
Baptisms St Peters Church 1730 - 1770

© Transcribed by Michael Russell OPC for Dorchester September 2009
[ 580 Baptism Records - last updated Sep 2024]

St Peters Church Dorchester

Note:- The original listing of baptisms completed in 2009 was not a full transcription but a name index sourced from the Church of Latter Day Saints International Genealogical Index - The original Film Number from which these entries were taken was 1279495 and relates to the Bishops Transcripts held at Blandford which still need to be checked for those years where the original parish registers have not survived e.g. 1732-1734 inc. Neither the Bishops Transcripts nor the original Parish Registers appear to have survived for the years 1735 and 1736.

NOTE:- December 2011 - The File was checked against the original Parish Registers, additional information added where possible, Jan/Mar entries have also been returned to their correct position at the end of the year prior to 1752 and (PR) inserted against the entry to show it has been checked against the Parish Register.


10 Apr 1730 - James son of Richard AYLING baptised (PR)
29 May 1730 - Elizabeth daughter of Matthew CRISDE baptised (PR)
25 Jun 1730 - John son of Mr. Thomas GAPE baptised (PR)
26 July 1730 - Elizabeth daughter of Catherine BROWN base born baptised (PR)
20 Aug 1730 - Elizabeth daughter of Samuel BEDLO [BEDLOE or BEDLOW] baptised (PR)
21 Aug 1730 - Elianor daughter of Mr. Thomas SNOOK baptised (PR)
31 Aug 1730 - Daniel son of Richard SQUIB baptised (PR)
07 Oct 1730 - Jenny daughter of William CHEEK baptised (PR)
08 Oct 1730 - Elizabeth daughter of Mr. Robert SNOOK baptised (PR) [Note:- 4th known child of Robert & Jane SNOOK of Dorchester. See baptism of sibling Lawrence SNOOKE at St Peters on 17th Sep 1721 for more information]
07 Dec 1730 - Elizabeth daughter of John LESTER baptised (PR)
01 Mar 1730/1 - John son of John KEECH baptised (PR)
02 Mar 1730/1 - Francis son of Francis VALLINS [Vallens or Vallance] baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Francis VALLENS to Maria CORNING at Minterne Magna Dorset on 7th Sep 1726]. [Note:- Register signed by Rev W Leigh Rector]


21 Apr 1731 - Vertue [Virtue] daughter of Richard BRICKLE baptised (PR) {Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Richard BRICKLE to Anne SHERRINGTON both of Dorchester but married on 19th April 1730 at Tolpuddle Dorset. Virtue BRICKLE later married at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 18th May 1756 to John RUSSEL]
21 Apr 1731 - Peter son of Mr. William TEMPLEMAN baptised (PR)
13 May 1731 - John son of Thomas SWADRIDGE baptised (PR)
07 July 1731 - John son of Henry HARBIN baptised (PR)
19 July 1731 - Thomas son of Mr. Joseph BUTTON baptised (PR)
19 Sep 1731 - Josiah son of Josiah MONGER baptised (PR) [BT's have MOGER]
28 Oct 1731 - Sarah daughter of Richard SOMMERS [or SUMMERS] baptised (PR)
18 Nov 1731 - Elizabeth daughter of James BUNN baptised (PR)
30 Dec 1731 - Sarah daughter of Joseph BUSHROD baptised (PR) [Note:- She later married William Ensor (1727- ) the son of John ENSOR (d. 1740) & Hannah Lock (1687-1772)
14 Jan 1731/2 - Martha daughter of Joseph COLE baptised (PR)
19 Jan 1731/2 - Elizabeth daughter of William ARNOLD baptised (PR)
26 Jan 1731/2 - Sarah daughter of Richard ROSE baptised (PR)
28 Jan 1731/2 - Mary and Prudence daughters of John HAYDON baptised (PR) [Note:- Copy of register incorrectly states Mary Prudence daughter---]
03 Feb 1731/2 - Ann daughter of Mr. John OLDFIELD baptised (PR)
07 Mar 1731/2 - Ratchel daughter of Richard SQUIB baptised (PR)

[Note:- Register signed by Rev W Leigh Rector]


09 May 1732 - Sarah daughter of Thomas ARNOLD baptised
16 May 1732 - Dinah daughter of Joseph PHELPS baptised [Note:- 8th child from the marriage of Joseph PHELPS and Eliz [Elizabeth] CHEEK at St Peters church Dorchester on 07 Feb 1713/4. Dinah married Charles Churchill at st Peters Church in Dorchester on 22nd Nov 1767]
28 May 1732 - Martha daughter of Robert CRABTREE baptised
19 Jun 1732 - Luce daughter of Matthew CRISDE baptised
29 Jun 1732 - Mary daughter of George PEET baptised
03 July 1732 - Joseph son of Joseph GRAY baptised
18 July 1732 - Joseph son of Edward THORNTON baptised
27 Sep 1732 - Rebecca daughter of William CHEEK baptised
01 Oct 1732 - Dennis son of William TEMPLEMAN baptised
19 Nov 1732 - John son of John LESTER baptised
05 Dec 1732 - Conyers son of Conyers PLACE baptised [Note;- Grandson of Rev Conyers PLACE (1665-1738) master of the Free School]
01 Jan 1732/3 - Sarah daughter of Arthur HAVELAND baptised [BR's have HAVILAND]
06 Feb 1732/3 - Thomas son of Susanna WHITE baptised [BT's state base born]
01 Mar 1732/3 - Jane daughter of Robert SNOOK baptised [Note:- 5th known child of Robert & Jane SNOOK of Dorchester. See baptism of sibling Lawrence SNOOKE at St Peters on 17th Sep 1721 for more information]


29 Mar 1733 - William son of John COOMBS baptised
10 Apr 1733 - Elizabeth daughter of Francis VALLENS baptised [Note:- BT's have VALENS --3rd child from the marriage of Francis VALLENS to Maria CORNING at Minterne Magna Dorset on 7th Sep 1726]
13 Apr 1733 - Mary daughter of William ARNOLD baptised
19 Apr 1733 - Lucia daughter of Thomas IRONSIDE baptised
29 Apr 1733 - Elizabeth daughter of Robert BUTT baptised
09 May 1733 - Deborah daughter of James BUNN baptised
29 May 1733 - Ambrose son of Ambrose OLD baptised
13 Sep 1733 - Samuel son of Richard SOMMERS baptised [BT's have SUMMERS]
05 Nov 1733 - Elizabeth daughter of William READ baptised [Note:- See comments about this baptism under the marriage of William READ to Hannah SCUT at All Saints church Dorchester on 28th Nov 1732]
10 Dec 1733 - Sarah daughter of James DRAYTON baptised [Note:- wife likely to be called Mary see bap 1 July 1739]
16 Dec 1733 - Sarah daughter of Thomas CHAMBERLAIN baptised
16 Dec 1733 - Cordelia daughter of Conyers PLACE baptised [Note:- 20 July 1730 - Conyers PLACE married Magdaline GLISSON in St Peters Church - Granddaughter of Rev Conyers PLACE (1665-1738) master of the Free School] ]
20 Dec 1733 - Sarah daughter of Richard SQUIBB baptised
27 Jan 1733/4 - Richard son of William TEMPLEMAN baptised
19 Feb 1733/4 - William son of John CHILD baptised
03 Mar 1733/4 - Joseph son of John SEAL baptised
06 Mar 1733/4 - Thomas son of Arthur HAVELAND baptised


16 Apr 1734 - Lucia daughter of Harry EVOMY baptised [Note:- Child from the marriage of  Henry EVOMY of Blandford Forum who married Elizabeth BARTLETT at Milton Abbas on 14th Aug 1732, Elizabeth's mother was named Lucy ]
25 Apr 1734 - Samuel son of Richard ROSE baptised
02 Jun 1734 - Samuel son of Henry MITCHELL baptised
03 Jun 1734 - Martha daughter of Josiah MAGEN {note:- incorrectly recorded in the IGI as 3rd of January]
18 July 1734 - Elizabeth daughter of George BROOK baptised [2nd child from the marriage of George BROOKE of Corsham in Wiltshire to Anne TUCKER of St Peters Dorchester at St/P 2nd Jan 1728/9]
26 July 1734 - Susanna daughter of Thomas BUSHROD baptised
24 Jan 1734/5 - Jacob son of Matthew HELLARD baptised [BT's have HILLARD]
06 Feb 1734/5 - Robert son of Thomas IRONSIDE baptised [Note:- Buried at All Saints (but late of Fordington) 2nd March 1823 aged 89 years]
14 Feb 1734/5 - John son of William ARNOLD baptised
27 Feb 1734/5 - Edward son of Conyers PLACE Junior baptised [Note;- Grandson of Rev Conyers PLACE (1665-1738) master of the Free School]
06 Mar 1734/5 - Mary daughter of Gould ROGERS baptised [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Gould ROGERS from Trinity to Mary BLAKE at her parish church of St Peters Dorchester on 14th Sep 1724. Mary junior was their 1st girl and named after her mother but was buried at Holy Trinity 4th Nov 1735 ]
10 Mar 1734/5 - John son of William CHEEK baptised
19 Mar 1734/5 - Henry son of Henry HARBIN baptised


