
Index of Wills 1801 - 1954

© Transcribed by Michael Russell OPC for Dorchester October 2009
(Last updated Oct 2024)

Attribution - Picture by Freepic

[577 Records]

Note: Prefix BPC = Index to Dorset Wills and Administrations in the Probate Registry at Blandford, Dorset: -- Prefix DHC Copy held at the Dorset History Center Dorchester most of these are now (Oct 2012) available to members of -- Prefix P = Wiltshire & Swindon Archives and are increasingly availabe on line follow link-- Prefix PCC= Prerogative Court of Canterbury and Prefix PROB = Wills available on line at the National Archives -- Prefix SPC = Calendar of Dorset Wills and Administrations in the Salisbury Probate Court: .

Note: I have tried to scan the National Probate Calendar (now 2011 available on which covers post 1858 wills for the whole country, but you cannot search it by Parish making the finding of wills a very long arduous task. Despite having looked for over 1,000 known adult burials in the index I am sure there are many hundreds there that I missed either because we don't have the burials for that year or because the name has been spelt differently in the index. Please therefore check the calendar yourself for the burial that you are interested in and if you find a registration let me know so that I can add it to this listing.

Note: The dates given are likely to be the date of probate or when administration was issued rather than date of death. As such deaths are likely to be in that year or the year before, but can be many years earlier. I have also carried out a quick check against surviving Parish Burial Registers for a couple of years before the year given below and commented accordingly. Many of these Wills & Administrations have been indexed separately by Dorset and Wiltshire Record Offices so they will show the SPC as well as P reference numbers. These indexes are not identical. Wiltshire for example tends to include the persons trade.

Note: Some Wills are listed here for years where no parish register has survived and may be an indicator that they died recently in the Parish. The Wills themselves or comments made on the bottom or reverse of the will may reveal more detail about actual date and place of death and of course hopefully family relationships. Where wills are available on line I have tried to scan them and list beneficiaries and other important facts mentioned in the wills. This is not possible where the wills are at the National or Wiltshire Archives as they have to be purchased individually. The fact that someone was from Dorchester does not necessarily mean that they died there & may account for there being no entry in Dorchester's Parish Registers.

NOTE: If you have a copy of any of these wills (which are often difficult to read) I am willing to transcribe it properly for you in exchange for permission to display the transcription on this site. Please make contact by email at-- Mikeatstrayleaves[insert the @ symbol here] -- please state "OPC Dorchester/Fordington" in the subject line.

NAME DATE Ref Comments
Will of John HOLMES, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset 22 January 1801 PROB 11/1352 Buried All Saints 1st Sep 1800
Will of John TAPP, Cooper of Dorchester , Dorset 18 March 1801 PROB 11/1355  
Will of Mary BRYER, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:-Buried All Saints 24 Mar 1801- See Marriage between Thomas BRYER and Mary BOWER at HT Church in Dorchester 8th Aug 1768] Dated 23rd Oct 1800
Proved 20 May 1801
PROB 11/1357 Will: £700 which is the cost of building a new dwelling house in High Street Dorchester now occupied by Rev MILLER belonging to my son Edmund BRYER as the heir at law of his late father and in part of his fourth share of my estate which is divided between her said son and 3 daughters Ann, Mary and Elizabeth. Preoperty at Charlotte Row Weymouth; Appoints brother William Bower and Brother-in-law William Banger executors
Letter of Administration for the estate of Sophia CHURCHILL, of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Sophia CHURCHILL was buried at St Peters Church Dorchester on 9th Dec 1800 aged 20 - 3rd known child of William CHURCHILL (1738-1799) by his wife Jane (1747-1801) ] 01 Apr 1801 DHC BC/A/C63 Event 63 Image Bound William Rush Hallett CHURCHILL Clerk the brother of Sophia also bound George CHURCHILL Esq and Robert Rideout HARVEY of Fordington Gentleman. Note:- William Rush Hallet Churchill son of William CHURCHILL of Colliton House Dorchester Rector of Winterbourne Anderstone and Witherstone died 11 Jan 1847 (Oxford Alumni)
Will of Richard COZENS, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:-Buried St Peters 25 June 1801] Dated 31st May 1799
Proved 31 August 1801
PROB 11/1361

Richard Cozens was bap at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 12 Feb 1733/4 the son of Revd Edward COZENS MA (1690-1753) as Master of the Free Grammer School in Dorchester

Will: wife named Ann (late LEACH) He married to Ann LEACH at Monmouth in Wales on 30th Aug 1791 and was entitled by his marriage settlement to part of her fortune which he returned to her under his will dated 31st May 1799 together with his house in All Saints parish in Dorchester. She was executrix of his will. He left £1,300 to his brother Edward and £1,500 to his sister Elizabeth Cozens; to his relative William CHAFY of Canterbury £50; to relatives James PARSONs and Mrs Parsons £10 and £30 and Elizabeth Parsons his sister £10 + a gunea each to his 1st and 2nd cousins.

Will of John SABINE, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset Dated 3rd Feb 1798
Provede 10 April 1802
PROB 11/1373 Will: of Dorchester but vlate of Huckleford in the parish of Bradford Peverell gentleman : All his estate at Huckleford to Edward WILLIAMS of Herringston and William FFLOYER of Dorchester Clerk in trust for benefit of his wife Agnes Sabine and son Sydenham Sabine etc etc - long will not studied in detail ---
[Note:- John SABINE was the husband of Agnes WILLIAMS (1730-1806) ]
letter of Administration for the estate of Thomas LOCKETT, Printer of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 12th Nov 1801] 10 May 1802 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1802 event record 5 Granted to Elizabeth LOCKETT the widow and next of kin of Thomas LOCKETT printer of Dorchester deceased also bound were William BROWN of Dorchester a glazier and Edward READ of Dorchester gentleman
Will of James PARSONS, Glover and Breeches Maker of Dorchester, Dorset 14 May 1802 PROB 11/1375  
Will of Sarah TAPP, Spinster of Dorchester, Dorset 22 June 1802 PROB 11/1377  
Will of Anna HAWKINS, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset 20 September 1802 PROB 11/1380  

Will of James CHAFY [CHAFFIE] of Dorchester, Dorset

[Note:-This is James CHAFIE (1730-1802) who was baptised at Sherborne on 20th January 1730 the son of Revd. John CHAFY (1685-1757) by his wife Elizabeth CORBIN (1697-1780). His father was buried at Purse Caundle on 15th Nov 1757. His brother William CHAFY (1746-1828) is a beneficiary under his Will

James CHAFY was buried at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 18 June 1802]

Elizabeth CHAFFY* (1721-1809) his sister was baptised at Lillington in Dorset in Jan 1721 and buried at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 22nd Dec 1809.

Mary JEFFERIES [JEFFRIES] nee CHAFY his deceased sister was buried at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 28th Dec 1781.

Martha LITTLEJOHN nee CHAFY of Taunton in Somerset, his sister, had married Richard Littlejohn (1727-1772) at Purse Caundle on 4th Feb 1754 and died at Taunton circa 1791]

Ursula CHAFY his sister married James PARSONS from Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester at Purse Caundle in Dorset on 21st Apr 1759

Dated 31st March 1794

Proved at London
on 17 Dec 1802

PROB 11/1383 Will: This is the Last Will and Testament of me James CHAFY [CHAFFEY] late of Coventry Street Piccadily in the County of Middlesex but now of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Esquire being of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding

First: I devise to be buried in Trinity Church in Dorchester aforesaid and that all my just debts funeral expenses and the charges of providing this my Will may be paid and satisfied as soon after my decease as conveiniently can be.

I do hereby confirm the settlemnent made on my marriage with Henrietta CHAFY [CHAFFEY] my wife whereby she is largely and very amply provided for

I give and devise unto my brother William CHAFY [CHAFFEY] of the City of Canterbury Clerk all my Freehold estate in the Parish of Sherborne in the County of Dorset now in the occupation of [bank] P|AYNE To hold the same unto my said Brother his heirs and assigns for ever.

I hereby devise and direct my executors hereinafter named to burn and destroy all my manuscripts of every kind as soon after my decease as they can conveiniently can

I give each of my friends Richard Lloyd of the Great Square Greys Inn Jun Esquire Editor Gisborne of Clifford Street near Saville Row Editor Reynolds of Bedford Row all in the County of Middlesex John Johnson of Cheapside London Grocer Richard COZENS of Dorchester aforesaid Mercer, Elizabeth COZENS his sister of thes ame place, John CHAFY the Elder of Sherborne aforesaid Gentleman and [Blank] ARDEN of Dorchester aforesaid Surgeon a Gold Ring of the value at least of one guinea each

I give and Bequeath to my said brother William CHAFY (over and above what I have hereinbefore devisedto him ) and unto James Burrough of Queen Square Bloomsbury Esquire and unto Edward COZENS of Dorchester aforesaid Surgeon and unto William Devon of Red Lyon Square Holborn in the County of Middlesex Gentleman Ten pounds each for a Ring and all the Rest Residue of my estate and effects of what nature or kind soever which I shall be sized or possed of interested in or entitlked unto at the time of my decease I give devise and bequeath unto the several persons and in the manner and in the shares and proportions hereinafter mentioned - that is to say:-

I give devise and bequeath one equal fifth part of such residue unto my brother William CHAFY his heirs executors administrators and assigns for ever and above what I have hereinbefore devised and bequeathed to him
[Note:- very long Will briefly continues :-
[One other 5th part:-to sister Elizabeth CHAFY* of Dorchester aforesaid spinster]
[One other 5th part:-to children of my late sister Mary JEFERIES of Taunton in the County of Somerset Widow deceased etc]
[One other 5th part:-to children of my late sister Martha LITTLEJOHN of Taunton deceased
[One other 5th part:-to my late sister Ursula the wife of James PARSONS of Dorchester
Will of Sarah WILLIS, Spinster of Dorchester, Dorset 03 February 1803 PROB 11/1387 Buried St Peters 2nd July 1802
Will of Elizabeth POUNCY, Widow of the late Matthew POUNCY butcher of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 02 Jan 1803] Dated 02 Feb 1790
Proved 04 Jan 1803
DHX Ad/Dt/W/1803 event record 22 beneficiaries:- Late husbands Nephew Harry POUNCY; Elizabeth REDWAY the wife of Matthew REDWAY of Forston a carpenter by trade; Mary ALLEN wife of John ALLEN of Dorchester a mason by trade; Elizabeth POUNCY daughter of above harry POUNCY; her brother William HOOPER; Elizabeth POUNCY daughter of George POUNCY: sarah POUNCY the wife of George POUNCY butcher of Dorchester witnessed by Robert Stickland and George LOCKE
Will of Margaret SAMPSON, Spinster of South Petherton Somerset & Dorchester , Dorset 18 May 1803 PROB 11/1392 & DD\HLM/3 See A2A website Note:- Somerset Record Office hold many document relating to Margaret Sampson who lived at South Walks Dorchester.These include - Probate of Will and four codicils of Margaret Sampson of Rydon in South Petherton and Dorchester, spinster, 27 July 1786, codicils 27 July 1786, 8 July 1790, 3 June 1796, 18 March 1797, pr. P.C.C. 16 June 1803. Copy (on paper) of Will of Margaret Sampson, 1786.Inventory of the late 'Mrs. Sampson's' jewels, plate, etc. circa 1803. Particulars of 'Mrs. Sampson's' devises to Mr. Hawker, circa 1803.
Inventory of household goods, etc. of Margaret Sampson late of South Walk, Dorchester, taken 18-20 May 1803, Nos. 1,2; [Two docts.]. Assignment of stock by William Helyar of East Coker, esq., and wife Elizabeth, to William Hawker of Poundisford Lodge, esq., under the Will of Margaret Sampson, 1804, with paper draft;
Letter of Administration for the estate of Thomas GRITTEN [GRITTON] of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried All Saints Church Dorchester 20th April 1803] 19 May 1803 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1803 event record 10 Granted to Ann GRITTEN the lawful widow and relict of Thomas GRITTEN also bound with her was William BALLARD of Little lovelaw Woodstreet Cheapside London a silk manufacturer and James GRITTEN of New Castle place [Note:- Thomas GRITTON was a Carpenter by trade and he worked closely with Richard LAKE (1733-1810) of Dorchester to secure contracts with the County mainly for repair to the County Gaol in Dorchester between 1777 and 1791. On 18th Aug 1794 Thomas GRITTON and Thomas CURME another Carpenter were contracted by the Corporation to build the New Shambles in the High Street for which they were paid £245]
Will of Elizabeth LOVELACE, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 16 June 1803 PROB 11/1395  

Will of Henry JACOB, Cordwainer of Dorchester , Dorset

[Note:- buried at St Peters Church Dorchester on 19 Oct 1803 aged 72]

Dated 28 Nov 1801

Proved 31 Oct 1803

DHC Ad/Dt/W/1803 event record 23

In the name of God Amen I Henry JACOB of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Cordwainer being of sound mind memory and understanding do make ordain publish and declare this to be my last will and testament in manner and form following (that is to say)

First I devise and bequeath all and every my messuages tenements Land Hereditaments and Premises whether FreeholdLeashold or copyhold wheresoever situate lying and being and all my household goods furniture chattels Debts sum and sums of money securities for money estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever unto my wife Mary JACOB To have hold receive perdeive and take the Rents issues and profits of all my said messuages tenements lands and premises and the interest produce and proceedof all any said sum or sums of money to and for her own use and benefit for and during the term of her natural life and from the decease of my said wife Mary then I give devise and bequeath the said messuages Tenemnets lands and premises and sum and sums of money goods chattels and effects as hereinafter particularly mentioned that is to say I give devise and bequeath unto my son Benjamin JACOB All that my copyhold cottage House and premises situate and lying and being in Forthington in the said County of Dorset and formerly known by the name or sign of The Last and now in the tenure or occupation of William WHIFFEN To and for his own use and benefit. Also I give unto my son Benjamin the sum of £300 to be paid after the death pof my said wifeto and for his own use and benefit.

Also I give and bequeath my said Leasehold Messuage and Premises with the appurtenances situate in dorchester aforesaid in possession of John COOMBES but now of [blank space] Impett Exciseman unto my son Joseph JACOB to and for his own benefit

Also I give and bequeath unto my son Matthew Jacob all that my Freehold House situated in Dorchester aforesaid with its appurtenances lately belonging to Matthew HELLARD and now in the possession of William Young and others to hold to him his heirs and assigns forever

Also I give and bequeath unto my said son Mattahew all that my copyhold estate situated in Forthington in the said County of Dorset late in the possession of [blank] EAMES but now of John STILE with its appurtenances during all my estate and interest therein for his own use and benefit subject nevertheless to the yearly sum of £10 to be paid and payable there out as hereinaftermentioned. Also I give unto my said son Matthew the sum of £400to be paid him after the decease of my said wife to and for his own use and benefit

Also I give and bequeath unto my son Thomas JACOB all that my leasehold messuage and premises wherein I now live to and for his own use and benefit Also I give and bequeath unto my said son Thomas the yearly produce and proceed of £300 which I have on the security of the weymouth turnpike for and during the term of his natural life the first payment thereof to be made after the decease of my said wife Also I give and bequeath to my said son Thomas an annuity or yearly sum of £10 to be paid him in half yearly payments out of my copyhold estate in Forthingtonaforesaid for the term of his natural life provided my interest in the said estate shall so long continue the first payment to be made in six months after the decease of my said wife Also I give him the sum of £50

Also I give and bequeath unto my said two sons Matthew JACOB and Benjamin JACOB the sum of £180 in TRUST to pay several legacies to my several grandchildren herinafter mentioned that is to say Upon Trust to pay unto each of my grandsons William Henry Jacob, Harry Jacob sons of my late son William JACOB the sum of £30 a piece after the decease of my said wife as soon as they shall respectively attain their respectives ages of 21 years to and for their and each of their own use and benefit And upon trust to pay unto my two other grandsons JohnJacob and Matthew Jacob tow other sons of my said son William respectively the sum of £20 a piece after the decease of my said wife as soon as they shall respectively attain their respective ages of 21 years to and for their and each of their own use and benefit And my will further is that in case any or either of my said four grandsons William Henry Jacob, Harry Jacob, John Jacob and Matthew Jacob shall happen to die before they or either of them shall have attained the age of 21 years or before the said legacy so given to each of them as aforesaid shall become due then the said legacy of him them or either of them so dying shall be paid unto and amongst the survivors and survivor of them in equal shares and proportions

And also upon trust to pay unto each of my four grandaughters Mary JACOB Elizabeth Jacob Jane Jacob and Sarah Jacob daughters of my said son William Jacob respectively the sum of £10 a piece after the decease of my said wife as soon as they shall respectively attain their respective ages of 21 years etc etc

Will of John CURTIS, Hosier of Dorchester , Dorset 09 December 1803 PROB 11/1402 Buried All Saints 24 Oct 1802
Will of John COLE, Cordwainer of Dorchester , Dorset 03 February 1804 PROB 11/1404 Buried St Peters 27 Nov 1803
Will of Robert STICKLAND of Dorchester , Dorset

[Note:- Buried All Saints 9 Feb 1804: DHC Extract from will of Robert Stickland of Dorchester, gent., 1804;
Dated 2nd Jan 1804
Proved London 07 March 1804
PROB 11/1406 D/FRA/T204   Will: Bequest to son Nathaniel STICKLAND (sole executor) all assets in trust for the benefit of divide between himself; wife and daughters Henrietta ; Ann; Jane; and Frances. Witnesses Martha Stickland; Christopher White and John Tullidge Link to more information on Robert STICKLAND (1744-1804) and his wife Jane STICKLAND nee MITCHEL (1744-1822)
Probate copy will: Susan CARTER of Dorchester, widow 17 March 1804  D/LRL/1/48   Probate granted 29 Jul 1806
Will of Roger NICHOLS, Shopkeeper of Dorchester , Dorset 07 June 1804 PROB 11/1410 Buried St Peters 31 Dec 1803
Will of Elizabeth RICKWOOD of Dorchester , Dorset 20 June 1804 PROB 11/1410 Buried Holy Trinity 25th April 1803
Will of Edward COZENS, Surgeon of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at St Michael's Stinsford Dorset 3rd July 1804] Dated 30th June 1802
Buried 3rd July 1804
Proved London
26 Sep 1804
PROB 11/1414

The son of Revd Revd Edward COZENS MA (1690-1753) as Master of the Free Grammer School in Dorchester.

Will: 'To be buried at Stinsford Churchyard as I think burying in churches is unhealthy' or Mourton or Higaton Church yard if there might be found more room or more likely to be undisturbed - in a vault sided with brick and covered with a stone sufficiently large and thick with only 'COZENS' put on it; 2ndly his house kitchen, garden and backside in South street Dorchester to his sister Elizabeth Cozens spinster --- also made provision for his servant Mary Groves to live with his sister (£200 extra) to live comfortably and be buried ; also male sevant a years wages and all his apparel; Cousin Elizabeth CHAFY £50 ; James PARSONS £50; His sister Elizabeth PARSONS £50; Mr JEFFRIES Family £10; Mr Benjamin JEFFRIES of Dorchester £10 Revd Josepf JEFFRIES £10; and to their sister Mrs LICKERING £10; Mr STONE near Taunton Somerset £10; Mrs TUCKER Bridport £10; Mrs Littlejohn of Somerton in Somerset £10; Mr Samuel RANDAL Surgeon of Piddle Dorset £10; To God Son Thomas MORGAN son of John MORGAN of Fordington £10 Revd Philip LEATH to Mrs COZEN my brothers widow to Miss Dorothy LEATH to Mr GRIFFITH to Mrs GRIFFITH his wife of Monmouth to Mrs MINIER of the Adolphi London to each of the Miss GRANTLETTS her sisters to Mrs STINGER of Monument Yard London and Miss Frances STICKLAND youngest daughter of Mr Robt STICKLAND Attorny of Dorchester to each a Ring of not less value than a guinea ; Bequeath to John Purchase LEATH of London £50; To Revd William mFLOYER of Stansford £10; to Revd Thomas BRYER of Dorchester £10; last 3 joint executors. REST equally between sister Elizabeth COZENS; Revd William CHAFFY of Canterbury and Mrs HALLIDAY of Cortham Wilts CODICIL to John BOWRING to buy a suit of mourning + affidavit

Will of Mary RICHARDS, Gentlewoman of Holy Trinity Dorchester , Dorset 09 October 1804 PROB 11/1416  
Will of Elizabeth FOOKS, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 22 October 1804 PROB 11/1415  
Will of Henry OLDIS gardener of Dorchester , Dorset [No trace of burial although Edith his wife is buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 15th Nov 1805] dated 24 May 1790
Proved 21 Jun 1805
DHC: Ad/Dt/W/1804 Event Record 6:
DD Ref: IR 26/296/126
Will Beneficiaries Son John OLDIS ; Rest wife Edith OLDOS also executrix: witnessed Thomas Gould READ and Mary VINCENT Effects under £100: Also in UK Death Duty register Henry OLDIS Record date 21 Jun 1805 Occupation Gardener
Will of James BONNETT, Baker of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- James BONNETT was buried at St George Church on Fordington on 12th April 1805] Dated 09 Feb 1805
Proved 16 July 1805
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1804 Event Record 5 image Will: Tenements purchased of Mr Templeman in Fordington to Mr Thomas JOHNSON of Dorchester Innholder in trust for his wife and children:- Eldest son Joseph; Mary; James; Jane; William & Sarah + wife Mary
Will of William COX, Coachman of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at St George Church on Fordington on 12th Feb 1805] Dated 14 Jan 1805
Proved 14 Feb 1805
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1804 event record 7 Will beneficiaries Father William COX of Sutton Pointz and Wife Elizabeth COX. Witnesses Nathan Stickland and William Curtis
Will of John GREEN, Malster of Dorchester , Dorset 14 May 1805 PROB 11/1425 Buried Holy Trinity 18th March 1804
Will of William NORMAN, Hosier of Dorchester , Dorset [Buried Holy Trinity 5th July 1805] 09 August 1805 PROB 11/1430 See transcription of the will of William NORMAN (1722-1805)
Will of William George MEGGS of Dorchester , Dorset 31 March 1806 PROB 11/1440  
Will of Mary SNOOK of Dorchester , Dorset 14 May 1806 PROB 11/1443  
Will of Morgan YEATMAN or Yeateman, Wine Merchant of Dorchester , Dorset 17 July 1806 PROB 11/1447 D/PIT/T617   DHC Index Entry:- Gurdles Mead, formerly a wood called Black Close Coppice, part of White's tenement; with copy will of Morgan Yeatman, wine merchant of Dorchester (29 May 1806), proved 17 July 1806. (Lane Fox, Rose, Penny, Yeatman, Short, Blackmoor).
Will of Susan CARTER, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Susanna CARTER was buried at Fordington on 31st Aug 1805] Dated 17 Mar 1804
Proved 29 Jul 1806
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1806 Event Record 16 Long Will Bequests and mention of:- Mr Thomas JAMES faithful service; Trust for 2 sisters Mary and Ann STADON administrered by Stephen Isles of Piddlehinton, peter Betson of Sherborne Edward Boswell of Dorchester all gentlemen; late husbands nephew John GIBBONS, Fanny TAYLOR of Exeter; neighbour Rebecca HYNE; Kitty HARBER now of Corfe castle; Elizabeth SEWARD; Rest to Thomas WOOD son of Thomas WOOD by late neice Susannah WOOD who before her marriage was Susannah GIBBONS; Nephew John GIBBONS
Will of Agnes SABINE, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset dated 2? Mar 1806
Proved 08 Jan 1807
PROB 11/1455 [Note:- John SABINE was the husband of Agnes WILLIAMS (1730-1806) ]
Will of Abraham BAKER, Dealer in Earthenware of Dorchester , Dorset 03 February 1807 PROB 11/1455 Note:- Buried at St Georges Church Fordington 28 Sep 1806 where recorded as "of Dorchester" See Transcription of his will
Will of Bennett HARVEY, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset Dated 23 Mar 1807
Proved 02 Sep 1807
DHC Ref Ad/Dt/W/1807 ER 15 See Transcription of the Will of Bennett HARVEY (1732-1807)
Will of Edward NORMAN, Hosier of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 01 Jun 1807] Dated 01 Dec 1806
Proved 20 Oct 1807
DHC Ref Ad/Dt/W/1807 ER 14 Beneficiaries his sister Mary FOWELL Widow and Nephew John Evomy NORMAN witnessed Thomas Tapp and John Bartlett
Will of Thomas BESANT, Victualler of Dorchester Dorset and owner of the WHITE HART INN (House and stables etc) in All Saints parish Dated 09 Feb 1808
Proved 17 Apr 1808
DHC Bc/W/1808 Event Record 4

Left estate in trust with Friends Henry LOWLAM and John BENNETT for the benefit of his wife Ann and his children [under £300] Thomas BESANT was buried at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 4th March 1808 See Inland Revenue record below. [ Note:- Link to more information about Thomas Gatehouse BESANT (1778-1808)]

Abstract of Will of Thomas DESANT [BESANT], Victualler of Dorchester, Dorset. Proved in the Court of Dorset. DDR April 18 1808 IR 26/296 Death Duty Registers National Archives available on line. Buried St Peters 4th March 1808 [See Will above] Thomas BESANT was only 29 when he died.
Will of Mary FOWELL, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 18th Dec 1807] Dated 27 Nov 1807
Proved 18 Apr 1808
DHC Bc/1808 event record 11 Beneficiaries: William NORMAN son of my brother William NORMAN my dwelling house in Holy Trinity Parish Dorchester (she inherited it from his father) and was his sister: Edward OLD of Allington a fellmonger £100 paid 2 years after my decease , Mary OLD my neice £100 paid 2 years after my decease ; Jane Greening my neice £100 paid 2 years after my decease ; To my neice the wife of George HARDY taylor the interest of £100 for the term of her life. To Jane BRETT wife of Robert BRETT Butcher the interest of £200 ; Brothers Thomas & James NORMAN; & others witness Mary Medway & Thomas Tapp?
Will of John HART, Yeoman of Dorchester, Dorset 19 May 1808 PROB 11/1479  
Will of Grace VYVYAN of Dorchester , Dorset 27 May 1808 PROB 11/1480  
Will of John Callard MANFIELD, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset 18 July 1808 PROB 11/1482  
Will of Elizabeth SMITH, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset 26 July 1808 PROB 11/1483 Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 11 Jan 1808
Abstract of Will of Elizabeth PLOWMAN, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset. Proved in the Court of Dorset. Note:- [Note:- Elizabeth was buried at Tolpuddle on 7th Feb 1806 which was her husbands fathers parish] 24 Mar 1804
08 Aug 1808
DHC Bc/W/1808 event record 23 Also IR 26/296

Will of Elizabeth PLOWMAN widow of Dorchester late husband was Reverend John PLOWMAN late of Toller Pocorum Beneficiaries: her 4 children Thomas, Henry, George and Mary Warren PLOWMAN witnessed by Ann Toly; Thomas Sabine Path taken at Melcombe Regis. Effects under £200 See Also Death Duty Registers National Archives available on line

Extract from Wadham College registers page 107 John PLOWMAN : matriculated 4th April 1759 son of John PLOWMAN of Tolpuddle near Dorchester: Cleric: aged 17: paid to John Hanson 4th April 1764; Admitted 28 Sep 1759 of Dorset aged 17; took the oath q4th Dec; Goodridge Exhibitioner 1762; Hody (hebrew) Exhibitioner 1759 to 1764; BA 29 jan 1763; MA 3rd July 1765; Resigned his S 30th June 1765; admitted Chaplain 12 Nov 1766. Chaplainey vacant 16 July 1768;

From Clergy of the Church of England data Base Ordained a Deacon 18th March 1764; priest 22nd Dec 1765; Curate of Tincleton Dorset 19th Mar 1764; Vicar of Toller Porcorum 29th Mar 1770 until his death.

From Toller Porcorum marriage Register and Dorchester Strays Index :- 07-Nov-1777; John PLOWMAN vicar of this parish & Elizabeth GOLLOP spinster of Dorchester Holy Trinity, by Licence witnesses: Eliza Maria FOY, Thomas GOLLOP

Will of Robert GUNDRY, Cooper of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 02 Aug 1808] Dated 07 Jun 1808
Proved 19 Aug 1808
DHC Bc/W/1808 event record 14 Will Beneficiaries:- In trust with Thomas WINZAR of Dorchester Cooper and William Zillwood of Dorchester schoolmaster to pay bequests to:- Thomas BESANT my partner in coopering trade; Mary GROVES; William TAPP pf D cabinet maker, Edward ELLIOTT of Fordington yeoman, John STANDFIELD of Milborne carpenter, Charles AUSTIN of D taylor; John CLARE of D whitesmith; Patsy CLARE od D spinster; James BEER of Weymouth & Melcombe Regis farmer; William GALPIN the younger of D victualler;John WOOD od D brazier,; unto 2 children of the late John TAPP of D a cooper by his wife Mary; Grace GROVES dau of late Henry GROVES of D hairdresser; Robert ROGERS son of Thomas ROGERS of D breeches maker; Thomas DUNSTER now servant with me; William CLARE of D blacksmith; rest in trust for sister Jane the wife of William HARDY of bloomfield near Chelmsford in Essex whitesmith and then her children James, John, Robert, Jane Joslyn and Elizabeth
Will of George ANDREWS, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset 20 September 1808 PROB 11/1485 + IR/26/411/412 Note:- See Also National Archives UK Death Duty register Inland Revenue document dated 7th Oct 1808 Residence given as Bourton Dorset Court Gillingham Dorset
Will of Catherine MANFIELD, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 23 September 1808 PROB 11/1485 Buried All Saints 12 June 1808

Will of John KEATS, the Elder shoemaker of Dorchester , Dorset

[Note:- John KEATS the Elder (1739-1808) married Barbara BARTLETT at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 25th July 1767. He was buried there on 21 Feb 1808 aged 69]

Dated 24 Aug 1806
Proved 23 Nov 1808
DHC: Ad/Dt/W/1808 Event Record 7 WILL: In the name of God Amen I John KEATS the Elder of Dorchester Shoemaker ----etc --I Give and bequeath all and every part of my stock in trade working utensils of every kind wahtsoever which I shall possess at the time of my decease (after my just debts and funeral expenses are paid) for her use and benefit likewise all sum or sums of money that shall be due to me from any person or persons whatsoever . Item I give and bequeath all my household furniture goods and chattles of every kind to my aforesaid wife to be at her disposal at her decease. I also constitute and appoint my beloved wife Barbara KEATS my whole and sole executrix of this my last Will and Testament Given under my hand and seal this twenty fourth day of August 1806. Witnesses John Wheeler & Edith Wheeler junior
Will of Sophia PITTARD, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset 13 January 1809 PROB 11/1491 [Note:- Buried at Fordington St Georges Church 28th Oct 1808]
Abstract of Administration of Martha SYMMONDS, Spinster of Dorchester, Dorset. Proved in the Court of Dorset. 11 July 1809 IR 26/296 Death Duty Registers National Archives available on line
Will of Robert LAMBERT, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset [Estate left unadministered by Francis Henry LAMBERT deceased admin granted to John OWEN 1810] Dated 03 October 1806
Probate 3rd Oct 1809
Admin 01 May 1810
PROB 11/1504 Will: Refers to a deed of settlement made on his marriage to Sibella + Freehold Lands therein mentioned; Bequests to Francis John BROWNE Esq and John OWEN my Brother-in-law House adjoining his own dwelling bought from William Morton PITT Esq + stablecoach house and yard+ 7 acres of meadow in westward purchased of William TEMPLEMAN Esqdeceased situate in Dorchester Trinity or Fordington. Bequest all real and persdonal estate to Francis John BROWNE; Giles TEMPLEMAN and John OWEN in TRUST to raise the sum of twenty one thousand pounds for the benefit of his children when 21 or girls married. Refers to son Francis Henry LAMBERT. Wife Guardian of her children. [Note: Robert LAMBERT was replaced as an Alderman of Dorchester by Nathaniel Stickland on 2nd Oct 1809 because he had died]
Will of Martha PARKS of Saint Peter Dorchester, Dorset 16 December 1809 PROB 11/1506  
Will of Elizabeth CHAFY [CHAFFEY], Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset Dated 27 Sep 1808
03 Jan 1810
PROB 11/1507

WILL: Bequest unto her brother Rev. William CHAFY of £190:To Nephew James PARSONS also my sister Elizabeth PRIDE the wife of Thomas PRIDE £95 each; The sum of £190 to be shared between 4= 1st to niece Elizabeth Pickering ; 2nd to Nephew Joseph Jefferies 3rd to widow of late Nephew Webb Jefferies Neice Marther Tucker Late Nephew Littlejohn


Will of Francis Henry LAMBERT of Dorchester , Dorset 22 May 1810 PROB 11/1511  
Will of Elizabeth TEMPLEMAN, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 08 September 1810 PROB 11/1515  
Will of John TEMPLEMAN, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset 16 October 1810 PROB 11/1516  
Will of Thomas BRINE, Yeoman of Dorchester , Dorset 21 May 1811 PROB 11/1521  
Will of Esther KIRKWOOD of Dorchester , Dorset 09 July 1811 PROB 11/1524  
Letter of Administration for the estate of William FONE Glazier of Dorchester [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 23 July 1811] LA 27 Nov 1811
Oath 28 Nov 1811
DHC DA/A/1811 event record 4 Granted to Frances FONE the lawful widow and relict of William FONE also bound with her is Richard BARNWELL of Dorchester a glazier and Thomas Gilbert GARLAND of Dorchester a grocer witness Nathaniel Stickland
Will of Christopher ARDEN, Surgeon of Dorchester , Dorset
[Note:- Buried St Peters Church Dorchester 15 Nov 1811]
Dated 19 Aug 1806
Proved 02 Dec 1811
PROB 11/1528 WILL: To son Christopher all my chirsurgeon books implements drugs etc furniture at my shop : My dear wife MARY £100 within 2 months of my death; + all household goods, plate linen, china furniture and the stock of liqures and provisions in the house; All the rest to my wife and the Rev William FLOYER of Stinsford in trust for children; son Christopher £300; Son George Arden £100; Son Henry £300; Residue equally between daughters Mary Arden, Frances Arden, Ann Arden, Jane Arden

