
Baptisms St Georges Church 1577 - 1599
© Transcribed from BT’s by Michael Russell OPC for Fordington 2007 from CLDS film 1279496
[Transcribers comments are in brackets in italics - 125 baptism records]
Updated Oct 2024

© Michael Russell FIPD

Notice attached to the door of the church :- THE TYPANUM over this door is of great antiquity and may have been given to the church by William BELET who was rewarded with the Manor of Fordington by William the Conqueror. It is recorded that St George came to the assistance of Crusaders on both the 1st and 3rd Crusades. If Belet went on the 1st Crusade it would seem that he was being hard pressed by Saracens at the battle of Doryloeum in 1097 when St George came to his aid. He and his squire have fallen on their knees in thankfulness.

NOTES:- The Bishops Transcripts for this period are in poor condition and very difficult to read, some being written in either court or secretary hand where the formation of letters differs somewhat from that used today. They are transcribed as written with many variations in the spelling of names, even on the same line. There are some conventions however which are not miss spelt names. examples:-

♦“y” is often used instead of “i” as in Wynsor/Winsor - Bryne/Brine - Collyns/Collins

♦“z” is often used instead of “s” as in Cozens/Cosens - Zeager/Seager

♦“e” is often added to the end of names and some letters repeated as in Bisshoppe for Bishop or Bartlette for Bartlet or Ffordington

♦“h” may have been omitted as in Tomas/Thomas or cristened/christened and particularly “is” for “his” in later years

♦“Ao Dm” is a Latin abbreviation for “Anno Domini” ; meaning “in the year of our Lord”

♦ Most entries are preceded with the letters “Jbm”. The letter “j” is the same as “i” in Latin and this is an abbreviation for ibidem meaning “the same”

♦ Although many of the baptisms for this period appear in the IGI so far the temple has only cleared female baptisms [Feb 2007] so this listing is much more comprehensive

♦ Readers are reminded that each year started on 25th March not the 1st January [ up until 1752]so January and February Christenings for example will appear at the end of the year

Ffordington - Register 1577

    [Most of the heading is illegible and all the right hand side of the document which contained the dates is missing- the order of entry to the register is preserved giving an approximate idea of when baptism took place]
1577 [Image 2077 CLDS disc]

Agnes TOMAS [THOMAS] the daughter of John Tomas was cristened [christened] the ---
Richard RYVES [RIVES] sonne of Thomas Ryves was cristened the ---[March?]
Marie TALBOT the daughter of Edward Talbot was cristened -- [Note Buried 5 Feb 1578]
Willm [William] THORNE the sonne of Raynold Thorne was cristened [Note:- 5th? child from the marriage of Reynolde THORNE to Marie Unknown late 1560's ]
John SHERWYN the sonne of Thomas Sherwyn was cristened the --- [Note :- Child from the marriage of Thomas SHERWIN to Thomasine BARNES ]
Dorothie TOWKE the daughter of John Towke senr? [senior?]of ---
Willm [William] SCUT the sonne of Willm [William] Scutt was cristened --- 1577
John PROWER the sonne of Richard Prower was cristened --- 1577
Elynor BESTE the daughter of Symond Beste was cristened the xxijth? ---
Margaret WILLS the daughter of William Wills was cristened the --- 1577[Note IGI has Wells]
Richard LEVET the sone of Henrie Levet was cristened the ---[might be December?] 1577 [Note:- 1st child of the marriage between Henry LEVET and & Elizabeth EGERTON in Fordington in 1577]
Eame [Amey] GOLDING the daughter of John Golding was cristened the ---[might be January] 1577
John WALLYS [WALLIS] the sonne of Roger Wallys was cristened the ---
Thomas SWYRE the sone of Richard Swyre was cristened the ---
Eame [Amey] BALSTON the daughter of Richard Balston was cristened---
Alice BESTE the daughter of James Beste was cristened ---
Elizabeth KIPPENE the daughter of Willm Kippen was ---
Robt [Robert] WYNSOR [WINSOR] the sone of [illegible fold in paper] was cristened the viii [8th] --- [Note: Robert Wynsor son of William buried Fordington 5th Feb 1578/9]

