Survey 1607 (Spreadsheet Analysis of Tenants)
Links To:- 1600 Survey:      1600 Tenants      1615 Survey       1615 Tenants       1650 Tenants      1650 Survey - West Mills

© Transcribed by Helen M Ford - - 18 Oct 2024

"Remarks" Columns added to tabulation by Mike Russell OPC for Fordington to enable links to other Surveys etc.

Extract from 'The History of Fordington'
by Rev Richard Grosvenor Bartelot - 1915

This book was issued in a small edition of 100. Bartelot’s original transcription of the survey
is preserved at the Dorchester History Centre. In this version Bartelot has summarised
the customary holdings in tabular form rather than a verbatim transcript - Helen M Ford


“At a Survey Court for the said Manor the seventhe daye of August, in the yere of the reigne of our Soveraigne Lord James, by the Grace of God, of England, France and Ireland the fyveth and of Scotland the one and fortieth. BEFORE Sir George Trenchard the elder, knight, Sir Thomas Freke, Knight, Richard Swayne, Esquyer, Richard Connock Esquyrer, auditor of the said Duchie, Richard Martyn, Esquirer and Robert Paddon, gentleman, Commyssioners by virtue of his Majesty’s Commission out of his highness Courte of Chancerye, to them and others in that behalf directed, barynge date the tenthe daye of Julie nowe last past before the date bereof, yt was presented as hereafter followeth by the oathes of His Majesty’s tenants of the said Manor hereunder wrytten"

[then follow 28 names of the jury, all customary tenants].

    1. SIR GEORGE TRENCHARD THE ELDER KNIGHT pays yearly vijs vijd and for Whitewell xvjs ixd
    2. JOHN STRANGEWAYS, ESQUIRER, for Lands in Burton in free socage,pays £10, and a payer of spurs or sixpence for them. He also pays xxjs viijd a year, but wherefore the same is so paide we knowe not
    3. SIR JOHN WILLIAMS KNIGHT, a freeholder of this Manor for two parts of three of the lands in Ermytage, parcel of the lands called Hartley in free socage xxs iiijd rent and suytt of court
    4. THE HEIRS OF COLLYEN ESQUYER, late deceased, are freeholders for the third part of Hartley in Ermytage, rent xs ijd and suytt of court
Page 212
    5. THOMAD MOLEYNS, GENT, a freeholder, holdeth lands in Ermitage sometyme belonging to the late dissolved Pryorye there in Ermytage,pays vs iiijd tenure
    6. ROGER WARRE, ESQUYRE, freeholder for his lands in Dalwood, tenure of fees unknown
    7. JOHN CHURCHILL, GENT, holds Lowd’s Fields, and land in Fordington Field called St. Jones Lands of the Pryors Lands, late belonging to the late dissolved Pryory of St John, in Dorchester, vs vd, due from Lowd’s Field and land in Fordington Field iijs, two water-mills in Fordington, called Lutshills Myll or the East Myll and certain lands in Fordington Field to the same belonging sometyme parcel of the dissolved monastery of Byndon iijs John Churchill Gent, pays for the running of the water at certain flood hatches in the Manor, near East Yate ijs iiijd. He holds also certeyne Mylls in Fordington called West Mylls, contayning a whole place and a half place on lease for life and pays vli There is a certain yearly rent called Forshill rent, vis per annum xiijs, payd tyme out of mind at a steyne (stone) tenement in Forshill, parcell of the Manor of East Knighton, which tenement is now in the tenure of one John Harvey.

Then follows the List of Customary Tenants of the Manor divided into holders of “whole places” “half places” “fathingholds” and “cotes” or cottages, with the place, nammes the acreage and rent, as well as the name of the last tenant