Note:- Christopher ARDEN son of George ARDEN & Frances CROWE bap 23 Oct 1751 St Peters Dorchester Surgeon father of Christopher ARDEN bap 10 Apr 1788 Holy Trinity who died 6th April 1861 see below
Letter of Administration for the estate of Sarah HAWKINS, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 14 Mar 1812 DHC DA/A/1812 Event Record 8 Granted to her eldest son James Harvey HAWKINS 14th Mar 1812. [Note:- Her husband James HAWKINS was buried St Peters Church Dorchester 31 Jul 1798 and left a Will appointing her as executrix. She was buried at St Peters 9th April 1811]
Will of Mary EVOMY, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried All Saints Church Dorchester 24 Apr 1812] Will 04 Apr 1812
Proved 19 Aug 1812
PRO probate: 03 August 1813
PROB 11/1547 Also DHC: Ad/Dt/W/1812 event record 15 Original and court copy + Oath Will beneficiaries:- Sisters James GROVES Widow: Martha the wife of James NORMAN Yeoman of Fordington; Sarah the wife of Henry LAKE a carpenter; nephew John Evomy LAKE son of Henry Lake above; Rest to Sister Susannah BOATSWAIN the wife of William BOATSWAIN of Cortesham Yeoman. Witnesses Joseph White and George Stickland
Will of Jane SCOTT, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset 03 February 1813 PROB 11/1541  
Letter of Administration for the estate of Samuel HAYNE, Gentleman of Dorchester [Note:- Buried at St Georges Church Fordington on 18th Feb 1813 aged 64] 08 June 1813 DHC Bc/A/1813 Event Record 9 Granted to Rebecca HAYNE lawful widow & relict of deceased also bound with her is John HAYNE of Dorchester a grocer & Isaac HORLOCK of Blandford Forum a grocer [Note:- Samuel HAYNE of the parish of Holy Trinity & Rebecca TILLY of the parish of Piddletown married at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 28-Jan 1773]
Will of Reverend Nathaniel TEMPLEMAN, Clerk of Dorchester , Dorset [Link to info about Nathaniel TEMPLEMAN (1728-1813) Rector of Holy Trinity and St Peters Churches Dorchester 1781-1813] 05 July 1813 PROB 11/1546 Source CCED - Venn. MA from Trinity, 1753. Not to be confused with ID 51684
Adm. pens. (age 18) at TRINITY, June 14, 1746. Son of William, of Dorchester. School, Eton. ' Matric. 1747; Scholar, 1747; B.A. 1749-50; M.A. 1753. Ord. deacon (Bangor) Sept. 23, 1750; priest (Peterb.) Feb. 23, 1752. Chaplain to Viscount Leinster. Rector of Charborough 2/8/1753: Rector of Almer, Dorset, 28/8/1753 to 97. Vicar of Loders, 6/5/1754-81. Rector of Holy Trinity with St Peter, Dorchester, 20/7/1781 to death in 1813. Rector of Winterborne-Anderson, 1791-1813. R. of Long Brady with Little Brady, 16/9/1797-1813. Died Jan. 8, 1813. (F. S. Hockaday.) Rector of Child Okeford: Death recorded 12/6/1813
Will of Ann ENSOR, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried All Saints 21 Apr 1812 ] Dated 26 Dec 1800

Proved 03 August 1813
PROB 11/1547

WILL: This is the Last Will; and Testament of me Ann ENSOR of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Widow made and published this 26th day of December 1800 hereby revoking all former and other wills by me at any time made and declaring this to be only my Last Will and Testament

I give and bequeath unto my daughter Ann the wife of Robert DAVIS of Dorchester aforesaid Druggist all my monies which I have in the 5% annuities Government Security amounting near the sum of £600 that is to take and receive the interest thereof to and for her own use and benefit notwithstanding coverture & from and after her decease I give and dispose of the same said stock monies to all such children as my said daughter Ann shall have at her decease share and share alike and if but one of them to such only child. All the Rest residue and remainder of my goods chattels personal estate & effects what nature or paid soever & wheresoever (after payment of all my just debts) I give and bequeath unto my said daughter Ann whom I hereby nominate & appoint executrix of this my said Last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written ANN ENSOR
Witnesses The mark of Ann Austin of Dorchester Widow & George STICKLAND Junior

Letter of Administration for the estate of Thomas HUTCHINS, Basket Maker of Dorchester , Dorset [Annotated "when did deceased die - 28th March 1813] 17 Aug 1813 DHC Bc/A event record 10 Granted to Sarah HUTCHINS the lawful widow of the deceased; also bound with her are Henry MOWLAM of Dorchester brewer and John GRAY of Dorchester cordwainer. Wit Thomas BRYER
Will of Jane BEAVER, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 11 October 1813 PROB 11/1548  
Will of Anna HUNT, Spinster of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Could only locate a burial at Broadwinsor in 1811?] Dated 04 May 1803
Proved 20 Feb 1814
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1814 Event Record 16 Beneficiaries: John Morton COLSON the younger the son of Rev John Morton COLSON of Corfe Castle; Thomas Morton COLSON the younger son of, Mary Bond COLSON and Elizabeth Dampier COLSON daughters of of the Rev Thomas Morton COLSON of Dorchester; Mrs Mary FESTING, Masters Robert & Henry FESTING; Mr John TEMPLEMAN; Mrs Edith FEAVER, the Miss SMITH's and two Miss KENN's Mrs WOOD Widow; Mrs GUNDRY and residue to executrix neice Fanny STEERS of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis. Witnessed Wm SPENCER and Richard SPENCER Junior
Probate copy will: Richard WALLIS of Dorchester, Gentleman Will dated 18 Jun 1814 18 Jun 1814 D/LRL/1/481  & PROB 11/1565 Probate granted 3 Feb 1815
Will of George CHURCHILL, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset

[Note:- George CHURCHILL B.A.(1745-1814) He died unmarried on 6th June 1814 aged 69 and was buried at Piddlehinton on 15th. ]
Dated 22 Oct 1769
Codicil 11 Oct 1813
Proved 03 Aug 1814
PROB 11/1559 Will: Brother William CHURCHILL sole beneficiary and executor. witnessed Geo: Cooper and Stickland
Codicil: Dated 11 Oct 1813 : Servant George Drake yearly annuity £20 for life and all his household goods except his family seal, his wine, & two pair of silver candlesticks belonging to my late sister which go to his executor Wm Rush Hallett Churchill ; To his wife Mary Drake my servant £50; To their 2 children Franciis and James Drake £50 each when 18
Appeared personally the Rev William Rush CHURCHILL of Colliton within the parish of Holy Trinity Dorchester Clerk that he is the nephew and one of the next of kin of George CHURCHILL late of Dorchester deceased & the executor named in the Codicil to the last Will & Testament now hereunto annexed of the said deceased the said codicil bearing the date 11th day of Oct 1813 & he further verily believes the writing annexed bearing the date 22nd Oct 1769 is the last will and testament etc which came into the hands and possession of his father William CHURCHILL the executor therein named etc etc
Letter of Administration for the estate of William KERLEY, of Dorchester , Dorset 19 Aug 1814 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1814 event record 3 Granted to William KERLEY the lawful son of the deceased also bound are Isaac MABER of Dorchester a hairdresser and Joseph OLIVER of Dorchester a bricklayer witnesses Thomas Gould READ & Joseph Stone
Will of Edith FEAVER, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 09 May 1815 PROB 11/1568  
Will (and Oath of executrix) of Robert RUMSEY, Plasterer of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester Robert RUMSEY of Pease Lane in this Parish; buried 01 Dec 1814; age 54] Dated 17 Nov 1814
Proved 15 May 1815
DHC:Ad/Dt/W/1815 event record 17 Sole beneficiary wife Sarah RUMSEY appointed executrix for life; after her decease house and dwelling in which he now lives in St Peters Parish and used as a storehouse to his son Robert RUMSEY; Rest divided between 4 children Mary now the wife of William JONES; Eleanor RUMSEY, John RUMSEY, and William RUMSEY; Witnessed by Catherine CHURCHILL; Richard BARNWELL; and Nathaniel STICKLAND [See Marriage of Robert RUMSEY to Sarah GRAY at Holy Trinity Churc h Dorchester on 68th June 1780 for more information about this family]
Will of Thomas BISHOP, Victualler of Dorchester , Dorset 20 May 1815 PROB 11/1568  
Will of William TAPP of Dorchester, Dorset 18 April 1816 PROB 11/1579  
Will of Henry DURDEN of Dorchester, plumber and glazier Will dated 20 Apr 1816 20 Apr 1816 D/LRL/1/96 & PROB 11/1587 Probate granted 24 Dec 1816
Will of Joseph NORMAN Hosier of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 07 Dec 1815; age 34 years] Dated 25 Oct 1815
Proved 22 May 1816
DHC: Ad/Dt/W/1816 event Record 18 Beneficiaries Father William NORMAN in trust for his 3 children Samuel; Joseph; and Mary NORMAN in their minority. Witness Thomas TAPP and William NORMAN
Administration with will annexed: Susannah COOPER of Dorchester, wife of John Cooper Will dated 25 Apr 1816 25 Apr 1816 D/LRL/1/55   Probate granted 10 Sep 1836
Will of Danil or Daniel HARRIS, Woolcomber of Dorchester, Dorset 29 August 1816 PROB 11/1583  
Will of John GARLAND, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset 28 February 1817 PROB 11/1589  
Will of Margaret RICHARDS, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 21 April 1817 PROB 11/1591  
Will of Ann KIRKHAM, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 31 July 1817 PROB 11/1594 Buried St Peters 10 Jan 1817
Will of Betty MEECH, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 06 August 1817 PROB 11/1595  
Will of William NORMAN, Hosier of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 17 Apr 1817; age 67 years; ] Dated 10 Apr 1817
Died 12 Apr 1817
Proved 04 Dec 1817
DHC Da/W/1817 Event Record 14 Will:- To son William NORMAN Copyhold or half tenement and several closes pieces or parcels of land in the parish and Manor of Fordington now in his occupation : son John Evomy NORMAN: Wife [not named but Jane] dwellinghouse and outhouses in his occupation in the parish of St Peters; 3 grandchildren samuel, Joseph & Mary sons and daughter of his late son Joseph; Samuel Chapman Norman Joseph Norman & Mary Cole Norman: witnesses Thomas Tapp and William Trickey proved by his relict 4th Dec 1817 notation testator died 12 Apr 19817
Copy will and codicil of Elizabeth COZENS of Dorchester, spinster 1818 (1819) DHC: PE/DO(HT)/CH 5/1 Filed at DHC under Elizabeth Cozens' Charity [For poor women and almshouses]

Will of Susanna HAWLEY or Susannah DAWE, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 26 June 1818 PROB 11/1605  
Will of Elizabeth HARDY, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset 30 June 1818 PROB 11/1605  
Will of John SHEPPARD, Bankers Clerk of Dorchester , Dorset 14 July 1818 PROB 11/1606  
Thomas FISHER the elder of Dorchester, grocer devised his lands unto his sons Thomas and John Fisher. He died 13 Aug 1818. Thomas Fisher junior died 1 Aug 1839 naming Harriet Fisher and John Fisher his executors 13 Aug 1818 &
1 Aug 1839

NM2/S/11/TS/7/4 & PROB 11/1617 proved 10 June 1819

Lease and Release
1. Harriet Fisher late of Dorchester but now of Honiton Devon, widow and John Fisher late of Highbury Park but now of Chatham Place in Hackney, Middx, gent, devisees in the will of Thomas Fisher late of Dorchester, merchant
2. William Dingley of Sherborne, draper, Thomas Ensor of Milborne Port, Wilts, glover, Thomas Atherton, sailmaker, Thomas Ayles, shipbuilder and Henry Raggett, sculptor all of Weymouth, Levi Riggs, miller, George Riggs, baker and George Cale, cordwainer all of Dewlish, William Shutter of Piddletrenthide, butcher, George Derriman of Cerne Abbas, tinman, William Bartlett, draper and William Daw, cabinet maker both of Dorchester and Simon Hearn of Sydling, baker
3. John Mason of Dorchester, superintendent preacher
Recital: That Thomas Fisher the elder of Dorchester, grocer devised his lands unto his sons Thomas and John Fisher. He died 13 Aug 1818. Thomas Fisher junior died 1 Aug 1839 naming Harriet Fisher and John Fisher his executors.
Consideration 2 to 1: £275
1 to 2 and 3
Property: a piece of ground in St Peter's Parish measuring 53 feet by 44 feet 10 inches, bounded on the west by stables late in the occupation of party 1 but recently sold by auction to Robert Williams Esq, on the east by a road leading out of Durngate Street towards other land owned by John Fisher, on the south by Durngate Street and on the north by a garden belonging to Thomas Fisher deceased
Covenants: To build a methodist chapel on the site

Will of Batt CHAFFEY, Yeoman of Dorchester, Dorset

[Note:- Buried at All Saints Church Dorchester on 28th Feb 1812  

Note:- DEATH: On Saturday the 22d.ult, died, at Dorchester, in an advanced age, Mr.Bat.Chaffey, formerly Governor of Dorchester prison, and many years clerk of the markets in that town. Source Salisbury and Winchester Journal Monday, March 2nd, 1812]

Batt Chaffey Senior (1749-1812) he was baptised at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 11 May 1749 the 8th child from the marriage of James CHAFFEY to Elizabeth BATT on the 6th Feb 1736/7 at the Parish Church in Compton Valence in Dorset.

Dated 29 Aug 1800
04 Feb 1819
PROB 11/1613

WILL :- This is the Last Will and Testamnet of me Batt CHAFFEY of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Yeoman made and published this twenty ninth day of August in the year of our Lord Christ One Thousand Eight Hundred in manner following that is to say

I Give devise and bequeath unto my good friends George STRICKLAND the Younger of Dorchester in the said County of Dorset Gentleman and to John MORGAN of Fordington in the said County Yeoman and to the heirs executors administrators of the survivor of them All That my Freehold property known by the name of the "Wright House" situated in Dorchester aforesaid with its appurtenances And Also all those my Leasehold properties situate in Fordington and Dorchester aforesaid which I hold for terms of years determinable on lives and all other my personal estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever IN TRUST to dispose of the rents issues and profits of the above Lands both Freehold and Leasehold and the interest of such other personal estate as I may die possessed of unto my wife Betty for and during the term of her natural life and from and after her decease :-

    I Give devise and bequeath the same Lands both Freehold and Leasehold other all personal property unto and amongst Martha the wife of Richard GALE one of the Clerks of the Bank of England Gentleman , Elizabeth the wife of Matthew STIMBRIDGE late of Dorchester aforesaid Carpenter and James CHAFFEY of the same place Joiner and Cabinet Maker and his sisters Betsey and Martha CHAFFEY equally to be divided between them share and share alike But in case either of them the said Martha GALE, Elizabeth STIMBRIDGE, James CHAFFEY Betsey & Martha CHAFFEY happen to die before entitled to such share by virtue of this my Will without leaving any issue Then it is my Will and desire that the share or shares of him her or them so dying shall go to and be equally divided with the Survivors and if but one then to such Survivor -- AND
I do hereby nominate and appoint them the said George STICKLAND the Younger and John MORGAN Executors of this my Will in TRUST as aforesaid In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written
Signed Batt CHAFFEY

Signed sealed & published and declared by the said testator as and for his Last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request subscribed our names as witnesses thereto in his presence and in the presence of each other

PROVED at London 4th February 1819 before the Judge by the oath of George STICKLAND (heretofore the Younger) the surviving executor to whom administration was granted being first sworn Voimon to duly administer.

Will of Jane ARDEN, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset

[Note:-Buried St Peters Entry 70 in burial register – Miss Jane ARDEN from West Street, in Holy Trinity Parish in this town; buried 09 Dec 1818; age 22 years; Rev. Henry John Richman Rector ]
Dated 25 Nov 1818

Proved 06 Feb 1819
PROB 11/1613 WILL: In the First Place my desire is to be buried at the feet of or as near as possible to my dear father and mother.
I wish my Funeral to be quite plainand to be served by Mr Browning.
Four plain mouring rings alike for each of my Brothers and Brother-in-Law and one likewise for Dr Cooper
I give my watch to Ann in exchange for her's, if she is willing to make such exchange, and Ann's watch which I receive in exchange I give to Jane ARDEN daughter of Christopher and Jane ARDEN with my chain & seal
All my plate I bequeath to the housekeepers in South Street and namely Frances ARDEN and Ann ARDEN except the Apostles spoon which I desire Lady OLDFIELD's acceptance of and
the old fashioned cream jug which I give to my sister Frances ARDEN
My best Diamond Ring with my Grandfathers hair in it, and ear rings I give to Lady OLDFIELD
I give to Jane ARDEN wife of Christopher ARDEN my other Diamond Ring which belonged to my mother
All the other rings I give to Frances and Ann ARDEN between them
All my clothes to be divided in equal shares between my sisters Frances and Ann ARDEN.
All the residue of my property I bequeath to my Brothers and Sisters to be divided equally between them except what be hereafter mentioned provided Ann is unwilling to exchange her watch for mine I give my own to Jane ARDEN
I give one of my pearl broches to Frances ARDEN and the other to Ann ARDEN
I wish out of my property in the funds to allow Nolt the grandmother of the little girl who is now dying one shilling a week during her life as a testimony of the sence I have of her great humanity & attention to her grandaughterduring a long illness
I give my writing desk to my brother Henry ARDEN

Witness my hand Jane ARDEN -- Signed in the presence of us by the above named Jane ARDEN this 25th day of Novemver 1818 Mary Hodges & Elizabeth Vickers
[Codicil] I do give Sally SAPE a suit of morning and five guneas in case of my death - Fanny to have my Cornelia ear rings and necklace

PROBATE: On the 16th Feb 1819 Administration with the will and codicil annexed of all and singular the goods chattles and credits of Jane ARDEN late of Dorchester in the County of Dorset spinster deceased was granted to George ARDEN the natural and lawful Brother as such one of the residuary legatees named in the will Dame Mary OLDFIELD; (by & with consent of Sir John OLDFIELD Baronet her lawful husband) Christopher ARDEN Frances ARDEN spinster Henry ARDEN & Ann ARDEN Spinster the natuaral and lawful and only other brothers & sisters of the said Deceased & as such the other residuary legatees named in the said Will having first sworn as by Acts of Court do appear.
Letter of Administration and Will of William GALPIN Senior , Cooper of Dorchester , Dorset

[Note:- William GALPIN (1740-1818) married Sarah MASTERS at St Georges Church Fordington on 25th April 1763 was buried at St George's Church Fordington on 1st Nov 1818]
Dated 11 Jun 1818
Oath 13 Jul 1819
DHC Da/W/1819 event record 17 Will beneficiaries:- £20 each to all his grandchildren:- Mary & William of daughter Elizabeth MORGAN widow: Ann, John, James & William children of my late daughter Sarah TULLIDGE: George, William, Charlotte,Eliza, Sarah, Martha and John children of my son William GALPIN: Elizabeth, Ann, Maria, children of my late son John GALPIN: James, William, Elizabeth children of my late daughter Ann MASTERS; Robert, Ann and Jane children of son Jacob George GALPIN; Also £150 to grandson James son of late son James GALPIN. Also £100 + furniture, plate and china to daughter Elizabeth GALPIN; also son William and brother Elias GALPIN common brewer £100 in trust for son Jacob George GALPIN; Also son-in-law John TULLIDGE of Dorchester Victualler £30; Also son-in-law James MASTERS of Dorchester baker £30; daughter in law Elizabeth GALPIN widow of late son John GALPIN £30; daughter-in-law Jane GALPIN wife of Jacob George GALPIN £10; Rest so son William GALPIN and brother Elias executors
Will of Samuel RUSSELL, Miller of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at Portesham Dorset on 2nd april 1819 ged 58] Dated 06 aug 1818
proved 22 July 1819
DHC Da/W/1819 event record 15 Sole beneficary under will is his wife Dorothy RUSSELL mentions 3 children but unnamed: witnessed by Robert Henning and Thomas Warden Annotated " Testator died 29th March 1819]
Will of Hester BRISTED, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 31 August 1819 PROB 11/1619  
Will of William PURCHASE, Grocer of Dorchester , Dorset Dated 03 Oct 1815
Amended 20 Jun 1819
Proved 19 Oct 1819
DHC Da/W/1819 event record 16 Will: benfits to wife Honour Hutchins PURCHASE (nee BROOKS) bequests to his brother John PURCHASE of London; Eldest sister Mary HORTON of London; 2nd sister Elizabeth BARNETT of Stapleford in Wilts; youngest sister Susannah MATHEWS of ealing in Hants; mention of father-in-law James BROOKS senior of Fordington and £250 received as her dowry on marriage. [Note:- Honour Hutchins BROOKS was baptised at Fordington on 16th Aug 1786 the daughter of James & & Elizabeth BROOKS. She married William PURCHASE in St Georges Church Fordington on 19th Nov 1810 when she was 24. I have not traced any children and none are mentioned in the Will]
Will of Thomas CURME, Cabinet Maker of Dorchester , Dorset

[Note:- Mr. Thomas CURMEof West Street was buried 24 Jun 1819 at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester ; age 66 years]

Link to more information about Thomas CURME (1753-1819)
Dated 20th June 1819

Proved: 06 Nov 1819

Side line entry:-
'Proved at Ldn 11th March 1823 before Judge by oath Charles Curme the son the other exectutor whom admin granted --- he has attained the age of 21 years'
PROB 11/1622 Bequests: All his Freehold Estate in the Parish of Whitchurch Canonicorum Dorset unto my 4 sons Charles Curme; John Curme; Thomas Curme; and George Curme. - Also all his leasehold estate called 'Little Pitt' situate in the parish of Whitchurch to his 4 sons: Estate not to be sold but any son can purchase the interest of the others for £1,000 to each of them. All his estate in the Parish of Holy Trinity in Dorchester in the occupation of John Bowditch Edwards to his son Charles Curme; His house in which he dwells to his son John Curme; His his leasehold property situate in South Back Street in Dorchester now in the occupation of Rev Abel Edwards Lewis and others unto my son George Curme: All his premises situate in St Peters Parish in Dorchester in South Street and now in the occupation of John Wheeler and others umto my son Thomas Curme: To my Son-in-law Thomas Tullidge of Dorchester Victualler £1,500 - also forgive him debts owed to me; Wife Sarah [Jane ?*] 1 clear annuity or annual payment £200; My wife to have choice of of a house to live in and such household goods and furniture ; Also £30 annuity to John Wheeler and Edith his wife and to live in the house they now occupy free of rent for their lives. To my son George CURME the close and field or pasture land at Broadmayne; Rest in trust for his children until they reach age 21; To Sarah Penn resident at Chatham £20 ; Out of interest from his remaining estate £50 each for his childrens education and maintenance until 21; Appoints John Acres of Bath brewer ; John Bartlett of Wincanton Somerset Cabinet Maker and son Charles Curme joint executors and trustees

[Note:- His first wife was called Sarah but died 2nd Mar 1794 being buried at Holy Trinity. Thomas Tullidge married their daughter also called Sarah Curme (born 1780) in 1806 hence bequests above - but his 2nd wife Jane gave birth to his 4 sons referred to in his will who are all clearly under 21 when he wrote his will. I have concluded therefore that Sarah is a clerical error for Jane (nee Fouracres) who lived to 1838. This may be why there is a 2nd probate proved 11th March 1823 when the 3rd executor - his under aged eldest son Charles Curme - was sworn in when he reached his maturity]
Will of Thomas DOWELL, of All Saints Parish in Dorchester , Dorset Dated 15 Jun 1815
Proved 05 Apr 1820
DHC Da/W/1820/ 21 All to wife Ann also executrix - witnesses John Biles senior and junior + Her Oath dated 5th April 1820
Will of Anne Wilce SPEED, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 09 May 1820 PROB 11/1630 Buried at St Peters Entry 90a in the burial register - Mrs Ann Wilce SPEED widow of the late Mr. Thomas SPEED of South Street in this parish [was buried] 18th March [1820] age 66 [years] by the Rev. James Hooper
Will of Robert WHITE of Saint Peters Dorchester , Dorset 08 June 1820 PROB 11/1631  
Will of Rebecca CHICK, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset 13 June 1820 PROB 11/1630 Buried St Peters Entry 90 in the burial register– Rebecca CHICK of South Street in this parish; buried 20 Feb 1820; age 92 years; Rev. Henry John Richman Rector
Will of Catherine BURNARD, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 01 July 1820 PROB 11/1631 Query? Note a Catherine BURNETT widow was buried in St Peters Aug 1819]
Letter of Administration for the estate of Elizabeth DAVIS, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church 28th Dec 1819 aged 40 years] 05 Aug 1820 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1820 Event Record 3 Granted to Joseph DAVIS of Toller Fratrum, Little Toller the lawful father and next of kin. Also bound John DAVIS of Frampton and William WATTS of Sydling St Nicholas + Statement from the managers of teh Dorchester Bank £21 - 9 - 4d + document Servant to Mr EDWARDS of Dorchester

Will of William PEARCE, Malster of Dorchester , Dorset from the Dorset Archdeaconry Court : No.20 - 1820 Will PEARCE William Dorchester


Also Standard Letter of Administration granted to Mary TRENOW wife of the Rev Frederick Joseph Cox TRENOW of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Clerk, the said Frederick Joseph Cox Trenow, Ann PEARCE of the same place Spinster, Joseph STONE of the same place Gentleman and Thomas HAZARD of the same place cabinet maker are held and formly bound unto the Rev William England Doctor in Divinity Archdeacon of the Archdenery of Dorset in the penal sum of Four Thousand Pounds

[Note:- Link to the marriage of William PEARCE to Ann FRAMPTON 31 Aug 1788 at Puddletown and more information about their family]

Dated 15 Aug 1818

Proved 21 Oct 1820



DHC Da/W/1820 event record 20 and AD/DO/W/1820 event record 20

WILL: This is the last Will and Testament of me William PEARCE of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Maltster made and published the fifteenth day of August in the year of our Lord Christ One Thousand eight hundred and eighteen, hereby revoking and making void all other Wills by me heretofore mage

Imprimis : I Give and devise unto my dear wife Ann for and during the term of her natural life ALL that my Freehold Messuage or Dwellinghouse with the appurtenances now or late in the occupation of Martha PAYNE widow, AND also all that Malthouse or Freehold property in Priory Lane and which I some years since purchased of the trustees or executors of the late Robert LAMBERT Esquire deceased and now in my own occupation AND also all that my leasehold property called or known by the name of the Phoenix Inn with and all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging and which said last mentioned premises I claim to hold for a term of years determinable on lives. ALL which hereditaments and premises are situate and lying and being in the parish of All Saints in Dorchester aforesaid and from and after the decease of my said dear wife I Give and devise all the above mentioned freehold and leasehold property unto my two daughters Mary, the wife of the Reverend Frederick Joseph Cox TRENOW and Ann PEARCE equally between them as tenants in common and not as jpoint tenants, ALSO I give and bequeath unto my said daughter Ann PEARCE the sum of One Thousand Pounds to be paid her on arriving at or attaining the age of twenty five years, but in case she marries in the meantime without the consent and approbation of mt said dear wife THEN it is my Will and I so direct that the said sum of one thousand pounds shall not be paid her butthat the same shall remain for the use and benefit of my said dear wife with absolute power to dispose of the same in any way she shall or may think proper. AND LASTLY as the the rest residue and remainder of my personal estate and effects of what nature or kind soever (after payment of all my just debts funeral expenses and the expenses of proving this my Will I Give and bequeath the same and every part thereof unto my said dear wife her executors and administrators and I do hereby nominate and appoint my said dear wife Ann Executrix of this my Will In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written - Signed Wm PEARCE

Witnessed William GARLAND : William SLYFIELD: George STICKLAND

On the twenty first day of October 1820 the annexed Will of William PEARCE of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Maltster deceased was proved by the oat of Mary TRENOW the wife of the Reverend Joseph Cox TRENOW of Dorchester aforsaid Clerk and Ann PAERCE of the same place Spinster the lawful daughters and next of kin of the deceased to who administration of all and singular the goods chattels and Credits of the said deceased (Note:- added interline "Elizabeth? [ should be Ann ] Pearce the executrix therein named dying in the life of the testator")the said Will annexed was granted they being first duly sworn upon the Holy Evangelists well and faithfully to administer the same to exhibit a true and perfect inventory thereof into the Registry of the Court of the Archdeacon of Dorset and render a just account thereof when lawfully required And that the whole of the goods chattels and credits of the said deceased do not amount in value to the sum of two thousand pounds. In the presence of John Stone before me Henry John Rickman surrogate for this purpose appointed [Note Testator died 14th Oct 1820]

Will of George FREAK, tiler of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at St Georges Church Fordington on ] Dated 17 Jul 1820
Proved 02 Dec 1820
DHC Da/W/1820 event record 22 Will: left to wife and 4 daughters all unnamed - grandsons George Freak DENNIS and James ELFORD Exec son-in-law Amos DENNIS wit: Joseph Browning and Stephen DENNIS
Will of Mary ROBERTS, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 27 February 1821 PROB 11/1640  

Letter of Administration granted for the estate of James FOY of Dorchester a music master who died intestate was granted to his widow Margaret FOY, of Dorchester

Oath & L/A
15 Mar 1821
DHC Ad/Dt/A/1821 event record 9 Bound with Margaret FOY the lawful widow and relict of James FOY was Joseph BROWNING the elder of the same place mercer and John DURDEN of the same place plumber and glazier: Witness Evan Davies. [NOTE:- The oath taken by Margaret FOY to confirm to the court that her deceased husband did not leave a will is dated the 15th March 1821 and this has a side line entry "When did the Intestate die - answer 10th July 1821 with the actual date being entered at a later date in a different hand" This is a clerical error as the year should read 1820 as buried on 15th July 1820 at St Georges Church Fordington]
Will & Oath of Administration for the estate of of Thomas RANDALL, Grocer of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Thomas RANDALL of All Saints Parish Dorchester; buried 20 Mar 1821; age 56 years] Dated 20 Dec 1804
Died 09 Mar 1821
Proved 08 Jun 1821
DHC Da/W/1821 event record 14 Will:- Main beneficiary & executrix Mary RANDALL wife; £50 left to neice Ann RANDALL now living with him when she reaches 21 left in care of his widow and his brother Mathew RANDALKL; bequests to Nephews William RANDALL son of his late brother William; nephew John WICKHAM of Portsea Hants; nephew Thomas RANDALL son of siad brother mathew; mention of 1 acre of meadow owned in Fordington purchased from William SAMWAYS left to widow. Effects recorded as £450 [Note:- Will and oath have a statement "When did testator die - answer 9th March 1821]

Will of Elizabeth COZENS, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset

[Note:- 6th child from the marriage of Revd Edward COZENS (1690-1753), Master of the free school in Dorchester to his wife Ursula - See her burial 15th March 1821 aged 84 remained a spinster]

Link to the entry for Revd Edward COZENS MA (1690-1753) as Master of the Free Grammer School in Dorchester

Dated 9th Nov 1818

Witnesses Richard Henning

Thomas Harden

JosNorman; Clerks to Mr Henning

Proved London

21 June 1821

PROB 11/1644

Buried St Peters Entry 73 in burial register – Mrs Elizabeth COZENS an “Especial benefactor in this town" from South Street in this parish; buried 15 Mar 1821; age 84 years; Rev. Henry John Richman Rector [Note:- Link to picture of the monument and more information about her life]