1578 [Image 2077 CLDS disc] [Note:- Large section right hand side of document missing ---]

Roger BUNE [BUNN or BUNNE] the sone of John Bune was cristened the xx---
Robert SERVANT the sone of John Servant was cristened the ---
Jane COZENS the daughter of John Cozens was cristened the ---[Note:- 1st child of marriage of John COZENS the elder and Margerie ARNOLDES in Fordington in 1577]
Anne COSENS the daughter of John Cozens was cristened the ---[Note:- 2nd child, possibly twin, of marriage of John COZENS the elder and Margerie ARNOLDES in Fordington in 1577]
John WYNSOR [WINSOR] the sone of William Wynsor was cristened ---
Margaret WYNSOR [WINSOR] the daughter of Nicholas Wynsor was cristened ---
John COLLYNS [COLLINS] the sone of John Collyns was cristened the ---
William BELMAN the sone of William Belman was cristened the xxv---
Richard ASHE the sone of Robert Ashe was cristened the ---
Jone BISHOPPE the daughter of Thomas Bishoppe was cristened ---
Luce [Lucy] Zeager COSEN [COZENS] the daughter of Robt [Robert] COSEN was cristened ---
    [Note:- She later married Nicholas SMART and had a son Robert SMART. Her father Robert COSENS was buried at FStG on 10th Apr 1604 leaving a Will (PROB 11/104) dated 6th Apr 1604 . Her mother Christian COSEN's was buried at FStG on 28 Apr 1619 and left a Will dated 23 Apr 1619. Her mother Christian is named as exectrix in her fatrher's will and Luce has bequests in both wills. ]
Alice EAMES the daughter of Thomas Eames --- [ Daughter of Thomas & Millicent Eames - also see Biography of Anthony Eames her brother]
Margaret DIGET daughter of John Diget was ---
Agnes SAMPSON the daughter of John Sampson was cristened---
Thomas & Robt [Robert] the sones of Richard SLADE were cristened the ---
John MOGGE the sone of John Mogge was cristened the xxxth [30th] ---
Dorothie WINSOR the daughter of Thomas Wynsor Jun [Junior] was---[Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Thomas WYNSOR to Juilan BISHOPPE at FstG on 4th Feb 1578/9 - May have died Nov 1587 but this might be an adult?]
Mellisaunte [old English varient of Millicent] ZEAGER [SEAGER] the daughter of John Zeager was cristened ---[1st known child from the marriage of John SEAGER to Alice Kete at FStG on 9th July 1578]
Elizabeth TETMAN the daughter of Thomas Tetman was---[Note:- Agnes the wife of Thomas TETMAN was buried in fordington 21 May 1586]

1579 to 1584 missing
    [Baptisms of known children when records are missing :-
    From the marriage of John SEAGER to Alice Kete at FStG on 9th July 1578 (in addition to Millicent Seager baptised in 1578 above ) which children would therefore have been born between 1579 and 1592/3 when both parents were deceased, and all six became wards of their kinsman Roger Kete and are named in a tuition bond . Link to more information:-

    Virtue Seager, later married Henry HOWMAN ; Margaret Seager; Roger Seager; Margery Seager, later married Anthony EAMES & Luce Seager]

1585 [Note one long return from 1585 to 1588] [Image 2079 CLDS disc]
    The names of all such as have been christened, and married and buried within the Tithe [Tithing] of Ffordington in the peculiar jurisdiction of Sarum from the feaste of St Mary the Virgin [Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary or Lady Day was 25th March] in the yeare of our Lord God according to the tempusasion? [policy] of the church of England one thousand and five hundred four score and eight [i.e. until 1588]
Anno 1585
Imprimis : [In the first place] Agnes the daughter of Robte [Robert] BARTLETTE was baptised xvijth [17th] daye of October Ano Dm 1585 [Note:- 1st child of the Robert BARTLETT (bur.1579) by his wife Chritian].

