
References located to Dorchester People
in Books, Diaries, Historical Documents, etc

© Compiled by Michael Russell OPC for Fordington September 2010

     DorsetQuarter Sessions 1882DorsetQuarter Sessions 1882

(292 records - Last Updated Oct 2024 )


This file gathers together references to people with a connection to, or who lived in, Dorchester that I have come across whilst researching the history of the parish, building the website, and writing the biographies that appear on line. I have not so far however carried out a sytematic search but simply recorded information from the documents I was using. They are invaluable in adding to our store of knowledge about what was happening in Dorchester and it provides me with a platform for linking to specific areas of reasearch or individuals. I have provided links to relevent documents on site where I felt this was appropriate. Where I have copied Dorchester entries from Newspaper Indexes such as the Bridgewater Advertiser they are often very abbreviated entries so it may be worth accessing the original newspaper the get a full account

The Full Index to the Taunton Courier for the years 1810-1815 or Sherborne & Yeovil Mercury for the years 1773-1775 and 1804 & 1806 can be found via this link.

Day of Publication
NAME's of Dorchester people
1701 John BUTLER DHC Index entry:- Messuage in Great East Street. (Gaye, Butler, Lawrence, Gaylard, Leigh, Kingston, Clines, Clavill, Lord Dorchester). With will of Jn. Butler the younger of St. Ethelburga's, London, cooper, 1703 proved 1706. (Parties to deed of 1701: Jn. Butler of Boston, Mass., haberdasher, formerly of Dorchester, and his son John "now bound hence to England.") Source: DHC Ref D/DOR/T5*
15 May 1705 William BRYER and John PITMAN LEGAL : Declaration of trusts: 1. William BRYER of Dorchester , gentleman, and John PITMAN of Dorchester, gemntleman
2. Elizabeth Thornton of Dorchester, widow, Henry Thornton of Dorchester, gentleman, Andrew Purchase of St Dunstan's, London, wine merchant and Ann, his wife, Sarah Tuffley of Crane Court, widow, Elizabeth Thornton, Joanna Thornton and Jane Thornton
Recites that total money owed to 1 by 2 is £2207. 17s 6d
20 Jun 1707 George SPRING ADMONS of Dorset Naval Personnell by Kim Parker OPC: HMS "Swallow" home parish: Dorchester Administratrix Mary SPRING, widow of Dorchester, relict Surity Administratrix + John SLADE, pully maker of Weymouth + John SCARLET, cordwainer of Weymouth Ref DA/A/1707 25
17 Jan 1708/9 William FOOKS/FOOKES ADMONS of Dorset Naval Personnell by Kim Parker OPC: HMS "Sterling Castle" home parish: Dorchester Administratrix Frances FOOKES, widow of Dorchester, mother Surity Administratrix + Samuel HELLARD, [illegible] of Dorchester Ref DA/A/1708 10
10 July 1709 William CONDON bachelor ADMONS of Dorset Naval Personnell by Kim Parker OPC: HMS "Ye Restauration" Administrator William CONDON, yeoman of Dorchester, father Surity Administrator + Ambrose BYLES, carpenter of Blandford Forum Ref DA/A/1709 23
24 May 1715 Mary CHURCHILL; James GOULD; George GOULD the elder DEEDS: Mary CHURCHILL of Dorchester, widow, daughter and heir of James GOULD late of Dorchester, esq., (with whom act Hubert GOULD of St. James, Westminster, esq., and William CHAPPLE of the Middle Temple, esq.,) Lease and release to George GOULD the elder of Dorchester, gentleman, of a tenement in Upway, late in tenure of John GOULD, esq,, deceased, and afterwards of the said Hubert and of James GOULD, two of his sons.Source Dorset County Archives 3182. 1715, May 24, 25.
13 July 1716 Robert COLSON : and Richard GAWLER QUARTER SESSIONS at Blandford: COUNTY GOAL: This Court orders Robert COLSON Gent deputy Treasurer for the Western Division of this County to pay Richard GAWLER Mason the sum of two and twenty pounds seven shillings and eight pence hald penny for work done and materials used about the repair of the Common Goal of this County and for the repair of Mohans Bridge and the same shall be allowed the said treasurer on passing his accounts
7 Oct 1717 Robert COLSON and Thomas KNAPTON QUARTER SESSIONS: Robert Colson: Whereas at the general Quarter Sessions held at Blandford aforesaid in and for the County the 10th day of January in thesecond year of His Majesty's reign it was ordered that the western Treasurer of this County should pay to Mr Thomas KNAPTON the sum of seven pounds nineteen shillings and eleven pence being so much money disbursed by him for repair of the County Goal, and whereas the said sum was accordingly paid unto him by Robert COLSON the ten deputy treasurer who on making up his accounts did omit charging the same which he hath now made appear to us thesev are therefore to order the now Western Treasurer to repay the said Robert COLSON the said sum of seven pounds & nineteen shillings and eleven pence which shall be allowed him on passing his accounts.
1718 Guy ARDEN Litigation: Buckler v Perkins, Depositions; Plaintiffs Rachel Buckler Widow Defendants Elizabeth Perkins widow and Guy ARDEN (of Dorchester) gentleman; Depositions taken at Weymouth and Melcombe Regis Source National Archives Ref C 11/878/16 also Ref C 11/709/44 [Note:- Goldsmith, possible child of Daniel Arden the Elder 1623-1671 - Link]
11 July 1721 Edward CHAFFEY QUARTER SESSIONS - GAOLER - This Court doth order the Western Treasurer of this County to pay unto Mr: Edward CHAFFEY Keeper of his Majesties Goal in Dorchester ye sum of twelve shillings the same being ordered him at ye last Quarter Sessions for carrying of Thomas HIBBS and George PHELPS from Sherborne to Dorchester to receive their punishment of whipping there according to ye order of the Justices and ye same shall be allowed him in passing his accounts [Source: Quarter Sessions held at Shaston 11th day 1721 image 143 of 240 - Also repeated image 122 of 184 one of the Justices was a George CHAFFIN see image 119 of 184]
1722 John GOLLOP MARRIAGE: Capital messuage called the Farmhouse and lands; marriage settlement of John Gollop of Dorchester and Penelope Michell of Kingston Russell. Source National Archives DHC Ref D/ASH:A/T20  1722 See Strays Index
02 Oct 1722



QUARTER SESSIONS: County Goal [Gaol - Jail] - This court doth order the Western Treasurer for this County to pay unto Lawrence SHEPHERD, Glasier the sum of two pounds eleven shillings and eight pence ye contents of his bill for repairing the windows of the County Goal [Gaol - Jail] at Dorchester & the same shall be allowed him on passing his accounts.

QUARTER SESSIONS - GOALER - This court doth order the Western Treasurer for this County to pay unto Edward CHAFFEY Gent Keeper of his Majesties Gaol at Dorchester in and for this County the sum of Four pounds & eighteen shillings ye same being ye contents of his bill of disbursements for what was paid Mr HIPPSLY for transporting six fellons Vitz Joseph SUMMERS; George COX; Giles DOWDING; John TAYLOR; Judith BUGLAR and Thomas TIZARD to the West Indies and ye making ye assignment of them to Mr HIPPESLEY and for the expenses of carrying & guarding them to Bristol for and the same shall be allowed the said treasurer on passing his accounts [Source: Quarter Sessions held at Bridport 2nd Oct 1722 image 167 of 184 and 165 of 240]
02 Oct 1722 Robert TUCKER QUARTER SESSIONS: County Goal [Gaol - Jail] - This court doth order the Western Treasurer for this County to pay unto Robert TUCKER, Blacksmith the sum of Seven Pounds one Shilling & Seven Pence ye contents of his bill for repairing the County Goal [Gaol - Jail] at Dorchester & the same shall be allowed him on passing his accounts.
1723 ARDEN Family Litigation: Buckler v Richards. Bill and answer - Plaintiffs Rachel Buckler Widow of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis, Dorset (administrix of Anthony Perkins, yeoman deceased late of Portsham Dorset. Defendants Mary Richards Widow , Daniel ARDEN gent, John Nelson Clerk, and Martha Nelson his wife, Anne Arden spinster, Guy Arden and John Butler Source National Archives Reg C 11/668/28
23 Apr 1723 Edward CHAFFEY QUARTER SESSIONS - County GAOL - This Court etc pay unto Edward CHAFEY the sum of six pounds tweleve shillings & seven pence halfpenny ye same being the contents of three bills by him expenses about the repair of the Prison Vitz one for carpenters works, another for Locks and other materials and another to the bookbinder for binding the Chapple Bible and the same shall be allowed Etc. [Source: Quarter Sessions held at Sherborne Dorset 23rd Apr 1724 Ancestry. com image 171 of 240 and 176 of 184
16 Nov 1723 Edward CHAFFEY QUARTER SESSIONS - County GAOL - This Court etc pay unto Edward CHAFEY the sum of four pounds two shillings and a penny ye same being the contents of his bill by him expenses about the repairing of the County Gaol at Dorchester and otherwise by order of this Court and the same etc [Source: Quarter Sessions held at Blandford Forum Dorset 16th Nov 1723 Ancestry. com image 187 of 240
23 Mar 1724 Joane DUNNING DEEDS: Lease: Joane DUNNING of DORCHESTER in D., Widow. Henry SMETHAM, Senr. do. gent., Sam. S. and Hy. S. Jnr.. of ILMINSTER in SOMERSET, Apothecary, 1st pt., to Hy. MOORE of WEST COKER in SOMERSET, gent,, 2nd pt. Land in BROCKHAMPTON COMMON B, N. Sigs: E. SMETHAMS Wits: Thos. MOORE, Thos. MUNDY, Lawrence St. LO., Thos. ARNOLD Source Dorset County archives 5089. 23rd March 1724

Release: Joan DUNNING of DORCHESTER, Widow, Hy. SMETHAM, Senr. gent., Saml. S., Hy, S., Jnr., of ILMINSTER in SOMERSET, gent. 1st pt., Hy. MOORE of WEST COKER in SOMERSET, gent., 2nd pt., Oliver LAWRENCE Snr,, of BUCKLAND NEWTON in D. gent., 3rd pt. Land in BROCKHAMPTON COMMON B.N. Sigs: 3 SMETHAMS Wits: Lawrence St. LO. Thos. ARNOLD, Thos. MUNDY Source:- 5040. 24th March 1724
14 Aug 1724 Edward CHAFFEY QUARTER SESSIONS - County GAOL - This Court etc pay unto Mr. Edward CHAFEY the sum of fifteen pounds and eight shillings the same being ye contents of his bill for attendance on several prisoners in the small pox and for what paid the Apothecary during their illness and other particulars mentioned in the said bill and the same etc. [Source: Quarter Sessions held at Shaston on 14th Aug 1724 Ancestry. com image 196 of 240 ]
6 Oct 1724 Edward CHAFFEY
QUARTER SESSIONS - County GAOL - This Court etc pay unto Mr. Edward CHAFEY and Mr Bryan COMBE the sum of four pounds and eleven shillings and three pence the same being ye contents of their bill for journeys, expenses and House Hire about transporting four felons Vitz: Abraham CRANDON; Thomas ODFORD ; Walter ELLIS and Thomas CASE and the drawing the instruments for and about their transportation and also the further sum of twenty shillings paid by Mr. CHAFEY to William DOWLE for one year for letting ye water into the common Shore, and etc . [Source: Quarter Sessions held at Bridport on 6th Oct 1724 Ancestry. com image 199 of 240 ]
13 July 1725 Edward CHAFFEY
Robert SLADE
QUARTER SESSIONS- held at Shaston - Robert SLADE - 'extract' Whereas it appeareth to this Court that Robert SLADE now brought before us by Edward CHAFFEY Gent Goaler of his Majesties Goal at Dorchester within the said County was actually a prisoner in the said goal etc
Also ditto for prisoners Silas STICKLAND; George LANE; and James HARDY (all image 209) Nicholas ELSWORTH ; Charles MORGAN ; Mark FORD; and Richard SIDON (all image 210) Thomas BAYLY; Kembro SLADE; Elizabeth DUE ; Henry ELLIS [Source:- Quarter Sessions held at Shaston 13th July 1725 images 209 and 210 of 240]
11 Jan 1725/6 Edward CHAFFEY QUARTER SESSIONS - held at Blandford Forum Dorset - County Gaol - This Court doth order the Western treasurer of this County to Pay Mr. Edward CHAFEY the sum of Five pounds thirteen shillings the contents of his Bill for what paid to William TURKEY, William DOWLE & for mending the goal pump several times and the same etc [Source:- Quarter Sessions held at Bolandford Forum 13th Jan 1725/6 image 219 of 240]
26 May 1730 James CHAFFEY

Joseph DAMER

DORSET COUNTY TRANSPORTATION RECORDS: The 26th May 1730 I do hereby acknowledge that I have this day received of James CHAFFEY Keeper of the prison at Dorchester in the county of Dorset the bodies of John BREWER, Thomas ROBBINS, Jonathan CHURCHILL, Joseph BURT and Thomas BUTLER within named at the port of Weytmouth & Melcombe Regis pursuant to the within written Indenture. Signed Thomas LIELL Witness: illegible first name TEMPLEMAN, illegible first name CRELLOWES?

THIS INDENTURE made the 25th day of may in the year of our Lord Christ One Thousand Seeven Hundred and Thirty Between Joseph DAMER of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Esquire and John MEECH of Charminster in the same County Esquire two of his Majesty's Justices of the peace in and for of the county on the one part and Thomas [illegible surname] of London Mariner of the other part Whereas at the Gent Goal [gaol] delivery held at the Dorchester in and for the said County of Dorset on Thursday the twelfth day of March in the Third year of the reign of the present Majesty King George the Second before said Thomas PENGELLY Knt then Chief Baron of his Majesty's Court of Exchwquer and Sir Fortiscue ALAND? knt one of his Majesty's Justices of his Majesty's Court of Common Pleas Justices & John BREWER, Thomas ROBBINS, Jonathan CHURCHILL, Joseph BURT and Thomas BUTLER were convicted of felony and entitled to the benefit of Clergy and were ordered and adjudged at the said Court to be Transported to some of his Majesty's Colonies and plantations in ?????? for the term of seven years according to the Act of Parliament made the forth year of the reign of his Majesty' King George the first entitled An Act for the further preventing robery, burglary, and other felonies and for the more essential transportation of felons and unlawful exporters of wool and for declaring the law upom some points relating to pirates And Whereas in pursuance of a late Act of Parliament made in the sixth year of the reign of the said late King George the First entitled An Act for the further preventing Robbery Burglary and other felonies and the more essential transportation of felons, the said Justices of Assize their assizes enforced did ???? and appoint the said Joseph DAMER and John MEECH and also Richard BRODREPP, Richard BINGHAM, John MICHEL, John TUCKER and William FFREKE Esquires ??? other of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace of and for the the said County of Dorset, or any two of them, to contract with any persons for the performance of transportation of the said offenders Now Witness this Indenture that the said Joseph DAMER and Joseph MEECH do by these presents assign convey transfer and make over the said John BREWER, Thomas ROBBINS, Jonathan CHURCHILL, Joseph BURTand thomas BUTLERthe aforesaid felons unto him the said Thomas LIELL and his assigns

16 July 1739 Samuel WINZAR Samuel WINZAR of Dorchester a blacksmith principal creditor of Thomas ARNELL otherwise ARNOLD of Abbotsbury who died intestate granted adminiostration of his estate 16th July 1739 DHC Letters of Administration Ref Ad/Dt/A/1739/1
16 Sep 1740 Robert & Elizabeth GRIFFIN Vagrant Pass: 16th Srp 1740 Robert GRIFFIN & Elizabeth GRIFFIN conveyed from Sherbourne Hosue of Correction to Dorchester. Source Vagrant Passes 1739-1791
6 & 19 Jan 1740/1 Ann BENFIELD

Vagrant Pass: Whereas by a pass signed by William Milford Esq one of his Majesties Justices of the Peace for the County of Sussex Ann BENTFIELD a Vagrant was brought to the House of Correction at Fisherton Anger now further conveyed to the House of Correction in Sherborn in the said County of Dorset I do hereby order the said vagrant to be conveyed by the Master of the House of Correction at Sherborn aforesaid to the Parish of St Peters in the Town of Dorchester in ye said County of Dorset on horse back in two-days time and order her to the Church Wardens, chapel wardens, or overseers of ye poor of ye said parish of St Peters in the town of Dorchester aforesaid or one of them together with the pass for which the said Master is to be allowed the sum of five shillings & ten pence and no more Given under my hand this 6th day of January 1740/41Thomas Medlyiott

19th Jan 1740/1 Ann BENFIELD Conveyed by Robert Ringe, Master of the Sherbourne House of Correction, to Dorchester paid 5s 10d: Received the within mentioned Ann BENTFIELD a Vagrant one pass from Robert Ring Master of the House of Correction in Sherborn this 19th day of January 1740/41 Richard ROSE Overseer. Source Vagrant Passes 1739-1791