WILL: To be buried at St Peters in Dorchester as near as possible to where her mother & father were buried; Property at Hazelbury Bryan to a relation the Reverend William CHAFY of the city of Canterbury; To Mrs Ann Jestins wife of my relation Benjamin Jestins of Dorchester a mercer dwelling in which she lives in St Peters with outhouses etc under a lease granted by the Mayor, Bailiffs Aldermen and Burgesses of Dorchester to my late brother Edward Cozens deceased for 99 years determinable unpon the lives of Charlotte the wife of the Revd Giles MEECH (late Charlotte TEMPLEMAN spinster) & Mr John GRIFFITH the younger and also all that my garden or plot of ground situate in the Back Lane in the parish of St Peter in Dorchester now also in the occupation of and which I came to hold by virtue of a lease granted by the right honourable Elizabeth Countess Dowager of Ilchester to my said deceased brother Edward COZINS for the term of 99 years and which is now determinable on my death and that of Mrs Elizabeth PRIDE (late Elizabeth PARSONS spinster) To hold the said dwelling house and garden unto the said Ann JESTINS for and during the term of her natural life and in the event of her death her children.Also bequeath to my relation Mrs Sarah MINTER? an annuity or halkf yearly sum of £20 : to my relation Mrs Elizabeth PARKINS a half yearly annuity of £10 ; to relation Mrs Elizabeth PRIDE the same ; to the children of my late relation Mr Webb JESTINS the same ; relation Mr Joseph JESTINS his wife and son the same; bequeath his 3rd share in Noeris? Hill Farm at piddletown in the occupation of Mr John BOWRING ; I also give to my relation Revd William CHAFY the younger a gilt candle Cup and a five guinea piece in gold. to goddaughter Mrs Mary HENNIKER £10, a brilliant diamond ring in blue enamel and a gold Locket set with pearls and to my sister in law Mrs Ann COZENS and to her sister Miss Dorothy LEATH a mourning ring each; to Ann JESTINS my work bed with the bedstead and funiture and the chandelier normally in the drawing room, & all the rest residue of my household goods & furniture rings jewels plate linen china books pictures + cloths and wearing apparel; to relation James PARSONS of Dorchester grocer £300; to Sarah MINIER £100; to relation Miss Elizabeth Stump GAUNTLETT £100; to relation Mrs Elizabeth HINE? £100; relation Martha TUCKER £100; to each of the children of relation Mrs CHAFY LITTLEJOHN late of Somerton deceased £50; to Elizabeth PICKERING £100; to Elizabetrh PRIDE £100; to Mrs Martha BROOKS late Martha STAYNER daughter of the late William STAYNER of Dorchester cork cutter £20; to Ruth Patch £100; to the 5 Misses FEAVER of Dorchester £5 each; to Mrs Martha STICKLAND £5; to Miss Elizabeth COOMBES£5; to Miss Elizabeth POUNCEY £5; to Mrs Mary ELLIOTT £5; to the two to the 2 Misses TATTONS of Fordington £5 each; Mr Christopher ARDEN £20; Mr John Bowditch EDWARDS £20; toJohn MUNCKTON £20; to Simon COX of Leigh £20; to Mr John PITMAN £20; Mr William BOOTH formerly of Dorchester but now of Great Toller £10; to my late old servant Sarah TREVISS formerly Sarah BASCOMBE £10; + present servants living with me £20 above wages due and a suit of mourning clothes; Mrs Susannah GARRETT 2 shillings weekly for life; Rev Henry John RICHMAN Rector of parish of Holy Trinity and Minister for St Peters ; and [blank] the Rector of All Saints and unto nBenjamin JESTINS and James PARSONS five hundred pounds of stock called Navy five per cent annuities in trust to apply the proceeds annually in January :- £6 among women residing in the parish of St Peters (in which she was born) of good character who have not received alms or other support etc in last 6 months ; £5 for each parish of Holy Trinity and All Saints same conditions; £3 amongst persons residing in the Almshouse called Chubb's ; £2.10s Nappers both in St Peters and £2.10s Whetsones in All Saints; Provisions to replace trustees; Instructions to erect the tablet in St Peters see link above; Third part share in farm called Norris Mill REST to Benjamin JESTINS and James PARSONS who are executors

Will of Mary LOCKE, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset 21 June 1821 PROB 11/1644  
Will of John ROGERS, Labouer of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- buried at John ROGERS from South Street in the parish of St peters Dorchester on 28 Sep 1820; age 35 years] Dated 20 Sep 1820
Proved 21 Aug 1821
DHC Bc/W/1821 event record 12 Will Freehold Cottage & workshops, garden, grounds and hereditaments & premises situated in Winterbourne Whitchurch + all other estate to sole beneficiary and executrix his wide Ann ROGERS Effects under £100
Oath for a Letter of Administration for the estate of Richard BARNWELL a glazier late of St Peters Parish in Dorchester Dorset [Note:- Buried at St Peters Church Dorchester 1st Feb 1821] January 1822 DHC Bc/W/1821 event record 5 Only a fragment of this document survives but sufficient to be able to identify that he left a will (not attached) which named a female BARNWELL spinster of Cerne Abbas (possibly a sister?) as executrix looks like she was bound under a letter of administration to manage his estate also being bound was Thomas BARNWELL of Dorchester. Richard BARWELL was also a bondsman on a LA granted in 1811 for a Wm Fone and is shown in the 1807 Poll Book for Dorchester as a glazier. [Note:- have uindexed under '??well' I have done a correction but this is not coming up on the index search]
Will of Samuel HALLETT, Innkeeper or Victualler of Dorchester , Dorset [No trace of burial] Dated 04 Apr 1822
Proved 11 Sep 1822
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1822 event rec16ord In Trust with James PARSONS of Dorchester a glover by trade and Thomas BARNWELL of Cerne Abbas a glazier for the benefit of his wife Jane and after her deceased his unnamed children; Also Ben: Catharine Lewis the daughter of Catharine the wife of John Sharp of Blandford an Innkeeper : also Brother and sister Charles HALLETT and Betty HALLETT and children of his sister Jane by her 1st husband John YOUNG
Probate copy will: Elizabeth STORY of Dorchester, spinster Will dated 5 Oct 1822 5 Oct 1822 D/LRL/1/373   Probate granted 2 Jan 1826
Probate copy will: John FOOT of Dorchester, carpenter and joiner Will dated 4 Nov 1822
4 Nov 1822 D/LRL/1/132   Probate granted 9 Nov 1831 - See Will of daughter Elizabeth James 15 Sep 1850
Will of Jane STRICKLAND [STICKLAND] , Widow of Dorchester , Dorset

[Note:- The widow of Robert STICKLAND (1744-1804) Attorney of Dorchester and Gentleman]
Dated 30th April 1817
Proved 25 June 1822
PROB 11/1658 WILL: Bequest to my daughter Mary Suzanna COX £125 : Bequest to my son Charles STICKLAND £250 : Bequest to my daughter Henrietta STICKLAND £250; Bequest to my daughter Ann CREE £425 All legacies to be paid within 12 months : All the rest bequeathed to son Nathaniel Stickland

Will of Rebecca BARTLETT, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset

[Note:-Rebecca BARTLETT (1745-1822) was the 5th child from the marriage of William BARTLETT (1711/12-1772) to Susannah WHITE who married at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 13th July 1735]

[Note:- Her sister Ann BARTLETT (1748-1834) referred to in the Will  married William CLARKE from the parish of St Peters at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 2nd May 1773 ]

[Note:- Rebecca BARTLETT of All Saints Parish in Dorchester was buried there on 6th Apr 1822 aged 78 years]

Dated 28 Apr 1818

Codicil 02 Oct 1818

Buried 6 Apr 1822

Proved 08 July 1822

PROB 11/1659 WILL:-Bequests To the Rev. Abel EDWARDS of Dorchester and George STICKLAND of Dorchester Gentlemen £162 4s stock at 3% In TRUST for dividends and profits to my sister Ann CLARK the wife of William CLARKE of Dorchester Labourer for her life THEN to my brother [in-law] William CLARKE £5; To his son James CLARKE the £15 To his son John CLARKE £5 and to his daughter Sarah CLARKE £15 After payment of above rest to Rebecca SPARKS the wife of James SPARKS of Dorchester Salesman / and Mary CLARK two other daughters of the said William CLARKE Also to my sister Ann CLARK 1 pair of blankets one quilt one new sheet and a warming pan -- Also to Rebecca SPARKS a Chest of Drawers and 1 new sheet : To Sarah CLARK a feather bed now in the possession of her mother the said Ann CLARK and also one new sheet to the said Mary CLARK a Feather bed bolster and one new sheet a quilt and a gold pin : To Rebecca daughter of James SPARKS half a dozen silver spoons and to Sarah his other daughter a gold ring also patchwork intended for a quilt which I did myself : also my wearing apparel to my sister Ann CLARK and said three neices Rebecca SPARKS; Mary SPARKS and Sarah CLARK All the REST inc £20 deposited in the Dorchester Savings Bank to James CLARK; John CLARK; Rebecca SPARKS; Mary CLARKE; and Sarah CLARK : Rev Abel Edwards and George STICKLAND executors
Will of Francis OAKLEY, Brewer of Dorchester , Dorset

Dated 13 Nov 1821

Proved 15 July 1822

PROB 11/1659 Will: Bequests to Francis OAKLEY my son £325 to be paid 3 years after his death. To daughter Mary the wife of Francis INGRAM of Dorchester £300 3 years after my death: To daughters Elizabeth Oakley and Ann Oakley £500 each after 3 years and freehold and leasehold premises:- : To my son Robert OAKLEY the tenement I now live in and premises in All Saints Parish + brewing utensils and stock etc and allow his sisters Elizabeth and Ann to reside in the premises until their legacies are paid + Executor with James Harvey Hawkins . Proved London 15 July 1822

Will of John WHETTAM, Servant to the Rev.Thomas Morton COLSON of Dorchester , Dorset

[Note:- John WHETHAM of Pease Lane was buried at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 27 May 1822 aged 52 years by Rev. Thomas Morton Colson (1764-1830) Officiating Minister]

[Note:- Link to his marriage to Diana CHILDS at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 1st Dec 1796 for more information about his family].

Dated 04 May 1822
Proved 13 Feb 1823
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1823 event record 16

WILL:- In the name of God amen - I John WHETTAM of Dorc hester in the County of Dorset Servant to teh Revd Tho. Morton COLSON do majke this my last will & testament - I give to my three sons, James Joseph, & Robert, the sum of two guineas each to be paid them within a month of my decease. I also giveto my wife Diana WHETTAM, all my House hold goods, of every sort, & kind - & the rest & residue of my money now in the hands of my said Master, the Reverend Tho. Morton COLSON for her use and advantage during her natural life. I then direct the same to be divided equally between my two daughters Mary Ann & maria, at her my wifes decease - they apying their brother Robert (if then living) the sum of ten pounds. I also appoint my said Master the Revd Tho. Morton COLSON whole and sole Executor of this my will hereby revoking all other wills by me at any time made - & I do request of my said Master never at any time to let my wife have any of the money left due to me from him/ save and except the six guineas before given to my three sons / it being my will & desire that she should have the interest only for her use & that the principal sum should remain in my said Masters hands for the future benefit of my daughters, Mary Ann & Maria, & my son Robert as aforesaid In witness whereof I have this fourth day of May in the year one thousand eight hundred & twenty two set my hand and seal. John WHETTAM - Signed sealed and declared by the said John cWHETTAM In the presence of us who in his presence & in the presence of each other have this day set our hands may ROGERS; Mary BILES Dorchester May Fourth 1822 - proved 13th Feb 1823 by the oath of Thomas Morton COLSON value does not amount to £200.

Will of Matthew BAKER, Auctioneer of Dorchester , Dorset

[Note:-Buried St Peters Entry 114 in the burial register – Matthew BAKER from Street in this parish; buried 07 Nov 1821; age 68 years; Rev. Henry John Richman Rector.]

Dated 23rd Jan 1817

27 March 1823

PROB 11/1667

WILL: Very long will not transcribed few details 1st page

John FOOT younger Dorchester Cabinet Maker & Auctioneer £10 to assist valuation :
Wearing apparel to brother Luke BAKER :
To servant Harriet CHICK 2 good suits of mourning & £20 + wages: Rest to Thomas COOMBS of Dorchester Attorny & others in Trust - realise all assets - place £1200 out at interest - pay interest on £500 to brother Luke ; Interest on another £500 to sister Elizabeth WOODSFORD Widow ; Interest on "200 to servant Harriet CHICK etc etc etc refers to nephews Mark Baker and James WOODSFORD

Will of Edward Robert LAMBERT, Captain half pay 21st Fuzeleers of Dorchester , Dorset 22 April 1823 PROB 11/1669  
Letter of Administration for the estate of Sarah HUTCHINS Widow of Dorchester , Dorset

[Note:- Sarah ENSOR (1764-1822) was the 4th child from the marriage of William ENSOR (1727-1788) to Sarah BUSHROD (1731-1801) who married at Holy Trinity Church Dorhester on 7th Nov 1753 -- she married Thomas HUTCHINS (1759-1813) at All Saints Church Dorchester on 29th May 1803 and was buried All Saints Church Dorchester aged 53 years on 3rd June 1822 -]
L/A dated 05 Jun 1823 DHC Bc/A Event Record 4 Know all men by these presents that we Hannah ENSOR of Dorchester In the County of Dorset, Spinster , John ENSOR of Dorchester aforesaid Grocer and John GRAY of the same place Cordwainer are held and firmly bound unto the Reverend William ENGLAND Clerk Doctor in Divinity Archdeacon of the Archdeaconry of Dorset lawfully constituted in the sum of six hundred and thirty pounds & eleven shillings and six pence --- etc --- 5th day of June 1823 etc

The Condition of this obligation is such that the said Hannah ENSOR the lawful sister and Administratrix of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of Sarah HUTCHINS of Dorchester aforesaid deceased during the non age and minority of Thomas HUTCHINS the lawful and only child of the said deceased do make or cause to be made a true and perfect inventory etc etc
Will of George NEWMAN, Taylor of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- of High West Street buried Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 26 Sep 1822; age 49 years] Dated 17 Aug 1820
Died 21 Sep 1822
Proved 11 Jun 1823
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1823 Event Record 15 Beneficiaries quarter to Naphew Thomas NEWMAN of Dorchester a taylor three Quarters to his brother John NEWMAN of Sherborne a cordwainer both executors; witnessed James Mills and George Stickland under £600 annotation testator died 21st Sep 1822
Will of William TAYLOR, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset 14 July 1823 PROB 11/1673  
Will of John GREENING, Collar Maker of Dorchester , Dorset 17 September 1823 PROB 11/1675  
Will of Sibella LAMBERT, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 15 January 1824 PROB 11/1680 See also 18 Aug 1826
Letter of Administration for the estate of Richard HAYMAN alias HERMAN , of Dorchester , Dorset
[Note:- Buried All Saints Church 26th Mar 1824]
08 May 1824 DHC Granted to his widow Mary HAYMAN of Dorchester: Also bound with her are Charles AUSTIN of Dorchester a taylor and Thomas STROUD of Dorchester a Gentleman [Side note "Intestate died 25th March 1824] Also a statement from the Dorchester Banks had funds of £23-7-2d under name of Richard HERMAN [Note:- Husband of Mary nee Smith whom he married at Bridport Dorset on 4th July 1809]
Will of Ann DOWELL, Widow late of Dorchester but now of Cerne Abbas Dated 05 Apr 1820
Proved 19 Aug 1824
DHC Bc/W/1824/ 35 Will beneficiary her Son-in-law Robert COCKERAM of Cerne Abbas and his wife Rachel her daughter effects under £200 Witnesses James Crane and Thomas Coombs
Will of George STICKLAND, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset
[Note:- Magistrate & Town Clerk of Dorchester (from 30th Sep 1816) buried Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 16th Jan 1824]
Dated 2 Jan 1824
Proved 23 Sep 1824
PROB 11/1690 Will:- All lands and property etc to wife Fanny execurtix for term of her life then £700 to daughter Eleanor Jane Stickland rest to son George John Stickland and daughter Eleanor Jane equally. Witnesses Thomas Gould Read; John Waldron carter

On 8th Dec 1825 Administration with Will of the goods Chattels and credits of George Stickland late of Dorchester left unadministered by Fanny Stickland Widow the relict sole executrix and universal legatee for life to Eleanor Jane Criswick (wife of James Criswick (here before Stickland spinster) the daughter & one oof the resdiuary legatees --- the executrix having died intestate [Note:- Marble Tablet in church see monumental inscriptions]

[Also Note:- George STICKLAND the Younger of Dorchester a Gentleman and a bachelor above the age of 21 years entered into a marriage bond with John Doe on 22nd Dec 1802 for his marriage to Fanny APPLING a Widow of the Parish of St Leonard's Shoreditch in London - See Dorchester Strays]
Will of Reverend Henry John RICHMAN, Clerk of Dorchester , Dorset 22 December 1824 PROB 11/1693 Source CCED - Appointed Curate Holy Trinity Dorchester 7 July 1807: Instituted Rector 1813: Death recorded on 25 January 1825; Source OXA Henry john Richman son of Rector of Christchurch Hants Gentleman graduate of Queens College matriculated 16 Feb 1775 aged 19 Bible Clerk Corpus Christie College 1 Dec 1775 BCL 1802; Master of the "Free school" Dorchester 1790-1813, Rector of Holy Trinity Church with frome Whitfield 1813 until death 28 Nov 1824.
Copy Will of Mary, wife of Thomas SABINE of Dorchester, Esq., 1825, and codicil, 1846 1825 D/HIL/T8 DHC Note date of will not death Note:- Index text:- Capital messuage and lands called Hilfield Farm, and closes called Flamberts; messuage and close lately enclosed out of Hilfield Common; house and garden in Hilfield (no. 222 on tithe map); 3 cottages at Three Gates, Leigh; with abstract of title, 1775 - 1872; copy will of Mary, wife of Thomas Sabine of Dorchester, Esq., 1825, and codicil, 1846; will of Ann Taunton of Grimston in Stratton, proved 1823; declarations of Abraham Watts, Samuel Watts, T. Sabine, Sarah Bowring, Susannah Harris, Jn. Stone, 1842, 1849; extracts from parish registers concerning Taunton family, made 1849; will of Wm. Ring of Yetminster, carpenter, 1857. (Hayne, Cosens, Taunton, Broome, Sabine, Ryall, Ring, Burch, Mayo, Bide families.)
Will of Frances CHAPMAN of Dorchester, widow [Note:- Frances Chapman was buried at Fordington from Glyde Path Hill Colleton Row aged 55 years on 19th April 1825] Dated 08 Jul 1821
Proved 20 Apr 1825
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1825 Event Record 17 Will beneficiaries etc:- Cousin Frances Legg wife of Samuel Legg and their son William Legg; Zacharius CHAPMAN of Montacute Somerset brother of her late husband; Mary HOOKEY of Montacute another sister of her late husband; Edward LESTER of Dorchester a mason; Susannah DAVIS of Frampton; Mr john BINGHAM of Lydlinch a yeoman his wife Mary and their son Henry;
Probate copy will: Martha COLLIER of Dorchester, spinster Will dated... Feb 1826 Feb 1826 D/LRL/1/53  
Will of Sibella LAMBERT of Dorchester , Dorset 18 August 1826 PROB 11/1715 See Also 15 jan 1824
Will of Reverend Abel EDWARDS, Clerk of Dorchester , Dorset 03 October 1826 John Bowdirch LA DHC AD/DT/A/1799 Event record 8 Image on

Mary Edwards LA DHC Ad/Dt/A/1798-1799

Abel PROB 11/1717

Rev Abel EDWARDS (1747-1826) Assistant to the Rev Timothy Lamb Minister for the Protestant Dissenters Meeting House in Dorchester from 1770 and took over from him as Pastor when he died in 1772 a position he retained until 1813 when he retired.

The Rev Abel EDWARDS was buried at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 11th September 1826. Link to his Will and an account of his life

Note: Listed in the Charles Surman card index database of dissenting Ministers; MRD or University alumni for Oxford or Cambridge; Sources: Parish Registers for St Peters and the Presbyterian Chapel & Dorset Archdeaconry Court.

Will of Margaret WILLIAMS, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset
[Note:- Buried St Peters Entry 191 in the burial register – Margaret WILLIAMS from the parish of Holy Trinity in Dorchester; buried 13 Oct 1826; age 93 years; Rev John Morton Colson Rector]
Dated 22 Apr 1823
Proved 15 Dec 1826
PROB 11/1719 (Will Bequests: To my nephew Edward Williams of Herringston £100; To my neice Sarah Agness Lathem wife of Captain Latham £50; To my neice Jane Hawkins £50; To Nephew Rev Thomas Williams of Cameley Somerset £100; To Agnes Aveme widow of General Aveme £200; To her daughter Hannah Livet Aveme my diamond ring with the name Jane Blair on nit; to her sister Mary Aveme my silver coffee pot; To Jame Williams widow of my late nephew Robert Williams £200; To Margaretr Ellery Pearson wife of Captain Pearson £200; To Agnes Tamiton widow of the late Thomas Tamiton £200; To John Richard Churchill Sabine of Muckleford Esquire £50. To Rev Sydenham Sabine £50; To Thomas Sabine Attorney of Dorchester £50; To Frances Williams of Marston Magna my god daughter my gold watch [Note daughter of Revd. John Williams (1757-1842) ] ; To Hamilton John Williams son of my late nephew Robert Williams now of Edinburgh £50; To Jane merit Chemside wife of Doctor Chemside £50; To nephew William Scotland £50; To the poor of the three almshouses in Dorchester namely Nappers Chubbs and Whetstones £20ALL the rest and residue of my estate to Revd John Williams of Marston Magna
Will of Edith PERKINS, Widow of All Saints Parish in Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- buried All Saints Parish Dorchester 25 Mar 1827; age 85 years] Dated 13 Aug 1823
Died 21 Mar 1827
Proved 28 Apr 1827
DHC Da/W/1827 event record 17 Beneficiaries:- Nephew Lionel BRIDLE of West Mills Fordington whereas indebted to me in the sum of £140 bequeathed to Francis MOULAM of Dorchester gentleman in Trust for benefit of sister Joan BRIDLE and after her death to Lionel BRIDLE and my niece Edith the wife of Stephen ASCOTT of Dorchester equally ; Also Edith daughter of neice Edith ASCOTT named; Witnessed by ? INGRAM and John ROPER
Will of John BALSON, Innholder of Dorchester , Dorset and Letter of Administration to his widow and relict Sarah Balson Dated 30th Nov 1826
L/A 9th Oct 1827
DHC Da/W/1827 Event record 19 & 62 Sole beneficiary widow Sarah Balson: Note:- John BALSON died 12th September 1827 (note on will) and was buried at All Saints church Dorchester on 16th September 1827 at the age of 34 years
Will of Jane BRYER, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Jane Bryer was buried at St Georges church Fordington on 4th Feb 1827] Dated 31 Jan 1827
Died 31 Jan 1827
Proved 25 Aug 1827
DHC Da/W/1827 Event Record 18 Mentioned in Will: Brother Simon; Ann INNOCENT servant to Mrs BROWNE; Sister Mary BUTCHER Widow and her children, Thomas, King, Ann and sarah: Nephew William ELKINS and Nieces Mary and sarah ELKINS; Children of Thomas bryer pf Alton Hants deceased hairdresser ; Rebecca BROON of Dorchester widow and Thomas Fisher of Dorchester grocer
Will of John TERRELL, Victualler of Dorchester , Dorset 01 March 1827 PROB 11/1723  
Will of Ann BRYER, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset 26 May 1827 PROB 11/1725  
Letter of Administration for the estate of James MASTERS , of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at All Saints Church Dorchester 18th Feb 1827] 13 Aug 1827 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1827 event record 4 Granted to Elizabeth lawful widow of deceased also bound with her is William LOCK of Dorchester a butcher and maltster and Thomas TULLIDGE of Dorchester Innkeeper
Will of Ann BRYER, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset 26 May 1827 PROB 11/1725  
Will of Mary JACOB, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Mary JACOB of South Street aged 84 buried at St Peters Church Dorchester 27th Oct 1813] Dated 16 Jan 1804
Died 22 Oct 1813
proved 13 Sep 1827
DHC Da/W/1827 event record 20 Beneficiaries: Son Matthew JACOB mention of premises at Weymouth and Melcombe Regis in occupation of daughter-in-law Elizabeth JACOB: Witnesses Martha & Robert STICKLAND: date of death recorded on Oath document. [Note Mary was the relict of Henry JACOB (1731-1803) who was buried at St Peters 19th Oct 1803]
Will of Thomas MAIDMENT of Dorchester , Dorset 04 January 1828 PROB 11/1735  
Will of William WHITE, Tiler and Plasterer of Dorchester , Dorset 13 February 1828 PROB 11/1737  
Probate copy will: William SMITH of Dorchester, gentleman Will dated 28 Feb 1828 28 Feb 1828  D/LRL/1/374   Probate granted 12 Apr 1828
Will of William HAYNE, Rabbit Merchant of Dorchester , Dorset [1756-1828]

[Note:- Buried St Peters Entry 218 in the burial register – William HAYNE from the parish of All Saints Dorchester; buried 02 Jan 1828; age 72 years; Rev John Morton Colson Rector]
Dated 3rd July 1819

Proved with 4 Codicils on 14 March 1828
PROB 11/1737 Long Will: Property inc situated at north side of High East St in All Saints Dorchester to wife Hannah for life then to Nephew William KERLEY -- Charles KERLEY --- Henry MORELAM of Dorchester Malster and Brewer trustee for wife. -- Rebecca Clarke of Burton Christchurch Southampton widow -- Robert Jeanes --- To my sister Mary the wife of John WHITE of Fordington Labourer £40 - Sister Sarah wife of Henry VINEY of Dorchester and their 5 children William Viney; Jane Viney; Martha Viney; Elizabeth Viney and Sarah Viney -- To Nephew John JOHNSON and neices Ann wife of William SPARKLAND (late Ann Johnson spinster) and Theodore Johnson 3 children of Joseph Johnson of Dorchester blacksmith by my late deceased sister Ann -- Neice Mary HANNEY the wife of James HANNEY (Late Mary KERLEY Spinster) £20-- Goddaughter Mary HAYNE HANNEY the daughter of the said James HANNEY and Mary his wife "30 -- Joseph WALTERS of Fordington Minister who for many years lived with me £50 -- -- Nephew John KERLEY -- neice Sarah wife of of Richard ANDREWS of Dorchester blacksmith (late Sarah Kerley spinster) £20 - - Henry MOWLAM £30 --neice Mary HANNEY and Stephen POUNDS -- nephew John JOHNSON -- Wife Hannah use but not the disposing of household etc Witnesses William SPENCER; George GREENING; Jane GREENING

Codicil dated 3rd July 1819 to William ANDREWS the son of my neice Sarah the wife of Richard ANDREWS £20 -- William GREENING the son of Mr George GREENING £20 --

2 Codicils dated 25th Feb 1823 - revocation of Henry MOWLAN and Joseph WALTERS -- Rebecca CLARKE since dead without issue -- Robert JEANES revoked -- wife to inherit -- 4th Codicil re investments etc
Will of Mary LOVAT, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 02 April 1828 PROB 11/1739 Buried St Peters Entry 215 in the burial register – Mary LOVAT from the parish of St Peters buried 15 Nov 1827; age 79 years; Rev Thomas Morton Colson Officiating Minister
Will of Catherine GARLAND, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 16 April 1828 PROB 11/1739  

Will of Henry GRANT, Innkeeper of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 6th April 1828]

Dated 06 Feb 1828
Proved 24 June 1828
DHC Bc/W/1828 event record 10 and Ad/Dt/A/1828 E/R 11 Will: John PETT of Dorchester a grocer by trade and Jane OLIVER the wife of William OLIVER made trustees of £50 for benefit of his daughter Eliza GRANT: Rest and residue of estate to Wife Mary GRANT. Will annotated with "What date did the testaor die - answer 2nd April 1828"
Letter of Administration for the estate of John GREENING, Sadler of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at St George's Church Fordington on 20 Jan 1828; aged 23 years] 02 Jul 1828 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1828 event record 11 Granted to Sarah GREENING the lawful widow and next of kin bound with her are John HARRISON of Blandford Forum Gentleman and John RYALL of Blandford Forum Innholder. Oath states died 16th Jan 1828 under value £600
Will of Henry TOOZE, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset

Note:- Buried St Peters Entry 221 in the burial register – Henry TOOZE from the parish of St Peters buried 21 May 1828; age 61 years; Rev John Morton Colson Rector
Dated 13 May 1827

Proved 28 July 1828
PROB 11/1743 Will: All his household stuff bequeathed to his wife Susannah TOOZE for life then to his only son John Randolph TOOZE. Rest to wife in trust to convert all into money then invest in Parliamentary Stock or real securities at interest for her own use and benefit and only after her decease to his son. Reason stated as 'he has already been suitably provided for'. Susannah appointed executrix. Witnessed J C Parsons and W L Tizard. proved at London 28th July 1828 by Susannah TOOZE widow the relict the sole executrix of the deceased
Will of Robert HENNING, Attorney at Law of Dorchester , Dorset 18 August 1828 PROB 11/1744 D/GRO/H/2 DHC Index Entry:-Probate copy of the will of Robert Henning of Dorchester, attorney at law; will made 5 Apr 1828; attestation 9 Aug 1828; probate 18 Aug 1828 [Note:- See Burke's Family Records page 309 - Robert of Wolverton house born 30th June 1760 Woodsford Dorset, married Mary Sherring and died 10th May 1828 but buried at Charminster 20th May 1828. ]

Will of John BARTLETT, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset

[Note:- John BARTLETT married Edith WHEELER at St Peters Church 27th Dec 1809]

[Note:- John BARTLETT of South Street Dorchester was buried at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 17th Sep 1828 when his age was given as being 40 years. ]

Dated 1st Dec 1827

Buried 17 Sep 1828

Proved London

03 Nov 1828

PROB 11/1747 WILL:- Beneficiaries :- All household goods and possessions to wife Edith Bartlett :
Rest to my wife Edith and Benjamin JACOB of Dorchester bookseller and Charles CURME also of Dorchester builder ( also appointed joint executirs and executrix of the will) Upon TRUST to convert to money & invest in Govt Securiies etc and pay interest to my wife for her life:
Also out of monies to pay £1,200 unto my sister Elizabeth now wife of Abraham SANDFORD and :
Also the like sum of £1,200 unto my sister in law Athalia WHEELER :
Also to Niece Selina HARRIS the daughter of my said sister Elizabeth by James HARRIS her first husband at 21 years:
Will of John LOCK, Cork Cutter, Plumber and Glazier of Dorchester , Dorset 23 January 1829 PROB 11/1750 Buried St Peters Entry 226 – John LOCK from the parish of St Peters buried 24 Aug 1828; age 43 years; Rev John Morton Colson Rector See transcription of the will of John LOCK (1785-1828)
Will of Phillis Frampton, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 10 March 1829 PROB 11/1752  
Will of Robert CREECH Victualler of Dorchester, spinster dated 27 Mar 1828
Proved April 1829
DHC Da/W/1829 event record 12 Left everything to wife Esther CREECH and then equally to children (unnamed) wife joint exec with Bennet HARVEY of Dorchester
Probate copy will: Martha COLLIER of Dorchester, spinster Will dated... Feb 1826 07 April 1829 D/LRL/1/53 &  PROB 11/1754 Probate granted 7 Apr 1829

Will of William BOWER of Dorchester , Dorset


Dated 14th July 1827

Proved 27 April 1829

PROB 11/1754 D/DOR/T50

Will: Link to full transcription of the extensive Will of William BOWER Gentleman of Dorchester. and more information about his family

[Note:- William BOWER (1747-1829) Gentleman was the 3rd child from the marriage of Edmund BOWER (d1773) to Elizabeth SHORTO (1715-1765) at St Georges Church Fordington on 26th Jan 1740/1. Link to memorial inscription at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester.

Gentleman of considerable importance he had been brewing in Fordington since 1792 and at his death owned 12 public house in Weymouth, Melcome Regis, Wyke Regis and Portland as well as The Crown, The Royal Oak, The Red Lion, and the Masons Arms in Dorchester.

Will of Nathaniel STICKLAND of Dorchester , Dorset

[Note:- Nathaniel STICKLAND (1770-1829) son of Robert STICKLAND (1744-1804) and Jane MITCHEL (1744-1822)]
Dated 7th Aug 1828
Proved at London
29 August 1829
PROB 11/1760 WILL: Bequests: all household goods plate china linen books and pictures unto his sisters Henrietta and Frances STICKLAND Rest to Robert Pattison of Dorchester and Charles Stickland in trust converted to cash, to pay £200 each to 2 sisters Henrietta and Frances Stickland rest to brother Charles STICKLAND & sisters Mary Ann COX widow ; Henrietta STICKLAND; Ann the wife of John CREE Esq; Jane the wife of Robert PATTISON; and Frances STICKLAND in equal shares:
Will of Sarah WOOD, Singlewoman of Dorchester , Dorset 24 October 1829 PROB 11/1762  
Will of Alice HENNING, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 12 December 1829 PROB 11/1764 [Note:- May have been buried at Maiden Newton as Alicia HENNING aged 69 on 15th Aug 1828 as buried by George Wood Rector of Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester?]
Letter of Administration for the estate of Richard GROVES, of Dorchester , Dorset [Could not trace a burial] 25 Mar 1830 DHC DA/A/1830 event record 7 Granted to Catharine GROVES the mother and next of kin of Pennington in the parish of Milford Southampton also bound are Widow TULLIDGE of Dorchester Innholder and Thomas TULLIDGE of the same
Letter of Administration for the estate of John TIZARD,Blacksmith of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- John TIZARD blacksmith of Peas Lane; buried at Holy trinity Church Dorchester 31 Jan 1830; age 50 years] 05 May 1830 DHC DA/A/1830 event record 21 Granted to Suszan TIZARD widow relict and next of kin Also bound James PARSONS of Dorchester a glover and Richard HASSELL of Dorchester a seedsman

Will of William TREVES,Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer of Dorchester, Dorset

On the 17th day of June 1830 the within written will of William Treves late of Dorchester in the Countyb of Dorset deceased proved by the oath of Philip Treves of Dorchester aforesaid Ironmonger one of the executors therein named to whom administration of all and singular the goods and chattels and credits of the said deceased was granted he being first duly sworn upon the Holy Evangelist well and truley to administer the same to exhibit a true and perfect inventory thereof into the Registry of the Court of the Archdeacon of Dorset and resnder a just account thereof when thereto lawfully required and that the whole of the goods chattels and credits of the said deceased do not amount in value to the sum of one thousand pounds before me George Chamberlaine Side Line Entry "Testator died 6th Sep 1830" - clearly should be 1829 as administration of the estate was made on 17th July 1830!].

Link to Marriage of William TREVES (1773-1829) to Elizabeth GREENING at All Saints Church Dorchester 10 Oct 1796 and more information about his family

Date 29 May 1829

[Note:- Buried at St Peters Church Dorchester 11th Sep 1829 aged 56]

Proved 17 Jun 1830

DHC Ad/Dt/W/1830 event record 57 Also DHC D/LRL/1/446 

Will: This is the Last Will and Testament of me William TREVES of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Cabinet maker and Upholsterer made and published and declared this twenty ninth day of May 1829.