01 Apr 1735 - Thomasine daughter of Robert BLANDIMORE
20 Apr 1735 - Thomas GRINING (Sic)
01 May 1735 - Robert son of Robert SNOOK[Note:- 6th known child of Robert & Jane SNOOK of Dorchester. See baptism of sibling Lawrence SNOOKE at St Peters on 17th Sep 1721 for more information]
29 May 1735 - Ann daughter of John VOSS
19 Jun 1735 - Elizabeth daughter of John CHILD
03 July 1735 - Robert son of Jno. [John?] VALLINS [VALLENS or VALLANCE] [Note:- although he is recorded here as the son of 'Jno. Vallins' I think this is a clerical error as there are no other records relating to a John VALLLENS etc. Robert's baptism is also the third child in a sequence of 4 baptisms and in the other three the father is given as Francis VALLINS or VALLENS. Also for the other 3 baptisms we have the original register as well as the transcription sent to the bishop, but the page in the original register in which this entry would have occurred is missing on so we only have the transcription.I have therefore concluded that this is the 4th child from the marriage of Francis VALLENS to Maria CORNING at Minterne Magna Dorset on 7th Sep 1726. Follow link for more information about the family]
03 July 1735 - Hester daughter of Richard SUMMERS
24 Aug 1735 - Sarah daughter of James MICHEL
26 Aug 1735 - Jane daughter of Thomas HARRYS [HARRIS]
17 Oct 1735 - Ann daughter of Jane COLE
05 Nov 1735 - Jane daughter of John COOMBS
09 Nov 1735 - Ann daughter of James DRAYTON
25 Jan 1735/6 - Richard son of George HARVEY
12 Feb 1735/6 - Richard son of Richard SQUIB
10 Mar 1735/6 - John son of Ambrose OLD


01 Apr 1736 - Anne daughter of William CHICK
25 Apr 1736 - Hannah daughter of Thomas BUSHROD
15 Jun 1736 - Mary daughter Mr Edward COSENS [COZENS] [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of Revd Edward COZENS (1690-1753), Master of the free school in Dorchester to his wife Ursula] See her sister Elizabeth's burial 15th March 1821 for more information about the family]
18 Jun 1736 - Robert son of Mr Robert WILLIS
14 Dec 1736 - Ann daughter of George FOANE
07 Jan 1736/7 - John son of John CHILD
09 Jan 1736/7 - Mary daughter of Will? ROBINS
28 Jan 1736/7 - Willam son of Mr Conyers PLACE [Note:- 20 July 1730 - Conyers PLACE married Magdaline GLISSON in St Peters Church and Grandson of Rev Conyers PLACE (1665-1738) master of the Free School]]
30 Jan 1736/7 - Hannah daughter of Henry MICHEL (PR)
30 Jan 1736/7 - Edith daughter of Thomas IRONSIDE (PR)

[Note:- Register signed by Rev W Leigh Rector]

1737 [Note:- Checked against copy of Register and alternative spellings used given in brackets]

31 Mar 1737 - John son of Thomas HARRIS baptised (PR)
05 May 1737 - Laurence son of Laurence ELMES baptised (PR)
08 May 1737 - Anne daughter of George HARVEY baptised (PR) [Note:- wife likely to be called Anne see bap 7 Mar 1739]
31 May 1737 - William sonn of Francis VALLENS baptised (PR) [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of Francis VALLENS to Maria CORNING at Minterne Magna Dorset on 7th Sep 1726. William enlisted into 65th Regiment of Foot as William VALLANCE and admitted to Royal Hospital Chelsea Pension Register aged 36 on 17th Sep 1773 follow link for more information about the family
29 Jun 1737 - Arthur son of Arthur HAVELAND baptised (PR)
07 July 1737 - Jane daughter of Richard ROSE baptised (PR)
04 Aug 1737 - John son of Thomas LOCKET baptised (PR)
14 Aug 1737 - Thomas son of Robert SNOOKE baptised (PR) [Note:- 8th known child of Robert & Jane SNOOK of Dorchester. See baptism of sibling Lawrence SNOOKE at St Peters on 17th Sep 1721 for more information]
11 Sep 1737 - John son of Mr. William TEMPLEMAN baptised (PR)
16 Nov 1737 - Mary daughter of John GREY baptised (PR)
02 Jan 1737/8 - Elizabeth daughter of Reverend Mr. Edward COSENS baptised (PR) [Note:- 6th child from the marriage of Revd Edward COZENS (1690-1753), Master of the free school in Dorchester to his wife Ursula - See her burial 15th March 1821 aged 84 remained a spinster]
17 Jan 1737/8 - James son of James DRAYTON baptised (PR)
19 Jan 1737/8 - Samuel son of Charles LESTER [LISTER] baptised (PR)

[Note:- Register signed by Rev W Leigh Rector]

1738 [Note:- Checked against copy of Register and alternative spellings used given in brackets]

21 Apr 1738 - Anne daughter of William BARTLETT baptised (PR)
19 May 1738 - Richard son of Mr. Richard WITHERS baptised (PR)
10 Jun 1738 - Anne daughter of Henry HARBIN baptised (PR)
25 Jun 1738 - Elizabeth daughter of Richard SUMMERS baptised (PR)
20 July 1738 - Mary daughter of Mr. Conyers PLACE Junior baptised (PR) [Note:- 20 July 1730 - Conyers PLACE married Magdaline GLISSON in St Peters Church and Grandsdaughter of Rev Conyers PLACE (1665-1738) master of the Free School]]
17 Aug 1738 - Joseph son of Mr. Robert WILLIS baptised (PR)
31 Aug 1738 - Amy daughter of John SHERINGTON [SHEREINGTON] baptised (PR) [Note a John SHERRINGTON married Mary IRONSIDE in St Peters church 25 Dec 1737]
10 Sep 1738 - Anne daughter of Thomas HANCOCK baptised (PR)
28 Sep 1738 - Thomas son of Thomas LOCKET baptised (PR)
03 Oct 1738 - Anna Maria daughter of Thomas LEWIS baptised (PR)
15 Oct 1738 - Anna daughter of William READ baptised (PR) [Note:- See comments about this baptism under the marriage of William READ to Hannah SCUT at All Saints church Dorchester on 28th Nov 1732]
19 Oct 1738 - Robert son of Erasmus COX baptised (PR)
19 Oct 1738 - Frances daughter of John HARVEY baptised (PR)
16 Nov 1738 - John son of George FOANE baptised (PR)
29 Nov 1738 - Anne daughter of John GREENHAM baptised (PR)
28 Dec 1738 - Jane daughter of John COOMBES [COOMBS] baptised (PR)
05 Mar 1738 - Betty daughter of Thomas HARRIS baptised (PR)
15 Mar 1738 - John son of William VINCENT [VINSENT] baptised (PR)

[Note:- Register signed by Rev W Leigh Rector]

1739 [Note:- Checked against copy of Register and alternative spellings used given in brackets]

05 Apr 1739 - Nathaniel son of Robert & Margaret GREY baptised (PR)
12 Apr 1739 - James son of Samuel & Elizabeth GOODALE baptised (PR)
29 Apr 1739 - Thomas son of Laurence & Hester ELMES baptised (PR)
08 May 1739 - Anne [Ann] daughter of John & Elizabeth CHILD baptised (PR)
01 July 1739 - Jane daughter of James & Mary DRAYTON baptised (PR)
10 July 1739 - John son of Ralph & Margaret WARREN baptised (PR)
16 Sep 1739 - Mary daughter of William & Anne MITCHEL baptised (PR)
19 Sep 1739 - Robert son of John & Anne VOSS baptised (PR)
18 Nov 1739 - Richard son of Charles & Mary LISTER baptised (PR)
10 Dec 1739 - John son of John & Anne ASTONS baptised (PR)
10 Dec 1739 - Thomas son of Robert & Jane SNOOK [SNOOKE] baptised (PR) [Note:- 9th known child of Robert & Jane SNOOK of Dorchester. See baptism of sibling Lawrence SNOOKE at St Peters on 17th Sep 1721 for more information]
25 Jan 1739/40 - William son of Honor TERRELL [TIRREL] base born baptised (PR)
07 Mar 1739/40 - Betty daughter of George and Anne HARVEY baptised (PR)
11 Mar 1739/40 - William son of Mr. Richard & Catherine WITHERS baptised (PR)

[Note:- Register signed by Rev W Leigh Rector]

1740 [Note:- Checked against copy of Register and alternative spellings used given in brackets]

27 Mar 1740 - John son of John & Mary SHERRINGTON baptised (PR)
03 Apr 1740 - Molly daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth LEWIS baptised (PR)
08 Apr 1740 - James son of Mr. John & Mrs. Mary GOULD baptised (PR)
05 Apr 1740 - Esther daughter of John and Elizabeth COMBES baptised [Note:- out of date order]
17 July 1740 - William son of Thomas & Martha LOCKETT baptised (PR)
20 July 1740 - Jeney daughter of Richard & Anne SUMERS [SUMMERS] baptised (PR)
06 Aug 1740 - Mary daughter of John & Elizabeth POUNCEY [POUNCY] baptised (PR) [Note:- Mary married George LOCK (1741-1837) at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 2nd Sep 1764]
25 Sep 1740 - Robert son of Richard & Anne JONES baptised (PR)
11 Oct 1740 - George son of George & Mary FONE baptised (PR)
23 Oct 1740 - Mary daughter of Mr. William & Elizabeth TEMPLEMAN baptised (PR)
26 Dec 1740 - Richard Henry son of Erasmus & Elizabeth COX baptised (PR sic)
18 Jan 1740/1 - Edith daughter of Nicholas & Elizabeth STICKLAND baptised (PR)
17 Feb 1740/1 - Mary daughter of William & Mary BRYAR [BRYER] baptised (PR)
14 Mar 1740/1 - Elizabeth daughter of James & Ruth BUNN baptised (PR)