20 Mar 1741/2 John CHAMBERLAIN ADMONS of Dorset Naval Personnell by Kim Parker OPC: HMS Argyle" Administrator Thomas CHAMBERLAIN, husbandman of Dorchester Holy Trinity, father: Surities Administrator + Thomas GOULD, glover of Dorchester Holy Trinity Ref DA/A/1741 61
12 Apr 1741 Captain Henry SMYTHEE EXECUTED: At Dorchester from the Murder of the female he seduced Link to Account
14 Apr 1741 Daniel and Mary ARDEN James RICHARDS of West Knighton and the City of London merchant had by his wife Mary daughter of Daniel ARDEN of Dorchester a son George, a daughter Mary, and a daughter Ann who married 14th April 1741 to John FLOYER of Upway. This John RICHARDS his will was proved 7th Feb 1718/19 PCC Browning 34 Source Somersetshire & Dorset Notes and Queries page 238. Additional note from West Knighton Farm lies immediately opposite the church and is a large Grade II Listed Building. Originally built in the 17th century with 19th century additions and alterations. A large farmhouse constructed of brick with slate roof, once having a cheese room and dairy. This old building was the manor house of the Manor of West Knighton. The Manor of West Knighton, with the farm being the principal seat, passed through many families. In the 17th year of the reign of James I it was in the possession of Sir Nicholas Smyth whose family was of Exeter, Devon and he leased it for a term of 99 years to Stephen Ward. Later, in the reign of Charles I, George Smyth conveyed the manor to Stephen Ward and so it continued in the Ward family until 1690. At this time, John Ward and his wife Elizabeth the daughter of John Salter of Coombe Keynes, conveyed it to James Richards, a merchant of the City of London. It is he who is said to have built the house. His wife was Mary, the daughter of Daniel Arden of Dorchester. Their son, George died unmarried in 1739 and so the estate passed to his sisters and co-heiresses, Anne and Mary. In 1741 at Stinsford, Anne became the wife of John Floyer of Upwey who later held West Stafford House in the neighbouring parish. Thus the manors of both West Knighton and West Stafford were at the same time in the possession of the Floyer family [Note:- Link to more information about the ARDEN Family of Dorchester]
19 Oct 1742 Robert & Frances SWAYNE: Nicholas BAKER: Robert LODER:Daniel ARDEN Covenant to lead to a fine: 1. Robert Swayne of Dorchester, esquire and Frances his wife and Nicholas Baker of Dorchester, clerk and Anne his wife: 2. William Baker of Chancery Lane, Middlesex, esquire and Robert Loder of Dorchester, gentleman: 3. John Pitt of Encombe, esquire and Daniel Arden of Dorchester, goldsmith. 1 agrees to levy a fine upon 2 before the end of the Easter term (13 May 1743) Source A2A Deeds re Kingston alias Westhill Farm D/SEN/2/3 [n.d.]  D/SEN/2/3/5  19 Oct 1742 [Note:- Link to more information about the ARDEN Family of Dorchester]
16 May 1743 Daniel ARDEN: LITIGATION Common recovery : 1. John Pitt, esquire and Daniel Arden, gentleman: 2. William Baker, esquire and Robert Loder, gentleman: 2 to 1: [Messuages, cottages, etc mentioned above in D/SEN/2/3/6] Source A2A Deeds re Kingston alias Westhill Farm D/SEN/2/3 [n.d.] D/SEN/2/3/8  16 May 1743 [Note:- Link to more information about the Daniel ARDEN (1688-1755) of Goldsmith of Dorchester]
16 Jan 1743/4 Benjamin BELLMAN Mariner ADMONS of Dorset Naval Personnell by Kim Parker OPC: HMS "Norwich". Administratrix :- Elizabeth BELLMAN, widow of Dorchester, mother [Admon bond missing - details from record of the Oath] Ref:DA/A/1743 34
3 Aug 1745 Robert CLINES Mariner ADMONS of Dorset Naval Personnell by Kim Parker OPC: HM Transport Ship "Crawley Pink" Administratrix Mary CLINES, widow of Dorchester, mother Surity Administratrix + Edward CLINES, butcher of Dorchester Ref DA/A/1745 50
01 Oct 1746 John NELSON: Daniel ARDEN: Charlotta O'KEA Assignment of a mortgage: 1. John Floyer of Lincoln's Inn, Middlesex esquire: 2. John Nelson of Dorchester, clerk, Daniel Arden of Dorchester, goldsmith and Charlotta O'Kea of Dorchester, widow Recites D/SEN/2/3/10 : 2 to 1: £2400 (£1000 from Nelson, £850 from Arden, £550 from O'Kea)1 to 2: mortgage assigned in D/SEN/2/3/10 Source: A2A Deeds re Kingston alias Westhill Farm D/SEN/2/3 [n.d.] D/SEN/2/3/11  1 Oct 1746 [Note:- Link to more information about Daniel ARDEN (1688-1755) of Goldsmith of Dorchester]
02 Jul 1748 William CHURCHILL: Daniel ARDEN: Renaldo KNAPTON: George & Richard COOPER: Robert LODER: Settlement to create four new Trustees for Thomas Hardy's charity: 1. Sir William Napier of Moor Crichel baronet, Edmund Moreton Pleydell of Milborne St Andrew esq, George White of West Stafford, William Churchill of Colliton esq, Daniel Arden of Dorchester, goldsmith and Renaldo Knapton of Dorchester maltster, Trustees of Thomas Hardy's charity. 2. Robert Browne of Frampton esq, George Cooper of Dorchester gent, Robert Loder of Dorchester gent and Richard Cooper of Dorchester gent 1 to 2 (to create new trustees) Recitals: Property conveyed and leased by Thomas Hardy gent, to ten Trustees by indenture of 3 August 21 Elizabeth [1579] for the maintanance of a schoolmaster and usher in the borough of Dorchester for the instruction and education of children in good discipline Property: all his lands and tenements in Frome Vauchurch, all his lands and tenements in Wyke Regis, Weymouth and Melcombe Regis, two burgages in Dorchester situated in East Street and half an acre of land enjoyed with the same lying in a place called The Walls near Dorchester, one burgage in the parish of All Saints, Dorchester with the gardens and orchards adjoining, three burgages in Dorchester in the parish of St Peter with the gardens and backsides adjoining, all those services, seignory and rent of 8s and 1 pound of pepper by the year in West Shilvehampton [Shilvinghampton] and all that house called The School House' in the parish of St Peter's in Dorchester in South Street and east side of the same street. Term: to the use of the Trustees for ever except all that property in Wyke Regis, Weymouth and Melcombe Regis which is leased for the term of 3000 years. Source A2A D/BFM/12/1  2 Jul 1748 [Note:- Link to more information about the ARDEN Family of Dorchester]
04 Jan 1750 Elizabeth NELSON: Charlotta O'KEA: Daniel ARDEN: Payment of mortgage: 1. John Floyer of Lincoln's Inn, Middlesex esquire, Elizabeth Nelson (of Dorchester), spinster, Charlotte O'Kea of Cheselborough, Somerset, widow and Daniel Arden of Dorchester, goldsmith: 2. Frances Swayne of Cheselborough, widow, Nicholas Baker of Cheselborough, clerk and his wife Anne: 3. William Pitt of Kingston Maurward, esquire and Thomas Wyndham of Yately, Hampshire, esquire: 4. James Brooke of Dorchester, gentleman and John Pitt of Encombe, esquire: Recites D/SEN/2/3/2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11: James Brooke to 1 (except Mr Floyer): £2400: James Brooke to Mr Floyer: 10s: 2 to John Pitt: [properties mentioned in D/SEN/2/3/1] Sources: A2A Deeds re Kingston alias Westhill Farm D/SEN/2/3 [n.d.] [no title]  D/SEN/2/3/14  4 Jan 1750 [Note:- Link to more information about the ARDEN Family of Dorchester]
1756 George ARDEN DORCHESTER MARKETS: Butcher's shop being corner shop lately built by Geo. Arden, 1756; butcher's shop and room over it late the old Blindhouse in St. Peter's parish, on south of steps leading to Guildhall and on north of corner shop belonging to Geo. Arden, 1761; butcher's shop on north of steps leading to Guildhall, 1795. (Davis, Stickland). Source A2A DC/DOB/29/4 1756-1795 [Note:- Link to more information about the ARDEN Family of Dorchester]
1768 John PITMAN QUARTER SESSIONS: Held at Shaston 11th July 1768 : Image 9 COSSENS (D) John PITMAN of Dorchester Gentleman "To prefer a Bill of Indictment and give evidence against Robert FRAMPTON for an assault
1768 James CHAFFEY; QUARTER SESSIONS: James CHAFFEY This Court doth order the Western Treasurer of the county Stock of this County to pay unto James CHAFFEY keeper of his Majesty's goal at Dorchester in the said County the sum of £5 5 shillings for conveying two felons (Namely Mary LAMB and John MAY otherwise called Cuckold WILMOT otherwise called Jacob WILMOT on the 7th Apr Inst to the port of Bristol in order to be transported to some one of his Majesty's Colonies or Plantations in America and in full charges relating thereto AND the further Sum of £3 3s allowed the Clerk-of the Peace for the said County for several Indentures and Bonds for the Transportation of the said felons and getting the same executed which several sums amounting in the whole to £8.8s shall be allowed said Treasurer on passing his accounts.
29 Sep 1769 Timothy GUYER TIM:GUYER: The like order as before was granted to the Gaoler for the discharge of Timothy GUYER a Fugitive Prisoner who was actually beyond the seas in foreign parts on the twenty nine day of September One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty Nine and hath since surrendered himself to the said Gaoler It appearing unto this Court that Notices have been inserted as before in the London Gazettes and Sherborne Papers and that the said Prisoner has in all respects conformed to the directions of the said Act passed in the haith? year of his present majesty's Reign for the Relief of Insolvent Debters. Source Dorset Quarter Session Records available
5 Apr 1770 William WARR QUARTER SESSIONS Order Books 1754-1771 QSM 1/9 Image 436 of 484
Gaol Kalendar:
William WARR : Indicted for felony and found guilty - Ordered to be severely and publicaly whipt at Dorchester in this County on Saturday next between the hours of nine and twelve o'clock in the fornoon and then to be discharged.
08 Feb 1773 George COOPER ELECTED: 1773 08Feb Cooper George - mayor Dorchester. Source: Sherborne and Yeovil Mercury Index
01 Mar 1773 James COOMBS SALE: 1773 01Mar Coombs James - apothecary St Peter Dorchester sale of house. Source: Sherborne and Yeovil Mercury Index
15 Mar 1773 George BRYER TRADE: 1773 15 Mar Bryer George - joiner Dorchester advert. Source: Sherborne and Yeovil Mercury Index
15 Mar 1773 Elizabeth COOMBES TRADE: 1773 15 Mar Elizabeth relict of Thomas Coombes - Crown Inn Dorchester advert. Source: Sherborne and Yeovil Mercury Index
26 Apr 1773 George ANDREWS SALE: 1773 26 Apr Andrews George - Dorchester inn for sale: Source: Sherborne and Yeovil Mercury Index
09 Aug 1773 John CAVE DORCHESTER ASSIZES: 1773 09 Aug Cave John - stole leather Dorchester assizes, Source Sherborne and Yeovil Mercury Index
20 Dec 1773 James BUCKLAND 1773 20Dec Buckland James - surgeon Dorchester canvassing for coroner. Source: Sherborne and Yeovil Mercury Index
03 Oct 1775 Mr. James CHAFFEY
Robert SNOOK
Philip SNOOK
QUARTER SESSIONS Held at Bridport 3rd Oct 1775: [ imager 158 of 476] This COURT doth order the Western Treasurer of the county Stock of this County to pay unto James CHAFFEY Gentleman Mayor and Coroner for the Town and Borough of Dorchester for the said County the sum of Four Pounds being the contents of his Bill now delivered into this Court for taking Four Inquisitions in the Gaol of the said County on view of the several and expostive Bodies of Joseph BARTLETT A poor Prisoner confined in the said Goal for Debt, William MITCHELL charged with Murder, Robert SNOOK and Philip SNOOK under sentance of Transportation who all respectively died of the Small Pox as appears by the several Inquisitions taking And the same shall be allowed the said Treasurer on paying his accounts.
01 Mar 1776 John PITMAN


Reference: D/SEN/9/1/19: Copy assignment of mortgage:
1. John Pitman of Dorchester, gentleman
2. William Templeman of Dorchester, gentleman
3. Andrew Purchase of Old North Street, St George the Martyr, wine merchant and Ann, his wife, Sarah Tuffly of St Clement Danes, widow, Joanna Thornton and Jane Thornton of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis
4. Richard Templeman of Dorchester, clerk

Consideration: 10s

2 to Joanna and Jane Thornton: £120 1s 10½d
2 to Sarah Tuffly: £150 1s 10½d
2 to Joanna and Jane Thornton: £837 6s 2d
2 to Joanna Thornton: £875 19s 3d
2 to Jane Thornton: £904 11s 10½d
3 to 4: Properties as in D/SEN/9/1/7
06 May 1776 Mr George STICKLAND Borough of Dorchester, and Tithing of Colliton Row, in the said Town of Dorchester THIS is to give notice, that such persons who are willing to contract for the paving and repairing of the footways of the Borough of Dorchester, and Tithing of Colliton-row aforesaid, are desired to give in their respective proposals at how much per foot they'll undertake to do the same with flatners, pitchers, headers, or broadstone, to the Trustees, at their next meeting, at the Grand Jury Chamber in the County-hall, in the Borough of Dorchester aforesaid, on Friday the 10th day of May inst at ten o'clock in the forenoon. GEO. STICKLAND, Clerk and Treasurer.Source : Salisbury & Winchester Journal
08 Oct 1776 Mr. James CHAFFEY
[Andt many others See Text]
QUARTER SESSIONS Held at Bridport 8th Oct 1776: [ imager 184 of 476] This COURT doth order the Western Treasurer of the county Stock of this County to pay unto James CHAFFEY Gentleman Keeper of His Magesty's Goal at Dorchester the sum of Thirty Two Pounds Sixteen Shillings anbd two pence being the contents of his Bill now delivered into this Court for his great care and humanity in providing necessaries for the poor Prisoners under the distemper of the Small Pox and other disorders [NAMELY] John HOBBY; Joseph BARTLETT (who died); Elizabeth GOFFE; Sarah PRIDDY; (Debters); William MITCHELL, Robert SNOOK and Philip SNOOK (who also died) Richard GARRETT; Melchezedec BURT; William HUSAR and Elizabeth SEBLEY (Criminals) commencing from the tenth day of December 1775 and continued until the 25th day of March 1776 as appears by Bill of Particulars delivered, etc.
17 Dec 1776 Thomas Gould READ UK, Articles of Clerkship, 1756-1874 Record for Thomas Gould Read UK, Articles of Clerkship, 1756-1874 " In the Kings bench: William STROUD of Dorchester in the County of Dorset maketh oath that certain articles of agreement indented bearing date the third day of December instant between William TEMPLEMAN Gentleman one of the Attorneys of this Honourable Court of the one part and Thomas Gould READ of Dorchester aforesaid of the other part, Whereby the said Thomas Gould READ is bound to serve the said William TEMPLEMAN as his Clerk for the space of five years from the date of the said articles were actually signed sealed delivered and executed by the said William TEMPLEMAN and the said Thomas Gould READ on the said day of the date thereof in the presence of this deponent and of Thomas SYMES whose names are subscribed as witnesses to the due execution of the said articles by the said William TEMPLEMAN and Thomas Gould READ And this deponent further saith that the names William STROUD and Thomas SYMES so sett and subscribed to the execution and attestation of the said articles are their own respective handwriting William STROUD --Sworn at Dorchester aforesaid this seventeenth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy six before me John TEMPLEMAN commissioner [Note:- Link to more information about Thomas Gould READ (1759-1835) 4 times Mayor of Dorchester]
26 Apr 1777 Thomas GRITTON & Robert LAKE QUARTER SESSIONS: [Image 199] Messrs GRITTON & LAKE: This Court doth order the Western Treasurer of the County Stock of this County to pay unto Messrs Thomas GRITTON and Richard LAKE both of Dorchester in the said County Carpenters the sum of ten pounds Forteen Shillings being the contents of their Bill now delivered unto this Court for erecting a new porch covered with lead at the County Gaol (Agreeable to an order of Court) and for other business done in and about repairing the said Goal [Gaol] and the same to be allowed the said Treasurer on passing his accounts. [Note:- Thomas GRITTON and his wife Ann lived in All Saints Parish. Richard LAKE (1733-1810) lived in Colliton Row in Holy Trinity. ]
14 July 1778 Mr John KENN Surgeon and Apothecary for the Goal QUARTER SESSIONS [Image 242] This Court doth order the Western Treasurer of the County Stock of this County to pay unto John KENN of Dorchester in this County Surgeon and Apothecary for the Goalof the said County the sum of Seven Pounds and Ten shillings being for a quarters Salary due to him from the Twenty Eigth day of April to the Fourteenth day of July inclusive for his care diligence and attendance (Medicines of all kinds included) on the several and respective Prisoners in the said Gaol and the same shall be allowed the said Treasurer on passing his accounts.
17 Oct 1778 Thomas GRITTON & Robert LAKE QUARTER SESSIONS: [Image 260] Messrs GRITTON & LAKE: This Court doth order the Western Treasurer of the County Stock of this County to pay unto Messrs Thomas GRITTON and Richard LAKE of Dorchester in the said County Joiners the sum of Six pounds Two Shillings and Five Pence Halfpenny being the contents of their Bill now delivered unto this Court for carpenters work done in and about the repairing the County Goal [Gaol] at Dorchester form the third day of November One Thousand Seven Humdred and Deventy Seven to the Thirteenth day of July Pne Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Eight - And the same shall be allowed the said Treasurer on passing his accounts. [Note:- Thomas GRITTON and his wife Ann lived in All Saints Parish. Richard LAKE (1733-1810) lived in Colliton Row in Holy Trinity. ]
27 Oct 1780 Thomas GRITTON & Robert LAKE QUARTER SESSIONS: [Image 343] Messrs GRITTON & LAKE: This Court doth order the Western Treasurer of the County Stock of this County do pay unto Messrs Thomas GRITTON and Richard LAKE of Dorchester in the said County Carpenters the sum of Ten pounds Fifteen Shillings and Three Pence being the contents of their Bill now delivered unto this Court for carpenters work done and materials used in and about the repairing the County Goal [Gaol] of the said County - And the same shall be allowed the said Treasurer on passing his accounts. [Note:- Thomas GRITTON and his wife Ann lived in All Saints Parish. Richard LAKE (1733-1810) lived in Colliton Row in Holy Trinity. ]
1781 Lewis TREGONWELL MARRIAGE SETTLEMENT: Manor and capital messuage, other messuages, advowson, all in Winterborne Anderson; land in Bloxworth; manor of [...] Abbs. Court in Winterborne Kingston and capital messuage; the Hundred of Coombs Ditch. With marriage settlement of Lewis Tregonwell of Dorchester, esq., and Catherine Sydenham of Broadhenbury, Devon, 1781; and copy will of Thos. Tregonwell of Anderson esq., 1760 proved 1762.
18 July 1782 Thomas GRITTON & Robert LAKE QUARTER SESSIONS: [Image 418] COUNTY GAOL: This Court doth order the Western Treasurer of the County Stock of this County to pay unto Messrs Thomas GRITTON and Richard LAKE of Dorchester in the said County Carpenters the sum of Twenty pounds Nine Shillings and Two Pence Halfpenny being the contents of their Bill now delivered unto this Court for carpenters work done and materials used in and about the repairing the County Goal [Gaol] of the said County Commencing from the Thirteenth day of November One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty to the Thitieth day of July One Thousand Seven Humdred and Eight Two - And the same shall be allowed the said Treasurer on passing his accounts. [Note:- Thomas GRITTON and his wife Ann lived in All Saints Parish. Richard LAKE (1733-1810) lived in Colliton Row in Holy Trinity. ]
18 July 1782 Mr Robert STICKLAND To be LETT, and entered on immediately, - All those new-erected, convenient, and commodious WATER GRIST MILLS, called LOUDS, situate within one mile of Dorchester, and eight of Weymouth.
Enquire of Mr.Robert Stickland, Dorchester: Source:- Salisbury & Winchester Journal
22 July 1782 Mr Robert STICKLAND Attorny & Mr FISHER grocer DORCHESTER, July 18, 1782. AN advertisement appearing in the SALISBURY JOURNAL of the 15th instant, That a large and substantial Dwelling House, situate on the Cornhill, in the Borough of Dorchester, in the occupation of Mr.Fisher, Grocer, as tenant at will, was to be sold by auction at the King's-Arms there, on the 3d day of August next; and for further particulars enquiry was by the advertisement directed to be made of Mr.Robert Stickland:- Mr.FISHER, in justice to himself, least it may tend to his prejudice, by conveying an idea to the public that he has not a permanent, but an uncertain establishment of his trade in this house, subject to the will of another at a moment's notice, thinks it proper to declare, in the same public manner, that (whatever may be the motive for thus describing him to be tenant at will) he is entitled to this house for a lease of fourteen years, commencing from the 5th of April, 1781; and that such lease was granted, Mr.Fisher appeals to his attorney therein, the above Mr.Robert Stickland, who prepared the same, and also witnessed the execution of it. Source:- Salisbury & Winchester Journal
09 May 1783 Thomas GRITTON & Robert LAKE QUARTER SESSIONS: [Image 455] COUNTY GAOL: The Like Order order on the Western Treasurer of the County Stock of this County to pay unto Messrs Thomas GRITTON and Richard LAKE of Dorchester in the said County Carpenters the sum of Nineteen pounds Seventeen Shillings and One Penny Halfpenny the contents of their Bill now delivered unto this Court for carpenters work done in and about the repairs of the Gaol or Prison of this County (directed by an Order of Court) Commencing from the Second day of November One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Two to the Third day of March last past - And the same shall be allowed the said Treasurer on passing his accounts. [Note:- Thomas GRITTON and his wife Ann lived in All Saints Parish. Richard LAKE (1733-1810) lived in Colliton Row in Holy Trinity. ]
20 Apr 1784 Thomas LOCKETT, painter
James HAWKINS,ironmonger
Thomas GRITTON & Robert LAKE, Joiners
Nathaniel GRAY, mason
William READ, plaisterer
QUARTER SESSIONS: [Image 91] COUNTY HALL: This Court doth order the Western Treasurer of the County Stock of this County to pay unto:-
Thomas LOCKETT of Dorchester in this County Painter the sum of twelve Pounds Nine Shillings and Four Pence.
James HAWKINS of the same place Ironmonger the sum of Five Pounds Seven Shillings and Six Pence
Thomas GROTTON and Richard LAKE of the same place Joiners the sum of Four Pounds Seven shillings and Nine Pence
Nathaniel GRAY of the same place Mason the sum of One Pound Sixteen shillings and Five pence , and
William READ of the same place Plaisterer the sum of Six Pounds Thirteen Shillings and Six Pancebeing the contents of their several Bills now delivered into this Court for work done and materials used in and about the County Hall at Dorchester aforesaid (By order of Sir William Oglander Baronet) Amounting in the whole to the sum of Thirty Pounds Fourteen shillings and Six pence - And the same shall be allowed the said Treasurer on passing his accounts.