I give and bequeath to my son Philip and my friend John PITT of Dorchester aforesaid and the survivor of them his executors and administratorsAll and Singular my household Furniture, furniture of every sort usually let for the hire, plate, linen, china, books, pictures, book debts and other debts due and owing to me at my decease (except my stock in trade) In TRUST out of the same to pay all myjust debts funeral testamentary and other expenses And subject thereto and to the Payment of the Legacy next hereinafterbequeathed In trust to permit and suffer my dear wife Elizabeth to enjoy the same and to receive the profits arising from the letting of any part thereof for the hire for and during her natural life for the maintenance of herself and family

And I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth the sum of £100 to be paid to her on her attaining the age of 21 or the day of her marriage whichever shall first happen provided she shall marry with the consent of my said trusttees or the survivor of them - and I charge the said Furnitureand effects hereinbefore bequeathedwith the payment of the said sum of £100

And from and immediately after the decease of my said wife I give and bequeath the surplus of the said household furniture and other effects before mentioned unto such of my children so shallbe then living equally to be divided between them if more than one share and share alike, but if any or either of them shall be then dead having issue such issue to be entitled to his or her or their deceased parent or parents share

Also I give and bequeath to the said Philip TREVES and John PETT and the survivor of them his executors & Administrators all and singular my stock in trade upon trust to permit and suffer my said wife to continue and enjoy in, either by herself or in partnership, with and the my present trade and business for the support and maintenance of herself and family until my son William shall attain the age of 21 years and on his attaining that age I direct that he shall be entitled to one half part of my stock in trade and I hereby bequeath the same to him accordingly - my said wife continuing to enjoy the other half part thereof for her life and from and after her decease I give and bequeathher said half part of such stock in trade unto and amongst my said children in mannor as my household furniture and other effects that my said trustees shall and may reimburse themselves all reasonable expenses incurred by them in the execution of this my will and shall not be answerable for any loss which may happen to the said trust estate unless the same shall happen through their wilful neglect or default and not the one for the other of them. Intestimony whereof I the said William TREVES the Testator have herunto setr my hand and seal the day and year first above written

William TREVES : Signed sealed published and declared by the said William Treves the testator as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who at his request in his presence and the presence of each other have subscibed our namesas witnesses Charles Sheppard, HAW Ingram

Will of Reverend Thomas Morton COLSON, Clerk of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried St Peters Church Dorchester 28 June 1830 - Link to background and ancestry of Rev.Thomas Morton COLSON (1764-1830) ] 16 September 1830 PROB 11/1775 Son of Thomas Colson Rector of of Studland, Dorset. Graduate of Wadham College Oxford matriculated 20/6/1782, aged 18; BA 1786. Ordained deacon 5 Nov 1786 Christchurch and appointed curate of Winterbourne St Martin 13 Nov 1786; ordained priest 18 May 1788 St Peter le Poor London; appointed curate of Winterbourne Monkton 14 Jan 1797; Appointed Rector of Winterbourne Came 19 Mar 1800 his subsequent career in the church appears somewhat confused with references to periods as Rector of Linkenholt in Hants and Pilsdon as well as being perpetual curate at Stratton and Charminster. His death is recorded on their database as 10 Sep 1830. See Burials St Peters Church Dorchester Entry 255 – Thomas Morton COLSON Clerk AB from the parish of Holy Trinity Dorchester; buried 28 Jun 1830; age 66 years; Rev W.R.Churchill
Will of John BENNETT, Shopkeeper of Dorchester , Dorset 14 October 1830 PROB 11/1776  
Will of Sarah POOK, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 08 February 1831 PROB 11/1782 Buried St Peters Entry 259 – Sarah POOK from the parish of St Peters buried 26 Jan 1831; age 96 years; Rev John Morton Colson Rector
Will of John STANDISH, the elder of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- could not locate burial for death on 25th May 1831] Dated 09 July 1829
Proved 15 Aug 1831 1831
DHC Bc/W/1831 event record 30 Will leaves Farmland hereditaments etc situated at Holwell Somerset and dwelling in All Saints Parish Dorchester to wife for her life then her son + pther effects wifeJane son John the younger both made joint executrix and executors of will witnessed by J Stone solicitoe Anna Maria Stone and Joseph Bishop [Annotated to effect that the testator died on 25th May 1831]
Probate copy will: Edward BOSWELL of Dorchester, gentleman Will dated 25 Jun 1831 25 Jun 1831 D/LRL/1/9 Probate granted 27 May 1843

Will: Thomas JOHNSON of Dorchester Innholder

Note:- Buried at St Peters Entry 272 – Thomas JOHNSTON from the parish of St Peters buried 02 Oct 1831; age 75 years; Rev John Morton Colson Rector]

Dated 4 Sep 1831

Proved 8th Jun 1832


D/LRL/1/227 [Copy]

PRO 11/1801

Will: Beneficiaries:- In TRUST held by John SHEPHARD of Chantmarle Dorset Yeoman and Robert HALL of Anstey Bewer to Convert to money and invest in Govt Stock for benefit of Wife Mary to pay her £150pa for life; then sell together with his house in Fordington for benefit of his children -- Ann Elizabeth and Maria to pay £500 to each rest to be equally divided between all his children Ann, Elizabeth, Maria, and Mary the wife of John WOOD of Dorchester Brazier and Jane the wife of Joseph BEDLOE of Herringstone Yeoman. Wife joint Exec with Trustees.
Will of William PETTIGREW, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset 16 September 1831 PROB 11/1790  

Will of John FOOT, Carpenter and Joiner of Dorchester , Dorset

[Note:-Buried All Saints Church 10th Apr 1831 John Foot aged 69 ]

Will dated 4th Nov 1822

Proved 09 Nov 1831

PROB 11/1791B

Will:- Beneficiaries:-

To my son John FOOT of Dorchester auctioneer & appraiser and my son-in-law Joseph JAMES of Hazelbury Bryant Yeoman (also appointed joint executors) all those my three freeholds cottages situated at Holloway in Fordington in trust to sell and dispose thereof and divide the money equally among all my children / except the share of my daughter Mary the wife of Isaac FOOT of Yeovil baker which will be retained by my executors for the benefit of her children.

To daughter Elizabeth wife of Joseph James of Hazlebury Bryant yeoman his house situated near the Bull Stake North St in St Peters Parish with its fixtures and fitting worth abt £120 which is to count towards her share. (Joseph James of Overmoigne married Elizabeth Foot in All Saints church Dorchester on 19 March 1815)

To son John £10 and his chest of tools

To son-in-law Joseph James £5

To aughter Ann Foot a bed bedstead and furniture + other items in her room

+ other small bequests

Will of Jane BRISTED, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset 14 January 1832 PROB 11/1794  
Will of John HAZARD, Baker of Dorchester , Dorset 27 March 1832 PROB 11/1797  
Will of Elizabeth CHAPPELL, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 05 May 1832 PROB 11/1799  
Will of Thomas JOHNSON, Innholder of Dorchester, Dorset 08 June 1832 PROB 11/1801 Note:- Buried at St Peters Entry 272 – Thomas JOHNSTON from the parish of St Peters buried 02 Oct 1831; age 75 years; Rev John Morton Colson Rector
Will of Morgan BULLOCK of Dorchester , Dorset 11 September 1832 PROB 11/1805  

Will of Edith SLADE, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset

[Note:- Edith SLADE (1768-1832) was bapt at All Saints church in Dorchester on 1st April 1768 and died aged 64 being buried at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 12th Aug 1832.]

Dated 1st Oct 1821

Proved 10 Oct 1832

PROB 11/1807 Will: Bequests:- £19.19s to the poor of the parish I die in; To old and faithfull servant Elizabeth MAYNARD all my clothes and wearing apparel and also all my household goods and furniture except my drawing room furniture and my plate. Also one annual annuity £35 for the rest of her life free of taxes etc; To friend s Thomas FISHER of Dorchester and his brother John FISHER of London all my silver and plate of every descrition except a silver soup ladle which with all my books I give to my friend The Rev John Morton COLSON of Dorchester: I give to Mr Joseph BROWNING of Dorchester all my drawing room furniture and the sum of £50 if living, or his son Joseph if not. To Thomas FOSHER the sum of £200: REST to Thomas FISHER (also appointed executor) in TRUST for :- 1 third for Cousin Catherine TIZARD of Weymouth and her brother James ROBERTS of Weymouth grocer equally divided between them. 1 third in Trust for Mrs Ann WEBB of Wimborne (husband a currier) The remaining third to be divided into 3 parts : 1 third to Mary DENHAM of Langport Somerset widow one of the daughters of my aunt DAVIDGE deceased: 1 third part to Thomas DAVIDGE son of my said aunt Davidge who lives at Seam? Mills near Langport and remaing third part to Mrs GILLARD of Sherborne widow another daughter of my aunt Davidge. Witnessed by Isaac SPARKS; Hannah RUSSELL
Will of Thomas TAPP, Attorny at law of Dorchester , Dorset + Oath by widow Margaret TAPP of Dorchester sole executrix [Note:- Will annoted with "When did Testator die answer 15th April 1832" - Thomas Tapp buried 24 Apr 1832; age 72 years - could not trace marriage record] Dated 02 Jun 1829
Proved 09 Nov 1832
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1832 event record 41 WILL: Whereas by virtue of --my marriage settlement bearing date 19th Oct 1787 -- give Freehold Messuage etc situate High South Street in Dorchester now in the occupation wife (after her decease to his 2 daughters for their lives Jane Scott TAPP and Ann TAPP the son Thomas TAPP in the India Service (i.e. East India Company) if he die then son William TAPP :: Also refers to Building and gighouse (erected by me) at the back part of my oathouse with the vault or recess behind adjoining the same for lodging manure which adjoins the Back Street of Dorchester :: Also Copyhold estate at Stratton to son Thomas etc :: Also leasehold garden situate in Bowling Alley Walk (wife unnamed ) appointed sole executrix, witnessed John Evomy NORMAN, Alice NORMAN and John Evomy NORMAN Junior [Note:- Mary Lyde TAPP born 30th Oct 1788 not baptised until after her sister jane at St Peters on 1st Aug 1791 - Jane Scott TAPP bap St Peters 5th Aug 1790 - William Denning TAPP bap St Peters 12th April 1796 he married 27 aug 1835 to Marian Rachel FOOT at Sherborne see strays - also Mayor of Dorchester in 1838 and 1849]
Will of Susannah BULLOCK, Wife of Dorchester , Dorset 05 October 1833 PROB 11/1822  
Will of Mary COLSON, widow of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Died 1st Dec 1833 [See Oath on probate] Buried at St Peters Church Dorchester 9th Dec 1833 Dated 09 Jul 1833
Proved 09 Dec 1833
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1834 event records 8 & 9 Indentures lease and release dated 14th & 15th March 1790 the release being by Rev Thomas Morton COLSON deceased of Dorchester Clerk her late husband on the 1st part; John DAMPIER the elder of Wareham her late father on the 2nd part Mary COLSON testator then Mary Dampier on the 3rd part and Rev Herbert MORGAN of Andover Clerk and William KING of Wimborne Gent on 4th part & John Morton COLSON of Studland in Dorset Clerk and John DAMPIER the younger of Codford St peter Wilts on 5th part being a Settlement made prior to her marriage:: beneficiaries her son John Morton COLSON and her 3 daughters Mary Bond COLSON, Elizabeth Dampier COLSON and Anne Catherine COLSON
Will of William OLIVER, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset 05 April 1834 PROB 11/1830  
Whereas Thomas ABBOT late of Winterbourne Came deceased left a will dated 10th Feb 1829 and died 18th Sep 1830 - letters of Administration of his estate were granted 3rd Oct 1830 unto Mary ABBOT his widow - she died without fully administering his estate - Thomas ABBOT of Dorchester Gentleman one of the lawful children and next of kin appeared and was sworn to administer the estate on 16th June 1834 and is bound together with Elizabeth Barlow of Winterborne Came and Edward Cross of Dorchester a bankers clerk to adminsiter 16 June 1834 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1834 Thomas ABBOT was buried at the age of 67 years at Winterborne Monkton on 22nd September 1830 and his widow Mary ABBOT on 17th February 1834 aged 58 years. As opposite letters of administration were granted to their son Thomas ABBOT of Dorchester a Gentleman on 16th June 1834
Will of Edward FOY, Plasterer of Dorchester , Dorset 18 November 1834 PROB 11/1838 D/ASH:C/T1   DHC has a copy of his will dated 1833
Will of John WILLIS of Dorchester , Dorset

[Note:- Buried St Peters Entry 325 – John WILLIS from the parish of St Peters buried 24 Dec 1834; age 85 years; Rev John Morton Colson Rector]
Dated 13 Aug 1810
Proved 27 Jan 1835
PROB 11/1842 Will: Property, money and household stuff to wife Frances WILLIS who is also made executrix. Witnesses John Gould READ ; D READ ; George ARDEN. On 10th May 1841 Administration with the attached will of the goods chattels and credits of John Willis late of Dorchester deceased left unadministered by Frances PENRUDDOCK wife of Isaac PENRUDDOCK previously WILLIS deceased whilst being the sole executrix and ?? legatee named in the said will was granted to Isaac PENRUDDOCK the husband and Owner of the goods of the said Frances PENRDDOCK deceased having been first sworn by ?? duly to administer the said said Executrix died Intestate
Will of Sarah JOLLIFFE otherwise Jolliff, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 05 February 1835 PROB 11/1842  
Will of Thomas Gould READ, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset 07 February 1835 PROB 11/1843

Thomas Gould READ (1759-1835) The son of Edward and Mary READ he was baptised at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 3rd Jan 1759. At the age of 17 on 17th Dec 1776 he entered into an apprenticship with William TEMPLEMAN Esq serving for a period of five years as his Clerk. He married twice, 1st to Dorthoty CLAPCOTT in her home parish of Blandford Forum on 21st april 1801 and 2nd to Elizabeth CROUCH in her home parish of Melcombe Regis on 1st Aug 1820. He was to serve as Mayor of Dorchester four times in 1802; 1808; 1819 and finally in 1829; Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 30 Jan 1835; age 76 years

Sources:- Parish registers Holy Trinity Dorchester; Marriage Registers of Blandford Forum and Melcombe Regis see Strays index this site; Govt official listing of Mayors of Dorchester; National Archives Prob 11/1843;UK, Articles of Clerkship, 1756-1874 see Dorchester people file this site; The Legal Observer, Or, Journal of Jurisprudence, Volume 11 Page 337

Will of Mary LEGG, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset 10 March 1835 PROB 11/1844  
Will of George GREENING, Collar and Harness Maker of Dorchester , Dorset 28 April 1835 PROB 11/1845  
Administration: Robert SAYERS of Dorchester, mate on board, Don John VI, Portugese Service 18 May 1835  D/LRL/1/675   Administration granted 18 May 1835
Will of John CAISH, Waggoner of Dorchester, Dorset 26 May 1835 PROB 11/1846  

Will of William MASTERS, Innholder of Dorchester , Dorset

[Note:- Innkeeper of The 'Wood and Stone Inn' He was buried at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 15th Nov 1834 aged 41.]

Dated 8th Sep 1834

Proved 02 July 1835

PROB 11/1849

Will: To wife Elizabeth MASTERS all and singular my stock in trade consisting of every sort of wines spirots strong beer and cask containing the same together with the whole of brewing utensils : All the rest and remainderof my husehold goods and furniture chattels and effects whatsoever and wheresoever -- together withh all my plate monies and securities for money which may be owing to me I give and devise to my dear wife for her own absolute use except my gold watch which I will given direct to my dear son William MASTERS -- also refers to daughter Mary then unmarried. Wife executrix. - witnesses John ROLLS and John DURDEN

[Note:- His wife gave evidence at the Trial of the Soldier in the 5th Dragoon Guards William KENNEDY (1810-1830) in 1830 who was executed for wounding Revd. Henry Philip Willoughby (1804-1851) ]

Will of William ZILLWOOD, Schoolmaster of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- His wife Margaret was buried at St Peters on 22 Feb 1822; age 60 years - William buried there 21 Jun 1835; age 75 years] Dated 04 Apr 1820
Proved 11 July 1835
DHC Bc/W/1835-6 event record 16 Will: Margaret wife property at Charminster in the occupation of John DEWLAND; Son Rev John Old ZILLWOOD; neice martha OLD; Rest divided unequally between 4 of his children William ZILLWOOD, John ZILLWOOD, Daughter Christian ZILLWOOD and son Charles ZILLWOOD; Witnessed William and henry Spencer and John Wood [Annotated Wm Zillwood died 18th June 1835]
Will of Mary GRANT, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 25 August 1835 PROB 11/1850  
Will of Charles COSENS of Dorchester , Dorset 24 November 1835 PROB 11/1853  
Will of Mary TAZEWELL [or Tarzewell], Widow of Dorchester, Dorset 09 December 1835 PROB 11/1855  
Will of Elizabeth WARNER, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 02 January 1836 PROB 11/1857  
Will of Elizabeth otherwise Eliza STORY, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset 02 January 1836 PROB 11/1856 Buried St Peters 2nd Dec 1835
Will of John PULMAN, Victualler of Dorchester , Dorset 21 January 1836 PROB 11/1856  
Will of William ANDREWS, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset 17 February 1836 PROB 11/1857  
Will of Richard FUDGE, Butcher of Dorchester , Dorset 19 August 1836 PROB 11/1865 Note:- Buried Holy Trinity Dorchester 1st March 1836 aged 50 abode Pease Lane; See transcription of his will
Will of Susannah COOPER late Susannah Tiley of Dorchester , Dorset 10 September 1836 PROB 11/1866  
Probate copy will: William BISHOP of Dorchester, nurseryman Will dated 17 Dec 1836
Dated 17 Dec 1836
Probate 05 Jul 1837
 D/LRL/1/8 Beneficiary Jane BISHOP wife of Holy trinity parish in Dorchester for life - then his 2 daughters Elizabeth and Mary BISHOP; also Brother John BISHOP; Wife and brother in law Thomas ARNOLD shoemaker of Piddletown executrix and executor. Question on Oath when died testator die? answer 19th January 1837. Note:- William Bishop was buried at Holy Trinity Church on 16th January 1837 aged 33 years.
Will of Frances SHIRLEY, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset 11 October 1836 PROB 11/1868  
Will of Mary MASON, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 17 November 1836 PROB 11/1869  
Will of Thomas BEASANT, cooper of Dorchester , Dorset Dated 08 Jan 1837
Proved 13 Oct 1837
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1837 Event Record 6 image Beneficiaries:- neice Eleanor wife of Edmund Curtis Cordwainer and Elizabeth Courtin daughter of Thomas Courtin - witnesses Elizabeth Bishop servant to Mr Thomas Beasant and Thomas Wood : proved by Executor his friend John Wood value £450 Note:- Thomas BEASANT of Dorchester High Street; was buried 02 Feb 1837 at Holy Trinity Church; age 64 years; by Rev George Wood Rector
DHC= Probate copy will: Letitia SOMNER of Dorcheter, spinster Will dated 27 Jan 1837 (28 docs incl copy will of William SOMNER of Okeford Fitzpaine, Clerk, dated 8 Feb 1749) NA= Will of Letitia or Letitia Wilhelmina Somner, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset 27 Jan 1837 D/LRL/1/685   & PROB 11/1882 Probate granted 11 Jul 1837
Will of William GALPIN, Cooper of Dorchester , Dorset 10 February 1837 PROB 11/1872 See transcription of the Will of William GALPIN (1774-1837) Cooper of Dorchester dated 5th Feb 1836 proved 10th Feb 1837
Will of William PUGSLEY of All Saints Dorchester , Dorset 14 February 1837 PROB 11/1873 William PUGSLEY of All Saints Dorchester; buried at All Saints on 15 Jan 1837; age 62 years
Will of Martha AUSTIN of Dorchester , Dorset 10 March 1837 PROB 11/1873 Martha AUSTIN of Holy Trinity Parish Dorchester; buried at All Saints 13 Oct 1836; age 70 years
Will of Benjamin BOWRING, Gentleman of All Saints Dorchester , Dorset [DHC:= Copy of the will of Benjamin Bowring of Dorchester, gentleman under date of 23 Oct 1837] 15 March 1837 PROB 11/1873 D/SEN/1/9/57   I think that his will may be dated 1833 and a copy held ast DHC under Ref D/MAY:B/T2 but is tagged as unfit for production (i.e. public access) There is another reference under D/SEN/28/9/3/26 dated 23 Oct 1835 Index Entry:- Abstract (5) from the last will and testament of Benjamin Bowring of Dorchester.
Will of Stephen GALE, Builder of Dorchester , Dorset 30 March 1837 PROB 11/1874 D/DOR/T12 DHC Index Entry:- 3 messuages on north side, one lying on east of Three Mariners, another on west, and the other on east of Black Horse; walled garden on south side of street near lower end. (Trustees of Gale, Johnson). With will of Stephen Gale of Dorchester, builder, 1836 proved 1837
Will of Elizabeth REDWAY, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 20 April 1837 PROB 11/1877  
Will of George LOCK, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset

[Note:- George LOCK (1741 -1837) and Mary POUNCY married at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 2nd Sep 1764. George LOCK was buried at All Saints church in Dorchester on 21st April 1837. ]

Will Dated 14 April 1837

Buried FStG 21 Apr 1837

Proved 19 May 1837

PROB 11/1878 WILL: Bequests:-
-to daughter Elizabeth the widow of Robert FUDGE £400 [ie. Elizabeth LOCK (1765-1848) who married Robert Fudge HT 25th Feb 1781]
-to son-in-law George CLARK of Dorchester £200
-to Joseph TIZARD [son-in-law by his deceased daughter Sarah] £400, and
-to his father Joseph TIZARD the elder £50
-to Catherine the now wife of Joseph TIZARD the elder ,and Ann the wife of William WEBBE of Wimborne in the county of Dorset currier, & late Ann ROBERTS two of the 3 children of my late wife Jane by her former husband Thomas ROBERETS £50 and to James ROBERTS the other of the said 3 children £19. 19s
-to the said Catherine TIZARD James ROBERTS and Ann WEBB in equal share all the household goods and furniture which belongeth to their mother and which were received by me from the 'Wood & Stone Inn' to my present residence and also one [2 words illegible] or half part to be ascertained and set apart in case of disagreement between them and my executor of all and singular the household goods plate ??? and furniture which I have purchased since I left the 'Wood & Stone Inn' .
-to my daughter Mary the wife of Thomas SLADE stone mason, the sum of £100 and for her own sole and separate use and benefit with which her said husband shall not intermeddle nor shall the same be liable to his debts contract or engagements and the receipt of my said daughter by her own proper hand shall alone be of sufficient discharge to my said executors for the same, And I also give to the said Mary SLADE all my clothes and wearing apparel.
-to my son William LOCK and my grandson George LOCK £800 in trust etc etc --interest to support daughter Elizabeth FUDGE etc - her own use- etc after her death in trust for the widow of Richard Fudge etc etc, her children etc. [ --long will very poor quality]
-to my wife son and grandson Elizabeth LOCK and George LOCK the further sum of £900 -- in trust --[last 2 lines illegible to bottom of page -- down to 10th line next page mainly illegible then ref to my daughter Mary SLADE -- Note she married  Thomas SLADE  from St Peters Dorchester at Upwey 27th May 1792]
- 18th line I give and bequeath unto them my said son his ??? William LOCK and George LOCK the sum of one thousand pounds in Trust for the five children of the ?? George CLARKE by my late daughter Frances [Note:- Frances Lock (1772-1814) married a bookseller George CLARKE HT church 10th Sep 1792]
Will of Henry KENTFIELD, Innkeeper of Dorchester , Dorset 13 July 1837 PROB 11/1881  
Will of William AUSTIN, Draper and Tailor of Dorchester , Dorset 29 August 1837 PROB 11/1882  
Will of Robert HAZARD, Confectioner of Dorchester , Dorset 21 November 1837 PROB 11/1886  
Will of John SUMMERS otherwise John Somers Jacob, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset 22 November 1837 PROB 11/1886  
Letter of administration for the estate of Jonathan LUCKHAM ironmonger late of Dorchester [Note:- Buried at Piddlehinton 01 Jan 1838 - Initiated as a Freeman of Dorchester 20th Oct 1837] 02 Apr 1838 DHC Ad/Dt/A/1838 event record 3 Granted to Mary LUCKHAM the widow of deceased her late husband and administratrix of his estate: Also bound with her Mary BELCHER widow of Dorchester and James WOODFORD of Dorchester shopman effects under £4,000
Probate copy will: Joan otherwise Jane HODGE of Dorchester Spinster Will dated 12 Apr 1838 12 Apr 1838 PROB 11/1895 Probate granted 18 may 1838; See Holy Trinity Burial Register :- Entry 483 - Jane alias Joan HODGE a single woman; of Libboth Hill; buried 04 May 1838; age 94 years; Rev George Wood Rector
Will of John FOY, Carpenter and Joiner of Dorchester , Dorset 01 September 1838 PROB 11/1900 D/ASH:C/T1   DHC has a copy of his will
Will of Sarah HAZARD, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset 04 October 1838 PROB 11/1901 Note:- Buried Fordington Sarah HAZARD; Entry 1175; abode St Peters Dorchester; 30 Sep 1838; age 65; William Dodge Curate
Will of Bennett or Bennet HARVEY, Ironmonger of Dorchester , Dorset
[Note:- Buried St Peters Church Dorchester 4th May 1838]
20 October 1838 PROB 11/1901: DC/DOB/29/73   DHS Index Ref:- Half place tenement in west tithing of Fordington Manor, 1832, 1835. (Pitman, Tooze). With 2 schedules of deeds, 1781 - 1841, and will (copy) of Bennett Harvey the younger of Dorchester, 1838. Endorsement calls property "Nursery Garden".
Administration with will annexed: Nicholas STICKLAND of Dorchester, gentleman Will dated 26 Feb 1762 5 Nov 1838 D/LRL/1/364   Administration Granted 5 Nov 1838; (First grant Jun 1769)
Will of Betty AMEY, Widow of Dorchester, Dorset

Dated 3rd Apr 1838

24 January 1839

PROB 11/1905 Will: To John WOOD of Dorchester Victualler and William GALPIN of Dorchester a grocer £700 in trust to be divided between all the children of my late deceased Nephew Charles AUSTIN when aged 21, interest to their maintenance until 21. Another £800 upon trust to same trustees to my Niece Mary HOOPER the wife of William HOOPER. To my Niece Ann MILLER the wife of George MILLER £800. To my Niece Betsey Amey BROWN my gold watch plus other bequest to same Nephew William AYRES £100: to Nephew Robert AYRES £100: To Eliza DENINSON daughter of William of Puddletown £100: people: To Mary WOOD the wife of said John WOOD , Ann JOHNSTON Elizabeth JOHNSTON Jane BEDLOE Widow (late Jane JOHNSON) and Maria JOHNSTON sum of £19. 19s. each : To Mary ANDREWS, George ANDREWS, Georgina ANDREWS the children of George ANDREWS of Dorchester currier £10 each. To Martha AMEY, Elizabeth AMEY, and Sarah AMEY daughters of the late Richard AMEY the sum of £19. 19s each. To Mrs PITCHER wife of Augustus Pitcher of Brighton Solicitor £100: --- etc etc Rest to Betsy Amey BROWN
Will of John BROWN, Carpenter and Builder of Dorchester, Dorset [Note:- John BROWN was buried at St Georges church Fordington on 21st Dec 1838] Dated 06 May 1834
Proved 28th Jan 1839
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1839 Event Rec 9 Image John BROWN son and Mark BAKER of Dorchester Auctioneer made trustees forwhole estate between 6 children :- Elizabeth wife of Samuel FENTON and 5 sons George; Charles; John; James and Richard
Will of Martha STICKLAND of Dorchester , Dorset
[Note:- Martha Stickland (1748-1839) was bap at All Saints Church Dorchester on 20 Jan 1747/8 the daughter of of Nathaniel STICKLAND (d.1761) an attorney & Martha nee Small who married at All St's Church on 14 Nov 1742. ]
Dated 13th Feb 1834
28 February 1839
PROB 11/1907 Will: Bequests to neices Susannah Cox Jane PATTISON the wife of Robert PATTISON Esq, Anne COX the wife of John COX Esq; Henrietta STICKLAND; and Frances STICKLAND the sum of £105 each in three and a half % stock : Bequest to Charles Edward STICKLAND the son of Charles STICKLAND of Dorchester the sum of £105 each in three and a half % stock : Bequest to my nephew William STICKLAND now residing in Dublin the sum of £210 in three and a half % stock : Bequest to the children of my late nephew Nathaniel Stickland deceased the sum of £210 in three and a half % stock : Bequest Rest of estate to Charles Stickland also appointed executor: Witnessed Christopher Arden; Francis Ingram
Will of Dinah HICKS, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 13 March 1839 PROB 11/1908  
Letter of Administration for the estate of Sarah HOUNSELL, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset [Did not locate a burial] 18 July 1839 DHC C/C/A/1839-40 event record 1 Granted to Mary the wife of John BONNETT of Dorchester the only lawful child and next of kin of the deceasede. Bound with her are John VALLINS of Dorchester a shoemaker and henry LAKE of Dorchester a carpenter. Witnessed by George Wood Rector of Holy Trinity church Dorchester
Will of Thomas FISHER, Merchant of Dorchester , Dorset 06 September 1839 PROB 11/1916  
Letter of Administration forthe estate of Henry MOWLAM Gentleman and widower of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at All Saints Church Dorchester on 01 Oct 1840 aged 79] Death 08 Sep 1839*
Oath 10 Apr 1843
L/A 13 Apr 1843
DHC Ad/Dt/A/1843 event record 5 Granted to his son Francis William MOWLAM of Milborne St Andrew in Dorset Gentleman also bound are Francis INGRAM of Dorchester a Gentleman and Ann OAKLEY of Milborne St Andrew; Witnessed by George Hadley commissioner [Note*:- Date of death is given on a sideline entry as 8th Sep 1839 on the oath document and is probably a year out given date of burial and LA not granted until 1843. Ancestry have filed under 10th Apr 1843 which is the date the Court at Blandford Forum empowered the taking of the oath which was undertaken on 13th Apr 1843 the day the Letter of Administration was issued.
Will of Charlton Byam WOLLASTON of Dorchester, Dorset 23 April 1840 PROB 11/1926

Note:- See Dorchester Strays File : Charlton Byam WOLLASTON Died at Dorchester but buried in the Frampton Family Vault in the Parish of Moreton Dorset on 28 Feb 1840

Will: extracts:-

To brother (half - his mother's 2nd marriage) James FRAMPTON of Moreton - his tenement lands etc at Tolpuddle

To Evelyn John SHIRELEY of Eatington Park Warwick and Charles SHIRLEY now residing in Midhurst Sussex all money standing in my name in the Government Stock 3% reduced annuities and pay the interest to my sister Mary FRAMPTON etc

Will of Mary SHERGOLD, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset

[Note:- Mary SHERGOLD (1750-1840) was buried at St Peters on 09 Jun 1840 when her age was recorded as being 90 years]
Dated 23 Mar 1840
Proved 13 June 1840
PROB 11/1930 Will: To be buried in the vault made for my sister in the Church of the parish of St Peter in Dorchester: Bequests to Ann TEMPLEMAN of Dorchester spinster£100; Charlotte the wife of the Revd Giles MEECH of Toller Porcorum £200; Ellen the wife of Captain MARKLAND £200; To my servant Elizabeth the wife of [Blank] MABER £100; To servant Sarah ELFORD £100 + Yearly annuity of a clear £10 for life + wearing apparel; To servant Hannah POUNCY £5 and a suit of morning; To Betty BILES of Winterbourne Saint Martin who formerly lived in my service £5 and a suit of morning; To servant Charlotte STONE £50 and a suit of morning if still living with me at my decease; To [Blank] EYRES the widow of William EYRES 1 shilling weekly for life; siux dozen blankets & 6 dozen pairs of sheets for the poor of St Peters in such manner as my friend Mrs CHURCHILL of Colliton may think proper: REST bequeathed to Revd William Rush Hallett CHURCHILL of Colliton House Witnessed Maria STICKLAND and Frances INGRAM
Will of William GARLAND, Wine Merchant of Dorchester , Dorset 30 June 1840 PROB 11/1929 [Note:- See Burial Register for Holy Trinity Dorchester :-Entry 501 - William GARLAND (one of the Town Council) from North Square in the parish of St Peters; buried 08 May 1840; age 54 years; Rev George Wood Rector]
Will of Rebecca HELLARD, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset 26 August 1840 PROB 11/1932  
Will of Samuel FENTON, Victualler of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Samuel FENTON was buried at the church of St Andrews at Mintern Magna in Dorset on 9th Oct 1840 then aged 64] Dated 31 Dec 1832
Proved 31 Dec 1840
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1840 event record 20 Image for members Will leaves everything to wife Elizabeth Bennett FENTON, witnesses William Budge and George Lister: Elizabeth's oath has survived when will proved on 31st Dec 1840 which has a side line entry "Testator died 4th Oct 1840. Note:- Samuel FENTON from the parish of All Sauints Dorchester married Elizabeth Bennett BROWN at her home parish of Holy Trinity in Dorchester on 1st Feb 1817. Elizabeths oath refers to her husband being 'late of Middlemarsh in the parish of Mintern Magna Innkeeper'.
Will and letter of Administration for the estate of Ann MATTHEWS, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at Fordington St George 11th Nov 1840 aged 63] Will 03 July 1840
L/A 12 Feb 1841
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1841 event record 16 & Ad/Dt/W/1841 E/R 20 Will beneficiaries Sister Elizabeth the wife of William GUY; neice Jane GUY; Brother John MATHEWS & his 3 children (unnamed) witnessed by Henry LOCK and Richard TREVES: Letter of Admin granted to William TREVES of Dorchester a Cabinet Maker and sole executor effects under £100
Will of Hannah HARDING, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 17 February 1841 PROB 11/1941 Note:- Buried at Stinsford the wife of William Harding See memorial plaque in Church
Will of Sarah GALE, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 16 March 1841 PROB 11/1942  
Will of Thomas ROE, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset 06 April 1841 PROB 11/1944  
Will of Susanna MILLER, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 17 April 1841 PROB 11/1944  
Will of Frances Anne GARLAND, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset 17 May 1841 PROB 11/1945  
Will of Joseph Clavell Staddon SLYFIELD of The Maithouse Dorchester , Dorset 20 December 1841 PROB 11/1955  
Will of Elizabeth MEECH, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset 14 March 1842 PROB 11/1959 [Note:- See Burial Register for Holy Trinity Dorchester :- 541 - Elizabeth MEECH a single woman of High West Street buried 26 Feb 1842; age 87 years; Rev George Wood Rector]
Will of Henry PLOWMAN (RN Surgeon) of Charminster

[Note:- Buried St Peters Church Dorchester on 7th March 1842, aged 62]

[Note:- See Monumental Inscriptions Entry 6 for St Peters Church in Dorchester & Link to an account of the life of Henry PLOWMAN (1779-1842) ]
Marriage Settlement dated
7 Mar 1822

Will dated 31 Jul 1830

Proved 25 Apr 1842
PROB 11/1961 WILL: I Henry Plowman of Charminster in the County of Dorset do hereby make this my last will and instrument revoking all former wills by me made whereas by a marriage settlement made on or about the 7th day of March 1822 between myself and my present wife Frances Louisa Taunton now Plowman and all her property both real and personal was settled on myself and wife during our respective lives and after our deaths on such issue as may be left & whereas there is now one son named Thomas Henry who will be entitled thereunto it is my wish that the whole of my own personal property either in the funds or on securities shall go entirely to my said wife and at her own disposal at her decease by her last will and testament signed in the presence of two reliable witnesses but in default of such will then to my said son Thomas Henry or my other heirs at law and I do hereby constitute my said wife whole and sole executrix dated this 31st day of July in the year of our Lord 1830. H Plowman A Taunton, M Parsons witnesses.