[Note:- Register signed by Rev W Leigh Rector]

1741 [Note:- Checked against copy of Register and alternative spellings used given in brackets]

06 Apr 1741 - Henry son of Henry & Sarah WIGGINS [WIGGONS] baptised (PR)
24 Apr 1741 - Eleanor daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth HARRIS baptised (PR)
18 May 1741 - John son of John & Anne [Ann] AUSTIN baptised (PR)
29 May 1741 - Frances daughter of John & Mary GREY baptised (PR)
23 July 1741 - Elizabeth daughter of John & Mary SHERRINGTON baptised (PR)
12 Sep 1741 - Catherine [Catharine] Jane daughter of Mr. Edmund & Catherine OGDEN baptised (PR) [ 'of Critchell']
12 Nov 1741 - Mary daughter of Robert & Margaret GREY baptised (PR)
24 Nov 1741 - Elizabeth daughter of Ralph & Martha WARREN baptised (PR) [Note:- a Ralph WARREN married Martha WARREN in St Peters Church on 2nd Oct 1738]
11 Dec 1741 - Mary daughter of Mr. Samuel & Frances STANING baptised (PR)
04 Jan 1741/2 - Susanna daughter of Robert & Jane FILLDUE baptised (PR)
10 Feb 1741/2 - Mary daughter of John & Elizabeth CHILD baptised (PR)

[Note:- Register signed by Rev W Leigh Rector]

1742 [Note:- Checked against copy of Register and alternative spellings used given in brackets]

21 Apr 1742 - John son of John & Elizabeth INSER [ENSOR] baptised (PR) [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of John ENSOR (1714-1753) to Elizabeth DOWLE (1715-1781) at St Georges Church in Fordington on 11th Apr 1737]
01 May 1742 - John son of Susanna WHITE base born baptised (PR)
18 May 1742 - William son of Mr. Nicholas & Anne BAKER baptised (PR)
01 Apr 1742 - Matthew son of John & Elizabeth POUNCEY[POUNSEY] baptised (PR) (Note:- Out of date order on original)
10 Jun 1742 - Charles son of Robert & Jane SNOOKE baptised (PR) [Note:- 10th known child of Robert & Jane SNOOK of Dorchester. See baptism of sibling Lawrence SNOOKE at St Peters on 17th Sep 1721 for more information]
21 July 1742 - Mary daughter of Mr. John & Mary GOULD baptised (PR)
19 Aug 1742 - Susana [Susannah] daughter of Mr. William & Elizabeth TEMPLEMAN baptised (PR)
21 Oct 1742 - Richard son of Thomas & Mary LOCKETT baptised (PR)
20 Jan 1742/3 - William son of Mr. William & Mary BRYER baptised (PR)
07 Feb 1742/3 - Mary daughter of John & Mary SHERRINGTON baptised (PR)
14 Feb 1742/3 - Susanna [Susannah] daughter of John & Anne AUSTIN baptised (PR)
14 Feb 1742/3 - Anne daughter of Mr. Richard & Mary WALLWYN baptised (PR)
01 Mar 1742/3 - John son of John & Mary GREY [GRAY] baptised (PR)

[Note:- Register signed by Rev W Leigh Rector]

1743 [Note:- Checked against copy of Register and alternative spellings used given in brackets]

10 Apr 1743 - William son of Thomas & Elizabeth LEWIS baptised (PR)
14 May 1743 - Richard son of Richard & Anne [Ann] SOMMERS [SUMMERS] baptised (PR)
14 May 1743 - Mary daughter of James & Mary LOCK baptised (PR)
22 Sep 1743 - Mary daughter of Mr. Nathaniel & Mary GUNDRY baptised (PR)
08 Oct 1743 - Mary daughter of Edward & Mary KEATES baptised (PR)
13 Oct 1743 - Robert son of Mr Samuel & Frances STANING (PR)
13 Oct 1743 - Elizabeth daughter of Erasmus & Elizabeth COX baptised (PR) [Note:- Copy register incorrectly has his wife's name Frances as Erasmus COX married Elizabeth LESTER in St Peters Church Dorchester on 4th Dec 1737]
05 Nov 1743 - Thomas son of Robert & Anne FILLDUE [FILDUE] baptised (PR)
05 Nov 1743 - Elizabeth daughter of William & Mary HEUSTEN baptised (PR)
10 Mar 1743/4 - Sarah daughter of Jasper & Jane NOTLEY baptised (PR) [Note:- 3rd known child of Jasper and Jane NOTLEY - See Wills index for Letter of Admin for Jasper dated 7th Dec 1766 for more info on family]

[Note:- Register signed by Rev W Leigh Rector]

1744 [Note:- Checked against copy of Register ]

27 Mar 1744 - Daniel son of Mr. George & Frances ARDEN baptised (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the mariage of George ARDEN (1725-1768) and Frances CROWE (1721-1779)]
28 Mar 1744 - Anthony son of Henry & Mary TAPP baptised (PR)
03 Apr 1744 - Robert son of Mr. John & Dorothy YOUNG baptised (PR)
11 Apr 1744 - William son of Matthew & Dorothy COMBES baptised (PR)
18 Apr 1744 - Mary daughter of Thomas & Mary CHANING baptised (PR)
19 Apr 1744 - Anne daughter of William & Mary SHERINGTON baptised (PR)
03 May 1744 - Thomas son of William & Dorothy JACOB baptised (PR)
06 Aug 1744 - Charles son of John & Anne AUSTIN baptised (PR)
16 Aug 1744 - Anne daughter of William & Anne VINCENT baptised (PR)
05 Oct 1744 - Robert son of Mr Nicholas & Anne BAKER baptised (PR)
26 Oct 1744 - James son of Mr. Richard & Mary WALWYN baptised (PR)
14 Nov 1744 - James son of James & Mary LOCK baptised (PR)
26 Dec 1744 - Robert son of Richard & Anne JONES baptised (PR)
26 Dec 1744 - John Ash son of John & Elizabeth SWADRIDGE baptised (PR) [Note:- CLDS incorrectly has 'Robert Ash' as a first name clear in PR and Copy as 'John Ash']
26 Dec 1744 - Sarah daughter of Cornelius & Sarah DOBSON [DOPSON] baptised (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Cornelius DOPSON to Sarah LOCK at Winfrith Newburgh on 2nd Sep 1744]

[Note:- Register signed by Rev W Leigh Rector]

1745 [Note:- Checked against copy of Register and alternative spellings used given in brackets]

30 Mar 1745 - Elizabeth daughter of Mary PARSONS base born baptised (PR)
30 Mar 1745 - John son of Mr. John & Dorothy YOUNG baptised (PR)
17 Apr 1745 - William son of John & Mary SHERRINGTON baptised (PR)
13 May 1745 - Lucia daughter of Nicholas & Edith STICKLAND baptised (PR)
02 Jun 1745 - Elizabeth daughter of Jasper & Jane NOTLEY baptised (PR) [Note:- 4th known child of Jasper and Jane NOTLEY - See Wills index for Letter of Admin for Jasper dated 7th Dec 1766 for more info on family]
13 Jun 1745 - Thomas son of Mr. Samuel & Frances STANING baptised (PR)
11 July 1745 - Judith daughter of George & Sarah WHEELER baptised (PR)
30 July 1745 - Frances daughter of George & Frances ARDEN baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the mariage of George ARDEN (1725-1768) and Frances CROWE (1721-1779)]
21 Nov 1745 - Jane daughter of Mathew & Dorothy COMBS [COOMBS] baptised (PR)
20 Dec 1745 - John son of John & Mary MARSH baptised (PR)
13 Jan 1745/6 - John son of John & Ann ASTON baptised (PR)
13 Jan 1745/6 - Robert son of Joan DITE (base born) baptised (PR)
30 Jan 1745/6 - Mary daughter of Erasmus & Elizabeth COX baptised (PR) [Note:- Copy register incorrectly has his wife's name as Mary]
20 Feb 1745/6 - George son of Robert & Elizabeth WHITE baptised (PR)
06 Mar 1745/6 - Elizabeth daughter of James & Mary LOCK baptised (PR)

[Note:- Register signed by Rev John Derby Curate]

1746 [Note:- Checked against copy of Register and alternative spellings used given in brackets]

01 Apr 1746 - William son of William & Mary MARSH baptised (PR)
22 Apr 1746 - John Bampfyld [Bampfield] son of Mr. William & Gertrude BRYER baptised (PR)
06 May 1746 - Mary daughter of Richard WALWYN Esq and Mary his wife baptised (PR)
14 May 1746 - Robert son of Robert & Ann FILDEW baptised (PR) [Note:- Robert FILDEW a cordwainer by trade volunteered as a substitute for the Dorset Militia on 27th April 1768]
01 Jun 1746 - Susannah daughter of Alice OTTER (base born) baptised (PR)
11 Jun 1746 - John son of John & Frances FILDEW baptised (PR)
19 Jun 1746 - John son of John & Honor ELLIOT baptised (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of John ELLIOTT to Honour SPARKES (c1710-1801) at St Michael's church in Stinsford on 7th June 1744]