[Note:- Thomas GRITTON and his wife Ann lived in All Saints Parish. Richard LAKE (1733-1810) lived in Colliton Row in Holy Trinity. ]
13 July 1784 Thomas GRITTON & Robert LAKE QUARTER SESSIONS: [Image 101] COUNTY GAOL: GRITTON & LAKE : This Court doth order the Western Treasurer of the County Stock of this County to pay unto Thomas GRITTON and Richard LAKE of Dorchester in this County Carpenters the sum of Five pounds Eight Shillings and Six Pence the contents of their Bill now delivered unto this Court for carpenters work done and materials used in and about the repairs of the Gaol of this County Commencing from the Nineteenth day of May One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Three to the Fifteenth day of January last past - And the same shall be allowed the said Treasurer on passing his accounts. [Note:- Thomas GRITTON and his wife Ann lived in All Saints Parish. Richard LAKE (1733-1810) lived in Colliton Row in Holy Trinity. ]
07 Aug 1874 Batt CHAFFEY (Keeper) Convicts:-
John NEW,
Robert CASE,
Edward GREEN,
Nicholas MOORE:
Matthew LOVE


This Court doth order that the Western Treasurer of the County Stock of this County do pay unto Batt CHAFFEY Keeper of His Majesty's Gaol or Prison at Dorchester in this County the Sum of Forty Seven Pounds Nine Shliings and Six Pence for his trouble and expenses also clothing and necessaries and Conveying Six Covicts to Woolwich delivered over to Duncan CAMPBELL Esq the Overseer of Convicts in the River Thames Namely John NEW, Robert CASE, Edward GREEN, William BIDDLESCOMBE Joseph BIDDLESCOMBE and Nicholas MOORE who were severally convicted of Felony at the Assizes held at Dorchester the Tenth day of August 1784 and ordered and adjudged to be kept to hard labour on the Rover Thames,

AND ALSO the sum of Thirty Seven Pounds Fifteen shillings and Sixpence for his trouble and expenses also clothing and necessaries and conveying Five Convicts to Woolwich aforesaid delivered over to the said Duncan CAMPBELL and put on board the Ceres Hulk for the present by order of the Right Honourable Lord SYDNEY One of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State Namely James WEBBER, James CHAFFEY, William LARCOMBE, George POWELL and Matthew LOVE severally convicted of Felony held at the Assizes held at Dorchester the Tenth day of march last past and ordered and adjudged to be transported beyond the Seas

AND ALSO the sum of Five Pounds and Five Shilings for Drawing Contract and Bond & writing letters and attending on the Justices to get the same executed when said several sums Amounting in all to the sum of Ninety Pounds and Tenshillings shall be allowed the said Treasurer on passing his accounts

28 Feb 1786 John & Mary BANGER VAGRANT PASS: Whereas a pass hath been directed By Wm Parten Mayor one of his Majestys Justices of the Peace for the Town of Maiden Head in the County of Berks to convey John Banger and Mary his wife Vagrants apprehended in the parish of Cookham and town aforesaid to the Parish of Holy Trinity in Dorchester in the County of Dorset and the said Vagrants being brought to Pentridge and delivered to the Tythingman thereof I hereby order and direct the said vagrants to be conveyed by the tythingman of Pentridge aforesaid to Dorchester in the said County for which the said Tythingman is to be allowed the sum of Fourteen Shillings for conveying two vagrants twenty eight miles and two shillings for one day and one nights maintenance given under my hand this 28th Feb 1786 Roe King. Received the within named Vagrants benjamin Tullidge Churchwarden
16 Mar 1786 Thomas GRITTON & Robert LAKE QUARTER SESSIONS: [Image 210] COUNTY HALL : The Like Order that the Western Treasurer of the County to pay unto Thomas GRITTON and Richard LAKE of Dorchester in the said County Carpenters the sum of Three pounds Sixteen Shillings and Eleven Pence being the contents of their Bill now delivered unto this Court for carpenters and Joiners work done and performed in and about the repairs of the County Hall of Dorchester from the Fourteenth day of August One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Four to the Sixth day of February last past - And the same shall be allowed the said Treasurer on passing his accounts. [Note:- Thomas GRITTON and his wife Ann lived in All Saints Parish. Richard LAKE (1733-1810) lived in Colliton Row in Holy Trinity. ]
16 Sep 1786 James NOOTH QUARTER SESSIONS: [Image 209] GAOL SURGEON: This Court doth order that the Western Treasurer of the County Stock of this County do pay unto James NOOTH of Dorchester in this County Surgeon and Apothecary for the Gaol of this County the sum of Seven Pounds and Ten shillings being the quarters salary due to him from midsummer last to Michaelmas following inclusive for his care dilligence and attendance (medicines of all kinds included) on the several and respective Prisoners in the said gaol - And the same shall be allowed the said Treasurer on passing his accounts.
16 Sep 1786 Thomas BRYER QUARTER SESSIONS: [Image 209] GAOL CHAPLAIN: The Like order on the Western Treasurer to pay unto Thomas BRYER of Fordington in this County Clerk (Agreeable to an order made) at the Court of Quarter Sessions held at Shaston in and for this County the 11th day of July last past the sum of Twelve Pounds and Ten shillings being the quarters salary due to him as Chaplain or Ordinary to the Gaol at Dorchester in the said County from the said midsummer Sessions to this present Sessions - And the same shall be allowed the said Treasurer on passing his accounts.
16 Sep 1786 James GENGE QUARTER SESSIONS: [Image 209] GAOL REPAIRS: The Like order on the Western Treasurer to pay unto James GENGE of Dorchester in this County Baker the sum of Twenty One Pounds and Eleven shillings being the contents of his Bill now delivered into this Court for Bread delivered the Prisoners confined in the gaol of this County commencing from the Fifteenth day of July last past to the Third dau of October instant - - And the same shall be allowed the said Treasurer on passing his accounts
16 Sep 1786 John HAWKINS QUARTER SESSIONS: [Image 209] GAOL REPAIRS: The Like order on the Western Treasurer to pay unto John HAWKINS of Dorchester in this County Whitesmith the sum of Eight Pounds and Seven Pence being the contents of his Bill now delivered into this Court for Smith's work done and performed in and about the gaol of this County, Ironing and fettering the prisoners included, from the Eleventh day of March last past to the present Sessions - And the same shall be allowed the said Treasurer on passing his accounts.
16 Sep 1786 Thomas GRITTON & Robert LAKE QUARTER SESSIONS: [Image 209] GAOL REPAIRS: The Like [Order] on the Western Treasurer to pay unto Thomas GRITTON and Richard LAKE of Dorchester in this County Carpenters the sum of Twenty Three pounds Sixteen Shillings and Eleven Pence being the contents of their Bill now delivered into this Court for carpenters and joiners work done and performed in and about the repairs of the County Gaol at Dorchester from the Eleventh day of March last past to the Twenty Sixth day of September following - And the same shall be allowed the said Treasurer on passing his accounts. [Note:- Thomas GRITTON and his wife Ann lived in All Saints Parish. Richard LAKE (1733-1810) lived in Colliton Row in Holy Trinity. ]
16 Sep 1786 Nathaniel GRAY QUARTER SESSIONS: [Image 210] GAOL REPAIRS: The Like order on the Western Treasurer to pay unto Nathaniel GRAY of Dorchester in this County Mason the sum of Five Pounds and Sixteen Shillings and Ten Pence being the contents of his Bill now delivered into this Court for Mason's work done in repairing the drain and common sewer of the gaol or prison at Dorchester aforesaid - And the same shall be allowed the said Treasurer on passing his accounts.
16 Sep 1786 William CHURCH
William SMITH
William POORE
George LEGG
Ishmael COLMAN
John Morris STEPHENS
Stephen POPE
George HART
Nathaniel MITCHEL,


Whereas at the Assizes held at Dorchester in this County on Thursday the Sixteenth day of March last past William CHURCH, William SMITH, Edward JOHNSON, William POORE, George LEGG, Joseph BUCKLEY, Ishmael COLMAN, John Morris STEPHENS, Stephen POPE and George HART were severally convicted of Felony and were ordered and adjudged to be transported beyond the seas

Whereas at the Court of Quarter Sessions held at Sherborne in the said County the twenty Fifth day of April last John SEYMOUR was convicted of a felony and was ordered and adjudged to be transported beyond the seas, and

Whereas at the Assizes held at Dorchester aforesaid the Third day of August last Daniel SPENCER, Samuel BURRIDGE, Nathaniel MITCHEL, and George LANGDON were severally convicted of a felony and were ordered and adjudged to be transported beyond the seas

AND Whereas by an order from the Right Honourable Thomas Lord SYDNEY One of his Majesty's Principal Secreataries of State to the High Sheriff of this County that the above mentioned convicts confined in the County Gaol at Dorchester should be conveyed from thence and put on Board His Majesty's Ship ' HMS Dunkirk ' then lying at Plymouth. NOW it being made appear to this Court that George ANDREWS Keeper of the said Gaol hath conveyed the said convicts to Plymouth agreeable to the said order and that they have been received on Board the said ship by the receipt of Henry BRADLEY the Commander THIS COURT therefore doth order and direct that the Western Treasurer of the County Stock of this county do pay unto the said George ANDREW the sum of Eighty One Pounds Sixteen shillings and Six Pence being the contents of his bill now delivered into this Court for his expenses and trouble in conveying the said convicts as aforesaid including the Clerk of the Peace for his trouble in drawing contracts Bonds etc agreeable to the late Act of Parliament for the performance of transportation of the said convicts AND also for writing Letters etc in order to obtain the Secretary of States order for their being so removed for the presnt till theycan be conveyed to their places of destination- And the same shall be allowed the said Treasurer on passing his accounts.

Note:-More Information is available on under 'Dorset, England, Dorchester Prison Admission and Discharge Registers, 1782-1901'- Specific File:- 'Prison Registers 1782-1808'. I have identified below the individuals in the register where they are usefully been recorded as 'having been put on board the Dunkirk at Plymouth' and added some brief details to help identifcation of individuals, and where from Dorchester of Fordington provided a link to a full transcription:-

William CHURCH , from Stoney Stafford in Wiltshire, Aged 26, single, stealing a cow, (Image 1) [The transportation order is on image 550 of 619 but gives no additional information]
William SMITH, no parish recorded, Labourer, Aged 29, no marital status recorded, Burglary, (Image 2) [The transportation order is on image 550 of 619 but gives no additional information]
Edward JOHNSON, no parish recorded, mariner, Aged 22, Housebreaking (Image1)
William POORE, from Horton Parish, Age 20, single, Stealing fowls, Elizabeth Poore aged 40 (mother?) charged with him for receiving but acquitted (Image 3)
George LEGG, no parish recorded, shoemaker, Aged 23, single, Stealing a watch etc (Image2)
Joseph BUCKLEY, from Plymouth Parish, Aged 38, single, Stealing money, (Image1)
Ishmael COLMANE , from Dalewood Parish, Aged 31, no marital status recorded, Housebreaking, (Image 2)
John Morris STEPHENS, no parish is recorded, a sadler, Aged 21, single, stealing clothes, (Image1)
Stephen POPE, no parish recorded, Labourer, Aged 18, single, Slander,
George HART , from Woodlands Parish, Aged 30, married, Stealing wheat, (Image 2)
John SEYMOUR , from Beaminster Parish, Age 25, married , Indicted on statute 6 G.3.C.36 (Image 4)
Daniel SPENCER, from Dorchester Transcribed Link (Image 5)
Samuel BURRIDGE, from Charmouth Parish, Aged 60, Widower, Stealing cloth (Image 5)
Nathaniel MITCHEL, from Sherborne Parish, Aged 35 , Housebreaking
George LANGDON, from Stafford Somerset, Age 52, Housebreaking (Image 4)

[The transportation orders are on image 548 of 619 but give no additional information]

10 Jan 1788 Thomas GRITTON & Robert LAKE QUARTER SESSIONS: [Image 260] GAOL REPAIRS: The Like Order that the Western Treasurer to pay unto Thomas GRITTON and Richard LAKE of Dorchester in this County Carpenters the sum of Thirteen pounds Eleven Shillings and Six Pence being the contents of their Bill now delivered into this Court for carpenters work done and materials used in and about the Gaol of this County (the same being ordered by the Gaoler and approved by the Gentlemen of the Committee) commencing from the Thirteenth day of March last past to the Twenty Sixth day of September 1786 to the Eigth day of January following - And the same shall be allowed the said Treasurer on passing his accounts. [Note:- Thomas GRITTON and his wife Ann lived in All Saints Parish. Richard LAKE (1733-1810) lived in Colliton Row in Holy Trinity. ]
02 Jul 1788 Mr Thomas BANGER and Eleonora GILBERT MARRIAGE :- Wednesday last - was married Mr Thomas BANGER of Druce, to Miss GILBERT of Dorchester :- Source Salisbury & Winchester Journal for Monday July 7th 1788 [Note Married at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester]
06 Oct 1789 Christopher ARDEN Surgeon; James NORTH; and John KENN deceased QUARTER SESSIONS: GAOL SURGEON Appointment MR CHRISTOPHER ARDEN: WHEREAS by Virtue and in pursuance of the Powers and authorities granted/ in and by an Act of Parliament made and passed in the Fourteenth yearof the / Reign of his present Majesty King George the Thirdentitled "An Act for/ preserving the health of Prisoners in Gaols; and preventing the Gaol Distemper" James NOOTH of Dorchester in this County Surgeon was at the General Quarter Sessions/ of the Peace held at Bridport in and for the said County on Tuesday the 5th day of October/ One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Four, nominated and appointed the Surgeon and Apothecary to attend the Gaol of this County in the Place and stead of John KENN late of the same place Surgeon deceased, AND WHEREAS it appearing unto this Court that the / said James NOOTH hath declined to attend the said Gaol in pursuance of the said appointment AND WHEREAS application has been made unto this Court by/ Christopher ARDEN of Dorchester aforesaid Surgeonto succeed the said James NOOTH as Surgeon and Apothecary to the said Gaol THIS COURT doth therefore/ nominate and appoint the said Christopher ARDEN the Surgeon and Apothecary to/ attend the said Gaol: and that for his case dillegence attendance on the several/ prisoners therein being (Medicinesof all kinds includedhe shall entitled / to receive of and from the Treasurer of the County Stock of this County to be computed from the present sessions the sum of Thirty Pounds per annumto be paid in quarterly/ payments on producing the orders of several Quarter Sessions for payment thereof as the / same shall heretofore become due and payable AND THIS COURT doth direct that the said Christopher ARDEN do from henceforth regularly attend to the said gaolby himself and not by deputy whenever necessary or required: and that he doth report to the Justices at every subsequent / Quarter Session a state of the Health of the Prisoners under his care agreeable to the directions of the said Act of Parliament.
Source: QS held at Bridport 6th Oct
12 July 1790 Thomas GRITTON & Robert LAKE QUARTER SESSIONS: [Image 328] GAOL CARPENTERS: That the Western Treasurer do pay untoThomas GRITTON and Richard LAKE Carpenters the sum of Three pounds Eleven Shillings and Seven Pence being the contents of their Bill now delivered into this Court for Carterters and Joiners work done and performed in and about the Gaol of this County commencing from the Nineteenth day of April 1788 to the Twenty Eigth day of June last past[Note:- Thomas GRITTON and his wife Ann lived in All Saints Parish. Richard LAKE (1733-1810) lived in Colliton Row in Holy Trinity. ]
14th Jan 1791 John STAYNER & Thomas STAYNER DORCHESTER: JOHN STAYNER being through ill health under the necessity of declining his business, humbly begs that the favours which he himself experienced from a generous public may be continued to his son. THOMAS STAYNER who succeeds him in his late dwelling house in High Street in this twon where he sells on the lowest terms MUSIC and MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS also the best Italian and Roman strings for violins, tenors and violoncello's steel wire and brass for harpsicords spinets, piano fortes, and guitars, harpsicord hammers, tuning forks, grow and raven quills, reeds for basoons, tenerons, voxhumans, hautboys, and clarinets; rulled books and paper of all sizes - Exchage for old instruments -- Music Notes

All kinds of Fishing tackling

Musical Instruments and Music LET by the week, month, quarter, or year. Instruments repaired as neat as in London. Source:- Dorchester and Sherbourne Journal
20 Aug 1791 Thomas GRITTON & Robert LAKE QUARTER SESSIONS: [Image 358] GAOL REPAIRS: Ordered that the Western Treasurer do pay unto Richard LAKE and Thomas GRITTON Carpenters the sum of One pound Twelve Shillings and Six Pence being the contents of their Bill now delivered into this Court for work done and performed at and about the Gaol of this County commencing from the Twenty Seventh day of July 1790 to the Fifteenth day of November in the same year - And the same shall be allowed the said Treasurer on passing his accounts. [Note:- Thomas GRITTON and his wife Ann lived in All Saints Parish. Richard LAKE (1733-1810) lived in Colliton Row in Holy Trinity. ]
22 July 1793 Frances WOODLEY Letter by Frances Woodley to her mother-in-law Margaret Bankes - Describes visit to the New Dorchester Gaol with William Morton PITT MP for Dorset- Source Dorset for you archive
17 Mar 1794 Elizabeth MARSH EXECUTION: At Dorchester Assizes in March 1794, 15 year old Elizabeth Marsh was convicted of the murder of her grandfather, for which she was to hang on Monday, the 17th of March Source Link Female Executions" AT Dorchester Assizes, March, 1794, Elizabeth Marsh, a girl only fifteen years of age, was convicted of the murder of her grandfather, John Nevil, at Modern, was condemned, and ordered to be executed forty-eight hours after. This girl lived with her grandfather, and, with the most deliberate malice, deprived the old man (who was seventy years of age) of his life, by giving him two dreadful blows on the head while he was asleep. This unhappy wretch was bred in such extreme ignorance that she declared she had been wholly unacquainted with the difference between good and evil, heaven and hell. She was executed according to her sentence
1796-1812 John GREEN MALTHOUSE: 1796-1812, Papers concerning agreement of John Green to pay rent of house and malthouse at Dorchester, 1803. Source A2A: D/SBS/E4 1796-1830
1798 William BOYER,
Thomas TAPP,
Richard RING
Dorset Volunteer Force - Dorchester 1798 : William BOYER, Major. George STICKLAND captain. Thomas TAPP and Robert CRITCHELL lieutenants. Richard RING, sec lieutenant. 12 N.C.O. 117 privates. Source War Office Muster Rolls published page 27 of Dorset Notes & Queries 1920
22 Apr 1800 Mr CHRISTOPHER QUARTER SESSIONS: Sherborne : Surgeon's Report of the Gaol: Mr CHRISTOPHER Surgeon and Apothecary to the Gaol of this County having delivered unto this Court a Report in Writing of the state of the prisoners confined within the said Gaol under his care and superintendance - Ordered that the same be entered into the files of Record [See Image 349 of 386 for a copy of the return]
1801-1830 Isaac SPARKES MALTHOUSE: Papers concerning Isaac Sparks' malthouse and house at Dorchester, including disbursements for house in Dorchester, 1801-1830, malthouse accounts Source: A2A D/SBS/E4 1796-1830
27 Apr 1802 Rev. Thomas BRYER

Christopher ARDEN


William TAYLOR


Charles DART

William HORAM

QUARTER SESSIONS Sherborne:- Gaol Chaplain: Ordered that the Western Treasurer of the County Stock of this County do pay unto the Rev. Thomas BRYER the sum of Twelve pounds and ten shillings being a quarters salary due to him as chaplain or Ordinary of the Gaol of this County at Lady day last as tithes by an order of Court pursuant to the statute -

Gaol Surgeon: Ordered that the Western Treasurer do pay unto Mr Christopher ARDEN the sum of Ten pounds being a quarters salary due to him as Surgeon and Appothecary to the Gaol of the County at Lady Day last as settled by an order of Court pursuant to the directions of the statute

Gaoler's Diap: Ordered that the Western Treasurer of the County Stock of this County do pay unto Mr George ANDREWS Keeper of his Majesty's Gaol of the County the sum of Four Hundred and Seventy Four Pounds Seven Shillings and Ninepence Farthing being his disbursements on account of of the several Prisoners confined within the said Gaol as by Bill of Particulars now delivered unto this Court and that the same be allowed the said Treasurer on passing his accounts

Coroner: Ordered that the Western Treasurer do pay unto George ANDREWS Gentleman the sum of Eighteen pounds and Nineteen shilliongs for taking Fourteen inquisitions in view of several bodies of:-
James Carrol of Abbotsbury
Frederick Gillingham at Frampton
William TAYLOR of Forthington [Fordington] [Note:- William TAYLOR was buried at FStG Church on 10th June 1801]
William Hurt at Owermoigne
John Sansome at Moreton
John Croom at Beaminster
Robert Wilkins at Mosterton,
John LOBB at Forthington [Fordington] [Note:- John LOBB from the Barracks was buried at FStG Church on 4th Oct 1801]
A man unknown at Charminster
Robert Thresher at Affpuddle
Charles DART at Forthington [Fordington][Note:- Charles DART husband of Ann nee READ whom he married at FStG 30th May 1771 was buried at FStG 20th Jan 1802]
William Taylor at Bradford Peverell
Ann Northover at Beaminster, and
John Bewley at Upway
All lying dead within the said County and for his travelling Charges pursuant to the statute in that case made and provided.