Proved at London 25th April 1842 before the Judge by the oath of Frances Louisa Plowman widow the relict the sole executrix to whom administration was granted having been first sworn by commission duly to administer.
Will of George STRICKLAND [STICKLAND], Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset

[Note:- See Burial Register for Holy Trinity Dorchester :-Entry 545 - George STICKLAND of the High Street buried 06 Apr 1842; age 70 years; Rev George Wood Rector]
Will dated 17 Jan 1840
Proved London 05 May 1842
PROB 11/1963 WILL: Gave £2,000 to Thomas BRIDGE the Younger of Winford Eagle in Dorset Gentleman and Mary DAVIDSON wife of James Davidson of Lester Lodge near Axminster in Devon the executors and administrators IN TRUST: Interest to be paid half yearly - one third for life to George STICKLAND the son of my deceased brother Richard? : One third to Elizabeth STILL wife of Mr Still of Salisbury and daughter of my said deceased brother during her life : one third for any children of them: To William Bridge brother of Thomas Bridge £200; To Henry Bridge brother of Thomas Bridge £200; Give for the support of the Dorset County Hospital or Infirmary about to be erected £500; Salisbury Diocese Church Building Society £200; +Various other provisions: Witnesses Joseph Hansford & William Kite Proved: London 05 May 1842
Will of Anne TAPP, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset 10 September 1842 PROB 11/1968 [Note:- See Burial Register for St Peters :- 429 - Ann TAPP from the parish of St Peters; buried 13 July 1842; age 40 years; Rev John Morton Colson Rector ]

Will of Thomas BOWER, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset

[Note:- See Burial Register for Holy Trinity Dorchester :- 560 - Thomas BOWER Esq one of the town Council from the High street buried 15 Sep 1842; age 64 years; Rev George Wood Rector ]

Dated 8th Aug 1842

Proved 04 Oct 1842

PROB 11/1969

Will: To my servant Jane BISHOP now residing with me £19. 19s : To my carter Joseph STROUD £10; Whereas my brother Richard BOWER is indebted to the trustees of the settlement made on the marriage of my Nephew William Bower SCOTT with my niece Mary Catherine BOWER in the sum of £1,500 and interest -bequeathed £1000 conditional on part dischage of this debt. To my brother John BOWER £500: To children of brother James BOWER living at my death £900 between them; To such children of my late sister Elizabeth SCOTT as shall be living £900 between them; To such children of my brother Richard BOWER as shall be living £200 between them; To such children of my Nephew James Woodward SCOTT as shall be living £150 between them; Rest unto my brothers James and John BOWER also appointed Executors. Witnesses Thomas COOMBS and Christopher ARDEN

Note:- Thomas BOWER (1778-1842) born at Lostwithiel Cornwall son of James BOWER (1741-1795) and Elizabeth nee ELIOT (1748-1834) also grandson of Edmund BOWER (1716-1773) and Elizabeth SHORTO (1715-1765) who married at St Georges Church Fordington 26 Jan 1741

Will of Doctor Christopher COOPER, Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Physics of Dorchester , Dorset

[Note:- See Burial Register for Holy Trinity Dorchester:- Christopher COOPER Esq M.D. from the High street; buried 05 Aug 1842; age 69 years; Rev George Wood Rector and memorial tablet HT Church - Mary COOPER his widow was buried at HT on 9th Sep 1853]
Dated 21st Jan 1841
Codicil dated 7th Jun 1841
Proved 01 Dec 1842
PROB 11/1971 Will: To wife Mary COOPER my dwelling house on thye north side of High West Street in Parish of HT together with the stable coach house and garden + all houshold goods carriages etc + £1,500 ; To my wife's sister Theophilia YEATMAN now living with us £500; To her sisters Jane and Charlotte YEATMAN £200 each; To her brother Morgan YEATMAN £300; To To her brother Francis Fane YEATMAN £500; All my freehold estate at Kirton Fen in Lincoln now in the occupation of J Holmes as my tenant to my brother Benjamin COOPER or if dead and no surviving issue to my Nephew The Rev WilliamWithers EWBANK Clerk Vicar of Grinson in the County of Durham ; £500 to Rev Wm W Ewbank; Various other lands tenements in Lincoln to his wife; Rest in trust with bother Benjamin COOPER, Morgan YEATMAN and FRancis J Yeatman for benefit my sister Theodesia EWBANK for her separate use from her husband Wm Ewbank & my sister Grace HUTCHINSON of the city of York widow of the late William Walter HUTCHINSON deceased [Note:-Link to more information about Christopher COOPER MD (1773-1842) ]
Will of Elizabeth BANGER, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 09 January 1843 PROB 11/1973 [Note:- See Burial Register for Holy Trinity Dorchester :- 564 - Elizabeth BANGER a widow from the High street; buried 29 Dec 1842; age 91½ years; Rev George Wood Rector]
Will of Thomas LOCKETT, Shopkeeper of Dorchester , Dorset 27 April 1843 PROB 11/1978 [Note:- See Burial Register for St Peters:- 431 - Thomas LOCKETT from the parish of St Peters; buried 02 Dec 1842; age 59 years; Rev John Morton Colson Rector]
Will of Mary or Woodward HANKINS, Widow of Wollaston House Dorchester , Dorset 11 May 1843 PROB 11/1979  
Will of Edward BOSWELL, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset 27 May 1843 PROB 11/1979 [Note:- See Burial Register for Holy Trinty Dorchester :- 561 - Edward BOSWELL Esq of the High Street; buried 04 Nov 1842; age 82 years; Rev George Wood Rector ]
Will of Fanny ROSE, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at Sturminster Marshall Dorset 15th May 1843 aged 43] Dated 22 Mar 1843
Proved 12 Jun 1843
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1843 event record 12 & 16 Beneficiary under will Sister Caroline ROSE spinster of Dorchester includes Freehold Messuage, Dwellinghouse, Outbuildings, garden and orchard situated at Sturminster Newton now in the occupation of George BRIDGE & Samuel DUFFETT until she marries then share house with 2 sisters Ann the wife of Richard REECKS of Clapham a cabinet maker and Harriet BRIDGE the wife of the siad George BRIDGE: Witnessed by Betsey Ann ROPER and William ESCOTT
Will of Hooper TOLBORT, Plumber, glazier and ironmonger of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Hooper TOLBORT [GRO has TALBORT] of All Saints Parish Dorchester; buried 02 Dec 1842; age 38 years] Dated 09 Sep 1842
Proved 14 Jun 1843
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1843 event record 17 & 16 Beneficiary under will and sole executrix his widow Joanna TOLBORT witnessed John Bishop and James Frouk Testaor died 25th Nov 1842
Letter of Administration for the estate of Elizabeth DAVIS spinster, of Dorchester , Dorset without father or mother intestate 19 Jun 1843 DHC AD/P/A/1843 event record19 Intestate died 18th May 1843 L/A Granted to Ann DAVIS of Dorchester spinster the lawful sister of the deceased also bound John WOOD of Dorchester Gent; Thomas WOOD of Dorchester brazier
Will of Elizabeth POUNCY, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset 06 December 1843 PROB 11/1990  
Probate copy will: Robert Childs WHETHAM of Dorchester, Will dated 24 Jun 1844 24 Jun 1844 DHC Ref D/LRL/1/484 & PROB 11/2038/184 [Note:- Probate granted 19 Jun 1846 -- See Holy Trinity Burial Register "Entry 643 - Robert Childs WHETHAM from South street in the parish of St Peters buried 19 May 1846; age 40 years; Rev Dacre Clemetson Officiating Minister - A copy of this will is held at DHC under the ref provided see A2A Index - Original held at the National Archives they have indexed under Will of Robert Childs Whetham of Dorchester , Oxfordshire? clearly a clerical error steming from the fact that there is also a Dorchester in Oxon. He is one of three sons of John WHETHAM and Diane CHILDS see their marriage 1st Dec 1796 at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester]
Will of Mary BLANDY spinster of Dorchester Dated 25 Jan 1839
Proved 27 Jun 1844
PROB 11/1999 Will: Beneficiaries:- Sister Anna FFURBER £500 Rest in trust for her mother Elizabeth BLANDY. and after her death following legacies Brother Robert BLANDY £300; Nephew Charles Redpath BLANDY £200; Neice Anne BLANDY £300; Neice Eliza Mary Blandy FURBER £500; Neice Elizabeth BLANDY daughter of my brother Thomas BLANDY £500; Nephew Robert WILLIS £200 Rest to my sister Anna FURBER Executors and Trustees my brother John BLANDY of the Island of Madeira Gentleman and Frederick DOWDING of Bath Gentleman £50
Will of Elizabeth CORBIN, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- GRO Deaths Elizabeth CORBIN Dorchester district 3rd qtr 1844 Ref 8/33 - Elizabeth CORBIN from the parish of St Peters; buried 12 July 1844; age 70 years;] Dated 5 Jun 1844
Proved 14 Aug 1844
PROB 11/2003 WILL: of Elizabeth CORBIN (1774-1844) of Dorchester widow published 5th June 1844, Left stock of £149.19s.4d to friend & exectrix Jane BUSON of 120 Great Portland St Middlesex spinster in trust for my sister Frances AYLIFFE - then to neice Mary Anne AYLIFFE daughter of my sister Frances - rest to friends - proved London 14th Aug 1844
Will of Agnes TAUNTON, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 15 November 1844 PROB 11/2008 WILL: Agnes TAUNTON (1767-1844) now residing in Dorchester (originally from Muckleford) widow Whereas I gave to my son-in-law Henry PLOWMAN Esq now deceased all that my share and interest in a meadow situated at Bradford meadow in the parish of Bradford Peverell Dorset and in Charminster and also a piece of garden mound situated in Bradford Peverell but the same were not conveyed to Henry Plowman now bequeathed unto her daughter Frances Louisa Plowman: To two sons-in-law Joseph SLADEof Melcombe Regis and the Rev Hamilton John Williams of Whatley Rectory in Somerset £15: Rest to Revd Gilbert Henry LANGDON of Ovling vicarage Sussex and the Rev John Morton Colson Rector of St Peter's in Dorchester in TRUST to convert to money for benefit of children - very long will etc etc

[Note:- Agnes nee Sabine was the wife of Thomas Taunton of Wrackleford whom she married 10 Aug 1789 at Statton with Grimstone in Dorset. Thery had nine children the 7th of which was Frances Louisa Taunton who decame the 2nd wife of Henry PLOWMAN Surgeon RN who was buried at St Peters in of Dorchester in 1842]
Will of Walter Parry HODGES of Dorchester , Dorset 04 April 1845 PROB 11/2015  
Letter of Administration for the estate of Jane BROWNING late of Dorchester Holy Trinity parish Widow 13 Aug 1845 DHC C/C/A/1845 Event Record 10 Granted to her son Joseph BROWNING of Dorchester Holy Trinity Parish Draper - date of Death for Joan given as 26th Feb 1845. She was buried as Jenny BROWNING from Dorchester at nearby St Michael Church at Stinsford
Will of Charles STICKLAND of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- The 5th child from the marriage of Mr Robert STICKLAND (1744-1804) and Jane MITCHELL (1748-1822) who had married at St James Church Westminster on 27th Dec 1767.] Dated 6 Jun 1845
Proved 03 Sep 1845
PROB 11/2024 WILL: Son Robert indebted to him for £3,073 which is ceded - and I have also become responsible for him and joined him as surity to the Dorchester Old Bank for the sum of £2,000 borrowed by him of the firm and Mr Joseph STONE of Dorchester for sum of £230 to be paid out of his estate - etc etc mentions nephews and wife Maria (very long will )
Will of George ADAMS Victualler of Dorchester , Dorset 05 September 1845 Dorset Note:- See Transcription of Will: George Adams was from All Saints parish Dorchester but buried at St Georges church Fordington on 30th April 1846
Will of Elizabeth MAYNARD, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset 20 January 1846 PROB 11/2029  
Will of Ann GENGE, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Ann GENGE was buried at St Peters Church Dorchester 27 Apr 1846] Dated 28 Mar 1846
Oath 02 May 1846
Proved 04 May 1846
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1846 event record 11 Oath states Ann Genge died on or about 20th April 1846: Will:- to be buried in St Peters Churchyard; Beneficiaries Alfred SPICER GENT Executor; Nephew William GENGE of the City of Worcester and his son John and daughter Ann; Mrs BUTT of Dorchester; Elizabeth SIMONDS of Dorchester; Rebecca LOCKETT of Dorchester; William SIMONDS; William son of Robert MILLER; Mrs bennet HARVEY; 9 poor women in Chubbs Almshouse; Margaret BANGER of Weymouth; Ann RIDEOUT of Weymouth; Henry ADAMS of Fordington ; Elizabeth LESTER of Fordington ; Dinah BESS of Fordington ; Witnesses Wm MANFIELD; Charles ?
Letter of Administration to Robert William Andrews of Dorchester Gentleman husband of Frances ANDREWS late of the same place died intestate on or about 14th May 1842 06 May 1846 DHC -

Ad/Dt/A/1846; Event Record Number: 3.

Note:- Frances White ANDREWS from the parish of St Peters; buried 20 May 1842; age 55 years; Rev John Morton Colson Rector. Her husband Robert William ANDREWS Gentleman made a deposition to the court signed on 7th May 1856. letters of Administration confirm Robert to be of Holy Trinity Parish bound with Henry James Cockeram of Upcerne and George James ANDREWS of Dorchester in the sum of £40
Will of Charles ELDRIDGE, Brewer of Dorchester , Dorset 30 May 1846 PROB 11/2035 Parish Burial Register for All Saints Church Dorchester Page 72 Entry 569 Charles ELDRIDGE abode All Saints buried April 12th 1850 aged 17 years by Rev Osmund Fisher [Note:- Link to more information about this family]
Will of Thomas CLARK, Bookseller of Dorchester , Dorset 12 June 1846 PROB 11/2037  
Will of Joseph JACOB, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset 30 June 1846 PROB 11/2037 Note:- See St Peters Burial Register for Entry 484 - Joseph JACOB from the parish of St Peters; buried 08 Jun 1846; age 79 years; Rev John Morton Colson Rector
Will Abel EDWARDS, of Dorchester in Dorset but late of business at No. 10 Halford Place Richmond Surrey Proved 14 November 1846 PROB 11/2044 Vol 16 Quire Nos.751-800 (1846) Note:- Image available under Prerogative Court of Canterbury file (extensive) Bequests in trust to Joseph STONE of Dorchester and Robert DAVIS son of Robert Gerrard DAVIS of Dorchester for the benefit of his wife Mary Frances, brother Thomas Cox Edwards, and nephews (John, Charles Lloyd, William, Lloyd) widow of his nephew Henry Edwards, and neices Emily Edwards and Eliza the wife of William Sun [Note:- Abel Edwards (1788-1846) was the youngest son of Rev Abel EDWARDS (1747-1826)]

Will of Edith BARTLETT, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset

[Note:- John BARTLETT married Edith WHEELER at St Peters Church 27th Dec 1809]

Note:- See Holy Trinity Burial register for 'Entry 653 - Edith relict of John BARTLETT from south Street in the parish of St Peters Dorchester; buried 23 Oct 1846; age 60 years; Rev George Wood Rector]

Dated 5th Mar 1846

Proved 14 Nov 1846

PROB 11/2044

WILL: Bequest to Cousin Patty Warren WHEELER £800: Whereas I am entitled as sole executrix of my sister Athelia WHEELER deceased to the sum of £1,200 pounds stock now standing in names of the trustees and executors of the Will of my late husband John BARTLETT deceased now I do hereby give and bequeath from out of the said sum of £1,200 stock several sums following:
To : Cousin Henry WHEELER £150:
To Mary Athelia WHEELER daughter of said Henry WHEELER £150;
To Cousin Betty Burden MARTIN coster £150;
To Cousin Edward WHEELER £50;
To Cousin Thomas TULLIDGE son of Thomas TULLIDGE the Elder of Dorchester £150;
To Friends Benjamin JACOB to the said Thomas TULLIDGE the younger my executors herinafter named £10 each;
To said Mary Athelia WHEELER half a dozen of my best spoons and a pair of silver tablespoons marked A.W.
ALL THE REST to cousin Patty Warren WHEELER
Executors:- Benjamin JACOB and Thomas TULLIDGE the Younger
Witnesses: Thomas Coombs Junior; Jolv? Dorchester - G.Th.Davis

Will of Henry BLY, Gentleman of Holy Trinity Dorchester , Dorset 09 January 1847 PROB 11/2048 Note:- See Holy Trinity Burial Register for 'Entry 655 - Henry BLY (By Coroners Warrant) from the High Street buried 24 Dec 1846; age 77 years; Rev George Wood Rector'
Will of James Harvey HAWKINS, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset Dated 20 Nov 1846
Proved 15 January 1847
PROB 11/2048  In Trust to James Hawkins Tizard of Ashton Farm Dorset Gent and John Acres Curme of Radipole for my brother Richard Hawkins, sisters Sarah Stone Hawkins & Hannah Hawkins. Brother Richard sole executor of his will. Witnesses Christopher Arden Surgeon of Dorchester and Thomas Coommbs Junior of Dorchester. Proved at London 15th Jan 1847 by Richard Hawkins brother the sole executor
Will of Elias GALPIN, Brewer of Dorchester , Dorset 05 February 1847 PROB 11/2050 See Transcription of his Will for more information
Will of Reverend William Rush Hallett CHURCHILL of Colliton, Clerk of Dorchester , Dorset [1775-1847] Dated 12 Dec 1846
Proved 17 Feb 1847
PROB 11/2050

[Note:- The son of William Churchill of Coliton House Dorchester baptised at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 27 Jun 1775] ill: Refers to property at Piddletrenthide, Piddlehinton and Piddletown, Rushton Bourne, Lovefors and his marriage settlement; property at Buckland Ripers and Portesham, Sturminster Marshall, East Stour etc Bequests to wife Martha, sons William and George CHURCHILL and his son WRH Churchill's grandson George Churchill and his sons 2 other daughters Etc

Letter of Administration for the estate of Abraham SCRIVEN of Dorchester a Mason by trade [Note:- Buried St Peters Church Dorchester 1st Sep 1846 aged 48 years] Died 29 Aug 1846
LA Dated 29 Apr 1847
DHC Ad/Dt/A/1847 event record 5 Granted to Bathsheba SCRIVEN of St Peters Parish Dorchester widow , Also bound is John DAVIS of Dorchester a baker and Edward LESTER of Dorchester a stone mason. To administer his estate etc also take the Bond annexed and see duly executed (not actually annexed)
Will of Mary CAISH, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 18 September 1847 PROB 11/2062  
Will of Reverend George WOOD, Clerk of Dorchester , Dorset 25 September 1847 PROB 11/2062 Note:- Rev George WOOD MA (1774-1847) Rector of Holy Trinity Church Dorchester from 1825 until his death - Also see Holy Trinity burial register - ' Entry 681 - George WOOD from High West Street buried 26 Aug 1847; age 74 years; Rev Richard Cutler ]
Will of John GREGORY, Plasterer of Dorchester , Dorset 27 September 1847 PROB 11/2062  
Will of Margaret TAPP, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 24 May 1848 PROB 11/2075 Note:- See St Peters Burial Register:- Entry 510 - Margaret TAPP from the parish of St Peters; buried 24 Apr 1848; age 80 years; Rev John Morton Colson Rector
Will of William REASON, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset 26 May 1848 PROB 11/2075  
Will of William STEPHENSON, Clock and Watch Maker of Dorchester , Dorset 27 June 1848 PROB 11/2077 Note:- See St Peters Burial Register:- Entry 505 - William STEVENSON from the parish of All saints Dorchester; buried 31 Jan 1848; age 56 years; Rev John Morton Colson Rector
Will of Thomas CURTIS, Hosier of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at Fordington 10th June 1848]

Dated 08 Nov 1844

07 July 1848

PROB 11/2077 Will: Mentions his sister Grace Ostler paid 4 shillings a week for life: Bequests to many nephews and nieces residue to wife Mary. [Note:- Thomas CURTIS a Hosier was living in North Square Dorchester in the 1830 Pigot's Directory. He is still there in the 1841 Census Thomas Curtis aged 65 to 69 with his wife Mary the same age - In Monumental Inscriptions Fordington:- In memory of Thomas CURTIS who departed this life 3rd June 1848 aged 73 years. His sister Grace Curtis married Charles OSTLER at All Saints church in Dorchester on 28th April 1801].
Will of Mary Ann MOORE, Widow of West Fordington (near) Dorchester , Dorset 01 August 1848 PROB 11/2079  
Will of Humphrey STARK, Mail Coach Guard of Dorchester , Dorset 22 August 1848 PROB 11/2080 [Note:- Also see will of Leah Bly dated 1st April 1849 where his widow Ann Stark becomes executrix and sole beneficiary]
Will of Leah BLY, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Leah BLY from High West Street was buried 04 Apr 1849 at Holy Trinity Church dorchester; aged 78 years] Dated 01 Apr 1849
Proved 24 Feb 1852
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1852 Event Record 14 Will refers to her being beneficary under will of Mary Love wife of Thomas Love of Radipole: Ann Stark widow of Humphrey Stark mail coach guard sole executrix and beneficiary. Ann took oath on 24th Feb 1852 when will was proved
Probate copy will: Ralph SHORTO of Dorchester, miller and baker Will dated 2 Apr 1849 [Note:- Ralph SHORTO from the parish of St Peters in Dorchester was buried at Toller porcorum Dorset on 15th April 1849 entry 327] 2 Apr 1849 DHC: Ref D/LRL/1/697  Also image Ad/Dt/W/1849 E/R 16 Will left everything to his wife (unnamed but see Susannah below for her will dated 21 Jan 1852 proved 19th Sep 1856) executors his Brother Job SHORTO and Joseph SAUNDERS of Toller Porcorum Dorset; Oath attached states Ralph SHORTO died on or about 8th April 1849; witnesses George INGRAM Solicitor Dorchester & James TARZEWELL Surgeon of Dorchester Probate granted 8 Aug 1849: Oath authorized by William BALLER Rector of the parish of Holy Trinity Dorchester
Will of Benjamin JACOB, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset 12 July 1849 PROB 11/2096 Note:- See St Peters Burial Register Entry 523 - Benjamin JACOB from the parish of St Peters; buried 14 Jun 1849; age 61 years; Rev J.C.Bristed
Will of Ann CREECH, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 04 March 1850 PROB 11/2109  
Will of Henry JACOB, Gentleman of Dorchester, Dorset 3 April 1850 PROB 11/2111 Note:- See St Peters Burial Register Entry 539 - Henry JACOB from the parish of St Peters; buried 22 Mar 1850; age 53 years; Rev John Morton Colson Rector
Will of Lawrence ELFORD, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset Dated 28 Aug 1841
Codicil 2 Mar 1844
Proved 09 April 1850
PROB 11/2111 Notes:- Link to transcription of his will with genealogical notes. Lawrence ELFORD (1771-1850) was buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester on 18 Mar 1850; age 79 years]
Will of William STEVENS of Dorchester , Dorset 27 June 1850 PROB 11/2115  
Will of Catherine LODDER, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 09 July 1850 PROB 11/2116  
Elizabeth JAMES of Dorchester, widow 15 Sep 1850 D/LRL/1/132   (4 docs incl: Probate copy will: Elizabeth JAMES of Dorchester, widow (daughter of John Foot see will 4 Nov 1822 ) Will dated 15 Sep 1850
Will of Elizabeth JAMES, Widow of Joseph JAMES of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at St Peters Church Dorchester 30 Sep 1850; age 63 years] Dated 15 Sep 1850
Proved 16 Oct 1850
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1850/12 Will: Premises North side of Bull Stake or North Square in the parish of St Peters currenlt in the occupation of myself and Thomas Read SIMONDS tenant unto my 2 daughters Elizabeth Hannah JAMES and Emma JAMES Witnesses John Edwards, William Simonds, Thomas Read Simmons
Will of Doctor Francis JACKSON, Doctor of Medicine of Dorchester , Dorset 02 January 1851 PROB 11/2125  
Will of George CULL, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset 03 May 1851 PROB 11/2132  
Will of Stephen BIGGS, Confectioner of Dorchester , Dorset 25 September 1851 PROB 11/2139  
Will of Thomas COOMBS Esq the Elder, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset

Note:- See St Peters Burial register Entry 576 - Thomas COOMBS from the parish of Holy Trinity Dorchester; buried 20 May 1852; age 75 years; Rev William Buller Officiating Minister
Dated 19th June 1849

Proved London 5 June 1852
PROB 11/2154 Long Will: Bequests : Property at Buckland Newton in occupation of Edward Bennett unto his dear wife Emma for life or until she remarries, then to son Thomas Coombs; £2000 to trustees : property at Haselbury Bryan to wife Emma ditto then to son Arthur Coombs; Property in High West Street Dorchester where he now lives to wife then daughter Henrietta Coombs -- To William Eliot of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis Banker and Charles Criswick og Dorchester Esq to make inventory of all goods etc to wife to hold for life then daughter Henrietta -- £200 to wife at his death; Whereas at the marriage of my son Thomas Coombs I voluntarily conveyed my house and and offices in South street in Dorchester + interest in his business -- bequests to son Arthur Coombs in in trust £4,500. [Note:- This is Thomas COOMBS (1777-1852) Attorny of Dorchester. ]

Will of John DURDEN, Plumber and Glazier of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- link to more information about John DURDEN ] Dated 11 May 1852
Proved 05 August 1852
PROB 11/2157 Will: Left Household goods plate etc to wife Frances Durden+ £100. All stock in trade & business effects to son William Durden in trust out of profits arising from such business to pay unto his wife an annuity of £45 during her life if she stay a widow. All real estate and residue of my personal estate to John WITT of Southampton Merchant and Edward WITT of Albany Road Camberwell Surrey Gent in trust to sell and invest to pay his wife the annual income independantly of any husband and then any living children and trheir descendants. Son to remain in charge of his business premises and workshops etc. Wife, son and 2 trustees executors/executrix of will & guardians of daughter Susammah Witt Durden
Will of George HARRIS, Yeoman of Dorchester , Dorset 16 August 1852 PROB 11/2157  
Probate copy will: Frances STICKLAND of Dorchester, spinster Will dated 6 Oct 1852 6 Oct 1852 D/LRL/1/703   Probate granted 27 Apr 1858
Will of Jane HENVILLE of Dorchester, spinster Will Together with Oath of Mary Carter of St Peters Parish in Dorchester Executrix [Note:- Buried St peters Churchyard buried 29 Sep 1852 in a grave near her sister age 81 years] Dated 20 Sep 1852
Died 24 Sep 1852
proved 09 Oct 1852
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1852 Event Record 15 Will: To be buried in brick grave near her sister in St Peters Churchyard Dorchester; Beneficiaries Sister Mary CARTER also executrix; nephew George HENVILLE; Samuel MEPHAM of Dorchester a bookbinder; Ann daughter of the deceased nephew John PRYOR; Friend Mary Morey; Deacons of the Independant Chapel in Dorchester; Dorchester British School; London Missionary society; Deacons of the Church of Divine Worship at the aforenamed chapel; Wintesses G.White & Jane Webber of Dorchester
Will of Theophila Farr YEATMAN, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset 24 February 1853 PROB 11/2168  
Will of Joseph LOCK, Tanner and Currier of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried All Saints Church Dorchester buried 28 Oct 1852; age 49 years] Dated 16 Aug 1852
Proved 23 Mar 1853
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1853 event record 7 Beneficiaries his 3 children Elizabeth Masters LOCK; Thomas LOCK and Harriett LOCK; In trust with Hugh Hill of Fordington Tea Merchant and Charles CROCKER of Dorchester a cordwainer for benefot Thomas who is entailed to provide for his sisters
Will of Mary BRYER, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset 09 April 1853 PROB 11/2169  
Will of Joseph Henry FIRTH, Lieutenant Honorable Companys Service Bengal Establishment of Dorchester , Dorset 05 July 1853 PROB 11/2175]   D/LRL/1/143   DHC Has Probate copy will: Joseph Henry FIRTH of Dorchester, Lieut 5th Reg. Native Infantry, E India Co Will dated ? March 1853 Granted 5 July 1853 (to first executor) 13 Apr 1870 (to second executor)
Administration: Susan VIVIAN of Dorchester, widow 06 July 1853 D/LRL/1/474   Administration granted 6 Jul 1853
Will of Esau VIVIAN, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset 09 July 1853 PROB 11/2176  
Will of Ann STARK, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 10 August 1853 PROB 11/2177  
Will of Mary Cooper, Widow of Holy Trinity Dorchester , Dorset Dated 07 July 1845
Proved 27 Sep 1853
PROB 11/2178 Will: Many references to prior trusts and bequests to family of her and her husband Christopher COOPER MD [ Note:- Link to more information about Christopher COOPER MD (1773-1842) ]
Probate copy will: Joseph STONE of Dorchester, Gentleman Will dated 13 Oct 1853 13 Oct 1853 D/LRL/1/381  & PROB 11/2195 Probate granted 1 Jul 1854 [Link to further information about Joseph Stone (1797-1853) Solicitor]
Probate copy will: John GREGORY of Dorchester, builder Will dated 5 Nov 1853 5 Nov 1853 D/LRL/1/157  & PROB 11/2186 Probate granted 10 Feb 1854
Will of Robert Grayham or Graham of Dorchester , Dorset 04 January 1854 PROB 11/2184  
Will of Mary FUDGE, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester 17 Jan 1854; age 70 years;] Dated 30 Mar 1853
Proved 09 Feb 1854
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1854 event record 9 Will beneficiaries:- Her daughter Frances ANDREWS wife of Mark Andrews left the dwelling house, land and premises they dwell in at East Burton; Son Robert FUDGE left £50; daughter Emily FUDGE Spinster executrix left the rest of her estate - witness Rebecca Riggs and Barbara Wahim?
[Note:- Mary FUDGE nee LEGG was the widow of Richard FUDGE (1773-1828) whom she married in her parish of Broadway Dorset on 9th Dec 1807]
Will of Susannah LOCKE, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset 15 February 1854 PROB 11/2186  
Will of Mary LOCKE, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset 14 March 1854 PROB 11/2188  
Will of Elizabeth Forrester NEAVE, Widow of Portesham near Dorchester , Dorset 04 April 1854 PROB 11/2190  
Will of Reverend Edmund BRYER, Clerk of Dorchester , Dorset 13 May 1854 PROB 11/2190 Rev Edmund BRYER (1775-1854) 4th child of Rev Thomas BRYER Rector of All Saints church Dorchester (from 1774 until 1818) and Mary BOWER his wife Baptised 21 May 1776 All Saints Church Dorchester. Educated at Balliol College Oxford matriculated 11 Dec 1794 aged 19 BA 1799. lived High West Street with sister Mary, unmarried. Died 30 Jan 1854.
Letter of Administration for the estate of James WOODSFORD of Holy Trinity Parish Dorchester Dorset [Note:- buried at Holy Trinity Church Dorchester - from Pease Lane buried 21 July 1854; age 66 years] Oath 27 July 1854
L/A 29 July 1854
DHC Ad/D7/A 1854/ event record 3 Granted to Mary WOODSFORD the lawful widow and administratrix of the estate of the deceased: also bound are George LUCAS of Dorchester a builder and Joseph Baker WOODSFORD of maiden Newton an enmgraver. issued 31st July 1854 by William BULLER Rector of Holy Trinity Church Dorchester Commissioner [Note:- Annotated James Woodsford died on or about 15th July 1854]
Will of John WOOD, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset 31 March 1855 PROB 11/2209  
Probate copy will: William HAWKINS of Dorchester Appraiser Will dated 12 Apr 1855 12 Apr 1855  D/LRL/1/190   Probate granted 18 Apr 1863
Will of John BURNET of Dorchester , Dorset 14 May 1855 PROB 11/2211  
Will of Martha DAVIES, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 01 June 1855 PROB 11/2213  
Letter of Administration granted for the estate of Jane BARTLETT, of Dorchester , Dorset to Elizabeth Short the wife of George Short Labourer of Compton Vallence the lawful sister and one of the next of kin L/A 09 June 1855 DHC C/A/1855 Event Record 1 Image

Oath also taken the day before by Elizabeth that her sister "died on or about the 13th May 1855 without leaving a will.