Itm: Elizabeth the daughter of Henrie LEVIT was baptised the xxviijth [28th] daye of November Ano --- [Note 2nd known child of the marriage in Fordington between Henry LEVET and Elizabeth EGERTON in 1577. She was buried 5 May 1608]
Itm: Henrie the sone of William BASCOM was baptised the first daye of December Ano ---
Itm: William the sonne of William BARNES yonger [younger] was baptised the xijth [12th] daye of December --- [Note:- Link to more information about William BARNES The Younger ]
Itm: Agnes the daughter of William KIPPINGS baptised the same daye
Post Festv Dm 1585
[After the Festival in the year of our Lord 1585]

Itm: Willm [William] sonne of John BRYNE was baptised the xvth [15th] daye of Januarie Ano ---
Itm: Agnes the daughter of Thomas BUSSHOPPE [BISHOP] was baptised the xvijth [17th] January Ano---
Itm: Thomas the sonne & Prudence the daughter of Reynolde THORNE were baptised the xxjth [21st] daye of February Ano---[Note:- 59th and 10th ? children from the marriage of Reynolde THORNE to Marie Unknown late 1560's ]
Itm: Willm [William] the sonne of John MOG [MOOG] was baptised xxth [20th] daye of March Ano ---
Anno 1586 [Image 2079 CLDS disc]
Post Festv Annciatisis Maria Virginis Ano Dm 1586
[After the Festival of Annunciation of Mary the virgin in the year of our Lord 1586]
[Note Feast of St Mary is 25th March]

Robte [Robert] the sonne of Richard SEGER [SEAGER] was baptised the xth [10th] daye of Aprill Ano ---
William the sonne of Thomas WINSOR was baptised the xxiiijth [24th] daye of Aprill Ano ---[Note:- 2nd known child from the marriage of Thomas WYNSOR to Juilan BISHOPPE at FstG on 4th Feb 1578/9 -
Alce [Alice] the daughter of William ASHE was baptised the xixth? [19th] daye of June Ano ---

Post Festv St Johanis Baptiste Ano 1586
[After the Festival of St John the Baptist in the year 1586
[Note Feast of St John the Baptist is 24th June]

[No Baptisms only a marriage on composite return - Image 2080 CLDS Disc]

Post Festv St Michaelis et nativitatis Dm 1586
[After the Festival of St Michael and birth Lord 1586]

John the sonne of Thomas EMES [EAMES] was baptised xijth [12th] daye of Januarie Ano--- [Son of Thomas & Millicent Eames - also see Biography of Anthony Eames his brother]

Anno 1587 Post Festv Annciatisis St Maria Virginis Ano Dm 1587
[After the Festival of Annunciation of Mary the virgin in the year of our Lord 1587]

Agnes the daughter of Roger WALLIS was baptised the xxxth [30th] daye of April Ano ---
Dorothie the daughter of Roger CUSSEN [COZENS]was baptised the ixth [9th] daye of April Ano---
William the sonne of Thomas BELMAN was baptised and buried the xxiijth [23rd] daye of April Ano--[Note 1st known child of Thomas BELMAN who married Margaret PORTER in Fordington on 12 Oct 1578]
Edith the daughter of John BRYNE was baptised the xvjth [16th] daye of May Ano---
Roger the sonne of Roger WINSOR was baptised the xxvth [25th] daye of Maye Ano--- [Note:- Child from the marriage c 1586 of Roger WINSOR (1551- 1640's) to Eme BARNES (1555-1630/1) ]
[illegible folded over- Roger?] the sonne of Nicholas WINSOR was baptised the same daye
Grace the daughter of Willm [William] RASKER younger was baptised the xth [10th] daye of June [Note: 2nd child from the marriage of William RASKER Younger (1564-aft.1629). Grace was buried at Fordington on 8th Oct 1587 described as the daughter of William RASKER ]

Post Festv St Johis baptised Ano 1587
[After the Festival of S t John (i.e. 24th June) baptised in the year 1587]