Coroner: Ordered that the Western Treasurer do pay unto the Mayor & Coroner for the Borough of Dorchester in this Court the sum of Three Pounds for taking the inquisitions on view of the several bodies of:-
William HORAM [Note:- William HORAM was buried in St Peters Churchyard on 29th Oct 1801 ]
Timothy SULLIVAN [Note:- Timothy SULLIVAN was buried in St Peters Churchyard on 5th Dec 1801]
George VOSS [Note:- George VOSS was buried in All Saints Churchyard on17th Feb 1802]
All lying dead within the said Borough pursuant to the Statute : Source Quarter Sessions Records
27 Apr 1802 Christopher ARDEN QUARTER SESSIONS Sherborne:- Surgeons Report og Goal: : Mr Christopher ARDEN Surgeon and Appothecary to the Gaol of this County having delivered unto this Court a Report in writing of the state of the prisoners confined within the said Gaol under his care and superintendance: Source Quarter Sessions Records
23 Oct 1802 Henry LAKE CONSTABLES APPOINTMENTS: This Court doth Elect Henry LAKE of Colliton Row in the said County Yeoman to be Tythingman of the Tything of Colliton Row within the hundred of George in the said County for the year ensuing in the place and stead of Cule to do? [This appears to be the Henry LAKE born at Dorchester in 1731 [Note:- He appears to be the Henry LAKE (1762-1832) appointed tything man of the tything of Colliton Row in Dorchester at the General Quarter Sessions originally held at Bridport on 5th Oct 1802 but adjorned and held at the Town Hall in Dorchester on 23rd Oct 1802. Being aged 40 he is about the right age to be elected and we know that his father was living in Colliton Row in 1758]
04 Jan 1810 Mrs CHAFFEY DEATH: 1810 04 Jan Chaffey Mrs - died Dorchester sister of Rev Chaffey Canterbury: Source Taunton Courier [Note:- An Elizabeth CHAFFEY was buried in St Peters Church Dorchester on 22nd Dec 1809 aged 88 years]
04 Jan 1810 John HAYNE TRADE: 1810 04Jan Hayne John - Dorchester Globe Insurance agent: Source Taunton Courier
15 & 22 Mar 1810 William FROUD DORCHESTER ASSIZES: William FROUD charged with burglary at Wimborne Minster: Source Taunton Courier
15 & 22 Mar 1810 George CARTER v Elizabeth HANCOCK DORCHESTER ASSIZES: 1810 15th & 22nd March Charge of rape; George Carter - guilty of ravishing Eliz Hancock Dorchester: Source Taunton Courier:
22 Mar 1810 John RIDDLE DORCHESTER ASSIZES: John Riddle fined - stole wheat corn
22 Mar 1810 Richard SNOOK v Mary TROWBRIDGE DORCHESTER ASSIZES: 1810 22 Mar Charge of rape; Richard SNOOK acquitted of ravishing Mary TROWBRIDGE Dorchester: Source Taunton Courier:
22 Mar 1810 OLDFIELD v ARDEN MARRIAGE: 1810 22 Mar Oldfield Lieut Royal Engineers married in Dorchester the daughter of Mr Arden surgeon Dorchester: Source Taunton Courier [Note:- Holy Trinity parish Marriage register Dorchester 'John OLDFIELD of S. Peter's & Mary ARDEN married 12-Mar 1810'] [Note:- Link to more information about the ARDEN Family of Dorchester]
12 Apr 1810 C. A. COOPER ELECTED: 1810 12 Apr Cooper C A - Dorchester voted on the Walcheren Enquiry: Source Taunton Courier
17 May 1810 Mr STEVENS Junior INJURY: 1810 17 May Stevens Mr jnr - Druce Farm returning from Dorchester injured: Source Taunton Courier
05 July 1810 Mr RANDALL INCUDENT: 1810 05 Jul Randall Mr - Fordington nr Dorchester horse drowned: Source Taunton Courier
19 Jul 1810 Ms Catherine BROWNING DEATH: Miss Catherine daughter of Mr BROWNING mercer died : source Taunton Courier
27 Sep 1810 John TEMPLEMAN DEATH : 1810 27 Sep Templeman John sen - died Dorchester age 73 alderman: Source Taunton Courier [Note:- Buried Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 24th September 1810]
11 Oct 1810 W. BOWYER & Dr COOPER ELECTED: 1810 11 Oct W. BOWYER and Dr. Cooper - bailiffs of Dorchester: Source Taunton Courier
11 Oct 1810 N STICKLAND ELECTED: 1810 11 Oct Stickland N - elected mayor of Dorchester: Source Taunton Courier
01 Nov 1810 Henry DURDEN & Susannah HOLMES MARRIAGE: 1810 01 Nov Durden Henry plumner Dorchester married Miss Holmes of Fordington;Source Taunton Courier [Note:- married St Georges Church Fordington 25 Oct 1810]
17 Jan 1811 Mr. BRICE INJURY: 1811 17 Jan Brice Mr - Wood and Stone Inn Dorchester daughter 10 burnt: Source Taunton Courier 1811
17 Jan 1811 Rev Edmund. BRYER MARRIAGE: 1811 17 Jan Bryer Rev Edmund - conducted wedding Dorchester: Source Taunton Courier 1811
17 Jan 1811 Mr. CRUMPLER INJURY: 1811 17 Jan Crumpler Mr - carter Clift Farm nr Dorchester children burnt: Source Taunton Courier 1811
17 Jan 1811 Captain Charles Frederick PAYNE
& Elizabeth BRYER
MARRIAGE: 1811 17 Jan Payne Capt Chas Frdk RN marr Eliz Bryer of Dorchester: Source Taunton Courier 1811 [Note:- married Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 7th January 1811]
24 Jan 1811 Thomas DAWE MARRIAGE: 1811 24 Jan Thomas DAWE of Dorchester married Catherine Eliz Morgan of Exeter: Source Taunton Courier 1811 [No trace Dorchster probably married in Exeter - not on IGI]
21 Mar 1811 Thomas G READ TRADE: 1811 21 Mar Read Thomas G - Dorchester Royal Exchange Assurance agent: Source Taunton Courier 1811
11 Apr 1811 Thomas BRINE DEATH: 1811 11 Apr Brine Thomas - died Dorchester age 92: Source Taunton Courier 1811[Note buried Holy Tinity church Dorchester 7th April 1811]
18 Apr 1811 Mrs. HAWKINS DEATH: 1811 18 Apr Hawkins Mrs - 47 died Dorchester relict of James Hawkins: Source Taunton Courier 1811 [Can only trace burial of a Sarah HAWKINS aged 27 in St Peters on 9th Apr 1811 in NBI - need to check original parish entry and original newspaper entry to confirm correct age]
02 May 1811 Mrs. GENGE DEATH: 1811 02 May Genge Mrs - died Dorchester age 93 : Source Taunton Courier 1811[Note:- there is a burial in the National Burial Index for a Catherine GENGE aged 93 in St Mary Church Maiden Newton Dorset]
02 May 1811 Mr. SWAFFIELD
MARRIAGE: 1811 02 May Swafield Mr of Beaminster marr Miss Whittle at Dorchester: Source Taunton Courier 1811[Note:- Married Holy Trinity church Dorchester 16th April 1811]
6 Jun 1811 Charles Henry BOUVERIE ELECTED: 1811 06 Jun Bouverie Charles Henry - elected mamber for Dorchester: Source Taunton Courier 1811 [Note:- See John Hutchins The History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset
Part 13 Parliamentary Representation]
01 Aug 1811 Messrs FISHER DORCHESTER ASSIZES: 1811 01 Aug Fisher Messrs - Dorchester robbed: Source Taunton Courier 1811
01 Aug 1811 Robert FORD DORCHESTER ASSIZES: 1811 01 Aug Ford Robert - assault Dorchester assizes: Source Taunton Courier 1811
01 Aug 1811 Bonammy MANFIEL DORCHESTER ASSIZES: 1811 01 Aug Manfiel Bonammy - assault Dorchester assizes: Source Taunton Courier 1811
01 Aug 1811 John READ DORCHESTER ASSIZES: 1811 01 Aug Read John - assaulted Dorchester assizes: Source Taunton Courier 1811
01 Aug 1811 Richard WHITE DORCHESTER ASSIZES: 1811 01Aug White Richard - Dorchester theft: Source Taunton Courier 1811
22 Aug 1811 Fenville ROBERT DORCHESTER ASSIZES: 1811 22 Aug Fenville Robert - robbed at Dorchester - see Elizabeth MANFIELD: Source Taunton Courier 1811
22 Aug 1811 Elizabeth MANFIELD DORCHESTER ASSIZES: 1811 22 Aug Manfield Elizabeth - stole purse of Robt Fenville Dorchester: Source Taunton Courier 1811
26 Sep 1811 Capt J TIZARD &
MARRIAGE: 1811 26 Sep Tizard Capt J of Weymouth marr Miss Robert at Dorchester: Source Taunton Courier 1811[Note:- Married Holy Trinity church Dorchester 18 Sep 1811]
10 Oct 1811 C. COOPER MD ELECTED: 1811 10 Oct Cooper C - MD elected mayor of Dorchester: Source Taunton Courier 1811
10 Oct 1811 R. PATTERSON ELECTED: 1811 10 Oct Pattison R - bailiff Dorchester: Source Taunton Courier 1811
10 Oct 1811 Lieut. Col BOWER ELECTED: 1811 10 Oct Bower Lieut Col - elected bailiff Dorchester: Source Taunton Courier 1811
31 Oct 1811 Lieut William. TRUSCOTT DEATH: 1811 31 Oct Truscott Lieut William - RN died Dorchester son of late Adm : Source Taunton Courier 1811 [Note:- Buried All Saints Parish Church Dorchester 14th Oct 1811]
07 Nov 1811 Henry WHITE DORCHESTER ASSIZES: 1811 07 Nov White Henry - Dorchester gaol : Source Taunton Courier 1811
21 Nov 1811 Christopher ARDEN DEATH: 1811 21 Nov Arden Christopher - surgeon died Dorchester : Source Taunton Courier 1811 [Note:- Buried St Peters Church Dorchester 15 Nov 1811] [Note:- Link to more information about the ARDEN Family of Dorchester]
12 Dec 1811 William THORN & henry JOHNSON INCIDENT: 1811 12 Dec William Thorn - scientific man, fight at Dorchester - also in same index is Henry JOHNSON - Somerset miner, fight at Dorchester: Source Taunton Courier 1811
19 Dec 1811 John SMITH DORCHESTER ASSIZES: 1811 19 Dec Smith John - got money from G Stickland Dorchester: Source Taunton Courier 1811
19 Dec 1811 George STICKLAND DORCHESTER ASSIZES: 1811 19 Dec Stickland George - Dorchester defrauded by J Smith : Source Taunton Courier 1811
14th/16th Jan 1812 Christopher ARDEN (Junior) QUARTER SESSIONS held at Blandford Forum : Appointment of MR ARDEN Surgeon to the Gaol: Long entry on the same lines as Christopher ARDEN his fathers appointment 6th Oct 1789. The important part states " Mr William ANDREWS Keeper of the the County Gaol reported unto the court that Mr Christopher ARDEN Surgeon of the Gaol and House of Correction is dead since the last Session AND WHEREAS Application hath been made unto this court by Christopher ARDEN his son to succeed the said Christopher ARDEN his father as surgeon and Apothecary to the said gaol" --- It then continues to appoint him in the same wording as his fathers appointment
23 Jan 1812 Mr NUT INCIDENT: Nut Mr - shoemaker Dorchester tried to rescue burning child: Source Taunton Courier
02 Mar 1812 Mr.Bat.CHAFFEY DEATH: On Saturday the 22d.ult, died, at Dorchester, in an advanced age, Mr.Bat.Chaffey, formerly Governor of Dorchester prison, and many years clerk of the markets in that town. Source Salisbury and Winchester Journal Monday, March 2nd, 1812 [Note:- bat. was normally an abbreviation for Bartholomew. Also reported in Taunton Courier 5th March - Buried at All Saints Dorchester 28 Feb 1812]
05 Mar 1812 Bartholomew CHAFFEY DEATH - 1812 05Mar Chaffey Bat - late governor of Dorchester prison died : Source Taunton Courier
19 Mar 1812 R YOUNG DORCHESTER ASSIZES: R Young - Marnhull stole geese Dorchester gaol: Source Taunton Courier
23 Apr 1812 Widow ENSOR DEATH: Ensor William - Dorchester butcher decd widow died: Source Taunton Courier [Note;- Buried All Saints Church Dorchester 21st April 1812]
14 May 1812 HORSELY v MANFIELD MARRIAGE: Horsely Capt 11th Dragoons married Miss Manfield of Dorchester: source Taunton Courier [Note:- Robt. HORSLEY esq & Mary MANFIELD of Trinity married 04-May by licence in St Georges Church Fordington]
22 Jun 1812 Mr Charles COZENS Esq , WISE MARRIAGE : A few days since was married, at Poole, Dorset, C. Cozens, Esq. of Dorchester, to Miss Wise, daughter of the late Mr. Wise, many years surveyor of taxes for the divisions of Dorchester and Cerne.Source Salisbury and Winchester Journal: Also 25th June Taunton Courier 'Cozens Charles of Dorchester married Miss Wise' [Note:- Charles COZENS married Edith Brookes WISE in St James Church Poole Dorset on 6th Jun 1812 - Source OPC]
09 Jul 1812 Charlotte LOCK DORCHESTER ASSIZES: Lock Charlotte wife of Robert LOCK- comitted to Dorchester castle for stealing: Source Taunton Courier
23 Jul 1812 Jane CHAPPEL DORCHESTER ASSIZES: 1812 23 Jul Chappel Jane - stole pork: Source Taunton Courier
23 Jul 1812 Robert CHARD DORCHESTER ASSIZES: 1812 23Jul Chard Robert - house burgled Chardstock: Source Taunton Courier
23 Jul 1812 Joseph MERCER DORCHESTER ASSIZES: 1812 23Jul Mercer Joseph - stole pony: Source Taunton Courier
23 Jul 1812 Joseph PRATT DORCHESTER ASSIZES:stole grizzled ass: Source Taunton Courier
06 Aug 1812 Dr COOPER ELECTION: Mayor of Dorchester: Source Taunton Courier
06 Aug 1812 Messrs FISHER DORCHESTER ASSIZES: 1812 06Aug Fisher Messrs - bacon drying house Dorchester robbed. Source: Taunton Courier
06 Aug 1812 Robert & Mary WARR DORCHESTER ASSIZES:1812 06 Aug Robert & Mary Warr - stole bacon committed to Dorchester Castle: Source Taunton Courier
07 Sep 1812 Miss Mary Ann CLARK MARRIAGE : SALISBURY, Monday Sep 7th 1812 - Lately was married Mr. Robert Headington, of Bath, to Miss Mary Ann Clark, of Dorchester. Source Salisbury and Winchester Journal
01 Oct 1812 Mr HUTCHINS DEATH: Hutchins Mr - master of Antelope Inn died Dorchester: Source Taunton Courier
15 Oct 1812 Joseph SHEPPARD DEATH: Sheppard Joseph - clerk of ordnance died Dorchester: Source Taunton Courier [ Note:- Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 9th Oct 1812]
22 Oct 1812 W.M.PITT & E PORTMAN ELECTED Dorchester: Source Taunton Courier
05 Nov 1812 Mr De LIZEE v Ruth ANDREWS MARRIAGE: Mr De Lizee, surgeon of Dorchester married Ruth Andrews from Weymouth at Weymouth: Sources: Taunton Courier & Monthly Magazine & British Register 1812 Volume 34.
05 Nov 1812 GP SCOTT Scott G P - Dorchester agent for Patent Bolting Cloth: Source Taunton Courier
19 Nov 1812 Robert PATTISON MARRIAGE: Robert Pattison of Dorchester married Jane Strickland at Hinxwth: Source Taunton Courier [Note:- IGI has marriage of Robert PATTISON to Jane STRICKLAND at Hinxworth Hertford 4th Nov 1812 but the brides surname is actually STICKLAND. This is the marriage of Robert PATTISON (1764-1845) to Jane STICKLAND (1780-1875) follow link for more information about her family]
19 Nov 1812 Robert & Jane STICKLAND MARRIAGE: Strickland Robert - decd Dorchester dau Jane married: Source Taunton Courier
19 Nov 1812 Miss TULLIDGE MARRIAGE: Salter Mr marr Miss Tullidge of Dorchester at Chard: Source Taunton Courier [Note:- IGI has a marriage for Ann TULLIDGE to William SALTER on 7th Nov 1812 at Chard Somerset]
31 Dec 1812 Miss SCOTT DEATH: Scott Miss - died Dorchester:Source Taunton Courier [Note:- Buried St peters church Dorchester 22 Dec 1812]
21 Jan 1813 Joseph COLLINS DORCHESTER ASSIZES: 21st January - charged with stealing sheep committed to Dorchester Castle - 25th March reprieved
25 Feb 1813 Mr HAYNE DEATH: 1813 25 Feb Hayne Mr - linen draper Dorchester died: Source Taunton Courier. [Note: Mr Samuel HAYNE aged 64 was buried at St Georges church Fordington 18th Feb 1813]
04 Mar 1813 Thomas FISHER v PHIPPARD MARRIAGE: 1813 04 March Fisher Thomas of Dorchester married Miss Phippard of Wareham: Source Taunton Courier [Note Parish Registers for 25 Feb 1813 Lady St Mary Parish in Wareham (OPC) Thomas Fisher of Dorchester & Sarah Phippard of Lady Mary married]
25 Mar 1813 Thomas BARNES alias HASKETT DORCHESTER ASSIZES: 1813 25 Mar Barnes Thomas alias Haskett - stole money: Source Taunton Courier
25 Mar 1813 George HELLIER DORCHESTERC ASSIZES: 1813 25 Mar Hellier George - stoel boots : Source Taunton Curier
25 Mar 1813 J HAYNE TRADE: 1813 25 Mar Hayne J - Dorchester Globe insurance: Source Taunton Curier
25 Mar 1813 Mesbach KOGERS DORCHESTER ASSIZES: 1813 25 Mar Kogers Mesbach - stole money: Source Taunton Curier
25 Mar 1813 George LONGMAN Henry POWELL, Robert TOOP, Robert WARR DORCHESTER ASSIZES: 1813 25 Mar Longman, George; Powell, Henry & TOOP, Robert ( charged with stealing sheep & committed to Dorchester castle 21st Jan) ; WARR, Robert - all reprieved: Source Taunton Courier
25 Mar 1813 James MATTHEWS DORCHESTER ASSIZES: 1813 25 Mar Matthews, James - age 16 burglary : Source Taunton Courier
06 May 1813 Henry DURDEN v Elizabeth BISHOP MARRIAGE: 1813 06 May Durden Mr plumber Dorchester married Miss Bishop: Source Taunton Courier [Note Henry DURDEN of St Peters & Elizabeth BISHOP (were married by licence) April 14 1813 in All Saints Parish Dorchester]
17 Jun 1813 Rev Nathaniel TEMPLEMAN DEATH: 1813 17 Jun Templeman Rev Nathaniel - died age 87 Dorchester: Source Taunton Courier [Note buried at St Peters Long Bredy: Source NBI]
24 Jun 1813 Charles WHITE DEATH: 1813 24 Jun White Charles - alderman Dorchester died: Source Taunton Courier [Note:- Charles WHITE was buried at St Peters Church Dorchester on 21st June 1813]
12 Aug 1813 C. BALL & William BIGNELL & R CHEDD & J HODDER DORCHESTER ASSIZES: 1813 12 Aug; C Ball ; William BIGNELL, R CHEDD, J HODDER - all reprieved : Source Taunton Courier
12 Aug 1813 N BLANDFORD v R SCOTT DORCHESTER ASSIZES: 1813 12 Aug Blandford N - imprisoned 2 months killed R Scott : Source Taunton Courier
12 Aug 1813 I BUGLER DORCHESTER ASSIZES: 1813 12 Aug Bugler I - stole timber: Source Taunton Courier
12 Aug 1813 Rd COOMBS DORCHESTER ASSIZES: 1813 12 Aug Coombs Rd - imprisoned 2 yrs for unnatural act : Source Taunton Courier
12 Aug 1813 T COURTIN DORCHESTER ASSIZES: 1813 12 Aug Courtin T - watch stolen : Source Taunton Courier
12 Aug 1813 Ann HOSKINS DORCHESTER ASSIZES: 1813 12 Aug Hoskins Ann - Morcombe Lake robbed : Source Taunton Courier
26 Aug 1813 Jane WOOD DEATH: 1813 26 Aug Wood J - brazier wife died age 37 Dorchester: Source Taunton Courier [Note:- Jane WOOD wife of Mr John WOOD was buried in Holy Trinity Church on 7th August 1813]
16 Sep 1813 [Jane] BEAVER DEATH: 1813 16 Sep Beaver Rev - Trent Somerset relict died age 87 Dorchester: Source Taunton Courier [Note:- This is Jane BEAVER relict of the Rev George BEAVER (1730-1801) Rector of West Stafford in Dorset. He was the son of an Oxford Gentleman Herbert BEAVER and matriculated at Corpus Christie College 28 Feb 1743/4 at the age of 13. He was awarded his BA at Magdalen College Oxford in 1747; MA at Corpus Christie 1750/1 and BD in 1759. He was appointed Rector of Trent 14 Feb 1770 and West Stafford 23 Nov 1775. Jane appears to have died in Dorchester but was interred at West Stafford on 14th Sep 1813 ]
07 Oct 1813 Mrs FRIEND DEATH: 1813 07 Oct Friend Mrs - died age 70 Dorchester: Source Taunton Courier [Note:- Not in NBI or Dorchester or Fordington burials]
04 Nov 1813 Relic of Henry JACOB DEATH: 1813 04 Nov Jacob Henry - relict died age 86 Dorchester: Source Taunton Courier [Note:- A Mary JACOB was buied in St Peters church Dorchester aged 84 27th Oct 1813]
04 Nov 1813 Mr & Mrs OLIVER 1813 04Nov Oliver Mr and Mrs - Kings Arms Dorchester: Source Taunton Courier
09 Dec 1813 DEVENISH v BROWNING MARRIAGE: 1813 09 Dec Devenish E of Martinstown married Miss Browning at Dorchester: Source Taunton Courier [Note:- Married in the parish of Holy Trinity Dorchester on 29th November 1813]
20 Jan 1814 Mrs [Frances] CLARK DEATH: 1814 20 Jan Clark Mr - bookseller Dorchester wife died age 41: Source Taunton Courier [ Note:- This is Frances CLARK who was buried at All Saints Parish Church Dorchester 8th January 1814]
20 Jan 1814 SHEPPARD v SMITH MARRIAGE: 1814 20 Jan Sheppard C chemist married the daughter of Lieutenant Smith of the Royal Artillery at Dorchester: Source Taunton Courier, [Note:- they married at St Peters Church Dorchester on 9th January 1814]
31 Mar 1814 John NOBLE DORCHESTER ASSIZES: 1814 31 Mar Noble John - reprieved sheep stealing: Source Taunton Courier
31 Mar 1814 James WILLIAMS DORCHESTER ASSIZES:1814 31 Mar Williams James - reprieved horse stealing Dorchester Assizes: Source Taunton Courier
23 Jun 1814 George CHURCHILL DEATH: 1814 23 Jun Churchill George - Dorchester died age 69 apoplexy: Source Taunton Courier [Note:- Actually buried Piddlehinton on 15th June 1814 Source NBI; Memorial Tablet St Peters Will approved 3 Aug 1814 ]
04 Aug 1814 Mary COOK DORCHESTER ASSIZES: Mary Cook aged 25 of Netherbury accused of murdering her child : Source Taunton Courier
04 Aug 1814 Jose DOMINGO DORCHESTER ASSIZES:1814 04 Aug Domingo Jose - stole muslin: Source Taunton Courier
04 Aug 1814 Thomas LUCAS DORCHESTER ASSIZES:1814 04 Aug Lucas Thomas - stole clothes: Source Taunton Courier
04 Aug 1814 James WILLIAMS DORCHESTER ASSIZES:1814 04 Aug Williams James - stole muslin Dorchester Assizes: Source Taunton Courier
01 Sep 1814 Ann LANSDOWN DORCHESTER ASSIZES: 1814 01 Sep Lansdown Ann - to Ilchester for theft at Widcombe age 35 born Dorchester: Also on n 27th October :- Lansdowne Ann - stole gown Taunton Somerset Michaelmas Sessions: Source Taunton Courier
15 Sep 1814 Mr CASTLY TRADE: 1814 15 Sep Castly Mr - vet 12th light dragoons Dorchester: Source Taunton Courier
15 Sep 1814 Mr & Mrs OLIVER 1813 04Nov Oliver Mr and Mrs - Kings Arms Dorchester: Source Taunton Courier
19 Jan 1815 W WYATT BANKRUPT: 1815 19Jan Wyatt W - Dorchester Ocford innkeeper bankrupt: Source Taunton Courier
16 Feb 1815 George FRAMPTON DEATH: 1815 16 Feb Frampton George - died age 76 Dorchester: Source Taunton Courier [Note:- Buried St Peters Church Dorchester 10th February 1815]
23 Mar 1815 Elizabeth BEATON DORCHESTER ASSIZES: 1815 23 Mar Beaton Elizabeth - stole spoons : Source Taunton Courier
23 Mar 1815 Thomas BROWN DORCHESTER ASSIZES: 1815 23 Mar Brown Thomas - clothes stolen from Hempreston : Source Taunton Courier
23 Mar 1815 John FRANCIS DORCHESTER ASSIZES: 1815 23 Mar Francis John - stole clothes at Hampreston Dorchester Assizes: Source Taunton Courier
23 Mar 1815 Williamm SEWARD DORCHESTER ASSIZES: 1815 23 Mar Seward William - stole mare Dorchester Assizes: Source Taunton Courier
23 Mar 1815 James SAMPSON DORCHESTER ASSIZES: 1815 23 Mar Samson James - burglary Dorchester Assizes: Source Taunton Courier
23 Mar 1815 Amy MITCHELL alias FOOT DORCHESTER ASSIZES: 1815 23 Mar Mitchell Amy alias Foot - stole handkerchiefs Dorchester Assizes: Source Taunton Courier
23 Mar 1815 Robert PARSONS DORCHESTER ASSIZES: 1815 23 Mar Parsons Robert - stole pheasants Dorchester Assizes: Source Taunton Courier
23 Mar 1815 Thomas SAMSON DORCHESTER ASSIZES: 1815 23 Mar Samson Thomas - was burgled Dorchester Assizes: Source Taunton Courier
23 Mar 1815 Maria SMITH DORCHESTER ASSIZES: 1815 23 Mar Smith Maria - stole clothes Dorchester Assizes: Source Taunton Courier
23 Mar 1815 Rev James VENABLES DORCHESTER ASSIZES: 1815 23 Mar Venables Rev James - Buckland Newton robbed Dorchester Assizes: Source Taunton Courier
23 Mar 1815 William TRENCHARD DORCHESTER ASSIZES: 1815 23 Mar Trenchard William - Lytegall [Lytchett?] Matraverse pheasants stolen Dorchester Assizes : Source Taunton Courier
22 Jun 1815 Rev F I C TRENLOW v Mary PEARCE MARRIAGE: 1815 22 Jun Trenow Rev F J C married Mary Pearce at Dorchester: Source Taunton Courier [Note:- The Rev.Frederick Joseph Cox TRENOW of St Peters & Mary PEARCE were married (by licence) June 14 in All Saints Parish Church Dorchester]
23 Mar 1815 Martha WOODROW DORCHESTER ASSIZES: 1815 23 Mar Woodrow Martha - stole household goods Dorchester Assizes : Source Taunton Courier
20 Jul 1815 Rev Evan DAVIES MARRIAGE: 1815 20 Jul Davies Rev Evan master Free School Dorchester married Sophia Dod: Source Taunton Courier [See comments about his life under Dorchester Church Officials]
30 Aug 1817 Charles TAYLOR QUARTER SESSIONS ORDER BOOKS - 1812-1827 QSM 1/14 (Image 287) : Charles TAYLOR An Insolvent Debtor being brought before this court ordered that he be remanded having made fraudulent assignment of his effects for the benefit of particular creditors.
1819 Rev John Morton COLSON DORCHESTER ASSIZES: Appointment of Visitors Justices to the Gaol: Ordered that William Morton PITT Esq; The Reverend The Archdeacon of Dorset, James DOWLAND; John Morton COLSON; Houghton HARTWELL and Charles DIGBY Clerks be appointed Visitors of the Gaol and House of Correction of this County until the next General Quarter Session of the Peace to be holden in and for the said County
25 Oct 1819 Mrs N. INGRAM Mrs N INGRAM witrh gratefulacknowledgements to the Ladies of Dorchester and its vicinity, for the very flattering support she has experienced since her commencement in the MILLINERY BUSINESS, begs to inform them she is just returned from London, with the most approved FASHIONS for the ebsuing season, which will be ready for their inspection on Thursday the 28th instant when she respectively solicits their kind attention.
CornHill Dorchester 23rd Oct [4982] [Source Salisbury and Winchester Journal - Monday 25th Oct 1819
Aug 1820 Charles PAGE of All Saints APPRENTICESHIP: To the Overseers of the Poor of the Pasrish of Bere Regis in the County of Dorset: Take Notice that we whose names are under written churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of All Saints in the Borough of Dorchester in the County of Dorset did receive an order or authority from two of his majesty's Justices of te Peace for the said Borough for binding Charles PAGE a poor boy of the said Parish of All Saints Dorchester to John VINCENT of Beer Regis aforesaid bricklayer and that application will be made to two of his majesty's Justices of the Peace in and for the said County of Dorset to allow of the Indenture of Apprenticeship in addition to such Justices of the Peace for the said Borough of Dorchester from whom we received the order as aforesaid, persuant to the directions of the Act lately pased for regulating the binding of Parish Apprenticeship dated the [blank] day of August 1820 signed by J jackson; J Clare Churchwardens and Richard Rolls & John Balson Overseers
15 Nov 1823 Rev John Morton COLSON DORCHESTER ASSIZES: Adjourned Session At the General Quaretr Session of the Peace of our King held be adjournment at the County Hall at Dorchester in and for the said County on Saturday the 15th day of Nov 1823 before Charlton Byam Woltaston (Chairman) William Morton Pitt; James Frampron; John herbert Browne; Thomas Bower Boweer Esquires he Reverend William England Doctor of Divinity; john Morton COLSON; john DAVIS and Henry FOX Strangeways Clerks Justices of our said Lord the King assigned and so forth
18 Aug 1824 (Matthew) DUFAL DORCHESTER ASSIZES: The following prisoners are for trial: Jonathan SAMS for stealing a watch belonging to M DUFALL at Dorchester: Sentenced to 6 months. Sources eg Trewman's Exeter Flying Post or Plymouth and Cornish Advertiser (Exeter, England), Thursday, August 12, 1824; Issue 3095. & Trewman's Exeter Flying Post or Plymouth and Cornish Advertiser (Exeter, England), Thursday, August 19, 1824; Issue 3096.
22 Nov 1824 Rev Henry John RICHMAN DEATH: DORCHESTER Nov 23: DISTRESSING CATASTROPHIE: Last night this town was visited with a tremendous gale from the S.W. which for weveral hours continued to increase, till the most violent hurricane prevailed, ever remembered by the oldest inhabitant. We wish we could confine ourselves to an account of the apprehension and mere loss of property; but it is our painful duty to record a most heart rending calamity, and which has awakened the strongest feelings of sympathy and distressin the minds and hearts of all. About 6 oclock this morning, a heavy stack of chimneys on the house of the Rev H.J.RICHMAN was blown down with a tremendous crash, and falling on the bed of the Rev. Gentleman, crushed him and his aimable wife beneath the ruins. Instant alarm was given and medical attendance promptly obtained; but it was too late ; one common and instantaneous destruction involved them both. Mr RICHMAN was rector of Holy Trinity, in this town and had but a week enjoyed the possession of the new church, recently erected in that parish. He was in the 71st year of his age. A Cororner's Jury was early summoned, and returned a verdict of accidental death. Sources: Leeds Mercury; The Examiner (28th) and many others:
02 Dec 1824 Rev Henry John RICHMAN DEATH: MELANCHOLY & FATAL OCCURANCE: On Tuesday last the Rev.H.J.RICHMAN, Rector of the parish of Holy Trinity, Dorchester, and Mrs RICHMAN his wife, met their death awfully sudden, occasioned by the falling of part of the roof of their house, during the dreadful tempest. A few minutes before six oclock, a tremendous crash was heard. The inmates immediately hastened to the bed-room of Mr and Mrs RICHMAN, but could not open the door. A medical gentleman (Dr COOPER), residing in the same street was instantly called, and on entering with other persons the bed room they observed a mass of stones and rubbish on the bed, on removal of which the awful spectacle of two lifeless bodies presented itself; the venerable Rector and his amiable wife had both been suffocated. No mark of violence appeared on either of them, with the exception of a slight scar on the forehead of Mrs RICHMAN. Dr COOPER was of opinion that their death was instantaneous.