20 Jun 1746 - Charles LEEK (a West Indian) aged 21 years of age baptised (PR) [Note:- See Charles LAKE (1725-1766) also ref to him under Slave Trade in the Glossary]
13 Aug 1746 - John son of John & Elizabeth INSOR [ENSOR] baptised (PR) [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of John ENSOR (1714-1753) to Elizabeth DOWLE (1715-1781) at St Georges Church in Fordington on 11th Apr 1737]
20 Aug 1746 - Betty daughter of Thomas & Mary LOCK baptised (PR) [Note:- Thomas LOCK married Mary WHITE in St Peters Church Dorchester on 12 Aug 1745]
29 Sep 1746 - Sarah daughter of John & Mary SHERINGTON baptised (PR)
12 Nov 1746 - Nathaniel son of Mr. Nathaniel & Mary GUNDRY baptised (PR)
14 Nov 1746 - Betty daughter of Thomas & Mary CHANNING [Copy Register has CHAINING - unlikely to be correct] baptised (PR)
04 Feb 1746/7 - Diana [Dinah] daughter of Mr. George & Frances ARDEN baptised (PR) [Note:- 3rd child from the mariage of George ARDEN (1725-1768) and Frances CROWE (1721-1779)]

18 Feb 1746/7 - John and Thomas sons of Alpheus [Alishoma?] & Mary TIMS [TIMBUS] baptised (PR)
07 Mar 1746/7 - Sarah daughter of Elizabeth GOODALE (base born) baptised (PR)

[Note:- Register signed by Rev John Derby Curate]

1747 [Note:- Checked against copy of Register and alternative spellings used given in brackets]

10 May 1747 - Mary daughter of John & Honour ELLIOT baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of John ELLIOTT to Honour SPARKES (c1710-1801) at St Michael's church in Stinsford on 7th June 1744]
17 Aug 1747 - Edmond son of Mr. William & Gertrude BRYER baptised (PR)
19 Sep 1747 - Jane daughter of John & Martha EVOMY baptised (Copy Register has daughters name as Sarah?)
08 Oct 1747 - George son of Matthew & Dorothy COMBS [COOMBS] baptised (PR)
09 Oct 1747 - Frances daughter of Mr. Samuell & Frances STANING baptised (PR)
13 Oct 1747 - Susannah daughtrer of Richard WALWYN Esq baptised (PR)
16 Oct 1747 - Ann daughter of William & Sarah GRANT baptised (PR)
18 Oct 1747 - Lucy daughter of Charles & Mary LAKE baptised (PR) [Note:- Copy register records her surname as LEAK - 1st child from the marriage of Charles LAKE to Mary OLIVER in St Peters Church Dorchester on 20th Sep 1747]
28 Oct 1747 - Joseph son of George & Sarah WHEELER baptised (PR)
28 Oct 1747 - Molly daughter of John & Elizabeth SWADRIDGE [SWATRIDGE] baptised (PR)
31 Oct 1747 - Elizabeth daughter of John & Elizabeth HAINE [HAYNE] baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of John HAYNE of Holy Trinity parish who married Elizabeth CHEEK at St Peters 28 July 1744]
20 Nov 1747 - James son of Mr. James & Elizabeth BROOKE [BROOKS] baptised (PR)
31 Dec 1747 - Ann daughter of Robert & Elizabeth WHITE baptised (PR)
05 Jan 1747/8 - Mary daughter of John & Ann ASTONS baptised (PR)
01 Feb 1747/8 - James son of Humphrey & Elizabeth HARDY baptised (PR)
03 Feb 1747/8 - Honour daughter of James & Mary LOCK baptised (PR)

[Note:- Register signed by Rev John Derby Curate]

1748 [Note:- Checked against copy of Register]

10 Aug 1748 - Mary daughter of Mr. John & Mary PING baptised (PR)
23 Dec 1748 - Gertrude daughter of Mr. William & Gertrude BRYER baptised (PR) [Note:- Buried Fordington 10th April 1749]
25 Dec 1748 - John son of Ralph & Martha WARREN baptised (PR)
26 Dec 1748 - Thomas [Copy register has James?] son of Thomas & Mary LOCK baptised (PR)
30 Jan 1748/9 - Jane daughter of John & Elizabeth POUNCY baptised (PR)
08 Mar 1748/9 - Edward son of John & Elizabeth ENSOR baptised (PR) [Note: 5th child from the marriage of John ENSOR (1714-1753) to Elizabeth DOWLE (1715-1781) at St Georges Church in Fordington on 11th Apr 1737]
12 Mar 1748/9 - Elizabeth daughter of Charles & Elizabeth HEAD baptised (PR)

[Note:- Register signed by Rev John Derby Curate]

1749 [Note:- Checked against copy of Register and alternative spellings used given in brackets]

13 Apr 1749 - Thomas Walter son of Thomas JONES baptised (PR)
13 Apr 1749 - Charles son of Charles & Mary LEEKE [LAKE] baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Charles LAKE to Mary OLIVER in St Peters Church Dorchester on 20th Sep 1747]
01 Jun 1749 - Grace daughter of Nicholas FARHAM [FARNHAM] baptised
23 Jun 1749 - William Floyer son of Mr. James & Mrs. Elizabeth BROOKE baptised
27 July 1749 - George son of Thomas PANCHARD baptised (PR)
03 Sep 1749 - James son of Edward & Jane KEATES baptised (PR)
24 Oct 1749 - Kitty daughter of Mr. James COMBES baptised (PR)
20 Nov 1749 - Mathew son of Mathew & Dorothy COMBES baptised (PR)
23 Nov 1749 - Mary daughter of Daniel & Susannah CHAFFEY baptised (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Daniel CHAFFEY to Susannah JACKSON at St Peters Church on 10th Apr 1748]
27 Dec 1749 - Sarah daughter of John EVOMY baptised (PR)
04 Jan 1749/50 - William son of John & Frances FILDEW baptised (PR)
08 Jan 1749/50 - Mary daughter of Mr. George & Frances ARDEN baptised (PR does not have the mothers Christian name)[Note:- 4th child from the mariage of George ARDEN (1725-1768) and Frances CROWE (1721-1779)]
16 Jan 1749/50 - John son of William DISKET baptised (PR)
23 Feb 1749/50 - Sarah daughter of George & Sarah WHEELER baptised (PR)
01 Mar 1749/50 - Charles son of John SWATRIDGE baptised (PR)

[Note:- Register signed by Rev John Derby Curate]

1750 [Note:- Checked against copy of Register and alternative spellings used given in brackets]

07 Jun 1750 - John son of Mr. John WILLIS baptised (PR)
19 Jun 1750 - Joseph son of Joseph CHURCHILL baptised (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Joseph CHURCHILL of Fordington to Christian CLARK from Abbotsbury at All Saints Church Dorchester on 29th March 1749]
22 Jun 1750 - George son of Mr. STANNIG [STANING] & Frances his wife baptised (PR)
04 July 1750 - William son of William & Mary SPILLER baptised (PR)
05 July 1750 - Thomas son of Mr. William BRYER & Gertrude his wife baptised (PR)
16 Oct 1750 - Elizabeth daughter of Robert & Elizabeth WHITE baptised (PR)
30 Oct 1750 - Ann daughter of Nathaniel & Martha STICKLAND baptised (PR) [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of Nathaniel STICKLAND to Martha SMALL at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 14 Nov 1742]
16 Nov 1750 - John son of Thomas JONES baptised (PR)
21 Nov 1750 - Susanna daughter of Humphrey & Elizabeth HARDY baptised (PR)
15 Dec 1750 - Elizabeth daughter of Prudence HAYDON baptised (PR)
28 Dec 1750 - Anne [Ann] daughter of John & Elizabeth HAYNE [or Haine] baptised (PR) [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of John HAYNE of Holy Trinity parish who married Elizabeth CHEEK at St Peters 28 July 1744]
01 Jan 1750/1 - Richard son of Thomas & Mary ENSOR baptised (PR) [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Thomas ENSOR (1723-1767) and Mary THORNE who married at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on Christmas day 1745]

[Note:- Register signed by Rev W Leigh Rector]

1751 [Note:- Checked against copy of Register]

27 Mar 1751 - Robert son of James & Jane COMBE baptised (PR)
11 Apr 1751 - Mary daughter of Charles & Mary LAKE baptised (PR) [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Charles LAKE to Mary OLIVER in St Peters Church Dorchester on 20th Sep 1747]
13 May 1751 - Elizabeth daughter of John & Elizabeth POUNCY baptised (PR)
25 May 1751 - Nicodemus son of Nicholas & Ann SLADE baptised (PR)
20 July 1751 - Grace daughter of Edward & Mary DEAR baptised (PR)
01 Aug 1751 - Barbara daughter of John & Mary PING baptised (PR)
08 Aug 1751 - William son of Thomas & Mary LOCK baptised (PR)
11 Aug 1751 - Fanny daughter of John & Elizabeth BULL baptised (PR) [Note:- Buried ST Peters 10 Apr 1754]
20 Sep 1751 - Mary daughter of Mr. John & Mary WILLES baptised (PR)
26 Sep 1751 - John son of John & Martha EVOMY baptised (PR)
03 Oct 1751 - William son of Thomas & Elizabeth PANCHARD baptised (PR) [Note:- Buried St Peters Dorchester 13 Sep 1754]
18 Oct 1751 - William son of John & Ann AUSTIN baptised (PR)
21 Oct 1751 - Elizabeth daughter of James & Margaret THORNE baptised (PR)
23 Oct 1751 - Christopher son of Mr George & Frances ARDEN baptised (PR)[Note:- 5th child from the mariage of George ARDEN (1725-1768) and Frances CROWE (1721-1779)]
27 Oct 1751 - Henry son of Joseph & Xtian [Christian] CHURCHILL baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Joseph CHURCHILL of Fordington to Christian CLARK from Abbotsbury at All Saints Church Dorchester on 29th March 1749]
31 Oct 1751 - Warwick son of Mr.William & Gertrude BRYER baptised (PR)
10 Nov 1751 - Mary daughter of Mr. Thomas & Mary ROGERS baptised (PR)
27 Dec 1751 - Alice daughter of Daniel & Susanah CHAFEY baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Daniel CHAFFEY to Susannah JACKSON at St Peters Church on 10th Apr 1748]