Itm: Marie the daughter of Willm [William] TUCKER was baptised the xiijth [13th] daye of August Ano ---[Note:- 1st child of the marriage in Fordington between William TUCKER & Elizabeth BUN 28 Feb 1585]
Itm: Jone the daughter of John BASKOM [BASCOMBE or BATTESCOMBE] was baptised the same daye Ano---
Itm: Anthonie the sonne of Willm [William] WINSOR thonger [the younger] was baptised the third daye of September Ano---
Itm: Roger the sonne of Robte [Robert] PEERCE was baptised the xxxiijth [23rd] daye of September Ano---
[End Image 2080 CLDS Disc] [Cont: Image 2081 ]
Itm: Emme the daughter of Willm [William] WHITE was baptised the xxiiijth[24th] daye of September---
    {Note:- Eme WHITE was the daughter of William WHITE who died leaving a Nuncupative Will dated 30th March 1595 in which she and her brother George are provided. As they were under age they were raised by their fathers brother and administrator of his will, John WHITE. John and William were 2 of 4 children of Robert WHITE (D.1576). Link to their place in the WHITE Family of Fordington]

Itm: James the sonne of John GOLDEN was baptised the xxxth [30th] daye of September Ano ---

Post Festm St Michaelis Ano Vt Sins?
[After the Festival of St Michael (i.e. 29th September) in the same year]

Itm: William the sonne of Robt [Robert] BARTLETTE was baptised the vijth [7th] daye of October Ano---[Note:- 2nd child of the Robert BARTLETT (bur.1579) by his wife Chritian].

Itm: Richarde the sonne of Willm [William] CUSSEN [COZENS]was baptised the viijth [8th] daye of October Ano ---
Itm: Morgan the sonne of Thomas RIVES was ---[baptised] the xxviijth [28th] daye of October Ano --- [Note:- Comments made 1650 Survey of Fordington Manor against Katherine the wife of Bruan Reeves Clarke (i.e. Cleric) holdeth by Coppie dated 21 dec: 17 Car: [1641] ]
Itm: Barbara the daughter of Xtpofer [Christopher] [Surname missing edge torn] was baptised the xijth [12th] daye of November ---
    [Note: IGI for this entry has a surname of BEENE - I think this is the daughter of Christopher BEERE and Isable Collins who married in Fordington on 26 June 1586 - Barbara was buried 27th Nov 1587]
Itm: Willm [William] the sonne of Willm [William] BARNES t--- (the? illegible torn edge) was baptised the xxvth [25th] daye of November --- [Note:- Link to more information about William BARNES the son of William BARNES (Junior) ]
Itm: Edmond FFORTE the sonne of Thomas [missing = was baptised] the xvijth 17th daye of October Ano ---
Itm: Anthonie the sonne of Willm [William] BARNES [missing torn edge] ---- xvjth [16th] daye of December --- [Note:- Link to more information about William BARNES The Younger ]

Post Festv nativitatis Dm 1587
[After the Festival of the birth of our Lord (i.e. 25th Dec) 1587]

[Note No baptisms on composite return only marriages & burials]

1588 [See Image 2082 CLDS Disc]
Post Festv Annciatisis St Maria Virgnis Ano [missing torn]
[After the Festival of Annunciation of St Mary the virgin in the year ---]