Mr RICHMAN was born at Christchurch, in Hampshire, and received his education at Winchester College. He afterwards resided for several years at Poole; and on the resignation of the Rev. John CUTLER, he was elected Master of the 'Free Grammar School' in Dorchesterthe duties of which important situation he discharged with great ability for a period of 23 years; during the greater part of which time he also officiated as Curate to the Rev. Nathaniel TEMPLEMAN, the Rector of Holy Trinity. On the death of Mr. TEMPLEMAN, in the year 1813 Mr RICHMAN was presented by the Feoffees to that valuable living. No Clergyman was ever more zealous in the discharge of the duties of the pastoral office, and no one could possibly be more loved and esteemed by his parishioners. He died in the 70th year of his age. Mrs RICHMAN was in her 74th year.Source:- Trewman's Exeter Flying Post or Plymouth and Cornish Advertiser.
16 May 1825 Mr STENT, HOSKINS CANINE MADNESS: On saturday a setter dofg belonging to one of the officers at the Dorchester Barracks, broke loose from a stable, ran through the Antelope yard, biting two dogs, belonging to Mr STENT, a dog belonging to HOSKINS, then a child at the Keepers house at Came, a valuable Newfoundland bitch, and a cat and two dogs at Wormwell: the rabid animal was ultimately killed at Mayne Down. With commendable consideration for the public safety, all the animals bitten were instantly destroyed. The Mayor of Dorchester has taken the prudent precaution of ordering all dogs to be immediately confined. Source:- Hampshire Telegraph and Sussex Chronicle etc (Portsmouth, England), Monday, May 16, 1825; Issue 1336
08 Aug 1825 Mrs STICKLAND DEATH: On Tuesday last died at Dorchester, Mrs.Stickland, aged 56, wife of the late Geo.Stickland, Esq. Source:- Salisbury & Winchester Journal
17 Oct 1825 Late Mr George STICKLAND - Eleanor Jane STICKLAND MARRIAGE : On Monday last was married. at Andover, Hants, Mr.Criswick, of Sherborne, Dorset, to Eleanor Jane, only daughter of the late Geo.Stickland, Esq. of Dorchester, in the latter county Source:- Salisbury & Winchester Journal
18 Dec 1827 Major CHATTERTON

Front of Letter from London to Major Chatterton 4th dragoon Guards - 28 May 1827
© Picture Copyright M Russell FIPD.

To be Lieutenant Colonel of Infantry by purchase Major James CHATTERTON from the 4th Dragoon Guards Dated 18th Dec 1827 - Source London Gazette July 3rd to Dec 28th Page 2581 . Note the 4th Dragoon Guards were probably stationed at Fordington Barracks in 1827
29 Mar 1828 Mary Ann TRIGILL /William JOY EXECUTION: William JOY aged 22 was executed 29 March 1828 for the rape of Mary Ann Trigill
07 Mar 1829 Mr Gould READ PROTESTANT MEETING: Dorchester - The protestant meeting on Friday was more numerously and respectably attended than any meeting ever held at Dorchester. The Mayor opened the meeting by reading the requisition, and saying he should be glad to hear the opinion of any gentleman present.
Mr Gould READ then rose and in a very able speech alluded to the measures which were intended to be proposed by his Majesty's Ministers, for removing the civil disabilities imposed by the existing laws on the Roman Catholics; and after pointing out in the strongest terms the dangers which would arise to the Constitution in Church ans State by admitting Roman Catholics to seats in Parliament and places of trust and power in the State, which would destroy the fundamental principal of a Protestant Parliament & a Protestant Government, urged the necessity of all classes of his Majesty's subjects presenting petitions to the legislature, that the sentiments and feelings of the people might be fully expressed and known. He then moved that the petitions to both Houses of Parliament should be presented from the inhabitants of Dorchester.
After an animated discussion the petitions were adopted unanimously, as was also a petition to the King- Thanks to Lord Eldon for his exertions were then voted - nine cheers were given for "Protestant Assendancy" and for Lord Eldon one cheer more followed by three for the mayor. Source:- Royal Cornwall Gazette, Falmouth Packet & Plymouth Journal (Truro, England), Saturday, March 07, 1829; Issue 1341.
16 Mar 1829 Rev Henry WILLOUGHBY / William KENNEDY DORCHESTER ASSIZES: EXECUTION: March 16 : William Kennedy, a private in the 5th Dragoon Guards was indicted for maliciously shooting at, and wounding the Rev. Henry Willoughby, with intent to kill him. It appeared in evidence that the prosecutor resides in Dorchester. On the 28th of November, as he was returning from Weymouth on horseback, about half-past eight in the evening, and when he got 5 miles from that place, he perceived man who came up to him, and , without uttering a word, fired a pistol at him. The horse was very frightened, and set off with the prosecutor at full speed, to Dorchester, where he arrived very faint from loss of blood. A witness who happened to pass near the spot on the Magnet coach deposed to having seen a soldier about nine oclock on the road near Dorchester. When the prisoner was searched the next morning his pistol and five rounds of ammunition were missing; the pistol was found near the barrack wall in some straw. The prosecutor was in great danger for some days but is now recovered. The prisoner was found Guilty and sentence of death was passed upon him. When judgement was pronounced the prisoner said -" My lord, neither you nor the jury have done me justice, though I am to die". Source The Morning Post (London, England), Wednesday, March 18, 1829; Issue 18178 [Note:- William Kennedy who was aged 19 was executed at Dorchester 28 March 1829 - - The Rev William Willoughby was licensed as a stipendiary curate at Charminster 2nd June 1828]
28 Dec 1831 James Lush BUCKLAND Commission signed by the Lord Lieutenant of the County of Dorset ---- Dorset Regiment of Volunteer Yeomanry Cavalry . James Lush BUCKLAND Gent to be assigned Surgeon dated 20th December 1831. Examined by Edward BOSWELL Clark of the General Meetings Dorchester 28th 1831. Outside addressed to Thomas FOOKS Esq Sherborne Source Militia Lists 1757-1860. Also "Commission in the Dorset Reguiment of Volunteer Yeomanry cavalry signed by the Lord Lieutenant ---- James Lush BUCKLAND to be surgeon dated 13th April 1831 Vice Nicholas John TROWBRIDGE deceased. William HIGHMORE to be assistant surgeon dated 13th April 8141 Vice James Lush BUCKLAND Promoted Signed Edward BOSWELL Clerk to the Lieutenant: Note:- See also Salisbury and Winchester Journal Salisbury, Monday, June 1, 1818. Entry:- " On Wednesday se'nnight was married at St.Leonard's, Shoreditch, London, Mr.James Lush Buckland, surgeon, of Shaftesbury, to Maria, eldest daughter of Charles Lush, Esq., of Charles-square, Hoxton".
13 Feb 1832 Sarah TOOP / William CHANNING EXECUTION: William Channing was executed at Dorchester for the rape Sarah Toop (8) Source: --Also:- Crown Court W.Channing for a rape on Sarah Toop, an infant ---Death Source:- Salisbury Guardian, March 17 1832, --Also At Dorsetshire Assizes W.Channing was sentenced to death for a gross assault on Sarah Toop a girl not ten years of age. Source: Jackson's Oxford Journal (Oxford, England), Saturday, March 24, 1832; Issue 4117
06 Oct 1832 Christopher ARDEN ELECTION: On Monday last Christopher ARDEN Esq was elected Mayor; M YEATMAN and T BOWER Esquires Bailiffs; J BURNET Esq standing Justice of Dorchester. In the afternoon the late Mayor C STICKLAND Esq entertained a large party to dinner at the Kings ARMS. Source Hampshire Advertiser & Salisbury Guardian Royal Yacht Club Gazette, Southampton Town and County Herald, Isle of Wight Journal, Winchester Chronicle, and General Reporter (Southampton, England), Saturday, October 06, 1832; Issue 481. 19th Century British Library Newspapers: Part II [Note:- Link to more information about the ARDEN Family of Dorchester]
07 Jan 1833 J EDWARDS BIRTH: 1833 07Jan Edwards J - birth of daughter Dorchester Source:- Bridgewater Advertiser
07 Jan 1833 Joseph STONE BIRTH: 1833 07Jan Stone Joseph - Dorchester birth of son Source:- Bridgewater Advertiser
25 Feb 1833 B HARVEY TRADE: 1833 25Feb Harvey B - Stamp Office Dorchester lottery tickets Source:- Bridgewater Advertiser
25 Feb 1833 T PATCH TRADE:1833 25Feb Patch T - Dorchester bookseller lottery tickets Source:- Bridgewater Advertiser
25 Mar 1833 Mr R Mercer CURTIS & Miss F GREENING MARRIAGE: 1833 25Mar Curtis Mr r mercer marr Miss F greening at Dorchester Source:- Bridgewater Advertiser
25 Mar 1833 Elizabeth DURDEN DEATH: 1833 25Mar Durden Elizabeth - died Dorchester age 18 Source:- Bridgewater Advertiser
30 Mar 1833 Sylvestor WILKES EXECUTION: Sylvestor Wilkes aged 16 was executed at Dorchester for Arson - Silvester Wilkins was indicted for having maliciously and feloniously set fire to a certain combing shop at Bridport, on 25th February last the property of John Follett: The prosecution was conducted by Mr Barstow: John Follett deposed that he was a flex comber residing in Irish Lane Bridport; had a flax shop adjoining his dwelling house. Prisoner's father lived about sixty yards from his shop; his garden ran along side of witnesses shops witnesses back wall was against his garden; there was a hole in the wall about five feet from the ground, for the purpose of letting air into the shop; under this hole there was some flax. On the evening of the 8th February witness was from home; he was alarmed by the cry of fire; returned at a quarter past ten; the fire was extinguished. The flax had been burned which was under the hole. Witness always worked with a lam, and there had been no other light in the shop. Saw the Prisoner afterwards in his fathers garden, in the company of John Middleton and David Curme. On 25th of February witness was again from home when he was alarmed by the cry of fire. He returned home at half past ten. He had left his watchman, Robert Crabb in the shop. Found the back part of the combing shop on fire. The door of the shop was closed. The shop, witness's dwelling house and seven other houses were burnt down. In his cross examination by Mr Rawlinson the witness said he had never had a quarrel with the prisoner. Robert Crabb worked for the Prosecutor Source: Also:- Western Circuit Dorchester March 13
29 Apr 1833 BENNETT, Thomas MARRIAGE: 1833 29Apr Bennett Thomas jnr marr Martha MORRIS at Dorchester Source:- Bridgewater Advertiser
29 Apr 1833 Mrs T FISHER BIRTH: 1833 29Apr Fisher Mrs T - Dorchester birth of dau Source:- Bridgewater Advertiser
29 Apr 1833 Mr RANDALL TRADE: 1833 29Apr Randall Mr - Dorchester gardener to Mrs Cornish orange and lemon trees Source:- Bridgewater Advertiser
25 May 1833 Rev John Morton COLSON DORCHESTER ASSIZES: Adjournment of Sessions at Dorchester. name inc as a justice of the court
03 Jun 1833 Helen LASSITER DEATH: 1833 03Jun Lassiter Helen - died age 20 Dorchester dau of J Lassiter Sussex Source:- Bridgewater Advertiser
10 Jun 1833 Edward SLADE and Mary WOODSFORD MARRIAGE: 1833 10Jun Slade Edward of Dorchester marr Mary Woodsford of Tolpuddle Source:- Bridgewater Advertiser
24 Jun 1833 Lieut Col SOMERSET PERSONAL: 1833 24Jun Somerset Lieut Col - 1st Dragoon Band Dorchester Source:- Bridgewater Advertiser
01 July 1833 Mr BLY DEATH: 1833 01 Jul Bly Mr - Dorchester died son of Mr Bly of the Ship: Source:- Bridgewater Advertiser
01 July 1833 George GREENING Junior & Rebecca GREGORY MARRIAGE: 1833 01Jul Greening Geo jnr marr Rebecca Gregory at Dorchester Source:- Bridgewater Advertiser
01 July 1833 Mr HICKMAN DEATH: 1833 01Jul Hickman Mr - died Dorchester Source:- Bridgewater Advertiser
08 July 1833 John SYDENHAM & Anna Christiana ZILLWOOD MARRIAGE: 1833 08 Jul Sydenham John of Dorchester marr Anna Christiana Zillwood daughter of William ZILLWOOD of Dorchester at Frampton Source:- Bridgewater Advertiser
05 Aug 1833 Mr BROWNING MARRIAGE 1833 05 Aug Browning Mr of Dorchester marr Miss Brown of Somerby Source:- Bridgewater Advertiser
05 Aug 1833 Edward MONDEY and Eleanor WARNER MARRIAGE: 1833 05Aug Mondey Edward of Dorchester marr Eleanor Warner of Steeple Court Source:- Bridgewater Advertiser
04 Nov 1833 Major GARLAND PERSONAL: 1833 04 Feb Garland Major - Dorchester knight Source:- Bridgewater Advertiser
11 Nov 1833 ANDREWS, Robert William & Frances White PARSONS MARRIAGE: 1833 11Nov Andrews Robert William gov Dorchester gaol marr Frances White Parsons Source:- Bridgewater Advertiser
25 Nov 1833 James FROUD TRADE: 1833 25Nov Froud James - druggist Dorchester Source:- Bridgewater Advertiser
25 Nov 1833 Jane GREEN ; William HARDING DEATH: 1833 25Nov Green Jane - of Shep Mall died Dorchester she was the sister of William HARDING Source:- Bridgewater Advertiser
02 Dec 1833 EO TREGELLES BIRTH: 1833 02Dec Tregelles E O - civil ebgineer Neath birth of dau at Dorchester Source:- Bridgewater Advertiser
09 Dec 1833 Mary COLSON relict of Rev Thomas COLSON DEATH: 1833 09 Dec Colson Rev Thomas - relict Mary died age 72 Dorchester: Source:- Bridgewater Advertiser
9 Mar 1837 daughter of John TOOZE Esq BIRTH: at Dorchester, the lady of John TOOZE, Esq., of a daughter, still born.- The Dorset County Chronicle and Somersetshire Gazette 8 jun 1837 Page 4
5 Aug 1837 Matthew & Charles DUFALL COURT: INSOLVENT DEBTORS: A Court for the Relief of Insolvent debtors was held at the County Hall on Wednesday before the Chief Commissioner H.R.REYNOLDS Esq when the following prisoners were disposed of. [Followed a list of people discharged]. Matthew DUFALL, was entitled conditionally on his son Charles paying 178l. into Court; otherwise adjourned until the next circuit. Source:- Hampshire Advertiser & Salisbury Guardian Royal Yacht Club Gazette, Southampton Town and County Herald, Isle of Wight Journal, Winchester Chronicle, and General Reporter (Southampton, England), Saturday, August 05, 1837; Issue 733. 19th Century British Library Newspapers: Part II.
1840 Thomas COOMBS Certificate that Thomas COOMBS the younger of Dorchester is fit to act as an attorney, 1840. Source DHC: D/COO:F/F/4  
11 Apr 1841 Thomas CHUTTER MEDICAL: Name published in the Bath Chronical & Weekly Gazette in a listing of patients cured at the Bath Mineral Hospital " Thomas CHUTTER of the parish of Holy Trinity in Dorchester cured 11 April 1841 of Rheumatism"
1846-1897 Rev. George ARDEN DEEDS: of Security investments of the Reverend George ARDEN of Dorchester - Source National Archives Kew Ref D/SBS:A/FF2. Financial Settlements of George ARDEN of Dorchester, later of Dunsford , Devon National Archives Ref DD/SB/22/2
18 May 1848 William FEACEY APPOINTMENT: Entry 453. Appoint William FEACEYa messenger from Dorchester to Oure magna if qualified on the recommendation of Colonel The Right Hon. G.D Damer MP18 May 1848: Source British Postal Service Appointment Books
20 Feb 1851 Richard George FUDGE SEAMANS CERTIFICATE: 39389 Richard George FUDGE born 5 Aug 1819 at Dorchester Dorset Served for 19 years as Boy Mate & Master at coastal and foreign trade Masters Certificate issued at Poole 20 Feb 1851 [Note:- Baptised at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester Dorset on13th Nov 1822 with his younger sister Link to more information]
01 Aug 1851 Charles DUFALL & Edward CROSS A BANK ROBBERY: We are sorry to record that another daring burglary has recently been committed in this borough. It appears that the family of Mr. E. CROSS the respected resident chief clerk of Messrs. Eliot and Pearce, bankers in the High Street, on arising at their usual hour on Thursday morning last were alarmed at discovering that an entrance had been effected during the night, at a back window on the second floor. On proceeding down stairs the door of the front banking room was found to have been forced open, apparently with a poker, which had been removed from the fire place. A sum of 8s. 4d left in a drawer had been taken away,the thieves had opened another drawer,on the top of which they only found a number of postage stamps; a small in gold was at the bottom, but was, no doubt, overlooked, as neither stamps or gold was taken. The strong room was guarded by wires communicating with large bells, the fear of which, probably caused the deprecators to decamp, without strange to say, arousing any of the family, whose bedroom. the doors of which were not shut, must have been passed. A ladder used in scaling the walls, was found in the back yard of Mr. Chas [Charles] DUFALL occupying the adjoining premises. This, rendered a still more daring offence when, as will be remembered, it was perpetrated during the holding of the assize in the town her Majesty's judges being them actually sojourning only a short distance off, is still undetected. - Sherborne Journal: Source: The Morning Post (London, England), Friday, August 01, 1851; pg. 5; Issue 24224. 19th Century British Library Newspapers: Part II
14 Feb 1852 Richard [Squibb] KEATS SEAMANS CERTIFICATE: 62.502 Richard KEATS born 29th Aug 1829 Dorchester Dorset granted a Masters Certificate for foreign trade - Service record source images [Note:- See Baptism at Durngate Independent Church Dorchester 13th Dec 1829 and parents marriage St Peters Church 17th May 1821 for more information. Although Certificate is only in the name of Richard Keats his full name was Richard Squibb KEATS his 2nd name being his mothers maiden name]
23 Mar 1852 Thomas BROWN SEAMANS CERTIFICATES: 72911 Thomas BROWN born 1st April 1802 Dorchester Dorset Capt & Mate & Master 29 years Coasting & Foreign Trade - Service record source images - service record is image prior to certificate [Note:- See Baptism record at Durngate Independent Church"for more information]
01 May 1852 Various inc (DUFALL)
In the Borough of DORCHESTER