[Note:- Register signed by RevJohn Hubbock Curate]

1752 [Note Change over for the start of the New Year to 1st January from 25th March - Checked against copy of Register and alternative spellings used given in brackets]

13 Jan 1752 - William son of William & Avice CHICK baptised (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Avis Phelps to William CHEEK of St Peters Parish on 12th Feb 1750/1
05 Feb 1752 - Elizabeth Williams daughter of Harry & Elizabeth POUNCEY baptised (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Harry POUNCY to Elizabeth WILLIAMS at West Knighton Church on 25th June 1750]
06 Feb 1752 - Mary & Sarah daughters of Henry & Mary TAPP baptised (PR)
06 Feb 1752 - Jacob son of Matthew & Dorothy COOMBS baptised (PR) [Note:- Jacob was enrolled into the Dorsetshire Regiment of Militia 13th May 1776 ]
08 Feb 1752 - Abraham son of John & Sarah LEVERMOOR baptised (PR)
14 Feb 1752 - Ann daughter of John & Mary SWADRIGE [SWATRIDGE] baptised (PR)
08 Mar 1752 - Mary daughter of Joseph & Mary HELLARD baptised (PR) [May have been buruied Holy Trinity Dorchester 30 Oct 1755 when described as an infant]
22 Mar 1752 - Samuel Evans son of Mary BESANT [BEASANT] baptised (PR)

[Note:- Register signed by Rev John Hubbock Curate]

02 Apr 1752 - Richard son of George & Jane HIGGINS baptised (PR)
07 Apr 1752 - Edith daughter of George & Sarah WHEELER baptised (PR)
11 Apr 1752 - Charles Cooper son of Benjamin & Jane LISTER baptised (PR)
16 May 1752 - Charles son of Robert & Elizabeth WHITE baptised (PR)
11 July 1752 - Isaac son of Isaac & Margaret BONNETT baptised (PR)
12 July 1752 - Julian daughter of Jasper & Jane NOTTLEY [NOTLEY] baptised (PR) [Note:- 5th known child of Jasper and Jane NOTLEY - See Wills index for Letter of Admin for Jasper dated 7th Dec 1766 for more info on family]
18 July 1752 - Ann daughter of Harry & Elizabeth POUNCEY baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Harry POUNCY to Elizabeth WILLIAMS at West Knighton Church on 25th June 1750. Ann was buried at St on 7th Dec 1764]
19 July 1752 - Ann daughter of Mr.JOHNSON of the North British Dragoons baptised (PR) [Note:- i.e. would have been Stationed at Fordington Barracks]
30 July 1752 - Thomas son of Thomas & Mary JONES baptised (PR) [Note Buried St Peters Dorchester 2nd Aug 1752]
09 Nov 1752 - Elizabeth & Jane daughters of Benjamin & Mary BARNS baptised (PR) [Note:- Elizabeth buried 1 Apr 1753]
18 Nov 1752 - William son of Xtopher [Christopher] & Sarah PARKER baptised (PR)
02 Dec 1752 - Fanny daughter of Sarah DAMON baptised (PR)

[Note:- Register signed by Rev John Hubbock Curate]


02 Jan 1753 - Hannah daughter of Samuel & Mary SNOOK [SNOOKE] baptised (PR) [Note:- Buried St Peters 9th Oct 1754]
02 Jan 1753 - Mary daughter of William & Mary BRIDLE baptised (PR) [1st known child of William BRIDLE's first marriage to Mary Unknown, Link to his Will and more information]
04 Feb 1753 - Elizabeth daughter of William & Elizabeth ROGERS baptised (PR)
06 Mar 1753 - Ammery daughter of Charles & Mary LAKE baptised (PR) [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of Charles LAKE to Mary OLIVER in St Peters Church Dorchester on 20th Sep 1747]
14 Mar 1753 - Robert son of Mr. John & Mary WILLIS baptised (PR)
14 Mar 1753 - Sarah daughter of John & Elizabeth HAINE [HAYNE] baptised (PR) [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of John HAYNE of Holy Trinity parish who married Elizabeth CHEEK at St Peters 28 July 1744]
21 Mar 1753 - Sarah daughter of William & Sarah SEAL baptised (PR)

[Note:- Register signed by Rev John Hubbock Rector]

24 May 1753 - Hannah daughter of Thomas & Mary ENSOR baptised (PR) [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of Thomas ENSOR (1723-1767) and Mary THORNE who married at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on Christmas day 1745]
02 Jun 1753 - Josiah son of Thomas & Elizabeth PANCHARD baptised (PR)
02 July 1753 - Sarah daughter of John & Elizabeth DOWLE baptised (PR) [Note:- John DOWL married Elizabeth BUSHROD in St Peters church on 15 Mar 1752]
26 Sep 1753 - William son of Joseph & Xtian [Christian] CHURCHILL baptised (PR) [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Joseph CHURCHILL of Fordington to Chritian CLARK from Abbotsbury at All Saints Church Dorchester on 29th March 1749]
24 Oct 1753 - John Williams son of Henry [Harry] & Elizabeth POUNCY baptised (PR) [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Harry POUNCY to Elizabeth WILLIAMS at West Knighton Church on 25th June 1750]
25 Oct 1753 - Martha daughter of John & Martha EVOMY baptised (PR)
28 Dec 1753 - William son of Henry & Mary JACOB baptised (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Henry JACOB to Mary HELLARD at St Peters church on 25th Dec 1752]


09 Jan 1754 - Jane daughter of Thomas & Mary JONES baptised (PR)
22 Feb 1754 - Jane daughter of Joseph & Betty SILVER baptised (PR) [Note:- Joseph SILVER married Betty LININGTON in St Peters Church Dorchester on the same day i.e. 22nd February 1754]
02 Mar 1754 - Mary daughter of John & Jane GREY baptised (PR)
18 Apr 1754 - Elizabeth daughter of Benjamin & Mary BARNES baptised (PR)
09 May 1754 - John son of Mathew & Dorothy COOMBS baptised (PR) [Note buried St Peters Dorchester 11th Dec 1755]
13 May 1754 - John son of John & Mary VIVIAN baptised (PR)
06 Jun 1754 - Mary daughter of Samuel & Mary SNOOK baptised (PR)
07 Jun 1754 - Elizabeth daughter of Robert & Dorothy LISTER baptised (PR)
13 Aug 1754 - Sarah daughter of Charles & Mary LAKE baptised (PR) [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of Charles LAKE to Mary OLIVER in St Peters Church Dorchester on 20th Sep 1747]
20 Aug 1754 - Ambrose son of William & Elizabeth OLD baptised (PR)
22 Oct 1754 - George son of Mr. George & Frances ARDEN baptised (PR)[Note:- 7th child from the mariage of George ARDEN (1725-1768) and Frances CROWE (1721-1779)]
26 Oct 1754 - Elizabeth daughter of Elizabeth LEWIS baptised (PR)
10 Nov 1754 - Sarah daughter of Edward & Jane KEATES baptised (PR)
10 Nov 1754 - Robert son of Edward & Jane KEATES baptised (PR)


19 Jan 1755 - Thomas son of William & Elizabeth ROGERS baptised (PR)
29 Mar 1755 - Elizabeth daughter of Elizabeth VINCENT baptised (PR)
01 Apr 1755 - John son of John & Elizabeth DOWLE baptised (PR)

[Note:- Register signed by Rev John Hubbock Rector]

15 Apr 1755 - William son of William & Mary BRINDLE [BRIDLE] baptised (PR) [2nd known child of William BRIDLE's first marriage to Mary Unknown, Link to his Will and more information]
11 May 1755 - Thomas son of John & Mary BISHOP baptised (PR)
15 May 1755 - James son of Mr. William & Gertrude BRYER baptised (PR)
18 May 1755 - John son of James & Mary PLOWMAN baptised (PR)
27 May 1755 - Susannah daughter of Harry & Elizabeth POUNCY baptised (PR) [Note:- Buried St Peters 6th Nov 1756] [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of Harry POUNCY to Elizabeth WILLIAMS at West Knighton Church on 25th June 1750]
07 Jun 1755 - Lydia daughter of William & Alice BANKS baptised (PR)
13 Jun 1755 - Mary daughter of Thomas & Mary STONE baptised (PR)
14 Jun 1755 - John son of Catharin WILLIAMS base born baptised (PR)
14 Jun 1755 - William son of John & Elizabeth HAINE [HAYNE] baptised (PR) [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of John HAYNE of Holy Trinity parish who married Elizabeth CHEEK at St Peters 28 July 1744]
17 Jun 1755 - Matthew son of Henry & Mary JACOB baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Henry JACOB to Mary HELLARD at St Peters church on 25th Dec 1752]
19 Jun 1755 - Thomas son of Thomas & Alicia BARTLETT baptised (PR)
23 Jun 1755 - Joseph son of William & Elizabeth DISKETT baptised (PR)
12 Jul 1755 - Thomas son of John & Elizabeth POUNCY baptised (PR)
09 Aug 1755 - John son of John & Rebecca GRANT baptised (PR)
10 Aug 1755 - Sarah daughter of John & Sarah HANDERBY baptised (PR)
10 Aug 1755 - Samuel son of Samuel & Mary HAYWARD baptised (PR)
29 Aug 1755 - William son of Thomas & Elizabeth PANCHARD baptised (PR)
06 Sep 1755 - John son of John & sarah STANDISH baptised (PR)
06 Sep 1755 - John son of Elizabeth GOODALE base born baptised (PR) [Note:- Buried St Peters Dorchester 16 Jan 1757]
06 Oct 1755 - Ann daughter of Thomas & Mary JONES baptised (PR)
18 Oct 1755 - Sarah daughter of John & Jane GREY baptised (PR)
13 Nov 1755 - Mary daughter of Joseph & Christian CHURCHILL baptised (PR) [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of Joseph CHURCHILL of Fordington to Chritian CLARK from Abbotsbury at All Saints Church Dorchester on 29th March 1749]
27 Dec 1755 - Frances daughter of Elizabeth BULL base born baptised (PR)