Itm: Robte [Robert] the sonne of Robte READE was baptised xxxth [30th] daye of March Ano ----[Note:- 1st child of the marriage in Fordington between Robert READE and Elizabeth COLLINS on 16 June 1586]
Itm: Margaret the daughter of John KEMBR? was baptised the thirtieth daye of aforesaid
Itm: Ralfe [Ralph] the sonne of Robte [Robert] HUTTON was baptised the xxxjth [31st] daye of March Ano--
Itm: Christian [usually feminine] a bastard of Jone ALLEN was ---[baptised] the same daye --
Itm: Roger the sonne of Ralfe [Ralph] JUSTER was baptised the xiiijth [14th] daye of April Ano --- [Note:- Ralph JUSTER and his wife Mary were servants to Robert BARNES (d.1588) and his wife Agnes (d.1591) and were beneficiaries under both their Wills]
Itm: Willm [William] a bastard of Agnes ASHE was baptised the same daye
Itm: Elizabeth the daughter of Robte [Robert] WINSOR was baptised the vth [5th] daye of Maye Ano---
Itm: Alce [Alice] the daughter of Reynolde THORNE was baptised the xvth[15th] daye of Maye Ano ---[Note:- 12th? child from the marriage of Reynolde THORNE by his second wife Dorothie nee ASH ]
Itm: Agnes the daughter of Ralfe [Ralph] SMITH? was baptised the xxvijth [27th] daye of Maye---
Itm: Isabel the daughter of Richard [illegible possibly 4 letters? the torn missing]was baptised the xth [10th] daye of June Ano---
Itm: Jone the daughter of Robte [Robert] GUNDEN was baptised 20th daye of June Ano---
    [Note: There is a statement and signature at the foot of this composite return - It is difficult to decipher the signature which might be “SIMONDS” and I have been unable to translate the first part of the text, but the rest appears to say:-]
    “In the Tith de Ffordington in datia this die jovis xvii octobris 1588”
    In the Tithing of Fordington on the date, on this day, Thursday 17th October 1588

1589 to 1590 Missing or too badly damaged to read

1591/2 [See CLDS Image 2085]

Elnor daughter of Thomas SEAGER baptised the 18 of March (1591/2) [Note:- child of the marriage in Fordington between Thomas SEAGER & Elizabeth STUIT 18 June 1586]
The same daye Richard chrystened the sonne of Robert BUNE [BUNN or BUNNE] [Note:- !st known child from marriage of Robert BUNN (1558-1639) to Edith UNKNOWN (1575-1654) ]
Willm [William] the sonne of Thomas BISHOPP christened the 19 of March
Benjamin the sonne of Thomas RYVES cristened the 22 March [Note:- Comments made 1650 Survey of Fordington Manor against Katherine the wife of Bruan Reeves Clarke (i.e. Cleric) holdeth by Coppie dated 21 dec: 17 Car: [1641] ]

1592 [Image 2085]
Robert? the sonne of Thomas WINSOR cristened the 7th of April[Note:- 3rd known child from the marriage of Thomas WYNSOR to Juilan BISHOPPE at FstG on 4th Feb 1578/9 -
Mary the daughter of Roger WINSOR cristened the 9th of April [Note:- Child from the marriage c 1586 of Roger WINSOR (1551- 1640's) to Eme BARNES (1555-1630/1) ]
John? the sonne of Richard SEAGER cristened the 22nd of April
James the sonne of Robert? WINSOR cristened the 7th of July
Marye the daughter of Richard WARREN cristened the 16th August
    [Note:- See comments on marriage of her father Richard WARREN to Eve 12th Oct 1591 - Mary was their 1st child and known as Marie, she married John Bartlett in Fordington 25 Jan 1634 and is mentioned in her fathers Will dated 1636]
Thomas the sonne of [Robt? - Robert?] BARTLLETT was cristened the 18th of August [Note:- 3rd known child of the Robert BARTLETT (bur.1579) by his wife Chritian].

[illegible] the daughter of Robert STONE was cristened the 29th of August
Jane the daughter of Thomas WHATT was cristened the same daye
[Luce?] the daughter of John SEGAR was cristened the 4th of December [Thought to be the last child from the marriage of John SEAGER to Alice KETE who married in 1578 and both died in 1592.]
[illegible] the sonne of John STANDFELL? [Stanfield?] cristened the 30 of January [i.e. 1592/3]
[illegible] the sonne of John HUNT cristened the 7 of Ffebruary [Ambrose the son of John HUNT - 1st child from the marriage of John HUNT (d.1604) to Jone RASKER (c1566-1609) at FStG Church on 16th Nov 1791. ]
Bridget? the daughter of ??? PAGE ???
[illegible but might be John?] the sonne of Richard TUCKER cristened the 2 of Ffebruary?
Mary the daughter of Robert STONE cristened 8 ---
Elizabeth? the daughter of William COLLINS cristened the 8 of A[illegible]
??? daughter of William CHANNELL cristened --------------