Comprising the greater portion of the principal shops, the Kings Arms Hotel, several Inns and Public Houses, Private Residences Accommodation and Building Land, Cottages, Ground-rents, &c., producing a rental of about £2,400 per annum, and which may be greatly increased. MESSRS FAREBROTHER, CLARK and LYE have received instructions from the noble proprietor to SELL by AUCTION, at the Kings Arms Hotel, Dorchester, on Wednesday May 5, in one lot, and, if not so sold, then on that and the following two days, in Ninety-sex-lots, the following

the greater portion Freehold, situate within the
(which returns two members to Parliament) – viz.,
In the High Street East, three private residences, in the occupation of Messrs LOCK, GALPIN, and FRAMPTON; the principal Hotel, known as the Kings Arms, with extensive stabling, billiard room &c., in the occupation of Mr. MANLE; the Chequers Public House; 16 capital shops in the occupation of Messrs POYNTER, HAWKINS, BROWNING,STYLE, AND JAMES, MORGAN, ROBINSON, FROUD, PLATTEN, MASTERS, SAUNDERS, STARK, HOSSEY,DRAKE, BARNARD, HIBBS, and CROCKER.

In the High street West, three private residences, occupied by Mr PANTON, Rev. W BUTLER, and Mr ARDEN; three shops and premises in the rear, by Messrs HANSFORD, SHORTO, ROBINSON, and DUFALL.

In the Cornhill two capital linen drapers shops occupied by Mr FITCH and Mr WARLAND; the extensive printing offices of the Dorset County Chronicle, the private residences of Mr SIMMONS, the proprietor; private house occupied by Mr BAKER. [Note:- Link to more information about the ARDEN Family of Dorchester]

In South Street, two private houses, occupied by Miss ARDEN and Mr CURTIS; five houses and shops in the occupation of DAW, GALPIN, TURNER, WHITE, and MEPHAM; capital private residence with extensive mason’s yard and builder’s premises, let to Mr GREGORY; a dwelling and excellent cellars, occupied by Mr W BOLLEN, wine and spirit merchant; spacious builders yard, cellar, and stables in the rear, fronting Back Street, occupied by Messrs BOLLEN, and MONDAY; and four cottages, occupied by PAUL, KEAT, HARMFORD, and WEST

In South Back street- garden ground eligible for building let to Mr DAVIES; two private houses let to Messrs FEAVER and WHITE; seven newly built houses, occupied by Messrs MARTIN, VACHER, JONES, BRYER, CARTER, and two empty; seven cottages occupied by LOVELESS, COSLY, CHURCHILL, WELLSPING, DUFALL, BROWN, and BARNES and private house and smithy in the occupation of Charles KERSLEY.

In West Back Street - three shops occupied by DAVIES, NUTTING and ORCHARD; the Plume and Feathers Inn, and a private residence unoccupied; and counting houses and store, lately occupied by STRICKLAND.

In Shirehall lane and Colliton Row – two cottages and a piece of garden ground; and two houses and stonemasons yard, occupied by LESTER & HODGES.

In Pease Lane – two plots of building ground; house and garden in front of the national School occupied by BISHOP; newly built house and stable, garden, slaughter house, and premises let to Joseph FUDGE; three newly built cottages, one with blacksmiths shop and farriery, and one other let to POUNCEY, KEATE, DAY and LESTER.

In Priory Lane – three old houses and premises forming an eligible site for building , and newly erected coach house and stables  let to Mr GARLAND; a very excellent residence with butchers shop, yard, slaughter house, &c

In North Square – adjoining St Peters Church and facing the new market, in the occupation of Joseph LOCK; the Old and New Crown public houses, a newly erected house and several eligible plots of garden and building ground,

In Durngate Lane, extending from Shaftsbury terrace to Gallows Hill; ground rents, amounting to £55.9s issuing out of the extensive plot of ground on which are erected the Dorchester Gas Works and Mangers residence, piece of ground adjoining, and two cottages on Gallows Hill; house and shop, occupied by SYMES: capital garden, eligible for building, at corner of Old Gaol and Durngate lane let to Mr MANLEY: piece of garden ground let to  YEARSLEY; hunting stables occupied by James LONGMAN; and the Wood and Stone Inn in Durngate lane let to Joseph TULLIDGE. The whole producing at the present very modest rents upwards of


with prospective advantages of a very considerable increase. This property offers, as a whole or in detail, one of the most eligible opportunities for investment which has been offered to the public for many years, a considerable portion being not only tenanted by parties of the highest respectability, but to the greater part, having been rebuilt in the last 3? years, is in the best possible repair. May be viewed by permission of the tenants; particulars with plans may be had of Thomas COOMBS Esq. junior Solicitor Dorchester at the Kings Arms Hotel Dorchester and the principal Inns in the various adjacent county towns; and in London of Messrs LUMLEY NICHOLL and SMYTH Solicitors Carey Street Lincolns Inn, at Garraway’s and at the offices of Messrs FAREBROTHER CLARK and LYE Lancaster place Strand:

Source:- Daily News (London, England), Thursday, March 25, 1852; Issue 1822
27 May 1852 Mary Ann GILLARD MEDICAL: Name published in the Bath Chronical and Weekly Gazette in a listing of patients cured at the Bath Mineral Hospital " Mary Ann GIULLARD of the parish of Holy Trinity in Dorchester cured 27th May 1852 of Rheumatism"
24 Aug 1852 Ebenezar KEATS SEAMANS CERTIFICATE: 05112 Ebenezar KEATS born 6th Jan 1828 Dorchester Dorset granted a Masters Certificate for foreign trade - Service record source images [Note:- See Baptism at Durngate Independent Church Dorchester 4th Feb 1828 and parents marriage St Peters Church 17th May 1821 for more information]
1854 Mrs Mary Ann DAVIS & Robert Baker DUFALL DEATH: On 2nd July 1854 at Dorchester Dorset England Mrs T DAVIS, the much beloved sister of Mr R.B.DUFALL of this City aged 30: Source Australia Trove digitised newspapers The Argus Melbourne Victoria Satuarday 27th January 1855 page 4.
13 Nov 1854 James Peter Le BAIR SEAMANS CERTIFICATE: 71708 James Peter Le BAIR born 21 Dec 1812 Dorchester Dorset Seaman & Master 11 years Coasting & Foreign Trade Certificate issued 13 Nov 1854. Also a letter:- I hereby certify that Mr James Peter le Bair was Master of the Horatio belonging to Alderney Port of Guernsey in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty two. N.B. Le Bair late owner of the Horatio. Image 360 has service record from Guernsey in Jan 1828 until last voyage recorded June 1854 [Note:- Appears to have been born on Alderney as in 1851 & 1861 census?] Source Seamans Certificates
19 Jul 1856 Elizabeth Martha BROWN MURDER: Hampshire Advertiser & Salisbury Guardian (Southampton, England), Saturday, July 19, 1856; pg. 7; Issue 1716. 19th Century British Library Newspapers: Part II "Dorchester July 19th 1856 - The Commission for holding these assizes was opened yesterday, the presiding judges being Mr. Barton Martin and Mr Sergeant Channell who represents Mr Barton Platt on this circuit. Although there are at present not many prisoners for trial, those in the calander are charged with very serious offences, as will be seen from the following list ----Elizabeth Martha BROWN killing and slaying at Broadwindsor".
23 Jul 1856 Elizabeth Martha BROWN MURDER: The Standard (London, England), Wednesday, July 23, 1856; pg. [1]; Issue 9967 : Western Circuit Dorchester July 21 - Crown court (Before Mr Sergeant Channell - Elizabeth Martha BROWN was indicted for the wilful murder of John Anthony BROWN, her husband, at Broadwindsor on the 6th July. The deceased was 24, and the prisoner 45, and they had been married about 5 years . The evidence went to prove that the deceased met his death from the prisoner inflicting on his head several wounds by some blunt instrument. Jealousy was the cause. The jury found the prisoner Guilty, and sentence of death was passed upon her, the judge stating that he concurred in the verdict.
24 Jul 1856 Elizabeth Martha BROWN MURDER: The Leeds Mercury (Leeds, England), Thursday, July 24, 1856; Issue 6511 : Sentence of death at Dorchester - On Monday before Mr Baron Martin, Elizabeth Martha BROWN described as a shopkeeper, aged forty four, was arraigned for the wilful murder of her husband, John Anthony BROWN, at Broadwinsor on the 6th inststant. Deceased was a carrier, and last seen alive when returning home late on Saturday night the 5th instant. About five in the morning, prisoner called up a neighbour, saying her husband had come home about two oclock and on opening the door she found him badly hurt, that he said "the horse", and then lay insensible for three hours, and then he died. The nature of the numerous wounds, and the absence of any blood along the whole distance, showed that this tale could not be true. Another remarkable circumstance was that one of the deceased boots was unlaced, and there was a wound at the back of his head, as if he had been struck while in a stooping posture. The deceased used to keep a hatchet in the house, but after his death it could not be found. The prisoner was known to be jealous of a woman named Mary DAVIS who had been in the deceased's company that afternoon. The jury, after deliberating three hours returned a verdict of guilty. His Lordship who said that he entirely concurred then passed sentence of death. Before the prisoner left the dock she was asked by the Rev. A.N. de la Foss whether the story about the horse was not false, to which she replied, "It was". But she added that the way in which her husband came by his death was by falling down stairs, and she declared with an oath that she never struck him at all. This was equivalent to a confession as it was totally impossible that the wounds could have been produced by a fall".
24 Jul 1856 Elizabeth Martha BROWN MURDER: Nottinghamshire Guardian (London, England), Thursday, July 24, 1856; pg. 5; Issue 540: THE MURDER IN DORSETSHIRE - At Dorchester assizes Western circuit on Monday before Mr Serjeant Channell, Elizabeth Martha BROWN was indicted for the wilful murder of John Anthony BROWN her husband, at Broadwindsor on 6th July 1856. It appeared that the prisoner amd the deceased were formerly fellow servants on a farm. An intimacy sprang up between the, and , although he was only 19 and the prisoner 40 they were married about five years ago. The deceased then became a carrier, and was in consequence frequently from home and there was reason to believe that the prisoner was jealous of her husband. On the 5th July the deceased went with his horse and cart with another man, also with another horse and cart, to Beaminster a distance of about seven miles. On the road they saw Mary DAVIS the woman of whom the prisoner was jealous, and she walked some short way with them. They left Beaminster on their return home about 4 o'clock in the afternoon but called at a public house on their road where they remained drinking and playing at skittles until mid-night; they then left the public house and proceeding onward until they came to a division of the road where the deceased friend parted each going towards his own house. About two oclock in the morning a woman named Knight who lived close to the gate of the field in which the deceased kept his horse, heard footsteps which she believed to be those of the deceased going past her house. She had previously heard the gate of the field slam, and the noise as of a horse eating grass. A Mrs Frampton who lived some distance off, heard screams between 2 and 3 oclock in the morning, proceeding in a direction from Brown's house. All was them quiet until 5 oclock in the morning, when the prisoner called up a person named Damon, who lived some 130 yards off. He immediately got up and went to Brown's house, and in an inner room he found Brown lying on the floor on his right side, blood was flowing freely from his head, and his hair was entirely covered with brains and blood. He was dead. The prisoner was standing by; he asked her how it happened. She said she had heard a noise outside the house and she opened the door and found her husband - he was bleeding very much. He said " The horse". She carried him along the passage through the shop, and into this inner room. Damon asked her why she did call him before. She said her husband had hold of her dress, and she could not get away from him until he became weak and faint, and then she pushed him back, and he fell on the ground. Damon examined the body, but there was no blood on the bosom of his shirt. There was no blood in the house except in the room where the body was lying. There was no blood in the road leading to the field, nor were there any marks of any struggle. The field gate was 137 yards from the house. His hat was close to the gate as if it had been placed there, and did not did not appear as if it had fallen off. An halter was hanging on the rail of the gate. Other persons were then called up and went to the house. The deceased head was tied up with a handkerchief. The jury retired at six o'clock. They were sent for at 10 oclock, and they then said they wished to ask some questions of the medical man. Mr Gilbert was sent for and in answer to questions put to him by the jury said that had the post mortem examination taken place earlier the appearances would have been the same, and that it would have been perfectly impossible for the man after having been so dreadfully wounded to get into the inner room, even with the assistance of his wife. The jury upon this found the prisoner guilty, and sentence of death was passed upon her, the Judge stating that he concurred in the verdict.
11 Aug 1856


Elizabeth Martha BROWN

EXECUTION At DORCHESTER - Of Elizabeth Martha BROWN -- This morning (Saturday 9th August) a few minutes after 8 o'clock, Elizabeth Martha BROWN, convicted of the wilful murder of her husband was executed on a scaffold erected over the gateway of the new entrance leading to Dorset County Goal from North Square. The culprit did not up to the last moment, appear to shed a tear. She on leaving her cell, shook hands with the chief warder and other officers. On her way to the scaffold her demeanour was extraordinary. The attendants on either side were entirely overcome, whilst she bore her awful position with the greatest resignation and composure. The Chaplain the Rev Dacre Clemetson , conversed with her on spiritual subjects, and she appeared to engage in fervent devotion and prayer, with her hands clasped firmly together and upturned eyes. On arriving at the place of execution she walked with firmness up the first flight of eleven steps. On this spot the ceremony of pinioning was proceeded with. Her female attendants here left her in the care of the executioner.

A cordial was then administered to her, a portion of which she drank. The pinioning being completed the culprit in company with the executioner then proceeded up the next flight of steps, 19 in number,to the platform and still walking with a firm step, crossed the platform to the next flight which led to the gallows, which with a slightly faltering step she then ascended in company with Calcraft. The Rev. Chaplain was unable to proceed further with her then the place of pinioning. He was most deeply affected, but the Rev Henry Moule accompanied her to the platform. Calcraft then proceeded to place the fatal rope over the beam. Having drawn a white cap over the culprits face, he adjusted the rope around her neck and retired from the scaffold, he however appeared to have forgotten to tie the culprits dress and for that purpose re ascended the steps. having again retired he immediately drew the fatal bolt and instantly the wretched woman fell with great force and after a few struggles ceased to exist. At this moment the most intense excitement prevailed in the crowd.