[Note:- Register signed by Rev John Hubbock Rector]


21 Jan 1756 - Mary daughter of Thomas & Mary GREENING baptised (PR)
15 Mar 1756 - Mary daughter of Mr. John & Mary PITMAN baptised (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of John PITMAN to Mary Wakely at Winterborne Steepleton on 21st April 1755]
01 May 1756 - Robert son of Samuel & Mary SNOOK baptised (PR) [Note:- buried at St Peters church Dorchester on 9 Mar 1758]
07 May 1756 - Jane daughter of Bejamin & Mary BARNES baptised (PR)
14 May 1756 - John son of William & Elizabeth OLD baptised (PR)
21 May 1756 - John son of Mr. George & Mrs. Frances ARDEN baptised (PR)[Note:- 8th child from the mariage of George ARDEN (1725-1768) and Frances CROWE (1721-1779)]
27 Jun 1756 - Mary daughter of James & Mary PLOWMAN baptised (PR) [Note buried Holy Trinity Parish 1st April 1757 when described as an infant]
28 Jun 1756 - Robert son of Harry & Elizabeth POUNCEY baptised (PR)
24 Jul 1756 - Sarah daughter of John & Martha EVOMY baptised (PR)
29 Jul 1756 - John son of Samuel & Ann DREW baptised (PR)
18 Aug 1756 - John Oldfield son of Thomas & Letitia BARTLETT baptised (PR)
24 Sep 1756 - Phineas son of William & Ann EYERS baptised (PR)
02 Nov 1756 - Richard son of Charles & Mary LAKE baptised (PR) [Note:- 6th child from the marriage of Charles LAKE to Mary OLIVER in St Peters Church Dorchester on 20th Sep 1747]


15 Jan 1757 - Henry son of Henry & Mary JACOB baptised (PR) [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of Henry JACOB to Mary HELLARD at St Peters church on 25th Dec 1752]
20 Jan 1757 - Wadham Mone son of Mr. William & Mrs. Gertrude BRYER baptised (PR)
30 Jan 1757 - George son of William & Elizabeth ROGERS baptised (PR) [Note:- Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 12 Feb 1758]
17 Feb 1757 - James son of James & Elizabeth COOMBS baptised (PR) [Note:- Buried St Peters 11 Feb 1753]
19 Mar 1757 - John Adair son of Dr John & Mrs. Grace HAWKEENS [HAWKINS] baptised (PR) [Note John Adair later married Jane the daughter of THOMAS WILLIAMS (1727-1775) Esq of Herringston]
04 Apr 1757 - Mary daughter of Susannah EDWARDS base born baptised (PR) [Note:- Buried St Peters Dorchester 19th Apr 1757]
15 Apr 1757 - Mary daughter of Sydenham & Mary BAKER baptised (PR)
    [Note:- Sydenham BAKER married Mary DEAR in St Peters Church Dorchester on 22nd August 1756 - Mary their 1st child died & was buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 19th Oct 1760 & they renamed their next girl Mary again 6 May 1761]
30 Apr 1757 - Ann daughter of Ann VALENCE base born [bastard] baptised (PR) [Note:- Ann VALLANCE the mother was the eldest child from the marriage of Francis VALLENS to Maria CORNING at Mntern Magna in Dorset on 7th Sep 1726]
02 May 1757 - Elizabeth daughter of Mr. John & Mrs. Mary PITMAN baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of John PITMAN to Mary Wakely at Winterborne Steepleton on 21st April 1755]
18 May 1757 - Ann daughter of Mr. William & Mrs. Ann TEMPLEMAN baptised
24 May 1757 - Betty daughter of Caleb & Mary BROOKS baptised (PR) [Note:- 1st known child of Caleb BROOKS Junior (1722-1763) - Betty Buried St Peters Dorchester 17 Nov 1757]
10 Jun 1757 - Thomas son of Thomas & Ann STONE baptised (PR)
12 Jun 1757 - Ann daughter of John & Catherine MILFORD baptised (PR)
19 Jun 1757 - Elizabeth daughter of James & Mary PLOWMAN baptised (PR) [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 20 Sep 1758]

[Note:- Register signed by Rev John Hubbock Rector]

06 Aug 1757 - John son of John & Mary LION baptised (PR)
06 Aug 1757 - Mary daughter of Hugh & Catherine MARCHILL baptised (PR)
11 Aug 1757 - Robert son of William & Elizabeth BRYER baptised (PR)
07 Sep 1757 - Ann daughter of William & Mary BRIDLE baptised (PR) [3rd known child of William BRIDLE's first marriage to Mary Unknown, Link to his Will and more information]
11 Sep 1757 - Mary daughter of John & Mary SAUNDERS baptised (PR)
21 Oct 1757 - Sarah daughter of Mr. John & Mrs. Mary WILLIS baptised (PR)
05 Nov 1757 - Ann daughter of John & Elizabeth POUNCY baptised (PR)
12 Nov 1757 - Betty daughter of Matthew & Dorothy COOMBS baptised (PR) [Note:- Buried St Peters Dorchester 22 June 1758]
07 Dec 1757 - Katharine daughter of John & Mary SWATRIDGE baptised (PR)
07 Dec 1757 - James son of John & Mary SWATRIDGE baptised (PR)
07 Dec 1757 - Richard son of John & Mary SWATRIDGE baptised (PR) [Note:- Richard buried St Peters Church Dorchester 30th May 1759]
17 Dec 1757 - Elizabeth daughter of John & Elizabeth VIVIAN baptised (PR)

[Note:- Register signed by Rev John Hubbock Rector]


18 Jan 1758 - James son of William & Elizabeth OLD baptised (PR)
30 Mar 1758 - Wyndham son of Mr. William & Mrs. Gertrude BRYER baptised (PR)
21 Jun 1758 - Elizabeth daughter of John & Elizabeth DOWLE baptised (PR)
08 Jul 1758 - Moses son of Robert & Dorothy LESTER baptised (PR surname=LISTER)
08 Jul 1758 - Aaron son of Robert & Dorothy LESTER baptised (PR surname=LISTER)
23 Jul 1758 - Elizabeth daughter of Charles & Mary LAKE baptised (PR) [Note:- 7th child from the marriage of Charles LAKE to Mary OLIVER in St Peters Church Dorchester on 20th Sep 1747 - Buried 9th Dec 1759]
03 Sep 1758 - Thomas son of Thomas & Mary PENSHARD baptised (PR) [Note:- Thomas PENSHARD married Mary LANE in St Peters church Dorchester 5th Sep 1757 - This son was buried 30 Sep 1763 & their next child renamed Thomas 1st sep 1764]
02 Dec 1758 - Thomas son of James & ELizabeth COOMBS baptised (PR)
02 Dec 1758 - Richard baseborn son of Elizabeth LOVELACE baptised (PR)


01 Jan 1759 - Jane daughter of Samuel & Mary SNOOK baptised (PR) [Note:- buried St Peters Dorchester 3rd Jan 1761]
03 Jan 1759 - Ann daughter of Caleb & Mary BROOKS baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd known child of Caleb BROOKS Junior (1722-1763) -- buried at St Peters Dorchester on 3rd Oct 1760]
13 Feb 1759 - William son of John & Mary WILLIS baptised (PR)
24 Feb 1759 - John son of John & Martha EVOMY baptised (PR)

[Note:- Register signed by Rev John Hubbock Rector]

13 July 1759 - Ann daughter of Mr. John PITMAN Mayor and Mary his wife baptised (PR) [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of John PITMAN to Mary Wakely at Winterborne Steepleton on 21st April 1755].
15 July 1759 - Henry son of William & Mary HAINE baptised (PR)
15 July 1759 - Elizabeth daughter of William & Mary BRIDLE baptised (PR) [4th known child of William BRIDLE's first marriage to Mary Unknown, Link to his Will and more information]
25 July 1759 - Elizabeth daughter of Mr. William & Mrs. Ann TEMPLEMAN baptised (PR)
06 Aug 1759 - William son of John & Elizabeth HINE baptised (PR ) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage ofJohn HINE of Holy Trinity [parish Dorchester] married Betty HARDY of St Peters 21 July1754]
12 Aug 1759 - Honour daughter of John & Elizabeth HONEYBONE baptised (PR)
12 Aug 1759 - Mary daughter of John & Elizabeth HOMEYBONE baptised (PR)
19 Aug 1759 - Esther daughter of Matthew & Dorothy COOMBS baptised (PR)
16 Sep 1759 - John son of Thomas & Mary PANSHARD baptised (PR)
24 Sep 1759 - Ann daughter of Thomas & Mary STONE baptised (PR)
01 Dec 1759 - Christian daughter of William & Elizabeth OLD baptised (PR)