No. TENNANT PLACE Acres Meadow Pasture Rent Last Tenant Remarks
  East Tithing              
 1 John GOULD Bryttane 56 ½ 22/1 William Anthony* Note:-(*) A Wm Anthony of Fordington left a will dated 30 Mar 1572 - proved 7 July 1572 in which he left a score of sheep to his son Wm
 2 Wm.WYNSOR East St. 53 1 18/5 Thomas W. his father  
 3 Wm. BARNES East St 54 2 3yds 23/4 Christian his mothet relict of John B. his father  
 4 Anthony BARNES Borestrete 56 1yd 22/1    
 5 Nich. WYNSOR Borestrete 54 2 3yds 22/1 Kath. W. his mother relict of Wm. W. his father  
  West Tything              
 6 Mary SAVAGE widow London Strete or New Strete 57 3yds 22/1 Peter S.her husband  
7 Richard PROWER London Strete or New Strete 58 1yd 22/1 James Collens husband of Joane wife of Richard Prower  
 8 Robert FORDE London Strete or New Strete 61 ½ 22/1 Christian Cosens widow of Robt.C.father of Margaret wife of Robt.F Forde  
 9 Elizabeth WHITE wid London Strete or New Strete 57 1 22/1 John WHITE her husb. Decd.  
 10 John WHITE the elder Cowlane 56 1 22/1 Robt.W. his father  
 11 John GOULD Crosse at Hillfoot 53 1yd 22/1 Thomas Anthony  
 12 W. BIRD Uppon Hill 58 1yd 22/1 Marbaret B widow of his fatherJohn B.  
 13 John WYNSOR Uppon Hill 55 1 22/1 Alice W. his mother relict of John W. his father  



No. TENNANT PLACE Acres Meadow Pasture Rent Last Tenant Remarks
  East Tithing              
 1 Robert BYDGEWOOD Bryttayne 24 1 13/4 Katherine his wife Link to this plot of 26 acres in the 1615 Survey of Fordington Manor which shows that it is held for 3 lives these being Robert BIDGOOD the elder (1560-bef.1628) aged 55 the husband of, Katherine BIDGOOD (1575- 1638) aged 40, and their son and heir Robert BIDGOOD (1606-1628/9) the Younger then aged 9. Their son, a clothier by trade, died and was buried at FStG on 23rd March 1628/9 when he would have been aged 22. He clearly died intestate and I think his father must have died as well as administration of his estate was granted to his mother Katherine and her accompt has survived along with an inventory of her sons goods.Link to L/A & Inventory etc. I think her husband was alive in Feb 1608/9 when their sevant Judith was buried at FStG and probably died during 1609 to 1613 when parish registers are missing. Katherine BITHGOOD was buried at FStG on 28th Aug 1638.
 2 Roger WYNSOR Bryttayne 22½ 1yd 13/4 Alice W. his mother relict of John his father  
 3 Henry FORTE Bryttayne Strete 24 ½ 1yd 13/4 Roger Thorne  
 4 Richard WYLLS East Streete 25 ½ 1yd 13/4 Wm Wylls his father  
 5 Henry WHYTE East Streete 22 ½ 13/4 Margaret Cosems relict of John C.  
 6 Thomas BUNE East Streete 23 1 13/4 Agnes BUNE still living relict of his father  
 7 Johne RYVES wid. East Streete 21 ½ 1 13/4 Elizabeth her mother rellict of John Johanne?
 8 John GOULD East Streete 22 1 1yd one yard 13/4 Wm. Anthony  
 9 Thomas CHUNTE East St 22 ½ 1 13/4 Christian C. relict of Henry C his father dcd  
 10 William TUCKER East St 25 2 13/4 John T. his father dcd Note:- Link to this plot in  1600 Survey His father John TUCKER was buried FStG 6th Nov 1603 - See 2nd half place at No.19 below]
 11 William COLLYNS East St 27 1 13/4 William T.  
 12 Thomas WYNSOR East St 25 1 13/4 His mother Kath relict off Thos T. his father decd (copied as on printed page)  
 13 John WHITE East St 24 ½ 13/4 Ambrose White his father  
 14 John EAMES Bore Streete 23 3yds 13/4 Thomas E.his father  Link to this plot held by his father Thomas EAMES (1539-1618) in 1600.and John EAMES (1586/7-1662) still holds it in the 1615 Survey and the 1650 Survey.
 15 Wm BARNES Bore Streete 24 1yd 13/4 Agnes Barnes wid decd relict ofRobert B his uncle  
 16 Agnes INGRAM wid Bore Streete 21 1yd 12/9 John INGRAM her late husband decd Note:- Agnes INGRAM (1565-1638/9) widow of John INGRAM (bur 1602/3). left a  Will. : Link to his His half place plot in the 1600 Survey of Fordington Manor. Link to plot in 1615 Survey.
 17 Richard WARREN Bore Streete 21 1yd 12/9 Alice Warren his mother decd  
 18 John WYLLS Bore Streete 25 1yd 13/4 Ralfe W. his father  
 19 William TUCKER London St or New St 25 ½ 13/4 John T his father decd Note:- Link to this plot in  1600 Survey His father John TUCKER was buried FStG 6th Nov 1603 - See 1st half place at No 10 above]
 20 Robt BUNE London St or New St 25 1yd 13/4 Wm.B. his brother decd  
 21 Robt BARTLETT London St or New St 23 ½ 1yd 13/4 Joan B. his grandmother decd  
 22 Thos. EAMES London St or New St 23 & 3half yds ½ 13/4 John E. his father decd Note:-This is Thomas EAMES (1539-1618) Married to Millicent EAMES (c1550-1614) and the father of John EAMES (1586/7-1662) at entry 14 above. Thomas's father John EAMES deceased was narried to Joane who was described as a widow and an old woman when she was buried at FstG in 1588.
 23 Richard SEAGER London St or New St 27½ ½ 16/1 Luce S. his mother decd widow of Roger Seager Note:- Richard SEAGER (1552-1625) was the son of Roger SEAGER (bur 1577) and Luce (bur 1592). Will prvd 1596; married to Florence nee KETE (bur 1622); Held this Half Place in 1600 and in 1615
 24 Thos TAPPE At Crosse 27 ½ 13/4 Alice T wid pf Robert T. his father  
 25 John HENYINGE Gent Nere the Hill 23 1yd 13/7 Amye Berrerr decd wife of John Berrett  
 26 Wm. CRYMBLE Upon Hill 24 1yd 13/7 Elynor C. relect of Wm C his father  
 27 Christr RASKER Upon Hill 23 1yd 13/7 Kath R Wid.Decd of Wm his father  
 28 Elyth. CORBIN wid. Upon Hill 28 1yd 15/1 Ric.C.husband decd  
 29 Wm RASKER Upon Hill 22 ½ 13/7 Kath R. wid decd relict of Wm R. his father  
 30 James GOLDE near the vicarage 21 1 A garden plot 8/1 Walter Joliffe  