Her life would undoubtedly have been spared but for several contrary statements she made. The following confession was the last made which just previous to her execution she declared was the truth. " My husband John Anthony BROWN, deceased, came home on Sunday morning, the 6th July at 2 o'clock in liquor and was sick. He had no hat on. I asked him what he had done with his hat. He abused me and said "What is it to you, d---n you? He then asked for some cold tea. I said that I had none, but would make him some warm. He replied "Drink that yourself, and be d---d". I then said "What makes you so cross? Have you been at Mary DAVIS's ? He then kicked out the bottom of the chair that upon which I had been sitting. We continued quarrelling until 3 o'clock, when he struck me a severe blow on the side of my head, which confused me so much that I was obliged to sit down. Supper was on the table and he said "Eat it yourself, and be d--d". At the same time he reached down for the mantle piece a heavy horse whip with a plain end and struck me across the shoulders with it three times. Each time I screamed out. I said " If you strike me again, I will cry Murder"

He retorted "If you do, I will knock your brains out through the window". He also added " I hope I shall find you dead in the morning". He then kicked me on the left side which caused me much pain, and he immediately stooped down to untie his boots. I was such enraged and in an ungovernable passion, on being so abused and struck, I directly seized an hatchet which was lying close to where I sat and which I had been using to break coal with to keep up the fire and keep his supper warm , and with it (the hatchet) I struck him several violent blows on the head, i could not say how many. He fell at the first blow on his head, with his face towards the fire place. He never spoke or moved afterwards. As soon as I had done it I wished I had not, and would have given the world not to have done it. I had never struck him before after all his ill treatment but when he hit me so hard at this time, I was almost out of my senses and hardly knew what I was doing. Signed Elizabeth Martha BROWN. Source: Weymouth Journal - Daily News (London, England), Monday, August 11, 1856; Issue 3193

23 Aug 1856 Elizabeth Martha BROWN MURDER: The Times , August 23rd 1856 : pg 7 issue 22,454 column c : THE EXECUTION AT DORCHESTER. To the editor of the Times: Sir - I have long hesitated to trouble you with any more correspondence on the subject of Martha Brown, of this parish, lately executed at Dorchester, but as both her crime and executionhave caused no small sensation in this neighbourhood, and have given expression to some difference of opinion, I will request, if you think fit, a small space in your columns, now less crowded than usual, in order to state the case as it is to the best of my knowledge. It was rumoured in this parish on Sunday morning, July 6, that Brown had been killed by his horse during the night at Birdsmoor gate a hamlet three miles distant from this village, but in the hamlet itself no one believed the report. The man was thought to have been murdered, and that too, by his wife. As justice in these parts is both, lame and lagging, the coroners inquest was not held until Monday evening. there, in the presence of the jurors, Martha Brown declared upon her oath that she was innocent of the murder, and the verdict of wilful murder was returned against some person unknown. Meanwhile the woman was at large in or about her own premises. She was not apprehended until Tuesday, and finally committed for trial on Wednesday. I saw both her self and her murdered husband in the very room in which murder was committed, and there she said to me herself, that "she was as innocent of it as the angels in Heaven". I need not retail the various falsehoods she uttered as for instance, that her husband had been kicked in the head; that he had fallen several times from his waggon on his way home and fractured his skull each time; that he had been waylaid, &ct; for she contradicted herself so often that no sort of faith could be put in her statements. Suffice it to say that although she so far implicated herself in her own story to my curate before her committal as to imply she had murdered her husband in the room in which he lay, and she afterwards in court, after her sentence was passed called God to witness her innocence and as I heard "wished He would strike her dead if she had done it ". When I saw her I was much struck with her extreme indifference. She showed a degree of carelessness which at once led me to conclude that had she committed the murder in a state of frenzy, the reaction must long since have taken place in her feelings. But of all those who surrounded the coffin in which her murdered husband lay, she was the only one who looked unmoved. Had she from the first confessed the truth and shown the slightest sorrow it is very possible that an effort would have been generally made to find circumstances in her bloody deed sufficiently extenuating to justify a remission of her sentence. But as she persisted in her denial herself blind to the glaring inconsistency and incoherence of her own statements she thereby left to stern justice alone and not mercy, the task of bringing home to her the proofs of her own guilt; and so plain were they that justice had only one path of duty left, that is to convict her. She had the benefit of a clever counsel and of a humane and able judge, and she enjoyed the common privilege of trial by jury which none can be fairer towards the culprit since it gives him a chance of escape through the stolidity of the jurors -- as for instance in the late trial at Bodmin. In this very case the jury would have been at once unanimous but for two of the jurors who were I am told friends or connections of Martha BROWN and who to serve her, as the phrase is, stood out for more than two hours till at last they too were obliged to yield to their own conviction and joined the rest in their verdict of "Guilty". Meanwhile some excitment was got up on her behalf, not so much in this parish as out of it. I was called upon by several persons, two of them were strangers to me, and one who advocates the total abolishment of capital punishment. One brought me a petition which I neither could nor would sign. He afterwards took it into the village where it received a few signatures only. One of those who signed it told me he had done it without reading the petition, for which he was sorry; and got up another, and as he thought a better one of his own. This is probably a fair sample of the way in which such demonstrations are made, in opposition to the decrees of higher powers; and it also shows what amount of attention they deserve at the hands of those to whom they are presented. For my part I declined signing that petition not only because it was not rightly worded but also for the follwing reasons:- 1. Because from what I had both seen and heard I verily believed Martha Brown guilty of murder. And I also felt convinced in my own mind that the crime was to a great extent premeditated. Whatever provocation she might have had the bare fact of her having murdered her husband while he was asleep by smashing his skull as she partly confessed having done and as the circumstances evidence of the place and dress which I saw lead me to think she did - shows that her act was not wholly the result of a momentary burst of anger. And secondly because as I believed for myself, that Martha Brown was a murderess, according to the meaning of the term, I thought her deserving of Capital punishment, which I believe to be groundeed on the expression of the Divine Will. --- This article goes on at some length and even lambasts Martha for having married by civil contract ---- By S.C.MALAN, Vicar of Broadwindsor Aug 20th
05 Mar 1856 Walter GARDENER alias GARDNER TRANSPORTATION: Lord RAGLAN: This 756 ton ship was built in Cardiff in 1854. It was employed as a convict transport for Western Australia and left Plymouth, England on March 5, 1858 bound for the Swan River Colony. She carried the twentieth of 37 shipments of male convicts destined for Western Australia. The voyage took 88 days and the Lord Raglan arrived in Fremantle on June 1, 1858 with 84 passengers and 268 convicts [Erickson]. Thomas Hybert and John Bowler were the captain and surgeon respectively: Convict: Walter Gardener No.4825 Term 14 years: Age 29 years (1827) Trial Place Dorchester 1856: Offence Cattle Stealing:
1856 Emanuel HATCHARD TRANSPORTATION: See Entry above Convict Emanuel HATCHARD No.4818: Term [blank] Trial place Dorchester 1856: Offence Sheep Stealing: Died on the voyage to Australia
1856 James SPENCER TRANSPORTATION: See Entry above Convict James Spencer No.4907 Term 10 years: age 23 (1832) Trial place Dorchester 1856: Offence Larceny
30 May 1857 Mr. John BARNES BANKRUPCY: Article Southern Times & Dorset County Herald dated Sunday 30 May 1857 - EXETER Court of Bankrupcy:
Regarding John BARNES, of Dorchester, builder. This was a meeting for the choice of assignees before Mr. Commisioner Bere on Wed 20th inst. Mr J.H.Rerrell appeared for the petetioning of creditors, Mr Gale and other creditors, and Mr Stogdon represented the bankrupt's son who sought to claim for a large sum of money. Mt Terrell objected to the proof on behalf of the bankjrupt's son Henry BARNES who alleged that he had advanced a large sum of £900 to his father at different times, his only security being a promissory note for £450 given in 1856. The Claim Mt Terrell contended could not be admitted, anasmuch as he represented Mt Gale to whom the nakrupt was indebted more than £500 and to Mr Durant coal merchant of Poole in mor than £200 -- making a total of upwards of £700 as against this claim of the bankrupt's son for £900, only half of which he held any security for. In this state of the case Mr Terrell asked to have Mr Gale appointed trade assignee, but Mr Stogden objected, and said he had several other proofs which had only come into his hands that morning, his Honour said he would adjorn the choice of this case until the last examination day was fixed, in order that the proofs might be thoroughly looked into in the meantime --- Mr B Chandler solicitor of Sherborne, This was a meeting for certificates on Thursday week; but in consequence of the indisposition of the bankrupt it was adjorned to the 6th Aug.

[Note:- Link to more information about John BARNES (1780-1859) - There is another advertisement in the Dorset County Chronicle 14th July 1859 which confirms he filed for bankrupcy 4th May 1857 - also Sherborne Mercury 7th Dec 1858 - extracts:- Mr Lock of Dorchester appeared for the estate -- The accounts in question were spread over a period of more than 20 years - accounts referred -- ALSO See Article 19th Aug 1858 in Dorset County Chronicle below]
30 Jan 1858 Lieut Col Thomas TAPP HONOUR to a Dorchester Officer - Lieut Col Thomas THAPP of the 1st Regiment of Bombay European Fusiliers and brother of W.D. TAPP Esq of this town has been appointed by the Queen to be an extra member of the Military Div of the Third Class or Companion of the Most Honorable Order of Bath. Colonel TAPP commanded the Cavalry brigade of the first division of the Persion Expedition and distinguished himself at the battle of Kooshab and on other occasions.Southern Times and Dorset County Herald Sat 30th Jan 1858
22 Mar 1858 Mr Thomas GALLOP v Mrs Susan EDWARDS On the 22nd Inst at the Baptist Chapel Dorchester by the Rev. J MILLER; Mr GALLOP builder and Mrs EDWARDS both of Dorchester were married: Source: Hampshire Advertiser & Salisbury Guardian (Southampton, England), Saturday, March 27, 1858; pg. 8; Issue 1804 : [Note:- GRO marriages Mar Qtr 1858 Thomas Gallop married Susan Edwards Dorchester District Ref 5a 539]
19 Aug 1858

Mr John BARNES &

Mr LOCK Solicitor

EXETER COURT OF BANKRUPCY: Mr.John BARNES, BUILDER, DORCHESTER: (Article Dorset County Chronicle Thurday 19th Aug 1858 Page 4 of 20: )
There was a last examination in this bankrupcy, before M.BERE Esq, Acting Commisioner on Wednesday last
The Bankrupt appeared in Court, and on account of his great age (81) was accommodated with a seat but he seemed in good heath and in perfect possession of his faculties. Mr Lock attended on behalf of all creditors.
Mr BARNES the Bankrupt being sworn, in answer to questions by Mr.LOCK, stated that he was solvent in and up to the year 1854, and was so shortley before he was made bankrupt. He now owed £2,800 to secured creditors, and he was owed £1,730. He lost in consequence of the Duke of Bedford resfusing to pay his account of nearly £1,100 - £700 on the account itself, £200 loss by the forced sale of goods under execution, and £200 law expenses. Mr Templer the Duke's agent, wrote to the bankrupt's solicitor, Messrs Manfield and Andrews, stating there was nothing due to him (bankrupt) and afterwards paid them upwards of £1,800/ If he, the bankrupt, had himself been paid that sum in the first place he expected he should not have been in Court at all.

Mr Lock: I see in the list of debts due to you, you have Mr William Manfield's name for £1,413. Does he owe you that amount now? --- Bankrupt "Yes"
Have you given him credit for moneys paid on account, as well as any set off he may have against you? -- "Yes"
And after such credits he still owes you £1,413? --"Yes"
What is it for? ---"Work done --- buildings at different times and places." I have always sent in my bills every year, and my books will show all the particulars.
Now we will go to the account of Messrs Manfield and Andrews. Have you seen this account? --- "I understand there has been an account sent to the Court."
Have you ever had an account from them? ---"Never in my life".
Considering the business they have done for you, have you never had an account? -- "I never have".
In the account sent to the Court. it commences with this item, no date but it is headed 1856 --"To amount on your note of hand and deposit of deeds £316.7s.5d" Did you at any time in the year 1856 give any note of hand or deposit any deeds? -- "They have no deeds of mine. I never deposited any deeds for such an amount."
What was the amount for? --- "I believe it was the balance of account. I signed a book in which there was an account, and one of the items was for £200 odd for balance of action. "
What action was that? --- " Something about the church".
What, when you were churchwarden? ---"Yes" [Note:- John BARNES was Churchwarden of St Peters Church in Dorchester from 1842- 1847]
That was many years ago? --- "Yes".
What was the nature of it? --- "You know all about it (Laughter")."
Yes, but I want the Court to know. Were you churchwarden and there were persons anxious to have the church decorated and restored? Was there a committee appointed and subscriptions raised? --- "Yes"
Were not the subscritions enough to pay the expenses? --- "No"
Well, how came you to bear the blunt of it all? ---" There was insufficient subscibed to pay 15s in the pound on all debts. The creditors were disposed to take that, and I went to Mr.Manfield's office, when Mr. Colson was rector there, and told them so; but Mr. Slade had made a claim, and Mr Manfield told me, "You mind you own business -- you have nothing to do with this -- win or lose it will not affect you". Upon that I went away; afterwards the action was brought, carried to the assizes, and decided against me. After that one of the committee came to me and said he was not satisfied with the decision -- they should have it tried again and he would see me harmless. It was tried again, and decided the second time against me. Afterwards my son paid me, on account of that action, between £300 and £400, and I believe the balance was included in the £316-7s-5d.
The Commissioner -- Mr LOCK, perhaps you will ask him a question in explanation of the last item in the account?<br>

Mr LOCK: There is an item for costs attending the deed of assignment. What deed is that? ---Bankrupt: "The assignment by me of the Duke of Bedford's debt to Messrs Manfield and Andrews to cover advances made by them to me"
That cost £83 odd? --- " I don't know anything about that"
The bankrupt then passed, Mr Lock offering no further opposition. Mr Lock then made application to the Court to fix a day for hearing a motion for the removal of Mr. Benjamin Taylor as trade assignee, on the ground that at the time he was appointed such assignee he was in difficulties with his creditors and within a month or two afterwards left this country for Americ, where he is now resident. Mr Lock produced and read an affidavit in support thereof:
His honour fixed on Monday the 30th for that purpose. On application of Mr Lock, His Honour granted him costs.

[Note:- Previous Article concerning his bankrupcy 30th May 1857 above and entry below Sat 25th Sep 1858]

25 Sep 1858 Mr. John BARNES
EXETER COURT of BANKRUPCY - On the 16th Inst before Mr Commisioner BERE regarding Mr John BARNES, builder of Dorchester, -- Mr Henry BARNES, architect and surveyor, Dorchester was chosen assignee
25 Dec 1859 Miss Bethia Jane HELLARD MARRIAGE: December 25th at St Jude Church Bristol Mr John Bassett POPLE of Stokes Croft Road to Miss Bethia Jane HELLARD of Dorchester Source:- Bristol Mercury & Western Counties Advertiser Sat Jan 7 1860
11 Jan 1860 Miss Eliza Georgiana STAPLES MARRIAGE: January 11th at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester by the Rev T Fisher, William Gough Esq of Fairfield east compton somersetshire , to Eliza Georgiana eldest daughter of the late E.J.STAPLES Esq MD of this City Source:- The Bristol Mercury (Bristol, England), Saturday, January 14, 1860; Issue 3643
04 Jan 1860 Mrs Hannah BENNETT MARRIAGE: SHEPPARD - BENNETT On the 4th inst at the Holy Trinity Church Brompton by the Rev Dr. Irons, Vicar, Walter George SHEPPARD MD of 2 South Street Thurloe square youngest son of the late Mr Charles SHEPPARD Esq Dorchester Dorset surgeon, to Hannah widow of the late Rev Christopher Hand Bennett Rector of Ousden Suffolk. Source:-The Morning Chronicle (London, England), Monday, January 16, 1860; Issue 29021; Also The Bury and Norwich Post, and Suffolk Herald (Bury Saint Edmunds, England), Tuesday, January 17, 1860; Issue 4047. 19th Century British Library Newspapers: Part II
20 Feb 1860 Miss BESSANT BIRTH: On the 20th inst, at Dorchester, the wife of MR John BESSANT of a daughter. Source;
06 Apr 1861 Christopher ARDEN DEATH: On the 6th Inst, at Dorchester, Christopher ARDEN, Esq in the 74th year of his age Source The Times April 12th 1861 page 1 Issue 23905 col A [Note:- Link to more information about the ARDEN Family of Dorchester]
24 Mar 1860 Mr Thomas LOVE DEATH: On the 24th inst, at Dorchester , Mr Thomas LOVE, butcher aged 24 Source: The Hampshire Advertiser (Southampton, England), Saturday, March 31, 1860; pg. 8; Issue 1909
10 Feb 1864 Frederick LOCK SEAMANS CERTIFICATES: Frederick LOCK born 9th Sep 1837 Dorchester Dorset awarded a Masters Certificate. [Note:- Frederick LOCK was the son of Thomas & Ann Frances LOCK and baptised at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester 07 Oct 1838 when they were living at West Back street, His father was a miller by trade Follow link for more information]
12 Mar 1864 William MEARS SEAMANS CERTIFICATES: William MEARS born 1834 Dorchester Dorset; Mates Certificate issued by the Board of Trade on 12th March 1864 [Note:- William appears to have been the illegitimate son of Jane MEARS born 2nd Jan 1834 and baptised at St peters Church in Dorchester Dorset the following day - Link to his Baptism Record for more detailed information]
19 Nov 1868 James Richard RUSSELL; Mrs. Elizabeth NEWTON: Mrs. Sarah NEWBERRY: Richard NOTLEY: S Stone: W PAYNE: Mr PATON: D SHEPHERD: Mr VATCHER DEATH - SAD DEATH OF A DORCHESTER PUBLICAN - An inquest was held this (Wedneswday) morning at the Guildhall, before Mr. H.LOCK deputy Coroner touching the death of Mr James Richard RUSSELL, landlord of the 'Half Moon Inn' who was found drowned on Tuesday.

Mrs. Elizabeth NEWTON said she knew Mr Russell very well, and about quarter to twelve on Tuesday morning she saw him at his own door and spoke to him when he seemed very cheerful. He said that he was going for a walk and went down Friary Hill. Coroner: Did he appear sober? - WitnessL There was nothing at all the matter with him. About half an hour afterwards she went towards Charminster, taking the same route as Russell did. When she got through the arch at Friary Hill she saw something moving in the main stream beyond the grating crossing it. She looked over the hatches, and saw something in the water. PONCY came along, and after looking said it was something thrown in, and passed on. She remained and then perceived it was a man. She called POUNCY back and a man named NOTLEY came up; they said it was Russell. Assistance was obtained and he was taken out of the water. They laid him on his face and began rubbing him. She went away to inform Mrs RUSSELL.

Mrs Sarah NEWBERRY, of Friary Lane said that about a quarter to one she was going along the bank from Friary Lane and met a man near the wicket where the bank is broken away. She was very near afraid to pass him, seeing him stumbling along, with his head down near the ground. As she passed him she saw it was Mr. Russell. He was very near being in the water. It gave her a "turn" and she said something to him, but she could not recollect what, and caught hold of him by the coatsleeve. He looked at her and said nothing, and passed on. She looked back once or twice as he was proceeding on the eastern side of the gate and he was stumbling along from one side to the other. Before she came to him she thought it was a drunken man coming.

Richard NOTLEY said that about 12 oclock he saw Russell near the 'Compasses', and he invited him to go with him to Forse's to have a glass. On the way a woman was hanging out clothes asked Russell to give her a glass, and he went to the 'Weighbridge Inn' to give it her. Witnessby Russell's instructions, and called for two glasses of beer,but Russell never came. Russell did'nt seem anything out of the way for drink; he might have had a little .

Mrs S.STONE of the Weybridge Inn said that Russell came to their house about half past twelve and called for two pennyworth of gin, which he drank. She noticed he had a little drink, but she thought him quite capable; thought he had been electioneering.

Mr W. PAYNE assisted to get Russell out of the water, when they forthwith held his head downwards to get the water out of him. This the coroner pointed out was the worst possible thing to do. He sould have been laid on his side and rubbed.

Mr PATON Surgeon said that just before one oclock he was called to see a man who had tumbled into the water at Friary Mill. He went and found they they had got Russell on a pig barrow with his head downwards and were rubbing him. He was taken into Mr D.SHEPHERD's place before a large fire and wrapped in blankets and efforts were made to restore him for half an hour but without effect. There were slight contusions on the nose and one arm as if he had fallen down and they must have been sustained prior to falling in the water. His impression was that Russell must have been under the water at least 10 minutes. Saw a place where the weeds were disturbed by the bank and his body was found 35 yards from that place. Thought it would take ten minutes for him to go that distance. Being under water a minute would cause death. The symptoms described by Mrs NEWBERRY would be exhibited by a person suffering from an approaching apoplexy. Ver few deaths occur from apoplexy without previous indications of brain affection.

Mr VATCHER stated that a few years ago Mr.RUSSELL suffered from a severe attack of fever and ever since he had had complained of pains in the head. The Jury returned a vedict of accidentally drowned. Source Weymouth Telegrapm Thursday 19th Nov 1868 [Note:- James
1 Oct 1870 Henry TICKIS [TICKUS] CREW LISTS: Henry TICKIS Age 17 Born Dorchester Dorset Engaged on ship 'George & Ann' of 79 tons Ship last served on 'Factor of Weymouth' discharged to shore Weymouth 20th Seo 1870: Source: Dorset Crew Lists. Dorchester, Dorset: Dorset History Centre. [Note:- A Henry John Harred TICKUS the son of John Harred & Sarah TICKUS was baptuised at St Georges Church in Fordington 11 Mar 1852 resident at Fordington Hill occupation of father a Mariner]
10 Jan 1871 James LONGMAN CREW LISTS: James LONGMAN age 18 born Dorchester Dorset ship in which last served 'Clyde' of 197 tons out of Poole joined 19th July 1870 remained on board grade OS Source: Dorset Crew Lists. Dorchester, Dorset: Dorset History Centre.
26 Mar 1871 Charles DUFALL DEATH: See link to image of original document from Andrews Newspaper Index Cards, 1790-1976
22 Jun 1871 John DEWFOL alias Charles DUFALL

DEATH - COURT NOTICE: JOHN DEWFOL (otherwise Charles DUFALL) deceased - Pursuant to an Act of Parliament of the 22nd and 23rd Victoria, cap 35 instituted "An Act to further Amend the Law of Property and to relive trustees notice is hereby given that all CREDITORS and other persons having any claims or demands upon or against the estate of John DEWFOL (otherwise Charles DUFALL) formerly of Dorchester in the county of Dorset, but late of 121 Mostyn Road Brixton in the county of Surrey gentleman deceased (who died on the twenty sixth day of March one thousand eight hundred and seventy one and whose will was proved by Mary Leah DEWFOL of Brixton aforesaid the widow and the relict of the deceased, the sole executrix therein named, on the eleventh day of May one thousand eight hundred and seventy one at the Principal Probate Registry of Her Majestys Court of Probate are hereby required to send in the particulars in writing against the estate of the said deceased to the said executrix or to me, the undersigned Arden Avery Shapland of 61 King William Street in the City of London the solicitor for the said executrix, on or before the second day of August next; after which day the said executrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said testator among the parties entitled thereto, having regard to the claims only which she shall then have had notice: and the said executrix will not be liable for such assets, or any part thereof, so distributed to any person of whose claim she shall not have received notice at the time of such distribution - Dated this 19th day of June 1871. ARDEN A SHAPLAND 61 King william St London Solicitor to the said executrix. Source: The Times, Thursday, Jun 22, 1871; pg. 13; Issue 27096; col A