1593 Missing

    [Document very badly damaged; CLDS Image 2086 . It has been filmed with a separate piece containing 7 lines of text across the top which appears to be separate. It repeats the last few christenings for 1592. The section below that appears to be the start of 1594 christenings - there is a piece missing towards the top left where the year would have been and water damage all down the right hand side -legibility is very poor even after taking images and running through an enhancement programme therefore treat all names with caution- the year 1594 is only written on the bottom of this section as transcribed]
[Missing torn] the sonne of Robert FORDE? cristened the ---[Note:- 1st child from the marriage of Robert FORDE to a Margaret (Surname not recorded) in Fordington on 5 May 1593]
[Missing torn] the daughter of Reynolde THORNE cristened the ---[Note:- A Reynolde THORNE married a Dorothie ASHE in Fordington on 13 June 1586]
William? the sonne of Will: [William] WINSOR? cristeden the ---[Note:- A William WINSOR married a Cristide (surname omitted) in Fordington on 26 Oct 1593]
[Missing torn & first part illegible] ---SON cristened ---
[Missing torn]--------------------------was cristened ---
[Missing torn] Richard?? WHITE? cristened the---
[Missing torn] FFEAR cristened ---
[Missing torn] COSSEN [COZENS]cristened ---
[Missing torn] John WINSOR cristened ? of ---
[Missing torn] illegible cristened the ---
[Missing torn] 7 illegible lines of text
??? the daughter of Thomas SEGAR cristened ---
John the sonne of Robert READE cristened 16 of ---[Note:- A Robert READE married an Elizabeth COLLINS in Fordington on 16 June 1586]
Elizabeth the Step? daughter of yoman? [yeoman] B?? ??? cristened ---
B??? the sonne of Rallfe [Ralph] JUSTER cristened the --- [Note:- Ralph JUSTER and his wife Mary were servants to Robert BARNES (d.1588) and his wife Agnes (d.1591) and were beneficiaries under both their Wills]
Elizabeth of Thomas TETMAN cristened the ? of July [Note Thomas Tetman married Thomasin SWETRIDGE in Fordington on 10 May 1587]
Edmond? the sonne of Robert BARTLET? cristened the --- [Note:- 4th known child of the Robert BARTLETT (bur.1579) by his wife Chritian]. .

E ??? the daughter of William ???D cristened --1? September
--- the daughter of Widdowe FFERE? --- 3? September [Note Family of FFEARE living in Fordington]
Mary the daughter of Robert STEVEN cristened ---
Thomas the sonne of Thomas BELMAN cristened ---[Note:- 2nd known child of Thomas BELMAN who married Margaret PORTER in Fordington on 12 Oct 1578]
James? the sonne of Henry? SIMONS cristened the 30 daye of September
???? the sonne of Richard FFREAKE cristened ---
Mary the daughter of Willm [William] COLLINES [COLLINS] cristened the 23 January
??? the daughter of William COLLINES [COLLINS] cristened the 25 February
Robert the sonne of John INGRAM cristened 22? February [Note:- Robert INGRAM (1594/5-1672) Link to his father John INGRAM's (d.1602) will dated 16th Dec 1672 for more information about his family]
Anne? Diffey? the daughter of John SIMS cristened 16 March
Jone? the daughter of Robert FFORDE cristened the 22 March [Note:- 2nd child from the marriage of Robert FORDE to a Margaret (Surname not recorded) in Fordington on 5 May 1593]
Johes [John] the sonne of William ??? cristened the 1 Aprill
Johes[John] the sonne of James RASKER cristened the 5 of Aprill
    Thomas CHOUNT                    }Church
    WM [William] BYRDE [BIRD]}Wardens      Ap 25th 1594

1595 to 1599 Missing

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