[Note:- Jane Bartlett was buried at St Thomas church at Compton Vallence on 4th June 1855 aged 66 years.George SHORT from Frampton married Elizabeth BARTLETT at Compton Vallence on 1st July 1816. Elizabeth was baptised at Compton Valence the daughter of Edward and Mary BARTLETT on 15th Apr 1787. Edward BARTLETT of Compton Valence had married Mary Harding at Long Bredy in Dorset 10 Jun 1786 so not aware of any connection with existing Bartlett Families in Dorchester.]

Probate copy will: Joseph Henry FIRTH of Dorchester, Lieut 5th Reg. Native Infantry, E India Co
Will dated ? March 1853 Administration: Joseph FIRTH of Dorchester (3 docs)
27 Aug 1855 D/LRL/1/137  Administration Granted 27 Aug 1855 and 26 Apr 1870 (First administrator died before administration was completed)
Will of Catherine MANFELD, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 06 October 1855 PROB 11/2221  
Will of Sarah STONE, Spinster of Dorchester , Dorset 19 October 1855 PROB 11/2221  
Will of Henry DEWLAND of Dorchester, plumber, glazier and painter made 1856; Dated 07 May 1856
Proved 28 May 1856
Held at the DHC with the Will of Elizabeth Dewland of Dorchester Widow who Died 14 Jan 1895. Will:- everything in trust with Job SHORTO of Dorchester Baker and Edward STEELE of Dorchesterv linen draper for benefit of his widow Elizabeth DEWLAND for her life then equally between siblings William, Thomas, Sarah and Elizabeth CHUBB and Jane BOW also wifes brothers Thomas and Esau MUTFORD sister Ann JIONES the wife of John Herbert JONES
Will of Betsy WOOD, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 22 January 1856 PROB 11/2226  
Will of Martha CHURCHILL, Widow of Colliton House at Colliton Row in Dorchester , Dorset Dated 7th Apr 1850
Proved 24 Jan 1856
PROB 11/2225 [Note:- Widow of William Rush Hallet CHURCHILL (1775-1847) ] died 27th Nov 1855 Will: Bequests to her 4 daughters Eliza Sophia; Frances Caroline Louisa Georgina and Emma Anne CHURCHILL if remain single Bequests to sons Revd William Churchill and George CHURCHILL
Administration: Henry William FIRTH of Dorchester, bachelor
11 Feb 1856 D/LRL/1/701   Administration granted 11 Feb 1856
Will of Mary FISHER, Widow of West Walk Dorchester , Dorset 03 April 1856 PROB 11/2230  
Will of Joseph CLAPCOT, Gentleman of Dorchester , Dorset 30 April 1856 PROB 11/2230  
Oath and Will of Susannah SHORTO, Baker of Dorchester , Dorset [Note:- Susannah is in 1851 Census resident at Charminster a retired Grocer & Baker with her 4 children all born Dorchester as her late husbands business in High west street was being run by Job SHORTO - Susannah SHORTO of Burton Bradstock was buried at Toller Porcorum 22nd May 1856 entry 404] Dated 21 Jan 1852
Proved 19 Sep 1856
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1856 event record 12 Will appoints Job SHORTO brother-in-law Baker of Dorchester as executor and beneficiary in trust for her 4 children Sarah Jane SHORTO; Ann SHORTO; Alfred SHORTO and Marth SHORTO in their minority until age of 21: mentions dwelling and 2 cottages outbuildings etc in South Street in which she lives also leasehold property Flour Mills; Millhouse and land at Sutton Pointz Dorset. Oath confirms died on 20th May 1856 administration granted to Job SHORTO a baker (Miller in declaration) of Dorchester of the estate of Susannah SHORTO formerly of Dorchester but late of Burton Bradstock [Note:- Her husband Ralph SHORTO from the parish of St Peters in Dorchester was buried at Toller porcorum Dorset on 15th April 1849 entry 327]
Will of Charles KERLEY, Farrier of Dorchester , Dorset [ No trace of burial but baptised Holy Trinity 1st jan 1819; married St peters 21st May 1846] Dated 15 Mar 1856
Died 09 Aug 1856
Proved 19 Sep 1856
DHC Ad/Dt/W/1856 event record 11 & Oath 8 Beneficiary Wife Ellen Emma KERLEY who is Trustee of his estate with friend Job SHORTO of Dorchester a baker. Witnesses William SMITH late of Newark upon Trent now of Dorchester and Charles SHORTO a baker of Dorchester
Letter of Administration granted for the estate of Henry BILES formerly of Bridport but late of Dorchester to Sarah BILES his lawful widow of St Peters Parish in Dorchester , Dorset Oath 08 July 1856
LA 10 Nov 1856
DHC Ad/Dt/A/1856 Event Record 3 Letter of Administration granted to Sarah BILES of Dorchester Widow ; who was bound with Edward HOWE of the same place Accountant; and William ?????? of the same place ostler 10th Nov 1856: Image on of La and Oath. Note:- Could not trace a burial.

Will of John James LAMBERT of Dorchester , Dorset

[Note:- John James LAMBERT (1793-1856) was marrried to Elizabeth Davis 25th Jan 1820 at Winterborne Abbas in Dorset..

He was buried at Holy Trinity Church in Dorchester on 16th May 1856 - [Note:- Link to entry in Monumental Inscrptions file ]

Dated 30th Apr 1856

Proved 08 Dec 1856
PROB 11/2243 Will: I confirm the terms of my marriage settlement with my dear wife Elizabeth formerley Elizabeth DAVIS spinster in which I consider her amply provided for and and do not therefore make any further provision for her in this my last will; My dwelling house etc in which I now reside and all other messuages etc in Dorchester and Winterbourne Saint Martine Winterbourne Steepleton and Fordington and elsewhere in Dorset bequeathed to son Francis Henry LAMBERT, my friends William ELIOT of Weymouth and Edward PEARCE of Fordington (also appointed executors) in trust to fulfil my bequests etc, To pay all debts and funeral expenses; profits from these in trust for his son Francis Henry Lambert; Also all my messuage, farms, lands, tenements and hereditaments situate in Yeovil Marsh? and elsewhere in in the County of Somerset in trust to same trustees; £70 in trust for my son Robert William Lambert towards his maintenance and education; I ffel satisfied that my wife will provide for my daughter Frances Lambert out of her settlement I therefore only give her £50, my piano forte, an old silver cup or goblet formerly Miss Gaitfores and the silver Panada Dish formerley Miss Chapels ; I give to my servant Thomas Griggs 19 guineas ; I give unto my son Francis Henry Lambert all the plate I became possessed of under the will of my late brotherFrancis henry Lambert _ all jewellery ; To my son Robert William Lambert all my palte myself bought; Rest and Residue to son Francis Henry Lambert; I feel in Justice to myself that I ought not to pass over in silence the undeserved and disrespectful observations on my personal character and which are recorded in the wills of my Mother my brothers Edward Robert and Burgess my two sisters Louisa and Sibella and my Uncle John GREEN And I hereby adamantly deny that any conduct of mine towards them ever derserves such treatment on the contrary I have the most reason to complain of their reason twoards use in their attempts by two suits in Chancery to injure my property and by their unjust statements to ruin my reputation I publish these observations on the sole grounds of personal justification and conclude with this remark that although such underserved unjustness? on the part of those so nearly connected I cannot forget I have thank God charity enough to pity and forgive.
Will of Sarah ELDRIDGE, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 24 January 1857 PROB 11/2244 [Note:- Entry 678 All Saints burial register. Sarah ELDRIDGE of All Saints Parish Dorchester; buried 02 Dec 1856; age 57 years Link to more information about this family]
Will of Frances Louisa PLOWMAN formerly Taunton, Widow of Dorchester , Dorset 17 July 1857 PROB 11/2255  
Will of Edward BILLOWS, Gas Engineer of Dorchester , Dorset 20 November 1857 PROB 11/2259  
Will of Charlotte Barham WALLIS formerly Cosens, Wife of Dorchester , Dorset 08 January 1858 PROB 11/2263  
Note end of Wills available on line at National Archives up to 1858 Only  
Probate of Frances STICKLAND Spinster of Dorchester
[Note:- probably buried at the Civic Cemetery where records are missing for that year - Frances was the the 9th child from the marriage of Robert STICKLAND (1744-1804) to Jane MITCHEL at Saint James Westminster London 27th Dec 1767].
Died 9th Jan 1858 National Probate Calendar Probate granted 27th April 1858: The Will of Frances STICKLAND late of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Spinster deceased who died 9th January 1858 at dorchester was proved at Blandford by the oath of Henrietta Stickland of Dorchester spinster the sister and the sole executrix Estate under £3,000
Probate Ann BESANT [Note:- She was buried at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 7th July 1858 aged 77 years]. Died 3rd July 1858
Probate 8th Oct 1858
National probate Calendar Probate granted 8th Oct 1858: The Will of Ann BESANT late of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Widow deceased who died 3rd July 1858 at Dorchester aforesaid was proved at Blandford by the oath of Thomas Henry Gatehouse BESANT of Dorchester Esq a Major in the East Inda Company the son and sole executor Effects under £1,000 [Note:- Ann BESANT was the widow of Thomas Gatehouse BESANT (1778-1808)]
Papers concerning wills of Mrs Rebecca STEWARD of Dorchester, proved 1859. [Note:- Buried at the Civic Cemetery in Dorchester on 28th April 1859 aged 92 years] Proved 5 Aug 1859 D/PRC/C2/9 - See also National probate Register

Note:- Rebecca Steward was born in Weymouth circa 1766-1771 her age at burial in the Civic Cemetery in Dorchester on 28th April 1859 being given as 92 years. The 1851 Census however gives her age as being 80.

Probate of her Will was granted on 5th Aug 1859 and states " The Will of Rebecca STEWARD of South Walks in the County of Dorset Spinster deceased who died 23rd April 1859 at Dorchester aforesaid was proved at the Principal Registry by the oaths of the Revd John STEWARD of Edstaston House Wem in the county of Salop Clerk the Nephew and Henry Augustus Templer of Bradpole in the said coiunty of Dorset Gentleman the executors. Effectes originally de4clared to be under £7,000 - resworn at the stamp office Dec 1863 under £9,000

Probate Robert Baker DUFALL
[Note he was the 4th child of John (alias Charles) and Rhoda DUFALL See Comments about the family via this link]
Died 25 July 1860 National Probate Calendar Probate granted 17th April 1861 Letters of Administration of the Personal Estate and effects of Robert Baker DUFALL late of Melbourne in Australia gentleman a bachelor deceased who died 25th July 1860 at Melbourne aforesaid were granted at the Principal Registry to Charles DUFALL of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Gentleman the Father of the said deceased he having been first sworn. Personal effects under £3,000. [Note:- Administration of goods unadministered passed at the Principal registry June 1871

Probate granted 26th June 1871 Administration of the effects of Robert DUFALL late of Melbourne in Australia Gentleman a bachelor who died 25th Jult 1860 at melbourne left unadministered by Charles DUFALL the Father and Next of Kin was granted at the principal Registry to Mary Leah DEWFOL of 1245 Mostyn-road Brixton in the County of Surrey Widow the relict and sole executrix of the Will of the said Charles DUFALL otherwise John DEWFOL Former grant principal Regitry April 1861. Effects under £1,500
Probate Edward LESTER [Note:- Buried 8th Oct 1860 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 2 Oct 1860 National Probate Calendar Probate 5 April. The Will of Edward LESTER late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset stonemason deceased who died 2 Oct 1860 at Dorchester aforesaid was proved at the Principal Registry by the oath of William LESTER of Portland in the said county stonemason the son one of the executors Effects under £450
Probate William BARGE [Note:- Buried Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 23 Oct 1860 National Probate Calendar Probate 9th Feb 1861 The Will of William BARGE late of Dorchester in teh county of Dorset Gentleman deceased who died 23 Oct 1860 at Dorchester aforesaid was proved at the Principal Registry by the oath of John BARGE of 9 Lower Synge St in the county of the City of Dublin in Ireland Inland Revenue Officer the son one of the executors effects under £300
Probate Thomas BASCOMBE [Note:- Buried 1st Feb 1861 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 28 Jan 1861 National Probate Calendar Probate 18 April The Will with a Codicil of Thomas BASCOMBE late of Tatton in the county of dorset gentleman deceased who died 28 Jan 1861 at Dorchester in the said county was proved at Blandford by the oaths of Thomas BASCOMBE of Dorchester aforesaid mercer the son George MAYO of Kimmeridge in the said county and John STYLE of the City of Salisbury mercer the surviving executors Effects under £16,000 Note:- Resworn at the Stamp Office under £14,000 September 1862
Probate Ann BAKER [Note:- Buried 21st Feb 1861 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 15 Feb 1861 National Probate Calendar Probate 25 April Letters of Administration of the Personal estate and effects of Ann BAKER formerly of Weymouth but late of Fordington near Dorchester both in the county of Dorset spinster deceased who died 15th Feb 1861 at Fordington aforesaid were granted at the Principal Registry to Robert BAKER of Blandford in the siad county gentleman the Brother and one of the next of kin of the siad deceased he having been first sworn effects under £12,000 [Note:- Link to her place in the BAKER Family Biography]
Probate Christopher ARDEN [Note:- Buried 12th April 1861 Dorchester Civic Cemetery son of Christopher ARDEN surgeon see probate 2 Dec 1811] Died 6 Apr 1861 National Probate Calendar Probate 30 Apr The Will of Christopher ARDEN in the county of Dorset Surgeon deceased who died 6 April 1861 at Dorchester aforesaid was proved at the Principal Registry by the oaths of Reverend George ARDEN of North Bovey in the County of Devon Clerk the son and John Rawdon OLDFIELD of Oldfield Lawn in the Parish of Wesbourne in the county of Sussex a Colonel on the Retired List of Her Majesty's Indian Army two of the executors Effects under £6,000
Administration: Catherine CRISWICK of Dorchester, widow [Note Probate not until 8 April 1884?] Died 19 July 1861 D/LRL/1/717  + National Probate Calendar Probate granted 8 Apr 1884 Administration of the Personal estate of Catherine CRISWICK late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Widow who died 19th July 1861 at Dorchester was granted at the Principal Registry to Frances Catherine CRISWICK of Southlands near Cuckfield in the county of Sussex spinster the daughter and only next of kin. Personal estate £312. 10s
Probate Luke GROVES [Note:- Buried 30th Oct 1861? Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 3 Nov 1861? National Probate Calendar Probate 23 Nov Letters of Administration of the Personal estate and effects of Luke GROVES late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Provision dealer deceased who died 3rd Nov 1861 at Dorchester aforesaid were granted at Blandford to Elizabeth GROVES of Dorchester aforesaid Widow the Relict of the said deceased she having been first sworn Effects under £1,500
Probate Mary KERLEY [Note:- Buried 12 Nov 1861 Dorchester Civic Cemetery. [Note:- Mary Kerley nee Norman was the widow of William Kerley and 6th child from the marriage of James NORMAN (1753-1821) from his marriage to Martha EVOMY at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 08 Jun 1778 Died 7 Nov 1861 National Probate Calendar Probate 22 Nov The Will of Mary KERLEY late of the parish of St Peter Dorchester in the county of Dorset widow deceased who died 7th Nov 1861 at the said parish was proved at the Principal Registry by the oath of Mary PHELPS (Wife of John PHELPS, Shopkeeper) of the said Parish the daughter the sole executrix. effects under £100
Henrietta STICKLAND [Note:- Died 26th April 1862 buried in the Civic Cemetery 2nd May 1862.] Died 26 April 1862 National Probate Calendar Probate 4th June 1862 The Will with a Codicil of Henrietta Stickland late of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Spinster deceased who died 26th April 1862 at Wrackleford House in the Parish of Stratton in the said County was proved at the Principal Registry by the oath of Reverend James CREE of Owermoigne in the said County Clerk the Nephew and the sole executor Effects under £5,000
[Note:- Henrietta STICKLAND (1777-1862) was the 6th vhild from the marriage of Robert STICKLAND (1744-1804) to Jane Mitchel at Saint James Westminster London 27th Dec 1767]
Probate William Henry STONE [Note:- Buried 22nd Jan 1863 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 17 Jan 1863 National Probate Calendar Probate 4th June Letters of Administration of the Personal estate and effects of William Henry STONE late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset gentleman a Bachelor deceased who died 17 Jan 1863 at Dorchester aforesaid were granted at Blandford to the Reverend Edward Daniel STONE of Eton College in the County of Buckingham Clerk the Brother of the said deceased he having been first sworn effects under £2,000
Probate Edwin Honey BOWDEN [Note:- Buried 6th Feb 1863 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Will dated 25 Jan 1863 Died 3 Feb 1863 National Probate Calendar + DHC Ref  D/LRL/1/14  Probate 13 June 1863 The Will of Edwin Honey BOWDEN late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Schoolmaster aforesaid was proved at Blandford by the oaths of Thomas PATCH of Dorchester aforesaid stationer and Giles SYMONDS of Dorchester aforesaid gentleman the executors effects under £450
Probate William GEORGE [Note:- Buried 24th Feb 1863 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 20 Feb 1863 National Probate Calendar Probate 15 may. The Will of William GEORGE Plumber and Glazier deceased who died 20 Feb 1863 at Dorchester was proved at the Principal Registry by the oath of Sophia BURGESS of Dorchester aforesaid spinster the sole executrix effects under £450.
Probate Charles DUNN [Note:- Buried 20th May 1863 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 17 May 1863 National Probate Calendar Probate 29th Aug. The Will of Charles DUNN of Dorset Licensed Victualler deceased who died 17 May 1863 at Dorchester aforesaid was proved at Blandford by the oath of Jane DUNN of Dorchester aforesaid Widow the Relict the sole executrix effects under £1,500
Probate Jeremiah JOINER [Note:- Buried 10th June 1863 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 5th Jun 1863 National Probate Calendar Probate 25th Sep. The Will of Jeremiah JOINER late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Servant deceased who died 5th June 1863 at Dorchester aforesaid was proved at the Principal Registry by the oath of Frances Matilda JOINER of dorchester aforesaid Widow the Relict the sole executrix Effects under £100
Probate Frederick COSENS Esq [Note:- Buried 10th July 1863 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 6 July 1863 National Probate Calendar Probate 9th Sep. The Will of Frederick COSENS late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Esquire deceased who died 6th July 1863 at Dorchester aforesaid was proved at Blandford by the oaths of Harriette Louisa COSENS of Dorchester aforesaid Widow the Relict (duriing Widowhood) and Robert DAVIS of Dorchester aforesaid Druggist two of the executors effects under £1,500
Probate William MANFIELD [Note:- Buried 17 July 1863 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 11 July 1863 National Probate Calendar Probate 3rd Oct. The Will of William MANFIELD late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Gentleman deceased who died 11 July 1863 at Dorchester aforesaid was proved at the Principal Registry by the oath of William MANFIELD of Portesham in the said county Esquire the son one of the executors effects under £16,000
Probate ann GREENHAM [Note:- Buried 21st Feb 1865 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 18 Feb 1865 National Probate Calendar Probate 28th march. Letters of Administration of the Personal estate and effects of Ann GREENHAM late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Spinster deceased who died 18 Feb 1865 at Dorchester aforesaid were granted at Blandford to William GREENHAM of Beaminster in the County aforesaid Labourer the Brothetr and one of the next of kin of the said deceased he having been first sworn effects under £100
Probate Mary CHAPMAN [Note:- Buried 13th June 1865 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 9 June 1865 National Probate Calendar Probate 20 Sep Letters of Administration of the personal estate and effects of Mary CHAPMAN late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Widow deceased who died 9th June 1865 at Dorchester aforesaid were granted at Bklandford to Robert GOLDIE of Fordington in the county aforesaid Gentleman Brother and one of the next of kin of the said deceased he having been first sworn Effects under £800
Probate George SLADE [Note:- Buried 13 June 1865 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 9 Jun 1865 National Probate Calendar Probate 22 June 1865 The Will of George SLADE late of Radipole in the county of Dorset Surveyor deceased who died 9th June 1865 at Radipole aforesaid was proved at Blandford by the oaths of William SLADE of Dorchester in the county aforesaid Gentleman the Brother Charles Thomas CURTIS of Blandford in the county aforesaid Tailor and Robert OAKLEY the Younger of Weymouth in the county aforesaid Clerk in the Bank of Messieurs Williams and Company the executors effects under £6,000 [Note:- George Slade (1800-1865)]
Probate copy will: Anna FOX of Dorchester, spinster Will dated 11 Aug 1865 [Note:- Buried 26th Aug 1865 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 23 Aug 1865 DHC Ref D/LRL/1/140  + National Probate Calendar Probate 3 Oct 1865 The Will of Anna FOX late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Spinster deceased who died 23 Aug 1865 at Dorchester aforesaid was proved at Blandford by the oath of George PANTON of Dorchester aforesaid Surgeon the sole executor effects under £200
Probate Letters of Administration of the Personal Estate of and effects of John STICKLAND late of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Shoemaker [Note:- Buried at Dorchester Civic Cemetery 16th Mar 1866] Died 05 Nov 1865
Probate 05 Jan 1866
National Probate Calendar a bachelor deceased who died 5th Nov 1865 at dorchester aforesaid were granted at Blandford to Ann Maria LOVELESS of Alton in the County aforesaid Widow the sister and one of the next of kin of the siad deceased she having been first sworn Effects under $450
Probate John Stokes HUTCHINGS [Note:- Buried 4th Dec 1865Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 29 Nov 1865 National Probate Calendar Probate 29 Dec 1865 Letters of Administration of the Personal estate and Effects of John Stokes HUTCHINGS late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Coach manufacturer a widower deceased who died 29 Nov 1865 at dorchester aforesaid were granted at Blandford under the usual Limitations to Elizabeth STROUD of haywards Heath in the Parish of Wivelsfield in the county of Sussex Widow the Aunt and Guardian of George Riddington HUTCHINGS an Infant the son and only next of kin of the said deceased she having been fisrst sworn effects under £1,500
Probate George GALPIN [Note:- Buried 5th Jan 1866 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 29 Dec 1865 National Probate Calendar Probate 22 June 1866 The Will of George GALPIN late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Butter Merchant deceased who died 29 Dec 1865 at Fisherton in the county of Wiltshire was proved at the Principal Registry by the oaths of John GALPIN of Dorchester aforesaid Esquire the Brother and William GALPIN of Dorchester aforesaid Brewer and George GALPIN of Stinsford in the county of Dorset aforesaid Yeoman the sons the executors effects under £25,000
Probate Sarah VIAZEY [Note:- Buried 9th March 1866 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 2 Mar 1866 National Probate Calendar Probate 12 April The Will of Sarah VAIZEY late of Athelhampton in the county of Dorset Spinster deceased who died 2 March 1866 at Athelhampton aforesaid was proved at the Principal Registry by the oaths of John Savill VAIZEY of 16 Old Square Lincoln Inn in the county of Middlesex Esq and John Robert VAIZEY od Attwoods near halstead in the County of Essex Esq the nephews the executors Effects under £4,000
Probate John SPRACKLAND [Note:- Buried 16th March 1866 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 11 Mar 1866 National Probate Calendar Probate 31st May. Letters of Adminsitration of the Personal estate and effects of John SPRACKLAND late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Ostler deceased who died 11 March 1866 at Dorchester aforesaid were granted to Caroline SPRACKLAND of Dorchester aforesaid Widow the Relict of the said deceased she having been first sworn Effects under £200
Probate Rev Dacre CLEMETSON [Note Buried Winterbourne Abbas 1st May 1866] Died 25 Apr 1866 National Probate Calendar Probate 2nd June. The Will of the Reverend Dacre CLEMETSON late of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Clerk who died 25 Apr 1866 at Dorchester aforesaid was proved at the Principal Registry by the oats of Edward Pearce of Dorchester aforesaid Banker and George Andrews of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis in the County aforesaid Gentleman the Executors Effects under £3,000
Probate Richard James HOWE [Note:- Buried 14 June 1866 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 11 Jun 1866 National Probate Calendar Probate 9 Oct. The Will of Richard James HOWE late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Confectioner deceased who died 11 June 1866 at Dorchester aforesaid was proved at Blandford by the oath of William HOWE of Bridport in the county aforesaid confectioner the Brother one of the executors effects under £1,500
Probate Moses SEYMER [Note:- Buried 13th July 1866 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 10 Jul 1866 National Probate Calendar Probate18 Sep. The Will of Moses SEYMER late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset deceased who died 10 July 1866 at Dorchester aforesaid was proved at the Principal Registry by the oath of Robert Guppy RANDALL of Winfrith Newbury in the county aforesaid Yeoman one of the executors. effects under £100.
Probate Sarah LEGG [Note:- Buried 22 Sep 1866 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 12 Sep 1865? [1866?] National Probate Calendar Probate 26th June 1866 The Will of Sarah LEGG late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Widow deceased who died 12 Sep 1865 [1866?] at Dorchester aforesaid was proved at the Principal Registry by the oath of John BROWN of Dorchester aforesaid Clerk and Accountant one of the executors Effects under £100
Probate Edward MONDEY [Note:- Buried 10th Oct 1866 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 4 Oct 1866 National Probate Calendar Probate 17 Dec The Will of Edward MONDEY late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Architect and Surveyor deceased who died 4th Oct 1866 at Dorchester aforesaid was proved at Blandford by the oaths of Eleanor MONDEY of Dorchester aforesaid Widow the Relict William WARNER of Botley in the county of Southampton merchant and Charles WARNER of Winchester in the county of Southampton gentleman the executors Effects under £14,000
ProbateThomas PATCH [Note:- Buried 11th March 1867 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 7 Mar 1867 National Probate Calendar Probate 16 May. Letters of Administration (with Will annexed) of the Personal estate & effects of Thomas PATCH late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Gentleman deceased who died 7 March 1867 at Dorchester aforesaid were granted at Blandford to the Reverend Hubert Mornington PATCH of Torquay in the County of Devon Clerk the Son and one of the next of Kin of the said deceased he having been first sworn effects under £3,000 [Note:- He was a professor of music and Bookseller - His business at 58 High West Street was taken over by Henry LING]
Probate John ROGERS [Note:- Buried 27th March 1867 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 23 Mar 1867 National Probate Calendar Probate 1st May. The Will of John ROGERS late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Cabinet maker and Broker deceased who died 23 March 1867 at Dorchester aforesaid was proved at the Principal Registry by the oath of Frances ROGERS of Dorchester aforesaid Widow the Relict the Sole Executrix effects under £300
Probate George Frederick GODWIN [Note:- Buried 18 April 1867 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 15 Apr 1867 National Probate Calendar Probate 3 May Letters of Administration of the Personal estate and effects of George Frederick GODWIN late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset China and Glass Merchant a Bachelor deceased who died at Dorchester aforesaid were granted at Blandford to John Thomas GODWIN of Dorchester aforesaid China & Glass Merchant the Brother of the siad deceased he having been first sworn Effects under £200
Probate William DAVIS [Note:- Buried 9th may 1867 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 3 May 1867 National Probate Calendar Probate 21 May. The Will with a Codicil of William DAVIS late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Gentleman deceased who died 3rd May 1867 at Dorchester aforesaid was proved at Blandford by the oaths of Herbert WILLIAMS of Dorchester aforesaid Banker and Alfred SPICER of Dorchester aforesaid Grocer the executors. Effects under £25,000
Probate Elizabeth LAWRENCE [Note:- Buried 16th May 1867 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 12 May 1867 National Probate Calendar Probate 15 June. The Will of Elizabeth LAWRENCE late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Spinster deceased who died 12 May 1867 at Dorchester aforesaid was proved at Blandford by the oath of James Van Dyke LAWRENCE of Dorchester aforesaid Gentleman the Nephew the sole executor Effects under £1,500
Probate William TREVES [Note:- Buried 25th July 1867 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Link to more information about William TREVES Junior (1812-1867) Died 20 July 1867 National Probate Calendar Probate 4 Oct The Will of William TREVES late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Cabinet maker and Upholsterer deceased who died 20 July 1867 at Dorchester aforesaid was proved at Blandford by the oaths of Jane TREVES of Dorchester aforesaid widow the Relict, Thomas William Christopher SAUNDERS of Dorchester aforesaid Silversmith and Edward STEELE of Dorchester aforesaid Draper executors Effects under £9.000
Probate Sely SHORE [Note:- Buried 27 Sep 1867 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 24 Sep 1867 National Probate Calendar Probate 2 Nov The Will with a Codicil of Sely SHORE formerly of Reading in the County of Berks but late of Upway in the county of Dorset Widow deceased who died 24 Sep 1867 at Fordington uin the county of Dorset aforesaid was proved at Blandford by the oath of George HAWKINS of Dorchester in the county of Dorset aforesaid gentleman the sole executor Effects under £450
Probate Susannah PAGE of Dorchester: will held at DHC dated 1863 proved 1867 [No trace of burial at CC?] Died 7 Oct 1867 DHC Ref  D/TCW/F22 +  National Probate Calendar

Probate 29 Oct 1867 The Will of Susannah PAGE of Dorchester in the county of Dorset spinster deceased who died 7th Oct 1867 at Dorchester aforesaid was proved at the Principal Registry by the oath of Francis Tregonwell JOHNS of Blandford Forum in the County aforesaid Gentleman the sole executor effects under £5,000