06 July 1872 Edward BARTLETT ACCIDENT: Edward BARTLETT a porter in the service of the South western Railway Company at Dorchester station met with a meloncholy accident on Thursday evening. About half-past six oclock he was engaged with another servant in the goods department preparing extra trucks for the stock on Saturday, fair day. Whilst assiting to shunt four trucks on a siding his foot slipped from the lever of the break and he fell to the ground. In saving himself from a worse disaster he place his right arm under one of the wheels which as the waggons were in slight motion at the time unfortunately passed over the same. The limb was crushed in a shocking manner. The sufferer did not complain, but simply observed that he thought he had broken his arm. He was at once conveyed to Mr EMSON, the surgeon of the railway employees club and then taken by that gentleman directions to the Dorset County Hospital where amputation was found to be necessary for the saving of the mans life. He was put under the influence of chloraform Mr EMSON and MR CURME (ho. consulting surgeon) and the House Surgeon performing the operation most succesfullyThis is stated to be the sixth accident at the South Western station during the past 12 months. Bartlett was a single man.
10 May 1873 Elizabeth BARTLETT ACCIDENT: An accident occured on Thurday evening at Chubb's Almshouse in North Square. One of the inmates, Elizabeth BARTLETT, well nigh 90 years of age, fell down and fractured her thigh, the injuries necessitating her removal to the county Hospital. Note:- Elizabeth HUNT married Charles BARTLETT at St Peters Church Dorchester on 30th Sep 1819 - Charles died in 1860 leaving her a widow who was resident in one of Chubbs Almshouse in the 1871 Census aged 80]
19 Jun 1873

George James ANDREWS;


Gideon and Gideon Bennett WRIGHT;

George CROCKER elder and younger;

George KEATS;

Thomas ADAMS

Henry LEGG

Revd John COLSON

George James ANDREWS of Dorchester Gentleman : Photocopy of a Conveyance  

1. George James Andrews of Dorchester, gent 

2. Joshua Duffitt superintendent Minister 

3. James Groves provision merchant, Gideon Wright and Gideon Bennet Wright grocers, George Crocker the elder and George Crocker the younger ironmongers, George Keats yeoman, Thomas Adams warder, Henry Legg grocer, all of Dorchester, Levi Riggs and Joseph Adam Riggs of Cheselborne yeomen, George Cole of Dewlish cordwainer, Edward Selby Little of Winterborne Kingston yeoman, John Baker of Tincleton dairyman, John Bush miller and Robert Jessopp tailor both of Sydling, Richard Davis of Stratton yeoman, Walter Beckingham of Hartfoot Lane brick manufacturer and Edward Dingley of Sherborne draper 

Recital: of a deed dated 20 Feb 1862 between the Revd John Colson rector of St Peters, Sarah Warren and George Andrews. Whereby Warren requested Colson to pass the land to Andrews 

1 to 2 and 3 

Property: Messuage situated in St Peters Parish late in the occupation of Sarah Warren but now of Francis Curtis and William Durden. The property is a corner house bounded on the north with Durne Lane, on the east by the Wood and Stone Public House, on the south by a messuage occupied by Aaron Turner and the west with South Street 

Condition: To be used to build a Wesleyan Methodist Chapel

Source DHC Ref NM2/S/11/TS/7/5
19 Sep 1876 John Alfred ENSOR SEAMANS CERTIFICATES: 02318 John Alfred ENSOR born 1858 at Dorchester Dorset 2nd Mate certificate Issued at Weymouth 19th Sept 1876 [Note:- See Baptism at St Peters Church Dorchester 16 Jun 1858 - John Alfred son of John Thomas & Mary ENSOR for more information]
08 Nov 1877 Henry YEO UK RAILWAY Employment Records: Great Western Railway: Henry YEO Age: [born?] 27th Jan 1830 Date of OCCUPATION: 08 Nov 1877 Dept: Station Master at Dorchester Station. Commencing Salary £110 Increased to £120 Nov 1881? Increased to £130 Nov 1887? Name and Residence of Surities G.W.R. Fund £300 From 1st April 1871. Date of Leaving: Supeannuated Rec to 1st Feb 1897 Remarks:- Mr YEO was formerly a booking Constable (From 1850) Appointed Station Master under Board Minute No. 38 of the 8th Nov 1877</a>
13 May 1878 Ebenezar KEATS SEAMANS CERTIFICATES: 05112 Ebenezar KEATS born 1828 Dorchester Dorset Masters Certificate dated 13th May 1878. [Note:- Ebenezar was the son of John KEATS that married Ann SQUIBB at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 17th May 1821. He was born in the parish of St Peters Dorchester on 6th Jan 1828, and baptised at Durngate Independent church on 4th Feb 1828. ]
12 Nov 1883 Ernest Edward PUMMER SEAMANS CERTIFICATES: 08109 Ernest Edward PLUMMER who was 5 feet 10 and a half inches tall with a sallow complexion dark brown hair and hazel eyes had the letters E.P. and an anchor tattoos on his left arm. He was born on 6th May 1859 at Dorchester in Dorset and joined the merchant navy at the age of 16 serving as an apprentice on the "Lena Helen Pembroke" a square rigged ship out of the port of London from 5th April 1876 to 5th Apr 1880. He was awarded a 2nd Mates Certificate on 14th April 1880 when he was living at 56 Stainsby Road, Poplar. His service record shows that in 1882 he was living at Weymouth Road in Dorchester and had served on the following vessels The "Alma" a square Rigger of 523 tons out of the port of London as 2nd Mate from 29th May 1880 to 1st March 1881 ; Then the "Oriana" another square rigger of 987 tons as 2nd mate from 2nd May 1881 to 25th Feb 1882. Then as 1st Mate on the Alma again from 14th May 1882 until 13th Sep 1883. He was awarded a First Mates Certificate by the Board of Trade on 27th April 1882 and a Masters Certificate on the 9th Nov 1883 [Note:- Ernest Edward PLUMMER was the son of a Police Superintendant George Henry PLUMMER & his wife Emma who lived in The Cottage at the Police Station in Fordington. They moved to Fordington circa 1857 from Hampshire where his mother was born at Portsea, his father being a native of Somerset. He was not baptised until he was 5 years old at St Georges Church in Fordington on 10th March 1864 in the company of 2 other siblings]
09 Sep 1885 Ms HOARE: Dr KENDELL: Dr GEORGE; Ms DUFALL; Supt COWARD RIOT: SERIOUS CHARGE AGAINST RAILWAY EMPLOYES.—At the Dorchester Borough Police-Court, on Monday. William Willis, fireman of a South-Western ballast train, and James Hutchings, ganger, in the same company's service, both of Ringwood, were brought up charged with being concerned in a serious riot, which took place at Fordington on Friday, in which several persons, principally women, received injuries of a serious character. It appeared that prisoners together with over thirty navvies came to Dorchester on Friday with a ballast train, and whilst here they adjourned to Fordington. where a lot of the gang got drinking and skittling at a public house. During the afternoon a disturbance occurred between some of the navvies and some Fordington fellows, and this ended in a fight, in which the whole of the party eventually took part. The navvies, maddened by drink, made a terrible onslaught upon every person with whom they came in contact, men women, and children alike being subjected to the grossest ill-usage, one person a married woman, named Hoare whilst standing in her garden watching the rioters, being struck a violent blow at the back of her head with a brush which it was alleged, was thrown by Willis, a frightful wound being inflicted. The two medical men who were called in—Mr. Kendell and Mr. George-entertained grave doubts at first as to whether the injuries would not ultimately prove fatel.

Another married woman, named DUFALL was also injured in the melee, her assailant, it was alleged. being Hutchings, as well as a married man named Bond and his wife; altogether about a dozen persons were more or less seriously hurt. The disturbance was eventually quelled by the arrival of a strong detachment of the borough police under Superintendent Coward, but the rioters assumed such a violent attitude on withdrawing from the scene of conflict that the police deemed it unadvisable to attempt any arrests then. Willis being, however subsequently secured about three miles from Dorchester as he was waiting on the line to be picked up with the rest of his confederates on their returning with the ballast train. Willis was brought up at the Police-court next day, and remanded on bail; Hutchings being arrested the same evening at Ringwood
under a warrant by Police-sergeant Mitchell, and brought to Dorchester.---The magistrates fined Hutchtings £2 17s 8d and Willis £1. 1s. at the same time telling the latter it was fortunate for him he did not stand there on a much more serious charge.
Source:- The Hampshire Advertiser (Southampton, England), Wednesday, September 09, 1885; pg. 3; Issue 4094. 19th Century British Library Newspapers: Part II
05 Nov 1886 Mr Arthur J. LEGG, John & Betsy SPICER and James A SPICER ACCIDENT: A HORSE THROUGH A SHOP WINDOW: An Accident of an alarming character happened in the High Street [Dorchester] on Saturday morning. Shortly after six a lad named SPICER in the employ of MR.A.LEGG of Poundbury Farm [West Fordington] , was on his way to the mill at Fordington with a putt load of corn, when on reaching the top of the town the horse was frightened by a couple of cats running across the raod, and dashed off at a furious pace down the town. Just before reaching the Corn Exchange, some flags used in decorating the building for the opening of the Soldiers Home were blown out by the wind, anf this caused the animal-- the boy all the time being in the putt-- to make a sudden swerve, and in doing so he dashed at full tilt into the shop window of Mr. H. RIGLAR, cigar and tobacco, merchant, Cornhill, with the result that the entire window, with all it contained, was completely wreacked. The animal, which broke its leg, fell bodily into the shop, and being a small one, the apartment was completely wrecked. The horse, which was a valuable one, was dragged out, and being found to be seriously hurt, its throat was cut by a neighbouring butcher. Mr and Mrs RIGHLAR, who were sleeping over the shop, arrived in a greart fright, thinking the house was coming down around their ears. A pretty sight met their view on gaining an entrance to the shop, the counter being smashed and the varied and miscellaneous contents consisting of pipes, cigars, pouches, soap, sticks, &c. being strewn broad-cast all over the shop in all directions, a great deal of them hopelessly spoilt. The damege is estimated at about £50 and Mr LEGG also sustains a serious loss by the death of the horse which was valued at fully £50 [Note:- See 1891 Census District 10 Poundbury Farm - Arthur J LEGG aged 35 a Farmer & Miller - also next entry Poundbury Cottage where the SPICER family of John & Betsy SPICER lived - the lad is likely to have been their 18 year old son James A SPICER descxribed as a Carter]
1 Apr 1887 William Alfred WOOLSTON SEAMANS CERTIFICATES: Went to sea circa 1880; 2nd mates compentebncy certificate 016321 issued joined square rigged barge 'Shaespeare of 766 tons as 2nd mate sailed out of Liverpool served until 24 Jan 1887: Applied for 1st Mate 20 Mar 1887 Approved 1st April1887 temporary address C/o 19 Rutland Place Glasgow; 5 feet seven and a half inches tall fair complexion; brown hair; hazel eyesborn at Dorchester in Dorset 19th June 1865 [Note:- Baptised at St Peters Church in Dorchester 09 July 1865 son of William & Mary Woolston; father a cook and confectioner living in 1871 at 16 Cornhill]
25 Dec 1889 Elizabeth Mary BLACK MARRIAGE: BROWN-BLACK - December 25th at the Registry Office in Dorchester Drum Major Charles George BROWNE Hampshire Regiment to Miss Elizabeth Mary BLACK of Dorchester - Source - Bridport News 3rd Jan 1890
01 Jan 1890 Mr Ernest George WANSBROUGH MARRIAGE: WANSBROUGH-DIBLEY - January 1st at the Registry Office in Dorchester Mr Ernest George WANSBROUGH to Miss Elizabeth DIBLEY both of Dorchester - Source - Bridport News 3rd Jan 1890
24 Dec 1890 Joseph Mogg to Mrs Hannah Dawe MARRIAGE: MOGG - DAWE - Dec 24th 1890 at the Registry Office Dorchester Mr. Joseph MOGG of Piddlehinton to Mrs Hannah DAWE of GodmanstoneSource - Western Gazette 2nd Jan 1891
30 Dec 1890 Edward SMITH to Eliza HUGHES MARRIAGE: SMITH-HUGHES - Dec 30th 1890 at the Roman Catholic Chapel Dorchester Mr Edward SMITH to Miss Eliza HUGHES Both of Dorchester
4 Jan 1892 Frederick TREVES SEAMANS CERTIFICTES: 0153 Frederick TREVES born 15th Feb 1853 at Dorchester in Dorset Grantede a masters Certificate for his own yacht a sloop of 2 tons 20 feet by 5ft 6 inches called the "Vagabond". Address given in 1892 6 Wimpole Strreet Lomdon W [Note:- Frederick Treves (1853-1923) was baptised at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 16 Mar 1853 as Frederick son of William & Jane TREVES]
03 May 1892 Hannah DUFALL DEATH: DUFALL - On 3rd instant at Dorchester, Hannah DUFALL aged 71 : Source:- The Hampshire Advertiser (Southampton, England), Saturday, May 14, 1892; pg. 4; Issue 4792. 19th Century British Library Newspapers: Part II
1893 Captain Richard Bayntum FOSTER DHC Index entry:- Draft statutory declaration of Captain Richard Bayntum Foster of Lambert House, Dorchester, concerning property of his brother Augustus Billett Foster, late of Broadmayne, at Holworth, Milton Abbas and Chaldon Herring, 1893; release in respect of sum of £400 in hands of trustees of settlement created by will of E. Balston, concerns property at Holworth "or elsewhere in the parishes of Milton Abbas and Chaldon Herring", 1894 Source:- DHC: D/COO:C/F/2
18 Nov 1893 Philip George GROVES SEAMANS CERTIFICATES: 024537 Philip George GROVES Born Whitcombe Farm near Dorchester in Dorset on 3rd Dec 1873 Served on the sailing square rigger "Polynesian" of 864 tons as an apprentice from 3rd May 1887 to 5th May 1891 then as Able Seaman from 6th May to 23rd July 1891; made 2nd Mate certificate dated 5th Nov 1891 issue 7 Nov 1891; Served "Eden Ballymore out of Londonderry 1642 tons as 3rd mate 7th Apr 1892 until 1st 11th Sep 1893 then "Maiden City out of Londonderry until 18th Oct 1893; 1st Mates Cert dated 16th Nov issued 18th Nov 1893; Residence givven as 2 South Terrace Dorchester Dorset [Note:- The only baptism that I can locate is for Philip George son of as farmer William Chilcott & Sarah GROVES baptrised at Frampton Dorset 29th April 1874]
8 Jun 1894 Elizabeth KIBBEY CHUBB'S ALMSHOUSE : - Elizabeth KIBBEY, aged 68, a widow of Dorchgester, was on Tuesday afternoon elected by the trustees to a vacancy in Chubb's Almshouse.
14 Oct 1900 Harry CROCKER DEATH:- CROCKER - Oct 14 at pretoria, of enteric, Trooper Harry CROCKER of vthe Imperial Yeomanry son of the late Mr.CROCKER, cooper of Dorchester, aged 27 years. [Source Bridport News Friday Oct 19th 1900]
The 1901 Census shows that Charles Hudson was born in London circa 1858 and was living at 12 Victoria Street/Road in Dorchester with his wife Clara a native of Manchester who was born circa 1863. The Dorset Jury lists for 1895 show him as Charles Hudson a photographer, a leaseholder living at St Edmund Street in Melcombe Regis and the Electoral Registers for Dorset that Charles Amey Hudson lived at 12 Victoria Road from 1901 to 1913. The initial return for 1901 also gives his property at 16 Cornhiull in Dorchester which is where he had photographic studio

Left is an example of his work and shows a picture of William Thomas Wills (1854-1938) who also went by the name of William Henry Whittle Wills who lived at Long Bredy in Dorset with one of his daughters.
1906 Arthur PARSONS: Walter Leonard PARSONS In 1906 Arthur Parsons opened a gentlemen's hairdressing salon at 35 Great Western Road, Dorchester in which his brother, Walter Charles Leonard Parsons, worked part-time. By 1913 W C L Parsons had taken over the business from his brother. W C L Parsons (sometimes named Len Parsons) spent time as a prisoner of war in Germany during the First World War. In 1919 W C L Parsons re-opened the business after the war and in the early 1920s developed the premises to include a ladies' hairdressing salon. In 1931 W C L Parsons leased 32-32a South Street, Dorchester, from Messrs Tilley for use as a tobacconists which he finally bought from Stringer Motors Ltd in 1971. In 1936 he bought 3 Cornhill from Thomas Pouncy for use as a tobacconists which in 1937 was altered to accommodate a ladies' and gentlemen's hairdressing salon and in 1960-1961 was further extended and rebuilt. In 1955 the business was registered as a limited company with W C L Parsons, his two sons, Roy L Parsons and Alan R Parsons, and his wife Aricia Nino Parsons acting directors. 35 Great Western Road closed for trading in 1973 and was conveyed by Alan R Parsons to Mr and Mrs B H Rogers in 1986. W C L Parsons died in 1974. 3 Cornhill was sold in 1979 for use by Abbey National building society. As an interesting aside W C L Parsons was one of the few foreign nationals in October 1938 to attend the World's Congress of Hairdressers Conference held in Cologne, Germany in the wake of the Munich crisis and the possible threat of war. Source Index A2A Website DHC ref D/PAR
3 Jun 1907 Edward Humphrey Pearce-EDGECUMBE SEAMANS CERIFICATES: 76735 Edward Humphrey Pearce-Edgecumbe born 1885 Dorchester (no County) attained rank of Lietenant in Royal Navy Certificate issued at London 3 Jun 1907 [census suggests born Holy Trinity Dorchester Dorset 1885/6]
1910 William Burrough COSENS of Ther Gables Dorchester in Dorset - M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. London 1887; (London Hosital); member British medical Association; Hon. Surgeon Dorset County Hospital; Hon. Med. Ref. Hospital for Consumption Ventnor; Admiralty Referee ; Med. Ref. Workm. Compens. Act; late Hon. Surgeon and House Surgeon of Taunton and Somerset Hospital; Clin. Assit Hosp. for Children Great Ormond Street London; Surgeon Clin. AsstOphth. Asst and Asst Skin Department London Hospital and Senior House Surgeon London Temp. Hospital[Source:- The Medical Directory for the year 1910
1910 Robert A LOGAN WILL: A2A Entry held at DHC: Nos 51 and 51a High West Street, with abstract of will of Robert A Logan of 51 High West Street, made 1910, and certificate of land tax redemption of K M Morton 1949, with papers (Hunter, Hardy, Siminson, Logan, Morton, Weeden, Judson, Crocker) Deeds of 1892 and 1908 signed by Thomas Hardy D/COO:H/T/11  1892-1949
1914-1918 George BARTER His Medals are for sale on E-Bay (Nov 2012) (Seller Ref timt2796) :- A WW1 Trio Impressed to SS116041 G.BARTER STO 1 RN. George BARTER was born in 1890 in Dorchester Dorset. He served in the Rpyal Navy on HMS BRITANNIA, A King Edward Class Battleship joining her in 1915 until her sinking, which he survived. She was sunk By UB-50 on 9/11/918, THE LAST ROYAL NAVY SHIP SUNK IN WW1
22 Jun 1918 Harold Frederick SMITHER SEAMANS CERIFICATES: 0011893 2nd Mates Certificate granted by Board of Trade whilst he was living at 48 Riches St Wolverhampton. Born 7th Feb 1897 at Dorchester in Dorset he was 5 feet 8 inches tall with grey eyes brown hair and fresh complexionServed as an apprentice on 2 ships "SS Trevean" 1989 tons out of St Ives Cornwall from 31st March 1914 and the "SS Danefaird" also out of St Ives until 30th March 1918.
8 Aug 1922 Thomas Boulton LYNES SEAMANS CERTIFICATES: 2nd Mate Certificate for Foeign going Steamships awarded to Thomas Boulton LYNES born 18th Sep 1902 at Dorchester Dorset [Note:- He was the son of Thomas (a Gentleman) & Maud LYNES and baptised at Holy Trinity church Dorchester on 18th Oct 1902. His service record listing 7 ships he served on as a cadet from Jan 1917 to 30th June 1922 is available image after that of the certificate]
02 Jan 1923 Sir Frederick TREVES Sir Frederick Treves was buried at Dorchester cemetery following funeral at St Peters church in Dorchester [Note:- Frederick Treves was baptised at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 16 Mar 1853 as Frederick son of William TREVES& Jane KNIGHT ]
3 Aug 1923 Leslie William MILES SEAMANS CERTIFICATES: 2nd Mate Certificate for Foeign going Steamships awarded to Leslie William MILES born 31st May 1902 Dorchester dorset address at application 7 Wellington Street Aldershot 5 feet 10 and a half inches tall Service record shows served on "WAIPARA" 6991 tons out of Glasgow as a cadet from 25th June 1919 to 15th Feb 1919; On the "Nardana" 7961 tons out of Glasgow as a cadet from 23rd Mar 1920 to 21st Feb 1923; The Mulvera" 9,100 tons out of Glasgow from 25th Feb 1923 to 5th May 1923: Awarded a 2nd Mates Certificate 1st August Issued 3rd Aug 1923 [Note:- Baptised at ST p-eters Church in Dorchester on 8th Oct 1902 the son of Arthur William MILES and Alice Jane Eldridge MILES]
1940 Leslie Arthur COLLINS of County Offices Dorchester in Dorset - M.A., M.B., B.Chir. Cantab. 1937; M.R.C.S. Eng. L.R.C.P. London 1934; D.P.M. Eng. 1937; D.P.H. 1930; (Char.Cross) ; mem. B.M.A. late Res. Cas. Off & Ho. Surg. Char. Cross Hospital[Source:- The Medical Directory for the year 1940
1942 Percy William Page BEDFORD of the County Mental Hospital Dorchester in Dorset; M.D. Edinburgh(high commend) 1920; M.B., Ch.B. 1911, Dipl. Psych. 1913; (University of Edinburgh); Medical Supt. Dorset County mental Hospital; Member Roy. Med. Psych. Assn; late Ho.Phys. Salop Infirm. Shrewsbury; Assi. Phys. Royal Asyl. Edinburgh; Asst Med Off Co Men.Hosp. Wakefield. Author "The Nascent Iodine Treatment of Lupus Nasi," B.M.Jl 1913; "The Goldsol Test in Ment. Dis" Jl Ment Sc. 1922 [Source:- The Medical Directory for the years 1930; 1935; 1940 and 1942 - page 458]

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