04 Jan 1760 - James Fendal son of Mr. John & Grace HAWKEENS [i.e.HAWKINS] baptised (PR)
    [Note:- Revd James Fendal (Findal) HAWKINS DD (1760-1837) was the son of Mr. John HAWKINS of Dorchester by his wife Grace and baptised at St Peters Church Dorchester on 4th January 1760. He was initially educated at the Free School in Dorchester under the Rev. Hubbock MA.(1712-1781) - Master there (1749-1781) - and then at Trinity College Cambridge where he matriculated on 26th Feb 1791 at the age of 30. Church of England records show that he was ordained a deacon at Hanover Square in the parish of St George on 25th Jan 1792; although the alumni suggests that it was at Peterborough and also ordained a priest the same year. In any event he was appointed Rector of Buckhorn Weston on 4th Feb 1792. The Cambridge Alumnui also states that he was kept at Trinity for 7 terms and admitted to Queens College 29th May 1795 where he was awarded a Doctor of Divinity. Pigots directory for Wincanton Somerset shows him resident at Church Street Hadspen House in 1830 The alumni refers to his death in 1837. - He married on 27th Aug 1792 at St Johns the Baptist church in Croydon to Frances SHARPE but she died and was buried at Holy Trinity church Dorchester on 8th April 1798]
04 Jan 1760 - Jane daughter of John & Elizabeth DOWLE baptised (PR)
12 Jan 1760 - Thomas son of John & Ann SMYTH baptised (PR) [Note:- Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 16 June 1760]
08 Mar 1760 - Susannah Clarke baseborn daughter of Elizabeth PIDDING baptised (PR) [Note Clarke may be the surname of the father?]
21 Mar 1760 - Lucy Radigan daughter of Mr. William & Mrs. Ann TEMPLEMAN baptised (PR)
22 Mar 1760 - David son of John & Elizabeth VIVIAN baptised (PR)

[Note:- Register signed by Rev John Hubbock Rector]

24 Apr 1760 - Lucy daughter of Charles & Mary LAKE baptised (PR) [Note:- 8th child from the marriage of Charles LAKE to Mary OLIVER in St Peters Church Dorchester on 20th Sep 1747]
02 July 1760 - Elizabeth daughter of Caleb & Mary BROOKS baptised (PR) [Note:- 3rd known child of Caleb BROOKS Junior (1722-1763)]
16 July 1760 - John son of Henry & Mary JACOB baptised (PR) [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of Henry JACOB to Mary HELLARD at St Peters church on 25th Dec 1752 - John buried 17th Oct 1760 described as an infant at St Peters Church Dorchester ]
23 Aug 1760 - John Thorpe son of John & Mary BRADBURY baptised (PR)
20 Nov 1760 - John son of John & Ann BEST baptised (PR)
22 Nov 1760 - George son of James & Elizabeth COOMBS baptised (PR) [Note buried St Peters Dorchester 7th Aug 1761]


03 Jan 1761 - Hannah daughter of Samuel & Mary SNOOK baptised (PR)
05 Jan 1761 - John son of William & Mary DISKETS baptised (PR)
11 Jan 1761 - Mary daughter of William & Elizabeth ROGERS baptised (PR)
02 Apr 1761 - Mary Foster daughter of Mr. William & Mrs. Mary TEMPLEMAN baptised (PR)
04 Apr 1761 - Jenny Snook daughter of Jenny TIZZARD baseborn baptised (PR) [ Note:- Snook may be the surname of the father]
05 Apr 1761 - John son of Henry & Martha OLDEGE baptised (PR)

[Note:- Register signed by Rev John Hubbock Rector]

17 May 1761 - John son of Robert & Margaret WELLMAN baptised (PR) [Note wrongly labled as female in the IGI]
22 May 1761 - John son of Mr. John & Mrs. Mary PITMAN baptised (PR) [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of John PITMAN to Mary Wakely at Winterborne Steepleton on 21st April 1755]
17 Jun 1761 - Erasmus son of Robert & Mary COX baptised (PR)
18 Jun 1761 - Molly daughter of Thomas & Mary PANSHARD baptised (PR)
18 Jun 1761 - Charles baseborn son of Barbara HOBBS baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd of 3 known base born children by barbara HOBBS; 1st was Matthew bap HT 15th Mar 1760; 3rd was Stephen bap HT 15th Oct 1769; Charles baptised here was buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 31st March 1762]
14 July 1761 - John son of John & Elizabeth DOWLE baptised (PR)
09 Aug 1761 - William son of William & Mary BRINDLE [BRIDLE] baptised (PR) [5th known child of William BRIDLE's first marriage to Mary Unknown, Link to his Will and more information]
15 Aug 1761 - Susannah daughter of John & Martha EVOMY baptised (PR)
15 Aug 1761 - William baseborn son of Elizabeth GOODALE baptised (PR)
16 Aug 1761 - Lydia baseborn daughter of Elizabeth VALENCE baptised (PR) [Note:- Elizabeth VALLANCE the mother was the 3rd child from the marriage of Francis VALLENS to Maria CORNING at Mntern Magna in Dorset on 7th Sep 1726]
24 Oct 1761 - Elizabeth daughter of William & Elizabeth OLD baptised (PR)
07 Nov 1761 - Benjamin son of Henry & Mary JACOB baptised (PR) [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of Henry JACOB to Mary HELLARD at St Peters church on 25th Dec 1752]
24 Nov 1761 - Mary daughter of William & Elizabeth VINCENT baptised (PR) [Note:- William VINCENT married Elizabeth BEAVIS in St Peters Church on 17 Apr 1760 - Mary was buried St Peters 6th Aug 1766]

23 Jan 1762 - Ann daughter of Caleb & Mary BROOKES [BROOKS] baptised (PR) [Note:- 4th known child of Caleb BROOKS Junior (1722-1763)]
12 Mar 1762 - Thomas son of John & Elizabeth VIVIAN baptised (PR)

[Note:- Register signed by Rev John Hubbock Rector]

29 May 1762 - Mary daughter of Thomas & Mary ENSOR baptised (PR) [Note:- 7th child from the marriage of Thomas ENSOR (1723-1767) and Mary THORNE who married at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on Christmas day 1745]
21 July 1762 - Elizabeth daughter of James & Ursula PARSONS baptised (PR) [Note:- James Parsons of the parish of Holy Trinity in Dorchester married by licence to Ursula Chaffey in St Peters Church Purse Caundle Dorset on 21st April 1759 witnesses John & Ann Chafy - Source OPC]
16 Aug 1762 - William son of William & Ann AYERS baptised (PR)
18 Aug 1762 - Virtue Thrasher daughter of William & Mary BRIDLE baptised (PR) [6th known child of William BRIDLE's first marriage to Mary Unknown, Link to his Will and more information]
24 Aug 1762 - Elizabeth daughter of John & Hester CHILDS baptised (PR) [Note:-John CHILDS married Esther COOMBS in St Peters Church Dorchester on 7th April 1761]
27 Aug 1762 - William son of William & Elizabeth HAYDON baptised (PR)


06 Mar 1763 - Richard son of Caleb & Mary BROOKS baptised (PR) [Note:- 5th known child of Caleb BROOKS Junior (1722-1763)]
17 Mar 1763 - Catheine daughter of Mr. John & Mrs. Mary PITMAN baptised (PR) [Note:- 5th child from the marriage of John PITMAN to Mary Wakely at Winterborne Steepleton on 21st April 1755]
26 Mar 1763 - William son of John & Elizabeth DOWLE baptised (PR)
06 Apr 1763 - Elizabeth Inwood daughter of Mary WOODLAND baseborn baptised [Note:- Inwood may be the surname of the father - Elizabeth buried 9th Sep 1763]

[Note:- Register signed by Rev John Hubbock Rector]

11 Jun 1763 - Ann daughter of William & Elizabeth VINCENT baptised (PR)
08 July 1763 - Mary daughter of Elizabeth NORMAN baseborn baptised (PR)
16 July 1763 - Mary daughter of John & Martha EVOMY baptised (PR)
28 Aug 1763 - Ann daughter of John & Ann GIBBS baptised (PR)
24 Sep 1763 - Jane Farr daughter of Ann VALENCE baptised (PR)[Note:- Ann VALLANCE the mother was the eldest child from the marriage of Francis VALLENS to Maria CORNING at Mntern Magna in Dorset on 7th Sep 1726]
23 Oct 1763 - John son of Diana LEMON baseborn baptised (PR)
07 Nov 1763 - Miriam daughter of Robert & Dorothy LISTER baptised (PR)
30 Dec 1763 - John son of Robert & Sarah DUNBAR baptised (PR)


14 Apr 1764 - William son of Susanna STIGANS widow baptised (PR)

[Note:- Register signed by Rev John Hubbock Rector]

13 May 1764 - Hester daughter of John & Hester CHILDS baptised (PR)
19 May 1764 - John son of John & Eleanor POND baptised (PR)
04 Aug 1764 - Sarah daughter of John & Elizabeth SMITH [SMYTH] baptised (PR)
01 Sep 1764 - Thomas son of Thomas & Mary PANSHARD baptised (PR) [Note:- previous son of this name buried 30 sep 1763]


19 Jan 1765 - Elizabeth daughter of James & Elizabeth COOMBS baptised (PR)
29 Mar 1765 - Hannah daughter of Henry & Elizabeth COX baptised (PR)
04 Apr 1765 - Thomas son of William & Elizabeth LOCKETT baptised (PR)

[Note:- Register signed by Rev John Hubbock Rector]