No. TENNANT PLACE Acres Meadow Pasture Rent Last Tenant Remarks
 1 John WYNSOR in right of Dorothy his wife Bryttayne 17 ½ ½ 12/- Wm Ashe Decd. Husband of said Dorothy  
 2 John FORDE Bryttayne 17 ½ ½ 12/- Roger COSEN  
 3 Robt BARTLETT Bryttayne 17 ½ 1yd 12/- Joane B. his grandmother decd  
 4 Mary SAVAGE Wid Bryttayne 17 ½ 3yds 12/- Peter S. her late husband decd  
 5 Johane HUNT Wid East St. 16 & 1yd ½ 1yd 12/- John H. her husband decd  
 6 Nich. WYNSOR East St. 16 & 1yd ½ 1ac 13/- Kath. W. his mother decd. Widow of Wm.W his father  
 7 Gilbert TUCKER East St. 15 & 3 yds ½ 1ac 13/- Christian T. his mother relict of John T father  
 8 James GOLD East St. 13 & 1yd ½ 1 12/- Elizth. Joliffe widow decd relict of George J  
 9 John BRYNE   16 & 3yds ½ ½ 13/6 Kath. Bryne widow relict of Robert B.Decd  
 10 John BUNE East St. 17½ ½ 1 13/- Agnes B. his mother relict of John B. his father  
 11 John COSENS East St. 17 ½ 1yd 12/- John C. his father  
 12 Thos BYSHOPPE East St 18 ½ 1yd 13/- Magt. B. his mother decd Relict of Richd.B.  
 13 Wm. BARNES Junr East St 17 ½ 1yd 12/- Rafe Juster  
 14 Henry DORTE Bore St. 17 ½ 1yd 12/- Thos. Forde  
 15 John GOULD Bore St. 17 3yds 1yd 12/- Wm.Anthony  
 16 Roger KETE Gent Bore St. 17 3yds 12/- Roger K. his father  
 17 Robert INGRAM Senr New St. 18 1yd 1yd 12/- Margt. his wife yet living  Link to this plot in 1600 Survey Farthinghold held by copyhold deed dated 1580 at 12 shillings rent. Robert Ingram clearly dies between the 1607 and 1615 Surveys as his wife Margaret Ingram [Ingerhann] mentioned here has inherited the same plot by custom of the Manor. Margaret INGRAM a widow was buried at FStG 13th Aug 1626 making her 81 at death.
 18 Richd. SEAGER London St. 18 ½ ½ 12/- Luce S. his mother wid. of Roger S. his father Note:- Richard SEAGER (1552-1625) was the son of Roger SEAGER (bur 1577) and Luce (bur 1592). Will prvd 1596; married to Florence nee KETE (bur 1622) Link to this farthinghold in 1600 and 1615 Surveys
 19 Wm. BATSCOMBE Junr Hillfoote 17 1yd 1yd 12/- Agnes his mother relict of James B. his father  
 20 Wm. BATTSCOMBE Hillfoote 15½ 1yd ½ac 13/6 Marian B.relict of Wm B. his father  
 21 Thos. BYSHOPPE Standfast 16 ½a. 3yds 12/- Marg. B. his mother relict of Richard.B.  


