR

Aug: 9 Rebecca d [daughter] of Sarah WINZOR

Aug: 12 Dorcas d [daughter] of Thomas & Ann BONNET

Aug:16 John s [son] of George & Jane WINZOR

Aug: 24 Mary d [daughter] of Wm [William] & Sarah BAKER

Aug: 28 Samuel JACKSON

Aug: 30 Sarah Susannah d [daughter] of Edward & Edith CAVE

Oct : 22 Rachel GREENING

Nov: 22 Ann d [daughter] of John & Ann HARRIS

Nov: 24 John BEDLOE [NBI has surname BEDLOW]

Dec: 15 Ann wife of Thomas LESTER

Dec: 15 James s [son] of Thomas & Ann LESTER


Jan: 11 John BUNN from Charminster

Feb: 1 Jane d [daughter] of Lot & Elizabeth GARTELL [Note a Lot Gartell married an Elizabeth Bunn in Fordington on 3 Dec 1795 - NBI incorrectly has surname as GARRETT]

Feb: 21 Mary HELLARD Widow [NBI has surname HILLARD]

Feb: 21 Joseph s [son] of Joseph & Ann DOTLEY

Feb: 28 A Private in the Royal Reg [Regiment] of Dragoons [no name given]

March 7 Samuel CHIDDIE a stranger [NBI has surname CHIDDUE]

March 14 Thomas s [son] of Thomas & Ann GREY

March 24 Sarah d [daughter] of George & Elizabeth BURGESS

April 24 Charlotte d [daughter] of Henry & Ann KENT [Note: a Henry Kent married an Ann Barfoot in Blandford Forum on 12 May 1793]

May 1 George s [son] of Benjamin & Christian WEST [NBI has surname WESTON]

May 1 Richard s [son] of Richard SUMMERS

July 1 James s [son] of George & Jane WINZOR

July 24 Sarah d [daughter] of Stephen & Ann ABBOT

Augt: 9 William s [son] of Thomas & Jane CROSS

Augt: 22 Ann wife of John ELLIS

Augt: 24 Robert s [son] of William & Mary FINDER

Oct: 4 Robert SAMPSON

Oct: 23 Mary wife of William ALLEN

Oct: 30 Ann daughter of John & Mary MUDFORD [Note IGI has baptism as 12 Jan 1794]

Nov: 1 Sarah wife of John FREAK

Nov: 10 Eleanor daughter of James & Susannah AWLE? [NBI has surname AISLE]

Nov 24 Thomas son of Thomas & Elizabeth GODFREY

Dec: 18 Isaac son of John & Ann WEST

Dec: 20 George LESTER

[Note:- NBI has an additional entry for a James BROOKS December 26 which is not listed in the BT's]

1797 [There are two slightly different returns for 1797 - any differences highlighted]

Jan: 18 John s [son] of John & Mary FUDGE [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of John Fudge to Mary Harris at West Knighton on 15 Jan 1795]

Jan: 22 William FUDGE [Note:- 2nd of 13 children of Jonathan Fudge & Mary Lock husband of Elizabeth nee Notley]

Jan: 31 Elizabeth d [daughter] of James & Martha CUSTARD

Feb: 27 Richard s [son] of John & Eliz th [Elizabeth] GOULD

March 16 Isaac s [son] of John & Deborah ADAMS

March 23 Nicholas ALLCHIN a Stranger [NBI has surname ALLEHIN]

April 5 James KEATS

April 6 Susan wife of Thomas TERREL

April 23 Elizabeth MUNDIN [NBI has surname MARDEN]

May 5 Hannah wife of William PHILIPS a Sergeant in the 35th Regiment of Foot [Note a daughter Catherine was baptised the same day]

May 17 Mary MANUEL Widow

May 21 John SWYER

May 28 John READ

    [There is an additional return for the period June 1797 to 21 August 1800 [CLDS Image 4205261_00088] which has some duplication of entries]

Aug: 2 John DAY Private in the 3rd Regt [Regiment] of Dragoons [2nd return states 3rd or Kings Own Regiment]

Aug: 15 Robert DAVIS

Aug: 16 Mary BARTLETT from Dorchester [Note:-Mary JOHNSON the widow of William Bartlett (1740-1780) whom he married at St peters Church in Dorchester on 2nd Mar 1766 and raised a family in All Saints Parish there but had their children and husband all buried at Fordington.]