12 Apr 1765 - Betty daughter of John & Elizabeth DOWL baptised (PR)
28 Apr 1765 - Mary daughter of Samuel & Rachel COLLINS baptised (PR)
01 Jun 1765 - Robert son of William & Elizabeth OLD baptised (PR)
23 Jun 1765 - William son of Robert & Mary COX baptised (PR)
30 Jun 1765 - William son of James & Susanah WIGGENS baptised (PR)
01 July 1765 - Mary daughter of William & Ann JACOB baptised (PR)
02 July 1765 - Elizabeth daughter of Ann KING baptised (PR)
30 July 1765 - Jenny daughter of William & Mary PEARCE baptised (PR)
03 Aug 1765 - Sarah daughter of John & Elizabeth SMITH [SMYTH] baptised (PR)
07 Sep 1765 - William son of William & Elizabeth VINCENT baptised (PR) [Note:- Buried St Peters Dorchester 18th Oct 1765]
17 Sep 1765 - Elizabeth daughter of James & Ursula PARSONS baptised (PR)
26 Sep 1765 - Sarah daughter of Samuel & Elizabeth RICKWOOD baptised (PR)
16 Nov 1765 - Mary daughter of Henry & Mary JACOB baptised (PR) [Note:- 6th child from the marriage of Henry JACOB to Mary HELLARD at St Peters church on 25th Dec 1752]
27 Nov 1765 - Charlotte daughter of Mr. William & Mrs. Ann TEMPLEMAN baptised (PR)


18 Jan 1766 - Sarah daughter of John & Sarah HAYDON baptised (PR)
15 Feb 1766 - Joseph son of William & Elizabeth PHELPS baptised (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of William PHELPS to Elizabeth CORBIN at Maiden Newton Dorset on 10th June 1765]
01 Mar 1766 - Thomas Gould son of Isaac & Jane BONNETT baptised (PR)
20 May 1766 - Sarah daughter of William & Elizabeth LOCKETT baptised (PR)
03 Jun 1766 - Lydia daughter of John & Lydia KNIGHT baptised (PR)
20 July 1766 - Elizabeth daughter of William & Sarah GALPIN baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of William GALPIN (1740-1818) and Sarah MASTERS at St Georges Church Fordington on 25 Apr 1763]

[Note:- Register signed by Rev John Hubbock Rector]

17 Aug 1766 - Jane daughter of John & Sarah HARDY baptise (PR)d [Note:- Buried St Peters Dorchester 12th Oct 1766]
14 Sep 1766 - John son of Richard & Elizabeth ROSE baptised (PR)
09 Nov 1766 - John son of John & Mary GREENING baptised (PR)
29 Nov 1766 - William son of William & Elizabeth VINCENT baptised (PR) [Note:- Buried St Peters Dorchester 26 June 1767]


22 Jan 1767 - Samuel son of Samuel & Elizabeth RICKWOOD baptised (PR)
31 Jan 1767 - Elizabeth daughter of Barnard & Elizabeth GALE baptised (PR)
23 Feb 1767 - Thomas son of William & Ann ELLIOTT baptised (PR)
28 Mar 1767 - Ann daughter of John & Elizabeth VIVIAN baptised (PR)
03 Apr 1767 - Thomas son of Robert & Mary COX baptised (PR) [Note:- Buried St Peters Dorchester 12th Apr 1767]
25 Apr 1767 - Philip son of James & Elizabeth COOMES [COOMBS] baptised (PR)

[Note:- Register signed by Rev John Hubbock Rector]

08 Jun 1767 - Joseph son of Henry & Mary JACOB baptised (PR) [Note:- 7th child from the marriage of Henry JACOB to Mary HELLARD at St Peters church on 25th Dec 1752]
08 Jun 1767 - Sarah daughter of Joseph & Ann JOHNSON baptised (PR) [Note:- Buried St Peters Church Dorchester 16th Feb 1768]
20 Jun 1767 - James son of James & Susanna WICKINS baptised (PR)
26 July 1767 - Sarah daughter of Samuel & Sarah BUTT baptised (PR)
12 Aug 1767 - Mary daughter of John & Elizabeth COLE baptised (PR)
02 Sep 1767 - Susanna daughter of Robert & Hannah WILSON baptised (PR) [Note:- Buried St Peters Dorchester 29th Sep 1767]
04 Nov 1767 - John son of John & Elizabeth DOWLE baptised (PR)
14 Nov 1767 - James son of James & Mary WOOD baptised (PR)
19 Nov 1767 - Francis Haydon son of William & Ann JACOB baptised (PR)


17 Jan 1768 - Jane daughter of John & Barbara KEATS baptised (PR) [Note:- Jane married Ambrose HUNT (1763-1829) at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 16th Dec 1788]
31 Jan 1768 - James son of John & Sarah HAYDON baptised (PR)
07 Feb 1768 - Ann daughter of William & Sarah GALPIN baptised (PR) [Note:- 3rd child from the marriage of William GALPIN (1740-1818) and Sarah MASTERS at St Georges Church Fordington on 25 Apr 1763]
16 Feb 1768 - Mary daughter of William & Elizabeth LOCKET baptised (PR)
13 Mar 1768 - Frances daughter of Mr. William & Mrs. Ann TEMPLEMAN baptised (PR)
16 Apr 1768 - Elizabeth baseborn daughter of Maria MORRICE baptised (PR)

[Note:- Register signed by Rev John Hubbock Rector]

20 Jun 1768 - Margaret Hewson daughter of Roger & Elizabeth ANDREWS baptised (PR) [Note:- Roger ANDREWS of Bradford Peverill married Elizabeth HEWSHINS [i.e. Hewson] 29 Sep 1764 in Charminster - Source OPC].
17 Sep 1768 - Elizabeth daughter of William & Elizabeth PHELPS baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of William PHELPS to Elizabeth CORBIN at Maiden Newton Dorset on 10th June 1765]
04 Oct 1768 - William son of Mr. John & Mrs. Mary PITMAN baptised (PR) [Note:- 6th child from the marriage of John PITMAN to Mary Wakely at Winterborne Steepleton on 21st April 1755]
15 Oct 1768 - James son of James & Joanna COLLINS baptised (PR)
27 Nov 1768 - Sarah baseborn daughter of Rebecca PADDOCK baptised (PR)
24 Dec 1768 - Thomas son of James & Mary WOODS baptised (PR)
26 Dec 1768 - George son of William & Elizabeth COOMBS baptised (PR)


30 Jan 1769 - Susanna daughter of Robert & Hannah WILSON baptised (PR) [Note:- Buried St Peters Dorchester 19 Oct 1769]
09 Feb 1769 - William son of James & Jane HAZARD baptised (PR)
18 Feb 1769 - Mary daughter of Thomas & Jane HARDY baptised (PR)
18 Mar 1769 - Ann baseborn daughter of Sarah HARDY baptised (PR) [Note:- Buried St Peters Dorchester 23rd April 1769]
18 Mar 1769 - Sarah Lovelace baseborn daughter of Ann HAINE (PR) [Note Lovelace may be the surname of the father] baptised
03 Apr 1769 - William son of William & Ann ELLIOT baptised (PR)
20 Apr 1769 - William Maby son of William & Elizabeth LOCKETT baptised (PR)

[Note:- Register signed by Rev John Hubbock Rector]

23 July 1769 - Mary daughter of William & Elizabeth VINCENT baptised (PR)
13 Aug 1769 - James son of John & Lydia KNIGHT baptised (PR)
10 Dec 1769 - Deborah daughter of John & Deborah TULLIDGE baptised (PR)


08 Jan 1770 - James son of James & Ursula PARSONS baptised (PR)
21 Jan 1770 - Anne daughter of William & Hester GANT baptised (PR) [Note:- A William GANT married Esther SUMMERS in St peters church on 18 Oct 1769]
10 Feb 1770 - Thomas son of Henry & Mary JACOB baptised (PR) [Note:- 8th child from the marriage of Henry JACOB to Mary HELLARD at St Peters church on 25th Dec 1752]
10 Feb 1770 - Sarah daughter of William & Sarah GALPEN baptised (PR) [Note:- 4th child from the marriage of William GALPEN (1740-1818) and Sarah Masters at St Georges Church Fordington on 25 Apr 1763]
01 Mar 1770 - John son of John & Ann GRAY baptised (PR)
18 Mar 1770 - John son of William & Jane JEANES baptised (PR)
24 Mar 1770 - Mary daughter of John & Mary BARTLETT baptised (PR) [Note:- 1st child from the marriage of John BARTLETT to Mary KEATES at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 6th Apr 1769]
30 Mar 1770 - Anne daughter of Nathaniel & Ann GRAY baptised (PR)
03 Jun 1770 - William son of Barnard & Elizabeth GALE baptised (PR)
24 Jun 1770 - Thomas son of John & Elizabeth DOWLE baptised (PR)

[Note:- Register signed by Rev John Hubbock Rector]

06 Jul 1770 - Elizabeth daughter of John & Barbara KATES baptised (PR) [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of John KEATS to Barbar BARTLETT in St Peters church on 25 July 1767]
18 July 1770 - Ann daughter of Peter & Mary STICKLAND baptised (PR)
19 Jul 1770 - Lucy daughter of James & Jane HAZARD baptised (PR)
21 Sep 1770 - Stephen Perrot son of William & Elizabeth BRYER baptised (PR)
21 Nov 1770 - Welhelmina Susannah daughter of Thomas & Catherine FORBES of the Queen's Dragoons baptised (PR) [Note a Thomas FORBES married a Catherine Foulle on 21 Aug 1766 at All Hallows Church London Wall London. Forbes is not a local name and he appears to have been a soldier stationed at Fordington Barracks]

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