No. TENNANT PLACE Acreage Rent Last Tenant Remarks
 1 William BUNE in right of his wife Marian Hillfoote in West Tithing ½ acre 2s 1d Joanna Scutt mother of the said Marian widow of William Scutt  
 2 John BUNE Cote upon Hill 8 goads 5d Joanna Read  
 3 Richard SEAGER in right of Florence his wife Cote upon Hill 16 goads 18s 8d Roger Keate dec., father of the said Florence Note:- Richard SEAGER (1552-1625) was the son of Roger SEAGER (bur 1577) and Luce (bur 1592). Links to this Cottage in 1600 and 1615 Surveys
 4 William CLOWTER "Cote Upon the Hill, neere the pound 20 goads 2s 1d Thomas C., father dec.  
 5 Robert WHITE "A Cote by Magalene Hill in West Tithing and a little post house adjoining 8 goads 5d Julian Yeomans, dec  
 6 Roger KETE, Gent "A cote in Cadmanshrye in West Tithing" 20 goads 9d William Joliffe  
 7 William WYNSOR "A cote in Cadmanshrye in West Tithing" 8 goads 2s 1d Rob.Wynsor dec.  
 8 James GOULDE "Glover's Cote nere unto East Yeate" 1 acre 9d Elizabeth Joliffe relict of George J  
 9 James GOULDE A cote called Bedford in Cadmanshyre 1 acre 9d Elizabeth Joliffe relict of George J  
 10 James GOULDE A cote called Bedford in Cadmanshyre Garden onky 3d Elizabeth Joliffe relict of George J  
 11 James GOULDE A cote called Bedford in Cadmanshyre Barn and garden 16 goads 9d Elizabeth Joliffe relict of George J  
 12 James GOULDE Cote near Glydpath called Caters 3 yards 9d Elizabeth Joliffe relict of George J  
 13 James GOULDE Cote called Rackham 1½ acres & ½ acre in Whitewell xxxxx Elizabeth Joliffe relict of George J  
 14 James GOULDE Cote called Rychmyll alias Weare or Fyshinge neere to Pomberry and newly builded Tucking Myll 1 acre 5s 2d Elizabeth Joliffe relict of George J PAGE 216
 15 John HENNYNGE Gent A Cote called a Hame in West Pomberrye in W.T. 1 acre 6s 8d Anne Berrett dec relict of John B.  
 16 John LAWRENCE A cote neer Lutshills Myll or East Myll in W.T. 10 goads 2s 0d Eame Tupp relict of Thomas T  

Then follow the “auncyent cotes” in Ermytage “held by Edward Wills son of Walter and Edith Wylls, Edyth Maber Widow of Richard M. Edwarde Hunte, son of Richard Hunte and William Granger.”

“Newly erected cotages in Fordington

No. TENNANT PLACE Rent d Last Tenant Remarks
 1 William BELLMAN Newly erected Cotage at Hillfoote in W.T. 12 Julian his mother, dec., relict of Thomas Belman  
 2 Richard BARTLETT Ditto nere the Court House in W.T. 9 Thomas SEAGER  
 3 Robert WYNSOR Ditto, nere the East end of Dorchester 4 John WYNSOR, his father  
 4 Thomas TAPPE Ditto nere unto Magdalene Hill in the W.T. 18 -  
 5 Robert COSSENS Ditto nere ditto 5 -  


There are no demeasne lands in Fordington belonging to the Lord of the Manor in possession or lease other that the West Mylls and lands belonging thereto granted to John Churchill,
gent, by His Majestie by lease.

There is a greate large mead within this manor called the West Ward in all which meade the customary tenants have the comon of pasture of the after share for all manner of cattle that is
to say entrynge yerely on the feast Eve of St James the Apostle and continuing until the Sunday next after the feast of the Purification of Our Ladie, when the said meade ought to be

Pages 217 and 218 contain details of those that have rights over the commons and meadows and the first cut.

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