Aug: 17 Thomas BRANSON [NBI has surname BRANSTON]

Aug: 20 John WALLIS [NBI has surname WILLIS]

    [End of CLDS Images 4205261_00000083 & 00084 & Start of Image 00088]

Sep: 10 George son of George & Hannah STILE

Sep: 17 John & Joseph sons of Thomas & Martha LESTER [NBI incorrectly has 10th Sep for John]

Sep: 17 Catharine daughter of Robert & Mary DAVIS

Sep: 17 Elizabeth daughter of Robert & Elizabeth CONWAY

Oct 26: Mary wife of Richard EAMES from Weymouth [Note out of order on actual return]

Nov: 6 Sarah wife of William SEAL

Nov: 26 Ann daughter of James & Rebecca CROCKER

Dec: 6 John JACOB from Dorchester [Note:- John JACOB Junior (c1722-1797) widower of Rebecca nee SPARKS (c1729-1766) and Mary nee CHISMAN]

Dec: 15 Elizabeth LESTER from Dorchester [Note:- See Wills index for Dorchester for her will dated 29th July 1796 proved 25th Oct 1798]

Dec: 29 Jonathan CHANNING


Jan: 27 Mary daughter of George & Elizabeth SHRATTON belonging to the 10th Regiment of Dragoons

    [End of additional CLDS Image 4205261_00088 and start of 00089]

Feb: 18 Elizabeth PHELPS from Dorchester

Feb: 26 Samuel HELLARD

March 15 George READ from Dorchester [NBI have a date of 7th March - there is a note in the Municipal Records of Dorchester which states " 17th April 1798 James FOY succeeds George READ deceased as Serjeant at Mace. See Also Wills index for his will dated 20th Sep 1797 proved by his wife Mary 9th June 1798]

March 22 Bernard GALE from Dorchester

April 5 Jane daughter of William & Jane HARDY belonging to the 10th Regiment of Light Dragoons [Note:- The margin which dictates whether this is a burial or a baptisms is illegible on the BT's - Included as a burial as listed in the NBI]

May 13 George TOLLEFIELD from Dorchester

June 25 James son of Thomas & Sarah FROUD belonging to the 10 th Regiment of Light Dragoons

July 3 James son of John & Mary LUCASE belonging to the 10th Regiment of Light Dragoons [NBI has surname LUCAS]

Aug: 9 Thomas THATCHER belonging to the 3rd Regiment of Dragoon Guards

Aug: 22 Mary daughter of Joseph & Mary CHURCHILL [Note:- 3rd of 3 children known to Joseph & Mary (not found marriage) 1st Elizabeth 15 Jan 1783 Dorchester HT moved to FStG for Sarah 14 Aug 1787 and Mary 3rd Aug 1790 her father Joseph buried FStG ]

Aug: 30 John Turner son of John & Sarah SIBLY [NBI has surname SIBBLEY]

Sep: 9 William son of William & Hannah BURT

Sep: 9 Susannah daughter of Thomas & Sarah BUGGLER

Sep: 16 [Christian name illegible] daughter of Giles & Mary TOLLAFIELD [NBI has surname TOLLERFIELD]

    [Start of of CLDS Image 4205261_00085]

Sep: 17 William MANN Q Master in the 11th Regiment of Light Dragoons

Sep: 18 Ann daughter of William & Jane WHITE

Sep: 21 John DAVIS Private in the 11 th Regiment of Light Dragoons

Oct: 14 Ann daughter of Thomas & Sarah FRAMPTON

Oct: 17 William son of William & Sarah GARRET [Note a William Garrett married a Sarah Diffey in Fordington on 15 Jul 1798]