Probate James Richard RUSSELL of Dorchester [Note:- Buried at Dorchester Civic Cemetery 20th Nov 1868] Died 16 Nov 1868 National Probate Calendar Probate 9 Dec 1868 The Will of James Richard RUSSELL late of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Victualler deceased who died 16th November 1868 at Dorchester aforesaid was proved at Blandford by the oath of Frances Russell of Dorchester aforesaid widow the Relict the sole executrix effects under £300 [Note:- GRO Deaths 1868 4th qtr Dorchester district James Richard Russell aged 48 (i.e. born circa 1820) Ref 5a/215 - Census returns show him to be in Dorchester in 1851 & 1861 with his wife Frances (born circa 1816 at Fordington (1851) and Dorchester (1861) - no children - James Russell (no 2nd name given) a beer house keeper born circa 1820 Lewisham Kent . After his death Frances continued to run the Half Moon Inn in North square.Frances married to James (no 2nd name on certificate) in London 28th March 1850 at St Mary's Whitechapel. He is described as a bachelor of full age a coachman by trade living at Raven Row parents blank - Frances as a spinster her father Stephen Vatcher a rate collector. Frances was actually baptised in Dorchester at Holy Trinity Church on 25th Oct 1815 the daughter of Stephen & Elizabeth Vatcher resident at Pease Lane at that time a cordwainer by trade]
Probate William JACOBS [Note:- Buried 25th Jan 1869 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 20 Jan 1869 National Probate Calendar Probate 4th march 1869 The Will of William JACOBS late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset deceased who died 20 Jan 1869 at Dorchester aforesaid was proved at the Principal Registry by the oath of Edwin JACOBS of 3 Reeve terrace Canal road Mile End in the county of Middlesex Officer of Her Majesty's Customs the son one of the Executors Effext under £200
Probate John HICKS [Note:- Buried 17th Feb 1869 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 12 Feb 1869 National Probate Calendar Probate 13 March. The Will of John HICKS late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Architect deceased who died 12 Feb 1869 at Dorchester aforesaid was proved at Blandford by the oath of Amelia HICKS of Dorchester aforesaid Widow the Relict the sole executrix effects under £2,000
Probate Mary WINTER [Note:- Buried 31 May 1869 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 27 May 1869 National Probate Calendar Probate 24 June. The Will with a Codicil of Mary WINTER late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Widow deceased who died 27 May 1869 at Dorchester aforesaid was proved at the Principal Registry by the oaths of William WINTER of 205 Oxford St in the county of Middlesex Perfumer and Alfred WINTER of 205 Oxford St aforesaid Perfumer the Nephew the executors Effects under £3,000
Probate Richard Philip PARMITER [Note:- Buried 19 Aug 1869 at Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 17 Aug 1869 National Probate Calendar Probate 7 Sep. Letters of Administration of the Personal estate and effects of Richard Philip PARMITER late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Draper a Bachelor deceased who died 17 Aug 1869 at Dorchester aforesaid were granted at Blandford to Jane PARMITER of Dorchester aforesaid Widow and William PARMITER of Dorchester aforesaid Draper the executors of the Will of Richard PARMITER the Father and Next of Kin of the said deceased they having been first sworn effects under £600
Probate Solomon COZENS [Note:- Buried 30 Aug 1869 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 26 Aug 1869 National Probate Calendar Probate 14 Mar The Will with a Codicil of Solomon COZENS late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Gentleman deceased who died 26 Aug 1869 Dorchester aforesaid was proved at Blandford by the oaths of George OLIVE of Dorchester aforesaid Gentleman and James Robert England CURTIS of Dorchester aforesaid tailor the executors effects under £800
Probate Edward Ralph MARTIN [Note:- Buried 8th Sep 1869 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 5 Sep 1869 National Probate Calendar Probate 19 March The Will of Edward Ralph MARTIN late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Gentleman deceased who died 5 Sep 1869 at Dorchester aforesaid was proved at Blandford by the oaths of Frederick MARTIN of West Hamptnett in the county of Sussex retired Mail Guard the father and John Herbert JONES of Dorchester aforesaid Accountant the executors Effects under £200
Probate Charles CURTIS [Note:- Buried Sep 1869 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 15 Sep 1869 National Probate Calendar Probate 9 March The Will of Charles CURTIS the Elder late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Hair Dresser and General Dealer deceased who died 15 Sep 1869 at dorchester aforesaid was proved at Blandford by the oath of Elizabeth CURTIS of Dorchester aforesaid spinster the daughter the sole executrix effects under £2,000
Probate Rhoda DUFALL [DEWFOL] [Note Buried 15 Oct 1869 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 10 Oct 1869 National Probate Calendar Probate 29 June 1871 Administration of the effects of Rhoda DUFFALL (Wife of John DUFALL otherwise Charles DUFALL) late of High Street Dorchester in the county of Dorset who died 10 Oct 1869 at high street was granted at the Principal Registry to Mary Leah DEWFOL of 124 Mostyn road Brixton in the county of Surrey Widow the Relict and sole executrix of the Will of the said John DEWFOL otherwise Charles DEWFOL Effects under £100 [See Comments about the family of Charles DUFALL (1800-1871) alias John DEWFOL]
Probate Rev Edward MERRIMAN Minister of the Baptist church in Dorchester in 1865 Died 13 Jan 1870 National Probate Calendar Probate granted 15th March 1870: The Will with two codicils of the Rev Edward MERRIMAN formerly of Dorchester in the County of Dorset but late of 2 Morden-villas Russell-street Reading in the County of Berks Baptist Minister deceased who died 13th Jan 1870 at 2 Morden-villas aforesaid was proved at the principal probate registry by the oaths of Alfred May Davis of Bromley in the County of Kent Gentleman and the Rev George Ward Humphreys of Wellington in the County of Somerset Baptist Minister the Executors effects under £800
Probate John ENSOR late of Dorchester in Dorset [Note:- Buried at St Peters Church in Dorchester on 10th Mar 1870 aged 70 years]. Died 5th Mar 1870 National Probate Calendar Probate granted 25th March 1870 (With a Will) with a codicil of John ENSOR late of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Grocer deceased who died 5th March 1870 at Dorchester aforesaid was proved at Blandford by the oates of of Frances Elizabeth Ensor of Dorchester his widow the relict, John Davis of St Leonards Devon Gentleman and Thomas Bascombe of Dorchester a draper 3 of the executors. Effects under £8,000
Probate Richard PARMITER [Note:- Buried March 1870 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 8 Mar 1870 National Probate Calendar Probate 28 may The Will of Richard PARMITER late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Broker deceased who died 8 March 1870 at dorchester aforesaid was proved at Blandford by the oath of Jane PARMITER of Dorchester aforesaid widow the Relict and William PARMITER of Dorchester aforesaid Draper the son the executors effects under £3,000
Probate Charlotte Ann COSENS [Note:- Buried March 1870 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 11 Mar 1870 National Probate Calendar Probate 14 March - The Will with a Codicil of Charlotte Ann COSENS late of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Spinster who died 11 March 1870 at Dorchester was proved at Blandford by Charles Edward STICKLAND of Southampton in the county of Southampton gentleman the Nephew of the Reverend James CREE of Owermigne in the county of Dorset Clerk the executors effects under £2,000 NOTE:- Copy of her Will dated 14 Apr 1858 held at DHC but recorded as of Fordington A2A D/LRL/1/61 &
Probate Joseph MORGAN [Note:- Buried Apr 1870 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 7 Apr 1870 National Probate Calendar Probate 30 April The Will of Joseph MORGAN late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Grocer deceased who died 7 April 1870 at Dorchester aforesaid was proved at Blandford by the oath of William SLADE of Dorchester aforesaid gebtleman one of the executors effects under £300
Probate The Rev James FISHER [Note Buried May 1870 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 26 Apr 1870 National Probate Calendar Probate 2nd July Letters of Administration of the Personal estate and effects of the Reverend James FISHER late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Clerk deceased who died 26 April 1870 at Weymouth in the County aforesaid were granted at Blandford to Ann Matilda FISHER of Dorchester aforesaid Widow the Relict of the said deceased she having been first sworn effect under £5,000
Probate Frederick william SMITH [Note:- Buried 17 May 1870] Died 12 May 1870 National Probate Calendar Probate 10 june The Will of Frederick William SMITH late of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Professor of Music deceased who died 12 May 1870 at Dorchester was proved at Blandford by the oath of Helen SMITH of Dorchester aforesaid Widow the Relict the sole executrix effects under £3,000
Probate Charles PEACH [Note:- Buried 27 Aug 1870 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 24 Aug 1870 National Probate Calendar Probate 22 Oct The Will of Charles PEACH late of Charmouth in the county of Dorset deceased who died 24 Aug 1870 at Dorchester in the county aforesaid was proved at the Principal Registry by the oath of Mary WATTS of Charmouth aforesaid spinster the sole executrix effects under £100.
Probate John Herbert JONES [Note:- Buried 8th Dec 1870 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 3 Dec 1870 National Probate Calendar Probate 28 dec The Will of John Herbert JONES late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Accountant deceased who died 3 Dec 1870 at Dorchester was proved at the Principal Registry by the oath of Mary Ann JONES of Dorchester aforesaid Widow the Relict the sole execturix effects under £300
Probate John HOCKEY [Note:- Buried 9th Dec 1870 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 2 Dec 1870 National Probate Calendar Probate 29 dec The Will of John HOCKEY late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Shoemaker deceased who died 2 Dec 1870 at Dorchester aforesaid was proved at the Principal Registry by the oath of Sarah HOCKEY of Dorchester aforesaid Widow the Relict the sole exectutrix effects under £200
Probate Susannah SHORE [Note:- Buried 10 Dec 1870 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 5 Dec 1870 National Probate Calendar Probate 28 Mar administration of the effects of Susannah SHORE late of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Widow who died 5th December 1870 at dorchester was granted at the Principal Registry to Frances Susannah SHORE (Wife of George Nathaniel SHORE) of Stoke sub Hamden in the County of Somerset the daughter and one of the next of kin Effects under £1,000
Probate Charles Burt HENNING late of Grove House Dorchester in the County of Dorset Solicitor [ Note:- Buried at Dorchester Civic Cemetery 3rd mar 1871] Died 25 Feb 1871 National Probate Calendar Probate granted at Blandford to Charlotte Henning of Grove House widow the relict the sole executrix Effects under £2,000 [Note:- Link to more information on Charles Burt HENNING (1798-1871) ]
Probate John DEWFOL (alias Charles DUFALL), [Note:- Buried at Dorchester Civic Cemetery as John DUFALL on 25th Jan 1871] Died 26 Mar 1871 National Probate Calendar Probate 11 May 1871 The Will of John DEWFOL otherwise Charles DUFALL late of 124 Mostyn road Brixton in the County of Surrey Gentleman who died 26th March 1871 at 124 Mostyn road was proved at the Principal Registry by Mary Leah DEWFOL of 124 Mostyn road Widow the Relict the sole executrix. Effects under £7,000 [Note:- See link to John DEWFOL Biography]
Probate copy will: George PANTON of Dorchester, surgeon Will dated 14 Sep 1871 [Note:- Buried at the Dorchester Civic Cemetery 30th Sep 1871] Died 26 Sep 1871 D/LRL/1/317  + National probate Calendar Probate granted 30 Nov 1871 The Will of George PANTON late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Surgeon who died 26 Sep 1871 at Dorchester was proved at the Principal Registry by Alicia Anne Vincent PANTON of Dorchester Widow the Relict the sole executrix effects under £2,000
Probate Ann ARDEN [Note:- Buried 30th Jan 1872 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 26 Jan 1872 National Probate Calendar Probate 30 March The Will with two codicils of Ann ARDEN late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset spinster who died 26 January 1872 at Dorchester was proved at the Principal Registry by John Rawdon OLDFIELD of Oldfield Lawn and of Ticehurst both in the county of Sussex a Colonel in the Army and Charles Frederick ARDEN of Weymouth in the county of Dorset the nephews the executors Effects under £3,000
Probate Selina LESTER [Note:- Buried 28 Oct 1872 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 24 Oct 1872 National Probate Calendar Probate 6th Dec 1872 Adminsitration of the effects of Selina LESTER late of Fordington in the county of Dorset spinster who died 24 Oct 1872 at Fordington was granted at the Principal Registry to Owen LESTER of 8 Little George St Chapel St Westminster in the county of Middlesex Mason the Brother and one of the next of Kin. Effects under £200
Administration of the estate of Maria STICKLAND late of Southampton [Note:- living with son Charles Edward but of Dorchester - was buried at St Peters on the 12th Nov 1872] Died 30th Oct 1872 National Probate Register 24th November - Administration of the effects of Maria STICKLAND late of Southampton in the County of Southampton Widow who died 30th Oct 1872 at Southampton was granted at the Principal Registry to Charles Edward Stickland of 53 Belle-Vue Road Southampton Gentleman the son and one of the next of kin. Effects under £600 [Note:- Maria STICKLAND nee COSENS (1792-1872) was the widow of Charles STICKLAND (1776-1845)]
Probate Ann SPINKS [Note:- Buried 30 Nov 1872 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 26 Nov 1872 National Probate Calendar Probate 11 Oct The Will of Ann SPINKS late of Charminster in the county of Dorset who died 26 nov 1872 at Yeovil in the county of Somerset was proved at Blandford by Elizabeth SPINKS, Jane SPINKS and Emma SPINKS all of Charminster spinsters the sisters the executors effects under £600. Note Resworn May 1874 under £800
Probate copy will: Edward HARRIS of Dorchester, yeoman Will dated 15 Apr 1872 [Note:- Buried at Dorchester Civic Cemetery 254th June 1873] Died 21 June 1873 National Probate Calendar + DHC Ref D/LRL/1/682  Probate granted 28 Oct 1873 the Will of Edward HARRIS late of Frome Farm in the Parish of Holy Trinity Dorchester in the county of Dorset Yeoman who died 21 June 1873 at Froome Farm was proved at Blandford by sarah Ann HARRIS of Froome Whitfield in the said Parish Widow the Relict and Henry MAYO of Cokers Froome in the said Parish Yeoman and William Walter HARRIS of Dorchester Yeoman the Nephew the executors effects under £5,000
Probate Mary Honour TOOZE [Note:- See Mary Honour TOOZE nee WHITE (1802-1873) ] Died 07 Nov 1873 National Probate Calendar Probate granted 30th Jan 1874. The Will of Mary Honour TOOZE (wife of John Randolph Tooze) late of Dorchester in the County of Dorset who died 7 Nov 1873 at Dorchester was proved at Blandford by the said John Randolph Tooze of Dorchester Gentleman the sole executor. probate being granted under certain limitations. Effects under £3,000
Probate Thomas Henry Gatehouse BESANT Esq [Note:- Buried 20 Feb 1874 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 16 Feb 1874 National Probate Calendar Probate 23 Sep The Will with a Codicil of Thomas Henry Gatehouse BESANT late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Esq who died 16 Feb 1874 at Dorchester was proved at Blandford by John Thomas ENSOR of Dorchester Auctioneer and Henry Francis Mowlam BESANT of Swansea in the County of Glamorgan gentlemen executors effect under £600 Note:- Resworn Dec 1876 under £800
Probate Fanny TAYLOR [Note:- Buried 23 Feb 1874 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 19 Feb 1874 National Probate Calendar Probate 4 Jan 1876 Adminsitration of the effects of Fanny TAYLOR late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Spinster who died 19 Feb 1874 at Dorchester was granted at the Principal Registry yto Thomas TAYLOR of Car Colston in the County of Nottingham Coachman the Brother effects under £100
Probate Mary Jane DAY [Note:- Buried 20 Mar 1874 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 16 Mar 1874 National Probate Calendar Probate 10 Apr The Will of Mary Jane DAY late of Radipole near Weymouth in the county of Dorset Widow who died 16 March 1874 at 1 Borough place Radipole was proved at the Principal Registry by Agnes BULL of 1 Borough place Spinster the Grandniece the sole executrix effects under £450
Probate George COZENS [Note:- Buried 7th may 1874 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 1 May 1874 National Probate Calendar Probate 30 Oct The Will of George COZENS late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Miller who died 1 May 1874 at Dorchester was proved at Blandford by Harriett COZENS of Dorchester Widow the sister the sole executrix effects under £100
Probate John BISHOP [Note:- Buried 6th June 1874 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 3 Jun 1874 National Probate Calendar Probate 18 Aug The Will of John BISHOP late of the Parish of Weymouth in the borough of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis in the county of Dorset Innkeeper who died 3 June 1874 at Weymouth was proved at Blandford by Emily Sarah BISHOP of Weymouth widow the Relict and Thomas Richard CHARLES of Melcombe Regis Auctioneer the excutors Effects under £100
Probate Edward CROSS [Note:- Buried 25 June 1874 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 22 Jun 1874 National Probate Calendar Probate 31 Aug The Will of Edward CROSS late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Bank manager who died 22 June 1874 at dorchester was proved at Blandford by Edward William CROSS of 4 Spring gardens Weymouth in the said county and Thomas Rodber CROSS of High West street Dorchester banker's Clerks the sons two of the executors effects under £1,500
Probate William WOOLSTON [Note:- Buried 15 July 1874 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 12 Jul 1874 National Probate Calendar Probate 3rd Nov 1874 The Will of William WOOLSTON late of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Baker and Confectioner who died 12 July 1874 at Dorchester was proved at the Principal Registry by Mary WOOLSTON of Dorchester Widow the Relict the sole executrix effects under £300
Probate James WALLIS [Note:- Buried 20 July 1874 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 16 Jul 1874 National Probate Calendar Probate 14 October The Will of James WALLIS of Fordington in the county of Dorset Relieving Officer who died 16th July 1874 at Fordington was proved at Blandford by Elizabeth Selina WALLIS of Fordington Widow relict the sole executrix Effects under £100
Probate John LUCAS [Note:- Buried 6th Oct 1874 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 30 Sep 1874 National Probate Calendar Probate 9 Jan The Will of John LUCAS late of 3 South Street Dorchester in the County of Dorset Shopkeeper who died 30 Sep 1874 at 3 South street was proved at Blandford by Edward LUCAS of Shelsley Beauchamp in the county of Worcester Schoolmaster the son one of the executors effects under £100
Probate John Randolph TOOZE [Note:- Buried at St Peters Church residence Holy Trinity Parish; age 76 died 11th buried 16th Oct 1874] Died 11 Oct 1874 National Probate Calendar Probate granted 17th Nov 1874 The Will with a Codicil of John Randolph TOOZE late of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Gentleman who died 11th Oct 1874 at Dorchester was proved at Blandford by Giles Symonds Gentleman and Charles Parsons Soda Water Manufacturer both of Dorchester the Executors. Effects under £18,000
Probate George BENTON [Note:- Buried 27 Oct 1874 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 24 Oct 1874 National Probate Calendar Probate 16 Nov Administration of the effects of George BENTON formerly of Wilton crescent Belgrave square in the county of Middlesex but late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Domestic Servant a bachelor who died 24 Oct 1874 at Dorchester was granted at the Principal Registry to William BENTON of Wadshelf in the parish of Bampton in the County of Derby Farmer the son of William BENTON the father and next of kin. Effects under £200
Probate Maria JOHNSON [Note:- Buried 6th Nov 1874 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 2 Nov 1874 National Probate Calendar : Also DHC Ref D/LRL/1/230   Probate 16 Jan 1875 The Will [Note:- dated 27 Feb 1873] of Maria JOHNSON late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Spinster who died 2nd Nov 1874 at Dorchester was proved at Blandford by John GALPIN of Dorchester and John DAVIS of 5 Higher terrace Mount Radford in the parish of St leonard in the county of Devon Esquires two of the executors effects under £8,000
Probate Thomas CARTER [Note:- Buried 9 Nov 1874 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 1 Nov 1874 National Probate Calendar Probate 19 Nov The Will of Thomas CARTER late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Carpenter and Painter who died 1st Nov 1874 at Dorchester was proved at Blandford by Thomas CARTER of Dorchester Carpenter and John James CARTER of Charminster in the siad county Carpenter the sons the executors effects under £800
Probate Thomas RICHARDSON [Note:- Buried 22 Jan 1875 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 16 Jan 1875 National Probate Calendar Probate 16 Feb The Will of Thomas RICHARDSON late of Weymouth in the county of Dorset Gentleman who died 16 Jan 1875 at Weymouth was proved at Blandford by Agnes Maria RICHARDSON of Weymouth Spinster the daughter the sole executrix effects under £600
Probate Caroline CARTER [Note:- Buried 22 Feb 1875 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 18 Feb 1875 National Probate Calendar Probate 15 May Administration of the effects of Caroline CARTER late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset spinster who died 18 Feb 1875 at Dorchester was granted at Blandford to John James CARTER of Charminster in the said county the Brother and one of the next of Kin Effects under £100
Probate John WELLSPRING [Note:- Buried at the Civic Cemetery 10th March 1875] Died 06 Mar 1875 National Probate Calendar Probate 1st July 1881 The Will of John WELLSPRING late of Grove buildings Dorchester in teh County of Dorset Builder who died 6th March 1875 at grove Buildings was proved at Blandford by John WELLSPRING of Swiss Cottage Dorchester Builder the son and sole executor persnal esate £283.7s 6d Link to more information on his marriage in the Strays Index
Probate William Gray BRYER [Note:- Buried 5 Apr 1875 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 1 Apr 1875 National Probate Calendar Probate 27 Apr The Will of William Gray BRYER of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Auctioneer who died 1st April 1875 at Dorchester was proved at Blandford by Jane BRYER of Dorchester Widow the Relict the sole executrix Effects under £100
Probate Emma ALDRIDGE [Note:- Buried 9th June 1875 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 3 June 1875 National Probate Calendar Probate 28 July The Will of Emma ALDRIDGE (Wife of John Petty ALDRIDGE M.D.) late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset who died 3 June 1875 at Dorchester was proved at the Principal Registry by the said John Petty ALDRIDGE of Dorchester the sole executor Probare being granted under certain limitations Effects under £3,000
Probate Samuel SLADE [Note:- Buried 23 June 1875 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 20 July 1875 National Probate Calendar Probate 23 Oct The Will of Samuel SLADE late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Builder & Furniture dealer who died 20 July 1875 at dorchester was proved at Blandford by Emma SLADE of 48 High East street Dorchester Widow the Relict the sole executor Effects under £450
Probate Frederick Lhoyd TURNER [Note:- Buried 23rd Sep 1875 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 18 Sep 1875 National Probate Calendar Probate 18 Oct The Will with a Codicil pf Frederick Lhoyd TURNER late of Fordington in the County of Dorset gentleman who died 18 Sep 1875 at Fordington was proved at Blandford by William Henry COTTELL of 1 Manor Rise Brixton in the county of Surrey Gentleman and Thomas BRETT of 225 St George's Road Peckham in the county of Surrey M.D. the executors Effects under £2,000. Note:- Resworn Oct 1878 under £1,500

Probate Thomas Whittle PEARCE [Note:- Buried 19 Oct 1875 Dorchester Civic Cemetery]

[Note:- Thomas Whittle Pearce was the eldest son from the marriage of Philip PEARCE to Eliza WHITTLE at All Saints Church in Dorchester on 20th June 1820]

Died 14 Oct 1875 National Probate Calendar Probate 26 Nov The Will with a Codicil of Thomas Whittle PEARCE late of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Accountant who died 14 Oct 1875 at Dorchester was proved at Blandford by Elizabeth Arnold PEARCE of Dorchester Widow the Relict and Philip PEARCE of Fordington in the said county Accountant the Brother the executors Effects under £4,000
Probate Ann TULLIDGE [Note:- Buried 17 Dec 1875 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 14 Dec 1875 National Probate Calendar Probate 23 Dec The Will of Ann TULLIDGE formerly of Fordington but late of Dorchester both in the county of Dorset who died 14 Dec 1875 at Dorchester was proved at Blandford by Thomas NEWMAN of Dorchester Accountant one of the executors Effects under £200
Probate William Lewis HENNING Esq formerly of of Froome Whitfield Dorchester but late of Weymouth [ Note:- Buried Dorchester Civic Cemetery 5th July 876] Died 30 Jun 1876 National Probate Calendar Will with Codicil proved at Principal Registry by Shurlock Henning of Froome Whitfield Esq Colonel Commanding Her Majesty's 38th Regiment the son & one of the executors Effects under £2,000 [Note:- Link to more information on William Lewis HENNING (1794-1876)]
Probate Frances RUSSELL [Note Buried at Dorchester Civic Cemetery 27 October, 1876] Died 24 Oct 1876 National Probate Calendar Probate 29 March 1877 The Will of Frances RUSSELL late of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Widow who died 24 Oct 1876 at Dorchester was proved at the Principal Registry by William Raynold VACHER of Dorchester Tailor the Brother the sole executor
Probate Thomas John LOVELL [Note:- Buried 10 Jan 1877 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 5 Jan 1877 National Probate Calendar Probate 21 April The Will of Thomas John LOVELL late of weymouth in the County of Dorset Coachbuilder who died 5th jan 1877 at Dorchester in the said county was proved at Blandford by Robert James LOVELL of Newbury in the County of Berks Coachbuilder the Brother one of the executors effects under £450
Probate Georgiana Teresa otherwise Georgina Theresa SABIBNE [Note:- Buried 19 Jan 1877 Dorchester Civic Cemeterey] Died 15 Jan 1877 National Probate Calendar Probate 17 April The Will with a Codicil of Georgiana Teresa (otherwise Georgina Theresa) SABINE formerly of Grimston but late of 7 Alexandria terrace Dorchester both in the county of Dorset spinster who died 15 January 1877 at & Alexandria terrace was proved at Blandford by George James ANDREWS of Dorchesterv Solicitor the sole executor Personal Effexts under 3300
Probate Joseph LOCK [Note:- Buried 23 Jan 1877 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 17 Jan 1877 National Probate Calendar Probate 1 Feb The Will of Joseph LOCK late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Butcher who died 17 jan 1877 at Dorchester was proved at Blandford by Elizabeth Marvin LOCK of Dorchester Widow the Relict of William Charles LOCK of Great Winchester Street Buildings City of Lonodn Surveyor of Taxes the son and Robert LOCK of Blandford in the said county retired draper the brother the executors Personal estate under £9,000 [Note:- See Joseph LOCK (1811-1877)]
Probate Jane CRESER [Note:- Buried 7th Feb 1877 Dorchester Civic Cemeterey] Died 3 Feb 1877 National Probate Calendar Probate 16 Mar Administration of the effecets of Jane CRESER formerly of Stafford but late of Dorchester both in the county of Dorset spinster who died 3 Feb 1877 at Dorchester was granted at the Principal Registry to Thomas CRESER of 36 Kildare terrace Westbourne Park in the county of Middlesex Esq the Brother and only next of Kin. Personal Effects under £300
Probate Joseph FUDGE [Note:- Buried 22 Feb 1877 Dorchester Civic Cemeterey]: Also:Certificate from Dorchester Burial Board for reserving a grave space for Joseph FUDGE with receipts for a gravestone and the Will for Joseph Fudge Died 19 Feb 1877 National Probate Calendar & DHC Ref D1461/2/2/1 Probate 29 march The Will of Joseph FUDGE of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Butcher wjho died 19 Feb 1877 at Dorchester was proved aty the Principal Registry by Susan Jones FUDGE of Dorchester Widow the Relict the sole exectutrix Personal estate under £4,000
Probate Rebecca DAWE [Note:- Buried 8th March 1877 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 7 Mar 1877 National Probate Calendar Probate 8 Oct The Will of Rebecca DAWE late of Fordington in the County of Dorset Widow who died 7 Mar 1877 at Fordington was proved at Blandford by Emily Ann MEECH (wife of Charles MEECH) of Fordington the niece the sole executrix Personal estate below £100
Probate Mary Ann BEDLOE [Note:- Buried 6th April 1877 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 2 Apr 1877 National Probate Calendar Probate 1 May The Will of Mary Ann BEDLOE late of Dorchester in the County of Dortset who died 2nd April 1877 at Dorchester was proved at the Principal Registry by Jane BEDLOE of Dorchester widow the mother the sole executrix Effects under £1,500
Probate John THORNE [Note:- Buried 8th June 1877 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 6 Jun 1877 National Probate Calendar Probate 3rd July Administration of the effects of John THORNE late of Charminster in the County of Dorset Road contractor who died 6th june 1877 at Bath in the County of Somerset was granted at the Principal Registry to Mary THORNE of Charminster Widow the Relict personal estate under £1,500
Probate Mary SLADE [Note:- Buried 14th June 1877 Dorchester Civic Cemetery - Link to Mary SLADE nee HAWKINS (1804-1877) ] Died 10 Jun 1877 National Probate Calendar Probate 25 January 1878 Administration of the Personal estate of Mary SLADE (Wife of William SLADE) late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset who died 10th June 1877 at Dorchester was granted at the Principal Registry to the said William SLADE of Dorchester Gentleman poersonal estate under £100
Probate Elizabeth WHITE [ Note probably buried 27th June 1877 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 24 Jun 1877 National Probate Calendar Probate 2nd July. The Will of Elizabeth WHITE formerly of Dorchester but late of Cerne Abbas both in the County of Dorset spinster who died 24th June 1877 at Cerne Abbas was proved at the Principal Registry by Stephen SNOOK of Dorchester Tailor the sole executor personal estate under £200
Probate John WALLIS [Note:- Buried 11 July 1877 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 5th July 1877 National Probate Calendar Probate 16 Aug The Will of John WALLIS of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Surgeon who died 5th July 1877 at 23 High West Street Dorchester was proved at the Principal Registry by Elizabeth WALLIS and Mary WALLIS both of 23 High West Street spinsters and nieces the executors personal estate under £35,000
Probate James BRETT [Note:- Buried 1st Feb 1878 at Dorchester Civic Cemetery]: Also copy will held at DHC : James BRETT of Dorchester, retired coachman Will dated 17 Apr 1877 Died 27 Jan 1878 National Probate Calendar + DHC Ref D/LRL/1/19 Probate 8 Marc h The Will of James BRETT late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset who died 27 Jan 1878 at Dorchester was proved at Blandford by John GUY Solicitor's Clerk and Joel POLE, Stud Groom both of Dorchester Executors. Persanal Estate under £300
Probate Joseph HANSFORD [Note:- Buried 22 Mar 1878 at Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 16 Mar 1878 National Probate Calendar    Probate 11 May The Will of Joseph HANSFORD late of Dorchester in the County of Dorset who died 16 Mar 1878 at Dorchester was proved at Blandford by Charles HANSFORD of 3 Alexander Terrace Dorchester the Son and John GALPIN of Cornwall Villa Dorchester Gentleman the executors Personal estate under £5,000
Probate Teresa DAMEN [Note:- Buried 16 Apr 1878 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 12 Apr 1878 National Probate Calendar Probate 20 August Administration of the Personal estate of Teresa DAMEN (Wife of John DAMEN) late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset who died 12 Apr 1878 at Dorchester was granted at the Principal Registry to the said John DAMEN of Dorchester Corn Merchant Personal estate under £1,500
Probate George LUCAS [Note:- Buried 30 Apr 1878 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 24 Apr 1878 National Probate Calendar Probate 3 June The Will of George LUCAS late of 1 South Terrace South Street Dorchester in the county of Dorset Esquire who died 24th April 1878 at 1 South Terrace was proved at the Principal Registry by William LUCAS of Freston Lodge Freston Ipswich in the County of Suffolk Esquire the son and Eliza LUCAS of 1 South terrec spinster the daughter the executors. personal estate under £6,000
Probate Dominic STONE [Note Buried 3rd July 1878 Dorchester Civic Cemeterey] Died 2nd Jul 1878 National Probate Calendar Probate 12 Aug The Will of Dominc STONE late of Torquay in the county of Devon Gentleman who died 2nd July 1878 at Dorchester in the County of Dorset was proved at Exeter by George FROST of Dorchester Hotel Keeper and Fanny Bonner STONE Widow the Relict the executorsPersonal estate under £4,000
Probate Alfred SAMWAYS [Note:- Buried 14th Aug 1878 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 10 Aug 1878 National Probate Calendar Probate 11 Sep The Will of Alfred SAMWAYS late of the "Mail Coach" Inn Dorchester in the county of Dorset who died 10th Aug 1878 at the "Mail Coach" was proved at the Principal Registry by Joseph Miller HODDER of 22 St paul's churchyard in the City of London Warehouseman and Jane Miller SAMWAYS of the "Mail Coach" Widow the Relict the executors personal estate under £450
Probate Richard FINCH [Note:- Buried 25 Aug 1878 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 21 Aug 1878 National Probate Calendar Probate 13 Sep The Will of Richard FINCH late of 3 Charles St Dorchester in the county of Dorset engine driver who died 21 Aug 1878 at 3 Charles St was proved at Blandford by Mary FINCH of 3 Charles Street Widow Relict the sole executrix Personal estate under £200
Probate Frances ARDEN [Note:- Buried ???? Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 11 Sep 1878 National Probate Calendar Probate 23 October The Will of Frances ARDEN late of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Spinster who died 11th Sep 1878 the principal Registry by John Rawdon OLDFIELD of Dorchester retired Colonel in her Majestys Army and Charles Frederick ARDEN of Weymouth in the said County gentlemen the Nephews the executors effects under £4,000 [Note; think buried Dorchester Civic Cemetery 17th sep 1878]
Probate Isaac PARSONS [Note Buried 14th Oct 1878 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 11 Oct 1878 National Probate Calendar Probate 8 Nov Administration of the Personal estate of Isaac PARSONS late of Fordington in the County of Dorset Canteen Keeper who died 11 Oct 1878 at Fordington was granted at the Principal Registry to Caroline PARSONS of Fordington Widow the Relict Personal estate under £300
Probate John LAMBERT [Note;- Buried 30 Oct 1878 Dorchester Civic Cemetery] Died 26 Oct 1878 National Probate Calendar Probate 2nd Nov The Will of John LAMBERT formerly of Dorchester in the County of Dorset but late of 31 Grove Street Southampton in the County of Southampton carpenter who died 26 Oct 1878 at 31 Grove Street was proved at Winchester by George LAMBERT of 31 Grove St Railway Guard the son the sole executor Personal estate under £100
Probate 8 Jan 1879 The Will of Ann KING late of Princess Street Dorchester in the County of Dorset Widow Died 20 Dec 1878 National Probate Calendar who died 20 Dec 1878 at princess St Dorchester was proved at Blandford by Charlotte BAILEY (wife of Henry BAILEY) of princess St the niece the sole executrix Personal Estate under £300
Probate Thomas NEWMAN {Note Buried at Dorchester Civic Cemetery 4th Jan 1879] Died 1st Jan 1879 National Probate Calendar Probate 18 Jan The Will of Thomas NEWMAN formerly of 2 High East Street Dorchester but late of South Walks Dorchester in the county of Dorset Estate Agent who died 1st Jan 1879 at Dorchester was proved at the Principal Registry by Mary Jane Tucker NEWMAN of South Walks Widow the Relict the sole executrix personal estate under £800
Probate William Curtis RAYNOLD