Oct: 18 John son of Joseph & Mary RICHARDS

Oct: 19 William JACKSON Private in the 11 th Regiment of Light dragoons

Oct: 21 James son of Robert & Elizabeth HUNT from Dorchester

Oct: 24 Ann daughter of Benjamin & Joan FACEY

Nov: 7 John son of Sebastian & Mary PITFIELD [Note:- 8th child from the marriage of Sebastian PITFIELD (1757-1815) to Mary THORN on 17th May 1781]

Nov: 9 Charles son of Thomas & Martha FISHER

Nov: 12 William son of Thomas & Mary JOHNSON

Nov: 17 Isaac son of William & Bither GEORGE

Nov: 29 John son of John & Elizabeth AMEY

Dec: 11 Mary Anne daughter of Matthew & Ann & GAY

Dec: 14 Thomas TOMKINS Qr Master in the 11th Regiment of Light Dragoons

Dec: 14 Henry BUCKLER of Dorchester Volunteers

Dec: 27 Melchisedeck BURT


Jan: 2 Henry son of Henry & Sarah BUCKLER

Jan: 3 Sarah daughter of Samuel & Frances LEGG

Jan: 6 Elizabeth BISHOP

Jan: 9 Sarah daughter of Henry & Sarah BUCKLER

Jan: 21 Mary HUTT or HULL [NBI has HUTT]

    [End of CLDS Image 4205261_00085 & Start of Image 00086]

Feb: 3 Ely CLEWETT [Note see following entry this would appear to be the wife of Thomas Clewett]

Feb: 3 Charlotte daughter of Thomas & Ely CLEWETT

Feb: 5 Thomas son of Thomas & Margaret BEDLOE

Feb: 6 Elizabeth CHANNING

Feb: 7 Edward BARNES a private in the 11th Regiment of Light Dragoons [NBI has Christian name as Thomas?]

Feb: 7 John son of Thomas & Ely CLEWETT

Feb: 9 Amos STYLE [ See Wills Index for 1799]

Feb: 10 John LOCK [Not in the NBI]

Feb: 10 John son of Robert & Susannah COOK

March 10 Elizabeth daughter of James & Elizabeth NOTTON

March 13 Mary daughter of John & Jane WEST

March 21 Elizabeth daughter of John & Judith HINE

March 24 Martha daughter of Elias & Hannah GALPIN [The 3rd child from the marriage of Elias GALPIN to Hannah THORNE at All Saints Church on 17th April 1785 Link to more information]

March 26 John son of Thomas & Margaret MAXWELL

March 28 John DICKSON a private in the 11th Regiment of Light Dragoons

March 31 William NORRIS

Apr: 1 Grace daughter of William & Grace KEATS

Apr: 7 Samuel GARLAND

May 7 Robert BARTLETT [Not so far associated with any other record]

March 15 James son of Jonathan & Grace WARD

May 27 Edward son of George & Elizabeth SICKER

June 6 Samuel LEGG

June 25 John HUGHES

July 3 Elizabeth LUCAS

July 22 Robert son of Robert & Elizabeth HUNT

July 25 Rebecca daughter of Richard & Sarah DALBY

Sep 5 Susannah CHURCHILL

Sep 8 Isaac HUNT [Note:- There is a short note in The Monthly Magazine Volume 8 for the year 1799 July to Dec " Died At Fordington, near Dorchester, Mr HUNT Fellmonger"

Nov 24 John NORMAN [NBI has date 24 Sep]

Nov 29 Mr. John HAYN  [Note:- John HAYNE who married twice, the 2nd time to Alicia PREYTER at St Michael's church in Stinsford on 30 Mar 1747. See Wills Index for 1800. - Also There is a short note in The Monthly Magazine Volume 8 for the year 1799 July to Dec " Died At Fordington, aged 75, Mr HAYNE]


    Pet: [Peter] MILLER Curate

    Thos [Thomas] BEDLOE Churchwarden

    John MORGAN Churchwarden

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