[Note:- William Curtis Raynolds (1802-1879) Deputy Governor of gaol All Saints Parish buried at Dorchester Civic Cemetery 10 Jan 1879. ]
Died 10 Jan 1879 National Probate Calendar Probate 24 January The Will of William Curtis RAYNOLD late of 14 Wollaston-villas Dorchester in the county of Dorset Gentleman who died 10 Jan 1879 at 14 Woolaston-villas was proved at Blandford by Rachel Virtue RAYNOLD of 14 Woolaston Villas Widow relict the sole executrix Personal estate under £450
Probate John RONEY [Note Buried at Dorchester Civic Cemetery 24th? Jan 1879] Died 25 Jan 1879 National Probate Calendar Probate 11 June 1879 Administration of the Personal estate of John RONEY late of Bridport in the County of Dorset Widower who died 25 Jan 1879 at Dorchester in the said county was granted at Blandford to Sarah FITZPATRICK (Wife of James FITZPATRICK ) of Ballysheal in the County of Down Ireland Sister the only Next of Kin. Personal Estate under £1,500
Probate Harriot Sophia SABINE [Note:- Buried Dorchester Civic Cemetery 19 Apr 1879] Died 17 Apr 1879 National Probate Calendar Probate 21 July Administration (with the Will) of the Personal Estate of Harriot Sophia SABINE late of 17 Woblaston Villas Dorchester in the County of Dorset Spinster who died 17 April 1879 at dorchester was granted at Blandford under the usual Limitations to george James ANDREWS of Dorchester Gentleman the lawful Attorney of Gustavus Adolphus SABINE MD the Brother the sole executor now residing at 46 Twenty third Street New York Personal estate under £200
Probate Jane BEDLOE [Note:- Buried Dorchester Civic Cemetery 26th May 1879]: Also copy will: Jane BEDLOE of Dorchester, widow Will dated 23 Apr 1877 held at DHC Died 21 May 1879 National Probate Calendar = DHC Ref D/LRL/1/21   Probate 11 June The Will of Jane BEDLOE late of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Widow who died 21 May 1879 at Dorchester was proved at Blandford by the Reverend James PENNY of Tarrant Rushton in the said County Clerk and George Henry DAVIS of Dorchester Gentleman the executors Personal Estate under £6,000 : Resworn June 1880 under £7,000
Probate Mary Ann DAVIS [Note Buried Dorchester Civic Cemetery 30 May 1879] Died 26 May 1879 National Probate Calendar Probate 27 June The Will of Mary Ann DAVIS late of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Spinster who died 26 May 1879 at Dorchester was proved at Blandford by Robert DAVIS of Dorchester Esq the Brother and the Reverend John Gerrard DAVIS of 6 Colleton crescent Exeter in the County of Devon Clerk the Nephew two of the executors. Personal estate under £4,000
Probate John TREVISS [Note Buried at Dorchester Civic Cemetery 23 June 1879] Died 18 June 1879 National Probate Calendar Probate 12 July The Will of John TREVISS late of Burton in the Parish of Charminster in the County of Dorset Innkeeper who died 18 June 1879 was proved at Blandford by Charles TREVISS of Moreton in the siad County Brickmaker the son and Henry WILLS of Fordington in the said County Gentleman the executors Effects under £200
Probate Sarah HODINOTT [Note Buried at Dorchester Civic Cemetery 10th Sep 1879] Died 5 Sep 1879 National Probate Calebdar Probate 8 Oct Afministration of the Personal estate of Sarah HODDINOTT late of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Widow who died 5 Sep 1879 at dorchester was granted at Blandford to Jane HERFORD of Sherborne in the siad County Widow the Sister and one of the next of Kin. personal estate under £100
Probate John KING [Note Buried Dorchester Civic Cemetery 22 Sep 1879] Died 18 Sep 1879 National probate Calendar Probate 26 Nov The Will of John KING late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Candle Maker who died 18 Sep 1879 at Dorchester was proved at Blandford by Mary Anne SYMES of Dorchester Spinster the sole executrix effects under £100
Probate Samuel Archer [Arthur?] CLIFFORD [Note Buried at Civic Cemetery 25th Oct 1879] Died 24 Oct 1879 National probate Calendar Probate 7 Feb 1880 Administration (with the Will) of the Personal estate of Samuel archer CLIFFORD formerly of Milton near Chipping Norton in the County of Oxford but late of Fordington in the County of Dorset Yeoman a widower who died 24 Oct 1879 at Fordington was granted at Blandford under the usual Limitations to Thomas BENNETT of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Gentleman the Grandfather and Guardian of Thomas BENNETT Clifford Richard Archer CLIFFORD and Martha Emily CLIFFORD spinster Minors and of Morris John CLIFFORD Annie Maud CLIFFORD spinster and Herbert Edward CLIFFORD infants the children and only Next of Kin, Effects under £3,000
Probate John Francis HODGES [Note Buried at Civic Cemetery 29th Dec 1879] Died 25 Dec 1879 National probate Calendar Probate 24 Jan 1880 The Will of John Francis HODGES late of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Wine Merchant who died 25 Dec 1879 at Dorchester was proved at the Principal Registry by John Francis HODGES of Dorchester Wine Merchant the son sole executor effects under £25,000 Resworn Nov 1881 under £20,000
Probate copy will: James DART of Dorchester, Hay dealer Will dated 17 Dec 1868 [Note Buried at Civic Cemetery 13th Sep 1880] Died 11 Sep 1880 D/LRL/1/715  + National Probate Calendar Probate granted 27 Jun 1881 The Will of James DART late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Hay Dealer who died 11 September 1880 at Dorchester was proved at Blandford by James DART of 85 Donnington road Reading in the county of Berks Railway Goods Clerk the son the sole executor personal estate £1,683. 9s. 10d [Note:- James DART married Hannah COLLINS 7th Aug 1839 at Stinsford. They had 2 children James bapt Holy Trinity Dorchester 27th Dec 1840 ans Mary bapt HT 25th Dec 1842. Hannah was buried at Fordington on 3rd July 1867 and James at Dorchester probably in the civic cemetery].
Probate copy will: Frances ROGERS of Dorchester, Broker [Note Buried at Civic Cemetery 2nd Nov 1880] Died 30 Oct 1880 National Probate Calendar The Will of Frances ROGERS late of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Wisdow Broker who died 30th Oct 1880 at Dorchester was proved at Blandford by William Ricketts ROGERS the son and Julia STAYNER wife of Richard STAYNER the daughter both of Dorchester executors [Note:- Frances was the widow of John ROGERS Master Carpenter of Dorchester - See article about her son William Ricketts ROGERS (1856-1944)
Will of George FROST of Dorchester, hotel proprietor, made 1881 with probate 1881; [Note Buried at Civic Cemetery 21st June 1881] Died 17 Jun 1881 D/COO:H/F/27+ National Probate Calendar probate granted 30 Aug 1881. The Will of George FROST late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Hotel Proprietor who died 17 June 1881 at Dorchester was proved at Blandford by Thomas COOMBS Solicitor and Robert CASE Gentleman both of Dorchester the executors personal estate £7,025. 4s 7d
Probate copy will: Job SHORTO of Dorchester, gentleman Will dated 18 Feb 1882 [Note Buried at Civic Cemetery 29th Mar 1882] Died 26 Mar 1882 National Probate Calendar + DHCD/LRL/1/394   Probate granted 10 Jun 1882. The Will of Job SHORTO late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Gentleman who died 26th March 1882 at Dorchester was proved at Blandford by Frederick Charles Rich SHORTO of 6 Amhurst road Hackney in the County of Middlesex Draper's assistant the Grandson Susanna HOWE of Dorchester Widow and John GUY of Dorchester Solicitors Clerk three of the executors. Personal estate £1,528. 18s 4d
Probate copy Will: Frances Elizabeth ENSOR of Dorchester [Note:- Frances Elizabeth ENSOR's burial is recorded at the St Peters Church on 07 July 1882; age 80 years] Died 3rd July 1882 National Probate Calendar Probate granted 3rd Aug 1882 The Will of Frances Elizabeth ENSOR late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset who died 3rd July 1882 at Dorchester was proved at Blandford by John Thomas ENSOR of Dorchester Auctioneer the son & one of the executors
Probate Will of John GALPIN late of Culliford House Dorchester, Esq [Note Buried at Civic Cemetery 17th July 1882] Died 14th July 1882 National Probate Calendar Probate granted 2nd Oct 1882 The Will of John GALPIN late of Culliford House Dorchester in the County of Dorset Esquire who died 14th July 1882 at culliford House was proved at the Principal Probate Registry by Emily GALPIN of Culliford House Widow the Relict and Thomas Dixon GALPIN of Belle-Sauvage-yard in the City of London Publisher William GALPIN of Dorchester Brewer and George GALPIN of Tarrant Keynstone Yeoman the Nephews the executors. Estate £58,133.9s.4d: Also The Hampshire Advertiser (Southampton, England), Wednesday, July 19, 1882; pg. 2; Issue 3766. 19th Century British Library Newspapers: Part II. " DEATHS: On the 14th Inst at Culliford House Dorchester John GALPIN aged 69"
Probate copy will: Elizabeth Maria PEACH of Dorchester, spinster Will dated 1 May 1874 [Note Buried at Civic Cemetery 11th Sep 1882] Died 7 Sep 1882 National Probate Calendar + DHC D/LRL/1/318   Probate granted 9 Dec 1882. The Will of Elizabeth Maria PEACH late of Dorchester in the County of Dorset spinster who died 7 Sep 1882 at Dorchester was proved at Blandford by Harriet Jane LAST of 11 Cornhill Dorchester Widow the Sister the sole executrix effects £975.19s
Probate copy will: John Rawdon OLDFIELD Esq [Note Buried at Civic Cemetery 27th Nov 1883] Died 22 Nov 1883 National Probate Calendar Probate 8th march 1884. The Will with 2 codicils of John Rawdon OLDFIELD formerly of Oldfield Lawn in the parish of Westbourne in the County of Sussex but late of Linden Road Dorchester in the County of Dorset Esquire a Retired Colonel from the Royal Engineers who died 22nd Nov 1883 at Linden road was proved at the principal Registry by Henry John OLDFIELD of Linden Road Esquire a Lieutenant in the Royal Navy the Nephew Reginald ARDEN of Glenesk Oliver Grove South Norwood in the County of Surrey Clerk in the Bank of England Edgar LUCAS of 21 Surrey Street Victoria Embankment in the County of Middlesex Solicitor and Charles Frederick ARDEN of Weymouth in the County of Dorset Solicitor the Executors. personal estate £29,040. 11s 7d - Resworn Nov 1884 £29,920 11s 7d.
Administration of John BRUSHETT of the Star Inn, Bell Street, Dorchester, made 1884; [Note Buried at Civic Cemetery14th Mar 1884] Died 12 March 1884 National Probate Calendar + DHC D/COO:H/F/27 Probate granted 22 April 1884. Administration of the Personal estate of John BRUSHETT late of the "Star" Inn Bell street Dorchester in the county of Dorset who died 12 March 1884 at the "Star" was granted at Blandford to Elizabeth BRUSHETT of the "Bulls Head" Inn Fordington in the said county Widow the Relict Personal estate £596 5s 5d
Probate copy will: Susan Jones FUDGE of Dorchester, widow Will dated 4 Jan 1884 [Note Buried at Civic Cemetery 3rd Apr 1884] Died 30 Mar 1884 D/LRL/1/147  + National Probate Calendar  Probate granted 1 May 1884. The Will of Susan Jones FUDGE late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Widow who died 30 March 1884 at Dorchester was proved at Blandford by Richard FUDGE and Joseph Whittle FUDGE both of Dorchester Butchers and Coal Merchants the sons the executors Personal Estate £392 7s 6d

Administration: Catherine CRISWICK of Dorchester, widow

[Note Entry also added under 1861]

Probate 8 Apr 1884 - Died 19th July 1861 D/LRL/1/717  + National Probate Calendar Probate granted 8 Apr 1884 Administration of the Personal estate of Catherine CRISWICK late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset Widow who died 19th July 1861 at Dorchester was granted at the Principal Registry to Frances Catherine CRISWICK of Southlands near Cuckfield in the county of Sussex spinster the daughter and only next of kin. Personal estate £312. 10s

William SLADE of 3 High East Street Dorchester Gentleman: Will

Link to William SLADE (1802-1884) ]

Died 9 Mar 1884

Proved 5 May 1884
National Probate Calendar Probate 5th May 1884 The Will of William SLADE late of 3 High East St Dorchester in the County of Doirset Gentlkeman who died 9th March 1884 at 3 High East St was proved at the Principal Registry by Samuel BOND of Blandford Ironmonger the nephew; William NICHOLS of Parkside Hounslow in the County of Middlesex Hosier and George HAWKINS of Dorchester Gentleman the Executors Estate £7,378 resworn Sep 1884 at £8,062
Charlotte ROSE of Cannings Court Farm, Dorchester: Will 1885 proved 1885 Died 19 July 1885 D/TCW/F24 + National Probate Calendar Probate 4 Sep 1885 The Will of Charlotte ROSE late of Cannings Court Farm Dorchester in the county of Dorset Widow who died 19 July 1885 at cannings Court Farm was proved at the principal Registry by William Thomas WYATT jeweller and James BALL Coach Builder both of Blandford Forum in the said county the executors. Effects £962. 14s. 10d Note:- Resworn Jan 1886 £861 18s 3d
Probate copy will: George HAWKINS of Dorchester, gentleman Will dated 8 May 1869 [ Note Buried at Dorchester Civic Cemetery 29th Sep 1885] Died 23 Oct 1885  D/LRL/1/679 + National probate Calendar  Probate granted 21 Nov 1885 The Will of George HAWKINS late of Cornwall House Dorchester in the county of Dorset Gentleman who died 23 October 1885 at Cornwall House was proved at the Principal Registry by Elizabeth Ferris HAWKINS of Cornwall House Widow the Relict the sole executrix Personal estate £7,477.11s.9d Note:- Resworn january 1886 £7,514. 7s.9d.
Probate copy will: Richard FUDGE of Dorchester, butcher and coal merchant Will dated 21 Jul 1885 [Note Buried at Dorchester Civic Cemetery 2nd Feb 1887] Died 30 Jan 1887 D/LRL/1/147A  + National Probate Calendar Probate granted 30 Sep 1887. The Will of Richard FUDGE late of Dorchester in the county of Dorset who died 30 Jan 1887 at Dorchester was proved at Blandford by Joseph Whittle FUDGE of Dorchester Butcher and Coal Merchant the Brother the sole exector effects £516. 7s
Will of Mary BINGHAM, widow, of Dorchester made 1888 Will dated 1888 D/COO:H/F/5 and administration, 1902 [Note:- no trace NPC but might be the Mary Bingham who died 6 Apr 1891 below]
Probate copy will: Henry PITFIELD of Dorchester, warden in HM Prison Will dated 4 Mar 1886 Died 18 Dec 1889 D/LRL/1/722 + National Probate Calendar Probate granted 4 Mar 1890. The Will of Henry PITFIELD late of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Warder in Her Majesty's Prison at Dorchesterwho died 18 Dec 1889 at Dorchester was proved at Blandford by Elizabeth PITFIELD of 5 Golden terrace Fordington in the said county Widow the Relict the sole executrix. Effects £129 13s 7d [Note:- See Henry PITFIELD (1837-1889)
Probate of the will of Amelia BOYT of Dorchester All Saints, widow Died 17 Apr 1889 D/BOP/D2/8 + National Probate Calendar Probate 2nd Sep 1891 The Will of Amelia BOYT late of 17 High East street All Saints Dorchester in the county of Dorset Widow who died 17 April 1889 at All Saints was proved at Blandford by Martha Amelia BOYT of 45 St. Thomas street melcombe Regis in the said county spinster the daughter the sole executrix Effects £88.15s.8d
Abstract will of Henry B J WYNYARD of The Limes, Dorchester, Major General made 1890, Will dated 1890 D/COO:H/F/27 [Note:- Could not trace in the National Probate Calendar]
Probate Mary BINGHAM Died 6 Apr 1891 National Probate Calendar Probate 11 Sep 1891 The Will of Mary BINGHAM late of Dorchester in the County of Dorset Widow who died 6 Apr 1891 at dorchester was proved at Blandford by Arthur Francis Bingham WRIGHT of Uplands House Bathwick Hill Bath in the county of Somerset a Colonel in Her Majesty's Army the Nephew the sole executor Effects £2,658. 11s. 7d
Probate Mary GANE of West Walk Terrace Dorchester widow Died 3 Dec 1891 National Probate Calendar Probate Blandford 19 March to the Teverend henry Phelps Marriott DODINGTON clerk [i.e. Cleric] and Alfred EMSON surgeon £10849 11s 1d
Probate Michael Henry RANKIN of 33 High West St Dorchester solicitor Died 1 Jan 1892 National Probate Calendar Probate London 16 Feb to Ann RANKIN widow and Arthur William ALEXANDER solicitor Effects £1,765 5s 2d
Probate copy will: John Mastus HOSSEY of Dorchester, gentleman Will dated 18 Nov 1891 Died 8 Jan 1892 D/LRL/1/724  + National Probate Register
HOSSEY, John Masters of Dorchester Dorset Gentleman died 8 Jan 1892 Probate granted Blandford 16 Mar 1892 to Margaret NEWMAN Spinster Thomas Rodber CROSS bank manager and John GUY solicitors Clerk Effects £6,382 17s. 4d
Probate Charles BAKER of Hillfield near Dorchester labourer Died 14 Jan 1892 National Probate Calendar probate Blandford 24th Feb to Phoebe BAKER widow Effects £72.7s 6d
Probate Mary Ann GRAVENER of Avenue House Dorchester widow Died 24 Jan 1892 National Probate Calendar probate London 15 February to John James Atkins GRAVENER staff commander in the Royal Navy and Dick BAKER Solicitor Effects £1649 2s 3d
Probate Robert MOORS of Griove Buildings Dorchester horse and carriage proprietor Died 13 Feb 1892 National Probate Calendar Probate Blandford 12 March to John MOORS carpenter Effects £320 13s 6d
Probate Jane GUY of 1 Salisbury Walk Dorchester widow Died 8 Sep 1892 National Probate Calendar Administration Blandford 23 Sep to Elizabeth CADDY (wife of Job CADDY) Effects £394 17s 6d
Probate Ann ELWORTHY of Montrose House Dorchester widow Died 30 May 1892 National Probate Calendar Died at Alton Pancras Dorset probate Blandford 24 Nov to William ELWORTHY gentleman Effects £1089 14s 8d
Probate George MABER of Dorchester gentleman Died 2 Feb 1893 National Probate Calendar + D/LRL/1/274  Probate Blandford 15 March 1893 to Frederick MABER stonemason Henry SYMONDS gentleman and John GUY solicitors clerk Effects £4,336 17s 3d. Note:- DHC have a copy of his Will dated 12 Apr 1890
Probate Edward Philip WATTS of Dorchester chemist and druggist Died 2 April 1893 National Probate Calendar Probate Blandford 13 May to John WATTS gentleman Effects £1712 10s 3d
Probate Joseph John MILES of 23 High West street Dorchester grocer Died 4 April 1893 National Probate Calendar died at lymington Hants Probate Blandford 8 May to Ellen HEWITT widow and james Ellis GENVEY auctioneer Effects £264 9s 9d
Probate Jane Esther HARVELL of trinity Cottage Dorchester (wife of Thomas Edward HARVELL) Died 31 Aug 1893 National Probate Calendar Administration Blandford 20 Oct to the said Thomas Edward HARVELL gamekeeper Effects £105 13s 7d
Probate Hannah Elizabeth SEWARD of 10 Bridport-Terrace Dorchester Widow died 22 Jan 1894 Died 22 Jan 1894 National Probate Calendar Probate Blandford 3rd March to Walter POUNCY photographer Effectes £833.8s.7d
Probate George James Williams ANDREWS of Trinity Street Dorchester solicitor Died 6 July 1894 National Probate Calendar Died at Rodwell Weymouth Dorset Administration Blandford 19th October to Catherine ANDREWS widow Effects £4221 18s 7d
Probate Jane DUNN of the "Antelope" Hotel Dorchester Dorset widow Died 17 July 1894 National Probate Calendar Died 17th July 1894 Probate Blandford 5th Sep to Tom DUNN Yeoman and Clement Gideon Rumsey Gent Effects £5,140.7s.8d resworn July 1895 £4,540 7s 8d [Note:- see Burials Civic Centre Jane DUNN widow of Charles Dunn a Hotel proprietor]
Will of Elizabeth DEWLAND of Dorchester widow, made 1881 with probate 1895. Died 14 Jan 1895 DHC: D/COO:H/F/20+ National Probate Calendar Probate:- DEWLAND Elizabeth of 3 Salisbury Terrace Dorchester Dorset widow died 14th January 1895 Probate Blandford 5th April 1895 to Jane Maria JONES Spinster Effects £174. 16s 7d. NOTE:- Copy held at the DHC with the Will of Henry Dewland of Dorchester, plumber, glazier and painter made 1856;
Probate Eliza Ann KINGDON of Woolaston Lodge Dorchester Dorset, widow who died at St peters Rectory Dorchester Died 14 Mar 1895 National Probate Calendar Probate:- at London 9 July to Herbert Napier KINGDON esquire and Lucy Ann (wife of the reverend Thomas Kingdon ALLEN clerk) Effects £3,953. 1s 11d. There is a memorial plaque in St Peters Church
Probate Harriet Elizabeth ALLEN Died 18 Apr 1895 National Probate Calendar Probate London Harriet Elizabeth ALLEN of 4 Cornwall Road Dorchester widow died 18 April 1895 Probate London 17th May to William ALLEN & Joseph Bowen ALLEN Wesleyan ministers effects £148. 16s 2d
Probate Arthur John LEGG Died 27 Apr 1896 National Probate Calendar Probate Blandford Arthur John LEGG of Poundbury Farm near Dorchester farmer and miller died 27 April 1896 Administration (with Will) Blandford 24th Oct 1896 to Robert Hunt famer Effects £14,973. 6s. 6d [Note:- In the 1891 Census at Poundbury farm dorchester a single man aged 35 (i.e. born circa 1856) in Dorchester]
Probate John PHELPS of North Square Dorchester provision dealer Died 15 June 1896 National Probate Calendar Probate Blandford 13 Oct to Mary PHELPS Widow Effects £925 4s 5d
Probate Jane GREEN of 6 Glyde path road Dorchester spinster Died 8 Nov 1896 National Probate Calendar Probate Blandford 30 Nov to Arthur Joseph ESCOTT accountant Effects £146 3s 3d
Probate Edmund Stephen Phillimore PETERS of the Dorset County Lunatic Asylum Died 1 Sep 1897 National Probate Calendar Probate London 14 Oct to Alfred PRATTEN Blacksmith Effects £122 9s 6d
Probate Elizabeth COGGAN of the County Lunatic Asylum Dorchester Dorset spinster Died 4 Oct 1897 National Probate Calendar Administration London 9 Nov to William Highmore COGGAN carpenter Effects £127 11s 10d
Probate Margaret NEWMAN of 24 South St Dorchester spinster Died 22 Nov 1897 National Probate Calendar Probate Blandford 17 Dec to Sarah EVANS widow Annie Martin GAYDON spinster and Alfred EMSON surgeon Effects £4,228 10s 3d
Probate William CHURCHILL of 1 Priory Crescent Dorchester railway brakesman Died 13 June 1898 National Probate Calendar probate Blandford 9th July to Walter DIMENT bricklayer Effects £16 16s
Probate Mary PAUL of Dorchester widow Died 21 June 1898 National Probate Calendar Probate Blandford 12 July to Walter George ROGERS florist Effects £277 1s 6d
Probate Harry Oswald Mitchell NORMAN of 1 Fordington Cross All Saints Dorchester piannaforte-tuner Died 27 June 1898 National Probate Calendar Administration Blandford 3 Aug to Henry John NORMAN organist Effects £64 9s
Probate William LOVERIDGE of 2 Westcroft St Martins Road Dorchester auctioneers agent Died 22 July 1898 National Probate Calendar Probate Blandford 8 Oct to isabella Ellen LOVERIDGE widow Effects £905 11s 8d
Probate James PEARCE of 21 High West Street Dorchester Gentleman Died 30 July 1898 National Probate Calendar Probate Blandford 5 Sep to Hugh Davis SIME newspaper proprietor and Alfred SPICER gentleman Effects £1784 11s 1d
Probate Shurlock HENNING of Froome Whitfield in Holy Trinity Dorchester esquire lieutenant general in Her Majesty's Army C.B. Died 01 Sep 1898 National Probate Calendar Probate Blandford 18th Oct to Frances Amelia HENNING widow and William Walter Henning esq Effects £6,939.4s.9d [Note:- Link to more information on Shurlock HENNING (1829-1898)]
Probate Henry James SMITH of "Glen Fern" south western station Drchester Died 13 Oct 1898 National Probate Calendar Probate Blandford 28 Nov to Maria Dowland SMITH widow Effects £471 9s 9d
Probate Thomas BANKS of Dorchester superannuated railway locomotive superintendent Died 22 Oct 1898 National Probate Calendar Probate Blandford 10th Dec to John BANKS Railway Station Master Effects £472.10s
Copy will with grant of probate of Mary DEVENISH of Dorchester [Note:- could not locate in the National Probate Register] 07 Nov 1898 D1227/5/2 Copy will with grant of probate of Mary Devenish of Dorchester Bequests [1] To her nieces, Elizabeth Gray Durant and Mary Theresa Durant, all jewellery, trinkets, clothes and linen, with two fifths each of the residue of her estate [2] To her nephew, William Friend Durant, the books in her library and one fifth of the residue of her estate Elizabeth Durant, Mary Durant and William Durant appointed executrixes and executor 7 Nov 1898 proved 2 Aug 1899
Probate William Henry CROCKER Cooper of 12 Hugh East Street Dorchester Dorset Died 02 Apr 1900 National Probate Calendar Probate Blandford 7 June to Charles Crocker butcher Effects £1,277 19s 9d.[Note:- See 1891 Census All Saints Dorchester]
Probate Amyatt Ernie AMYATT of South Lodge, South Walks, Dorchester, Dorset retired captain in the 5th Regiment of lancers and retired chief constable of Dorsetshire Died 26 Aug 1901 National Probate Register Probate Blandford 14 October to Frances Elizabeth Amyatt widow Effects £3409. 13s. 1d
Probate John James COFFIN of the County Lunatic asylum Dorchester Dorset Died 6 March 1902 National Probate Calendar at Southsea Hants Administration London 27 August to Charles COFFIN Bricklayer Effects £160 10s
Will of Ann Dunham WILLIAMS widow late of Dorchester [Note:- GRO could not trace a burial?] Will dated 13 Oct 1902  D1202/1/11   DHC Index Entry:- Conveyance 1. Jane Stevens of 1 Saint Andrew's Gardens, Bridport widow 2. James Butler White of 47 Saint Andrews Road, Bridport retired accountant and Frederick William Hallett of 99 Victoria Grove, Bridport accountant 3. William Harold Stickland of 28 West Allington, Bridport Brewers Agent 1 to 3 Recitals: Ann Dunham Williams widow late of Dorchester and owner of the described property by her will of 13 Oct 1902 appointed 2 as her executors to sell her real and personal property except the property described below which was devised to 1 Property: a close of meadow lane (formerly 2 closes) as described in D1202/1/8 Consideration: £155 (3 to 1 with the assent of 2)
Probate Elizabeth CROPP of the County Asylum Dorchester widow Died 4 Sep 1903 National Probate Calendar probate London 20 Nov to Mary Harriette SALWAY widow Effects £1,395
Probate Anna Maria DURDEN of "Holly-bank" Dorchester Dorset Widow Died 14 Jan 1905 National Probate Calendar Probate London 20 Feb to William John DURDEN sanitary engineer Effects £928 19s 11d [Note:- Widow of William DURDAN (1823-1896)
Probate Frederick ENSOR of Port Elizabeth Cape Colony South Africa [Note:- He was buried at the Civic Cemetery in Dorchester on 20th Dec 1905 aged 73.] Died 18 Dec 1905 National Probate Calendar Probate London Administration (with his Will) was granted at London on 22nd Masy Arthur Herbert Waite a Gentleman and the attorny of Robert Anstice Balcarres Stradling leaving a modest estate of just over £300. [Note:- Frederick Ensor (1833-1905) bap St Peters Church 26 Jan 1833 son of John ENSOR (1800-1870) and Frances Elizabeth BESANT (1802-1882) ]
Probate John BOWDEN of the Dorset County Lunatic Asylum Dorchester Died 19 Dec 1905 National Probate Calendar Probate London 14 Feb 1906 to John Kemp Sharp BOWDEN schoolmaster and Olive Sharp WATTY (wife of William Henry WATTY) Effects £1,696 1s 4d
Probate Thomas ROGERS of 19 Colliton street Dorchester Dorset Died 23 Jan 1906 National Probate Calendar Probate London 12th February to Thomas Herbert ROGERS post-office clerk Effects £106. 15s
Probate Arabella Clara BARRETT of 14 Sydney Terrace Dorchester widow Died 26 Jan 1906 National Probate Calendar Probate Blandford 22 March 1906 to Arthur George SYMONDS and Owen Edgar AGER gentlemen Effects £936 18s 11d
Probate William PARKER of 7 Monmouth Road Dorchester Dorset retired mariner Died 17 Aug 1907 National Probate Calendar Probate Blandford 14 Aug to Rowland PARKER engineer Effects £41 7s 6d
Probate Mary Jane WILLSHIRE of 35 Royal Terrace Dorchester widow Died 2 Feb 1908 National Probate Calendar Probate Blandford 9 March to Alfred EDWARDS incorporated accountant Effects £948 16s 6d
Probate Robert CASE of 5 Cornwall road Dorchester Died 16 June 1908 National Probate Calendar at 43 Cumberland Mansions Marylebone Middlesex Probate London 24 July to Emma Mary CASE widow Effects £4,259 4s 6d
Probate Jethro PEARCE of Mentmore Maumbury Way Dorchester Died 5 Aug 1909 National Probate Calendar Died at Sea Administration to Dan PEARCE retired chief officer Royal Navy Effects £251
Probate James PEARCE of 6 Church St Dorchester Dorset coachman Died 21 Sep 1909 National Probate Calendar Administration Blandford 1 Nov to Ernest Wilfred PEARCE railway clerk Effects £751 5s 1d
Probate George WELLSPRING of 15 Shorts-lane Fordington Dorchester Died 23 Dec 1909 National Probate Calendar who died 23 Dec 1909 at Dorset County Hospital Dorchester Administration London 23 Aug to Philip Christopher Bishop Wellspring labourer Effects £50
Probate Robert BROOM of Fernlea Maumbury way Dorchester Died 20 Dec 1911 National Probate Calendar Administration London 6th Jan 1912 to Emily Louise BROOM widow Effects £221 8s 1d
Probate Emma PAULL of Dorset County Asylum Herrison Dorchester widow Died 24 Feb 1912 National Probate Calendar Probate London 17 May to Charles THRESH journalist Effects £130 13s 4d
Probate Mary Stansmore Ann BUTCHER of weston 28 Mountain Ash Road dorchester spinster Died 15 May 1912 National Probate Calendar Probate London 9 July to Robert Beith Archibald GREEN district probate registrar and Edward Joseph GOSLING Esq effects £4,834 8s 5d
Probate Laura Annie May BASHFORD of 3 Jesty's Ave Broadway Dorchester spinster Died 25 Apr 1913 National probate Calendar Probate London 21 May to Dora Brandford GRIFFITH spinster Effects £277
Probate Frances Devenish WELLSPRING of Dorchester (wife of John WELLSPRING) Died 03 July 1913 National probate Calendar Probate Blandford 2nd Oct to the Rev Francis Horatio Wightman clerk and Annie Jane Phelps spinster effects £523 17s 8d [Note:- Frances was the wife of John WELLSPRING (1840-) the son of John WELLSPRING (1801-1875) and Rebecca KELLAWAY]
Probate Edward BAKER of Cyprus cottage Maumbury Road Dorchester Died 3 Aug 1913 National Probate Calendar at Dorset County Hospital Dorchester Administration London 3rd Oct 1913 to Stephen BAKER retired surveyor of taxes Effects £330. 12s 6d
Probate Walter MARSH of the Half Moon Dorchester Died 8 Aug 1913 National Probate Calendar Probate London 27 Aug Alice Emma MARSH widow Effects £350
Probate Thomas George GROVES of 6 High West-street Dorchester Died 20 Feb 1915 National Probate Calendar Probate Thomas George GROVES of 6 High West-street Dorchester Dorsetshire who died 20th February 1915 at 25 High East street Dorchester Probate London 8th May to Elizabeth EVANS (wife of James EVANS)Effects £2,266. 17s. 6d
Probate Frances Ann ROLLS of 2 Lulworth Villas Dorchester widow Died 10 June 1915 National Probate Calendar at Casterbridge Nursing Home, Damers Road St Peters Dorchester Administration London 30 August to the Solicitor H.M.Treasury Effects £2,102 19s 7d
Probate Martha Mary SYMONDS of 10 South Street Dorchester widow Died 1 June 1916 National Probate Calendar Probate London 23 July to Daniel George SYMONDS solicitor Effects £56,043 2s 6d. Former grants P.R. Sep 1916 and Aug 1918
Probate John WELLSPRING of 2 Cornwall Road Dorchester gentleman Died 22 Dec 1916 National Probate Calendar Probate Blandford 6th March 1918 to the Rev Francis Horatio Wightman Clerk and Charles James White Builder Effects £2,899.0s.3d
Probate Elizabeth PETTY of 38 High East Street Dorchester widow Died 3 Nov 1917 National Probate Calendar Probate Blandford 10 Dec to Henry Caleb BAILEY Draper and outfutter and Willoughby STICKLAND tobacconist Effects £1,296 11s 8d
Probate Paul Thomond Gape METHUEN of West Walks House Dorchester lieutenant commander R.N. Died 26 May 1918 National Probate Calendar Administration London 12 Nov to reverend Paul Edward O'Bryen METHUEN clek Effects £843 2s
Probate Eliza Sarah PENFOLD of Freda Villa Monmouth Road Dorchester (wife of James Breach PENFOLD) Died 29 Apr 1919 National Probate Calendar Probate London 29th May to the said James Breach PENFOLD clerk Effects £1,070 6s
Probate Jane FOREMAN of herrison Dorchester widow Died 22 Jan 1921 National Probate Calendar Probate London 2 March to Arthur John FOREMAN printer Effects £180 7s 11d
Probate Edwin PITFIELD of West Grange Albert Road Dorchester Gentleman Died 2 Dec 1921 National Probate Calendar Probate Blandford to Kate PITFIELD Widow and William Ernest Good Surgeon Effects £6,859.6s1d
Probate Herbert William COUSINS of 20 Monmouth Road Dorchester bootmaker Died 11 Dec 1921 National Probate Calendar Administration Blandford 29 dec to Ellen Mary COUSINS Widow Effects £62 9s 2d
Probate Albert Margarson NALDRETT of 21 High West Street Dorchester Died 21 Se[p 1927 National Probate Calendar Administration London 5 Nov to Henry Edwin NALDRETT sailmaker Effects £654 7s 2d
Probate Edmund COSH of 132 Monmouth Road Dorchester Died 24 Dec 1929 National Probate Calendar Probate London 22 Jan to Robert James COSH Commercial Traveller Effects £1744 10s 4d
Probate Charles Maxwell Shurlock HENNING, of Frome Whitfield Dorchester Died 27 Jan 1931 National Probate Calendar Probate Blandford 4th June (resorn from 4th April) Died at 21 Bentinck St St Marylebone Middlesex granted to William Alexander Onslow Churchill Mackintosh retired Major HM Army Effects £11,600 [Note:- He was the eldest son of Shurlock HENNING (1829-1898) of Frome Whitfield Dorchester]
Probate Louis VOSS of 14 Princes St Dorchester Dorset Died 28 Oct 1932 National Probate Calendar Died at Dorset County Hospital Dorchester Probate Exeter 21 Apr to Hedley John EMMS retired grocer Effects £954 9s 8d
Probate Harry Francis GOODDEN of Dorset Mental Hospital Herrison Dorchester Died 28 Dec 1938 National Probate Calendar Probate London 1 June to Frederick George Cavell GENGE fishmonger Effects £584 4s 9d
Probate Thomas SAVAGE of 50a High east street Dorchester died 24th June 1954 at Dorset County Hospital Dorchester Died 24 Jun 1954 National Probate Calendar Probate Winchester 10 Aug to Bessie SAVAGE Widow £371.10s.2d
Probate Died National Probate Calendar Probate

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